From: (klr650-digest) To: Subject: klr650-digest V1 #423 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk klr650-digest Wednesday, December 23 1998 Volume 01 : Number 423 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 23 Dec 1998 14:22:06 -0800 From: "Keith Nelson" Subject: Re: (klr650) Re: Keep the list KLR. - -----Original Message----- From: To: Date: Wednesday, December 23, 1998 9:14 AM Subject: (klr650) Re: Keep the list KLR. >I vote to keep the list KLR specific (is this thing a democracy?). > >I think both the newsletter and the web page serve a great purpose by being >basically mainstream, with more specific sections being available if the >reader/user wants. My vote is to keep the KLR list as is KLR specific. keith nelson 98 KRL650 > > ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Dec 1998 16:38:51 -0600 From: "Tim Royer" Subject: (klr650) From the Luker (keep the list) Gents and Ladies I am always open to other dual sport bikes, but I have a hard time keeping up with this list, much less a multi bike list. The KLR 650 owners group has been and extreamly valuble resource for me in knowing what things to look for troubleshooting my bike. I read every post, unlike the Thumper list, which I had to discontinue because of the massive amount of mail I recieved from it. It is not that we are closed minded, but it more of a time constraint item. I would prefer to read items concerning the bike I am currently working with at the time Regards and Merry Christmas Tim Royer (98 KLR KAw-Thump, the back road bomber) ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Dec 1998 18:16:50 -0500 From: Steve Rottenberg Subject: (klr650) klr list Hey, My vote is to keep it KLR specific. Or maybe we can talk about B12's too !! :P For the listers that have not been in many different lists, this one is great. We stay all the time within topic and we DO use NKLR. If u guys saw the, for example, Bandit list, and some morons posting the whole digest with a reply, and the reply is just a "yes" added to the whole digest ....... it makes you wanna unsubscribe immediately. So let's keep talking about the KLR and enjoying the hell out of our fine bike ! :) Feliz Navidad para todos :) Steve in Tampa 98 B12 95 KLR 650 PS: Sorry to all the northerners that are having a white christmas, we are in the 60's at nite and high 70's low 80's during the day. G Nite now, I'm going ridin'. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Dec 1998 18:11:13 -0800 From: Subject: Re: (klr650) Dual Sport Mailing List vs KLR Mailing List my KLR650 is of special priority. >Nothing personal to the Dust List, I enjoy it and have met some good >people >on it, but the KLR List is more useful and informative for my needs. >I`ve >picked up a lot of useful info about my bike, among other useful >tidbits >too. I prefer to have a source specific to my bike, and then if I want >to >talk about "Dusting" in general, go somewhere else. That way, I can >keep my >e-mail prioritized to optimize the limited time I`ve had lately (due >to KLR >specific, time consuming, frustrating, seemingly pointless, and >potential >marriage wrecking pursuits) and keep up with the posts of my life`s >center, >my KLR. Ditto me, Skip. I agree completely. My KLR is also special. I dropped my subscription to Gino's newsletter not because of Gino (his newsletter is excellent) but because my interest is in KLR650's, not in dual sport. I use my KLR for a touring, daily back and forth to work mount and as a demo bike for MSF ERC classes not as an offroader (intentionally, that is). I hate change... but then I am 53 years old, so.... ___________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Dec 1998 17:01:03 -0700 From: "Kurt Simpson" Subject: Re: (klr650) Heated grips...again >(I'm brand new to the list, so if someone has archived info that answers my >questions, that would be great. I couldn't find a good way to search the >archives for this info, Thanks) > >Has anyone here used heated grips? (I commute daily on my '92KLR). >I have a few questions:Are they worth it/do they work/where is the best >place to wire them into? >I bought the grip heaters from Enduro Engineering. >I thought I could wire it into the"switched" headlight circuit, don't try >this unless you like to ride in total darkness!! >Now I've got them wired in after the switch-but before the fuse, but I'm >concerned I might overload the circuit. I understand there might be some >pigtails on my wiring loom for this type of auxilliary stuff, would it be >fused and switched? I couldn't find it on my schematic. Any ideas where to >find it? Doug, I haven't seen a response to your question so I thought I would take a crack at it. The only available connections from the factory are the "City Light" connection located on page 14-19 in the wiring diagram. You can find them under the headlight. It is available because the European models have a 4w running light that is constant. Here is something to enlighten you on it from the archives: ___________________________ Date: Sat, 28 Mar 1998 10:05:57 -0800 (PST) From: Eric Mercer Subject: (klr650) Re: extra wires Robert Kaub wrote: >OK folks, what are the unused two wires behind the right side of the >headlight for on my '98 KLR? One wire is brown/white stripe, one is >black/yellow stripe. Both end in an unused straight-in connector and are >just hanging out of the harness. The wires are for a 'city light' used on european models. The brown/white is 12 volts positive and is connected to the lighting circuit; the black/yellow is a ground. These wires are perfect for any low wattage add-on electrical item such as GPS, cassette player, etc. I added running lights to my front turnsignals and used these wires for power. The brown/white wire is also hot when the ignition key is turned to the 'P' position. Eric '92 KLR ____________________________ This lister tried what you have in mind and had the following problem: ____________________________ Date: Tue, 09 Jun 1998 10:43:47 -0500 From: waynef Subject: (klr650) Heated grips question I have a '97 KLR on which I recently install the Kimpex heated grips. I used the two spare wires in the faring (the light connection for the european models) as my connection and immediately blew the fuse when I switched the low beam to high beam. Obviously this connection will not carry the load of the grips. Can those of you who are running the heated grips tell me where you made your electrical connection. Also, I'm running a 55W/100W headlight and on rare occasion an electric vest---will the electrical system support these three items? Thanks for the help. _______________________________ Jim Dukes had an answer for this using the connections to trigger a relay: ____________________________ Date: Tue, 09 Jun 1998 09:00:08 -0700 From: James Dukes Subject: Re: (klr650) Heated grips question In message <> writes > I have a '97 KLR on which I recently install the Kimpex heated grips. I > used the two spare wires in the faring (the light connection for the > european models) as my connection and immediately blew the fuse when I > switched the low beam to high beam. Obviously this connection will not > carry the load of the grips. Can those of you who are running the > heated grips tell me where you made your electrical connection. > > Also, I'm running a 55W/100W headlight and on rare occasion an electric > vest---will the electrical system support these three items? Thanks for > the help. > I ran a wire directly from the battery, then used the spare Euro light wires to switch a relay that will turn off the grips when the key is turned off. The relay is just an automotive relay from Radio Shack. - - -Jim ___________________________ And to another post: The downside of running a switch directly to the battery is that if you leave the grips on accidentally, say while you are at work... You will *completely* discharge your battery. Yes I know this from experience :^( I added a relay to shut off the hot lead to the grips when the bike is turned off. The unused euro-spec parking light wires on the right side of the fairing make a convienient switched power source. - - -Jim ________________________ Tom V's post: Heated Grips - - ------------ I'm in the process of adding heated grips. Here in Colorado they come in handy much of the year. Especially in the mornings and evenings even during the summer. I removed both old grips using an exacto knife. The left grip needed a lot of work as there was lots of glue holding it to the handlebar. The right side was much easier. I then cleaned the old grip area very carefully. I then removed the backing from the Kimpex heated grip elements and rolled them carefully on both sides. I placed them such that I could route the wires easily and out of the way. On the left side The wires come out near the bottom and are then zip-tied all the way over to the front of the bike where I will place the switch. On the throttle side one must make a loop of wire so that the throttle can turn easily without pinching the wire. I just took a 6" piece of the wire lead and made a loop and zip tied it near the base of the mirror stalk. I then routed the leads to the same location on the front of the bike as the left side. I then installed new better Pro Grips onto both left and right sides. Easy to do and just needed a bit of soap to get the new grips over the bars. All that is left to do is the electrical hookup. I drilled a 1/2" hole in the plastic cover that's you remove when you do the clutch wire disable. There's enough room on the top middle to drill the hole with the cover removed. I then installed the switch and it fits just fine. So I can easily move the switch from off to low to high heat even with gloves. What I have left to do is to connect all the leads together and then get power from the battery to the switch. I'm planning on running a 16ga wire directly from the battery to the switch. The cost of the Kimpex grips is about $20 from most dealers or they can be purchased for something like $26 from Baja Designs. They draw very little power and make lots of heat. I would say they are just as warm as the ones on my BMW R1100GS where the cost of heated grips is quite expensive. The only other cost to this was about $7.99 for a new set of grips, which I would have done anyway to get softer grips on the KLR. A very cheap price to pay. When completed the grips have an off, low, and high setting. The high is very warm and I will be able to feel heat even through thick gloves. Feels so nice on a cold evening when you're trying to make it home and you don't have extra warm gloves. Of course if you live in Florida you can disregard this :-)) Regards, Tom Vervaeke Colorado Springs, CO 98 KLR650, 96 XR600, 96 BMW R1100GS, 93 CB250 (wife's bike) ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Dec 1998 20:16:30 EST From: Subject: (klr650) Sneak Preview - BigGun Exhaust On 12/23/98, wrote: >Would love to get a WAVE file made of your exhaust sound for the list. >Anyway to do this? If all goes as planned, I'll be able to post sound/video of the BigGun KLR next week. My drum scanner is offline 'til Monday. So until then here's a low res, sneak peek of the KLX photo shoot that just wrapped. Redondo Ron ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Dec 1998 17:34:40 -0800 (PST) From: (Conall O'Brien) Subject: (klr650) NKLR re:KLR650 vs Dual sport Mailing list I vote for keeping the list as KLR specific as possible...Everyone (Kurt) has done an excellent job administering this list and I don't think you should change to a dual-sport focus... It's great that we are having this discussion however because the DUST list is in need of some more traffic.... I love my KLR650 (2nd one) and right now would only buy a KLR650 to replace it. This is the only list that is KLR specific , if it folds the community of KLR's will live on, but it won't be as fun. I am a subscriber to another hugely successful list called DAT-heads( for people interested in taping and trading live concerts on DAT tape and no we're not bootleggers). Anyway wih the popularity of CD recording with the PC and CDR in general, we created a new list for CDR buffs. It's understandable that as time evolves, the list may grow large, but please don't change the focus of the original list . LONG LIVE THE KLR650. BTW As a tribute to all the great KLR info I've recieved from Gino's newsletter and this list I've created a KLR specific links page @ Just started it yesterday so it's still under construction. haven't uploaded any pix yet,etc. May not be as good as Bill's work, but I'm working with a $199 webtv. Conall ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Dec 1998 18:51:40 -0700 From: "Kurt Simpson" Subject: (klr650) Re: KLR650 >BTW As a tribute to all the great KLR info I've recieved from Gino's >newsletter and this list I've created a KLR specific links page @ > >Just started it yesterday so it's still under construction. haven't >uploaded any pix yet,etc. >May not be as good as Bill's work, but I'm working with a $199 webtv. >Conall Hey good on you!...I bookmarked it! I'd love to see a dozen websites devoted to the KLR...Any present or former owner of HawkGT's will tell you that there are several excellent websites on the Hawk...why not the KLR? Kurt (loved the pics of your friends (g) also was great to see Redondo's air inflatable again) ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Dec 1998 18:53:13 -0700 From: "Kurt Simpson" Subject: (klr650) Re: Sneak Preview - BigGun Exhaust > If all goes as planned, I'll be able to post sound/video of the > BigGun KLR next week. My drum scanner is offline 'til Monday. > So until then here's a low res, sneak peek of the KLX photo > shoot that just wrapped. > > > Redondo Ron ooooooohhhhhh that's a one good-lookin set of pipes... Kurt ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Dec 1998 21:00:12 EST From: Subject: (klr650) klx list Any one knows how to access the klx list?? Thanks Guy Le Baher ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Dec 98 18:13:18 PST From: "Marick Payton" Subject: (klr650) KLX list Guy, You can join the KLX list by sending the following 1-line message subscribe klx650-moto to Marick ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Dec 1998 21:25:46 -0500 From: Guy Cheney Subject: (klr650) Well torque my jaws... Hello again enlisted ones, Hey I did that once - enlisted! So now you know what you're dealing with= . I've recently asked for the front sprocket nut torque value ('96 and late= r) which even my friendly local Kawi dealer was unable to supply. Much to m= y surprise the dealer called me back today with this input. Apparently the= KLR set up is similar (though not identical) to that of the police bike, which requires a torque of 58 ft lbs. I'll go with that given no further= input from my brethren and sistren on the list. Thanks to those who responded - if you find out anything to the contrary just holler. Guy Cheney = ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Dec 1998 22:18:18 -0500 From: "J.Taylor" Subject: (klr650) [NKLR] Kovaliv's KLR-less state Michael, My local dearler in Jacksonville, Florida has 2 brand new KLR's with Renthal bars (and groovy "bite pad" cross bar pad in matching yellow/purple scheme) for $4695 each. What finer way to break it in than to buy it in the warmer climes, and head north for the spring thaw, that is if availability is the demon you are fighting presently. Just thoought I'd tempt you. By the way, it was a balmy 68 today, with tons of sun and a touch of humidity. Very nice.... Jake in Jax, Fl Michael Kovaliv wrote: > > Michael Kovaliv > (No, still no KLR yet. It's also well below freezing here.) > ------------------------------ End of klr650-digest V1 #423 ****************************