From: (mobility-digest)
Subject: mobility-digest V3 #411
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mobility-digest Friday, November 24 2000 Volume 03 : Number 411
Re: (mobility) Moby/Sophie Ellis Bextor
Re: (mobility) Moby/Sophie Ellis Bextor
(mobility) tehcno/dance recomendations
(mobility) yee hah! underwater is mine!
(mobility) collectin moby for 5 years, need ideas...
Re: (mobility) collectin moby for 5 years, need ideas...
(mobility) t-giving
Re: (mobility) techno/trance/dance music - recommendations wanted!
(mobility) paypal
Re: (mobility) tehcno/dance recomendations
Re: (mobility) rubbershark/james bond single
Re: (mobility) Egads, i can't believe this...
Re: (mobility) Moby/Sophie Ellis Bextor
Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2000 14:59:00 -0800
From: "Matt Olson"
Subject: Re: (mobility) Moby/Sophie Ellis Bextor
or just "what the hell?"
*********** REPLY SEPARATOR ***********
On 11/22/2000 at 2:02 PM Eric wrote:
>Can we say "oh my god"?
>On Wed, 22 Nov 2000 13:55:01 -0800 (PST),
>> I can't cut and paste on this computer, but I saw at
>> a story about Moby wanting to collaborate w/
>> Sophie Ellis Bextor, former lead singer of
>> theaudience. Anyone heard this band? What are they
>> like? I heard they were like St Etienne or something.
>> Am I in the right direction? Course, I'm at WPKN right
>> now, I could just look for their stuff... but I'm
>> having too much fun listening to old Fall records ;)
>> Slates is awesome, and Stereolab stole the bassline to
>> "Freestyle Dumpling" from "Slates Slags Etc."... and
>> they stole the horns from Sun Ra... and NOBODY knows
>> what I'm talking bout cause that's one of S-L's rarer
>> songs... but anyway,
>> ROCK!
>> ps: I also found an extra promo copy of an old David
>> Gray album in the back so I'm taking it ;) But we
>> don't have the new one, I want to play Babylon on the
>> air....
>> =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D
>> "I got the poison, I got the lemonade
>> I got the poison to put in the lemonade" (The Prodigy, sort of)
>> ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>> DJ PAUL, host of Chester's Blanket Fort, 89.5 FM/
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- -Matt
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Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2000 15:25:24 -0800 (PST)
From: Eric
Subject: Re: (mobility) Moby/Sophie Ellis Bextor
Either one would be juuuuust fine!
On Wed, 22 Nov 2000 14:59:00 -0800, wrote:
> or just "what the hell?"
> *********** REPLY SEPARATOR ***********
> On 11/22/2000 at 2:02 PM Eric wrote:
> >Can we say "oh my god"?
> >
> >Eric
> >
> >On Wed, 22 Nov 2000 13:55:01 -0800 (PST),
> >
> >> I can't cut and paste on this computer, but I saw at
> >> a story about Moby wanting to collaborate w/
> >> Sophie Ellis Bextor, former lead singer of
> >> theaudience. Anyone heard this band? What are they
> >> like? I heard they were like St Etienne or something.
> >> Am I in the right direction? Course, I'm at WPKN right
> >> now, I could just look for their stuff... but I'm
> >> having too much fun listening to old Fall records ;)
> >> Slates is awesome, and Stereolab stole the bassline to
> >> "Freestyle Dumpling" from "Slates Slags Etc."... and
> >> they stole the horns from Sun Ra... and NOBODY knows
> >> what I'm talking bout cause that's one of S-L's rarer
> >> songs... but anyway,
> >> ROCK!
> >> DJ PAUL
> >> ps: I also found an extra promo copy of an old David
> >> Gray album in the back so I'm taking it ;) But we
> >> don't have the new one, I want to play Babylon on the
> >> air....
> >>
> >>
> >> =====
> >> "I got the poison, I got the lemonade
> >> I got the poison to put in the lemonade" (The Prodigy, sort of)
> >> ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> >> DJ PAUL, host of Chester's Blanket Fort, 89.5 FM/
> >>
> >> __________________________________________________
> >> Do You Yahoo!?
> >> Yahoo! Shopping - Thousands of Stores. Millions of Products.
> >>
> >>
> >> -------------
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> >> with the line "unsubscribe mobility" in the body.
> >
> >
> >"It's not easy being green"
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >_______________________________________________________
> >Tired of slow Internet? Get @Home Broadband Internet
> >
> >
> >
> >-------------
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> -Matt
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> "I think anybody who doesn't think I'm smart enough
> to handle the job is underestimating." --George W. Bush
> - Live Music Trading
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Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2000 16:52:19 -0800 (PST)
From: scott stoddard
Subject: (mobility) tehcno/dance recomendations
I've got to say that I havn't spent money on hardly
anything but moby since I started collecting his stuff
after eiw came out, but I saw the post on mobyility
and thought I give you some ideas from my pre-moby
one of my favs although a little older, is an artist
that goes by messiah. If they would come out with more
I would collect them like I do moby. Their album "21st
century jesus" has all the qualities you mentioned,
fast crazy beats with nice bass rhythms, some
beautiful piano/string action, and several songs with
very nice female vocals. All the songs have really
nice samples too. If you want to check out some tracks
on napster, check "temple of dreams" it will give you
the idea. they also have an album called "progenitor"
it's pretty crazy, but not as good as 21st century.
another great techno girly group is opusIII, check
them out. they're not as high energy, as they are
trancy, but they've got the beautiful girly voice and
techno beats. I'm in the same boat with you, nothing
but moby... post good finds if you come across any.
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Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2000 16:59:25 -0800 (PST)
From: scott stoddard
Subject: (mobility) yee hah! underwater is mine!
I just got underwater on ebay with the original eiw
release for only $40.00! Yahooo! Man I've been looking
for this for motnhs now, but it always get's up near
100.00 or over. Ebay is grand.
My collection is just about complete as far as regular
releases go, I've got all the albums and singles I've
been able to find, except for the james bond single.
can anyone tell me which one has all the remixes if
such a cd exists so I can look for it. thanks,
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Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2000 17:08:20 -0800 (PST)
From: scott stoddard
Subject: (mobility) collectin moby for 5 years, need ideas...
I've been collecting moby for 5 years now and i have
all the albums and singles that I have been able to
find. I'm running out of cd's to collect... I have
about 60 cd's of his now, but I'm sure that there are
a lot of you out there that have more than me. Can any
of you die-harder-collectors-than-me give some ideas
about some rare stuff you have that I can look for, or
does anyone have anything to offer me?
the only singles I know of that I don't have is the
james bond theme. I did some looking around, but I
want to just get one with all the mixes, which one
should I get?
I'm also looking for the hymn cd that contain the
upriver, menacing, dirtyhypo, and I believe mixes. I
already have one of the german ones, does anyone have
the other and is willing to sell it to me?
post you rarity ideas, thanks
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Date: Thu, 23 Nov 2000 02:25:08 +0100
From: Rob
Subject: Re: (mobility) collectin moby for 5 years, need ideas...
check out this link:
for an outstanding list of everything (?) our man Moby has produced over
the past 17 (!) years ...
If it's not there, hell I don't know ...
scott stoddard wrote:
> I've been collecting moby for 5 years now and i have all the albums
> and singles that I have been able to
> find. I'm running out of cd's to collect... I have about 60 cd's of
> his now, but I'm sure that there are
> a lot of you out there that have more than me. Can any of you
> die-harder-collectors-than-me give some ideas
> about some rare stuff you have that I can look for, or does anyone
> have anything to offer me?
> the only singles I know of that I don't have is the james bond theme.
> I did some looking around, but I
> want to just get one with all the mixes, which one should I get?
> I'm also looking for the hymn cd that contain the upriver, menacing,
> dirtyhypo, and I believe mixes. I
> already have one of the german ones, does anyone have the other and is
> willing to sell it to me?
> post you rarity ideas, thanks
> rubbersharkman
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Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2000 20:39:09 -0800
From: "crowes3"
Subject: (mobility) t-giving
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
- ------=_NextPart_000_004E_01C054C4.4403D940
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
one world, one love, let's get together and feel all right! thanks for =
Moby and all the wonderful souls everywhere.
- ------=_NextPart_000_004E_01C054C4.4403D940
Content-Type: text/html;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
one world, one love, let's get together =
and feel=20
all right! thanks for Moby and all the wonderful souls=20
- ------=_NextPart_000_004E_01C054C4.4403D940--
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Date: Thu, 23 Nov 2000 07:26:52
From: "Jake M."
Subject: Re: (mobility) techno/trance/dance music - recommendations wanted!
I've found that TRANCEMISSION mixed by Swedish Egil (put out by is very good, I recently picked it up. I also think that
the Logic Trance series is pretty good, there are 4 volumes mixed by various
dj's, but I don't remember the label they are on.
As for moby related, I just recently re-watched the HBO Reverb episode with
moby...Darn Moby is such a great performer, my thought for the day.
To the Americans on the list: have a happy thanksgiving!
"The unexamined life is not worth living"-Plato
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Date: Thu, 23 Nov 2000 14:40:06 EST
Subject: (mobility) paypal
- --part1_bb.921cf01.274ecc96_boundary
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Re: tags....$2 (includes shipping)
If you want to pay me through paypal to make it faster here's my referral....
if you need my address again let me know
- -paypal is a way to make payments over the web really quick and easy
**S H A R M I L A**
- --part1_bb.921cf01.274ecc96_boundary
Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Re: tags....$2 (includes shipping)
If you want to pay me through paypal to make it faster here's my referral....
if you need my address again let me know
-paypal is a way to make payments over the web really quick and easy
**S H A R M I L A**
- --part1_bb.921cf01.274ecc96_boundary--
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Date: Thu, 23 Nov 2000 17:45:24 EST
Subject: Re: (mobility) tehcno/dance recomendations
messiah is pretty good....
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Date: Thu, 23 Nov 2000 17:46:58 EST
Subject: Re: (mobility) rubbershark/james bond single
mr rubershark man..
i might be able to snag you a copy of the james bond theme..
you want just the regular james bond single right?
look at action-records or even cdnow..
i've seen it around..really not that hard to find..
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Date: Thu, 23 Nov 2000 18:51:35 -0700
From: "Jonathan Williams"
Subject: Re: (mobility) Egads, i can't believe this...
I agree with little Ty-Ty on this one. Although I must admit, after being introduced to Moby only through "Play", when I bought "Animal Rights" right after, Tyler and I didn't exactly love it at first. It took a coupe of months collecting dust on my shelf before we picked it up again. Now we love it.
<-------And I think to myself, what a wonderful world------>
Jonathan, Co-owner of Mark's soul.
>From: "Tyler Holt"
>Subject: Re: (mobility) Egads, i can't believe this...
>Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2000 11:49:34 -0700
>I agree that Animal Rights is a very good album, I fell asleep to it
>night. It makes me sad that some of you don't think very much of
>it. I was
>digging through the Mobility archives, and came across a very angry
>about it. "Animal Rights is crap, moby is nothing without techno, if
>going to listen to punk listen to real punk, blah blah blah" Get
>your head
>out of your butt and take the music for what it's worth, you
>I think some of Moby's best work is on that album, particularly
>songs like
>"Now I Let it Go", Love Song for my Mom", and "Anima". They're
>Sorry about that outburst, I had to vent. Anyway, I like it too.
>Co-Owner of mark's soul (along with Jonathan Williams)
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Date: Fri, 24 Nov 2000 10:24:15 -0800 (PST)
From: DJ Paul Simpson
Subject: Re: (mobility) Moby/Sophie Ellis Bextor
> Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2000 14:02:08 -0800 (PST)
> From: Eric
> Subject: Re: (mobility) Moby/Sophie Ellis Bextor
> Can we say "oh my god"?
> Eric
Sure, "oh my god", but why did i just say that? what's
up, is this good that Moby's working with whoever this
person is, or is there another person who loves The
Fall and Stereolab out there? Or are you offended
because I like David Gray? ;) Or is it cause you can't
believe how absolutely cool I am man! I got a radio
OK enough of my ego,
np (actually it just ended): Beasties "Pauls Boutique"
"I got the poison, I got the lemonade
I got the poison to put in the lemonade" (The Prodigy, sort of)
DJ PAUL, host of Chester's Blanket Fort, 89.5 FM/
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End of mobility-digest V3 #411
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