From: (mobility-digest) To: Subject: mobility-digest V1 #407 Reply-To: mobility Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk X-No-Archive: yes mobility-digest Thursday, May 20 1999 Volume 01 : Number 407 Re: (mobility) I'm so happy and so sorry Re[2]: (mobility) Re[2]: Chicago Re: (mobility) getting Play (was 'gwen') RE: (mobility) I'm so happy and so sorry (mobility) Skate Video (mobility) Porcelain (mobility) PLAY on CDNow Re: (mobility) 'gwen' Re: (mobility) 'gwen' Re: (mobility) 'gwen' Re: (mobility) 'gwen' ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 20 May 1999 22:44:48 +0200 From: "Van Eijck" Subject: Re: (mobility) I'm so happy and so sorry I wrote: >> I think Moby should have released 2 versions of Play, this one and a >>2CD for real Moby fans with the long versions of the tracks. Then Chris Kloehr wrote: > Kind of sad that the INCREDIBLE work he has done is not acceptable >to certain REAL moby fans.............come on, some people would criticize >anything........... > > I think it is nice to see that he can "show off" being able to touch >all genres of music in one album. I didn't say Play is not a nice record...It's GREAT! And hey, if for some reason a 2 CD version came out and you could choose between the 2CD and the regular, wouldn't you buy the 2 CD? I'm not complaining about Play, I was just thinking what it would be like if Play were a 2CD and I just happened to like that idea. I'm terribly sorry for sharing this idea with Mobility if it offended anyone... Hey Chris, no hard feelings OK? Hmm, Gwen stefani vocals on South Side, sounds interesting. I like music from Moby with female vocalists! Bart =============================================== Now playing: Moby - Natural Blues ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 20 May 1999 16:28:18 -0700 From: Subject: Re[2]: (mobility) Re[2]: Chicago hey, that REALLY helps! Thanks. Maybe I'll check out a few one night. Maybe Friday .... hmmm ... - Jayson ______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________ Subject: Re: (mobility) Re[2]: Chicago Author: at INTERNET Date: 05/19/1999 2:28 AM On Mon, 17 May 1999 wrote: > I will be in Chicago May 26 - May 30. Was wondering if you knew of any > cool places to go other than the shops mentioned. Maybe a place with a > good DJ for Wed. Thurs. or Fri. night?? My, personal views: CroBar - Club, good music, a little snooty though. Where Moby spun a couple weeks back. Karma - big hit or miss. I saw Sasha spin there Saturday. Club. I've been there on nights where the mood was almost erotic, and other nights when I thought I woke up in frat hell. Voyeur - Some good music, only been there once but the people were really hot and couldn't dance for shit. Club. RedDog - Bar/club - haven't been there in a while, but they have some sweet DJs come through once in a while MadBar - Bar with some good funky DJs, getting a bit trendy though SmartBar - complete hole in the ground, under the Metro, small, but I've heard some WICKED tunes spun here. Hit or miss. Neo - bar/goth club. I'm not that into Inustrial/Goth, but EVERY time I go there its fun. Small club. That's off the top of my head - there are many others. Thursdays are big club nights in Chicago...any of the larger ones will have shit going on. Come to think of it, is there anywhere on the web that actually REVIEWS clubs? You can pick up a Reader in Chicago and it will tell you some basic info, but there is no way to know what does and does not suck. Hope that helps a little - I've been less into the club scene lately, so I'm not sure how much that'll help.... - -G ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 20 May 1999 23:04:25 +0200 From: "Van Eijck" Subject: Re: (mobility) getting Play (was 'gwen') Michaela Gerstner wrote: >gwen volunteered to sing, not caring about $$ or anything, she just wanted >to be a part of something. it takes real musicians to make music for fun and >not for $$. Yeah, I don't see the Backstreet Boys call Moby and ask him to join a private jam session in the studio with his guitar! I wonder how that would sound! Ha Ha >as for all of you already getting PLAY, i'm jealous!!! i have to wait until >june, being in the states and all. ::sigh!:: maybe i'll be able to find it >online. does anyone know any european sites that already have it????? Try (it is based in the Netherlands) You can order on a secure server, I believe, I'm not completely sure. I have browsed this site a lot, but I never ordered anything there, so please don't ask me questions about this site, ok? Bart 'gee incredible Elmo, it never hurts to help!' Eek the cat Are there any more Eek the cat fans out there? ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 20 May 1999 16:11:35 -0500 From: Chris Kloehr Subject: RE: (mobility) I'm so happy and so sorry > I didn't say Play is not a nice record...It's GREAT! > And hey, if for some reason a 2 CD version came out and you could > choose between the 2CD and the regular, wouldn't you buy the 2 CD? [Chris Kloehr] I agree, I think that the 2CD remix of EIW is one of my favorite mix cds. > Hey Chris, no hard feelings OK? > [Chris Kloehr] Of course not........ ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 20 May 1999 14:42:05 -0600 From: Chris Subject: (mobility) Skate Video i was watching a bit of a skate video with my brother today, called "the end", and during one of the sequences, "hymn", "god moving over the face of the waters", and "everything is wrong" were all played during a series of slow motion skateboarding bits. then in the end, the skateboarder got his head chopped off. a rather interesting video, but i thought it was neat that it had moby on the soundtrack. by the way, i got my autographed CD today, and i must say i was very pleased. i didn't expect him to address the CD to me, so that was a very pleasent surprise. p.s. anyone here into oakenfold, sasha & digweed, etc? how is the 2CD version of Northern Exposure 1? is it worth $26? i have bothe ditions of volume 2 and expeditions, and i was considering ordering part 1. thanks. Chris Perkins It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 20 May 1999 18:55:48 EDT From: Subject: (mobility) Porcelain Anyone notice that Porcelain is on the US version of PLay (18 songs), but not on the double vinyl??? Wonder why ... - - Jayson ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 20 May 1999 18:59:29 EDT From: Subject: (mobility) PLAY on CDNow Thanks for the tip about CDNOW having PLAY! BTW - I am very impressed with every song on the new album (except 7 - kinda weird)! I would hate for MOby to do the SAME stuff over and over again and THIS stuff seems really great and NEW and refreshing! I can't wait for his concert May 31st, then JUNE 1st! Whooo-hooo! Good job MOBY! - - Jayson ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 20 May 1999 20:54:06 -0700 From: "K Bergstrom" Subject: Re: (mobility) 'gwen' - ---------- > From: christian > To: > Subject: Re: (mobility) 'gwen' > Date: Thursday, May 20, 1999 8:21 AM > > now don't we all fell silly!!! > no!!!!!! why would we feel silly? just because moby gave his two cents, why should we all change our opinions on the subject at hand? i really doubt moby wants people to be parrots and tell him exactly what he wants to hear. i refuse to change my mind just because moby thinks something different. i still have a problem with gwen. but that's just because i think she gives a totally crappy message to young gurls trying to make their way thru the system. how many little girls did i see running around wearing revealing tank tops after no doubt broke thru on mtv/much music? granted, the spice girls are equally responsible for 8 year olds dressing like they're 18, but don't even get me started on their irresponsible use of the word feminism.... and anyway, we had this debate about a year ago on the list, and i really doubt anyone wants to have this debate again anytime soon. anyway. no disrespect out to moby for working with another musical "artist" (and im using "artist" in quotations because i think that point is debateable....). but no respect goes out to anyone who will change their beliefs just cuz moby said so. that is sooo not cool in my books. then again, im just a chick. my opinions don't really count, do they? it seems to be that a girl has to be "hot" to get any respect around here... or anywhere for that matter... but c'est la f*cking vie. *ahem* now that i got that out.... im normally not such a spaz. but people tend to do this to me! i am a product of my environment!!! (yeah, like any court would buy that.... heh) so yeah. flame away if you feel like it. if im not a nice crispy outside with a still slightly tender inside by this time tomorrow, i'll be very disapointed in you all ;) peace. - -kelbert np: ani difranco mixed tape. whooo hoooo! ani rules! ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 20 May 1999 19:42:07 -0600 (MDT) From: Kitty Watermelon Subject: Re: (mobility) 'gwen' Maybe I'm too young to feel the bitterness you express, Kelbert? I certainly hope it's more that I'm a product of -my- environment, but I guess I won't really know for a good long while. See, I dress very conservetively, and it's not that my friends all do, or that half of my highschool does, we fought the battle of the spaghetti straps this year. But rather that it's how I feel comfortable. I listen to no doubt, I think gwen is gorgeous in their "Don't Speak" video...and yet I feel no intense urge to lable her a "feminist" and for that matter respect her more than some "feminisits" I know. She was barefoot in that video, for at least a short segment. And no, it didn't inspire me, but rather it backed up what I already believed. Because I've found in this world, you have to find people who do what you do, rather than try to do what everyone else is doing. There's just too many people to copy otherwise. And I do live in NM, a very small corner of a very select community. In which I have been encouraged to be different to such an extent that I -look- for other girls I could find opposed to chasing boys? So maybe in general we're kind of odd. But then, I'm very glad. I hope I never have to endure shifting opinions in my own life, or too many wannabes who haven't found themselves yet. But I wouldn't worry too much about the younger generations. There's a lot to sort out, and yeah some of them are filing too much in the "lash out" offense catagory of late, but usually they figure it out very well. Despite horrendous parenting and some questionable role models. But in any case, I do not feel that gwen is a negative role model. If you want her to get out of music, then you should force half of all parents out of parenting because she's a better role model than them. But that's a drastic point...mainly I just mean to say that, despite not really liking her singing style, it gets old, I really respect her more as a public or private figure than I do many of the other people I know. And yeah, I know what you mean about changing opinions just because Mody gave his...but having never give mine you'll have to take my word for it that this is mine, true and undoctored. But it is very nice to hear something good said about her. She gets a lot of flack, and no one can deserve that. Anyways, my lengthy piece has been said now. This is in no way intended to be a flame, to anyone. I simply mean to fill in a few blank assumptions being made? Anyhow. I'll leave lie now. Have a good one, all. ^_^ pickle "If you let your spirit out, where would it go?" ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 20 May 1999 19:29:05 -0700 (PDT) From: christian Subject: Re: (mobility) 'gwen' i wrote-now don't we all feel silly!!! kelbert wrote- well-you all know what she wrote, and it pissed me off!! so i'm gonna tell her what I think now!! seeing how i am the one that wrote that inoccent little line. first and foremost-it's all in how you interperet it now is'nt it? all i meant is that 1) we where making such a big deal out of it-like maybe she saved his life or something 2) part of what we where making a big deal about is her shitty voice-and it turns out he was thanking her for singing. it does'nt mean i like her damn voice. in fact, i agreed with you about her voice if you recall. so why should YOU feel silly. because YOU took a harmless little sentence and turned into something that you felt warranted a personal attack!! i'm sure your right when you say "i really doubt moby wants people to be parrots and tell him exactly what he wants to hear. i refuse to change my mind just because moby thinks something different." but the thing is-nobody asked YOU to change YOUR mind! you:"i still have a problem with gwen. but that's just because i think she gives a totally crappy message to young gurls trying to make their way thru the system. how many little girls did i see running around wearing revealing tank tops after no doubt broke thru on mtv/much music? granted,the spice girls are equally responsible for 8 year olds dressing like they're 18" me:give me a damn break! this is just as bad as blaming the school shootings on muscic. it is a parent(s) responsibility to raise there children appropriately and no matter how much influence music,television and movies have on children it is still there parent that allows them to walk out the door looking that way. and it's still the parent(s) or gaurdians responsiblity to explain why it is or is'nt appropriate. you:"but don't even get me started on their irresponsible use of theword feminism.... and anyway, we had this debate about a year ago on the list, and i really doubt anyone wants to have this debate again anytime soon." me:get you started,i don't think you have the slightest idea what the word "feminism" means-first of all(but more on that in a second). as far as the list goes, i was'nt on it a year ago, and judging from the way people use it now, i would'nt have lasted that long. does anybody ever discuss anything intellegently or just go around pointing fingers and telling everyone what's wrong with them? so OBVIOUSLY you have a problem with gwen! to that let's add "then again, im just a chick. my opinions don't really count, do they? it seems to be that a girl has to be "hot" to get any respect around here... or anywhere for that matter... but c'est la f*cking vie." and to that i will begin with FEMINISM-ADVOCACY OF THE POLITICAL AND SOCIOECONOMIC EQUALITY OF MEN AND WOMEN. no where, and i repeat NO WHERE does it say that because your a "chick" that it gives you the right to maliciously attack people for making simple comments in an open forum. and because a couple of people, myself NOT being one of them, comment on how they think gwen is "hot"-it does not make them a chauvinist or a pig or anything else, except human. so, again, YOU attacking us(men) is way worse than anything that has been said on this list about "chicks" since i've been involved. and if you have such a problem with it then go out and do something constructive, rather then passing your negativity on to someone who's never done you harm and never would. oh! and since gwen is'nt on the list and i don't have a friggin clue what you look like, what the hell does you being "hot" have to do with it?!?!? i could care less what you look like-if you've got something good to say-I WILL listen. far as "but no respect goes out to anyone who will change their beliefs just cuz moby said so. that is sooo not cool in my books." goes...i could care less!! i did'nt ask for, don't want and don't need YOUR respect. i have enough self respect to take care of that..maybe something you need a little help with. and your opinion as to whether or not i'm cool means about as much as the dog crap i scraped off my shoe and flung aside last night.....nothing!! gahhh!! you:"now that i got that out.... im normally not such a spaz. but people tend to do this to me! i am a product of my environment!!!" people?! PEOPLE!?!? you mean the people that you will have to be dealing with for the rest of your life if you ever leave the house? those people? the people you have to go to school with-work with-stand in line at the grocery store with? are those the people your refering to?!? that is a blanket statement that could not possibly deal with what your real problem is....what that is..i don't have a clue!!!! but i hope you figure it out soon!! and just to throw one more little bit at ya!! ani difranco does rule! and she's a "feminist" who uses the power she has(song & buisnes)in a constructive way to show both the women and the men of the world what is wrong. and how(in her opinion)it can be made better. she speaks from the heart,from the soul,and from the mind. you speak from some dark angry place that i don't much care for!!! bye-christian ps-damian, this is part of what i have been refering too. yes, free speech is wonderful. and yes, an open forum like this is a great place to discuss. but saying things in anger and hatred and negativity about stuff which is'nt even on a subject relating to the list, just to get people pissed off enough to leave you a shitty response in return, is not what i was looking for. my posting, atleast, was meant to make people laugh. i really love moby, and i like this list when it's.....i don't know....civil. but twice already since i've been listening i think it's gone over that line. i'd like to hang around, but i'm not sure this is the place for me. peace!! love!! unity!! respect!! for the U you could insert understanding! we could all use some. _____________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Free instant messaging and more at ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 20 May 1999 19:32:40 -0700 (PDT) From: christian Subject: Re: (mobility) 'gwen' i wrote-now don't we all feel silly!!! kelbert wrote- well-you all know what she wrote, and it pissed me off!! so i'm gonna tell her what I think now!! seeing how i am the one that wrote that inoccent little line. first and foremost-it's all in how you interperet it now is'nt it? all i meant is that 1) we where making such a big deal out of it-like maybe she saved his life or something 2) part of what we where making a big deal about is her shitty voice-and it turns out he was thanking her for singing. it does'nt mean i like her damn voice. in fact, i agreed with you about her voice if you recall. so why should YOU feel silly. because YOU took a harmless little sentence and turned into something that you felt warranted a personal attack!! i'm sure your right when you say "i really doubt moby wants people to be parrots and tell him exactly what he wants to hear. i refuse to change my mind just because moby thinks something different." but the thing is-nobody asked YOU to change YOUR mind! you:"i still have a problem with gwen. but that's just because i think she gives a totally crappy message to young gurls trying to make their way thru the system. how many little girls did i see running around wearing revealing tank tops after no doubt broke thru on mtv/much music? granted,the spice girls are equally responsible for 8 year olds dressing like they're 18" me:give me a damn break! this is just as bad as blaming the school shootings on muscic. it is a parent(s) responsibility to raise there children appropriately and no matter how much influence music,television and movies have on children it is still there parent that allows them to walk out the door looking that way. and it's still the parent(s) or gaurdians responsiblity to explain why it is or is'nt appropriate. you:"but don't even get me started on their irresponsible use of theword feminism.... and anyway, we had this debate about a year ago on the list, and i really doubt anyone wants to have this debate again anytime soon." me:get you started,i don't think you have the slightest idea what the word "feminism" means-first of all(but more on that in a second). as far as the list goes, i was'nt on it a year ago, and judging from the way people use it now, i would'nt have lasted that long. does anybody ever discuss anything intellegently or just go around pointing fingers and telling everyone what's wrong with them? so OBVIOUSLY you have a problem with gwen! to that let's add "then again, im just a chick. my opinions don't really count, do they? it seems to be that a girl has to be "hot" to get any respect around here... or anywhere for that matter... but c'est la f*cking vie." and to that i will begin with FEMINISM-ADVOCACY OF THE POLITICAL AND SOCIOECONOMIC EQUALITY OF MEN AND WOMEN. no where, and i repeat NO WHERE does it say that because your a "chick" that it gives you the right to maliciously attack people for making simple comments in an open forum. and because a couple of people, myself NOT being one of them, comment on how they think gwen is "hot"-it does not make them a chauvinist or a pig or anything else, except human. so, again, YOU attacking us(men) is way worse than anything that has been said on this list about "chicks" since i've been involved. and if you have such a problem with it then go out and do something constructive, rather then passing your negativity on to someone who's never done you harm and never would. oh! and since gwen is'nt on the list and i don't have a friggin clue what you look like, what the hell does you being "hot" have to do with it?!?!? i could care less what you look like-if you've got something good to say-I WILL listen. far as "but no respect goes out to anyone who will change their beliefs just cuz moby said so. that is sooo not cool in my books." goes...i could care less!! i did'nt ask for, don't want and don't need YOUR respect. i have enough self respect to take care of that..maybe something you need a little help with. and your opinion as to whether or not i'm cool means about as much as the dog crap i scraped off my shoe and flung aside last night.....nothing!! gahhh!! you:"now that i got that out.... im normally not such a spaz. but people tend to do this to me! i am a product of my environment!!!" people?! PEOPLE!?!? you mean the people that you will have to be dealing with for the rest of your life if you ever leave the house? those people? the people you have to go to school with-work with-stand in line at the grocery store with? are those the people your refering to?!? that is a blanket statement that could not possibly deal with what your real problem is....what that is..i don't have a clue!!!! but i hope you figure it out soon!! and just to throw one more little bit at ya!! ani difranco does rule! and she's a "feminist" who uses the power she has(song & buisnes)in a constructive way to show both the women and the men of the world what is wrong. and how(in her opinion)it can be made better. she speaks from the heart,from the soul,and from the mind. you speak from some dark angry place that i don't much care for!!! bye-christian ps-damian, this is part of what i have been refering too. yes, free speech is wonderful. and yes, an open forum like this is a great place to discuss. but saying things in anger and hatred and negativity about stuff which is'nt even on a subject relating to the list, just to get people pissed off enough to leave you a shitty response in return, is not what i was looking for. my posting, atleast, was meant to make people laugh. i really love moby, and i like this list when it's.....i don't know....civil. but twice already since i've been listening i think it's gone over that line. i'd like to hang around, but i'm not sure this is the place for me. peace!! love!! unity!! respect!! for the U you could insert understanding! we could all use some. _____________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? 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