From: (mobility-digest)
Subject: mobility-digest V3 #456
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mobility-digest Tuesday, December 19 2000 Volume 03 : Number 456
Re: (mobility) 107.7 The End DTHB Photos
Re: (mobility) 107.7 The End DTHB Photos
Re: (mobility) another question
Re: (mobility) xmas pressies for Moby.........
Re: (mobility) Re: Title for Moby's book
Re: (mobility) re: Moby and Gwen
Re: (mobility) Moby and Gwen
Re: (mobility) something that's not related to moby in any way, unless you want to stretch it and i don't
Re: (mobility) OT Top 20 Things To Do At A Drive-Thru
(mobility) Spin Bad
(mobility) Punch Moby
(mobility) Hey, an ON-TOPIC post!
(mobility) Silk, Fashionably Ear-Piercing (Carson can suck it!), Book, more
(mobility)Silk, Fashionably Ear-Piercing (Carson can suck it!), Book, more
Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2000 19:22:13 -0800 (PST)
From: DJ Pagan
Subject: Re: (mobility) 107.7 The End DTHB Photos
- --- Matt Olson wrote:
> I found that the radio station has a cool
> collection here... some really rad ones of
> Greta too. Check them out!
lucky people getting to meet moby. one thing i
would like to do before i die is meet moby and
talk with him about more than just how the tour
is going, about how he feels about life and where
it's going, and what he still wants to do.
typical interview questions, but on a more
intimate level. the man bleed intellectualism
when he's not hopping mad around the stage. ::smile::
"it is enough." - immanuel kant, his last words
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Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2000 20:27:04 -0800
From: "Matt Olson"
Subject: Re: (mobility) 107.7 The End DTHB Photos
>lucky people getting to meet moby. one thing i
>would like to do before i die is meet moby and
>talk with him about more than just how the tour
>is going, about how he feels about life and where
>it's going, and what he still wants to do.
>typical interview questions, but on a more
>intimate level. the man bleed intellectualism
>when he's not hopping mad around the stage. ::smile::
>"it is enough." - immanuel kant, his last words
While I have 'met' him, I certainly didn't really get to talk to him. I=
would really really really love to get the chance to have a conversation=
with him. Not really interview, because that's kind of like asking=
questions and then just listening. There's so much I'd love to discuss=
with the guy... I truly do admire him.
- -Matt
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Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2000 04:35:30 -0000
From: "Cale Smith"
Subject: Re: (mobility) another question
I'm 14
I fell in love with Moby a couple months ago when i went to his concert in
>From: Rob
>Subject: Re: (mobility) another question
>Date: Sun, 17 Dec 2000 21:30:10 +0100
>I'm 36 and proud of it ... goin' on 19 .... (according to me friends) ...
>Jennifer Byrd wrote:
> > as long as we're taking little polls about non-moby related things
> > is fine, i'm about to do it too) i was wondering how old everyone on the
> > list is... i'm 18, and i figured i'm probly one of the youngest...
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Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2000 00:12:02 EST
Subject: Re: (mobility) xmas pressies for Moby.........
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please dont send me emails im just trying to get in touch with moby we were
friends in the 80's
Karen B. Koenig
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please dont send me emails im just trying to get in touch with moby we were
friends in the 80's
Karen B. Koenig
- --part1_14.d3d5a9f.27704822_boundary--
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Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2000 22:13:21 -0700
From: "Jonathan Williams"
Subject: Re: (mobility) Re: Title for Moby's book
I think a cool name would be a title of one of his songs, like hmmm, Feeling So Real. A better name would really be "Into The Blue".
"...ja mina mietta mika joku kaunis maailma"
-Jonathan the polygamist
>Tyler Holt wrote:
>How about "MOBY"
>tyler the mormon
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Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2000 00:14:36 EST
Subject: Re: (mobility) re: Moby and Gwen
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as i said i was friends with him and want to get in touch with him
as for his clothes he was always like that he just wear what he want not what
he thinks he should be seen in he likes being comfortable. he used to be very
laid back
Karen B. Koenig
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as i said i was friends with him and want to get in touch with him
as for his clothes he was always like that he just wear what he want not what
he thinks he should be seen in he likes being comfortable. he used to be very
laid back
Karen B. Koenig
- --part1_4d.508a81f.277048bc_boundary--
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Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2000 00:21:32 EST
Subject: Re: (mobility) Moby and Gwen
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who is gwen
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who is gwen
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Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2000 22:44:26 -0600
From: John Turpin
Subject: Re: (mobility) something that's not related to moby in any way, unless you want to stretch it and i don't
At 12:31 AM -0800 12/18/00, Elissa Brown wrote:
>John Turpin wrote:
>[a bunch of stuff] (:-))
>All I ask is that listmembers aren't attacked or criticised for their beliefs,
>namely ones that don't pertain to the topic at hand. This is escalating in a
>big way, so I'll happily suggest that we move on and hold hands and sing
>Kumbaya and eat s'mores. :-)
Attacking a person, and questioning a person's beliefs are very
different things. Anyway, the web pages I mentioned make my points
much better than I did.
- --
John Turpin /
Florida bumper sticker: "If you can read this, you must be a Republican."
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Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2000 22:23:57 -0700
From: "Jonathan Williams"
Subject: Re: (mobility) OT Top 20 Things To Do At A Drive-Thru
Okay, I know everybody is always complaining about people speaking off-topic, which is fine. But to post something like this is just going to open up the floodgates to "Top ten elavator pick-up lines" or "This was started right after the spanish inquisition DON"T BREAK THE CHAIN! If you don't send this to forty-nine people you're babies will look like trolls and/or Eric The Unloved-Red" So please, please (no offense to Paul, ROCK!!!!!!!!! on, bro....) let's just keep the posts semi-informative. Deal?
"...ja mina mietta mika joku kaunis maailma"
-Jonathan the polygamist
>From: DJ Paul Simpson
>Subject: (mobility) OT Top 20 Things To Do At A Drive-Thru
>Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2000 12:49:32 -0800 (PST)
>Top 20 Things to Do in a Drive-Thru
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Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2000 21:38:11 -0800
From: "kiwi_kiwi"
Subject: (mobility) Spin Bad
I was wondering if anyone
on this list knows a LOTabout
Moby's Dj / Tour Dj/ Performance dj
Dj Spin Bad
he's my hero!
By the way Moby Kicked ass on the "FLASH nably Loud" shit
I liked it. He was reprazentin!!! and also Spin Bad!!
well Happy Holidays to y'all on the list
by the way any other Hip Hop Dj's on the list?
Keiichi aka Dee Jay Khemi-KAL uv RPB crew
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Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2000 22:36:53 -0800
From: "Sara Musko"
Subject: (mobility) Punch Moby
There's no denying that this guy's one hell of a musical talent, but why does he have to be such a greedy, mercenary, money grabbing bastard?
Flogging off his entire album to advertisers is one thing, but this guy's so greedy he's even sold off all his B sides too - and then posed in a pair of Calvin Klein's expensive jeans for even more money.
Knock some sense into the money-grubbing bastard!"
This is what has to say about Moby. They have a little picture of him that you can click on and "punch" him. It's kind of sad, because I love this website. Oh well, damn Commies...
Here's the link:
- -Sara
Angelfire for your free web-based e-mail.
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Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2000 00:03:57 -0700
From: "Jonathan Williams"
Subject: (mobility) Hey, an ON-TOPIC post!
So, how tall is our man Moby anyways? On Leno he looked about 4'3". But what I was really wondering, wouldn't it be great if Moby did some sort of a Christmas album? "Carol of the Bells, Big City Heat Mix" or something, or a quiet orchestral version of Silent Night... A Moby Christmas album would be fun, fun, fun.
"...ja mina mietta mika joku kaunis maailma"
-Jonathan the polygamist
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Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2000 03:52:19 EST
Subject: (mobility) Silk, Fashionably Ear-Piercing (Carson can suck it!), Book, more
Out of everyone on MTV, Carson should've lost a testicle instad of Tom Green...
As for Fashionably Loud...when will it air? I barely watch MTV so I've missed the commercials/clips...
As for the silk issue:
I worked at a frabric store for 2 years & learned that YES silkworms do die in the process, but (as I found out from a red-faced outraged woman who gave me a huge lecture on the topic), this is NOT the case with what is called "100% Silk" (the name of it when you buy it by the yard), meaning, I assume, that it is 100% because it contains none of the little worm corpses in the weave. It is much more rare to find & the seletion is very small usually. It doesn't fit into the vegan limits, but if you still love silk, there is a kinder option.
Name for Moby's book:
My thumbs up for Rob's "All that I need is to be Loved" & Jonathan's "Into the Blue".
But whatever is chosen, the sub-title (under the real title) should be: "His rise from hippy whale baby, to punk-mouthed dildo-horned soul-explosion" or "The man behind the curtain" (from my favorite "Wizard of Oz" quote).
And people, part of showing love for your fellow moby-lovers is to respect the little things & FAIR requests. If you have so much time that you can post 3 times a day, that means you must have enough time to occasionally change the topic &/or erase all the unnecessary response verbage. I love reading the discussions, but often I don't have much time, like others here.
And YES I do read the informative emails or the ones with links! Those are my FAVORITES! So keep em coming, share the knowledge! I just don't know how to respond other than to say "Thanks!" (you want an email with just one word?)...
As for the popularity contests: it's nice to praise those you like, but don't do the opposite & make people feel bad cause they're more serious & don't have quick smart-ass class-clown answers to everything like the 'cooler' people on here (cause the jokes ARE funny, but the sarcasm is mean & can be misunderstood in plain type). I'm glad I'm far out of high school for this reason. Words can hurt. And freedom is cool, but arrogance sucks (as bad as Carson or dare I say - FRAT BOYS!).
That last part was kind of a joke...haha?
love&salsa for all, really!
malfunctiongirl (age 23)
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Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2000 04:13:43 EST
Subject: (mobility)Silk, Fashionably Ear-Piercing (Carson can suck it!), Book, more
Out of everyone on MTV, Carson should've lost a testicle instad of Tom Green.
As for Fashionably Loud...when will it air? I barely watch MTV so I've missed the commercials/clips...
As for the silk issue:
I worked at a frabric store for 2 years & learned that YES silkworms do die in the process, but (as I found out from a red-faced outraged woman who gave me a huge lecture on the topic), this is NOT the case with what is called "100% Silk" (the name of it when you buy it by the yard), meaning, I assume, that it is 100% because it contains none of the little worm corpses in the weave. It is much more rare to find & the seletion is very small usually. It doesn't fit into the vegan limits, but if you still love silk, there is a kinder option.
Name for Moby's book:
My thumbs up for Rob's "All that I need is to be Loved" & Jonathan's "Into the Blue".
But whatever is chosen, the sub-title (under the real title) should be: "His rise from hippy whale baby, to punk-mouthed dildo-horned soul-explosion" or "The man behind the curtain" (from my favorite "Wizard of Oz" quote).
And people, part of showing love for your fellow moby-lovers is to respect the little things & FAIR requests. If you have so much time that you can post 3 times a day, that means you must have enough time to occasionally change the topic &/or erase all the unnecessary response verbage. I love reading the discussions, but often I don't have much time, like others here.
And YES I do read the informative emails or the ones with links! Those are my FAVORITES! So keep em coming, share the knowledge! I just don't know how to respond other than to say "Thanks!" (you want an email with just one word?)...
As for the popularity contests: it's nice to praise those you like, but don't do the opposite & make people feel bad cause they're more serious & don't have quick smart-ass class-clown answers to everything like the 'cooler' people on here (cause the jokes ARE funny, but the sarcasm is mean & can be misunderstood in plain type). I'm glad I'm far out of high school for this reason. Words can hurt. And freedom is cool, but arrogance sucks (as bad as Carson or dare I say - FRAT BOYS!).
That last part was kind of a joke...haha?
love&salsa for all, really!
malfunctiongirl (age 23)
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End of mobility-digest V3 #456
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