From: (klr650-digest) To: Subject: klr650-digest V2 #745 Reply-To: klr650 Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk klr650-digest Friday, August 20 1999 Volume 02 : Number 745 Re: (klr650) Oil Change Using Just Sidestand? Re: (klr650) Short centerstand? Re: (klr650) Short centerstand? Re: (klr650) NKLR:Strange Days Indeed/Most Peculiar (klr650) Re: NKLR: Used KLR prices Re: (klr650) Dual STar, no KLR content Re: (klr650) Fork springs and front brake hose. Re: (klr650) Fork springs and front brake hose. Re: (klr650) Dual STar, no KLR content RE: (klr650) Oil Change Using Just Sidestand? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 20 Aug 1999 13:35:39 +0100 From: drainr@TBEUK.COM Subject: Re: (klr650) Oil Change Using Just Sidestand? Message is sent with MIME. Attachments are base64 encoded - --TFS-with-MIME-and-DIME Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable =20 =20 I have a paddock stand, but i=2Em never to sure whether all the oil=20 drains out as the back wheel is off the ground by several inches=2E =20 I prefer using a wooden wedge under the sidestand and a bungie wound=20 around the left wing mirror and onto something solid=2E =20 Oh=2E=2E=2Eand by the way=2E=2E=2E=2E=2Eafter you filled up with new o= il remember to=20 screw the oil filler cap back into place=2E =2E=2E=2E=2E=2Ei didnt last nite=2E Wow=2E=2E=2E=2Eyou should see how=20= far those engines=20 can spray oil!=2E =20 Richard D '98KLR650 C3 22k =20 ********************************************************************** This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and=20 intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they =20 are addressed=2E If you have received this email in error please notify=20 the system manager=2E This footnote also confirms that this email message has been swept for the presence of computer viruses=2E Tokai Bank Europe plc ********************************************************************** - --TFS-with-MIME-and-DIME Content-Type: TEXT/RTF; name="MSGCC.RTF" Content-transfer-encoding: base64 e1xydGYxXGFuc2kgXGRlZmYwXGRlZmxhbmcxMDI0e1xmb250dGJse1xmMFxm cm9tYW4gVG1zIFJtbjt9e1xmMVxmcm9tYW4gU3ltYm9sO317XGYyXGZzd2lz cyBIZWx2O319DQp7XGNvbG9ydGJsO1xyZWQwXGdyZWVuMFxibHVlMTI3O1xy ZWQwXGdyZWVuMTI3XGJsdWUwO1xyZWQwXGdyZWVuMTI3XGJsdWUxMjc7XHJl ZDEyN1xncmVlbjBcYmx1ZTA7DQpccmVkMTI3XGdyZWVuMFxibHVlMTI3O1xy ZWQxMjdcZ3JlZW4xMjdcYmx1ZTA7XHJlZDEyN1xncmVlbjEyN1xibHVlMTI3 OztccmVkMFxncmVlbjBcYmx1ZTI1NTsNClxyZWQwXGdyZWVuMjU1XGJsdWUw O1xyZWQwXGdyZWVuMjU1XGJsdWUyNTU7XHJlZDI1NVxncmVlbjBcYmx1ZTA7 XHJlZDI1NVxncmVlbjBcYmx1ZTI1NTsNClxyZWQyNTVcZ3JlZW4yNTVcYmx1 ZTA7XHJlZDI1NVxncmVlbjI1NVxibHVlMjU1O31ccGFwZXJ3MTIyNDBccGFw ZXJoMTU4NDBcbWFyZ2wxODAwXG1hcmdyMTgwMFxtYXJndDE0NDBcbWFyZ2Ix NDQwDQpcZ3V0dGVyMCBcZGVmZm9ybWF0XHNlY3RkIFxwYXJkXHBsYWluIHtc cGxhaW4gXGYwIFxjYjcgXGNmMCAgICAgIFwKICAgICBcCiAgICAgSSBoYXZl IGEgcGFkZG9jayBzdGFuZCwgYnV0IGkubSBuZXZlciB0byBzdXJlIHdoZXRo ZXIgYWxsIHRoZSBvaWwgXAogICAgIGRyYWlucyBvdXQgYXMgdGhlIGJhY2sg d2hlZWwgaXMgb2ZmIHRoZSBncm91bmQgYnkgc2V2ZXJhbCBpbmNoZXMuXAog ICAgIFwKICAgICBJIHByZWZlciB1c2luZyBhIHdvb2RlbiB3ZWRnZSB1bmRl ciB0aGUgc2lkZXN0YW5kIGFuZCBhIGJ1bmdpZSB3b3VuZCBcCiAgICAgYXJv dW5kIHRoZSBsZWZ0IHdpbmcgbWlycm9yIGFuZCBvbnRvIHNvbWV0aGluZyBz b2xpZC5cCiAgICAgXAogICAgIE9oLi4uYW5kIGJ5IHRoZSB3YXkuLi4uLmFm dGVyIHlvdSBmaWxsZWQgdXAgd2l0aCBuZXcgb2lsIHJlbWVtYmVyIHRvIFwK ICAgICBzY3JldyB0aGUgb2lsIGZpbGxlciBjYXAgYmFjayBpbnRvIHBsYWNl LlwKICAgICAuLi4uLmkgZGlkbnQgbGFzdCBuaXRlLiBXb3cuLi4ueW91IHNo b3VsZCBzZWUgaG93IGZhciB0aG9zZSBlbmdpbmVzIFwKICAgICBjYW4gc3By YXkgb2lsIS5cCiAgICAgXAogICAgIFJpY2hhcmQgRFwKICAgICAnOThLTFI2 NTAgQzMgMjJrXAogICAgIFwKKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioq KioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKlwK VGhpcyBlbWFpbCBhbmQgYW55IGZpbGVzIHRyYW5zbWl0dGVkIHdpdGggaXQg YXJlIGNvbmZpZGVudGlhbCBhbmQgXAppbnRlbmRlZCBzb2xlbHkgZm9yIHRo ZSB1c2Ugb2YgdGhlIGluZGl2aWR1YWwgb3IgZW50aXR5IHRvIHdob20gdGhl eSAgIFwKYXJlIGFkZHJlc3NlZC4gSWYgeW91IGhhdmUgcmVjZWl2ZWQgdGhp cyBlbWFpbCBpbiBlcnJvciBwbGVhc2Ugbm90aWZ5IFwKdGhlIHN5c3RlbSBt YW5hZ2VyLlwKXApUaGlzIGZvb3Rub3RlIGFsc28gY29uZmlybXMgdGhhdCB0 aGlzIGVtYWlsIG1lc3NhZ2UgaGFzIGJlZW4gc3dlcHRcCmZvciB0aGUgcHJl c2VuY2Ugb2YgY29tcHV0ZXIgdmlydXNlcy5cClwKVG9rYWkgQmFuayBFdXJv cGUgcGxjXAoqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioq KioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqXApccGFyIH19 - --TFS-with-MIME-and-DIME-- Visit the KLR650 archives at Subscribe to Dual Sport News...write to for info. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 20 Aug 1999 08:15:42 -0400 From: Stuart Heaslet Subject: Re: (klr650) Short centerstand? At 10:04 PM 8/19/99 -0700, Dreas Nielsen wrote: >When I got my centerstand a year or so ago, for my new '98 >KLR, it raised the bike enough to get a wheel off the ground. However, it >no longer does, and hasn't for 6 months. My forks are not overpressured. >The forks or the rear shock seem to have relaxed somehow--the centerstand >certainly hasn't gotten any shorter. >Others may be experiencing this phenomenon and attributing it to an >incorrectly sized centerstand. The only way to know for sure is to measure the actual centerstand dimension and call Mike to confirm it and arrange for the swap. As I recall, the height difference between the two versions is small, something less than 1/2", and maybe closer to 1/4". Stuart Visit the KLR650 archives at Subscribe to Dual Sport News...write to for info. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 20 Aug 1999 08:22:53 -0400 From: Stuart Heaslet Subject: Re: (klr650) Short centerstand? At 10:56 PM 8/19/99 -0600, Vik Banerjee wrote: >I am not sure what happened to your bike, but I can tell you the difference >in length between a standard and short DualStar stand is significant. I >haven't measured it, but I wouldn't be surprised it was 2" or more. When I talked to Mike at DualStar, he said the difference was small, and my understanding was that it was 1/4 - 1/2". Understand that the angle of inclination from the front wheel point to the rear wheel point needs only a small increase to cause a greater rear wheel ground clearance. Stuart Visit the KLR650 archives at Subscribe to Dual Sport News...write to for info. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 20 Aug 1999 08:30:27 -0400 From: Stuart Heaslet Subject: Re: (klr650) NKLR:Strange Days Indeed/Most Peculiar At 10:12 PM 8/19/99 -0700, Darrel & Deanna wrote: >Stu H. wrote: >Okay, that's it. Gino is gettin' articulate, Arne's getting weird...I'm >moving back to L.A. >Stuart >********************** >You come on Fireball...we'll bring you in to the Cal Posse >honorarily (no initiation required). I need it. It's a KLR wasteland here in the land of the newly wed and nearly dead. I saw another rider, and he turned around and talked with me, but turns out his very young and very pregnant wife was making him get rid of the bike. I get the shakes when I see a fully functioning man reduced to a sniveling mass of 'yes dears' and 'anything you say dears.' It coulda been me. Note to list - I'm planning a RT x-country run, southern route, on the KLR sometime in the next couple of months. Will warn everyone so they can leave town. Stuart Juno Beach, FL Visit the KLR650 archives at Subscribe to Dual Sport News...write to for info. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 20 Aug 1999 08:29:45 EDT From: Subject: (klr650) Re: NKLR: Used KLR prices Amen. Kawasaki dealers in southeastern Michigan don't seem to want to handle KLR's. Parts people have little experience also. Good deals on the used market though. Perhaps outstate dealers are better. This is the same problem that faces many non-sports and non-cruiser type bikes. I also have a Honda ST1100, and I have yet to see a dealer with one on the floor. How do they expect to sell a (now) $14,000 bike without customers being able to see one? At least the terminally rude BMW dealers have models on the floor, although they may decide that you are not worthy enough to have one. T. S. Visit the KLR650 archives at Subscribe to Dual Sport News...write to for info. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 20 Aug 1999 08:42:29 -0400 From: Mark McCoy Subject: Re: (klr650) Dual STar, no KLR content We also have to remember what media we are communicating with. Things that would sound funny if we were all around a campfire holding beers can sound really offensive via cold, hard alpha-numeric. At work I have seen like minded good people that should be allies end up pissed off at each other because of how opinions came across on email. Also, I think we must be slipping. Dan who is quitting his job to tour Mexico mentioned that somebody suggested he take a gun. That should have sparked a lengthy discussion of the merits of the 38 Super cartridge that would have included recommend after market barrels for case neck head spacing and suggestions on reloading components and charges. What is happening to us? How could that just slide by? Mark McCoy Jeff & Lisa Walker wrote: > Gentlemen! > > Chill OUT! Don't take things personally over a difference of > opinion! The beauty of our society is the ability to freely > express our opinions and views and not be persecuted for them, as > long as they don't advocate the harm to others. We are all > adults here. Act accordingly. If someone feels insulted, let it > slide, worrying over something as trivial as an Internet > conversation is useless stress, and we have enough of that in our > daily lives. Go out and get laid or go for a ride to relieve > some of that! Remember, the ability to forgive and forget an > insult, whether real or imagined, is what makes us men, (and > women), not children. > > Honestly, first road rage, now "list rage" > > Jeff > > > Sounds to me like you don't appreciate my opinion on the > subject. > > I guess since I don't "tow the line" I'd better leave. > > One thing though..... I DID NOT make a personal issue and > harange on a > > personal basis. I DID NOT attack, berate or putdown anyone. > > ALL I did was express my opinion concerning the present state > of our > > socio-economic condition with an emphasis on vendors > maintaining the flow of > > communication with those who provide their livelihood. > > > > Sounds to me like there's AN INDIVIDUAL in your group here (or > maybe > > several) that don't share and agree to what YOU deem as right > and proper, > > and you don't like it. If you have a personal problem with me, > I'm sorry, > > but I can't help that. > > If my company here is not approved of, take me off the list, > but have the > > brass to admit it. > > NY Pete > > > > > > > > > > > >Pete writes... > > >>>It's My $$$. Spoiled or not, it's MY money....<< > > > > > >Maybe you should just take your money elsewhere then. Last > time I checked, > > >no one ever said they'd break my arm if I didn't buy their > product. > > > > > >>>I'm fully aware of "niche" marketing. I'm have a small > "niche" market. I > > >build custom cabinets on the side using "word of mouth" > advertising only. > > >I'm fairly successful.<< > > > > > >Good for you. > > > > > >>>If it's too much trouble to maintain communication from > vendor to buyer. > > >It's too much trouble for THIS BUYER to deal with that vendor. > In todays > > >economic society "SERVICE IS EVERYTHING". > > >There are simply too many other avenues to satiate one's > desire. > > >You might call it spoiled, I call it "purchasing power".<< > > > > > >Okay, take your purchasing power, call Motorcycle Accessory > Warehouse and > > >order a center stand for a KLR650, and some highwaypegs and a > radiator > > >guard. Then sit back and listen to the silence. > > > > > >>>If a vendor in today's world cannot grasp that ideal, than > that vendor > > >deserves to be left by the wayside.<< > > > > > >Last time I checked, Happy Trails and Dual Star had waiting > lists for their > > >items, they won't miss you. > > > > > >>>I happen to strongly believe in supporting those who support > me, ie: > > >buying > > >products and services from "niche" marketers who enjoy my > hobbies. > > >But I better be treated like the vendor NEEDS my business.<< > > > > > >Sounds like you need to buy a BMW. > > > > > >Gino > > > > > > > > >Visit the KLR650 archives at > > > > >Subscribe to Dual Sport News...write to > for > > >info. > > > > > > > > > Visit the KLR650 archives at > > > Subscribe to Dual Sport News...write to > for > > info. > > Visit the KLR650 archives at > Subscribe to Dual Sport News...write to for > info. Visit the KLR650 archives at Subscribe to Dual Sport News...write to for info. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 20 Aug 1999 08:47:36 -0400 From: Mark McCoy Subject: Re: (klr650) Fork springs and front brake hose. Jeff & Lisa Walker wrote: > Maybe someone with resources could crawl around a bone yard and find one from > some other bike and see if it fits the KLR? And why not a rotor? Could a carrier be made easier and cheaper than a replacement rotor? What about a rotor and caliper from a ZX11. Am I full of it? Mark McCoy Visit the KLR650 archives at Subscribe to Dual Sport News...write to for info. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 20 Aug 1999 08:47:19 EDT From: Subject: Re: (klr650) Fork springs and front brake hose. It depends on how much road & trail riding that you do vs. how much gnarly riding. For the road, fire roads and improved trails, the better feel of the ss brake lines makes braking more precise and provides better feel, for me at least. T.S. Exhaust people -- I have a family emergency and will be home this weekend, so will respond to all messages. From the great white north... T.S. Visit the KLR650 archives at Subscribe to Dual Sport News...write to for info. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 20 Aug 1999 05:54:40 -0700 From: "Jeff & Lisa Walker" Subject: Re: (klr650) Dual STar, no KLR content > Also, I think we must be slipping. Dan who is quitting his job to tour Mexico > mentioned that somebody suggested he take a gun. That should have sparked a > lengthy discussion of the merits of the 38 Super cartridge that would have > included recommend after market barrels for case neck head spacing and suggestions > on reloading components and charges. What is happening to us? How could that just > slide by? > Now that you mention it, I'd definitely recommend the .40 S&W over the .38, or even the 10mm over the .38 . I'm really partial to high capacity magazines with good stopping power and no over-penetration these days. (Which rules out the .357 and 44 mags, as well as some loads for the .45ACP, though I'm curious about the new .357 Sig round). There have been extensive tests done on stopping power of all kinds of rounds, and the .40's performed admirably. The FBI recommends high capacity magazines and continued target engagement after an initial hit, since there is no magic bullets and the opposition can return fire even after being hit fatally. However, for travel in Mexico, I really don't recommend carrying a handgun, its not worth the risk, especially with the local law enforcement. In that case I would recommend a quality folding knife, like the Spyderco Endura, and some training and practice on its use for self defense. My understanding is that knives over a certain length are illegal in Mexico too, but I'm pretty sure the Spyderco qualifies as a pocket knife. Self defense aside, my Spyderco is the best knife I've ever owned, and I never leave the house with out it. Finally, I would recommend a good positive attitude towards all you meet in Mexico. Good karma goes a very long way, and requires no defense. Jeff Visit the KLR650 archives at Subscribe to Dual Sport News...write to for info. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 20 Aug 1999 08:51:46 -0400 From: "Blake, Paul" Subject: RE: (klr650) Oil Change Using Just Sidestand? I just use a few extra pieces of wood I have laying around the garage under the sidestand so that the bike is nearly straight up. I then put a 2x10 under the right footpeg to ensure the bike doesn't topple to the right. It seems pretty secure. I let mine drain over night, hopefully ensuring the majority of the old oil is out. Before putting in the plug and new oil, I put the bike back on the stand for a little while, and also try leaning it to the right some, just to make sure as much of the oil as possible is out. It always bugs me that I can see just a tiny bit of oil in the bottom of the oil level window!! Paul any tips for doing it this way... Thanks, Andy Visit the KLR650 archives at Subscribe to Dual Sport News...write to for info. Visit the KLR650 archives at Subscribe to Dual Sport News...write to for info. ------------------------------ End of klr650-digest V2 #745 ****************************