From: (mobility-digest)
Subject: mobility-digest V4 #556
Reply-To: mobility
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X-No-Archive: yes
mobility-digest Sunday, March 25 2001 Volume 04 : Number 556
RE: (mobility) old school megamix
Re: (mobility) mega mix with out the rap
Re: (mobility) old school megamix
Re: (mobility) RE: mobility-digest V4 #554
Re: (mobility) RE: mobility-digest V4 #554
Re: (mobility) old school megamix
(mobility) thanx?
(mobility) chart junk
(mobility) Re: picking on AJ
RE: (mobility) Re: picking on AJ
Re: (mobility) thanx?
(mobility) moby music
RE: (mobility) moby music
(mobility) Helpless
RE: (mobility) old school megamix
(mobility) OT: Unknown songs
(mobility) Hello!
(mobility) Moby Megamix without raps
Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2001 20:47:23 -0700
From: "Tyler Holt"
Subject: RE: (mobility) old school megamix
----Original Message Follows----
From: Tim Ellorin
Subject: RE: (mobility) old school megamix
Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2001 15:45:01 -0500
Go here for the megamix
> I'm terribly sorry and embarrassed about this, but...............
> I looked all over the FTP site, and I can't find the megamix.
> Is it even there, or did you upload it somewhere else?
> sorry.....
> Tyler
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Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 09:09:16 +0100
From: "Bart van Eijck"
Subject: Re: (mobility) mega mix with out the rap
>Has there been anymore consideration of the mega mix being done with out
>rap???? Please don't take this wrong. I thought the mix was done supurbly.
>just wanted one without the rap as well. I think it would sound great.
Yeah yeah Robert, I said I would make a rap-less version for you and I will,
I'm just really busy right now with school and all (exams coming next week
etc.) I'll cut the raps and upload the mp3 this weekend, ok?
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Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 09:13:25 +0100
From: "Bart van Eijck"
Subject: Re: (mobility) old school megamix
Tyler wrote:
An ftp site in a browser URL already includes the password :)
Compare the address:
Login: mobility
Pass: the_best_mailinglist
And remember, if you can't get in it's probably because the max
number of simultaneous users has been reached, or my crappy
network card dropped the connection again. (I should really buy a
new one soon) Either way, the remedy is to wait a while and try again.
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Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 08:37:58 -0800 (PST)
From: ddonk
Subject: Re: (mobility) RE: mobility-digest V4 #554
...sorry you have to feel so kool...
It was
> cool to like Moby back then, , but anyway,
> it was cool. It's not cool
> anymore, and it really got me.
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Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 17:16:18 +0000
From: martinjames
Subject: Re: (mobility) RE: mobility-digest V4 #554
see, i find this all a bit strange. back in the day moby could be seen
performing 'go' on top of the pops in the uk. he was in the pop charts. he
was all over the media. he played at all of the major raves. so, from a
british point of view, when exactly was moby unknown, underground and (your
word) cool? he went out of favor with the uk press for a while, but he also
continued to have top thirty hit singles. when exactly was he that
underground that only a selected few were his true fans?
the fact is he was always good, occasionally great, sometimes a genius, a
few times bad (my opinion). you may not have liked Play, but it wasn't by
any stretch of the imagination his first hit record.
I think its as uncool to like moby now as it has ever been. or is that cool?
who cares really, it all boils down to snobbery.
music is there to be shared, no one should be allowed to lay claim to it
through their position of privilege.
that's all
>> cool to like Moby back then, , but anyway,
>> it was cool. It's not cool
>> anymore, and it really got me.
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Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 11:45:15 -0600
From: Christopher Michael Bourke
Subject: Re: (mobility) old school megamix
Cheers go out to Bart! I actually really liked this mix, one of my fan
remix favorites, if I may say so (of course the number one spot will always
be Tone Matrix's Myopia remix). Thanks for breaking the monotony of the
list, wish more people would venture into such things (i've tried but I'm
absolutely no good).
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Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 10:05:49 -0800 (PST)
From: DJ Paul Simpson
Subject: (mobility) thanx?
i heard steve mention my name here? about ryu?
um well you can go to for more
ryu related info, but i think he's netless at the
but his address and i think fone number are there, so
you can contact him those ways if you need to.....
he's always broke tho, so he probly won't send you too
much music ;P
is that what you were asking about? if not, then just
ask me again, um.....
"Are you a vegetarian?" Moby
"Not really" Space Ghost, right before eating Moby
DJ PAUL, host of Chester's Blanket Fort, 89.5 FM/
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Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 10:42:58 -0800 (PST)
From: DJ Paul Simpson
Subject: (mobility) chart junk
play is still number 38 on the top 200 albums
south side is now number 19 on the hot 100!
and still number 3 on "modern" "rock"!
and of course, the new daft punk debuted at #44 this
so, cool
np: new Tipsy, on kcmu
"Are you a vegetarian?" Moby
"Not really" Space Ghost, right before eating Moby
DJ PAUL, host of Chester's Blanket Fort, 89.5 FM/
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Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 20:40:08 +0100
From: "Bart van Eijck"
Subject: (mobility) Re: picking on AJ
>see, i find this all a bit strange. back in the day moby could be seen
>performing 'go' on top of the pops in the uk. he was in the pop charts. he
>was all over the media. he played at all of the major raves. so, from a
>british point of view, when exactly was moby unknown, underground and (your
>word) cool? he went out of favor with the uk press for a while, but he also
>continued to have top thirty hit singles. when exactly was he that
>underground that only a selected few were his true fans?
Ok, I'll try to explain (and I'm speaking for myself, not for AJ, because I
don't know his motivations).
Moby always used to be one of the popular 'underground' artists. With this I
mean artists that make
hitsingles but also put out weird stuff under different names etc. Artists
that have both hit potential
and musical credibility. Other examples of these artists are Leftfield,
Kosheen, Faithless, Air etc.
(just naming the electronic ones)
I don't know what exactly happened to make me feel Moby is no longer one of
them, perhaps it's the
over-promotion by V2 over the last year, perhaps it's the re-release of
WDMHFSB? by Mute, or just me
being in my "I hate the world and everything is wrong" phase, I don't
know... But if it is just me, then why
are more people having this feelings?
I think this all is about feeling special, if you're a collector of anything
you will understand. It's nice to have
a small community of people who share the same (exclusive) interest. If you
are one of that select group
it makes you feel special, and don't we all want to feel special in some
way? right. Wouldn't you want to
be able to wear the clothes you really like *without* everybody else wearing
those same clothes?
In a capitalistic society like the one we live in, exclusiveness means
status means coolness.
Now bringing this back to Moby. I think Moby really wasn't as mainstream
with Go as with singles from Play.
Go, at the time was only loved by people from 18-28 whereas Play does well
in all age cathegories.
If I would ask a 45 year old person if they knew the artist Moby in 1991, I
would probably get the same
answer as if I were to ask my mom who Faithless is now. And Faithless is
well known in a certain age
group, but is not considered to be the mainstream act like the Vengaboys.
I'm not saying that people of
a certain age can't like Moby, it's just an example of how there was still
exclusiveness (coolness, if you want)
about his older work, and that now you can't really describe the "Moby fan"
any more, it's not a type of people,
a group any more. For all you know, the pope could be a huge Moby fan.
And that is what I miss, a small group of people that because of the
intimacy of the group could share their
every feeling and it would be understood. Suppose you have a small group of
real friends and you would
always have the same chairs at a quiet little bar in your hometown. Would
you like it if that bar all of a sudden
became the hottest place in town, stuffed with hundreds of strange visitors?
Wouldn't you go and find
another place? I'm not saying those new people at the bar should go away,
they could all well be really nice
people, who knows, but the sudden change would make you feel uneasy,
wouldn't it?
I rest my case...
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Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 14:34:36 -0500
From: Tim Ellorin
Subject: RE: (mobility) Re: picking on AJ
> If you
> are one of that select group
> it makes you feel special, and don't we all want to feel
> special in some
> way?
Now go into the bathroom and look into the mirror at yourself and say 10
times in a row, outloud, "I am a special person". And you will feel better!
Tim /=== Very Special person! ;)
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Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 20:11:33
From: "Steve Giles"
Subject: Re: (mobility) thanx?
I was wondering if his album with the weird symbols on it and the spooky
tree cover was still available.
That's all.
From: DJ Paul Simpson
Subject: (mobility) thanx?
Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 10:05:49 -0800 (PST)
i heard steve mention my name here? about ryu?
um well you can go to for more
ryu related info, but i think he's netless at the
but his address and i think fone number are there, so
you can contact him those ways if you need to.....
he's always broke tho, so he probly won't send you too
much music ;P
is that what you were asking about? if not, then just
ask me again, um.....
"Are you a vegetarian?" Moby
"Not really" Space Ghost, right before eating Moby
DJ PAUL, host of Chester's Blanket Fort, 89.5 FM/
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Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 21:14:41 -0000
From: "Geoffrey Sproule"
Subject: (mobility) moby music
i heard a few people ont he list looking for the notes for moby songs and i
have come accross a brilliant book which has all the music and lyrics for
it is published by carish and is ISBN 88-8291-890-4
if this any help to anyone and it is the last worn on what some of the
lyrics are ;-) you might be surprised
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Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 21:20:25 -0000
From: "Geoffrey Sproule"
Subject: RE: (mobility) moby music
sorry wrong address try here
- -----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Geoffrey Sproule
Sent: 23 March 2001 21:15
Subject: (mobility) moby music
i heard a few people ont he list looking for the notes for moby songs and i
have come accross a brilliant book which has all the music and lyrics for
it is published by carish and is ISBN 88-8291-890-4
if this any help to anyone and it is the last worn on what some of the
lyrics are ;-) you might be surprised
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Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2001 00:59:55 EST
Subject: (mobility) Helpless
I do agree with Bart. I was never part of the 'Mobility' group but I only
knew of one other person who knew of Moby and we shared a lot together and it
felt good. I am really annoyed when someone tries to impress me by telling
me they LOVE 'Southside.' Personally I could live happily if I never had to
hear that song ever again. Oh well. I was actually looking to see if anyone
knew the lyrics for 'Helpless'. I listen to it often and I sing along and I
really hate when it comes to the parts I don't know. I checked most of the
sites under lyrics but I didn't see it. Does anyone know them or where I can
get them? Thanks. -Kelly
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Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2001 02:09:13 -0800
From: "Shaun Rader"
Subject: RE: (mobility) old school megamix
I enjoyed the old school megamix a lot! I think all the samples and
the whole feel of the mix added to the whole old school-ness of the
Moby songs chosen... very well done!
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Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2001 04:38:09 -0800
From: "Shaun Rader"
Subject: (mobility) OT: Unknown songs
Hi I have real short music clips (100k, 15 seconds or so) of 2 songs
that I don't recognize. If anyone knows the artist for either of
these songs please tell me (if I had to say I would think it's
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Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2001 13:10:38 -0800 (PST)
From: Jack Wheeler
Subject: (mobility) Hello!
Hi, I've been lurking for a while and felt it was time to introduce myself.
> * Name - Jack
> * Age - 30
> * What is in your Moby collection - Play, Play w/ B-Sides, Play
(Autographed Virgin), Everything Is Wrong, Animal Rights, Rare - Collected
B-Sides, I Like To Score
> * Where you first heard Moby, and how much of a fan you are - First
heard Moby at Woodstock 99, laying in my tent I hear this angelic music
floating across from the Rave hanger, as it ends I hear "Hi, I'm Moby", then
he starts into another song. I was hooked at that point. The angelic music
was My Weakness. I went and saw him later that year when he was touring at
Syracuse University. Great show. Can't wait for the DVD to come out.
> * Other artists you like - Just about anything except
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Date: Sun, 25 Mar 2001 14:12:32 +0200
From: "Bart van Eijck"
Subject: (mobility) Moby Megamix without raps
For those who requested, it's available at the usual adress:
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