From: (klr650-digest) To: Subject: klr650-digest V2 #32 Reply-To: klr650 Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk klr650-digest Friday, February 12 1999 Volume 02 : Number 032 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 12 Feb 1999 08:33:15 -0600 From: (Cornell, Bob) Subject: (klr650) BLM Land closure This is a chance to express you opinion about land closures. Go to This is about closing more public land in Utah, CNN is counting the for / against votes and ans of this AM, Friday, it is 49% "Close more", 51% 'Don't close more". Please vote and let people know that it matters. You can bet your ass the Tree-Huggers are sending out tons of e-mails too. Hurry Bob ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 12 Feb 1999 09:36:16 -0500 From: Subject: (klr650) NKLR - Wilderness Values >Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 22:32:21 EST >From: >Subject: (klr650) wilderness values >includes jet skiis & snowmobiles. motorcycles (and all motors) >morally should be deligated to practical, functional purposes, like >transportation inorder to reach natural areas where we can do higher quality >forms of recreation in (such as hiking, non-motorized, less impact forms, >pristine old growth left, etc.) riding motorcycles is nothing compared to the >pleasures of enjoying the wonder of nature- naturally. >don't lose your perspective. >mark schuette Well golly, this "motorhead" sure appreciates someone as all-knowing and wise as you taking the time to tell me how your interests are superior to mine. Here I was foolishly thinking that recreation had a different meaning to everybody, and that's what makes it great. Now that you have informed me of the truth (that only things that you do are "high-quality") I will cease to do anything that you do not agree with. If they have their way, you won't be enjoying the land either. Your "higher quality" activities will also be banned. Oh, and let me not forget, thank you for telling me what I should "morally delegate" my possessions to do. Is it ok if I go have eggs for breakfast? Or should I be morally required to eat granola? I await your response (please hurry, I am hungry). - -Matt Duftler Tarrytown, NY A9 ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 12 Feb 1999 07:42:11 -0700 From: "Fred Hink" Subject: (klr650) (NKLR) Environment - -----Original Message----- From: R. Kaub To: Date: Friday, February 12, 1999 12:25 AM Subject: (klr650) NKLR Environment >We ALL live on the same planet. If you like wilderness so much, let's take 9 MILLION acres of YOUR state and kick everyone off. Fred ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 12 Feb 1999 09:47:21 -0500 From: "Preferred Customer" Subject: (klr650) RE wilderness values yikes! thank You God for a delete key. there aint nothin practical about any of mine, or 90% of all the motorcycles out there! - -----Original Message----- From: To: Date: Thursday, February 11, 1999 10:41 PM Subject: (klr650) wilderness values >i will not take any "motorheads" advice on voting down more wilderness. more >natural lands are imperative as a mitigation to our "effect" of creating a >desert out of every type of "land use" we create. we are already in an >overpopulation situation. and these last remaining wild lands are to valuable >for cleanliness & quantity of water, air, biodiversity, open space, habitat >for the other biology & services we depend upon and recreation oportunities >much more important than our pastime of riding over the land on motors. that >includes jet skiis & snowmobiles. motorcycles (and all motors) >morally should be deligated to practical, functional purposes, like >transportation inorder to reach natural areas where we can do higher quality >forms of recreation in (such as hiking, non-motorized, less impact forms, >natural expressons, climbing, river running, >mountaineering, mtn. biking, forms that require our own physical interaction, >appropriate technology, more sustainable, healthier, etc.) we need to look >beyond our own self interest (riding motrcycles) and think of the greater >good. can we do that? >we've never done it yet. we need to change our attitudes to healthier less >impact choices. >hey i love to motorcycle- but i use it for transportation- not the final >recreation goal- >the other non-motorized forms of recreation are more fun, healthier (on mind & >body) and gentlier on our future. >i will always vote to preserve nature during this era of subsidized fossil >fuels (changing our attitude to devalue nature) we do nothing to give back to >nature, we always take & take. it can't go on much longer and still keep our >quality of life high. >if your an astute naturalist you already have seen severe degradation in >wildlife, rivers, all freshwater habitats, the ocean, the forests (4% of >pristine old growth left, etc.) riding motorcycles is nothing compared to the >pleasures of enjoying the wonder of nature- naturally. >don't lose your perspective. >mark schuette >"bicycle carriers for motorcycles" > > ------------------------------ Date: 10 Jan 06 10:16:34 +0000 From: Dave Cook Subject: (klr650) toolbox my friend has a rather nice alluminium toolbox welded to his bashplate on = his XRL. It keeps the weight low, is easily accesible when you're loaded = up and carries more loads more stuff than the origional.I also saw some = interesting stuff like this on the Africa Queens website. Any one = interested in building one for the KLR? Thanks. Dave C. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 12 Feb 1999 10:23:09 -0500 From: (Mark) Subject: Re: (klr650) wilderness values SNIP> > (and all motors) >morally should be deligated to practical, functional purposes, like >transportation inorder to reach natural areas where we can do higher quality >forms of recreation in (such as hiking, non-motorized, less impact forms, >natural expressons, climbing, river running, >mountaineering, mtn. biking, forms that require our own physical interaction, >i will always vote to preserve nature during this era of subsidized fossil >fuels (changing our attitude to devalue nature) we do nothing to give back to >nature, we always take & take. it can't go on much longer and still keep our >quality of life high. >if your an astute naturalist you already have seen severe degradation Ya... like those guys who haul their horsies behind a 4 MPG Chevy Suburban out to the wilderness areas to get away from their treeless clear-cut bedroom community cul-de-sac. Mark, B2, A2 (a biologist AND a biker) ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 12 Feb 1999 07:41:40 PST From: "Juan Villarreal" Subject: (klr650) Environmental debate... This whole environmental thing is something of a fur-ball, isn't it (no pun intended)? As so often seems to be the case with other debates (gun control, capital punishment, abortion, etc.), the issue falls prey to the extremists and zealots, manipulating and distorting the facts the rest of us need in order to put them out of business. I have to be honest and say that at this point I couldn't make an informed decision regarding the issue. Yes, I like riding in the dirt, but I need to know more. How much area is needed to support a viable ecosystem in this particular location? What burdens would the use of a motorcycle place on this area? If it really was an "either-or" type situation, the decision for me would be easy... However I don't see the need for such "all or nothing" choices, at least not on the levels at which they currently exists. Those of us who could actually work together and come up with a compromise or a solution are busy living the rest of our lives; raising families, going to school, maintaining careers. The radicals and profiteers in need of a life need to get the hell out of the way and let the rest of us work something out. The "rest of us" (myself included) need to get informed and make our voices heard. To a great extent though I believe this whole environmental thing is folly... Everyday, after riding my 11 miles to work, my "white" T-shirt is grey, my once-clean jeans need a washing, and the outline of my goggles can be easily seen. There are 4 billion people on this planet who just couldn't give a shit. They're making their $1 an hour, trying to feed their families, and the current status of the rain forest is nowhere near their radar scope. I'm not saying it's a good thing, or that I don't rue it, but it is a reality that seems to get overlooked. To be honest, I'm not optimistic, but that doesn't relieve me of my responsiblities. It's time for me to get informed and make my decision. Which brings me to my final point... In the future, please refrain from issuing the voting directives. It's only my one little vote but I cherish it; respect it accordingly. Juan Villarreal (citizen o'the world), '97 KLR "The Smog-Laden Hooligan" ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 12 Feb 1999 10:49:27 EST From: Subject: Re: (klr650) Mime-Version: 1.0 Guy, raise the needle, if it gets worse, lower the needle. Mid range is needle shape and depth in the main jet opening. The air mixture screw only affects idle to throttle transition, it doesn,t effect you running at 2,000 rpm +. Frank ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 12 Feb 1999 10:38:44 EST From: Subject: Re: (klr650) wilderness values In a message dated 2/11/99 9:42:07 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << i will not take any "motorheads" advice on voting down more wilderness. more natural lands are imperative as a mitigation to our "effect" of creating a desert out of every type of "land use" we create >> I dont't think any of us should touch this with a ten foot bamboo pole. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 12 Feb 1999 10:52:40 EST From: Subject: Re: (klr650) Front fork oil viscosity? 30 wt is way too stiff a fork oil. Some of us old timers used ATF because it doesn't foam up and is gentle to seals. If you need heavier, a mix of ATF and a 10w30 may be on the money. This is really more a personal choice than jetting a carb. Frank ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 12 Feb 1999 10:59:16 EST From: Subject: Re: (klr650) (NKLR) Environment In a message dated 2/12/99 8:48:40 AM Central Standard Time, writes: << >We ALL live on the same planet. >> Does anyone else think the KLRs brakes and supension suck? ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 12 Feb 1999 11:26:40 -0500 From: "J.Taylor" Subject: Re: (klr650) (NKLR) Environment wrote: > > In a message dated 2/12/99 8:48:40 AM Central Standard Time, > writes: > > << >We ALL live on the same planet. > >> > Does anyone else think the KLRs brakes and supension suck? I was thinking an oil discussion would be nice right about now. My KLR will take a full 3qts and Gordon Jennings (MotorCyclist mag) says the more the better. Jake, givin it all it'll take. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 12 Feb 1999 09:23:00 -0700 From: "Tim Bernard" Subject: Re: (klr650) toolbox Trying it out now. The issue is water tight. You can do it pretty cheat by using my Highway pegs& clamping a PVC pipe with fittings on it. 3" seems to big & 2" so small. I am open to suggestions !!!!! Happy trials Tim - -----Original Message----- From: Dave Cook To: Date: Friday, February 12, 1999 8:26 AM Subject: (klr650) toolbox >my friend has a rather nice alluminium toolbox welded to his bashplate on his XRL. It keeps the weight low, is easily accesible when you're loaded up and carries more loads more stuff than the origional.I also saw some interesting stuff like this on the Africa Queens website. Any one interested in building one for the KLR? Thanks. Dave C. > > ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 12 Feb 1999 09:29:30 -0700 From: "Kurt Simpson" Subject: (klr650) Story's story... Part II A series of trip reports from Story Leavesley of Boulder CO: Dual-sport ride on BMW R80 GS Nov 1998-Jan1999. Provided courtesy of lister Robert Runyard: ( ) Installment #2 Hello from beautiful Los Angelos, Chile! We've been very busy the past two days, but the good news is that we've got our bikes! After my crazy first day, Thursday (Thanksgiving) was actually quite productive. We were up early and waiting at the curb at 9 for our ride to San Antonia. An hour later he finally showed up - on foot. We took the subway and bus to San Antonio and immediately went to my customs agency. My agents went into a flurry of action as soon as we arrived, phone calls, faxes, much excitement. Mark's agent spoke a little English and did some translating for us. He also asked my agents to clear Mark's bike along with mine. We all piled into a pickup truck and went to the first customs building. After much discussion and explaination we got some paperwork and were sent to the next building several blocks away. Again we had to explain our mission, and were greeted with looks of dismay and comments about crazy gringos. More stamps and more papers and back to the first building for more of the same. After this it was lunch time and everything closed until 3 (better get used to it!). After lunch we went back to the first building where we got our final papers and stamps and then headed out to the warehouse where the bikes were. After more papers and stamps we finally paid the fee - $40 for storage of my bike for 8 days - and went to locate the bikes in the warehouse, which we did quite easily. Signed the final papers and we were done and back in Santiago shortly after 9. A long day but we had accomplished our goal of clearing our bikes. The bikes were supposed to be delivered to Santiago around noon the next day so I called at 10 to see if there was any news. Nothing yet, call back at 3 after lunch (!). There was still no news at 3 but she said she would call as soon as she knew. At 6 (on Friday) I called her back. She was just about to call to tell us that a cab would pick us up in 10 minutes to take us to the bikes. We got out there (someone's garage) and uncrated the bikes. They were in great shape and I don't think customs had ever opened them. The tires were a little low on air but each bike fired right up after a little gas was added. We rode them back to the hotel and parked them covered on the sidewalk. Today, we actually rode in Chile! It took us a couple of hours to clear the traffic in Santiago but we finally reached open farm lands with the Andes to the left. We stopped at a B&B kind of place here in Los Angelos, described as a garden of Eden in the SA Handbook. This place is paradise! It's run by a German couple who built it after moving here several years ago. There are flowers everywhere, vegetable gardens, dogs, chickens. We had a group dinner with a Dutch couple who are finishing their trip next week after spending 6 months traveling through Mexico, Central America, and South America, a German gentleman, and the owners. They cooked us fresh food and we had fun drinking Chilean wine and talking about all of our adventures. What a pleasant change from the hectic bussle of Santiago - much more to my liking. Tomorrow we're off to Villarica to do some hiking and hopefully send this email. I haven't had any luck finding a phone connection but I saw an advertisement for a hotel in Villarica with an internet connection so I'm hopefut. More later... - -- Story ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 12 Feb 1999 09:26:10 -0700 From: "Tim Bernard" Subject: Re: (klr650) (NKLR) Environment Where is that dead horse???? or was that a Wild Horse, No it can't be a Wild Horse the correct term is Ferrol Horse {once tame now seeking it's own happiness} Happy Tails - -----Original Message----- From: To: ; ; Date: Friday, February 12, 1999 9:10 AM Subject: Re: (klr650) (NKLR) Environment >In a message dated 2/12/99 8:48:40 AM Central Standard Time, >writes: > ><< >We ALL live on the same planet. > >> >Does anyone else think the KLRs brakes and supension suck? > ------------------------------ End of klr650-digest V2 #32 ***************************