From: (kraftwerk-digest) To: Subject: kraftwerk-digest V2 #386 Reply-To: kraftwerk-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk X-No-Archive: yes kraftwerk-digest Monday, January 31 2000 Volume 02 : Number 386 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 27 Jan 2000 17:46:44 -0500 From: Shane King Subject: (kw) Kubrick-like At 1:46 PM -0700 1/27/00, kraftwerk-digest wrote: > think EMI >knows that trying to control Kraftwerk's output would lead to a separation >between the band and label and so KW probably has a Kubrick-like control >over their projects. 'Kubrick-like', good way to put it... I've always been under the impression Kraftwerk operated in a vacuum. They don't let the record company know anything until they are ready and just drop off a master tape when the album is finished. And while it is true that the suits are usually involved in the creative process (what an oxymoron that is) with most bands, Kraftwerk isn't most bands. Plus as someone pointed out, if they were rejected they probably would find an avenue for self distribution. What I don't understand is why they haven't updated their site in a very long time, especially given that they have a new product. But they always defy understanding, don't they?! - -- Shane has free music, go there now! # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info kraftwerk" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Other questions? Read the FAQ: ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 27 Jan 2000 19:27:25 -0500 From: Shane King Subject: (kw) Futurism/Kling Klang's equipment At 1:46 PM -0700 1/27/00, kraftwerk-digest wrote: > I agree. The same goes for Sci-Fi novels... Consider Robert Heinlein. >His work ventured into a hundred different versions of the future, but that >was only on the surface; the real story was always about the struggles and >experiences of the humans involved. Some sci-fi authors concentrate more >on the imaginary technologies of their worlds, but unless you're fascinated >with detailed descriptions of hyper-thrust trilithium particle >disintigrator cannons, there's probably not much to relate to. George Lucas once said something to the effect of "a good science fiction movie has to have a good story, not just special effects" (so why wasn't Episode one better?) Good science fiction should be a great story wrapped in a 'fantastic' setting. This can be translated to music as well. One of the biggest problems I have with modern electronic music is that while there are lots of neat sounds (special effects) there is no real songwriting (story). One of the reasons I have loved Kraftwerk for so long is that they write a song that is wrapped in neat electronics, not just drum loops and sound effects. (Chemical Brothers, Prodigy, Fat Boy Slim et al...) This is especially true of the 'sound alike' bands like Komputer and Kraftwelt. They have some of the right sounds, but they can't write song. As someone who does electronic music I can tell you how easy it is to do stuff that sounds neat, but doesn't really have anything behind it. I personally work very hard at making sure that there is a real song in what I write. (if anyone cares to critique my songwriting go to my website ,, where you can download mp3s) At 1:46 PM -0700 1/27/00, kraftwerk-digest wrote: >Shane, > > >In the expo 2000 single cover, some trademarks: > >DOEPFER (SCHALTWERK?? MAQ16/3?? >STEINBERG (CUBASE VST???? >KAWAI (KW 5000?? >TC-ELECTRONIC (SYSTEM 6000?? >TC WORKS (FX MEISTER?? TC NATIVE REVERB?? >QUASIMIDI (POLYMORPH?? > >This is a Kling Klang upgrade?? These are various pieces of equipment; DOEPFER (SCHALTWERK?? MAQ16/3?? This is a slider bank/arpeggiator that you can use in conjunction with software, pretty neat. If memory serves me Ralf and Florian contributed to the design of a step time sequencer for Doepfer in the early '90s. Off hand I can't remember what the MAQ16/3 is. Cubase is a midi/audio sequencer program, one of the best, and coincidentally the program that I use. This is one of the 'Hard Disc Recording' (hdr) options available, where audio is recorded onto hard disc and then arranged on the computer screen, more on this at the bottom. Kawai (KW5000) This is an Additive Synthesizer. Most older/analog and analog style synths work on the 'Subtractive' method, where a filter subtracts frequencies from the oscillator. Additive works by creating complex waveforms out of sine waves, many of them. (sine waves are the simplest of waveforms, a smooth up/down wave. Theoretically any waveform can be reconstructed using only sine waves) Until recently the computing power necessary for additive precluded real time operation. Additive is an interesting method, not the easiest in the world to program. TC-Electronics System 6000. I'm not sure, but I think that this is a new modular synthesizer. Modulars are the old, old style synths where each module has a specific function and are patched together with leads. (hence the still used phrase 'Patch') One of the cool things about modular synths is that you can input basically any signal into it and modulate it with the electronics. One popular application is to run drums through a modular, giving them a unique quality. Depeche Mode and NIN are very big fans of doing this. >TC WORKS (FX MEISTER?? TC NATIVE REVERB. These are 'plug-ins' for >Cubase (and other programs). This allows you to add effects to your >sequencing program. This way you can add reverb (and many other >effects) to a track without having to go outside your computer to >your hardware effects. I use a lot of plug-ins, they are great. QUASIMIDI POLYMORPH. This is one of the new breed of synthesizers. Using a digital base it's software emulates the older analog synths. At first this 'sound modelling' technology was intended to be a way to re-create the way that a 'real' instrument (like a trumpet or saxaphone) works. Instead of sampling, which is essentially static in nature, the software emulates each component of the instrument being emulated. (mouth piece, valves, bell) That application has yet to really take off, but some clever people realized you could also emulate the components of an analog synthesizer the same way (filters, oscillator, etc) Without looking it up I think that the Polymorph also has a step-time sequencer and drum machine. At 1:46 PM -0700 1/27/00, kraftwerk-digest wrote: > >Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2000 19:17:39 GMT >From: "Matthew Large" >Subject: Re: (kw) Kraftwerk and Cubase > >>Ralf also said that they were changing their studio over to Cubase. > >>From what? I know that they went digital around the time of 'The Mix', but the technology has matured in leaps and bounds since '91. Before then your options were limited. The Synclavier had crude two-track hdr capabilites and cost as much as a house. (I'm not joking. As an aside Phil Oakey hates his synclavier so much "worst money I ever spent", that it sits water damaged in storage, unused) They used a Synclavier for 'Electric Cafe', but I couldn't tell you about 'The Mix'. Vision was around at that time and was the first sequencer program to merge audio and midi capabilites and was a leader in the field for a long time. Unfortunately Gibson recently bought Opcode (makers of Vison) and essentially killed the whole product line. Again, the capabilties were crude by todays standards but a big step in the 'desktop musician' movement. I'm not saying that they used Vision, but it wouldn't surprise me if they did. The way they recorded 'The Mix' was to sample the old master tapes to get the actual sounds from the old songs and then re-sequence them in to new versions, in addition to adding/creating new parts. I don't know what they recorded onto, but at that time your main options were analog tape or digital tape. Now we have the option of going completely tape-less. Once the audio goes into the computer it never has to hit analog again until you slap the cd into your player and your speakers return it to the world of analog. Believe it or not, I've actually simplified a lot of this. This is the way that I record and I love it. At 1:46 PM -0700 1/27/00, kraftwerk-digest wrote: >So, we have to wait 5 years again for let them understand how to play with >this "new" tecnology?!? It shouldn't take them five years to learn it, but how long it takes them to *use* it is anyones guess. They are in tough spot. If whatever they release isn't universally received as brilliant, people will complain about it. Some of this is apparent with the 'Expo 2000' release, even with "Electric Cafe' to some. I love that album, but not everyone does. To me it seems that they have three options; release nothing and remain legends, release something that is good, but not groundbreaking and accept it, or take as long as it takes to create something that will satisfy everyone, which is highly unliklely. I can understand them not wanting to tarnish their reputations. I personally wish that Depeche Mode would call it quits rather than release product that is weaker than SOFAD or Violator. Ultra was good, but not as good as the previous two albums. Better to quit while your ahead. The rest of the world has caught up with our boys. What was once very difficult to do is now much easier thanks to the new technology. I doubt that they can top the ground breaking efforts of 'Computer World' and their other albums. I would like them to release new material as long as they are satisfied with it. A 'mediocre' album by KW standards is likely to be better than anything that those bands I mentioned earlier are ever capable of. Or at the very least I'd love for them to release a live album. I was right next to the mixing board when they played NY and I'm pretty sure that they were recording the show. I'd love to have the live/modern versions of Numbers and The Model. I hope that I didn't take up too much bandwidth with all this.... - -- Shane has free music, go there now! # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info kraftwerk" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Other questions? Read the FAQ: ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 27 Jan 2000 18:01:47 -0700 (MST) From: Soleil Lapierre Subject: (kw) Futurism/Kling Klang's equipment Shane King's message prompts me to offer an alternate viewpoint. I just want to point out that some people have a different way of listening to music. For the most part, I don't care for lyrics or nebulous things like "stories" or "futurism" in music. I enjoy the sound. I don't listen to KW because I think they were "futuristic" or ahead of their time or insightful. I like KW because they have sounds that please my ears. I prefer instrumental music for the most part because singing generally spoils the music for me. There are exceptions, and I don't mind lyrics if they blend with or complement the music, but to me the point of music is to create pleasing arrangements of sounds and not to tell a story. The only thing I enjoy about music other than the raw sound itself is the mood it sets, and that has nothing to do with lyrics. I suspect this difference of opinion has something to do with the difference between liking and disliking samplers. I love music that includes samples because it helps define a mood and it make me perk up and say, "Hey, I know that sound! It's cool that this artist also likes ". Sometimes sampling almost amounts to a trivia competition between artist and listener - see if you can place THIS sound! - -- /* Soleil "Ra" Lapierre */ # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info kraftwerk" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Other questions? Read the FAQ: ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2000 10:24:16 +0100 From: Subject: RE: (kw) Futurism/Kling Klang's equipment Shane wrote, in a long billiant mail: =2E=2E=2EA 'mediocre' album by KW standards is likely to be better than anything= =20= that those bands I mentioned earlier are ever capable of=2E=2E=2E=20= Well said! / Johan # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info kraftwerk" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Other questions? Read the FAQ: ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2000 14:56:07 +0100 From: "Der Automat" Subject: RE: (kw) island question 1. Mule Nostril - No way 2. The Flinkles - Nothing of the kind 3. The Corn Syrup Experience - You've got a point there! 4. Gimme That Chew Toy - Hope you like our new direction 5. Speed-freaks - There's no point 6. Bonerland - All set! 7. Hors d'oeuvres - s'il vous pla=EEt 8. Krewtfark - Much ado about nothing 9. Erstickungsgefahr - Die Wahrheit ist heraus dort 10. Bedienungsanleitung - Herzlichen Gl=FCckwunsch! 11. Anleitungen - Bitte aufschereiben 12. Tamotua - That's not on! 13. In no sense - Nonsense 14. Troubleshooting - Tongue in cheek 15. Mental confusion - You've been had! DER AUTOMAT # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info kraftwerk" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Other questions? Read the FAQ: ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2000 14:00:24 GMT From: "juno ." Subject: (kw) Yet Another Release Date According to Techno Online , the new album will be=20 released on July 2. I'm sure I'm just jumping to conclusions though. Here is the article from their site; if someone could please translate th= e=20 German, it would most appreciated. I'm sorry if it looks all mixed up. :-) >>>>>>04.01.2000 Musik: Neues Kraftwerk-Album noch in diesem Fr=FChjahr Die Techno-Legende Kraftwerk, die in den letzten Jahren durch ewig=20 angek=FCndigte und immer wieder verschobene (wahrscheinlich nie geplante)= =20 "neue Aufnahmen" und den gro=DFen Expo2000 RipOff (f=FCr den 4-Sekunden-J= ingle=20 floss ein sechstelliger Betrag auf die Kling Klang Konten) sowie die=20 skandal=F6s schlechten (bestenfalls todlangweiligen) zwei neuen Tracks, d= ie=20 sie auf den Konzerten in London und Karlsruhe zum Besten gaben, bereits e= in=20 ganzes St=FCck ihres Kultstus einb=FCssten, ist, wie sich in den letzten = Wochen=20 gezeigt hat, doch noch immer ein sicherer Kandidat f=FCr die Charts. Nachdem die Wellen der Emp=F6rung und Entr=FCstung wegen der Verschwendun= g=20 deutscher Expo2000-Steuergelder hoch genug geschwappt waren und Kraftwerk= =20 die Publicity hatten, die sie ebendamit hatten erreichen wollen, schob di= e=20 (bzw. der verbleibende Rest der Original-) Band noch rasch eine 12"/MCD=20 gleichen Titels nach, die die Langeweile leidiglich auf einige Minuten pr= o=20 Version streckt. Jean-Michel Jarre zum Beispiel vermeidet solcherlei=20 Fauxpas, indem er seine noch immer wegweisenden Album-Tracks f=FCr die=20 Maxi-Auskopplungen von zeitgen=F6ssicshen Produzenten remixen l=E4=DFt, d= ie ein=20 Ohr am Puls der Zeit haben. Kraftwerk dagegen halten sich noch immer f=FC= r das=20 Ma=DF aller Dinge und die internationale K=E4uferschaft macht das Spiel (= noch)=20 mit; die aktuellen Chartsbelegungen beweisen das. Wer auf den offiziellen Kraftwer-Seiten national und international=20 erhellende Informationen erwartet, hat ebenfalls Pech. Einzigen witziges=20 Informationsbit ist ein Link, der einem verr=E4t, da=DF das alte Label Kl= ink=20 Klang (auf dem seinerzeit die ersten Kraftwerk LPs erschienen) als Kling=20 Klang Konsum Produkt GmbH wiederauferstanden ist und immerhin bereits ein= =20 Produkt feilbietet: ein Robotershirt kurzarm f=FCr schlappe 45,-DM. Nun j= a... Einem Radioreporter in Spanien gelang es immerhin dennoch, etwas neues au= s=20 den schweigsamen Vier herauszubringen! Dannach soll das neue Album schon = am=20 2. Juli 2000 bei EMI Deutschland erscheinen und w=E4re damit das erste Al= bum=20 seit dem vor 14 Jahren ver=F6ffentlichten Werk Electric Caf=E9.=20 Kraftwerk-Sammler d=FCrfte au=DFerdem die Tatsache interessieren, da=DF d= ie=20 aktuelle Maxi "Expo 2000" im Ausland mit in Deutschland nicht erh=E4ltlic= hen=20 Bonusmixes erscheint, um die Importflut an deutschem Kraftwerk-Material,=20 unter der die ausl=E4ndischen Labels zu leiden haben, etwas einzud=E4mmen. ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info kraftwerk" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Other questions? Read the FAQ: ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2000 17:53:20 +0200 From: Jean Christophe DERRIEN Subject: (kw) Coma (Karl Bartos mix) on Ebay Dont pretend that you know me Cause I dont even know myself... (The Who) # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info kraftwerk" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Other questions? Read the FAQ: ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2000 18:23:13 +0000 From: Kevin Busby Subject: Re: (kw) island question Der Automat wrote: > 4. Gimme That Chew Toy - Hope you like our new direction Ah, a tribute to Spinal Tap II? Tasty! KB # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info kraftwerk" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Other questions? Read the FAQ: ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2000 19:34:49 +0100 From: (Wess) Subject: (kw) EXPO2000 no 60 in Germany (source "media control") see subject # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info kraftwerk" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Other questions? Read the FAQ: ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2000 18:05:56 -0700 From: Enrique Correa Subject: (kw) Off Topic (Art Of Noise) From: ART OF NOISE ANNOUNCE RETURN. Art Of Noise are set to return in March = for their first London show in over a decade. Original members Trevor Horn, = Anne Dudley and Paul Morley will be joined by new guitarist/video artist Lol Cr=E8me. The act play Shepherds Bush Empire on March 22nd. The gig is = to promote their forthcoming album, 'The Reduction Of Claude Debussy' = which will be released the same week. Enrique # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info kraftwerk" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Other questions? Read the FAQ: ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2000 02:14:30 +0000 From: "Ian Tyson" Subject: (kw) Bicycles! Yes! why not bicycles. >Today we cannot build a gothic cathedral. We could only build a cathedral >which looks >like being gothic,.... Exactly! Now bicycles, that's a different matter. It is no surprise to me that KW considered an album of cycling songs. Because this is real technology in the true sense of the word. Gothic architecture is not like a prefab building, the abacus is not like the pocket calculator, the stagecoach is not like the car, the telegraph is not like the telephone, but the bicycle is, was, and always will be a bicycle. Why? It is simply an ingenious invention that can not be radically improved. May change style slightly, but always looking like a bike and always used in the same way by every generation. And any cyclist will tell you, if you want to get the most out of travelling by bike, to get maximum efficiency, you need rhythm. Yes RHYTHM. It is about knowing what pace your body can keep going at with continuos REPETITIVE movements and MINIMAL variation. It is where MAN and MACHINE work in harmony to create a perfect synergy. With most "modern" technology; car, calculator, computer, telephone etc., - constantly updated because we get bored with them, - the machine is the worker and the human is (increasingly) passive. Most modern technology has one main goal; Reduce physical activity for the human. Machines are the modern day slave. The robots. So let's put the robots on stage to entertain us, make music for us. BUT YOU WILL NEVER SEE A ROBOT ON A BICYCLE. ian t # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info kraftwerk" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Other questions? Read the FAQ: ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2000 18:40:39 -0500 From: "vig" Subject: (kw) FS & FA: ENDS 1/31 LARGE KRAFTWERK/SYNTHPOP COLLECTION - New Years Speical Sale ENDS 1/31 I am parting with a great deal of my personal collection after collecting for more than 15 years. Over 1000 titles are available at my website: Now, to celebrate the new Millennium, I'm holding my FIRST EVER SALE off my normal prices. THIS SPECIAL OFFER RUNS FOR THE MONTH OF JANUARY ONLY! Order $1 - $20 take 10% off your total order Order $21 - $50 take 20% off your total order Order $51 - $100 take 25% off your total order Order over $100 take 35% off your total order Included in my sale are tons of rare items, many standard issues and a few things you probably never knew were released (unless you wrote the artists' discography). Artists include: ABC, A-ha, Marc Almond/Soft Cell, Alphaville, Belouis Some, Beloved, Book Of Love, Camouflage, Cause & Effect, Cetu Javu, Cure, Depeche Mode, Duran Duran, Echo & The Bunnymen, Erasure/Vince Clarke, Eurythmics/Annie Lennox , Frazier Chorus, Hubert Kah, Information Society, Howard Jones, KLF/JAMMS, Kon Kan, Kraftwerk, Morrissey/Smiths, Sinead O’Connor, New Order/Electronic/Revenge, Normal/Silicon Teens, OMD, Pet Shop Boys, Psychedelic Furs/Love Spit Love, Red Box, Red Flag, Secession, When In Rome Yaz(oo)/Alison Moyet and many, many more. Many items are set sale but I will put some items up on eBay as well. New titles will be added to the auction bi-weekly with the first auctions starting later this week. The whole shebang , including ordering/shipping info, starts here: The eBay items can be found at If this URL is chopped in your mail reader just copy the whole thing and paste it into your browser. Here's the Kraftwerk items Kraftwerk Pocket Caculator 12" US Promo w/ Dentaku Great CPS PROA-951 Ebay Kraftwerk Tour De France 12" US Remix + French vers PS 20146 Ebay Kraftwerk-Electric Music Crosstalk CD German 3 tracks Single Ltd. Ed. Of 5,000 Gatefold 110363 Ebay Kraftwerk-Electric Music TV CD German Single 2 versions PS SPV 055-92673 Ebay Thanks for looking. David xx # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info kraftwerk" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Other questions? Read the FAQ: ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2000 17:36:46 +0100 From: "Der Automat" Subject: (kw) DM (was RE: Futurism/Kling Klang's equipment) Shane King wrote: > I personally wish that Depeche Mode would call it quits >rather than release product that is weaker than SOFAD or Violator. >Ultra was good, but not as good as the previous two albums. Better to >quit while your ahead. The three members of Depeche Mode went their separate ways last year. DER AUTOMAT # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info kraftwerk" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Other questions? Read the FAQ: ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2000 01:54:38 -0800 From: depeche Subject: Re: (kw) DM (was RE: Futurism/Kling Klang's equipment) WRONG! DM has not split. Andrew Fax# (520) 752-7843 ICQ# 11490225 | > I personally wish that Depeche Mode would call it quits | >rather than release product that is weaker than SOFAD or Violator. | >Ultra was good, but not as good as the previous two albums. Better to | >quit while your ahead. | | The three members of Depeche Mode went their separate ways last year. | | DER AUTOMAT # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info kraftwerk" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Other questions? Read the FAQ: ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2000 09:28:50 PST From: "Martin Prochazka" Subject: (kw) Remixes of EXPO 2000 - Kraftwerk CZ Hi All! I put online remixes of Expo 2000 from Michael Bye Computermusic Kraftwerk CZ ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info kraftwerk" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Other questions? Read the FAQ: ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2000 14:46:29 GMT From: "King Rollo" Subject: (kw) expo stuff Umm... nice article at in case no-one else had mentioned it. Also, we've got it on our A-list at the radio station I work on (and no, I'm not responsible!)... ~~r~ ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info kraftwerk" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Other questions? Read the FAQ: ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2000 19:44:31 +0100 From: "J.Garcia" Subject: (kw) "techno" term Hi, I'm investigating the origin of the term "techno" or "technopop" as a pop music label and wondered if someone on this list has more info about this. Techno was used to name the Detroit techno in 1988, but this term started being used much earlier. Kraftwerk used "Techno-pop" as the title for their aborted LP in 1983, in some press ads, but the term had been used for at leat one year in Spain: in february 1982, a pop magazine features a Virgin ad titled "musica tecno pop", in which they promote the albums by OMD, Heaven 17, DAF, Human League, Devo, John Foxx, Simple Minds, Japan. In 1981, terms such as "cool-wave", "synth-pop", "new romantic" were used to describe the music of such and other groups. Earlier than that, the Spanish band Aviador Dro were using this term as early as november 1979 in a FM radio interview to describe their own music and their influences: The Residents, Cabaret Voltaire, Pere Ubu, Devo, etc. They said it was a "technological wave". Does anyone have more info about this? I hope this is not too off-topic! Jose Garcia # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info kraftwerk" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Other questions? Read the FAQ: ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2000 12:15:54 -0700 From: Lazlo Nibble Subject: Re: (kw) "techno" term On Sat, Jan 29, 2000 at 07:44:31PM +0100, J.Garcia wrote: > In 1981, terms such as "cool-wave", "synth-pop", "new romantic" were > used to describe the music of such and other groups. > > Earlier than that, the Spanish band Aviador Dro were using this term > as early as november 1979 in a FM radio interview to describe their > own music and their influences: The Residents, Cabaret Voltaire, Pere > Ubu, Devo, etc. > They said it was a "technological wave". For what it's worth, the Buggles released a song called "Technopop" in 1980 as the B-side to their "Clean, Clean" single. It's one of the bonus tracks on the recent (well-done and long overdue) UK remaster of The Age Of Plastic. - -- Lazlo Nibble - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 24/7 music from the Nibble vaults! - -- # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info kraftwerk" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Other questions? Read the FAQ: ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2000 07:10:32 +0100 From: "Arnaud de Bonald" Subject: (kw) new bootleg Der Maschinemensch Found at Der Maschinemensch (32 Track Remix CD) Kling Klang MM990734 Germany 09/06/99 - CD Album What is it? Only remixes made by DJ's or any real KW material not available on CD? # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info kraftwerk" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Other questions? Read the FAQ: ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2000 04:20:28 PST From: "Martin Prochazka" Subject: (kw) Sorry to All for EXPO2000 but geocities deleted my account Hi All! Sorry to All for EXPO2000 but last night geocities deleted my account. I will try get new account from different provider. Bye Computermusic Kraftwerk CZ ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info kraftwerk" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Other questions? Read the FAQ: ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2000 15:47:21 +0100 From: "Der Automat" Subject: (kw) TEE The Spanish on-line fanzine ENOFF ( have chose the Trance Europe Express LP as classic record of the month. That reminds me, the train that appears in the stage screens at the rendition of Trans-Europe Express / Metal On Metal in the Kraftwerk concerts is called TEE-Rheingold (Germany, 1963). Is this the reason why Lothar Manteuffel's band chose that name? DER AUTOMAT # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info kraftwerk" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Other questions? Read the FAQ: ------------------------------ End of kraftwerk-digest V2 #386 *******************************