From: "Steve Eccles" Subject: [LDS-Bookshelf] Eborn Biblio/Price Gude 2nd Edition Date: 01 Sep 2002 20:52:03 -0700 Does anyone have this in hardbound covers? I bought mine from Benchmark and notice that after page 810 (describing works of Parley P. Pratt), it jumps to 1171 and the section starting Z. There there are some ads and a page giving the advertising rates, then it goes to page 811. Were they all like this? Am I better off having this one, or try to get one that is paginated correctly. --Steve - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Hugh J. McKell Subject: [LDS-Bookshelf] The "Anti Mormon Tract" Date: 01 Sep 2002 23:06:25 -0600 For all you poor dumb slobs who purchased a copy of this anti Mormon Tract, here's an unbiased report you will want to clip and save.,1249,405027525,00.html - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Keith Irwin" Subject: RE: [LDS-Bookshelf] The "Anti Mormon Tract" Date: 02 Sep 2002 12:18:14 -0700 It would be interesting to go back to 1950 and see what the News had to say about Juanita Brooks book and compare it to Lythgoe's reaction to BOTP. I do know that they refused to run a review of the John D. Lee Journals that Brooks edited. -----Original Message----- [] On Behalf Of Hugh J. McKell Sent: Sunday, September 01, 2002 9:06 PM For all you poor dumb slobs who purchased a copy of this anti Mormon Tract, here's an unbiased report you will want to clip and save.,1249,405027525,00.html - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Philip Bradford" Subject: RE: [LDS-Bookshelf] The "Anti Mormon Tract" Date: 02 Sep 2002 20:04:31 -0700 Hugh, I strongly disagree with calling TBOP an anti Mormon book. But listening to Will speak at MHA and at other times, he sounded like his mind was already made up as to the complicity of BY years before finishing the book. Perhaps he was too passionate in the years prior to his book being published in implicating Brigham Young directly to the massacre which alerted his critics to expect bias conclusions. I enjoy his writing and believe he feels he tried to be fair. Nevertheless, his many recent talks concerning the MMM made his conclusions too predictable without having the proverbial smoking gun he really needed to support his views. Would it have given his book more credibility if he had not tipped his hand and revealed many of his conclusions prematurely? IMO the book is a good read. It is interesting how the work of Juanita Brooks now finds respectability with many of the faithful when at the time of its release she worried about maintaining her membership. Phil It would be interesting to go back to 1950 and see what the News had to say about Juanita Brooks book and compare it to Lythgoe's reaction to BOTP. I do know that they refused to run a review of the John D. Lee Journals that Brooks edited. -----Original Message----- [] On Behalf Of Hugh J. McKell Sent: Sunday, September 01, 2002 9:06 PM For all you poor dumb slobs who purchased a copy of this anti Mormon Tract, here's an unbiased report you will want to clip and save.,1249,405027525,00.html - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Keith Irwin" Subject: RE: [LDS-Bookshelf] The "Anti Mormon Tract" Date: 02 Sep 2002 20:32:17 -0700 I think you make a good point, Phil. And one that many of Will's friends have pressed upon him without effect. His rhetoric gets the best of him and undermines his credibility before anyone ever reads his work. Unfortunately, it isn't going to change. I'm baffled that Lythgoe totally ignored the shortcomings in Bagley's book and instead substituted inflammatory misrepresentations and character assassination. I got an e-mail from Will who noted that the small brushfire the BOTP might have started would quickly die out were it not for the attempts of Lythgoe and others to put it out with gasoline. The New York Times is at work on a story about reaction to the book. Maybe while I'm on vacation later this month I'll try to codify my thoughts about BOTP but here are a few random observations: 1. I wish Will had spent more time on the various groups that joined and left the Fancher train as it made it's way through Utah. In particular, he needed to say more about the Missourians than he did. 2. The story of the "Gun the killed Joe Smith" seems to have early origins even if it was unfounded braggadocio. I thought it deserved more attention. 3. I thought that the killer discovery was not the Dimmick Huntington journal entry, but the fact that Eleanor McLean Pratt, Parley's widow, was the fourth person on the buckboard that Porter Rockwell drove to the Fourth of July celebration that Brigham Young orchestrated. The rhetoric at that event must have been a barnburner start to BY's resistance to the approaching army. 4. The final few paragraphs of the book constitute one of the most eloquent calls to repentance that I've ever read. Below is the letter I sent to the Dez News. We'll see if they think it fit to print. -----Original Message----- Sent: Monday, September 02, 2002 12:41 PM One can only wonder if Dennis Lythgoe's trashing of Will Bagley's new book on the Mountain Meadows Massacre rings any different than the Mormon response to Juanita Brooks 52 years earlier. Lythgoe would at least do well to get his facts straight. Contrary to Lythgoe's headline, Bagley did not compare Brigham Young to Hitler or Nixon but said that it was impossible to understand any of these historic figures without grasping the impact of the tragedies with which they were associated; something Mormon historians have failed to do. That Brigham Young lied early and lied often to lead a 19 year cover-up about this event is beyond debate. But Bagley makes clear that the evidence of the degree of Young's complicity in ordering the murders is open to interpretation and he carefully labels his own opinion about this at the very end of the book. That Lythgoe pins his hopes on the attorney who fought to suppress the Arrington papers at USU, to produce a more open, honest interpretation of the massacre speaks for itself. After reading Lythgoe's review, one has to wonder who has the ax to grind. Keith Irwin -----Original Message----- [] On Behalf Of Philip Bradford Sent: Monday, September 02, 2002 7:05 PM Hugh, I strongly disagree with calling TBOP an anti Mormon book. But listening to Will speak at MHA and at other times, he sounded like his mind was already made up as to the complicity of BY years before finishing the book. Perhaps he was too passionate in the years prior to his book being published in implicating Brigham Young directly to the massacre which alerted his critics to expect bias conclusions. I enjoy his writing and believe he feels he tried to be fair. Nevertheless, his many recent talks concerning the MMM made his conclusions too predictable without having the proverbial smoking gun he really needed to support his views. Would it have given his book more credibility if he had not tipped his hand and revealed many of his conclusions prematurely? IMO the book is a good read. It is interesting how the work of Juanita Brooks now finds respectability with many of the faithful when at the time of its release she worried about maintaining her membership. Phil It would be interesting to go back to 1950 and see what the News had to say about Juanita Brooks book and compare it to Lythgoe's reaction to BOTP. I do know that they refused to run a review of the John D. Lee Journals that Brooks edited. -----Original Message----- [] On Behalf Of Hugh J. McKell Sent: Sunday, September 01, 2002 9:06 PM For all you poor dumb slobs who purchased a copy of this anti Mormon Tract, here's an unbiased report you will want to clip and save.,1249,405027525,00.html - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Steve Eccles" Subject: RE: [LDS-Bookshelf] The "Anti Mormon Tract" Date: 02 Sep 2002 23:21:49 -0700 Both Phil & Keith make excellent points. I have also heard Will for several years postulate about BY's involvement. I disagree with him, but the book certainly can't be catagorized as "Anti Mormon." The worst thing you can say about it is he draws faulty conclusions, imho. I have enjoyed Wills passion in relating some of the stories about MMM. He certainly is caught up in the subject. Too bad he wasn't a bit more objective in his analysis of the material. --Steve - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [LDS-Bookshelf] The "Anti Mormon Tract" Date: 03 Sep 2002 10:36:33 EDT In a message dated 9/2/02 11:32:51 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: << . . . the letter I sent to the Dez News. We'll see if they think it fit to print. >> And a superb letter it is, Keith. Thank you for sharing it with us. I hope we will not be its only audience! Rick Grunder - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Steve Eccles" Subject: [LDS-Bookshelf] BOTP -- Amazon Review Date: 04 Sep 2002 23:24:18 -0700 FWIW, there is one review of BOTP on Amazon: Laying the blame at Brigham's feet, August 15, 2002 Reviewer: Eric R. Johnson (see more about me) from El Cajon, CA United States For years the slaughter of the Fancher wagon train at Mountain Meadows in southern Utah has been a point of contention for the Mormon Church. Who is to blame? According to the official version of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Mormon John D. Lee was the primary villain who, as the lone scapegoat, paid for his crime when he was executed in 1877. Although the massacre had been discussed in "anti-Mormon" books, it was a loyal Mormon by the name of Juanita Brooks who bravely penned "The Mountain Meadows Massacre" in 1950. Her book created a firestorm by giving credible reasons to believe that several Mormons in high positions were, in fact, responsible for the tragic event of September 11, 1857. Now a new book by historian Will Bagley is going to cause the Mormon Church even more consternation as he attempts to lay blame for the massacre directly at the feet of second LDS President Brigham Young. This was a theory privately held by Brooks, but she could not prove this at the time of her book. On page 363 Bagley writes, "A historian's professional and personal conclusions often differ, as was the case with Brooks' final assignment of responsibility for the massacre at Mountain Meadows. In the last revision of her book, she stressed the importance of Young's manipulation of the Indian leaders and the military orders placing 'each man where he was to do his duty.' She retained her original conclusion that the existing evidence did not prove that Brigham Young and George A. Smith specifically order the massacre, but it showed they 'set up social conditions that made it possible.' In a private letter to Roger B. Mathison of the University of Utah Library, she went much further: she had 'come to feel that Brigham Young was directly responsible for the tragedy.' John D. Lee, she believed, would make it to heaven before Brigham Young." Bagley states, "Claiming that Brigham Young had nothing to do with Mountain Meadows is akin to arguing that Abraham Lincoln had nothing to do with the Civil War" (p. 379). He discounts the vilification of the Arkansas immigrants/victims as nothing but lies perpetrated by the murderers themselves. Bagley recognizes the complicated events leading up to the tragic event, but he makes it clear that one cannot overlook the fact that this was an act to avenge the blood of Mormon apostle Parley P. Pratt who was killed in May of 1857 by the legal husband of his 12th wife, Eleanor McLean, in Arkansas. Bagley's "smoking gun" (?) is the journal of Dimick Huntington, a source never seen by Brooks. Huntington recorded a meeting that Young had with local Indians on September 1, 1857 where he agreed to give the emigrants' cattle to the Indians. Says Bagley, "He [Young] encouraged his Indian allies to attack the Fancher party to make clear to the nation the cost of war with the Mormons" (p. 379). Bagley's book is a must read for anyone who wants to get beyond the LDS Church spin on this very thorny issue. Mormon Church historian Richard Turley and his loyal band of researchers will be coming out next year with what will certainly look like a rebuttal to Bagley's conclusions. Regardless, "Blood of the Prophets" is sure to shake up many Mormons who for the first time will realize that it is quite possible their second president was responsible for the murders of 120 innocent men, women, and children. - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Steve Eccles" Subject: [LDS-Bookshelf] FW: Daniel Rector Date: 05 Sep 2002 11:31:16 -0700 If you haven't heard yet..... --Steve Mountain Fall Kills Former Sunstone Publisher Thursday, September 5, 2002 Daniel Rector BY KEVIN CANTERA THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE After Daniel Rector fell nearly 200 feet to his death Wednesday while hiking a beloved peak in Little Cottonwood Canyon, friends and family members dealt with their grief by focusing on his life. "He did it all. . . . He had a real passion for life," said his sister, Lucy Morey. "He was a family man and he loved to do anything outdoors." Rector left home at about 4:30 a.m. for a hike on Monte Cristo peak, north of Snowbird. He usually went early in the day so he could spend time after work with his family, Morey said. Rector, 46, was a seasoned hiker and knew the peak well, Morey said. He and friend Andrew McClain were traversing the ridge up to the 11,132-foot peak without ropes or other specialized equipment when Rector lost his footing and fell at about 6:45 a.m., said Salt Lake County Sheriff's Office spokeswoman Peggy Faulkner. McClain ran down the slope and summoned help. A LifeFlight helicopter crew recovered Rector's body. He died of massive head injuries, Faulkner said. "They were both very experienced. They knew the risks," said Faulkner, adding that the peak is often attempted by free climbers. Rector is the son of Hartman Rector Jr., an emeritus member of the First Quorum of the Seventy of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. From 1986 to 1991, Daniel Rector was publisher of Sunstone magazine, an independent and often controversial periodical aimed at LDS intellectuals. "He had this pluck and self-confidence which was just incredible," said Elbert Peck, who was the editor under Rector and succeeded him as publisher. The last time Peck saw Rector was at the Sunstone Symposium in August. "He looked the best I have ever seen him in my life. He had an inner peace about him," Peck said. Rector leaves behind a wife and four children. - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bob Carter Subject: RE: [LDS-Bookshelf] The "Anti Mormon Tract" Date: 08 Sep 2002 19:34:54 -0700 (PDT) --- Philip Bradford wrote: > Hugh, > > I strongly disagree with calling TBOP an anti Mormon book. But > listening > to Will speak at MHA and at other times, he sounded like his > mind was > already made up as to the complicity of BY years before > finishing the > book. Perhaps he was too passionate in the years prior to his > book > being published in implicating Brigham Young directly to the > massacre > which alerted his critics to expect bias conclusions. I enjoy > his > writing and believe he feels he tried to be fair. > Nevertheless, his > many recent talks concerning the MMM made his conclusions too > predictable without having the proverbial smoking gun he > really needed > to support his views. Would it have given his book more > credibility if > he had not tipped his hand and revealed many of his > conclusions > prematurely? IMO the book is a good read. > Phil I've heard Will speak on different subjects in different venues and I don't think he will ever be non-passionate about what he researches and speaks about. The research for this book had been going on for a few years and his conclusions were probably formed at least 2 years ago and probably even longer ago. Getting a publisher and waiting for it to be published by Oklahoma has taken a long time. So while it may seem like he formed conclusions prematurely, it's probably just a perception caused by the long publishing process. We should still expect his critics and reviewers to focus on how his conclusions match up with the evidence he presents. I don't think the reviews would be any different if he had kept it a secret until the book showed up in bookstores. Wait until the "FARMS Review of Books" publishes a review. I wonder if it will top the 230 pages devoted to Quinn's "Magic World View" which was reviewed in 2000. Bob Carter (sorry to respond late to this thread, but my Yahoo account is being pounded with spam) __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Finance - Get real-time stock quotes - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: RE: [LDS-Bookshelf] The "Anti Mormon Tract" Date: 09 Sep 2002 10:25:36 -0600 I think Will told me that Ron Esplin will be doing a review. I don't know if it is for FARMS but it should be very interesting..... Hugh Quoting Bob Carter : > > Wait until the "FARMS Review of Books" publishes a review. I > wonder if it will top the 230 pages devoted to Quinn's "Magic > World View" which was reviewed in 2000. > > Bob Carter > (sorry to respond late to this thread, but my Yahoo account is > being pounded with spam) - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Philip Bradford" Subject: [LDS-Bookshelf] Sea Trek Date: 11 Sep 2002 09:59:14 -0700 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0008_01C25979.E2ABCCE0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Bill Hartley recently gave a great presentation to the Miller-Eccles Study group explaining what he as an historian learned from his 59 day adventure last year. He was kind enough to send us more information about his experiences and observations which has been posted on the Miller-Eccles web site; Select "Recent Meeting Reports" and you'll find his article. Phil ------=_NextPart_000_0008_01C25979.E2ABCCE0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Bill Hartley recently gave a great presentation to = the Miller-Eccles Study group explaining what he as an historian learned = from his 59 day adventure last year.  He was kind enough to send us more information about his experiences and observations which has been posted = on the Miller-Eccles web site;  


Select “Recent Meeting Reports” and you’ll find his article.




------=_NextPart_000_0008_01C25979.E2ABCCE0-- - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Steve Eccles" Subject: [LDS-Bookshelf] New JS Book Date: 14 Sep 2002 16:01:49 -0700 My wife read the following notice in Booklist, a magazine for libraries by the American Library Association. It is in the 9/1/2002 issue: Author: Remini, Robert V. Joseph Smith October 2002, 208n p., Viking/Lipper $19.95 ISBN: 0-670-03083-X Whatever one believes about the Book of Mormon--the true word of God to its adherents, an incredible fraud to skeptics--its recipient, Joseph Smith Jr. was one of the most successful religious figures in American history, as his legacy of the thriving Mormon Church attests. There's no one better informed to explain why then Remini, the preemient historian of the Age of Jackson. Meticulously eschewing judgements about the likeliness of Smith's claims, Remini provactaviely surveys the social ground in which they took such productive root.In the 1820's, the displacements of westward migration were percolating, accompanied by Christian revivalism of an ecstatically millenarian variety. Smith was, therefore, not considered unusual in experiencing revelations, but his were unique for their drama and for declaring all other churches false. Naturally, this angered designated apostates and partially explains, as Remini narrates the Prophet's and his followers' subsequent flights to Missorui and Illinois, the hostility of those outside the charismatic community. A masterful evenhanded precis that will engrose history and religion readers alike. -- Gilbert Taylor YA/C: An Accessible biography for high-school religion and history studies, especially since Smith's teenage experience was crucial. HR (The above is a direct copy from the magazine notice). Sounds like an interesting book. Remini is an emeritus Professor of History from University of Illinois, Chicago. I wonder how this will stack up against the Donna Hill book and the forthcoming Bushman work. - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Steve Eccles" Subject: [LDS-Bookshelf] New LDS Title Date: 14 Sep 2002 16:02:21 -0700 My wife read the following notice in Booklist, a magazine for libraries by the American Library Association. It is in the 9/1/2002 issue: Author: Remini, Robert V. Joseph Smith October 2002, 208n p., Viking/Lipper $19.95 ISBN: 0-670-03083-X Whatever one believes about the Book of Mormon--the true word of God to its adherents, an incredible fraud to skeptics--its recipient, Joseph Smith Jr. was one of the most successful religious figures in American history, as his legacy of the thriving Mormon Church attests. There's no one better informed to explain why then Remini, the preemient historian of the Age of Jackson. Meticulously eschewing judgements about the likeliness of Smith's claims, Remini provactaviely surveys the social ground in which they took such productive root.In the 1820's, the displacements of westward migration were percolating, accompanied by Christian revivalism of an ecstatically millenarian variety. Smith was, therefore, not considered unusual in experiencing revelations, but his were unique for their drama and for declaring all other churches false. Naturally, this angered designated apostates and partially explains, as Remini narrates the Prophet's and his followers' subsequent flights to Missorui and Illinois, the hostility of those outside the charismatic community. A masterful evenhanded precis that will engrose history and religion readers alike. -- Gilbert Taylor YA/C: An Accessible biography for high-school religion and history studies, especially since Smith's teenage experience was crucial. HR (The above is a direct copy from the magazine notice). Sounds like an interesting book. Remini is an emeritus Professor of History from University of Illinois, Chicago. I wonder how this will stack up against the Donna Hill book and the forthcoming Bushman work. - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Mick Reasor" Subject: Re: [LDS-Bookshelf] New LDS Title Date: 15 Sep 2002 08:14:21 -0500 ..Remini provactaviely surveys ... Where's the "word of the day" guy when you need him? Mick - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Edlund, Mark J" Subject: [LDS-Bookshelf] A few comments to stir discussion Date: 25 Sep 2002 18:34:39 -0500 For about the past two months I have been following Mormon book auctions on ebay and deseret book fairly closely. It is evident that prices have taken quite a plunge, at least for the stuff that I see. Further, there seems to be a phenomenon where most stuff does not sell, due to what I believe are excessively high reserves. In essence, buyers seem less willing to pay the prices of a year or two ago, but many sellers have not lowered their reserves. I think that the market for some items, specifically hyper-moderns, might be even softer than people think. The problem is that many of us hold multiple copies of some items, which we bought with the idea of making a few bucks down the road. For example, who does not own multiple copies of Crawley's bibliography? I have heard a couple of items that might interest people: 1) The new Flake is at the publisher, per our own Dr. McKell. Sell your duplicate copies now, if you can. (I had two dupes which I sold a year or so ago.) I would imagine that someone will do a limited edition. Who knows, maybe there will even be multiple limited editions like there was for Crawleys book. (Kofford did one, Grandin did one, and I believe John Hajicek bought text blocks, which I assume he plans on binding someday.) 2) Per Tom Kimball, Signature is thinking of doing a new, annotated version of the Woodruff diaries. I hope they do, as I would like a set, but don't want to spend 2 to 3 k. However, work has not started on the project, and it is not clear if it will be done. Will Blood of the Prophets ever be collectible? My guess is that too many copies were printed for that to happen (5500). I think it will be like Todd Compton's book, In Sacred Loneliness. It is a great book, but not that collectible due to a large print run. It will be interesting to see what happens with the limited editions. BTW, many of you may not be aware of a "limited" that was done for Patrice Press. What they did was put a bookplate in the regular edition, numbered (total of 18) and signed by Bagley. I can't remember just what the plate said, and my copy (#2) is not readily accessible. Perhaps this will become a collecting curiosity, perhaps not. Well, I am off to the John Whitmer Historical Assn meeting in the morning. I will try to report any noteworthy book events. Happy book-hunting and reading to all, Mark Edlund - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Frank Marotta Subject: Re: [LDS-Bookshelf] A few comments to stir discussion Date: 25 Sep 2002 20:46:34 -0400 Great post! Will Flake be in one volume or multiple volumes? Will the 'style' be the same? Any price information? Would write more, but short on time. Frank Marotta On Wed, 25 Sep 2002 18:34:39 -0500 "Edlund, Mark J" writes: > > For about the past two months I have been following Mormon book > auctions on ebay and deseret book fairly closely. It is evident > that prices have taken quite a plunge, at least for the stuff that I > see. Further, there seems to be a phenomenon where most stuff does > not sell, due to what I believe are excessively high reserves. In > essence, buyers seem less willing to pay the prices of a year or two > ago, but many sellers have not lowered their reserves. > > I think that the market for some items, specifically hyper-moderns, > might be even softer than people think. The problem is that many of > us hold multiple copies of some items, which we bought with the idea > of making a few bucks down the road. For example, who does not own > multiple copies of Crawley's bibliography? > > I have heard a couple of items that might interest people: > 1) The new Flake is at the publisher, per our own Dr. McKell. Sell > your duplicate copies now, if you can. (I had two dupes which I > sold a year or so ago.) I would imagine that someone will do a > limited edition. Who knows, maybe there will even be multiple > limited editions like there was for Crawleys book. (Kofford did > one, Grandin did one, and I believe John Hajicek bought text blocks, > which I assume he plans on binding someday.) > 2) Per Tom Kimball, Signature is thinking of doing a new, annotated > version of the Woodruff diaries. I hope they do, as I would like a > set, but don't want to spend 2 to 3 k. However, work has not > started on the project, and it is not clear if it will be done. > > Will Blood of the Prophets ever be collectible? My guess is that > too many copies were printed for that to happen (5500). I think it > will be like Todd Compton's book, In Sacred Loneliness. It is a > great book, but not that collectible due to a large print run. It > will be interesting to see what happens with the limited editions. > BTW, many of you may not be aware of a "limited" that was done for > Patrice Press. What they did was put a bookplate in the regular > edition, numbered (total of 18) and signed by Bagley. I can't > remember just what the plate said, and my copy (#2) is not readily > accessible. Perhaps this will become a collecting curiosity, > perhaps not. > > Well, I am off to the John Whitmer Historical Assn meeting in the > morning. I will try to report any noteworthy book events. > > Happy book-hunting and reading to all, > > Mark Edlund > > > > > > > ---------------------------------------------------------- > - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books > - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with > - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message > body. > - For assistance, mail to "" > > - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Frank Marotta Subject: Re: [LDS-Bookshelf] A few comments to stir discussion Date: 26 Sep 2002 04:41:28 -0400 A comment on eBay prices. Since 1999 (when I started bidding on eBay), I have noted a summer price lull, where high bids are depressed generally (not absolutely) in the summer. Usually, there is a pick up after Labor Day, but it has not been as strong this year. Perhaps that is in part due to the doldrums of the economy. Also, since more and more people bid late (snipes and pseudosnipes), some auctions seem really down unless one looks at the post auction results. And it seems to me that less and less interesting material is being offered. Frank Marotta On Wed, 25 Sep 2002 18:34:39 -0500 "Edlund, Mark J" writes: > > For about the past two months I have been following Mormon book > auctions on ebay and deseret book fairly closely. It is evident > that prices have taken quite a plunge, at least for the stuff that I > see. Further, there seems to be a phenomenon where most stuff does > not sell, due to what I believe are excessively high reserves. In > essence, buyers seem less willing to pay the prices of a year or two > ago, but many sellers have not lowered their reserves. > > I think that the market for some items, specifically hyper-moderns, > might be even softer than people think. The problem is that many of > us hold multiple copies of some items, which we bought with the idea > of making a few bucks down the road. For example, who does not own > multiple copies of Crawley's bibliography? > > I have heard a couple of items that might interest people: > 1) The new Flake is at the publisher, per our own Dr. McKell. Sell > your duplicate copies now, if you can. (I had two dupes which I > sold a year or so ago.) I would imagine that someone will do a > limited edition. Who knows, maybe there will even be multiple > limited editions like there was for Crawleys book. (Kofford did > one, Grandin did one, and I believe John Hajicek bought text blocks, > which I assume he plans on binding someday.) > 2) Per Tom Kimball, Signature is thinking of doing a new, annotated > version of the Woodruff diaries. I hope they do, as I would like a > set, but don't want to spend 2 to 3 k. However, work has not > started on the project, and it is not clear if it will be done. > > Will Blood of the Prophets ever be collectible? My guess is that > too many copies were printed for that to happen (5500). I think it > will be like Todd Compton's book, In Sacred Loneliness. It is a > great book, but not that collectible due to a large print run. It > will be interesting to see what happens with the limited editions. > BTW, many of you may not be aware of a "limited" that was done for > Patrice Press. What they did was put a bookplate in the regular > edition, numbered (total of 18) and signed by Bagley. I can't > remember just what the plate said, and my copy (#2) is not readily > accessible. Perhaps this will become a collecting curiosity, > perhaps not. > > Well, I am off to the John Whitmer Historical Assn meeting in the > morning. I will try to report any noteworthy book events. > > Happy book-hunting and reading to all, > > Mark Edlund > > > > > > > ---------------------------------------------------------- > - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books > - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with > - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message > body. > - For assistance, mail to "" > > - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Mick Reasor" Subject: Re: [LDS-Bookshelf] A few comments to stir discussion Date: 26 Sep 2002 09:32:37 -0500 My general sense is that ebay has been taken over by business sellers. = With one or two exceptions the great deals I got on everything from = musical instruments to the occasional book were from individuals. = Individuals are probably more willing to risk a low reserve to generate = interest, and less likely to know exactly what they've got. There appear = to be a whole lot of retail sales to sift through to find the morsel.=20 Another possible factor: About a year ago I had some vintage electronics on ebay that were being = bid up quite nicely in the last few hours and then suddenly all interest = disappeared. The auctions closed at 9 am September 11. =20 Mick - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [LDS-Bookshelf] A few comments to stir discussion Date: 26 Sep 2002 11:54:30 EDT In a message dated 9/26/02 10:33:28 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: << Another possible factor: About a year ago I had some vintage electronics on ebay that were being bid up quite nicely in the last few hours and then suddenly all interest disappeared. The auctions closed at 9 am September 11. >> Commiseration. I received a nice first-edition Book of Mormon to list for a friend late last summer, 2001. I had the description all prepared and ready to load onto my website on the morning of September 11. I had sold nearly identical examples of the book for the same price during the previous year and a half, each within 20-45 minutes, usually on the first phone call. My "9/11" Book of Mormon, on the other hand, took six months to sell (albeit for the same price as earlier examples). Rick Grunder - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Malcolm Vickery" Subject: Re: [LDS-Bookshelf] A few comments to stir discussion Date: 26 Sep 2002 18:10:46 -0600 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_005C_01C26588.0AC5FBA0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi everyone - Hugh has let me join this inner sanctum today - Thanks Hugh! Regarding Ebay... I think you're generally right here Frank. Last minute - (Or second!) bidders seem to take up the majority of the serious buyers on Ebay. To tell the truth, I don't blame them - inexperienced purchasers regularly click the prices up on auctions, faithfully replying to the "Outbid" notice that they receive with another bid. It must be pretty disheartening for new buyers to faithfully follow an auction for 7 or 10 days, bidding whenever they get outbid, only to get the "midnight assassin" coming in at 3 seconds to go and winning the item! Maybe that is why there are only a handful of serious, high end buyers on Ebay. I would prefer Ebay to have the Deseret Book Auctions policy of extending the auction if there is a last minute bid, but I tend to stay with Ebay because it does reach a wider audience. Summer is always bad for auctions - but I find the higher quality items - $200.00 - $2500.00 always sell well at any time of the year. Very high end items always seem to sell erratically - probably because there is a limited amount of buyers on Ebay - and maybe after a while, they already own the readily available items - and the harder to find items (not necessarily the most expensive) come up very infrequently. Maybe that is why you feel that there is little for you to buy Frank! You already have it all!!! Ebay is a great place to generate new buyers, I have found some of my best long term (outside of Ebay) customers here - although there are many that come in strong for a few weeks, spending money like crazy and often paying way over the reserve on things - but they either learn very quickly to be a little more discerning, or else burn themselves and their Bank Accounts out before very long. I think now as Sotheby's and other "respectable" auction houses - (After the Hoffman Seminar I'm not so sure Sotheby's IS respectable) have decided to sell on Ebay - Ebay has risen in the estimation of many people. Whatever your feelings, Ebay is here to stay, and will be always a source of bargains for those diligent enough to search. It is also a wonderful tool for people that live outside of "Happy Valley" to purchase books that otherwise they might not readily find. Malcolm J. Vickery - Distinctive Books Reply-To: A comment on eBay prices. Since 1999 (when I started bidding on eBay), I have noted a summer price lull, where high bids are depressed generally (not absolutely) in the summer. Usually, there is a pick up after Labor Day, but it has not been as strong this year. Perhaps that is in part due to the doldrums of the economy. Also, since more and more people bid late (snipes and pseudosnipes), some auctions seem really down unless one looks at the post auction results. And it seems to me that less and less interesting material is being offered. Frank Marotta ------=_NextPart_000_005C_01C26588.0AC5FBA0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Message

Hi = everyone - Hugh has=20 let me join this inner sanctum today - Thanks Hugh!

Regarding=20 Ebay...

I think = you're=20 generally right here Frank.

Last = minute - (Or=20 second!) bidders seem to take up the majority of the serious buyers on = Ebay. To=20 tell the truth, I don't blame them - inexperienced purchasers regularly = click=20 the prices up on auctions, faithfully replying to the "Outbid" notice = that they=20 receive with another bid.

It must = be pretty=20 disheartening for new buyers to faithfully follow an auction for 7 or 10 = days,=20 bidding whenever they get outbid, only to get the "midnight assassin" = coming in=20 at 3 seconds to go and winning the item!

Maybe = that is why=20 there are only a handful of serious, high end buyers on = Ebay.

I would = prefer Ebay to=20 have the Deseret Book Auctions policy of extending the auction if there = is a=20 last minute bid, but I tend to stay with Ebay because it does reach a = wider=20 audience.

Summer = is always bad=20 for auctions - but I find the higher quality items - $200.00 - $2500.00 = always=20 sell well at any time of the year. Very high end items always seem to = sell=20 erratically - probably because there is a limited amount of buyers on = Ebay - and=20 maybe after a while, they already own the readily available items - and = the=20 harder to find items (not necessarily the most expensive) come up very=20 infrequently. Maybe that is why you feel that there is little for you to = buy=20 Frank! You already have it all!!!

Ebay is = a great place=20 to generate new buyers, I have found some of my best long term (outside = of Ebay)=20 customers here - although there are many that come in strong for a few = weeks,=20 spending money like crazy and often paying way over the reserve on = things - but=20 they either learn very quickly to be a little more discerning, or else = burn=20 themselves and their Bank Accounts out before very = long.

I think = now as=20 Sotheby's and other "respectable" auction houses - (After the Hoffman = Seminar=20 I'm not so sure Sotheby's IS respectable) have decided to sell on Ebay - = Ebay=20 has risen in the estimation of many people.

Whatever = your=20 feelings, Ebay is here to stay, and will be always a source of bargains = for=20 those diligent enough to search. It is also a wonderful tool for people = that=20 live outside of "Happy Valley" to purchase books that otherwise they = might not=20 readily find.

Malcolm = J. Vickery -=20 Distinctive Books



Date: Thu, 26 Sep 2002 04:41:28 = -0400

From: Frank Marotta=20 <>

Reply-To: =

Subject: Re: [LDS-Bookshelf] A few = comments to stir=20 discussion

To: =

A comment on eBay prices. Since 1999 = (when I started=20 bidding on eBay), I have noted a summer price lull, where high bids are=20 depressed generally (not = absolutely) in=20 the summer. Usually, there is a pick up after Labor Day, but it has not been as strong = this year.=20 Perhaps that is in part due to the doldrums of the economy.

Also, since more and more people bid late = (snipes and=20 pseudosnipes), some auctions seem really down unless one looks at the = post=20 auction results.

And it seems to me that less and less = interesting=20 material is being offered. =

Frank = Marotta

------=_NextPart_000_005C_01C26588.0AC5FBA0-- - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [LDS-Bookshelf] A few comments to stir discussion Date: 27 Sep 2002 13:20:55 -0600 I mus aplolgize to Malcolm. I thought I had subscribed him many moons ago! I thought he was just like the rest of the group and never spoke. Welcome to the list Malcolm. Hugh Quoting Malcolm Vickery : > Hi everyone - Hugh has let me join this inner sanctum today - Thanks > Hugh! > > Regarding Ebay... > > I think you're generally right here Frank. > > Last minute - (Or second!) bidders seem to take up the majority of the > serious buyers on Ebay. To tell the truth, I don't blame them - > inexperienced purchasers regularly click the prices up on auctions, > faithfully replying to the "Outbid" notice that they receive with > another bid. > > It must be pretty disheartening for new buyers to faithfully follow an > auction for 7 or 10 days, bidding whenever they get outbid, only to get > the "midnight assassin" coming in at 3 seconds to go and winning the > item! > > Maybe that is why there are only a handful of serious, high end buyers > on Ebay. > > I would prefer Ebay to have the Deseret Book Auctions policy of > extending the auction if there is a last minute bid, but I tend to stay > with Ebay because it does reach a wider audience. > > Summer is always bad for auctions - but I find the higher quality items > - $200.00 - $2500.00 always sell well at any time of the year. Very > high > end items always seem to sell erratically - probably because there is a > limited amount of buyers on Ebay - and maybe after a while, they > already > own the readily available items - and the harder to find items (not > necessarily the most expensive) come up very infrequently. Maybe that > is > why you feel that there is little for you to buy Frank! You already > have > it all!!! > > Ebay is a great place to generate new buyers, I have found some of my > best long term (outside of Ebay) customers here - although there are > many that come in strong for a few weeks, spending money like crazy and > often paying way over the reserve on things - but they either learn > very > quickly to be a little more discerning, or else burn themselves and > their Bank Accounts out before very long. > > I think now as Sotheby's and other "respectable" auction houses - > (After > the Hoffman Seminar I'm not so sure Sotheby's IS respectable) have > decided to sell on Ebay - Ebay has risen in the estimation of many > people. > > Whatever your feelings, Ebay is here to stay, and will be always a > source of bargains for those diligent enough to search. It is also a > wonderful tool for people that live outside of "Happy Valley" to > purchase books that otherwise they might not readily find. > > Malcolm J. Vickery - Distinctive Books > > > > > > Date: Thu, 26 Sep 2002 04:41:28 -0400 > > From: Frank Marotta > > Reply-To: > > Subject: Re: [LDS-Bookshelf] A few comments to stir discussion > > To: > > A comment on eBay prices. Since 1999 (when I started bidding on eBay), > I > have noted a summer price lull, where high bids are depressed generally > (not absolutely) in the summer. Usually, there is a pick up after Labor > Day, but it has not been as strong this year. Perhaps that is in part > due to the doldrums of the economy. > > Also, since more and more people bid late (snipes and pseudosnipes), > some auctions seem really down unless one looks at the post auction > results. > > And it seems to me that less and less interesting material is being > offered. > > Frank Marotta > > - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ken Sanders Subject: [LDS-Bookshelf] More ebay Date: 27 Sep 2002 15:19:47 -0600 --------------682E03599EFB6A9311ACCD5A Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Re ebay. I'm not a big fan, I've mostly found it to be what I call the "lcd", lowest common denominator. See the email I received > > > regarding the Fawn Brodie Book of Mormon I put up on ebay below. > > > > We recently put up 20 items on ebay, mostly high end. It's the first time in a long time I've looked at or put up auctions. I'll let > > the list know how we do. The marketplace is very jittery right now, no question about it. I note by the led counter, the Fawn Brodie > > Book of Mormon has been viewed almost 400 times in three days! The email below is the only response I've had to it. I erased it > > without replying. > > > > Ken Sanders > > > > > > > > > > > > wrote: > > > > What a joke. You and I both know that > > > > because > > > > Fawn McKay Brodie owned it does not make it > > > > worth 65,000. In fact, > > > > it's obvious that you simply want the name Fawn > > > > McKay Brodie to be researched > > > > by someone who is unaware of who she is. > > > > Please.....can't you find > > > > a more intelligent way of spreading lies? > > > > -------------------- > > > > Question > > > > from: > > > > keesym > > > > Title of > > > > item: > > > > 1830 Book of Mormon Fawn McKay Brodie copy > > > > Seller: > > > > kenbook > > > > Starts: > > > > Sep-24-02 13:12:36 PDT > > > > Ends: > > > > Sep-27-02 13:12:36 PDT > > > > Price: > > > > Starts at $65,000.00 > > > > To view the item, go to:
> > > > > > href=""> > > > > > > > > Visit eBay, The World's Online > > > > Marketplace TM at > > > href=""> > > > > > > > > -- > > > > Ken Sanders > > > > Ken Sanders Rare Books, ABAA > > > > 268 South 200 East > > > > Salt Lake City UT 84111 > > > > (801) 521-3819 > > > > Fax: (801) 521-2606 > > > > > > > HREF=""> > > > > > > > > > > > > -- > > Ken Sanders > > Ken Sanders Rare Books, ABAA > > 268 South 200 East > > Salt Lake City UT 84111 > > (801) 521-3819 > > Fax: (801) 521-2606 > > > > > > > > --------------F788F8561832A26CB09490C9 > > Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii > > Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit > > > > > > > > > >
  > >
Re ebay.  I'm not a big fan, I've mostly found it to be what I > > call the "lcd", lowest common denominator.   See the email I > > received regarding the Fawn Brodie Book of Mormon I put up on ebay below.
> > > >

We recently put up 20 items on ebay, mostly high end.  It's > > the first time in a long time I've looked at or put up auctions.  > > I'll let the list know how we do.  The marketplace is very jittery > > right now, no question about it.  I note by the led counter, the Fawn > > Brodie Book of Mormon has been viewed almost 400 times in three days! The > > email below is the only response I've had to it. I erased it without replying. > >

Ken Sanders > >

  > >

> wrote: > >
> What a joke.  You and I both know that > >
> because > >
> Fawn McKay Brodie owned it does not make it > >
> worth 65,000.  In fact, > >
> it's obvious that you simply want the name Fawn > >
> McKay Brodie to be researched > >
> by someone who is unaware of who she is. > >
> Please.....can't you find > >
> a more intelligent way of spreading lies? > >
> -------------------- > >
> Question > >
> from: > >
> keesym > >
> Title of > >
> item: > >
> 1830 Book of Mormon Fawn McKay Brodie copy > >
> Seller: > >
> kenbook > >
> Starts: > >
> Sep-24-02 13:12:36 PDT > >
> Ends: > >
> Sep-27-02 13:12:36 PDT > >
> Price: > >
> Starts at $65,000.00 > >
> To view the item, go to: <a > >
> > >
> Visit eBay, The World's Online > >
> Marketplace TM at <a > >
> href=""></a> > >
> > >
> -- > >
> Ken Sanders > >
> Ken Sanders Rare Books, ABAA > >
> 268 South 200 East > >
> Salt Lake City UT 84111 > >
> (801) 521-3819 > >
> Fax: (801) 521-2606 > >
> <A > >
> HREF=""></A> > >
> > >

> > > >

-- > >
Ken Sanders > >
Ken Sanders Rare Books, ABAA > >
268 South 200 East > >
Salt Lake City UT 84111 > >
(801) 521-3819 > >
Fax: (801) 521-2606 > > > > > >
  > > > > --------------F788F8561832A26CB09490C9-- > > -- > Ken Sanders > Ken Sanders Rare Books, ABAA > 268 South 200 East > Salt Lake City UT 84111 > (801) 521-3819 > Fax: (801) 521-2606 > > > > --------------6EF10486917134C12481FB7C > Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii > Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit > > > > >


> >
> Re ebay.  I'm not a big fan, I've mostly found it to be what > I call the "lcd", lowest common denominator.   See the email > I received >
> regarding the Fawn Brodie Book of Mormon I put up on ebay below. >

We recently put up 20 items on ebay, mostly high end.  It's the > first time in a long time I've looked at or put up auctions.  I'll > let >
the list know how we do.  The marketplace is very jittery right > now, no question about it.  I note by the led counter, the Fawn Brodie >
Book of Mormon has been viewed almost 400 times in three days! The > email below is the only response I've had to it. I erased it >
without replying. >

Ken Sanders >

> >
> >
> > wrote: >
> > What a joke.  You and I both know that >
> > because >
> > Fawn McKay Brodie owned it does not make it >
> > worth 65,000.  In fact, >
> > it's obvious that you simply want the name Fawn >
> > McKay Brodie to be researched >
> > by someone who is unaware of who she is. >
> > Please.....can't you find >
> > a more intelligent way of spreading lies? >
> > -------------------- >
> > Question >
> > from: >
> > keesym >
> > Title of >
> > item: >
> > 1830 Book of Mormon Fawn McKay Brodie copy >
> > Seller: >
> > kenbook >
> > Starts: >
> > Sep-24-02 13:12:36 PDT >
> > Ends: >
> > Sep-27-02 13:12:36 PDT >
> > Price: >
> > Starts at $65,000.00 >
> > To view the item, go to: <a >
> > >
> href="">
> > >
> > Visit eBay, The World's Online >
> > Marketplace TM at <a >
> > href=""></a> >
> > >
> > -- >
> > Ken Sanders >
> > Ken Sanders Rare Books, ABAA >
> > 268 South 200 East >
> > Salt Lake City UT 84111 >
> > (801) 521-3819 >
> > Fax: (801) 521-2606 >
> > <A >
> > HREF=""></A> >
> > >
> > >

-- >
Ken Sanders >
Ken Sanders Rare Books, ABAA >
268 South 200 East >
Salt Lake City UT 84111 >
(801) 521-3819 >
Fax: (801) 521-2606 > > >

--------------F788F8561832A26CB09490C9 >
Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii >
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit >

<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en"> >
<html> >

<blockquote TYPE=CITE>&nbsp; >
<br>Re ebay.&nbsp; I'm not a big fan, I've mostly found it to > be what I >
call the "lcd", lowest common denominator.&nbsp;&nbsp; See > the email I >
received regarding the Fawn Brodie Book of Mormon I put up on ebay > below.</blockquote> >

<p><br>We recently put up 20 items on ebay, mostly high end.&nbsp; > It's >
the first time in a long time I've looked at or put up auctions.&nbsp; >
I'll let the list know how we do.&nbsp; The marketplace is very > jittery >
right now, no question about it.&nbsp; I note by the led counter, > the Fawn >
Brodie Book of Mormon has been viewed almost 400 times in three days! > The >
email below is the only response I've had to it. I erased it without > replying. >
<p>Ken Sanders >
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>&nbsp; >
<p>> wrote: >
<br>> What a joke.&nbsp; You and I both know that >
<br>> because >
<br>> Fawn McKay Brodie owned it does not make it >
<br>> worth 65,000.&nbsp; In fact, >
<br>> it's obvious that you simply want the name Fawn >
<br>> McKay Brodie to be researched >
<br>> by someone who is unaware of who she is. >
<br>> Please.....can't you find >
<br>> a more intelligent way of spreading lies? >
<br>> -------------------- >
<br>> Question >
<br>> from: >
<br>> keesym >
<br>> Title of >
<br>> item: >
<br>> 1830 Book of Mormon Fawn McKay Brodie copy >
<br>> Seller: >
<br>> kenbook >
<br>> Starts: >
<br>> Sep-24-02 13:12:36 PDT >
<br>> Ends: >
<br>> Sep-27-02 13:12:36 PDT >
<br>> Price: >
<br>> Starts at $65,000.00 >
<br>> To view the item, go to: &lt;a >
<br>> >
<br>href="<a href="">;item65827949href=" href="">">;item658279<br>
href=""><br>> > Visit eBay, The World's Online >
<br>> > Marketplace TM at &lt;a >
<br>> > href="<a href=""></a>"><a > href=""></a>&lt;/a> >
<br>> >
<br>> -- >
<br>> Ken Sanders >
<br>> Ken Sanders Rare Books, ABAA >
<br>> 268 South 200 East >
<br>> Salt Lake City UT 84111 >
<br>> (801) 521-3819 >
<br>> Fax: (801) 521-2606 >
<br>> &lt;A >
<br>> HREF="<a href=""></a>"><a > href=""></a>&lt;/A> >
<br>> >
<br>></blockquote> >

<p>-- >
<br>Ken Sanders >
<br>Ken Sanders Rare Books, ABAA >
<br>268 South 200 East >
<br>Salt Lake City UT 84111 >
<br>(801) 521-3819 >
<br>Fax: (801) 521-2606 >
<br><A HREF=""></A> >
<br> >
<br>&nbsp;</html> >


> >

-- >
Ken Sanders >
Ken Sanders Rare Books, ABAA >
268 South 200 East >
Salt Lake City UT 84111 >
(801) 521-3819 >
Fax: (801) 521-2606 > > >
  > > --------------6EF10486917134C12481FB7C-- -- Ken Sanders Ken Sanders Rare Books, ABAA 268 South 200 East Salt Lake City UT 84111 (801) 521-3819 Fax: (801) 521-2606 --------------682E03599EFB6A9311ACCD5A Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit


> >
> > Re ebay.  I'm not a big fan, I've mostly found it to be what I call the "lcd", lowest common denominator.   See the email I received
> > regarding the Fawn Brodie Book of Mormon I put up on ebay below.
> We recently put up 20 items on ebay, mostly high end.  It's the first time in a long time I've looked at or put up auctions.  I'll let
> the list know how we do.  The marketplace is very jittery right now, no question about it.  I note by the led counter, the Fawn Brodie
> Book of Mormon has been viewed almost 400 times in three days! The email below is the only response I've had to it. I erased it
> without replying.
> Ken Sanders
> >
> >
> > > wrote:
> > > What a joke.  You and I both know that
> > > because
> > > Fawn McKay Brodie owned it does not make it
> > > worth 65,000.  In fact,
> > > it's obvious that you simply want the name Fawn
> > > McKay Brodie to be researched
> > > by someone who is unaware of who she is.
> > > Please.....can't you find
> > > a more intelligent way of spreading lies?
> > > --------------------
> > > Question
> > > from:
> > > keesym
> > > Title of
> > > item:
> > > 1830 Book of Mormon Fawn McKay Brodie copy
> > > Seller:
> > > kenbook
> > > Starts:
> > > Sep-24-02 13:12:36 PDT
> > > Ends:
> > > Sep-27-02 13:12:36 PDT
> > > Price:
> > > Starts at $65,000.00
> > > To view the item, go to: <a
> > >
> > href=""></a>
> > >
> > > Visit eBay, The World's Online
> > > Marketplace TM at <a
> > > href=""></a>
> > >
> > > --
> > > Ken Sanders
> > > Ken Sanders Rare Books, ABAA
> > > 268 South 200 East
> > > Salt Lake City UT 84111
> > > (801) 521-3819
> > > Fax: (801) 521-2606
> > > <A
> > > HREF=""></A>
> > >
> > >
> --
> Ken Sanders
> Ken Sanders Rare Books, ABAA
> 268 South 200 East
> Salt Lake City UT 84111
> (801) 521-3819
> Fax: (801) 521-2606
> --------------F788F8561832A26CB09490C9
> Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
> <html>
> <blockquote TYPE=CITE>&nbsp;
> <br>Re ebay.&nbsp; I'm not a big fan, I've mostly found it to be what I
> call the "lcd", lowest common denominator.&nbsp;&nbsp; See the email I
> received regarding the Fawn Brodie Book of Mormon I put up on ebay below.</blockquote>
> <p><br>We recently put up 20 items on ebay, mostly high end.&nbsp; It's
> the first time in a long time I've looked at or put up auctions.&nbsp;
> I'll let the list know how we do.&nbsp; The marketplace is very jittery
> right now, no question about it.&nbsp; I note by the led counter, the Fawn
> Brodie Book of Mormon has been viewed almost 400 times in three days! The
> email below is the only response I've had to it. I erased it without replying.
> <p>Ken Sanders
> <blockquote TYPE=CITE>&nbsp;
> <p>> wrote:
> <br>> What a joke.&nbsp; You and I both know that
> <br>> because
> <br>> Fawn McKay Brodie owned it does not make it
> <br>> worth 65,000.&nbsp; In fact,
> <br>> it's obvious that you simply want the name Fawn
> <br>> McKay Brodie to be researched
> <br>> by someone who is unaware of who she is.
> <br>> Please.....can't you find
> <br>> a more intelligent way of spreading lies?
> <br>> --------------------
> <br>> Question
> <br>> from:
> <br>> keesym
> <br>> Title of
> <br>> item:
> <br>> 1830 Book of Mormon Fawn McKay Brodie copy
> <br>> Seller:
> <br>> kenbook
> <br>> Starts:
> <br>> Sep-24-02 13:12:36 PDT
> <br>> Ends:
> <br>> Sep-27-02 13:12:36 PDT
> <br>> Price:
> <br>> Starts at $65,000.00
> <br>> To view the item, go to: &lt;a
> <br>>
> <br>href="<a href="">;item65827949</a>"><a href="">> <br>> Visit eBay, The World's Online
> <br>> Marketplace TM at &lt;a
> <br>> href="<a href=""></a>"><a href=""></a>&lt;/a>
> <br>>
> <br>> --
> <br>> Ken Sanders
> <br>> Ken Sanders Rare Books, ABAA
> <br>> 268 South 200 East
> <br>> Salt Lake City UT 84111
> <br>> (801) 521-3819
> <br>> Fax: (801) 521-2606
> <br>> &lt;A
> <br>> HREF="<a href=""></a>"><a href=""></a>&lt;/A>
> <br>>
> <br>></blockquote>
> <p>--
> <br>Ken Sanders
> <br>Ken Sanders Rare Books, ABAA
> <br>268 South 200 East
> <br>Salt Lake City UT 84111
> <br>(801) 521-3819
> <br>Fax: (801) 521-2606
> <br><A HREF=""></A>
> <br>
> <br>&nbsp;</html>
> --------------F788F8561832A26CB09490C9--

Ken Sanders
Ken Sanders Rare Books, ABAA
268 South 200 East
Salt Lake City UT 84111
(801) 521-3819
Fax: (801) 521-2606

Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">

<blockquote TYPE=CITE>&nbsp;
<br>> Re ebay.&nbsp; I'm not a big fan, I've mostly found it to be what
I call the "lcd", lowest common denominator.&nbsp;&nbsp; See the email
I received
<br>> regarding the Fawn Brodie Book of Mormon I put up on ebay below.
<p>We recently put up 20 items on ebay, mostly high end.&nbsp; It's the
first time in a long time I've looked at or put up auctions.&nbsp; I'll
<br>the list know how we do.&nbsp; The marketplace is very jittery right
now, no question about it.&nbsp; I note by the led counter, the Fawn Brodie
<br>Book of Mormon has been viewed almost 400 times in three days! The
email below is the only response I've had to it. I erased it
<br>without replying.
<p>Ken Sanders
<br>> > wrote:
<br>> > What a joke.&nbsp; You and I both know that
<br>> > because
<br>> > Fawn McKay Brodie owned it does not make it
<br>> > worth 65,000.&nbsp; In fact,
<br>> > it's obvious that you simply want the name Fawn
<br>> > McKay Brodie to be researched
<br>> > by someone who is unaware of who she is.
<br>> > Please.....can't you find
<br>> > a more intelligent way of spreading lies?
<br>> > --------------------
<br>> > Question
<br>> > from:
<br>> > keesym
<br>> > Title of
<br>> > item:
<br>> > 1830 Book of Mormon Fawn McKay Brodie copy
<br>> > Seller:
<br>> > kenbook
<br>> > Starts:
<br>> > Sep-24-02 13:12:36 PDT
<br>> > Ends:
<br>> > Sep-27-02 13:12:36 PDT
<br>> > Price:
<br>> > Starts at $65,000.00
<br>> > To view the item, go to: &lt;a
<br>> >
<br>> href="<a href="">;item65827949</a>"><a href="">;item65827<br>> >
<br>> > Visit eBay, The World's Online
<br>> > Marketplace TM at &lt;a
<br>> > href="<a href=""></a>"><a href=""></a>&lt;/a>
<br>> >
<br>> > --
<br>> > Ken Sanders
<br>> > Ken Sanders Rare Books, ABAA
<br>> > 268 South 200 East
<br>> > Salt Lake City UT 84111
<br>> > (801) 521-3819
<br>> > Fax: (801) 521-2606
<br>> > &lt;A
<br>> > HREF="<a href=""></a>"><a href=""></a>&lt;/A>
<br>> >
<br>> >
<br>Ken Sanders
<br>Ken Sanders Rare Books, ABAA
<br>268 South 200 East
<br>Salt Lake City UT 84111
<br>(801) 521-3819
<br>Fax: (801) 521-2606
<br><a href=""></a>
<br>Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
<br>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
<p>&lt;!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
<p>&lt;blockquote TYPE=CITE>&amp;nbsp;
<br>&lt;br>Re ebay.&amp;nbsp; I'm not a big fan, I've mostly found it to
be what I
<br>call the "lcd", lowest common denominator.&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp; See
the email I
<br>received regarding the Fawn Brodie Book of Mormon I put up on ebay
<p>&lt;p>&lt;br>We recently put up 20 items on ebay, mostly high end.&amp;nbsp;
<br>the first time in a long time I've looked at or put up auctions.&amp;nbsp;
<br>I'll let the list know how we do.&amp;nbsp; The marketplace is very
<br>right now, no question about it.&amp;nbsp; I note by the led counter,
the Fawn
<br>Brodie Book of Mormon has been viewed almost 400 times in three days!
<br>email below is the only response I've had to it. I erased it without
<br>&lt;p>Ken Sanders
<br>&lt;blockquote TYPE=CITE>&amp;nbsp;
<br>&lt;p>> wrote:
<br>&lt;br>> What a joke.&amp;nbsp; You and I both know that
<br>&lt;br>> because
<br>&lt;br>> Fawn McKay Brodie owned it does not make it
<br>&lt;br>> worth 65,000.&amp;nbsp; In fact,
<br>&lt;br>> it's obvious that you simply want the name Fawn
<br>&lt;br>> McKay Brodie to be researched
<br>&lt;br>> by someone who is unaware of who she is.
<br>&lt;br>> Please.....can't you find
<br>&lt;br>> a more intelligent way of spreading lies?
<br>&lt;br>> --------------------
<br>&lt;br>> Question
<br>&lt;br>> from:
<br>&lt;br>> keesym
<br>&lt;br>> Title of
<br>&lt;br>> item:
<br>&lt;br>> 1830 Book of Mormon Fawn McKay Brodie copy
<br>&lt;br>> Seller:
<br>&lt;br>> kenbook
<br>&lt;br>> Starts:
<br>&lt;br>> Sep-24-02 13:12:36 PDT
<br>&lt;br>> Ends:
<br>&lt;br>> Sep-27-02 13:12:36 PDT
<br>&lt;br>> Price:
<br>&lt;br>> Starts at $65,000.00
<br>&lt;br>> To view the item, go to: &amp;lt;a
<br>&lt;br>href="&lt;a href="<a href="">;item65827949</a>"><a href=";item65827949">;amp;item65827949href="<a href="">;item65827949</a>"><a href=";item65827949">;amp;item658279&lt;br><br><a href=";item65827949">&lt;br>>
Visit eBay, The World's Online</a>
<br><a href=";item65827949">&lt;br>>
Marketplace TM at &amp;lt;a</a>
<br><a href=";item65827949">&lt;br>>
href="&lt;a href="</a><a href=""></a>"><a href=""></a>&lt;/a>">&lt;a
href="<a href=""></a>"><a href=""></a>&lt;/a>&amp;lt;/a>
<br>&lt;br>> --
<br>&lt;br>> Ken Sanders
<br>&lt;br>> Ken Sanders Rare Books, ABAA
<br>&lt;br>> 268 South 200 East
<br>&lt;br>> Salt Lake City UT 84111
<br>&lt;br>> (801) 521-3819
<br>&lt;br>> Fax: (801) 521-2606
<br>&lt;br>> &amp;lt;A
<br>&lt;br>> HREF="&lt;a href="<a href=""></a>"><a href=""></a>&lt;/a>">&lt;a
href="<a href=""></a>"><a href=""></a>&lt;/a>&amp;lt;/A>
<br>&lt;br>Ken Sanders
<br>&lt;br>Ken Sanders Rare Books, ABAA
<br>&lt;br>268 South 200 East
<br>&lt;br>Salt Lake City UT 84111
<br>&lt;br>(801) 521-3819
<br>&lt;br>Fax: (801) 521-2606
<br>&lt;br>&lt;A HREF="<a href=""></a>"><a href=""></a>&lt;/A>

<br>Ken Sanders
<br>Ken Sanders Rare Books, ABAA
<br>268 South 200 East
<br>Salt Lake City UT 84111
<br>(801) 521-3819
<br>Fax: (801) 521-2606
<br><A HREF=""></A>


Ken Sanders
Ken Sanders Rare Books, ABAA
268 South 200 East
Salt Lake City UT 84111
(801) 521-3819
Fax: (801) 521-2606
  --------------682E03599EFB6A9311ACCD5A-- - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lark and Mick Reasor" Subject: Re: [LDS-Bookshelf] More ebay Date: 27 Sep 2002 16:44:26 -0500 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0009_01C26645.23FAA2C0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Yeah, you've got your nerve when there are fine examples like this to = be had--from keesym hisself. Mick ------=_NextPart_000_0009_01C26645.23FAA2C0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Yeah, you've got your nerve when = there are fine=20 examples like this to be had--from keesym hisself.
------=_NextPart_000_0009_01C26645.23FAA2C0-- - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Steve Eccles" Subject: RE: [LDS-Bookshelf] More ebay Date: 27 Sep 2002 15:05:03 -0700 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_007B_01C26637.42603170 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I've got a 1st of No Man Knows My History that is autographed by Brodie. Now I'm scared to list it on E-bay! Thanks a lot, Ken! --Steve ------=_NextPart_000_007B_01C26637.42603170 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
I've=20 got a 1st of No Man Knows My History that is autographed by Brodie. Now = I'm=20 scared to list it on E-bay!
Thanks=20 a lot, Ken!
------=_NextPart_000_007B_01C26637.42603170-- - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [LDS-Bookshelf] More ebay Date: 27 Sep 2002 21:05:49 EDT In a message dated 9/27/02 6:05:30 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: << I've got a 1st of No Man Knows My History that is autographed by Brodie. Now I'm scared to list it on E-bay! >> A lesson well learned. Steve, just send your discarded item to LaFayette, NY, P.O. Box 500 . . . RickBook - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "ROY SCHMIDT" Subject: [LDS-Bookshelf] How would you price this? Date: 30 Sep 2002 10:01:08 -0600 I have a copy of Gordon B. Hinckley's book _What of the Mormon's?_. It is in very good condition, with a good to very good dj. What makes it interesting is that it is signed by GBH as well as George Albert Smith, and GAS, Jr. It was presented to an official at Princeton, where, I believe GAS, Jr. was employed. What would you think would be the fair market value of this item? It is not for sale, but it would be helpful for inventory purposes. Another item is Ezra Taft Benson's _Freedom to Farm_. It is signed by him and inscribed to Harold Stassen. How would you price this? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Roy Schmidt - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ken Sanders Subject: Re: [LDS-Bookshelf] How would you price this? Date: 30 Sep 2002 10:11:41 -0600 $200 and $100 respectively. ROY SCHMIDT wrote: > I have a copy of Gordon B. Hinckley's book _What of the Mormon's?_. It > is in very good condition, with a good to very good dj. What makes it > interesting is that it is signed by GBH as well as George Albert > Smith, and GAS, Jr. It was presented to an official at Princeton, > where, I believe GAS, Jr. was employed. > > What would you think would be the fair market value of this item? It > is not for sale, but it would be helpful for inventory purposes. > > Another item is Ezra Taft Benson's _Freedom to Farm_. It is signed by > him and inscribed to Harold Stassen. How would you price this? > > Any help would be appreciated. > > Thanks, > > Roy Schmidt > > ---------------------------------------------------------- > - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books > - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with > - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. > - For assistance, mail to "" -- Ken Sanders Ken Sanders Rare Books, ABAA 268 South 200 East Salt Lake City UT 84111 (801) 521-3819 Fax: (801) 521-2606 - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "ROY SCHMIDT" Subject: Re: [LDS-Bookshelf] How would you price this? Date: 30 Sep 2002 10:29:48 -0600 Thanks, Ken. Another question, please. I was in Benchmark on Saturday, and was told the longest waiting list books, are Studies in Scriptures, Vol. 2, and the Journal of Discourses? Ken, Rick, Mark, others: which books currently have the longest wait? Thanks, Roy >>> 09/30/02 10:11AM >>> $200 and $100 respectively. ROY SCHMIDT wrote: > I have a copy of Gordon B. Hinckley's book _What of the Mormon's?_. It > is in very good condition, with a good to very good dj. What makes it > interesting is that it is signed by GBH as well as George Albert > Smith, and GAS, Jr. It was presented to an official at Princeton, > where, I believe GAS, Jr. was employed. > > What would you think would be the fair market value of this item? It > is not for sale, but it would be helpful for inventory purposes. > > Another item is Ezra Taft Benson's _Freedom to Farm_. It is signed by > him and inscribed to Harold Stassen. How would you price this? > > Any help would be appreciated. > > Thanks, > > Roy Schmidt > > ---------------------------------------------------------- > - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books > - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with > - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. > - For assistance, mail to "" -- Ken Sanders Ken Sanders Rare Books, ABAA 268 South 200 East Salt Lake City UT 84111 (801) 521-3819 Fax: (801) 521-2606 - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Malcolm Vickery" Subject: RE: [LDS-Bookshelf] How would you price this? Date: 30 Sep 2002 10:41:19 -0600 Off the top of my head - One's I get asked about lots... Newer Books:- Wilford Woodruff's Journals, On the Potter's Wheel, Watson's 2 Volumes of Manuscript History Brigham Young, Older Books:- 1866 Book of Mormon, Northern Utah Southern Idaho - Tullidge, Volumes 1 - 4 Millennial Star, Volumes 1 - 3 Times and Seasons. I'm sure there are many others if I just think... But it's hard on a Monday morning! Malcolm J. Vickery Distinctive Books -----Original Message----- [] On Behalf Of ROY SCHMIDT Sent: Monday, September 30, 2002 10:30 AM Thanks, Ken. Another question, please. I was in Benchmark on Saturday, and was told the longest waiting list books, are Studies in Scriptures, Vol. 2, and the Journal of Discourses? Ken, Rick, Mark, others: which books currently have the longest wait? Thanks, Roy >>> 09/30/02 10:11AM >>> $200 and $100 respectively. ROY SCHMIDT wrote: > I have a copy of Gordon B. Hinckley's book _What of the Mormon's?_. It > is in very good condition, with a good to very good dj. What makes it > interesting is that it is signed by GBH as well as George Albert > Smith, and GAS, Jr. It was presented to an official at Princeton, > where, I believe GAS, Jr. was employed. > > What would you think would be the fair market value of this item? It > is not for sale, but it would be helpful for inventory purposes. > > Another item is Ezra Taft Benson's _Freedom to Farm_. It is signed by > him and inscribed to Harold Stassen. How would you price this? > > Any help would be appreciated. > > Thanks, > > Roy Schmidt > > ---------------------------------------------------------- > - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books > - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with > - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. > - For assistance, mail to "" -- Ken Sanders Ken Sanders Rare Books, ABAA 268 South 200 East Salt Lake City UT 84111 (801) 521-3819 Fax: (801) 521-2606 - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Hugh Stocks" Subject: RE: [LDS-Bookshelf] How would you price this? Date: 30 Sep 2002 11:20:35 -0600 Hmmm. Maybe I'm just having a Monday morning senior moment, but what's the interest in the 1866 Book of Mormon? It's the end of the line for British-printed books until 1879, but pretty unremarkable as far as I can see. Of course there are at least two impressions, but still.... On 30 Sep 2002 at 10:41, Malcolm Vickery stepped forward and addressed "RE: [LDS-Bookshelf] How would you p": > Off the top of my head - One's I get asked about lots... > > Newer Books:- > Wilford Woodruff's Journals, > On the Potter's Wheel, > Watson's 2 Volumes of Manuscript History Brigham Young, > > Older Books:- > 1866 Book of Mormon, > Northern Utah Southern Idaho - Tullidge, > Volumes 1 - 4 Millennial Star, > Volumes 1 - 3 Times and Seasons. > > I'm sure there are many others if I just think... But it's hard on a > Monday morning! > > Malcolm J. Vickery > Distinctive Books > > > > -----Original Message----- > From: > [] On Behalf Of ROY > SCHMIDT Sent: Monday, September 30, 2002 10:30 AM To: > Subject: Re: [LDS-Bookshelf] How > would you price this? > > > Thanks, Ken. > > Another question, please. I was in Benchmark on Saturday, and was told > the longest waiting list books, are Studies in Scriptures, Vol. 2, and > the Journal of Discourses? > > Ken, Rick, Mark, others: which books currently have the longest wait? > > Thanks, > > Roy > > >>> 09/30/02 10:11AM >>> > $200 and $100 respectively. > > ROY SCHMIDT wrote: > > > I have a copy of Gordon B. Hinckley's book _What of the Mormon's?_. > It > > is in very good condition, with a good to very good dj. What makes > it > > interesting is that it is signed by GBH as well as George Albert > > Smith, and GAS, Jr. It was presented to an official at Princeton, > > where, I believe GAS, Jr. was employed. > > > > What would you think would be the fair market value of this item? > It > > is not for sale, but it would be helpful for inventory purposes. > > > > Another item is Ezra Taft Benson's _Freedom to Farm_. It is signed > by > > him and inscribed to Harold Stassen. How would you price this? > > > > Any help would be appreciated. > > > > Thanks, > > > > Roy Schmidt > > > > ---------------------------------------------------------- > > - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books > > - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - > > "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message > body. > > - For assistance, mail to "" > > -- > Ken Sanders > Ken Sanders Rare Books, ABAA > 268 South 200 East > Salt Lake City UT 84111 > (801) 521-3819 > Fax: (801) 521-2606 > > > > > > ---------------------------------------------------------- > - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books > - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with > - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message > body. > - For assistance, mail to "" > > ---------------------------------------------------------- > - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books > - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with > - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. > - For assistance, mail to "" > > > ---------------------------------------------------------- > - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books > - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with > - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. > - For assistance, mail to "" -- Hugh Stocks - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Malcolm Vickery" Subject: RE: [LDS-Bookshelf] How would you price this? Date: 30 Sep 2002 11:35:53 -0600 Not sure what the attraction is... Except it is as hard as hens teeth to find! Is it important?? Possibly not as a printed book. But, from Flake it seems as though the 1860's were the real low period (outside the 1830's) in LDS printing and publishing. I know of collector's who just collect the 1860's because of the challenge it produces! The D/C's from this period are as difficult at the 1866 Book of Mormon, but because there aren't as many D/C collectors, they don't seem to command the same level of prices. I find that folks that are collecting different editions of the Book of Mormon rarely have this one in their collection. One collector has 5 first editions - as well as excellent copies of the all the other 19th Century editions - but... No 1866! I've only ever had a couple - and I didn't hang on to them long enough to enjoy them! Folks say that the 1842 is rare - But I see about ten of them to every 1866 I see!! I wonder if anybody knows how many were printed?? Ummmm... Any out there for sale???? Malcolm J. Vickery Distinctive Books -----Original Message----- [] On Behalf Of Hugh Stocks Sent: Monday, September 30, 2002 11:21 AM Hmmm. Maybe I'm just having a Monday morning senior moment, but what's the interest in the 1866 Book of Mormon? It's the end of the line for British-printed books until 1879, but pretty unremarkable as far as I can see. Of course there are at least two impressions, but still.... On 30 Sep 2002 at 10:41, Malcolm Vickery stepped forward and addressed "RE: [LDS-Bookshelf] How would you p": > Off the top of my head - One's I get asked about lots... > > Newer Books:- > Wilford Woodruff's Journals, > On the Potter's Wheel, > Watson's 2 Volumes of Manuscript History Brigham Young, > > Older Books:- > 1866 Book of Mormon, > Northern Utah Southern Idaho - Tullidge, > Volumes 1 - 4 Millennial Star, > Volumes 1 - 3 Times and Seasons. > > I'm sure there are many others if I just think... But it's hard on a > Monday morning! > > Malcolm J. Vickery > Distinctive Books > > > > -----Original Message----- > From: > [] On Behalf Of ROY > SCHMIDT Sent: Monday, September 30, 2002 10:30 AM To: > Subject: Re: [LDS-Bookshelf] How > would you price this? > > > Thanks, Ken. > > Another question, please. I was in Benchmark on Saturday, and was told > the longest waiting list books, are Studies in Scriptures, Vol. 2, and > the Journal of Discourses? > > Ken, Rick, Mark, others: which books currently have the longest wait? > > Thanks, > > Roy > > >>> 09/30/02 10:11AM >>> > $200 and $100 respectively. > > ROY SCHMIDT wrote: > > > I have a copy of Gordon B. Hinckley's book _What of the Mormon's?_. > It > > is in very good condition, with a good to very good dj. What makes > it > > interesting is that it is signed by GBH as well as George Albert > > Smith, and GAS, Jr. It was presented to an official at Princeton, > > where, I believe GAS, Jr. was employed. > > > > What would you think would be the fair market value of this item? > It > > is not for sale, but it would be helpful for inventory purposes. > > > > Another item is Ezra Taft Benson's _Freedom to Farm_. It is signed > by > > him and inscribed to Harold Stassen. How would you price this? > > > > Any help would be appreciated. > > > > Thanks, > > > > Roy Schmidt > > > > ---------------------------------------------------------- > > - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books > > - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - > > "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message > body. > > - For assistance, mail to "" > > -- > Ken Sanders > Ken Sanders Rare Books, ABAA > 268 South 200 East > Salt Lake City UT 84111 > (801) 521-3819 > Fax: (801) 521-2606 > > > > > > ---------------------------------------------------------- > - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books > - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with > - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message > body. > - For assistance, mail to "" > > ---------------------------------------------------------- > - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books > - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with > - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. > - For assistance, mail to "" > > > ---------------------------------------------------------- > - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books > - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with > - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. > - For assistance, mail to "" -- Hugh Stocks - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Edlund, Mark J" Subject: [LDS-Bookshelf] News From JWHA Date: 30 Sep 2002 12:45:50 -0500 The JWHA conference this year was great. At least one other bookshelf member, Mark Holden, was in attendance and I had the chance to speak with him. Doug Cahoon was also there (is Doug on bookshelf?). Perhaps the highlight of meeting was a round-table discussion with Richard Bushman, Robert Remini, Klaus Hansen, Michael Quinn, Mark Scherer, and Newell Bringhurst re Joseph Smith's 1844 presidential bid. This will be available on CD-ROM, and the proceedings of the conference will be published. The best book award went to Glenn Leonard for his book on Nauvoo. The first annual award for lifetime achievement went to Leonard Arrrington, posthumously. Unfortunately I forgot who won the award for best article. Michael Quinn is working on a book on early Mormon polygamy, which I think holds a lot of promise. Jon Krakauer, the author of the Everest account "Into Thin Air" was in attendance. He is working on book on faith and dissent in Mormonism. He has been working on this book intensively for several years. I sat by Richard Bushman at the banquet, and had a chance to discuss his bio of Joseph Smith. Finally, I was driving down a quiet Nauvoo back-road, and saw the sign for Nick Literski, attorney, or Esquire, or something like that. Mark Edlund - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Clark Goble" Subject: RE: [LDS-Bookshelf] News From JWHA Date: 30 Sep 2002 11:52:09 -0600 ___ Mark ___ | I sat by Richard Bushman at the banquet, and had a chance to | discuss his bio of Joseph Smith. ___ We were just talking about that the other day. How far along is he? ___ Mark ___ | Jon Krakauer, the author of the Everest account "Into Thin Air" | was in attendance. He is working on book on faith and dissent | in Mormonism. He has been working on this book intensively for | several years. ___ That's interesting. He's a good author, although after reading Boukerev's (sp?) response in _The Climb_ I have to wonder how much he puts sensationalism above accuracy. (Or at least dealing with the facts) Does Krakauer have ties with the Mormon community? (Beyond the fact that the US climbing community has a heavy Utah connection) -- Clark Goble --- ----------------------------- - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Edlund, Mark J" Subject: RE: [LDS-Bookshelf] News From JWHA Date: 30 Sep 2002 13:13:35 -0500 Bushman's book is scheduled for 2005. Regarding Krakauer, he has no formal ties to Mormons. He told me though that there were a lot of Mormons where he grew up (Oregon) and that he was impressed by them. As an example, he told me how a Mormon farmer had once spent half a day helping him to fix his car. My own opinion, which I have gathered from others, is that his work is quite accurate. From what I hear Krakauer's story is much closer to the truth than Boukreev's-although correct me if I am wrong here. Mark -----Original Message----- Sent: Monday, September 30, 2002 12:52 PM ___ Mark ___ | I sat by Richard Bushman at the banquet, and had a chance to | discuss his bio of Joseph Smith. ___ We were just talking about that the other day. How far along is he? ___ Mark ___ | Jon Krakauer, the author of the Everest account "Into Thin Air" | was in attendance. He is working on book on faith and dissent | in Mormonism. He has been working on this book intensively for | several years. ___ That's interesting. He's a good author, although after reading Boukerev's (sp?) response in _The Climb_ I have to wonder how much he puts sensationalism above accuracy. (Or at least dealing with the facts) Does Krakauer have ties with the Mormon community? (Beyond the fact that the US climbing community has a heavy Utah connection) -- Clark Goble --- ----------------------------- - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ken Sanders Subject: [LDS-Bookshelf] Tad Isbell Date: 30 Sep 2002 12:21:55 -0600 > Many of you undoubtedly knew LDS book collector Tad Isbell. He died of > cancer last week, after a year long battle and he will be missed. > There is a viewing on Tuesday evening at Larkin Mortuary (on south > Temple between 2nd & 3rd East). His obituary was in the Sunday paper. > -- > Ken Sanders > Ken Sanders Rare Books, ABAA > 268 South 200 East > Salt Lake City UT 84111 > (801) 521-3819 > Fax: (801) 521-2606 > > > > ---------------------------------------------------------- > - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books > - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with > - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message > body. > - For assistance, mail to "" > > ---------------------------------------------------------- > - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books > - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with > - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. > - For assistance, mail to "" -- Ken Sanders Ken Sanders Rare Books, ABAA 268 South 200 East Salt Lake City UT 84111 (801) 521-3819 Fax: (801) 521-2606 - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "ROY SCHMIDT" Subject: [LDS-Bookshelf] 1st edition BOM available Date: 30 Sep 2002 14:53:44 -0600 I work with a fellow, Jim Rawson who's father has a 1st edition BOM that has been fully restored by BYU's archivists. His dad is failing in health, and Jim is ready to entertain offers. For more particulars, please contact Thanks, Roy Schmidt - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Malcolm Vickery" Subject: [LDS-Bookshelf] Ref:- Melchizedek Priesthood Restoration Dates Date: 30 Sep 2002 19:20:22 -0600 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_005E_01C268B6.6D795540 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit This is an e:mail that I sent to Mormon Library Chatline without any avail... Maybe someone here can help me?? Hey folks, Just wondering if you can help me. You know the Melchizedek Priesthood Restoration was always reckoned by the Church - at least the 20th Century Church to be in 1829 - Probably around the end of May. You also probably know that Quinn in "Origins of Power" reckoned the year to be more likely 1831 - Bushman did also I hear. Well - there was a rebuttal to Quinn's thesis by Larry C. Porter in the BYU Religious Studies Newsletter in May 1995. Got it this far?... Great! Well, that's as far as I've got! But I have heard that there was a rebuttal to Larry Porter's rebuttal - (Whether it was done by Quinn or not, I 'm not sure...) Any idea what I'm looking for? Or where I can find it? Also, out of interest, what do you folks think - 1829, 1831, or it doesn't really matter. Thanks, Malcolm J. Vickery Distinctive Books ------=_NextPart_000_005E_01C268B6.6D795540 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Message
This is an e:mail that I sent to Mormon = Library=20 Chatline without any avail... Maybe someone here can help=20 me??
Hey=20 folks,
Just=20 wondering if you can help me.
You=20 know the Melchizedek Priesthood Restoration was always reckoned by the = Church -=20 at least the 20th Century Church to be in 1829 - Probably around the end = of=20 May.
You also probably know that Quinn in "Origins of Power" = reckoned=20 the year to be more likely 1831 - = Bushman did=20 also I hear.
Well -=20 there was a rebuttal to Quinn's thesis by Larry C. Porter in the BYU = Religious=20 Studies Newsletter in May 1995.
Got it=20 this far?... Great!
Well,=20 that's as far as I've got!
But I=20 have heard that there was a rebuttal to Larry Porter's rebuttal - = (Whether it=20 was done by Quinn or not, I 'm not sure...)
Any=20 idea what I'm looking for? Or where I can find it?
Also,=20 out of interest, what do you folks think - 1829, 1831, or it doesn't = really=20 matter.
Malcolm J. Vickery
Distinctive=20 Books
------=_NextPart_000_005E_01C268B6.6D795540-- - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Edlund, Mark J" Subject: RE: [LDS-Bookshelf] How would you price this? Date: 30 Sep 2002 22:54:27 -0500 Malcolm mentions an interesting phenomenon among Mormon collectors, the penchant for collecting multiple copies of the 1st edition Book of Mormon. I have heard several other dealers mention collectors with 5 to 10 copies, so it seems that are at least several individuals who collect in this manner. I even heard tale of one collector with 20 copies of the 1830 BOM, although surely this must be apocryphal. This is a practice I don't understand. I have generally tried to follow the admonition of the great collector ED Graff, who said he only had one copy of each book, so that others could have the pleasure also of obtaining a given title. However, my following of this tenet is perhaps more a reflection of my budget than my altruism. Nevertheless, my question is, why own multiple copies? It may be that some people are not collecting BOMS, but rather investing in them. Reviewing some pertinent facts makes this phenomenon even more interesting. Perhaps most importantly, the BOM has historically been a poor investment. From the early 1980's to the early to mid 1990's the BOM about doubled in value. During this time, the Dow Jones went up by approximately a factor of four or five. Nevertheless, in the early to mid 1990's was when, as far as I can tell, people started buying multiple copies, even though up to that time the BOM had been a poor investment. My belief is that the buying of multiple copies is what spurred the fantastic rise in price of the BOM, at least in part. Over the course of approximately 8 years the price went up about 10 fold,and it is hard for me to believe that this was due to dozens of new people entering the market, buying only a single copy. (Interestingly, if this pace continues for 80 to 90 years a BOM could be worth more than the combined output of the world economy during a given year.) Anyway, it is interesting phenomenon. Mark Edlund -----Original Message----- Sent: 9/30/2002 12:35 PM Not sure what the attraction is... Except it is as hard as hens teeth to find! Is it important?? Possibly not as a printed book. But, from Flake it seems as though the 1860's were the real low period (outside the 1830's) in LDS printing and publishing. I know of collector's who just collect the 1860's because of the challenge it produces! The D/C's from this period are as difficult at the 1866 Book of Mormon, but because there aren't as many D/C collectors, they don't seem to command the same level of prices. I find that folks that are collecting different editions of the Book of Mormon rarely have this one in their collection. One collector has 5 first editions - as well as excellent copies of the all the other 19th Century editions - but... No 1866! I've only ever had a couple - and I didn't hang on to them long enough to enjoy them! Folks say that the 1842 is rare - But I see about ten of them to every 1866 I see!! I wonder if anybody knows how many were printed?? Ummmm... Any out there for sale???? Malcolm J. Vickery Distinctive Books -----Original Message----- [] On Behalf Of Hugh Stocks Sent: Monday, September 30, 2002 11:21 AM Hmmm. Maybe I'm just having a Monday morning senior moment, but what's the interest in the 1866 Book of Mormon? It's the end of the line for British-printed books until 1879, but pretty unremarkable as far as I can see. Of course there are at least two impressions, but still.... On 30 Sep 2002 at 10:41, Malcolm Vickery stepped forward and addressed "RE: [LDS-Bookshelf] How would you p": > Off the top of my head - One's I get asked about lots... > > Newer Books:- > Wilford Woodruff's Journals, > On the Potter's Wheel, > Watson's 2 Volumes of Manuscript History Brigham Young, > > Older Books:- > 1866 Book of Mormon, > Northern Utah Southern Idaho - Tullidge, > Volumes 1 - 4 Millennial Star, > Volumes 1 - 3 Times and Seasons. > > I'm sure there are many others if I just think... But it's hard on a > Monday morning! > > Malcolm J. Vickery > Distinctive Books > > > > -----Original Message----- > From: > [] On Behalf Of ROY > SCHMIDT Sent: Monday, September 30, 2002 10:30 AM To: > Subject: Re: [LDS-Bookshelf] How > would you price this? > > > Thanks, Ken. > > Another question, please. I was in Benchmark on Saturday, and was told > the longest waiting list books, are Studies in Scriptures, Vol. 2, and > the Journal of Discourses? > > Ken, Rick, Mark, others: which books currently have the longest wait? > > Thanks, > > Roy > > >>> 09/30/02 10:11AM >>> > $200 and $100 respectively. > > ROY SCHMIDT wrote: > > > I have a copy of Gordon B. Hinckley's book _What of the Mormon's?_. > It > > is in very good condition, with a good to very good dj. What makes > it > > interesting is that it is signed by GBH as well as George Albert > > Smith, and GAS, Jr. It was presented to an official at Princeton, > > where, I believe GAS, Jr. was employed. > > > > What would you think would be the fair market value of this item? > It > > is not for sale, but it would be helpful for inventory purposes. > > > > Another item is Ezra Taft Benson's _Freedom to Farm_. It is signed > by > > him and inscribed to Harold Stassen. How would you price this? > > > > Any help would be appreciated. > > > > Thanks, > > > > Roy Schmidt > > > > ---------------------------------------------------------- > > - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books > > - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - > > "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message > body. > > - For assistance, mail to "" > > -- > Ken Sanders > Ken Sanders Rare Books, ABAA > 268 South 200 East > Salt Lake City UT 84111 > (801) 521-3819 > Fax: (801) 521-2606 > > > > > > ---------------------------------------------------------- > - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books > - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with > - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message > body. > - For assistance, mail to "" > > ---------------------------------------------------------- > - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books > - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with > - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. > - For assistance, mail to "" > > > ---------------------------------------------------------- > - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books > - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with > - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. > - For assistance, mail to "" -- Hugh Stocks - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to ""