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Subject: klf-digest V2 #425
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klf-digest Sunday, March 25 2001 Volume 02 : Number 425
Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2001 08:54:37 -0000
From: James Parker
Subject: RE: (klf) Wanda Dee and the KLF
> Dish the dirt. If it is the same Wanda Dee she already has a history of
> trying to be something she isn't. Didn't she tour the US as the KLF back
> the early 90's. I always thought she looked full of her own self
> importance, with the smug face she had in the Stadium House Videos. Wanda
> your fifteen minutes of fame were used up 10 years ago, give it up.
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# KLF discography:
Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2001 12:54:07 +0000
From: Richard Hopkins
Subject: (klf) Big Up Stuart
Just want to publicly thank Stuart for his efforts with the Kompetition
CDs...received mine t'other day!
Can't post a decent review coz I haven't had a proper listen....buth
there's defintitely some talent lurking there......
Cheers again Stuart
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# KLF discography:
Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2001 08:49:58 EST
Subject: Re: (klf) Wanda Dee and the KLF
In a message dated Thu, 22 Mar 2001 08:20:22 Greenwich Mean Time, Anders Hultman writes:
Hey there.
Im a theatre director in America. Recently, I had a women
and her husband audition for Les Liaisons Dangereuses, and
her name was Wanda Dee and she said she was KLF.
This comes from The KLF FAQ at including info about Wanda Dee
1.005: I just heard that the KLF are playing my town! I thought you said they'd retired?
The KLF did very few live performances when they were active under that name (see 1.009), and (obviously) none since their retirement. Sometime KLF guest- vocalist Wanda Dee, on the other hand, has performed hundreds of dates round the world for the past three years under the names "The KLF featuring Wanda Dee", "Wanda Dee and The New KLF", "Wanda Dee and the KLF experience" and so forth, which *strangely* always seem to be advertised by promoters as just "The KLF". This is probably what you saw a flyer for. Bill and Jimi have nothing whatsoever to do with these "concerts" and would like very much to see them stopped, but it's difficult to pursue legal action against her unless she performs in the UK, which so far she has been savvy enough not to do. (She's played dates in Russia and Estonia, though!) If you want to spend your hard-earned money to watch a woman gyrate on-stage to pre-taped KLF music, by all means, please attend. :-) There is a review by a KLF fan on the ftp ar!
chive, which you should read if
you want an idea of what the show will be like.
Whenever Wanda is questioned (either by the press or KLF fans in the audience of one of her shows) she comes up with an explanation somewhat like this: All 90's dance music is constructed in the studio by production teams and this can never be recreated live on stage. However the performers (dancers singers etc.) on the record can play live. She says she is the co-writer and singer of all the biggest hits on The White Room and she was the reason those songs were hits. This is a *slight* misrepresentation of the truth however. The KLF sampled vocal snatches from her (erotic?) rap record "To The Bone" on Tuff City Records and included them in WTIL? and the single version of LTTT. When Wanda's manager heard these records they sued the KLF and the out-of-court settlement was that Wanda would get a cash payment, co- co-writing credits on these songs, and hence publishing royalties, and appearances in the videos for these songs. I expect that if the KLF had known the trouble she wou!
ld cause them they wouldn't have
sampled her. It's up to you to decide whether the non-inclusion of "I wanna see you sweat" and "Come on boy d'ya wanna ride" would have detracted from these songs. Stuart Young has much material on how to spike her if she appears near you. E-Mail him for details (
Here is the site with the faq about Wanda Dee html
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# KLF discography:
Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2001 16:47:48 +0100
From: Ford Timelord
Subject: (klf) Burn or buy - My auction
Hi folks,
just to remind you.... I'm selling my whole collection.
Actual bids can be seen at
Auctions ends on saturday 31.03.01 at 23:00 Central European Time
Over and Out!
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# KLF discography:
Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2001 22:17:30 -0000
From: "Nick King"
Subject: (klf) Last Train To Transcentral (Benio Mixes)?
From the discography:
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --
::: The JAMS, The Timelords, The KLF, K Foundation, and KLF Communications
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --
The KLF: Last Train To Trancentral (live from the lost continent)
[22 Apr 1991] single
12": 1991 GE (??; ??)
4:50 Last Train To Trancentral (benio over and out)
6:37 Last Train To Trancentral (benio dub)
Does this exist? I assume it does due to the fact that there's a time
against the 'benio dub'...
I have the 'Deep Heat 10' CD, but have never seen this one out there -
Nick King ;-)
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# KLF discography:
Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2001 22:24:58 +0000
Subject: (klf) vinyl for sale
still offering the following vinyl for sale
kylie said to jason (7")
uptight (7")
downtown (12")
what time is love (live at trancentral/wandaful)
doctorin the tardis (12")
little fluffy clouds (danny tenaglia/adam freeland mix 12")
if interested e mail me
best offer gets
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LookSmart UK
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# KLF discography:
Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 20:58:06 +0000
From: "Steve Allan"
Subject: (klf) klf tattoos
Hi Folks,
Finally I've got it together, see link for my tattoo pics. I have bigger better bmp's if anyone really cares to see them.
Also cheers to Stuart for the Kompetition CD's, nice work fella.
- --
The JAMs Are Gonna Tattoo Ya
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# KLF discography:
Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 21:08:19 +0000
From: "Steve Allan"
Subject: (klf) oops
- --
The JAMs Are Gonna Tattoo Ya
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# KLF discography:
Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2001 14:08:49
From: "David Lindgren"
Subject: (klf) RE:reissues + more
>On a completely other topic, don't know if anyone's noticed, but HMV in Oxford
>St, London have loads of vinyl copies of Space up for grabs throughout their
>shop. I haven't examined these any further, but I expect they're coming from
>the same source as the 1987 and chill out repress/bootleg/reissues...maybe worth
>checking out if you don't have a copy already.
I know we had the discussion about wether 1987 & Chill out was repressed or what, I never replied at the time but as I was lucky enough to be in London the same week they came up on the shelves at HMV in London, so I bought them booth and I“m almost certain that 1987 is a repress and I know that Chill out is a repress, as I got the original lp.
The sleeve on the repress isn“t to good I think the quality on the print is nearly ok, but the colours aren“t good.
The original chill out lp, complete with sticker "file under ambient" and in great shape, was found in my towns only second hand records shop for 40 SEK= less than 3 UKP, how do you like that price?
KLF have been played alot on swedish radio for a while, also on the commercial radio,
A radioshow called Popnonstop in P3 had KLF as thier 3from1 a couple a weeks ago, they played 3 a.m., lttt and J&A and talked alot about them burning the lps on a field outside Stockholm.
A show nightlife also in P3 requests the listeners to call in to wish for a track and 4-5 listeners a show ( 3 hrs) are let through to speak on air to wish their track. I called in and wished for 3 a.m. and came trough, nice.
Every saturday now for 7-8 weeks J&A has been played at the same time around 8.30 p.m. on RixFM, commercial radio.
When I was in London, one year and a week ago ( thats how much I“m after with posting to the list, I“ve got loads of post-it notes with things that I should email to the list, but never have time, lucky my postings aren“t to relevant...) I also went to Gimpo“s pub called The Foundry to have a couple beers and also shook hands with him. I had phone contact with klf list member Torsten Pattberg under the weekend and we talked about doing something, but he said he rather go to a movie or smtg.
Also I bought alot of KLF and releated for ex. the Gary in the tardis 12" with Gary on the sleeve at Sister Ray. On the sleeve was a little sticker, you know the one you put on cds and stuff with your name, adress and phone. The name on mine was Scott Piering adress etc etc. NICE. Perhaps someone sold it to Sister Ray after him moving on?
- david
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# KLF discography:
Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2001 11:04:37 EST
Subject: (klf) fordtimelord
Can someone give me the site address of Ford's sale list? I am away from home and don't know it!
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# KLF discography:
Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2001 19:38:00 EST
Subject: (klf) KLF record label at Amazon
I did a search today at Amazon for KLF to see what would come up. All the usually stuff came up (White Room/Chill Out/etc/etc) but also this other CD came up. I wonder if anyone has any idea what this is it's called Hits N' Pieces by Spacedust and it's released under the label KLF. Is this anything to do with KLF Communications or Bill & Jimmy or is it just a record label using the letters KLF. If anyone wants to look at it, it's at
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# KLF discography:
Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2001 20:51:38 EST
Subject: Re: (klf) KLF record label at Amazon
> I wonder if anyone has any idea what this is it's called Hits N' Pieces by
> Spacedust and it's released under the label KLF. Is this anything to do
> KLF Communications or Bill & Jimmy or is it just a record label using the
> letters KLF. If anyone wants to look at it, it's at
No connection.
- -paul
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# KLF discography:
Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2001 21:11:30 -0500
From: Daniel Cabrera
Subject: Re: (klf) RE:reissues + more
> >A show nightlife also in P3 requests the listeners to call in to wish
> for a track and
> >4-5 listeners a show ( 3 hrs) are let through to speak on air to wish
> their track. I
> >called in and wished for 3 a.m. and came trough, nice. Every saturday
> now for
> >7-8 weeks J&A has been played at the same time around 8.30 p.m. on
> RixFM,
> >commercial radio. In Europe it's "wishing," in the US it's
> "requesting." heheh...
> >I had phone contact with klf list member Torsten Pattberg under the
> weekend
> >and we talked about doing something, but he said he rather go to a
> movie or smtg.
> There you say "under the weekend," here we say "over the weekend."
> Anyway, it's the same language, I just found it amusing. Sorry this
> has nothing to do with the KLF. I've gotta visit the UK eventually.
> Or anywhere outside the US for that matter. Somewhere where musicians
> have more than just 15 minutes of fame. Where artists own the music
> they write. Oh, ok, here's something KLFesque. Does Arista have any
> right to ask Napster to block KLF songs? I assume that IF they can do
> that, they could only ask that the songs released on the Arista label
> be blocked, and not the others. I guess TVT or Blow Up or any of the
> other labels could do most of the rest though. Although, being in the
> US, I don't see the whole scope of what's going on with Napster; do
> any of the euro-list members know if any european (as if that's all
> there is in this world: US and Europe) labels are going to request
> that the songs be blocked from napster? Do they care as much? Do I
> care? Well, yes, or I wouldn't have wasted all this time rambling.
> Blah.
> Daniel
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# KLF discography:
Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2001 22:59:10 -0500
From: Daniel Cabrera
Subject: Re: (klf) Abba vs KLF and Napster (OT)
Fact is, if an artist is good, napster or no naptser, people will buy
stuff. If ANYthing, Napster is a great filter to prove which artists
have it
and which ones are tools or just in it for the money. The artists who
are more
afraid than anyone else are the ones who have about one or two good
songs per
album and are worried that if people can get those two songs on Napster,
won't want the rest of the album. And they're probably right. It's not
listener's fault that you can't put more than 2 decent songs on your
album. Get
some talent and THEN put out an album. Until then stop whining that
don't want to buy 40 minutes of crap. Now, I'm not justifying copyright
infringement. I write music, so I can understand the need to keep tabs
on one's
music. But musicians who are in it for the love of music and not for
the love
of money (which, by the way, is a smooth O'Jays song), will agree that
it's not
about how many albums you sell, it's about making music and getting
other people
to hear and love it, since really, the record labels are making all the
When you download an album from napster, the artist may lose 3=A2 or so,
but the
record company loses $10. So really it's the record industries who are
money. Which, incidentally, is why you don't hear a whole lot of
from the artists (with the exception of Metallica and Dr. Dre, who no
downloads anyway). You hear complaints from the recording industry, who
pissing their pants at the thought of losing the mind-control devices
have. For all of you in the UK and the rest of Europe, I don't know
that it
applies as much. I've heard the musical climate is much nicer there.=20
HERE, the
radio feeds you what the record companies want to be top 10 hits and
they become
top 10 hits. Sometimes they're ok and we actually get to listen to some
songwriting, but even when that happens, it's not usually the
songwriting of the
artist performing it. It's some unknown composer for Jive Records who
knows his
stuff, but all we hear is Britney whining over top of it (not that
hasn't grown on me or anything). The media and the RIAA get to choose
what we
listen to, so to them, this person-to-person sharing is a threat to
control. It's that fact that scares them most and that's why they want
down. Hell, there are plenty of artists who avidly support napster,
( Granted that's not
artist, but still, it's evidence enough that it's the record labels who
whining about it, not the artists. The artists understand what it's
like to
write music because you want to create something that people will love,
connect with, or just understand. So if Abba was one of those groups
who had
some nameless guy doing all the work behind their band and they're upset
people are stealing their songs, poo poo for them. Get some talent.=20
But more
likely, it's Abba's recording label that's going to do the real bitching
it. And speaking of bitching, I've done enough. This is not what the
KLF are
Thug Wrote:
> > And guess what? The bitches behind Abba have struck again.
> > Most Abba songs have been removed from
> > Napster so it seems they have done the same thing they did with
> > 1987 to Napster.
> Not sure about your use of gender here, since Abba were both male and
> female, and indeed, Benny and Bjorn wrote most of the music, whereas th=
> girls usually just performed, so it would probably be those "bastards" =
> are behind it if anything. (More likely it's their record company, or e=
> their American distributor.)
> But it's also crazy to try to equate the 1987 situation with the Napste=
> situation, except to say that both involve blatent theft of intellectua=
> property. But if anything, Napster is an even more clear-cut case.
> Is this the cue to start the whole "why do some people expect to get th=
> KLF music for nothing" thread again?
> Michael
> (Incidentally, I've used Napster many times to sample music, or to grab=
> and/or extended mixes that I couldn't otherwise get. I've even grabbed
> tracks I just liked a number of times too. And I actually believe all t=
> cracking down by Napster is futile anyway, since there will always be
> loopholes, or something else will just come along to replace it. I just
> don't kid myself that Copyright law isn't being broken every second.)
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# KLF discography:
Date: Sun, 25 Mar 2001 06:29:33 +0100
From: "Derek Knight"
Subject: RE: (klf) Abba vs KLF and Napster (OT)
It's all irrelevant, in my opinion. The majors have survived punk and home
taping, so why not this?
And if Napster *does* survive, then it will simply mutate into the new
monster. It isn't some hippy-commune style anti-capitalist protest machine.
In 5 years it'll be feeding us what is most profitable, just like commercial
radio. Bring on Jivester.
And for some reason, as irrational as we all know it is, it's still a great
feeling to hand your cash over for a little round slice of plastic. The
silly money that's bandied around for KLF rarieties that are easily
available on mp3 is enough to prove that.
That said, maybe in 50 years time there will be mp3 bores just like there
are vinyl bores these days. Probably by then you'll be able to download
stuff direct into your brain, or something.
So, quite frankly, fuck the revolution.
- -----------------------------------
Derek Knight
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# KLF discography:
Date: Sun, 25 Mar 2001 16:37:23
From: "David Lindgren"
Subject: (klf) A Falconer?
Hello eberybody,
I was searching for KLF at and they recommended me to also check out
releated artists as Disco 2ooo and Andy Falconer?
Who is Andy Falconer and what is his link to KLF?
>Searching Database for... artist like 'Klf '...
Related Artists: Andy Falconer, Bill Drummond, Disco 2000, Justified
Ancients Of Mu Mu, Klf, Solid Gold Chartbusters, Space (on KLF
Comm), Timelords
- david
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# KLF discography:
End of klf-digest V2 #425