From: (kevin-and-lucy-digest) To: Subject: kevin-and-lucy-digest V1 #73 Reply-To: kevin-and-lucy-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk kevin-and-lucy-digest Thursday, December 3 1998 Volume 01 : Number 073 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 28 Nov 1998 01:00:55 -0800 From: Taiyin Subject: K&L: K&L fanfic (A bit long) -- pt. 2 > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>> > "Kevin, I changed my mind. Why don't we go for coffee or something instead of going in there?" Eve suggested tugging on Kevin's arm as they approached the party. > "And miss all this fun?" Kevin questioned looking at the party in full swing ahead of them. "Not a chance. Besides, it's not going to be that bad." > "That's easy for you to say." Eve replied glancing him over in his black costume with his black mask covering his eyes. "No one is going to recognize you." > "Well, I must admit that Victor did pick out an interesting costume. It's very dark and mysterious if you ask me." Kevin decided pulling out the sword at his side and posing. "How do I look fair maiden?" > "You look ready to take on the world Zorro." Eve laughed happy to see Kevin smiling again as he put his sword away. "If I didn't know better, I'd say you looked like you were almost having fun." > "I think I might be." Kevin replied scratching his head as he looked at her. "It must be that I'm just getting into character." > "Are you going to start fighting off bad guys and swooning over >beautiful women all night?" Eve questioned raising an eyebrow at him. > "Hey you never know. I just might." Kevin grinned looking at the entrance to the party. "Are you ready for this?" > "Ready as I'll ever be." Eve sighed as she took Kevin's arm and >followed him up the stairs.> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~> > "So what did Victor want?" Scott questioned approaching Lucy after she had finished talking to Victor and Mary. > "Oh nothing important." She replied turning around to look at him with a smile. "He wanted to see how I was doing." > "It looks like you're doing just fine from what I can see." Scott smiled wrapping his arms around her. "What do you say we go out onto the dance floor?" > "Here?" Lucy questioned wondering what everyone would think seeing her and Scott in each other's arms. "Right now?" > "Well, this is a party right? What better time then now?" Scott >suggested leading out onto the dance floor before she could protest any >further. "Scott, I just don't know. Everyone is looking at the two of us." Lucy began as the slow beats of the music began and they moved together as she started gazing around the room. > "Lucy, no one is watching us." Scott insisted noticing how tense she seemed against him. "Why don't you just relax and forget about them?" > "You're right." Lucy began resting her head on Scott's shoulder as the music played. > "May I cut in?" A voice called out interrupting Scott and Lucy's dance as Lucy looked up and saw Luke standing before them wearing a vampire costume. > "Luke," Lucy smiled standing up tall as she noticed Scott's frustration at Luke's arrival. "Scott, can we finish this dance later? Luke and I need to talk."> "Now?" Scott questioned slightly irritated. > "It's very important." Luke spoke up remaining motionless as he smiled at Lucy. > "I promise it will only take a few minutes." Lucy pleaded staring into Scott's eyes. > "Oh alright, I suppose." Scott sighed taking a step back. "I'll go call home and check on Serena." > "Give her my love." Lucy replied as she watched Scott walk over to the bar. > "Lucy, my darling you look good enough to eat." Luke informed her with a fake vampire accent as he pretended to bite her neck. > "Oh Luke, you're too much." Lucy laughed swatting him lightly as she noticed Scott walking over to the pay phone after getting his drink. "I hope he's not upset." > "Forget about Baldwin right now doll." Luke insisted touching her face and forcing her to look into his eyes. "We have other things to worry about at the moment." > "You're right. I need to be concentrating on this guy you need me to work on." Lucy agreed shaking her head. "So where is he?" > "Actually I don't think he's arrived yet." Luke explained glancing around the room when he spotted the target. "Ah, I spoke too soon. He's here." > "He is?" Lucy questioned turning in the direction of Luke's gaze to see the man.> "No Lucy!" Luke insisted reaching out to keep her looking at him. "It's too dangerous for you to look at him just yet." > "But Luke, how am I going to be able to work my charm on this guy if he can't see me and I can't see him?" Lucy questioned in confusion as they continued dancing. > "There are a few important things I think you should know before you take a look at him." Luke explained to her seriously. "Lucy, this man is very dangerous and he's very good at keeping things to himself. He's got some very important information about a deal that's about to go down tomorrow night and I need you to find out where it's happening." > "Sounds easy enough." Lucy decided with a grin. "It should be a piece of cake." > "Lucy, I'm warning you now he's a tough egg to crack." Luke warned her. "Come on Luke. Have a little faith in me." Lucy insisted confidently as she stood up straighter. "No man can resist my charm." > "You're telling me." Luke teased pulling her closer to him. > "Luke, I'm serious." she began as he gave her a squeeze. > "I know you are and that's why I asked you to do this job." Luke >reminded her as they moved around the dance floor. > "Then show me who he is." Lucy spoke up eager to get started on her mission. > "Alright," Luke agreed turning her slightly, "do you see that man over by the bar?" > "Which one?" Lucy questioned looking at the many people standing at the bar chatting away. "The one in the corner dressed like Al Capone?" > "Nope, not that one." Luke answered as she continued to scan the bar. > "The one in that hideous clown suit?" Lucy asked wrinkling her nose. > "No Lucy. Him." Luke insisted nodding in the direction of a woman wearing a Little Bo Peep costume. > "Eve Lambert?" Lucy chuckled realizing how ridiculous Eve looked. "Oh this is classic. She looks terrible Luke. Hold on a second. I have to go over there and say something to her." "No, you can't do that." Luke began in a panic as he pulled Lucy back towards him. > "Why not?" Lucy questioned glaring in Eve's direction. "After all the things she has done to make a fool of me, I think that I should have the opportunity to say something to her considering how bad her taste is. You know, you'd think that since the media was here tonight, that she's wear something a bit more appropriate, but then again now that I think about it, Eve never really did have any taste to begin with." > "Lucy, you're getting sidetracked here." Luke snapped realizing that Lucy had gone off on another one of her tangents as usual. > "I'm sorry Luke. It's just that she looks so ridiculous." Lucy >chuckled unable to contain herself. "Just look at her. You can't help >but notice how bad she looks." > "That's fine Lucy, but right now I need you here with me one hundred percent." Luke explained slightly irritated. "If I can't have your full attention, then this mission isn't going to go down tonight. I'll have to cancel everything." > "No Luke, don't do that." Lucy insisted trying to keep her mind off of Eve. "You have my attention now." > "Good, now if you'll direct your attention to the man Dr. Lambert is talking to." Luke informed her as she noticed a man dressed in all black talking to Eve. > "Oh he does look like a shady character." Lucy commented noticing that the man was wearing a mask to reveal his identity. "Look at how he's got his eyes covered." > "Exactly Lucy and that's why it's important for you to be very >careful." Luke continued watching her stare at the man intently for a >couple of seconds. > "You know there's something familiar about him though." Lucy began wrinkling her brow as she looked at the man closely. "Have I met him before?" > "Lucy," Luke began turning her around quickly, "you shouldn't stare too long. It could compromise our mission if he sees us together like this." > "You're right." Lucy agreed noticing that Scott was returning from calling Serena. "So what do you want me to do?" > "Nothing right now." Luke insisted realizing that the timing had to be just right for everything to run smoothly. "Just wait for my signal, alright?"> "Alright," Lucy agreed feeling her pulse quicken at the idea of >embarking upon a new adventure. > "And remember, you can't tell anyone about this........not even >Baldwin." Luke warned her as the music came to an end and a new song >started up.> "Excuse me, but I believe the DJ is playing out song." Scott >interrupted tapping Lucy's shoulder as he glared at Luke. "If you would excuse us." > "She's all yours." Luke replied taking a bow and stepping back. "I'll talk to you later Lucy." > "Goodbye Luke," Lucy waved as Scott pulled her close to him. > "What was that all about Lucy?" Scott questioned watching Luke mingle with other guests at the party. > "Nothing." Lucy replied calmly as she noticed Scott still staring at Luke. "He just wanted to talk about everything that has been going on between him and Laura. He's having a rough time right now." "Oh yeah," Scott began looking into her eyes wearily, "then why do I get the feeling that he's up to trouble?" - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 28 Nov 1998 01:01:12 -0800 From: Taiyin Subject: K&L: K&L fanfic (A bit long) -- pt. 3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "See it's not so bad is it?" Kevin questioned noticing that Eve was smiling after they had just finished talking to a couple of other guests at the party. "I guess it's alright." Eve replied feeling her mood lighten up as she realized that half of the people attending the party had worse costumes than hers. She spotted a woman wearing a bikini type costume. "I'd hate to be wearing something like that." "It's absolutely shameless." Kevin replied mocking her. "Very funny Dr. Collins." Eve said listening noticing the crowd of people on the dance floor. "What do say you help me make a bigger fool out of myself than this costume has already done?" "What do you have in mind?" Kevin questioned curiously. "I was thinking that maybe we should give that dancing thing a try." Eve replied with a smile. "It looks simple enough." "Why Dr. Lambert I thought you'd never ask. I'd love to." Kevin smiled accepting her offer and heading towards the dance floor when they were stopped by Victor. "Monk, wait a second!" Victor called out stepping in front of them as he noticed Eve. "Oh hi Eve, nice costume." "Thanks Victor." Eve replied with a smile. "What is it Victor?" Kevin asked curious by the look of urgency on Victor's face. "I need to talk to you." Victor explained glancing at Eve. "Alone." "Victor, whatever you have to tell me, you can say in front of Eve." Kevin began slightly irritated by his father's bluntness. "I'm afraid not Monk." Victor insisted shaking his head. "It's a matter of the upmost importance that I get you alone." "Victor, Eve is my friend and if you have something to say to me, the she can hear it as well..........." Kevin started to protest raising his voice a bit. "Kevin, it's alright. I need to go powder my nose anyways." Eve spoke up realizing that she didn't want him to get into a spat with Victor over her. "I'll be right back." "Alright," Kevin replied watching her leave for a moment before turning his attention back to Victor. "Now what is so important?" "I'm sorry that I had to make Eve leave like that Monk, but I've just finished talking to Detective Garcia and it's extremely important that you talk to him right away about the lead that he found in the General Homicide murders." Victor began hurriedly as his face grew red with excitement. "He doesn't want to talk about it out in the open like this, so he asked me to come find you and tell you to meet him in........." "Did you just say Garcia found a lead in the case?" Kevin asked in astonishment. "That's exactly what I said Monk." Victor replied pointing over to the far corner of the room. "He said that he wants you to meet him in the storage building out back." "The storage building?" Kevin questioned in confusion. "Why would he want to meet there?" "I don't know. I'm not a psychic." Victor snapped at him. "I'm only the messenger." "Calm down Victor. I suppose I'd better go talk to him then." Kevin said glancing over in the direction of the ladies room. "Tell Eve I'll be right back." "You've got it." Victor agreed watching Kevin take off out back before giving Luke the thumbs up sign. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lucy walked out back in the lightly falling rain towards the storage area as she thought of Luke's assurances that he'd be keeping an eye on her at all times. She realized that this was going to be a dangerous mission, but she was up to the challenge. She hated having to lie to Scott about what she was doing, but luckily for her Serena had paged Scott to say goodnight, so she had been able to buy herself a little time. Lucy reached the large metal door to the small two roomed building about one hundred yards from where the party was being hosted. She looked over her shoulder once more sensing that Luke was somewhere near by as she opened the door and took a step inside ready to talk to this dark stranger that she was to work her charm on. "Don't worry." Luke's voice rang out in her head. "My contact talked to him and discovered that the man has been eyeing you all night. All you have to do is meet him out back and chat with him for a little while." "But isn't it kind of dangerous for me to go out there alone?" Lucy had questioned. "Don't worry Lucy, I'll be at your back the whole time. All you have to do is talk to him." were Luke's final words before she left outside. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kevin stepped inside back room of the warm building still thinking about his detour by a drunken Tony Jones who was seeking some type of affirmation about his life choices. Kevin had done his best to cut the conversation short with Tony so that he could meet Garica, and fearing that he may have missed Garica, he had rushed into the storage building. Realizing that Garcia wasn't in the back room, Kevin decided to try the front room which had been dark and deserted before when he noticed the smell of roses in the distance. "Garcia? Garcia are you in here?" Kevin questioned walking further into the room and stopping dead in his tracks when he discovered a fireplace burning in the corner of the room. "That wasn't lit before." Kevin thought out loud slowly moving towards the burning flame. "What's going on around here?" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lucy entered the building noticing the Halloween decorations filling the walls and she realized that something was fishy about the whole situation. The further Lucy got into the room, the more she wondered what was about to take place. "Hello, is anyone here?" Lucy questioned walking around the dimly lit room as she thought to herself. "Luke, what did you let me get myself into?" Suddenly her eyes were diverted to the flame rising in the fireplace across the room. She noticed the man in black standing in front of the flames as she adjusted her costume a bit preparing to work her magic on this man. She began her seductive strut in his direction as her heart pounded. "Hey stranger," Lucy began in a low raspy tone as she moved closer towards the man, "I couldn't help but notice you all night from afar, so when you came out here, I just had to find a way to come out here and talk to you." "Lucy?" Kevin questioned in surprise as he turned around to find her standing before him. "How did you.......?" she gasped as he took his mask off. "Oh my God, Kevin!" be continued - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 28 Nov 1998 01:04:00 -0800 From: Taiyin Subject: Re: K&L: K&L fanfic (A bit long) -- pt. 1 BTW, all, the fic wasn't from me, it was from: brandy greenway <""> It was too long and bounced so I had to chop it up and resend it. I didn't realize that her name wasn't in the body of the message until after I sent it. Taiyin - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 28 Nov 1998 09:42:00 EST From: Subject: Re: K&L: K&L fanfic (A bit long) -- pt. 1 - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 29 Nov 1998 21:03:56 -0500 From: Rika Subject: K&L: A note on the Luke/Laura wedding on GH This may seem unrelated to Kevin and Lucy, but really it's not..... I know that I may not be in the majority with my distaste for Scott Baldwin, but I hope those of you who appreciate him will allow me this one small moment of triumph.... and will let Taiyin share it with me. :-) My fave moment from the Luke/Laura wedding rebroadcast on Thanksgiving was watching Luke whup Snotty's butt. A visceral thrill to say the least.... The only thing better was to imagine Kevin throwing those punches instead of Luke. Rika - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 30 Nov 1998 11:06:03 EST From: "Kathy" Subject: Re: K&L: Just beause...(spoiler) On Fri, 27 Nov 1998, Taiyin wrote: > OK, so I'm in a rather talkative mood today for some reason. I don't know > why, but I was thinking about this and now I'm curious: what would be > everyone's choice for the circumstances that would be the catalyst to a > Kevin and Lucy reconciliation? AND, pipe dreams aside, what do you think > is the most LIKELY plot they'd use to get them back together? Actually, my creative mind has fallen asleep so I don't exactly have a bright idea on how to bring K&L back together. I think that as the spoilers said...Lucy is going to get that sickness that Frank set off...maybe that's the catalyst. Ya never know. Hey its my first time posting so I Hope I'm doing alright. :) Kathy "It takes more strength to cry, admit defeat" - -Madonna "You'll See" - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 30 Nov 1998 20:55:48 -0500 (EST) From: (Alyssa Lindsay) Subject: K&L: FANFIC - --WebTV-Mail-1531434765-962 Content-Type: Text/Plain; Charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7Bit Hi everyone I now have a page for an on-going fanfic I've been working on since September involving a triangle between Kevin, Lucy, and Scott. If you belong to LCGA you've probably already read it. I have written 18 chapters so far, which is why I am emailing the address of the page rather than emailing the fanfic directly to the list. If you're interested in reading a romantic adventure full of Lucy and Kevin history go to Thanks Alyssa - --WebTV-Mail-1531434765-962 Content-Description: signature Content-Disposition: Inline Content-Type: Text/HTML; Charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7Bit
Check out Sitcom Scenario Surf - --WebTV-Mail-1531434765-962 X-URL-Title: Triangle Chpts 1 - 5 Content-Disposition: Inline Content-Type: Text/Plain; Charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7Bit - --WebTV-Mail-1531434765-962-- - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 4 Dec 1998 01:33:53 EST From: Subject: K&L: Spoiler regarding K&L (trying not to dance a quick jig) Okay this came from Soap Opera Digest..... always make sure there's a enough space * * * On December 15 a feverish Lucy (feverish because she been infected by the virus) tells Scott that she wants (to have) Kevin's baby. *cleansing breath* I am not going to get excited about this--*tee-hee* because this obvious part of some diabolical plot to drive me INSANE. LOL Angel.... - - ------------------------------ End of kevin-and-lucy-digest V1 #73 ***********************************