From: (mobility-digest) To: Subject: mobility-digest V2 #73 Reply-To: mobility Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk X-No-Archive: yes mobility-digest Friday, August 6 1999 Volume 02 : Number 073 (mobility) RE: Long Post, Korn/Limp Bizkit...BSB.... (mobility) what makes it great... (mobility) -->intro for travis. Re: (mobility) what makes it great... (longwinded reply) Re: (mobility) RE: Long Post, Korn/Limp Bizkit...BSB.... (mobility) tickets! Re: (mobility) what makes it great... Re: (mobility) -->intro for travis. RE: (mobility) Long post, but please read (mobility) oops.. (mobility) A round of applause people! Re: (mobility) A round of applause people! (mobility) an open letter to moby (mobility) selling out ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 05 Jun 1999 12:00:02 -0500 From: (Chris Stepanek) Subject: (mobility) RE: Long Post, Korn/Limp Bizkit...BSB.... I agree with you Mandi, somewhat. Korn has been around for a long long time, by no means can you lump then in the same category as BSB, N-synch...whatever. Granted every 13 year old boy digs Korn (now) and that same 13 year old boy's 10 year old sister digs BSB (or whatever cookie-cutter teen thing MTV is pushing), and ever since the "follow the leader" album I do think Korn is in "cashing in" mode (even though it is a good album for he most part...but nothing like the first album...). Also Korn is back in the studio to push out another album this year (I think) just to cash in. But hey these guys have been around and it is nice to see them make some $$$. If, as artists that is what they want then more power to them. It is easy to sit here and judge but I think 99% of you reading this when faced with a record label asking (forcing) you to make a new album with the chance of (no doubt of) making millions of dollars I bet you would NOT say no. But the way record companies and the music industry is it is sooooooooooo bad and unhelpful to artists and such (and I am not even part of the industry, I don't think I could if I even wanted it). As far as Limp Bizkit I do see them as useless and just riding the coat tails of Korn and they style of metal/hardcore/rap music. And ISP I honestly can't say a word, I don't think i have ever heard a song of theirs and only have seen a few pictures. But for face value ISP looks pretty lame (song music managers project to apeall to 13 year old suburban boys who hate their parents and want to be down). But hey look at me there, making assumptions and spouting opinions. I used to be pretty militant in my views but lately I have mellowed out quite a bit. Now I know my views and live my life the way I do and if others do it different so be it, when their actions begin to influence me though I then get a bit pissed. I think one of Moby's essays in "play" was right on. The one about any type of rigid system to cookie cutter life being impossible because life is way to complex. I agree. As Easy as it is to cookie cutter and section things off (and trust me I love to do this) 9 times out of 10 it just won't work. BSB, Spice girls, N-Synch, 98degrees and however many other manufactured pop groups their are making $. The only reason they are around is that people are spending money on their stuff. But hey, in 1 or 2 years will anyone really remember who BSB is or Ricky Martin, in 5-10 they will be completely wiped out of the society's collective consciousness. Music is music, everyone listens to it for many different reasons but deep down they listen to it because it is fun and they enjoy it. While Celine DIon makes my skin crawl, Mariah Carrey is a big nasty whatever and honestly I would never buy a spice girls album many people like that stuff and it is there call. Hey i am sitting here listening to Nine Inch Nails, arguments could be made about them for so many things. But hey I dig Trent (sometimes) and his music (most of it) and if you don't then fine, that ain't important to me. does it really matter who is more "hardcore" or and "honest" artist? people buy what they like, Pop music is usually trash anyway and you don't walk into a Wal-Mat and honesty expect a good selection of Moby get top 40 pop. Everything is relative! - --- Chris Stepanek - Designer - Nicholson | NY - ICQ# 25163388 - --- ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 5 Aug 1999 12:01:21 EDT From: Subject: (mobility) what makes it great... just out of curiosity... what makes a song great: a catchy melody? the artist behind it? the emotion it evokes in you? the lyrics? I was just wondering why you guys love the music that you do... ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 5 Aug 1999 10:34:38 -0700 (PDT) From: Travis Zickafoose Subject: (mobility) -->intro for travis. hello///--! as per the list's welcome message, here is my homework. my name is travis. the last name is optional, since it requires more effort. i just turned 19. yes. it's depressing. moby cd's that i claim to own: i like to score, animal rights, everything is wrong, play, moby disk e-cd, bring back my happiness, feeling so real, everytime you touch me my first audio experience of moby was after i bought animal rights. i really enjoy his work, and look foward to seeing him perform live in 2 days at Endfest, a local mucic festival. other artists that i like: sky cries mary, radiohead, pulp, portishead, beastie boys, and i just started listening to john lennon. random info: i like computers and code. i'm a veggie. currently employed in data-entry. i suppose that's just an important sounding name for typing all day long. school is also something i like. oh yeah, my favorite freaking color is black. travis---/end transmission.> _____________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Free instant messaging and more at ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 5 Aug 1999 15:32:37 -0400 (EDT) From: Anne N Thalheimer Subject: Re: (mobility) what makes it great... (longwinded reply) hello all. as for what makes a song great i think it (obviously) all depends; i mean, often its a combination of a decent melody, if i like the artist generally already, how it makes me feel, and the lyrics. though sometimes one can like the melody but not like the lyrics--robyn hitchcock's a decent example of this point for me. but its hard the other way around, i guess, i can't think of a song where the lyrics are great but the melody doesn't appeal (though i can think of remixes that don't appeal, so...). & sometimes its really sort of situation-specific. i mean, i got really into the cure, siouxsie, new order, joy division, bauhaus, dead can dance back when i was a very unhappy teenager in middle-of-nowhere-town massachusetts with, as _the breakfast club_ puts it, "an unsatisfying home life" (which may have been why i left at 16 & took off for a little liberal arts college). now, at said little college, i got really into different music because there were lots of people saying, oh yeah, listen to THIS, from punk stuff to blues and jazz and back again. now everytime i hear "head like a hole" i remember back to packing up to leave for college--same thing for "smells like teen spirit". & that life experience memory is part of what makes those songs good for me. i mean, there's got to be some leeway too about the artist--i mean, billie holiday & sarah vaughn & blossom dearie and nina simone (etc etc) can all sing the same song (which might well have been written by someone else), & one could like 'em all, but for varied reasons like singing style, voice, inflection, and so forth. or covers, even, like the smashing pumpkins version of depeche mode's 'never let me down again'. which isn't to say that i'm not into the cure and joy division etc now, because they're still brilliant (though, again, one could argue about the cure, i suppose, not being quite the same--but who wants to stay the same? case in point, the cure, r.e.m., and U2 playing around with electronica). but of course the lyrics are important as well--think of billy bragg, for example. my grandparents hate his voice but like his lyrics a lot. & to tie this back to the list subject--moby--part of why i like what he does is that there's a lot of experimentation happening, plus a viceral reaction--some of it is so beautiful i get weepy and some of it makes me wanna scream--and that's how i feel about other folks (the cure, joy division, etc); if they can affect me like that, I'm impressed. ok. i'll shut up now. thanks for reading. anne ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 05 Aug 1999 12:43:22 MST From: "Derek ~" Subject: Re: (mobility) RE: Long Post, Korn/Limp Bizkit...BSB.... i dig most of trents music too well if you ever go into a wal mart you can't expect to find any moby cds. maybe some good ol ricky martin and BSB but they don't carry quality music like moby >Hey i am sitting here listening to Nine Inch Nails, arguments could be made >about them for so many things. But hey I dig Trent (sometimes) and his >music >(most of it) and if you don't then fine, that ain't important to me. > >does it really matter who is more "hardcore" or and "honest" artist? people >buy what they like, Pop music is usually trash anyway and you don't walk >into a Wal-Mat and honesty expect a good selection of Moby > get top 40 pop. > >Everything is relative! > > >--- >Chris Stepanek - Designer - Nicholson | NY > - ICQ# 25163388 >--- > > _______________________________________________________________ Get Free Email and Do More On The Web. Visit ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 5 Aug 1999 16:13:09 -0400 From: Brett McSherry Subject: (mobility) tickets! Woohoo. I just got my tickets for the Moby concert in Toronto at the Warehouse on Aug. 28. I can not wait for this. About six of my closest friends are going so this should kick ass. Anyone else going to the show in Toronto! I think u can still get tickets, but I could be wrong about that. Brett McSherry "Reach for the moon, for if you miss you will land among the stars." Anonymous ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 5 Aug 1999 16:15:49 -0700 From: "kelbert" Subject: Re: (mobility) what makes it great... wrote: > just out of curiosity... > what makes a song great: > a catchy melody? ive always maintained that something that is catchy is one step away from being evil... so its not that for me ;) > the artist behind it? that's a touchy situation. i mean yeah, moby is cool and all that but nothing off play would make it onto my top 25 songs of all time. i think people run into trouble when they start running up and down the street professing their love for a certain group and never admitting to themselves that such and such an album or single is really crap. for example: i really like pop will eat itself. but i like all their albums for different reasons. and i think some of their stuff is total shit. just because they're one of my fave bands, doesn't mean i automatically think every song is good. so i guess what im trying to say is that in my opinion the artist isn't what makes a song great. its the song itself. > the emotion it evokes in you? > the lyrics? i guess emotions and lyrics are what do it for me. i know i have to connect with something in the song or else it just becomes background music like everything else. i think pretty much what makes a song great is different for every person. i can say what does it for me, but who's to say its the exact same thing for anyone else on the list or anywhere else? i know the reason why i like moby is because of the emotions and lyrics, not because he's moby or because he writes "catchy" tunes. its hard to say what makes anyone's ears prick up and listen to one song more than another. but its an interesting thing to discuss anyway. - -kelly ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 5 Aug 1999 15:28:16 -0700 (PDT) From: Bjorkdoll Subject: Re: (mobility) -->intro for travis. On Thu, 5 Aug 1999, Travis Zickafoose wrote: > my first audio experience of moby was after i bought > animal rights. i really enjoy his work, and look > foward to seeing him perform live in 2 days at > Endfest, a local mucic festival. Arrrggghh! You're going to Endfest?! I hate you! :) Tell Moby I said hi. :P Sarah "...a fountain of blood in the shape of a girl..." :::::::::::::::::::::::::::rescue me:::::::::: ::::::::::::::::from levelheadedness:::::::::: ::::::::::and the unnecessary luxury:::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::of being calm:::::::::: ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 5 Aug 1999 19:26:47 -0400 From: "Paul Medeiros" Subject: RE: (mobility) Long post, but please read > > > Allow me a short (hopefully) rebuttal... > > The reason I said what I said is that, when I do hear Korn or Limp > Bizkit, I hear the same song with a different title. I do think some of > Korn's music is innovative and groundbreaking, but one can only go so far > growling the lyrics to the song. Perhaps I wasn't clear in this, and I > admit that as my fault. When I do look at Korn and Limp Bizkit, I see > two more artists being shoved down the throats of America. I agree that > Korn and Limp Bizkit are NOT making music for "little 10 year old girls." > Actually, Limp Bizkit and Korn may not be making music for 10 year old girls but they are making music for 14 year old boys. I get to witness this first hand, (I manage a mall record store). And right now Korn and Limp Bizkit is mainstream music. According to the music reps that I speak to, rap/rock suppose to be the big trend this year. That is why you have artists like Kid Rock, Korn, and LB selling millions of records. Now kid-pop music such as BSB, n-sync and britney spears is going to last for a while as a trend. And seriously I don't see anything wrong with this music, I mean how many of the girls on this list was grooving to New Kids on the Block in the 80's. Granted the music may be really cheesey but to a 12 year old it's cute and fun. So instead of making plans to take over MTV how about introducing a friend to moby. - -paul ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 5 Aug 1999 18:35:37 -0500 From: david j bass Subject: (mobility) oops.. That last message I sent wasn't for mobility, it was for my girlfriend, sorry. Dave ___________________________________________________________________ Get the Internet just the way you want it. Free software, free e-mail, and free Internet access for a month! Try Juno Web: ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 5 Aug 1999 20:15:12 -0600 From: "krwilson" Subject: (mobility) A round of applause people! Let's all give a big up to Damian for being so cool and working at keeping us all together and informed on our favorite bald-headed musician. Thanks Damian! Just wanted to say it is VERY cool what you do and THANK YOU! As for Moby-related issues, has anyone ever heard of moby doing a chill-out set at a rave? It occured to me the other day that the chill-out session is one of the most important(Although VERY overlooked) parts of a rave and that Moby would do the most EXCELLENT job with his beatiful ambient/instrument/whatever songs. If I threw raves, I'd do whatever I could to get Moby to help chill the kiddies out. MO ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 05 Aug 1999 19:26:22 -0700 (PDT) From: J Holland Subject: Re: (mobility) A round of applause people! - ---krwilson wrote:--- >Let's all give a big up to Damian for being so cool and working at keeping >us all together and informed on our favorite bald-headed musician. Thanks >Damian! Just wanted to say it is VERY cool what you do and THANK YOU! > yea! compliments to damian! #*I #.....# I*#.....#*I #.....# I*#.....#*I # find it amusing. fight the power. ________________________________________________________ ____ Get your Free GO Network Email address at ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 6 Aug 1999 00:58:19 -0700 (PDT) From: Bjorkdoll Subject: (mobility) an open letter to moby *sigh* I am so unbelievably disappointed right now it is almost overwhelming. I have such lame friends. That's it. I have _lame_ friends. I couldn't find one impulsive person who wanted to drive with me up to Vancouver to catch your show. If I had a car I would have driven up by myself, even if that meant driving around for hours and getting lost and only arriving at the venue as you sang the last note of your last encore. It would have been worth it. Dang. I can't belive I'm not going to get to hear 'Porcelain' performed live. If only you had been performing at the RKCNDY again instead of the Endfest. I could've just walked down the hill and been there (since the rkcndy is only 6 or so blocks from my flat). I am glad I at least got the chance to catch your appearance and dj gig at That was a very fun night. I'm not sure what you are doing tomorrow night (friday the 6th) since there are no listings for a gig on the tour schedule at but if you are in Seattle and want to check out a little bit of the underground techno - electro - experimental sounds of Seattle, there is a great event happening that night called "Paradox". The info can be found at 206.517.2605. Also if you're up for even more madness after your gig at the Endfest there is a beautiful event saturday night with great house, trance and drum'n'bass sounds. Should be lovely. It is called "Within the Ocean" and the info is at 206.633.4284. I promise that these events are not your typical "raves", they are "experiences". I know the chance of you being at either of these events (heck the chance of you seeing this message) is slim to none but the chance would be just none if I didn't try. :) Well, I am tired, your show is long over and I'm sure you've made some lucky Canadians very happy. Wish I could have been there. Next tour, I suppose. *smile* Goodnight. a.very.sad.Sarah "...a fountain of blood in the shape of a girl..." :::::::::::::::::::::::::::rescue me:::::::::: ::::::::::::::::from levelheadedness:::::::::: ::::::::::and the unnecessary luxury:::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::of being calm:::::::::: ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 6 Aug 1999 04:08:58 -0500 From: Subject: (mobility) selling out First and foremost I want to say to everyone who has participated in this whole selling out conversation that I agree a little bit with everyone of you. Everyone has made intelligent arguments and discussions like this makes lists like mobility so great. I thought I'd give my two cents on this whole topic. For a long time I shared the view of alot of you about not liking bands/artists that sold out or that were completely legit. After a period of time, though, I came to the realization that if I based what I listened to on whether someone was legit or not that I might be missing out on a song that I might like otherwise. So somoebody sold out. So what? That's their choice. I agree it's a shame that an artist's music can be shaped by greed and money. I agree that the quality and originality of an artist's music tends to degrade when that happens. I also agree that Moby will probably never sell out. If (BIG if) he does then I will give the music he makes at that time an honest listen to see if I like it before I dismiss him. Atleast I know I will always like everything that he has done up to that point. I envy those 15-year-old girls who love BSB and Nsuck. If they are content with that music then more power to 'em. It must be great having your favorite group constantly played on radio stations, TV, and at bars/clubs and not get tired of listening to it. What if Moby was constantly played? My first thought would be "Great! Moby all the time!", but after a second thought I would want that. I would eventually get sick of Bodyrock if it was constantly played. This brings me to another topic. That about Moby getting more airplay and receiving more attention. Don't get me wrong, I wish him all the success in the world and hope that Bodyrock and Play receives alot of attention, but at the same time I am glad that the media isn't saturated with him. To me it's kind of nice having one of my favorite artists pretty much unknown by mainstream America. I love introducing him to people who have never heard of him and have them liking his music. Tim--(The proud owner of a Spice Girls cd.) ------------------------------ End of mobility-digest V2 #73 ***************************** ------------- To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility-digest" in the body.