From: (kraftwerk-digest) To: Subject: kraftwerk-digest V2 #90 Reply-To: kraftwerk-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk X-No-Archive: yes kraftwerk-digest Wednesday, April 15 1998 Volume 02 : Number 090 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 13 Apr 1998 12:22:31 +0100 From: Jon Alsbury Subject: Re: (kw) New Kraftwerk Pic >I have pic of Florian that I took back in 1981 in Mannheim. If anyone wants >it please send me a private mail. I tried posting it to the list, but I >couldn't. it's strictly against list rules to post binaries of any kind. you did read the intro message you got when you subscribed didn't you? :-) why not put the picture on a webpage instead? # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info kraftwerk" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Other questions? Read the FAQ: ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 13 Apr 1998 08:07:54 -0500 From: Subject: (kw) Promoting the upcoming tour? Greetings, Does anyone know who is promoting the upcoming Kraftwerk world tour? Is it EMI, the band themselves or another company? Does anyone have a contact, I'm looking for some press information for the TV show I produce. Thanks! Philip Satterley *progrock Producer - -- PLEASE NOTE: My E-mail address has changed to: PHILIP SATTERLEY- *progrock Producer- The Midwest's ONLY Progressive Rock music video show!!! - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DON'T TOUCH THAT DIAL- Classic TV on Videocassette!- # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info kraftwerk" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Other questions? Read the FAQ: ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 13 Apr 1998 15:47:13 -0400 From: Jerry Withers Subject: (kw) Florian Pic The original scanfile of my pic is 1.2MB. The one I sent out is a scaled version. I will touch up the original and offer that when I have it done. It will be a while because my Amiga is in New York and I am in St. Louis... # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info kraftwerk" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Other questions? Read the FAQ: ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 13 Apr 1998 23:29:30 +0200 From: Andreas Schepers Subject: (kw) what do you think about komputer ? hi, in the recent issue of musikexpress sounds, a german music mag, there is = a=20 promotion cd add-on ;) from mute records, which also contains "looking = down=20 on london" from komputer. i think, it's nice kw-style popmusic. but without the depth of kw=20 concerning structure, idea and purity of sound.... does anyone have more = information about them. website or anything ?! seeya, andreas - ---- Andreas Schepers NetMedia GmbH=09 Information Design Schubertstra=DFe 8 66111 Saarbruecken # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info kraftwerk" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Other questions? Read the FAQ: ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 13 Apr 1998 17:35:12 -0400 From: Jerry Withers Subject: (kw) Kraftwerk Pic Anyone posting my pic on their page please let me know and give credit. Thanks # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info kraftwerk" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Other questions? Read the FAQ: ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 10:24:35 +0200 From: (Timour JGENTI) Subject: Re: (kw) Kraftwerk Fonts > Fot those who are looking for Kraftwerkish fonts: > I put some Windows 95 fonts on the web: > > Well, that's nice. I just wanted to remind that I already made a similar page available, with preview images: it's a part of my KW web page. There's almost the same fonts, except the Futura and Fujiyama ones which are rather common fonts (like used on TEE design). Regards, Tim. - -- Timour JGENTI | Institut Francais du Petrole _______________|___________________________________ _______________| _______________| # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info kraftwerk" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Other questions? Read the FAQ: ------------------------------ Date: 14 Apr 98 11:00:41 +0100 From: "Petersen Jens Bang jbp" Subject: Re: (kw) roskilde hotspot >I'm=20not=20danish=20nor=20I=20don't=20understand=20any=20danish,=0D >but=20some=20words=20looks=20similar=20to=20german=20or=20englisch.=0D= >(such=20as=20techno,=20Beatles,=20etc...)=0D >I=20guess=20it's=20very=20introductive=20sentences=20for=20tKraftwerk,= =20=0D >am=20I=20correct?=0D >=0D It's=20a=20very=20basic=20article,=20not=20worth=20the=20effort=20to=20= translate=0D Jens=20from=20Denmark=0D # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info kraftwerk" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Other questions? Read the FAQ: ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 10:57:44 +0200 From: Andreas Schepers Subject: AW: (kw) what do you think about komputer ? actually i think it does. komputer try to imitate the kw-image and they try to make profit out of = it. more general i would like to know, how you all feel about such clones = ... are they a rip-off ? are they a real band ? regards, andreas - ---- Andreas Schepers NetMedia GmbH=09 Information Design Schubertstra=DFe 8 66111 Saarbruecken - -----Urspr=FCngliche Nachricht----- Von: Hans [] Gesendet am: Dienstag, 14. April 1998 10:33 An: Andreas Schepers Betreff: Re: (kw) what do you think about komputer ? I think it doesn't belong at this list !!!!! johann # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info kraftwerk" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Other questions? Read the FAQ: ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 11:26:04 +0200 From: (GIUNTIA Tonino) Subject: (kw) new Kraftwerk album Hi all robots! I heard on the frech TV "MCM" the news that Kraftwerk plan to release a new album on october'98. Wait & see!!! Cheers! Stéphane # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info kraftwerk" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Other questions? Read the FAQ: ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 12:28:34 +0200 (DFT) From: Klaus Zaepke Subject: (kw) Familiar "News" German TV channel Viva 2 reported yesterday that "Kraftwerk are currently in the studio to record new material"... Klaus Zaepke # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info kraftwerk" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Other questions? Read the FAQ: ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 11:39:42 +0100 From: Jon Alsbury Subject: Re: (kw) what do you think about komputer ? >komputer try to imitate the kw-image and they try to make profit out of it. >more general i would like to know, how you all feel about such clones ... > >are they a rip-off ? >are they a real band ? I wouldn't call them a rip off because if you enjoy the classic 'man-machine' era Kraftwerk sound you'll probably really enjoy Komputer because that's exactly what they sound like, so if you're the kind of person who plays man-machine and computerwelt for eight hours every single day and despise anything fresh, new, or inovative, you'll think Komputer are the absolutely shagtastic. However, i can't personally regard them as a 'real' band. They're like a tribute band - and not a very good one at that. I saw them play live a few months ago and i can tell you i thought they were utterly pathetic. They sounded good (apart from the singing, mind you Ralf and Karl were never the world's best vocalist were they), but they have a stage presence of zero, their projections were totally laughable and the lyrical content of their songs is completely moronic! 'Valantina' is harmless enough however 'looking down on london' and 'bill gates' are completely unforgivible! There is not a single original idea in evidence on any of their records. Why don't they just play cover versions of Kraftwerk songs if they love them so much (as they obviously do). Also, why do they name-check just about every synth band you can think of on their sleave notes *except* Kraftwerk? Strange people indeed... # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info kraftwerk" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Other questions? Read the FAQ: ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 07:52:43 -0700 From: William Talley Subject: Re: (kw) what do you think about komputer ? > Jon Alsbury wrote: > > >komputer try to imitate the kw-image and they try to make > profit out of it. > >more general i would like to know, how you all feel about > such clones ... > > > >are they a rip-off ? > >are they a real band ? Isn't imitation is the most sincerest form of flattery? I think that out of the billions upon billions of bands out in the Cosmos, that allowing such a "copy-cat" to flourish is acting in the interest of preserving the original idea from which it all sprung-forth. Even if it sounds like re-cooked sound-stuff... Bill __________ _______________________________________ | o%o [_]| /The Sci-Fi Disco Fembots From Hell(tm)/\ |__________| / / / /ooo/ /ooo/\ /______________________________________/ / /___/////// /~\_________Analog is my bitch.__________\/ \_________\/ "It's klinkity-klankity disco goodness!" # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info kraftwerk" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Other questions? Read the FAQ: ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 13 Apr 1998 21:49:12 -0400 From: "Glenn E. Herman" Subject: RE: (kw) what do you think about komputer ? > Also, why do they name-check just > about every synth band you can think of on their sleave > notes *except* Kraftwerk? Strange people indeed... Yes. This is the most disturbing element about Komputer to me. When I saw that the official Mute site had a biography of the band that stated something to the effect of "Komputer is boldly following the original luminaries of electronic music like YMO, Telex and Can..." I was disturbed. Komputer are not the first people to credit Kraftwerk's imitators (Can excepted) rather than the true pioneers...but they are a group of people that have re-assembled songs out of Kraftwerk's 8 bar chord progressions and samples. They have no actual sound of their own. I preferred them when they were "...I Start Counting." YMO and Telex were great bands. But, they acknowledged that their existence was impossible without Kraftwerk. I am personally sick and tired of yet another generation of no-talents ignoring the contributions of the most important white band since the Beatles. All that said, I like the Komputer CD. I just wish some of these people would start giving credit where credit is due. To praise Afrika Bambaata (sp?) Kurtis Blow and Madonna for the Urban sound is almost funny...what's next, claiming KMFDM started industrial music, or that Mahler invented Classical? Glenn # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info kraftwerk" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Other questions? Read the FAQ: ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 22:03:12 +0200 From: "Lars Nellemann" Subject: (kw) New Electric music CD Hi I got the new self titled Electric music CD today (Not elektric music anymore), the tracks are The young urban proffesionals Sunshine Another day Friends Call on me Together we can do it all Out of this world Only a dream Shallow grave Falling Sunshine (reprise) The long way I also got the single: Call on me And I must say - What a disappointment, not a trace of Kraftwerk anymore - more like Guitar pop, not even nice synth riffs or anything. Sorry to say this. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info kraftwerk" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Other questions? Read the FAQ: ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 21:06:27 -0700 From: **************** Subject: (kw) new Kraftwerk album With the upcoming Kraftwerk tour, there is little doubt that a new album = will soon be forthcoming, probably later this year. But before we get = too excited I'd like to raise a few issues: 1) What if it's crap?=20 Kraftwerk will no longer be legend in their own lifetime. Their air of = mystery will permanently be gone.=20 2) What if no one buys it? Following all the recent publicity and namedropping by many stars, it = will be very embarrassing for Kraftwerk if the new album goes down like = a lead balloon. Look at the Electric Cafe fiasco as an example. Despite = technically being a superb album its sales figures were extremely = disappointing. 3) What if the tour is a shambles? Do Huetter and Schnieder still have the stamina for a grueling world = tour? Without it, the tour is likely to be a disaster and will possibly = be scrapped half way through. This happened during The Mix World Tour. = Sadly, the world tour never went beyond a few low key European dates. As THE most influential band since The Beatles, I hope they don't screw = up big time. At least McCartney and Lennon didn't start producing = bollocks until after The Beatles were finished. mode.123 # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info kraftwerk" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Other questions? Read the FAQ: ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 22:46:44 +0000 From: "Jose Garcia" Subject: (kw) re: (off-topic) silver apples > Like almost any group that is radically different (KW is a perfect > example, Devo is another), many people can't seem to handle something > that is really special, and they never become huge sucesses.... I know of another example: Aviador Dro :-) Hola Biovac N y Arcoiris. Bienvenidos a la lista de la Central Electrica! Hello Biovac N and Arcoiris. Welcome to the Kraftwerk list! Now, a plug for the "aviator": >If I'm not mistaken, "KW's goal is to make the perfect pop song for >all the tribes of the Global Village". I found the perfect pop song by 1983: Aviador Dro's "Amor Industrial". Pagina no Oficial del Aviador Dro: Unofficial Aviador Dro Home Page: # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info kraftwerk" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Other questions? Read the FAQ: ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 22:26:43 +0100 From: "Jon Alsbury" Subject: Re: (kw) new Kraftwerk album >1) What if it's crap? >Kraftwerk will no longer be legend in their own lifetime. Their air of >mystery will permanently be gone. I think you pretty much hit the nail on the head there. I believe it's gone already to a large extent. I believe a lot of people who have taken an interest in Kraftwerk comparatively recently will take one listen to the new album and say "yeah, what's the big deal?". you have to admit, as good as they were, they peaked a long long time ago. >2) What if no one buys it? 90% of sales will be to existing fans. record buyers are more conservative and narrow minded today that at any other time I can remember. kids aren't interested in new music these days. just look at the 'alternative' music scene - it's a fucking joke. the only reason The Mix faired reasonably well I believe is because all us silly Kraftwerk fans rushed out and bought it in every available format... >3) What if the tour is a shambles? I'd be surprised if they pull the ripcord halfway across the US - it's not as if they have anything strenuous to do on stage these days anyway (like actually play anything). >As THE most influential band since The Beatles, I hope they don't screw up >big time. At least McCartney and Lennon didn't start producing bollocks >until after The Beatles were finished. they should have split in '86. they'd have been remembered as they were at the pinnacle of their influence and success. perfect. unassailable. who honestly believes this new album will take the game forward and leave the world aghast in the way Trans Europe Express and The Man-Machine did? Let's hope they prove me wrong! # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info kraftwerk" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Other questions? Read the FAQ: ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 15:32:46 -0700 From: "ROBOT" Subject: Re: (kw) new Kraftwerk album/KONVOY Koordination *************** sez: >With the upcoming Kraftwerk tour, there is little doubt that a new album will soon be forthcoming, probably later this year. But before we get too excited I'd like to raise a few issues:< - -(SNIP)- These are all valid questions/fears. I'm not overly impressed with the 3 new tracks I've heard so far, but, I still love KW and I love their KlassiKs. I MUST see them *LIVE* in Konzert. "The Ultimate Pilgrimage". -(As if I had anything else to live for.)- New album in Oktober, eh? Rats. I was hoping to aquire an autographed copy in June. It would be nice if it would coincide with the Tour. >3) What if the tour is a shambles? Do Huetter and Schnieder still have the stamina for a grueling world tour? Without it, the tour is likely to be a disaster and will possibly be scrapped half way through.< CANCELLED??*ARGH*!! Nein, nein! Das kann nicht sein! This cannot be! I'm already over the edge, hanging by a very brittle fingernail. I'm struggling hard to come up with bus/plane fare, lodging, tickets, etc- not to mention trying to keep what's left of my sanity. -(WHAT "sanity"?)- If the Tour is cancelled, so help me, God, they'll OWE me BIG time!! 20 years of total love/worship/adoration for naught? I can't bear to think of anything going wrong. So close and yet so far. No smiley faces. No bullshit. It MUST happen. It WILL happen. My life/soul depends on it. Achtung! KRAFTWERK KONVOY KOORDINATION KOMMITTEE: Meanwhile- I'm trying to figure out how I can order S.F. Warfield tickets for a couple of Fans overseas. -(And L.A, too, if needed)- Can any other U.S. Fans assist, just in case my Mom's VISA is maxed-out or if there's too small a limit on number of tickets per order? I don't want anyone to be disappointed! I'm doing my best, but, I'm FLAT BROKE, and the local BASS outlet -(inside Gottschalk's)-doesn't open until 11am Sundays- which is 1 hour AFTER tickets go on sale May 3rd. Oh, and there's NO Ticketmaster outlet in Eureka at all. Can any L.Aliens help me? I only need 1 Palladium ticket for myself, but, there might be some overseas Fans who are flying into L.A. instead of S.F. Hm-m-m, I think Craig Land said he's going to L.A. -Anyone else? Some people aren't on the KONVOY List yet. Also, are there any Fans in each Tour city who can find local Hotel info for incoming travelers? It would be nice to get a few adjoining rooms to share near each venue. 2-4 persons per room. whatever. I'm trying to end on an optimistic note here. PLEASE, let's help each other out. ROBOT's Silly Sektor of CyberSpace +^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+ =K R A F T W E R K=K R A F T W E R K=K R A F T W E R K= +^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+ # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info kraftwerk" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Other questions? Read the FAQ: ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 18:51:47 +0500 From: Christopher Gross Subject: Re: (kw) new Kraftwerk album On 15-Apr-98, Jon Alsbury wrote: >>3) What if the tour is a shambles? >I'd be surprised if they pull the ripcord halfway across the US - it's not >as if they have anything strenuous to do on stage these days anyway (like >actually play anything). That reminds me of a previous thread about the Playstation game "Fade To Black" (in which Florian's voice may have appeared). One of 'Florian''s characters, the Professor, makes things tough for the hero by lagging behind and saying "Wait! Slow down, I'm an old man!" Hope that's not prophetic... ;-) BTW, I have the NTSC version, which apparently doesn't have the German voices. It gives you a choice of French and English, but the other languages only appear in subtitles... - -- Chris Gross or UTILITY GALLERY: Sandy Becker's Page: # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info kraftwerk" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Other questions? Read the FAQ: ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 15 Apr 1998 01:20:46 +0200 From: "Christoph Marquardt" Subject: (kw) San Francisco Warfield Theatre info Hi Werkers, for those of you who want to see the San Francisco Concert, check out this: Christoph (aka "ze German" aka "nubui") # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info kraftwerk" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Other questions? Read the FAQ: ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 20:51:53 -0400 From: (R. D.) Subject: Re: (kw) San Francisco Warfield Theatre info I just wish somebody would do something like that for the NEW-YORK venue! PLease... :-] - -- Roger. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info kraftwerk" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Other questions? Read the FAQ: ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 20:03:24 -0500 From: Al Barrios Subject: Re: (kw) new Kraftwerk album Heather wrote.... Greetings everyone! Jon Alsbury wrote: 90% of sales will be to existing fans. record buyers are more conservative > > and narrow minded today that at any other time I can remember. kids aren't > > interested in new music these days. just look at the 'alternative' music > > scene - it's a fucking joke. > > I totally agree, but I think there is always hope, since one could compare the currant stagnancy in music to other periods, and hopefully like those other periods, a new and unique music form will emerge. sorry its my idealistic side showing. the only reason The Mix faired reasonably well I > > believe is because all us silly Kraftwerk fans rushed out and bought it in > > every available format... > > > > hehe. Well it seems like some of the newer fans got into kw due to hearing the mix, though imho the mix, though really good, is not quite up on the other albums levels, which means instead of being almost mindblowing it's just really really good :-) they should have split in '86. > > au contraire mon frere, I really love kw and would be hugely interested in what they have to say artistically now, even if its totally different from the earlier werks, I think electric cafe gets too much flack, i really like it and i think it is ten times better than 95% of the other non-kw albums i've heard... Oh in response to whether they could physically handle the tour, if ralf and florian{though according to bussy's book, ralf is more the cyclist :-} are still cycling the way they were then i don't think it will be a problem.. Oh well, all this is imho of course, so good day to all Yours truly, heather "sorry if this is in the archives" d. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info kraftwerk" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Other questions? Read the FAQ: ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 15 Apr 1998 08:36:11 +0000 From: jbv Subject: Re: (kw) San Francisco Warfield Theatre info R. D. wrote: > > I just wish somebody would do something like that for the NEW-YORK > venue! > > PLease... :-] > BTW, a lot of info is available through local YAHOO sites (at least for SF & LA). Type "Warfield" or "Palladium" in the Yellow Pages search box of each local Yahoo front page. jbv # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info kraftwerk" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Other questions? Read the FAQ: ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 15 Apr 1998 11:03:20 +0200 From: Andreas Schepers Subject: AW: (kw) new Kraftwerk album hi, actually i think, kw's phenomenal appearance at tribal gathering in 97 = and=20 those 2 gigs later that year (that were supportet by laurent garnier and = daft punk) show that kw finally got aware of their role as "godfathers" = of=20 todays dance-music-scene. (techno, idm, whatever) back in the 70s-80s they were much more a krautrockband with a strong=20 intellectual impact. today, people that never ever heard much about kw before, freak out when = they hear them play live. they know all the detroit djs and their pure=20 minimalistic sound-style, but they didn't know about kw. there is even a = hugh comeback of oldschool-electro in europe's clubs. for me it's great to see, that kw now are back into the scene. hopeflluy = there will be a remix-album.... let's wait and hope :) regards, andreas - ---- Andreas Schepers NetMedia GmbH=09 Information Design Schubertstra=DFe 8 66111 Saarbruecken # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info kraftwerk" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Other questions? Read the FAQ: ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 15 Apr 1998 11:47:51 +0100 From: "Craig Land" Subject: (kw) Hotstuff Hi there Chaps, I have just received today the latest catalogue from the Internet Sales and Mail Order company, Hotstuff. There are lots of Kraftwerk goodies in here, covering releases on both vinyl and CD. I have ordered a promo only 12 inch which seems like an EP of some sort. Nothing new, just tracks like Tour De France, Model.........It is advertised as an 'Instore Promo'. May be worth having in my collection. I also notice they have a few other nice items like the UK 7 inch vinyl release of the Robots in gatefold cover. Check out their web site: I also notice that there are a few Electric Music items as well, including the CD singles from the first album and the 12 inch singles. The prices are on average around 5 UK Pounds each for these, this is quite a bit cheaper than some have been asking for the same, second-hand items on this list in the past! Just thought you might like to know. Craig. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info kraftwerk" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Other questions? Read the FAQ: ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 15 Apr 1998 10:40:18 +0100 From: Jules Seifert Subject: Re: (kw) what do you think about komputer ? Jon Alsbury wrote: > > so if you're the kind of person who plays man-machine > and computerwelt for eight hours every single day and > despise anything fresh, new, or inovative, you'll think > Komputer are the absolutely shagtastic. > now there's a phrase I haven't heard for a long while. Thanx Jono, I'm gonna use it in conversation until somebody beats me over the head with a mouldy bratwurst. On the 'komputer' front, I tend to agree. Ppl buy this shit just cos it sounds like R&F (without the style) and they weren't any good in their previous incarnation. Tribute bands schmibute bands....... - -- ciao, - ------------------------------------------ Jules Seifert #Kraftwerk IRC channel ICQ#: 7421804 # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info kraftwerk" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Other questions? Read the FAQ: ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 15 Apr 1998 10:45:29 +0100 From: Jules Seifert Subject: Re: (kw) new Kraftwerk album Jon Alsbury wrote: > > 90% of sales will be to existing fans. record buyers are more conservative > and narrow minded today that at any other time I can remember. kids aren't > interested in new music these days. just look at the 'alternative' music > scene - it's a fucking joke. I tend to disagree, IMHO the music scene is now more healthy that it was in the late 80's / early 90's. In those days ppl were put off the alt scene cos indie was just foot staring cure rip-offs, but now indie means a whole lot more. And if you go to festivals, the audience seems to be incredibly young (or is it me gettin' old) No, i think ppl a more open minded now. Look at the 80's, don't you remember how crap they were? > the only reason The Mix faired reasonably well I > believe is because all us silly Kraftwerk fans rushed out and bought it in > every available format... > Yeah, mix, schmix...... - -- ciao, - ------------------------------------------ Jules Seifert #Kraftwerk IRC channel ICQ#: 7421804 # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info kraftwerk" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Other questions? Read the FAQ: ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 15 Apr 1998 12:59:54 +0200 From: Thomas Subject: Re: (kw) new Kraftwerk album >1) What if it's crap? >Kraftwerk will no longer be legend in their own lifetime. Their air of mystery will permanently be gone. > I don't believe that they will release the new material on a new album. Playing new material before it is released (as at TG, Linz and Karlsruhe) is totally against policy, especially in the case of Kraftwerk. Ralf and Florian are very aware of themselves, but I think when it comes to music production and working on new projects, they don't take the whole thing that serious anymore as before. Thomas # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info kraftwerk" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Other questions? Read the FAQ: ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 15 Apr 1998 13:52:23 +0000 From: jbv Subject: Re: AW: (kw) new Kraftwerk album Andreas Schepers wrote: > = > actually i think, kw's phenomenal appearance at tribal gathering in 97 = and > those 2 gigs later that year (that were supportet by laurent garnier an= d > daft punk) show that kw finally got aware of their role as "godfathers"= of > todays dance-music-scene. (techno, idm, whatever) > = > back in the 70s-80s they were much more a krautrockband with a strong > intellectual impact. And here we go again ! Even if it's only a personal opinion, this is = just another example of "flabby" revisionism. Let alone the last two 97 KW gigs (I wasn't at TG) that looked like a bad joke (when compared to gigs from the 80s for instance)... But you should remember that disapointment regarding KW started as early as 74, when they released Autobahn. I guess I said that before : a fair = amount of their early fans (also fans of Can, Faust, Neu!, etc) thought = - - back then - that this album was the death of the real krautrock = spirit, that KW were going commercial and would be lost forever. It's a real pity I don't have the time to discuss that topic in an exhaustive way at the moment : to me, KW appear more like the "godfathers" of opportunism than anything else. At each step of their career, (except for TEE, perhaps), they appear like the followers of the current trend that was already initiated and developped by other = bands : - other krautbands such as NEU! for KW 1&2 - T. Riley & S.Reich for R&F - Beach Boys for Autobahn - Beach Boys & electro-acustic music for RA - Moroder for MM - hundreds (if not thousands) of independent productions for CW - etc. etc. And they're so good at that, that for at least 17 years, they manage to lure successive generations of audience with EXACTLY the same songs, = the same show and the same hardware setup ! Once again, this "godfathers of today-dance-music scene" thing is just a clich=E9 overused by critics and reviewers lacking inspiration, or too = lazy to really investigate. Go back to articles and reviews published all along their career, talk with people who've seen and liked them at least from the mid-70s, and the picture will hopefully get some depth and perspective. I know what some people will say : some fans are too young to remember = KW in the 70s and 80s. So what ? Very few historians are old enough to = remember Napoleon and Julius Caesar... But does it allow them to rely on sterile clich=E9s ? The fact that millions of DJs and clueless techno musicians around the = planet are using synths and samplers and sequencers and the like is = just the natural evolution of that technology. And the fact that they = all use MIDI repeatitive sequences is just because it's the easiest and = most simple thing to do with that kind of technology. Just like the various bleeps and whooshes and pew-pews that can be found in KW works from 74 to 81 were the easiest things to do with analog modulars, the up-to-date technology of that period. Or the marimba or bass-slap sounds in EC that were the easiest thing (actually presets) to do with a DX7... I'll tell you something folks : the REAL and DEEP interesting side = of KW is elsewhere... Bye for now. jbv # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info kraftwerk" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Other questions? Read the FAQ: ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 15 Apr 1998 13:54:52 +0000 From: jbv Subject: Re: (kw) Hotstuff Craig Land wrote: > > Hi there Chaps, > > I have just received today the latest catalogue from the Internet Sales and > Mail Order company, Hotstuff. There are lots of Kraftwerk goodies in here, > covering releases on both vinyl and CD. Has anyone tried to order from HotStuff ? I must say that I tried (through their site, by email and by fax), but never got any answer from them... jbv # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info kraftwerk" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Other questions? Read the FAQ: ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 15 Apr 1998 14:00:53 +0200 From: "Svensson, Joakim" Subject: RE: (kw) Hotstuff I've tried them several times. Works like a charm. (At least in Sweden...) /Joakim > -----Original Message----- > Has anyone tried to order from HotStuff ? # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info kraftwerk" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Other questions? Read the FAQ: ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 15 Apr 1998 14:09:44 +0200 From: Lars Nellemann Subject: Re: (kw) Hotstuff > >Has anyone tried to order from HotStuff ? I must say that I tried >(through their site, by email and by fax), but never got any answer >from them... I have several times, they are very slow - and it is wise to check up on your order, and make them confirm it. That's were I got the new Electric Music CD and single from, and that's fast because it is probably not released yet. Lars # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info kraftwerk" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Other questions? Read the FAQ: ------------------------------ End of kraftwerk-digest V2 #90 ******************************