From: "Perry L. Porter" Subject: [LDSR] Anybody know where this came from? Date: 12 Oct 1997 21:20:00 -0700 I had this .tif file on my hard drive, I scanned in the text which is below, but I don't remember where I got it. It seemed to be footnoted, and the numbers are rather high. ------------------- Preaching Mixed Messages Just 14 months after the demise of the Ramus Stake, Hyrum Smith speaking at General Conference in Nauvoo revealed that a former member of the faith had informed him that there existed: ...a band of men and some strong in the faith of the Doctrine of Latter Day Saints, and some who do not belong to the Church/were bound by secret oaths &c./that it is right to steal from any one who does not belong to the Church if they gave 1/4 part to the Temple. If they did not remain ste[a]dfast they ripped open their bowels and gave them to the cat fish and they are the very Gadianton robbers of the last days.35 This practice was apparently so pervasive that in the same discourse Hyrum felt compelled to "Made many observations to the Saints on Stealing.. This included admitting that two men (David Holman and James Dunn) who lived in his own household had confessed to having "stolen from the world."36 Despite being asked by Hyrum Smith to leave his house, David Holman (a Seventy since 1837) was later endowed in the Nauvoo Temple in January, 1846.37 Hyrum's other house guest, James Dunn, a former member of Zion's Camp and based on his extensive militant involvement with Amasa Lyman in 1838, a probable Danite.38 Both men recounted traumatic physical losses at the hands of the Missourians. Holman had a house burnt down, and Dunn (as a captive of the Missourians) was forced along with Lyman to ride dirt roads on a cannon for 5 days in September of 1838.39 While these earlier difficulties were no doubt reasons for rationalizing their Nauvoo era stealing, another problem for them was understanding the mixed messages being sent by Church leaders. This difficulty was raised by Hyrum Smith himself later in the same General Conference address. Hyrum referred back to the previously mentioned November, 1841 conference in Ramus where his brother Joseph, the Twelve and himself had all publicly repudiated thieving. A year and a half later, Hyrum claimed that back in 1841, eleven of the thieves having been. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: George Blake Subject: [LDSR] Book of Mormon in Latin. Date: 26 Oct 1997 14:20:33 -0600 Hi I'm looking for the Book of Mormon in classical LATIN. I have already found that someone has translated parts of the Book of Mormon into classical GREEK so I'm hopeful that someone has done some translating of the Book of Mormon into classical LATIN. I'm teaching my kids Latin and would like to use passages from a LATIN Book of Mormon in order to combine two kinds of learning. Thanks. George Blake, Ph.D. 800-391-7589 American Association of Psychiatric Technicians, Inc. Certifying Mental Health Workers Nationwide For information go to listowner - MENTAL-HEALTH-WORKER Psych Techs with Bachelors and Below listowner - HOSPITAL-DOWNSIZE downsizing, closing, and re-engineering listowner - POLI-PSY Political Science of Psychology and Psychiatry listowner - PSYCHEPI Psychiatric Epidemiology mailing list To subscribe email LISTSERV@MAELSTROM.STJOHNS.EDU with this in body SUBSCRIBE PutTheListNameHere PutYourNameHere