From: (mobility-digest) To: Subject: mobility-digest V1 #138 Reply-To: mobility Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk X-No-Archive: yes mobility-digest Wednesday, April 15 1998 Volume 01 : Number 138 RE: (mobility) introduction Re: (mobility) end of everything RE: (mobility) introduction RE: (mobility) introduction Re: (mobility) W hat W ould M oby Do? (mobility) Hymn Video? Re: (mobility) Hymn Video? Re: (mobility) introduction (mobility) Moby on AudioNet (mobility) disk cd Re: (mobility) Moby on AudioNet Re: (mobility) Moby on AudioNet Re: (mobility) Moby on AudioNet Re: (mobility) Moby on AudioNet Re: (mobility) Hymn Video? Re: (mobility) introduction ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 15 Apr 1998 12:12:45 -0400 From: Steve Giles Subject: RE: (mobility) introduction >i feel midly embarassed and somewhat intimidated here... > >too much attention. VOICES VOICES ALL AROUND YOU!!!! :-} I also like the Next is the E from Rare, it's got that UHF3? piano riff innit. Thousand is cool, but I've gotten tired of it. I'm not too sure, but I think Mobility (Aqua mix) is my favorite on Rare. I love all of ILTS, I couldn't pick a favorite, especioally seeing as the song are so diverse as to defy comparison. I've been playing Novio a lot, though. TTFN-Steve - ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 15 Apr 1998 11:17:21 -0500 From: Ade Olonoh Subject: Re: (mobility) end of everything >how is the end of everything? is it worth picking up? Yes. It's a very ambient work, and I think we've established that ambient techno fits into your tastes. np: ILTS, Moby. - -- Ade. - ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 15 Apr 1998 11:58:41 -0500 From: Ade Olonoh Subject: RE: (mobility) introduction >I also like the Next is the E from Rare One of my favorite. >Thousand is cool, but I've gotten tired of it. I agree somewhat. One can only listen to it too many times. I appreciate it for it's intrinsic value, but not necessarily for it's aesthetic value. >I love all of ILTS, I couldn't pick a favorite, especioally seeing as the >song are so diverse as to defy comparison. I've been playing Novio a lot, >though. It's a great mix. Just had to put in my 2c of Moby appreciation np: Oil 1, ILTS, Moby. - -- Ade. - ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 15 Apr 1998 13:45:52 -0400 (EDT) From: Marjorana Subject: RE: (mobility) introduction > i'm a *huge* fan of first cool hive. man, the bass... wow. Yeah!! That's where it's at. np:Love Theme--ILTS----wow, Moby knew what he was doing when he titled this one... - --marjorana ******************************************************************************* "Almost anything you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it." -Gandhi - ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 15 Apr 1998 20:20:32 +0200 From: Jonathan Ruano Subject: Re: (mobility) W hat W ould M oby Do? On Tue, Apr 14, 1998 at 04:19:16PM -0400, MOBY child wrote: > lets face it, if we all did what moby would do, we'd end up having sex all > day...not that thats a bad thing, per se. You can bet :)~~ > i would not > like to live in a society which defines anyone (including Moby and Jesus) as a > model person. Hey, but MOBY child only propossed to start a cult, not just being blind followers ;) And, BTW, which is your society, where no models are defined ? I want to join! > > here is a great idea, imo...someone should make some of those nifty > > know, like those the church people wear (WWJD) but with the > > initials W.W.M.D... > > > > "What Would Moby Do?".....we could start a cult. - -- 512/781AF549 1997/11/26 Jonathan Ruano (low-sec) Key fingerprint = 7A 87 8E 82 50 82 1D 19 CD BE 3E 20 FA 80 6F 8F For more bits, browse - ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 15 Apr 1998 12:50:39 -0400 From: (Daniel Redmond) Subject: (mobility) Hymn Video? Thanks for advice on EIW mix. I am planning on picking it up on Monday, 20 April 1998, or so. As for my other question, Is there any way to see the full video for "Hymn" on the Disk ECD? I can find clips, but not the whole thing. Dan #5 np:What Love? - ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 15 Apr 1998 12:46:35 PDT From: "Welcometo Myworld" Subject: Re: (mobility) Hymn Video? > Is there any way to see the >full video for "Hymn" on the Disk ECD? I can find clips, but not the whole >thing. > >Dan #5 I believe, and correct me if I'm wrong (anyone???), that there are 2 versions of the Hymn video... one directed by Moby and then another one - - both of which are included on Disk... the one by Moby is featured in its entirety and then there are clips of the other one ( red/blue devil slinking around a Barbarella type world)... Unfortunately I do not recall the "mouse directions" to get to the full length video - I can only confirm that it is there... So keep on clicking on everything that moves... red5five ********************************************************************* Q: If you could be an animal, what kind would you be? A: You already are an animal... (D. Coupland, "Microserfs") ********************************************************************* ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 15 Apr 1998 13:08:58 PDT From: "Robert Traylor" Subject: Re: (mobility) introduction >From Mon Apr 13 09:54:04 1998 >Received: from domo by with local (Exim 1.82 #1) > id 0yOmTJ-0003V3-00; Mon, 13 Apr 1998 10:52:41 -0600 >Received: from ( [] > by with esmtp (Exim 1.82 #1) > id 0yOmTH-0003Us-00; Mon, 13 Apr 1998 10:52:39 -0600 >Received: from ( []) by (8.8.8/8.7.1+antispam) with SMTP id JAA03655 for ; Mon, 13 Apr 1998 09:52:38 -0700 (PDT) >Message-ID: >Date: Mon, 17 Sep 1956 22:42:44 +0000 >From: Your Name >X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.02E-PBME (Macintosh; U; 68K) >MIME-Version: 1.0 >To: >Subject: Re: (mobility) introduction >References: <> >Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii >Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit >Sender: >Precedence: bulk >Reply-To: >X-No-Archive: yes > >THAT is the most damned stupid shirt I EVER heard of in MY LIFE!!!!! > > >who would wear such a (^&$%##@! thing??????????!!#%@#!!!!!???????? > yuk yuk : ) > > > >and moby liked it???????? > >geez what's going on with that guy!!!!!!?????????? > > > >: ) > > > HEY!!! I like my shirt! Anyway, a bunch of people were all about that shirt. I had a friend that worked at the radio station that was putting on the concert, and he got me to the front of the line for autographs, and as I was walking past all these people, this girl stops me and says, "Can I ask you a question?" I figured she was going to say, "Precisely what the hell do you think you're doing, dick?" But I say, "OK." and she says, "Why do chicks hate you?" So I'm like, "I don't know." and I keep going. So I get an autograph and shake his hand, and as I'm walking off, he's like, "hey!" So I turn around and he says, "I like that shirt." So I'm about to walk away, feeling all great, and one of the DJ's, Don Walker, jumps up and says, "HEY!!! Where'd you get that shirt!?" So I say, "Journeys in Lynchburg." and He says, "oh." and sits down. Later, four guys stopped me to find out where I got it, and I (no shit here) got past security because they thought my shirt was cool. Yeah, yeah, I know. I come off sounding like, "Bow down before the SHIRT! Worship, yea, for the shirt is cool!" But I swear all this happened. Goes to show the power of dressing positive, huh? a "I'm gonna take a few down with me and drop my good side" Faith No More -- "Cuckoo for Caca" ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 15 Apr 1998 15:41:44 -0600 From: Daniel Cerman Subject: (mobility) Moby on AudioNet This info comes to you from Greg Smith of C-Notes: > The soundtrack for the Damon Wayans film SENSELESS is now the featured > album on the AudioNet Jukebox, where you can listen to the soundtrack in > its entirety for FREE!! The soundtrack features "Graciosa" by Moby!! > The URL for the soundtrack is > - ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 15 Apr 1998 17:42:26 -0500 (CDT) From: Subject: (mobility) disk cd what i do to see the videos is look at the files through something like file manager or explorer and run the movie files that way. andy gingerbread man "run, run, as fast as you can, you can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread man!" - ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 15 Apr 1998 18:46:08 -0500 From: Ade Olonoh Subject: Re: (mobility) Moby on AudioNet >> The soundtrack for the Damon Wayans film SENSELESS is now the featured >> album on the AudioNet Jukebox, where you can listen to the soundtrack in >> its entirety for FREE!! The soundtrack features "Graciosa" by Moby!! > >> The URL for the soundtrack is >> Is this song on a previously released album? I couldn't find it in the discography. If you go check out the song at the URL above, I couldn't find a way to access the song directly, but in RealPlayer, you can move the bar to about 32:00.00 and you'll get to the start of the song. - -- Ade. - ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 15 Apr 1998 17:44:47 -0700 From: Subject: Re: (mobility) Moby on AudioNet Daniel Cerman wrote: > > This info comes to you from Greg Smith of C-Notes: > > The soundtrack for the Damon Wayans film SENSELESS is now the featured > > album on the AudioNet Jukebox, where you can listen to the soundtrack in > > its entirety for FREE!! The soundtrack features "Graciosa" by Moby!! > > > The URL for the soundtrack is > > > I tried, but - 1. I couldn't stand the first song. 2. There was no track listing to let me know how long I would have to wait for Moby 3. Damn advertisements suck 4. OK so I'm just ragging on audionet, sorry I know how it is, and legally they are only allowed to do what they have permission to do- I have the same problem with Radio Free Underground because we do not have interactive permissions for most of the songs. So we have to switch everything to a random mix format- you can try out our alpha version mix studio if you want I will be sure to add in "Graciosia" to the playlist (thanks to Brad) but the hard part is figuring out which category to put it in like many Moby songs it has a class of it's own. OK, I'm back from the desert- 10 days flew by quick... I made myself a Moby mix tape for all the coyotes, bats, and wabbits to enjoy with me- it sounded great echoing out of one of the caves we stayed in- you could hear it for miles. It was warm in most places in Death Valley, but 4,000 feet up in nearby Butte Valley Moby appeared to me in the desert and said "When It's Cold I'd Like To Die". I didn't argue. Anyway, at the end of the trip we ended up in Las Vegas, what day it was we did not know. But we went to this great new bar in the Hilton, part of the "Star Trek Experience" it looks like the inside of Deep Space Nine with Klingons, and Romulans and Cardassians and all that crap. When we walked in they were playing MOBY!!!! Oil 1!!! My vote for best bar in vegas, they continued to play the orb, orbital, underworld, fsol, all my favorites, I reccommend the giant fishbowl sized blue drinks they have to go with the music. Being a Tribble, I tried to buy one but they were sold out!!! Wow, that's enough for now... Paul Tribble Music Director Radio Free Underground np: RYU- Power Made Flesh (thanks RYU!) > ------------ > To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to > with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. - ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 15 Apr 1998 18:00:53 -0700 From: Subject: Re: (mobility) Moby on AudioNet Sorry all!!!!!!!! that url i sent was wrong!!!!!!!! the real url is: I'm still re-adjusting to the real world here... l8r paul > I have the same problem with Radio Free Underground because we > do not have interactive permissions for most of the songs. > So we have to switch everything to a random mix format- > you can try out our alpha version mix studio if you want > > I will be sure to add in "Graciosia" to the playlist (thanks > to Brad) but the hard part is figuring out which category to > put it in like many Moby songs it has a class of it's own. > > OK, I'm back from the desert- 10 days flew by quick... > I made myself a Moby mix tape for all the coyotes, bats, and > wabbits to enjoy with me- it sounded great echoing out of > one of the caves we stayed in- you could hear it for miles. > It was warm in most places in Death Valley, but 4,000 feet up > in nearby Butte Valley Moby appeared to me in the desert and > said "When It's Cold I'd Like To Die". I didn't argue. > > Anyway, at the end of the trip we ended up in Las Vegas, > what day it was we did not know. But we went to this great > new bar in the Hilton, part of the "Star Trek Experience" > it looks like the inside of Deep Space Nine with Klingons, > and Romulans and Cardassians and all that crap. > When we walked in they were playing MOBY!!!! Oil 1!!! > My vote for best bar in vegas, they continued to play the orb, > orbital, underworld, fsol, all my favorites, I reccommend the > giant fishbowl sized blue drinks they have to go with the music. > Being a Tribble, I tried to buy one but they were sold out!!! > Wow, that's enough for now... > > Paul Tribble > Music Director > Radio Free Underground > > np: RYU- Power Made Flesh (thanks RYU!) > > > ------------ > > To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to > > with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. > > ------------ > To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to > with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. - ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 15 Apr 1998 20:13:33 -0600 From: Daniel Cerman Subject: Re: (mobility) Moby on AudioNet Ade Olonoh wrote: > Is this song on a previously released album? I couldn't find it in the > discography. It's there, buried deep in the discography, in the soundtracks section below all of Moby's releases. "Graciosa" is only available on the Senseless soundtrack. Daniel Cerman NP: Orb, "Perpetual Dawn" - ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 15 Apr 1998 20:09:35 -0700 From: Daniel Lee Subject: Re: (mobility) Hymn Video? How do you get to the red/blue devil slinking around barbarella type universe? The Moby directed Hymn video is one of my absolute favorite music videos ever, but what is this other one you're talking about? and how do i find it on Disk? Thanks! Peace, Dan. Welcometo Myworld wrote: > > Is there any way to see the > >full video for "Hymn" on the Disk ECD? I can find clips, but not the > whole > >thing. > > > >Dan #5 > > I believe, and correct me if I'm wrong (anyone???), that there are 2 > versions of the Hymn video... one directed by Moby and then another one > - both of which are included on Disk... the one by Moby is featured in > its entirety and then there are clips of the other one ( red/blue devil > slinking around a Barbarella type world)... Unfortunately I do not > recall the "mouse directions" to get to the full length video - I can > only confirm that it is there... So keep on clicking on everything that > moves... > > red5five > > ********************************************************************* > Q: If you could be an animal, what kind would you be? > A: You already are an animal... > > (D. Coupland, "Microserfs") > ********************************************************************* > > ______________________________________________________ > Get Your Private, Free Email at > > ------------ > To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to > with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. - ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 20 Sep 1956 09:59:32 +0000 From: Your Name Subject: Re: (mobility) introduction > > i'm a *huge* fan of first cool hive. man, the bass... wow. > > Yeah!! That's where it's at. > on occasion my son will put on EIW starting with first cool hive as we hit the sack and wanna hear a little moby>>>>>>>> we both really love that track>>>>> clay - ------------ To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------ End of mobility-digest V1 #138 ****************************** ------------- To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility-digest" in the body.