From: (lds-yw-digest) To: Subject: lds-yw-digest V1 #49 Reply-To: lds-yw-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk lds-yw-digest Monday, May 18 1998 Volume 01 : Number 049 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 18:07:10 EDT From: LDMcEwen Subject: (lds-yw) for Arwyn Nelson Here is where Anne is The Fullers have been in Italy for a few weeks, and just got back a few days ago. I actually just talked to them on the phone and Anne was telling me that Arwyn is wanting to come through there, so I know that she is aware of the whole situation. In any case, they live in Dusseldorf, which is about a 3 hour train ride away from Frankfurt. That would be fun if they could cross paths!! - - To unsubscribe to lds-yw, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe lds-yw" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 18:21:31 EDT From: SPrice9OOO Subject: Re: (lds-yw) Story or poem In a message dated 98-05-17 02:00:09 EDT, you write: << And thanks to everyone that gave me ideas for Father's Day. We will be using a combination of a couple of them, and I will be saving the others for future reference. >> I'm just new to this list.... What Father's Day ideas???? I would really LOVE to know what they are. Thanks. - - To unsubscribe to lds-yw, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe lds-yw" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 18 May 98 23:30:36 PDT From: "Francisca Jongkees" Subject: Re: (lds-yw) Fwd: Good-bye Activity Why don't you let the youth each fill in a paper with qeustions like: I remember when you..... I remember the lesson that you... I remember the talk that you gave You really inspired me too You are an example to me, because of..... I will never forget..... One thing I admire..... and put all these pages together in an book. They will have an nice book = and feel loved everytime they read it! Just an idea, in the middle of the night!!! francisca - ---------- - - To unsubscribe to lds-yw, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe lds-yw" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 19:02:25 -0500 From: (Sheryl L. Jones) Subject: Re: (lds-yw) organizing your postings My way sounds a bit more complicated, but it gives me a lot of flexibility. I cut and paste everything I want to save into a file that I have the page numbering turned on. I make sure that a new idea starts on a new page. I have also created a .dat file in which I put the following catagories: Title Page Description Value Catagory Holiday Then for each Idea I save, I fill in this information. I can merge my files for anything for Easter, or anything on the value of _______, or anything that would be a good activity night and focus on the value _______. Its a little complicated to set up, but a wonderful resource when done. I never to seem to be caught up, but this makes it a lot easier than re4ading through 1000 pages, which is where I am at now. If you'd like better instructions, email me privately. Oh, by the way, I use Word Perfect and don't have a clue about Word. Sheryl _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - To unsubscribe to lds-yw, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe lds-yw" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 17:29:42 -0700 From: Brewer Subject: (lds-yw) Re:Fund-raisers/shorts Ken and Michelle Duker wrote: > > Maybe I shouldn't say anything but camp here is $120, and several families have more than one daughter going. I have no idea what we could do to earn over $1000, either. The previous YW president has the ward paying for it (I just got called last month). This makes me uncomfortable as I know we are not supposed to do it, Do you mean, the bishop assigns members to give extra money for it? My understanding is that it comes first from the budget, and some wards are able to pay for camp in full out of the budget. Some people on this list have posted that they pay as a ward/stake. Second choice is youth working individually to earn the money. Third choice is an organized fund-raiser(s) to earn the money. Our camp is $65; leaders are paid for by the stake. In my past ward, we were allowed 1 fund-raiser a year, and did a nice dinner. In this ward, they decided we could do as many fund-raisers as the kids wanted to do, to provide varied opportunities to attend. Our stake pres has said we can't sell or serve any food, because of a county requirement to have a health inspection prior. So that's limited us. No dinner, no cinnamon rolls, no candy. We started in Jan with yard work, then sold Valentine flowers in Feb, then had a car wash last weekend. We only earned enough to pay about half the cost (but we did it based on attendance at the fund-raisers, so some girls have their entire cost paid and others have to pay it all themselves). We're done with fund-raisers for now; camp money is due the first of June. I think for next year we're going to try the cookbook idea someone posted. I got the information packet, and it looks like it would be fun and a good project for the girls to work on, too (planning, organization, deadlines, etc.). If that doesn't make enough money, I think we'll just guide the girls with individual earning ideas and encourage them, and get out of the fund-raising business. Too much work for leaders, not much for the kids. Lands End has some walking shorts that are about knee length, and some of the JC Penneys stuff is, too. It's much easier now that it's in fashion, compared to 5 years ago! But for many girls, it might be cheapest and easiest to go to DI and get some old jeans, then cut them off and hem them. We'll probably have a couple that we'll have to help this way. But we're trying to send the message that it's a lot easier and cheaper to acquire an appropriate wardrobe now anyway... Laurie in Oceanside, CA - - To unsubscribe to lds-yw, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe lds-yw" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 20:37:06 EDT From: Jhenrick Subject: Re: (lds-yw) Budget In a message dated 5/18/98 2:14:53 PM Mountain Daylight Time, writes: << NOT HAVE A FUNDRAISER FOR GIRLS CAMP????? I THINK NOT!!!! Your Stake Leaders are WRONG. Ask them to show you where it says that. >> We did not have a group fundraiser for camp. I wrote a letter to the parents letting them know how much camp will cost this year and encouraged them to create way or ideas for their daughter to earn the money. We gave them a date for a deposit, and this way we will know who may need help. - - To unsubscribe to lds-yw, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe lds-yw" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 20:39:46 EDT From: LDSMOMMY1 Subject: Re: (lds-yw) Budget In a message dated 98-05-18 15:37:30 EDT, you write: << I have really stressed turning in receipts to be reimbursed for expenses ( the handbook says all expenses come out of the budget) and we are really frugal. The bishop was conpassionate, but I am still frustrated. We have to pay $45 per girl to go to camp and have been working like crazy on a fund raiser. Then the stake told me we were not supposed to have a fundraiser. What do we do? How have you all financed your program and still been effective? >> You should also point out to your priesthood leaders that in the YW Leadership handbook it specifically says...."In planning activities, use wisdom to avoid expense, extravagance, or travel that could impose a hardship on leaders of famalies. The cost of Chruch activities should not become a burden. Activities should be managed so that all young women may participate fully. Items that need to be purchased should be approved by priesthood leaders and financed from ward or stake budgets. Young Women leaders should not finance activities." (italics added; pg. 8 of handbook) I have personal experience in dealing with this one! Last year was my first year as Young Women's President for our ward. Our ward was also combined with our Spanish branch at the same time, which gave me about 15 extra young women that were not accounted for in our original budget. I cringed every time that I had to submit receipts...and many times I ate the cost. At the end of the year, Our Bishopric called me on the carpet because they realized that myself and the other leaders had been "eating" most of our expenses. I was SO worried about not having enough money for girls camp and the activities.....It WAS VERY STRESSFUL!!! Needless to say, This year I submit EVERYTHING!!!! I learned my lesson...One of our Bishopric members told me that the Lord realizes how demanding our callings are in working with the youth and that on top of all our efforts and time, He does not expect us to sacrifice financially!!! My advice would be to pray, The Lord Know What You Need!! Put it in HIS Hands! Sincerely, Michele YW Pres. In S. California - - To unsubscribe to lds-yw, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe lds-yw" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 20:45:35 EDT From: Jhenrick Subject: Re: (lds-yw) Story or poem In a message dated 5/18/98 4:25:13 PM Mountain Daylight Time, writes: << I'm just new to this list... >> SPrice9OOO WELCOME SPrice 9OOO I know you will really love this listing. I have been a part of this list for 1 month and I am overwhelmed how helpful you all are. Thanks to everyone Julie In SLC - - To unsubscribe to lds-yw, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe lds-yw" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 21:22:26 EDT From: PKTwitty Subject: Re: (lds-yw) Dress Standards at Camp -Reply Neither would he let a pair of levi's in. - - To unsubscribe to lds-yw, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe lds-yw" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 21:48:42 EDT From: SPrice9OOO Subject: Re: (lds-yw) Music, Dancing, etc. In a message dated 98-05-18 16:57:42 EDT, you write: << I don't know if this will help at all, but something came to mind as I read your note... At a youth conference one speaker compared two pieces of music--- (both from Phantom of the Opera) The Music of the Night & All I Ask Of You He played the music & had copied all the words & handed them out for the kids to read as they listened to the music. It was an exercise to contrast the difference between Satan & Christ... the difference in the words used, the music, the feelings it gave, what they each want, etc. The first song is very seductive, etc. & the second one Christ is Raoul's part & we are Christine. I'd love to know if you were able to use the idea & how you used it. >> This message was intended as a response for someone who was looking for help with a talk on music, etc. NOT as a response to frustrated (about the budget!) Sorry to confuse you all! - - To unsubscribe to lds-yw, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe lds-yw" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 22:33:25 EDT From: SPrice9OOO Subject: Re: (lds-yw) Budget In a message dated 98-05-18 20:39:29 EDT, you write: << In a message dated 5/18/98 2:14:53 PM Mountain Daylight Time, writes: << NOT HAVE A FUNDRAISER FOR GIRLS CAMP????? I THINK NOT!!!! Your Stake Leaders are WRONG. Ask them to show you where it says that. >> We did not have a group fundraiser for camp. I wrote a letter to the parents letting them know how much camp will cost this year and encouraged them to create way or ideas for their daughter to earn the money. We gave them a date for a deposit, and this way we will know who may need help. >> I'm sprice9ooo...and I didn't say you HAVE to have a group fundraiser. I was responding to someone saying there were not ALLOWED to have one. Her Stake leaders are wrong (or mistaken I should say) in saying it is not allowed. If you continued reading my message I said that girls pay for it individually, by earning it themselves, (just like you are saying), but that fundraisers are most definitely APPROVED where the girls can't earn it themselves. BOTH options are correct as far as the First Presidency is concerned. I'm well aware that many stakes & wards decide for themselves how to handle fundraisers... which may or may not be in accordance with church policy. We have handled it both ways. I have sent that exact letter to our girls & parents & handled it that way.... AND we have had group fundraisers other years. It depends on the circumstances & our girls & I discuss which fits the current girls needs the best with the Bishop. - - To unsubscribe to lds-yw, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe lds-yw" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 22:42:36 EDT From: SPrice9OOO Subject: Re: (lds-yw) Story or poem In a message dated 98-05-18 20:48:16 EDT, you write: << WELCOME SPrice 9OOO I know you will really love this listing. I have been a part of this list for 1 month and I am overwhelmed how helpful you all are. Thanks to everyone Julie In SLC - >> Thanks! My name is Stacey by the way. I have already appreciated all your ideas soooo much! I've been in young womens for 8 years & been president for 2 1/2 years now & boy am I glad for some NEW, FRESH IDEAS! (It's also fun to be able to help others!) Does anyone know of a listing like this one for Primary or Relief Society??? I know of a few friends that would LOVE the added help! - - To unsubscribe to lds-yw, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe lds-yw" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 22:49:25 EDT From: SisterB999 Subject: Re: (lds-yw) Camp Awards Here is a few we have done in the past....I hope they help you out Nature Lover Aawrd............Nature Valley Granola bar Camp snooze alot..............a candy watch Happy Camper( always so bubbly)........Bubble bath Busy Beaver (always Chipped in)..........bag of chips Positive Camper (always looked for good)........sunglasses Extra miler ( hike)............a ruler ? Compassionate Camper.................Tissue package Funniest..............Snicker bar or cracker Jacks These are just a few I can think of right off hand..If I can think of others I'll send. I hope this helps you out. Trish - - To unsubscribe to lds-yw, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe lds-yw" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 22:18:18 -0500 From: "Denise Nix" Subject: (lds-yw) PP rewards Whoever it was that had the idea of the PP Bucket... with candy bars? Ask who has NOT done any work on their PP and give each of them a miniature candy bar... then after lesson (or in my case opening exercises) ask who HAD done their PP and give out regular size bars???? Well, I thought this was a terrific idea! My girls in general have NO interest in earning their certificates or pendants... (I am the YW Pres for a newly formed ward and moved here 5 months ago... and my Laurels (5) have only one girl who will receive her medallion this year) The others are still on BeeHive experiences and Mia Maids.... Anyway, I went prepared with a boatload of candy bars and had made sure to do a PP lesson for an activity with my Laurels the Wednesday before..(so SOMEONE could get a big bar as an example!) I went through the object lesson and you should have heard the commotion when the girls who HAD worked on theirs saw their classmates getting candy for NOT DOING ANYTHING! (Indignation and mutiny was raging!) But after opening exercises I asked if any of their peers at school seem to get by just fine without "following the rules", skipping school, doing what was required of them, breaking the "word of wisdom" etc. etc.... they nodded.. And I asked if it seemed fair. They quickly said NO loud and strong! Then I reminded them that doing what is right may not always bring immediate rewards, but when the rewards come, they will be worth the wait because the rewards will be eternal! Then I asked for the girls to stand who HAD done their PP.... I gave out 12 because all my leaders stood happily as well! (GREAT EXAMPLES!) I heard alot of "oh... I get it!" and "I'll be ready next time" statements... I told them I would bring in cards next week for them to let me know what value they'd like to work on and when the experience was complete, they could use their card as a token for a candy bar from the PP Bucket. Afterwards, a number of girls asked for interviews with their books to get updated, and there was a genuine excitement... I don't think it was all candy bars, either! Alot had to do with the fact that in Sacrament, the Bishop had given out a certificate and pendant to a YW for completing her MiaMaid PP! (This was never done in this ward before...and now this was the third he'd presented in 2 months) I told him I felt that the over-the-pulpit presentation was a "shining example" to the younger girls and a true feeling of accomplishment... He questioned this, but said he'd do what I asked. Do any of your wards do the presenting over the pulpit, or have I just seen this in my last ward as a fluke? If you don't, you may ask your Bishop to consider it. I feel it has really put a kick start into our failing Personal Progress program!! Thanks to all of you who give us such wonderful ideas! Dee in Iowa - - To unsubscribe to lds-yw, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe lds-yw" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 22:26:42 -0500 From: Marjean Livingston Subject: Re: (lds-yw) PP rewards We do present them over the pulpit. It serves as a great reminder to all the other girls. Congratulations on your successs. St. Louis At 10:18 PM 5/18/98 -0500, you wrote: >Whoever it was that had the idea of the PP Bucket... with candy bars? Ask >who has NOT done any work on their PP and give each of them a miniature >candy bar... then after lesson (or in my case opening exercises) ask who >HAD done their PP and give out regular size bars???? Well, I thought this >was a terrific idea! >My girls in general have NO interest in earning their certificates or >pendants... (I am the YW Pres for a newly formed ward and moved here 5 >months ago... and my Laurels (5) have only one girl who will receive her >medallion this year) The others are still on BeeHive experiences and Mia >Maids.... > >Anyway, I went prepared with a boatload of candy bars and had made sure to >do a PP lesson for an activity with my Laurels the Wednesday before..(so >SOMEONE could get a big bar as an example!) > >I went through the object lesson and you should have heard the commotion >when the girls who HAD worked on theirs saw their classmates getting candy >for NOT DOING ANYTHING! (Indignation and mutiny was raging!) But after >opening exercises I asked if any of their peers at school seem to get by >just fine without "following the rules", skipping school, doing what was >required of them, breaking the "word of wisdom" etc. etc.... they nodded.. >And I asked if it seemed fair. They quickly said NO loud and strong! Then >I reminded them that doing what is right may not always bring immediate >rewards, but when the rewards come, they will be worth the wait because the >rewards will be eternal! Then I asked for the girls to stand who HAD done >their PP.... I gave out 12 because all my leaders stood happily as well! >(GREAT EXAMPLES!) > >I heard alot of "oh... I get it!" and "I'll be ready next time" >statements... I told them I would bring in cards next week for them to let >me know what value they'd like to work on and when the experience was >complete, they could use their card as a token for a candy bar from the PP >Bucket. > >Afterwards, a number of girls asked for interviews with their books to get >updated, and there was a genuine excitement... I don't think it was all >candy bars, either! Alot had to do with the fact that in Sacrament, the >Bishop had given out a certificate and pendant to a YW for completing her >MiaMaid PP! (This was never done in this ward before...and now this was >the third he'd presented in 2 months) I told him I felt that the >over-the-pulpit presentation was a "shining example" to the younger girls >and a true feeling of accomplishment... He questioned this, but said he'd >do what I asked. Do any of your wards do the presenting over the pulpit, >or have I just seen this in my last ward as a fluke? If you don't, you may >ask your Bishop to consider it. I feel it has really put a kick start into >our failing Personal Progress program!! > >Thanks to all of you who give us such wonderful ideas! >Dee in Iowa > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >- > To unsubscribe to lds-yw, send an email to "" > with "unsubscribe lds-yw" in the body of the message. > For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send > "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. > > - - To unsubscribe to lds-yw, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe lds-yw" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 23:27:28 EDT From: CreeCre Subject: (lds-yw) Compassion???? Sisters, I have been most dismayed today as I've read various posts concerning dress standards. I feel the comments about Christ not allowing someone into his temple in short shorts or Levis are out of line. I truly don't mean to step on anyone's feelings, but I am going to say what I've been thinking this evening. Where's the compassion? Where's the understanding? Jesus Christ loves us unconditionally, and I do NOT feel He would keep someone out of His presence because their clothing was a little off. As leaders we should know better and set a shining example for these youth, BUT these YW are just teens, still growing and learning and being molded into future Mothers in Zion. I'm not saying that most have not been taught better~~I'm sure most have heard the lectures from our mouths more times than they care to recollect. I do know of stories where in tourist destinations worthy temple recommend holders ARE allowed into the temples in shorts and other casual clothing. The temple workers allow people to enter and partake of the blessings of the temple although they were "inappropriately dressed." The workers realize the patrons are there with pure hearts to do the Lord's work. So, what is so very different with these young women? I'm not excusing the ones who blatantly disobey the rules, (I am a VERY firm believer in following standards and rules! Just ask my own daughters and the YW with whom I work! :) ) I'm speaking of the ones who may not have been taught better, or who may not have the funds with which to purchase shorts the proper length, or who haven't thought of going to DI or Goodwill. I do not feel they should be embarassed by walking around with fabric extensions taped or glued to their shorts or in ugly sweats. My heart was very much anguished by some of these posts today. I am 32 and have worked with the youth for approximately eight years, (now on the stake level), so I've not been around as long as many of you have, but I do know that most youth who choose to participate in church activities really want to be there, and should be shown the love and respect they deserve as children of God. Christ looks beyond our outward appearances and dwells on the intent of our hearts, and I feel we should do likewise. I do hope I've not offended anyone~~this was not my intention. Cari in Nashville (who doesn't coddle) - - To unsubscribe to lds-yw, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe lds-yw" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 21:30:21 -0600 From: "Richard White" Subject: Re: (lds-yw) Long Shorts Some LDS people in Canada were frustrated also in not being able to find shorts and others stylish clothing that was temple modest. They decided to create their own designs and market them to the LDS people. Sometime last year I read about this and it said they would be available in ZCMI in Utah. The line is called ZWear for Zion Wear. Last week there was an article in our local paper telling about their success. Apparently many people from many other states and religions have also expressed interest in this type of clothing. Along with the article was information to get a catalog or have home parties. Here is the information: Call 222-9327 (I believe this is an Orem number, the area code would be 801) or (888) 729-WEAR to get a catalog. Fit guides for sizes are included in the catalog. Orders can be made by mail, telephone or via internet at If you happen to be in Utah county there is also an outlet store at 848 N. 1430 W., Orem I hope this will be helpful to all of you who have expressed your frustration in finding appropriate shorts, etc. Janet - -----Original Message----- From: LDMcEwen To: Date: Monday, May 18, 1998 10:47 AM Subject: (lds-yw) Long Shorts >Okay.. Here is a question... With regards to Camp.... Where are you finding >and buying long shorts.. That go to the knee? Oh, I am a good 8" away from >being 6' and I still can't find LONG enough shorts! We are going to the beach >this summer with my non member family and a couple years ago my brother asked >what that white thing was! My religion was showing .. So if you know where >to buy long enough shorts ... PLEASE email me! > >PS If you are going to tell me you sew them... I'll just faint! As I "hot >glue" my sons scout patches on! > >- > To unsubscribe to lds-yw, send an email to "" > with "unsubscribe lds-yw" in the body of the message. > For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send > "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. - - To unsubscribe to lds-yw, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe lds-yw" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 22:36:45 -0500 From: "Denise Nix" Subject: Re: (lds-yw) Budget You are absolutely RIGHT ON! This is what I found in the manual etc. as well and our ward has the youth earn their OWN money for camp... and yes LEADERS ARE FREE. Budget is a tough issue... It's painful as a leader to have to manage so little and want to give so much. After Youth Conference is taken out... I will have approx. $16/month for ALL activities.... We will have to have some sort of a fund raiser to cover the cost for Youth Conference.... We are allowed 1 a year IF NECESSARY. And in our case... I think it's necessary. With Camp boxes, pendants, etc. etc.... I'm almost out of money... bringing my monthly expense money to about $6/month.... YIKES! Now that is a shoestring... My Bishop says... "If you don't have enough, you do without" ... Any suggestions with THAT one? (You'll be told when you go OVER and then you can stop putting in receipts...) Dee in Iowa - ---------- > From: SPrice9OOO > To: > Subject: Re: (lds-yw) Budget > Date: Monday, May 18, 1998 3:11 PM > > NOT HAVE A FUNDRAISER FOR GIRLS CAMP????? I THINK NOT!!!! > Your Stake Leaders are WRONG. Ask them to show you where it says that. > > In 1995, Pres. Hunter sent a memo to all Stake Presidents & Bishops (among > others) which explained the "new" budget allowance & guidelines. > > It says that the Budget Allowance Program was created to reduce the financial > and time burdens on members, that members should not pay money for activities, > the leaders should reduce & simplify activities where possible, & that > activities should be planned at little or no cost, should build testimonies & > provide meaningful service. > > In addition Pres. Hunter said leaders & teachers should not be asked or made > to feel obligated to provide materials, supplies, etc because of their church > callings... that those items should be provided from the budget allowance. > > (That was in the cover letter... the following is in the Budget Allowance > Guidelines that was attached with the cover letter...) > > I'm quoting from page 8 here.... "If budget allowance funds are insufficient, > Young Men & Young Women may participate in the cost of of annual camp or major > activity > by individually earning their own money. If they are unable to raise enough > individually, they may hold group fund-raising activities. > The guidelines for these fund-raising activites are...(page 9) > Comply with tax & liability guidelines presented in General Handbook of > Instructions, > Do not sell door to door, > Provide meaningful value or service, > Choose an activity that will be positive & build harmony within the group, > & the Bishop needs to approve your fund-raising plan. > > Sooooo to paraphrase... camp does NOT come out of the budget.... the girls (or > their families) pay.... OR you hold a group fundraiser. That is why we have > scout, boy scout & girls camp fundraisers to pay for their camps. (It wouldn't > be fair for the scouts to be able to raise the money, but not the girls) If > the families or individual girls (by babysitting or whatever) paid for their > camp, then the one fundraiser could be > used for "one major activity" --- like a youth conference. Wouldn't that > "free" up the money set aside in your budget for youth conference to then be > used on your young women's program?!? > > Those are the guidelines our ward & stake uses.... & as far as I know there > has not been any change in those guidelines from the prophet since then. If > someone says there has been a change... ask them to provide the > documentation!!!!! > > And by the way... as far as I know, and I'm pretty sure I'm correct here... > our leaders DO NOT have to pay to go to camp. That would be in direct > violation of Pres. Hunter's guideline which says leaders do NOT pay to do > something that has to do with their church callings. > > As far as turning in receipts.... TURN THEM ALL IN!!!! How else will anyone > know how much running the program truly costs????? We do our best to be frugal > & creative in not spending money.... but I'm always telling everyone to turn > in their receipts so that we have an acurate picture of the true costs (& so > will our leaders).. because it does cost money! > > Good luck. Maybe I was able to shed a little bit hope on the situation for > you. The budget is a hard issue. I TOTALLY sympathize! But you need to > (nicely) tell your ward & stake to GET WITH THE PROGRAM....(THE LORD'S, THAT > IS). If you don't tell them... who will? > > > > > > > > - > To unsubscribe to lds-yw, send an email to "" > with "unsubscribe lds-yw" in the body of the message. > For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send > "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. - - To unsubscribe to lds-yw, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe lds-yw" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 19 May 1998 00:09:51 EDT From: GrnyGerty Subject: Re: (lds-yw) scout patches In a message dated 05/18/98 11:07:02 AM Mountain Daylight Time, writes: << The washer is a killer on the glue patches... but staples are also quite handy! >> Go to the fabric store and buy "stitch witchery". It is iron on stuff that adheres the patches forever. Christine - - To unsubscribe to lds-yw, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe lds-yw" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 19 May 1998 00:21:54 EDT From: GrnyGerty Subject: Re: (lds-yw) organizing your postings I save them to a disk as a word file, clean them up, print them out and file them in a 3-ring binder under the various subjects, camp, activities, lessons, etc. Christine - - To unsubscribe to lds-yw, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe lds-yw" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 19 May 1998 00:42:47 EDT From: G L Orosco Subject: (lds-yw)Where to buy Long Shorts I shop in the men's dept. Their jean shorts are usually long enough for me, but I am 5'4". I have also bought Docker's Khaki shorts in the men's dept. I learned to do this from a very long legged YW who always came to dances with shorts to the top of her kneecap. She told me that she got them in the men's dept. Ginger in Santa Rosa - - To unsubscribe to lds-yw, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe lds-yw" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 19 May 1998 00:57:29 EDT From: SPrice9OOO Subject: Re: (lds-yw) Budget In a message dated 98-05-18 23:41:13 EDT, you write: << Budget is a tough issue... It's painful as a leader to have to manage so little and want to give so much. After Youth Conference is taken out... I will have approx. $16/month for ALL activities.... We will have to have some sort of a fund raiser to cover the cost for Youth Conference.... We are allowed 1 a year IF NECESSARY. And in our case... I think it's necessary. With Camp boxes, pendants, etc. etc.... I'm almost out of money... bringing my monthly expense money to about $6/month.... YIKES! Now that is a shoestring... My Bishop says... "If you don't have enough, you do without" ... Any suggestions with THAT one? (You'll be told when you go OVER and then you can stop putting in receipts...) >> I'm sorry I don't have a suggestion for your Bishop's comment (or attitude). And I don't have the heart to tell you our Bishop's attitude (i LOVE that man!)... But, If your girls earn their own camp money... and you have your one fundraiser to pay for youth conference (make sure & have the boys help!!!) then that will free up some money for you (the money that WAS set aside for youth conference, but now not needed?!?)....right? (I hope) I'm curious about your comment that you'll be told when you go OVER and then you can stop putting in receipts... In our ward we can request a copy of our expenditures for the year. I get a copy of that in late fall (or any other time I ask) & with that & with a copy of the previous years budget, the young men's president & I come up with a budget for the new year. We submit that & it is approved or not. Then we have our budget for the new year. This is a detailed list of what will be spend for Youth Conference, combined, class activities, Senior Night, New Beginnings, etc. etc. We make copies & give to leaders & they know exactly what they have to work with for the entire year. So they can work with their classes & pick & choose what they want to do. When the class presidency wants to go do something that costs money... they discuss how much it'll cost, how much they have to work with, & if that is really how they want to spend their money... the girls really learn how to be discriminating and careful with their money & save it for something they really feel is important. When we start planning any event... the very first question I hear is "What is our budget????" And as we turn in receipts we keep track of where we are (ahead or behind). It only makes sense for you to know what your budget is.... you NEED to know... & at the beginning of the year too!!! Also, you mention camp boxes, pendants, etc. We don't pay for those things. I wonder if the Stake does? You know what???? I bet that is added in to the cost of the girls camp!!! Talk to your Stake YW Pres. That shouldn't come out of your budget. That is a girls camp expense (that's what the money is for... food, supplies, etc), whether being paid for by girls or by a fundraiser, not YOUR budget. YOU NEED YOUR $16. A MONTH!!! FIGHT FOR IT!!!! Good luck. Hope I helped :-) - - To unsubscribe to lds-yw, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe lds-yw" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ End of lds-yw-digest V1 #49 *************************** - To unsubscribe to $LIST, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe $LIST" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message.