From: (kraftwerk-digest) To: Subject: kraftwerk-digest V2 #528 Reply-To: kraftwerk-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk X-No-Archive: yes kraftwerk-digest Monday, March 26 2001 Volume 02 : Number 528 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 9:46:51 +0100 From: Subject: (kw) Japanese covers Kevin B Wrote: I note an interesting link on Yoichiro's web site: http://ww9=2Etiki=2Ene=2Ejp/~houten3/ I can't read Japanese, but the MP3s are entertaining covers of Kraftwerk songs in a Japanese-Technopop style! Thank you Kevin for yet another great contribution to this list, they are=20= really funny/good megamixcovers, it's like Yellow Magic Orchestra going=20= KRAFTWERK completely=2E Don't miss these, I had some problems downloading but it is worth the=20= trouble, the expo-mixes are really Japanese! Regards/Johan # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info kraftwerk" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Other questions? Read the FAQ: ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 16:25:03 +0000 From: Kevin Busby Subject: Re: (kw) Plagiarism (was RE: [spambot] lfo rare + remixes) Automat, sorry to hear your work has been plagiarised. I hope you have written to the hosts of the offending page (Geocities) and the site which links to it ( they would be in a better position to do anything about the matter, I think. Unfortunately, in my experience Geocities does not bother replying to email about copyright infringement, which is a lousy attitude. Try them anyway. Good luck! Kevin PS I suppose there's some irony in LFO's _name_ having been ripped off by another band! :-( # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info kraftwerk" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Other questions? Read the FAQ: ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 19:03:06 +0100 From: "Arnaud de Bonald" Subject: (kw) Man-Machine 2CD edition? Hello, Just saw this at GEMM: Thought this 2 CD reissue of Man Machine was never released ! What is / was supposed to be except the original LP? I'll still try to order it. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info kraftwerk" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Other questions? Read the FAQ: ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 19:05:34 +0100 From: "Arnaud de Bonald" Subject: Re: (kw) Sony Dream Robot On Sun, 11 Mar 2001 11:12:25 +0100, Der Automat wrote: >I wonder if Kraftwerk are thinking of buying one SDR-3X for their shows. no, but maybe they have helped Sony design them. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info kraftwerk" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Other questions? Read the FAQ: ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2001 16:10:48 -0000 From: "John Shilcock" Subject: (kw) Music Non Stop As part of my 'learning curve' for gaining knowledge of all things 'the net' I have recently updated my site, which you may like to look around. One addition, which may be of particular interest to those of you who create your own music, is the inclusion of the music scores for Computer World, Tour de France and The Model. (on the "Downloads" page) For those of you who are new to this list, and/or my site, at you'll also find an extract of a rare version of Neon Lights, loads of unique pictures and lots to keep you entertained for a while. Explore and have fun Keep Werking John Shilcock # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info kraftwerk" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Other questions? Read the FAQ: ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 25 Mar 2001 00:25:40 +0200 From: "Roger" Subject: re: (kw) Man-Machine 2CD edition? This is a multi-part message in MIME format. - ------=_NextPart_000_0052_01C0B4C2.1EE8C400 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hello, It was never released, but some copies were sent to critics, etc. I = remember reading a review in NME. The CD's were remastered, and were supposed to = be released in order to promote the new Kraftwerk album five years ago or = so. If I remember the review correctly, the first CD was the = English-language version of the album, the second CD had The Robots, The Model and Neon Lights in German. 2CD-versions of TEE and Computer World were supposed = to be released simultaneously with remastered versions of the other three EMI Kraftwerk albums following. Roger - ------=_NextPart_000_0052_01C0B4C2.1EE8C400 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

It was never released, but some = copies were=20 sent to critics, etc. I remember
reading a review in NME. The CD's = were=20 remastered, and were supposed to be
released in order to promote the = new=20 Kraftwerk album five years ago or so.
If I remember the review = correctly, the=20 first CD was the English-language
version of the album, the second CD = had The=20 Robots, The Model and Neon
Lights in German. 2CD-versions of TEE and = Computer=20 World were supposed to be
released simultaneously with remastered = versions of=20 the other three EMI
Kraftwerk albums=20 following.

- ------=_NextPart_000_0052_01C0B4C2.1EE8C400-- # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info kraftwerk" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Other questions? Read the FAQ: ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 25 Mar 2001 01:04:33 +0100 From: "Lars Nellemann" Subject: (kw) Kraftwerk anthologies KRAFTWERK ANTHOLOGIES Vol. 1-3 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---- Lot's of people would like to hear all those rare tracks with Kraftwerk. Not all want to buy loads and loads of CD with these tracks - So I decided to make three CD-ROMs filled with Kraftwerk tracks. I call them Kraftwerk Anthology vol 1-3, they contain mp3 files. A mp3 file is a compressed sound format, the quality is very good. A mp3 file CD-ROM can not be played in an ordinary Audio CD-player, but it can be played on a computer with a sound - card and it can be transferred to CD or tape. The quality is 128 kbps/ 44 Khz/ Stereo Each CD-ROM contains more than 12 hours of kraftwerk, and comes with a cover - and it's only US$40/£30/80DM for the set of 3 CDROMs Postage all over the world included. Please note that the CDROMs will be mailed without the jewel-boxes. Mail me the money in cash, by airmail - registered if you don't want to take any risk. No checks or money orders please - they cost me 10$ to cash!!! Mail the money to: Lars Nellemann Kirsebaer Alle 25 DK-3450 Allerod DENMARK Notify me by e-mail before sending any money. I mail you the CD, when I receive the money - airmail, anywere in the world. Anthology vol 1 Early works Kraftwerk 1 01-Ruckzuck.mp3 02-Stratovarius.mp3 03-Megaherz.mp3 04-Vom Himmel Hoch.mp3 Kraftwerk 2 01-Klingklang.mp3 02-Atem.mp3 03-Strom.mp3 04-Spule 4.mp3 05-Wellenlaenge.mp3 06-Harmonika.mp3 Organisation 01-Tone float.mp3 02-Milk Rock.mp3 03-Silver Forest.mp3 04-Rythm Salad.mp3 05-Noitasinagro.mp3 Live 31th October 1991 Düsseldorf Germany 01-Nummern.mp3 02-Computerwelt.mp3 03-It's more fun to compute - Heimcomputer.mp3 04-Computerliebe.mp3 05-Das Modell.mp3 06-Tour de France.mp3 07-Autobahn.mp3 08-Radioaktivitaet.mp3 09-TransEuropa Express - Metall auf Metall - Abzug.mp3 10-Die roboter - Robotnik.mp3 11-Taschenrechner.mp3 12-Musique non stop.mp3 12th June 1971 Köln Germany 01-Stratovarius.mp3 02-Ruckzack.mp3 03-Von Himmel Hoch.mp3 16th October 1997 Posthof Linz Austria 01-Nummern.mp3 02-Computerwelt.mp3 03-It's more fun to compute.mp3 04-Die MenschMachine.mp3 05-Tour de France.mp3 06-Autobahn.mp3 07-Aetherwellen.mp3 08-Instrumental.mp3 09-Radioaktivitaet.mp3 10-Lichthof.mp3 11-Trans Europa Express.mp3 12-Taschenrechner.mp3 13-Die roboter.mp3 14-Numweltverschmutzung.mp3 15-Music Non-stop.mp3 24th May 1997 Tribal Gathering Luton Hoo UK 01-Numbers.mp3 02-Computerworld.mp3 03-It's more fun to compute.mp3 04-Man Machine.mp3 05-Tour de France.mp3 06-Autobahn.mp3 07-Radioactivity.mp3 08-Trans Europe express - Abzug - Metal on Metal.mp3 09-Pocket calculator - Denkatu.mp3 10-Robots.mp3 11-New Track.mp3 12-Music Non Stop.mp3 13-New Track from MTV.mp3 Virtu ex Machine - Tokyo 9 July 1981 01-Beethoven - Intro.mp3 02-Numbers.mp3 03-Computerworld.mp3 04-Computerlove.mp3 05-Homecomputer.mp3 07-Autobahn.mp3 08-Showroom Dummies.mp3 09-Trans Europe express.mp3 10-The robots.mp3 11-It's more fun to compute.mp3 18th October 1997 ZKM Linz Germany 01-Nummern.mp3 02-Computerwelt.mp3 03-HeimComputer.mp3 04-Mensch Maschine.mp3 05-Tour de France.mp3 06-Autobahn.mp3 07-Aetherwellen-New Song.mp3 08-Radioaktivitaet.mp3 09-New song 2.mp3 10-Trans Europa express.mp3 11-Taschenrechner.mp3 12-Die Roboter.mp3 13-New song 3 Tribal gathering song.mp3 14-Music Non Stop.mp3 Radioactivity CDsingle Radioactivity (William Orbit Remix).mp3 Radioaktivitaet (Francois Kevorkian remix).mp3 Radioactivity (Francois Kervorkian remix).mp3 Vor dem blauen rock (Beat Club TV-Theme Mai 1971).mp3 Anthology Vol 2 Cover Versions All in a days werk 01-Autobahn (Pro-gress (Shamen)).mp3 Balanescu Quartet 01-Robots.mp3 02-Model.mp3 03-Autobahn.mp3 04-Computer Love.mp3 05-Pocket calculator.mp3 Krafty Move 02-Der Telefon Anruf (Welle erdball).mp3 03-Autobahn (Tragic comedy).mp3 04-Radioactivity (Trylok).mp3 05-Showroom dummies (Thee hyphen).mp3 06-Taschenrechner (Black wedding).mp3 07-The man maschine (XCR).mp3 08-Antenna (Psyche).mp3 10-Computer Love (Laura effect).mp3 11-Tour de France(Ionic Vision).mp3 12-Die Roboter (P.O.D.).mp3 13-Metal On Metal (Fading Colours).mp3 14-Radioactivity (Data Bank A).mp3 15-Electric Cafe (Xingu Hill).mp3 16-Ohm Sweet Ohm (Apoptygma Bezerk).mp3 17-Showroom Dummies (Leather strip).mp3 18-Computerliebe (Cradle of Spoil).mp3 19-Radioactivity(Fiction 8).mp3 20-Musik non stop (Pierrepoint).mp3 21-The Model (Index).mp3 22-Spacelab (Mental Conquest).mp3 23-The Telephone Call (The Shining).mp3 24-Das Modell (Nigra Nebula).mp3 26-Tour de France (Inertia).mp3 Rammstein Das Modell.mp3 Technocrates 01-Ruckzuck (Duesseldorf #3).mp3 02-Ruckzuck (Nottingham #1).mp3 03-Ruckzuck (Sheffield #1).mp3 04-Ruckzuck (Duesseldorf #1).mp3 05-Ruckzuck (Sheffield #4).mp3 06-Ruckzuck (Duesseldorf #2).mp3 Trancewerk express 1 02-Music non-stop (Exis 01).mp3 03-The robots (Teler's).mp3 04-Home Computer (Audio Science).mp3 05-Metropolis (Reverse pulse envelope).mp3 06-Electric cafe (Purtiv J).mp3 07-Computer world (Meedom & Wind).mp3 08-Radioactivity (Ultra vision).mp3 09-Trans Europe express (Audio Science).mp3 10-Autobahn (Kirk).mp3 11-The Model (Ikon).mp3 Trancewerk express 2 02-Airwave (Martin O).mp3 03-Ruckzuck (Robotron).mp3 04-Man Machine (Zero Gravity).mp3 05-Sex Object (O.T. Zehn).mp3 06-Tour de France (Interfaith).mp3 07-Numbers (Pygmy Taxi Corp.).mp3 08-Pocketcalculator (Voight Kampff)s.mp3 09-Kometenmelodie (O.T. Zehn).mp3 Tran-slovenia express 02-The Robots (Coptic Rain).mp3 03-Trans Europe express (The one you love).mp3 04-Radioactivity (April Nine).mp3 05-Airwaves (Beitthron).mp3 06-Transistor (Data Processed Corrupted).mp3 07-Ohm sweet ohm (Borghesia).mp3 08-Neonlight (Mitja V.S. with Enzo Fabian Quartet).mp3 09-Antenna (Z-entropa).mp3 10-Man Machine (Strelnikoff).mp3 11-Home computer (Random Logic).mp3 12-The model (Demolition group).mp3 13-Kometenmelodie part 1 (300000 V.K.).mp3 14-Spacelab (Videosex).mp3 Remix/Bootlegs Robots CDsingle 02-Robotnik (Kling Klang Mix).mp3 03-Robotronik (Kling Klang Mix).mp3 Man Machine Recreated 01-The robots (Space string mix).mp3 02-The model (German model mix).mp3 03-Spacelab (Shuttle mix).mp3 04-Metropolis (Lost town mix).mp3 05-Neonlights (Stratosphear Mix).mp3 06-The man machine (Forward march! mix).mp3 07-Tour de France (Arrive mix).mp3 Schöne neue welt 02-Die Roboter (US Rap Mix).mp3 05-Powerwork megamix.mp3 06-Telephone-mix.mp3 10-Housephone.mp3 11-The telephone call (Remix).mp3 The Remix 01-Computerwelt (Razormaid mix).mp3 02-Das Modell (Razormaid edit).mp3 03-Sex Object (Razormaid Mix).mp3 04-Pocket calculator (Mixx-it remix).mp3 05-The telephone call (Razormaid mix).mp3 06-The Mix-medley (Razormaid mix).mp3 07-Re-Werked (Music Factory Master Mix).mp3 08-Sex Object (Techno pop version).mp3 09-Tour de France (Disconet remix).mp3 10-Electric cafe (Mixx-it remix).mp3 11-Techno pop (Demo Version).mp3 Toccata Electronica 04-Metropolis machine version Live Utrecht 10.12.81.mp3 12-Dentaku (1981 ext remix).mp3 14-Stratovarius (Live Bremen 21.6.71).mp3 Tour de Trance 01- The Robots (Ultimix feat MC Crown).mp3 02-Tour de Breaks (DMC).mp3 03-Call me on the telephone (DMC).mp3 05-Body Sex remix (Techno tango).mp3 06-German Kraft Megamix.mp3 07-The Model (Tour de Trance remix by Musicfactory).mp3 Ultra rare Trax 01-Computer World (Klick Mix).mp3 02-Pocket calculator (East meets West mix).mp3 03-Music Non-Stop (Cut up mix).mp3 04-Trans Europe express (T.E.E. mix).mp3 05-The robots (Program mix).mp3 06-Autobahn (Peoples car mix).mp3 07-Europe endless (opem borders mix).mp3 08-Man Machine (Space mix).mp3 09-The Model (Catbonic mix).mp3 10-Neon Lights (Ton-up Mix).mp3 11-Showroom Dummies (M.C.M.G. Mix).mp3 Anthology vol 3 Live 760228 L'olympia Paris Live Paris 76 Kometenmelodie2.mp3 Live Paris 76 Kometenmelodie1.mp3 911024 Saga Copenhagen Denmark 01-Numbers-Nummern.MP3 02-Computerworld.MP3 03-It's more fun to compute.MP3 04-Computerlove.MP3 05-The model.MP3 06-Tour de France.MP3 07-Autobahn.MP3 08-Radioactivity.MP3 09-TEE.mp3 10-The robots.MP3 11-Pocket calculator.MP3 12-Music non-stop.MP3 980603 Akasaka Blitz Tokyo Japan 01-Opening.MP3 02-Intro-Crash.MP3 03-Numbers.MP3 04-Computerworld.MP3 05-Homecomputer.MP3 06-Man-Machine.MP3 07-Tour de France.MP3 08-Autobahn.MP3 09-The model.MP3 10-Airwaves (Tango).MP3 11-RadioActivity.MP3 12-TEE.mp3 13-Pocket calculator - Dentaku.MP3 14-The robots.MP3 15-Tribal.MP3 16-Music Non-stop.MP3 980618 Sonar Festival Barcelona Spain 01-Numbers.mp3 02-Computerworld.mp3 03-Homecomputer.mp3 04-ManMachine.mp3 05-Tour de France.mp3 06-Autobahn.mp3 07.The Model.mp3 08-Antenna-Newsong.mp3 09-Radioactivity.mp3 10-TEE.mp3 11-Pocket calculator.mp3 12-The Robots.mp3 13-Tribal.mp3 980625 Roskilde Festival Denmark 01-intro.mp3 02-Numbers-computerworld.mp3 03-It's more fun to compute-Homecomputer.mp3 04-ManMachine.mp3 05-TourDeFrance.mp3 06-Autobahn.mp3 07-The model.mp3 08-Airwaves-NewSong.mp3 09-RadioActivity.MP3 10-TransEuropeExpress.mp3 11-PocketCalculator.mp3 12-The_Robots.mp3 13-Unreleased.mp3 14-Music non-stop.mp3 15-soundcheck.mp3 981012 Buenos Aires Argentina 01-Numbers.MP3 02-Homecomputer.MP3 03-ManMachine.MP3 04-Tour de France.MP3 05-Autobahn.MP3 06-The model.MP3 07-Airwaves-New Song.MP3 08-Radioactivity.MP3 09-TEE.mp3 10-Pocket calculator.MP3 11-The robots.MP3 12-New song.MP3 13-Music non-stop (cut).MP3 981106 State Theatre Detroit USA 01-Numbers-Computerworld.mp3 02-Home computer.mp3 03-Man Machine.mp3 04-Tour de France.mp3 05-Autobahn.mp3 06-The Model.mp3 07-Airwaves.mp3 08-Radioactivity.mp3 09-TEE.mp3 10-Pocket calculator.mp3 11-The Robots.mp3 12-New song 2.mp3 13-Music non-stop.mp3 Remix/Cover versions Marc et Claude Vs Dr Sam - A tribute to Kraftwerk 01-Radio Edit.MP3 02-Original tribute.MP3 03-Superstring's cafe del Mar interpretation.MP3 04-Electro Alternative.MP3 05-Original Instrumental.MP3 If youre interest in similar CDROMs of KLF and New Order let me know. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info kraftwerk" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Other questions? Read the FAQ: ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2001 17:27:37 -0700 (MST) From: Soleil Lapierre Subject: Re: (kw) Kraftwerk anthologies On Sun, 25 Mar 2001, Lars Nellemann wrote: > Each CD-ROM contains more than 12 hours of kraftwerk, and comes with > a cover - and it's only US$40/=A330/80DM for the set of 3 CDROMs > Postage all over the world included. > Please note that the CDROMs will be mailed without the jewel-boxes. Not to criticize your great idea, but why so expensive? Especially withou= t jewel cases and nice covers. It's a prohibitive price. At least half the tracks you listed I've downloaded from various places i= n the last few years, or already have in the original form. I'm sure if I actually made an effort I could find the others. I could burn them on CDR= s for 50 cents a disk, plus say another $2.50 to make a nice jewel case and color label, plus no more than $10 to ship anywhere in the world. If I wanted to profit from reselling other people's music I would add on 10% t= o 25% for myself, and it would still only be at most US$20 for the set. - --=20 /* Soleil "Ra" Lapierre */ # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info kraftwerk" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Other questions? Read the FAQ: ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 25 Mar 2001 12:23:24 +0100 From: "Geoff Watson" Subject: (kw) Kraftwerk Anthologies Lars really has a great business set up! Bootlegs of bootlegs and total theft of Kraftwerk's genuine stuff. It makes Napster look innocent. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info kraftwerk" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Other questions? Read the FAQ: ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 25 Mar 2001 15:01:30 +0200 From: Gunnar Wess Subject: (kw) VCR-Alert (once again ;-) The current issue of "2STEP" on VIVA ZWEI is Ellen Allien vs. Lab.Style. The set begins with the Club Mix of "15 Minutes Of Fame" Sunday, 7:00pm CEST, VIVA ZWEI, "2STEP" Gunnar - -- - ------------------------------ _________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get your free address at # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info kraftwerk" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Other questions? Read the FAQ: ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 25 Mar 2001 09:30:43 -0500 From: dan Subject: Re: (kw) VCR-Alert (once again ;-) Does anyone know where I can find the 2 mystery songs Kraftwerk performed in thier last concert outing. Gunnar Wess wrote: > The current issue of "2STEP" on VIVA ZWEI is Ellen Allien vs. Lab.Style. > The set begins with the Club Mix of "15 Minutes Of Fame" > > Sunday, 7:00pm CEST, VIVA ZWEI, "2STEP" > > Gunnar > -- > ------------------------------ > > > > _-- dan keith williams ipropaganda magazine 1479 fdr station new york, new york 10150-1479 212-929-9335 # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info kraftwerk" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Other questions? Read the FAQ: ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 25 Mar 2001 21:01:23 -0800 (PST) From: Larry LaCost Jr Subject: (kw) Nike & Kraftwerk (Just Do It) Nike has done it again with an ad campaign that is ala Kraftwerk. First an ad campaign about 2 months ago with the words NON-STOP. Now, a TV ad with sampled beats precisely to Numbers... but the drum beats are sampled to basketball dribbling, shoe squeak noises and even breakdancing. Can you imagine... Michael Jordan has competition. __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info kraftwerk" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Other questions? Read the FAQ: ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2001 09:14:30 +0200 From: Lech Subject: (kw) Re: Nike & Kraftwerk (Just Do It) Larry LaCost Jr wrote: > Nike has done it again with an ad campaign that is ala Kraftwerk. Wonder if Kraftwerk will dare take Nike to court, now that they're gunning after infringements on their copyright... - -- Champagne for my real friends. Real pain for my sham friends. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info kraftwerk" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Other questions? Read the FAQ: ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2001 11:22:17 +0100 From: Kevin Busby Subject: Re: (kw) Kraftwerk Anthologies Geoff Watson wrote: > > Lars really has a great business set up! > > Bootlegs of bootlegs and total theft of Kraftwerk's genuine stuff. > > It makes Napster look innocent. I agree. Whether it's right or not, it's always the case that fans will want to exchange concert bootlegs of their favourite artists. But selling CDROMs for profit is a pirate business, particularly when some of the releases (e.g. Balanescu Quartet's 'Possessed' and the 'Trancewerk Express' compilation) are commercially available. Financial reward for this work belongs to the artists who created the work. Please reconsider, Lars! Regards Kevin PS It's perhaps also worth bearing in mind what the list owner's introductory post says about long advertising posts. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info kraftwerk" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Other questions? Read the FAQ: ------------------------------ End of kraftwerk-digest V2 #528 *******************************