From: (mobility-digest) To: Subject: mobility-digest V1 #277 Reply-To: mobility Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk X-No-Archive: yes mobility-digest Thursday, November 26 1998 Volume 01 : Number 277 (mobility) Ask the Dust in relation to Moby (mobility)Thanks 2 Re: (mobility) de-stress yourselves (mobility) netscape problem (mobility) DONT EVEN READ THAT LAST ONE!!!!!!!! Re: (mobility) The men and women behind the masks (mobility) Re: paul simpson's mind Re: (mobility) The men and women behind the masks (mobility) Vinyl update: Harmonics (mobility) On Vinyl (mobility) Thousand 12" ? Re: (mobility) Vinyl update: Harmonics Re: (mobility) Thousand 12" ? (mobility) c'mon babies... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 24 Nov 1998 10:33:31 EST From: Subject: (mobility) Ask the Dust in relation to Moby anybody down with reading a good book while listening to moby's softer sounds in the process, read Ask The Dust, by John Fante..perhaps start with Moby's Little Idiot cd and go on from ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Nov 1998 14:23:27 -0500 From: (Daniel Redmond) Subject: (mobility)Thanks 2 >and then yes you people will say, "sooo get off the list then" >well no i dont really want to do that, because i wanted to try and finish >this Thanks 2 compilation (which i have no clue as to what is going on now). >and i just want to be able to discuss moby related stuff.. >thank you >eric > > > > Good question on Thanks 2. If anyone remembers, I offered a track abt. 2 weeks ago and got no info or response. Is this thing still going on for once on topic daniel ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Nov 1998 17:04:15 -0600 From: "krwilson" Subject: Re: (mobility) de-stress yourselves Even though you told me not to, I read your message. I found it to be very interesting. Everyone put words in my mouth as often happens in E-world, but I actually like lots of the off-topic posts. What i don't like is people describing themselves to the whole list. I like to create images of people in my mind that make them seem better looking than they probaly are. If everyone wants you to descrive yourself, go ahead-that's why we all have these nifty E-mail adresses. I went for two weeks without saying anything, but i just couldn't stand it anymore. I find the less you know about a person's appearance and background, the more open-mindedly you can listen to them. Thanks for you input. MO - ---------- > From: Freak > To: > Subject: Re: (mobility) de-stress yourselves > Date: Monday, November 23, 1998 3:59 PM > > Hi everybody...I know I haven't posted in a long long long time..but I've > had exams and such and I think there's a lot of schmack going on on this > listserv so beware...I have lots to say so: > > KRWILSON, ADAM, and ERIC...ERASE THIS MESSAGE NOW!!!!!!!!!!! > > here's the scoopage..I don't understand what the big deal is in > hitting the delete button. if you're reading a message that you don't > want to read, um, delete it. if it's boring or disinterests you, is not > completely Moby related...DELETE IT! Whew! with that out of the way.... > > I personally love to here the ideas expressed on the's nice to > know that there are real opinions out there and not just random > queries/posts about Moby. how boring...everyone on this list has > wonderful things to say...keep them coming!! > > O.K...I know there's been a lot of posts about Ryu and how's he's doing. I > talked to him last night actually and he's doing fine. he wanted me to > tell you all (he even made me write this down) > "I am fine, I am making good music and like Skeletor says,"my power is > beyond your comprehension. Ha Ha Ha." Ryu He was surprised/apprciative of > your concern for him. > > I went to public school. I don't know anyone who had home schooling...I > might, I just never really asked anyone. But the thing I loved about > public school, is the enormous amount of people I met. I was friends with > everyone...the good the bad the ugly. I learned how to accept people for > their differences...I was apart of everyone's crowd I like to think...I > never limited myself. i played just about every sport...I was even a > cheerleader for 2 years! Kinda funny huh? I was frequently kicked out of > class for my big mouth...and I would always argue a different point just > for the sake of arguing =] > What do i look like? Like a porn star! j/k. > I think I'd rather keep people guessing....Steve, you look nothing like I > thought.... I know this is long...honest I'm trying to keep it short. > It's so rare i post though. > Someone wrote about an EIW interview...and quoted some stuff from Moby...I > have some stuff too. > "What i mean by everything is wrong was more, I don't honestly believe > that EVERYTHING is wrong. I think there's still a lot of nice things in > the world, but it just seems that almost everything that human beings is > wrong. And what makes me so sad about that is that the potential for > things to be right is so great. Y'know there's so much potential for life > to be wonderful for so many people and the things that make for a good > life seem really simple, seems to me that I know what makes me happy is > spending time with my friends, and keeping my brain active, and keeping my > body active, and doing work that satisfies me and eating good food and > being able to be outside, and having, y'know, having a good relationship > with God and a good relationship with the natural world. And to have > those things, you don't need to have a lot of money, and you don't need to > buy a lot of consumer goods and I think that most people, they focus on > the wrong things in their lives. they spend, y'know,all their time > pursuing money and consumer goods and social status and I think they > should spend more time pursuing good friendships and health and good > relationships with, I don't know, the natural world, and trying to > understand our place here." > Lastly...does anyone know if Moby or anyone else good will be performing > in NYC from Dec 20 to Jan 19th? > > thanx to those who made it to the end of this elephant post....sorry it > was ridiculous long....;) > > danielle > > On Mon, 23 Nov 1998, Adam Matthew Damerow wrote: > > > power to MO > > > > and: moby is good, just like dairy products are good. > > > > At 11:21 AM 11/23/98 -0600, you wrote: > > >I knew that header would get your attention! Pschology folks! Here's the > > >rub: THE LAST TWENTY-SOMETHING MESSAGES I'VE HAD TO DELETE ARE ALL ABOUT > > >WHAT YOU PEOPLE LOOK LIKE. I DON' T CARE. YOU DON'T CARE. LET'S EITHER > > >CHANGE THE NAME OF THE LIST TO "SORRY NON-MOBY POST" OR START TALKING > > >ABOUT MOBY OR MOBY-RELATED ISSUES. ANYTHING ABOUT REAL LIFE, MORAL > > >CHOICES, i.e.-THINGS THAT AREN'T SUPERFICIAL. I REFUSE TO APOLOGIZE FOR > > >THIS BEING NON-MOBY RELATED BECAUSE IT ISN'T. I KNOW A GUY WHO GOT IN A > > >CAR WRECK AND HIS FACE LOOKS LIKE IT GOT FROZEN IN THE ACT OF MELTING. > > >DOES IT REALLY MATTER? HOW WOULD YOU FEEL IF YOU SAW A BUNCH OF MESSAGES > > >WHERE EVERYONE'S COMPLAINING ABOUT HOW THEY HAVE ZITS OR ARE TOO SKINNY, > > >FAT, ETC. AND YOUR FACE WAS MELTED OFF? THIS IS THE KIND OF THING THAT > > >HAPPENS WHEN THE SOLE BASIS OF LIFE IN A COUNTRY IS BASED ON MATERIAL > > >GOODS. I AM NOT A CONSUMER. PEOPLE USED TO BE CITIZENS, NOW THEY'RE > > >CONSUMERS. I DON'T EXIST JUST TO BUY STUFF. IF YOU DO, I FEEL SORRY FOR > > >YOU. PLEASE THINK TWICE BEFORE POSTING A MESSAGE THAT SEEMS BORING EVEN TO > > >YOU AS YOU SEND IT. > > >I'm not a hard ass or a negative person, but i get very sick of spending 2 > > >and a half hours erasing a bunch of messages that don't belong on this > > >list. Everyone is born looking some way, and unfortunately the way they > > >look affects their self-concept, outlook on life, friends, and the way > > >people react towards them. If you are unsatisfied with an aspect of your > > >life, work to fix it. If it is something unchangeable, accept it and do > > >the most you can with what you've got. I used to be embarassed about my > > >body. Two and a half years ago I became a vegetarian and started weight > > >training. My doctor said that I am the healthiest person he has seen since > > >he examined a professional athlete who paid a personal trainer thousands of > > >dollars a week. I'm nowhere near perfect, but i HAVE realised that sitting > > >around wishing never gets you anywhere. You get out of life what you put > > >into it. THANK-YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR TIME. > > > > > > > > >Post-Script: Isn't it ironic that to refute an issue, i had to discuss it > > >again? > > > > > > > > >MO > > > > > > > > > > > ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Nov 1998 09:59:59 -0800 (PST) From: Paul Simpson Subject: (mobility) netscape problem yeah yeah this has nothing to do with moby. FUCK ME!!!!! I SHOULD DIE!!!!! (i cant help but laugh writing that for some odd reason.) anyway, um, im having trouble with netscape. i luckily have 2 versions on my computer. i started out with version 3, and i recently upgraded to some newer version. anyway, somehow i managed to delete the back button, as well as that whole row of stuff (forward, home, reload, etc.) how the fuck do i get these back??????!!?!?!?! someone hurry up and tell me before my parents freak out!!!!! maybe this is why moby (not to mention ryu) left the net..... oh well. sorry. bye. == "you know how einstein got bad grades as a kid? well mine are even worse!!!"-late, great calvin (from calvin and hobbes) >>>>>>>>>>PAUL<<<<<<<<<< _________________________________________________________ DO YOU YAHOO!? Get your free address at ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Nov 1998 09:57:00 -0800 (PST) From: Paul Simpson Subject: (mobility) DONT EVEN READ THAT LAST ONE!!!!!!!! i figured it out. i knew i would. but if i didnt send that message, well i would be worried more. sorry. technology really is the tool of the devil. thats why my fucking alarm clock didnt work the last 2 days too. aaaaargh. oh well. sorry. bye. == "you know how einstein got bad grades as a kid? well mine are even worse!!!"-late, great calvin (from calvin and hobbes) >>>>>>>>>>PAUL<<<<<<<<<< _________________________________________________________ DO YOU YAHOO!? Get your free address at ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Nov 1998 18:11:01 EST From: Subject: Re: (mobility) The men and women behind the masks i know its a stereotype, and i used manson as the only examle i could think of at the moment, but i'm talking about the kind of people that are into "being" depressed and down on everything because it is cool. i'm not trying to insult anybody, and you're not being a bithc, my point is that there are the people that say everything sucks and can't give any reason to back what they're saying, cuz all they're doing is being "cool". trying not to offend anybody andrew ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 28 Aug 1956 07:12:52 +0000 From: clay Subject: (mobility) Re: paul simpson's mind i have an idea> there seems to be a number of people who seem to want to impose rather strict guidelines as to what us moby fans can talk about on a moby news list> some are just obvious complainers and at least one has the better good of the majority at heart..... nevertheless: it seems we can't talk about war, religion, drugs, sex, physical charactersitics, more sex, god (the unorganized version), more sex, or even sex. hmmmm....did i mention sex? okay well i have some friends who just do a semi-list-thingy just by creating a list of participants in the section and to maintain the list all you do is hit it's like an automatic list> so what do you say? any of you knuckeheads and knuckle-ettes interested in just a little free-for-all fun war and bash the loudmouth complainer???! we can just call ourselves loudmouth (just don't tell steve giles!) and paul simpson (you're too young as you've noticed sex was mentioned once or twice already) we will have daily astrological homework and everybody will be required to bring paper and pen to class besides that i think we should prepare to blab on about our favorite music and politicians and lady wrestlers. (and politeness is not only tolerated but somewhat encouraged). so......... e-mail if ya wanna start this and see what happens> we may be sorry! clay evolution2000 silly ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 26 Nov 1998 03:43:35 -0500 From: AJ Brustein Subject: Re: (mobility) The men and women behind the masks To tell the truth, I thought that that line about everyone hating everything but Marylin Manson was pretty funny, especially since I know people like that. And since anytime you try and talk about a group of people, you will always generalize or stereotype, I though that that one was pretty clear. And, about the straying off topic; there are only 2 types of emails I don't enjoy reading. The types abou people complaining about the list, and the ones that written by people who respond to an email without reading all the rest and write the exact same thing that was said before. Anyway, LAter. AJ ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 26 Nov 1998 15:13:01 -0600 (CST) From: Chris Bourke Subject: (mobility) Vinyl update: Harmonics A few days ago I challenged people who prefered Vinyl over CDs go give me some proof of their claims. Well I have done some research myself. - -There is no such thing as "Psycho-Accoustics" What people really mean is "Harmonics" Apparently overtones and undertones, freqeuncies beyond which the human ear can hear(20khz range on average) do influence the audible frequency range. The frequencies above and below do make the overall sound more dynamic, however there is a problem with this: 1. It takes a really trained ear to distinguish these sounds 2. Most of the music that "club kids" listen to have only beats and fewer tones. "techno" music wouldn't be affected much by Harmonics. 3. Digital formats don't necessarily cut these higher/lower fequencies out. A piece of music can be digitized from and analog source and retain ALL freqencies that were in the original. In compressed formats (mp3, ra, etc..) these frequencies are lost because they aren't considerd as important versus space... Unless someone comes up with evidence that CDs actually lose frequencies that Vinyl retains then I will still never be convinced that Vinyl sounds better! Ja ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 26 Nov 1998 16:30:46 EST From: Subject: (mobility) On Vinyl i just think that a good part of the people saying that they like vinyl over cds are fashion lovers and because vinyl has seen an increase in sales, due to that fashion and "what is cool"demands, some people try to give reasons to why it's good..there is no doubt that cds are better because technology is better than it was when vinyls came out an cds are better quality....i think vinyls serve their purpose, for djs as an example but as far as sounding better than cds, i think it's ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 26 Nov 1998 18:08:42 -0500 From: n Subject: (mobility) Thousand 12" ? Anyone out there know what is the title of the 12" with Thousand on it, and what label is it on? tanks - -- ========================================================== Words fail. n. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 26 Nov 1998 19:25:08 -0600 From: "Brad Caviness" Subject: Re: (mobility) Vinyl update: Harmonics - -----Original Message----- From: Chris Bourke >A few days ago I challenged people who prefered Vinyl over CDs go give me >some proof of their claims. Well I have done some research myself. > >Unless someone comes up with evidence that CDs actually lose frequencies >that Vinyl retains then I will still never be convinced that Vinyl sounds >better! > I may have misrepresented my statement, somewhat. I never meant to infer that vinyl sounds *better*. They do sound different, however. And it's those differences that can give advantages over digital audio in certain instances. Cd's, even compressed formats, like mp3, give a much truer representation of the sound than even premium vinyl. But there are qualities to vinyl, everything from the space between the grooves, to the pre-amp in the turntable, to the weight of the needle that can affect and enhance the sound in ways purely digital sound does not. Vinyl does tend to be more bottom heavy, sonically, which gives it the fullness most people associate with records. Also, even vinyl is seeing a resurgance in popularity, as a commercial product, it is still a niche market, meaning most vinyl produced today is of a premium grade compared to what was on the market 15 years ago when records were dying out. That, and club sound systems (where most of us hear things played on vinyl) are state of the art, or of a much, much higher quality than your typical consumer grade home stereo, with the best equalization and filters. The speakers are usually typically sub woofers and satellite tweeters, delivering mostly the extremes in high and low end frequencies. Since clubs are so noisy, midrange frequencies are lost, giving, again, an impression of clarity to what is actually clever equalization. That is also what is meant by psycho-acoustics. Not only the way we perceive sounds. But the environment around us that causes us to hear the same sounds differently. Does this explain things a little better? BSC ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 26 Nov 1998 21:40:23 -0600 From: "Brad Caviness" Subject: Re: (mobility) Thousand 12" ? - -----Original Message----- From: n >Anyone out there know what is the title of the 12" with Thousand on it, >and what label is it on? > It's on the promotional "Next is the E" 12" Instinct single, but not the commercial 12". Various releases of the UK single, under the title "I Feel It", feature Thousand. But they are all five or six year-old imports, so I have no idea about their availability. Steve? BSC ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 26 Nov 1998 20:38:09 -0800 From: "Andrew Mullen" Subject: (mobility) c'mon babies... hello again, I'm sure this was discussed at some point on the list (I feel so defensive to write anything these days...someone's bound to attack) but what are your opinions of the Crystal Method's remix of "Come On Baby"? I'm a long time Moby fan but haven't listened to any of his records in at least six months. Well, today I listened to that single and realized I had forgotten how good it is. Any comments? btw: add to my list of grievances, people who complain about people complaining about people complaining about people complaining... also, who "stinks"? That seems a bit offensive. especially when it's just thrown out by someone too scared to confront the person whom it was aimed at. I'm an advocate of people confronting each other one on one if they have some problem. doesn't it seem slightly more productive than getting other people involved who might not even have anything to do with it? I think people often complain about the qualities of others that they actually posses and secretely despise in themselves. I know that's true for myself. sorry, being preachy again. no, wait a minute, not sorry, well you know what I mean. I urge some of the old-timers on this list to greet the new comers with open arms rather than "go away, we don't want you, we were here first" (see above paragraph). so far, with a few exceptions, you all seem to be a very nice & interesting group of people. self-censorship can be a problem. If any of you were here right now, I'd pour you a drink and say "thanks for your thoughts" I have to admit, it's thanksgiving, and after a delicious vegan dinner and many, many drinks, I'm feeling very happy to be a part of this list... later - --android ------------------------------ End of mobility-digest V1 #277 ****************************** ------------- To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility-digest" in the body.