From: (mobility-digest) To: Subject: mobility-digest V1 #409 Reply-To: mobility Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk X-No-Archive: yes mobility-digest Friday, May 21 1999 Volume 01 : Number 409 Re: (mobility) Gwen & other stuff (mobility) Machete Re: Re:(mobility)'gwen' RE: Re:(mobility)'gwen' (mobility) off topic RE: (mobility) off topic (mobility) off-topic (mobility) The Big Group Hug (mobility) Gwen, other stuff ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 09:55:36 PDT From: "Steve Giles" Subject: Re: (mobility) Gwen & other stuff I saw the Big Daddy trailer last night w/ God Moving.. at the beginning of it. I was already very excitable, so it was fun to hear that not-quite-a-surprise! Sounds good in the theater, too. Matthino, I think a good idea for your Moby page would be a section for fan stories. We could have people submit stories about good times they had w/ his music, how they discovered him, when they saw him live, met him, etc. I know Damian has a profiles page for mobility members, but maybe a bigger Moby Fan Database could be done, with pictures and short bios or something. What do you think? I was hyper and jumpy late Wednesday night but needed to get to sleep for work the next morning so I put on Underwater. I figeted, tossed, & turned until I was comforatable enought to intake the music. It eventually calmed me and relaxed me. I felt floaty, even. I drifted off into sleep around Underwater Part 4, I think. My favorite Into The Blue, mix, eh? I absolutely love both the Simple & Spriritual mixes. They are divine. >From: "K Bergstrom" >how many little girls did i see running around wearing >revealing tank tops after no doubt broke thru on mtv/much music? >granted, >the spice girls are equally responsible for 8 year olds dressing like >they're 18, Assuming that your moral structure / social opinion are universal, (which they aren't) and that revealing tank tops are bad things, it's still not Gwen's fault. It is the nature of people to imitate their idols. As was pointed out, Doom & KMFDM are not to blame for Littleton. If it wasn't tank tops the girls took to, it would've been something else. Are you sure it's Gwen & the tank tops you hate, or is it really the girls wearing them that bother you? A little associative anger, perhaps? >then again, im just a >chick. my opinions don't really count, do they? it seems to be that >a >girl >has to be "hot" to get any respect around here... or anywhere for >that >matter... We all have issues, Kelley. Read what you wrote above and ask yourself why you're on this list. Save your venom. The 200 subscribers who received that didn't deserve it. >flame away if you feel like it. if im not a nice crispy outside >with a still slightly tender inside by this time tomorrow, i'll be very >disapointed in you all ;) I really enjoy being on this list. It's sad when somebody FEELS it's her prerogative to carelessly and intentionally start a flame war that will pollute this list with garbage. Then to point a finger at somebody else to behave and keep their garbage off-list. You'll find that you'll resolve your problems by communicating and trying to find things in common, not by brutally creating barriers and differences between us. If you stop and try to be positive, you'll find that you're not the casualty of great injustice that you think you are. Life IS good. Are you a Christian, Kelley? What if, instead of trying to show people the right way, Jesus just went around saying "Stop that! Stop! Bad! Bad!" He wouldn't have accomplished anything. (I'm agnostic, for the record) Ditch the negativity. >has to be "hot" to get any respect around here... or anywhere for Like this. Where did this come from? Are you really that maligned? For instance, Gwen Stefani has earned respect, and it's not because of her looks. She is a successful musician. Looks alone will accomplish little or nothing. It is commitment to an ideal or goal that will earn a person respect. Ease up, Kelley, we're here to enjoy each other's company. Don't pretend to be an outraged victim or a Machiavellian manipulator making people react as it pleases you. It won't make you any friends, which is what (I assume) everybody wants to be and have. - -Steve "Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering!" - -Master Yoda now playing in my head: Mickey Mouse "Splashdance" _______________________________________________________________ Get Free Email and Do More On The Web. Visit ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 13:06:33 -0400 From: Jonathan Ruano Subject: (mobility) Machete The CD havent reached my city (yet!), and I only can listen to the little snippets in CdNow and re-read tracks's names. > Bond Theme. But anyway, as my interest is deteriorating for the song, I am > getting to love track 9, Machete. Kind of the most AR track of them all on > Play, but very good. First, it was Novio (I read it as a Spanish word) and now, Machete. I'd like to know if it has something to do with the Spanish meaning for that. For those (I'd say most ) of you that dont speak (barely) a word in Spanish, I'll tell you that 'machete' can be a diminutive form of 'Macho' (you know what 'macho-man' is, right?), but I'd bet that's a knife like those used in the Army. And this is the "stupid" fact of today :) - -- 512/781AF549 1997/11/26 Jonathan Ruano (low-sec) Key fingerprint = 7A 87 8E 82 50 82 1D 19 CD BE 3E 20 FA 80 6F 8F For more bit(e)s, browse ICQ#:1250121 AIM:Tlabok YP:Kobalt14 Cell# +34 609469288 ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 10:11:40 -0600 From: Chris Subject: Re: Re:(mobility)'gwen' if God is all powerful, can he create a rock big enough that even he can't lift it? ponder that for a moment.... Chris Perkins It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 12:18:58 -0500 From: Chris Kloehr Subject: RE: Re:(mobility)'gwen' > if God is all powerful, can he create a rock big enough that even he can't > lift it? ponder that for a moment.... > [Chris Kloehr] Should he be tested? I think not.... ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 15:57:41 -0400 From: Subject: (mobility) off topic right to maliciously attack people for making simple >comments in an open forum. You imply that she has no right to maliciously attack people for making comments in an open forum because Kelly IS a chick! YOU are even more malicious with your statements directly insulting Kelly and in a much more personal attack. Get your 15 year old raging hormones under control and get it through your head that this is not a list to flame people's personal opinions on music!!!!!!!! You started this whole thing and shaped into an attack on someone directly on the list. If Kelly doesn't like no doubt that is not an attack on you because you do! >because a couple of people, myself NOT being one of them, comment on oh! and since gwen is'nt on the list and i don't have >a friggin clue what you look like, what the hell does >you being "hot" have to do with it?!?!? i could care >less what you look like-if you've got something good >to say-I WILL listen. Did Kelly mention anywhere about how SHE looks? It seems you've been listening a little TOO HARD to her thus far, and reading BETWEEN THE LINES a lot! In the future try to read over what she is saying a little more carefully so that you fully understand what she is saying before you flame her. It will save us all the trouble of reading your 6 page manifestos.... >gahhh!! you:"now that i got that out.... >>im normally not such a spaz. but people tend to do >>this to me! i am a product of my environment!!!" >people?! PEOPLE!?!? you mean the people that you will >have to be dealing with for the rest of your life if >you ever leave the house? those people? the people you >have to go to school with-work with-stand in line at >the grocery store with? are those the people your >refering to?!? Anyone can see that kelly only means "some" people.. she did not say "EVERYONE" or "SOCIETY".... and you have the exact same problem.. "some" people obviously bug you too... otherwise you would not be harassing kelly about this.. not possibly deal with what your real problem >is....what that is..i don't have a clue!!!! but i hope >you figure it out soon!! For YOUR sake? You selfish imp.. I hope you don't treat everyone this way if they differ in opinion to yourself... if you do you're going to have a hard life.. yOu say that Kelly has a problem, although you don't even know her! Through these pathetic assumptions yOu demonstrate that it is YOU that has the problem.. Through this reply I make it clear that I have a problem with your nasty nature.. >and just to throw one more little bit at ya!! ani the power she has(song & buisnes)in a constructive way is wrong. and how(in her opinion)it can be made from the mind. you speak from some dark angry place Subject: RE: (mobility) off topic > Flame me off list if you're going to do so... you probably will, as you > thus far have seemed unable to control your urges to do so... > [Chris Kloehr] HEY HEY!!!! I thought we had a group hug, and Kelly was included!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! People make mistakes and say things they shouldnt (I should know).............. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 16:07:57 -0400 From: Subject: (mobility) off-topic > > > > > [Chris Kloehr] Group hug!!!!!!!! Kelly? > Subject: (mobility) The Big Group Hug This is a multi-part message in MIME format. - ------=_NextPart_000_002D_01BEA3DE.EFFDAFC0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable stop fighting & flaming I'm not pointing at anyone, I really haven't been following these 'Gwen' conversations and flames (this is a Moby list you know...) but I still = sense some negative vibes here.=20 start forgiving and hugging I could use a good hug...=20 Bart 'the sky is broken'=20 - ------=_NextPart_000_002D_01BEA3DE.EFFDAFC0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
stop fighting=20 & flaming
I'm not pointing at anyone, I = really haven't=20 been following these 'Gwen'
conversations and flames (this = is a Moby=20 list you know...) but I still sense
some negative vibes here. =
start=20 forgiving and hugging
I could use a good hug... =
'the sky is=20 broken' 
- ------=_NextPart_000_002D_01BEA3DE.EFFDAFC0-- ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 14:06:56 PDT From: "Steve Giles" Subject: (mobility) Gwen, other stuff I already sent this once, but it seems it got caught in a filter or something. I have terrible luck with that. I saw the Big Daddy trailer with God Moving... at the beginning of it the other night. I was already very excitable, so I was thrilled to hear it. Sounds good in the theater. Matthino, I think a good idea for your web page would be fan story section. You could have people send you stories about good times listening to Moby, how they discovered him, when they saw him live, met him, etc. You could also do a fan profiles page with pictures and short bios. What do you think? I saw jumpy and energetic on Wednesday night and I had to go to sleep for work the next day, so I put Underwater on. I figeted, tossed, and turned for a while until finally I was comfortable. The music finally relaxed me and slowed my heart rate, and I felt a little bit floaty. I think I fell asleep during Underwater Part 4. My favorite Into The Blue, eh? That would be a tie for Simple & Spiritual. I love them. They are absolutely divine. >From: "K Bergstrom" >how many little girls did i see running around wearing >revealing tank tops after no doubt broke thru on mtv/much music? granted, >the spice girls are equally responsible for 8 year olds dressing like >they're 18 Assuming that your moral structure / social opinion is universal (which it isn't) and that revealing tank tops are bad, Gwen still wouldn't be at _fault_ for lots of girls wearing them. People emulate their idols. If it wasn't tank tops, it would've been something else. Is it really Gwen Stefani & tank tops that you hate, or is it really just the girls who wear them? A little associative anger, perhaps? >then again, im just a >chick. my opinions don't really count, do they? it seems to be that >a >girl >has to be "hot" to get any respect around here... or anywhere for >that >matter... but c'est la f*cking vie. Look at what you wrote above. Ask yourself why you are on this list. Are you truly that maligned? Your opinions _won't_ count unless you show the same respect to others that you feel you deserve. What you wrote above is that you get no respect because you're a girl here on mobility or anywhere else. I respect lots of girls. I respect Gwen Stefani because she has a successful musical career, even thought I don't particularly enjoy her group's music. And being 'hot' will not make you successful and respected. To earn respect you must be committed to an ideal or a goal. Please refain from calling everybody oppresors of women. I certainly would _like_ to respect you... Are you a Christian, Kelly? What if Jesus, instead of teaching his way, just went around screaming "Stop that! Stop! Bad! Bad!" Do you think he would've accomplished anything? Look at the glass as half full. You'll find that you're not the casualty of great injustice that you think you are. (I'm an agnostic, for the record) >flame away if you feel like it. if im not a nice crispy outside >with a still slightly tender inside by this time tomorrow, i'll be >very >disapointed in you all ;) I really enjoy being a member of mobility. It's a sad thing to see somebody FEEL it is her prerogative to carelessly and intentionally try to create a flame war that will pollute this list with garbage. And then have the nerve to tell somebody else to keep their garbage off the list. I'm here because I want to be friends with people who have something in common with me, Moby' music. You won't make a friends here by insulting us, or by starting flame games to amuse you. Make light, not flame. - -Steve "Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering!" - -Master Yoda _______________________________________________________________ Get Free Email and Do More On The Web. Visit ------------------------------ End of mobility-digest V1 #409 ****************************** ------------- To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility-digest" in the body.