From: (klr650-digest) To: Subject: klr650-digest V2 #1229 Reply-To: klr650 Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk klr650-digest Wednesday, December 15 1999 Volume 02 : Number 1229 Re: (klr650) To ARNE (nklr) Re: (klr650) YEEEEHHHAAAAWWWWW (klr650) Absolutely KLR. I say we vote on it. Re: (klr650) Absolutely KLR. I say we vote on it. Re: (klr650) Absolutely KLR. I say we vote on it. Re: (klr650) Absolutely KLR. I say we vote on it. (klr650) NKLR-List format -NKLR (klr650) RE: Valve adjusts Re: (klr650) NKLR-List format -NKLR (klr650) (KLR 650) Break-in (klr650) Re: Bags, bags, bags (and Florida prices) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 14 Dec 1999 22:55:37 -0800 From: "Arne Larsen" Subject: Re: (klr650) To ARNE (nklr) - ----- Original Message ----- From: Mark Subject: (klr650) To ARNE > Herr Listmeister, > Anyway, I propose a universal tag to help the faint-of-heart filter these > messages out. How does "HBI", as in 'Hot Button Issue', or something like > that in the subject line sound? I really appreciate the input Mark, but this has been suggested before, and I have discussed the matter with a few people (and mainly Kurt Simpson who started this list). We came to the conclusion that the simpler things are, the easier it is to remember. While there are a core group of people who never leave the list, there are hundreds of people during the course of the year who come and go. More filter que's would just make things even more confusing. > As one who enjoys the land/environmentalism/gun/politics/etc debates, I > must admit that they do get beaten into the ground sometimes. However, I > strongly beleive they are an important facet of this list. I really like Vik's idea of the seperate list. In total, your list (e-mail) traffic would not increase as the message that might have been posted on the klr list in the past, would just be steered to the other list. An initial NKLR land use post could still be posted on the klr list, kind of as a means of saying, "Hey everyone... we're having a good discussion about "whatever" on the Motorcycle Related Political Issue List, where the bulk of the discussion surrounding that post would carry on. This idea of Vik's opens the door for a much better discussion as everyone who is there will be into it. There will be no hesitation to post things that in the past were frowned upon by some on the KLR650 list. The info again, for those of you who missed it... Community email addresses: Post message: Subscribe: Unsubscribe: List owner: Shortcut URL to this page: I know someone will use the anaolgy that all you are doing is preaching to the congregation, but that is simply not the case. People will go there who are interested in learning more about these issues, and there will be educated people there who can contribute. People will flock to this list from the KLR650 list, the DR350 list, and the motorcycle Adventure Touring list. Before you know it it will be a thriving list unto itself. "If you build it they will come"... Cheers, Arne KLR650 Listmeister Eh 13 MAC-D Homepage Visit the KLR650 archives at Subscribe to Dual Sport News...write to for info. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 15 Dec 1999 03:41:48 -0500 From: "Mark Wilson" Subject: Re: (klr650) YEEEEHHHAAAAWWWWW Hey Steve, congratulations on your new ride. Just wait till spring and summer. It sounds like you got a good deal too. Mark Wilson KLR-650 A-13 " Warthogg" Stone Mountain, Ga. > Got the KLR today!!! This sucker really can't be legal ... I left the dealer > about 5pm > in the rain and the below 40 temps and STILL had a ball. Once I rolled up 25 > miles > on the clock it was time to get it dirty. Took it through the fields on a > farm and > squished around for an hour or so in the slop and even got a little air ... > watch the > landings when it's slick as snot! > I ordered all the optional luggage but made the mistake of getting Kawi side > racks > instead of the Happy Trails? that I've seen mentioned here. I think I did > pretty good on the price and if anyone is interested, I got the bike, > tankbag, tailpack, saddlebags and side racks for 5,040 dollars out the door > at Honda - Kawasaki - Yamaha of Middletown in Ohio. > > Steve in Cincy ... sleeping in the garage tonight! Visit the KLR650 archives at Subscribe to Dual Sport News...write to for info. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 15 Dec 1999 04:47:42 -0500 From: "Steamroller" Subject: (klr650) Absolutely KLR. I say we vote on it. First, I post this, this way, so as to afford an opportunity to those of us using filters to decide. How about a vote of everyone interested enough on this list, regulars and current "visitors" as to what shall be "acceptable" content. The Listmeisters, past and present, probably have a good idea of who's who. I, myself, know personally, several of the members of this list, and am confident as to the tally. I should think that the present subscribers would represent as random and broad a slice of the literati even interested in this model of machine, as possible. So I propose the following question: Should posting to this list be specifically restricted to the actual machine itself. Or should they be open to any general topic of interest to those whose PRIMARY interest is this machine. My vote is to keep this list open to any topic that I think might be of interest to the friends, and admirers of this particular machine. And if people leave because they are either intolerant of other people or have a disability concerning their "DELETE" key, they are most probably not interested in the long-term anyway, just here to gleen off the cream and not participate and/or contribute to the larger scheme of things. Just my humble opinion, NY Pete. Visit the KLR650 archives at Subscribe to Dual Sport News...write to for info. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 15 Dec 1999 05:06:52 -0500 From: "Mark Wilson" Subject: Re: (klr650) Absolutely KLR. I say we vote on it. > And if people leave because they are either intolerant of other people or > have a disability concerning their "DELETE" key, they are most probably not > interested in the long-term anyway, just here to gleen off the cream and not > participate and/or > contribute to the larger scheme of things. > > Just my humble opinion, NY Pete. Hi Pete, If your refering to the land use issue, since it is kinda a seperate topic, and generate alot of post that alot of people on this list arent interested in, there is a brand spanking new list Community email addresses: Post message: Subscribe: Unsubscribe: List owner: go there and sign up. I did. Mark Wilson KLR-650 A-13 " Warthogg" Stone Mountain, Ga. Visit the KLR650 archives at Subscribe to Dual Sport News...write to for info. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 15 Dec 1999 03:04:52 -0800 From: "Arne Larsen" Subject: Re: (klr650) Absolutely KLR. I say we vote on it. - ----- Original Message ----- From: Steamroller Subject: (klr650) Absolutely KLR. I say we vote on it. > Should posting to this list be specifically restricted to > the actual machine itself. Or should they be open to any general topic of > interest to those whose PRIMARY interest is this machine. Warning... this is long: The KLR650 list will stay as is. Standard posts will be KLR specific, with no need for the poster to add anything to the subject line. Posts that have little or nothing to do with the motorcycle itself will have "nklr" in the subject line. This will allow people to filter their mail. This format is the KLR list that Kurt Simpson (our former Listmeister) began. This format is the one in which I agreed to continue on his behalf. If this format continues, I will continue... simple. If the list evolves into something that I am not interested in Administrating, then I most likely won't do it. This is not a threat, so please don't freak out... I'm just saying that I would not be interested in a different list at this point in my life. My interests lie with the KLR650 list. Evolution and change are a natural part of everything, and I will not discourage that, rather I would like to see growth. When a few people on this list started adding DR350's to their quivers, rather than talk about them on this list, Kurt began the DR350 list... When more and more people became interested on motorcycle touring on a global-type scale, Vik started the Combat Touring list. Unbeknownst to him, this was an Aerostitch trademark name, so after they called him and advised him that they had their lawyers preparing a law suit against him, he changed the name to Motorcycle Adventure Touring... Now that there has shown a real need for in-depth discussion on land use issues and the politics involved in addressing them, Vik has started a new list for those interested in pursuing that. I am currently subscribed to all three. I don't know what the next issue or item will be... but when it comes along, if there's enough interest, a new list can be started for that... I have gotten so frustrated as of late (because I get the heat for it), when some people simply refuse to understand that this is a KLR650 list. When we discuss motorcycles, all I have to do is handle the administrative tasks like subbing, unsubbing, bounced messages, troubleshooting... and that's cool. This is what I signed on for. At times it becomes arduous, but because I considered this a reasonable trade-off, if it meant that this excellent list could continue, I accepted the responsibility with very little reservation. But... When we get caught up in political issues, the job description changes drastically. I get private e-mail all the time from different people who accuse me of being an asshole... of being self-important... of saying that I think their issues are not important... you should unsub him, he's a jerk... Yes folks, this is what it means to be the Listmeister of this list. I may be an asshole on occasion, but I'm not self-important - and I certainly NEVER think that another person's issue is not important. All I have said is that certain things are not appropriate to what THIS list is designed for... which is saying another thing entirely. You know what folks? Everything is important to somebody!!! Everything effects somebody!!! (No I'm not yelling... I'm just stressing a point)... =^) I know by saying this I have angered and disappointed some of you... At the same time, there will be others who think I'm the greatest guy in the world. Think what you like... I learned a long time ago that it's difficult to please everyone all at the same time. As we are a body of 450 listers, this would be impossible. Let's talk KLR's shall we? Skip! How's that lean/rich adjuster coming? Cheers, Arne KLR650 Listmeister Eh 13 MAC-D Homepage Visit the KLR650 archives at Subscribe to Dual Sport News...write to for info. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 15 Dec 1999 06:11:27 -0500 From: "Mark Wilson" Subject: Re: (klr650) Absolutely KLR. I say we vote on it. Thanks Arne and Vic, what would we do without you? Mark (still waiting for DSN) .. At the > same time, there will be others who think I'm the greatest guy in the world. > Think what you like... I learned a long time ago that it's difficult to > please everyone all at the same time. As we are a body of 450 listers, this > would be impossible. > > Let's talk KLR's shall we? Skip! How's that lean/rich adjuster coming? > > Cheers, > > Arne > KLR650 Listmeister > Eh 13 > > MAC-D Homepage > Visit the KLR650 archives at Subscribe to Dual Sport News...write to for info. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 15 Dec 1999 06:46:04 EST From: Subject: (klr650) NKLR-List format -NKLR Arne, etal. Have stayed out of the land closure discussion on the list, however I think we have spent much more time and space amongst ourselves that could have been better used writing our representatives. I was made aware of the land closure issue through the American Motorcyclist Association of which I am a Life Member. And I had already written several letters to various offices before this issue hit the list. The AMA is an organized and well funded forum that has a political division to oversee all government activities that effect all motorcyclists. A suggestion to all on the list, join the AMA if you aren't already a member. The more members, the more clout they have at all levels of government and let us get back to helping me, a 65 year old, fat man get to Alaska and Arctic Circle in 2000. Thanks Jim-A13-Cocoa Visit the KLR650 archives at Subscribe to Dual Sport News...write to for info. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 15 Dec 1999 05:49:52 -0600 From: (Chesley, Andrus) Subject: (klr650) RE: Valve adjusts Wondering about valve adjustments and just thinking.. Has anyone every tried the old Suzuki Valve compressor on a KLR? I used to have a Suzuki Shim set and it was not a problem to just put the lobes in the right spot, slip the tool in there and compress the valve and get the shim out with tweezers/magnet/etc. and slip another in place. - -- Cheers and Best Regards Andy Chesley @ 56 and ticking Jennings, La. 97 R11RA, 97 DR350SE , '00 KLR "So Many Roads, So Little Time" http://members/ Visit the KLR650 archives at Subscribe to Dual Sport News...write to for info. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 15 Dec 1999 08:30:04 -0500 From: Stuart Heaslet Subject: Re: (klr650) NKLR-List format -NKLR At 06:46 AM 12/15/99 -0500, wrote: > let us get back to helping me, a 65 >year old, fat man get to Alaska and Arctic Circle in 2000. Thanks Yeeeehawwww! This is the way the List outa be! Fireball Visit the KLR650 archives at Subscribe to Dual Sport News...write to for info. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 15 Dec 1999 07:25:26 -0600 From: Larry & Mary Jayne Smith Subject: (klr650) (KLR 650) Break-in I'm new to the list and new to the KLR 650. I have 300 miles on an A-14 at this point. The head mechanic at the dealership where I bought it says that I should bring it in at 800-1000 miles instead of the 500 suggested by Kawasaki. He also says that valve adjustment would only be necessary if it sounded like they needed it. Does this sound reasonable to you experienced KLR folks? I don't want to spend money unnecessarily, but I don't want to skimp on maintainance. Any feedback would be appreciated. Larry Visit the KLR650 archives at Subscribe to Dual Sport News...write to for info. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 15 Dec 1999 08:41:39 -0500 From: Matthew Danda Subject: (klr650) Re: Bags, bags, bags (and Florida prices) Andy wrote: What kind of price did you get on the new klr-650, hold onto your hat,i got a price of 5700.00, with that he said he took off 400.00 off the top, NOT HAPPY IN PORT ST, LUCIE FL, Andy Matt replies: I live in northern Florida and I also didn't get that superb of a deal on my 97 KLR ($3995 with 440 miles, bought June 1999), and I wonder if the prices are higher in general in the state of Florida. When I visit my folks in Kansas City, I read the papers and see tons of fantastic prices on used motorcycles. In addition, I think the dealers in KC tend to have better sales on bikes. Perhaps the geographic areas that experience winter slowdowns tend to sell bikes at lower prices? Anybody notice this trend? I should buy a used bike in KC over Xmas and drive it back to Florida to sell it for a small profit. - -Matt Visit the KLR650 archives at Subscribe to Dual Sport News...write to for info. ------------------------------ End of klr650-digest V2 #1229 *****************************