From: (klr650-digest) To: Subject: klr650-digest V2 #864 Reply-To: klr650 Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk klr650-digest Friday, September 10 1999 Volume 02 : Number 864 Re: FW: (klr650) RE: Krishnamurti and KLR's (klr650) Jobs? NKLR (klr650) NKLR- Cool... (klr650) BigGunData (klr650) Y2K XR650 sweet! NKLR (klr650) More news on 2000 XR650 Re: (klr650) Helmet & Pipe advice Re: (klr650) Petcock Revisited (klr650) The Melding of Nature and the KLR Re: (klr650) aftermarket add-ons ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 09 Sep 1999 22:22:55 -0600 From: juan carlos ibarra Subject: Re: FW: (klr650) RE: Krishnamurti and KLR's At 09:10 9/9/99 -0700, you wrote: > > >---------- >From: Rodney Baker >Sent: September 9, 1999 8:51 AM >To: ''' >Cc: '' >Subject: FW: (klr650) RE: Krishnamurti and KLR's > >> Spirituality is a concept, so is God; they both come from the same place: >> human thought "interpreting" reality, so they have a lot to do with each >> other. However, both ideas have nothing to do with what they try to name. >> >> Juan > >For me, a block long wheelie is a concept... I guess this is where faith >comes in. > >Cheers, > >Arne >Eh 13 > >In Arne's type of faith I believe they are sequentially, and thus concretely, connected: first he thinks of the block long wheelie, then there is the belief (faith) that he could do it which gets transformed by motor neurons into the actual event. (If he can do one of course, which is pretty cool and worth mentioning. I am mildly envious as I can only do about 40 yds) >However, I believe there is also a concrete connection between the perception of God or Spirituality. There is a place in the brain ( just forward of the temporal lobe) geared for appreciating spiritual or mystical things. If you stimulate this area, the person applies mystical or spiritual meaning to every day events. EG Thinks they had a conversation with god or were heisted by aliens. This doesn't necessarily mean that people don't actually have those experiences; its just that in a lab when this area is stimulated there is nearly always a mystical interpretation of events. Research has been done which suggests there are more alien sightings by people that live near power lines: inferring that the inducted electricity affects this area of the brain --- which after all is just billions of electro chemical operating units. >Most people would agree that the smell of Castrol R is real. However, it is just those "R" molecules wafting up the nasal passage and getting interpreted as reality in the brain by the olfactory bulb. Spirituality can therefore, be just as real as smells and I believe is connected to the thought or idea of it as part of a loop. A person feels a need or gets a notion to do a wheelie, or have a spiritual connection or experience ( these two events could of course be the same for some of us) The need is there; it just gets handled by different parts of the brain. Spiritual experience is just as measurable as Arnie's wheelie. Its just that one is measured with a tape measure and Arnie's perception and the other is measured with a functional MRI brain scan machine and the person experiencing it. >As Jung said spirituality can only be personal thing, this is because our experiences are different --also our brains and thus interpretations are different. However, it is no less real than a wheelie really. > >Rodney eh 5 All expriences are a personal thing. None of us have the same past, the same background. Human reality could be defined by the summ of every human's experiences put together. This of course is impossible. So we ponder: what is reality, is it whatever I think is real? or is it a thing that exists beyond my perception? something that thought cannot aprehend? What is real to us is only relatively real. So thought and it's expression through words is a reflection of my personal reality wich is not common to all humans. Is there a reality common to all? If there is, it lies beyond the realm of is a product of thought, science too, also KLRs BUT a tree (I mean the actual "thing') is not. What the tree means to me is inevitably related to the experiences I've accumulated in previous encouters with trees, it is "my reality" so to speak. However what the tree IS, is not relative at all. (I hope this makes sense! Writting about it in Spanish is difficult enough, English requires mayor efforts!!! ) Juan > > >Visit the KLR650 archives at > >Subscribe to Dual Sport News...write to for info. > > > >Visit the KLR650 archives at > >Subscribe to Dual Sport News...write to for info. > Visit the KLR650 archives at Subscribe to Dual Sport News...write to for info. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 21:40:08 -0700 From: "Darrel & Deanna" Subject: (klr650) Jobs? NKLR Date: Mon, 6 Sep 1999 writes: Its good and bad that US companies are setting up shop in Mexico. Its bad in that businesses that for years had operated here in the States and put Americans to work showed no loyalty to the people that made their companies what they are, and chose to move to where there is a cheap labor market to maximize their profits. If Ford produces cars that are finally assembled in Mexico, then they contribute to Mexico's Gross Domestic Product. The good of this situation is that the workers in Mexico are hopefully going to be able to improve their lives, get running water and electricity in some cases, and hopefully, will one day be able to afford to buy goods and services that still are made in the US. This is free trade. It is good for the US to improve the quality of life in impoverished areas and countries, it creates new markets, and every body gains. **************************************************** Jeff- I think the key word in your statement is *hopefully*. I think the Mexican laborers who work for American companies in Mexico need all the hope, prayers and help they can get if they're ever to achieve any semblance of a quality existence. Turn back the (American) clock to before labor unions when laborers were treated like slaves. Way over worked, way underpaid, no benefits, no alternatives. That's what we now have in Mexico. Wages are barely enough to survive. The people are forced to live right next to the factories, due to lack of transportation, where they live in makeshift shacks with no amenities. The toxic waste from Fortune 500 companies flows down the dirt paths the workers use to walk to and from the plants. This is just how it would be here if it weren't for governmental regulations. Unfortunately corporations have to be forced to do the right thing. What's happening in Mexico and other emerging (?) countries where our companies set up shop is a showcase of the greed Juan talks of. I don't think money is the root of all evil, but greed. Social responsibility? Only if forced by big brother. Just me dos centavos. Off my box and back to homework, Darrel Visit the KLR650 archives at Subscribe to Dual Sport News...write to for info. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 21:54:51 -0700 (PDT) From: Juan Villarreal Subject: (klr650) NKLR- Cool... > Juan, sorry this issue is re-surfacing... I > was hoping it would die a quiet > death.... Maybe it will now. Don't sweat it, Arne (I'm not). This list has a wonderful way of finding it's own equilibrium, along with reining in the odd renegade who may be up to no good (guilty as charged). It won't be any different in this case. > Your first two posts in this matter were out of > line. I responded. > Granted, I came on pretty strong - sorry dude > it's in my nature - but I'm > sure you're a big boy and completely capable of > looking after yourself. Did > I come down on you too hard? Who knows... > that's a subjective call and > (like Toby said) they're just opinions right? > Having said that, you have > handled yourself with class since then. I > respect and admire that! Maybe > Toby lives in a different world than we do, but > I believe you and I are both > the same (you with your military and me with my > police background) in that > we can take up issue with the "issue" and not > with each other. After the > smoke clears I respect you as much, if not > more, than I did before. Good enough for me man... Let's eat!!! Juan Villarreal (no longer the "Juan" and only...) __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Bid and sell for free at Visit the KLR650 archives at Subscribe to Dual Sport News...write to for info. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 00:55:32 -0400 From: "Daniel L. Hill" Subject: (klr650) BigGunData After installing the Big Gun exhaust system, I went with a 0.052" drilled main jet and a 0.063" shim under the needle. It sounds like a well loved thumper and starts on the first hit. It has been raining way too long here on Virginia's East coast for the road test. I just thought I'd share my initial data. I appreciate any input from the KLR-650 owners group. Thanks, Dan Visit the KLR650 archives at Subscribe to Dual Sport News...write to for info. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 22:56:34 -0600 From: "Vik Banerjee" Subject: (klr650) Y2K XR650 sweet! NKLR 2KModels/Honda_NewY2KModels.html Y2K XR650 specs and info Cheers, Vik Visit the KLR650 archives at Subscribe to Dual Sport News...write to for info. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 00:04:46 -0400 From: "Eric Jasniewicz" Subject: (klr650) More news on 2000 XR650 Visit the KLR650 archives at Subscribe to Dual Sport News...write to for info. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 09 Sep 1999 22:17:43 -0700 From: Brian Bonenfant Subject: Re: (klr650) Helmet & Pipe advice Which problem are you referring to ? Providing you install the retaining pin I have heard of no other problems than Gino's original installation problems... Thanks, Brian Jeff & Lisa Walker wrote: > By then, the > IDS 2 should be in production, and hopefully they have worked out the > problems that the IDS has. Visit the KLR650 archives at Subscribe to Dual Sport News...write to for info. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 23:22:19 -0600 From: "Skip Faulkner" Subject: Re: (klr650) Petcock Revisited >> It`s plenty viable, works well, a little more expensive ( about $8, >$20 >> if you want the valve). I consider it an equal option if you don`t mind >> drilling a hole in the tank. >> >> Skip > >Hmmm, I missed this one. What did you do Skip? Tee off the petcock to the >rt. side tank lobe? > >Cheers, > >Arne >Eh 13 I found a shallow aircraft fuel valve that you simply install by drilling a hole in the right lobe of the tank, fish the male portion of the valve in the tank and the threaded portion extending out of the tank there`s an o-ring around the flange of the portion that`s in the tank) and thread a shallow nut onto the protruding male thread ( phallic remark ? ) until the o-ring is compressed. The inner portion of the fitting is threaded and will accept the 90 degree elbow I used, or you can thread in a cut-off valve I found that will also fit. The advantages to this installation is there is no welding ( as compared with welding a fitting in place) and the fitting is leak proof. Also, compared to the original mod, some may prefer a line outside the tank rather than inside. I personally prefer the original mod, as it`s simple, works, and no alteration of the tank required, although it is a little frustrating trying to position the pickup screen when it`s first installed. I had to shorten this fitting some as the right lobe of the tank has no flat shelf to mount this on and the tank walls are sloped steeply where the fitting should be mounted. I had both mods on my tank at Moab and they both work well, I just like not having any more hoses on the tank than necessary, but it would not be a factor to many. If one wasn`t very coordinated with his hands, this one would be easier to install. Kurt will be getting write ups and pictures of both, with a hidden volunteer guinea pig doing the valve one. Skip Visit the KLR650 archives at Subscribe to Dual Sport News...write to for info. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 23:52:26 -0600 From: "Skip Faulkner" Subject: (klr650) The Melding of Nature and the KLR For those of you that prefer to be compatible with nature, I had a good experience a few days ago. I was riding up in the Spotted Bear area, which is just outside the Bob Marshall Wilderness, to check on a plane that had gone down and crash landed in the river up there. The road ( trail) is pretty rocky, rough and 50 miles long. I was loaded with gear and tools in the panniers ( another reason I like the panniers, business related write off) and was on my way back down when I noticed my windscreen was about to touch my air monitor. The whole fairing was tilting back. I pulled over and found that the lower fairing bolt ( through the bracket on the front of the steering stem) had come out. Well I had all the tools I needed to rebuild the bike on the side of the road, but not a bolt that long. It was getting dark and my mind was clicking off options when I saw this buckskin limb in front of my tire and I thought , why not? I cut off a section a little larger in diameter than the bolt and sharpened it. I forced it through ( with some pounding) till I had an inch sticking out to either side. I then got my electrical tape and did figure 8`s from each side, crossing the bracket. There`s no way it could come out. I then proceeded to see how long it would last on this bone crunching trail. I got home fine and you know, I still have it in there, after 300+ miles ( I haven`t taken the time to get a bolt). I wonder how many other parts I can replace with renewable resources? Bamboo for fuel lines?Good winter project. I still have time to haul a few loads of wood. Just goes to show you that trees do have some uses. BTW, before I`m flamed for what I did, the branch was DEAD, and I beat it first. Skip Visit the KLR650 archives at Subscribe to Dual Sport News...write to for info. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 09 Sep 1999 23:32:27 -0700 From: Eric & Jill Dietiker Subject: Re: (klr650) aftermarket add-ons I'd have to agree with Skip on his description of the Mikuni. On the flip side, you get the RIGHT NOW throttle response, and I believe, a boost in low end torque. Now that I have the stock exhaust back on, I can test that last assumption. When I first put on the Mikuni, I was really struck by how the nature of the KLR had changed. It went from a capable, docile commuter to a stonkin' thumper. It would be nice to have a side by side ride comparison of Dynojetted CV vs. Mikuni. Maybe the power difference isn't that great anywhere (well, how can it be, with just 37 or so HP to play with?), but the character difference is pronounced. Eric. > I agree >If I was looking for more performance, I`d do everything else ( exhaust, >jetting, carb box, etc....) before going to a Mikuni. They are good carbs, >but based on my other bikes I`ve owned with them and the views of most who >have compared a CV carb with the Mikuni, the driveability suffers, they bog >and surge and they vary with their >circuit cut in. They are a little better for power, but the KLR can be >brought up to the same levels without sacrificing the smoother acceleration >characteristics of a CV carb. > IMHO. > >Skip > > > >Visit the KLR650 archives at > >Subscribe to Dual Sport News...write to for info. > Visit the KLR650 archives at Subscribe to Dual Sport News...write to for info. ------------------------------ End of klr650-digest V2 #864 ****************************