From: (klr650-digest) To: Subject: klr650-digest V2 #633 Reply-To: klr650 Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk klr650-digest Wednesday, July 21 1999 Volume 02 : Number 633 Re: (klr650) KLRs on the interstates... Re: (klr650) How" HOT" does your run? (klr650) First Gear Kenya Jacket. (klr650) Re: Noise (klr650) UK Tank Size RE: (klr650) Running Hot Re: (klr650) Running Hot (klr650) Clearview Windshields and Denver Area (klr650) Interstate travel (klr650) NKLR Scanner RE: (klr650) UK Tank Size ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 21 Jul 1999 10:38:42 -0500 From: "Lance" Subject: Re: (klr650) KLRs on the interstates... Bravo!! Bravo!! Bravo!!! Lance Corbit Engineering Technician Gateway Products/Communications 610 Gateway Dr. N. Sioux City, SD 57049-2000 800-846-2042 x27503 - -----Original Message----- From: captwazoo To: 'KLR650 mailing list' Date: Wednesday, July 21, 1999 10:01 AM Subject: (klr650) KLRs on the interstates... >If you find yourself TRAVELING (you know, taking a trip, not running >over to the next town to get drunk) and you find yourself using the >interstate, you are missing the beauty of dual sport. If you want to go >somewhere, go to your local USFS (US Forest Service) and buy the >district and regional maps. Go explore these little known dirt roads and >abandoned hiway sections. If you find that you want to GET somewhere, so >that you can ride Kawalski once you get there, then throw her on the >trailer, or in the back of the truck, and haul her over there. You can >relax in the knowledge that if something happens to Princess K while you >are a jillion miles from home... you have backup, already. The art of >dual sport is to survive and be comfortable with what you have with you >on a motorcycle. > >To subscribe/unsubscribe send message to leave subject blank. >In the body of the message type: subscribe/unsubscribe klr650 (or subscribe/unsubscribe >klr650-digest). > To subscribe/unsubscribe send message to leave subject blank. In the body of the message type: subscribe/unsubscribe klr650 (or subscribe/unsubscribe klr650-digest). ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 21 Jul 1999 9:47:00 -0600 From: "Pokluda, Gino" Subject: Re: (klr650) How" HOT" does your run? >here's my story, and I'm stickin' to it! >last spring I purchased my bike---84 klr600------i was visiting friends out >of state when I came across it. original owner, only 7000 miles. So , I test >ride it [just in the neighborhood], buy it, and make arrangements to pick it >up the next week. >I get it, bring it home, and start to go on :" a little ride". >I notice the temp gauge keeps going up, I feel the rad hose, its still cool, >so I figure thermostat may be sticking. I hate to say this, but I pretty much ignore the temp guage on the KLR. When coming back from Idaho a few years ago, I was going through Utah, between Salt Lake and Moab, in the middle of the summer during the hotest part of the day. My temp needle was pegged on the H, but the bike never faultered, pinged or exhibited any signs of being overheated. I has performed flawless since then. I change coolant every two years. I mechanic that works at the Kawi shop has a KLR600. He damaged his water pump and it leaked all of the coolant out of the bike. He rode it 120 miles back to town, with very little if any coolant. He fixed the pump, filled it up with coolant and has never had to do anything more to the engine since and he still rides the bike daily. Gino To subscribe/unsubscribe send message to leave subject blank. In the body of the message type: subscribe/unsubscribe klr650 (or subscribe/unsubscribe klr650-digest). ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 21 Jul 1999 10:53:14 -0500 From: "Lance" Subject: (klr650) First Gear Kenya Jacket. Anybody got one of these jackets? I am considering this one. I'm tall, 6'5", 260 and want to make sure it'll fit and is a good jacket. From what I have read on the list the FirstGear stuff is very good. Lance Corbit Engineering Technician Gateway Products/Communications 610 Gateway Dr. N. Sioux City, SD 57049-2000 800-846-2042 x27503 To subscribe/unsubscribe send message to leave subject blank. In the body of the message type: subscribe/unsubscribe klr650 (or subscribe/unsubscribe klr650-digest). ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 21 Jul 1999 12:02:55 EDT From: Subject: (klr650) Re: Noise In a message dated 7/21/99 09:41:11 Eastern Daylight Time, writes: << "Loud Pipes Risk Rights, Be Responsible, Be Quiet!" >> To subscribe/unsubscribe send message to leave subject blank. In the body of the message type: subscribe/unsubscribe klr650 (or subscribe/unsubscribe klr650-digest). ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 21 Jul 1999 18:10:15 +0100 From: drainr@TBEUK.COM Subject: (klr650) UK Tank Size Message is sent with MIME. Attachments are base64 encoded - --TFS-with-MIME-and-DIME Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable I found a convertion chart=2E 1 Gallon =3D 4=2E546 litres=2E =20 This works out that the 14=2E5 Litre UK Spec tank is about 3=2E2 Gallo= ns=2E =20 The average fill is about GBP 8=2E50 'cos petrol is=20 GBP 3=2E25 a gallon (Us$5=2E20) which also equates=2E =20 Richard D '98 KLR650 C3 21K ______________________________ Reply Separator ____________________________= _____ Subject: RE: (klr650) Stupid Questions from an Impatient Newbie Author: MIME:Michael=2EWehner@trw=2Ecom at INTERNET Date: 20/07/99 19:28 Hmmmm=2E=2E=2E=2EI get 210 miles on normal, and still have almost 1=2E5 gal= lons left=2E=20 Wonder why the discrepancy? Michael ___________________________________________________=20 Original Message: =20 From: drainr@TBEUK=2ECOM [mailto:drainr@TBEUK=2ECOM]=20 Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 1999 3:52 AM Oh=2E=2Eand by the way=2E=2E=2Eno fuel gauge either=2E I get 135-140 m= iles on=20 normal and ive gone 28 miles on reserve with fuel still left in the=20 tank=2E Richard D '98 KLR650 C3 21k =20 ********************************************************************** This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and=20 intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they =20 are addressed=2E If you have received this email in error please notify=20 the system manager=2E This footnote also confirms that this email message has been swept for the presence of computer viruses=2E Tokai Bank Europe plc ********************************************************************** - --TFS-with-MIME-and-DIME Content-Type: TEXT/RTF; name="MSGCC.RTF" Content-transfer-encoding: base64 e1xydGYxXGFuc2kgXGRlZmYwXGRlZmxhbmcxMDI0e1xmb250dGJse1xmMFxm cm9tYW4gVG1zIFJtbjt9e1xmMVxmcm9tYW4gU3ltYm9sO317XGYyXGZzd2lz cyBIZWx2O319DQp7XGNvbG9ydGJsO1xyZWQwXGdyZWVuMFxibHVlMTI3O1xy ZWQwXGdyZWVuMTI3XGJsdWUwO1xyZWQwXGdyZWVuMTI3XGJsdWUxMjc7XHJl ZDEyN1xncmVlbjBcYmx1ZTA7DQpccmVkMTI3XGdyZWVuMFxibHVlMTI3O1xy ZWQxMjdcZ3JlZW4xMjdcYmx1ZTA7XHJlZDEyN1xncmVlbjEyN1xibHVlMTI3 OztccmVkMFxncmVlbjBcYmx1ZTI1NTsNClxyZWQwXGdyZWVuMjU1XGJsdWUw O1xyZWQwXGdyZWVuMjU1XGJsdWUyNTU7XHJlZDI1NVxncmVlbjBcYmx1ZTA7 XHJlZDI1NVxncmVlbjBcYmx1ZTI1NTsNClxyZWQyNTVcZ3JlZW4yNTVcYmx1 ZTA7XHJlZDI1NVxncmVlbjI1NVxibHVlMjU1O31ccGFwZXJ3MTIyNDBccGFw ZXJoMTU4NDBcbWFyZ2wxODAwXG1hcmdyMTgwMFxtYXJndDE0NDBcbWFyZ2Ix NDQwDQpcZ3V0dGVyMCBcZGVmZm9ybWF0XHNlY3RkIFxwYXJkXHBsYWluIHtc cGxhaW4gXGYwIFxjYjcgXGNmMCAgICAgIEkgZm91bmQgYSBjb252ZXJ0aW9u IGNoYXJ0LiAxIEdhbGxvbiA9IDQuNTQ2IGxpdHJlcy5cCiAgICAgXAogICAg IFRoaXMgd29ya3Mgb3V0IHRoYXQgdGhlIDE0LjUgTGl0cmUgVUsgU3BlYyB0 YW5rIGlzIGFib3V0IDMuMiBHYWxsb25zLlwKICAgICBcCiAgICAgVGhlIGF2 ZXJhZ2UgZmlsbCBpcyBhYm91dCBHQlAgOC41MCAnY29zIHBldHJvbCBpcyBc CiAgICAgR0JQIDMuMjUgYSBnYWxsb24gKFVzJDUuMjApIHdoaWNoIGFsc28g ZXF1YXRlcy5cCiAgICAgXAogICAgIFJpY2hhcmQgRFwKICAgICAnOTggS0xS NjUwIEMzIDIxS1wKXApfX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX18g UmVwbHkgU2VwYXJhdG9yIF9fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19f X19fX1wKU3ViamVjdDogUkU6IChrbHI2NTApIFN0dXBpZCBRdWVzdGlvbnMg ZnJvbSBhbiBJbXBhdGllbnQgTmV3YmllXApBdXRob3I6ICBNSU1FOk1pY2hh ZWwuV2VobmVyQHRydy5jb20gYXQgSU5URVJORVRcCkRhdGU6ICAgIDIwLzA3 Lzk5IDE5OjI4XApcClwKSG1tbW0uLi4uSSBnZXQgMjEwIG1pbGVzIG9uIG5v cm1hbCwgYW5kIHN0aWxsIGhhdmUgYWxtb3N0IDEuNSBnYWxsb25zIGxlZnQu IFwKV29uZGVyIHdoeSB0aGUgZGlzY3JlcGFuY3k/XApNaWNoYWVsXApfX19f X19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19f X18gXApPcmlnaW5hbCBNZXNzYWdlOlwKICAgICBcCkZyb206IGRyYWluckBU QkVVSy5DT00gW21haWx0bzpkcmFpbnJAVEJFVUsuQ09NXSBcClNlbnQ6IFR1 ZXNkYXksIEp1bHkgMjAsIDE5OTkgMzo1MiBBTVwKICAgICBPaC4uYW5kIGJ5 IHRoZSB3YXkuLi5ubyBmdWVsIGdhdWdlIGVpdGhlci4gSSBnZXQgMTM1LTE0 MCBtaWxlcyBvbiBcCiAgICAgbm9ybWFsIGFuZCBpdmUgZ29uZSAyOCBtaWxl cyBvbiByZXNlcnZlIHdpdGggZnVlbCBzdGlsbCBsZWZ0IGluIHRoZSBcCiAg ICAgdGFuay5cCiAgICAgUmljaGFyZCBEXAogICAgICc5OCBLTFI2NTAgQzMg MjFrXAogICAgIFwKKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioq KioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKlwKVGhpcyBl bWFpbCBhbmQgYW55IGZpbGVzIHRyYW5zbWl0dGVkIHdpdGggaXQgYXJlIGNv bmZpZGVudGlhbCBhbmQgXAppbnRlbmRlZCBzb2xlbHkgZm9yIHRoZSB1c2Ug b2YgdGhlIGluZGl2aWR1YWwgb3IgZW50aXR5IHRvIHdob20gdGhleSAgIFwK YXJlIGFkZHJlc3NlZC4gSWYgeW91IGhhdmUgcmVjZWl2ZWQgdGhpcyBlbWFp bCBpbiBlcnJvciBwbGVhc2Ugbm90aWZ5IFwKdGhlIHN5c3RlbSBtYW5hZ2Vy LlwKXApUaGlzIGZvb3Rub3RlIGFsc28gY29uZmlybXMgdGhhdCB0aGlzIGVt YWlsIG1lc3NhZ2UgaGFzIGJlZW4gc3dlcHRcCmZvciB0aGUgcHJlc2VuY2Ug b2YgY29tcHV0ZXIgdmlydXNlcy5cClwKVG9rYWkgQmFuayBFdXJvcGUgcGxj XAoqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioq KioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqXApccGFyIH19 - --TFS-with-MIME-and-DIME-- To subscribe/unsubscribe send message to leave subject blank. In the body of the message type: subscribe/unsubscribe klr650 (or subscribe/unsubscribe klr650-digest). ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 21 Jul 1999 12:38:18 -0400 From: "john" Subject: RE: (klr650) Running Hot > -----Original Message----- > From: > []On Behalf Of Kurt Simpson d it... Is there > something else I can do to help the KLR stay cool? > > > Like Jeff said, and, whenever possible, I just turn mine off... > > Kurt SAME HERE, reminds me of last year"ON" the New River Gorge Bridge------in West Virginia. two lanes closed --bumper to bumper---gauge ,on the edge of red. [fan running, but gauge still climbing]. I shut her down , unzipped my leather, leaned forward, "and pushed it"[looked more like a surfer going out to catch the 'big one"]. I passed motor homes, other cycles, and even a cop between the right lane and the bridge wall[about 4' section]. the look[s] on their faces was memorable to say the least, as they were trying to figure out my dilemma [we passed each other several times @ snail pace]. legs felt like rubber, but mustered the strength to kick it over [klr-600] on the other side of the bridge , and let the created breeze do the rest. am laughing now, but not then, john > > To subscribe/unsubscribe send message to > leave subject blank. > In the body of the message type: subscribe/unsubscribe klr650 (or > subscribe/unsubscribe > klr650-digest). To subscribe/unsubscribe send message to leave subject blank. In the body of the message type: subscribe/unsubscribe klr650 (or subscribe/unsubscribe klr650-digest). ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 21 Jul 1999 11:57:37 -0500 From: "Brian Schoonveld" Subject: Re: (klr650) Running Hot - - - -> Is there something else I can do to help the KLR stay cool? Try this product ...... ....a racing friend recommended this stuff awhile back. I drained the KLR's radiator, put in a whole bottle of the product, and topped it back up with distilled water ....... I'm not concerned at this point about freeze protection. My fan used to cycle on and off during around town riding ....... now I never see the temp needle go past half way. I noticed cooler temps in my GranPrix GTP as well. Read around Redline's web site ....... has interesting information and comparisons. Brian Schoonveld Indianapolis IN A13 To subscribe/unsubscribe send message to leave subject blank. In the body of the message type: subscribe/unsubscribe klr650 (or subscribe/unsubscribe klr650-digest). ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 21 Jul 1999 13:12:44 -0400 From: Stuart Heaslet Subject: (klr650) Clearview Windshields and Denver Area Clearview Windshields is making me a new shield for the KLR. Since my old shield (from Clearview) broke its lower tabs near each of the two lower fairing bolt holes, they are making a new one out of heavier 3/16 inch stock, in a +11 height, with an extra inch added to each side. There is also some talk of cutting slots to relieve back pressure a la the Clearview ST1100 shield. Clearview is in Bailey, Colorado. They are interested in finding somebody in the area with a KLR to do a test fit. Anybody open to stopping by? Clearview can be reached at or 303.838.0886. Thanks! Stuart To subscribe/unsubscribe send message to leave subject blank. In the body of the message type: subscribe/unsubscribe klr650 (or subscribe/unsubscribe klr650-digest). ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 21 Jul 1999 10:10:45 -0700 From: captwazoo Subject: (klr650) Interstate travel You guys actually have "luggage" attached to your dirt bikes? Wow... To subscribe/unsubscribe send message to leave subject blank. In the body of the message type: subscribe/unsubscribe klr650 (or subscribe/unsubscribe klr650-digest). ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 21 Jul 1999 12:16:19 -0500 From: "Brian Schoonveld" Subject: (klr650) NKLR Scanner - - - - > the software refuses to recognize the scanner I have this problem sometimes .......... try this: (assuming you're running Windows 95,98) Turn on scanner, go to CONTROL PANEL, then SYSTEM, then DEVICE MANGAGER, then SCSI CONTROLLERS ......then highlight your scanner's controller that's probably listed there ......... then hit the REFRESH button. For some reason, I have to go through this process periodically to get my scanner working. Brian Schoonveld Indianapolis IN A13 To subscribe/unsubscribe send message to leave subject blank. In the body of the message type: subscribe/unsubscribe klr650 (or subscribe/unsubscribe klr650-digest). ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 21 Jul 1999 13:22:22 -0400 From: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Juan_Cort=E9s?= Subject: RE: (klr650) UK Tank Size If you use a US Gallon conversion is 3.785 liters, you figures are = different. Regards Juan A12 CHILE - ---------- De: drainr@TBEUK.COM[SMTP:drainr@TBEUK.COM] Enviado el: Mi=E9rcoles 21 de Julio de 1999 01:10 PM Para:;; = Asunto: (klr650) UK Tank Size <> I found a convertion chart. 1 Gallon =3D 4.546 = litres. =20 This works out that the 14.5 Litre UK Spec tank is about 3.2 = Gallons. =20 The average fill is about GBP 8.50 'cos petrol is=20 GBP 3.25 a gallon (Us$5.20) which also equates. =20 Richard D '98 KLR650 C3 21K ______________________________ Reply Separator = _________________________________ Subject: RE: (klr650) Stupid Questions from an Impatient Newbie Author: at INTERNET Date: 20/07/99 19:28 Hmmmm....I get 210 miles on normal, and still have almost 1.5 gallons = left.=20 Wonder why the discrepancy? Michael ___________________________________________________=20 Original Message: =20 From: drainr@TBEUK.COM [mailto:drainr@TBEUK.COM]=20 Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 1999 3:52 AM Oh..and by the fuel gauge either. I get 135-140 miles on=20 normal and ive gone 28 miles on reserve with fuel still left in the = tank. Richard D '98 KLR650 C3 21k =20 ********************************************************************** This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and=20 intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they =20 are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify=20 the system manager. This footnote also confirms that this email message has been swept for the presence of computer viruses. Tokai Bank Europe plc ********************************************************************** To subscribe/unsubscribe send message to leave subject blank. In the body of the message type: subscribe/unsubscribe klr650 (or subscribe/unsubscribe klr650-digest). ------------------------------ End of klr650-digest V2 #633 ****************************