From: (klr650-digest) To: Subject: klr650-digest V2 #1036 Reply-To: klr650 Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk klr650-digest Tuesday, October 19 1999 Volume 02 : Number 1036 Re: (klr650) rear end bottomming Re: (klr650) Service Horror (klr650) KLR600 stoppage woes. "Bugger". Re: (klr650) Service Horror NKLR (klr650) Safety Gear Re: (klr650) Service Horror NKLR Re: (klr650) CAM BEARING SURFACE, UH-OH NKLR (klr650) (KLR650)Air Box Mods (klr650) XT250 sprocket NKLR (klr650) Planning "first" road trip with "Grunt" Re: (klr650) Service Horror NKLR Re: (klr650) Planning "first" road trip with "Grunt" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 08:04:35 -0600 From: "Verle Nelson" Subject: Re: (klr650) rear end bottomming Subject: Re: (klr650) rear end bottomming > Toby Link wrote: > >I'd like to survey the list to see what sort noise is appropriate when a > >KLR650 swingarm bottoms.... > > Bob Kaub responded: > The bottom of the muffler hits the swingarm and bottom seam of the muffler > cuts through the plastic retainer for the rear brake line. > Fortunately, the cut is on the "safe" side of the screw attaching the > plastic retainer and the retainer does not fall off....> Bob: Thank you for that information. I hadn't "bottomed" my suspension until recently and when I did, I didn't "recognize" the sound. I was thinking about disconnecting my lower links and checking it out. After I read your post I looked and the plastic brake line holder was, indeed, cut nearly through. Good rationalization for an aftermarket exhaust, I guess. Verle Nelson KLR650 A13 Cedaredge, CO Visit the KLR650 archives at Subscribe to Dual Sport News...write to for info. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 17:26:06 +0100 From: Subject: Re: (klr650) Service Horror Message is sent with MIME. Attachments are base64 encoded - --TFS-with-MIME-and-DIME Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable =20 )=2E If I am having the dealer do some of the service, I pay the $65 per=20 )hour and don't ask if can I get a discount because I bought my bike here=2E= =20 )What do I get in return? Tom=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E OK=2E=2E=2Ei agree with"yooos gets what u pay for"=2E But I was paying the equivalent to USD65 and not getting the correct=20 service=2E All my garage did was change the oil and filter, tighten up the slack in th= e=20 throttle and clutch cable and "check" the operation of the bike=2E 'Cos ive been running on synthetic from 5k the first thing I did after the=20 service was change the oil back to synth=2E So what does this amount to for me?? One and a half's hours labour cost to adjust two cables=2E=2E=2Eand a quick= look=20 over=2E=2E=2E=2E=2Ewow=2E Thanks but no thanks=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E Richard D '98KLR650 C3 24k =20 =20 ********************************************************************** This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and=20 intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they =20 are addressed=2E If you have received this email in error please notify=20 the system manager=2E This footnote also confirms that this email message has been swept by=20 MIMEsweeper for the presence of computer viruses=2E www=2Emimesweeper=2Ecom ********************************************************************** - --TFS-with-MIME-and-DIME Content-Type: TEXT/RTF; name="MSGCC.RTF" Content-transfer-encoding: base64 e1xydGYxXGFuc2kgXGRlZmYwXGRlZmxhbmcxMDI0e1xmb250dGJse1xmMFxm cm9tYW4gVG1zIFJtbjt9e1xmMVxmcm9tYW4gU3ltYm9sO317XGYyXGZzd2lz cyBIZWx2O319DQp7XGNvbG9ydGJsO1xyZWQwXGdyZWVuMFxibHVlMTI3O1xy ZWQwXGdyZWVuMTI3XGJsdWUwO1xyZWQwXGdyZWVuMTI3XGJsdWUxMjc7XHJl ZDEyN1xncmVlbjBcYmx1ZTA7DQpccmVkMTI3XGdyZWVuMFxibHVlMTI3O1xy ZWQxMjdcZ3JlZW4xMjdcYmx1ZTA7XHJlZDEyN1xncmVlbjEyN1xibHVlMTI3 OztccmVkMFxncmVlbjBcYmx1ZTI1NTsNClxyZWQwXGdyZWVuMjU1XGJsdWUw O1xyZWQwXGdyZWVuMjU1XGJsdWUyNTU7XHJlZDI1NVxncmVlbjBcYmx1ZTA7 XHJlZDI1NVxncmVlbjBcYmx1ZTI1NTsNClxyZWQyNTVcZ3JlZW4yNTVcYmx1 ZTA7XHJlZDI1NVxncmVlbjI1NVxibHVlMjU1O31ccGFwZXJ3MTIyNDBccGFw ZXJoMTU4NDBcbWFyZ2wxODAwXG1hcmdyMTgwMFxtYXJndDE0NDBcbWFyZ2Ix NDQwDQpcZ3V0dGVyMCBcZGVmZm9ybWF0XHNlY3RkIFxwYXJkXHBsYWluIHtc cGxhaW4gXGYwIFxjYjcgXGNmMCAgICAgIFwKKS4gIElmICBJIGFtIGhhdmlu ZyB0aGUgZGVhbGVyIGRvIHNvbWUgb2YgdGhlIHNlcnZpY2UsIEkgcGF5IHRo ZSAkNjUgcGVyIFwKKWhvdXIgYW5kIGRvbid0IGFzayBpZiBjYW4gSSBnZXQg YSBkaXNjb3VudCBiZWNhdXNlIEkgYm91Z2h0IG15IGJpa2UgaGVyZS4gXAop V2hhdCBkbyBJIGdldCBpbiByZXR1cm4/XApcClRvbS4uLi4uXApcCk9LLi4u aSBhZ3JlZSB3aXRoInlvb29zIGdldHMgd2hhdCB1IHBheSBmb3IiLlwKXApC dXQgSSB3YXMgcGF5aW5nIHRoZSBlcXVpdmFsZW50IHRvIFVTRDY1IGFuZCBu b3QgZ2V0dGluZyB0aGUgY29ycmVjdCBcCnNlcnZpY2UuXApcCkFsbCBteSBn YXJhZ2UgZGlkIHdhcyBjaGFuZ2UgdGhlIG9pbCBhbmQgZmlsdGVyLCB0aWdo dGVuIHVwIHRoZSBzbGFjayBpbiB0aGUgXAp0aHJvdHRsZSBhbmQgY2x1dGNo IGNhYmxlIGFuZCAiY2hlY2siIHRoZSBvcGVyYXRpb24gb2YgdGhlIGJpa2Uu XApcCidDb3MgaXZlIGJlZW4gcnVubmluZyBvbiBzeW50aGV0aWMgZnJvbSA1 ayB0aGUgZmlyc3QgdGhpbmcgSSBkaWQgYWZ0ZXIgdGhlIFwKc2VydmljZSB3 YXMgY2hhbmdlIHRoZSBvaWwgYmFjayB0byBzeW50aC5cClwKU28gd2hhdCBk b2VzIHRoaXMgYW1vdW50IHRvIGZvciBtZT8/XApcCk9uZSBhbmQgYSBoYWxm J3MgaG91cnMgbGFib3VyIGNvc3QgdG8gYWRqdXN0IHR3byBjYWJsZXMuLi5h bmQgYSBxdWljayBsb29rIFwKb3Zlci4uLi4ud293LlwKXApUaGFua3MgYnV0 IG5vIHRoYW5rcy4uLi4uLlwKXApSaWNoYXJkIERcCic5OEtMUjY1MCBDMyAy NGtcClwKICAgICBcCiAgICAgXAoqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioq KioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioq XApUaGlzIGVtYWlsIGFuZCBhbnkgZmlsZXMgdHJhbnNtaXR0ZWQgd2l0aCBp dCBhcmUgY29uZmlkZW50aWFsIGFuZCBcCmludGVuZGVkIHNvbGVseSBmb3Ig dGhlIHVzZSBvZiB0aGUgaW5kaXZpZHVhbCBvciBlbnRpdHkgdG8gd2hvbSB0 aGV5ICAgXAphcmUgYWRkcmVzc2VkLiBJZiB5b3UgaGF2ZSByZWNlaXZlZCB0 aGlzIGVtYWlsIGluIGVycm9yIHBsZWFzZSBub3RpZnkgXAp0aGUgc3lzdGVt IG1hbmFnZXIuXApcClRoaXMgZm9vdG5vdGUgYWxzbyBjb25maXJtcyB0aGF0 IHRoaXMgZW1haWwgbWVzc2FnZSBoYXMgYmVlbiBzd2VwdCBieSBcCk1JTUVz d2VlcGVyIGZvciB0aGUgcHJlc2VuY2Ugb2YgY29tcHV0ZXIgdmlydXNlcy5c ClwKd3d3Lm1pbWVzd2VlcGVyLmNvbVwKKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioq KioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioq KioqKlwKXHBhciB9fQ== - --TFS-with-MIME-and-DIME-- Visit the KLR650 archives at Subscribe to Dual Sport News...write to for info. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 01:30:15 +1000 From: Ted Palmer Subject: (klr650) KLR600 stoppage woes. "Bugger". Ok, for those who came in late, the bike made some noises, stopped, and I had it towed home. I've pulled the cam cover off and the cam timing looks close enough. It's not real good, but close. Actually, the cam timing raises some interesting questions. The crank is right on the "T" mark, the intake cam is lined perfectly, but the exhaust cam is retarded by about 1/2 to 2/3 of a tooth. With a stretched camchain, I would expect both cams to be a bit retarded, the intake a bit more than the exhaust, but this is not the case. With my crude remaining-tensioner-travel test, there is only about 2 to 3mm travel remaining, not much. I also noticed that the tensioner is like the one in the base manual, not the ratchet one that the B-series manual shows as the KLR650C1 manual does. So it seems that the dealer that changed my tensioner last time (due to an alleged tensioner failure) did not use the later and supposedly improved version of tensioner. I'll check the camchain book spec length later and report back. While the lid is off, I waved a feeler at the valves. The exhausts are about 2.5thou and the intakes a bit less. I'll get a good metric feeler tomorrow and get a bit more precise. My present feeler gauge is imperial but does have a metric figure on each blade as well. Either way, the gaps are pretty small, but it didn't hurt the performance, umm, when it ran. The spark plug was dry and the right colour, although it did have a build up of deposits which clean up easily. As I couldn't find anything in the top end that would stop the bike dead, I pulled off the alternator cover. It seems I have an electrical problem. One of the 3 allen-head bolts that hold the one-way clutch onto the rotor had decided to lose its head and mangled the stator somwhat. Bits of copper wire and insulation flakes and metal bits are floating around in there. The majority of the flakes managed to stay in the stator case so a clean up should be simple. The rotor is scraped a bit on the inside, the bolt head is still stuck to it, but the magnets look ok. The other bolt heads look like they've been in contact as well but since things are a little chewed up it's hard to tell what went first. I suppose it's possible that excessive end float on the crank allowed the crank to shift over far enough for the clutch bolts to contact the stator, or maybe the clutch bolt unscrewed and took the stator out. As the last major work I did on the bike was change the stator clutch, it looks like I might have brought this problem on. Bugger. I have some film in the camera so I'll take some pics of the damage if someone wants the scans up on somebody's site. Either way, the ignition pick up looks untouched so I don't know why I lost power. Maybe the stator grounding did in a fuse? I still had lights, neutral light and starter motor. It looks like I'll be in for a stator at least. Ah well, now I can measure the ignition trigger tabs on the rotor to see if they're 30 degrees apart... Mister_T Visit the KLR650 archives at Subscribe to Dual Sport News...write to for info. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 11:43:53 EDT From: Subject: Re: (klr650) Service Horror NKLR In a message dated 10/19/99 5:00:19 AM, writes: >I probably spend a thousand bucks more in the purchase price and tips, >and paying more for service. But I have never had a serious problem at >a financially successful motorcycle dealership. (Read Financially >Successful). This must be where I have failed in the past. I tried everything short of blowing the service manager to get the job done right, but I never asked to read my dealer's financial statement to determine his level of financial success. Next time I will schedule an appointment with his accountant before bringing my bike in. Thank you for the tip. dawn - living in a parallel universe where the prophets profit Visit the KLR650 archives at Subscribe to Dual Sport News...write to for info. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 12:00:11 EDT From: Subject: (klr650) Safety Gear Anyone have/had a Motoport Canyon Jacket and Pant (advertised as "best" dual spot suit made) Any Pro's or Con's welcome..also any other brand? I live in Texas and need something to wear in the summer heat as well as rest of year. Thanks in advance. Steve Y2KLR650 Semper Fi Visit the KLR650 archives at Subscribe to Dual Sport News...write to for info. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 12:28:23 -0400 From: Mark Subject: Re: (klr650) Service Horror NKLR ROTFLAPMP Mark B2 A2 At 11:43 AM -0400 10/19/99, wrote: >In a message dated 10/19/99 5:00:19 AM, writes: > >>I probably spend a thousand bucks more in the purchase price and tips, >>and paying more for service. But I have never had a serious problem at >>a financially successful motorcycle dealership. (Read Financially >>Successful). > > >This must be where I have failed in the past. I tried everything short >of blowing the service manager to get the job done right, but I never >asked to read my dealer's financial statement to determine his level >of financial success. Next time I will schedule an appointment with >his accountant before bringing my bike in. Thank you for the tip. > >dawn - living in a parallel universe where the prophets profit Visit the KLR650 archives at Subscribe to Dual Sport News...write to for info. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 10:15:27 -0700 From: "Jeff & Lisa Walker" Subject: Re: (klr650) CAM BEARING SURFACE, UH-OH NKLR > Gone are the days of Z900s with their individual, replacable cam > bearing shells. > I believe that the Honda RFVC heads on XR and XL 600's and on the XR650L has replaceable bearings on the cams. As a matter of fact, I think that they are roller bearings. Saw a good movie last night, Jean Claude Van-Daams "Hard Target", the bad guys were riding all black XL600s. I really loved that bike. Kinda wished I had one for my local playing around, and the KLR for road trips. Too bad that the tank on them is too small. Jeff Visit the KLR650 archives at Subscribe to Dual Sport News...write to for info. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 10:16:47 -0700 From: "Rev. Chuck" Subject: (klr650) (KLR650)Air Box Mods Two months ago I put 4-1" holes in my air box cover to breath better. I found I really liked the new sound, and bottom end performance came up. BUT, midrange suffered due to surging. I found out I needed to get more gas into the engine with carb mods: needle shimming, etc. So, I opted to close the holes and avoid creating a possible chain of negative events stemming from carby-hacking. Now I am back into the quite zone, with very little performance change, other than the lack of "lean surge". Think before you drill. Heh, heh, heh... Choked-up and loving it! - --- Rev. Chuck :^)>+ KLR650 '99 Thousands of smiles, and barely broke in... ******************************************* For your FREE Web-based e-mail, go to: Visit the KLR650 archives at Subscribe to Dual Sport News...write to for info. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 12:42:03 -0500 From: Bob Botha Subject: (klr650) XT250 sprocket NKLR A friend of mine is looking for a larger front sprocket for his Yamaha XT250 - 1981 model. Can someone give me some ideas? Thanks, Bob Visit the KLR650 archives at Subscribe to Dual Sport News...write to for info. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 13:45:27 EDT From: Subject: (klr650) Planning "first" road trip with "Grunt" I am planning my first long trip with my new KLR and want to head to the "Four Corners" area.....any and ALL info,advice welcome from where to stay to what to carry with me....I will be camping where I can, mixed with few motel stops.....maybe take a week or so. Thanks in advance Steve C Dallas, TX Y2KLR650 "Grunt" Semper Fi ! Visit the KLR650 archives at Subscribe to Dual Sport News...write to for info. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 11:48:17 -0600 From: "Kurt Simpson" Subject: Re: (klr650) Service Horror NKLR > This must be where I have failed in the past. I tried everything short > of blowing the service manager to get the job done right, but I never > asked to read my dealer's financial statement to determine his level > of financial success. Next time I will schedule an appointment with > his accountant before bringing my bike in. Thank you for the tip. Dawn...please keep it civil here...(g) Kurt Visit the KLR650 archives at Subscribe to Dual Sport News...write to for info. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 11:59:31 -0600 From: "Fred Hink" Subject: Re: (klr650) Planning "first" road trip with "Grunt" - ----- Original Message ----- From: To: Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 1999 11:45 AM Subject: (klr650) Planning "first" road trip with "Grunt" > I am planning my first long trip with my new KLR and want to head to the > "Four Corners" area.....any and ALL info,advice welcome from where to stay to > what to carry with me....I will be camping where I can, mixed with few motel > stops.....maybe take a week or so. > Thanks in advance > > > Steve C > Dallas, TX > Y2KLR650 "Grunt" > Semper Fi ! Hi Steve, If you make it to Moab, Utah you won't be sorry. Look me up if you get here. Fred Hink XR650L List Administrator Subscribe at Visit the KLR650 archives at Subscribe to Dual Sport News...write to for info. ------------------------------ End of klr650-digest V2 #1036 *****************************