From: (mobility-digest) To: Subject: mobility-digest V1 #225 Reply-To: mobility Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk X-No-Archive: yes mobility-digest Friday, September 18 1998 Volume 01 : Number 225 Re: (mobility) I'll Second that Motion (was: THANKS 2) Re: (mobility) THANKS 2 Re: (mobility) THANKS 2 (mobility) Searching for multimedia reference projects... (mobility) Me Re:THANKS 2 (mobility) Re: (mobility) THANKS 2 (mobility) I 2nd that 2nd and here have a scan (mobility) Ryu (mobility) Thanks 2 again Re: (mobility) Thanks 2 again (mobility) thanks 2 (mobility) Move Re: (mobility) Hip Hop? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 09:09:27 -0400 From: Ryu Subject: Re: (mobility) I'll Second that Motion (was: THANKS 2) >If you want to head up the manufacturing and distribution of the second >project, I say that's a good idea. You've self-released two quality projects >and know how to do it in a well-organized fashion. I wouldn't mind helping >with the art. I want to contribute in some way, be it a new edit or mix as >tribute or finding some funked up image to put on the front and helping with >the typesetting. I also vote for color art. US buyers can have the cd >delivered $1 less than the first, and have something that looks as good or >better. thanks brad...i think that color art would be best for this release too.... being it's a special occasion... >You might also want to talk to Gingerbread Man about licensing the first >Thanks cd to SHO records for distribution since probably more people want to >buy copies now than were able to buy it in its first run. we've talked before, and i'm fairly certain that andy would like to keep it as a limited release.... a rarity for those that have it. - -ryu ************************************************************** SHO RECORDS The World's First Non-Profit Record Label Specializing in Powerful Music ************************************************************** 724-869-0908 * Ryu * ************************************************************** Ryu 536 Daly Ave. Baden, PA 15005 ************************************************************** ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 09:19:57 -0400 From: Ryu Subject: Re: (mobility) THANKS 2 >i'm an art freak >i'd be more then glad to do the inserts tor the cd. > >danm... >i just read further. >well. ummm.... >if you have all you need it is understood, but if you'd like to see what i put >out, gimme a title or name as well as anything you might like made into a >logo(s). xaq did the last one, and did a good job too.... perhaps we should see if he wants to hand the job over to someone else or not. so, XAQ IF YOU'RE OUT THERE.....WHAT DO YA THINK? can you design all the artwork for the cd, sized for a jewel case insert, or are you more interested in doing a logo? >is mp3 good enough for submits? >if not, what is???? maybe i missed something. good question. and it brings up an important bit of info......i don't have a DAT player. so all digital mixes will have to be submitted on cd. unless someone else on the list does have a DAT and could go from DAT to cdR, and then send them the cdR to me. as far as mp3's go....i don't see a problem if that is the best format you have at your disposal. i like mp3s. - -ryu ************************************************************** SHO RECORDS The World's First Non-Profit Record Label Specializing in Powerful Music ************************************************************** 724-869-0908 * Ryu * ************************************************************** Ryu 536 Daly Ave. Baden, PA 15005 ************************************************************** ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 09:29:16 -0400 From: Ryu Subject: Re: (mobility) THANKS 2 At 02:13 AM 9/18/98 -0700, you wrote: >I think a good idea is too have a small web page with all >the submitted artwork and have all the listees vote on the >best art for the cover/insert. that's a good idea. but so far, we only have one person who definitely wants to do the artwork. anyone else out there? >I think color is worth it, I vote for color. color it shall be. i don't think that anyone would prefer b/w. >I vote that Ryu be in charge of the whole production, >possibly having the CD mastered professionally would be >a big plus too. we can do this, but it costs money. it is really only possible to get a decent deal if you are going to buy at least a 1000 copies of it. and i'm not sure we can sell 1000. even then, you're still talking spending 1000 bucks. it's just my opinion, but i like the idea of having the whole thing done by mobility list members...not involving anyone else in the production. what do the rest of you think? would you rather spend $10+ on a cd (and maybe have to pay in advance to get enuff money to cover the costs) that is professionally mastered and duplicated, or spend less and have it all done by us? >If we have more submissions than we have room on the CD, >we should have a web page with realaudio or mp3s of the songs >and all the listees could vote on them to decide who gets on. if we would have that large of a response, i think that's a great idea as well. i don't think that andy had to make any cuts with the first thanks cd, so i'm not sure if we'd have that problem or not. unless everyone would submit multiple entries. >Having it ready by christmas is realistic, having the final >deadline be thankgiving. This of course depending on how many >submissions there are by mid-november. true. >I could make and host any of the web pages needed, and I encourage >any of you who make elecronic music to participate in this! >paul would anyone else like to host all the info and submissions for the cd? if not, then it shall be yours. i'm sure you have adequate space. i'll be able to sell it from mine and put some info about it as well, but as far as voting and things go, i don't have the it would need to be someone else's job. - -ryu ************************************************************** SHO RECORDS The World's First Non-Profit Record Label Specializing in Powerful Music ************************************************************** 724-869-0908 * Ryu * ************************************************************** Ryu 536 Daly Ave. Baden, PA 15005 ************************************************************** ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 15:40:59 +0200 From: Volker Kleffmann Subject: (mobility) Searching for multimedia reference projects... Hey there! I'm a german "internet artist" and looking for some interesting projects = on the web to be done for my multimedia college as a reference project. So, if you a= re looking for someone who design your project just contact me via email! - -- Mit freundlichen Gr=FC=DFen, i.A. Volker Kleffmann , cordoba Webdesign. E-Mail: Internet: ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 07:14:25 PDT From: "Jon Jenssen" Subject: (mobility) Me * Name Jon Jenssen * Age 17 * What is in your Moby collection Albums: Moby, Everything Is Wrong, Everything Is Wrong DJ Mix Album Singles: Feeling So Real, James Bond Theme (Mobys Re-Version) * Where you first heard Moby, and how much of a fan you are Probably Go some years ago, don't ask me when. I'm not the biggest fan in the world, I suppose. * Other artists you like The Prodigy, The Chemical Brothers, Apollo 440, Underworld, Orbital, Leftfield, Fatboy Slim, Antiloop, Josh Wink, CJ Bolland etc... * Any other interesting information you wish to share Nah. ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 10:31:08 EDT From: Subject: Re:THANKS 2 (mobility) In a message dated 98-09-18 09:19:58 EDT, RYU write: << can you design all the artwork for the cd, sized for a jewel case insert, or are you more interested in doing a logo? >> yes, i can do all the artwork sized correctly, i'm used to doing it for cd's i ruined inserts for. i'm interested in doing anything i can for this. <<> i like the webpage idea as well. if i was to do it i would like opinions and would definately lay out more than one version to choose from. of course other peoples submits welcomed to it. i'd be willing to use an empty profile at tripod for it unless there are better ideas. hell, it'd even be neat if there was more then one version of the inserts for the cd. - ------tommy ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 09:39:07 -0500 From: Ade Subject: Re: (mobility) THANKS 2 >If we have more submissions than we have room on the CD, >we should have a web page with realaudio or mp3s of the songs >and all the listees could vote on them to decide who gets on. I really like this idea, 'cause it'll mean involving other mobility members who don't have the talents to take part in the project. Like me. I don't have any musical skills, and probably couldn't design a good cover, but think this is a neat idea and would like to help out. - --Ade. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 10:55:30 -0400 From: Steve Giles Subject: (mobility) I 2nd that 2nd and here have a scan >>> BSC wrote: You might also want to talk to Gingerbread Man about licensing the first Thanks cd to SHO records for distribution since probably more people want to buy copies now than were able to buy it in its first run. <<< I third that motion! Andy, if you want it limited how about a 2nd run w/ different packaging to differentiate originals and repressings? I REALLY want it! I also agree that color art would be nice. I'm nowhere near where I want to be to contribute a track, but maybe I can help w/ artwork. Enter me in for voting. I went to delobbo's last night and we made some scans. He posted the info to mobility last night but it didn't get thru. The steve2.jpg is the closest to the original, so if somebody wants to co-op w/ me on a submission, feel free to alter it or filter it or modify for another cover submission. Just credit me. Here it is again: Main index Regarding the essay on the poor state of music today, I agree that "mainstream radio" is corrupt and soulless. While I see this as one piece of evidence pointing that America's collective brain is rotting and everything is going to shit, it's also true that this has been said by every generation of the next during this century, so we are also part of that same collective. I think the kids are stupider, yes, but my parents thought the same about my generation and a few of us turned out OK. I guess we'll know all the answers when it all blows up. Hey plovious, I think we've worn out the issue and moved on. I think we have to accept that w/ new people joining this topic will recur. Just stay on the sidelines if ya don't want to play. I agree that the same territory is retread, but that's inevitable as everybody needs to say their opinion in thier own way once. I already have and I'm finished with the topic permanently, unless I have something worthwhile to offer alll the sudden. - -Steve ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 11:01:22 -0500 From: Subject: (mobility) Ryu I found this on under the section Scans. Is this about you Ryu? Ryu On Japanese Compilation The electronica band Ryu is among the artists included on the third Tower Records Japan compilation of up-and-coming Japanese electronica and techno bands, entitled Japanese Homegrown Beats. Joining Ryu on the compilation, which has been released on the Gianormous label, are DJ Krush and hip-hop band Audio Active, who have just finished remixing the Asian Dub Foundation single "Naxalite." [Fri., Sep 18, 1998 3:01 AM EDT] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 12:43:12 -0600 From: "krwilson" Subject: (mobility) Thanks 2 again Hey! I started the whole thanks 2 thing!(it wasn't too hard) I didn't get a chance to check my e-mail yesterday, and now all this crazy stuff is happening1 cool! If Ryu wants to do everything, it's ok with me. I would love to do the DAT thing myself, but i don't know how much time I'm gonna have:( As far as your concern with the whole DAT-to-cdR thing, I DID MENTION THAT I AM GETTING A DAT RECORDER AND I HAVE A CD RECORDER ALREADY. I am musically oriented, so don't look to my klutz-ass hands for artwork. Professional production! What an insult! The only thing that separates a professional and me is the word! I'm currently shopping the U.S. labels i love for release of my debut, and you will all be surprised when it comes out. Musicians, like everyone else, come from everywhere. Just like me. MO ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 14:45:56 EDT From: Subject: Re: (mobility) Thanks 2 again I just wanted to say that I think we should set an official deadline right now and by the time that deadline hits, anyone who wants to add music or art just has to have it done by then. Now, I have made a CD before for a video I made. IT was the soundtrack - but when we made the inserts it was just a one fold pullout. I don't know how you guys do it, but I was wondering if we could make it a mult page insert and have writing and or more artwork that did not make the front of back cover. I have a feeling that more people will send in art submissions then ever dream of using. And finally, I was wondering if you guys have a CD printer or just the labels that you print and put on the CDs or nothing at all? Later. AJ ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 11:56:16 -0700 (PDT) From: Paul Simpson Subject: (mobility) thanks 2 hello everybody.... does this cd have to be all techno? cuz mobys music aint all techno... could there be some lo-fi stuff on it? or some rock? or some polka? and about black music, and honey and all that, i think Honey is pure funk. like whoever posted that. i dont think it is hip hop at all. it is sort of soul/rnb tho. btw, does anyone know honey's chart rankings in the UK? or anywhere else? or any of moby's chart rankings for anything anywhere? i know Go and JBT were UK t10. and hes had a few dance hits here. but i dont no nothin else. and um what happened to Dream Analyzer? he was here when i first here...are you still on tha list? i was thinking, i just joined the list like a few days before the deadline for Thanks (the first one) i guess i was real lucky.. i have any more to say...oh yeah, does anyone have the tracklisting for Bill Laswell/Style Scott's cd "Dub Meltdown"? i tried to post that onto whitezone but i got no response. in fact, i havent gotten anything from them for a while. i didnt unsubscribe or nothing...weird. ill have to resubscribe then. oh well. oh yeah, i need the tracklisting for that. my friend gave me the cd but he doesnt have the tracklistings so i need them dammit! oh yes, i just went to todya...its cool you can review any album in the store..i gave EIW a perfect 5 and said "YOU NEED THIS CD!!!" (you can all see it in 2 business days) and i gave Underworld's 2nd toughest 4 stars. i said it was good music to read fiction to...well it is, and that Rowla will pack any dance floor. don't know why, but thats my personal fave from that cd. and, um, under a lot of cds at amazon, it says what other cds people who bought these cds bought. so you can go from one cd to another all day long. its real cool. they dont have too much exciting moby stuff. but they do have like Ambient and Moby for like $12.99. so thats cool. so go there now it rules! okay bye. and remember.... == "HENS LOVE ROOSTERS GEESE LOVE GANDERS EVERYONE ELSE LOVES..........." >>>>>>>>>>PAUL<<<<<<<<<< _________________________________________________________ DO YOU YAHOO!? Get your free address at ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 12:04:32 PDT From: "Jon Jenssen" Subject: (mobility) Move Hi! I just subscribed to this mailing list earlier today, and I sent a profile of myself to your archives. I just wondered if anybody is interested in selling me a copy of the old Moby single "Move" on CD, I think it's CDMUTE 158. I'm very unlikely to find it in the shops, as I live in Norway. Jon ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 14:38:43 -0500 From: Christopher Michael Bourke Subject: Re: (mobility) Hip Hop? >HEY CHRIS > >thanks for telling us what reallllll black music is>>>>>>> >you are so right and yet so wrong. >and thanks for suggesting that hard-working....if not misled.... >artists shouldn't take a stab at the machine just like any other >accountant, pornographer, lawyer, or pharmacist. >hey......we all suck....they all suck...... >and you know what? part of moby is pure hip hop just as part of him >is pure punk and part of him is pure hymn............ >just let it be and let the music speak for itself. > > >clay >evolution2000 Looks like I hit a nerve with a Biggy fan, but oh well.... As I stated Before Clay, "I realize that music, especially individual artists and tracks should not be compartmentalized into rigid categories, but why are generalities becoming more and more general? True black music before the 90s was rich, alive, soul, blues, jazz, REAL black music." It is a dishonor to the decent black artists and musicians to blindly categorize all of them into "hip-hop". Just as it was a dishonor and misleading term to apply to moby and "Honey", especially when I hear absolutely no characteristics of what "hip hop" traditinally refers to. This trend is partly the blame of the black music industry. Labels like bad boy records or death row records don't represent an opportunity to truly good aspiring black musicians to get recognized for their talent. Instead they represent a perversion of the music so that it can be boxed and sold to white suburban kids, who have the expendable income to lay down on a few "urban" CDs, which are anything but. I appreciate and love moby for his diversity. His ability to take any genre of music and make it work with other aspects and genres. I don't think any part of him is "pure". An artist like him probably listens to tunes and disects them, determining which parts would sound good with other music that they have heard. I have never heard a song by moby that has been PURE hip hop, PURE dance, PURE techno, or PURE ambient. Moby's genre crossing is his idiosyncracy, and my reason for loving his music. His music speaks to me, his lyrics(albiet in rare tracks) speak to me. Puffy and Biggie and the like do not speak to me. They don't speak to anyone. Their fans are obsessed with getting the biggest sounding base out of their stereos and listening to the most profane and violent lyrics that are possible. Rap has become so esoteric and codified that no one can really understand their lyrics, even though in most instances they really aren't missing that much. Take for example Puffy's "All about the Benjamins". This song says it all, mixing anti-semetic lyrics with references to stealing, lying and cheating to get money. Why don't people realize that this is in fact a metaphor for the way puffy sells his records? He is lying to you, his lyrics and emotion of his songs are untruths put to a catchy bass beat so that you can ignore the words and continue to buy his albums. Now look at someone like Louis Armstrong. His lyrics and music are positive, balladic, REAL. What has happened to the face of music? Why is this considered acceptable music? Personally if I were black I would not choose as a musical icon puffy or anyone else that is in current popular black music today. They present neither a positive nor accurate portrayal of their culture or identity!!! > > > >> REAL black music is Fats Domino, >> Louis Armstrong, BB King and the like. Hard core gansta rap is no longer >> truthful when it comes out of the mouths of millionaire billboard artists >> that have never picked up a gun or had a hard day in their life. Black >> music is no longer black music when 99% of its listeners are white. Music >> is no longer music when it has been perferted and prostituted to the >> almighty dollar. Artists should be rewarded based on their talent not their >> abilty to sell records. > ------------------------------ End of mobility-digest V1 #225 ****************************** ------------- To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility-digest" in the body.