From: (mobility-digest) To: Subject: mobility-digest V3 #21 Reply-To: mobility Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk X-No-Archive: yes mobility-digest Saturday, November 6 1999 Volume 03 : Number 021 (mobility) smoking (mobility) Laura, get practical Re: (mobility) Laura, get practical (off-topic) Re: (mobility) ATB remix (mobility) converting deluxe play lists Re: (mobility) smoking (mobility) Drugs, and moby's obsession with "yeah" Re: (mobility) Drugs, and moby's obsession with "yeah" (mobility) *** off topic ~ idealists Re: (mobility) moby&raves Re: (mobility) ATB remix Re: (mobility) ATB remix (mobility) nude as the news? (mobility) poll time! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 05 Nov 1999 22:35:30 -0800 From: Laura Subject: (mobility) smoking > WHen did you get the idea that cows live in tiny crates without sunlight... > I lived in tx for 18 years. Cows graze acres of land and eat large amounts > of food..they do not have a hard harsh life. They sleep, walk around, sleep > some more, eat, and occasionly get milked. that's what you call a free-range farm. you go to the store, you walk to the health food aisle, and you pay 5 times as much for that milk because it takes so much more money to treat cows that way. Do you really think that factory farms are going to advertise the way they mistreat their animals? No? Well that's why you've never seen cows being treated so badly. They are locked up, indoors, their entire lives, kept in crates where they can't turn around or lay down properly, where their limbs grow misshapen. Don't believe me? Go to They have pictures. > I mean have you really ever been > on a farm. It is just kind of logic that cows aren't kept in cages with no > light. They wouldn't even be able to survive that way. Maybe it is logic. But fuck logic, they *do* survive that way. that's why they're so yum-yum-yummy in your tummy. after all that force-feeding and those low-light conditions, where they aren't allowed to run any of their wonderful tasty fat off, what cow WOULDN'T taste delicious!? laura - -- ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 6 Nov 1999 02:12:51 -0800 From: "Chris Hand" Subject: (mobility) Laura, get practical LAura... I visited your little pro vegan link about cows.. and honestly I didn't see anything really brutal and cruel...the industry isn't perfect, so some cows get the bad luck..who really fucking cares...THERE ARE BIGGER PROBLEMS in the world right now, maybe you should post some url's on actual HUMANS getting stacked in close spaces and being persecuted for their beliefs and being killed and shot in streets and dying of hunger, if you would stop worrying about the damn cows, you think those people who are all emaciated and dying of hunger care if they eat a vegetable or meat...heh, re-evaluate the situation, and you can see that your vegetarian views aren't practical at all for the world's population ...and like no shit, showing me pictures of raw meat and cows hanging from hooks and such and their scraps doesn't gross me out. Like what did you think I would expect it to be, somehow they just vaporize the meat off the cows neatly? :P Blah.....if you see some pictures of lions ripping apart zebras, you'll probably think lions are cruel too... as for Moby riding a bike everywhere...ok that is not going to happen..considering I see a big red tour bus at each on of his gigs that emits more carbon monoxide than a car would. Some "ideas" that people have aren't practical at the time..instead of people saying it is all wrong and bad bad bad...maybe they should find another more practical solution... heh, it's like...for us not to be totally cruel to animals, we cann only eat vegetables...for us to stop pollution, we must ride bikes and not cars..and to stop the rainforest from falling we must stop using paper... like ok, those are solutions..but they sure as hell aren't practical... I didn't know why you insisted on brining this back up again, because I thought opinions were resolved. NOW... please get back to Moby's music or something related to it..because this is as practical really as arguing religion...but I mean if you like the arguement, then do what you please. People bitching about the number of emails they are getting...maybe you should get used to mailing lists..or at least have this mailing list automatically d/l into it's own mailbox. The more posts there are the more active the list is, which I think is a good thing..anyways..later Chris ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 6 Nov 1999 02:32:58 EST From: Subject: Re: (mobility) Laura, get practical (off-topic) Thank you Chris. YEah the environment is in bad shape. But this is probably one of the first times in the history of the world that people are becoming actively aware of the decay that's been caused by centuries, milleniums, what have you of humans. It's not going to end. First humans need to treat each other with a comon decency before we can worry about the animals. If we can't respect each other then how the hell can we be expected to respect the rights of creatures that most people don't consider to be equal to the human race? I'm kinda surprised that Moby has expanded on the idea on how no one really makes human contacts anymore. IT's like we're all supposed to live in this bubble and not interact with strangers (there's that tv brainwashing again). Just think of all the people you meet that you never connect with. It's that isolation that makes people snap and I think (way off-topic) the main cause behind all the recent senseless shootings recently. I mean even here which is supposed to be an open forum of ideas in regards to Moby, to really really express something on ideals tends to get a lot of shit. cuz people here are straight out about the music which is cool, but there is more to it than that, at least for me. And yes I love Moby, his music and the passion that he stands for. There should be more people in the world like him, even if I don't agree with his ideals. Fix humans first, than the world, because a sane unified human race (which will probably never happen) will work better to save the world. If all humans become compassionate loving creatures, some of the problems will automatically fix themselves. And this is all I have to say on this matter. I'm done, I promise, and I allow everyone to scream and yell and hate me if I ever address this again . (Sidebar ~ I was good and put the off-topic) In a message dated 11/5/99 11:13:54 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes: << LAura... I visited your little pro vegan link about cows.. and honestly I didn't see anything really brutal and cruel...the industry isn't perfect, so some cows get the bad luck..who really fucking cares...THERE ARE BIGGER PROBLEMS in the world right now, maybe you should post some url's on actual HUMANS getting stacked in close spaces and being persecuted for their beliefs and being killed and shot in streets and dying of hunger, if you would stop worrying about the damn cows, you think those people who are all emaciated and dying of hunger care if they eat a vegetable or meat...heh, re-evaluate the situation, and you can see that your vegetarian views aren't practical at all for the world's population ...and like no shit, showing me pictures of raw meat and cows hanging from hooks and such and their scraps doesn't gross me out. Like what did you think I would expect it to be, somehow they just vaporize the meat off the cows neatly? :P Blah.....if you see some pictures of lions ripping apart zebras, you'll probably think lions are cruel too... as for Moby riding a bike everywhere...ok that is not going to happen..considering I see a big red tour bus at each on of his gigs that emits more carbon monoxide than a car would. Some "ideas" that people have aren't practical at the time..instead of people saying it is all wrong and bad bad bad...maybe they should find another more practical solution... heh, it's like...for us not to be totally cruel to animals, we cann only eat vegetables...for us to stop pollution, we must ride bikes and not cars..and to stop the rainforest from falling we must stop using paper... like ok, those are solutions..but they sure as hell aren't practical... I didn't know why you insisted on brining this back up again, because I thought opinions were resolved. NOW... please get back to Moby's music or something related to it..because this is as practical really as arguing religion...but I mean if you like the arguement, then do what you please. People bitching about the number of emails they are getting...maybe you should get used to mailing lists..or at least have this mailing list automatically d/l into it's own mailbox. The more posts there are the more active the list is, which I think is a good thing..anyways..later Chris >> "You can't edit yourself" ~ Beck Hansen Are you addicted to breathing? ~ Me ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 6 Nov 1999 06:52:39 -0800 (PST) From: DJ Pagan Subject: Re: (mobility) ATB remix - --- John Turpin wrote: > Has anyone else listened to WDMHFSB (atb remix) > and been reminded of Aqua's "Barbie Girl"? I'm going to pretend I didn't hear this. ;) ===== DJ Pagan "Is it wrong that I sit in a dark closet and listen to Dead Cities?" __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Bid and sell for free at ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 6 Nov 1999 14:46:32 -0000 From: "Geoffrey Sproule" Subject: (mobility) converting deluxe play lists how does one go about converting windows deluxe cd player song lists to a database I have went too all the trouble of downloading track listings and now cant use them in any other programme ;-( if anyone knows now to do this or what file is needed let me know ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 6 Nov 1999 07:10:37 -0800 (PST) From: DJ Pagan Subject: Re: (mobility) smoking - --- Laura wrote: >> Drugs are bad and that's different. > > drugs are bad? why? why are they different? > aspirin is a drug. why isn't aspirin bad? You're equivocating on the meaning of drugs. When he said drugs, he meant illegal, mind-altering, addictive narcotics. You are speaking of the parmecutical kind, totally irrelevant. > Why is it okay for people to die in car > wrecks and of alcohol poisoning from alcohol, > but it's not okay for someone to OD on heroin? I don't think either is okay, not many people would. > "Drugs are bad" is such an automatic response; > people don't even question it. Of course > drugs are bad. Why? Because they are! No, most people would say that they cause addiction, loss of a sense of reality (let's stay away from the metaphysical sense of reality on this one), and can kill you a lot quicker than most consumable or smokeable items (with the exception of marijuana). Few people say they are bad "because they are". ===== DJ Pagan "Is it wrong that I sit in a dark closet and listen to Dead Cities?" __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Bid and sell for free at ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 06 Nov 1999 07:38:51 PST From: "jj fish" Subject: (mobility) Drugs, and moby's obsession with "yeah" I'm against drugs but am fascinated by drug culture. "Drugs are bad" is an automatic response. Obviously drugs are extremely harmful and life threatening but in school and tv, they bombard you with so many anti-drug messages. I pretty much don't trust any agenda television pushes so hard. A lot of people are just conditioned to be anti-drugs just as they are conditioned not to talk about religion sex or politics in "polite conversation" just as we're conditioned to be closed-minded to alternative ideas. Our whole society is geared towards rejecting anything meaningful, and focusing more on fun so I'm actually surprised there's so much anti drug stuff out there. It's brainwashing in a way, which is why I only watch the Simpsons Monty Python and Saturday Morning Cartoons ;) heeheehee. Also, it scares me that a lot of people look down on smoking so hard. I mean, we're bombarded with a voluminous amount of anti-smoking stuff. I know a lot of people tend to criticize smoking as socially unacceptable, more repulsive to them than abortion, starvation, etc. It's sickening to think that we attack smoking more than abortion. Also, anyone notice Moby's main word is "yeah". Think about it, his breakthrough song's main lyric was "[thud] yeaaahhh [piano]" repeated. One of his most poignant songs (Memory Gospel) is just a woman singing yeah. He uses yeah a lot on play, too. Or maybe I'm just strange. > > "Drugs are bad" is such an automatic response; > > people don't even question it. Of course > > drugs are bad. Why? Because they are! > >No, most people would say that they cause >addiction, loss of a sense of reality (let's stay >away from the metaphysical sense of reality on >this one), and can kill you a lot quicker than >most consumable or smokeable items (with the >exception of marijuana). ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 6 Nov 1999 08:41:37 -0800 (PST) From: DJ Pagan Subject: Re: (mobility) Drugs, and moby's obsession with "yeah" - --- jj fish wrote: > Also, anyone notice Moby's main word is "yeah". > Think about it, his breakthrough song's main > lyric was "[thud] yeaaahhh [piano]" repeated. > One of his most poignant songs (Memory Gospel) > is just a woman singing yeah. My buddy and I shared an office this summer, and we were listening to a live set of Moby's. It was cool for a while, then we noticed he said things like "Love", "Oh Lord", "No", and "Yeah!" a lot during the performance. Live, I can handle it. Listening to it live, I must admit I because slightly amused. Emotion doesn't travel well over the fiber optic, at least not as well as through the air. :) I still remember giggling in the office listening to the set. ===== DJ Pagan "Is it wrong that I sit in a dark closet and listen to Dead Cities?" __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Bid and sell for free at ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 6 Nov 1999 12:31:47 EST From: Subject: (mobility) *** off topic ~ idealists Hi from a vegan that lives on a cattle farm... Individual choices may be trivial when you look at each one, but then you start pooling them together and speaking out, letting your opinion be heard, it does make a difference. And sometimes you have to sacrifice convenience for the greater good... Give the idealists a break! We mean well... Also, when Moby was in Cincinnati one member of the group came from Kentucky... I'm seeing a trend too... - -Sarah ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 6 Nov 1999 11:39:26 -0600 From: "Jamie Baade" Subject: Re: (mobility) moby&raves I saw him at one in 1993 as part of a rave party/free concert in Milwaukee, WI show started with 2 djs and then moby played and then one more dj(prodigy was supposed to be there too, but they cancelled)...anyway it was awesome he played stuff from the first CD and ended with "thousand" standing on his keyboard with lights flashing a staple ending to his was the 1st time I had seen him do it and I was blown away...then he handed me his drumstick...very cool! I still have the concert ticket stub! Jamie - ----- Original Message ----- From: barracuda To: Sent: Friday, November 05, 1999 1:55 PM Subject: (mobility) moby&raves > Quick question for you all. Anyone seen moby at a rave? Just curious. > If you have... what'd you think? > > Thanks. > > ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 6 Nov 1999 13:45:43 EST From: Subject: Re: (mobility) ATB remix i heard an ATB song on the radio, and it was real's kind of pop techno but they have a pretty beautiful touch to their music that makes it listenable...peace..elie ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 06 Nov 1999 21:02:19 +0200 From: Samu Heinonen Subject: Re: (mobility) ATB remix At 13:45 6.11.1999 EST, you wrote: >i heard an ATB song on the radio, and it was real's kind of pop >techno but they have a pretty beautiful touch to their music that makes it >listenable...peace..elie > > That ATB song is awful.. It's sounds so poptechno.. and I don't like any kind of trance anyway.. -Samu Heinonen- ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 6 Nov 1999 11:08:59 -0800 (PST) From: Hotel Detective Phizzo Jobson Subject: (mobility) nude as the news? nude as the news? hey thats a Cat Power song. and Cat Power used to practice in Moby's basement, right? so somebody named an URL after the song...... and their reviewing moby n shit... ooh spooky.... Everybody wants prosthetic foreheads on their real heads! TMBG rule!!! bye! ===== Even MTV BIGWIGS have heart attacks!!!!! SEND EMAIL TO MTV TELLING THEM TO PUT SIFL AND OLLY BACK ON! ITS THE BEST SHOW ON TELEVISION AND MTV ISNT SHOWING IT! Hotel Detective PHIZZO JOBSON from The Ministry of 'Ousinje (aka >>>>>PAUL<<<<<) __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Bid and sell for free at ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 6 Nov 1999 11:34:15 -0800 (PST) From: Hotel Detective Phizzo Jobson Subject: (mobility) poll time! first off, Laura, yr quotes are the bomb! i dont even read the content, just down to the quote! "nobody will remember me after i'm gone---some dead guy" genius! thats like a TMBG song! speaking of which, when (Kimby? sorry i forgot) said about prosthetic foreheads not knowing it was a TMBG reference, you also said "while you're at it" which is said in "Birdhouse In Yr Soul" aaak sorry im just obsessed with TMBG god this cant be good... and now, content! POLL TIME! ok this is about songs. singles, specifically. which song would you elect the perfect single? i'll break it down into sections: 1. Perfect Moby single 2. Perfect non-Moby single (just cuz i wanna mention TMBG.... d'i mean cuz i'm curious ;) 3. Perfect Moby single that isn't (as in, song from an album that hasnt been released as a single, including trax from play that are not yet scheduled to be released...) 4. same, non-moby my opinion: 1. eh... mmm... i dont know, why do you force me into this!?!? ;) ah actually NOT GO (sorry im a little bored of this song) but i think the perfect Moby single would be....Run On. for now. sorry, maybe i'll get back to this later. 2. TMBG "Birdhouse In Your Soul" or "Ana Ng" (Particle Man wasnt released or promoted as a single, so it dont count ;) 3. personally i think "South Side" deserves to be a single. i know, its the most commercial sounding song on the album, but well it just sounds like a great single. "Porcelain" would be good too. "Machete" i don't think so... i mean, its a good song but its a bit misrepresentative of Play as a whole. i mean, this song is fast and loud and ROCK, and the others are a bit slow and graceful. it's a good song, but i usually skip over it cuz sometimes it just doesnt fit. even the more upbeat songs on play like "Honey" and "Find My Baby" and "Bodyrock" are more funky, not aggro. like, when Blur released "Song 2" and all the kids bought the album, theres only like 2 songs like that on the entire cd. you know? but if it does get released, whatever, that only means more Moby fans, right? altho "7" is undoubtedly.....fuck it, why do i keep saying that? its not funny at all! 4. best non-moby non-single: Sifl & Olly "I Got Laser Eyes" or "My United States Of Whuteva", the two best punk rock songs ever written. okay, fine, best punk rock PARODIES ever written (oh shut up! S&O rule! ;) one more: Deepsky, who is remixing Moby, did that song "Tempest" which AMP has been using as its opening theme for like 3 and a half years right? 3 and a half years and we're still at fucking 3 am when nobody can watch and they consistenly fuck around with the time schedule, like i missed the Stereolab video last week and my pal Jon said it was fucking awesome....damn, how am i gonna see the new 'Lab video? i'm not gonna see this shit on TRL!!!! at least post yr time changes on the website!!!! aw fuk, now they have this live beck show on sunday which i have to tape, and i only got an hour and a half left on my video tape. i guess i could buy more videos..whuteva. bye! bye! bye! bye! ===== Even MTV BIGWIGS have heart attacks!!!!! SEND EMAIL TO MTV TELLING THEM TO PUT SIFL AND OLLY BACK ON! ITS THE BEST SHOW ON TELEVISION AND MTV ISNT SHOWING IT! Hotel Detective PHIZZO JOBSON from The Ministry of 'Ousinje (aka >>>>>PAUL<<<<<) __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Bid and sell for free at ------------------------------ End of mobility-digest V3 #21 ***************************** ------------- To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility-digest" in the body.