From: (kraftwerk Digest) To: Subject: kraftwerk Digest V3 #142 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: kraftwerk Digest Monday, September 15 1997 Volume 03 : Number 142 In this issue: (kw) "Model" lyrics Re: (kw) radioactivity and star trek Re: (kw) TIME PIE/Robotics, Inc. (kw) Musica Elettronica Viva Re: (kw) "Model" lyrics Re: (kw) Musica Elettronica Viva (kw) Travelinfo Linz Re: (kw) I want to believe Re: (kw) TIME PIE/Robotics, Inc. (kw) aktivitaet online (kw) fanzine meeting info (off topic) (kw) FOR BRAZILIAN KRAFT FANS ONLY Re: (kw) cd info Re: (kw) Date: Mon, 8 Sep 1997 01:46:21 +-200 Re: (kw) Re: Album Price Re: (kw) cd info Re: (kw) aktivitaet online (kw) MESSAGE IN PORTUGUESE FOR KRAFT FANS Re: (kw) aktivitaet online Re: (kw) aktivitaet online/Posters/TREK (kw) Photos & ads (kw) derrick may interview Re: (kw) radioactivity and star trek Re: (kw) "Model" lyrics Re: (kw) Re: Album Price Re: (kw) aktivitaet online/Posters/TREK Re: (kw) MESSAGE IN PORTUGUESE FOR KRAFT FANS Re: (kw) Photos & ads Re: (kw) Photos & ads Re: (kw) MESSAGE IN PORTUGUESE FOR KRAFT FANS (kw) Album news... (kw) Double Vako Thingy (kw) Kraftwerk / Bootleggers (kw) Listening is believing... (kw) live kraftwerk RE: (kw) MESSAGE IN PORTUGUESE FOR KRAFT FANS See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the kraftwerk or kraftwerk-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 14 Sep 1997 01:05:36 +0500 From: Christopher Gross Subject: (kw) "Model" lyrics Can anyone tell me why Ralf seems to be strangling on the word 'correkt' in the German version of 'The Model'? - -- Chris Gross or # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info kraftwerk" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Sep 1997 01:00:10 -0700 From: "ROBOT" Subject: Re: (kw) radioactivity and star trek > From: > To: > Subject: (kw) radioactivity and star trek > Date: Saturday, September 13, 1997 7:56 PM > > some days ago we talked about Kraftwerk and Star Trek. > well, tonight they broadcast a ST episode in Italy called > "Radioattivita'", radioactivity, in which a village of a XVII > century-like humanoid race is in peril for radioactive contamination > and is saved by Data, who lost his memory after an accident but > happened to "discover" radiations. You're KIDDING! I just watched that same episode this evening on the FOX network! Wow- that's KooL that Italy & USA are airing the same episodes "simultaneously"! Yep- DATA saves the day, as usual. Good episide! Hm-m, whatever happened to R&F's idea of playing simultaneous Konzerts in several major cities around the world? Those TRON suits of theirs could make for DATA-GLove Suits, and they could be all plugged in to their KlingKlang gear hidden away in Düsseldorf and beam their VIBES all over the Planet via Satellite-Link.... NEAT-O! > and this morning I read on an internet news service that a truck > transporting radioactive materials rolled out of the street in > Celiabinsk, provocating a serious contamination. *YIKES* Well, maybe KW will add ".....CEE-LLIA-BINNSK...." in their next Re-Mix of RADIOACTIVITY. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info kraftwerk" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Sep 1997 11:14:11 +0100 From: jbv Subject: Re: (kw) TIME PIE/Robotics, Inc. Christopher Gross wrote: > > > About Robo-tronik construction: Check out for just about > everything you'll need in that area. They've got servomotors, control boards, > software, books, kits, and the mighty Nitinol Muscle Wire. I just ordered > their catalog! > Thank you so much for the info. I had already gathered several schematics about robot parts, electronics for driving step-motors, etc. but it looks like they have everything. I especially like their "listening robots" ! jbv # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info kraftwerk" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Sep 1997 11:23:19 +0100 From: jbv Subject: (kw) Musica Elettronica Viva jbv wrote: > > MUSICA ELETTRONICA VIVA " the sound pool " > FRA ACTUEL 69 FOC ) M/M- $327 > > but I'm sure it's a real rarity, because I haven't seen it in any > record store for at least 20 years. > Yesterday evening I was talking about that italian band from the late 60s and we couldn't remember the name of the founder member. Wasn't it Frederic Revsky or something like that ? And BTW, does anyone remember them ? They used to play live electronics inspired by free-jazz and with strong political convictions... And what was the name of this other (US) live electronic group, featuring Alvin Lucier and Gordon Mumma ? Just another bunch of four guys playing live electronics... jbv # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info kraftwerk" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Sep 1997 13:41:34 +0200 From: (Mats Kadmark) Subject: Re: (kw) "Model" lyrics =20 >Can anyone tell me why Ralf seems to be strangling on the word=20 >'correkt' in=20 >the German version of 'The Model'? =20 =20 Well, it's a bit ironic and means that she is very "correct" in the way=20 she acts and talks, drinking Champagne etc., a bit "posh", a bit hard=20 to get in touch with etc.=20 =20 The "strangling" way "korrekt" is said is just to emphasise how silly=20 she is....=20 =20 At least this is my opinion, which isn't necessarily the CORRECT one!!!=20 =20 Mats =20 # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info kraftwerk" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Sep 1997 15:12:26 +0100 From: Paulo Mouat Subject: Re: (kw) Musica Elettronica Viva jbv wrote: > And what was the name of this other (US) live electronic group, > featuring Alvin Lucier and Gordon Mumma ? Just another bunch of four > guys playing live electronics... It was the Sonic Arts Union, also with David Behrman and Robert Ashley. - -- __|__ ___\_/___ Paulo Mouat, ___ |___| |___| # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info kraftwerk" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Sep 1997 15:14:06 +0200 (MEST) From: Alexander Peter Zillner Subject: (kw) Travelinfo Linz Hi! Please have a look at You will find a Linz Travel-Information with Hotels, Posthof and other stuff there... I will try to expand an update this continously... Greetings from Austria zilli *********************** Alexander Peter Zillner EDV-Beratung Schussweg 8 4210 Unterweitersdorf *********************** # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info kraftwerk" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Sep 1997 21:52:08 +0100 From: jbv Subject: Re: (kw) I want to believe Rafa wrote: >=20 > Hello, >=20 > This is a message that I=B4ve recived from a friend from Frankfurt.... >=20 > >>>>>>>> > New infos on Kraftwerk! >=20 > First, the new Album will be available next monday, as far as the peopl= e > at my musicstore are informed. As soon as I got it, i will send you an > eMail. > <<<<<<<<< >=20 If this is true, i'd better finish translating my old interviews before monday, otherwise I'll look pretty stupid with that old stuff... jbv # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info kraftwerk" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Sep 1997 11:09:45 -0600 (MDT) From: Ra Subject: Re: (kw) TIME PIE/Robotics, Inc. On Sun, 14 Sep 1997, jbv wrote: > Christopher Gross wrote: > > > > About Robo-tronik construction: Check out for just about > > everything you'll need in that area. They've got servomotors, control boards, > > software, books, kits, and the mighty Nitinol Muscle Wire. I just ordered > > their catalog! Cool! Thanks for the info. :) /* Soleil "Ra" Lapierre * * "The human race believes in not taking its problems seriously * enough to solve them." - Celia Green */ # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info kraftwerk" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Sep 1997 19:59:00 +0000 From: "Jose Garcia" Subject: (kw) aktivitaet online Aktivitaet Online now has a new section: Collectors Corner. For starters there are 3 jpg pictures of some very rare concert posters. If you visit it, feedback is welcome. By the way, if anyone has some concert poster or promo poster for sale or trade, please get in touch. Otherwise, a pic is also welcome. Jose Garcia Aktivitaet Spain: Aktivitaet Online (Unofficial Kraftwerk fanzine) # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info kraftwerk" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Sep 1997 19:59:00 +0000 From: "Jose Garcia" Subject: (kw) fanzine meeting info (off topic) Dear Fanzine editor/publisher, The Third International Fanzine Meeting at the Barcelona Record Collectors Fair will take place at the end of October. Fanzine exhibition, catalogue and free stalls are some of the activities that will take place. Thousands of potential readers visit our place every year. We would welcome your participation!!! For further info: e-mail: Thanks for your attention PS: Of course Ativitaet will be represented. Jose Garcia Aktivitaet Spain: Aktivitaet Online (Unofficial Kraftwerk fanzine) # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info kraftwerk" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Sep 1997 15:29:51 -0300 From: "Colatina Radio Som Ltda." <> Subject: (kw) FOR BRAZILIAN KRAFT FANS ONLY ALO KRAFTMAN=CDACOS BRASILEIROS!! EU SEI QUE O ESQUEMA DO MAIL LIST DEVE SER EM INGL=CAS, MAS DECIDI MANDAR ESSA MENSAGEM EM PORTUGU=CAS PARA QUE POSSAMOS NOS CONHECER EM TODO O BRASIL E, QUEM SABE, ORGANIZAR ALGUMA COISA POR AQUI. INCLUSIVE ACHO QUE ESSA ID=C9IA DEVERIA SER SEGUIDA PELOS DEMAIS ADMIRADORES DO KRAFT DE OUTROS PA=CDSES. AFINAL, MUITAS VEZES CONVERSAMOS COM ALGUM ESTRANGEIRO SEM NOS DAR CONTA DE QUE H=C1 MUITOS FANS DENTRO DO NOSSO PR=D3PRIO PA=CDS. ESSE INTERC=C3MBIO SERVIRIA PARA TROCA DE INFORMA=C7=D5ES E MATERIAL. EU, POR EXEMPLO, TENHO TRES V=CDDEOS RAR=CDSSIMOS DE CONCERTOS E UNS 5 CDS PIRATAS, AL=C9M DE UM BOM ARQUIVO CONTENDO FOTOS E REPORTAGENS. COLOCO ESSE MATERIAL =C1 DISPOSI=C7=C3O PARA SER COPIADO, SE ALGU=C9M= ESTIVER A FIM. EMBORA SEJA UM PRINCIPIANTE EM TERMOS DE INFORM=C1TICA E INTERNET, ACHO QUE CABE A N=D3S ENCONTRAR MAIS E MELHORES CANAIS DE COMUNICA=C7=C3O,= LEVANDO EM CONSIDERA=C7=C3O O NOSSO OBJETIVO PRINCIPAL, QUE =C9 DIFUNDIR A= M=DASICA MAGIS- TRAL PRODUZIDA PELO KRAFTWERK E, NATURALMENTE, OBTER SATISFA=C7=C3O= PESSOAL COM A AQUISI=C7=C3O DE ITENS RAROS DA BANDA. PE=C7O DESCULPAS AOS DEMAIS MEMBROS DA MAILING LIST QUE PROVAVELMENTE= N=C3O COMPREENDEM ESTA MENSAGEM, POR=C9M, A FINALIDADE DA MESMA =C9 DAS MAIS= PURAS HONESTAS E NO SENTIDO DE DESENVOLVER O PROCESSO DE INTERC=C2MBIO ENTRE= OS KRAFTMAN=CDACOS DO BRASIL. UM FORTE ABRA=C7O PARA TODOS !! BOING !! BUM !! TSCHAK !!! EDUARDO MONTEIRO (Colatina / ES) =20 =20 =20 # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info kraftwerk" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Sep 1997 20:34:06 +0000 From: Ivo Peeters Subject: Re: (kw) cd info A late reaction to this: Jose Gonzalez wrote: > > anyone knows what contain this music CD: > > TRIBUTE/TRANCEWORK EXPRESS > Release Date: 01/14/97 > I suppose you mean "Trancewerk express" 2 volumes of this have been released. They contain techno style Kraftwerk covers. I bought both albums because of the Kraftwerk connection, but they are not essential. Trancewerk express, vol. I was released in 1995. Track listing: 1. Intro 2. EXIS 01 : Music non stop 3. TELER'S : The robots 4. AUDIO SCIENCE : Homecomputer 5. REVERSE PULSE ENVELOPE : Metropolis 6. PURRTIV J. : Elektrik cafe 7. MEEDOM & WIND : Computerworld 8. ULTRAVISION : Radioactivity 9. AUDIO SCIENCE : Trans Europe Express 10.KIRK : Autobahn 11.IKON : The model Trancewerk express, vol. II was released in 1997. Track listing: 1. MARTIN O. : Intro 2. MARTIN O. : Airwave 3. ROBOTRON : Ruckzuck 4. ZERO GRAVITY : Man machine 5. O.T. ZEHN : Sex object 6. INTERFAITH : Tour de France 7. PYGMY TAXI CORP. : Numbers 8. VOIGHT KAMPFF : Pocket calculator 9. O.T. ZEHN : Kometenmelodie 10.(mystery track) Ivo Peeters # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info kraftwerk" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Sep 1997 20:23:53 +0000 From: Ivo Peeters Subject: Re: (kw) Date: Mon, 8 Sep 1997 01:46:21 +-200 Uffe Silverup wrote: > Seriously, (a bit of the topic here) could anyone recommend a TG CD? > Not P-TV or C & C, but TG. > For me, the best TG album is "20 jazz funk greats" (1979, rerelease on CD in 1991, Mute TGCD 4). Also, "D.O.A. - The third and final report of Throbbing Gristle" (1978, rerelease on CD 1991, Mute TGCD 3) is worth listening. Ivo Peeters # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info kraftwerk" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Sep 1997 21:19:25 +0000 From: "Jose Gonzalez" Subject: Re: (kw) Re: Album Price > > Someone asked what the most rare album/single was. > > And someone replied that ToneFloat was. > > Well, ToneFloat is readily available in Scotland in various shops (HMV, > Virgin, Tower). > I bought it just last week on CD and it cost me only =A312.99. It is > available on other formats aswell. Sounds like the chap who paid $250 wa= s > diddled. > Yes, i bought this CD and cost me about $12.6 It includes a bonus track titled 'Vor dem blauen bock (Beat Club TV-Theme Mai 1971)'... I read somewhere that this theme was recorded without Ralf. Florian, Rother and Dinger recorded it at Conrad Plank's studio for a TV show. Michael Rother and Klaus Dinger formed the band 'Neu!'. After listening this CD i think that it's a mystery how these guys evolved to their electronic sounds (one of the biggest mysteries of this century indeed). Maybe they were abducted and some kind aliens taught them to play those nice rhythms ... who knows ? other X-File ? # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info kraftwerk" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Sep 1997 21:20:44 +0000 From: "Jose Gonzalez" Subject: Re: (kw) cd info > I suppose you mean "Trancewerk express" > > 2 volumes of this have been released. They contain techno style > Kraftwerk covers. > I bought both albums because of the Kraftwerk connection, but they are > not essential. > thank you # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info kraftwerk" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Sep 1997 21:24:32 +0000 From: "Jose Gonzalez" Subject: Re: (kw) aktivitaet online > For starters there are 3 jpg pictures of some very rare concert > posters. If you visit it, feedback is welcome. > Many people will agree: the second one is the best ! # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info kraftwerk" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Sep 1997 17:26:20 -0300 From: "Colatina Radio Som Ltda." <> Subject: (kw) MESSAGE IN PORTUGUESE FOR KRAFT FANS ALO KRAFTMAN=CDACOS BRASILEIROS!! EU SEI QUE O ESQUEMA DO MAIL LIST DEVE SER EM INGL=CAS, MAS DECIDI MANDAR ESSA MENSAGEM EM PORTUGU=CAS PARA QUE POSSAMOS NOS CONHECER EM TODO O BRASIL E, QUEM SABE, ORGANIZAR ALGUMA COISA POR AQUI. INCLUSIVE ACHO QUE ESSA ID=C9IA DEVERIA SER SEGUIDA PELOS DEMAIS ADMIRADORES DO KRAFT DE OUTROS PA=CDSES. AFINAL, MUITAS VEZES CONVERSAMOS COM ALGUM ESTRANGEIRO SEM NOS DAR CONTA DE QUE H=C1 MUITOS FANS DENTRO DO NOSSO PR=D3PRIO PA=CDS. ESSE INTERC=C3MBIO SERVIRIA PARA TROCA DE INFORMA=C7=D5ES E MATERIAL. EU, POR EXEMPLO, TENHO TRES V=CDDEOS RAR=CDSSIMOS DE CONCERTOS E UNS 5 CDS PIRATAS, AL=C9M DE UM BOM ARQUIVO CONTENDO FOTOS E REPORTAGENS. COLOCO ESSE MATERIAL =C1 DISPOSI=C7=C3O PARA SER COPIADO, SE ALGU=C9M= ESTIVER A FIM. EMBORA SEJA UM PRINCIPIANTE EM TERMOS DE INFORM=C1TICA E INTERNET, ACHO QUE CABE A N=D3S ENCONTRAR MAIS E MELHORES CANAIS DE COMUNICA=C7=C3O,= LEVANDO EM CONSIDERA=C7=C3O O NOSSO OBJETIVO PRINCIPAL, QUE =C9 DIFUNDIR A= M=DASICA MAGIS- TRAL PRODUZIDA PELO KRAFTWERK E, NATURALMENTE, OBTER SATISFA=C7=C3O= PESSOAL COM A AQUISI=C7=C3O DE ITENS RAROS DA BANDA. PE=C7O DESCULPAS AOS DEMAIS MEMBROS DA MAILING LIST QUE PROVAVELMENTE= N=C3O COMPREENDEM ESTA MENSAGEM, POR=C9M, A FINALIDADE DA MESMA =C9 DAS MAIS= PURAS HONESTAS E NO SENTIDO DE DESENVOLVER O PROCESSO DE INTERC=C2MBIO ENTRE= OS KRAFTMAN=CDACOS DO BRASIL. UM FORTE ABRA=C7O PARA TODOS !! BOING !! BUM !! TSCHAK !!! EDUARDO MONTEIRO (Colatina / ES) =20 =20 =20 # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info kraftwerk" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Sep 1997 23:16:11 +0100 From: jbv Subject: Re: (kw) aktivitaet online Jose Garcia wrote: > > By the way, if anyone has some concert poster or promo poster for > sale or trade, please get in touch. Otherwise, a pic is also welcome. > I found a couple of full-page advertisements in french magazines for the Paris 1981 concert. Could it be of some interest to the list ? I'm not planing to trade that. But if the answer is yes, I'll try to post it somehow as soon as I can find a scanner. Let me know... jbv # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info kraftwerk" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Sep 1997 14:38:22 -0700 From: "ROBOT" Subject: Re: (kw) aktivitaet online/Posters/TREK > > For starters there are 3 jpg pictures of some very rare concert > > posters. If you visit it, feedback is welcome. > > > Many people will agree: the second one is the best ! *OUCH* I'd rather sit on a SubWoofer and wrap myself around the voice coil, thank you. KranK it UP! -(Gee, I never thought R&F considered traffic cones as phallic symbols.*HEEHEE*. KinKy!)- Just gimmie those VIBES!*YUM*! ps: oops- correction in my recent TREK schpiel: The FOX network is showing the new season of Voyager- goodbye Kes, hello BorgChick. I meant to say local KIEM ch.3 is showing ST: Next Gen & DS9 & original episodes as a "marathon" in the Saturday night/Sunday morning wee hours. sorry, when I posted that, I was in a rush to go watch AMP on MTV. Alas, no KW vids this time. :[ ROBOBUMMER -(Foto & Profile/Personal Data)- -(I live in The DOMINION Lounge. Same Foto, different Text.)- +^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+ =KRAFTWERK=KRAFTWERK=KRAFTWERK=KRAFTWERK=KRAFTWERK= +^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+ # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info kraftwerk" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Sep 1997 00:25:20 +0100 From: jbv Subject: (kw) Photos & ads OK people It looks like some of you are quite excited by pictures of R&F. Last week, when I mentioned a few pictures that I haven't seen on any web site, I got at least 5 messages from list members saying that they'd like to put them on their site. So, I'm pretty busy these days, but I should be able to approach a scanner within the next 5 to 10 days. Let me know what is the best format : TIFF, GIF, JPEG, KRAUT ? BTW, I must confess that I don't really understand why some of you are so eager to trade posters and similar stuff. I thought KW was about music... Is it a typical fan behaviour ? jbv # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info kraftwerk" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Sep 1997 00:29:03 +0100 From: jbv Subject: (kw) derrick may interview Someone just posted that on another list. thought it could be of interest to some list members.. jbv >Date: Sun, 14 Sep 1997 00:06:25 +0200 >To: >From: amazing arnold >Subject: (LOW) derrick may interview >Sender: > > > ¤ > > Let’s cut the crap. Derrick > May is yesterdays hero. He > even admits it. But he’s also > the Godfather of techno as > we know it, the ambassador > of beats and one of the > world’s best dj’s. Records like > The Dance, Sinister and Strings > of Life build huge walls around > him. Walls he refused to climb. > Instead he returned to his > recordboxes and travelled > the world. But this summer > marked the return of the > musician Derrick May with > new tracks for Sony > Playstation and Levis Jeans. > Will it mean the end of a myth > or is it The Beginning? > > ¤ > > interview up & ready @ forcefield > > > Out now: 'The devil's highway' cd (Silver), Bunker 027/028 LP's New records coming up on Djax-up-Beats,, Mind, Speedster The Rude 66 homepage: has been refreshed and updated and now includes audio files. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info kraftwerk" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Sep 1997 01:07:37 +0000 From: Subject: Re: (kw) radioactivity and star trek > Hm-m, whatever happened to R&F's idea of playing simultaneous Konzerts in > several major cities around the world? Those TRON suits of theirs could > make for DATA-GLove Suits, and they could be all plugged in to their you mean using the fluosuits as large datagloves to move simultaneously robots all over the world? well, this would be great! I am only concerned about the time zones... we could see it at 10 pm but it could be 11 am in Usa... - ---------------- # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info kraftwerk" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Sep 1997 01:07:39 +0000 From: Subject: Re: (kw) "Model" lyrics > The "strangling" way "korrekt" is said is just to emphasise how silly > she is.... but isn't *the* model intended to be a positive personage in the song? is it true that the song was inspired by that female singer... how is she called... that was rumoured to be a man before and had a deep voice and was in touch with Dali... oh, yes, Amanda Lear, that is supposed to be in good relation with R&F too? - ---------------- # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info kraftwerk" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Sep 1997 00:29:38 -0400 From: Oliver Kess Subject: Re: (kw) Re: Album Price >After listening this CD i think that it's a mystery how these guys >evolved to their electronic sounds (one of the biggest mysteries of = >this century indeed). Maybe they were abducted and some kind aliens = >taught them to play those nice rhythms ... who knows ? other X-File ? Hy Jose, I totally agree. I bought this CD too, was very happy , when I found t = the shops. But listening to it it... Best thing to say about this CD is, Heaven, thank you, they changed their= = style. Fortunatly, later, they used less drugs to make their records. Nowadays. I think, this record is a collectors item, nothing more. regards Oliver # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info kraftwerk" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Sep 1997 12:08:51 +0100 From: Jon Alsbury Subject: Re: (kw) aktivitaet online/Posters/TREK > "marathon" in the Saturday night/Sunday morning wee hours. sorry, when I > I was in a rush to go watch AMP on MTV. Alas, no KW vids this > time. :[ ROBOBUMMER > Is this the same AMP I saw supporting The Silver Apples at the Highbury Garage last night? They were really shit! Silver Apples were fucking brilliant though. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info kraftwerk" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Sep 1997 12:57:31 GMT From: (Jules Seifert) Subject: Re: (kw) MESSAGE IN PORTUGUESE FOR KRAFT FANS Colatina Radio Som Ltda. wrote: > > ALO KRAFTMAN=CDACOS BRASILEIROS!! > EU SEI QUE O ESQUEMA DO MAIL LIST DEVE SER EM INGL=CAS, MAS DECIDI > MANDAR ESSA MENSAGEM EM PORTUGU=CAS PARA QUE POSSAMOS NOS CONHECER > EM TODO O BRASIL E, QUEM SABE, ORGANIZAR ALGUMA COISA POR AQUI. > INCLUSIVE ACHO QUE ESSA ID=C9IA DEVERIA SER SEGUIDA PELOS DEMAIS > ADMIRADORES DO KRAFT DE OUTROS PA=CDSES. > AFINAL, MUITAS VEZES CONVERSAMOS COM ALGUM ESTRANGEIRO SEM NOS > DAR CONTA DE QUE H=C1 MUITOS FANS DENTRO DO NOSSO PR=D3PRIO PA=CDS. > ESSE INTERC=C3MBIO SERVIRIA PARA TROCA DE INFORMA=C7=D5ES E = MATERIAL. > EU, POR EXEMPLO, TENHO TRES V=CDDEOS RAR=CDSSIMOS DE CONCERTOS E = UNS > 5 CDS PIRATAS, AL=C9M DE UM BOM ARQUIVO CONTENDO FOTOS E = REPORTAGENS. > COLOCO ESSE MATERIAL =C1 DISPOSI=C7=C3O PARA SER COPIADO, SE = ALGU=C9M ESTIVER > A FIM. > EMBORA SEJA UM PRINCIPIANTE EM TERMOS DE INFORM=C1TICA E INTERNET, = ACHO > QUE CABE A N=D3S ENCONTRAR MAIS E MELHORES CANAIS DE = COMUNICA=C7=C3O, LEVANDO > EM CONSIDERA=C7=C3O O NOSSO OBJETIVO PRINCIPAL, QUE =C9 DIFUNDIR A = M=DASICA MAGIS- > TRAL PRODUZIDA PELO KRAFTWERK E, NATURALMENTE, OBTER SATISFA=C7=C3O= PESSOAL > COM A AQUISI=C7=C3O DE ITENS RAROS DA BANDA. > PE=C7O DESCULPAS AOS DEMAIS MEMBROS DA MAILING LIST QUE = PROVAVELMENTE N=C3O > COMPREENDEM ESTA MENSAGEM, POR=C9M, A FINALIDADE DA MESMA =C9 DAS = MAIS PURAS > HONESTAS E NO SENTIDO DE DESENVOLVER O PROCESSO DE INTERC=C2MBIO = ENTRE OS > KRAFTMAN=CDACOS DO BRASIL. > > UM FORTE ABRA=C7O PARA TODOS !! BOING !! BUM !! TSCHAK !!! > > > > EDUARDO MONTEIRO (Colatina / ES) =20 > > > > =20 > =20 > could somebody translate please???? ciao, - -------------------------------------------- Jules Seifert 'The Voice of Energy' #Kraftwerk IRC Homepage:- # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info kraftwerk" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Sep 1997 11:12:26 +0200 From: (Mats Kadmark) Subject: Re: (kw) Photos & ads =20 >So, I'm pretty busy these days, but I should be able to approach a =20 >scanner within the next 5 to 10 days. Let me know what is the best=20 >format : TIFF, GIF, JPEG, KRAUT ?=20 =20 JPEG is the best! The only formats that can be put on the internet are=20 JPEG and GIF, and JPEG are of much better quality (but need more=20 memory)....=20 =20 Mats=20 # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info kraftwerk" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Sep 1997 16:12:17 +0200 From: (Timour JGENTI) Subject: Re: (kw) Photos & ads > JPEG is the best! The only formats that can be put on the internet are > JPEG and GIF, and JPEG are of much better quality (but need more > memory).... not necessary, I mean JPG images are often less big than GIF ones. It depends on the nature of the image. For photos JPG is definitely the best and the compression/quality level can be specified (though too big compression levels are too lossy and may look crap). On the other hand GIF is perfect for drawings or small graphics, especially for web gfx because of transparency feature. Tim. - -- Timour JGENTI | Institut Francais du Petrole _______________|___________________________________ _______________| _______________| # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info kraftwerk" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Sep 1997 15:06:33 +0100 From: Paulo Mouat Subject: Re: (kw) MESSAGE IN PORTUGUESE FOR KRAFT FANS Jules Seifert wrote: > could somebody translate please???? It is intended to gather all brasilian KW fans, with possible exchange of material, nothing particularly relevant to fans of other countries. I find the message quite lacking in netiquette, since it is posted on a medium where the vast majority doesn't understand the language and particularly in all-caps. Messages of this kind should be posted in english, even if directed at people with other native languages. - -- __|__ ___\_/___ Paulo Mouat, ___ |___| |___| > ALO KRAFTMANÍACOS BRASILEIROS!! > EU SEI QUE O ESQUEMA DO MAIL LIST DEVE SER EM INGLÊS, MAS DECIDI > MANDAR ESSA MENSAGEM EM PORTUGUÊS PARA QUE POSSAMOS NOS CONHECER > EM TODO O BRASIL E, QUEM SABE, ORGANIZAR ALGUMA COISA POR AQUI. > INCLUSIVE ACHO QUE ESSA IDÉIA DEVERIA SER SEGUIDA PELOS DEMAIS > ADMIRADORES DO KRAFT DE OUTROS PAÍSES. > AFINAL, MUITAS VEZES CONVERSAMOS COM ALGUM ESTRANGEIRO SEM NOS > DAR CONTA DE QUE HÁ MUITOS FANS DENTRO DO NOSSO PRÓPRIO PAÍS. > ESSE INTERCÃMBIO SERVIRIA PARA TROCA DE INFORMAÇÕES E MATERIAL. > EU, POR EXEMPLO, TENHO TRES VÍDEOS RARÍSSIMOS DE CONCERTOS E UNS > 5 CDS PIRATAS, ALÉM DE UM BOM ARQUIVO CONTENDO FOTOS E > REPORTAGENS. > COLOCO ESSE MATERIAL Á DISPOSIÇÃO PARA SER COPIADO, SE ALGUÉM > ESTIVER A FIM. > EMBORA SEJA UM PRINCIPIANTE EM TERMOS DE INFORMÁTICA E INTERNET, ACHO > QUE CABE A NÓS ENCONTRAR MAIS E MELHORES CANAIS DE COMUNICAÇÃO, LEVANDO > EM CONSIDERAÇÃO O NOSSO OBJETIVO PRINCIPAL, QUE É DIFUNDIR A MÚSICA MAGIS- > TRAL PRODUZIDA PELO KRAFTWERK E, NATURALMENTE, OBTER SATISFAÇÃO PESSOAL > COM A AQUISIÇÃO DE ITENS RAROS DA BANDA. > PEÇO DESCULPAS AOS DEMAIS MEMBROS DA MAILING LIST QUE PROVAVELMENTE NÃO > COMPREENDEM ESTA MENSAGEM, PORÉM, A FINALIDADE DA MESMA É DAS MAIS PURAS > HONESTAS E NO SENTIDO DE DESENVOLVER O PROCESSO DE INTERCÂMBIO ENTRE OS > KRAFTMANÍACOS DO BRASIL. > > UM FORTE ABRAÇO PARA TODOS !! BOING !! BUM !! TSCHAK !!! # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info kraftwerk" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Sep 1997 16:49:17 +0200 From: Lars Bull Subject: (kw) Album news... OK, here we go again: Just got word from my local record store that the reissues or back on track again. The guy at the store told me that Swedish EMI had a meeting today stating so among other things. Please don't haunt me if this falls through as it has so many times now. Just wanted you to know the little things I know. Oh, the new date is the 1st of october. Please, God, if I am to die; let me do so just after Kraftwerk has released a new album so I don't have to go while waiting for something that might be nothing. Bye, Lars Bull "No RISC - No Fun" MacForum Foreningsgatan 31 411 27 Goteborg Sweden E-Mail: WWW: Fax: +46 31 721 31 01 Telephone: +46 31 721 31 00 # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info kraftwerk" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Sep 1997 16:24:06 -0700 From: Rui Inacio Subject: (kw) Double Vako Thingy > I have just purchased a double manual Vako Orchestron. Sounds like the name of some sex toy!!! Seriously now, how about sampling it, so that we all, well many of us anyway, can play it at home? And while you're at it, since I've never seen such a beast a few pictures would also be nice. Hope I'm not asking too much but we've got to keep ourselves busy while we wait for the new KW album to be released... Rui Inacio # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info kraftwerk" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Sep 1997 15:14:30 GMT From: (Jules Seifert) Subject: (kw) Kraftwerk / Bootleggers Hi werkers! Y'know, it occurred to me that r&f play a very dodgy game with their secrecy. What with the aborted issues / reissues both recently and in the past, they fall foul of the bootleg re-mixers. I don't mind forking out for a live bootleg, that happens to every artist, but the sheer volume of 're-mixes' some good, some bloody awful must surely be a direct result of the lack of new material and/or aborted releases. so, r&f, RELEASE SOMETHING!, anything, we don't mind! ciao, - -------------------------------------------- Jules Seifert 'The Voice of Energy' #Kraftwerk IRC Homepage:- # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info kraftwerk" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Sep 1997 16:30:24 -0700 From: Rui Inacio Subject: (kw) Listening is believing... > First, the new Album will be available next monday, as far as the people > at my musicstore are informed. As soon as I got it, i will send you an > eMail. > <<<<<<<<< > > I want to believe !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When it comes to KW I'm from the Mulder school of thought: Trust no one (unless they hand you a copy of the new album). Coming to think of it, they could make an X-files episode about this... ;^) Rui Inacio # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info kraftwerk" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Sep 1997 23:18:30 +0100 From: Mark Reed Subject: (kw) live kraftwerk Is it possible for someone, somewhere to create a Kraftwerk archive or concerts, rare/unreleased mixes etc that we can all trade? Just thinking out loud.... Mark > ># Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? ># Email with "info kraftwerk" in the message. ># Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. - -- Mark Reed # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info kraftwerk" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Sep 1997 10:29:57 -0300 From: Carlos Jose Quinteiro Subject: RE: (kw) MESSAGE IN PORTUGUESE FOR KRAFT FANS Friends KWians; >could somebody translate please???? He wants to make contact with members of the mailist list who speaks Portuguese. He wants to trade copies of videos and CDs, pictures, etc. He's Brazilian. Is it. Bye! ************************************************ Carlos Jose Quinteiro Rua Frei Caneca 11 ap. 21 01307-001 Sao Paulo SP Brasil ************************************************ >---------- >From:[] >Sent: Segunda-feira, 15 de Setembro de 1997 09:57 >To: Colatina Radio Som Ltda. >Cc: Kraftwerk Mailing List >Subject: Re: (kw) MESSAGE IN PORTUGUESE FOR KRAFT FANS > > >Colatina Radio Som Ltda. wrote: > >> >> ALO KRAFTMAN=CDACOS BRASILEIROS!! >> EU SEI QUE O ESQUEMA DO MAIL LIST DEVE SER EM INGL=CAS, MAS = DECIDI >> MANDAR ESSA MENSAGEM EM PORTUGU=CAS PARA QUE POSSAMOS NOS = CONHECER >> EM TODO O BRASIL E, QUEM SABE, ORGANIZAR ALGUMA COISA POR AQUI. >> INCLUSIVE ACHO QUE ESSA ID=C9IA DEVERIA SER SEGUIDA PELOS DEMAIS >> ADMIRADORES DO KRAFT DE OUTROS PA=CDSES. >> AFINAL, MUITAS VEZES CONVERSAMOS COM ALGUM ESTRANGEIRO SEM NOS >> DAR CONTA DE QUE H=C1 MUITOS FANS DENTRO DO NOSSO PR=D3PRIO = PA=CDS. >> ESSE INTERC=C3MBIO SERVIRIA PARA TROCA DE INFORMA=C7=D5ES E = MATERIAL. >> EU, POR EXEMPLO, TENHO TRES V=CDDEOS RAR=CDSSIMOS DE CONCERTOS E = UNS >> 5 CDS PIRATAS, AL=C9M DE UM BOM ARQUIVO CONTENDO FOTOS E = REPORTAGENS. >> COLOCO ESSE MATERIAL =C1 DISPOSI=C7=C3O PARA SER COPIADO, SE = ALGU=C9M ESTIVER >> A FIM. >> EMBORA SEJA UM PRINCIPIANTE EM TERMOS DE INFORM=C1TICA E = INTERNET, ACHO >> QUE CABE A N=D3S ENCONTRAR MAIS E MELHORES CANAIS DE = COMUNICA=C7=C3O, LEVANDO >> EM CONSIDERA=C7=C3O O NOSSO OBJETIVO PRINCIPAL, QUE =C9 DIFUNDIR = A M=DASICA >>MAGIS- >> TRAL PRODUZIDA PELO KRAFTWERK E, NATURALMENTE, OBTER = SATISFA=C7=C3O PESSOAL >> COM A AQUISI=C7=C3O DE ITENS RAROS DA BANDA. >> PE=C7O DESCULPAS AOS DEMAIS MEMBROS DA MAILING LIST QUE = PROVAVELMENTE N=C3O >> COMPREENDEM ESTA MENSAGEM, POR=C9M, A FINALIDADE DA MESMA =C9 DAS = MAIS >>PURAS >> HONESTAS E NO SENTIDO DE DESENVOLVER O PROCESSO DE INTERC=C2MBIO = ENTRE OS >> KRAFTMAN=CDACOS DO BRASIL. >> >> UM FORTE ABRA=C7O PARA TODOS !! BOING !! BUM !! TSCHAK !!! >> >> >> >> EDUARDO MONTEIRO (Colatina / ES) =20 >> >> >> >> =20 >> =20 >> >could somebody translate please???? > >ciao, > >-------------------------------------------- >Jules Seifert >'The Voice of Energy' > >#Kraftwerk IRC Homepage:- > > > ># Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? ># Email with "info kraftwerk" in the message. ># Postings must go to -- replies go to original >sender. > # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info kraftwerk" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ End of kraftwerk Digest V3 #142 ******************************* To subscribe to kraftwerk Digest, send the command: subscribe kraftwerk-digest in the body of a message to "". 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