From: (klr650-digest) To: Subject: klr650-digest V2 #640 Reply-To: klr650 Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk klr650-digest Thursday, July 22 1999 Volume 02 : Number 640 Re: (klr650) Interstate Travel again! (klr650) Re: cruise thru traffic (was running hot) Re: (klr650) Re: cruise thru traffic (was running hot) now NKLR Re: (klr650) Re: cruise thru traffic (was running hot) Re: (klr650) Re: cruise thru traffic (was running hot) (klr650) Re: cruise thru traffic (was running hot) Re: (klr650) Re: cruise thru traffic (was running hot) (klr650) Moab (klr650) suspension convention Re: (klr650) KLRs on the interstates...NKLR Re: (klr650) suspension convention RE: (klr650) suspension convention ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 22 Jul 1999 09:41:28 -0400 From: Stuart Heaslet Subject: Re: (klr650) Interstate Travel again! At 09:10 AM 7/22/99 -0400, Steamroller wrote: >Being a truckdriver, I might be able to shed light on why truckers HATE >being tailgated. Believe it or not, in addition to being worried about >themselves they're worried about you. There's nothing like being next to or behind a truck when a big chunk of rubber departs a wheel. It's a very special, puckered sort of feeling. Stuart To subscribe/unsubscribe send message to leave subject blank. In the body of the message type: subscribe/unsubscribe klr650 (or subscribe/unsubscribe klr650-digest). ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 22 Jul 1999 09:52:55 -0400 (EDT) From: dan shaw Subject: (klr650) Re: cruise thru traffic (was running hot) - --- Paul Christenson wrote: > > I thought the idea of having a bike was to cruise > down the middle of > traffic! > > Not all states allow that. is cruising thru the middle of traffic on a mcycle legal anywhere. i assumed it was illegal in all states. there have been many times ive been tempted to do this but havent because i thought it was illegal. dan _________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get your free address at To subscribe/unsubscribe send message to leave subject blank. In the body of the message type: subscribe/unsubscribe klr650 (or subscribe/unsubscribe klr650-digest). ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 22 Jul 1999 10:12:19 -0400 From: Mark Subject: Re: (klr650) Re: cruise thru traffic (was running hot) now NKLR At 9:52 AM -0400 7/22/99, dan shaw wrote: >--- Paul Christenson wrote: >> > I thought the idea of having a bike was to cruise >> down the middle of >> traffic! >> >> Not all states allow that. > >is cruising thru the middle of traffic on a mcycle legal anywhere. i >assumed it was illegal in all states. there have been many times ive >been tempted to do this but havent because i thought it was illegal. That's why I leave the roadway entirely, but tread lightly. The KLR is a dualsport, or "onroad-offroad" motorcycle. I discussed this with a state trooper friend of mine and he said that I would not get a ticket unless I left the road at any place other than a driveway, offramp or intersection, etc. It would be up to the property owner or property administrator to charge trespassing and/or sue for damage done by the bike. Mark B2 A2 To subscribe/unsubscribe send message to leave subject blank. In the body of the message type: subscribe/unsubscribe klr650 (or subscribe/unsubscribe klr650-digest). ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 22 Jul 1999 16:20:40 +0100 From: drainr@TBEUK.COM Subject: Re: (klr650) Re: cruise thru traffic (was running hot) Message is sent with MIME. Attachments are base64 encoded - --TFS-with-MIME-and-DIME Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable In the UK it is legal, though if you were to ride through stationary traffic at say 35 to 40 mph ( as is common for many a m/cycle courier over here), It would normally result in getting either a ticket for dangerous driving, or knocked off by cars changing lanes without looking=2E=2E=2EOuch!=2E This is where the KLR comes into its own=2E The high riding position allows you to look much further ahead=2E I like to see what I'm about to hit!!! Richard D '98 KLR650 C3 21K - --- Paul Christenson wrote: > > I thought the idea of having a bike was to cruise=20 > down the middle of > traffic! >=20 > Not all states allow that=2E =20 is cruising thru the middle of traffic on a mcycle legal anywhere=2E i=20 assumed it was illegal in all states=2E there have been many times ive=20 been tempted to do this but havent because i thought it was illegal=2E =20 dan =20 _____ ********************************************************************** This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and=20 intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they =20 are addressed=2E If you have received this email in error please notify=20 the system manager=2E This footnote also confirms that this email message has been swept for the presence of computer viruses=2E Tokai Bank Europe plc ********************************************************************** - --TFS-with-MIME-and-DIME Content-Type: TEXT/RTF; name="MSGCC.RTF" Content-transfer-encoding: base64 e1xydGYxXGFuc2kgXGRlZmYwXGRlZmxhbmcxMDI0e1xmb250dGJse1xmMFxm cm9tYW4gVG1zIFJtbjt9e1xmMVxmcm9tYW4gU3ltYm9sO317XGYyXGZzd2lz cyBIZWx2O319DQp7XGNvbG9ydGJsO1xyZWQwXGdyZWVuMFxibHVlMTI3O1xy ZWQwXGdyZWVuMTI3XGJsdWUwO1xyZWQwXGdyZWVuMTI3XGJsdWUxMjc7XHJl ZDEyN1xncmVlbjBcYmx1ZTA7DQpccmVkMTI3XGdyZWVuMFxibHVlMTI3O1xy ZWQxMjdcZ3JlZW4xMjdcYmx1ZTA7XHJlZDEyN1xncmVlbjEyN1xibHVlMTI3 OztccmVkMFxncmVlbjBcYmx1ZTI1NTsNClxyZWQwXGdyZWVuMjU1XGJsdWUw O1xyZWQwXGdyZWVuMjU1XGJsdWUyNTU7XHJlZDI1NVxncmVlbjBcYmx1ZTA7 XHJlZDI1NVxncmVlbjBcYmx1ZTI1NTsNClxyZWQyNTVcZ3JlZW4yNTVcYmx1 ZTA7XHJlZDI1NVxncmVlbjI1NVxibHVlMjU1O31ccGFwZXJ3MTIyNDBccGFw ZXJoMTU4NDBcbWFyZ2wxODAwXG1hcmdyMTgwMFxtYXJndDE0NDBcbWFyZ2Ix NDQwDQpcZ3V0dGVyMCBcZGVmZm9ybWF0XHNlY3RkIFxwYXJkXHBsYWluIHtc cGxhaW4gXGYwIFxjYjcgXGNmMCBJbiB0aGUgVUsgaXQgaXMgbGVnYWwsIHRo b3VnaCBpZiB5b3Ugd2VyZSB0byByaWRlIHRocm91Z2hcCnN0YXRpb25hcnkg dHJhZmZpYyBhdCBzYXkgMzUgdG8gNDAgbXBoICggYXMgaXMgY29tbW9uIGZv ciBtYW55IGFcCm0vY3ljbGUgY291cmllciBvdmVyIGhlcmUpLCBJdCB3b3Vs ZCBub3JtYWxseSByZXN1bHQgaW4gZ2V0dGluZ1wKZWl0aGVyIGEgdGlja2V0 IGZvciBkYW5nZXJvdXMgZHJpdmluZywgb3Iga25vY2tlZCBvZmYgYnkgY2Fy c1wKY2hhbmdpbmcgbGFuZXMgd2l0aG91dCBsb29raW5nLi4uT3VjaCEuXApc ClRoaXMgaXMgd2hlcmUgdGhlIEtMUiBjb21lcyBpbnRvIGl0cyBvd24uIFRo ZSBoaWdoIHJpZGluZyBwb3NpdGlvblwKYWxsb3dzIHlvdSB0byBsb29rIG11 Y2ggZnVydGhlciBhaGVhZC5cClwKSSBsaWtlIHRvIHNlZSB3aGF0IEknbSBh Ym91dCB0byBoaXQhISFcClwKUmljaGFyZCBEXAonOTggS0xSNjUwIEMzIDIx S1wKXAotLS0gUGF1bCBDaHJpc3RlbnNvbiA8bjNlb3BAaG90bWFpbC5jb20+ IHdyb3RlOlwKPiA+IEkgdGhvdWdodCB0aGUgaWRlYSBvZiBoYXZpbmcgYSBi aWtlIHdhcyB0byBjcnVpc2UgXAo+IGRvd24gdGhlIG1pZGRsZSBvZlwKPiB0 cmFmZmljIVwKPiBcCj4gTm90IGFsbCBzdGF0ZXMgYWxsb3cgdGhhdC5cCiAg ICAgXAppcyBjcnVpc2luZyB0aHJ1IHRoZSBtaWRkbGUgb2YgdHJhZmZpYyBv biBhIG1jeWNsZSBsZWdhbCBhbnl3aGVyZS4gaSBcCmFzc3VtZWQgaXQgd2Fz IGlsbGVnYWwgaW4gYWxsIHN0YXRlcy4gdGhlcmUgaGF2ZSBiZWVuIG1hbnkg dGltZXMgaXZlIFwKYmVlbiB0ZW1wdGVkIHRvIGRvIHRoaXMgYnV0IGhhdmVu dCBiZWNhdXNlIGkgdGhvdWdodCBpdCB3YXMgaWxsZWdhbC5cCiAgICAgXApk YW5cCiAgICAgXAogICAgIF9fX19fXAoqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioq KioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioq KioqXApUaGlzIGVtYWlsIGFuZCBhbnkgZmlsZXMgdHJhbnNtaXR0ZWQgd2l0 aCBpdCBhcmUgY29uZmlkZW50aWFsIGFuZCBcCmludGVuZGVkIHNvbGVseSBm b3IgdGhlIHVzZSBvZiB0aGUgaW5kaXZpZHVhbCBvciBlbnRpdHkgdG8gd2hv bSB0aGV5ICAgXAphcmUgYWRkcmVzc2VkLiBJZiB5b3UgaGF2ZSByZWNlaXZl ZCB0aGlzIGVtYWlsIGluIGVycm9yIHBsZWFzZSBub3RpZnkgXAp0aGUgc3lz dGVtIG1hbmFnZXIuXApcClRoaXMgZm9vdG5vdGUgYWxzbyBjb25maXJtcyB0 aGF0IHRoaXMgZW1haWwgbWVzc2FnZSBoYXMgYmVlbiBzd2VwdFwKZm9yIHRo ZSBwcmVzZW5jZSBvZiBjb21wdXRlciB2aXJ1c2VzLlwKXApUb2thaSBCYW5r IEV1cm9wZSBwbGNcCioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioq KioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKipcClxwYXIg fX0= - --TFS-with-MIME-and-DIME-- To subscribe/unsubscribe send message to leave subject blank. In the body of the message type: subscribe/unsubscribe klr650 (or subscribe/unsubscribe klr650-digest). ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 23 Jul 1999 00:25:58 +1000 From: Ted Palmer Subject: Re: (klr650) Re: cruise thru traffic (was running hot) dan shaw wrote: [...] > is cruising thru the middle of traffic on a mcycle legal anywhere. Probably not moving traffic. > i > assumed it was illegal in all states. Here in Victoria Australia, it is legal to lanesplit (as we call it) when the traffic is stationary. The main legal glitch is that you should use the indicators when you cross a lane line. Yeah, sure. > there have been many times ive > been tempted to do this but havent because i thought it was illegal. Things are only illegal when you get caught doing them. KLRs are quite good at lanesplitting despite the wide bars. The bars are high enough to go above most cage mirrors and the skinny profile squeezes between panels, and good visibility and rider posture gives good control. Most cops here don't bother much with lanesplitting bikers as long as you appear to doing it sensibly. Besides, if the traffic is heavy and they're in a car, there's not much chance they'll catch you anyway. Even their police issue bikes would have trouble keeping up with a keenly ridden KLR. The police bikes are generally either K1100 BMs or ST1100 Hondas. Either is good in a straight line, but lose out squeezing between cars. I have lanesplit at 140kmh between moving traffic in the wet down the freeway, but it's not something I do often. Mister_T - -- \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\ | RC17 KLR600 Roces BCN FreeBSD 2.2.5-R NT4W (ugh) | | tedp[at]replicant[dot]apana[dot]org[dot]au | \|_________________________________________________________________| To subscribe/unsubscribe send message to leave subject blank. In the body of the message type: subscribe/unsubscribe klr650 (or subscribe/unsubscribe klr650-digest). ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 22 Jul 1999 07:31:01 PDT From: "Paul Christenson" Subject: (klr650) Re: cruise thru traffic (was running hot) >is cruising thru the middle of traffic on a mcycle legal anywhere. It is legal in California. There are restrictions (no more than 10 MPH faster than traffic, not to exceed posted limit, etc.), and it's discouraged, but it *IS* legal here. Of course, that means nothing to the 4 wheel idiots that find it sporting to ride the white line and not let you pass. _______________________________________________________________ Get Free Email and Do More On The Web. Visit To subscribe/unsubscribe send message to leave subject blank. In the body of the message type: subscribe/unsubscribe klr650 (or subscribe/unsubscribe klr650-digest). ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 23 Jul 1999 00:49:46 +1000 From: Ted Palmer Subject: Re: (klr650) Re: cruise thru traffic (was running hot) drainr@TBEUK.COM wrote: > In the UK it is legal, though if you were to ride through > stationary traffic at say 35 to 40 mph ( as is common for many a > m/cycle courier over here), It would normally result in getting > either a ticket for dangerous driving, or knocked off by cars > changing lanes without looking...Ouch!. I haven't experienced the lane change cutoff yet, but I have suffered an opening door. The traffic on the freeway had stopped for a red light (traffic lights on a freeway? only in Australia) and I was slowly lanesplitting my way to the front when a door opened on me. (Only in Australia: a red light on a freeway, and somebody getting out of a car) The door opening was perfectly timed to give me no chance to stop. Amazing how people can not see a 55W halogen light pointing into their door mirror. Mister_T To subscribe/unsubscribe send message to leave subject blank. In the body of the message type: subscribe/unsubscribe klr650 (or subscribe/unsubscribe klr650-digest). ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 22 Jul 1999 07:57:15 -0700 From: captwazoo Subject: (klr650) Moab ANOMALY ALERT: Mission Central has detected a ripple in the fabric of this dimension. e-mail containing the phrase, "Gee, I'd like to go to Moab", is causing a change in this reality. In the face of there being a solar eclipse, Wednesday, Aug 11, 1999, users are reminded of their duties concerning submission, production, and adherence to acceptable emotional inputs. work!!!.................. To subscribe/unsubscribe send message to leave subject blank. In the body of the message type: subscribe/unsubscribe klr650 (or subscribe/unsubscribe klr650-digest). ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 22 Jul 1999 11:01:30 -0400 (EDT) From: dan shaw Subject: (klr650) suspension convention hellow people. i need some advice from a suspension knowladgable person. the other day i installed a new progressive rear shock on the klr. after riding around with it i felt it was a little on the harsh side. i tried lowering the spring preload to almost the min thinking that this would soften up the spring. but then i thought about that and it seems to me that changin the preload simply changes the amount of sag the suspension will still compress the spring the same amout regardless of prelaod. in other owrds, as long as there is atleast some sag in the suspension, the spring will be compressed the same amount when your sitting on the bike, no matter what the preload, it just may be higher or lower. is this correct? and lowering the preload wont give a softer ride? ok, thanks in advance . dan _________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get your free address at To subscribe/unsubscribe send message to leave subject blank. In the body of the message type: subscribe/unsubscribe klr650 (or subscribe/unsubscribe klr650-digest). ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 22 Jul 1999 09:12:55 -0600 From: "Kurt Simpson" Subject: Re: (klr650) KLRs on the interstates...NKLR >So the next time someone sez.... "I'm gonna' take a shower" >You say " Be careful, you're taking your life in your own hands" >Or since everyone is health insurance conscience, I'd say..." Does your HMO >cover you for accidents in the shower?...without a helmet!?" 8^). >NY Pete struth! Happened to no less than Thomas Merton in Thailand... Kurt To subscribe/unsubscribe send message to leave subject blank. In the body of the message type: subscribe/unsubscribe klr650 (or subscribe/unsubscribe klr650-digest). ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 23 Jul 1999 01:30:51 +1000 From: Ted Palmer Subject: Re: (klr650) suspension convention dan shaw wrote: > hellow people. i need some advice from a suspension knowladgable > person. I'll try to answer anyway. [...] > to me that changin the preload simply changes the amount of sag the > suspension will still compress the spring the same amout > regardless of prelaod. in other owrds, as long as there is atleast some > sag in the suspension, the spring will be compressed the same amount > when your sitting on the bike, no matter what the preload, it just may > be higher or lower. is this correct? and lowering the preload wont > give a softer ride? Generally, yes. This assumes a constant rate spring of course. There might be some small variations in the wheel to shock travel ratio due to the geometry in the shock linkages, giving the customary "rising rate", so setting minimum preload may put the linkages into the "harder" end of their ratio. But, mostly the preload sets the suspension height, the spring controls the spring rate. If the shock has compression damping, that can have a perceived affect over bumps if that damping setting is too high. Give the new shock a bit of distance to bed in, then see how it suits. Mister_T To subscribe/unsubscribe send message to leave subject blank. In the body of the message type: subscribe/unsubscribe klr650 (or subscribe/unsubscribe klr650-digest). ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 22 Jul 1999 9:50:00 -0600 From: "Pokluda, Gino" Subject: RE: (klr650) suspension convention The Progressive shock has preload and rebound adjustments. If the shock seems stiff, release some of the preload by backing off the two spanner nuts at the top of the spring. Play with the rebound adjuster at the top of the shock (small hex-head). You will need to just fiddle with it over the coure of time you will dial it in. My Progressive was a pre-production model and was very stiff to begin with, but has settled down with a couple thousand miles. Gino >>hellow people. i need some advice from a suspension knowladgable person. the other day i installed a new progressive rear shock on the klr. after riding around with it i felt it was a little on the harsh side. << To subscribe/unsubscribe send message to leave subject blank. In the body of the message type: subscribe/unsubscribe klr650 (or subscribe/unsubscribe klr650-digest). ------------------------------ End of klr650-digest V2 #640 ****************************