From: Your Name Subject: Re: (mobility) New Moby Page(like we need another) Date: 01 Sep 1998 10:37:59 +0000 still haven't been able to get to your page chris....... but thanks for noticing the good stuff amongst our worthless stuff as we are really quite good at doing A LOT OF BOTH!!!!!!!! : ) kudos to your bertrand russell quote as he is a big hero of mine gave my son his middle name after sir russell but he thinks it's a nerd name so we just call him clay like his dad.......... now how's that for worthless???????? you and the other honorary new members and let's see your page!!!!!!! cc: btw moby party clay's house friday night sometime that evening casual dress okay bring your own food and drink and sleeping bag ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tim Beecher Subject: Re: (mobility) Mobility party (& Spiritualised) Date: 01 May 1998 10:12:42 +0100 (British Summer Time) Hey, European fellows.. what about if we try the same for, let's say London, or Paris ? I'm up for a Moby party in London - for definite. At the mo travelling to the continent may be a bit of a hassle, but if fellow, like-minded Europeans are prepared to travel to London.....? > I've been trying to see New Model Army for ages. As for Spiritualised, > I prefer they're older stuff, not to mention Spaceman 3 and Spectrum, I only know "Ladies and gentleman, we're ..."... Are there other "good to listen to" works of them ? For starters you could try 'Electric Mainline'(Spiritualised, that is). -TiM B. ---------------------- Tim Beecher Cranfield University ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tim Beecher Subject: Re: (mobility)Moby-AR.from the man more than anything. Date: 01 May 1998 10:51:51 +0100 (British Summer Time) Klassic Krusty! Heart and soul people! Love, peace & harmony, TMB ---------------------- Tim Beecher Cranfield University ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tim Beecher Subject: Re: (mobility) electronic vixens and such Date: 01 May 1998 10:55:35 +0100 (British Summer Time) Clay - you're a star! Love, peace and harmony..... and maybe a touch of anarchy where necessary! TiM B. ---------------------- Tim Beecher Cranfield University ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "April Kilduff" Subject: (mobility) Re: mobility-digest V1 #152 Date: 01 May 1998 08:22:56 -0500 5/1/98 RE>mobility-digest V1 #152 8:20 AM What about Chicago??? I know there are lots of list members from here, and it's the middle of the country. chicago would be great for me, as long as it's on a weekend. anyone else out there from minneapolis? ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dan Venema Subject: (mobility) e-zine chalf full of moby Date: 01 May 1998 06:41:08 -0700 (PDT) Ok, this is soooo sweet...I was scouring the net for ambient music and found this web the download section almost EVERY single issue has timbits from THE MAN himself....for real..what a find:) check it out:) Quiet moby(Dan# @%&^$%) _________________________________________________________ DO YOU YAHOO!? Get your free address at ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jonathan Ruano Subject: Re: (mobility) Mobility party Date: 01 May 1998 15:53:11 +0200 On Thu, Apr 30, 1998 at 06:26:11PM -0700, wrote: > OK, I sometimes have an over-active imagination- but here's what > I've been thinking about this party: > > Forgetting about our obvious limitations as normal everyday humans- > I think this could really work... > First of all- I'm talking about the US version of the party here [..] > We get ahold of MOBY and tell him what we are planning, and see if > he would be interested in being there, and if we could have his > cooperation in a fundraiser that we ourselves would have to work > hard at. If Moby'd go , I'd sell my parents so that I've got money to go there !! :) [..] > :) Talking seriously, it'd be great if we/you could manage to do something like that.... Jonathan. -- 512/781AF549 1997/11/26 Jonathan Ruano (low-sec) Key fingerprint = 7A 87 8E 82 50 82 1D 19 CD BE 3E 20 FA 80 6F 8F For more bits, browse ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Scott Stegenga Subject: Re: (mobility) Mobility party (& Spiritualised) Date: 01 May 1998 09:06:22 -0500 >I'm up for a Moby party in London - for definite. At the mo >travelling to the continent may be a bit of a hassle, but >if fellow, like-minded Europeans are prepared to travel to >London.....? Now this would be interesting... I live in Chicago, which would then make me eligible for the Mobility party thats brewing up maybe in my city...then the other cool thing... I'll be in the London area from July 15 to 25. How cool is that? Start planning I say, I can make appearances at both festive occasions. Scott Steg "...impeccably bred..." ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Steve Giles Subject: (mobility) cornucopia of subjects Date: 01 May 1998 10:33:56 -0400 Yeah, newports. Shocking & appalling, eh? ;-> Scott's at University of Chicago. you think that's realistic? It could happen, but it depends on so many ifs. Perhaps it's too extravagant. A simple meet up and go here type thing would suffice, not necessarily a vacation somewhre. (although that'd be nice) I hit the jackpot last night! I went to a different store my friend knew of. Strange place, that. They had no Moby singles, yet they had the UK Wink Higher State '96 remixes in domestic singles.(which I've searched high & low for) They had no Aphex except for two very common ones, and their Moby was pretty sparse except for one diamond in the rough. The Animal Rights 2CD, which I am now a proud owner of. I also found that damned David Bowie single with Moby Mix1 & House mix. I saw but didn't scoop the Westbam single, Bam Bam Bam! Does anyone here know if the Moby mix is worth my six bucks? My boss is a Vegan. She doesn't eat meat because of chemical treatments & additives. Plus, she's a health nut. I gave her the liner notes to EIW & AR this morn, I wonder what she'll say about them. -Steve ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Scott Stegenga Subject: (mobility) Moby in Chicago - I found stuff! Date: 01 May 1998 09:41:32 -0500 I found this on the online student newspaper...looks like an afternon gig that'll end before 10pm. I'm gonna contact someone about tickets... I'll keep y'all posted now, ya hear! April 28, 1998 Sonic Youth, Moby, Busta Rhymes to play Summer Breeze show Christine Back Associate News Editor Touting a diverse line-up of performers for this year's Outdoor concert, the Major Activities Board (MAB) is hoping to draw a capacity crowd for the finale to the Summer Breeze festival held from May 15 to May 16, assembling an impressive showcase of big name acts, including the progressive, avant-garde rock band Sonic Youth, rapper Busta Rhymes, and techno maestro Moby. Preceded by Coup-sponsored activities, WHPK's live bands, the Dance-a-thon, and Festival on the Quads, the concert will round out the weekend's events with what President of MAB Matt Ellingson anticipates to be one of the most successful shows the student organization has been able to produce. "I think this is the best show I've seen MAB do in a long time and probably the largest event that MAB has thrown. I really feel that this time we did a pretty good job of getting the big names and an eclectic line-up," he said. Although uncertain of when tickets will be available for students to buy, Ellingson approximates that MAB will begin ticket sales by May 3, the first day of sixth week. "The tickets are supposed to come in later this week, so if all goes as planned, they should be going on sale in the Reynolds Club during sixth week," he said. They will be priced at $8 for U of C students and $10 for faculty, lab students, and others prior to the show. The tickets purchased at the door are $10 for U of C students and $12 for faculty, lab students, and others. Already scheduled to perform later that evening at the Riviera, another Chicagoland venue, Sonic Youth will consequently open the Outdoor concert, followed by Moby, with Busta Rhymes capping off the show as the final act. Held in Hutchinson Commons, the concert doors will open at 4:30 p.m., and it will officially begin at 5 p.m., said Ellingson, who attributes the early scheduling to the community curfew that places a restriction on the decibel limit starting at 10 p.m. Describing the process of selecting performers for the Outdoor Concert, Ellingson says that the MAB council of 11 students proposes rosters of various bands that not only best represent the majority of student interest, but also attempts to stage as many genres as possible. Making proposals to artists Liz Phair, Run DMC, Radiohead, Foo Fighters, and Crystal Method, among others, Ellingson said that the most critical factor affecting the decision-making process was ultimately the performers' availability. "We have two talent buyers who talk to agents and come up with lists of performers who are available during that time, but it's place availability too. One band might be available that night, but will be in London. If they have a big crew, we can't fly them all over here -- that would get expensive. We're flying Moby down from New York, but he doesn't have a big crew, so it's not that big of a deal." Enthusiastic about this year's list of performers, Ellingson said that he hopes students will take advantage of having three prominent acts playing on campus, anticipating the concert to be widely attended. "I just want students to drop their books for a second and come out. I hope that this will be something that everyone can remember for a while and where people can just have a really good time." Scott Steg "...impeccably bred..." ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Michael Lawyer" Subject: Re: (mobility) Mobility party ...My dream Date: 01 May 1998 09:56:47 CST6CDT what would moby think? This is my dream... If we were to have a rave/party, it should be somewhere like St. Louis or Chicago, in the general center of the US. The feasibility of mobites coming from overseas is pretty "subnil", so maybe there could be another one in London or somewhere central to the Continent. Summer's coming up, so the younger of us would be out of school, and St. Louis is easily accessible by Amtrak or plane. We could find an empty warehouse-type building downtown, or maybe there is a listmember in St. Louis with a large house. M aybe we could get Moby to show up? probably not, but this is my dream... just dreamin'... -Cye ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jonathan Ruano Subject: Re: (mobility) e-zine chalf full of moby Date: 01 May 1998 17:05:47 +0200 > Ok, this is soooo sweet...I was scouring the net for ambient music and > found this web the download section almost EVERY single > issue has timbits from THE MAN himself....for real..what a find:) > check it out:) Sh*t, only for Windows... :( -- 512/781AF549 1997/11/26 Jonathan Ruano (low-sec) Key fingerprint = 7A 87 8E 82 50 82 1D 19 CD BE 3E 20 FA 80 6F 8F For more bits, browse ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Freak Subject: (mobility) Mobility Party Date: 01 May 1998 13:28:05 -0400 (EDT) I would love to get together with y'all but I live in Jersey and well Hawii? 's not happenin...sorry...I'm very poor and although the CD promotion things sounds ridiculously cool...I know I wouldn't be able to pull it off. I think we need to set our goals a little bit lower. The Chicago Summer Breeze or whatever the hell sounds fun...Anyone from jersey want to carpool? If that doesn't work, maybe we can have small little gatherings, kinda get to know eachother...or does that sound super cheesey...yeah it does..but let me know. Oh and by the way...I just want to know why, when a male DJ gets up on stage and goes nuts..he's just "getting off on his own shit...feeling the music" but when a female does it, or raises her voice in any way it makes her a feminist, or a bitch. Stop trying to analyze it.. and try and feel it instead? :) That's all. Much love :) Danielle ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Steve Giles Subject: RE: (mobility) Mobility Party Date: 01 May 1998 14:37:28 -0400 >but when a female does it, or raises her voice >in any way it makes her a feminist, or a bitch. Stop trying to analyze >it.. and try and feel it instead? :) >That's all. >Much love :) >Danielle I haven't really noticed this, being a dude, but I can see how that attitude would exist. While this is not true in music in general, I can see how this would happen in a male-dominated 'industry' (lack of better word) I don't think this personally, I'll listen to whoever kicks musical ass I won't play silly games like those. It's only a matter of time, people are slowly shedding such self-serving opinions as time passes. (see Moby essay in AR, tolerance rant) there are prejudiced screwheads in any group or place. You just gotta sort em out. Don't listen or give credibility to such nonsense. I won't. I will be going to see Moby on 5/16. Yahooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!! -Steve ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (mobility) Mobility Party Date: 01 May 1998 13:47:27 -0500 (CDT) as for the show in chicago....does anyone know how to purchase tickets for this event? or where? or whatever? any help would be greatly appreciated! thanks. as for mobility parites...i think that if you can find anyone on the list near your area, just get together and have a good time. the more the merrier, or course, but even in a group of 2, what great fun that could be! andy gingerbread man "run, run, as fast as you can, you can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread man!" np: BBMH Single ("It's Hard To Let You Go!!!!") ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Steve Giles Subject: (mobility) I need a Univ of Chi student fast! Date: 01 May 1998 15:22:51 -0400 We have a problem, Summer Breeze attendees! The show is closed to non U of C people. I called the MAB (see Scott's post for info) and the really nice lady told me to get a U of C student to get them. She thanked me for my interest and told me that it's a stupid rule/ technicality. If no one here can help, I'll go to the campus and find someone, damn it all to hell. Here's the phone # for info: (773)-702-9729. Tickets go on sale Monday at the student activity center or something like that, at 57th & University in Hyde Park. She said they probably will be asking for IDs. Students are 8$ presale, $10 at door. Faculty & lab people are 10$ presale,$12 at door. Who's with me here? I got court on the 6th, so I already have work off that day. I figure Wednesday afternoon around 4 I'll take a train out and begin my Jedi training. I may have to use the dark side of the force to get them tickets, but I will. -Steve ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Christopher Michael Bourke Subject: (mobility) Me web page Date: 01 May 1998 14:44:33 -0500 Damn it, I don't know why no one can access it, I am getting hits from some people, anyway, it should work, you may not be able to get it because it is on a personal web server and my computer is only on during the day, try it during the day or the weekend nights even, I will try to leave it on then. ________________________________________________________ The resistance to a new idea increases by the square of its importance -Be rtrand Russell I have a distain for authority but a passion for justice -Ch ris Bourke -----Original Message----- >Clay ev2k wrote:>>>GET BACK TO WOOORRRKKKKK steve : ) >Actually, I should get back to WOK. I love Chinese food. > >Random bouts of rough physical labor office building wanderings (fedex >deliveries) interspersed with jalapeno krunchers, Moby rants, and little >debbie peanut butter bars. Let's not forget the occasional web browse and >watermelon jolly rancher. I smoke newports and think about music. > >Who's gonna go to the university on May 16! methinks I-be there. I'll call >today for info and post it up. (as my schedule permits, as I am busy despite >all appearances, clay. But I fly thru my deskwork due to a sort of mobility >motivation. Moby & Busta, I wish they'd take the stage together, twood be >tha funay-funkay bomb. > >Righto! Steve > >------------ >To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to >with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. > ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Paul Simpson Subject: (mobility) nova, moby...and how could you forget BJORK? Date: 01 May 1998 13:12:03 -0700 (PDT) heather nova......hmmmmm, i remember her, like 3 years ago she came out with a song called "walk this world" and an album "oyster" that the rawk station here played a lot, i think she sounds like sarah mclachlan or something... ryu is dead right. (sorry im late, on the digest...) if moby's music all sounded like outtakes of EIW or something that would be cool because it's moby, but it would definitely get very boring after a while. if moby went ska that would all change. or maybe he should have mad professor or lee perry make a dub reggae album of his music. it could be called "Moby---In Dub!" hee hee, i think that's funny. my friend Spaz would think thats funny. of course jam n spoons "in dub" mix of go was kind of weird and frightening IMHO. i didn't much like it. of course moby could always fulfill clay's dreams and go polka ;) or maybe on weird al's next album collaborate with him on the "Techno Polka"!!!! my brother has always imagined what weird al doing a polka version of "firestarter" would sound like.... "I'm the firestarter...twisted firestarter...aaaaaa...HEY!! HEY!!! HEY!!!!" whatever. that would probably suck anyway. you know you've sold out when weird al parodys your song, or turns it into a polka. btw, i think there are many female djs in techno that nobody knows about, since most of techno is faceless anyway. and what about that girl from KMFDM? and that girl from Shizuo? and all of Moby's singers? and beth orton? and beth from portishead? and the lead singer of hooverphonic? there are many females in trip-hop....oh yes how about BJORK? and theres like thousands of house music divas out there. (or is that disco, not techno?) OH yes, that girl from sneaker pimps, how could we forget about her? of course i think most females in techno music sing instead of make the music (or write it) and another thing, that prodigy song that was used in schick razor commercials, it wasn't really breathe, just a cheap ripoff. bye == and remember kids, >>>>>>>>>>PAUL<<<<<<<<<< says, "Always tell your mummy before going somewhere" _________________________________________________________ DO YOU YAHOO!? Get your free address at ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Paul Simpson Subject: (mobility) aphex/all saints is just a joke, etc. Date: 01 May 1998 13:27:28 -0700 (PDT) btw, the rumours of the aphex twin vs. all saints e.p.s are just a joke started by an afx site called aphexweb...address: if thats not it go to yahoo under rich james and go to aphexweb... johan, did u send the tape out yet? you said you would the next day, a weekago, did you just not send it out? g. walker, did you get the $$$/tapes i sent you? xaq, did u get the tape i sent you? ryu, i cant wait for pmf!!! okay bye...oh yes, does anyone know what moby was like as a child/growing up? i mean no one here would know first hand but wasnt he a hardcore punk rich kid? and did he grow up in darien CT? has he ever covered Beatles, Zep, Queen or Pink FLoyd? (my 4 fave classic rock bands) bye (again)...check out my super cool sig if you haven't already!! == and remember kids, >>>>>>>>>>PAUL<<<<<<<<<< says, "Always tell your mummy before going somewhere" _________________________________________________________ DO YOU YAHOO!? Get your free address at ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ade Subject: Re: (mobility) I need a Univ of Chi student fast! Date: 01 May 1998 16:33:48 -0500 >We have a problem, Summer Breeze attendees! The show is closed to >non U of C people. Damn. Say it ain't so! You think there'd be scalpers there or anything? .oooO Oooo. --Ade. ( ) ( ) \ ( ) / \_) (_/ ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Steve Giles Subject: RE: (mobility) I need a Univ of Chi student fast! Date: 01 May 1998 17:41:50 -0400 Me: >>We have a problem, Summer Breeze attendees! The show is closed to >>non U of C people. Ade: >Damn. Say it ain't so! You think there'd be scalpers there or anything? Me again: Don't lose hope, young skywalker! It's only a rule, a technicality, not something chiseled in stone that can't be worked with. As you can see, I'm already formulating a plan. I shall be denied by no one! If nobody knows a student, I WILL GO GET ONE. Pretty simple. Find some friendly openminded student, buy 'em lunch in return for the ticket purchase. Something like that anyhooby. Don't give up! Ask around for a con-x for this. I mean everyone who wants to go. Thanks you ahead of time! Steve! ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Steve Giles Subject: (mobility) help me brainstorm Date: 01 May 1998 18:09:43 -0400 I've found someone who will sell me a 12" It's called Brainstorm Strange Attractor +2 r&s 9137 In Rare it says Brainstorm is a Moby psuedonym. Does anyone know if this is Moby or if it's some other schmuck? -Steve Talk to ya all Monday! ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (mobility) Moby MP3s Date: 01 May 1998 18:09:31 -0700 Last night I had the pleasure of hearing NEXT IS THE E (VICTORY MIX) for the first time... Great, excellent...ok- fuckin awesome. It's a great energetic, chaotic mix- i love it. I found the MP3 on this site which also has many other Moby tunes on it from the first album, move and EIW. Anyone who hasn't heard these should get yourself an MP3 player and go try them out. I reccommend winamp 1.7 It's easy to find if you search on winamp17.exe It's free... Here's the site address...there's lots of other stuff too including BT (featuring Tori Amos) Many people mentioned that before, it's a great song. have fun! paul ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (mobility) Mobility Party Date: 01 May 1998 18:33:12 -0700 So I gather from most of you that you don't want to try the promotional CD thing, I understand it's intimidating- but if we all beleived in it and had the ambition- IT WOULD WORK. It's easier than it sounds, I used to work in the promotions department of a small indie label, and I learned all the ins and outs, it's easy as pie. I actually like that idea even better than the party part of it, because if we all worked together it would be a chance to be directly involved with Moby and his music- and it would probably be a first for a mailing list to suddenly organize and become a promotions machine. So, smaller gatherings are the only thing that sound realistic. I'm in San Francisco, who else besides clay and one other are in CA? The Chicago thing is great for you guys, but I would have to say your estimate about it being central to all of us doesn't seem right to me- it's a five day drive to Chicago from here. You have to go over two major mountain ranges! Denver is more of a middle- but we probably don't even have someone there on the list. Anyway, if I was to fly to chicago, that actually costs more than flying to Hawaii for IF I had the money, you can bet I'd be in Hawaii- Chicago isn't much of a vacation for me, I grew up in the Chicago area. That's the other thing, the reason I made it more of a whole vacation package idea, is because it would be that way no matter where it was for most of us, ten days of round trip driving for one get together isn't gonna happen, so you might as well go for it and have it somewhere exotic. So how about everyone in the western US? We have exotic vacation spots falling out of our ass! Let's have one of our own if there's enough people... Big Sur is open again after highway 1 was repaired, King's Canyon isn't too crowded and very nice in the summer- Mt. Shasta is a great place for a party... Or maybe we can just meet out in the middle of the desert and play Moby as LOUD as we want. enoug, enough, i must stop! paul has anyone else played the n64 James Bond game? It's great while repeating Moby's JBTheme while playing!!!! Freak wrote: > > I would love to get together with y'all but I live in Jersey and > well Hawii? 's not happenin...sorry...I'm very poor and although the CD > promotion things sounds ridiculously cool...I know I wouldn't be able to > pull it off. I think we need to set our goals a little bit lower. The > Chicago Summer Breeze or whatever the hell sounds fun...Anyone from jersey > want to carpool? > If that doesn't work, maybe we can have small little gatherings, > kinda get to know eachother...or does that sound super cheesey...yeah it > does..but let me know. > Oh and by the way...I just want to know why, when a male DJ gets > up on stage and goes nuts..he's just "getting off on his own > shit...feeling the music" but when a female does it, or raises her voice > in any way it makes her a feminist, or a bitch. Stop trying to analyze > it.. and try and feel it instead? :) > > That's all. > > Much love :) > > Danielle > > ------------ > To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to > with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Daniel Lee Subject: Re: (mobility) Mobility Party Date: 01 May 1998 19:11:16 -0700 wrote: > So, smaller gatherings are the only thing that sound realistic. > I'm in San Francisco, who else besides clay and one other are in CA? I'm in Sunnyvale, about 40 minutes south of San Francisco. Oh, and I LOVE the ideas you had for locations, especially the desert!!! HELL YEAH!!! Peace, Dan Lee. P.S. Anyone know anything about DJ Cake? ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Brad Caviness" Subject: (mobility) Moby in FLIPPER Date: 01 May 1998 21:24:37 -0500 > -----Original Message----- > and does anyone know what moby did in Flipper (i assume it's guitar, and > i don't think it's vocals) just wanted to get it straight........kc > I think, actually, he played drums. BSC ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Brad Caviness" Subject: RE: (mobility) Mobility Records Date: 01 May 1998 21:32:14 -0500 > -----Original Message----- > My idea for a fundraiser is the most exiting part actually, > I think it's workable if Moby liked the idea. > We could get permission to put out a CD with something unreleased > that Moby would provide for us, anything he may have that he > doesn't have other plans for...there are always a few songs like > that. > Paul, I've been trying to do that for over a month now. I've been trying to get a particular unreleased song for the cd sampler I'm putting out to promote my webzine (RIM Online). We started off with him, his management and I in agreement over a song. Then Moby decided the song wasn't finished and asked if I could pick a song that had been released, but one released only by Mute and not Elektra. So, long story short, I went from getting a piece of EuroPop gold (Schaumgummi) to a cut that most hardcore Moby fans are already aware of (Why Can't it Stop?) Plus, Moby still has a record company. Mute is releasing his future product worldwide. The only thing he needs is a US distributor. So, agreement for an entire single or EP release will probably not happen. Unfortunately. BSC ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Daniel Cerman Subject: Re: (mobility) help me brainstorm Date: 01 May 1998 21:49:32 -0600 Steve Giles wrote: > I've found someone who will sell me a 12" > It's called Brainstorm Strange Attractor +2 r&s 9137 > In Rare it says Brainstorm is a Moby psuedonym. > Does anyone know if this is Moby or if it's some other schmuck? It's some schmuck, if you want to put it that way. ;) Brainstorm is also the name of someone other than Moby. In Germany, Moby's Brainstorm release came out under the name Mindstorm to avoid conflicting with the other Brainstorm, I believe. This "Strange Attractor" record is not by Moby. Daniel Cerman ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Daniel Cerman Subject: Re: (mobility) help me brainstorm Date: 01 May 1998 21:50:29 -0600 Steve Giles wrote: > I've found someone who will sell me a 12" > It's called Brainstorm Strange Attractor +2 r&s 9137 > In Rare it says Brainstorm is a Moby psuedonym. > Does anyone know if this is Moby or if it's some other schmuck? It's some schmuck, if you want to put it that way. ;) Brainstorm is also the name of someone other than Moby. In Germany, Moby's Brainstorm release came out under the name Mindstorm to avoid conflicting with the other Brainstorm, I believe. This "Strange Attractor" record is not by Moby. Daniel Cerman ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Kingmob83 Subject: Re: (mobility) Moby in FLIPPER Date: 02 May 1998 01:00:52 EDT In a message dated 98-05-01 22:25:39 EDT, you write: << > and does anyone know what moby did in Flipper (i assume it's guitar, and > i don't think it's vocals) just wanted to get it straight........kc > >> Actually i believe he was pulling duty as on o fthere two bassists ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bonnie Williams Subject: Re: (mobility) Mobility Party Date: 01 May 1998 22:52:37 -0700 > > So, smaller gatherings are the only thing that sound realistic. > I'm in San Francisco, who else besides clay and one other are in CA? i'm in san SF or anything around there would be great....kc ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Your Name Subject: Re: (mobility) Mobility Party Date: 02 Sep 1998 18:05:20 +0000 as it looks like we head towards a 4 chapter mobility international club 1 west coast usa 2 central usa 3 east coast usa 4 europe sorry but the party is still at my house even though no one showed last night : ( and brad....since you're chattin with the man about important stuff...... drop him this trivia question would ya......what TIME was he born? see if HE KNOWS THAT ONE? inquiring minds want to know........ clay ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "G. Walker" Subject: (mobility) Modern Rock Live Date: 02 May 1998 14:24:25 +0500 Does anyone have a copy of the transcript, or better yet, a recording, whatever, from when Moby was on that radio show, Modern Rock Live, last January (I think it was) I would really, really, really like to hear that again since when i first heard it i heardly new who Moby was... in other news....guess who just got her tickets for this year's Tibetan Freedom Concert.... ;) --ginger! ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Brad Caviness" Subject: (mobility) Riding on a Jet Airliner Date: 02 May 1998 22:35:31 -0500 I don't know what this has to do with anything, but I was this (that is *-*) close to buying a ticket on Southwest and flying up to Chicago for Moby's set. A friend told me that Southwest was offering $39 round-trip tickets to certain cities. Little Rock was included, but only to St. Louis, not Chicago. Hmm. Maybe I'll try again tomorrow and see if Chicago is included from St. Louis. I can see it now, I fly to St Louis, catch a connecting to Chi-Town, then do it in reverse the following day. For $80. Of course that's a lot for one show. Maybe one day I'll get a show in driving distance from Little Rock. Brad S. Caviness, Ricochet Bigwig Ricochet Internet Music Magazine ( "I am a cipher wrapped in an enigma smothered in a secret sauce." -- Jimmy James, "News Radio" "The best way to communicate should be banging on a drum and screaming." -- Moby, musician. ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Brad Caviness" Subject: (mobility) Is anybody out there? Date: 03 May 1998 09:40:33 -0500 Is anyone else's messages not going through to the list? I just upgraded my email software this weekend, and now I'm getting duplicate messages from one list, none from this one, including messages I've sent myself. I'm starting to think something's screwy with Mr. Gates' new product. Or is the list itself gone buggy in Damian's absense? Brad S. Caviness, Ricochet Bigwig Ricochet Internet Music Magazine ( "I am a cipher wrapped in an enigma smothered in a secret sauce." -- Jimmy James, "News Radio" "The best way to communicate should be banging on a drum and screaming." -- Moby, musician. ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Your Name Subject: Re: (mobility) Is anybody out there? Date: 03 Sep 1998 19:19:39 +0000 Brad.... i've been receiving your messages and i hope you got mine from sat evening in relation to moby and the age of aquarius..... as i'm still asking>>>>>>> clay know gates is screwy to create an os that has a 2 digit based clock built into it.......good luck with y2k!!!!!!!!! > Is anyone else's messages not going through to the list? I just upgraded my > email software this weekend, and now I'm getting duplicate messages from one > list, none from this one, including messages I've sent myself. I'm starting > to think something's screwy with Mr. Gates' new product. Or is the list > itself gone buggy in Damian's absense? > > Brad S. Caviness, Ricochet Bigwig > Ricochet Internet Music Magazine ( ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Michaela Gerstner" Subject: Re: (mobility) Mobility Party Date: 03 May 1998 09:56:46 -0700 hmm... i wouldn't mind knowing the time he was born, either. i'd *LOVE* to do an astrology chart on him! Blessed Be, Plovious -----Original Message----- >and brad....since you're chattin with the man about important >stuff...... >drop him this trivia question would ya......what TIME was he born? >see if HE KNOWS THAT ONE? >inquiring minds want to know........ > >clay ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (mobility) Is anybody out there? Date: 03 May 1998 22:03:20 -0600 Hello, I received a bounced email from you (Brad) yesterday, it had a word that triggered the mailing program to forward it to me. Sadly, that same day I received about 30 other bounced emails that weren't legitimate and yours temporarily got lost in the shuffle. Because I am not on my own computer system, my response time has been lacking in most areas. But that is probably a good thing because your account would have been unsubscribed at the beginning of this week due to it not accepting about one dozen emails sent from the mailing list. I'm glad to see that your new software appears to be up and running. I wish I could get back to mine. ): BTW: My absence occurred two weeks ago... and in the future... it is best to send an email directly to me when experiencing a problem with the list (to avoid these public reply's). What's the address for future reference you say? (: Pick one: On Sun, 3 May 1998, Brad Caviness wrote: > Is anyone else's messages not going through to the list? I just upgraded my > email software this weekend, and now I'm getting duplicate messages from one > list, none from this one, including messages I've sent myself. I'm starting > to think something's screwy with Mr. Gates' new product. Or is the list > itself gone buggy in Damian's absense? ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Ryan Taylor) Subject: Re: (mobility) is Moby for real?/Catching Up Date: 04 May 1998 06:17:25 -0400 > I was wondering... (I am about to hop into an oven)...what if all of Moby's eco-friendliness, vegetarianism, etc. is just a show? >-Cye It's funny how some of the same ?'s keep popping up now and then(This was brought up a while back). Moby answered this question in Axcess Magazine(March/April '95). "But the reason this article exists, the reason why the interview was set up, why the photo shoot was put together, is because there is a product being sold for profit. A product with Moby's name on it. That is capitalism. How can he justify that? 'That's a tough question. It's especially tough because the product is made of plastic. It's going to end up in a landfill at some point. It's never going to decay. It's going to be around for hundreds of thousands of years. There is paper in it that has been bleached and the dioxins get poured into the water system. And I'm responsible for it. I'm a hypocrite. My rationalization to myself right now is that I have my agenda- which is personal responsibility and environmental activism. If I stood on the corner of Melrose and started screaming, I'd either get arrested or ignored. But because I am in the belly of the beast, I can do interviews and reach some people. And hopefully, at some point, we'll all be smart enough to say, 'We're a part of this system of destruction, we don't want to be a part of it. It's wrong. We're going to change it.'" It'd seem to me that what he's doing is more than just a show..considering some of the "extreme" views he takes. Now for other news... About the Mobility list parties around the world. Me being in Boise, Idaho and with limited travel time would pretty much count me out..BUT..that shouldn't stop the rest of you of putting something together...Just make sure you have a fun..but safe time :). Welcome to the list Danielle(and anyone else I may of missed)..It's always great to get new members with fresh ideas/questions/etc. That's all for now...back to studying(BTW..sorry for "lateness" of this message..I haven't been able to respond to my email lately) Ryan np: nothing =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Ryan Taylor ICQ#: 1607223 Homepage to come soon "People suing ski areas should be shot." -Scot Schmidt "Duhhh, don't do that! And stop with the wispery hissing, you sound like a Brian Eno record." -Pearl Forester to Observer =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Steve Giles Subject: (mobility) My Love Will Never Die Date: 04 May 1998 11:11:51 -0400 To me it seems criminal that 'My Love Will Never Die' was excluded from the US version of Animal Rights. I bought the 2CD late last week and threw it on. I hadn't heard AR in about 1 year, and I'd heard the US ver. only. MLWND is a great song that got stuck in my head right away, and although Id have trouble choosing favorites on AR, this would rank high. I got many "What are you babbling about?" comments last weekend due to uncontrollable repetitions of MLWND under my breath. Anyhow, maybe one day I'll get to hear 'Anima' again. Has anyone had any luck on getting a University Of Chicago student? -Steve ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Brad Caviness" Subject: RE: (mobility) My Love Will Never Die Date: 04 May 1998 18:29:45 -0500 > -----Original Message----- > From: Steve Giles > To me it seems criminal that 'My Love Will Never Die' was excluded > from the US version of Animal Rights. > You and I agree on that point. To me, the UK version of animal rights had that perfect balance of animalistic, organic rock, perfectly balanced by Little Idiot's soothing spitituality. Or if you don't have the 2cd version, AR has almost perfect symmetry: mellow opening, non-stop rock for nine songs, mellow closing. A perfect roller coaster ride. My guess is Moby himself pulled the song from the US version of the record so there would be eight vocal cuts balanced by eight instrumental cuts. Elektra actually put the cut up on their "official" web page last spring in real audio, so apparently they liked it too. Nearly as great a crime is the relegation of "Love Hole" to bside status on the limited "Come On Baby" 2cd single. Only 10,000 people got to hear this gem that easily qualifies as one of Moby's best guitar tracks. And after that the single was discontinued, included on neither version of the record. BSC ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jonathan Ruano Subject: Re: (mobility) aphex/all saints is just a joke, etc. Date: 05 May 1998 17:05:15 +0200 > okay bye...oh yes, does anyone know what moby was like as a > child/growing up? i mean no one here would know first hand but wasnt > he a hardcore punk rich kid? I imagine him something like the boy in the Addams Family :), bald and very uncommon :) Jonathan. -- 512/781AF549 1997/11/26 Jonathan Ruano (low-sec) Key fingerprint = 7A 87 8E 82 50 82 1D 19 CD BE 3E 20 FA 80 6F 8F For more bits, browse ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Daniel Redmond) Subject: (mobility) Mobility party Northwest Date: 05 May 1998 09:22:49 -0400 ryan: we should get one going here, sort of a Pacific Northwest chapter, seeing as we're all pretty much isolated unless we live in Seattle :) How bout it, everyone in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington? Daniel Redmond (formerly dan #5) np:some crap on the radio ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Rasidel Jedro Slika" Subject: (mobility) Moby on Recoil page Date: 05 May 1998 15:23:47 -0700 There was news of a new official Recoil site (Recoil is Alan Wilder, former Depeche Mode member) and so I went and checked it out, and Moby is mentioned under the "Collaboration" section. Go here: get into the site, click "A-Files" and then click "Collaborator". Scroll down to Moby. RRR aka delobbo --- ________________________________________ ||depechemodemobymegadetherasurepetshopboys ||kmfdmcurefront242nitzerebbnineinchnails ||celinedionmarilynmansonu2ministry Free web-based email, Forever, From anywhere! ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Victor Magnuson Subject: (mobility) uk version Date: 05 May 1998 19:25:40 +0000 i just bought single of prodigy's charely/everybody in the place, with moby's remix of the latter. very cool but not much different from original. definetly worth the $7. it has 4 songs and 2 remixes(one by moby) where is good place to find 2cd uk version of AR on the web or isn't it availealble anymore? ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dr.Killpatient" Subject: Re: (mobility) Mobility party Northwest Date: 05 May 1998 17:30:32 -0700 Daniel Redmond wrote: > > ryan: we should get one going here, sort of a Pacific Northwest chapter, > seeing as we're all pretty much isolated unless we live in Seattle :) > > How bout it, everyone in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington? I went through Oregon and Washington last summer, it's not so far from San Francisco- so let me know when you are thinking of getting together. Or like I said it's not that far, so maybe some of you could make it to NoCA for a party...maybe Tahoe? paul > > Daniel Redmond (formerly dan #5) > np:some crap on the radio > > ------------ > To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to > with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: aluminum angel Subject: Re: (mobility) Mobility party Northwest Date: 05 May 1998 17:54:01 -0700 how 'bout portland, oregon? pretty neutral for OR, WA, ID and North Cali... plus, i wouldn't have to drive.... ;). -aluminum angel ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: John Tice Subject: Re: (mobility) uk version Date: 05 May 1998 21:30:18 -0400 >where is good place to find 2cd uk version of AR on the web or isn't it >availealble anymore? > i believe it is still available, i would suggest all the usual suspects as far as buying it goes, you know, CDNow, Music Boulevard, CDWorld, etc. I think Music Boulevard's the cheapest of those, you should check them out. i thoroughly recommend the uk AR cds, some of my favorites. they're good because you can play one to fit your mood, agressive/loud or soothing/calm. definitely better than the us release in my opinion. hope that helps. Andrew "Traditionally, most of Australia's imports come from overseas." -Keppel Enderbery ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dr.Killpatient" Subject: Re: (mobility) Mobility party Northwest Date: 05 May 1998 17:58:48 -0700 aluminum angel wrote: > > how 'bout portland, oregon? pretty neutral for OR, WA, ID and North > Cali... plus, i wouldn't have to drive.... ;). Sounds good to me...but when is more important to if I can go... paul ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Your Name Subject: (mobility) Re: is Moby for real? Date: 06 May 1998 00:14:46 +0000 >ryan wrote::::::: > > I was wondering... (I am about to hop into an oven)...what if all of > Moby's eco-friendliness, vegetarianism, etc. is just a show? > >-Cye is part of a show called life and i am glad to see all my friends must be having one living one and maybe even well........ ahem as we are not having 30 posts a day now>>>>>>> good!!!!!! moby is a contradiction which had no choice but to be>>>>>>>> and we are all contradictions unto ourselves that have no choice but to sort it out figure it out iron/hammer/work it out or die........ change or die or don't change and then die and you're changed anyways.............. so why not change our ways while we're still alive (if even we change slowly) so that others after us may live as well>>>>>>>>>>>> +++++++listened to everything is wrong in it's entirety tonight+++++++++++++ my new room-mate from germany had never heard it before well....that's changed now alas much love to you all clay (also listened to cj bolland, bjork, erasure, orbital, messiah) ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ryu Subject: Re: (mobility) aphex/all saints is just a joke, etc. Date: 06 May 1998 13:57:07 -0400 >okay bye...oh yes, does anyone know what moby was like as a >child/growing up? i mean no one here would know first hand but wasnt >he a hardcore punk rich kid? and did he grow up in darien CT? has he >ever covered Beatles, Zep, Queen or Pink FLoyd? (my 4 fave classic >rock bands) i think he said that as a really young kid, he was really quiet, but as a teenager became really rebelious. his money situation was upper-middle class i believe too, and his dad didn't live with him, just his mom. he always has good things to say about her, except that the track "soft" was about him hearing her and non-serious sex partners goin' buck wild in the bedroom. i've never heard of him covering the beatles, zeplin, queen, or floyd. he did cover "purple rain" once though....which i think is grand. from, ryu ################################ "POWER MADE FLESH" The new CD from Ryu now available on Shoryuken! Records. Go to Ryu's Dojo for more info: ################################ Ryu | | 814-867-0756 ################################ ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Ryan Taylor) Subject: Re: (mobility) Mobility party Northwest Date: 06 May 1998 14:19:10 -0400 >ryan: we should get one going here, sort of a Pacific Northwest chapter, >seeing as we're all pretty much isolated unless we live in Seattle :) > >How bout it, everyone in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington? I'm game..just give me enough time in advance so I can get time off work :). Might be a good idea to plan for August..My gf is looking into visiting Portland/Cannon Beach for a few days..I'll most likely tag along :). >Daniel Redmond (formerly dan #5) >np:some crap on the radio You actually listen to the radio here? I only do when I'm forced to..Radio sucks here..thank god for my cd collection(maybe we should start our own radio station? :) ) >how 'bout portland, oregon? pretty neutral for OR, WA, ID and North >Cali... plus, i wouldn't have to drive.... ;). >-aluminum angel Neutral? Not even...Pendleton, OR is more neutral...If we add SLC to the picture..we're getting closer to Boise :). Anyways..I'm not complaining..Portland works for me...Let's get this thing going..Any tour dates for the US yet..Would be cool if we could plan this around a concert(if not Moby..maybe another electronic artist). Ryan np: Schmendryck K. Archer: "Nine Inch Muzak" =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Ryan Taylor ICQ#: 1607223 Homepage to come soon "People suing ski areas should be shot." -Scot Schmidt "Duhhh, don't do that! And stop with the wispery hissing, you sound like a Brian Eno record." -Pearl Forester to Observer =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Kpicara Subject: Re: (mobility) aphex/all saints is just a joke, etc. Date: 06 May 1998 18:57:23 EDT In a message dated 98-05-06 14:00:54 EDT, you write: > i've never heard of him covering the beatles, zeplin, queen, or floyd. i thought he did stairway to heaven once? ,s ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jonathan Ruano Subject: (mobility) Re: EU Mobility party (& Spiritualised) Date: 07 May 1998 18:03:17 +0200 First of all, I wouldnt like this list to split in EU-Mobility and US-Mobility. I hope we all are patients when it comes to locally referred posts.. > Hey, European fellows.. what about if we try the same for, let's say > London, or Paris ? > > I'm up for a Moby party in London - for definite. At the mo > travelling to the continent may be a bit of a hassle, but > if fellow, like-minded Europeans are prepared to travel to > London.....? I'd rather go to London, cause in Paris everybody have something wrong in their mouths. :) This way, I could visit a friend of mine who is working there :) > For starters you could try 'Electric > Mainline'(Spiritualised, that is). I'l try get to listen to it... Jonathan. -- 512/781AF549 1997/11/26 Jonathan Ruano (low-sec) Key fingerprint = 7A 87 8E 82 50 82 1D 19 CD BE 3E 20 FA 80 6F 8F For more bits, browse ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jonathan Ruano Subject: (mobility) Re: EU Mobility party Date: 07 May 1998 18:04:46 +0200 > I'll be in the London area from July 15 to 25. How cool is that? Will be Moby performing there ? It'll be great taking advantage of the journey and see him. Jonathan. -- 512/781AF549 1997/11/26 Jonathan Ruano (low-sec) Key fingerprint = 7A 87 8E 82 50 82 1D 19 CD BE 3E 20 FA 80 6F 8F For more bits, browse ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (mobility) what a good birfday! Date: 07 May 1998 13:08:17 -0500 (EST) well, i thought i would write a bit abt how rad my friend sean is.... yesterday was my b-day, and he made me this thing... out of wire and coat hangers,and i said what is it he said it was me and moby dancing.... and the silver lines around the outside (wire) was moby's music... that is the first cool thing.... then, he says he might be able to get me tickets to the moby /sonic youth/busta rhymes show at u of c, cos he has friends there... that would be heaven, seeing as how i have never seen moby live.. and have been listening to him for three years.... what do you expect? i live in indiana.... just wanted to share my birthday excitement with all you fine folks. xo~sera~xo otherwise known as cookypuss ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dennis Daniels" Subject: Re: (mobility) aphex/all saints is just a joke, etc. Date: 08 May 1998 15:58:56 -0500 Didn't Moby say his dad slammed his car into a brick wall and killed himself when Moby was 2 years old? Or was he just joking? I read that on the KPNT webpage when they still had band profiles. Sort of off topic, every so often I discover a song that I didn't realize I had until I finally listen to it, and this time it's Orbital's "The Girl With The Sun In Her Head". I think Moby could do a good job remixing it. Probably doesn't mean much to anyone else, but I'm fascinated by this song. d. ---------- >okay bye...oh yes, does anyone know what moby was like as a >child/growing up? i mean no one here would know first hand but wasnt >he a hardcore punk rich kid? and did he grow up in darien CT? has he >ever covered Beatles, Zep, Queen or Pink FLoyd? (my 4 fave classic >rock bands) i think he said that as a really young kid, he was really quiet, but as a teenager became really rebelious. his money situation was upper-middle class i believe too, and his dad didn't live with him, just his mom. he always has good things to say about her, except that the track "soft" was about him hearing her and non-serious sex partners goin' buck wild in the bedroom. i've never heard of him covering the beatles, zeplin, queen, or floyd. he did cover "purple rain" once though....which i think is grand. from, ryu ################################ "POWER MADE FLESH" The new CD from Ryu now available on Shoryuken! Records. Go to Ryu's Dojo for more info: ################################ Ryu | | 814-867-0756 ################################ ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Daniel Cerman Subject: Re: (mobility) aphex/all saints is just a joke, etc. Date: 08 May 1998 15:16:07 -0600 Dennis Daniels wrote: > Didn't Moby say his dad slammed his car into a brick wall and killed > himself when Moby was 2 years old? Or was he just joking? I read that on > the KPNT webpage when they still had band profiles. That's no joke, I'm afraid. Daniel Cerman NP: Mindstorm, "Rock The House" ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Michaela Gerstner" Subject: (mobility) WWMD bracelets Date: 08 May 1998 20:32:51 -0700 sorry to do it on this list, but i lost the addresses for the people who wanted to What Would Moby Do bracelets. i received lots of requests, and $ from only one person. if ppl still want their bracelets, they need to e-mail me. i need to know if there are still orders out there. so.. sorry this doesn't exactly mention moby, but this needed to be done. Blessed Be, Plovious ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: bulb naked Subject: (mobility) chicago tix Date: 08 May 1998 21:54:38 -0700 (PDT) does anyone have a buyer for the may 16th chicago show? i have devised a plan to go but obviously need tickets.. email me privately if anyone would be able to pick 2 tix up.. tony btw. does anyone know if moby has a current girlfirend? i know its sometimes weird to be interested in personal lives but moby is just too interesting.. _________________________________________________________ DO YOU YAHOO!? Get your free address at ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: James Raiswell Subject: (mobility) instrumentals? Date: 09 May 1998 0:59:14 EDT i've been struggling with this question since i first got into moby way back when... which do you prefer? moby's instrumentals or his songs with lyrcial accompaniment? (or even his covers, since you really *cannot* argue the strength of "that's when i reach for my revolver".) myself, i'm tending towards his instrumental stuff. songs like "shining" and "first cool hive" inspire all kids of incredible emotions in me, like the first time i heard "hurt" by nine inch nails. on the other hand, he's done some really good stuff w/lyrics (specifically most of the songs off AR). i dunno. call it a topic of discussion. james is bored and sober at 1am on a friday night and wishes to express his random musings with the rest of the people on this list... - james =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= the inscription on my tombstone reads: "wish you were here" the reverend james w. a. raiswell III -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Your Name Subject: Re: (mobility) chicago tix Date: 30 Aug 1998 15:04:45 +0000 > btw. does anyone know if moby has a current > girlfirend? i know its sometimes weird to be > interested in personal lives but moby is just too > interesting.. imagine how interesting she'd have to be>>>>>>>> cc: ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dr.Killpatient" Subject: (mobility) dirtylist rips on moby Date: 09 May 1998 18:22:52 -0700 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --------------4A863BE356E Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit thought some of you might 'enjoy' seeing what the originator of the underworld 'dirtylist' thought of Moby. paul --------------4A863BE356E Content-Type: message/rfc822 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: inline Received: from ( []) by (8.8.7/8.8.5) with ESMTP id IAA16587 for ; Sat, 9 May 1998 08:27:19 -0700 Received: from localhost by (8.9.0.Beta5/8.9.0.Beta5) with SMTP id IAA13502; Sat, 9 May 1998 08:24:20 -0700 (PDT) Received: by (bulk_mailer v1.8); Sat, 9 May 1998 08:24:17 -0700 Received: by (8.9.0.Beta5/8.9.0.Beta5) id IAA13481 for dirtylist-outgoing; Sat, 9 May 1998 08:24:14 -0700 (PDT) Received: from Default ( []) by (8.9.0.Beta5/8.9.0.Beta5) with SMTP id IAA13470 for ; Sat, 9 May 1998 08:24:10 -0700 (PDT) Message-Id: <> X-Sender: X-Mailer: Windows Eudora Light Version 1.5.2 Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Sender: Reply-To: Shaun : >I'm assuming it isn't an "official" release. I was wondering about the >non lp tracks (1,3). Where are they from and what time period were they >made? I have found the other tracks listed in the discog. BTW, the last >two are the same as on the Pearls Girl single as far as I can tell. >Anyways, thanks for any help... >1.Spikee Early >Version-Non Lp Track 12:33 >3.Dogman Go Woof >Early Version-Non LP Track 9:42 Yeah, that's defintely not an official release. 'Spikee' / 'Dogman Go Woof' was a single release back in the later portion of 1993, before 'Dubnobass...' came out. At the time it was touted as "Underworld's heaviest manifesto yet..." I don't know about THAT, but it's defintely a great single and worth hunting out if you don't have it (not you Shaun, because you already have what's on it.) I forgot who asked about Moby but no, I don't have any of his albums in the recommended listening section. I think some of his early singles are good, but everything past say 1994 is completely forgettable in my opinion. scott warner the dirtysite --------------4A863BE356E-- ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tim Beecher Subject: Re: (mobility) chicago tix Date: 10 May 1998 16:47:11 +0100 (British Summer Time) btw. does anyone know if moby has a current girlfirend? i know its sometimes weird to be interested in personal lives but moby is just too interesting.. Does anyone think Moby might be gay or bi? Just thought I'd throw that into the wind coz I'm interested to know what everyone else thinks about this. Maybe we shouldn't talk about Moby's personal life on the list, but then like you say he's very interesting and he is, after all making himself public through his music and philosophies. I wonder would Moby like everyone to know about his sexuality? TiM B. ---------------------- Tim Beecher Cranfield University ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Brad Caviness" Subject: (mobility) Is Moby Gay? Date: 10 May 1998 11:29:39 -0500 > -----Original Message----- > From: Tim Beecher > Does anyone think Moby might be gay or bi? I wonder > would Moby like everyone to know about his sexuality? > Damian, I think it's about high time you added this question to FAQ, since it seems to come up with alarming regularity. Disappointingly, to some, reassuringly, to others, Moby says he is purely heterosexual. Anyone who's ever heard or read him talk of his sex life would have no doubt of that. He has said he enjoys anal sex (there's a fun topic to broach), but only on the giving end. And, once again, only with women. BSC ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: John Turpin Subject: (mobility) compilation wish Date: 09 May 1998 23:02:36 -0500 You know what would be cool? Alex Patterson did a 2-CD compilation of Orb remixes titled _The Orb Remix Project: Auntie Aubrey's Excursions Beyond the Call of Duty_. I was looking through the Moby discog tonight and realized how interesting it would be to hear a compilation of some of Moby's remixes of other artists. Anyone have contacts at Mute? (heh) -- C The C.O.D. John Turpin | O D ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Ryan Taylor) Subject: Re: (mobility) dirtylist rips on moby Date: 10 May 1998 17:01:00 -0400 >thought some of you might 'enjoy' >seeing what the originator of the underworld 'dirtylist' >thought of Moby. > >paul "Opinions are like as*holes..everybody has one." So according to Scott..everything from the FSR singles to ITLS is forgettable..Now I'm wondering if he means forgettable as: Forget about getting any Moby release after 1994...or every release after 1994 is like all the other electronic shite being put out(i.e. forgettable). Now if the first is what he means..of course he has a right to an opinion..But imho..everybody should have EIW...the double remix album..EOE(Maybe he doesn't know Moby's the Voodoo Child?)and Rare(which technically predates 1994)...(still don't have I can't comment on it). I doubt he means the second...If Moby was a bandwagoner...AR would have not been released when it was..and none of the other releases are anything like the top40 "electronica(horf)" crap out there...Just realize that Scott has a right to an opinion..and not everyone has to like Moby(which is a good thing..means we don't have to fight the WHOLE world for hard to find singles :) ). BTW..Just a note to everyone who's on other lists...Be sure when you want to send to another list a post from said list(be it Mobility, Dirtylist, IDM, etc)..You have the person's ok to do so...Ppl like Scott posted to Dirtylist..not Mobility..Now I know we're all adults and we're not going to flame Scott for what he said(realizing he does have a right to an opinion)..But there are exceptions to every rule..and Scott's not asking for flames from the entire Moby list :). This is just a friendly reminder..I've seen what happens when ppl don't ask a person to send their post to another list. Ryan np: Underworld: "Born Slippy"(This was playing before I read the post..This isn't the first time this has happened :) ). =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Ryan Taylor ICQ#: 1607223 Homepage to come soon "People suing ski areas should be shot." -Scot Schmidt "Duhhh, don't do that! And stop with the wispery hissing, you sound like a Brian Eno record." -Pearl Forester to Observer =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tim Beecher Subject: Re: (mobility) Is Moby Gay? Date: 11 May 1998 09:50:31 +0100 (British Summer Time) He has said he enjoys anal sex (there's a fun topic to broach), but only on the giving end. And, once again, only with women I thought he was supposed to be a 'Christian'- a fairly radical one, but even so does that not go against his principles? I mean would he see this as a human slip up (EIW), but it would be better for sex between a committed married partner? I'm just interested to know what his spiritual view on this is. ---------------------- Tim Beecher Cranfield University ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: DEF Subject: (mobility) Re: mobility-digest V1 #156 Date: 11 May 1998 00:11:04 +0100 >> I'll be in the London area from July 15 to 25. How cool is that? >Will be Moby performing there ? It'll be great taking advantage of the >journey and see him. At the Phoenix Festival in Stratford-upon-Avon on July 19. ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Your Name Subject: Re: (mobility) Is Moby Gay? Date: 01 Sep 1998 04:18:53 +0000 > I thought he was supposed to be a 'Christian'- a fairly > radical one, but even so does that not go against his > principles? WELL.....tim......we often refer to moby.....the contradiction..... and the duality of man and oh yes woman it seems moby has enjoyed the fruits of the garden and has approached that from a few angles no? please be informed that moby is more modern and experimental/experiential than he is a church-goer if you read closely he bashes christianity at the same time he celebrates an adherence to it's most basic message and yet he lives in such a way as to require forgiveness at the end of the day> it would seem that nothing is perfect clay evolution2000 ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Mark Reed," Subject: Re: (mobility) dirtylist rips on moby Date: 11 May 1998 17:58:25 +0100 So how do I get to this dirtylist then? The underworld one? It must be better than shunt (The Recoil list) that stinks. sorry for the non Moby content except that I finally got the Demons/Horses Cd in a junk shop on Saturday... -- Mark Reed, ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Daniel Redmond) Subject: (mobility) Dog Heaven Date: 11 May 1998 13:01:50 -0400 I found a CD single of Dog Heaven at the local music shop and bought it. Amazing!! Especially the Extended mix! Definitely a must listen if you can find it (this one sat on the shelves for about eleven months), Any word on if there is a Hymn (this is my dream) single out anywhere? I'm going to try the good ol' local music shop (I actually have a catalog number, but have never seen the thing). Later, Daniel Redmond ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Daniel Redmond) Subject: Re:(mobility) Mobility Party Northwest Date: 11 May 1998 13:04:31 -0400 Sounds like August is going to be the best time to go...We'll get this nailed down as we get closer and some free time opens up. As for location, let's see if there's a tour coming through the area, and plan around that. Later, Daniel Redmond ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Paul Simpson Subject: (mobility) MIMI GOESE ALBUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Date: 11 May 1998 13:03:50 -0700 (PDT) ok evry1, turn your modem off for a while, this is gonna be a long one. okay, i was listening to WPKN (89.5 FM, Bridgeport CT, best station in the world, >>>>>>>>>PAUL<<<<<<<<<< _________________________________________________________ DO YOU YAHOO!? Get your free address at ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Paul Simpson Subject: (mobility) more mimi Date: 11 May 1998 13:34:37 -0700 (PDT) this tells about mimi goese's cd. it is called _soak_ (sorry, _fire and roses_ mustve been a song title.) btw, Bjork is aparently on the cd. == The hills are alive with the sound of...MU-ZIQ!!!! BRACE YOURSELF >>>>>>>>>>PAUL<<<<<<<<<< _________________________________________________________ DO YOU YAHOO!? Get your free address at ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Paul Simpson Subject: (mobility) sorry for the lies... Date: 11 May 1998 13:46:28 -0700 (PDT) nevermind, bjork is not on the cd. co-producer hector zazou has produced bjork before. another producer on the cd is Hahn Rowe (hey wasnt he on AR?) Byrne did NOT produce the cd. nevermind. _Soak_ is not a goese solo cd. it is released under the band name "Mimi". BTW, they also do an ambient version of soundgarden's "Black Hole Sun." Binnie Played this but i didn't know who it was. i looked at cdnow and it was from mimi's album. and it has 11 or 12 trax on it i think. maybe. of course im probably wrong. go here and find out about it yrself!!!! bye np:DJ Spooky, "Synthetic Fury", one of the best cds of this year...also probably the most diverse EP ever. almost as diverse as my other fave cd of the year... btw, that funky see thing was a dumb joke. i ripped that off from the simpsons, circa 91-92. doesn't moby watch the simpsons a lot? == The hills are alive with the sound of...MU-ZIQ!!!! BRACE YOURSELF >>>>>>>>>>PAUL<<<<<<<<<< _________________________________________________________ DO YOU YAHOO!? Get your free address at ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tim Beecher Subject: (mobility) Is Moby a Christian? Date: 11 May 1998 22:15:09 +0100 (British Summer Time) please be informed that moby is more modern and experimental/experiential than he is a church-goer if you read closely he bashes christianity at the same time he celebrates an adherence to it's most basic message and yet he lives in such a way as to require forgiveness at the end of the day> I'm not particularly holy and spiritual myself, but if Moby believes in God and 'basic Christianity' then you can't really be selective about what you think feels right for you. Isn't the wisdom of God supposed to tell you what's right for you? Surely, if you claim to believe in something like God and Christianity there has to be boundaries - like murder (though an extreme example)has always been wrong since time began. You can't really say that 'do not commit murder' is an old fashioned statement that can be done away with today? Didn't some pagans sacrfice their children because they felt it would please the gods they worshiped? Maybe they felt it was okay? I don't really know what to believe. Does Christianity mean you can do what you like because God will forgive you no matter what you do or is there more to it than that? I suppose like you say Moby is a contradiction and all of us are and I agree with most of his views, but do we give up and do what we like? Wow, that would be anarchy! Cool! - or is it? Love, peace and harmony, TiM B. ---------------------- Tim Beecher Cranfield University ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dr.Killpatient" Subject: Re: (mobility) Mobility party Northwest Date: 11 May 1998 18:13:56 -0700 Question: anyone on the list actually IN oregon? We need a local sponsor for this to work, so we have a contact who can find us a place to meet even if there is a moby show- finding each other AT the show could prove to be difficult, and after driving all that way we should be sure we can all meet each other! paul Ryan Taylor wrote: > > >ryan: we should get one going here, sort of a Pacific Northwest chapter, > >seeing as we're all pretty much isolated unless we live in Seattle :) > > > >How bout it, everyone in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington? > > I'm game..just give me enough time in advance so I can get time off work :). > Might be a good idea to plan for August..My gf is looking into visiting > Portland/Cannon Beach for a few days..I'll most likely tag along :). > > >Daniel Redmond (formerly dan #5) > >np:some crap on the radio > > You actually listen to the radio here? I only do when I'm forced to..Radio > sucks here..thank god for my cd collection(maybe we should start our own > radio station? :) ) > > >how 'bout portland, oregon? pretty neutral for OR, WA, ID and North > >Cali... plus, i wouldn't have to drive.... ;). > > >-aluminum angel > > Neutral? Not even...Pendleton, OR is more neutral...If we add SLC to the > picture..we're getting closer to Boise :). Anyways..I'm not > complaining..Portland works for me...Let's get this thing going..Any tour > dates for the US yet..Would be cool if we could plan this around a > concert(if not Moby..maybe another electronic artist). > > Ryan > np: Schmendryck K. Archer: "Nine Inch Muzak" > > =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= > Ryan Taylor ICQ#: 1607223 > > Homepage to come soon > > "People suing ski areas should be shot." -Scot Schmidt > "Duhhh, don't do that! And stop with the wispery hissing, you > sound like a Brian Eno record." -Pearl Forester to Observer > =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= > > ------------ > To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to > with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: aluminum angel Subject: Re: (mobility) Mobility party Northwest Date: 11 May 1998 18:39:31 -0700 Dr. Killpatient wrote: "Question: anyone on the list actually IN oregon? We need a local sponsor for this to work, so we have a contact who can find us a place to meet even if there is a moby show- finding each other AT the show could prove to be difficult, and after driving all that way we should be sure we can all meet each other!" well, i'm in portland, oregon right now... if we are planning on a mobility party-type thing in august, i'll check dates around here and see if there is anyone of "mobility" interest playing. or you can come see my band... we use electronics and we have a tentative show scheduled late that month in portland, sorry... shameless self promotion ;). -aluminum angel ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dr.Killpatient" Subject: Re: (mobility) Mobility party Northwest Date: 11 May 1998 18:54:31 -0700 aluminum angel wrote: > > Dr. Killpatient wrote: > "Question: anyone on the list actually IN oregon? > We need a local sponsor for this to work, so we have a > contact who can find us a place to meet even if there is > a moby show- finding each other AT the show could prove to > be difficult, and after driving all that way we should > be sure we can all meet each other!" > > well, i'm in portland, oregon right now... > > if we are planning on a mobility party-type thing in august, i'll check > dates around here and see if there is anyone of "mobility" interest > playing. or you can come see my band... we use electronics and we have a > tentative show scheduled late that month in portland, sorry... shameless > self promotion ;). > > -aluminum angel There is no shame in self promotion! That would work, in fact if anyone else that may wish to attend has a band- maybe we could have a show with other mobility list bands too! August sounds like the best idea for sure, I will work on a sign up form and post it on the web for all those interested. I'll let you know when I have that ready... paul > > ------------ > To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to > with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Your Name Subject: (mobility) Re: mobility t-shirts Date: 01 Sep 1998 21:13:58 +0000 > even if there is > a moby show- finding each other AT the show could prove to > be difficult, and after driving all that way we should > be sure we can all meet each other! > paul > i remember someone a month or so ago saying they were kind of interested in making t-shirts for people.....well i think for various reasons a mobility t-shirt and even button down version would be a great thing just as a club and as a means of identification>>>>>>>>>> i mean who else would have one but those of us on the list? would the real t-shirt maker please step up! ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dr.Killpatient" Subject: Re: (mobility) Re: mobility t-shirts Date: 12 May 1998 00:05:20 -0700 Your Name wrote: > > > even if there is > > a moby show- finding each other AT the show could prove to > > be difficult, and after driving all that way we should > > be sure we can all meet each other! > > paul > > > i remember someone a month or so ago saying they were kind of > interested in making t-shirts for people.....well > i think for various reasons a mobility > t-shirt and even button down version > would be a great thing > just as a club > and as a means of identification>>>>>>>>>> > > i mean who else would have one but those of us on the list? > > would the real t-shirt maker please step up! Very good idea ...whoever was going to do it my friend can make some semi OK iron ons with his printer.. we could always try that way paul > > ------------ > To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to > with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Your Name Subject: Re: (mobility) Is Moby a Christian? Date: 01 Sep 1998 21:52:23 +0000 > I'm not particularly holy and spiritual myself, but if Moby > believes in God and 'basic Christianity' then you can't > really be selective about what you think feels right for > you. Isn't the wisdom of God supposed to tell you > what's right for you? Surely, if you claim to believe in > something like God and Christianity there has to be > boundaries - like murder (though an extreme example)has > always been wrong since time began. 1) we are all spiritual in some way though maybe at various points in our realization.........we sometimes think we are more or less than others. 2) believing in one thing does not always mean you can't also believe in can believe it is wrong to kill and also believe one must kill that which randomly or unjustly kills others. even the bible preaches eye for an i as well as turning one's cheek> it also suggests that god must destroy the earth to destroy the evil within it.>>>>>>> this is where me and christianity part ways as i believe this only fuels the fire of every KIND of evil from the right wing nuts who wanna clean up america from all it's cretin scum to those who figure shit we all gon die anyway why not create some mad sick chaos and just get away wit it while we can>>>>>>> i believe moby's take on christianity must be very multi-dimensional>>>>>> personally i (like the rest of us here) would love to hear his current observations and views on all this but i think he's wise to go about doing what he does best which is make music it's like this::::::: you either know or you don't know and those of us who come into the world questioning the basic rules and regulations and codes of conduct morality right wrong .........well............. maybe we''ll never find it but just listening to some of this stuff the world has to offer certainly gets the mind to thinking that listening to foreigner or boston or whatever doesn't i wanna take you home tonight i wanna take you home tonight i wanna take you home tonight well blah blah blah does anybody believe moby quietly checks this list out on occasion? i would hope so.......... maybe we can get a guest appearance from him exclusively in the form of a cool e-mail or something.... one day? oh well sleep tight my fellow critters clay evolution2000 ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Your Name Subject: Re: (mobility) Re: mobility t-shirts Date: 01 Sep 1998 21:56:54 +0000 i think a small basic design using the word and up high across the shoulders towards the neck...... and maybe doubled down the sleeve>>>>>>> personally i wanna button up version we provide our own shirts and like 5 bucks for the hassle or something like that??? cc: ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dr.Killpatient" Subject: Re: (mobility) Re: mobility t-shirts Date: 12 May 1998 00:48:24 -0700 Your Name wrote: > > i think a small basic design using the word > and up high across the shoulders towards the neck...... > and maybe doubled down the sleeve>>>>>>> > personally > i wanna button up version > > we provide our own shirts and like > 5 bucks for the hassle or something like that??? > clay- you have to fix the date on your machine, I lose your messages alomst immediately, as I'm always doing ten other things at the time Are you talking to me? eh? about the iron ons? anyone else interested? the thing is the shirts really need to be white for it to work well in full color if we just want black or blue, any color will work but we should all pick the same color or it may not work (noticing the shirt randomly on someone else) because the iron ons look great at first but wash after wash they fade pretty bad...white of course is best. we should all design/vote on the logo design or whatever else we want on this paul > cc: > > ------------ > To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to > with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ade Subject: Re: (mobility) Is Moby a Christian? Date: 12 May 1998 03:43:27 -0500 >(like the rest of us here) would love to hear his current observations >and views on all this Current is right on. Maybe Moby's beliefs aren't really any sort of contradiction because they've changed from what we've read about on EIW. Anyone heard anything more recent than stuff he's written on album covers? Maybe he's been praising anal sex and posing in Playboy all along--I would be wrong then. But we all change. If I were to talk about my spirituality now it would be very different than how I would have talked about it even one year ago. >does anybody believe moby quietly checks this list out >on occasion? I've thought about that a lot before. Interesting idea. Maybe one of us is really him in disguise.... np: "Feeling So Real", EIW .oooO Oooo. --Ade. ( ) ( ) \ ( ) / \_) (_/ ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Steve Giles Subject: (mobility) Boom boom boom and a zoom zoom Date: 12 May 1998 08:52:17 -0400 Ade wrote: >I've thought about that a lot before. Interesting idea. Maybe one of us >is really him in disguise.... It's not me. Well last weekend I acquired the US FSR CD. Along w/ Eno's Fractal Zoom. (dorky name for a song title, good songs though. This single is a high value w/ 12 remixes of the song, 5 or 6 by Moby, for 5 bucks. Also got ETYTM, The Beatmasters 7" mix is probably my favorite. The Blue Light Of The Underwater Sun reminds me of Unloved Symphony in it's anguished techno content. I hope we get another limited edition 2CD set for Moby next album. That would be the hair of the goat's nuts, or something like that. Right. TTYL, Steve ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Woman of few words Subject: Re: (mobility) Re: mobility t-shirts Date: 12 May 1998 10:04:56 -0400 (EDT) I think it was bonnie williams who said she would do shirts if we wanted. I was reading some mobility mail that I had saved just yesterday and that was one of them. Is this feasible Bonnie? I'm game for one. --marjorana ******************************************************************************* "The flower is a leaf mad with love." -Goethe ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tim Beecher Subject: Re: (mobility) Is Moby a Christian? Date: 12 May 1998 14:38:38 +0100 (British Summer Time) Interesting how others view this - points taken. I'd much rather live in a free society than one where your choices are taken from you and other's wills are forced upon you - fascism,communism,imperialism/colonialism and religious fundamentalism have and still are responsible for that and no country can feel smug and throw stones at others. Even anarchists take the rights of others who want to live in peace. However, that doesn't mean that God doesn't exist. I think the religious bigots of this world forget that God gave us free will and brains to ask questions and reason with. Some of us might change spiritually, but do basic principles change? I suppose the best we can do with our imperfections, is attempt to strike a 'happy' balance in an imperfect world. Moby's concerns, passions, honesty and spiritual 'vibes' really come through in his music for me and I suppose for most of you people!? His beliefs appear to me, to be an integral part of his music. Maybe without them he wouldn't have the creativity? Maybe because Moby doesn't drink, take drugs/smoke, eat or wear animal products, we can't begrudge him the odd bit of anal sex!? He is human after all. For crying out loud, it's hard enough trying to give up one of these things! 'Let's carry each other - brothers and sisters.....' START A REVOLUTION..... L,P&H, TiM B. ---------------------- Tim Beecher Cranfield University ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Victor Magnuson Subject: (mobility) X-Sender: Date: 12 May 1998 09:33:15 +0000 >which do you prefer? moby's instrumentals or his songs with lyrcial >accompaniment? i'd have to say instrumentals. i think some of his best songs are of that type: hymn, alone, dead sun, etc. nonetheless, all of his songs rule and it wouldn't be moby if he didn't try different stuff. i wish he would print his lyrics, especially on AR. ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Your Name Subject: Re: (mobility) mobility t-shirts Date: 12 May 1998 08:19:45 +0000 SORRY ABOUT MY CLOCK!!! i've been needing a new battery for some time but haven't had the time or money to change it maybe today as i have the day off and maybe 20 dollars!!! i had an idea maybe corny but it would have like the golden arches for macdonald's as this m design with little musical balls at the ends as if it were sixteenth notes and below that have *obility* (over 200 served) nah aw well and oh > L,P&H, > > TiM B. and dagnabbit tim!!!!!!! how bout just a lil lovin anarchy!!!!!!? yeah brothers and sisters BTW i finnally got (uk version) end of everything (voodoo child) from my trade with Jaden-X and i think it is the moby cd i've always wanted from him......... deep clean beautiful clay ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Robert Traylor" Subject: Re: (mobility) Is Moby a Christian? Date: 12 May 1998 10:11:15 PDT >no country can feel smug and throw stones at others. Even >anarchists take the rights of others who want to live >in peace. However, that doesn't mean that God doesn't The rest of this sounded good, and I agree, but peace and anarchy are not opposites. Anarchy, in its original form, gave everyone the right to do anything that made them happy, provided that it did not infringe on anyone else's right to the same. Anyone who did so was no longer regarded as having that right. Of course, in reality, any attempt at such a society would result in social groups that emulate another social system (capitalism, communism, religion, totalitarianism) and would fight, disregarding each other's rights until one group took over and enforced its will on everyone through the threat of violence. . . . wait . . . didn't I just describe how all human "civilizations" up to this point have developed? Bob "take your hatred out on me . . ." Marilyn Manson -- "Tourniquet" ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chilidiba9 Subject: Re: (mobility) Is Moby a Christian? Date: 12 May 1998 15:36:57 EDT READ THE BIBLE.....ONE MUST NOT IGNORE ANYTHING FROM THE BIBLE...THE BIBLE IS THE BASIS OF TRUTH AND IF YOU DON'T AGREE WITH ONE THING, YOU ARE NOT A CHRISTIAN....IF YOU TAKE SERIOUSLY THE NEW TESTAMENT BUT NOT THE OLD TESTAMENT, YOU ARE NOT A TRUE CHRISTIAN...IT IS BASIC COMMON SENSE...I HATE GETTING INTO RELIGIOUS DISCUSSIONS BECAUSE IT IS SO BROAD AND IS SO OPEN TO SO MANY PEOPLE'S OPINIONS AND BELIEFS...THIS IS MINE..LOVE..ELIE ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Your Name Subject: Re: (mobility) truth thru christianity Date: 12 May 1998 14:36:19 +0000 > .I HATE > GETTING INTO RELIGIOUS DISCUSSIONS BECAUSE IT IS SO BROAD AND IS SO OPEN TO SO > MANY PEOPLE'S OPINIONS AND BELIEFS...THIS IS MINE..LOVE..ELIE yes kinda like opinions and notions of what is the truth>>>>>> but if the book of revelations is the truth then it's a truth that blows cause what's the point? i will always resist the notion that we must destroy what was created here on earth>>>>>>>>>>> i'm not certain that it's correct for any entity to destroy a house just because he created it if there are children in that house>>>>>>>>>>>> that is MY truth sweetie clay ps i guess you answered the question about moby being a true christian then... because well..... actions speak louder than words and moby is pretty active> ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Michaela Gerstner" Subject: Re: (mobility) Is Moby a Christian? Date: 12 May 1998 18:49:35 -0700 didn't we have this discussion a long time ago? i remember ppl getting pissed about this one. Plovious -----Original Message----- >> I'm not particularly holy and spiritual myself, but if Moby >> believes in God and 'basic Christianity' then you can't >> really be selective about what you think feels right for >> you. Isn't the wisdom of God supposed to tell you >> what's right for you? Surely, if you claim to believe in >> something like God and Christianity there has to be >> boundaries - like murder (though an extreme example)has >> always been wrong since time began. > >1) we are all spiritual in some way though maybe at various points in >our realization.........we sometimes think we are more or less than >others. >2) believing in one thing does not always mean you can't also believe >in can believe it is wrong to kill and also believe >one must kill that which randomly or unjustly kills others. >even the bible preaches eye for an i >as well as turning one's cheek> >it also suggests that god must destroy the earth to destroy the >evil within it.>>>>>>> > >this is where me and christianity part ways as i believe this only >fuels the fire of every KIND of evil from the right wing >nuts who wanna clean up america from all it's cretin scum to those who >figure shit >we all gon die anyway >why not create some mad sick chaos and just get away wit it while we >can>>>>>>> > >i believe moby's take on christianity must be very >multi-dimensional>>>>>> >personally >i >(like the rest of us here) would love to hear his current observations >and views on all this but i think he's wise to go about >doing what he does best >which is make music > >it's like this::::::: > >you either know or you don't know >and those of us who come into the world questioning the basic rules and >regulations and codes >of conduct >morality >right >wrong .........well............. > >maybe we''ll never find it >but just listening to some of this stuff the world has to offer >certainly gets the mind to thinking that listening to >foreigner >or boston or whatever doesn't > >i wanna take you home tonight >i wanna take you home tonight >i wanna take you home tonight > > > > >well blah blah blah > >does anybody believe moby quietly checks this list out >on occasion? > > >i would hope so.......... > >maybe we can get a guest appearance from him exclusively >in the form of a cool e-mail >or something.... >one day? > > >oh well >sleep tight my fellow critters > > >clay >evolution2000 > >------------ >To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to >with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ryu Subject: Re: (mobility) Is Moby a Christian? Date: 12 May 1998 23:04:05 -0400 i love this topic! keep it going! At 03:36 PM 5/12/98 EDT, you wrote: >READ THE BIBLE.....ONE MUST NOT IGNORE ANYTHING FROM THE BIBLE...THE BIBLE IS >THE BASIS OF TRUTH AND IF YOU DON'T AGREE WITH ONE THING, YOU ARE NOT A >CHRISTIAN.... i'm fairly certain that truth, like everything else, is relative. meaning, what you consider the ultimate truth may not be what an amish person would. i don't think it's fair to say that the bible is the basis of truth when it can be interpreted so many different ways...and has. the reason i'm unwilling to put all my faith in the bible is because it was written by imperfect men, and translated many many times by many many people with many many alterior motives in mind. >IF YOU TAKE SERIOUSLY THE NEW TESTAMENT BUT NOT THE OLD >TESTAMENT, YOU ARE NOT A TRUE CHRISTIAN...IT IS BASIC COMMON SENSE... i suppose my sense isn't common, and perhaps that's what makes me happiest. why should i have to have the same sense as the majority? to me, that is NONsense. but, i believe (i use the word "believe" because i don't think it's fair to declare facts on issues dealing with faith) that christ 'reset' alot of what was written in the old testament. i believe that was one of his main purposes for being put here, to get the people to live differently, and better in the eyes of god. so i think it's entirely possible to have a strong faith in the new testament, and little in the old. thanks, ryu ################################ "POWER MADE FLESH" The new CD from Ryu now available on Shoryuken! Records. Go to Ryu's Dojo for more info: ################################ Ryu 1013 S. Allen St., Apt. 507 State College, PA 16801 USA (814) 867-0756 ################################ ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tim Beecher Subject: Re: (mobility) mobility t-shirts Date: 13 May 1998 10:09:45 +0100 (British Summer Time) how bout just a lil lovin anarchy!!!!!!? yeah brothers and sisters Well, why not!? As for using McDonald's 'M' on these t-shirts.... well it might be a bit offensive to Moby and a few others. I mean they're not the most ethical, environmentally friendly, veggie, capitalist company are they? Just a thought, or maybe I'm being too sensitive? Men - get in touch with your feelings.... Love, peace, harmony and a touch of anarchy, TiM B. ---------------------- Tim Beecher Cranfield University ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tim Beecher Subject: Re: (mobility) Is Moby a Christian? Date: 13 May 1998 15:14:22 +0100 (British Summer Time) Why should people get pissed off talking about life and the world we live in? I mean as long as we can respect each others opinions/points of view there's no need to let anger and hate build up. We can disagree without having to throw death threats at each other (not that it's got to that stage or anything!)! Surely by communicating and discussing things, we learn from each other and 'broaden our horizons'? Anarchy, in its original form, gave everyone the right to do anything that made them happy, provided that it did not infringe on anyone else's right to the same. Anyone who did so was no longer regarded as having that right. Of course, in reality, any attempt at such a society would result in social groups that emulate another social system (capitalism, communism, religion, totalitarianism) and would Yeah, I agree, I don't think the concept of anarchy and it's origins was opposite to peace, but it's like communism started off with good intentions - everybody should be equal and work together as a community - nice idea. However, as we all know, those who implement this idea force it on the people and take away their free will and we've got totalitarian regimes. the reason i'm unwilling to put all my faith in the bible is because it was written by imperfect men, and translated many many times From what I understand about my limited investigation of religions, is the Bible was written by imperfect man, but inspired by God. Though it was written by different people over the centuries it still all fits together quite well - which is pretty amazing in itself. A lot of people appeared to get 'revelations' that coincided, even though they were quite far apart geographically. Though translated many times, the basic message stays the same, which is more important than spotting irregular details. I think the interactions with a living God today, with the Bible as a guide, is possibly more important than taking everything in the Bible literally and living like they did several millennia ago! Jesus seemed pretty radical for his time and all of what he was about seems timeless to me. Muslims, on the other hand, place more importance on the Qur'an then a 'living relationship' with God and everything it says they must obey or face hell. i believe (i use the word "believe" because i don't think it's fair to declare facts on issues dealing with faith) -good point! that christ 'reset' alot of what was written in the old testament. i believe that was one of his main purposes for being put here, to get the people to live differently, and better in the eyes of god. so i think it's entirely possible to have a strong faith in the new testament, and little in the old. I think I can relate to that in my own search for truth and the meaning of life. I've had this discussion about Judaeo-Christianity with many people recently. It was felt that in the old testament God had to choose a race of people to reveal Himself and spread the message about where we've all come from and what this life is all about, etc. He chose the Jews (I suppose he could've chosen anybody - maybe it was a random choice, like in some scientific experiment!?). I suppose the rigid laws and rules in the old testament were there, like breaking in a horse, to get rid of people's dark 'pagan ways'. Then Christ came to create a new covenant, reinforce some old ones and clear up religious dogma, hypocrisy and bigotry that had developed and tell them to spread the word about God's love, wisdom ..... and not vengeance and fear. i guess you answered the question about moby being a true christian then... because well..... actions speak louder than words Nice one! L,P,H (& A, to keep Clay happy) brothers and sisters, TiM B. ---------------------- Tim Beecher Cranfield University ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Steve Giles Subject: RE: (mobility) Is Moby a Christian? Date: 13 May 1998 12:14:18 -0400 >Then Christ came to >create a new covenant, reinforce some old ones and clear up >religious dogma, hypocrisy and bigotry that had developed >and tell them to spread the word about God's love, wisdom >..... and not vengeance and fear. > >i guess you answered the question about moby being a true christian >then... >because well..... >actions speak louder than words Bringing this back to Moby, The first above paragraph states what I believe to be the main goal of Christ: love & wisdom. Do unto others... When someone tells me that gays are bad, should not be allowed to marry, should not be allowed to join the general population because they are abnormal....that's not compassion or love. That's judgement and fear. (although the fear will not be readily admitted) When someone tells me that condoms should not be distributed at schools because it promotes casual sex, I understand. But after I see facts that show that teenage sex is not greater where condoms are distibuted, simply the same, then I think, why shouldn't we make these available? If this sex is already occuring at least it can be safe with a little help. The way to fight this problem is through encouragement of abstinence, not discouragement against sex. That is typical SoCal baptist thick-headedness that keeps the problem in existence. Heavy handed tactics have not succeeded and will not, nor are they the method of Christ. Education, and strong family relations may help a parent teach their child abstinence. This is why I disagree that to be Christian you have to follow the bible's rules to the letter. With conflicting statements in the bible, the infinitely-sided interpretation, anyone who argues the bible is the way and the only way can effectively play God by interpreting the bible to suit his needs. (such as attempting to enforce a social agenda, like the above stated) when in fact more love (re: gay issue) & wisdom (re:condom issue) would be more effective. Without cooperation, they accomplish little for themselves. YOU ARE WRONG!!! STOP THAT!!! Will change nobody's mind about the view being expressed. So yes, Moby is a Christian, and a damn fine one. And I love his essays. I am agnostic, if you couldn't tell. -Steve Giles Then Christ came to create a NEW covenant, reinforce SOME OLD ONES and clear up religious DOGMA, HYPOCRISY and BIGOTRY that had developed and tell them to spread the word about God's love, wisdom .... and not vengeance and fear. ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ryu Subject: Re: (mobility) Is Moby a Christian? Date: 13 May 1998 12:34:48 -0400 >Anarchy, in its original form, gave everyone the right >to do anything that made them happy, provided that it did not infringe >on anyone else's right to the same. this is something i'd like to know more about...the history of the word "anarchy". is it a relatively new (last 200 years) concept? my understanding of what anarchy means is that people can do whatever they choose to do...EVEN IF it infringes on others rights. it's a complete and total free-for-all without moral, political, or personal obligations. please reply to me privately if you don't want to keep this topic on this list, it's just reall interesting to me.... >>From what I understand about my limited investigation of >religions, is the Bible was written by imperfect man, but >inspired by God. yes, that is what it says IN THE BIBLE. it says that it was written by those inspired by god. but remember...david koresh was inspired by god. jim jones was inspired by god. adolf hitler was inspired by god etc etc etc. it is easy to be inspired by god and to use that inspiration to do what you want with it. the words in the bible have been used for personal greed too often to be considered omnipotent. i think the bible is an excellant guide to understand humanity, creation, and to live a healthy and productive life, but should not be considered a book of supreme fact. this list is jumpin'! i love it!!!! happy, ryu ################################ "POWER MADE FLESH" The new CD from Ryu now available on Shoryuken! Records. Go to Ryu's Dojo for more info: ################################ Ryu 1013 S. Allen St., Apt. 507 State College, PA 16801 USA (814) 867-0756 ################################ ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Steve Giles Subject: RE: (mobility) Is Moby a Christian? Date: 13 May 1998 13:28:11 -0400 >yes, that is what it says IN THE BIBLE. it says that it was written >by those inspired by god. but remember...david koresh was inspired >by god. jim jones was inspired by god. adolf hitler was inspired by god >etc etc etc. I like this point quite a bit, well spoken. >this list is jumpin'! i love it!!!! Yeah, it's nice to see this place alive after that slump. Thanks for getting us started, Tim Beecher. I've tried to do this myself, but sometimes it takes a debate everyone can sink their teeth into to make it work. Ryu, please send the address and total cost for Power Made Flesh to my e-mail. When you get the check (who should I make it out to?) send it along. If it isn't the one with your Unloved Symphony, cover, which is? I'll check your page if I get time, but it's been hectic here at work. Later! Steve ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tim Beecher Subject: Re: (mobility) Is Moby a Christian? Date: 13 May 1998 18:59:03 +0100 (British Summer Time) yes, that is what it says IN THE BIBLE. it says that it was written by those inspired by god. but remember...david koresh was inspired by god. jim jones was inspired by god. adolf hitler was inspired by god etc etc etc. it is easy to I'm not sure where the Bible says it's inspired by God - I've just 'heard' it is, through those who claim to study it and live by it. Well, the above mentioned were obviously complete nutters, they had different views from each other, their philosophies didn't really stand the test of time and I don't think they wrote anything quite like any books of the Bible. I suppose these Biblical prophets and 'God inpired' people must have been pretty 'Godly' so what they wrote couldn't really be made up by humans and what they said wouldn't have borne 'bad fruit'? But it's easy for nutters today to take phrases from the 'good book', out of context and apply it to their own crazy agenda. Maybe it's worth looking into/studying certain scriptures in context and testing it to see whether there's any truth in it? Difficult. Unfortunately, those who claim to follow 'the word' tend not to be good examples - maybe that's the human imperfection? Although I have met some Christians who really do live it and they seem to encounter God in a very deep and special way through these scriptures, aswell as affecting those around them in a positive way. So maybe there is something in it? I think it's probably more of a subjective experience for some, rather than objective. Probably that personal experience of God is what counts more than anything? Heavy handed tactics have not succeeded and will not, nor are they the method of Christ. Education, and strong family relations may help a parent teach Too right, Steve mate! No one likes to be told what to do, or else... especially if you're already grown up and free from parental guidance. So naturally you tell that person to piss off! I certainly don't think it's the way to win converts and yet these blind bigots still go out with the same tactics! The attitude of the religious, in general to gays, etc are well out of order and hypocritical. I don't think they would 'choose to be gay'(as so many ignorant people say)judging by the way they've been persecuted! As if they could suddenly choose to start fancying the opposite sex! If we keep going on like this we might even get an angelic visitation!? (half joking, of course!) The word, according to mobility...... ---------------------- Tim Beecher Cranfield University ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Paul Simpson Subject: (mobility) moby, the musician Date: 13 May 1998 12:19:52 -0700 (PDT) personally, i dont care too much about mobys' religiona nd stuff like that. the main reason i like him is his music. so i really dont care about all this discussion, unfortuantely. i mean, talk about all this all you want, its not off-topic, chances are ill just ignore you. sorry. theres my 1.98623759 cents (my pennys are a little chipped!! i always wanted to say that...) AAAAAnyway, so what do you all think about that mimi stuff i said? isn't anyone interested in mimi goese anymore, or did her album come out 2 years too late? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAnyway, does anybody know anything about moby's pseudonyms "Mario Sorrenti" or "Roberto Sorrenti"? what kind of music does he do under these names? and i also heard hes recorded country music (yukk!) he recorded an EP of country and it SUCKED, the rawk station djs said. well moby doing country probly would suck. of course i h8 all country so who cares. or is sorrenti his country name? or maybe his speed polka name???????? nahhhhhh....... okay bye peeps. np:Bleeding Gums Murphy, "Sax At The Beach" (i got my copy before he died, and before Bart did, so i didn't have to pay $500! i had to pay $0.50 cuz i found it at the Goodwill store, where i found EIW!!!) == The hills are alive with the sound of...MU-ZIQ!!!! BRACE YOURSELF >>>>>>>>>>PAUL<<<<<<<<<< _________________________________________________________ DO YOU YAHOO!? Get your free address at ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Steve Giles Subject: RE: (mobility) moby, the musician Date: 13 May 1998 15:40:53 -0400 >AAAAAnyway, so what do you all think about that mimi stuff i said? >isn't anyone interested in mimi goese anymore, or did her album come >out 2 years too late? I don't think anyone had anything to say about Mimi except Hmmm.... You said she had a Bjork -like sound to here tunes? I am interested, but I really don't have comments until I hear something.... >AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAnyway, does anybody know anything about moby's >pseudonyms "Mario Sorrenti" or "Roberto Sorrenti"? what kind of music He also uses 'Julie Sorrenti'. Why don't we start a thread you like? Got any ideas? If you don't do a poll. I ried to t a what's your favorite mix of this song type thing, but the response was low. Yes, I talking to all you lurkers out there? See this? Respond to our polls, if nothing else. Thanks? So whatcha say, Paul? -Steve ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Pedersen, Trond Erik" Subject: Re: (mobility) Re: mobility t-shirts Date: 14 May 1998 10:09:00 +0200 Let's forget about the MacDonalds logo, personallt I hate them. Let's try to make a Mobility logo just like the moby or mute logo. Like the one with all the letters looking like one. That had been cool. bye T. ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dr.Killpatient" Subject: Re: (mobility) Re: mobility t-shirts Date: 14 May 1998 01:35:08 -0700 Pedersen, Trond Erik wrote: > > Let's forget about the MacDonalds logo, personallt I hate them. > > Let's try to make a Mobility logo just like the moby or mute logo. > Like the one with all the letters looking like one. > That had been cool. > > bye > > T. I agree, especially with Moby being vegan and all... and how about STAFF on the back! paul > > ------------ > To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to > with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Your Name Subject: Re: (mobility) Re: mobility t-shirts Date: 14 May 1998 07:21:49 +0000 WELL........ it was kind of a joke anyway like over 200 served! tisk tisk just make a shirt but i wouldn't copy moby's logo as that would be a bit cheesy as well...... no? cc: ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tim Beecher Subject: RE: (mobility) Is Moby a Christian? Date: 14 May 1998 15:24:47 +0100 (British Summer Time) If people choose to ignore this topic, then it doesn't bother me - as long as the topic doesn't bother too many others? Personally, I'd much rather discuss God and the meaning of life than the limited subject on who's released what track on what label, all the time. Moby's music is great and everything, but there's more to Moby than his music and more to life than just....dare I say it!?.... Moby. This is all about Moby, so I suppose we should stick to issues related to him and his beliefs are obviously an integral part of what he and his music is about!? But no one should be forced to accept or discuss his beliefs and likewise with his or other people's music. Cheers people! TiM B. ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tim Beecher Subject: Re: (mobility) Re: mobility t-shirts Date: 14 May 1998 15:37:36 +0100 (British Summer Time) WELL........ it was kind of a joke anyway like over 200 served! tisk tisk i KIND OF THOUGHT SO, BUT i WAS JUST CHECKING..... just make a shirt but i wouldn't copy moby's logo as that would be a bit cheesy as well...... no? I suppose it would be better to have a more original design. The Moby logo can be seen on some of the Moby t-shirts got through mail order anyway. -TiM B. ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ade Subject: RE: (mobility) Is Moby a Christian? Date: 14 May 1998 13:04:23 -0500 >If people choose to ignore this topic, then it doesn't >bother me - as long as the topic doesn't bother too many >others? Personally, I'd much rather discuss God and the >meaning of life than the limited subject on who's released >what track on what label, all the time. Moby's music is >great and everything, but there's more to Moby than his >music and more to life than just....dare I say it!?.... >Moby. This is all about Moby, so I suppose we should stick >to issues related to him and his beliefs are obviously >an integral part of what he and his music is about!? I don't mind the conversation either. I like it when we get "off topic". Actually, what intrigues me a lot about Moby is his beliefs. Those beliefs have had a lot of influence on me, and that's why I respect Moby so much. I love his music too, but there's a lot of other great music out there. Moby is pretty unique because of who Moby is. (I don't know if this had any relevance, but...) .oooO Oooo. --Ade. ( ) ( ) \ ( ) / \_) (_/ ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: John Tice Subject: (mobility) eco-covers Date: 14 May 1998 18:28:50 -0400 Did anyone else ever wonder why Moby doesn't put his cds out in paper covers, like Pearl Jam, for example? I mean, I know Move and things like the Feeling So Real Mixes have covers made of paper, but EIW, AR, ILTS, and most of the rest all come in plastic sleeves. I don't know, I'd just expect Moby to go paper, since that's supposed to be better ecologically, right? Or does someone know something I don't? Just wondering, Andrew ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Your Name Subject: Re: (mobility) moby, the musician Date: 14 May 1998 16:33:16 +0000 > AAAAAnyway, so what do you all think about that mimi stuff i said? > isn't anyone interested in mimi goese anymore, or did her album come > out 2 years too late? > PAUL!!!!! thanks for the mimi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! stuff as your research dedication nuttiness and uncaring attitudes towards our banal discussions of the blah blah of blah>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> HOweveR i Do believe THinK in god........ (but that is not why i listen to moby.........FOR SUUUUUURE) i'm not sure god is to be found in the bible...reader's digest or the bank of god but he is in all of us as we ask what does god say? anarchy can never work as a system nor was it defined to>>>>>> someone has to deliver the milk...the babies..... and the moby cd's that takes cooperation and POSTIVE narchists will cooperate not for money but just because it works but really i am not an anarchist more than i am a taxpayer but anarchy MUST exist as a personal way of viewing things>>>>>>> let each person decide for themselves what they believe without the encouragement of a gun or jail-time or loss of job....... anarchy is not anarchy if it is imposed upon somebody AND anarchy has NEVER resulted in a totalitarian regime chaos disorder greed hate and religious bigotry have created many totalitarian human disaters in our time and i will ALWAYS defend my right AGAINST those who say it is time for god or methuslah or godzilla to clean up this damned fine mess we created (with a lil help from pops) ain't we all just a little nutty? but alas...... let us bow our heads shut up AND put some music on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we are alive clay ev2k ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: jesse hill Subject: Re: (mobility) Re: mobility t-shirts Date: 14 May 1998 19:41:34 -0400 At 03:37 PM 5/14/98 +0100, you wrote: > >WELL........ >it was kind of a joke >anyway > >like over 200 served! >tisk tisk > >i KIND OF THOUGHT SO, BUT i WAS JUST CHECKING..... > >just make a shirt >but i wouldn't copy >moby's logo as that would be a bit >cheesy as well...... >no? > >I suppose it would be better to have a more original >design. The Moby logo can be seen on some of the Moby >t-shirts got through mail order anyway. > >-TiM B. > If anyone is interested i would be willing to make the shirts. of course they would cost around $10.00 if you are interested email me at Thanks, Boy Faley > >------------ >To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to >with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. > > ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Your Name Subject: Re: (mobility) Is Moby a Christian? Date: 14 May 1998 18:09:24 +0000 > I don't mind the conversation either. I like it when we get "off topic". I LIKE STAYING ON THE TOPIC>>>>>>>> Of moby and god yah buddy cheers and jeers and maybe a beer cc: ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Michaela Gerstner" Subject: Re: (mobility) moby, the musician Date: 14 May 1998 16:41:02 -0700 >but he is in all of us as we ask >what does god say? > this reminds me of the common practice among native americans with their art work. most tribes do not draw a face on a person in their artwork, especially w/ their god figures, because the Creator is in you. there's the belief among many Pagan peoples that when we were created, the God/dess put a little bit of themselves in us. so, we speak for God/dess. i think this is extremely beautiful and true. Blessed Be, Plovious ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Michaela Gerstner" Subject: Re: (mobility) Is Moby a Christian? Date: 14 May 1998 16:37:13 -0700 well.. i also have no problem with this topic. actually, i love talking about this stuff, but i've been too swamped in my mind to even think of anything to say! my mind is constantly cluttered.. and i'm afraid it will always be. i've been enjoying reading the posts lately, though.. nice to see intellectual minds out there. and yes, there is more to life than moby. moby just brightens it up a little more... for me, at least. anyways, that's the end of my rant. Blessed Be, Plovious -----Original Message----- >If people choose to ignore this topic, then it doesn't >bother me - as long as the topic doesn't bother too many >others? Personally, I'd much rather discuss God and the >meaning of life than the limited subject on who's released >what track on what label, all the time. Moby's music is >great and everything, but there's more to Moby than his >music and more to life than just....dare I say it!?.... >Moby. This is all about Moby, so I suppose we should stick >to issues related to him and his beliefs are obviously >an integral part of what he and his music is about!? But no >one should be forced to accept or discuss his beliefs and >likewise with his or other people's music. > >Cheers people! > >TiM B. > > > > >------------ >To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to >with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Your Name Subject: Re: (mobility) Is Moby a Christian? Date: 14 May 1998 21:26:43 +0000 > nice to > see intellectual minds out there. WHERE? and yes, there is more to life than moby. LIKEWHAT? > moby just brightens it up a little more... for me, at least. AND HOW? anyways, > that's the end of my rant. BUT WHY? > Blessed Be, > Plovious CC: ) ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tim Beecher Subject: Re: (mobility) moby, the musician/Christian/etc...... Date: 15 May 1998 12:34:14 +0100 (British Summer Time) Sorry Paul, did I come over as a bit of a bitch-queen!? The Mimi stuff was interesting to know about, actually. Oh, and Clay, I think the world would be a lot worse without music -it's a major part of my life! i Do believe THinK in god........ (but that is not why i listen to moby.........FOR SUUUUUURE) I'm sure most people listen to Moby because they like his music, more than anything... i'm not sure god is to be found in the bible...reader's digest or the bank of god but he is in all of us as we ask what does god say? Yeah, God (or whatever you'd like to call the personality) is in us all and outside us all - I suppose He's everywhere, inside and outside of time and the universe...? It's just accessing God within and without that's hard. He/She (I suppose God has both male and female characteristics) did create everything after all!? Something can't come from nothing.....coz nothing is...well... nothing and everything that exists is something..... this reminds me of the common practice among native americans with their artwork. most tribes do not draw a face on a person in their artwork, especially w/ their god figures, because the Creator is in you. there's the belief among many Pagan peoples that when we were created, the God/dess put a little bit of themselves in us. so, we speak for God/dess. i think this is extremely beautiful and true. I believe this is beautiful and true. I believe almost all religions and supernatural beliefs have elements of truth and wisdom and it's worth trying to understand them. However, which belief is the closest to the truth? Though there is much common ground between religions, there are obviously fundamental differences and possible errors. I really admire native Americans and other tribal people's respect for creation - some so-called Christians could learn a lot about being 'good stewards' of God's creation! I suppose they've learned how to live with the creation around them, which supports them and they respect it. I believe they're probably more in touch with their spirits and have the right attitude towards community, respecting each other and how to live in general, than many of us in the West. I can certainly vouch for the Thatcher years ('80s)in the UK, where everyone was encouraged to selfishly gain as much material wealth for themselves as possible and not give a shit how it affects others around you. Everyone was to look after themselves, the yuppie was born and the diminishing fat bastards at the top got richer whilst the increasing underclass got poorer. Well that can be seen on a global scale today; between the developed world and the third world. anarchy has NEVER resulted in a totalitarian regime chaos disorder greed hate and religious bigotry have created many totalitarian human disaters in our time But can't anarchy LEAD to the birth of totalitarian regimes? Isn't it somewhat chaotic? Can someone come up with the true definition and origins of anarchy and anarchistic philosophy (if it has any)? Everyone appears to have slightly different notions about what it is. Well many of you will be pleased to hear I won't be babbling on for a week or so, as I'll be away. I look forward to reading all your mails sometime soonish... Goodbye for now brothers and sisters, L,P,H & A, TiM B. --------------- ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tim Beecher Subject: Re: RE: (mobility) Is Moby a Christian? Date: 15 May 1998 13:36:06 +0100 (British Summer Time) Actually, what intrigues me a lot about Moby is his beliefs. Those beliefs have had a lot of influence on me, and that's why I respect Moby so much. I can't help but respect Moby. He's prepared to be honest and say what he feels is right, even though it might go against today's social flow. TiM B. ---------------------- ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Paul Simpson Subject: (mobility) oh my god.... Date: 15 May 1998 09:26:27 -0700 (PDT) MY GOD WHATS WRONG WITH THIS WORLD!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Last night on seinfeld, it was the LAST ONE EVER!!!!!!! WAH!!!!!!!! my god!!!!! why didn't they tell us ahead of time!?!?!?! um, duh? of course, as homer said once, "in case you didn't know, i was being sarcastic." and as marge said, "well duh." actually, in the hartford courant on the tv page, it said, "seinfeld's ending? shocking! why werent we told before!?" actually, there is a connection between seinfeld and moby. one of the commercials played was the tomorrow never dies home vid ad. and they played moby in the commercial, of course. since the vid is now out, all you moby freaks can buy that in order to get yet another copy of the jb theme. i guess. yeah this is a pointless letter. but what is the point of seinfeld!? or was the point... np:Negativland:U2 (radio edit) (seriously) == The hills are alive with the sound of...MU-ZIQ!!!! BRACE YOURSELF >>>>>>>>>>PAUL<<<<<<<<<< _________________________________________________________ DO YOU YAHOO!? Get your free address at ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dr.Killpatient" Subject: Re: (mobility) oh my god.... Date: 15 May 1998 17:58:38 -0700 Well, let's start a mialing list about 'nothing'. That way we would all be as entertained as if we were watching steinfeld...(that's a joke- I've heard so many people call it that and I find it very humourus for some dumb reason!) VW got thier Little Fluffy Bug commercial in there last night... I really enjoyed the final episode, I'd say they are genius comedy writers! Much better than most, anyway... paul > actually, in the hartford courant on the tv page, it said, "seinfeld's > ending? shocking! why werent we told before!?" > actually, there is a connection between seinfeld and moby. one of the > commercials played was the tomorrow never dies home vid ad. and they > played moby in the commercial, of course. since the vid is now out, > all you moby freaks can buy that in order to get yet another copy of > the jb theme. i guess. > yeah this is a pointless letter. but what is the point of seinfeld!? > or was the point... > > np:Negativland:U2 (radio edit) > (seriously) > == > The hills are alive with the sound of...MU-ZIQ!!!! > BRACE YOURSELF > >>>>>>>>>>PAUL<<<<<<<<<< > > _________________________________________________________ > DO YOU YAHOO!? > Get your free address at > > ------------ > To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to > with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dr.Killpatient" Subject: Re: (mobility) Re: mobility t-shirts Date: 15 May 1998 20:43:36 -0700 jesse hill wrote: > > At 03:37 PM 5/14/98 +0100, you wrote: > > > >WELL........ > >it was kind of a joke > >anyway > > > >like over 200 served! > >tisk tisk > > > >i KIND OF THOUGHT SO, BUT i WAS JUST CHECKING..... > > > >just make a shirt > >but i wouldn't copy > >moby's logo as that would be a bit > >cheesy as well...... > >no? > > > >I suppose it would be better to have a more original > >design. The Moby logo can be seen on some of the Moby > >t-shirts got through mail order anyway. > > > >-TiM B. > > > > If anyone is interested i would be willing to make the shirts. of course > they would cost around $10.00 > if you are interested email me at > > Thanks, > Boy Faley > I guess we all need to agree on a logo/whatever for all those interested who's interested in being our graphic artist here? paul > > > >------------ > >To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to > >with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. > > > > > > ------------ > To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to > with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dennis Daniels" Subject: (mobility) Shirts... Date: 15 May 1998 23:40:59 -0500 First off, I'm not sure if this has already been suggested, but a cool shirt design would be the baseball jersey, sort of like what Public Enemy used to have? Expand on it, if need be. Second, the new Urbal Beats Cd compilation came out, and my friend bought it. Guess who's on it? Moby. It's "Go" (everybody has that, right?) I don't remember "Go" sounding like that, but it's also pretty late now, so I'm tired. d. "What Does Your Soul Look Like?" ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ade Subject: (mobility) Mime-Version: 1.0 Date: 16 May 1998 01:51:18 -0500 Anyone moseying over to the windy city and U of C to catch the concert? Steve G.? My ride ditched so I won't be there but good luck to anyone who will be. Make sure you give us a detailed account of everything O.K.? Nothing more to say. I'm just bored. np: Joy Electric .oooO Oooo. --Ade. ( ) ( ) \ ( ) / \_) (_/ ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jonathan Ruano Subject: Re: RE: (mobility) Is Moby a Christian? Date: 16 May 1998 12:37:39 +0200 On Fri, May 15, 1998 at 01:36:06PM +0100, Tim Beecher wrote: > Actually, what intrigues me a lot about Moby is his beliefs. Those beliefs > have had a lot of influence on me, and that's why I respect Moby so much. > > I can't help but respect Moby. He's prepared to be honest > and say what he feels is right, even though it might go > against today's social flow. That's great, but I think is more important to have your own mind, and not just going with/against other by rule. I dont like the "rebel youth" cliche that clothes tm/records companies sell us everywhere you look at. *The* thing is: whether you (all) think like me or not, it's great. Jonathan. P.S.: I saved myself from reading this thread till I have enough time to read it all, and I like seeing people naking their minds. Call it mind-voyeur, but I think it should be done more often. :) -- 512/781AF549 1997/11/26 Jonathan Ruano (low-sec) Key fingerprint = 7A 87 8E 82 50 82 1D 19 CD BE 3E 20 FA 80 6F 8F For more bits, browse ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jonathan Ruano Subject: Re: (mobility) Re: mobility t-shirts Date: 16 May 1998 13:59:30 +0200 On Fri, May 15, 1998 at 08:43:36PM -0700, Dr.Killpatient wrote: > I guess we all need to agree on a logo/whatever > for all those interested I'd like it to be the Evil Ninja drawing, maybe white on black, and his phrase on the back. > who's interested in being our graphic artist here? I'm still waiting my friend to listen to our ideas for a Moby-comic... :( > paul -- 512/781AF549 1997/11/26 Jonathan Ruano (low-sec) Key fingerprint = 7A 87 8E 82 50 82 1D 19 CD BE 3E 20 FA 80 6F 8F For more bits, browse ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (mobility) Re: mobility t-shirts Date: 16 May 1998 15:41:33 -0700 Jonathan Ruano wrote: > > On Fri, May 15, 1998 at 08:43:36PM -0700, Dr.Killpatient wrote: > > > I guess we all need to agree on a logo/whatever > > for all those interested > I'd like it to be the Evil Ninja drawing, maybe white on black, and his > phrase on the back. As long as it says 'mobility' since thats the whole point, if we were going to use the evil ninja, I think it would be best to run the idea by Moby for approval somehow... Not that we would be selling these to anyone that's NOT on the list- that's also the point...I'm sure he wouldn't mind:) paul > > > who's interested in being our graphic artist here? > I'm still waiting my friend to listen to our ideas for a Moby-comic... :( > > > paul > > -- > 512/781AF549 1997/11/26 Jonathan Ruano (low-sec) > Key fingerprint = 7A 87 8E 82 50 82 1D 19 CD BE 3E 20 FA 80 6F 8F > For more bits, browse > > ------------ > To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to > with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: NINTAHOE Subject: Re: (mobility) uk version Date: 16 May 1998 18:45:22 EDT could u please take me off of the moby mailing list or keep your mail down to a few letters a week ,, in the past 3 weeks i have reiceved close to a hundred letters ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Christopher Michael Bourke Subject: Re: (mobility) Is Moby a Christian? Date: 16 May 1998 21:30:46 -0500 (CDT) From whatever I have read of Moby's religious views it would seem that he rejects most dogma of any kind and even scripture(thebible) thus he would not be inconsistent in his sexual behaviour. Instead his take would best be summed up in the theologian Thomas Aquinas(look him up, boys and girls). Perhaps he would be more accurate to claim that he is a deist rather than a "christian" or does he truly believe in christ as the savior? ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Rasidel Jedro Slika" Subject: (mobility) Moby in Chicago - a great experience Date: 16 May 1998 23:48:23 -0500 Well, friends, after spending long hours trying to contact someone who attends U of C, whose number I got from a friend of mine, and albeit unsuccessful in these attempts, I thought on Friday that I would not be going to the Moby show therein. But, combined with the determination of my sister, we decided to just go out there and hope for the best. Well, things got off to a great start, what with upon merging into I-94, immediately sighting a black Ferrari Testarossa, going in the same direction as we were (a first time occurrence), and things only went upward from there. We got to the place in due time, and immediately, upon entering what was albeit the wrong entrance, a U of C student offered to sell us an extra ticket he had, for $8, which is what he paid for it, anyways, we took it, after confirming from him that anybody can get a ticket, without an ID. We got in there, and it was cool, Sonic Youth was OK. I'm not a big SY fan. Anyways, we were sitting on the steps at the mini-outdoor venue during this part. Towards the end of the SY set, I noticed a someone who might have been Moby standing off to the back, but he was kinda far away, and wearing glasses, and with his back towards us, so I wasn't sure. We got up to take a closer look, and at the same time, we went to the little stand where they were selling Moby shirts, and I decided to buy the white one with the blue, red, and black rectangular design with "M O B Y" printed across it on the front for a meager $15, and whats this, they were throwing in a free Moby tank top with that, white with the old blue Moby logo on it, so I got that too. Anyways, we got the shirts, and then we wanted to see who that man was, whether it was Moby. We noticed the hallmark "cross" tattoo on the back of his neck, and that was the instant identifier. It was him. He was wearing a grey shirt and work jeans, and had on these funky thick black-framed glasses with yellow-tinted lenses. Anyways, he was up next. His set was the same as his House of Blues show back in December, save for maybe one or two differences (He started with "Ah Ah", and ended with "Feeling So Real".) As usual, Moby delivered a spectacular show, that was full of energy, and the crowd was pretty good too, comparatively speaking. My particular favorites were "Bring back my happiness", "Move", "James Bond Theme",... wait who am I kidding.. I loved all of it. We were pretty close to the front, maybe 4 "rows" behind. A good close view, except for the occasional moments when this guy who had to be at least 6'11" was in front of us. After it was over, we were thinking that Moby might meet with people to sign stuff and whatnot, so we were kinda lurking in the area, hoping to meet him. But it seemed like nothing was happening. It looked like we were just going to have to go home. It was looking bad. So now we went back to that same place we were standing before, kinda looking around, and noticing that Moby was in that back area, near the big truck, pouring water over his head, and then I heard some guy close to the stage yell his name to him, motioning Moby to come down there, and Moby looked up and shook his head, implying a negative. My sister was still keeping track of Moby's every move, making sure not to lose sight of him. She noticed that he went over and sat down on one of the benches behind this whole security-guarded "backstage" area, all alone. Then the percussionist guy (Pavlo?) came and sat next to him, and they were talking. We (predominantly my sister) were still staring at him, and quite remarkably, Pavlo looked over at us, particularly my sister, who was putting on the cutest expressions I've ever seen, and apparently it worked, because Pavlo motioned to Moby, who looked over, and then my sister waved her hands frantically, and Moby waved back, then it was my turn to step in. Using only hand movements, I communicated to Moby that my sister wanted to meet him. So, Moby walked over, we said hi, and I told him that my sister wanted to meet him. He shook hands with her, then with me. I told him that I'd met him previously at Dome Room in Chicago. Some more people started to gather around, asking stuff. Amidst the aura, I was able to remember to ask him some stuff. I asked him how his new album was coming along, and he said it was coming along good, and that it won't be out until February, so he was taking his time and going at a slow pace. Then some other girl said how she didn't know about Moby until this show, and that she really liked it. And Moby said something like he thought there were a lot of people there who didn't know of his music. Then I asked about what his new album is going to sound like, whether it was going to be similar to "Graciosa". He said that was pretty close to what his new stuff sounded like, and he even said it was like R&B or hip-hop, and instrumentals. Then a guy said he saw him at House of Blues. Somebody asked where he was going next, and he said he was going back to NYC tomorrow. It was an ecstatic experience, one which we shall not soon forget. Moby was so friendly and amicable. What an awesome guy. The only thing I regret is not bringing a camera. Did anyone else get pics? Well, thanks for reading. RRR aka delobbo when I arrive has the discotheque, have, it is very smokes, and I am espere that I slept but I realise that each time I would like small mask || R| Erasure Remixes: || P| 242.cure.depeche_MODE.erasure.megadeth.moby.|\|||/|.nitzer_ebb.U2. || D| alice_in_chains.kmfdm.marilyn_manson.ministry.new_order.pet_shop_boys ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Rasidel Jedro Slika" Subject: (mobility) JBT at White Sox game Date: 16 May 1998 23:57:21 -0500 Helloo.... one thing I forgot to mention - I went to the White Sox game on Tuesday night, and at the end of the first inning, they played James Bond theme! I was very surprised. And the break was long enough that they played almost the whole song. RRR aka delobbo when I arrive has the discotheque, have, it is very smokes, and I am espere that I slept but I realise that each time I would like small mask || R| Erasure Remixes: || P| 242.cure.depeche_MODE.erasure.megadeth.moby.|\|||/|.nitzer_ebb.U2. || D| alice_in_chains.kmfdm.marilyn_manson.ministry.new_order.pet_shop_boys ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Daniel Gregory Wilson Subject: (mobility) christianity Date: 17 May 1998 20:48:03 -0500 (CDT) i hope this discussion doesn't just piss people off and make everyone polarize their views and go off into opposing corners. i am not totally sure what i think of christianity but i definitely don't like being out in the same camp as Pat Robertson, or Buchanan, Jerry Falwell, the "Christian" Coalition, or any of this religious politics bullshit. also about the bible and living out the lists in the bible that is not what faith is about. Christ did not preach a religion of do's and don'ts. love, tolerance, compassion, and mercy seemed to be at the forefront of this carpenter that allegedly lived in the first century. i have read enough of what moby says that he believes to think that he is more of a follower of Christ than most people I know and I go to a supposed "christian" college. i refuse to associate myself with Christianity as an institution, I am only at school for an education(and my parents wanted me here). I would appreciate any comments, especially from people who disagree with me. dan ps-as for truth there is objective and universal truth with is total horseshit and then there is existential subjective truth which is what i strive for ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Steve Giles Subject: (mobility) Saturday Chicago show Date: 18 May 1998 09:50:04 -0400 Here's an approximate set list: Ah-Ah Bring Back (tribal / bongos) Move (Disco Threat) Paranoid (Black Sabbath) Wonderbread Go (?) Pablo's percussion solo -?- ?something from self-titled Why Can't It Stop? Stairway To Heaven (jazz / swing) James Bond Theme (extended, Moby on guitar) Next is the E (I Feel It) Feeling So Real I'm missing something here, but I'm not sure what. Somebody threw a taco on stage and Moby gave it back saying, "Thank you very much but I've been a vegan for 12 years and I can't eat this." He also said "Here's a nice, slow quiet love song, so if you're he re with someone special to you or maybe just someone you've just met get together and dance to this one and tell your loved one how much you'd love to have anal sex with them." Or something very similar to that, anyway. It was a great show, the weather was beautiful, and I had lots of fun. I got lucky getting in, lots of non-University people were watching from outside the fence. I pretty much just took a train downtown and asked for directions several times. I left late so I missed Sonic Youth (who later played at the Riviera for a open to public show) I had to got early to get my train but I saw the beginning portion of Busta Rhymes, a very entertaining goofball. On a side note, my record store pulled a copy of Next Is The E out of nowhere, which just very recently made it to the shelf. It was kind of battered, and looked like it had seen many stockroom days. I wonder what else they got hiding in the back room? I had everything except for the Victory mix, which is quite nifty. I gotta stop now, Steve Giles ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Mark Reed," Subject: Re: (mobility) Is Moby a Christian? Date: 14 May 1998 17:51:22 +0100 In message <>, Chilidiba9 writes >READ THE BIBLE.....ONE MUST NOT IGNORE ANYTHING FROM THE BIBLE...THE BIBLE IS >THE BASIS OF TRUTH AND IF YOU DON'T AGREE WITH ONE THING, YOU ARE NOT A >CHRISTIAN....IF YOU TAKE SERIOUSLY THE NEW TESTAMENT BUT NOT THE OLD >TESTAMENT, YOU ARE NOT A TRUE CHRISTIAN...IT IS BASIC COMMON SENSE...I HATE >GETTING INTO RELIGIOUS DISCUSSIONS BECAUSE IT IS SO BROAD AND IS SO OPEN TO SO >MANY PEOPLE'S OPINIONS AND BELIEFS...THIS IS MINE..LOVE..ELIE I think Moby's position on the bible and organised religion are totally clear. he is religious but anyone who reads the sleevenotes to AR should know he detests organised religion in teh same manner as I do. The bible was written over 200 years after the events depicted within - there is bound to be a distortion of events. interetsingly enough, a Papal commision also stated that it rewrote the bible entirely to 'pull the paty line' (possibly up to) a few hundred years ago in fact. My opinion is that the general spiritual beliefs of Christianity are sound but that the Bible and Organsied Religion are evil methods of thought and power control.. teaching us to accept a substandard and unfair world in the promise of a better paradise after we die... not a fair trade, especially as there is no proof that this promised land in fact exists. -- Mark Reed, ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Steve Giles Subject: (mobility) Basement Rock? / Shirts /More Concert info Date: 18 May 1998 15:43:04 -0400 At, the concert there were shirts for sale, as delobbo mentioned. I wanted the white t-shirt with blue old logo and blue collor / blue sleeve trim, but they only had medium, and I like big. I got the same one as RRR, with the Red 'n' Blue. I don't know yet what I'll do w/ the free tank top, it's too small for me. Maybe put it on my sparsely decorated walls. :) I hadn't noticed, but my friend John said that more people came down to the floor area w/ the fountain (closest to the stage) when Moby had his guitar in hand. Personally, I would've liked to hear more AR material. Moby didn't have any walls or speaker tower to bouce off of, so he had to settle for jumping on his keyboard until it collapsed. :) He repeated his love refrains, especially "Love lets you feel it". He lipsynced to the ETYTM lyrics when he was playing keyboard. (they aren't the EIW lyrics, they're the EeeeeeevertIiiiime you TOUCH... ME! ones) What mix is this? I have it somewhere on CD, just haven't had a chance to find it. Maybe EIWRMX2CD? As delobbo said, it was simalar to the House Of Blues show, just outside, and no Thousand at the end. (was still light out) Oh yeah, and in case you care, they were playing Oil 1 quietly before Moby's set began. I realize this question has been asked, but has it been answered? What is Basement Rock? I saw it at Rockhouse, an on-line music catalogue/store. I haven't seen EIW w/ UW on-line, or the COB ltd. 2cd. 'tis a shame for me. The very same store that had Basement Rock also listed a BBMH w/ only 4 tracks, but that may be vinyl. To my knowledge there is no CD like that, and it's not in the discog. If anyone wants to trade the medium tank top w/ old Moby logo (blue) for a CD, or something, let me know and we'll talk. (private e-mail, plz) I don't have sound capability on my CPU, could someone tell me about Graciosa and the Senseless sndtrk? I saw the Species II original score soundtrack, but not the cool one with Oil 1. Are other Moby songs going to be on that sndtrk? Enough mumbo-jumbo hoodoo nonsense from my wacky silly self for now. -Steve ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "April Kilduff" Subject: (mobility) Re: mobility-digest V1 #161 Date: 18 May 1998 17:06:43 -0500 5/18/98 RE>mobility-digest V1 #161 5:00 PM I dont like the "rebel youth" cliche that clothes tm/records companies sell us everywhere you look at. i'm curious about this statement. do you really think that it's companies who are fueling this so-called cliche or actually a valid lifestage that a large number of people a certain age tend to go through on the way to adulthood. rebellion seems pretty natural and not an artificial corporate creation... ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Your Name Subject: Re: (mobility) Re: mobility-digest V1 #161 Date: 18 May 1998 16:19:14 +0000 > i'm curious about this statement. do you really think that it's companies who > are fueling this so-called cliche or actually a valid lifestage that a large > number of people a certain age tend to go through on the way to adulthood. > rebellion seems pretty natural and not an artificial corporate creation... > I would definitely say it's both>>>>> some blunted young men with a silk-screen machine wanting to make money so they can chill and have the phat shit and be valid and all that is really more of the same....... but at least it looks cool and some good ideas come out of it and well...... as politicians and yuppie bankers try to waer casualk surf skate threads and shit it'll be the truly rad that take to clothes that are fashionable in a very different way ONCE AGAIN round and round we go!!!!!!!!!! PLOV......thanks for my bracelets i love them !!!!!!! everybody..........stay tight and stay cool whatever that means and hi damian : ) clay ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Steve Giles Subject: (mobility) Moby News Date: 19 May 1998 13:47:25 -0400 Moby will be remixing "Umbabarauma" for Soulfly, a new band of Max Cavalera's, formerly of Sepultura. He is doing it for free and hopes the favor will be returned. Moby had mentioned a desire to remix Sepultura during his CMJ speech last year. There's a nice big cache of Moby news dating from late '96 to present on this site, if you're interested. There are stories about the indie film Porno, Moby on stage w/ the M.M. Bosstones, CMJ speech, big top festival, Clash tribute cover, and some other stuff including a negative review of ILTS. Just use search and enter Moby. -Steve Giles ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ade Subject: (mobility) Mime-Version: 1.0 Date: 19 May 1998 14:42:29 -0500 About 4 years ago I bought a compilation cassette of techno/rave music called "Motion Factory". I listened to it intermittently for the first few months, but since then it had been long forgotten. I was looking in the back of my car today, which is a formidable pit of cluttered junk, and saw the cassette once again. And to my awe I noticed that the second track was "Electricity", a song by Moby himself. I didn't think I'd ever heard anything by Moby until 2 years ago, but all along I had an album with a song of his on it! The song isn't one of the best I've heard, but I was happy to rediscover it. I just thought I'd share this experience with all of you. The album also has songs by Zero, Brand New Language, Eric Champion, Jet Circus, Under Midnight and Code of Ethics. Have a good day. np: Dr. Onionskin, "Split Pea Soup". (It's jazz w/ a techno/hip hop twist). .oooO Oooo. --Ade. ( ) ( ) \ ( ) / \_) (_/ ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ryu Subject: (mobility) moby's home Date: 20 May 1998 17:06:48 -0400 hello all, i'm going to nyc for the next two days, and would like to perhaps run into moby somehow. does anyone know the general part of the city that he lives in? i heard he lived in grenwhich village, but am not certain. thanks in advance, ryu ################################ "POWER MADE FLESH" The new CD from Ryu now available on Shoryuken! Records. Go to Ryu's Dojo for more info: ################################ Ryu 1013 S. Allen St., Apt. 507 State College, PA 16801 USA (814) 867-0756 ################################ ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Paul Simpson Subject: (mobility) go/basement rock/chems Date: 20 May 1998 14:50:04 -0700 (PDT) hey i was wondering, who here has heard go for the first time the earliest and latest here? i mean, the first time i ever heard go was summer 97 on college radio (really) so i'm probably the one who first heard it latest. if anyone heard it for the first time later than that let us know. but who has heard it the earliest? has anyone heard it in 1990? i think that someone should buy this "basement rock" thing, just so we can know what it is. i know people have come across this online a few times before and wondered "what is this!?!?!?!" but i think someone should just buy it. maybe its a rare out o print import of unreleased stuff or something. whatever. we wont know till we find out! with a name like basement rock, i'd think it would be early recordings or a bootleg or somehting. offtopic, but..... straight from the astralwerks website, it says that the chemical brothers are planning the release of a mix-cd called "Brothers Gonna Work It Out" and they are planning a dj tour in america soon. cool. bye............ np: Fatboy Slim, "rockafeller skank" ( not yet be released on amp2 cd and fbslim's next cd and a single....but they have the song online at astralwerks website now!!) == "great, I get to spend a summer with my brain."-bart simpson >>>>>>>>>>PAUL<<<<<<<<<< _________________________________________________________ DO YOU YAHOO!? Get your free address at ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Steve Giles Subject: (mobility) Moby's home, Basement Rock, Chembros. Date: 20 May 1998 18:17:34 -0400 Hey Ryu, I looked thru the Sonicnet transcript and he says he bought a loft on Mott street. He also said his mailing address is 333 W. 52nd suite 1003 in nyc/ny. That's probably the record co., tho. Sorry I couldn't help more. The MAB at univ. of chi said one of the reasons they got him was cuz the transport was cheap due to small amounts of equip. & people, and only from NY. So he might be home. The show was last Saturday, BTW. I am leery of online shopping and won't risk wasting money on Basement Rock. Might be missing out, might be saving time/money. The upcoming Chembros album is a DJ mix album featuring their own music and others. Be interesting to learn their tastes. The title is from a sample in earlier song from Exit Planet Dust. Brother Gonna Work It Out. TTYL! -Steve Giles ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dr. Killpatient" Subject: Re: (mobility) go/basement rock/chems Date: 20 May 1998 18:09:30 -0700 Paul Simpson wrote: > > hey i was wondering, who here has heard go for the first time the > earliest and latest here? i mean, the first time i ever heard go was > summer 97 on college radio (really) so i'm probably the one who first > heard it latest. if anyone heard it for the first time later than that > let us know. > but who has heard it the earliest? has anyone heard it in 1990? Yeah, I remember hearing it on the radio all the time in 1990, it was my first Moby experience. My friend's and I all refered to it at the 'techno Twin Peaks' and it came at a time when Twin Peaks was at an all time high in popularity. I never imagined at that time that he was anything but a one hit wonder who was riding high on Twin Peak's success, but after 'Cool World' he became my #1 favorite electronic artist. I love thinking about old times!!! paul ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Little Drummer Boy Subject: Re: (mobility) go/basement rock/chems Date: 20 May 1998 22:49:56 -0400 (EDT) On Wed, 20 May 1998, Paul Simpson wrote: > heard it latest. if anyone heard it for the first time later than that > let us know. > but who has heard it the earliest? has anyone heard it in 1990? > I don't know about earliest but I first heard go sometime around early october of 1997, so I think Ive got you beat by a (very) short margin. Little Drummer Boy ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Michaela Gerstner" Subject: Re: (mobility) go/basement rock/chems Date: 20 May 1998 20:39:04 -0700 hmm... when did i first hear "go". well, which mix? i don't think i've heard the twin peaks one... then again, i may have. i think i first heard go late last yr or early this yr. i'm bad w/ dates, especially when i have to think back. :) so, i guess i'm in the same area as u.. maybe even behind it. i really can't say because that requires me to do thinking... Blessed Be, Plovious -----Original Message----- >On Wed, 20 May 1998, Paul Simpson wrote: > >> heard it latest. if anyone heard it for the first time later than that >> let us know. >> but who has heard it the earliest? has anyone heard it in 1990? >> > > >I don't know about earliest but I first heard go sometime around early >october of 1997, so I think Ive got you beat by a (very) short margin. > > > Little Drummer Boy > > > >------------ >To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to >with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dr. Killpatient" Subject: (mobility) Go! - Twin Peaks Date: 20 May 1998 20:59:13 -0700 Michaela Gerstner wrote: > > hmm... when did i first hear "go". well, which mix? i don't think i've > heard the twin peaks one... then again, i may have. i think i first heard > go late last yr or early this yr. i'm bad w/ dates, especially when i have > to think back. :) so, i guess i'm in the same area as u.. maybe even > behind it. i really can't say because that requires me to do thinking... > Blessed Be, > Plovious There isn't a specific 'twin peaks''s in most of the's the slow high-string melody that Moby 'borrowed' from the Twin Peaks Theme song. It is absent from the version on "Early Underground", he actually wrote the song first- then later decided that the Twin Peaks theme fit over it quite well. It was a club phenomenon comparable in size to the Macarena! I heard it in every club I went to for a year, and at raves... paul > > > -----Original Message----- > From: Little Drummer Boy > To: > Date: Wednesday, May 20, 1998 7:50 PM > Subject: Re: (mobility) go/basement rock/chems > > >On Wed, 20 May 1998, Paul Simpson wrote: > > > >> heard it latest. if anyone heard it for the first time later than that > >> let us know. > >> but who has heard it the earliest? has anyone heard it in 1990? > >> > > > > > >I don't know about earliest but I first heard go sometime around early > >october of 1997, so I think Ive got you beat by a (very) short margin. > > > > > > Little Drummer Boy > > > > > > > >------------ > >To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to > >with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. > > ------------ > To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to > with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Robert Traylor" Subject: Re: (mobility) Is Moby a Christian? Date: 21 May 1998 05:42:27 PDT In message <>,Chilidiba9 writes >READ THE BIBLE.....ONE MUST NOT IGNORE ANYTHING FROM THE BIBLE...THE BIBLE IS >THE BASIS OF TRUTH AND IF YOU DON'T AGREE WITH ONE THING, YOU ARE NOT A >CHRISTIAN....IF YOU TAKE SERIOUSLY THE NEW TESTAMENT BUT NOT THE OLD >TESTAMENT, YOU ARE NOT A TRUE CHRISTIAN...IT IS BASIC COMMON SENSE...I HATE >GETTING INTO RELIGIOUS DISCUSSIONS BECAUSE IT IS SO BROAD AND IS SO OPEN TO SO >MANY PEOPLE'S OPINIONS AND BELIEFS...THIS IS MINE..LOVE..ELIE I'm not even going to attempt to tell anyone what to believe, and if you want to believe the King James version of the bible over what the Bible originally said, then that's OK for you. e.g.: "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live" the way that should have been translated from the Hebrew is "thou shalt not suffer a sorceress to live". Sound the same? Well, what "sorceress" meant back then was "one who poisons" (that's not the complete definition, but that's the gist of it. "Magic" had nothing to do with it. Back then, magic was called "miracles", and people weren't killed and persecuted for it, but revered). Therefore, you can see that the political atmosphere at the time of the Bible's translation into English affected the words that were used. Millions were killed by the church over just such mis-translations. I've seen someone who's e-mail signature contains two quotes from Proverbs, and the second is the converse of the first! The thing to remember is that the Bible was written by MEN (not stressing their sex, but their species) not God. It was then revised by more. If you think you're going down to Waldenbooks, and picking up the word of God as it was handed down to the disciples, you're wrong. Believe it if you want, but you're wrong. Example: The Hebrews most likely practiced human sacrifice. Check out Genesis, when they had to build an altar after crossing a river to help God pass into new territiory (yet he created the universe?!), there were twelve stones, one from each tribe. Most likely each was covered in blood of one member of the tribes for their spirit to inhabit the stone and serve as a sentinel. Don't like that? Neither did any of the people who translated the Bible into Latin (possibly these passages disappeared before that), didn't sound Christian enough. "Let's chop 'em out!" My purpose here isn't to tell anyone what to believe, but it is good to know the truth of the matter. My main point here is that one can disagree with "ONE THING" and still be a Christian. I know I am. Thanks for listening, Bob ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Steve Giles Subject: (mobility) Now I Let Go Of Random Thoughts Date: 21 May 1998 11:51:54 -0400 So anyway, I picked up the Move cassette yesterday, now I have convenient car listening. I'd gotten fed up w/ my friend Tim's poor selection, which consisted primarily of Happy Hardcore and Euro-NRG type stuff. It's OK, but the mood is so unchanging in so much of the above genres. So I broke up the monotony with Move, which conveniently has the full program on both sides. Tim's friend Tom, who is from Poland (lived in US for 3 yrs. now) absolutely loved it, every song. I didn't think that The Rain Falls & The Sky Shudders would be appreciated on clear cool summer night during a car ride, but he loved it! As it turned out Tom is a big fan of Westbam, who did the well-known FSR mix. I informed him of the Bam Bam Bam! single w/ the Moby remix, which Damian tells me is mediocre. I may get to hear it w/o buying the single, I'll offer a potentially contrasting opinion if this happens. Nobody has responded to my questions about the soundtrack songs! I have no sound on my CPU, so someone tell me about Graciosa! And does anyone know if other songs besides Oil 1 are on the Species II sndtrk? Finally, I'd like some opinions or suggestions on what I should acquire next: End Of Everything UK, US, Ambient, or Disk? Does anyone want me to get the Go single with Analog, Nighttime, & Rainforest? It's black w/ white and pink stripe letters on the front that say GO. It's UK/EU. I can also get BBMH CD or ETYTM US CD for anyone who needs. Or either ITB UK single. OR the green FSR. Just tryin' to help. -Steve ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dr. Killpatient" Subject: Re: (mobility) Now I Let Go Of Random Thoughts Date: 21 May 1998 18:01:58 -0700 > Nobody has responded to my questions about the soundtrack songs! I > have no sound on my CPU, so someone tell me about Graciosa! OK, but it's so hard to use words to describe music, since everyone sees it a bit differently and feel differently about what it reminds you of. But here goes- I think the best way to describe Graciosa is it's a slower, more electric than electronic Oil 1. I say that because it seems to have the same sort of moaning female vocal sample over the song. It lies somewhere between his ambient stuff and his mellow style rock stuff, it's very soothing. And does anyone > know if other songs besides Oil 1 are on the Species II sndtrk? > > Finally, I'd like some opinions or suggestions on what I should > acquire next: End Of Everything UK, US, Ambient, or Disk? I would say EOE UK version!!!! paul ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (mobility) Now I Let Go Of Random Thoughts Date: 22 May 1998 00:57:54 GMT Is there any difference between the End Of Everything US and UK versions besides their insert? I noticed different track listings, but they may have only been in different order. I have the US one, but I wanted to know if there is any reason to get the UK one as well. Later. This message sent using the FirstClass SMTP/NNTP Gateway for Mac OS. ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dr. Killpatient" Subject: Re: (mobility) Now I Let Go Of Random Thoughts Date: 21 May 1998 18:08:20 -0700 wrote: > > Is there any difference between the End Of Everything US and UK versions besides > their insert? I noticed different track listings, but they may have only been > in different order. I have the US one, but I wanted to know if there is any > reason to get the UK one as well. Later. > This message sent using the FirstClass SMTP/NNTP Gateway for Mac OS. > > ------------ > To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to > with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. I beleive DOG HEAVEN (the best song on it) is missing from the US version...I could be wrong. I know there is something missing...check the Moby discog!!! paul ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Your Name Subject: Re: (mobility) Now I Let Go Of Random Thoughts Date: 21 May 1998 18:12:13 +0000 > Finally, I'd like some opinions or suggestions on what I should > acquire next: End Of Everything UK, US, Ambient, or Disk? end of everything uk version without a doubt probably moby's most perfect piece beautiful deep everlasting clay ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Steve Giles Subject: RE: (mobility) Now I Let Go Of Random Thoughts Date: 22 May 1998 09:42:42 -0400 EOE UK has Animal Sight, a 7:00 song, while EOE US has Reject, a 18:00 song, which, I beleive, was also on Little Idiot. Dog Heaven is on both versions. So are you going to conduct a poll, Paul? Maybe by getting some lurkers to respond just once will wake them up and show them the joys of mailing list ACTIVITY. Come on, people. (yes, this means YOU, sitting there reading this right now.) I'll resurrect two polls that I received little response for, plus add one more: What is your favorite track on Move? (my vote goes to ATINITBL) What is your favorite mix of Into The Blue? (mine is Spiritual) What is your favorite era/genre of Moby's work and why? (I like the Elektra years best so far. Not only has Moby constantly surprised me, but the sheer emotional power of his later songs strike a chord deep somewhere in me. Songs like All That I Need Is To Be Loved and God Moving Over The Face Of The Waters are so very powerful. I like his earlier work a lot also, but as his skills have matured, his blade has become sharper. Even when a track is heavy on danceability the sound crashes through my head like a wave of ecstatic energy, and nobody else I've listened to can put that much emotion in a dance song. The quiet stuff takes me somewhere I've never been, and before Elektra his released output was limited to one genre of music, so we couldn't hear Alone or Novio, or hear an album called Everything Is Wrong. While I can't pick a specific album or year as my favorite, I can say that most of the recent music I've enjoyed immensely, with the exception of James Bond Theme, which I didn't like in the first place.) That's my mini-essay for today, now it's your turn to entertain me. -Steve ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Robert Traylor" Subject: RE: (mobility) Now I Let Go Of Random Thoughts Date: 22 May 1998 08:58:22 PDT >What is your favorite era/genre of Moby's work and why? I'd have to say "Animal Rights". There's still some easy-going type melody to it, like "Alone", but I love "Heavy Flow" and such. I love Moby's music and all, but with the exception of him, I don't really listen to much ambient-type stuff. I've never listened to anything as smooth as "Everything is Wrong" and actually enjoyed it. So I guess I dig this new stuff because it's swinging more to my tastes, and yet it's still Moby, and, "with a name like Moby, it has to be good!" Now excuse me while I get sued for copyright infringement, Bob ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Kpicara Subject: Re: (mobility) Now I Let Go Of Random Thoughts Date: 22 May 1998 12:23:07 EDT > What is your favorite era/genre of Moby's work and why? moby is the first artist where i *can't* answer this question. i hold songs like everytime you touch me and you and love hole on the same pedestal... i can say my *least* fav is his early techno, with the exception of drop a bat, songs like ah-ah, go, etc...but everything since then has equally charmed me... ,sarah. ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jonathan Ruano Subject: (mobility) Differences bet. UK & US EOE ? Date: 22 May 1998 18:53:10 +0200 > end of everything > uk version I'd like to know if there's any difference between UK and US version, besides of bonus tracks ? Which bonus tracks has one and not the other ? Jonathan. -- 512/781AF549 1997/11/26 Jonathan Ruano (low-sec) Key fingerprint = 7A 87 8E 82 50 82 1D 19 CD BE 3E 20 FA 80 6F 8F For more bits, browse ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jonathan Ruano Subject: Re: (mobility) Differences bet. UK & US EOE ? Date: 22 May 1998 18:55:22 +0200 > > end of everything > > uk version > I'd like to know if there's any difference between UK and US version, > besides of bonus tracks ? Which bonus tracks has one and not the other ? Sorry, I sometimes let myself write an email before reading actually the whole thread... I'm sorry for the bandwidth waste. :( Jonathan. -- 512/781AF549 1997/11/26 Jonathan Ruano (low-sec) Key fingerprint = 7A 87 8E 82 50 82 1D 19 CD BE 3E 20 FA 80 6F 8F For more bits, browse ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ade Subject: RE: (mobility) Now I Let Go Of Random Thoughts Date: 22 May 1998 12:09:48 -0500 These questions really sparked my interest. >What is your favorite track on Move? I would definately have to say "Unloved Symphony" is my favorite. Like I said to the list when I first got the CD, it just overwhelmed me with power and I love the interchanges. >What is your favorite mix of Into The Blue? I don't have a single for this, but I do have the EIW 2CD Remixes and from that I think the Simple Mix is my favorite with the Spiritual Mix coming in a very close second. I think those are my two favorite songs on both CDs in fact, which I find odd since I don't hold the origional mix on EIW in such high esteem at all. >What is your favorite era/genre of Moby's work and why? I'm sure like a lot of people on the list, I can't really pinpoint Moby's genre I love most. What attracted me to Moby at first was the techno because that's primarily what I listened to at the time. The ambient also attracted a little more interest. I was at first dissapointed when AR came out because I wasn't very much into voice and guitar but then I found myself loving that as well. Now, everything from the dance to the ambient to the heavy guitar all hold a special place, and function a certain way depending on my mood. I love EIW, I love EOE, I love AR. I would have to agree w/ Sarah that some of the earlier stuff doesn't strike me very well, but I can't make a firm judgement 'cause I haven't heard a lot of it, and what I have heard I haven't heard a lot of times like I have his newer stuff. For example, I wasn't especially impressed with Rare, except for Go and Thousand, but that's one of the CDs I don't have. That's all my rambling for now. .oooO Oooo. --Ade. ( ) ( ) \ ( ) / \_) (_/ ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: kimberly Subject: (mobility) Re: mobility-digest V1 #163 Date: 22 May 1998 12:27:11 -0700 (MST) > > Date: Wed, 20 May 1998 14:50:04 -0700 (PDT) > From: Paul Simpson > Subject: (mobility) go/basement rock/chems > > hey i was wondering, who here has heard go for the first time the > earliest and latest here? i mean, the first time i ever heard go was > summer 97 on college radio (really) so i'm probably the one who first > heard it latest. if anyone heard it for the first time later than that > let us know. > but who has heard it the earliest? has anyone heard it in 1990? Uh, the first time I heard "go" was just before the begining of this year when I was living with my boyfriend in our old apt. We went on this little MOBY spree and bought a few cds for his collection. We picked up "MOBY:rare collected b-sides" (which is great, duh, ofcourse :) and that's when I first heard "go" at least I think. :-) Oh,BTW: I'm new to the list. My name is kimberly (as you may have figured :) and I've been into MOBY for two or three years now. I had read about him in Details in like 94 or something and though he was cool and then like a year or so later, I hear a song and then thought he was cool so I bought like four MOBY cds and I didn't like them. :( But, I spent a lot of money, so I forced myself to listen and then I couldn't bring myself to take them out of the cd player! (Moby is also what brought me and my bf together....long story though :) Sorry to ramble! have fun, kimberly ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: kimberly Subject: (mobility) Re: mobility-digest V1 #163 Date: 22 May 1998 12:31:47 -0700 (MST) > Date: Thu, 21 May 1998 11:51:54 -0400 > From: Steve Giles > Subject: (mobility) Now I Let Go Of Random Thoughts > Finally, I'd like some opinions or suggestions on what I should > acquire next: End Of Everything UK, US, Ambient, or Disk? Does anyone want > me to get the Go single with Analog, Nighttime, & Rainforest? It's black w/ > white and pink stripe letters on the front that say GO. It's UK/EU. I can > also get BBMH CD or ETYTM US CD for anyone who needs. Or either ITB UK > single. OR the green FSR. Just tryin' to help. Well, End of Everything is my pick. I just found the US version at a rare record store and I got it for like 6 bucks. :) But then I started reading MOBY fan pages and finding out that every one has had it forever (since it came out in 97 right? :) and then I didn't feel so special. It's a great cd though. :) I would also recommend Ambient which was my first fave! It's a great cd also and it has provided me with great meditation music and it's good to just relax to. I'd love to own more MOBY and it sounds like you've got the scoop Steve, but I'm sure since I'm new to the list that I won't be as special as the people who have been here a while. :-P have a great day, kimberly ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Steve Giles Subject: (mobility) Welcome Kimberly, Thanks Everybody, & somethinofftopic Date: 22 May 1998 16:01:31 -0400 Seems that the verdict is unanimous! EOE UK it is. I'll let you know what I think when I return (slightly) on Tuesday. Thanks for the input people! >I would also recommend Ambient which was my first fave! It's a great cd >also and it has provided me with great meditation music and it's good to >just relax to. I've heard little about this CD, and what I have heard is mixed. I think I'll wait on this, for now. >I'd love to own more MOBY and it sounds like you've got the scoop Steve, >but I'm sure since I'm new to the list that I won't be as special as the >people who have been here a while. :-P Hey, the more the merrier! I wish more people would make some noise around here. Please don't apologize for rambling, rambling is good. I do it frequently and I'm not the least bit sorry about it. It's more fun that "Right on, dude!" or "I agree with (insert anything here)" I'm not pointing fingers, I haven't seen this type of post in a while, plenty of substance aroundhereabouts, I suppose. Today's been good. More messages than WED & THU put together, I think. I get to take a seat at my desk about once an hour, so I like to see messages waiting for me. Keep those votes coming in! Beanie babies are a tumor on the testicles of society. I was late to work because I couldn't get out of a parking lot due to McDonald's new promotion. It's a sad sickness. I'll be in contact w/ 20/20 or 60 minutes or Dateline or something like. Bye now. -Steve Giles ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Michaela Gerstner" Subject: Re: (mobility) Now I Let Go Of Random Thoughts Date: 22 May 1998 17:09:05 -0700 >What is your favorite track on Move? (my vote goes to ATINITBL) already answered this, but i'll do it again. i really like Morning Dove. the tribal beats at the beginning are the best! > >What is your favorite mix of Into The Blue? (mine is Spiritual) haven't heard all of them, so i dunno. probably the beatmasters mix. but, that could change. it just really depends on the mood i'm in. >What is your favorite era/genre of Moby's work and why? dunno... i'm unfamiliar w/ most of the stuff. i like all of them, acutally, because they're all different. the older stuff is really good, and so is the newer stuff. moby seems to be growing up in his music... the newer stuff seems a little more mature to me. trophy and elektra releases are really good. well, i've added more to my moby collection. i broke down and ordered CD's from CD now and got Voodoo Child's Dog Heaven and Moby's Early Underground. i really like these CD's. i'm trying to convince my graduating class to play some techno during graduation, but it's kinda hard when everyone is stuck on rap. but, i've convinced them of not playing rap.. so it's a start. too bad there's no techno... it would be great to graduate to Moby. :) anyways, hope that answers the poll Q's. Blessed Be, Plovious ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Paul Simpson Subject: (mobility) go, random stuff Date: 22 May 1998 17:10:23 -0700 (PDT) actually the first time i heard go (summer of 97) it was the analogue mix (one of my fave mixes) which is a non twin peaks mix. i like the twin peaks versions but i think the non-twins versions are better. some of my other fave mixes are the original (which i have in entirety on tape but only on cd the crappy 2 minutes they put on the rare/go 2nd cd....dammit, why didnt they put the whole song!?!?!?) and i like...well a lot of mixes sound the same (a little) the ilts version is good....but ive never heard the rock versions or whatever, i heard there was an acoustic version, like hows dat possible? anyway, my fave move tune might be Unloved Symphony probably cuz of that jungle vibe but like the whole cd even though its only like a half hour is pretty satisfying so i dont have a favorite track i guess, theyre all good. fave itb mix? umm, like ive only heard 5 mixes or so, so i dont know. but i was listening to WPKN and the dj played Mimi and then a rock mix of ITB, what mix is this? maybe she said what mix it was, but i had to go downstairs for dinner (frozen pizza....mmmmmm!!!!!!) so i missed it. so what mix is this? it starts out like with drums and guitars and voice, and at the end theres whistling. is this the into the blues john spencer version? what does that sound like? hmmmm....... i guess thats it...... bye now np:Weird Al Yankovic, "Eat It" (my mom is playing this tape of songs about food, so this song fits naturally...along with such delicacies as "Fish Heads" and "Cheeseburger in Paradise"!!!) == "great, I get to spend a summer with my brain."-bart simpson >>>>>>>>>>PAUL<<<<<<<<<< _________________________________________________________ DO YOU YAHOO!? Get your free address at ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Michaela Gerstner" Subject: Re: (mobility) Re: mobility-digest V1 #163 Date: 22 May 1998 17:16:09 -0700 welcome to the list, kimberly!!!! u got a good deal on that CD! i'm jealous!! and ambient is a great CD, another one of my fav's. ppl have said that Moby wasn't happy with that CD because he felt it wasn't finished... i think it's wonderful. any other CD's u absolutely love? which was the first CD you bought? welcome again! :) Blessed Be, Plovious ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: tillyx Subject: (mobility) homework Date: 23 May 1998 22:52:27 -0400 OK, Im a new subscriber so Ill do my tour of duty. You can call me tillyx. Im Australian and im lucky enough to scrape by as a teenager for a few more months. I first heard Moby's Go at my very first rave. What can I say, I was sucked in and never want to escape from this music. I remember ranting to my friends, this track is fantastic, listen to the Twin Peaks samples... I dont know if Moby's ever been to Australia, but then i used to live somewhere NOBODY ever went. Lets seee, Im into Jeff Mills (rocked at the apollo festival in January), Daft Punk (didnt rock quite as much live Im sorry), Portishead, Crystal Method, a bit of the Chem Bros., orb, the beloved, fatboy, liked sasha and digweed's 1st exposure, love DJ Shadow. I love my house music and arent upset at a bit of funk, jungle, jazz, drum n bass... Some Aussie artists rock in their own way: nutcase and puppachubba (itch e and scratch e) are excellent.The Sydney rave scene is dismal, I hear Melbourne's where its at. i think we definetly need more artists who arent afraid of a bit of travel down under... Doesnt matter to me, im in flight soon enough... Ive even got RUN DMC tickets for a soon show - i am very dubious - but im interested to see the quality of punters they pull. Anyway, the best radio sation, whose dex im listening to right now, are having a hottest 100 of all time (sad I know), and I voted for Go. cheers ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Eekmaus Subject: (mobility) FROGS Date: 23 May 1998 17:40:39 EDT Hi I am a graphic designer so if anyone would like to send ideas for a t-shirt to me...a scanned image of logo, ideas etc etc. E-mail me privately with subject header "Design" ok? I have access to some cool equipment and can make copies on transfer paper (for a small supply fee) so you could put it on any shirt your little heart desires. Scott (carrotman) did you ever get those pictures I sent? I think a Chicago party will be a brilliant idea, I would love to attend. Is there anyone from Michigan on this list? hey Steve G, here is some list noise for you....I am falling in love with you, will you marry me? ;) cheers -Eekmaus ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dan Legare Subject: (mobility) twin freak Date: 23 May 1998 18:16:22 -0700 actually, go was inspired or inspired 'laura palmer's theme'. i think doing anything to the beautiful yet haunting twin peaks theme (with vocals by julee cruise makes it 'falling') would be sacriledge. some things are just meant to be left alone. i've gotten into bt over the last while (and for all you email-lists police out there, it is moby related, bt thanks moby in the cd sleeve) and he definitely bears a lot of resemblence to moby. bt seems to be obviously inspired by nature (process of), religion and his music is overall very uplifting. a high-end, non-cheezy robert miles if you will. his 2nd disk is much better than the first, but 'ima' does have 'blue skies' on it...:)>>>>> moby vs bt, that would be kewl have a great holiday weekend all my neighbours to the south jedispice Dan Legare Nettwerk Mail Order Department Nettwerk Productions-1650 West 2nd Avenue Vancouver BC V6J 4R3 PH-604.654.2929 FX-604.654.1993 ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dan Legare Subject: (mobility) now we let go Date: 23 May 1998 18:28:21 -0700 fave track on move: it's a tie. if the orignal 6.33 version of move wouldn't have been mercilessly chopped up, that would be it. but after buying and hearing the 12" (us elektra promo), the edit (which is still good) lessens the impact and doesn't give you enough time to 'feel' the song. move-you make me feel so short. but alas, it would have to be unloved symphony. sheer brilliance and way ahead of its time. again. moby era: everything is wrong/end of everything and everything in between. yep. for all intents and purposes, elektra did put out those releases (well, EOE in the us, NEVER came out in canada...?) and did release the singles as well (but again, NOT in canada), even though EOE uk is pure ear candy. and well, EOE us is good, but the version of dog heaven on EOE uk is so soothing. into the mix: into a tie 1.voodoo child mix/simple mix np: massive attack-risingson Dan Legare Nettwerk Mail Order Department Nettwerk Productions-1650 West 2nd Avenue Vancouver BC V6J 4R3 PH-604.654.2929 FX-604.654.1993 ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Subject: Re: (mobility) twin freak Date: 23 May 1998 19:26:53 -0600 i definately agree. "ESCM" is one of my top 10 favorite albums of all time. i never get tired of it. "Ima" is great too, but i think "ESCM" blows it out of the water, imho. the "Remember" single is also very good. >i've gotten into bt over the last while (and for all you email-lists police >out there, it is moby related, bt thanks moby in the cd sleeve) and he >definitely bears a lot of resemblence to moby. bt seems to be obviously >inspired by nature (process of), religion and his music is overall very >uplifting. a high-end, non-cheezy robert miles if you will. his 2nd disk is >much better than the first, but 'ima' does have 'blue skies' on it...:)>>>>> > <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Chris Perkins "It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice." <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Man is no machine, Thorns they lurk on Man is no God, rose's stem. Mankind is, and always will be... Thorns they do intend a pest. no harm then. -Claus Larsen -:Wumpscut: <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Ryan Taylor) Subject: (mobility) Playing Ketchup(Catch Up..get it ) Date: 23 May 1998 22:41:46 -0400 >What is your favorite track on Move? (my vote goes to ATINITBL) Ooooooh..tough one..My fav Moby tracks change with my moods...But I'd have to say Unloved Symphony ranks right up there..I love the 2:30 mark....goes quiet..then all of a sudden..sounds like someone's hitting quite a few church organ chords...Close your eyes and I swear you'll see a beam of light coming from the sky down onto you :)...Love Sky Shudders too...LOVE the stormy background with the haunting piano track. >What is your favorite mix of Into The Blue? (mine is Spiritual) (Allll alone....) This is a bit easier to pick...For me..the Uplifting 4 Beat Mix does it for me...Guess it's just the beat in me :).(I'm not about to die...) >What is your favorite era/genre of Moby's work and why? Broken record?!?! Like others..I can't narrow down a certain year/genre/era..Love the early stuff like Electricity, E, Go, etc..on through EOE..up to AR(still lagging on ITLS..But I asked Cathy(my gf), who went to Aus/NZ with her parents on vacation, to pick up the Aus version of JBT..If she can't pick it up..I'll probably pick ITLS then). When I first heard Go? Easy..Fall of '92..from the Cool World Soundtrack..First exposure to Moby as well..The rest is history. Lastly... Welcome to the list Kimberly and Tillyx..Always great to have new members(and a new perspective) to Mobility :). Ryan np: Mark Pistel: "Pistel" =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Ryan Taylor ICQ#: 1607223 Homepage to come soon "People suing ski areas should be shot." -Scot Schmidt "Duhhh, don't do that! And stop with the wispery hissing, you sound like a Brian Eno record." -Pearl Forester to Observer =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Adekunle Olonoh Subject: Re: (mobility) Playing Ketchup(Catch Up..get it ) Date: 24 May 1998 00:22:24 -0500 (EST) >the Uplifting 4 Beat Mix does it for me...Guess it's just the beat in me > :).(I'm not about to die...) It's the Simple Mix that has the "I'm not about to die" sample. --Ade. ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: kimberly Subject: (mobility) Re: mobility-digest V1 #164 Date: 23 May 1998 22:50:32 -0700 (MST) > Date: Fri, 22 May 1998 16:01:31 -0400 > From: Steve Giles > Subject: (mobility) Welcome Kimberly, Thanks Everybody, & somethinofftopic > > Seems that the verdict is unanimous! EOE UK it is. I'll let you know what I > think when I return (slightly) on Tuesday. Thanks for the input people! Good choice. I'm jealous though. How would I know which is which as far as "End of Everything" goes? I want both. :-) > I've heard little about this CD, and what I have heard is mixed. I think > I'll wait on this, for now. I love it! I listen to it when I'm sad. It has a tone of sadness to it, but at points it's also very uplifting, at least I think. :) > Hey, the more the merrier! I wish more people would make some noise around > here. Please don't apologize for rambling, rambling is good. I do it > frequently and I'm not the least bit sorry about it. It's more fun that > "Right on, dude!" or "I agree with (insert anything here)" I'm not pointing > fingers, I haven't seen this type of post in a while, plenty of substance > aroundhereabouts, I suppose. Today's been good. More messages than WED & THU > put together, I think. I get to take a seat at my desk about once an hour, > so I like to see messages waiting for me. Yeah, I've always hear that rambling on mailing lists is bad! :) > Date: Fri, 22 May 1998 17:16:09 -0700 > From: "Michaela Gerstner" > Subject: Re: (mobility) Re: mobility-digest V1 #163 > > welcome to the list, kimberly!!!! u got a good deal on that CD! i'm > jealous!! and ambient is a great CD, another one of my fav's. ppl have > said that Moby wasn't happy with that CD because he felt it wasn't > finished... i think it's wonderful. any other CD's u absolutely love? > which was the first CD you bought? Thanks! I love, uh, lessee, I love "I like to score" because it places all the songs I love in one place, but I don't like the art work. :( I also love, hrm...."Everything is wrong". I did a very good version of the cover, kinda like an Andy Warhol (using my graphics program :). The first MOBY I bought? I bought "Early Underground" "Animal Rights" "Ambient" and "Everything is wrong" all on the same day. I don't remember what I picked up first. :) Thanks again for the welcome! kimberly Ps.... Welcome Tillyx (you did say you were new right? :) Ps....(the sequel) I saw MOBY a few months ago at a tiny abandoned looking warehouse place in Down Town PHX! It was great! It was my very first techno show! I love Pablo! Juno Reactor opened! They have a very good stage show! I think that they're a must see! ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Michaela Gerstner" Subject: Re: (mobility) homework Date: 24 May 1998 09:23:17 -0700 welcome tillyx! it's good to see all these new people joining the list.. especially since they're moby fans. wow! so what's in like in Australia? i've never been in the southern hemisphere... someday i will travel the world and see everything. i hope this list will be very helpful and fun for you!!! Blessed Be, Plovious ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Scott Stegenga" Subject: Re: (mobility) FROGS Date: 24 May 1998 15:04:29 -0500 Eekmaus mentioned... >Scott (carrotman) did you ever get those pictures I sent? Yes I did. Thanks loads for the photos. I liked the stationery you used as well. Very cool. For other music fans here, I recently purchased the latest offering from Massive word...orgasm. I also saw Cornershop (with JadenX) and they were quite good. Very cool Sitar-laden trip rock. One other recommended purchase...(Sketches for) My Sweetheart the Drunk by Jeff Buckley. That guy had a voice. Beautiful. Ciao all. --- Scott Steg...I Love Carrots "Please could you stop the noise I'm trying to get some rest... from all the unborn chicken voices in my head." - Radiohead ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: kimberly Subject: (mobility) Re: mobility-digest V1 #164 Date: 24 May 1998 13:26:48 -0700 (MST) > Date: Sat, 23 May 1998 18:16:22 -0700 > From: Dan Legare > Subject: (mobility) twin freak > > actually, go was inspired or inspired 'laura palmer's theme'. i think doing > anything to the beautiful yet haunting twin peaks theme (with vocals by > julee cruise makes it 'falling') would be sacriledge. some things are just > meant to be left alone. Yeah, I've read that before. I hear that he colaborated with the producer of Twin Peaks or something to that effect. I think it ended up as great work on Moby's part though. It's a very interpretation I think. > moby vs bt, that would be kewl I agree. I'm really liking BT these days! Which album do they/IT thank MOBY? I'd like to see that sleve! (BT does great work. A colaboration would be very cool. :) have fun, kimberly ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Michaela Gerstner" Subject: Re: (mobility) FROGS Date: 24 May 1998 14:19:41 -0700 does this iron-on fade at all after washes? i know my printer can do iron-ons, but someone said that they fade after a few washes. Blessed Be, Plovious -----Original Message----- >Hi >I am a graphic designer so if anyone would like to send ideas for a t-shirt to >me...a scanned image of logo, ideas etc etc. E-mail me privately with subject >header "Design" ok? I have access to some cool equipment and can make copies >on transfer paper (for a small supply fee) so you could put it on any shirt >your little heart desires. > >Scott (carrotman) did you ever get those pictures I sent? > >I think a Chicago party will be a brilliant idea, I would love to attend. Is >there anyone from Michigan on this list? > >hey Steve G, here is some list noise for you....I am falling in love with you, >will you marry me? ;) > >cheers > >-Eekmaus > >------------ >To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to >with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dr. Killpatient" Subject: (mobility) shirts Date: 24 May 1998 16:30:53 -0700 Eekmaus wrote: > > Hi > I am a graphic designer so if anyone would like to send ideas for a t-shirt to > me...a scanned image of logo, ideas etc etc. E-mail me privately with subject > header "Design" ok? I have access to some cool equipment and can make copies > on transfer paper (for a small supply fee) so you could put it on any shirt > your little heart desires. We need someone to come up with a graphic we can all agree on, but first we need to decide what color shirts we will be using them on- dark or lite (black or white?) or what since the iron on should be geared to work for one or the other right? I saw a funny thing on TV, the company that advertises the 'rascal' scooter for disabled people to get around, is called ELECTRIC MOBILITY! Two Moby titles in one and they probably don't even know who he is! paul > > Scott (carrotman) did you ever get those pictures I sent? > > I think a Chicago party will be a brilliant idea, I would love to attend. Is > there anyone from Michigan on this list? > > hey Steve G, here is some list noise for you....I am falling in love with you, > will you marry me? ;) > > cheers > > -Eekmaus > > ------------ > To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to > with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dr. Killpatient" Subject: Re: (mobility) Now I Let Go Of Random Thoughts Date: 24 May 1998 16:56:06 -0700 What is your favorite track on Move? (my vote goes to ATINITBL) I'd say Morning Dove, followed by ATINITBL then Unloved Symphony What is your favorite mix of Into The Blue? (mine is Spiritual) haven't heard them all, so I can't say. I am wide open...:) What is your favorite era/genre of Moby's work and why? That is next to impossible to answer, since I pretty much like it all- but I do know my least favorite would be the older stuff from early underground due to the rough production and a bit too much of the standard early rave/house feel. I like it all though, and as far as him venturing into the heavy stuff starting with EIW and then Animal Rights I was overjoyed! I couldn't be happier with his expansion into the rock genre, as I found I can find a common ground with more people to let them hear Moby's I secretly loved the fact that it pissed off many techno purists- because I like many different kinds of music, it just needs to be good and have some original quality that appeals to me. paul ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Anthony Colorez Subject: Re: (mobility) Re: mobility-digest V1 #164 Date: 24 May 1998 23:41:18 -0700 > > I love, uh, lessee, I love "I like to score" because it places all the > songs I love in one place, but I don't like the art work. :( The cover art on ILTS is sooooo boring! Especially since Moby said that this was his most blatantly comercial album ever. Only a Moby fan would ever notice ILTS in a record shop. Pretty bad marketing if you ask me. Personally, I like the cover art from EIW the best. But, Bjork consistently has the best cover art, maybe Moby should use those same designers. > ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Eekmaus Subject: (mobility) Beats Date: 25 May 1998 00:37:31 EDT Has anyone heard of this compilation?!? Urbal Beats II, 2 Disks ~ Not yet published - Moby/A Guy Called Gerald/Baby D./DJ Icey/DJ Shadow/Peshay/David Holmes/Dubtribe/Fatboy Slim/Goldie/Hive/Natural Born Chillers/Orbital/Portishead/Prodigy/Rabbit In The Moon/Rest Assured/Rhythm Is Rhythm/Roni Size/Redman/The Chemical Brothers ~ Compact Disc ~ 1998 sounds interesting.... -Eekmaus ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Subject: Re: (mobility) Re: mobility-digest V1 #164 Date: 24 May 1998 22:39:20 -0600 Moby needs Dave McKean to do his cover art, although McKean pretty much sticks to album covers for industrial/metal bands. anyway, his cover art is some of the best i've seen. VERY cool stuff..especially his Front Line Assembly covers. >The cover art on ILTS is sooooo boring! Especially since Moby said that >this was his most blatantly comercial album ever. Only a Moby fan would >ever notice ILTS in a record shop. Pretty bad marketing if you ask me. >Personally, I like the cover art from EIW the best. But, Bjork >consistently has the best cover art, maybe Moby should use those same >designers. >> > <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Chris Perkins "It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice." <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Man is no machine, Thorns they lurk on Man is no God, rose's stem. Mankind is, and always will be... Thorns they do intend a pest. no harm then. -Claus Larsen -:Wumpscut: <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Subject: Re: (mobility) Beats Date: 24 May 1998 22:48:19 -0600 i just picked it up today. it's a pretty cool comp. the first disk is new tracks, mainly remixes, with quite a bit of d'n'b. the second disc is a continuous mix of techno classics, including moby's "go", prodigy's "charly", utah saints "something good" and some other classics. a very good collection of electronic music..and the grooverider remix of goldie's "temper temper" kicks ass, imho. i can give you a complete tracklisting if you'd like. >Has anyone heard of this compilation?!? > >Urbal Beats II, 2 Disks ~ Not yet published - >Moby/A Guy Called Gerald/Baby D./DJ Icey/DJ Shadow/Peshay/David >Holmes/Dubtribe/Fatboy Slim/Goldie/Hive/Natural Born >Chillers/Orbital/Portishead/Prodigy/Rabbit In The Moon/Rest >Assured/Rhythm Is Rhythm/Roni Size/Redman/The Chemical Brothers ~ >Compact Disc ~ 1998 > >sounds interesting.... > >-Eekmaus > >------------ >To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to >with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. > > <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Chris Perkins "It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice." <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Man is no machine, Thorns they lurk on Man is no God, rose's stem. Mankind is, and always will be... Thorns they do intend a pest. no harm then. -Claus Larsen -:Wumpscut: <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: tillyx Subject: (mobility) debut Date: 25 May 1998 21:17:11 -0400 tillyx wrote: Michaela Gerstner wrote: > does this iron-on fade at all after washes? i know my printer can do > iron-ons, but someone said that they fade after a few washes. Iron-ons dont fade as quick as they peel, and they crack too if you wear tshirts nice and tight . thanxs for the warm welcome. Im planning on leaving down under soon, so any hints as to places in the world to hear great sounds are most appreciated. I like the sound of that Urbal Beats complilation - what label is it/will it be on? Paul, where in Aust. is your friend from? Scott, I agree tha Mezzaniene is ace. Unfortuneatley, tickets for Massive Attack tour went on sale last week and sold out within the hour! Guess ill just have to wait until next time they travel. Im interested to know about Moby's collaboration with the Twin Peaks guys, for Go/Laura Palmer's Theme; because I thought he just sampled it. I cant imagine David Frost hanging out with techno kids - prove me wrong? ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (mobility) debut Date: 25 May 1998 12:20:18 GMT About the iron ons - I have printed out 20 of them and made t shirts. Afterwards, I decided I would never do it again. The print fades after 1 wash, but I have had it for over a year now and it has not began to peel or fade any more than that first wash. But, the big problem and the reason I will never do it again is that it was such a hassle. Ironing it and making them all centered or measured correctly and cutting them. Only a few came out right, after 2 hours of ironing. Getting one made is much easier and only a bit more expensive. Later. This message sent using the FirstClass SMTP/NNTP Gateway for Mac OS. ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Ryan Taylor) Subject: (mobility) Caught Up and Moving On(was: Ketchup) Date: 25 May 1998 10:24:45 -0400 >It's the Simple Mix that has the "I'm not about to die" sample. > >--Ade. I know..I was just putting the lyrics into my post for fun :). Anyways: So I went cd shopping yesterday(had a VERY good day at work(tip wise) and felt I should reward myself)..Well..I picked up ILTS(and others..which will be listed later). About the cover art being boring(and possibly commercial)...Maybe..but isn't it the music on the cd that counts more? Think about it..not all his art on his cd's have been interesting(The FSR singles for one)...Besides..the liner notes are FAR from boring(anyone know where that concert crowd picture was taken..Anyone from Mobility in it?)....About the songs: Novio: A really simple..but powerful track. JBT: I'm finally glad I have this's just a great song...Hopefully my gf will be able to get the Aus remix single. Go & Ah-Ah: Is this version of Go the original one? It sounds just a bit different(especially during the beginning and the 2:30 mark). As for Ah-Ah..does this new version/recording have a name? Is the "you're moving cause the crowd said so" at 1:06 a statement from Moby?(Move cuz you like the music..not cuz ppl tell you to). ILTS: Great song to "groove" to..Proof Moby has his fingers in everything. Oil 1: This isn't like the track on The Saint..shorter..and it's like the volume is turned down at the very beginning...Feels skeletal up to 0:13. NDF/GMOTFOFW: No change to Fades(nothing that I can tell at least)..As for God Moving..another GREAT track..Soooo simple..but SOOOO moving. FCH: Anyone remeber if this was used in the movie..and if so..when? Nash: Moby unplugged anyone? :) Love Theme: I've always thought something a bit softer would be suited for a "love theme"..But this was for Joe's Apt(a pretty bizzare movie). Grace: When was Space Water Onion done? Just curious cuz this track would fit great on Ambient. OhBTW: Here's what else I got: Aphex Twin(Come To Daddy), C.J. Bolland(Electronic Highway), Plastikman(Musik), Greater Than One(Utopia single), and Apocalyptica(VERY interesting cd...Metallica songs played on four cellos). Hopefully that's enough fodder for the list..Enjoy! :) Ryan np: ILTS(To help me write this post) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Ryan Taylor ICQ#: 1607223 Homepage to come soon "People suing ski areas should be shot." -Scot Schmidt "Duhhh, don't do that! And stop with the wispery hissing, you sound like a Brian Eno record." -Pearl Forester to Observer =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Michaela Gerstner" Subject: Re: (mobility) Caught Up and Moving On(was: Ketchup) Date: 25 May 1998 09:58:00 -0700 i also finally got Aphex Twin Come to Daddy CD... very very interesting. i find it amazing how each electronic musician has their own sounds... Aphex sounds totally different than Orbital and Moby and all the others. i really like that because i can now pick up songs that i hear and tell which artist they're from. i dunno.. maybe i get pleased with the stupidest of things.. :) OK... time to start another poll. i read an article about this either in spin or RS a long time ago. How do you guys organize your CDs? maybe someone has asked this already, i dunno. i organize mine by alphabetical order, except for Moby's. i put the Voodoo Child ones that i have with my Moby CDs. then, the ones that i have of the artists that put out multiple CDs, i put into order by the date released. this is hard w/ Moby's because i don't know which he put out first of that year.. so they go into alphabetical from that. so.. how do you organize your CDs? i know some people have a HUGE collection of them, so they must have some sort of order. Blessed Be, Plovious Ade wrote: >OhBTW: Here's what else I got: Aphex Twin(Come To Daddy), C.J. >Bolland(Electronic Highway), Plastikman(Musik), Greater Than One(Utopia >single), and Apocalyptica(VERY interesting cd...Metallica songs played on >four cellos). > >Hopefully that's enough fodder for the list..Enjoy! :) > >Ryan >np: ILTS(To help me write this post) > > >=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= >Ryan Taylor ICQ#: 1607223 > >Homepage to come soon > >"People suing ski areas should be shot." -Scot Schmidt >"Duhhh, don't do that! And stop with the wispery hissing, you >sound like a Brian Eno record." -Pearl Forester to Observer >=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= > > >------------ >To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to >with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Michaela Gerstner" Subject: Re: (mobility) debut Date: 25 May 1998 10:08:05 -0700 but you used your printer for this right? i'm talking about the other iron ons... my brother still has his iron on shirt, which he had some buy do. this was made of fabric paint, i think. so, it wasEekmaus that mentioned the iron ons, right? maybe Eekmaus should clear this up. Blessed Be, Plovious >> About the iron ons - I have printed out 20 of them and made t shirts. Afterwards, I decided I would never do it again. The print fades after 1 wash, but I have had it for over a year now and it has not began to peel or fade any more than that first wash. But, the big problem and the reason I will never do it again is that it was such a hassle. Ironing it and making them all centered or measured correctly and cutting them. Only a few came out right, after 2 hours of ironing. Getting one made is much easier and only a bit more expensive. Later. ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Adekunle Olonoh Subject: (mobility) ILTS Cover Art Date: 25 May 1998 12:53:43 -0500 (EST) I didn't think the ILTS art was anything special, but it was simple and I liked it. I think it went along well with the 70's pimp sound on the ILTS track. Maybe noone else hears it that way but me.... I also like the picture of the concert--it kinda touches on the fantasy I have of attending one someday. Anyway, on those albums I look more at the essays than the art. Fantastic stuff. Plovious- I don't organize my CD's really. I have a case where I keep the ones I listen to most and then another that has the ones I listen to a little less. But then I only have around 50 CDs so it's not really needing much organization. np: MTV's AMP --Ade. ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Rekkit" Subject: (mobility) Birmingham 6 Date: 24 May 1998 13:59:29 -0700 I just discovered a kinda neat sample. On "To Protect And Serve" by Birmingham 6, there's a track called Policestate: Euphoric Experience Mix (remixed by Lights Of Euphoria). About 10 seconds into it there's a slightly distorted sample of Moby saying "Now, close your eyes and relax" taken from The Blue Light Of The Underwater Sun... They repeat the sample again at the and of the track... ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Suprnaut00 Subject: Re: (mobility) Beats Date: 25 May 1998 14:20:32 EDT yeah, the first Urbal beats is pretty good, too. theyre worth the cost. ann ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Scott Stegenga" Subject: Re: (mobility) Caught Up and Moving On(was: Ketchup) Date: 25 May 1998 17:45:24 -0500 >OK... time to start another poll. i read an article about this either in >spin or RS a long time ago. How do you guys organize your CDs I'll be the first to answer this... I have a collection thats about 640+ and still growing. I know some other people here have more than I do, and the fact that I also have no 12" Records, 7" Singles, etc., this also puts me in a not-so-common place. Most of the CD's I buy are just full-length albums or an EP or two. Not alot of import singles because I prefer to have all of them and if I start with Moby, who by the sound of it has several CD-singles with this mix and that mix, I'll go overboard. I do the alphabetical thing. If I have more than one CD of an artist and I'm feeling very anal about the organization, I order each artist's CD in the year they were released. I will say I have no more room for my CD's in my room with alot of shelves. I need to go back home to Mom and dad's garage and build myself a rack with dad's tools. This will hold about 1000. Save some time for later. --- Scott Steg...I Love Carrots "Please could you stop the noise I'm trying to get some rest... from all the unborn chicken voices in my head." - Radiohead ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: kimberly Subject: (mobility) Re: mobility-digest V1 #165 Date: 25 May 1998 16:20:32 -0700 (MST) > From: Chris > Subject: Re: (mobility) twin freak > > i definately agree. "ESCM" is one of my top 10 favorite albums of all time. > i never get tired of it. "Ima" is great too, but i think "ESCM" blows it > out of the water, imho. the "Remember" single is also very good. I agree, "Remember" is a great song. Which reminds me of something almost MOBY related...... Nils (my bf) is a big BT fan. When we first me, he hadn't heard of them (nor had I) and he hadn't really hear any MOBY, but everyone told him that MOBY was the bomb. :) When he asked me what music I like, I said that I was really getting into MOBY. Later, after we had been going out for a while, he told me that though he wasn't very familar with MOBY's work, the fact that I said I was into MOBY won brownie points because everyone he knew that liked MOBY was cool so therefore, I must also be cool. That was one of the determining factors in his descision to date me. I must thank MOBY for being in existence for if he wasn't, who knows? I might not be with Nils today! And, I love Nils very much. :-) Now, isn't that touching. (I'm sure many stomaches have been touched with something slightly unpleasant, but I just wanted to share. :) > Date: Sun, 24 May 1998 16:30:53 -0700 > From: "Dr. Killpatient" > Subject: (mobility) shirts > We need someone to come up with a graphic we can all agree on, > but first we need to decide what color shirts we will be using > them on- dark or lite (black or white?) or what since the iron > on should be geared to work for one or the other right? Uh, you guys working on a MOBILITY shirt or something? If anyone needs possible logos, lemme know and I can work on them. I have a few neat MOBY graphics if any one wants to view them. Please email me at if you would like copies. :-P > Date: Sun, 24 May 1998 23:41:18 -0700 > From: Anthony Colorez > Subject: Re: (mobility) Re: mobility-digest V1 #164 > The cover art on ILTS is sooooo boring! Especially since Moby said that > this was his most blatantly comercial album ever. Only a Moby fan would > ever notice ILTS in a record shop. Pretty bad marketing if you ask me. > Personally, I like the cover art from EIW the best. But, Bjork > consistently has the best cover art, maybe Moby should use those same > designers. I think the art for I.L.T.S is very, (I hate to say this) "trendy". It reminds me of a shirt a jr. high girl would wear. (Hope I didn't offend. I still love MOBY :) Well, all for now! enjoy, kimberly ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Eekmaus Subject: (mobility) Aphex Date: 25 May 1998 20:50:49 EDT (Chris) said.... "Moby needs Dave McKean to do his cover art, although McKean pretty much sticks to album covers for industrial/metal bands. anyway, his cover art is some of the best i've seen. VERY cool stuff..especially his Front Line Assembly covers." That would be awesome! he is one of my favorite artitst next to Kent Williams (for those comic book fans out there) Actually for those of you that like Aphex twin unique sound, you should check ou Mu-ziq ( i dont have the greek character for the actually name) He is pretty rad. as for organizing my cd's i alphabatize them, but i have a specal wooden crate for just Moby stuff.... The Iron-ons I mentioned earler are something I can produce on a color copier...its a Docu-40 (xerox Docucolor) and I've had pretty good results with that process. >I just discovered a kinda neat sample. On "To Protect And Serve" by Birmingham 6< " (Rekkit)" Birmingham 6 rocks! laterz, Eek. np: James Bond Theme (Dub pistols remix) ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Jake M." Subject: Re: (mobility) Is Moby a Christian? Date: 25 May 1998 21:31:38 PDT I have not written since the holidays becuase I have been busy with school, but now that it is over I am here to write once again. As for this topic of christianity and moby being christian. I am not an expert on religion or christianity, but I have always believed that spirituality is a very personal thing. I believe I am christian, although I may disagree on various beliefs with many other people who claim they are christian. I think that it is a matter of personal faith and beliefs. I think this is where moby is a christian. He believes (from what i have read) in christ, and god, and many teachings of the bible. This is moby...this is why I consider him a chrisitian. I don't believe the way of some christians that one has to go to church every sunday and be confirmed to be an actual christian. All religion and spirituality in my humble opionon are matters of each individuals heart and mind. Any way a person wishes to express their own spirituality is that persons choice. I believe moby has done this with much of his music and writing. Well thats what I think. As for anarchy...I love reading and debating philosophy. I have found that Anarchy is almost if not exactly the same as socialism. Except for it is on a smaller scale. Instead of a group of 100,000 people it is a group of 10. Each person does what they wish...but to have a life at all people must work together...its human nature, so a group of 10 people all work and share what they get, or at least come together in a community. The land is everyone and no ones (because in an anarchic state the land would be thought (in some cases) to be owned by each individual). This idea of mine is from reading the theoretical ideas of socialism and anarchy and the texts of human nature. Thats all I have to say for now. And as for moby, I have heard his music used as bumper music on 3 local radio stations and 2 local tv but I wish the radio would play his music not as bumper music. Jake "The unexamined life is not worth living"-Plato "The pursuit of truth shall set you free even if you never catch it"-Clarence Darrow ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Jake M." Subject: Re: (mobility) Re: mobility t-shirts Date: 25 May 1998 21:38:33 PDT I think the baseball jersey idea is quite neat. Unfortunately my arstic abilities are limited to stick I cannot help out in that department. Thats what I think. Jake "The unexamined life is not worth living"-Plato "The purusit of truth shall set you free even if you never catch it"-Clarence Darrow -- -- ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: tillyx Subject: (mobility) Mobility Date: 26 May 1998 17:56:45 -0400 Plovious, thanks for the welcome... as for whats it like in Aust... well, I have to say I am dissapointed with the music culture in Sydney. I origionally hail from a much smaller city where the quality of crowds was so much better (ie.people who enjoy the music vs. only going out to be seen and score). Also, the DJ's back home were willing to experiment with new sounds and werent afraid of playing stuff that wasnt de riguer. Apart from overseas acts, I havent been impressed with the sounds of club life here. Also, the rave scene here is dead, with abosolutely everything moving into clubland. Whilst this is true all over the world, its not because of licensing or noise rrestrictions, but due to a city full of promoters who just cant get it together. the only raves that happen are very, very dodgy, and consist of a really young crowd who can dance to stuff thats 3 or 400 beats per min. (they look like theyre doing aerobics rather than enjoying the sounds). My, that really makes me sound old doesnt it? (im not that old) Im not saying that the younger crowd dont have it together, its just that everythings so segredated between the kiddie ravers and clubbers. I prefer a nice medium. However, they hosted the hopefully returning annual summer festival called Apollo this year which rocked. It rained and turned into a semi glastonbury type affair, and we got to hear Jeff Mills and Daft Punk and Marmion among others. I want more stuff like that!! theres my five cents worth anyway... tilly ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tim Beecher Subject: Re: RE: (mobility) Is Moby a Christian? Date: 26 May 1998 17:11:18 +0100 (British Summer Time) I can't help but respect Moby. He's prepared to be honest > and say what he feels is right, even though it might go > against today's social flow. That's great, but I think is more important to have your own mind, and not just going with/against other by rule. I do think it's important to have your own mind, but your own mind is also influenced by lots of things that we might call 'good' and 'bad'. What is good and what is bad? How does that affect us and those around us? Who gave us minds? Who knows what's best for our minds? We've got free-will to choose. ---------------------- Tim Beecher Cranfield University ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tim Beecher Subject: Re: (mobility) Is Moby a Christian? Date: 26 May 1998 17:14:47 +0100 (British Summer Time) On Sat, 16 May 1998 21:30:46 -0500 (CDT) Christopher Michael Bourke wrote: > >From whatever I have read of Moby's religious views it would seem that he > rejects most dogma of any kind and even scripture(thebible) thus he would > not be inconsistent in his sexual behaviour. Instead his take would best > be summed up in the theologian Thomas Aquinas(look him up, boys and > girls). Perhaps he would be more accurate to claim that he is a deist > rather than a "christian" or does he truly believe in christ as the > savior? > > Well, from what I read in his sleeve notes, Moby appears to believe in Christ and his teachings which are all derived from biblical scripture. > > ------------ > To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to > with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ---------------------- Tim Beecher Cranfield University ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tim Beecher Subject: Re: (mobility) christianity Date: 26 May 1998 17:22:02 +0100 (British Summer Time) also about the bible and living out the lists in the bible that is not what faith is about. Christ did not preach a religion of do's and don'ts. love, tolerance, compassion, and mercy seemed to be at the forefront of this carpenter that allegedly lived in the first century. Christ preached lots of "do's" like love, tolerance, compassion as well as a few "do not's". But from what I've understood about Christ he would say a resounding "don't" to all those right-wing political/religious bigots today. ---------------------- Tim Beecher Cranfield University ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tim Beecher Subject: Re: (mobility) ILTS Cover Art Date: 26 May 1998 17:46:17 +0100 (British Summer Time) On Mon, 25 May 1998 12:53:43 -0500 (EST) Adekunle Olonoh wrote: > I didn't think the ILTS art was anything special, but it was simple and I liked it. I think it's minimal but effective - I quite like it too actually - very retro..... I think it went along well with the 70's pimp sound on the ILTS track. And I love some of the funky 70s stuff on it. Though it has some old stuff, there's some good new tunes I hadn't heard before. Maybe noone else hears it that way but me.... I also like the picture of the concert--it kinda touches on the fantasy I have of attending one someday. Anyway, on those albums I look more at the essays than the art. Me too... Fantastic stuff. > > Plovious- > I don't organize my CD's really. I have a case where I keep the ones I listen to most and then another that has the ones I listen to a little less. But then I only have around 50 CDs so it's not really needing much organization. > Call me cave-man or whatever and I'm not looking for sympathy (well I am actually), but I don't have a CD PLAYER or any CDs (actually I have 2 given to me by friends, who assume I have something to play them on!)! Anyway they're so bloody expensive in the UK - they're a rip-off! I can't afford to buy one (I'm a perpetual student you see) so I've still got my old, nasty turntable with those large, mainly black, vinyl discs, popularly known as 'records' (where I come from) and cassettes of which I have hundreds. I'm waiting for those credit card lookalikes to take off and all that new, groovy technology. Hah, then all you CD people will have to invest in the new stuff and the industrial racket goes on..... By then I might have a job with a salary and be able to afford it!? Humbly yours, TiM B. > np: MTV's AMP > > --Ade. > > ------------ > To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to > with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ---------------------- Tim Beecher Cranfield University ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "April Kilduff" Subject: (mobility) Re: mobility-digest V1 #165 Date: 26 May 1998 12:32:33 -0500 Time: 12:24 PM >The cover art on ILTS is sooooo boring! Especially since Moby said that >this was his most blatantly comercial album ever. Only a Moby fan would >ever notice ILTS in a record shop. Pretty bad marketing if you ask me. i actually thought the cover of ILTS stood out quite a bit among other cds that are either too graphics-heavy or focus too much on the musicians. that cover is about minimalism and purity - which is what moby's music means to me. :> here's a question for all: how do you feel when musicians sell their music to be used in commercials. would you be happy or sad if a moby tune popped up in say, oh, a mazda or gap ad? adios. ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: michael boudreau Subject: (mobility) greetings Date: 26 May 1998 12:21:06 -0400 i'd like to introduce myself. my name's michael, and i'm 21 years old. moby cd's i own: moby, early underground, ambient, next is the e cd single, rare, move, hymn(this is my dream), feeling so real, everything is wrong, everytime you touch me, into the blue, into the blue remixes, lopez-why can't it stop?, disk(the enhanced portion of which does not work on my computer), everything is wrong dj remix album, bring back my happiness (a domestic (usa) version and an import version), voodoo child-the end of everything (import version), animal rights (both domestic version and import with "little idiot"), revolver, revolver remix, i like to score, james bond theme,come on baby. i also bought a copy of recoil's "bloodline" for $1.99 so i could hear moby's rap on the song 'curse'. i guess my first exposure to moby was his barracuda remix of the recoil track "faith healer" (i think the rest of the single sucked, but i bought it at the time (1992?) because it was alan wilder of depeche mode). an ex-girlfriend turned me on to his actual music several years later. i have seen him only twice, both incredible shows, i got his autograph the second time around. in front of me in line were 2 members of the wallflowers. they cut me in line. damn wallflowers cut me! as you could probably figure, i also like depeche mode, as well as the cure, the smiths, joy division, mission of burma(moby's cover of revolver turned me on to them), slint, david bowie, my bloody valentine, black flag, bad brains, fugazi, radiohead, sonic youth, and on and on. i think that's it for me. ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Welcometo Myworld" Subject: Re: (mobility) Re: mobility-digest V1 #165 Date: 26 May 1998 11:52:45 PDT > would you be happy or sad if a moby tune popped up in >say, oh, a mazda or gap ad? Apparently a Moby tune has appeared in a car commercial... The following is a promo piece from Mute from a couple of years back... MOBY TURNS THE TABLES ON THE AUTO INDUSTRY Moby, sworn opponent of the auto industry and the petro-chemical complex, is allowing his track ŒGod Moving Over The Face Of The Waters¹ to be used in a car commercial. Strange, you say? Well, here¹s the twist: ALL of the money that Moby receives from the commercial is going to be given to environmental, alternative energy and animal rights organisations. Moby feels that he should take the opportunity to do something positive rather than refusing and letting the money go to someone else. As Moby says, ³There¹s something perversely satisfying about taking money from a car company and giving it to organisations which work to protect the environment. I figured that they were going to make the commercial with or without my music, so why not let them use the track and in the process help out some worthwhile charities?² .... I'm assuming that this commercial eventually came to fruition... But I never saw it... Did anyone out there?... As to how I would feel about it, should it happen again - probably ambivalent at best...I'd probably be most emotional about the fact that they took a beautiful piece like GMOTFOTW and squeezed it into a 30 second commercial spot to be packaged for the world to bare witness to... not that I think the exposure would be bad, just that they would have to cut the track and people would not get to listen to it in its entirety... As to the other polls about... My favorite Move track would have to be the Rain Falls and the Sky Shudders, with Unloved Symphony a very close second... I don't have a favorite Into the Blue track - but could probably come up with one upon a much closer examination... As for the first time I heard Go - well I didn't know of Moby the man/artist until last July - when I could start placing a name with tunes and vice versa... but I'm sure I had heard Go a few years before that - they're just wasn't any recognition... And as for CD organization - no order to the jewel cases what-so-ever...I keep the discs in portable books - which are separated by genre... compilations first, then individual artists - no specific order... Andrea red5five ********************************************************************* Q: If you could be an animal, what kind would you be? A: You already are an animal... (D. Coupland, "Microserfs") ********************************************************************* ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Paul Simpson Subject: (mobility) coffee, titanic Date: 26 May 1998 14:20:41 -0700 (PDT) hey guys just wondering, moby has said "Coffee is poison", right? just wondering, why? whats he have against coffee? "Roly-poly fish heads are never seen drinking cappucinnos in italian restaurants with oriental women"...and neither is moby!!! oh yeah, i just saw titanic yesterday. i wanna be cool and say, "yeah, moby was dead right, it was the dumbest most boring fucking piece of trash ever!!!!!!!!!!" but it wasnt. i mean it was definitely not worth all the hype and 9,784 oscars it won, and i definitely wouldnt see it 100 times, but it was not bad. it was just ok. and i dont think it was too long either. to me the time just flew by. of course maybe i fell asleep in the midle or something... whatever. of course i was also the one who loved "Saturnzreturn", so... and about that urbal beats, when the first one came out i thought it was a ripoff of the AMP cd that came out around the same time, but this one sounds interesting, more interesting than the new amp cd thats coming out (which sounds a little weird anyway) so does urb have a website? or something? this sounds cool, what labels it on? bye spuds == "Roly poly fish heads are never seen drinking Capuccinos in Italian restaurants with Oriental women." >>>>>>>>>>PAUL<<<<<<<<<< _________________________________________________________ DO YOU YAHOO!? Get your free address at ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Steve Giles Subject: (mobility) Start as you mean to finish Date: 26 May 1998 10:27:40 -0400 Eekmaus wrote: >hey Steve G, here is some list noise for you....I am falling in love with you, >will you marry me? ;) What's going on here?? I'm too young to marry!! 19 is such a tender age, you see.... :-> Ask again in 3 yrs or so, all I can offer today is a date. I don't organize my CDs that well, occasionally I'll make piles for artists whose cds I own in large quantities. Poll results! Coming soon, not enough votes. YET, I hope. EOE UK is beautiful! Only 12.78 w tax , not bad for IL,USA . I'm glad I got the UK version, I think Animal Sight is pizazzy. The first half of the album takes me higher & higher, the second half slowly brings me back down, and then Animal Sight spins me around a couple times for good measure. ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Pedersen, Trond Erik" Subject: RE: (mobility)Fezztivalz (was: Mobility) Date: 26 May 1998 13:48:00 +0200 Hi (again). It doesn't seem like I'm quitting bothering you all today, does it? Be warned.. this is also long!(but interesting getting other POWs on) Well, I've discovered something here in Europe : The festivals aren't = what they once were! I (vaguely) remember the late 80'es and early 90'es = (I'm 22, so I was quite young then). The festivals was jam-packed with groups = and artists from virtually all genres of music. Pop, Rock, Disco/Dance, = Techno, Ambient, yes they all had their groups and festivals. What I see the contours of today are mighty producers with a lot of = dough and pretty girls/boys meauing and whining their lovesongs from here to Kingdom comes. All the dacades from 60, 70 and 80'es have their own = great groups like Deep Purple, Beatles, Elvis, Pink Floyd, A-ha, ABBA, Led Zeppelin, the list just goes on and on (Mind these groups merely as examples, I CAN list more, but I don't see the point). But when we = round the Millennium, what do we remember from the 90'es?? Aqua?? Spice Girls??, Backstreet Boys?? East-17?? I really don't think = so.. (and hope so)... Touching in on Moby : _I_ will remember this guy, but = quite frankly : I dont think many will. I see him as a solid rock in music industry (he has kept it going at least since the mid-eighties, but he = has never REALLY broken through the masses of groups and become the fave of = yet another mighty producer (Thank Heaven). I just can remember "one" group from the early 90's : a group called Cappella (italian/british euro-dance/house style crew). Other Europeans = also nod when they here this name "Oh yeah, those..." . They were quite big = here in Europe and "revolutioned"/ brought to the masses the phenomenon of electronica. Of course there were also rock/pop groups, but I can't = remember any other BIG groups originating from this point of time. The US have = had another development, but I guess it's quite similar : You only remember = a couple of REALLY big 'uns :) from the start of this decade. Back to festivals : The lack of groups/artists really show on = festivals. All the time less and less selection on festivals. In Scandinavie virtually every festival have been reduced and/or postponed/cancelled. This is = also true in many other Euro-contries. We also see a desperate "revival"/"The Best of" session in progress : I = just say : Rolling Stones, ELO, Run DMC, Kiss, even BEATLES (where one is DEAD!!!!!!) is revived. These money-machines are then sent on tours/festivals all over to shuffle in money and sell "Very best of = XXX" Records. By all means, I am not pro-commercialization, but I would have liked to remember at least one BIG group originating from the (early) 90'es. All = I sit back with now (1,5 years left to Millenium-change) is "recyceled" = dinos of rock and my special faves (Moby oc , Cappella and some others). I see festivals tending towards smaller, more specialized groups, ie = the ambient, Jungle and deephouse are going like hot knife in butter, but I really cant mention any smash bang hits from those genres. General = Levy?? -Yeah rite!! Goldie?? -Duh!, Bj=F6rk?? -Ah well... Biosphere?? = Perhaps?? You see what I mean? I love that my fave-genres are going well, but finally they also will halt...what then? These over-commercialized festivals we see today are really decreasing and the spectre of artist equally. Does this mean = that we all have to "dig" the same sh*t (Pardon if I offended) as our parents = and GRANDPARENTS???????????? Noooo Way, Sir! Not this bloke anywayz. As I see the 90'es as my youth-years I really don't have anything to = talk about when I get retired. (OK I'm so lucky I can pick a big group from = the eighties, but so can my parents). So I end up with nothing for my self = (or we ourselves perhaps is better) OK.. Enough said. I'm on a T3 so I don't hafta pay my 5 cents, thats = why my letters are so long today. :) Anyone have any comments on this, I'd appreciate it. MVH Trond Pedersen No BTW this time!!! ---------- Plovious, thanks for the welcome... as for whats it like in Aust... well, I have to say I am dissapointed with the music culture in Sydney. However, they hosted the hopefully returning annual summer festival called Apollo this year which rocked. It rained and turned into a semi glastonbury type affair, and we got to hear Jeff Mills and Daft Punk and Marmion among others. I want more stuff like that!! theres my five cents worth anyway... tilly ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to = with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dr. Killpatient" Subject: Re: (mobility) Mobility Date: 26 May 1998 17:36:23 -0700 tillyx wrote: > > Plovious, thanks for the welcome... > as for whats it like in Aust... well, I have to say I am dissapointed > with the music culture in Sydney. I origionally hail from a much smaller > city where the quality of crowds was so much better (ie.people who enjoy > the music vs. only going out to be seen and score). Also, the DJ's back > home were willing to experiment with new sounds and werent afraid of > playing stuff that wasnt de riguer. Apart from overseas acts, I havent > been impressed with the sounds of club life here. Also, the rave scene > here is dead, with abosolutely everything moving into clubland. Whilst > this is true all over the world, its not because of licensing or noise > rrestrictions, but due to a city full of promoters who just cant get it > together. the only raves that happen are very, very dodgy, and consist > of a really young crowd who can dance to stuff thats 3 or 400 beats per > min. That reminds me of Organic 96 in SoCal, I thought I was really hip to all the different scenes present, until my friends and I ventured up to the upper stage in hopes of maybe finding some more psychedelics:) What we found is a crowd of hyper active zombies jerking around to the loudest kick drum ever and no songs under like 250 bpm! No one could talk and there was no room anywhere near the speakers because of the rows of people jamming their heads right inside them, like it was the front row of a concert- a riot to get your head right inside the speaker. We have ever since described any music like that as "upperstage" stuff...and we are pretty scared of it. Needless to say, we weren't sure if we wanted any of what ever they were taking, and ran back down just in time for Orbital. (they look like theyre doing aerobics rather than enjoying the > sounds). My, that really makes me sound old doesnt it? (im not that old) > Im not saying that the younger crowd dont have it together, its just > that everythings so segredated between the kiddie ravers and clubbers. I > prefer a nice medium. I was wondering how the last Real Life album did there last year, I featured it as artist of the month at RFU and talked quite a bit with David Sterry (lead singer) about what they were up to, but I don't ever hear about Real Life otherwise. Their new stuff is still vocal oriented verse-chours-verse mostly, but they have a more modern sound now...I'd call it synth pop, not really club music and not heavy enough for rock stations- so of course it was pretty much ignored by commercial radio in the US. I like many aussie bands and I've noticed there seems to be a decent goth scene there too and one of the best modern goth bands, Ikon. They sound very similar to a polished Joy Division, the vocals being hauntingly like Ian Curtis. In the 80s there was a ton of bands I loved from there- the Church, Midnight Oil, Mental As Anything, Hunter & Collectors, Split Enz, etc. I forget the names, but there are a few really good goa trance acts that have gotten big recently too. well, that's my 2 cents paul ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Steve Giles Subject: RE: (mobility) Re: mobility-digest V1 #164 Date: 26 May 1998 09:28:01 -0400 >Moby needs Dave McKean to do his cover art, although McKean pretty much >sticks to album covers for industrial/metal bands. anyway, his cover art is >some of the best i've seen. VERY cool stuff..especially his Front Line >Assembly covers. Dave McKean did some really spooky art for Stephen King's last book, Wizard & Glass. When I see his work I usually think of fire or blood, maybe because of all those reds and browns. Moby is more suited to blue colors and water, for serenity perhaps? McKean's artwork is too dense. I don't know. It could be interesting, but Moby would have to sound like an anguished alterna-rocker for the cover to match the music. -Steve Giles ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Steve Giles Subject: RE: (mobility) Re: mobility-digest V1 #164 Date: 26 May 1998 09:28:01 -0400 >Moby needs Dave McKean to do his cover art, although McKean pretty much >sticks to album covers for industrial/metal bands. anyway, his cover art is >some of the best i've seen. VERY cool stuff..especially his Front Line >Assembly covers. Dave McKean did some really spooky art for Stephen King's last book, Wizard & Glass. When I see his work I usually think of fire or blood, maybe because of all those reds and browns. Moby is more suited to blue colors and water, for serenity perhaps? McKean's artwork is too dense. I don't know. It could be interesting, but Moby would have to sound like an anguished alterna-rocker for the cover to match the music. -Steve Giles ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: kimberly Subject: (mobility) Re: mobility-digest V1 #167 Date: 26 May 1998 19:07:35 -0700 (MST) > Subject: Re: (mobility) Is Moby a Christian? > > >From whatever I have read of Moby's religious views it would seem that he > > rejects most dogma of any kind and even scripture(thebible) thus he would > > not be inconsistent in his sexual behaviour. Instead his take would best > > be summed up in the theologian Thomas Aquinas(look him up, boys and > > girls). Perhaps he would be more accurate to claim that he is a deist > > rather than a "christian" or does he truly believe in christ as the > > savior? Well, I have to say first and foremost that I don't care if MOBY believes and prays to The Father, The Son and The Holy Ghost or Snoopy. Second, I don't understand the comment about his sexuality. I've read that MOBY likes anal sex, so friggin' what? Is this a sodomy thing now? Oh well. I think that if MOBY wasn't to say he is a "christian" than who are any of us to say he isn't? I mean, is denomination (no spell check, sorry :) a big deal? What he believes in his heart, we will never know. I know MOBY is a talented musician who choses to say he's a christian. Now, what many would have us believe is that to be a christian, you must be "Christ-like" and as we have all heard, Christ gave a damn and did good things for others and the like. MOBY gives a damn and he does good things for other, like advocate animal rights and ecological issues. I think a person with a heart like his should be able to claim whatever religious name he chooses for himself. :-) > > Well, from what I read in his sleeve notes, Moby appears > to believe in Christ and his teachings which are all derived > from biblical scripture. He seems like a good person who believes in God and Christ. That works for me, but it really isn't any of my business. :-P love, kimberly ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: kimberly Subject: (mobility) Re: mobility-digest V1 #167 Date: 26 May 1998 19:16:14 -0700 (MST) > From: michael boudreau > Subject: (mobility) greetings > > i'd like to introduce myself. my name's michael, and i'm 21 years old. > moby cd's i own: > moby, early underground, ambient, next is the e cd single, rare, move, > hymn(this is my dream), feeling so real, everything is wrong, everytime > you touch me, into the blue, into the blue remixes, lopez-why can't it > stop?, disk(the enhanced portion of which does not work on my computer), > everything is wrong dj remix album, bring back my happiness (a domestic > (usa) version and an import version), voodoo child-the end of everything > (import version), animal rights (both domestic version and import with > "little idiot"), revolver, revolver remix, i like to score, james bond > theme,come on baby. > i also bought a copy of recoil's "bloodline" for $1.99 so i could hear > moby's rap on the song 'curse'. Hi michael! Uh, I'm jealous! (I'm also poor and can't afford as much MOBY as I'd like, any one wanna share the wealth??? :-) > i think that's it for me. Well, it's quite a lot! Welcome to the list!!! have fun, kimberly ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Subject: RE: (mobility) Re: mobility-digest V1 #164 Date: 26 May 1998 21:14:17 -0600 that's true. that is most likely why his album cover work is pretty much limited to industrial/metal bands like fear factory, fla, stabbing westward, download, skinny puppy, etc..i just suggested it cause i think his cover art kicks ass, but it really doesn't fit the moby theme. now that i think about it, the only real covers that match moby, imho anyway, are all his present album covers...i don't think anything should change. >Dave McKean did some really spooky art for Stephen King's last book, Wizard >& Glass. When I see his work I usually think of fire or blood, maybe because >of all those reds and browns. Moby is more suited to blue colors and water, >for serenity perhaps? McKean's artwork is too dense. I don't know. It could >be interesting, but Moby would have to sound like an anguished >alterna-rocker for the cover to match the music. > >-Steve Giles > >------------ >To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to >with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. > > <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Chris Perkins "It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice." <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Man is no machine, Thorns they lurk on Man is no God, rose's stem. Mankind is, and always will be... Thorns they do intend a pest. no harm then. -Claus Larsen -:Wumpscut: <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: tillyx Subject: Re: (mobility)Fezztivalz (was: Mobility) Date: 27 May 1998 13:42:31 -0400 Pedersen, Trond Erik wrote: > > I just can remember "one" group from the early 90's : a group called > Cappella (italian/british euro-dance/house style crew). Other Europeans also > nod when they here this name "Oh yeah, those..." . I went to a big outdoor party last year here in Australia - the party was a big dissapointment (venue problems), but they had the Cappella DANCERS. They were very strange indeed and were really not very interesting. From memory something was weird with the sound...i think they might have been singing along to a very blatant backing tape (hey, but who doesnt these days?) > All the dacades from 60, 70 and 80'es have their own great > groups like Deep Purple, Beatles, Elvis, Pink Floyd, A-ha, ABBA, Led > Zeppelin, the list just goes on and on (Mind these groups merely as > examples, I CAN list more, but I don't see the point). But when we round the > Millennium, what do we remember from the 90'es?? > As I see the 90'es as my youth-years I really don't have anything to talk > about when I get retired. (OK I'm so lucky I can pick a big group from the > eighties, but so can my parents). So I end up with nothing for my self (or > we ourselves perhaps is better) This is just my opinion, but the fact that we kids dont have one group to look up to is the whole point of our culture. I remember being so impressed with the vibe at my first parties - one that promoted tolerance and equality and having an open mind. I think the music we listen to is made by so many different people from all across the world - and it is all mixed together to create sounds which are definetly unique to the 90's. Its true for many that parties just dont have the same vibe (is it the drugs??? we ask) but I think that something was started in the 80's with electronic music which is really important to our age. Indeed, listening to advertisements proves that the sound is becoming mainstream, so therefore its not something that will be easially forgotten. Traditionally, young people develop music which goes against the mainstram, so Im interested to see what happens in the 21st century. tilly > ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: tilly Subject: (mobility) Mobility Date: 27 May 1998 13:50:21 -0400 Dr. Killpatient wrote: > What we found is a crowd of hyper active zombies jerking around > to the loudest kick drum ever and no songs under like 250 bpm! what scares me most is that they wear matching adidasesque parachute outfits, so they truly do look like theyre doing aerobics..anyways, moving along > I was wondering how the last Real Life album did there last year, Well, Im into both the techno and the rock/indie scenes and try to keep up, and sorry mate, never heard of 'em. > the Church, Midnight Oil, Mental As Anything, Hunter & Collectors, > Split Enz, etc. I forget the names, but there are a few really good > goa trance acts that have gotten big recently too. Yeah, the good independent radio station is doing a tragic hottest 100 of all time at the moment , and it looks like midnight oil might win. Sorry, but im really not into Peter Garrett. Split Enz are origionally from New Zealand but we claim them as our own. They morphed into Crowded House, who broke up this year, if you didnt know :) ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dr. Killpatient" Subject: Re: (mobility) Mobility Date: 26 May 1998 21:13:11 -0700 tilly wrote: > > I was wondering how the last Real Life album did there last year, > Well, Im into both the techno and the rock/indie scenes and try to keep > up, and sorry mate, never heard of 'em. > You just don't know it probably- I think everyone has heard their big one from 83- Send Me An Angel (it was a #1 hit in several countires) and maybe the one from 90 (God Tonight) paul ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dennis Daniels" Subject: Re: (mobility) coffee, titanic Date: 26 May 1998 23:26:46 -0500 Maybe this is a bit embarassing, but I actually got seasick 30 minutes into Titanic. I was getting pretty sick near the end. Anyway, i've got the AMP CD, and it's dissapointing. Moby should've been on it. The Atari Teenage Riot song is okay, I didn't like Tranquility Bass' song. The Goldie song was great, but "Inner City Life" is the only Goldie song anybody puts on albums (except UB.2) Also, why is "Block Rockin' Beats" the only C.B. song getting credit? I like "Elektrobank" myself. That's my 2 cents (which will equal out to about $15.00 with inflation). d. ---------- hey guys just wondering, moby has said "Coffee is poison", right? just wondering, why? whats he have against coffee? "Roly-poly fish heads are never seen drinking cappucinnos in italian restaurants with oriental women"...and neither is moby!!! oh yeah, i just saw titanic yesterday. i wanna be cool and say, "yeah, moby was dead right, it was the dumbest most boring fucking piece of trash ever!!!!!!!!!!" but it wasnt. i mean it was definitely not worth all the hype and 9,784 oscars it won, and i definitely wouldnt see it 100 times, but it was not bad. it was just ok. and i dont think it was too long either. to me the time just flew by. of course maybe i fell asleep in the midle or something... whatever. of course i was also the one who loved "Saturnzreturn", so... and about that urbal beats, when the first one came out i thought it was a ripoff of the AMP cd that came out around the same time, but this one sounds interesting, more interesting than the new amp cd thats coming out (which sounds a little weird anyway) so does urb have a website? or something? this sounds cool, what labels it on? bye spuds == "Roly poly fish heads are never seen drinking Capuccinos in Italian restaurants with Oriental women." >>>>>>>>>>PAUL<<<<<<<<<< _________________________________________________________ DO YOU YAHOO!? Get your free address at ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Paul Simpson Subject: (mobility) coffee, titanic Date: 26 May 1998 14:20:41 -0700 (PDT) hey guys just wondering, moby has said "Coffee is poison", right? just wondering, why? whats he have against coffee? "Roly-poly fish heads are never seen drinking cappucinnos in italian restaurants with oriental women"...and neither is moby!!! oh yeah, i just saw titanic yesterday. i wanna be cool and say, "yeah, moby was dead right, it was the dumbest most boring fucking piece of trash ever!!!!!!!!!!" but it wasnt. i mean it was definitely not worth all the hype and 9,784 oscars it won, and i definitely wouldnt see it 100 times, but it was not bad. it was just ok. and i dont think it was too long either. to me the time just flew by. of course maybe i fell asleep in the midle or something... whatever. of course i was also the one who loved "Saturnzreturn", so... and about that urbal beats, when the first one came out i thought it was a ripoff of the AMP cd that came out around the same time, but this one sounds interesting, more interesting than the new amp cd thats coming out (which sounds a little weird anyway) so does urb have a website? or something? this sounds cool, what labels it on? bye spuds == "Roly poly fish heads are never seen drinking Capuccinos in Italian restaurants with Oriental women." >>>>>>>>>>PAUL<<<<<<<<<< _________________________________________________________ DO YOU YAHOO!? Get your free address at ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: kimberly Subject: (mobility) Re: mobility-digest V1 #166 Date: 26 May 1998 12:37:06 -0700 (MST) > From: "Michaela Gerstner" > Subject: Re: (mobility) Caught Up and Moving On(was: Ketchup) > > i also finally got Aphex Twin Come to Daddy CD... very very interesting. i > find it amazing how each electronic musician has their own sounds... Aphex > sounds totally different than Orbital and Moby and all the others. i really > like that because i can now pick up songs that i hear and tell which artist > they're from. i dunno.. maybe i get pleased with the stupidest of things.. > :) Uh, it's okay to be amused by simple things. I am also amused by simple things, but then again, my life is dull and boring. :-P And in response to the organization question....I don't organize. I used to, but I stoped. Moby cds stay together though and they're labeled so that my bf and I don't get confussed as to which are which. He has FAR more cds than I. He losses his alot and since our somewhat recent move, I've lost a few. This upsets me. :( But, no MOBY were lost in the move, so I'm okay (at least I have MOBY to comfort me :) Okay, that was kind of MOBY related. :-P Although, quite pointless. *************************************************************************** > From: "Jake M." > Subject: Re: (mobility) Re: mobility t-shirts > > I think the baseball jersey idea is quite neat. So are you guys developing a shirt? If so, I would love to help with graphics and design if I can. I'll post some of my MOBY graphics on my web page and give y'all the URL if that helps. :-) Have a great day, kimberly ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dr. Killpatient" Subject: Re: (mobility) Re: mobility-digest V1 #166 Date: 27 May 1998 01:47:17 -0700 > > I think the baseball jersey idea is quite neat. > > So are you guys developing a shirt? If so, I would love to help with > graphics and design if I can. I'll post some of my MOBY graphics on my > web page and give y'all the URL if that helps. :-) > > Have a great day, > that would be great!! paul ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tim Beecher Subject: Re: (mobility) Re: mobility-digest V1 #165 Date: 27 May 1998 09:44:45 +0100 (British Summer Time) Moby, sworn opponent of the auto industry and the petro-chemical=20 complex, is allowing his track =8CGod Moving Over The Face Of The Waters=B9= =20 to be used in a car commercial. I'm assuming that this commercial eventually came to fruition... But I=20 never saw it... Did anyone out there?... Yes it did come to fruition. I saw the ad for the new=20 'Rover' here on UK television last year. I couldn't believe=20 I was hearing 'God moving....'. I was quite amazed because=20 I never thought that Moby's music was that commercial then.=20 It's good to hear that the money Moby gets is going to good=20 causes from it. Makes sense using these rich companies to=20 promote good causes. I quite liked the ad actually. I'm not=20 very good at describing things, so I might make it sound=20 awful.=20 Basically, it showed this pregnant woman being driven by=20 her partner and you would get glimpses of the baby in the=20 womb. The title of the tune immediately implied a new=20 meaning in the context of the ad (i.e. God moving over the=20 face of the waters in the mother's womb to creating life,=20 sort of thing...?). Anyway from the car manufacturers=20 viewpoint it was to imply that the car was safe and=20 comfortable, I suppose. ---------------------- Tim Beecher Cranfield University ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tim Beecher Subject: (mobility) Re: mobility-digest V1 #167 Date: 27 May 1998 10:07:16 +0100 (British Summer Time) > Well, from what I read in his sleeve notes, Moby appears > to believe in Christ and his teachings which are all derived > from biblical scripture. He seems like a good person who believes in God and Christ. That works for me, but it really isn't any of my business. :-P If Moby was to say to the general public, "mind your own business," then I would respect that. But all these things that are being discussed here are comments or quotes that Moby himself made to the general public. It becomes other's business when he claims to belong to something that other's also claim to belong to and value. So it's interesting to discuss his views and where he's coming from and whether people agree and want to support his views or disagree. I love his music, but I'm also fascinated with his attitude to life and what he's trying to do and say. If he didn't want any of us to know about it, think about it or discuss it, he wouldn't make it public would he? Love, TiM B. ---------------------- ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dennis Daniels" Subject: Re: (mobility) coffee, titanic Date: 26 May 1998 23:26:46 -0500 Maybe this is a bit embarassing, but I actually got seasick 30 minutes into Titanic. I was getting pretty sick near the end. Anyway, i've got the AMP CD, and it's dissapointing. Moby should've been on it. The Atari Teenage Riot song is okay, I didn't like Tranquility Bass' song. The Goldie song was great, but "Inner City Life" is the only Goldie song anybody puts on albums (except UB.2) Also, why is "Block Rockin' Beats" the only C.B. song getting credit? I like "Elektrobank" myself. That's my 2 cents (which will equal out to about $15.00 with inflation). d. ---------- hey guys just wondering, moby has said "Coffee is poison", right? just wondering, why? whats he have against coffee? "Roly-poly fish heads are never seen drinking cappucinnos in italian restaurants with oriental women"...and neither is moby!!! oh yeah, i just saw titanic yesterday. i wanna be cool and say, "yeah, moby was dead right, it was the dumbest most boring fucking piece of trash ever!!!!!!!!!!" but it wasnt. i mean it was definitely not worth all the hype and 9,784 oscars it won, and i definitely wouldnt see it 100 times, but it was not bad. it was just ok. and i dont think it was too long either. to me the time just flew by. of course maybe i fell asleep in the midle or something... whatever. of course i was also the one who loved "Saturnzreturn", so... and about that urbal beats, when the first one came out i thought it was a ripoff of the AMP cd that came out around the same time, but this one sounds interesting, more interesting than the new amp cd thats coming out (which sounds a little weird anyway) so does urb have a website? or something? this sounds cool, what labels it on? bye spuds == "Roly poly fish heads are never seen drinking Capuccinos in Italian restaurants with Oriental women." >>>>>>>>>>PAUL<<<<<<<<<< _________________________________________________________ DO YOU YAHOO!? Get your free address at ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dr. Killpatient" Subject: Re: (mobility) Mobility Date: 26 May 1998 21:13:11 -0700 tilly wrote: > > I was wondering how the last Real Life album did there last year, > Well, Im into both the techno and the rock/indie scenes and try to keep > up, and sorry mate, never heard of 'em. > You just don't know it probably- I think everyone has heard their big one from 83- Send Me An Angel (it was a #1 hit in several countires) and maybe the one from 90 (God Tonight) paul ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Michaela Gerstner" Subject: Re: (mobility) ILTS Cover Art/Welcome/Festivals/Caffiene Date: 27 May 1998 07:07:22 -0700 i'm putting all my responses into one e-mail because i don't want to put too many posts. i'm glad to see that this list is coming alive again. :) well.. next to CDs, i prefer vinyl. records are fabulous, and the sound is awesome. it's a shame to see them fading... they're slowly coming back, though. i'm already claiming my parents extensive record collection, as well as starting my own. i only have a few, though... some pearl jam, joan baez, and other old ones i swiped while my dad wasn't looking. it's odd, i'm the only one in the house who has a turntable now... and i'm not giving it up, either. CDs are convenient, but i feel that records are a real treasure. maybe i'm just stuck in the past... i dunno. i just love records. :) now if i could find a place to get Moby ones i'd be in utopia. ;) *** oh, and i think the ILTS cover is pretty neat.. although, it reminds me of those microsoft internet explorer ads i see in SPIN. the dots remind me of it... *** and...... WELCOME MICHAEL! (are you in FL? i have a friend in FL who also uses earthlink... is that local?)as for your enhanced CD, join the club. nobody's works, either. mine kinda worked when i ran it under windows 3.1, which i found in my computer. i guess my computer kept the old version when i updated it to win95. i just wound up opening up the videos and stuff under quicktime manually. of course, i was disappointed that it didn't run right.. but oh well! *** haven't you also noticed that festivals and concerts, besides getting too commercial, are also getting more expensive? i use to love going to the Alachua Music Harvest every yr when i lived in FL. then, they decided to get more bigger artists, besides the local ones (which i felt had more talent than the bigger artists). pretty soon, $9 tickets for 3 full days of music began to be $15 prepaid and $20 at the gate.. last yr they were $25 @ the gate. when the ppl that organized this began to hire these bigger artists, they lost the true feeling of the celebration-to celebrate all the local music. it's a shame.. i hate seeing all this commerical stuff ruin a good thing. *** and... caffiene is a great. i don't drink coffee because i don't like the taste and i don't want to get started on something that is not good for you. then again, i drink soda for caffiene, which isn't good for you, either (the acid in it isn't good for your stomach, and it depletes your body of water rather than replenishing it). so... i guess i shouldn't be talking. anyways, soda has helped through some exams (the really boring history ones who's questions are a mile along!).. but i've had it for times like that. when it comes to liquid refreshment, the only thing i drink is green tea and water. Blessed Be, Plovious ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jonathan Ruano Subject: Re: (mobility) ILTS Cover Art Date: 27 May 1998 17:35:35 +0200 Hola, mobydicts: On Tue, May 26, 1998 at 05:46:17PM +0100, Tim Beecher wrote: > > On Mon, 25 May 1998 12:53:43 -0500 (EST) Adekunle Olonoh > wrote: > > > I didn't think the ILTS art was anything special, but it > was simple and I liked it. > I think it's minimal but effective - I quite like > it too actually - very retro..... > > I think it went along well with > the 70's pimp sound on the ILTS track. Yesterday it was time to listen to ILTS (joking, I just wanted to do it), and the circles on the cover seemed to me as a script 'm' (standing for Moby, I guessed). It's not very clear, but the reds and oranges made me imagine a bit. BTW, Inside the cover states that "Go" was written by Moby,David Lynch and Angelo Badalamenti. It seems strange to me, as it says (as we all know) that "G" (I just wanted to build an acronym :) includes a sample from.. blah, blah, blah... Is it just a redundancy ? I never saw a song which had samples of another stated as "being written" by those who made the sampled song... :-? > And I love some of the funky 70s stuff on it. Though > it has some old stuff, there's some good new tunes I hadn't > heard before. Did you enjoy "Boogie Nights", then ? > Call me cave-man or whatever and I'm not looking for > sympathy (well I am actually), but I don't have a CD > PLAYER or any CDs (actually I have 2 given to me by > friends, who assume I have something to play them on!)! Hehehe, I bought CDs before actually having a player, just to "create a demand" :) > Anyway they're so bloody expensive in the UK - they're a > rip-off! I can't afford to buy one (I'm a perpetual > student you see) so I've still got my old, nasty turntable > with those large, mainly black, vinyl discs, popularly > known as 'records' Dont hesitate, man! If you (we) like music, (you/we)'ll find any way of get in touch.. Jonathan. -- 512/781AF549 1997/11/26 Jonathan Ruano (low-sec) Key fingerprint = 7A 87 8E 82 50 82 1D 19 CD BE 3E 20 FA 80 6F 8F For more bits, browse ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tim Beecher Subject: Re: (mobility) ILTS Cover Art Date: 27 May 1998 19:34:02 +0100 (British Summer Time) I can't afford to buy one (I'm a perpetual > student you see) so I've still got my old, nasty turntable > with those large, mainly black, vinyl discs, popularly > known as 'records' Dont hesitate, man! If you (we) like music, (you/we)'ll find any way of get in touch.. Jonathan. Does that mean you can supply me with a CD player or produce some financial incentive, brother? TiM B. ---------------- ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Steve Giles Subject: (mobility) This is my Thread Date: 27 May 1998 14:58:42 -0400 I like the ILTS cover art and liner notes. The orange and pink dots are just there. They don't presume or represent anything, they just exist there. I find the pointless unassuming simpicity rather refreshing. Relaxing, even. I would buy a poster of the cover art, actually. I do understand why people would NOT like the cover art. My bedroom decorations are practically nil. Bright red carpet, bare off-white walls. One yarn thingy of r2-d2 over yellow backround, 1.50$ at a garage sale. People just don't dig the spartan decor, but I do. and I like the cover. Ok. Since Andy the gingerbread man isn't doing the Thanks CDs anymore, is there someone who would be so kind to make a tape of it for me? I'll cover costs. E me private, thanks. Unfortunately, the letters that say MOBY on my shirt from the concert are in grey, over a blue/red/black swirly background. Hard to read at a quick glance, and not immediately recognizably a Moby related graphic. I haven't met any Moby fans while wearing it, as I hope to. :-( We need more Moby merchandise. I wonder if the order form in the back of Animal Rights is still valid. I'll contact Mute or DEF or whatever, and let anyone interested know. I too am on a T1, so I pay nothing for access but it is restricted, as I am at work. I like it, and I cannot complain. Who could in my position? Come to work, chat Moby, work, browse web, work, chat Moby, browse web, go to lunch, etc. etc. g'bye now! Steve Giles ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dr. Killpatient" Subject: Re: (mobility) ILTS Cover Art Date: 27 May 1998 16:49:23 -0700 > > BTW, Inside the cover states that "Go" was written by Moby,David Lynch and > Angelo Badalamenti. It seems strange to me, as it says (as we all know) that > "G" (I just wanted to build an acronym :) includes a sample from.. blah, > blah, blah... Is it just a redundancy ? I never saw a song which had samples > of another stated as "being written" by those who made the sampled song... > :-? See: MC Hammer getting busted for using Rick James...(can't touch this) When a sample is used as part of the melody or song structure as oppossed to just a drum beat or a noise or spoken words- you have to share the writing credit as MC Hammer found out. paul Either that or shelf your record like Negativeland did with U2, and like the KLF did with 'the Queen And I' (dancing queen from ABBA) ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jonathan Ruano Subject: Re: (mobility) coffee Date: 28 May 1998 02:43:50 +0200 On Tue, May 26, 1998 at 05:11:06PM -0500, Ade wrote: > >just wondering, moby has said "Coffee is poison", right? > >just wondering, why? whats he have against coffee? > > Is he against coffee or caffeine? I'm not really too hot about > caffeine--it's a drug, and everyone knows it's a drug. It's addictive and > has some harmful side-affects. I tried stop drinking coffee, just to check if I found myself better or so (ha ha), and although a bit more sleepy when I wake up.. nothing special. Now I'm having instead some infusions, and I'm "meeting" new herbs I didnt tasted before (as strawberry one :). Ah, one thing: It's helped me to sleep my 7-8 hours. If I dont (w/o having coffee), I just cant wake up in time :) > It's widely misused and abused but somehow > still socially acceptable. It's like how cocaine used to be in everything > until earlier this century. Something like cigarrettes... But now, people wants to stop smoking, but doesnt realize that coffee is bad (although not so), too. Jonathan. -- 512/781AF549 1997/11/26 Jonathan Ruano (low-sec) Key fingerprint = 7A 87 8E 82 50 82 1D 19 CD BE 3E 20 FA 80 6F 8F For more bits, browse ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jonathan Ruano Subject: Re: (mobility) ILTS Cover Art Date: 28 May 1998 02:56:30 +0200 On Wed, May 27, 1998 at 07:34:02PM +0100, Tim Beecher wrote: > Does that mean you can supply me with a CD player or > produce some financial incentive, brother? Oops.. didnt mean so. I was referring to the fact you get music out of whatever medium is at your reach, as with tapes. The important is listening to it. Jonathan. -- 512/781AF549 1997/11/26 Jonathan Ruano (low-sec) Key fingerprint = 7A 87 8E 82 50 82 1D 19 CD BE 3E 20 FA 80 6F 8F For more bits, browse ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: theShackofXaq Subject: (mobility) snippit Date: 27 May 1998 21:04:23 -0500 (CDT) i keep forgeting to mention this, so i'll do it now before i forget again: the opening wah-wah breakbeat in "into the blue" (uplifting 4 beat) is used in a promo for some upcomming awards show. this is in america, btw. so there. i remembered. [xaq] "i think a lot, but it never helps me, so i stop. but i really enjoy thinking." Masafumi Sanai-photographer Pissing in the snow outside my door- it makes a very straight hole. -Issa- ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Pedersen, Trond Erik" Subject: Re: (mobility) Caught Up and Moving On(was: Ketchup) Date: 28 May 1998 06:53:00 +0200 Hi Index : 1.0 Other Stuff 2.0 Moby Stuff 3.0 Moby Questions 1.0 Other Stuff: I found a cool way to organize my CD's : Once I have a CD I use my computer to make Mpeg3 files of them, then I store the files on my harddisks. Then I update my Mpeg3 database and I make playlists that I can use to play different moods/songs etc. The original CDs, however, are stacked alphabetically in my book-case shelves (which is more than full at the moment) separated into an albums and a singles/EPs section. The CDs I "never" use I have stacked in a box under my bed together with my 12" and 7". New CDs/12" are placed.... (ehh.. more correctly : should have been) placed in my shelves, but unfortunately lays scattered around, in and under my stereo, my computer and my desk. 2.0 Moby Stuff: I recently was attracted by a sign saying "CDs from 9.00 NOK" (=1,25 US$). And ofcourse I went into the advertizing shop. As I expected a very puny selection of folk, terror-metal and death-metal records was the only ones on sale. The other records was normally priced. As I was about to exit the shop my eyes came upon a barrel of CDs in the vast corner of this shop. I decided to kill yet another 10 minutes of my life searching this barrel, AND WHAT DID I SEE : On top of the heap of CDs a CD virtually sparkles at me : Moby's I Like to Score. I quickly grabbed it and continued browsing, ending up with Moby : I Like to Score @ about 2$ Moby : Into the Blue Remixes @ about 1.25$ Orbital : Lush 3 @ about 2$ Nightcrawlers : Push the feeling on 2x12" Promo @ about 3$ Five of my all-time-faves at together @ about 8.25$... Not bad! (However, I earn this because I've had to IMPORT all my Moby CD's so far, and that's expensive!) 3.0 Moby Questions I also discovered Moby's That's When I Reached for My Revolver Remixes (Orange Sleeve) @ about 9$. Is it worth getting? I have Part 1 of the TWIRFMR (the black one). Anyone knows when Moby is touring Europe this year? I've come across only one gig at Rockefeller, Oslo , Norway the day of July. Where can I get other dates? OKeydookey, This was long, but I write so seldom, so this have to compensate for me not writing so often. MVH Trond Pedersen BTW : I have made a T-shirt logo, can I attach this BMP (100 kb/20kp zipped) and mail it to the list, or are binary postings banned? ---------- How do you guys organize your CDs? ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Steve Giles Subject: (mobility) Rock the List rockrockthelist Date: 28 May 1998 10:07:58 -0400 >>3.0 Moby Questions >> >>I also discovered Moby's That's When I Reached for My Revolver Remixes >>(Orange Sleeve) @ about 9$. Is it worth getting? I have Part 1 of the >>TWIRFMR (the black one). Yes, get it! I've been looking for that one for quite a while now, I have heard it and it is a great single. The Rollo & Sister Bliss Vocal Mix is by far my favorite of Revolver. See the review at for good info on it. >>Anyone knows when Moby is touring Europe this year? I know he's playing a large festival in the UK called Universe. I saw a big 2-page spread in mixmag. Don't remember when. Anyone who has yet to answer the poll, please do so! All responses so far have been public, so you all can see that I've only got about 6 votes or less in each category. -STG ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Damian Subject: Re: (mobility) Rock the List rockrockthelist Date: 28 May 1998 10:02:22 -0600 Steve Giles wrote: > > >>I also discovered Moby's That's When I Reached for My Revolver Remixes > >>(Orange Sleeve) @ about 9$. Is it worth getting? I have Part 1 of the > >>TWIRFMR (the black one). > > Yes, get it! I've been looking for that one for quite a while now, I > have heard it and it is a great single. The Rollo & Sister Bliss Vocal Mix > is by far my favorite of Revolver. See the review at for good info > on it. Here, here! The second CD is wonderful. Pick it up! > >>Anyone knows when Moby is touring Europe this year? > > I know he's playing a large festival in the UK called Universe. I saw a big > 2-page spread in mixmag. Don't remember when. Universe 98 was to go on May 23rd & 24th but was cancelled. Here's an article on the surprising failure of the event. PROMOTERS PULL PLUG ON UNIVERSE 98 Mystery surrounds the surprise cancellation of the Universe 98 event, which was due to take place at Knebworth Park in Hertfordshire on the bank holiday weekend of May 23-24. A statement was issued by Universe confirming that the event - which was to have featured many of the biggest names in dance music including live acts Roni Size, Rakim and Tricky plus more than 100 DJs - had been pulled but would be rescheduled for a date later in the year. Whilst Universe's statement gave no reason for the postponement of Universe 98, MCP Productions, which was co-promoting the event, had earlier stated that the event had been cancelled due to due to "complex licensing issues". However, when contacted by RM, North Herts County Council denied that there had been any licensing problems or that environmental health officers had raised any objections. The local police also confirmed that they had raised no objections to the event and that the decision to pull Universe 98 was, as far as they were concerned, one made by the promoters themselves. Insiders suggest the reason for Universe 98's postponement was in fact poor ticket sales, but a Universe spokesman refused to comment on this when contacted by RM. This latest setback will come as a blow to Universe, coming days before the sell-out Creamfields event which was co-promoted by Universe's ex-partners the Mean Fiddler Organization. Universe and the Mean Fiddler had previously worked together on the successful Tribal Gathering events but fell out earlier this year. Universe has suffered setbacks in the past, with licensing problems affecting Tribal Gathering in 1996 and poor ticket sales leading to the cancellation of the Budweiser NYCD event featuring Junior Vasquez which it promoted at the London Arena in Docklands last May. An announcement regarding ticket refunds and details about the rescheduled Universe 98 event will be made shortly. -- Looking forward to possibly attending Creamfields 2 in New York, hopefully this September 5. It should kick ass! np - Blue Boy: remember me ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (mobility) samples Date: 28 May 1998 13:22:46 EDT as far as sampling goes, if it's recognizable as someone else's material, you either give them credit, or get nailed for plagiarism -- or you just don't use the sample at all. take prodigy for example: liam howlett has bragged to people that there's a Star Wars sample on some prodigy record, but no one can find it -- he's off the hook. like hip-hop sampling in the '80s -- before the days of puff daddy, samples were taken and manipulated, turning them into elements for a new song, but fairly unrecognizable from the original; just try to track down all the samples DJ Shadow uses ... back to prodigy: on their latest, liam sampled the line "oh my god, that's the funky shit" from the beastie boys track "root down" -- because that sample was such a central part of the song (the prodigy song being called simply "funky shit"), he had to give equal writing credit. (actually, the Fat of the Land liner notes don't even mention the beastie boys, but if you look in the end credits for the film "event horizon," credit for the song reads "written by l. howlett, a. yauch, a. horovitz, m. diamond") ... but just look back at the beasties' album credits -- "root down" contains samples of "root down (and get it)" by jimmy smith, and so it goes ... KMFDM never cleared a sample they used in "liebeslied" from their Naive album -- they got sued and had to pull the album (i'm one of the lucky ones who own an original copy) -- they later remixed most of the tracks on the album and rereleased it under a different title. and for the record, m.c. hammer did clear the rick james sample (i believe), but vanilla ice did not when he "borrowed" the song "under pressure" from david bowie and queen. and i'll just say, a hell of a lot more samples are used in music than are credited -- tracking down the sources is more fun anyway ... well, my input on the touchy subject of sampling. have a good one. ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Stuart Adair Subject: Re: (mobility) samples Date: 28 May 1998 20:18:37 +0100 >as far as sampling goes, if it's recognizable as someone else's material,= you >either give them credit, or get nailed for plagiarism -- or you just don't use >the sample at all. take prodigy for example: liam howlett has bragged to >people that there's a Star Wars sample on some prodigy record, but no one= can >find it -- he's off the hook. It's Full Throttle off Jilted Generation, the reversed sample is Luke saying "we're going at full throttle" from the trench sequence. But the original version of Full Throttle (One Love b-side) has the sample forwards anyway, so I wouldn't say it's impossible to find :) Stu _____________________ \ .:stuart adair:. /____:dubstar:moby::scrawn&lard:eddieizzard:|breakyourhe //\/_stu042@bigfoot.com_ \_________ :bigbeat:interactivefiction:|artbreakyou \\ :terrypratchett::drum&bass:|rfacenottha / \/\ the final days of c floor (__=A0= /\=A0:zxspectrum::fatboyslim:|tmuchtolook \___/=A0 ___)/_/\ :quake:kenickie::frenzi|atanyway = -k ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: kimberly Subject: (mobility) Re: mobility-digest V1 #168 Date: 28 May 1998 13:02:05 -0700 (MST) > From: "Dr. Killpatient" > Subject: Re: (mobility) Mobility > > tilly wrote: > > > > I was wondering how the last Real Life album did there last year, > > Well, Im into both the techno and the rock/indie scenes and try to keep > > up, and sorry mate, never heard of 'em. > > > You just don't know it probably- I think everyone has heard their big > one from 83- Send Me An Angel (it was a #1 hit in several countires) > and maybe the one from 90 (God Tonight) Wait, who did that song "Send me an angel"? My bf plays that for me all the time. At first it got on my nerves, but then I got used to it? Who is it? > From: "Dennis Daniels" > Subject: Re: (mobility) coffee, titanic > > Anyway, i've got the > AMP CD, and it's dissapointing. Moby should've been on it. The Atari > Teenage Riot song is okay, I didn't like Tranquility Bass' song. The Goldie > song was great, but "Inner City Life" is the only Goldie song anybody puts > on albums (except UB.2) Also, why is "Block Rockin' Beats" the only C.B. > song getting credit? I like "Elektrobank" myself. Hrm, I think I disagree. I think the AMP cd is okay, but getting far too trendy. A lot of ppl I know don't even know who MOBY is, and ofcourse that is their loss, but I don't want to go to a MOBY show with 4000 really young kids wearing (fill in annoying teenbopper band here) t-shirts and buying all the MOBY cd's I can't find, only to go back to listening to (fill in annoying teeniebopper band here) a week later because it's trendier. I think it's good that MOBY wasn't on that cd because I'd have to run into those five year olds who spend ungodly ammounts of money on cds that they heard some older cool kid talking about and then ruin my experience by being totally disrespetful of everyone else's space. Does anyone feel my pain?????????? Any empathy here? :-P love, kimberly ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Rasidel Jedro Slika" Subject: (mobility) Moby / Bulls game Date: 28 May 1998 13:04:14 -0700 Wow this was very cool. Last night during the Bulls/Pacers game pregame, "Shining" was played! And then, if that wasn't enough, they played "New Dawn Fades" later on, during the 3rd quarter I think. Just clips, but still awesome to hear! Someone at NBC is a hardcore Moby fan, I should think. RRR aka delobbo --- ________________________________________ ||depechemodemobymegadetherasurepetshopboys ||kmfdmcurefront242nitzerebbnineinchnails ||celinedionmarilynmansonu2ministry Free web-based email, Forever, From anywhere! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Steve Giles Subject: RE: (mobility) Re: mobility-digest V1 #168 Date: 28 May 1998 16:32:27 -0400 >> Does anyone feel my pain?????????? Any empathy here? :-P >> >>love, >> >>kimberly Go look at the mobility archives at for late march early april. I already vented on this, so I won't burden everyone again. -Steve ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dr. Killpatient" Subject: Re: (mobility) samples Date: 28 May 1998 17:17:22 -0700 > and for the record, m.c. hammer did clear the rick james sample (i believe), No, he got sued for half the profits from that song after it was a big hit. James blew all the money on crack no doubt! Here's a link you all will love, it lists hundreds of different groups and the soure of the samples they have used: check it out! paul ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dr. Killpatient" Subject: Re: (mobility) Re: mobility-digest V1 #168 Date: 28 May 1998 17:24:56 -0700 kimberly wrote: > > > From: "Dr. Killpatient" > > Subject: Re: (mobility) Mobility > > > > tilly wrote: > > > > > > I was wondering how the last Real Life album did there last year, > > > Well, Im into both the techno and the rock/indie scenes and try to keep > > > up, and sorry mate, never heard of 'em. > > > > > You just don't know it probably- I think everyone has heard their big > > one from 83- Send Me An Angel (it was a #1 hit in several countires) > > and maybe the one from 90 (God Tonight) > > Wait, who did that song "Send me an angel"? My bf plays that for me all > the time. At first it got on my nerves, but then I got used to it? Who > is it? See above: the section you quoted contains the answer!!! paul ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Ryan Taylor) Subject: (mobility) Responses(Multiple Mix) Date: 28 May 1998 20:23:13 -0400 >How do you guys organize your CDs? Well..early on I did it by type of music(all of the electronic music in one spot..all of the urban(rap/hip-hop/etc) in other..etc etc)..all in alphabetic order..But as time grew on..and the # of cd's grew..that was getting harder(especially with artists that make different types of Moby)..So now it's just alphabetical..Moby's in the M's...Lopez in the L's...VC in the V's...etc...All the soundtracks together at the end..then all the comps(arranged by type of music as best as possible). >here's a question for all: how do you feel when musicians sell their music to be used in commercials. Andrea pointed out..Moby's music has been used..But it's curious that he let it happen..considering the circumstances of the Go single that was released in '94(on Mute as CDNOCAR1)..As the liner notes say: A car advert broadcast earlier this year recreated the music to the Moby song "Go". Many people thought it was Moby's music. This is not the case. We would like to make it clear that Moby's music was not used. Moby has not been and is not involved with this commercial and has not recieved money from it. Had Moby been asked to use "Go" he would have refused on the grounds that he would not let his songs be used to sell cars. "Go" is available again to set the record straight. This single is available at a lower price that usual. All Moby's royalties from the single will go to the charity Transport 2000. Maybe he said ok to the later advertisement because a charity would benefit from the money?!? All in all it doesn't bother me that he's let his music to be used as part of advertisements since he didn't profit from it(If he had..I'd probably have a problem with it since he's written about how we treat the environment). >i'd like to introduce myself. my name's michael Welcome to the list(overall note: seems like we've gotten quite the influx of new members recently). Ok..time to end this thing...thanks to someone on the orb list(Keith Reinert )..He helped find a reference to Moby not even knowing he was: So the moral of the story is that you don't need to use all the filters all the time, unless your boss is dj Albatross or Moby or some Orb or other. So as I was saying, go play. You can find this for yourself at: (FYI: It's a story about Photoshop..the above reference was found in the section about Filters) Ryan np: Said Go single(cdnocar1)..I love Go..but just wasn't in the mood for all 14 mixes on Rare :) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Ryan Taylor ICQ#: 1607223 Homepage to come soon "People suing ski areas should be shot." -Scot Schmidt "Duhhh, don't do that! And stop with the wispery hissing, you sound like a Brian Eno record." -Pearl Forester to Observer =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (DEF) Subject: (mobility) Moby: European dates Date: 29 May 1998 11:32:48 +0100 Moby will be playing the following European dates: May 29 Rock Im Park Germany May 30 Rock Am Ring Germany May 31 Pinkpop Holland June 26 Glastonbury UK June 27 Nottingham Rock City UK June 28 Leeds Breeze '98 UK July 1 Oporto Portugal July 3 Torhout Belgium July 4 Werchter Belgium July 5 Midtfyns Denmark July 8 Bucharest Rumania July 10 Oslo Norway July 11 Arvika Sweden July 14 Athens Rockwave Greece July 17 Gurten Switzerland July 19 Phoenix UK For the latest European tour news check out Moby will release a new single, "Honey", in August. More details soon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (mobility) samples Date: 29 May 1998 00:59:00 EDT stu ---> good call ! though i've told people about liam's claim before, i had never actually tried to find it myself -- i usually go sample-hunting, but i just never did with the Star Wars sample ... sure enough, i just grabbed my copy of Jilted Generation (still their best), cued up that reverse sample in "full throttle," put it through my onboard sampler, ran it backwards, and bingo -- "we're going at full throttle." my utmost respect goes out to you ... later ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Patrik Sahlin Subject: (mobility) Hi there... Date: 29 May 1998 17:52:39 +-200 Ok, I have been on this list for some weeks now, but I thinks it's time for me to introduce myself for you... My name is Patrik Sahlin, i'm 17 years old and lives in Falun, Sweden. When I was in London for some years ago, I bought the "Feeling so real" cd single. I thought it was a great song, but didn't care much. Then I read about Moby in a christian magazine. I thought Moby was a really cool guy so I went down to my record store and bought two cheap promotional records: Animal Rights and I like to score I love both the records (especially AR) and I will buy more albums when I get the money. Other music that I really like to listen to: Laibach, KLF, Dance or Die, Utah Saints, My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult, Leaetherstrip/Klute, Sisters of Mercy.......... That's me :) Message to 'Pedersen, Trond Erik' about Moby tour in Europe: Moby will play at 'Arvika Festivalen' here in Sweden and it sounds like your are from Norway, so.... Visit for more information. parik sahlin - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bonnie Williams Subject: Re: (mobility) Re: mobility-digest V1 #163 Date: 30 May 1998 09:44:42 -0700 > > > > > Date: Wed, 20 May 1998 14:50:04 -0700 (PDT) > > From: Paul Simpson > > Subject: (mobility) go/basement rock/chems > > > > hey i was wondering, who here has heard go for the first time the > > earliest and latest here? i mean, the first time i ever heard go was > > summer 97 on college radio (really) so i'm probably the one who first > > heard it latest. if anyone heard it for the first time later than that > > let us know. > > but who has heard it the earliest? has anyone heard it in 1990? i have!!!! sorry so late, i haven't checked my e-mails in years....but, anyway- that's funny that you should mention that..... i heard it in 91? 92?.....i was in 6th grade, and my friends brother had the single.....and my friend and i ALWAYS were making dances up, and we came across the single and loved it, so we made up our little dance....and there you go..... oh, another little thing: later that year, because we were getting so into dancing and stuff and never had the music, i went out and bought Best of Techno vol.1, and made up some dances....but when i got into moby again (when i was older) i looked back and i found that moby was on that all voodoo child.... so even as a young'in i've had some crazy ties with moby.....el fin -kc "i build each one of my songs out of glass, so you can see me inside them, i suppose. but you can just leave the image of me in the background, i guess...and see yr own reflection superimposed" -ani > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Paul Simpson Subject: (mobility) samples, cover art, etc. Date: 30 May 1998 18:44:42 -0700 (PDT) damn, this is the second time writing this, there was a black out this morning! technology, tool of the devil... anyway, i got back from a yankees game. and guess what, they didn't play moby, they did better! they played Aphex Twin, Mu-Ziq, and Spring Heel Jack! Yeah! Really! Not! They played the usual crap, Wallflowers, Puff Daddy, Marky MArk, 2 unlimited. but they did play Soundgarden and Sublime which was cool. (actually boston is worse...they play "Hangin Tough" by NKOTB during breaks! and they play like the macarena 7 times! but they didnt play that evil song at yankees game today...) anyway red sox beat the yankess...HAA-HA! i was rooting for the sox all along, my dad was like the yanks will win, and i was like what if they don't? but they will....but they didn't... anyway i did hear moby! on the way there, through my headphones, connected to my tape player, in the car! ok, about, if you look in billboard magazine, in the singles charts, like look under any rap song (they all sample something nowadays) and it lists the people who wrote the song they sampled under writer credits....that reminds me, like a year ago i overheard some kids talking to each other, like "NAS has no talent, look in the cd, like 6 people make up his rhymes! Rakim has talent, he can freestyle!" of course, NAS samples a lot, and this kid didnt realize that. what was the url of that sample page again? i was gonna bookmark it but the power ran out... i listened to that prodigy song, "Full Throttle" and yeah that is luke skywalker backwards i guess. i didnt have time to bring the cd to the downstairs computer and record the sample on the computer and play it backwards, but i guess i could do thatlater. anyway, i heard some rumor somewhere, on this page that lists evry sample orbital used, that on "Out there Somewhere?" on _In Sides_ that they sample princess leia saying something. i'm not sure if it's the "What's Wrong?"s or the "I'll remember if its the last thing i do" or whatever. does anyone know? back to prod, btw, on that same album _Music for the jilted gen._, on "Voodoo People", the opening guitar riff is sampled from the opening guitar riff in "Very Ape" from Nirvana's _In Utero_. it's true i tell ya! i also noticed that prodigy only credits like 1 or 2 samples in their first two cds, but like 20 in FOTL. and they still managed to get sued by someone over a sample. anyway, in Jilted Gen, in the liners, it says "thanks to (so and so) for help with the cinematic samples." it also thanks "Paul Simpson", really! just look. i told that to Ryu once, he replied "Damn youre smooth! How'd you manage that, eh?" well if it sez that in my copy and ryu's copy i bet it would say it in your copy. speaking of prodigy, does anyone know if prodigy's "Wind It Up!" single is still available? particularly the American Version, which has 7 trax? if someone has this i'll send a blank tape for a dub! okay, now to moby.... well about the ILTS cover art, at first i thought it was terrible and stupid and pointless and killed the album completely. i didn't like the album (music included) at all first time i listened to it. but then, i looked at it again, and i realized, oh my god this is an enlightenment! a bunch of dots against a white nothingness! enlightenment!!! this is pure heaven!!! so i copied the ILTS cover, blew it up 1000times, and put posters up all over my house. ILTS is the most spiritually uplifting modern art ever. "In case you didn't know, I was being sarcastic."-homer "Well, duh."-Marge Actually, i really dont care about the ILTS cover art. its not bad, or good, just is. i guess the theme was, the music will sell itself. or something. whatever. i organize my cds alphabetically in a 48-cd rack. of course i have more than 48 cds so i need a new rack. i'm like halfway to a third rack even. and i have a little drawer (about 2 shoeboxes size) that holds tapes, which is overflowing. oh well. but i keep like entire track listings n stuff on my computer in my room (not this one) cuz i'm like a perfectionist. i always tell my friends when they make mixtapes to write down absolutely every song n stuff. i wanna know what i'm listening to at all times! and for some unknown reason i'm gonna try to listen to my whole collection alphabetically, every february. i ended like middle of March this year. ok bye i guess. np:dead silence. == "Roly poly fish heads are never seen drinking Capuccinos in Italian restaurants with Oriental women." >>>>>>>>>>PAUL<<<<<<<<<< _________________________________________________________ DO YOU YAHOO!? Get your free address at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dr. Killpatient" Subject: Re: (mobility) samples, cover art, etc. Date: 30 May 1998 19:19:58 -0700 > > what was the url of that sample page again? i was gonna bookmark it > but the power ran out... > on _In Sides_ that they sample princess > leia saying something. i'm not sure if it's the "What's Wrong?"s or > the "I'll remember if its the last thing i do" or whatever. does > anyone know? It's not princess leia, it was disscused once on the orbital mailing list- I don't remember what it was, but it was from some documentary or talk show in the UK. > okay, now to moby.... > well about the ILTS cover art, at first i thought it was terrible and > stupid and pointless and killed the album completely. i didn't like > the album (music included) at all first time i listened to it. > > but then, i looked at it again, and i realized, oh my god this is an > enlightenment! a bunch of dots against a white nothingness! > enlightenment!!! this is pure heaven!!! I love it too, I have been a big fan of minimalism since I grew up with Joy Division and New Order being my favorite groups. I used to actually buy records that I wasn't sure if they were New Order or not, except that there was no writing on the covers and very minimalistic art- and lo and behold they usually were New Order. Must have driven people crazy not putting any pictures of themselves or even their name on many early releases like the Temptation single, Murder, even the first Power, Corruption & lies. I love their artwrok!!! > i organize my cds alphabetically in a 48-cd rack. of course i have > more than 48 cds so i need a new rack. i'm like halfway to a third > rack even. and i have a little drawer (about 2 shoeboxes size) that > holds tapes, which is overflowing. oh well. but i keep like entire > track listings n stuff on my computer in my room (not this one) cuz > i'm like a perfectionist. i always tell my friends when they make > mixtapes to write down absolutely every song n stuff. i wanna know > what i'm listening to at all times! > > and for some unknown reason i'm gonna try to listen to my whole > collection alphabetically, every february. i ended like middle of > March this year. I could never do that, it would take me all year! I used to organize aphabetically, but my CDs always ended up in little piles all mixed up anyway. So I have three huge 150 CD racks, organized by artist for all the artists I have over 5 CDs or so, and the rest is organized in genre sections (techno, trance, ambient, synth pop, brit rock, US rock, 80s stuff, gothic, industrial, etc.) I still have piles of CDs left over that are kind of misc. stuff. Like 600 CDs or so...ahhhh! paul > > ok bye i guess. > > np:dead silence. > == > "Roly poly fish heads are never seen drinking Capuccinos in > Italian restaurants with Oriental women." > >>>>>>>>>>PAUL<<<<<<<<<< > > _________________________________________________________ > DO YOU YAHOO!? > Get your free address at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Your Name Subject: Re: (mobility) samples, cover art, etc. Date: 30 May 1998 19:28:06 +0000 > but then, i looked at it again, and i realized, oh my god this is an > enlightenment! a bunch of dots against a white nothingness! > enlightenment!!! this is pure heaven!!! > so i copied the ILTS cover, blew it up 1000times, and put posters up > all over my house. ILTS is the most spiritually uplifting modern art > ever. paul.....seriously....gimme some of that whatever-it-is you're on man cause i do feel i wanna be so happy......and your posters are pretty far out too........!!!!!!!!! was it something they give out at those ball games? so once again......who is moby? clay ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ade Subject: Re: (mobility) samples, cover art, etc. Date: 30 May 1998 22:42:43 -0500 >that on "Out there Somewhere?" on _In Sides_ that they sample princess >leia saying something. i'm not sure if it's the "What's Wrong?"s or >the "I'll remember if its the last thing i do" or whatever. does >anyone know? I was poking around and listening to some stuff on I think it was something by DJ Jezus Juice (whatever you want to call yourself). The piece/song/whatever was I guess a big long sample set to techno background music. I don't know what the sample was from but it was all about alien abduction or something. Anyway, at the end some woman says the "I'll remember if its the last thing i do" line. It referred to how she was abducted and people were asking her a whole lot of questions. It was very weird. So clay...where'd you go? It seems like it had been a long time since we've heard from you. .oooO Oooo. --Ade. ( ) ( ) \ ( ) / \_) (_/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Your Name Subject: (mobility) Re: paul simpson. Date: 30 May 1998 23:22:50 +0000 > So clay...where'd you go? It seems like it had been a long time since > we've heard from you. > ade! wellll........I'VE BEEN WATCHING.............and working and things lotsa newcomers and that makes me glad and some good discussions it seems without me having to start the occasional rout> heh hehe (we'll just leave that to paul simpson) : )'s to our new roomies and well of course hats off to moby our little idiot genius wandering in limbo land......... any word? has he finally got the much-deserved new label deal yet? it's a pity so much of the world can't know what it's missing...... but screw they'd probably want him to do even more spice girls commercials and ya know what friends.........? he'd probably do it....... and laugh....... and we'd be going duh........ so what's all this about this group prodigy? are they moby? or paul are you just a bad boy still???????? not to be confused with bad boy bill! i guess some things never change.......thank buddha christ and bart clay evolution2000 np: massive attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (mobility) Re: paul simpson. Date: 31 May 1998 03:10:42 EDT fuck you all, i hate christians, i hate moby, i hate everything and i want to be off this fucking e mail list take me the hell off please ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dr. Killpatient" Subject: Re: (mobility) Re: paul simpson. Date: 31 May 1998 00:22:02 -0700 wrote: > > fuck you all, i hate christians, i hate moby, i hate everything and i want to > be off this fucking e mail list take me the hell off please you are tempting me....don't tempt me....oh no.... I must see my counselor, before....oh no.... i only wish i had your phone number..... (beeper reaper) ok, wait it's fading...OH NO!....ok , ask me in six hours paul ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (mobility) Re: paul simpson. | PLEASE DON'T REPLY TO THE Date: 31 May 1998 04:52:35 -0600 LIST. Sender: Precedence: bulk Reply-To: mobility X-No-Archive: yes wrote: > > bla... bla... bla. This stellar human being has been unsubscribed as requested (please note the sarcasm). There is no need to respond or continue this thread... not on the list anyway. Damian ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dr. Killpatient" Subject: (mobility) First Cool Hive Vs. Grasciosa Date: 31 May 1998 05:07:17 -0700 Hmmm.... Listening to EIW for the first time in a year.... Anyone else notice the HUGE similarity between First Cool Hive and Grasciosa???? First time I noticed it.... paul p.s. why didn't he put the full version of Let's Go Free??? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dennis Daniels" Subject: (mobility) AC Superstar, sampling... Date: 31 May 1998 11:35:07 -0500 It's sad when some no-name worthless Marilyn Manson follower has to downgrade our wonderful mailing list, isn' it? Just wondering, is there any MM site on the web that isn't satanic? Satanism is a joke anyway, and ol' LaVey was a known fraud also. Not to get in a religious discussion, though. Speaking of samples, I was thinking, we talked about Puff Daddy a little while back (remember?) and I don't want to resume it, but even though Puff samples A LOT, he still is one of the hardest working men in the music business. He's everywhere, notice that? Produces everything, remixes ####loads of songs (try to find them). Who is the hardest working man in music? Last question, why has Moby been appearing on all these soundtracks lately? He's on, like, 107 of them. I got the Senseless soundtrack and I haven't listened to it all, but that Moby song does sound like "Oil 1". Wonder what "Oil 2" sounds like? Another observation, The Crystal method is on a few compilations, and the only song I see is "Busy Child", and it's the short version. Gets me thinking, really. d. "Answering the call of all nice, nice clean-cut MM conformists who don't belong on Moby mailing lists." :-)- ---------- fuck you all, i hate christians, i hate moby, i hate everything and i want to be off this fucking e mail list take me the hell off please ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ryu Subject: Re: (mobility) AC Superstar, sampling... Date: 31 May 1998 14:11:11 -0400 >Who is the hardest working >man in music? not a doubt in my mind that it is O(+> (aka prince). shin, ryu ################################ "POWER MADE FLESH" The new CD from Ryu now available on Shoryuken! Records. Go to Ryu's Dojo for more info: ################################ Ryu 1013 S. Allen St., Apt. 507 State College, PA 16801 USA (814) 867-0756 ################################ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ade Subject: Re: (mobility) AC Superstar, sampling... Date: 31 May 1998 14:26:45 -0500 >>Who is the hardest working >>man in music? > >not a doubt in my mind that it is O(+> (aka prince). What does "The Artist" do that's so hard working? I haven't heard that much about him recently. How can you go a whole year w/out listening to EIW Dr.? np: EIW remixes. .oooO Oooo. --Ade. ( ) ( ) \ ( ) / \_) (_/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Brad Caviness" Subject: RE: (mobility) sampling... Oil 2 Date: 31 May 1998 17:45:27 -0500 > -----Original Message----- > From: Dennis Daniels > Wonder what "Oil 2" sounds like? > A Lot like Oil 1. It uses the same song structure, string and vocal samples with a slightly different rhythm/bass line. It would make a killer break if some one (I might someday) wanted to break them down in Wave or Cool Edit and make a "Oil (1+2=3 Mix)" version of the song. Brad S. Caviness, Ricochet Bigwig Ricochet Internet Music Magazine ( "I am a cipher wrapped in an enigma smothered in a secret sauce." -- Jimmy James, "News Radio" "The best way to communicate should be banging on a drum and screaming." -- Moby, musician. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Your Name Subject: Re: (mobility) AC Superstar, sampling... Date: 31 May 1998 16:42:31 +0000 > not a doubt in my mind that it is O(+> (aka prince). damn ryu.....i've been meaning to say this for some time now but...... would you get off that artiste formerly duh known quite often when it doesn't snow in june as prince shit i mean he has done some super things but...... well i can name one that lasts for me at least (the most beautiful girl in the world) but he is so busy posing as some cute fawny prick his schtick got pretty old quick...didn't it? it's a shame when a guy let's his image become so a part of his art>>>> thank god moby ain't cute like that whooooeeeee! clay ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ryu Subject: Re: (mobility) AC Superstar, sampling... Date: 31 May 1998 20:46:06 -0400 >damn ryu.....i've been meaning to say this for some time now but...... >would you get off that artiste formerly duh known quite often when it >doesn't snow in june as prince shit > >i mean he has done some super things but...... > >well i can name one that lasts for me at least >(the most beautiful girl in the world) dude, you haven't heard half the stuff he's been up to. most people only know what they see of him on tv and such, and SOOOO many of his albums have never had a single released for them. so much of his work is actually pretty underground and unlike anything else you've heard. >but he is so busy posing as some cute fawny prick >his schtick got pretty old quick...didn't it? >it's a shame when a guy let's his image become so a part of his art>>>> yes, image is a big part of his schtick. but it's secondary to music. i'm not really sure what is wrong with image,,,i mean, i don't get what the big deal is if the artist maintains his integrity. but really though....some of his music is so out of this world....and it's certainly not pop, so it won't get played. clay, let me send you a tape of some of his stuff to see if i can change your opinion. you might be surprised. and anyone else on this list with doubts...... >thank god moby ain't cute like that whooooeeeee! it's funny you say that because moby has mentioned on several occasions how much he loves prince's look, image, style, and MUSIC. i think that if moby was given the proper airplay, he'd very quickly adopt a more visual image to be recognized by. he's just not a pop chart musician yet, but i'm fairly certain he'd love to be someday. shin, ryu ################################ "POWER MADE FLESH" The new CD from Ryu now available on Shoryuken! Records. Go to Ryu's Dojo for more info: ################################ Ryu 1013 S. Allen St., Apt. 507 State College, PA 16801 USA (814) 867-0756 ################################ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Your Name Subject: Re: (mobility) prince ala moby Date: 31 May 1998 18:37:14 +0000 ryu>>>>>>>>>>>touche brother! send me whatever it takes and put >most beautiful girl< on there too PLEASE! i am glad to see you stand up for what you dig even if he is ah.....well....... lemme just say i'm prolly inurant bout such maters and need a lil ejuamacation...if it's worth it to you! and don't call me dude : ) that's what my son calls me! oh and uh moby.........he might be busy liking everything prince but then again....maybe that's why everything is wrong>>>>>>>>>> clay peace and love