From: (lds-yw-digest) To: Subject: lds-yw-digest V1 #66 Reply-To: lds-yw-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk lds-yw-digest Monday, May 25 1998 Volume 01 : Number 066 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 25 May 1998 01:14:33 EDT From: Valgy Subject: Re: (lds-yw) Camp Idea RE: Camp letters from parents This year we are probably trying these things...haven't decided definitely. One: the girls will leave a letter here before they go to camp to be given to the parents while they are gone, and Two: We are having an older sibling write the letter to the girls telling them of watching them grow, mature, fun times together, etc. Another is a game file with lots of group bonding games, games for groups, games for two, etc., on 3x5 cards in a recipe file box. Hopefully, it will grow from year to year and be available for any free time at camp. We are also getting together a game box with frisbees, bubble to blow, badminton, board games, etc. for when they get bored or if we have bad weather. - - To unsubscribe to lds-yw, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe lds-yw" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 25 May 1998 01:16:50 EDT From: SPrice9OOO Subject: Re: (lds-yw) YM/YW combined In a message dated 98-05-25 00:33:12 EDT, you write: << We have quite a few Senior citizens in our ward, esp. widows. Every year we have a combined activity where we invite the seniors and we play games. >> This reminds me of something we have done that is a HUGE hit. So much that it has become a yearly tradition. We have an auction with the seniors... either in your ward or go to a retirement home. All the kids show up at the activity with something to donate... something for the auction... nothing store bought here... something they make, something from around their home they don't need or want... but things they think the seniors would like... candle, picture, soaps & lotions, treats, small plant, cassette of music taped at home, holiday decoration, perfume, uno cards, whatever they want to bring. Ahead of time we make play money... just copy off a bunch (I think we've copied monopoly money... the young men leaders were in charge of that). We have an auctioneer... someone fun to keep things rolling (we've used a man in the ward). The kids sit around the room with the seniors to help them count their money, help make bids, & just to visit with them. The seniors bid with their play money (make sure they all understand ahead of time they will be given the "money" to bid with... so noone feels like they can't afford to come!!!!! This is very important!!!! Trust me!!!) It is a lot of fun... Have the auction & serve dessert. It's a fun service project... the seniors all go home with goodies & have been entertained in the process!!! The kids get a kick out of seeing the sometimes funny things they say & do!!! Ohhhh... the kids can also auction off services...a manicure, clean their bathroom, yard work, etc. Then when you are auctioning the service... the kid stands up there... & the auctioneer can say fun things about how strong the kid is, etc. to get people to bid. Just be sure the kids deliver the service!!! Try it... It's a great activity!!! Stacey - - To unsubscribe to lds-yw, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe lds-yw" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 25 May 1998 00:25:12 -0700 From: "O'Gaffney" Subject: Fw: (lds-yw) Video scavenger hunt I know that several sisters didn't get this including you Lynis, I tried to send it directly to you but it came back. Please accept my apologies for resubmitting it but it is the only way I could get it to those of you that needed it. Let me know if there is anything else I can do to help out. Ginger in Hemet - ---------- > From: O'Gaffney > To: > Subject: (lds-yw) Video scavenger hunt > Date: Saturday, May 23, 1998 9:51 PM > > I figured that since I got so many requests for this list, I might as well > share it with everyone. > > 1. Video tape a dog barking. > > 2. Video tape a person coming out of the theatre, ask them what they saw > and what they thought of it. > > 3. Go to the Eggleston's house and video Bro. Eggleston singing 10 seconds > of "If I were a rich man". > > 4. Go to Sis. Carol Whites house and video tape your team singing one verse > of "Old MacDonald" with her. > > 5. Video tape your drivers going down the slide at the park. > > 6. Have one of your drivers tape your team on the merry-go round spinning > for 10 seconds. > > 7. Tape a bagger saying "Paper or Plastic" > > 8. while you are driving, tape one of your team asking a person in another > car, "Pardon me, but do you have any Grey Poupon?" > > 9. Have on of your drivers tape your team playing Leap Frog across a cross > walk. > > 10. tape the greeter at Wal-Mart shaking hands with the entire team. > > You must get as many of these things done and return to the church by 7:20. > > Of course, there are things you will have to adapt for your area and since > the Egglestons and Whites aren't in your ward, you will have to find someone > else to sing. Also, we found out that most grocery stores and Wal-Mart > won't let you in with a camera, so you can get pretty creative, like wait > for a bagger to come outside and ask him to say it. Hope this helps you all > that need it. If you have any questions, please let me know. > > Ginger in Hemet > > > - > To unsubscribe to lds-yw, send an email to "" > with "unsubscribe lds-yw" in the body of the message. > For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send > "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. - - To unsubscribe to lds-yw, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe lds-yw" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 25 May 1998 07:59:03 -0500 From: "Denise Nix" Subject: (lds-yw) sacrifice AND BUDGET I wonder if anyone out there has an actual name of this video?? I've only been in the church 8 years and it's not one I've seen in that time, and don't know how to locate it.. It will serve a dual purpose for my girls, though. The important theme of SACRIFICE and FAMILY LOVE. In my group of 14 active girls there are 4 families of sisters. (10 girls of the 14) They can really get on each others nerves and need something to give them a REALITY CHECK. This video could be the ticket. Thanks for your help. Oh! I took the advice you all gave me about my lack of money... and spoke to our Clerk about making sure the items I had ordered (CAMP MANUALS, BOXES, PENDANTS ETC) were not charged to my Young Women Activity Budget, but rather the stake or Ward Operating Budget. I was told by the Counselor (who happened to be there) that our ward HAS NO OPERATING BUDGET. NOT A DIME. They budget all the money to the auxiliaries! We start with $2600 as a yearly budget and it gets split up from there. (I get $600 for my YW) They will see if the Camp things can be charged back to the stake, but the rest is mine. I explained then that I was between that eternal ROCK AND HARD SPOT ... If I didn't have enough money to run my organization, then funds would have to come through my own checkbook. He JUMPED on me and said...YOU CAN'T DO THAT! Well, these activities are NOT cost free! And I still have Standards Night and YW in Excellence! So, he agreed it was a problem, but only stated there is no more money and I am not suppose to use my own. I left with a "I'M OPEN TO SUGGESTIONS THEN". The problem with fund raising is that this ward is DIRT POOR. No one has any extra money to support these with! And the community is not much different. Scouts put on a chili dinner in the community. Put their "shoulder to the wheel" and did a fine job advertising, etc. Sold tickets at Walmart and the grocery store and door to door to church members. $5/family. When it was all said and done they had earned $200. It was a major disappointment and the scouts were thoroughly depressed. It was something... but it was too much work for so little money. Anyway, just wanted you to know I appreciated all your support and ideas. You can ask for what you want WITH PROOF of what it will cost... but the bottom line is you get what they give. RATS! :-) I'm sure Michelle in Iowa faces the same problem as many others of you out there. Dee - ---------- > From: HETRICK > To: > Subject: Re: (lds-yw) sacrifice > Date: Saturday, May 23, 1998 7:10 PM > > Rhonda, > I don't remember the name of the story, it is a older church video. I > don't know if showing the video is approperate in the service she is > talking in, but if it is it is a wonderful one to see. I remember > seeing it in Primary when I was younger. So, it should be in the ward > library. > It is the video about the little boy (I think) who donates blood to his > little sister after an accident. He does it with out a second thought > because she needs it. Then the boy asks the doctor after he donates his > blood when he is going to die. The boy thought he would die because he > gave his blood to his sister. He was willing to sacrifice his life out > of love for his sister. > This is a wonderful example of sacrifice. > > - > To unsubscribe to lds-yw, send an email to "" > with "unsubscribe lds-yw" in the body of the message. > For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send > "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. - - To unsubscribe to lds-yw, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe lds-yw" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 24 May 1998 20:06:31 -0500 From: (judy m ward) Subject: Re: (lds-yw) Dutch Oven This is a really simple recipe we have used and it turns out very yummy. Dutch Oven Cherry Cobbler (we call it the 5-ones) Ingredients 1 stick butter 1 cup self-rising flour 1 cup milk 1 cup sugar 1 can prepared pie filling In the dutch oven, melt the butter. Add the milk, sugar and flour and mix into a smooth batter. Pour pie filling on top and bake in the dutch oven with coals on top and bottom until done. It usually takes 20-30 minutes. Judy Arkansas _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - To unsubscribe to lds-yw, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe lds-yw" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 25 May 1998 07:54:15 PDT From: "" Subject: (lds-yw) Grads gifts Hi-- Does anyone have any great ideas for a small gift to give our graduating Laurels? We only have a handful of them, so we could spend about $5 each. Thanks! Ty in SLC ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - To unsubscribe to lds-yw, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe lds-yw" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 25 May 1998 11:39:53 EDT From: Delilah978 Subject: Re: (lds-yw) Special events Hi, I'm the one that did the hand-tinting of photos with my Laurels. We spent one activity taking black and white photographs of each toher which turned out to be a lot of fun...despite the cold weather. Then we had the film developed on matte paper and the next week we got together at the YW President's house to hand-tint them. We used oil paints to do the hand-tinting. It doesn't take very much to tint a picture and you use your creativity to tint just a few things in the picture. A q-tip is used to dab the paint on and if there is a mistake done a paper towel removes the paint. It is pretty fool proof and rather easy for the girls to do...they really enjoyed this activity. We are thinking of doing a roll of black and white at camp and then doing this activity for the whole YW's. The paint can be expensive. We are lucky to have several sisters in our ward that feel they can loan the paint to us. Here in Utah, you can find hand- tinting kits at Roberts Crafts, Provo Craft Store, and photo stores. My husband is a landscape photographer and has told me that the new way of hand- tinting photography is now on the computer with using a scanner of your photos...but, I don't think we'll go there with the YW quite yet.... I was thinking of doing copies of ancestor's photo's and hand-tinting them myself for Christmas presents...but, this idea also will go along with the theme..."Turning the Hearts to the Family." Alos, if you do use oil takes a few days for the picures to dry so they should be put in a place that they won't get dusty. Have fun. And have a good week. from another "Marianne" - - To unsubscribe to lds-yw, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe lds-yw" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 23 May 1998 18:49:40 -0700 From: Susan & Richard Subject: (lds-yw) Re: Non-member family(long) I was baptized at 15, only member of the family. my parents/siblings considered it a phase, knew my best friend who was LDS to be a good influence on me so it was okay. however as the years passed the disparaging remarks escalated. why can't I drink wine to celebrate someones b-day (my family is european. glass of wine with dinner is standard for adults) etc etc. They made if very difficult. mocking comments etc. my dh was a new convert so we did have a regular wedding (and a temple sealing after the year) so the wedding problem we didn't encounter. 6 years later, 2 children and now my mother is often telling me what a great structure religion is for children. How wonderful that we support family so much. I think that might be a branch you can hand to your mom. Religion, Book of Mormon aside; look at all the church has to offer children. love of family, chastity, honestly, encouragement to excell and do your best. love of education etc etc etc. Tell her that you love her and that you believe that this church has so much to offer your children besides the essential part of spirituality. You have to take it to a non-member mentality. She sees how good our children are. She a career woman tells me now she wishes she had stayed home with her children. What a great job I'm doing etc. As for the wedding plans, thats a toughie. my parents used to bring that up. I think its fright that the church is really, behind closed doors, trying to get members to disassociate withon-member family. You just have to reassure your mom that wedding plans are in the future and why argue about it now. Susan - - To unsubscribe to lds-yw, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe lds-yw" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 25 May 1998 08:58:24 -0700 From: Susan & Richard Subject: (lds-yw) Inactive message help The miamaids are bringing cookies to our activity thurs to fill a basket for our inactives (we have several. planning to visit 5 girls this week) and take a picture with them (polaroid camera) or of just miamaids if the girl isn't home so they know who we are. . I need to add a little message to each basket that the girls can sign. Any ideas? thanks. Susan - - To unsubscribe to lds-yw, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe lds-yw" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 25 May 1998 11:11:56 -0500 From: Ken and Michelle Duker Subject: (lds-yw) Budget - ------ =_NextPart_000_01BD87CE.0E736C20 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable You're right, Dee, I do have the exact same problem. I just met with = my bishop again yesterday. We are both new, him since Dec. and me since = last month! It turns out that our total ward budget is $3000 and my = girls camp fees will take almost half of that. Half of our budget for = the whole year!!!! And despite a fundraiser, boy scouts need more money = for their camp too. That will leave virtually nothing else for any = other auxiliary. My bishop is very supportive and all, but we are = already out of money!!!! So, I am in the same boat. Can't spend it out = of my own pocket (not that there is much there, either) not allowed to = do that. Can't turn in receipts-no money to pay for them. Can't just = forget it and have no more programs-girls need them. Sooooooo. . . . . = . . Our area is also poor. Most families here can't afford to support any = fundraisers we might have. Camp payments are due next week anyway, so = no time to change anything for this year. We are in a quandary too. = Michelle in Iowa - ------ =_NextPart_000_01BD87CE.0E736C20 Content-Type: application/ms-tnef Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 eJ8+IjMQAQaQCAAEAAAAAAABAAEAAQeQBgAIAAAA5AQAAAAAAADoAAENgAQAAgAAAAIAAgABBJAG AEABAAABAAAADAAAAAMAADACAAAACwAPDgAAAAACAf8PAQAAAGsAAAAAAAAAtTvCwCx3EBqhvAgA KypWwhUAAAA0qC5cElnREa5iREVTVAAAJIIAAAAAAACBKx+kvqMQGZ1uAN0BD1QCAAAAAHl3IGxp c3QAU01UUABsZHMteXdAbGlzdHMueG1pc3Npb24uY29tAAAeAAIwAQAAAAUAAABTTVRQAAAAAB4A AzABAAAAGgAAAGxkcy15d0BsaXN0cy54bWlzc2lvbi5jb20AAAADABUMAQAAAAMA/g8GAAAAHgAB MAEAAAAKAAAAJ3l3IGxpc3QnAAAAAgELMAEAAAAfAAAAU01UUDpMRFMtWVdATElTVFMuWE1JU1NJ T04uQ09NAAADAAA5AAAAAAsAQDoBAAAAAgH2DwEAAAAEAAAAAAAAAms8AQiABwAYAAAASVBNLk1p Y3Jvc29mdCBNYWlsLk5vdGUAMQgBBIABAAcAAABCdWRnZXQAWwIBBYADAA4AAADOBwUAGQALAAsA OAABAEIBASCAAwAOAAAAzgcFABkACwAEACMAAQAmAQEJgAEAIQAAAEFCREU0MkY5QkVGM0QxMTFB RTYzNDQ0NTUzNTQwMDAwABkHAQOQBgA8BwAAEgAAAAsAIwAAAAAAAwAmAAAAAAALACkAAAAAAAMA NgAAAAAAQAA5AMD0lNb3h70BHgBwAAEAAAAHAAAAQnVkZ2V0AAACAXEAAQAAABYAAAABvYf31hb5 Qt6z874R0a5jREVTVAAAAAAeAB4MAQAAAAUAAABTTVRQAAAAAB4AHwwBAAAAEgAAAGttZHVrZXJA bGlzY28ubmV0AAAAAwAGEMR5+eADAAcQAAMAAB4ACBABAAAAZQAAAFlPVVJFUklHSFQsREVFLElE T0hBVkVUSEVFWEFDVFNBTUVQUk9CTEVNSUpVU1RNRVRXSVRITVlCSVNIT1BBR0FJTllFU1RFUkRB WVdFQVJFQk9USE5FVyxISU1TSU5DRURFQ0EAAAAAAgEJEAEAAADVBQAA0QUAABALAABMWkZ17bp2 sjcACQMwAQI1APILYG5n8DEwMzMB9wHxDgAD1IkCAGNoCsBzZXQC0eBwcnEyIAcTAoACkRUI5jsJ bzAST2UyNf41E3oUkRRPFVkTZBWCE+8fF78XfRb/FS8Tf2UxMv44HUoeYR4fHykTZB9SHb+fIY8h TSDPHv8ixDkyJgUPJ3EfkydwAoJzdHlsNQeQaAngdAAAA/BkYzx0bAqzD4MB0AMwc258ZXgQkAew BbAAwAJzKg0I0HMOkAMwYWRkaUB0aXZlIEQBEGFUdWwFQFAKwGEJwGGwcGggRgIhKKMxDgD3KacK IAsgcglQL4IQAC+CbHc0HLEQYHAqoipYYvphEHBkAiABQCrjLrAtcBsFEAIwLS4QA2E6IFRCbzOg U3ViagWQdEEzoERhdGU6LmQ2/y7fL+8w8ykwLHALgA6AFgA/KrEMMCpUEQAxzzLXUmXjLNAQYSBI ZSxwBJAuZO43NV82bzd7MD8QOHgBQMkOVDI0OS8xODrBC1C8eS8uIDBwCxE7RXMuZP8fcDw/PU8x D0DvQfkzwjNkZTSVfQFVMzYBQCmhb+53KdBEYQGAbjQgAGAJ8P0sgG8A4AIQK3A3wizgAgA3EIEr 0jSwbQtRNLAgQyg6XFwF4E8BIGljamVNsFcLgHcFsAswXNNNEAtwbC45kHRJkBBwfynQQoA/8AuA KwABQEthbmspQBJgICvScACABZBsrHZsAFBRYHUFAG1RUv8BkAAgUeILgAEAAjABwVFRPxBADnAA AFFgDNABkCAu/xGCUUgngFICLVBEEFJ/U499VJ8zUVEFgVY/V09YX2y6NFFRbFX/Wr9bxSlUzI8O AFmfXn9btGIgKAKR/1+fUZM1QF1PYg9jH2QvUcD/PBBlclJPZt9n71TMH3Blf+9q/2wPbR9RwDlp 729/cI8/cZUK+QMwKa8qsQGRIFnzCGAAEHF1T3As4FDxBRBQZ2h0LCzxZXnwSVogOZAgEEAs0XQp QCCnKwAA0AVAc2EHgCAQ0CZvAmBNEC4gelFqdX0o4CAHgAVAA/B7AHzweYQgYgQAaG9wIC2wnXby eQeQNLALIGF5fGF+VyzgCsAs4AbgfWEq8Hd9efBoB3B7kAuATjAs8WP/fGAAcEKAe8GApAtgfNIC IexoIXxxBUB0CHAGMQhg/4MBEEAFQAhhevBPcAdAfTBhQmJidWRnfREEACCcJDM/EoFTfaBnaURg fQQgY3uwfhBMgAeRA/Bs6wMgAZBrf2FsBGB80RBAvGxmg3CIsIPCfGFIiJXvhBKFBUvRevN3ffAp EH6B7QrAIYvBfHBBgWEBAEWQ9yygf2GHEHVLcC2gBAAEkP958AbgfaAE8IOBBCAq8AmA94JhUPGC cWV9oIqlhoCGxPWEUG98YVSD0odzKRB6wv52hoCDIAdAQfCAAH/ROAH/ezCGoCzgiqIAcH2gf9EE kFl+IHV4AxAHMHJ/Ek2PfaeFcTrxjeF1cHAJEd8swoFSkhGNoYORd39kB0B/EmAscJORg5GI0Y8T i8RT/m96QnuwhWADoHsCe6MG4N2JI0MAcHj2e4FwS2GFYLeD8piEk5F3A6CWIGOH4H0FQCiSYYO0 k8Is4IVxbb9SIC4AnpN58I/Qk8IpfHD/ngKSEUqAjpGEUHpyiQWbS/+DIpoCEmBOMAUhEABNEH7w /ykwklGPBaExCrCPV3xSm0v/fLNL0YUzoJGBYXqzpFNQ8f978S3BTACj1oZ0jnOllZmAv6sEfGCr eQqKdyt4gk+EIe9/gVwQhXEHQHN6kJ1xBbD3lKKIQi0gbZRBB5FQ04bQ/ZtpYQEgTrGhIpX1k2ON CP+HUY7xebJ6o3xhmzGG8aUR7weAAjCusVDxZApQgAErENmXYWVrk2JCUHl58K7xf6RRLLB7waEx EDEOcJaCef+ShIqkhXGLgn8odwFcEHkQ74FRlHGQVbvKTU4gKUCHkMW6g0lKgGF9AL2xvfAAAAAD ABAQAAAAAAMAERAAAAAAQAAHMIBnHtD2h70BQAAIMIBnHtD2h70BHgA9AAEAAAABAAAAAAAAAGGC - ------ =_NextPart_000_01BD87CE.0E736C20-- - - To unsubscribe to lds-yw, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe lds-yw" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 25 May 1998 08:27:42 -0800 From: "Dan Rostrom" Subject: Re: (lds-yw) Budget can't you have your own ward camp? We have our own every other year because our girls have to fly or take a ferry to camp and it's VERY costly. Our girls really like it both ways. Kay - -----Original Message----- From: Ken and Michelle Duker To: 'yw list' Date: Monday, May 25, 1998 8:16 AM Subject: (lds-yw) Budget You're right, Dee, I do have the exact same problem. I just met with my bishop again yesterday. We are both new, him since Dec. and me since last month! It turns out that our total ward budget is $3000 and my girls camp fees will take almost half of that. Half of our budget for the whole year!!!! And despite a fundraiser, boy scouts need more money for their camp too. That will leave virtually nothing else for any other auxiliary. My bishop is very supportive and all, but we are already out of money!!!! So, I am in the same boat. Can't spend it out of my own pocket (not that there is much there, either) not allowed to do that. Can't turn in receipts-no money to pay for them. Can't just forget it and have no more programs-girls need them. Sooooooo. . . . . . . Our area is also poor. Most families here can't afford to support any fundraisers we might have. Camp payments are due next week anyway, so no time to change anything for this year. We are in a quandary too. Michelle in Iowa - - To unsubscribe to lds-yw, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe lds-yw" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 25 May 1998 12:29:38 EDT From: Mastifacre Subject: Re: (lds-yw) Good Things Cosa Buenas It is for Ann Moynihan. She is a sweet lady. Misty in Hollister - - To unsubscribe to lds-yw, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe lds-yw" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 25 May 1998 12:33:12 -0400 From: Reid Nuttall Subject: (lds-yw) YM/YW combined One of all time favorites (the kids ask to repeat it each year for the pa= st 3 years) is a pinewood derby. We divide the youth up into teams of 4-6, give them a new pinewood derby car and set them to it! There are no rule= s, no weight requirements, etc. etc. We have had kids tape tennis shoes and= car keys on their car, silverware from the kitchen, batteries - basically= anything that they can think of! We come with electrical tape and tell t= he kids to bring anything they want to put on the car. = The only requirement is that their car cannot impede the car that is running the track next to them. Some of the kids have brought saws and sandpaper - but this doesn't really give them an advantage. We run a basic double elimination and then give prizes (candy bars or something) for the fastest, most creative, most challenged, etc. The kid= s then continue to race their cars for each other's candy bars, etc. Like everything, some kids like to be involved and some don't. However, when it comes time for the race (after about 30 min of preparing their cars) everyone usually comes and watches. We usually buy a big box and chips and 1 large #10 can of Nacho cheese sauce and that will feed the 30-40 kids that are there. It always has been a lot of fun! Carolyn Magnolia, TX - - To unsubscribe to lds-yw, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe lds-yw" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 25 May 1998 12:35:44 EDT From: Brandvold Subject: Re: (lds-yw) YM panel I will be happy to post the results of the survey we took, but it may be later this week before I have a chance to "type" them in! Be patient with me. Thanks! Gayle B - - To unsubscribe to lds-yw, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe lds-yw" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 25 May 1998 12:37:14 EDT From: SPrice9OOO Subject: Re: (lds-yw) sacrifice AND BUDGET In a message dated 98-05-25 09:02:18 EDT, you write: << CAMP MANUALS, BOXES, PENDANTS ETC >> Camp supplies (in my estimation) should be included in the cost of the camp.... meaning THE GIRLS PAY FOR IT!!! (or whatever way you are handling the cost of camp... fundraiser, etc.) That is what the cost of camp is.... food, lodging & supplies, whether it's crafts or manuals, or whatever!!!! I don't know that your Stake is going to accept the cost... it needs to be added in to the cost per girl of camp!!! Here is an idea for a fundraiser. The guys in our ward collect Christmas trees after Christmas. They walk around & post flyers in all the neighborhoods. Then people take all the stuff off their trees & pull them out to their curb. They attach an envelope to it with $5.00 or whatever you are charging in it. On the appointed day the guys come around and pick them up & throw them in pickups. They take them to the dump (or where ever trees are supposed to go)... pay the dumping fee & have the leftover money. They make a TON of money. Last year there weren't many guys... they are graduating off & we have a small group right now.... so they can't even get to all the neighborhoods. I think I'm going to suggest the young women help & earn part of the money. We can throw trees in the back of pickups TOO!!!! Anyway, if you are having a hard time... it is a dilemma for people - what to do with their tree & it's worth 5.00 to get rid of the headache & not have to deal with all the pine needles. Just an idea. - - To unsubscribe to lds-yw, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe lds-yw" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 25 May 1998 12:45:17 -0400 From: Reid Nuttall Subject: (lds-yw) Grads gifts One of the things that we did last year and will do again this year is to= give each girl a Temple Clothing Envelope (they are about $2.60). We the= n write a special letter about each girl and how they are moving on into th= e most important part of their lives. I encouraged them to keep the envelo= pe in their drawer so they see it regularly and it could help them to make decisions consistent with going to the temple. Last year I was worried as one of my Laurels was fairly inactive - howeve= r, I received a call from her mother telling me how touched she (the daughter) was that we didn't think she was a lost soul or a "black sheep= ". = We actually sent these to the girls after graduation (some of them had already gone to school) when things weren't quite so hectic and they were= anxious for some mail! Carolyn Magnolia, TX - - To unsubscribe to lds-yw, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe lds-yw" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 25 May 1998 12:51:51 EDT From: SPrice9OOO Subject: Re: (lds-yw) Grads gifts In a message dated 98-05-25 10:56:24 EDT, you write: << Does anyone have any great ideas for a small gift to give our graduating Laurels? We only have a handful of them, so we could spend about $5 each. >> We did something WITH our Laurels, & another ward liked the idea, so much that they are doing it FOR their Laurels as a grad gift. It's called a LIFE AFTER LAURELS binder to help them when they are on their own next year. We got the white binders from Costco-Price Club that have clear pockets on the outside. We made a cute title page to slide into the pocket. We've added things like quick & easy & cheap recipes, laundry tips (getting stains out etc), fun, creative dating ideas, a section of inspirational quotes & thoughts to use for talks, lessons, etc. We included a standards booklet (just punched two holes in it), We are also working on pages with cheap household cleaners recipes, a birthday calendar (so they remember important days in the year... like their mom's birthday!), and address & phone pages. We also did a class on personal safety & so made a hand-out for that for them to remember what is "questionable" behavior from others...we included that in the book. Our girls are picking & choosing what they want in theirs based on their needs & whether they are going to college, (all but one is) or not. You can put a table of contents in the front & use dividers. You can buy 1" binders at costco 6 for 5. something. So I think it would work with your budget & a fun gift. For another idea... last year we gave them a talk on tape from the bookstore. The advisor got them & I think they were on sale... so they were 4 or 5 dollars each. THey seemed to like that. - - To unsubscribe to lds-yw, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe lds-yw" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 25 May 1998 12:57:54 EDT From: SPrice9OOO Subject: Re: (lds-yw) Special events Thanks so much for the help with hand-tinting. Which is cheaper &/ or easier... the oil paints or the kits. Our art store also has something that I think are pencils to do this with. Does your husband have any more info. about how to do it with the scanner? My counselor has a scanner. We did black & white photos of the girls families & ancestors all over as decorations for New Beginnings. VERY cute! (We had scanned them). I've been saving them for this hand-tinting process so we'll have lots of pictures to practice on... we've got about a hundred. Thanks bunches!! Stacey - - To unsubscribe to lds-yw, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe lds-yw" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 25 May 1998 13:20:18 EDT From: Mastifacre Subject: Re: (lds-yw) Re: Non-member family(long) Thanks. She does like the influence the church has had on our children. But on the other hand, she is completely against my children(who are all teenagers) going on missions and getting married in the Temple. We've even had big debates over my children's chastity (she feels they should experiment before they settle down, and they shouldn't marry until their late 20's early 30's). My oldest daughter wants to become a nursery school or Kindergarten teacher, believing that it is something she can do to help her (future) family financially while still being home with her children. My mom is appalled "She could do so much more with her life!". And don't even get into the fact that my daughter wants to have lots of children (8 would be nice). My mom has cows!. But, in the end, my children will do what they want to do. My mom can have all the cows she wants! Thanks for the comments. Misty in Hollister - - To unsubscribe to lds-yw, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe lds-yw" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 25 May 1998 13:23:51 EDT From: Valgy Subject: Re: (lds-yw) Grads gifts We took a group photo of all the young women and leaders, enlarged it to 4x6, put it on some very rustic brown heavy paper cut about 1" -2" larger all around. Then put a sheer sheet (Like in the personal progress book) with the picture of the temple (photocopied) on it and put it over the photo and tied the two together with rafia or jute. On the back we put a poem called "the journey" (its been on the list) about what roads to follow. At the first we put, "And now where will life lead?" and at the end "Stay focused and remember the friends you made along the way". They seemed to like it. These girls are not real frilly or feminine and one dropped out of school and one graduates from alternative school. We couldn't make a big fuss over them because of their circumstances, but wanted to give them something meaningful and recognize them. - - To unsubscribe to lds-yw, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe lds-yw" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 25 May 1998 13:26:14 EDT From: SPrice9OOO Subject: Re: (lds-yw) Budget In a message dated 98-05-25 12:17:08 EDT, you write: << total ward budget is $3000 and my girls camp fees will take almost half of that. >> Do your girls do babysitting? Can they get summer jobs? Do yard work? Get a paper route for the summer? Maybe a group of girls could share a route! When the budget can't support girls camp, (& yours CAN'T) they should be earning it themselves. Their parents need to help them! You're right it is probably too late for this year... although could the ward pay, & then the girls earn money & reimburse? Maybe just don't make a big deal about when the money is due... pay it... & then stress to the girls that they need to start working on earning their money before camp (so they & you have a deadline). The '94/'95 budget guidelines say....(p. 8) "IF the budget allowance funds are insufficient, Young Men & Young Women may participate in the cost of one annual camp by INDIVIDUALLY EARNING THEIR OWN MONEY. .... If the Young Men and Young Women are unable to individually raise enough ... THEN they may hold group fundraising activities" (yes that is plural!). That means that if it can't come out of the budget (if there is not enough... & most wards don't have enough) THEN IT IS UP TO THE GIRLS & THEIR FAMILIES TO RAISE THE MONEY THEMSELVES!!! The fund-raiser is the THIRD option according to this sentence & isn't really an option in poor areas where you don't get the financial support or help. I just don't understand why people think it should come out of a budget that can't support it. It is IMPOSSIBLE to have a young women's program with NO money. That money should NOT go to girls camp (when there is obviously not enough)... it is for the program all year. The money should come from the girls & their parents OR from a group fundraiser. And the cost of manuals, boxes, etc. are included in the COSTS OF THE CAMP (i.e. the girls or the fundraiser pays). For some reason, we as leaders, think we have to supply the answers & the money for camp. I did for many years. But after year after year of sorry fund- raisers, no help from the girls (we leaders were doing all the work!) & then we were making 2.00 an hour at that.... I had had enough!!! I read the budget guidelines, sat down with the Bishop & explained how it is the girls & families resposibilities FIRST, got his approval (he wanted to see the actual wording of the guidelines), drafted a letter to the parents where I quoted the guidelines, got his ok & signature along with my signature & sent them off in the mail!!!! Now, the ward does pay for two girls that absolutely cannot pay... but that aggravates me because these are girls that can earn it.... and when we had fundraisers these girls wouldn't show up to help, but still insisted the ward pay for them!!! (well there parents did!) So, it still is not a perfect system! Some girls earned the money themselves. Some parents just pay for it, but then they have their girls earn the money by working around the house...& some parents just choose to pay for it & don't require the girls do anything. That's there choice. The girls should really earn it themselves. Hope this helps. Let me know your thoughts...I'm sure you all will :-) - - To unsubscribe to lds-yw, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe lds-yw" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 25 May 1998 13:34:36 EDT From: SPrice9OOO Subject: Re: (lds-yw) Grads gifts In a message dated 98-05-25 13:26:05 EDT, you write: << "the journey" (its been on the list) >> I'm sorry I missed that one.... can anyone repost??? Thanks - - To unsubscribe to lds-yw, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe lds-yw" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ End of lds-yw-digest V1 #66 *************************** - To unsubscribe to $LIST, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe $LIST" in the body of the message. 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