From: (mobility-digest) To: Subject: mobility-digest V3 #223 Reply-To: mobility Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk X-No-Archive: yes mobility-digest Saturday, June 17 2000 Volume 03 : Number 223 (mobility) Kiwi = hot (LOL) (mobility) Re: mobility-digest V3 #222 (mobility) Where can we see the Honey video ? Re: (mobility) ok people hows this for a cat name?! Re: (mobility) Where can we see the Honey video ? (mobility) into the blue - my page (mobility) Re: mobility-digest V3 #222 Re: (mobility) Where can we see the Honey video ? Re: (mobility) Where can we see the Honey video ? Re: (mobility) into the blue - your page (mobility) silly pet names Re: (mobility) Age Re: (mobility) Apolo - G Re: (mobility) age? Re: (mobility) ok people hows this for a cat name?! RE: (mobility) ok people hows this for a cat name?! (mobility) My Cat's Name Re: (mobility) into the blue - your page ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2000 17:47:37 GMT From: "- Fabrizio Achille Polo -" Subject: (mobility) Kiwi = hot (LOL) Wow, Half black and half hawaiian? Sounds like a beautiful combination to me! ________________________________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2000 17:52:01 GMT From: "- Fabrizio Achille Polo -" Subject: (mobility) Re: mobility-digest V3 #222 Last year, my sister got a kitten. I suggested she name it moby. She named it pretzel. There's no acounting for taste. ________________________________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2000 14:05:22 EDT From: Subject: (mobility) Where can we see the Honey video ? Well if anyone has an adress for a real audio or other version of this video, that would be nice to post it cause it's the only Play video i haven't seen yet and i was told it was quite funny. matthieu ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2000 12:29:50 -0700 (PDT) From: Danielle Logue Subject: Re: (mobility) ok people hows this for a cat name?! Not to clog up everyone's inbox. But no one has mentioned frogs, sooooo, I will. My frog's name is moby. People come over, ask his name, I say 'moby' and they assume he's named Moby Dick. then I have to go and explain all about moby etc. Not that I mind. He looks a little like moby, afterall, he is bald. It's a good way to introduce my friends to moby the artist. I tell them who moby is and then play a cd. ribbit, d - --- "Eric M. Goldberg" wrote: > I'm getting a kitten pretty soon (tomorrow as a > matter of fact). > And well I've been confused as what to name it. > > Well I definitely want to name it after someone > who's influenced me > musically. > And well guess whos done that! > Hmmmm there are four people who have.. > John Williams? Nope can't name him Williams. > Danny Elfman? Elfman, yeah that'll boost the lil > kitties confidence. > Trent Reznor? Reznor, hmmm well I'm not getting a > tiger or anything here. > lets seee whos left? > > MOBY!? > > > Does that sound like a cool cat name? I know its > different, thats for sure. > I dont want to name the cat muffins or anything like > that (although if > youre cat is named muffins, don't take it > personally, muffins are good, i > just want to be a bit more different) > :) > I know im going to be explaining myself to people > who've never heard of Moby > before, and think i'm talking about the book. > Although I'm usually > explaining moby to people anyways, so why not use > the cat as a reference! > "Who the hell is Moby" > 'Why he's a great musician, and such a great one, > that i named my friggin > cat after him!' > > But hey, right now its the only thing my fried brain > can think of at the > moment. > > But for now in this windows98 world, the cats name > shall remain "Untitled > Cat". > > this isnt the greatest post in mobility history, but > oh well, go figure :) > > ------ you know what would be even cooler, is if for > some reason the cat > took a liking to the album "Animal Rights" and was a > bit scared of the track > "Dog Heaven"! or wait would he like that track??? > ----------- > > > Thanks, > Eric (who has had too much caffeine) > > Listen to Tone Matrix @ > > > > > > __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Send instant messages with Yahoo! Messenger. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2000 16:07:15 EDT From: Subject: Re: (mobility) Where can we see the Honey video ? In a message dated 6/16/00 2:06:18 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: << Well if anyone has an adress for a real audio or other version of this video, that would be nice to post it cause it's the only Play video i haven't seen yet and i was told it was quite funny. matthieu >> here's the link for it in real video: .rm ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2000 13:53:20 -0700 (PDT) From: _bjorkdoll Subject: (mobility) into the blue - my page alright i'm finally ready to put my little moby page out there. it's basically all up there; i only have a few other little things to upload. i've tried to check it out in a bunch of different browsers to look for any errors and it seems to be okay. although there could be things that i've missed. anyway, check it out and let me know what you think. let me know about any mistakes or anything. the link's below -- go to my main site and the link to 'moby' will be there. thanks!! sarah "...a fountain of blood in the shape of a girl..." [ ] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2000 18:19:33 EDT From: Subject: (mobility) Re: mobility-digest V3 #222 I named my pussy Moby, too. Oh wait, you are actually talking about the animal cat. Sorry. ;) (j/k) xoxo-Heather ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2000 18:31:25 EDT From: Subject: Re: (mobility) Where can we see the Honey video ? thanks for the link but is it my crappy connection or the video quality that makes it so badly animated. It's like i'm having a picture, then another etc.. but it's not really a video. No movement. Too bad :( matthieu ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2000 15:44:14 -0700 From: "kiwi_kiwi" Subject: Re: (mobility) Where can we see the Honey video ? Honey Video?? ain't that old? I have it on Video tape from a show called BPM. Moby was the guest on it and they were showing all his videos. Brotha Man G ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2000 18:54:30 EDT From: Subject: Re: (mobility) into the blue - your page Well Sarah, i really think that your site is ver very nice. I like the ideas used in it such as the barcode, the picture with the bubbles ... I read entirely your story about Moby and you, it was quite fun. The thing is, and it's quite important, i don't know what is a hug, i didn't learned it during my english class so i'm quite frustrated cause i don't understand what the end is all about. Too bad huh ? Though you're quite lucky because you met him. I went to see him three times this year, and each time i was told by those vigil that there would be no autograph or aftershow meeting by the man and so to go away. These guys are so nice. French amability is incredible sometimes... :( But i really enjoyed going on your site so keep up the good work :) matthieu ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2000 17:37:01 -0700 (PDT) From: Paul Simpson Subject: (mobility) silly pet names ok, well ask the xperts what to name pets: Julio (he's this 3 year old kid thats on the show sometimes): Hi Snifl & Olly, I just got a new ferret, and I was wondering what i should name it? Olly: OK i got it how about Zappy? J: Thats pretty good but it wasnt what i was thinkinnnnn bout O:OK houw bout Chirper? J:That's also pretty good but he doesnt chirp! S&O:Ok how bout Ropeburn, Ax Sharpener, Lou Ferrigno, Clam Knuckle, Mr. Hi Fi Banjo Strings, Double Decker Soul Wrecker (all rejected by Julio) J:OK I gotta go now thanks for yr help bye! S&O:No wait we got it! how about Flipper? Oh we gotta go. We do? OK see ya folks bye! Moby would be a good name for a wimpy little Mexican Hairless ;) or a slug, if I got a slug I'd name him Moby. I got a just-booked show on WPKN tomorrow at 10 AM! gonna play an hour of REM at noon! yayyyyyyyyyy! Up the stairs and through the landing up the stairs and through the hall,......... We walk through the world, we walk, DJ PAUL ===== Even MTV BIGWIGS have heart attacks!!!!! SEND EMAIL TO MTV TELLING THEM TO PUT SIFL AND OLLY BACK ON! ITS THE BEST SHOW ON TELEVISION AND MTV ISNT SHOWING IT! Hotel Detective PHIZZO JOBSON from The Ministry of 'Ousinje (aka >>>>>PAUL<<<<<) __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Send instant messages with Yahoo! Messenger. - ------------- To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 17 Jun 2000 02:12:27 +0100 From: "Viv" Subject: Re: (mobility) Age Damn! I'm 47 (and thought he was 34 - okay, he was once...) What I say is how dare those non-vegans try to adopt one of ours,,, Viv Carbines 07967 103126 "You'll Never Walk Alone with a Basenji" - -----Original Message----- From: To: Date: 15 June 2000 20:50 Subject: (mobility) Age How dare those 45 year olds listen to a 35 year old musician! Deemo ********************************************************************** This communication is intended solely for the addressee and is confidential. If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it, is prohibited and may be unlawful. - ------------- To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 17 Jun 2000 02:16:12 +0100 From: "Viv" Subject: Re: (mobility) Apolo - G i can forgive (almost) anything but bad spelling. but then, i'm a librarian... and old, to boot! Viv Carbines 07967 103126 "You'll Never Walk Alone with a Basenji" - -----Original Message----- From: kiwi_kiwi To: Date: 15 June 2000 21:10 Subject: (mobility) Apolo - G > >Isn't he 34? oh well >Hey Everybody that's gonna read this or that ain't gonna read it >I just wanna say I'm very wrong and I'm sorry for dissing some people >especially 40 - 50 year old. and Thank you all of y'all that changed my >mind about this Muzik. I think It's cool now . and I was a little hot headed >about this subject. I hope all y'all can fogive me. > >Later, >Brotha Man G of tha CMB >also reprazenting the RPB > > > > > > - ------------- To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 17 Jun 2000 02:09:47 +0100 From: "Viv" Subject: Re: (mobility) age? Was "baby sitting" for my niece last weekend and, apparently, Natural Blues (at least) is appreciated by 14 and a half year olds... Viv Carbines 07967 103126 "You'll Never Walk Alone with a Basenji" - -----Original Message----- From: To: Date: 15 June 2000 19:12 Subject: Re: (mobility) age? >im 16 and i love moby, but as far as kids my age i'm kinda rare. Some people >know PLAY but not the other albums. >alayna > > - ------------- To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 17 Jun 2000 02:24:47 +0100 From: "Viv" Subject: Re: (mobility) ok people hows this for a cat name?! Hey Eric! Unless you're gonna feed your cat a vegan diet (very difficult but not impossible), how can you call him Moby? Sorry to be so negative but I've had a few (vegan) beers watching, and listening to, a non-vegan band... BTW I've got a 16 year old dog who's not even vegetarian - how hypocritical is that! (I've tried but it just don't suit her and if she had the choice she'd eat beast - much as I don't like it...) Viv Carbines 07967 103126 "You'll Never Walk Alone with a Basenji" - -----Original Message----- From: Eric M. Goldberg To: Date: 16 June 2000 03:50 Subject: (mobility) ok people hows this for a cat name?! >I'm getting a kitten pretty soon (tomorrow as a matter of fact). >And well I've been confused as what to name it. > >Well I definitely want to name it after someone who's influenced me >musically. >And well guess whos done that! >Hmmmm there are four people who have.. >John Williams? Nope can't name him Williams. >Danny Elfman? Elfman, yeah that'll boost the lil kitties confidence. >Trent Reznor? Reznor, hmmm well I'm not getting a tiger or anything here. >lets seee whos left? > >MOBY!? > > >Does that sound like a cool cat name? I know its different, thats for sure. >I dont want to name the cat muffins or anything like that (although if >youre cat is named muffins, don't take it personally, muffins are good, i >just want to be a bit more different) >:) >I know im going to be explaining myself to people who've never heard of Moby >before, and think i'm talking about the book. Although I'm usually >explaining moby to people anyways, so why not use the cat as a reference! >"Who the hell is Moby" >'Why he's a great musician, and such a great one, that i named my friggin >cat after him!' > >But hey, right now its the only thing my fried brain can think of at the >moment. > >But for now in this windows98 world, the cats name shall remain "Untitled >Cat". > >this isnt the greatest post in mobility history, but oh well, go figure :) > >------ you know what would be even cooler, is if for some reason the cat >took a liking to the album "Animal Rights" and was a bit scared of the track >"Dog Heaven"! or wait would he like that track??? ----------- > > >Thanks, >Eric (who has had too much caffeine) > >Listen to Tone Matrix @ > > > > > > > - ------------- To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2000 23:45:44 -0700 From: "Chris" Subject: RE: (mobility) ok people hows this for a cat name?! HeH are you really serious? because some people who like moby or admire his music could give a shit whether he is vegan or not and just naming their cat cause they like his music. damn you vegans :P forcing animals to try to eat just vegetables, where are the animal's rights in that case? lateR Chris - -----Original Message----- From: []On Behalf Of Viv Sent: Friday, June 16, 2000 6:25 PM To: Subject: Re: (mobility) ok people hows this for a cat name?! Hey Eric! Unless you're gonna feed your cat a vegan diet (very difficult but not impossible), how can you call him Moby? Sorry to be so negative but I've had a few (vegan) beers watching, and listening to, a non-vegan band... BTW I've got a 16 year old dog who's not even vegetarian - how hypocritical is that! (I've tried but it just don't suit her and if she had the choice she'd eat beast - much as I don't like it...) Viv Carbines 07967 103126 "You'll Never Walk Alone with a Basenji" - -----Original Message----- From: Eric M. Goldberg To: Date: 16 June 2000 03:50 Subject: (mobility) ok people hows this for a cat name?! >I'm getting a kitten pretty soon (tomorrow as a matter of fact). >And well I've been confused as what to name it. > >Well I definitely want to name it after someone who's influenced me >musically. >And well guess whos done that! >Hmmmm there are four people who have.. >John Williams? Nope can't name him Williams. >Danny Elfman? Elfman, yeah that'll boost the lil kitties confidence. >Trent Reznor? Reznor, hmmm well I'm not getting a tiger or anything here. >lets seee whos left? > >MOBY!? > > >Does that sound like a cool cat name? I know its different, thats for sure. >I dont want to name the cat muffins or anything like that (although if >youre cat is named muffins, don't take it personally, muffins are good, i >just want to be a bit more different) >:) >I know im going to be explaining myself to people who've never heard of Moby >before, and think i'm talking about the book. Although I'm usually >explaining moby to people anyways, so why not use the cat as a reference! >"Who the hell is Moby" >'Why he's a great musician, and such a great one, that i named my friggin >cat after him!' > >But hey, right now its the only thing my fried brain can think of at the >moment. > >But for now in this windows98 world, the cats name shall remain "Untitled >Cat". > >this isnt the greatest post in mobility history, but oh well, go figure :) > >------ you know what would be even cooler, is if for some reason the cat >took a liking to the album "Animal Rights" and was a bit scared of the track >"Dog Heaven"! or wait would he like that track??? ----------- > > >Thanks, >Eric (who has had too much caffeine) > >Listen to Tone Matrix @ > > > > > > > - ------------- To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. - ------------- To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 17 Jun 2000 08:13:29 +0100 (BST) From: =?iso-8859-1?q?Ross=20Hardy?= Subject: (mobility) My Cat's Name 2 years ago, my parents bought a cat, and we were having problems with naming her. We wanted something different and ignored most names you could come up with. I, too, looked towards my music as a source of inspiration. After a week, a word cropped into my head. That word was mulled around my brain for about a day before I decided that it would make a very cool name for cat (especially this cat). That name is Gothica It's amazing what the human brain can be capable of doing sometimes! Ross ____________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get your free address at or your free address at - ------------- To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 17 Jun 2000 02:49:02 -0700 (PDT) From: Elissa Brown Subject: Re: (mobility) into the blue - your page - --- wrote: > I read entirely your story about Moby and you, it was quite fun. The thing > is, and it's quite important, i don't know what is a hug, i didn't learned it > during my english class so i'm quite frustrated cause i don't understand what > the end is all about. Too bad huh ? Aaaww, how cute!! "hug"... c'est une étreinte. Un embrassement. Comprenez-vous maintenant? Elissa __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Send instant messages with Yahoo! Messenger. - ------------- To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body. ------------------------------ End of mobility-digest V3 #223 ****************************** ------------- To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the line "unsubscribe mobility-digest" in the body.