From: (mobility-digest)
Subject: mobility-digest V3 #59
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mobility-digest Saturday, December 18 1999 Volume 03 : Number 059
(mobility) lists
(mobility) Re: mobility-digest V3 #58
Re: (mobility) MTV?
RE: (mobility) Re: mobility-digest V3 #58
Re: (mobility) moby naked
Re: (mobility) Re: mobility-digest V3 #58
Re: (mobility) MTV?
Re: (mobility) Re: mobility-digest V3 #58
RE: (mobility) Re: mobility-digest V3 #58
(mobility) More
Re: (mobility) Re: mobility-digest V3 #58
Re: (mobility) Re: mobility-digest V3 #58
Re: (mobility) Re: mobility-digest V3 #58
(mobility) Names
Re: (mobility) Re: mobility-digest V3 #58
(mobility) Live Moby
(mobility) moby comments in CMJ
Date: Thu, 16 Dec 1999 20:05:36 EST
Subject: (mobility) lists
like i said, moby would appear on a list of my top albums of the century,
just not at the very top. as for this year, well, here's my list...
1. Fountains of Wayne - Utopia Parkway
2. Moby - Play
3. Jimmy Eat World - Clarity
4 (tie). The Flaming Lips - The Soft Bulletin
4 (tie). Beck - Midnight Vultures
6. The Dismemberment Plan - Emergency & I
7. The Roots - Things Fall Apart
8. American Football - s/t
9. Gay Dad - Leisure Noise
10. Stereolab - Cobra and Phases Group Play Voltage in the Milky Night
11. The Promise Ring - Very Emergency!
12. The Get Up Kids - Red Letter Day (EP)
13. Add N to X - Avant Hard
14. Wilco - Summerteeth
15. The Condition - The Sound E.P.
16. Joe Strummer and the Mescaleros - Rock Art & the X-Ray Style
17. Various Artists - Reich Remixed
18. Reggie and the Full Effect - Greatest Hits '84-'87
19. Sleater-Kinney - The Hot Rock
20. The Get Up Kids - Something to Write Home About
certainly, there are a few missing that i will add upon hearing them, the new
high llamas cd that i still lack, for example...
- -don pentaro
dpec's drunken antics, the secrets of the universe, and a picture of a
monkey. all this and more at www!!!
Date: Thu, 16 Dec 1999 20:12:42 +0000
From: Ethan Padgett
Subject: (mobility) Re: mobility-digest V3 #58
> Okay ~ I'll agree with Fiona Apple because it's a great album.. Fragile I
> dunno that's still under fire. And I haven't even heard the new Rage and am
> not planning to. But Santana? Please... yeah its nice he's got a #1 album
> after god knows how many years, but the fact that Play isn't on there is
> kinda disturbing... I know that the demographic audience of Time is slightly
> more mature crowd,
then why is the least mature band (?) in music today at the top? ratm has the
political beliefs of a pretensious high school student and the composition of
a toddler.
Date: Fri, 17 Dec 1999 12:13:49 +1000
From: Jane Browning
Subject: Re: (mobility) MTV?
>I will argue against point... I don't know if your a Beck fan, but after the
>"sexxlaws" video, I will never be able to listen to the song without
>my ass off. But I tend to be a very visual person so that could account for
>part of it.
Oh oh oh, I agree with you about the Beck video - love the first few
frames, very funny - male bonding scene, crashing football-heads - I hope I
have the right one. I am not really a Beck fan though - maybe that's why I
like it - I mean, maybe if you love a song when you hear it and you create
your own video clip in your mind and everything is a disappointment....ha,
it's pathetic but true - like associating songs with events in our lives -
oh, maybe not that bad!
Like that Bodyrock video clip - my brain hadn't created images for that.
But why no women dancing? My god, I love an 'experimental' dance.
Date: Thu, 16 Dec 1999 22:02:29 -0800
From: "Chris Hand"
Subject: RE: (mobility) Re: mobility-digest V3 #58
Heh how can you say the political beliefs of a pretensious high school
student. They are helping kids get a college education in mexico by aiding
in the protest of heightened tuitions. Tom Morello has been named guitarist
of the year, and everyone knows he is an a innovative god with a guitar.
Morello is fucking great...he may not be a shredding god, but he has great
new techniques.
It's also amusing that MTV says the fragile went bust. Yet TrenT Reznor is
on the front of every magazine and has his album being named album of the
year and having all his concerts totally sold out.
I think most of you would complain if Play was announced as the top for
anything. It seems when any large crowd latches onto some type of music, it
gets dismerited in some way.
I bet even all the emo/indie kids, most of Jimmy Eat World's fans bailed
when Capitol records started exploited them a bit with commericals. Since
they got dropped by Capitol I'm sure they will be crawling back now.
Mineral is one fucking great band also...too bad they broke up. I remember
a time when I opened for both of them on the static prevails tour, but
didn't really know who the hell they were.
Anyways, just don't down bands cause they were on MTV. The people that
insult MTV are just as annoying as mTV itself I find. It's not cool anymore
- -----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Ethan Padgett
Sent: Thursday, December 16, 1999 12:13 PM
Subject: (mobility) Re: mobility-digest V3 #58
then why is the least mature band (?) in music today at the top? ratm has
political beliefs of a pretensious high school student and the composition
a toddler.
Date: Thu, 16 Dec 1999 22:14:01 EST
From: "Stacey MacGrath"
Subject: Re: (mobility) moby naked
Sorry about that everyone, I guess I'm a little slow today, I thought I
copied the address. Anyways, here it is if anyone cares anymore.
Get Your Private, Free Email at
Date: Thu, 16 Dec 1999 22:39:38 EST
Subject: Re: (mobility) Re: mobility-digest V3 #58
In a message dated 12/16/1999 5:13:48 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:
<< then why is the least mature band (?) in music today at the top? ratm has
political beliefs of a pretensious high school student and the composition of
a toddler. >>
Well beyond the fact that I never claim to be mature or even resemble mature
(mature is evil)..The way I see it is that they (being the mature adult
editors with eyes toward the future of America) are encouraged by their
idealist attitudes and belief.... But again, I don't know.. I don't listen
to them.. I don't like political viewpoints crammed down my throat when I'm
listening to tunes (there are a few exceptions)....
Date: Thu, 16 Dec 1999 22:41:32 EST
Subject: Re: (mobility) MTV?
In a message dated 12/16/1999 6:19:38 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:
<< maybe that's why I
like it - I mean, maybe if you love a song when you hear it and you create
your own video clip in your mind and everything is a disappointment.... >>
Yeah I do that all the time.. Plus side is that the songs I would create
videos in my head for don't usually come out with videos.. With any Beck
songs I leave a clean slate because everything he does is so out there.. Cept
I kinda have one in my head for hollywood freaks.
Date: Thu, 16 Dec 1999 22:46:01 EST
Subject: Re: (mobility) Re: mobility-digest V3 #58
In a message dated 12/16/1999 7:03:31 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:
<< It's also amusing that MTV says the fragile went bust. Yet TrenT Reznor is
on the front of every magazine and has his album being named album of the
year and having all his concerts totally sold out.
I think most of you would complain if Play was announced as the top for
anything. It seems when any large crowd latches onto some type of music, it
gets dismerited in some way.
Chris ~ do you like starting arguments? I dunno, I'm not a huge NIN fan so I
shouldn't talk, but I did buy the album just because it was supposed to be
great and I was kinda let down... And I've talked to hardcore NIN fans who
said they were disappointed by comparison of past work, but compared to
everything else out there they could understand all the hype. Something can
be disappointing by standards previously set by an artist but still be heads
and shoulders above everything else that is out there..
Date: Thu, 16 Dec 1999 23:02:30 -0800
From: "Chris Hand"
Subject: RE: (mobility) Re: mobility-digest V3 #58
I do street promotion for the fragile around in I kinda get pissed
off when it's totally rated by album sells and not it's credibility.
Interscope is going to promote it for at least 2 years. Anyone that is a
die hard fan of any artist usually does not let that artist develop past
what he/she has in their mind.
I am an audio major, and the way that album is produced is totally mind
boggling. It's layer after layer after layer, and most of the samples he
made himself. As far as it being catchy, I guess not. But that isn't what
I look's complex and it builds a nice landscape.
I like putting on headphones and getting lost in sound.
What's there to argue...I'm just saying that MTV like proclaims reznor as a
rock god but then stabs him in the back by saying his album flopped just
because the mtv generation now doesn't enjoy that kind of music.
Heh another thing I notice a total hype about moby now, now he is this big
cultured person that is a master at blending genres or something. Like
every single damn review says the same thing...the old gospel sound jointed
with a modern sense or reality..or some crap like that. Like it's a totally
revolutionary thing, the best work EVER that he has done. I mean ok he took
some samples and put it to music. Like I just don't see why he is getting
all this huge credit for it. If he should get huge credit for anything, it
should be the compositions he made that were all his and had more song
structure. The hype now recognizes him as a big beat artist with thrown in
samples. Which is totally wrong. So Moby will most likely make something
more like whatever electronica/industrial music on the next album , and let
down "die hard moby fans". Heh just like oh Trent's music isn't like
"Closer" anymore. The music that artists are judged by and sets the
standard for them, are the songs they get famous by. I just hope Moby isn't
stuck in big beat gospel recordings forever.
- -----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, December 16, 1999 7:46 PM
Subject: Re: (mobility) Re: mobility-digest V3 #58
In a message dated 12/16/1999 7:03:31 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:
<< It's also amusing that MTV says the fragile went bust. Yet TrenT Reznor
on the front of every magazine and has his album being named album of the
year and having all his concerts totally sold out.
I think most of you would complain if Play was announced as the top for
anything. It seems when any large crowd latches onto some type of music,
gets dismerited in some way.
Chris ~ do you like starting arguments? I dunno, I'm not a huge NIN fan so
shouldn't talk, but I did buy the album just because it was supposed to be
great and I was kinda let down... And I've talked to hardcore NIN fans who
said they were disappointed by comparison of past work, but compared to
everything else out there they could understand all the hype. Something can
be disappointing by standards previously set by an artist but still be heads
and shoulders above everything else that is out there..
Date: Thu, 16 Dec 1999 23:06:30 EST
Subject: (mobility) More
K ~ I'm sure that you guys are really getting sick of me doing this but
here's the AOL Music Editor's choices (note ~ they have a picture of Moby
next to the vote for your favorites thing on the main music page ~ subliminal
messaging... Makes him kinda look like Kevin Spacey.)
Fiona Apple - When the
Mary J. Blige - Mary
Chemical Brothers -
Everything But The Girl
- - Temperamental
Foo Fighters - There
is Nothing Left to Lose
Limp Bizkit -
Significant Other
Macy Gray - On How Life
Moby - Play
Nine Inch Nails - The
Me'Shell Ndegeocello -
Ol' Dirty Bastard -
N*** Please
Beth Orton - Central
Rage Against the Machine - Battle of Los Angeles
Roots - Things Fall Apart
Britney Spears -
Baby, One More Time
Stereophonics -
Performance & Cocktails
TLC - FanMail
Wilco - Summer Teeth
Kelly Willis - What I
The Artist - Rave Un2 the
Joy Fantastic
Kinda a weird blend..... Specially Britney Spears and Limp Bizkit.. I think
they pretty much took whatever CD that got some notority and posted it.....
No BSB or NSYNc or Christina Augularia.. What would all the 13 year old girls
say? Major rioting is going to go loose if AOL doesn't include them. Oh, I
am serious protesting the Foo's inclusion. I was so disappointed in Nothing
Less to Loose, and I love the foo...
Date: Thu, 16 Dec 1999 23:11:48 EST
Subject: Re: (mobility) Re: mobility-digest V3 #58
In a message dated 12/16/1999 8:03:30 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:
<< I just hope Moby isn't
stuck in big beat gospel recordings forever. >>
Me too... It's really not my favorite (besides Porcelian).. I go for more of
his emotional instrumental stuff anyways.. But what is cool is that he's
getting the recognition... He deserves it.. He's been making beautiful music
for a long time and it's about time... I talked to someone the other day who
only had heard of Feeling So Real.. then I had to give him a huge lecture
(not really) about how much more there was to it. And i don't think he'll
get stuck.. He kinda does whatever he wants to do regardless of what people
expect, Animal Rights... What is blowing people away with Play I think is
that no one else has done what he's done.... He's like the electronica
superstar with a soul or something.. I dunno... I'm babbling.. I'm stoping..
Date: Thu, 16 Dec 1999 23:58:04 EST
Subject: Re: (mobility) Re: mobility-digest V3 #58
It was pretty cool to see Les Nubiens on the Time list...
Just wanted to say that MTV has its redeeming points. The vast majority of
its programming includes such juvenile material, but some of it is pretty
interesting. If youth are weak enough to be brainwashed by the media, they
probably won't amount to anything anyway... I actually like M2 a lot. They
play a real variety of music, it's great, I first heard Moby on M2, and other
wonderful artists like Cat Power. And I love music videos! The combination of
the audio and the visual, the innovation that goes on artistically... Even
mainstream videos are so interesting if you look at all the intricacies, the
framing, lighting, wow.
Just to put my opinion out on the floor,
Love and Peace,
Date: Fri, 17 Dec 1999 00:01:41 EST
Subject: Re: (mobility) Re: mobility-digest V3 #58
In a message dated 12/16/1999 8:59:04 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:
<< The combination of
the audio and the visual, the innovation that goes on artistically... Even
mainstream videos are so interesting if you look at all the intricacies, the
framing, lighting, wow. >>
I hate to admit, but I love watching the Making of the Video... It's just
interesting.. And I loved watching the making of REM's Great Beyond (Moby's
twin/alter ego ~ Watch them dance.. they dance so similar... a lot of army
jerky movements ~ which I noticed while watching Losing my Religion)
Date: Thu, 16 Dec 1999 21:22:03 -0800 (PST)
From: =?iso-8859-1?q?girch?=
Subject: (mobility) Names
What all names has Moby gone by in his career?
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Date: Fri, 17 Dec 1999 15:46:03 +1000
From: Jane Browning
Subject: Re: (mobility) Re: mobility-digest V3 #58
At 00:01 17/12/99 -0500, you wrote:
>In a message dated 12/16/1999 8:59:04 PM Pacific Standard Time,
> writes:
><< The combination of
> the audio and the visual, the innovation that goes on artistically... Even
> mainstream videos are so interesting if you look at all the intricacies,
> framing, lighting, wow. >>
I agree, there are some interesting techniques. I guess my brain just
finds the whole music video concept a bit odd - especially when they are
played one after the other after the other....when they become a show in
themselves. When they are played in the wee hours of the morn, they are a
good insomnia cure though, sitting in a trance, stuffing some sort of
leftover in my mouth.
Oh, but I guess this is the age when art merges into a multimedia event and
I am being a bit too separatist. It's bizarre,though, when one sense, in
this instance 'sound', stimulates the other senses, so that not only can
you 'see' the music but it also fingers your insides, sends troops of
spidery tingles rushing through (like Everloving does for me) - but I
haven't smelt or tasted music yet - that would be interesting.
Date: Thu, 16 Dec 1999 14:55:52 -0800 (PST)
From: Minesh Patel
Subject: (mobility) Live Moby
Moby is so fucking awsome live. I only have his reverb video for the live
stuff but does anyone have any live CD's or tapes or anywhere I can get them
in Los Angeles. Late.
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Date: Sat, 18 Dec 1999 09:22:34 -0800 (PST)
From: Hotel Detective Phizzo Jobson
Subject: (mobility) moby comments in CMJ
right i just got this CMJ issue and Moby comments
about things, heres what he sez:
In the late '60s and early '70s, great albums were
also popular albums. "Back then, music was the domain
of counterculture," Moby says. "Now that's just not
the case: there is no more counterculture." Moby pins
this change on the early '90s alternative boom. "After
Nirvana, suddenly everyone expected bands to sell
millions of records," he says. "and in order to sell
millions of records, you either have to get really
lucky or really compromise your art and pander to the
The result: bands these days are either overtly
commercial (Creed, Offspring) or highly specialized
Tortoise, Emperor). There's nothing in the middle,
which is where the most meaningful stuff lies. "That
marriage of art and commerce is so interesting, and
when it delves too far in one direction-if there's too
much art or there's too much commerce-it's boring,"
Moby says. "The reason why, from my perspective,
Public Enemy or Led Zeppelin or Elvis Presley were so
wonderful is because they embraced art and commerce
For Moby, the endless stream of kiddie and fluff-pop
acts at the 1999 MTV Video Music Awards show provided
an epiphany. "Seeing them all next to each other
suddenly made me realize just how far things have gone
in that direction and how distasteful it all is," Moby
says. "There's nothing wrong with having a healthy
balance of interesting music and pop music. But the
balance has shifted to crassly materialistic, cynical,
market-driven music. And it seems like that's all
there is now."
later he says:
"To write songs that are exclusively ironic seems very
cowardly," sas Moby. "And especially when it comes to
a lot of alternative culture, it's very uncourgeous.
It's people making records that are really only
designed for 10 to 20 people to hear. Whether it's
alternative rock or post rock or electronic music,
it's just very conservative, safe, uncourageous
and theres a pic of him.
ick, i dont like this. music is music, no labels
required. if its weird or if its a carbon copy of
something, if it sounds good then ROCK ON. i hate this
whole "art vs. commerce thing" and what does Elvis
have to do with art? i think he was all commerce. then
again i hate him so much, so whatever.
ick. so what about like TMBG or Zappa? are they not
good cuz theyre too arty and not enough pop?
alright stop it...
okay, go to they have these like Y2K
interview survey things for a bunch of folks,
including Moby and Guided By Voices and Negativland
Even MTV BIGWIGS have heart attacks!!!!!
Hotel Detective PHIZZO JOBSON from The Ministry of 'Ousinje
(aka >>>>>PAUL<<<<<)
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