From: Subject: [MV] MovieJuice! - THE SIEGE and JOHNNY CARSON'S VAMPIRES Date: 01 Nov 1998 16:07:19 -0500 (EST) THE SIEGE - LE FREAK, C'EST SHEIK by Mark Ramsey November 1, 1998 Struggling up a mountaintop in the remote hinterlands of Tibet, Seven Habiteer Steven Covey and I searched for wisdom from the oracle of the ages, the holy one, the bowlegged Bride of Fuckenstein, the one and only Annette Bening. Yonder lay Annette, under a willow tree, wrapped up in a lotus tighter than Warren Beatty's prenup. I snapped on my tape recorder.... Steven: "Annette, I'm working on a new book to extend my highly effective life-force into the next millennium. It's called 'The Seven Habits of Highly Housebroken Cats and Dogs,' and I have a question." Annette: "Ooohhhmmmmmmmm. Speak, oh publishing phenomenon and excruciatingly bald one." Steven: "What is the meaning of your superfluous, eye-rolling, soothsayer profundities in the new movie The Siege?" Annette: "Hmm, you mean gems like 'it's never the question that's indiscreet, it's only the answer'? Pearls like 'the most committed wins'? Nuggets like 'It's easy to tell the difference between right and wrong. It's the wrong that's more right that's hard to spot'?" Steven: "Yes, exactly!" Annette's back with Denzel Washington and Bruce Willis in The Siege, a good movie that has almost as much to say about human nature and America as it does about that hideous freak of nature known as Bruce Willis's hair. Is this the "temple" of doom Indiana Jones was so uptight about? Brucie's hair, which is disappearing faster than the coral reef, was formed by the ancient movement of cranial continents known as "plate tectonics." Unfortunately, Amerasia has long since separated from Sideburnia, resulting in wide open prairies and frighteningly few amber waves of grain. Imagine the thrill when John Glenn's shuttle first circled Bruce's ego-bloated head and waved his flaps, passing over Bruce's handcrafted SilverStone Brainforest. It's slash and burn time for the Ginzu-hair! Is it true that Bruce doesn't use a hair stylist, just a glass blower? But I think I'm getting distracted. There's some kind of chemistry between Denzel and Annette. What's this, Denzel, your babes are aging! First sweet young Milla in He Got Game, now 40-ish Annette. Who's next, Lauren Bacall? Dorothy Lamour? I hear Faye Wray's got some time on her hands, even if she doesn't know what time it is and couldn't find her hands if her life depended on it. I've said it before and I'll say it again: Denzel is the Man! Here he's the FBI King of New York, which is under siege by Arab fanatics who are trying to get their Sheik back. But thanks to the rocket's red glare and bombs bursting in mid-air, the government declares martial law (which is actually Mr. Ed's law - Ed Zwick, that is - he the brains behind Thirtysomething, Courage Under Fire, and the great flick Glory, which was unkillable even by the skunk-like acting skills of Matt Broderick). In come the troops, and so goes My So-Called Strife. The nasty terrorists even have the nerve to bomb a Broadway theater - as if those theaters don't contain enough bombs already. This evil act suspiciously offed numerous denizens of NYC couture but no heavyset tourists from Kansas! How could that be!? Of course, everyone was killed except the cast of Cats, thanks not to their nine lives but to their flame retardant costumes and utterly retardant plot. So the Army seals off Brooklyn, rounds up all Arabs and cages them in a stadium, thus halting taxi service altogether and creating a scarcity of gibberish-like shouting and screaming throughout the New York metro. Bruce is the Army dude who runs the show. He's got a firm hand and a steely, dull gaze. Not to mention a steely, dull performance. "Have you ever met anybody so in love with the sound of his own voice?" Annette asks Denzel after a run-in with Bruce. Yes, Bruce's voice rings loudly because there's no head drapery to soak up the sound. For the record, this flick is not anti-Arab. The Siege is like an entertaining civics lesson. And who thought that was even possible? This Country gives us rights, and those rights extend to all citizens, sez The Siege. Even when we're under attack, we should remember to uphold the principles we fight and die for. And freedom is the most important principle of all. Even if, as in Bruce's case, it's freedom from a comb. Copyright 1998 Mark Ramsey. All rights reserved. NO PORTION MAY BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION OF THE AUTHOR. ******************** JOHN CARPENTER'S VAMPIRES - BAD GOON RISING by Mark Ramsey November 1, 1998 What can you say about the guy who brought us The Fog, featuring that remarkable B-movie actress and cross-your-heart bra victim Adrienne Barbeau. The Fog, you'll remember, is where Adrienne's amazing colossal breasts fight boldly against the supernatural forces of gravity, as plotlines collide with Newtonian physics in a helter skelter joyride of boobalicious fun. Or something like that. Here's a guy - the titular John Carpenter (no pun intended) - who hit it lucky with the certifiably classic Halloween, and has spent the past generation proving how lucky he really was. Lest the initials confuse you, he ain't Jesus Christ. John Carpenter's Vampires (where the web site is named after the guy, not the movie) is rated "Jetsons R" for "Rook Rout Rastro!" This flick is the Frankenstein Meets the Wolfman of 1998. If Columbia had produced this movie in the '60s, it'd be called The Three Stooges Vampires. Nyuck, nyuck, suck, yuck. John is the personal nightmare Jim Cameron has before every priemiere. He pretty much wrote and directed and even scored the music for John Carpenter's Vampires. John, I have one word for you: Focus. The dialogue is lame and the music is lame to the tenth power. This music sounds like Doobie Brothers, or like John's smoking some brother's doobie. Most likely both. John Carpenter's Vampires is based on a book called Vampire$ because this flick is designed to suck the bloody money right out of your pocket and turn you undead or at least unconscious within a scant 108 minutes. The "John Carpenter" part was added because Orson Welles' Vampires was already taken. This flick features MENSA poster-child James Woods in the Kurt Russell role. If Jimmy's as smart as he says, it sure don't show in his choice of roles. And then there's Daniel Baldwin. No matter which Baldwin you're thinking of, Daniel's not that one. You see, Daniel is the missing evolutionary link between Baldwinhood and the rest of mankind. In fact, the ACLU presented Daniel as Exhibit A in the landmark case where the Supreme Court outlawed Creationism, and Justice Sandra Day O'Connor remarked: "If that's a Baldwin, then I'm a horse's ass." God Bless you, Daniel! And don't forget Maximillian Schell. Maximillian Schell? That's right, the legendary, one-time Oscar-magnet has turned refrigerator-magnet. Like Joan Crawford, it's time for some career-capping, low-budget fright flicks to bring home the bacon. And from the looks of him, Max's got a veritable bacon plantation back at the homestead. "Did you say something about a vampire STEAK, Jimmy? Mmmmm." The costume department faced this dilemma: Clothe Max or place a tent over Australia. Fortunately, one size fits all. Here's the idea of John Carpenter's Vampires: A Master Thespian Vampire is searching for some ancient cross which was once tremendously popular - a Christopher Cross, I think, but soon to be renamed a Hootie Cross - which will allow him to walk in the daylight. That means two things: First, it would be bad. Second, he'll never be part of Stone Temple Pilots. So the Catholic Church recruits Jimmy and his slayers to abort the goons because, says the Cardinal, bloodsuckers really piss off the Holy Father. The overzealous vamps are led by their master: Michael Stipe, who proved at the VH-1 Fashion Awards that nobody looks more undead. Does R.E.M. stand for "Really Emaciated Michael"? Everybody hurts, sometimes. Once again, the sound effect du jour is the lion roar. Vampires open their mouths - roar. Vampires pull themselves out of the earth - roar. Vampires flush the toilet - roar. Vampires kiss my ass - roar. Please, Hollywood, let the king of the jungle rest in peace. You know it's a John Carpenter movie thanks to the Night of the Living Dead-style Special Effects. Jimmy and company stake the vamps and tow them out into the sunlight where they burst into flame. Blade did it better. Big whoop. Praise God for five precious minutes of Sheryl Lee nude. Sheryl, a.k.a. "the New Adrienne Barbeau," is a top-notch actress with an un-notched top and a bod to un-die for. Sheryl gets bitten, so Daniel has to strip her naked, thus subjecting us to a long stretch of firm, unblemished flesh and completely ignored dialogue. Why strip her naked? For us, dudes! That's why. You don't think there's a reason, do you? God Bless you, Daniel! Sheryl may not win an Oscar, but will she settle for a Woody? What bugs me about this flick? Maybe it's the fact that any ten minutes of Joss Whedon's Buffy the Vampire Slayer are better than this whole movie, and Buffy is FREE. Hey, if somebody's gonna get ripped off by sucky entertainment, let it be Proctor & Gamble, not you and me. Now if I can just remember how to find the WB on my cable box. Let's be honest, the best reason to watch Buffy is for fun with Willow. The vamps may be undead, but only Willow acts inhuman. Yes, she's got all the range of an emoticon. Here's Willow happy: :-). Here's Willow sad: :-(. Here's Willow dead: :-X. Copyright 1998 Mark Ramsey. All rights reserved. NO PORTION MAY BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION OF THE AUTHOR. ******************** Hey, kids, don't forget to visit the MovieJuice! Site at The pictures are half the fun (and sometimes more than half the laughs)! ******************** TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS LIST: DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL! Just go to and follow the directions at the top of the left frame. It's very easy. NOTE: YOUR NAME CANNOT BE REMOVED FROM THE LIST UNLESS YOU UNSUBSCRIBE USING THE EMAIL ADDRESS YOU REGISTERED WITH). 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[ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [MV] Film Threat Weekly : 11-2-98 : Take 45 Date: 01 Nov 1998 20:05:53 EST FILM THREAT WEEKLY "Hollywood's Indie Voice of the New Millennium" ============================= Take 45 : November 2nd, 1998 ============================= ============================= "Plastics." - Walter Brooks pointing the way of the future to Dustin Hoffman in "The Graduate" <===========Deluxe======Widescreen======Edition ===========> THIS WEEK "Right here, right now." =========================================== ——> NEWS: Where objectivity is strangely absent. ——> BOXOFFICE CHART: Who's number one at the boxoffice? ——> PICKS OF THE WEEK: A load of plugs. ——> BIG SCREEN: Life is Beautiful, Vampires, more... ——> Film Threat Presents... THE VOW OF QUALITY SUBSCRIBE "Unless you already did." =========================================== Subscribe/Unsubscribe by sending an e-mail to CLASSIFIEDS "If you advertise, they will come." =========================================== Reach over 65,000 film fanatics on the net. For our reasonable ad rates, e- mail NO DANCE FILM FESTIVAL The NO DANCE Film & Multimedia Festival is accepting entries for its 2nd annual alternative D.I.Y. festival in Park City, Utah January 1999. Seeking features, docs, shorts, screenplays, and music videos. Screenings on DVD, VHS and internet streaming. Awards, prizes and parties. Deadline November 20th, 1998. Check web site ( for application, or send SASE to: NO DANCE Film & Multimedia Festival, 703 Pier Avenue #675, Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 FRANCOIS TRUFFAUT VIDEO MORATORIUM! Nine Truffaut's films will not be available after October 31: CONFIDENTIALLY YOURS; THE 400 BLOWS; JULES AND JIM; THE LAST METRO; LOVE ON THE RUN; SHOOT THE PIANO PLAYER; THE SOFT SKIN; TWO ENGLISH GIRLS; THE WOMAN NEXT DOOR. We put a "hold" on copies. If interested, order before 11/9. $32.98 each, but Film Threat Weekly subscribers receive a $3.00 discount per if you type 'FTW" into our "discount code." WORLDFEST-FLAGSTAFF INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL This annual Independent film festival, now held in the High Country of Flagstaff, Arizona on November 13-22, 1998 offers premieres of new independent and international features, shorts, documentaries, and video. Screenings are held in a three-screen Dolby theatre, and a select program of only 35-40 new features and 60 shorts are premiered, with directors in attendance. In addition, on the NAU campus (Northern Ariz Univ) there are video and 16mm screenings, all open at no charge! WorldFest screens only Independent Films, and NO major studio films are accepted. Series VIP Passes start at just $100, singles start at free, then $4 and $5.50 per film! E-mail: WIN A FILM THREAT VIDEO! "Sign up a friend!" =========================================== Each week we'll be giving away a special collectible Film Threat Party Video to readers who forward Film Threat Weekly to their friends! (And you know in Hollywood, "friends" is a loose term, so that means just about anybody!!!) You could WIN, too! The more e-mail addresses you send, the more your chances to win. Sign up your whole family, or your whole company! Start forwarding FTW to your pals or send us their e-mail address and we'll send them a weekly fix of Film Threat. That's not a threat, it's a promise. THE NEWS "Filtered and manipulated. Just like the real news." =========================================== Look for updates this week at Film Threat Online in the Dailies section at: BOXOFFICE CHART "Hollywood's Horse Race... and they're off!" =========================================== Weekend of October 30-November 1, Source: Exhibitor Relations Co. 1/New JOHN CARPENTER'S VAMPIRES $9.2 2/ 1 PLEASANTVILLE $6.6/$18.0 3/ 2 PRACTICAL MAGIC $5.2/$33.5 4/ 3 ANTZ $4.1/$67.4 5/ 4 BRIDE OF CHUCKY $4.0/$26.8 6/ 6 RUSH HOUR $3.4/$122.1 7/ 5 SOLDIER $2.6/$11.0 7/ 7 BELOVED $2.6/$18.7 9/ 8 WHAT DREAMS MAY COME $2.4/$50.7 10/ 9 APT PUPIL $1.7/$6.5 -/New AMERICAN HISTORY X $.148 [17 screens] -/New LIVING OUT LOUD $.143 [8 screens] PICKS OF THE WEEK "Stuff we wanna plug." =========================================== INDIE MOVIE THEATER DATABASE: Considering self-distribution for your film? Want to know where to see indie films in your area? Check out this amazing database of theaters in the U.S. that show indie movies. This site is THE source for people to find out where to see indie movies. They are also seeking submissions, so visit these guys and help them complete this useful project. WEB SITE: Avid lovers of classic tv and movies now have a place on the web they can call their own. is an internet tv station with quirky tv and movies. That's weird! E-MAIL NEWSLETTER FOR FILMMAKERS: The DV Filmmaker's Report seeks to aid filmmakers in creating high quality DV originated and edited shorts, feature films, and documentaries. Los Angeles based filmmaker Maxie D. Collier has introduced his new bi-weekly e-mail newsletter, The DV Filmmaker's Report. "The DV Filmmaker's Report is for people who are ready to use this incredible technology to economically tell their stories… that's my focus-- technology and storytelling, " says Collier. The DV Filmmaker's Report will concentrate on specific aspects of DV hardware, software, services, and production techniques, specifically from a filmmaker's perspective. The content will include current news of trends and emerging technology that will benefit DV filmmakers. The debut issue introduces DV filmmaking, then delves deeply into the planning and resources required to successfully launch a DV film project. Readers are provided with practical information, equipment checklists, and contact information for key vendors and suppliers. "There's a lot of discussion online about DV versus film but these resources are for people who recognize the viability of DV as a filmmaking tool and are now ready to make the most of it." SCREENPLAY CONTEST: The Philadelphia Festival of World Cinema is pleased to announce the seventh annual "Set In Philadelphia" Screenwriting Competition. The competition is open to all screenwriters nationwide. All genres of screenplays are eligible and will be judged on their overall quality and the extent to which they tell a "genuine Philadelphia story." Screenplays should capture the spirit, characters and/or locations of the region. The winning screenwriter will be awarded $5,000 in prize money, a professionally-cast live script readings of their screenplay at the Nuyorican Poets' Caf in Manhattan's Lower East Side, and also one at The Lab at Mike Lemon Casting in Philadelphia. There will also be a special prize of $1,000, the Irene I. Parisi Award, awarded to an outstanding writer under 30. Deadline for entries is January 26, 1999. E-mail: Get the full details on the site. DVD: It's Hammer time! Terence Fisher's "Dracula: The Prince of Darkness" features Christopher Lee as the caped one in this sexy blood-sucking flick. This Dracula outing involves the vampire's ashes revived by fresh blood. Dracula (Lee), quickly chomps on an innocent vacationing couple. Another couple escapes, taking refuge in a monastery run by an ass-kicking Priest. The rest of the movie deals with the Count's attempts to drink their blood. Dracula's demise, in this now-classic scene, is by holy water in a cool, effects-laden death. "Dracula: Prince of Darkness" is available on DVD from Anchor Bay Entertainment. The disc contains a widescreen transfer, audio commentary from Christopher Lee, trailers, plus behind-the-scenes home movies and more. Get a great deal on "Dracula" and other horror flicks from DVD EXPRESS' cool Shocktober promotion. Tell 'em Film Threat sent you. BIG SCREEN "Coming Soon to a Theater Near You" =========================================== From five stars "Perfect! * * * * *" to one star "Crap! *" here's the lowdown. LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL (PG-13) (La Vita é Bella) * * * * * ( Benito Benigni has created a modern classic. "Life is Beautiful" is "Shindler's List" meets Charlie Chaplin by way of the Three Stooges. Audiences will be laughing hysterically while crying their eyes out. Set in pre-World War II Italy, Benigni plays Guido Orefice, a happy go lucky Jewish gentleman who simply wishes to open a bookstore when he meets the woman of his dreams -- an exquisite Italian lady named Dora, played by real- life wife Nicoletta Braschi. The film begins innocently, like a standard romantic comedy with plenty of physical humor courtesy of Benigni. Guido charms Dora and through a series of hilarious coincidences, she is convinced that they are meant to be together. They marry and we see them five years later, now with a young boy. The boy, Ferruccio, is cute, cuddly and avoids taking a bath like any five year-old would. The screwball comedy antics take a jarring turn when, on the boy's birthday, both father and son are taken away to a concentration camp. Dora is so distraught she joins them, in a separate train car, on the grueling journey to the camp. Guido loves his son so much, in order to shield him from the horrors of the camp, he lies to him, convincing the boy that this is just a big game and the winner gets to go home in their own tank. In one of the funniest scenes, Guido volunteers to translate German and explain the rules of the camp to the new arrivals. With his son watching, Guido mimics the Nazi soldier and offers a completely different explanation of the rules, making the concentration camp seem like fun! Little Ferrucci's aversion to taking a bath is a Godsend when all of the children in the camp are eliminated in the gas chamber by the Nazis. The stakes are raised as Guido must cleverly hide his son while continuing to convince him that this is all the most fun they've ever had. The evils of the Holocaust are not hidden however, and Guido must find a way to save his family before it is too late. It's touching, funny and one of the best films of the year. - Chris Gore VAMPIRES (R) * * ( Scare master, John Carpenter ("Halloween" and "The Thing"), retools the "Wild Bunch" as a supernatural, vampire versus mortal, showdown. James Woods is magnetic as the mercurial vamp slayer in the service of the Catholic church -- though he's no alter boy. In the rolling, Western-like hills of California, Woods tackles the mother of all bloodsuckers (Thomas Ian Griffith basically as Count Dracula with a rescripted mythos) who's out to find the coveted artifact that will enable him to walk in the sunlight without becoming a "crispy critter." There's plenty of gore and swanky babes (Sheryl Lee filling the Lucy role) in slinky outfits, but the languorous plot is a bore. Carpenter oscillates between high horror and lowbrow camp, which is more unsettling than the scenes of decapitation and dismemberment, and drives a steak through the heart of Woods' fine performance in the process. - Tom Meek DANCING AT LUGHNASA (PG) * * * ( Based on the play by Brian Friel, this is the story of the defining summer of Michael Mundy (Darrell Johnston). In Donegal, Ireland in 1936, Michael, illegitimate, lived with his mother, Christina (Catherine McCormack) and her four spirited, spinster sisters. Poor, but proud and self-sufficient, the Mundy clan were happy until they got some men in their lives. Hilarity Ensues. Luckily, this is the story of the sisters, not the coming of age story of an 8 year old. There's also a bit more going on thematically. The Catholic Church permeates and dominates all aspects of life in this tiny Irish town. Christina is looked down upon for her child born out of wedlock. Sister Kate (an always excellent Meryl Streep) is a "righteous bitch" of a school teacher and the primary breadwinner of the family who feels the brunt of responsibility. Sister Rose (Sophie Thompson) is "simple" and cannot completely care for herself, and sisters Maggie and Agnes (Kathy Burke and Brid Brennan) care for the rundown house and knit gloves to help make ends meet. All the women dote upon Michael. Then the men show up. First is their brother, Father Jack (Michael Gambon), who's spent the last 25 years in Africa, purportedly to give the White man's religion to the natives. Jack is old and sick, and doesn't appear to quite mentally together. Second is Michael's father, Gerry Evans (Rhys Ifans). Gerry has come to spend time with the family before running off to Spain to fight Franco. He loves both Christina and Michael, but has a slight problem with responsibility. Kate makes him sleep in the barn. The disruption to the sisters' lives is quite permanent. What's the point to all this? Basically we witness the various aspects of oppression inflicted by a male dominated Catholic society upon women. This culture has little use for unmarried women over 30. The ascribed role for them was mother and wife. All of the sisters were past the age of courtship except for Christina, who is disgraced in the eyes of the church for having a "love" child. It was a great source of pride to the women that they had a priest for a brother doing missionary work in Africa. However, Father Jack kind of went native down there and reveled in the joy, love, and pagan dance rituals of the culture, similar to the one Ireland itself once had before the people's pagan beliefs were likewise converted. Jack was sent home not because of illness but as punishment. Kate is soon fired from her position as additional retaliation for Jack's perceived failures. Listening the radio, Jack asks Kate to dance, an act she likes to heresy from a priest. The title refers to a pagan ritual of the area, still celebrated. Dancing is an act of celebration and release, barely tolerated by the church who view it as a threat. The church fails and punishes the fail repeatedly. Their strength lies in their love and support of each other. They are never more united than in the moments where they are dancing together, an act to demonstrate their love. This could have been the art film "Footloose". I guess we're better off that it's not. - Ron Wells THE CELEBRATION (R) * * * * ( Another week, another film about pedophilia. Danish filmmaker Thomas Vinterberg reveals us the tale of Helge Klingenfeldt, the patriarch and owner of a resort in the country. On his 60th birthday, a celebration is to take place, gathering all of the family including Helge's wayward children. His daughter's ghost, who killed herself in the hotel two months before, presides over the event as her surviving twin brother prepares to reveal the family's darkest secrets. Hilarity ensues. Now this may sound like just another foreign art film. As such, it's a pretty damn good one. The hook here is in the director's approach to the material. Vinterberg, along with director Lars Von Trier ("The Kingdom", "Breaking the Waves") and two other Danish filmmakers sat down in 1995 to form a movement called, "Dogma '95". The purpose was, "a rescue operation to counter certain tendencies in film today. Dogma 95 opposes the auteur concept, make-up illusions and dramaturgical predictability. Dogma 95 desires to purge film so that once again the inner lives of the characters justify the plot." In addition, Vinterberg and Von Trier wrote the movement's "Vow of Chastity", a set of rules to guide a director away from convention and artistic hubris. To subscribe to Dogma '95 a person agrees to the following: DOGMA '95: THE VOW OF CHASTITY I swear to submit to the following set of rules drawn up and confirmed by Dogma 95: 1. Shooting must be done on location. Props and sets must not be brought in. (If a particular prop is necessary for the story, a location must be chosen where this prop is to be found.) 2. The sound must never be produced apart from the images or vice versa. (Music must not be used unless it occurs where the scene is being shot.) 3. The camera must be hand-held. Any movement or immobility attainable in the shooting must take place where the film takes place.) 4. The film must be in color. Special lighting is not acceptable. (If there is too little light for exposure, the scene must be cut or a single lamp be attached to the camera.) 5. Optical work and filters are forbidden. 6. The film must not contain superficial action. (Murders, weapons, etc., must not occur.) 7. Temporal and geographical alienation are forbidden. (That is to say that the film takes place here and now.) 8. Genre movies are not acceptable. 9. The film format must be Academy 35mm. 10. The director must not be credited. Furthermore, I swear as a director to refrain from personal taste! I am no longer an artist. I swear to refrain from creating a "work," as I regard the instant as more important than the whole. My supreme goal is to force the truth out of my characters and settings. I swear to do so by all the means available and at the cost of any good taste and any aesthetic considerations. Thus I make my VOW OF CHASTITY Now on first glance, this looks like the most pretentious bunch of horses**t imaginable. It's definitely not meant that way, though many critics seem to take it that way. While it's nearly impossible to stick to all 10 (and for most egos to keep to #10), the "rules" are just guidelines to make directors THINK. In essence, the vow is to prevent movies from turning into theme park rides or wallow in the filmmaker's ego. You shouldn't always resort to spectacle, or shock effect in place of good and believable storytelling. Neither "Breaking the Waves" or "The Celebration" completely adhere to all of the above statements, but we believe in the events as they are take place. Let's take some big American produced film, say, "Batman and Robin". How does it fair? Running it through a sort of "Dogma Purity Scale", the flick is pretty much choking on its own vomit with a score of 0. Perhaps Joel Schumacher can be cured in our lifetime. Dogma '95 is your mom slapping him in the back of the head to get out of the disco and stop putting nipples on all the costumes. I don't see Bruce Jenner and this ain't "Can't Stop the Music". "The Celebration" only gets about a 7 on the purity scale, but the effect is there. We have a haunting, unpredictable film. I dig the special effects extravaganzas as much as anyone, but is the new "Star Wars" prequel going to work unless we believe in the characters and the crises they face? If you let the marketing department into development all you end up with is a bunch of muppets. In the end, "The Celebration" will stay with me much longer than "The Avengers" will. At least I hope. - Ron Wells Film Threat Presents... THE VOW OF QUALITY =========================================== In the spirit of Lars Van Triers Dogma 95 proclamation, we would like to present our own version... THE HOLLYWOOD FILMMAKER'S VOW OF QUALITY I, as a Hollywood filmmaker, make this vow to maintain the quality of my film and the enjoyment of the work. I promise... 1. I'll keep a special, designated aluminum bat reserved for marketing people who attempt to participate in creative meetings. Plot and characterizations are a higher priority than happy meals. 2. I won't reveal all the major plot twists in the trailer. 3. I will not stage a film like a series of 200 30-second commercials. Trailers are for selling the movie. You don't need to sell it after the audience has already paid to see it. 4. I will finish writing my film before I shoot it. "Fixing it in production" is like putting new brakes on your car while you're on the freeway. It could be done, but requires more skill than I probably have and would have been much easier to do before the car was moving. 5. If staging a horror film or an adaptation of a comic book, I will not act as if I'm slumming from "real" filmmaking. Super-powers and gore do not replace human motivations and characterizations. 6. When re-enacting a teenager's coming of age, I will not to portray it as a wonderful "journey of discovery". The only people who enjoyed high school where the ones inflicting it on everyone else. People generally don't want to watch childhoods happier than their own. 7. When writing a film about racism, slavery, or civil rights, I won't have a white lawyer / white FBI agent / white police officer stand up and save the black people. Avoiding working with black actors in the lead only perpetuates the problem. 8. Irony and sarcasm are not substitutes for emotional involvement. If the main characters don't act like they care about what's happening, why should an audience? 9. I will not employ a pumpin' rock and roll soundtrack to elicit the response my abilities as a filmmaker could not. Kenny Loggins can retire with what he's got. And finally... 10. I will employ midgets to dress like and mimic the actions of the protagonist. If it works for Brando and the Heat-Miser, it works for me. If I fail to adhere to this pledge, please beat me with the aforementioned marketing bat and force me to direct "Diagnosis Murder" for the rest of my life. END CREDITS "Written, produced, and directed by . . ." =========================================== Publisher / Chris Gore Executive Publisher / Victor Minjares Contributors / Merle Bertrand, Tom Meek, Anthony Miele, Ron Wells Send us films, videos, CDs, games, screening passes: FILM THREAT, 5042 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 150, Los Angeles, CA 90036 Website: Edress: FILM THREAT WEEKLY is published by The Gore Group, LLC. All material © 1998 Gore Group Publications. All rights reserved. Contents may not be reprinted without written permission of the author. You are, however, welcome to forward this e-mail to whomever you wish. All letters, comments and reviews sent to Film Threat Weekly in any manner are assumed intended for publication, unless stated otherwise. Your name and e-mail address will be printed if published herein. Not responsible for unsolicited submissions. 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Read Film Threat Weekly translated into Italian at FTW is also posted on a web site in the Philippines, Cyberville Online at FILM THREAT "Hollywood's Indie Voice of the New Millennium" =========================================== Independent, Cult, Underground, Alternative Film, Hollywood Satire And No BS ==============CUT-AND-PRINT =============== [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bruce Bridges Subject: [MV] Old movie question -Reply Date: 02 Nov 1998 07:40:34 -0800 I don't know about the movie you are thinking of BUT, a great horror film of the early 70s is "The Legend of Hell House". I believe it starred Roddy Mcdowell. Its been a while since if saw it but it was about a group of parapsychologists or para somethings that visit a house for a weekend and slowly get bumped off. I remember it scaring the hell out of me. bb [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bruce Bridges Subject: [MV] other lists Date: 02 Nov 1998 07:59:28 -0800 HI Guys, Its me complaining again. What is up with all of these email lists I am getting attached to? As much as I enjoy the various opinions of our group I do not need to recieve a newsletter of ramblings by the next Rex Reed Wannabe. I know the "journalist as star" is way cool in college/high school/Details magazine but I just do not have the time to trudge through every yokel's manifesto. Is there anyway to hold back the tide? The last thing anybody wants is for me to start my own excruciatingly detailed account of my Daily life (that happens to include a movie now and then). Oh and believe me there are details that you don't want to know. bb [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Garrett Winters Subject: Re: [MV] Old movie question -Reply Date: 02 Nov 1998 18:37:34 +0000 Bruce Bridges writes >I don't know about the movie you are thinking of BUT, a great horror >film of the early 70s is "The Legend of Hell House". I believe it >starred Roddy Mcdowell. Its been a while since if saw it but it was >about a group of parapsychologists or para somethings that visit a >house for a weekend and slowly get bumped off. I remember it scaring >the hell out of me. I know the one you mean and as a youngster it did scare me the first time but it isn't the one I am thinking of, it was done more in the style of "Race with the Devil" with Peter Fonda as I recall, very atmospheric and lots of outdoor shots. thanks anyway. Garrett [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: GARY ZEIG Subject: [MV] The Crow Date: 02 Nov 1998 14:32:39 -0400 You know, a really enjoyable, really different movie, I thought, was The Crow. Considering all that happened on the set, it's amazing a movie was completed. I thought Brandon Lee's performance was excellent. Very very underrated. This movie was far better than ANY of the Batman movies. The sequel was not nearly as good, but I'd enjoy hearing from other people who enjoyed The Crow. I also understand a new graphic novel, The Crow: Flesh and Blood is coming out soon. Any Crow fans out there: e-mail me at Gary [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: jkrudy Subject: [MV] Desert Movies Date: 02 Nov 1998 12:40:54 -0700 I watched 2 different movies this weekend that are worth mentioning. The first was "Breakdown" with Kurt Russell and J.T. Walsh. I loved it. I thought Kurt Russell's acting was great. You could really feel his sense of despair and then I thought it was cool when it turned to anger as he regain control of the situation. The other movie I watched and have always liked since the first time I saw it was "The Hitcher" with Rutger Hauer, C. Thomas Howell, and Jennifer Jason Leigh. This was a totally cool movie with a great chase scene in it. (semi spoiler) The scene, when Howell is in the back seat of the squad car and he's just agreed to turn himself in, and you think "Okay he'll be fine now" then Rutger comes along side a blows the two cops away in the front seat, that was totally cool. It's right after that that he puts the gun in his head and thinks about killing himself. I loved that sense of hopelessness it developed. The one thing that struck me about these movies is how there seems to be a lot of these movies or at least one per decade. There they are out in the desert, with trucks, truck stops, greasy diners, and at least one psychopathic killer. If I could sum up I'd say the 70's had "Duel" which was by far the best, the 80's had "The Hitcher" and the 90's had "Breakdown". I look forward to what the next decade holds for this genre. Any comments, or am I just deluded in comparing these movies? JAMES K. RUDY [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Wade Snider Subject: Re: [MV] Desert Movies Date: 02 Nov 1998 15:19:56 PST >--- On Mon, 2 Nov 1998 12:40:54 -0700 jkrudy wrote: >I watched 2 different movies this weekend that are worth mentioning. The >first was "Breakdown" with Kurt Russell and J.T. Walsh. I loved it. I >thought Kurt Russell's acting was great. You could really feel his sense of >despair and then I thought it was cool when it turned to anger as he regain >control of the situation. The other movie I watched and have always liked >since the first time I saw it was "The Hitcher" with Rutger Hauer, C. Thomas >Howell, and Jennifer Jason Leigh. This was a totally cool movie with a >great chase scene in it. (semi spoiler) The scene, when Howell is in the >back seat of the squad car and he's just agreed to turn himself in, and you >think "Okay he'll be fine now" then Rutger comes along side a blows the two >cops away in the front seat, that was totally cool. It's right after that >that he puts the gun in his head and thinks about killing himself. I loved >that sense of hopelessness it developed. Breakdown was a really good movie, I thought. Took a very familiar premise of underdog man against bad guys in search of missing wife. Bad guys kidnap wife and want money, but Russell plays the usually-reluctant but driven to desperation type of hero who must save his wife. Great acting, and great tension building. the previews here in the US didn't do the movie justice. The Hitcher is very good, sort of a horror/thriller, almost.. Hauer is truly scary in this movie... and even if yoyu don't like the movie, you'll think more than twice about picking up any hitchhikers... >The one thing that struck me about these movies is how there seems to be a >lot of these movies or at least one per decade. There they are out in the >desert, with trucks, truck stops, greasy diners, and at least one >psychopathic killer. If I could sum up I'd say the 70's had "Duel" which >was by far the best, the 80's had "The Hitcher" and the 90's had >"Breakdown". I look forward to what the next decade holds for this genre. >Any comments, or am I just deluded in comparing these movies? >JAMES K. RUDY I like your suggestion here.. Very interesting way to look at these types of movies.. almost as a sub-genre of the action/suspense genre... I like what you say. I'll add some ideas, too... You can almost look at these types of movies along the lines of the Hitchockian premise of average man in distress but acts in desperation and cannot trust anyone... Some further relatable movies... The Vanishing, Frenzy or Frantic, and Dead Calm.. all involving women endangered with average husbands who desperately try to find them... There was also a movie out a while back called The Drifter, not too unlike Hitcher. You could also look at the underlying relationship between Hauer and Howell in The Hitcher... and further examine Hitchcock classics such as Strangers of a Train, and to some extent North by Northwest.. even marginally the new release, Apt Pupil.. There is also an old Wes Craven movie out there called The Hills Have Eyes.. not that great, but fairly creepy in its own way, and not really along these themes.... There is a fairly interesting movie out on video release recently with James Belushi, called Retroactive (?? I think??) He is a slimy guy who picks up a former D.A. who is traveling throught the West Texas desert (actually some real incongruities in the movie..) and her car breaks down. He is some kind of twisto.. maybe not completely psycho, and due to a secret govt. project, she is able to go back in time to try and change the problems this psycho causes.. SHe does so over and over... Interesting, but not a fabulous movie or anything... Just some thoughts... Wade W. Snider Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards. -Kierkegaard [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Wade Snider Subject: Re: [MV] Desert Movies Date: 02 Nov 1998 15:48:31 PST Another movie I forgot to list that may relate somewhat to Breakdown.. Deliverance. just add to the last pile.. Wade W. Snider Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards. -Kierkegaard [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Romero, Leticia" Subject: RE: [MV] Desert Movies Date: 02 Nov 1998 13:41:55 -0800 Deliverance! What a frightening movie THAT was!! And I'm a girl!! > -----Original Message----- > From: Wade Snider [] > Sent: Monday, November 02, 1998 3:49 PM > To: > Subject: Re: [MV] Desert Movies > > Another movie I forgot to list that may relate somewhat to > Breakdown.. Deliverance. just add to the last pile.. > > > Wade > > > > > > -------------------------------------------------------- > W. Snider > > Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards. > -Kierkegaard > > -------------------------------------------------------- > > > [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] > [ movies (without the quotes) to ] [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: The Reporter Subject: [MV] Movie News - 11/02/98 Date: 02 Nov 1998 15:00:31 -0700 (MST) "John Carpenter's Vampires" was the No. 1 movie attraction this Halloween weekend, according to studio estimates. It made $9.2 million, topping the previous record opening for the holiday weekend of $7.4 million made by "Halloween II" in 1981. Last weekend's biggest movie, "Pleasantville," finished a respectable 2nd this weekend with $6.6 million, dropping only 25% from its opening. "Practical Magic" also scared up solid numbers in its 3rd weekend: $5.1 million. -=> * <=- * Other top movies: "Antz" made $4.1 million for a total of $67.4 million, surpassing "Beavis & Butthead Do America" as the top-grossing non-Disney animated movie of all time. "Bride of Chucky" finished a close 5th with $4 million. Oprah Winfrey's "Beloved" finished in 8th place -- after "Rush Hour" and "Soldier" -- and has so far grossed a disappointing $18.6 million after 17 days, despite extensive publicity and widespread awareness. -=> * <=- LONDON (Reuters) - Japan's Sony has teamed up with movie star Sean Connery in a $168 million deal to establish a film studio in Edinburgh, the Sunday Times said. The studio plans to make 20 films in its first five years. Scottish Screen, Scotland's public film agency, will fund the deal. The Sunday Times said the deal could raise the possibility of Connery returning as James Bond, although Sony remains locked in a U.S. court battle over the extent to which it owns the right to the Bond stories. The newspaper said Connery, angry his support for the independence-minded Scottish Nationalist Party robbed him of a knighthood this year, did not want the Labor government to get any credit for the deal. -=> * <=- HOUSTON (Reuters) - Academy Award-winning actor Tommy Lee Jones was out of the hospital Sunday after being treated for injuries suffered during a fall from a horse during a polo match near Houston, according to news reports. The 52-year-old actor was released Saturday from a Houston hospital. He said he was "not hurt, just a little sore," his publicist Jennifer Allen told reporters. "His horse stumbled and he went over the top of the horse, and the horse rolled," Allen said. "When (the horse) stood up, it stepped on him, so he was airlifted from the polo field he was playing on." Jones, one of Hollywood's most sought-after actors, has had huge box-office success in recent years with films including the blockbuster "Men in Black." [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Scott Renshaw Subject: [MV] REVIEW: VELVET GOLDMINE Date: 03 Nov 1998 07:42:39 -0700 (MST) VELVET GOLDMINE (Miramax) Starring: Ewan McGregor, Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Toni Collette, Christian Bale. Screenplay: Todd Haynes. Producer: Christine Vachon. Director: Todd Haynes. MPAA Rating: R (sexual situations, nudity, adult themes, profanity, drug use) Running Time: 120 minutes. Reviewed by Scott Renshaw. The pieces are familiar, but they don't quite fit together. A reporter tries to uncover the secrets behind a mysterious celebrity, interviewing his ex-wife at a night club. Extended, surrealistic, dialogue-free musical interludes are used to advance character and set tone. Campy dialogue, gaudy costumes and ambiguous sexuality flourish. Speculative romantic connections are established between roman-a-clef versions of pop music stars, accompanied by effectively pseudo-period new songs. It's CITIZEN KANE meets PINK FLOYD THE WALL, THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW meets GRACE OF MY HEART. And that's saying nothing of the suggestion that Oscar Wilde, the father of flamboyance, was an alien progeny. Welcome to the evocative, provocative world of writer/director Todd Haynes, the man who used Barbie dolls to tell the story of Karen Carpenter in the little-seen underground film SUPERSTAR, and who fashioned a sublime, complex cautionary tale about environmental and psychological collapse in SAFE. In VELVET GOLDMINE, a fictionalized account of the early 70s glam rock scene, Haynes takes a somewhat appropriate style over substance approach. The center of the story is the rise and fall of Ziggy Stardust...I mean, Brian Slade (Jonathan Rhys Meyers), an androgynous music sensation who created a musical alter-ego called Maxwell Demon and bears no resemblance to any real music stars, living or David...I mean dead. Along the way Slade meets Curt Wild (Ewan McGregor), an American proto-punk whose onstage theatrics influence Slade to transform from singer to full-fledged performance artist. The relationship between Slade and Wild -- actually a romantic triangle including Slade's wife Mandy (Toni Collette) -- is only one piece of the collage of decadence Haynes patches together. VELVET GOLDMINE is less a narrative than it is a long-form music video, intriguing images full of manufactured outrageousness (including the bizarre Oscar Wilde prologue). As such, it certainly re-creates its era effectively. The music, the mood and the theatricality are all pure glam; Rhys Meyers looks perfectly the part as pop creation already beginning to eat itself. But Haynes piles stylish surface on top of stylish surface in VELVET GOLDMINE until it never quite gets at the heart of anything -- not the artists, not the appeal of glam, not even whether the scene was about social change or filthy lucre. It certainly comes awfully close on occasion. More compelling than the actual story of Brian Slade is the film's framing story, which finds reporter Arthur Stewart (Christian Bale) trying to track down Slade in 1984, ten years after a stunt in which Slade staged his own mid-concert assassination. It turns out that Arthur was in attendance at that concert, and that Slade and Wild were key figures in his youth. In one wonderfully cross-cut sequence, Arthur's sexual awakening is connected to the sexual excesses of Slade's entourage, suggesting that even in their self-absorption the glam rockers -- often tormented as children for their sexual individuality -- succeeded at expanding boundaries for other youth. Yet even this storyline spins into an absurd, pointless conspiracy-mystery which Arthur could have put together only by actually viewing footage from the film we're watching. That's the kind of infatuation with his own film-making that Haynes displays in VELVET GOLDMINE. Because it's always visually engrossing, it keeps holding out the hope that it's going somewhere substantial. Instead, it offers the cinematic equivalent of hip-hop sampling, turning into a montage of visual and musical cues from other pieces of popular cinema; Haynes even cribs from SUPERSTAR with a romantic scene between two dolls. If glam was somehow about the fine line between profound and shallow, Haynes has hit the mark dead on. This is one deliberately confounding spectacle. On the Renshaw scale of 0 to 10 saggy stardusts: 5. Visit Scott Renshaw's MoviePage *** Subscribe to receive new reviews directly by email! See the MoviePage for details, or reply to this message with subject line "Subscribe". [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: The Reporter Subject: [MV] Movie News - 11/03/98 Date: 03 Nov 1998 12:15:35 -0700 (MST) HOLLYWOOD (Variety) - "John Carpenter's Vampires" scared up a solid $9.2 million over the weekend, according to studio projections, brightening an otherwise gloomy Halloween at the box office. It was the biggest opening to date for the veteran director, topping the debut of his much costlier studio picture, "Escape From L.A.," which bowed to $8.9 million in August, 1996. In contrast to the young female-driven turnout for such recent slasher pictures as "Scream" and "I Know What You Did Last Summer," the James Woods-starrer attracted a mainstream, slightly older, predominantly male audience. [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Mandy Plog Subject: [MV] Re: The Hitcher Date: 03 Nov 1998 18:39:57 -0700 I also loved "The Hitcher." Scariest movie that I ever saw. I had to sleep with the lights on that night. And I could never eat french fries in the same way. [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jason Cormier Subject: Re: [MV] What about funny movies? -Reply Date: 04 Nov 1998 00:04:32 -0800 I took your advise and rented Real Life and it was worth it! Great fun and very odd! Have you noticed that a lot of first time comic filmakers use the mock-umentary style? Woody Allen with Take the Money and Run, Rob Reiner with Spinal Tap and Brooks!? Thanks for the tip! At 08:38 AM 9/25/1998 -0700, you wrote: >One of the Funniest movies I've ever seen that is not too well known >(although I would expect many of you to know) is a movie from the >mid-seventies called "Real Life" I believe. Anyway it is about a >film crew that attempts to document the life of a typical family by >moving in and filming every waking moment. It is by Albert Brooks >and he is also the star. Charles Grodin is the father of the family. > I would suggest this to everybody. > >Another film I haven't seen since it came out but remember enjoying a >great deal is "Soup for One" about a newely single guy coping with the >single scene. > >Finally, there was a movie called "Local Hero" I believe about the >representative of a huge American Corporation who is sent to an >British Village to oversee its purchase. Instead he finds himself >charmed and drawn into the quirky community. Can't remember the >actors but it is a great movie. > >Also, "Funny Bones". > >I could go on and on. > >bb > >[ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] >[ movies (without the quotes) to ] > > Jay the Movieman [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jason Cormier Subject: Re: [MV] a HUGE favor... Date: 04 Nov 1998 00:07:08 -0800 I hope I am not ruining anything by letting you know that the movie opens on the 21st of May not the 28th!!! At 03:54 PM 9/29/1998 -0700, you wrote: >I'm about to ask of you all -- please let me know if it's too much to ask > >I'm determined to go into the theatre to see the Star Wars Prequel May 28, >1999, knowing NOTHING about the film... impossible you say? Maybe so, but >I'm still determined. Everytime anyone says or writes the words "Star >Wars", "Prequel", "Lucas", etc, I started screaming, running, deleting, all >of the above. I don't want to hinder anyone, but if you're going to talk >about it, could please treat the news as a "spoiler" and skip some lines? >I'm sure you all are going to scream at me; I know what I'm asking is >ludicrous, but I'm curious if I'm the only one who feels strongly about this >topic as I. Thx for your time > >Leti Romero ;) > >"The World Is Not Enough" > > >[ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] >[ movies (without the quotes) to ] > > Jay the Movieman [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jason Cormier Subject: [MV] A plethora of reviews Date: 04 Nov 1998 07:29:14 -0800 Hey hey! Movieman is back from a haitus due to computer malfunction. I've noticed that movie going has slowed down in the last month - which is probably directly related to the fact that none of you knew which movies to see due to my absense...let's fix that (and I expect every one of you to see a movie this week to catch up!) Here are the movies I've seen in the last month... Your Friends and Neighbours - The second movie from the director who brought us the scathing "In the Company of Men." This one is also scathing, humourous and bitter. An eye opener about communication and sex - both done poorly! 91% Antz - A great animated movie that is not Disney! The second hit for Dreamworks (Shaving Ryan's Privates being the first). This one is a blast! Sly social commentary and good writing makes this one very enjoyable for the adults while the animation alone makes it enjoyable for everyone. 90% Lolita - Stanley Kubrik's version was better as this one was too drawn out. Jeremy Irons was good as usual. 70% What Dreams May Come - Very sad tale of finding your true love even after death. They stay away from religion to appeal to a wider group of people and I think it works. Amazing sights to behold. Bring a hankie. 85% Practical Magic - Not trash but nothing worth writing anymore about it. 74% Pleasantville - Not as good as I was hoping it to be but still enjoyable. Black and white town turns to colour after it is infiltrated by two modern day siblings. Could have edited it down more and got to the conflict faster. 75% John Carpenter's Vampires - Slasher trasher. An actual line in the movie: "They're unstoppable - unless we stop them." Good gore and concept - bad execution (Woods is kinda fun!) 64% Last Night - Directorial debut from Canadian Don McKellar. It's not the end of the world - there's still six hours left. A movie about how different people handle the imminent destruction of the earth. Fascinating! 93% I think that's it! I should be back to normal now...thanks for hanging in there and waiting for me! Jay the Movieman [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Oz Subject: Re: [MV] Antz and why it's the second best bug movie this year Date: 05 Nov 1998 00:23:43 -0800 Jason Cormier wrote: > Antz - A great animated movie that is not Disney! The second hit > for > Dreamworks (Shaving Ryan's Privates being the first). This one is > a blast! > Sly social commentary and good writing makes this one very > enjoyable for > the adults while the animation alone makes it enjoyable for > everyone. 90% Dude, I saw the first sly screening of A Bug's Life and let me asure you, and any others who think Antz is the be all and end all... you ain't seen nothing yet. By itself Antz is a great movie, but A Bug's Life surpasses it in so many ways. The animation is, well, breathtaking, the story and script are full of laughs and big moments, the audience was captivated throughout. It borrows scenes from various other films, from The Seven Samurai to Jurassic Park, but it's only looking back that you notice. The voice-overs are by lesser-named celebs (with the odd Kevin Spacey exception) and I found that as a result it was easier to get into as a story without thinking "Oh, that's Stallone, that's Woody" all the way through. I'd also disagree with those who think Bugs is the kids movie while Antz is the adults flick. A Bugs Life is so well executed, so smooth, so funny, that I see no difference in it's target audience. I did enjoy Antz but after seeing this smooth piece of work it really left Antz looking a bit rushed. Basically if you liked Toy Story, this will stop you in your tracks. And if you loved Antz, well you're just going to have a great time, ain't ya? If Antz is a 90%, I'd give Bug's 99%. Reviews of both at the url below, folks.Oz. [sick of being ripped off at the movies?] ..*HOLLYWOOD BITCHSLAP*.. TAKE YOUR BEST SHOT -------------- ------------- [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Hollywood Online) Subject: [MV] Hollywood Online Weekly Dispatch Date: 04 Nov 1998 06:53:11 -0800 (PST) Hollywood Online Weekly Dispatch Hello movie fans! Welcome yet again to the Hollywood Online Weekly Dispatch, delivered FREE OF CHARGE to your e-mail box every week. Instructions for unsubscribing appear at the bottom. The Hollywood Online Weekly Dispatch is THE source for detailed news about the latest movie and video releases, Hollywood events, special movie site features, exclusive interviews and audio clips. The web's number one information source for movie soundtrack news, premiere coverage, and much more. ***************************************************************** ADVERTISEMENT ***************************************************************** Heard about the movie, "Pleasantville"? Visit Intel's Mediadome(sm) to play the multi-player Pleasantville game show! Be a virtual contestant and match wits with other net players on their perceptions of the Fifties and Nineties. Mediadome also has cool screensavers and wallpapers based on the movie. ***************************************************************** Will Denzel Washington and Bruce Willis accomplish "The Siege" at the box office this weekend? Or will Adam Sandler charm everyone in "The Waterboy"? In this season of witches, the re-colored classic, "The Wizard of Oz," may sweep all the competition away. She's got you, Bruce Willis, and your little Adam Sandler too. **************************************** NEW MOVIES RELEASED THIS WEEK **************************************** Movies Opening November 4, 1998 (in alphabetical order) "Belly" Drama: Music video director Hype Williams' feature film debut is an urban drama. November 4, 1998 - limited release "Gods and Monsters" Drama: Writer-director Bill Condon's speculative account of the last days of "Frankenstein" director James Whale (Ian McKellen), who killed himself at his Pacific Palisades home in 1957. November 4, 1998 - limited release Movies Opening November 6, 1998 "The Big Chill" Drama: The 15th anniversary reissue of the boomer benchmark. November 6, 1998 - limited release "The Cruise" Documentary: After meeting Timothy "Speed" Levitch on a tour of Grand Central Station, NYU Film School graduate Bennett Miller decided to make a movie about him. His resulting documentary, distilled from over 100 hours of footage, follows the double-decker tour bus guide as he travels and philosophizes on different aspects of the Big Apple. November 6, 1998 - expanded release "Elizabeth" Drama: Cate Blanchett stars as Elizabeth I in director Shekhar Kapur's period drama. November 6, 1998 - LA/NY release "Living Out Loud" Comedy: Holly Hunter stars as a 5th Avenue doctor's wife whose spouse leaves her for a younger woman. Left alone and lonely, she finally sees the person behind elevator operator Danny De Vito. Together, they form an unlikely, intimate bond. Based on two stories by Anton Chekhov, and co-starring Queen Latifah as a sultry jazz and blues singer. November 6, 1998 - expanded release "The Siege" Action/Adventure: Denzel Washington, Annette Bening and Bruce Willis (FBI agent, CIA officer and Army general, respectively) form an uneasy alliance as they battle an outbreak of terrorism in New York. November 6, 1998 - national release "Summer of the Monkeys" Family: Michael Ontkean and Leslie Hope co-star in this adaptation of Wilson Rawl's acclaimed children's book. A young boy played by Corey Servier dreams of making enough money to buy a horse. One summer he discovers four lost circus chimpanzees. The reward money would allow him to purchase his horse, but he quickly becomes attached to his new friends. November 6, 1998 - limited release "Velvet Goldmine" Drama: Michael Stipe is a co-executive producer of writer-director Todd Haynes' film about a glam-rock icon, portrayed by Jonathan Rhys Meyers. November 6, 1998 - limited release "The Water Boy" Comedy: Adam Sandler is the lowly water boy for a college football team, although he possesses a Hulk-like talent for tackling. Henry Winkler discovers Sandler's untapped gift for pummeling people and promotes Sandler from water boy to star football player. Sandler's key motivation: he visualizes his opponents as all of the bullies who have made fun of him. November 6, 1998 - national release "Williamstowne" Drama: A woman who died in 1850 misses her loved ones so much that she returns for one day each year to visit them. They can't see her, but they can feel her spirit. While she tries to will herself back to life, a 17-year-old girl in Williamstowne comes of age with her same kind of passion. November 6, 1998 - LA release "The Wizard of Oz" Family: They're off to see the wizard one more time in the re-release of MGM's beloved family musical. Presented in amazing technicolor, it's the grand old story of Dorothy, the Tin Man, the Scarecrow and the Cowardly Lion, as they set off on a colorful odyssey to see the Wizard of Oz and avoid the Wicked Witch of the West. November 6, 1998 - national release **************************************** SHOWTIMES MOVIE LISTINGS **************************************** Now that you've seen what's coming out this week, here's the best way to find out where it's playing in your neighborhood, and when! Plus, get maps, theater information, and much more -- everything about movies at Hollywood Online! **************************************** NEW VIDEOS RELEASED THIS WEEK **************************************** Videos Released November 3, 1998 (in alphabetical order) "Godzilla" Action/Adventure: "Godzilla" takes a bite out of the Big Apple in this monster event movie from the makers of "Independence Day." Updated for the '90s, Gojira returns from the depths of a radioactive lair in time to cause mass hysteria at the cineplex. Matthew Broderick co-stars as a scientist who may possess enough smarts to outwit the big fella. "Les Miserables" Drama: Bille August's film adaptation of Victor Hugo's epic novel stars Liam Neeson as Jean Valjean, the generous Frenchman whose only misdemeanor in life is a minor crime. Valjean's failure to report to parole officers upon his release from prison leads police inspector Javert (Geoffrey Rush) on a relentless pursuit that will consume the lives of both men. "Wild Man Blues" Documentary: Acclaimed documentarian Barbara Kopple ("Harlan County, U.S.A.") covers the European tour of Woody Allen's New Orleans-style jazz band. Besides presenting a first-hand look at the filmmaker's skills as a clarinet player, the movie also provides a rare, insightful perspective into the icon's personal life, including relationships with his parents and wife Soon-Yi Previn. **************************************** HOLLYWOOD NEWS **************************************** HOLLYWOOD ROUNDTABLE Weekly columns on a variety of subjects, from underground film to foreign film to film zeitgeist. GUEST COLUMN: The Tragedy of "Beloved" THE PRESSROOM The best premiere coverage, celebrity photos and interviews on the web! New this week: "Living Out Loud" Premiere "Hands on a Hard Body" Premiere James Woods Star on Walk of Fame American Cinematheque Ball Edward Norton Interview **************************************** HOLLYWOOD ONLINE: FEATURES **************************************** NEW - GAMEZONE NEW - WOMEN IN FILM "MEET JOE BLACK" TICKETS GIVEAWAY One week left to win two tickets to Brad Pitt's new movie! "PLEASANTVILLE" SPECIAL FEATURE Videos, Photos, Fun Stuff - One week left to win a T-shirt in the Caption Contest! "JOHN CARPENTER'S VAMPIRES" SPECIAL FEATURE Videos, Photos, Fun Stuff - Win a CD in the Caption Contest! DIGITAL REVOLUTION You say you want a revolution? No? Well, how about everything you could want to know about DVDs, laser discs, industry developments, and all the latest titles? Pick of the Week: "Evil Dead 2 - Dead by Dawn" MOVIE CRITIC The critics weren't too scared of "Vampires." Check out what they're saying about the movies opening this week! MOVIETALK Hear your favorite celebs in their own words, behind the scenes, unrehearsed, and in glorious RealAudio! This week: Kurt Russell ("Soldier"); John Carpenter, James Woods, Daniel Baldwin ("John Carpenter's Vampires"); Danny De Vito, Richard LaGravenese, Queen Latifah ("Living Out Loud"); Trey Parker ("Orgazmo"); Sonja Sohn, Marc Levin, Saul Williams ("Slam"). MOVIETUNES MovieTunes at Hollywood Online is the best source for movie music news and coverage -- audio clips, interviews, art, forums, and more. Soundtrack of the week: "The Lost World: Jurassic Park" NEW TRAILERS AT HOLLYWOOD ONLINE: A Bug's Life 8mm Patch Adams Talk of Angels Velvet Goldmine You've Got Mail ***************************************************************** ADVERTISEMENT ***************************************************************** ( Looking for that hard-to-find DVD? With over 2,000 titles, has what you want. Simply select your rental, receive it within 2-3 business days - watch it as often as you like for a full 7 days! Return it using the prepaid, pre-addressed return-mailer. No hassles, no long lines, just pure entertainment. ***************************************************************** UNSUBSCRIBE? CHANGE OF ADDRESS? If you wish to be removed from this email list, or to change the email address we have for you, go to: where you will be asked to enter the exact email address you wish unsubscribed. For any other information about this e-mail, contact: Thanks for being a part of Hollywood Online -- where we're all about movies!(r) [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bruce Bridges Subject: [MV] Hollywood Online Weekly Dispatch -Reply Date: 04 Nov 1998 08:10:40 -0800 Here is yet another unwelcome newsletter attached to the movie list! Mr. Majordomo, can you do anything to spare me from this onslaught? To make matters even worse, these things require that you go to the website to unsubcribe. Is there no simple courtesy that I can appeal to? bb >>> Hollywood Online - 11/4/98 6:53 AM >>> Hollywood Online Weekly Dispatch Hello movie fans! Welcome yet again to the Hollywood Online Weekly Dispatch, delivered FREE OF CHARGE to your e-mail box every week. Instructions for unsubscribing appear at the bottom. The Hollywood Online Weekly Dispatch is THE source for detailed news about the latest movie and video releases, Hollywood events, special movie site features, exclusive interviews and audio clips. The web's number one information source for movie soundtrack news, premiere coverage, and much more. ***************************************************************** ADVERTISEMENT ***************************************************************** Heard about the movie, "Pleasantville"? Visit Intel's Mediadome(sm) to play the multi-player Pleasantville game show! Be a virtual contestant and match wits with other net players on their perceptions of the Fifties and Nineties. Mediadome also has cool screensavers and wallpapers based on the movie. ***************************************************************** Will Denzel Washington and Bruce Willis accomplish "The Siege" at the box office this weekend? Or will Adam Sandler charm everyone in "The Waterboy"? In this season of witches, the re-colored classic, "The Wizard of Oz," may sweep all the competition away. She's got you, Bruce Willis, and your little Adam Sandler too. **************************************** NEW MOVIES RELEASED THIS WEEK **************************************** Movies Opening November 4, 1998 (in alphabetical order) "Belly" Drama: Music video director Hype Williams' feature film debut is an urban drama. November 4, 1998 - limited release "Gods and Monsters" Drama: Writer-director Bill Condon's speculative account of the last days of "Frankenstein" director James Whale (Ian McKellen), who killed himself at his Pacific Palisades home in 1957. November 4, 1998 - limited release Movies Opening November 6, 1998 "The Big Chill" Drama: The 15th anniversary reissue of the boomer benchmark. November 6, 1998 - limited release "The Cruise" Documentary: After meeting Timothy "Speed" Levitch on a tour of Grand Central Station, NYU Film School graduate Bennett Miller decided to make a movie about him. His resulting documentary, distilled from over 100 hours of footage, follows the double-decker tour bus guide as he travels and philosophizes on different aspects of the Big Apple. November 6, 1998 - expanded release "Elizabeth" Drama: Cate Blanchett stars as Elizabeth I in director Shekhar Kapur's period drama. November 6, 1998 - LA/NY release "Living Out Loud" Comedy: Holly Hunter stars as a 5th Avenue doctor's wife whose spouse leaves her for a younger woman. Left alone and lonely, she finally sees the person behind elevator operator Danny De Vito. Together, they form an unlikely, intimate bond. Based on two stories by Anton Chekhov, and co-starring Queen Latifah as a sultry jazz and blues singer. November 6, 1998 - expanded release "The Siege" Action/Adventure: Denzel Washington, Annette Bening and Bruce Willis (FBI agent, CIA officer and Army general, respectively) form an uneasy alliance as they battle an outbreak of terrorism in New York. November 6, 1998 - national release "Summer of the Monkeys" Family: Michael Ontkean and Leslie Hope co-star in this adaptation of Wilson Rawl's acclaimed children's book. A young boy played by Corey Servier dreams of making enough money to buy a horse. One summer he discovers four lost circus chimpanzees. The reward money would allow him to purchase his horse, but he quickly becomes attached to his new friends. November 6, 1998 - limited release "Velvet Goldmine" Drama: Michael Stipe is a co-executive producer of writer-director Todd Haynes' film about a glam-rock icon, portrayed by Jonathan Rhys Meyers. November 6, 1998 - limited release "The Water Boy" Comedy: Adam Sandler is the lowly water boy for a college football team, although he possesses a Hulk-like talent for tackling. Henry Winkler discovers Sandler's untapped gift for pummeling people and promotes Sandler from water boy to star football player. Sandler's key motivation: he visualizes his opponents as all of the bullies who have made fun of him. November 6, 1998 - national release "Williamstowne" Drama: A woman who died in 1850 misses her loved ones so much that she returns for one day each year to visit them. They can't see her, but they can feel her spirit. While she tries to will herself back to life, a 17-year-old girl in Williamstowne comes of age with her same kind of passion. November 6, 1998 - LA release "The Wizard of Oz" Family: They're off to see the wizard one more time in the re-release of MGM's beloved family musical. Presented in amazing technicolor, it's the grand old story of Dorothy, the Tin Man, the Scarecrow and the Cowardly Lion, as they set off on a colorful odyssey to see the Wizard of Oz and avoid the Wicked Witch of the West. November 6, 1998 - national release **************************************** SHOWTIMES MOVIE LISTINGS **************************************** Now that you've seen what's coming out this week, here's the best way to find out where it's playing in your neighborhood, and when! Plus, get maps, theater information, and much more -- everything about movies at Hollywood Online! **************************************** NEW VIDEOS RELEASED THIS WEEK **************************************** Videos Released November 3, 1998 (in alphabetical order) "Godzilla" Action/Adventure: "Godzilla" takes a bite out of the Big Apple in this monster event movie from the makers of "Independence Day." Updated for the '90s, Gojira returns from the depths of a radioactive lair in time to cause mass hysteria at the cineplex. Matthew Broderick co-stars as a scientist who may possess enough smarts to outwit the big fella. "Les Miserables" Drama: Bille August's film adaptation of Victor Hugo's epic novel stars Liam Neeson as Jean Valjean, the generous Frenchman whose only misdemeanor in life is a minor crime. Valjean's failure to report to parole officers upon his release from prison leads police inspector Javert (Geoffrey Rush) on a relentless pursuit that will consume the lives of both men. "Wild Man Blues" Documentary: Acclaimed documentarian Barbara Kopple ("Harlan County, U.S.A.") covers the European tour of Woody Allen's New Orleans-style jazz band. Besides presenting a first-hand look at the filmmaker's skills as a clarinet player, the movie also provides a rare, insightful perspective into the icon's personal life, including relationships with his parents and wife Soon-Yi Previn. **************************************** HOLLYWOOD NEWS **************************************** HOLLYWOOD ROUNDTABLE Weekly columns on a variety of subjects, from underground film to foreign film to film zeitgeist. GUEST COLUMN: The Tragedy of "Beloved" THE PRESSROOM The best premiere coverage, celebrity photos and interviews on the web! New this week: "Living Out Loud" Premiere "Hands on a Hard Body" Premiere James Woods Star on Walk of Fame American Cinematheque Ball Edward Norton Interview **************************************** HOLLYWOOD ONLINE: FEATURES **************************************** NEW - GAMEZONE NEW - WOMEN IN FILM "MEET JOE BLACK" TICKETS GIVEAWAY One week left to win two tickets to Brad Pitt's new movie! "PLEASANTVILLE" SPECIAL FEATURE Videos, Photos, Fun Stuff - One week left to win a T-shirt in the Caption Contest! "JOHN CARPENTER'S VAMPIRES" SPECIAL FEATURE Videos, Photos, Fun Stuff - Win a CD in the Caption Contest! DIGITAL REVOLUTION You say you want a revolution? No? Well, how about everything you could want to know about DVDs, laser discs, industry developments, and all the latest titles? Pick of the Week: "Evil Dead 2 - Dead by Dawn" MOVIE CRITIC The critics weren't too scared of "Vampires." Check out what they're saying about the movies opening this week! MOVIETALK Hear your favorite celebs in their own words, behind the scenes, unrehearsed, and in glorious RealAudio! This week: Kurt Russell ("Soldier"); John Carpenter, James Woods, Daniel Baldwin ("John Carpenter's Vampires"); Danny De Vito, Richard LaGravenese, Queen Latifah ("Living Out Loud"); Trey Parker ("Orgazmo"); Sonja Sohn, Marc Levin, Saul Williams ("Slam"). MOVIETUNES MovieTunes at Hollywood Online is the best source for movie music news and coverage -- audio clips, interviews, art, forums, and more. Soundtrack of the week: "The Lost World: Jurassic Park" NEW TRAILERS AT HOLLYWOOD ONLINE: A Bug's Life 8mm Patch Adams Talk of Angels Velvet Goldmine You've Got Mail ***************************************************************** ADVERTISEMENT ***************************************************************** ( Looking for that hard-to-find DVD? With over 2,000 titles, has what you want. Simply select your rental, receive it within 2-3 business days - watch it as often as you like for a full 7 days! Return it using the prepaid, pre-addressed return-mailer. No hassles, no long lines, just pure entertainment. ***************************************************************** UNSUBSCRIBE? CHANGE OF ADDRESS? If you wish to be removed from this email list, or to change the email address we have for you, go to: where you will be asked to enter the exact email address you wish unsubscribed. For any other information about this e-mail, contact: Thanks for being a part of Hollywood Online -- where we're all about movies!(r) [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Anita Watts Subject: Re: [MV] Hollywood Online Weekly Dispatch -Reply Date: 04 Nov 1998 08:31:35 -0800 (PST) Bruce, I no longer know what belongs on this list and what dkoesn't . I wonder if fwding the whole thing back to them with an uns*bscribe in the body, a hundred times per person will get the message to them. Thereis a listserv address, or maybe at the website there is an email address to jam up. Bad idea? Good idea? These things are crazy-making. Anita [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "ABYRNE.IE.ORACLE.COM" Subject: Re: [MV] Hollywood Online Weekly Dispatch -Reply Date: 04 Nov 1998 16:26:57 +0000 --=_ORCL_6056932_0_0 Content-Transfer-Encoding:quoted-printable Content-Type:text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" I agree. There is only so much of these I can read! Thanks & Regards, ****************************************************************************= ** ****************************************************************************= ** Anto Byrne Oracle E.M.E.A. Fulfillment Dept. Unit 14 Phone:8031461 Airways Industrial Estate Fax:8031541 Cloghran email:abyrne Dublin 17. Ireland ****************************************************************************= ** --=_ORCL_6056932_0_0 Content-Type:message/rfc822 Return-Path: Received:from by (SMI-8.6/SMI-4.1) id QAA06681; Wed, 4 Nov 1998 16:02:50 GMT Received:from ( by (5.x/SMI-SVR4) id AA06664; Wed, 4 Nov 1998 16:06:37 GMT Received:from ( []) by (8.8.5/8.8.8) with SMTP id QAA04781 for ; Wed, 4 Nov 1998 16:07:53 GMT Received:from ([]) by via smtpd (for []) with SMTP; 4 Nov 1998 16:07:53 UT Received:from domo by with local (Exim 2.04 #1) id 0zb5SZ-0006kq-00 for; Wed, 4 Nov 1998 09:07:03 -0700 Received:from [] ( by with esmtp (Exim 2.04 #1) id 0zb5SX-0006kd-00 for; Wed, 4 Nov 1998 09:07:01 -0700 Received:from ( [] (may be forged)) by (Pilot/) with ESMTP id IAA29665 for ; Wed, 4 Nov 1998 08:06:59 -0800 (PST) Received:from SABAN.COM ( []) by (8.8.5/8.8.5) with SMTP id IAA19990 for ; Wed, 4 Nov 1998 08:06:45 -0800 (PST) Received:from Saban-Message_Server by SABAN.COM with Novell_GroupWise; Wed, 04 Nov 1998 08:17:31 -0800 Message-Id: Precedence: bulk MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type:text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Disposition:inline Content-Transfer-Encoding:quoted-printable Here is yet another unwelcome newsletter attached to the movie list! Mr. Majordomo, can you do anything to spare me from this onslaught? To make matters even worse, these things require that you go to the website to unsubcribe. Is there no simple courtesy that I can appeal to? bb >>> Hollywood Online - 11/4/98 6:53 AM >>> Hollywood Online Weekly Dispatch Hello movie fans! Welcome yet again to the Hollywood Online Weekly Dispatch, delivered FREE OF CHARGE to your e-mail box every week. Instructions for unsubscribing appear at the bottom. The Hollywood Online Weekly Dispatch is THE source for detailed news about the latest movie and video releases, Hollywood events, special movie site features, exclusive interviews and audio clips. The web's number one information source for movie soundtrack news, premiere coverage, and much more. ***************************************************************** ADVERTISEMENT ***************************************************************** Heard about the movie, "Pleasantville"? Visit Intel's Mediadome(sm) to play the multi-player Pleasantville game show! Be a virtual contestant and match wits with other net players on their perceptions of the Fifties and Nineties. Mediadome also has cool screensavers and wallpapers based on the movie. ***************************************************************** Will Denzel Washington and Bruce Willis accomplish "The Siege" at the box office this weekend? Or will Adam Sandler charm everyone in "The Waterboy"? In this season of witches, the re-colored classic, "The Wizard of Oz," may sweep all the competition away. She's got you, Bruce Willis, and your little Adam Sandler too. **************************************** NEW MOVIES RELEASED THIS WEEK **************************************** Movies Opening November 4, 1998 (in alphabetical order) "Belly" Drama: Music video director Hype Williams' feature film debut is an urban drama. November 4, 1998 - limited release "Gods and Monsters" Drama: Writer-director Bill Condon's speculative account of the last days of "Frankenstein" director James Whale (Ian McKellen), who killed himself at his Pacific Palisades home in 1957. November 4, 1998 - limited release Movies Opening November 6, 1998 "The Big Chill" Drama: The 15th anniversary reissue of the boomer benchmark. November 6, 1998 - limited release "The Cruise" Documentary: After meeting Timothy "Speed" Levitch on a tour of Grand Central Station, NYU Film School graduate Bennett Miller decided to make a movie about him. His resulting documentary, distilled from over 100 hours of footage, follows the double-decker tour bus guide as he travels and philosophizes on different aspects of the Big Apple. November 6, 1998 - expanded release "Elizabeth" Drama: Cate Blanchett stars as Elizabeth I in director Shekhar Kapur's period drama. November 6, 1998 - LA/NY release "Living Out Loud" Comedy: Holly Hunter stars as a 5th Avenue doctor's wife whose spouse leaves her for a younger woman. Left alone and lonely, she finally sees the person behind elevator operator Danny De Vito. Together, they form an unlikely, intimate bond. Based on two stories by Anton Chekhov, and co-starring Queen Latifah as a sultry jazz and blues singer. November 6, 1998 - expanded release "The Siege" Action/Adventure: Denzel Washington, Annette Bening and Bruce Willis (FBI agent, CIA officer and Army general, respectively) form an uneasy alliance as they battle an outbreak of terrorism in New York. November 6, 1998 - national release "Summer of the Monkeys" Family: Michael Ontkean and Leslie Hope co-star in this adaptation of Wilson Rawl's acclaimed children's book. A young boy played by Corey Servier dreams of making enough money to buy a horse. One summer he discovers four lost circus chimpanzees. The reward money would allow him to purchase his horse, but he quickly becomes attached to his new friends. November 6, 1998 - limited release "Velvet Goldmine" Drama: Michael Stipe is a co-executive producer of writer-director Todd Haynes' film about a glam-rock icon, portrayed by Jonathan Rhys Meyers. November 6, 1998 - limited release "The Water Boy" Comedy: Adam Sandler is the lowly water boy for a college football team, although he possesses a Hulk-like talent for tackling. Henry Winkler discovers Sandler's untapped gift for pummeling people and promotes Sandler from water boy to star football player. Sandler's key motivation: he visualizes his opponents as all of the bullies who have made fun of him. November 6, 1998 - national release "Williamstowne" Drama: A woman who died in 1850 misses her loved ones so much that she returns for one day each year to visit them. They can't see her, but they can feel her spirit. While she tries to will herself back to life, a 17-year-old girl in Williamstowne comes of age with her same kind of passion. November 6, 1998 - LA release "The Wizard of Oz" Family: They're off to see the wizard one more time in the re-release of MGM's beloved family musical. Presented in amazing technicolor, it's the grand old story of Dorothy, the Tin Man, the Scarecrow and the Cowardly Lion, as they set off on a colorful odyssey to see the Wizard of Oz and avoid the Wicked Witch of the West. November 6, 1998 - national release **************************************** SHOWTIMES MOVIE LISTINGS **************************************** Now that you've seen what's coming out this week, here's the best way to find out where it's playing in your neighborhood, and when! Plus, get maps, theater information, and much more -- everything about movies at Hollywood Online! **************************************** NEW VIDEOS RELEASED THIS WEEK **************************************** Videos Released November 3, 1998 (in alphabetical order) "Godzilla" Action/Adventure: "Godzilla" takes a bite out of the Big Apple in this monster event movie from the makers of "Independence Day." Updated for the '90s, Gojira returns from the depths of a radioactive lair in time to cause mass hysteria at the cineplex. Matthew Broderick co-stars as a scientist who may possess enough smarts to outwit the big fella. "Les Miserables" Drama: Bille August's film adaptation of Victor Hugo's epic novel stars Liam Neeson as Jean Valjean, the generous Frenchman whose only misdemeanor in life is a minor crime. Valjean's failure to report to parole officers upon his release from prison leads police inspector Javert (Geoffrey Rush) on a relentless pursuit that will consume the lives of both men. "Wild Man Blues" Documentary: Acclaimed documentarian Barbara Kopple ("Harlan County, U.S.A.") covers the European tour of Woody Allen's New Orleans-style jazz band. Besides presenting a first-hand look at the filmmaker's skills as a clarinet player, the movie also provides a rare, insightful perspective into the icon's personal life, including relationships with his parents and wife Soon-Yi Previn. **************************************** HOLLYWOOD NEWS **************************************** HOLLYWOOD ROUNDTABLE Weekly columns on a variety of subjects, from underground film to foreign film to film zeitgeist. GUEST COLUMN: The Tragedy of "Beloved" THE PRESSROOM The best premiere coverage, celebrity photos and interviews on the web! New this week: "Living Out Loud" Premiere "Hands on a Hard Body" Premiere l James Woods Star on Walk of Fame American Cinematheque Ball ml Edward Norton Interview **************************************** HOLLYWOOD ONLINE: FEATURES **************************************** NEW - GAMEZONE NEW - WOMEN IN FILM "MEET JOE BLACK" TICKETS GIVEAWAY One week left to win two tickets to Brad Pitt's new movie! "PLEASANTVILLE" SPECIAL FEATURE Videos, Photos, Fun Stuff - One week left to win a T-shirt in the Caption Contest! "JOHN CARPENTER'S VAMPIRES" SPECIAL FEATURE Videos, Photos, Fun Stuff - Win a CD in the Caption Contest! DIGITAL REVOLUTION You say you want a revolution? No? Well, how about everything you could want to know about DVDs, laser discs, industry developments, and all the latest titles? Pick of the Week: "Evil Dead 2 - Dead by Dawn" MOVIE CRITIC The critics weren't too scared of "Vampires." Check out what they're saying about the movies opening this week! MOVIETALK Hear your favorite celebs in their own words, behind the scenes, unrehearsed, and in glorious RealAudio! This week: Kurt Russell ("Soldier"); John Carpenter, James Woods, Daniel Baldwin ("John Carpenter's Vampires"); Danny De Vito, Richard LaGravenese, Queen Latifah ("Living Out Loud"); Trey Parker ("Orgazmo"); Sonja Sohn, Marc Levin, Saul Williams ("Slam"). MOVIETUNES MovieTunes at Hollywood Online is the best source for movie music news and coverage -- audio clips, interviews, art, forums, and more. Soundtrack of the week: "The Lost World: Jurassic Park" NEW TRAILERS AT HOLLYWOOD ONLINE: A Bug's Life 8mm Patch Adams Talk of Angels Velvet Goldmine You've Got Mail ***************************************************************** ADVERTISEMENT ***************************************************************** ( Looking for that hard-to-find DVD? With over 2,000 titles, has what you want. Simply select your rental, receive it within 2-3 business days - watch it as often as you like for a full 7 days! Return it using the prepaid, pre-addressed return-mailer. No hassles, no long lines, just pure entertainment. ***************************************************************** UNSUBSCRIBE? CHANGE OF ADDRESS? If you wish to be removed from this email list, or to change the email address we have for you, go to: where you will be asked to enter the exact email address you wish unsubscribed. For any other information about this e-mail, contact: Thanks for being a part of Hollywood Online -- where we're all about movies!(r) [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] --=_ORCL_6056932_0_0-- [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Scott Renshaw Subject: [MV] REVIEW: THE SIEGE Date: 04 Nov 1998 16:31:09 -0700 (MST) THE SIEGE (20th Century Fox) Starring: Denzel Washington, Annette Bening, Bruce Willis, Tony Shalhoub, Sami Bouajila. Screenplay: Lawrence Wright and Menno Meyjes & Edward Zwick. Producers: Lynda Obst and Edward Zwick. Director: Edward Zwick. MPAA Rating: R (violence, profanity, sexual situations, adult themes) Running Time: 114 minutes. Reviewed by Scott Renshaw. The makers of THE SIEGE probably are throwing up their hands, baffled by the protests voiced by Arab-American groups. The basic set-up, understandably, could hit a nerve: Arab terrorists, incensed over U.S. involvement in the disappearance of an Islamic religious/political leader, begin a massive bombing campaign in New York City. Initially, a joint task force led by F.B.I. special agent Anthony Hubbard (Denzel Washington) is on the case, but tensions and animosities rise as they are unable to end the bombings. Eventually, the President imposes martial law in New York, charging U.S. Army General William Devereaux (Bruce Willis) with driving the perpetrators from hiding in Brooklyn's Arab-American community into the open -- even if it means imprisoning every young male of Arabic descent to find them. You can feel co-writer/director Edward Zwick straining for every possible opportunity to make it clear that THE SIEGE is _not_ about Arab-bashing. Hubbard's partner Frank Haddad (Tony Shalhoub) is a Lebanese-born naturalized citizen; representatives from Arab-American anti-defamation groups stand up in meetings to voice their patriotism and to denounce terrorism; ominous music accompanies every shot of Arab-Americans trapped behind barbed wire fences; even the motivations of the terrorists are traced more to duplicitous U.S. foreign policy decisions than to fanatacism. As THE SIEGE builds to a series of speeches condemning the idea that extremism in the defense of security is no vice, you know that Zwick wants audiences to feel him championing the notion that Islam does not equal violent zealotry -- that Arab-Americans are people too. There's one very important thing missing from THE SIEGE, however: a genuine connection to the people who are suffering. The film doesn't spend a second of personal time with a character actually interned in a detention camp, nor with individuals tortured by the military for information, nor with anyone victimized by anti-Arab hate crimes. They appear in forlorn masses, in news footage, or hidden behind doors. Yes, Shalhoub does get dialogue expressing outrage when his teenage son is taken prisoner, but the sentiment feels second-hand and token. During its final hour, THE SIEGE becomes a thoroughly generic thriller of chases and speeches -- more interested in being provocative than being empathetic, and more interested in the _idea_ of trampled rights than those whose rights are being trampled. In fact, it's a shame THE SIEGE had to go there at all, because its first hour works so well as a crackling police procedure drama. Washington shares some exceptional scenes with Annette Bening as a secretive C.I.A. operative whose agenda may be very personal; their clashing tactics -- the rule of law vs. the rule of expediency -- make for first rate and surprisingly platitude-free sparring. Zwick directs the early action sequences with energy and economy, anchored by the always-satisfying images of determined people going about a difficult job with hard-nosed efficiency. That exceptional first hour deteriorates into bloated nonsense as soon as Willis's General Devereaux starts marching his troops across the Brooklyn Bridge. Willis himself is a huge part of the problem, taking a potentially complex character and quickly turning him into a sneering caricature of military sadism. Even the fundamental honor and decency Washington brings to every role starts to seem like sanctimony, because the script isn't serious about getting into the gray areas of individual rights vs. societal needs. The concept deserves more than heroes and villains pointing guns at each other. Arab-Americans may be troubled by the idea that some Arab characters are portrayed as terrorists in THE SIEGE. They should be more troubled by the idea that, in a film with such an incendiary premise, Arab characters in general are more symbolic than substantial. On the Renshaw scale of 0 to 10 siege mentalities: 5. Visit Scott Renshaw's MoviePage *** Subscribe to receive new reviews directly by email! See the MoviePage for details, or reply to this message with subject line "Subscribe". [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Scott Renshaw Subject: [MV] REVIEW: THE WATERBOY Date: 04 Nov 1998 18:58:43 -0700 (MST) THE WATERBOY (Touchstone) Starring: Adam Sandler, Kathy Bates, Fairuza Balk, Henry Winkler, Jerry Reed. Screenplay: Adam Sandler and Tim Herlihy. Producers: Robert Simonds and Jack Giarraputo. Director: Frank Coraci. MPAA Rating: PG-13 (profanity, adult themes, adult humor) Running Time: 86 minutes. Reviewed by Scott Renshaw. So much for Adam Sandler, "normal" guy. In THE WEDDING SINGER, it looked as though Sandler were trying to shrug off the infantile, silly-voiced persona he took from "Saturday Night Live" to BILLY MADISON and HAPPY GILMORE. While still fairly silly in its own way, THE WEDDING SINGER was a somewhat more mature, somewhat more clever vehicle for Sandler, and his first attempt at actual screen acting. In THE WATERBOY, Sandler is once again in infantile, silly-voiced rare form, the kind of character that strikes unholy terror in a critic's heart. It would be a gross exaggeration to call THE WATERBOY a smart film, but it's funny in ways I didn't quite expect. Sandler plays a 31-year-old simpleton bayou boy named Bobby Boucher who still lives with his domineering Mama (Kathy Bates) and has been the University of Louisiana's water boy for 18 years. When U. of L.'s nasty Coach Beaulieu (Jerry Reed) finally fires Bobby, the hydrophilic lad hooks up with the hapless South Central Louisiana State University Mud Dogs, led by jittery Coach Klein. Coach Klein inadvertently unleashes Bobby's inner linebacker when he encourages Bobby to defend himself against the taunting of team members, discovering in the process one of the greatest pass rushers in college football history. Thus are the Mud Dogs on their way to their greatest season -- and, naturally, a showdown with the University of Louisiana -- provided they can keep over-protective Mama from finding out her baby boy is playing "the foosball." The opening minutes of THE WATERBOY don't hold out much hope for anything beyond 12-year-old comic sensibilities. Sight gags predominate, from a football hitting Bobby in the head, to pratfalls over a water cooler, to Sandler motoring about on a riding lawn mower. Yawn-inspiring running jokes involve a perpetually drunken cheerleading squad, a pair of dim-witted die-hard fans (Clint Howard and Allen Covert), and an assistant coach (Blake Clark) who speaks in an incomprehensible accent. A few giggles leak out of the predictabe sophomorism, while Sandler's stuttering, soft-spoken variation on Cajun Man threatens to wear out his welcome very early on. Then something strange happens some time after the fourth or fifth reference to Bobby's backwater, snake-and-squirrel-eating background. The dialogue starts getting sharper, including Bobby's bizarre cover story to Mama for his football-related bruises. Sandler starts getting more endearingly innocent rather than acting like an oblivious moron. And the sight gags start getting funnier, perhaps as much related to a build-up of good will as to any change in approach. The incongruous presence of Bates and Winker (the latter sporting decidedly un-Fonzie-esque love handles) certainly helps, but there's something about the writing in THE WATERBOY that kept sneaking up on me, delivering a left-field laugh at times when I was expecting an obvious bit of slapstick idiocy. Many people probably associate Sandler with moron comedy in the Ernest/Pauly Shore/Carrot Top vein, perhaps without having seen any of his films. He and frequent writing partner Tim Herlihy are considerably more sly than that. They've learned a few lessons in grown-up comedy from THE WEDDING SINGER, and bring that sensibility to the lower common denominator audience targeted with THE WATERBOY. They certainly miss the target plenty of times -- Rob Schneider's extended cameo gets more insufferable every time he appears -- but they also don't fire at the same stupid target over and over again. Between the lethargic opening and the who-cares romance between Sandler and bad girl Fairuza Balk, THE WATERBOY offers goofy entertainment. It appears Sandler doesn't have to be "normal" to be funny. On the Renshaw scale of 0 to 10 cool waters: 6. Visit Scott Renshaw's MoviePage *** Subscribe to receive new reviews directly by email! See the MoviePage for details, or reply to this message with subject line "Subscribe". [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Cranky Critic Subject: [MV] Changes at Date: 05 Nov 1998 02:41:34 -0000 Cranky Critic - Hi! Pop in to on Friday when we unveil a new site design. Faster navigation, easier to read Archives pages, new graphics . . . I must have waaaaaay too much time on my hands to be doing this . Still looking for a good search engine for the site. As always, your comments are welcome. Coming in the next year: More indie flicks, more star interviews . . . ...and Cranky on your local radio station. Chuck Schwartz ______________________________________________________________________ To unsubscribe, write to Start Your Own FREE Email List at [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [MV] Screen It Newsletter (November 5, 1998) Date: 05 Nov 1998 08:51:37 -0500 (EST) Welcome to the Screen It! Newsletter (November 5, 1998). This week at the movies, Holly Hunter plays "Ally McBeal," Denzel and Bruce rage war in New York, Adam Sandler plays football, some rap music video folks make a stylish, but empty film, and two classics play on the big screen once again on their 15th and 60th anniversaries. On home video, Redford rounds up some horses, two kids do the same with some militant toys, and two small films hope to round up anybody who might want to rent them this coming Tuesday. PLEASE NOTE: The new movie reviews WILL NOT be publicly posted until LATE Thursday night (EDT) to comply with the studios' wishes/demands. Next week, reviews of "I'll Be Home For Christmas" (Jonathan Taylor Thomas, Jessica Biel), "Meet Joe Black" (Brad Pitt, Anthony Hopkins), and "I Still Know What You Did Last Summer" (Jennifer Love Hewitt, Brandy). ===========PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS=========== FREE 30 DAY MEMBERSHIP!!! Try DISNEY'S BLAST, the premiere online site for kids, FREE for 30 days! Join what hundreds of other parents sign up for every day and give your kids a fun, and safe place to play, explore, and learn on line. Visit our page for more information: ===========PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS=========== NEW MOVIE REVIEWS FOR FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6TH: "BELLY" (1998) (DMX, Nas) (R) Drama: Two lifelong criminal friends (DMX and Nas) begin to part ways as one starts to sell drugs while the other hopes to get out of the racket and start life anew. Starring rap artists and helmed by a music video director, this looks like a splashy, big budget MTV production, but under the gloss lies a pretty bad film. The R rating comes from plentiful profanity, bloody violence, nudity and sexual situations, and drug use. (National Release)(Opened on Nov. 4) __________________________________________________ "THE BIG CHILL" (1983) (Glenn Close, Tom Berenger) (R) Drama: A group of college friends (including Close & Berenger), who haven't seen each other for years, get reacquainted and try to figure out what happened to their idealism as they gather for the funeral of a former friend. Simply one of the best examples of ensemble acting and a smart, dialogue heavy screenplay, this film -- rereleased for its 15th anniversary -- earns its R rating for profanity, some sexual material, and drug use. (Limited Rerelease) __________________________________________________ "LIVING OUT LOUD" (1998) (Holly Hunter, Danny DeVito) (R) Romantic Drama: A recently divorced woman (Hunter) tries to find happiness and solace in her life through the prospects of new romance. Quirky and dryly funny, and featuring solid performances from its leads, "Living Out Loud" may not appeal to everyone and might be a bit slow for others, but for those who enjoy TV's "Ally McBeal" you'll probably like this film. Its R rating comes from profanity, some drug use, and brief sexuality/nudity. (National Release) __________________________________________________ "THE SIEGE" (1998) (Denzel Washington, Annette Bening) (R) Drama: As terrorist attacks cripple New York City, an FBI agent (Washington), a CIA operative (Bening), and a military general (Bruce Willis) attempt to find and stop the terrorists in their own disparate ways. Somewhat emitting the feel of a well-conceived and executed, but truncated TV mini-series, the film just lacks that certain cinematic oomph needed to stand out on the big screen. While clearly not a bad film by any means, its unexceptional execution undermines the compelling story it's trying to tell. The R rating comes from violence (some bloody), profanity, and brief nudity/sexuality. (National Release) __________________________________________________ "THE WATERBOY" (1998) (Adam Sandler, Kathy Bates) (PG-13) Comedy: A socially inept 31-year-old water boy becomes a tackling sensation when he starts playing football for a local college team. Departing from the crossover material that made "The Wedding Singer" so popular, Sandler returns to the moronic style humor that his base of loyal fans love. Stupid, but somewhat enjoyable, the film's PG-13 rating comes from language and some sexually related material. (National Release) __________________________________________________ "THE WIZARD OF OZ" (1939) (Judy Garland, Margaret Hamilton) (G) Children's/Fantasy: A young girl (Garland) tries to find her way back home after awakening in a strange, technicolor world filled with odd and menacing characters (including Hamilton). Rereleased for its sixtieth anniversary (with "freshened" color and revamped stereo sound) and recently named the sixth best film of all time by the American Film Institute, this is the quintessential family classic. Although rated G, there are a few moments (as most parents already know) that may be a bit frightening to younger kids. (National Rerelease) __________________________________________________ NEW VIDEO REVIEWS FOR TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10TH: (Notice: Release dates subject to change) (Not all video stores will carry all titles) "ARTEMISIA" (1998) (Valentina Cervi, Michel Serrault) (R) Drama: A young woman (Cervi) in early 17th century Italy breaks tradition by becoming the first commissioned female artist in the world. Based on real historical events, but featuring enough sex and nudity to nearly quality as a soft core porn film (hence the R rating), it's surprising that these artists had any time to paint in this technically gorgeous, but less than artistically satisfying film. Limited to the art house circuit, the film only managed to gross around $300,000 domestically. ( __________________________________________________ "THE HORSE WHISPERER" (1998) (Robert Redford, Kristin Scott Thomas) (PG-13) Drama: A mother (Thomas) brings her daughter and the girl's horse, both of whom are emotionally and physically scarred after a terrible accident, to a man (Redford) she believes can help heal both of them. An emotionally compelling picture featuring great performances, superb directing, and all around wonderful technical credits, it may be a bit too long, but should please audiences looking for mature storytelling. Grossing $75 million domestically and around $70 million more overseas, the PG-13 rating comes from a harrowing accident scene. ( __________________________________________________ "I WENT DOWN" (1997) (Peter McDonald, Brendan Gleeson) (R) Drama/Comedy: A recently released, but naive convict (McDonald) and an older, short-tempered gangster (Gleeson) are teamed together to find and return a crime boss' former associate. While the film offers relatively nothing new to the criminal comedy caper genre, the characters and Irish setting are fresh and different enough to give the film a novel feel, resulting in a decent, but certainly lightweight diversion. The film, which grossed around $400,000 domestically, gets its R rating from more than 100 "f" words, sexually related material and nudity, and bloody violence. ( __________________________________________________ "SMALL SOLDIERS" (1998) (Gregory Smith, Kirsten Dunst) (PG-13) Action/Adventure: Some small town kids (including Smith & Dunst) try to prevent a platoon of sophisticated military toy figures -- which have come alive and can think for themselves -- from finding and destroying a group of pacifist toy figures. Something of a combination of "Toy Story" and "Gremlins," this film features decent special effects, but lacks the fun, charm or originality that those films film so easily exuded. Rated PG-13 for toy figure related violence and a brief reference to drugs, this film grossed $54 million domestically with another $16 million coming from overseas markets. ( ===========PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS=========== FREE 30 DAY MEMBERSHIP!!! Try DISNEY'S BLAST, the premiere online site for kids, FREE for 30 days! Join what hundreds of other parents sign up for every day and give your kids a fun, and safe place to play, explore, and learn on line. Visit our page for more information: ===========PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS=========== Do you find the Screen It Website useful? If so, contact your local newspaper, TV or radio station, or favorite magazine and ask that they do a story about our site so that others in your community or country may benefit from this information. Contact information can be found at the following address: __________________________________________________ Remember, before you and/or your kids see it, buy it , or rent it, make sure that first you Screen It! Screen It! Entertainment Reviews for Parents __________________________________________________ Since we respect your privacy and time, we'll always keep these messages brief and we'll never sell or give your e-mail address to anyone. If at any time you no longer wish to receive these updates, simply let us know at and we'll remove you from our list. [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Scott Renshaw Subject: [MV] REVIEW: LIVING OUT LOUD Date: 05 Nov 1998 16:09:21 -0700 (MST) LIVING OUT LOUD (New Line) Starring: Holly Hunter, Danny DeVito, Queen Latifah, Martin Donovan. Screenplay: Richard LaGravenese. Producers: Michael Shamberg, Danny DeVito and Stacey Sher. Director: Richard LaGravenese. MPAA Rating: R (profanity, adult themes, drug use, brief nudity) Running Time: 93 minutes. Reviewed by Scott Renshaw. Judith Moore Nelson (Holly Hunter) is a woman sort of on the verge of a nervous breakdown. On the surface she appears to have it all, from a professional career as a nurse to a spacious Manhattan co-op apartment. Underneath, she's still reeling from her husband (Martin Donovan) leaving her for a younger woman. Alone in her apartment, she fantasizes about committing suicide; sitting alone in a restaurant, she fantasizes about being invited into the company of two friendly women. Living single has left Judith frazzled, overwhelmed and unsure what her next step in life is going to be. No, it's not the plot for an episode of "Ally McBeal," though it sure seems like it at times. Writer and first-time director Richard LaGravenese sets up LIVING OUT LOUD as a wistful comedy about adults reaching a point in their lives where they wonder if it's too late to make up for their bad decisions. In addition to Judith, we meet Pat (Danny DeVito), the elevator operator in Judith's building and a man with problems of his own. Divorced and coping with the recent death of his young daughter, Pat is a big dreamer perpetually just one step ahead of complete financial ruin. When Judith actually strikes up a conversation with him one evening and the two begin spending time together, we get to see the power of simple companionship for people who need a break from the company of their own thoughts. At least initially, it appears that LIVING OUT LOUD is going to balance the stories of its two main characters, and that's when the film is at its best. DeVito's performance may be his best screen work to date, finding the romanticism at the heart of Pat's irresponsibility. Playing a decent guy is one of an actor's toughest challenges, but DeVito makes Pat a genuinely decent guy who's also an interesting guy. With Queen Latifah added to the mix as a singer with unique relationship issues, there's an earthy counter-point for Hunter's nervous energy. The importance of that counter-point is only truly evident when it's gone. At 93 minutes, LIVING OUT LOUD feels strangely incomplete, perhaps because Pat vanishes into the background in the final half of the film and Judith takes over completely. Unfortunately, a little of Judith goes a long way. While it's easy to sympathize with her situation, it's much harder to sympathize with her, because -- to put it bluntly -- she grows annoying to spend time with. Holly Hunter is a very talented actress, but here she acts with mannerisms instead of finding the character's emotional center. She plays Judith like an alien investigating the world -- an interesting choice for a character in existential crisis, but one that underlines things rather than letting them unfold. In nearly every scene, you can see Hunter's acting muscles bulging and flexing. LIVING OUT LOUD still manages to be somewhat satisfying, largely thanks to DeVito and LaGravenese. For a writer making his first venture into directing, LaGravenese shows a solid cinematic sensibility, though he does also let the camera linger on people delivering dialogue. It's wonderful to find a writer actually writing for grown-ups, and some of his tart lines and absurdist fantasy situations are fun in bits and pieces, but ultimately LIVING OUT LOUD is a frustrating experience. It could have been an off-beat love story, or even an off-beat friendship story -- in either case, a story about two people who help each other stop living inside their dreams and start living out loud. Instead, it's primarily about the contributions other people make to one quirky woman finding herself. All that's missing is a computer-generated baby dancing to "Hooked on a Feeling." On the Renshaw scale of 0 to 10 Holly McBeals: 6. Visit Scott Renshaw's MoviePage *** Subscribe to receive new reviews directly by email! See the MoviePage for details, or reply to this message with subject line "Subscribe". [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: The Flick Filosopher's Coming Attractions Subject: [MV] Coming Monday, 11.09, to The Flick Filosopher Date: 06 Nov 1998 16:46:05 -0000 The Flick Filosopher's Coming Attractions - We are bored. It’s Good to Be the Queen sometimes, but this is not one of them. Certainly, there’s jolly good fun to be had waving to our subjects from the balcony at the palace or observing all the handsome young men riding off to the hunt up in Caledonia. But merely sitting here on the throne all day does get rather tiresome. Mayhaps we’ll watch a film. We must be careful when we view a film about queens. That lovely valet Roger recommended two films he and his friends all love -- one was called *Priscilla, Queen of the Desert* and the other was *The Bridcage.* Now, the Empire did used to span deserts and we do love our budgie that nice PM Tony gave us, so we popped them right into the video. Well, Roger’s films turned out to feature queens not like ourself at all. Naughty Roger. Off with his head! (A little queenly humour -- capital punishment is quite in disfavour these days. We’ll merely withdraw his pension.) But we have been told that there is a new film about our predecessor called *Elizabeth* (a goodly name, that). And there’s another film about wonderful old Victoria called *Mrs. Brown.* Now, how could those be anything but nice, decent films glorifying our throne? Oh Phillip dear, bring the popcorn, there’s a good chap. ______________________________________________________________________ To unsubscribe, write to Start Your Own FREE Email List at [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: jkrudy Subject: RE: [MV] Coming Monday, 11.09, to The Flick Filosopher Date: 06 Nov 1998 10:15:50 -0700 You know sometimes I read things like this on this list and a chill runs up my spine so quickly I think my head is going to pop off. What the hell is this gibberish? JAMES K. RUDY -----Original Message----- Sent: Friday, November 06, 1998 9:46 AM The Flick Filosopher's Coming Attractions - We are bored. It's Good to Be the Queen sometimes, but this is not one of them. Certainly, there's jolly good fun to be had waving to our subjects from the balcony at the palace or observing all the handsome young men riding off to the hunt up in Caledonia. But merely sitting here on the throne all day does get rather tiresome. Mayhaps we'll watch a film. We must be careful when we view a film about queens. That lovely valet Roger recommended two films he and his friends all love -- one was called *Priscilla, Queen of the Desert* and the other was *The Bridcage.* Now, the Empire did used to span deserts and we do love our budgie that nice PM Tony gave us, so we popped them right into the video. Well, Roger's films turned out to feature queens not like ourself at all. Naughty Roger. Off with his head! (A little queenly humour -- capital punishment is quite in disfavour these days. We'll merely withdraw his pension.) But we have been told that there is a new film about our predecessor called *Elizabeth* (a goodly name, that). And there's another film about wonderful old Victoria called *Mrs. Brown.* Now, how could those be anything but nice, decent films glorifying our throne? Oh Phillip dear, bring the popcorn, there's a good chap. ______________________________________________________________________ To unsubscribe, write to Start Your Own FREE Email List at [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Wade Snider Subject: Re: [MV] Coming Monday, 11.09, to The Flick Filosopher Date: 06 Nov 1998 13:43:04 PST WHAT THE ***@#%$! is THIS?? --- On 6 Nov 1998 16:46:05 -0000 The Flick Filosopher's Coming Attractio= ns=20 wrote: The Flick Filosopher's Coming Attractions -=20 We are bored. It=92s Good to Be the Queen sometimes, but this is not one of them. Certainly, there=92s jolly good fun to be had waving to our subjects from the balcony at the palace or observing all the handsome young men riding off to the hunt up in Caledonia. But merely sitting here on the throne al= l day does get rather tiresome. Mayhaps we=92ll watch a film. We must be careful when we view a film about queens. That lovely valet Roger recommended two films he and his friends all love -- one was called *Priscilla, Queen of the Desert* and the other was *The Bridcage.* Now, the Empire did used to span deserts and we do love our budgie that nice P= M Tony gave us, so we popped them right into the video. Well, Roger=92s fil= ms turned out to feature queens not like ourself at all. Naughty Roger. Off with his head! (A little queenly humour -- capital punishment is quite in disfavour these days. We=92ll merely withdraw his pension.) But we have been told that there is a new film about our predecessor called *Elizabeth* (a goodly name, that). And there=92s another film abou= t wonderful old Victoria called *Mrs. Brown.* Now, how could those be anything but nice, decent films glorifying our throne? Oh Phillip dear, bring the popcorn, there=92s a good chap. ______________________________________________________________________ To unsubscribe, write to Start Your Own FREE Email List at [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ---------------End of Original Message----------------- W. Snider Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards.=20 -Kierkegaard [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Romero, Leticia" Subject: RE: [MV] Coming Monday, 11.09, to The Flick Filosopher Date: 06 Nov 1998 11:37:44 -0800 I don't know who the "Flick Filospher" is, but he's a big geek and funny.... > -----Original Message----- > From: Wade Snider [] > Sent: Friday, November 06, 1998 1:43 PM > To: > Subject: Re: [MV] Coming Monday, 11.09, to The Flick Filosopher > > WHAT THE ***@#%$! is THIS?? > > > > > --- On 6 Nov 1998 16:46:05 -0000 The Flick Filosopher's Coming > Attractions > wrote: > The Flick Filosopher's Coming Attractions - > > > We are bored. > > It's Good to Be the Queen sometimes, but this is not one of them. > Certainly, there's jolly good fun to be had waving to our subjects from > the balcony at the palace or observing all the handsome young men riding > off to the hunt up in Caledonia. But merely sitting here on the throne all > day does get rather tiresome. > > Mayhaps we'll watch a film. > > We must be careful when we view a film about queens. That lovely valet > Roger recommended two films he and his friends all love -- one was called > *Priscilla, Queen of the Desert* and the other was *The Bridcage.* Now, > the Empire did used to span deserts and we do love our budgie that nice PM > Tony gave us, so we popped them right into the video. Well, Roger's films > turned out to feature queens not like ourself at all. Naughty Roger. Off > with his head! (A little queenly humour -- capital punishment is quite in > disfavour these days. We'll merely withdraw his pension.) > > But we have been told that there is a new film about our predecessor > called *Elizabeth* (a goodly name, that). And there's another film about > wonderful old Victoria called *Mrs. Brown.* Now, how could those be > anything but nice, decent films glorifying our throne? > > Oh Phillip dear, bring the popcorn, there's a good chap. > > > ______________________________________________________________________ > To unsubscribe, write to > Start Your Own FREE Email List at > > > [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] > [ movies (without the quotes) to ] > > > ---------------End of Original Message----------------- > > -------------------------------------------------------- > W. Snider > > Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards. > -Kierkegaard > > -------------------------------------------------------- > > > [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] > [ movies (without the quotes) to ] [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Michael Dequina Subject: [MV] The Movie Report#165, 11/6/98 Date: 06 Nov 1998 13:52:37 -0800 T H E M O V I E R E P O R T #165 NOVEMBER 6, 1998 PLEASE HELP... ...keep the MR and Mr. Brown's Movie Site alive. I am undergoing a serious funding and resource crisis. Please send any donations (every little bit does help) to: Michael Dequina 3650 Denver Avenue Long Beach, CA 90810-2205 You can also help by renting or purchasing videos from! Please visit: Thank you very much. =>T H I S W E E K<= M O V I E S -_I_Still_Know_What_You_Did_Last_Summer_ -_Velvet_Goldmine_ -_Belly_ -_The_Waterboy_ V I D E O -_Godzilla_ -_Les_Miserables_ For the first time since early May, Mr. Brown's Movie Site is complete and fully functional, in time for its third anniversary week. For links to the official websites of all the current films, past reviews, exclusive Hollywood event photos, movie discussion board, a _newly_updated_ collection of movie theme MIDI files, a comprehensive link section, and more, visit: or Please don't forget to sign the guestbook... If you are reading this on Usenet, you can subscribe to the MR at: Select reviews are available at CompuServe Hollywood Hotline: ...and the Eyepiece Network at: ...and Albany Online at: all movies graded out of four stars (****) ~~~ =>M O V I E S<= N E W R E L E A S E S Hollywood Hotline Featured Review _I_Still_Know_What_You_Did_Last_Summer_ (R) * It is now official--_Scream_writer Kevin Williamson is a genius--that is, when it comes to writing horror movies. Everyone else who attempts to write in the genre these days are hacks, as shown by the recent _Urban_Legend_ and now _I_Still_Know_What_You_Did_Last_Summer_, the unscary and thoroughly boring Williamson-less sequel to the Williamson-penned sleeper of last fall, _I_Know_What_You_Did_Last_Summer_. A sequel to _I_Know..._--no more nor less than an effective formula genre piece--was just about doomed from its inception. To start, in addition to the absence of Williamson (Trey Callaway and Stephen Gaghan wrote this installment), there's the absence of who was by far _I_Know..._'s most interesting and magnetic star, Sarah Michelle Gellar, whose character was among the film's body count. Then there's the title: _I_Still_Know_What_You_Did_Last_Summer_? In the new film, two years have passed since the pivotal hit-and-run accident that kicked off the original. _I_Still_Know_What_You_Did_Two_Summers_Ago_ or simply _I_Still_Know_ would have been a better fit. Also, any continuation of the story would completely negate one of _I_Know..._'s most unexpected pleasures, a shock ending where snooze-inducing heroine Julie James (the vapid Jennifer Love Hewitt) got her just desserts, being put out of her--and the audience's--misery by the hook-handed killer fisherman. A line of dialogue early in _I_Still_Know..._ explains away that jolting conclusion as that all-too-familiar of cinematic copouts, a dream. Julie is still alive and kicking, attending college as she was at the end of the last film. Btu she's still haunted by the thought that Ben Willis (Muse Watson), the vengeful hook-handed fisherman she and her friends hit with their car and left for dead in _I_Know..._, is still out to get her. She's right. As Julie and some new friends head for a vacation in the Bahamas, so does Ben, leaving the usual trail of bloody bodies in his wake. But fortunately for Julie, not too far behind is her true love, Ray Bronson (Freddie Prinze Jr., also returning), who knows that Ben is back. It's a standard slasher sequel set-up, and that's the problem. Part of what made _I_Know..._ work was the mystery of the killer's identity and the lingering suspicion that one of the four friends was behind the killings. With the killer now clearly known to be Ben, _I_Still_Know..._ plays like a cheesy '80s era chiller, a la any given _Friday_the_13th_ sequel. That formula extends to the new supporting players, each summed up by one characteristic: Julie's spunky roommate Karla (Brandy, acting as if she were still in a _Moesha_ episode), her horny boyfriend Tyrell (the talented Mekhi Phifer, braving an insulting role), and Julie's nondescript suitor, Will (nondescript Matthew Settle). As thin as those characters are, they are prime steak compared to the background characters in the Bahamas, in particular a snooty hotel desk clerk (Jeffrey Combs), a tough cookie bartender (Jennifer Esposito), and, most annoyingly, a perpetually stoned white rastafarian pool guy. Needless to say, I didn't care if any of these characters lived or died. Characters, or course, are not the point of a film like _I_Still_Know..._; it's the scares, and in that department, Callaway and director Danny Cannon fail miserably. The first hour's purported scares are mostly telegraphed fakeouts, some of which violate logic. In one scene, as Julie washes her hair in the bathroom sink, the fisherman can be seen leaving the room in the background, punctuated by an ominous cue on the soundtrack. Suddenly, Julie lifts her head and starts to look around. How could she suspect anything unless she heard the music? When the film supposedly kicks in to high gear toward the end, the unsuspenseful chases and unimpressive gore are not worth the wait; there's nothing as scary as the beauty pageant murder or the store/alley chase-and-evasion sequence in the original--there's just nothing scary, period. Callaway and Gaghan are poor substitutes for Williamson, who gave the original some flashes of wit and, for the most part, managed to sidestep the irksome thriller cliches. Cliches are in full force this time around, never so clearly in a scene where a scared Julie slowly walks in a darkened apartment; if she's so scared, why doesn't she turn on a light? Plot is as irrelevant as character in this film, but the number of holes in Callaway and Gaghan's story are ridiculous. For example, an injured Ray escapes from a hospital back in the States and calls Julie's hotel in the Bahamas from a pay phone. How did he know what hotel she was staying at? More ruinous, though, are some key plot developments which attempt to shed some light on Ben's past. I won't give anything away, but one twist makes absolutely no sense within the context of the first film, and the new backstory cheapens the original, in a sense letting the four irresponsible friends off the hook. _I_Still_Know..._ leaves the door open for more sequels (_I_Will_Always_Know_What_You_Did_Last_Summer_? _I_Still_Know_What_You_Did_the_Last_Three_Summers_?), but, if there's any luck, after this dreadful installment the franchise will heed the words of its heroine: "JUST FUCKING DIE!" _Velvet_Goldmine_ (R) ** 1/2 After the disco debacle that was _54_, early signs seemed to indicate that Miramax was about to commit another cinematic crime against a 1970s music movement, glam rock, with Todd Haynes's _Velvet_Goldmine_. The air of anticipation surrounding it became something decidedly mixed once the film premiered at Cannes, leaving audiences either hot or cold and garnering the prize for "Best Artistic Contribution"--which sounded like a (pardon my brusqueness) bullshit consolation award if I ever heard one. But after seeing the film, the Cannes award doesn't seem so bogus after all; _Velvet_Goldmine_ is a true feast for the senses, a strange but ceaselessly fascinating barrage of music and imagery. The problem is, that's all it is--words, pictures, and sound, with nothing in the center to hold it all together. For those of you unfamiliar with it, glam rock was a Brit-centered '70s music movement, which, ironically enough, had just about nothing to do with music itself. Unlike disco, there is no distinct sound to glam rock; the term was more a description of an attitude and a mode of dress: flashy costumes, high platform heels, glitter makeup, and a general look of androgyny--with the ambiguous sexuality to match; in short, sort of a "flamboyant bisexual chic." Unlike _54_, which didn't seem to have a clue as to what disco was, _Velvet_Goldmine_ nails the glam rock milieu. Haynes revels in all its gaudy, garish glory, and not just by showcasing a lot of elaborately campy, vampy musical performances by his central character, fictional glam rock pioneer Brian Slade (Jonathan Rhys Meyers, who does his own singing). The air of bold excess extends to the equally glittery visual style created by Haynes, cinematographer Maryse Alberti, and editor James Lyons, which employs quick edits, dreamlike imagery, and an appropriate air of surrealism--after all, it was a time of almost surreal sexual freedom, openness, and self-indulgence. (One scene has Haynes reverting to his old _Superstar:_The_Karen_Carpenter_Story_ tricks, staging one scene entirely with dolls.) Haynes has an obvious affection for the era, and perhaps it is that passion for the glamour that distracted him from coming up with a compelling story. _Velvet_Goldmine_ traces the rise and fall of Brian, whose life and mysterious disappearance is investigated in 1984 by reporter Arthur Stuart (Christian Bale), who has tried to live down his days as a glam rock groupie. Ironically, though, the more Arthur and, in turn, the audience learns more about Slade, the more it becomes clear that, underneath all the makeup and sequins, he's not a very interesting personality--that is, if he even has one. He sings and dresses up, but it is never clearly defined who he exactly is. Taking much more vivid shape are the people in his life, such as American glam rocker Curt Wild (Ewan McGregor, also providing his own vocals), with whom Brian has a sordid sexual relationship; Brian's greedy manager Jerry Devine (Eddie Izzard); and especially Brian's bitter American, Brit-wannabe wife Mandy (Toni Collette, in the film's best performance). Another writing misstep is the clunky, forced way Haynes directly ties Arthur's past to Brian's; it would have been less contrived if Arthur were simply a fan on the fringes. Haynes does achieve what he sets out to do with _Velvet_Goldmine_, which, according to the press notes, is to make "a valentine to the sounds and images that erupted in and around London in the early 1970s." But he should have also thought to make something more than an affectionate valentine--in other words, a fully realized and developed film. IN BRIEF _Belly_ (R) ** The feature debut of hot hip-hop music video director Hype Williams serves up what one would expect from that fact: music stars in the cast (rappers DMX, Nas, and Method Man; singers Tionne "T-Boz" Watkins of TLC, and Taral Hicks) and, most of all, highly stylized, video-ready visuals. Williams pulls out all the stops, employing everything from freeze frames and frenetic editing to having different scenes and shots ghosted over others. Williams's tricks are given an added sheen by the rich colors of Malik Sayeed's stunning cinematography. But all of Williams's glitz, delicious eye candy as it is, eventually overshadows his own script. It's a by-the-numbers story about the fall and possible redemption of two longtime friends and drug dealers, Tommy (DMX, showing genuine big screen presence and charisma) and Sincere (Nas), one a badass (Tommy), one more mellow (the aptly named Sincere) and looking for a stable life for his wife Tionne (Watkins) and their child. As straightforward as that sounds, all the visual style unnecessarily drains the coherence from the story, which bounces from one image and place to another with only a voiceover serving as the thin thread tying together the pieces. Williams is a name to watch; _Belly_ leaves no doubt as to his remarkable talent as a visual stylist, and he coaxes convincing work from his mostly novice cast. But until his storytelling ability catches up, he'll remain just that--a name to watch. _The_Waterboy_ (PG-13) ** The premise is as absurd as one would expect from an Adam Sandler vehicle: Bobby Boucher (Sandler), a softspoken 31-year-old college football waterboy, becomes a gridiron star himself as a lean, mean tackling machine. However, what makes this film more tolerable than most of Sandler's previous work is that his character isn't such a prick. Bobby is nice, if more than a little naive, guy who, above all else, loves his domineering mother (Kathy Bates, who should do more comedy), with whom he still lives in a backwoods cabin. That said, _The_Waterboy_ is the definition of an "average" film--a hit-and-miss affair that in neither bad nor especially good. For every chuckle-worthy gag (Bobby's mother's taste for, to put it lightly, exotic cuisine), there's another that never gets off the ground (a perpetually drunk cheerleading squad). The familiar sports movie formula (a big, climactic game) gets a workout here, but it does have some charm in this context. And, of course, there's Sandler's mugging, which can be either amusing or flat-out annoying. In short, _The_Waterboy_ exactly what the trailers and TV commercials advertise. Based on those, you should know whether or not this film's your cup of tea (or, rather, H2O). I N C U R R E N T R E L E A S E (full reviews of the following in past MRs and at the listed URLs) -_American_History_X_ (R) *** -_Antz_ (PG) *** 1/2 -_Apt_Pupil_ (R) *** 1/2 -_Beloved_ (R) *** -_Bride_of_Chucky_ (R) * 1/2 -_Clay_Pigeons_ (R) ** 1/2 -_The_Cruise_ (PG-13) *** -_Happiness_ **** -_Holy_Man_ (PG) * 1/2 -_The_Impostors_ (R) ** 1/2 -_John_Carpenter's_Vampires_ (R) * 1/2 -_Life_Is_Beautiful_(La_Vita_E_Bella)_ (PG-13) **** -_Living_Out_Loud_ (R) *** -_Lolita_ (R) ** 1/2 -_The_Mighty_ (PG-13) *** 1/2 -_A_Night_at_the_Roxbury_ (PG-13) 1/2* -_One_True_Thing_ (R) *** -_Orgazmo_ (NC-17) * 1/2 -_Pecker_ (R) ** 1/2 -_Pleasantville_ (PG-13) *** 1/2 -_Practical_Magic_ (PG-13) ** -_Ronin_ (R) ** -_Rush_Hour_ (PG-13) ** 1/2 -_Saving_Private_Ryan_ (R) **** -_Slam_ (R) **** -_Soldier_ (R) * -_There's_Something_About_Mary_ (R) *** 1/2 -_Unmade_Beds_ ** 1/2 -_What_Dreams_May_Come_ (PG-13) *** 1/2 -_Without_Limits_ (PG-13) *** F U T U R E F I L M S -_Little_Voice_ (R) *** (December 11) -_Waking_Ned_Devine_ (PG) *** (November 20) O N T H E H O R I Z O N OPENED WEDNESDAY, 11/4 _Belly_ (R) ** Hot music video director Hype Williams's directorial debut, about two lifelong friends who become drug dealers (DMX and Nas) is long on style, short on coherence. _Gods_and_Monsters_ The final days of _Frankenstein_ director James Whale (Ian McKellen), as seen by writer-director Bill Condon. Brendan Fraser and Lynn Redgrave co-star. FRIDAY _The_Big_Chill_ (R) Resurfacing in theatres for its 15th anniversary is Lawrence Kasdan's ensemble comedy-drama in which a group of old college friends are reunited for the funeral of another. Tom Berenger, Glenn Close, Jeff Goldblum, William Hurt Kevin Kline, Mary Kay Place, Meg Tilly, and JoBeth Williams star. _Elizabeth_ (R) *** 1/2 Full review in MR#162, 10/16/98; and at: Shekar Kapur's stylish, fast-paced "historical thriller" about Queen Elizabeth I's (Cate Blanchett) rise to the British throne. Geoffrey Rush, Joseph Fiennes, and Christopher Eccleston also star. _The_Siege_ (R) ** 1/2 Full review in MR#164, 10/29/98; and at: Disappointing political thriller in which a rash of terrorist bombings in New York force the White House to declare martial law in the Big Apple. Denzel Washington, Annette Bening, and Bruce Willis star for director/co-writer Edward Zwick. _Velvet_Goldmine_ (R) ** 1/2 Todd Haynes's flashy but dramatically empty portait of the '70s glam rock scene. Jonathan Rhys-Meyers, Ewan McGregor, Christian Bale, and Toni Collette star. _The_Waterboy_ (PG-13) ** Hit-and-miss Adam Sandler vehicle in which the comic plays a football waterboy who becomes a college gridiron superstar. _Williamstowne_ Drama in which a deceased woman (Deni Delory) returns to her loved ones in spirit. _The_Wizard_of_Oz_ (G) **** Newly restored edition of Victor Fleming's 1939 family classic, in which Dorothy (Judy Garland), the Scarecrow (Ray Bolger), the Tin Man (Jack Haley), and the Cowardly Lion (Bert Lahr) follow the Yellow Brick Road to see the wonderful Wizard of Oz. ~~~ =>V I D E O<= N E W T H I S W E E K _Godzilla_ (PG-13) ** Full review in MR#143, 5/19/98; and at: Rent or buy at p?MMID=41284 Size obviously didn't matter for the summer's biggest disappointment, in which a big lizard terrorizes New York City. Matthew Broderick, Jean Reno, and Maria Pitillo star for uberhacks Roland Emmerich and Dean Devlin. Available at a low sell-through price (only $14.98), as if anyone would want to own a copy. (Columbia TriStar Home Video) _Les_Miserables_ (PG-13) *** Full review in MR#139, 4/23/98; and at: Rent or buy at p?MMID=41006 Bille August's handsome, well-acted, if emotionally distant adaptation of Victor Hugo's classic novel, in which an escaped, reformed convict (Liam Neeson) is doggedly pursued by an inspector (Geoffrey Rush). Uma Thurman, Claire Danes, and Hans Matheson round out the ensemble. (Columbia TriStar Home Video) A L S O N E W T H I S W E E K _Wild_Man_Blues_ (PG) Rent or buy at p?MMID=41038 Barbara Kopple's documentary on Woody Allen's exploits as a jazz musician. (New Line Home Video) ~~~ =>N E X T W E E K<= The "family film" issue, with more reviews, including: -_I'll_Be_Home_for_Christmas_ -_The_Rugrats_Movie_ 'til then... __________________________________________________________ Michael Dequina Chat Forum Host, The Official Michael Jordan Web Site | | >My personal WWW sites< Mr. Brown's Movie Site: Michael Jordan Beyond the Court: A Michael Jordan Fan's Heartbreak: Personal Page: >Other WWW sites I work on< CompuServe Hollywood Hotline: Albany Online: Eyepiece Network: "Life is knowing the toughest competition you ever face is yourself." --Michael Jordan __________________________________________________________ [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bruce Bridges Subject: [MV] Urgent! Date: 06 Nov 1998 16:01:32 -0800 URGENT!! Please distribute this to everyone you know. > When John Glenn returns from space, everybody dress in ape suits. We have six days to bury the Statue of Liberty up to her head. Your cooperation is appreciated. [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Gregory A. Swarthout" Subject: [MV] ALL READ Date: 06 Nov 1998 21:48:35 -0700 He's a she and it seems like the consensus on the list is to have it drop these sort of subscriptions, so I'll be doing that over the next few days. Romero, Leticia wrote: > > I don't know who the "Flick Filospher" is, but he's a big geek and funny.... > > > -----Original Message----- > > From: Wade Snider [] > > Sent: Friday, November 06, 1998 1:43 PM > > To: > > Subject: Re: [MV] Coming Monday, 11.09, to The Flick Filosopher > > > > WHAT THE ***@#%$! is THIS?? > > > > > > > > > > --- On 6 Nov 1998 16:46:05 -0000 The Flick Filosopher's Coming > > Attractions > > wrote: > > The Flick Filosopher's Coming Attractions - > > > > > > We are bored. > > > > It's Good to Be the Queen sometimes, but this is not one of them. > > Certainly, there's jolly good fun to be had waving to our subjects from > > the balcony at the palace or observing all the handsome young men riding > > off to the hunt up in Caledonia. But merely sitting here on the throne all > > day does get rather tiresome. > > > > Mayhaps we'll watch a film. > > > > We must be careful when we view a film about queens. That lovely valet > > Roger recommended two films he and his friends all love -- one was called > > *Priscilla, Queen of the Desert* and the other was *The Bridcage.* Now, > > the Empire did used to span deserts and we do love our budgie that nice PM > > Tony gave us, so we popped them right into the video. Well, Roger's films > > turned out to feature queens not like ourself at all. Naughty Roger. Off > > with his head! (A little queenly humour -- capital punishment is quite in > > disfavour these days. We'll merely withdraw his pension.) > > > > But we have been told that there is a new film about our predecessor > > called *Elizabeth* (a goodly name, that). And there's another film about > > wonderful old Victoria called *Mrs. Brown.* Now, how could those be > > anything but nice, decent films glorifying our throne? > > > > Oh Phillip dear, bring the popcorn, there's a good chap. > > > > > > ______________________________________________________________________ > > To unsubscribe, write to > > Start Your Own FREE Email List at > > > > > > [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] > > [ movies (without the quotes) to ] > > > > > > ---------------End of Original Message----------------- > > > > -------------------------------------------------------- > > W. Snider > > > > Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards. > > -Kierkegaard > > > > -------------------------------------------------------- > > > > > > [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] > > [ movies (without the quotes) to ] > > [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] > [ movies (without the quotes) to ] [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jason Cormier Subject: [MV] URGENT!!! Date: 07 Nov 1998 16:02:43 -0800 URGENT!! Please distribute this to everyone you know. When John Glenn returns from space, everybody dress in ape suits. We have six days to bury the Statue of Liberty up to her head. Your cooperation is appreciated. Jay the Movieman [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [MV] URGENT!!! Date: 07 Nov 1998 16:42:51 EST Naughty, Naughty repeating News Stories Isneither Big Nor clever, lol. [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Culligan Subject: Re: [MV] ALL READ Date: 07 Nov 1998 20:21:44 -0500 I hate to be the voice of dissent here - but this list is called MOVIES. If someone has something to say related to movies - be it junk, cross posted, meaningless movie garbage, or any thing else, I believe it has a place here. As long as the post has anything to do with movies - let-it-be. If you don't want to read it - hit the delete button (It's not hard to do - I do it to the Flick Filospher all the time). As long as a post has anything to do with movies - this is the place for it. Editing things just because people don't like its content does not jive with the vibe of the Internet. Some of the posts in the Flick Filospher vane (I.E. The Movie Report) I read, garner information from, and like quite a bit. If we ban the Flick Filospher were do we stop??? NO EDITING (I say) unless a post has nothing to do with movies. MOVIES is the topic of this list - after all - and any one can say anything they like as long as it relates to movies!!! Just my 2-cents. Do what you will. CHRIS "Gregory A. Swarthout" wrote: > He's a she and it seems like the consensus on the list is to have it > drop these sort of subscriptions, so I'll be doing that over the next > few days. > > Romero, Leticia wrote: > > > > I don't know who the "Flick Filospher" is, but he's a big geek and funny.... > > > > > -----Original Message----- > > > From: Wade Snider [] > > > Sent: Friday, November 06, 1998 1:43 PM > > > To: > > > Subject: Re: [MV] Coming Monday, 11.09, to The Flick Filosopher > > > > > > WHAT THE ***@#%$! is THIS?? > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > --- On 6 Nov 1998 16:46:05 -0000 The Flick Filosopher's Coming > > > Attractions > > > wrote: > > > The Flick Filosopher's Coming Attractions - > > > > > > > > > We are bored. > > > > > > It's Good to Be the Queen sometimes, but this is not one of them. > > > Certainly, there's jolly good fun to be had waving to our subjects from > > > the balcony at the palace or observing all the handsome young men riding > > > off to the hunt up in Caledonia. But merely sitting here on the throne all > > > day does get rather tiresome. > > > > > > Mayhaps we'll watch a film. > > > > > > We must be careful when we view a film about queens. That lovely valet > > > Roger recommended two films he and his friends all love -- one was called > > > *Priscilla, Queen of the Desert* and the other was *The Bridcage.* Now, > > > the Empire did used to span deserts and we do love our budgie that nice PM > > > Tony gave us, so we popped them right into the video. Well, Roger's films > > > turned out to feature queens not like ourself at all. Naughty Roger. Off > > > with his head! (A little queenly humour -- capital punishment is quite in > > > disfavour these days. We'll merely withdraw his pension.) > > > > > > But we have been told that there is a new film about our predecessor > > > called *Elizabeth* (a goodly name, that). And there's another film about > > > wonderful old Victoria called *Mrs. Brown.* Now, how could those be > > > anything but nice, decent films glorifying our throne? > > > > > > Oh Phillip dear, bring the popcorn, there's a good chap. > > > > > > > > > ______________________________________________________________________ > > > To unsubscribe, write to > > > Start Your Own FREE Email List at > > > > > > > > > [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] > > > [ movies (without the quotes) to ] > > > > > > > > > ---------------End of Original Message----------------- > > > > > > -------------------------------------------------------- > > > W. Snider > > > > > > Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards. > > > -Kierkegaard > > > > > > -------------------------------------------------------- > > > > > > > > > [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] > > > [ movies (without the quotes) to ] > > > > [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] > > [ movies (without the quotes) to ] > > [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] > [ movies (without the quotes) to ] [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Mel Eperthener Subject: Re: [MV] ALL READ Date: 07 Nov 1998 23:57:27 -0500 At 08.21 PM 07/11/98 -0500, Chris Culligan wrote: >I hate to be the voice of dissent here - but this list is called MOVIES. If >someone has something to say related to movies - be it junk, cross posted, >meaningless movie garbage, or any thing else, I believe it has a place here. As >long as the post has anything to do with movies - let-it-be. If you don't want to >read it - hit the delete button (It's not hard to do - I do it to the Flick >Filospher all the time). As long as a post has anything to do with movies - this >is the place for it. Here's a novel idea that should keep everyone happy: Why don't we let every mailing list related to movies (ie, Flick Filospher, Movie Report) post to the list a few times, then let anyone interested get an individual subscription. If we don't have a web page, it's pretty easy to start a free one that could contain links to these resources, and instructions on how to subscribe. This would accomplish a number of things: Lists that we would otherwise not know about would be given some exposure. New members of the list could find resources of older movie-related lists. And finally, we would allow room for new lists to be promoted without the fear of overload. Again, just an idea, thrown out there. Anyone care to expand on this, change it around completely, or just shoot it down?? Please do. Regards, --Mel --Mel Eperthener president, Gowanna Multi-media Pty email: 419 Butler Street PO Box 95184 Pittsburgh, PA 15223-0184 (412) 781-6140 (412) 781-6380 1-888-45-GOWANNA -- TOLL FREE (1-888-454-6926) ____________________________________________ "Mulder, if you had to do without a cell phone for two minutes, you'd lapse into catatonic schizophrenia" --Dana Scully ______________________________________________ [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "David Lee" Subject: Re: [MV] ALL READ Date: 08 Nov 1998 18:44:49 +0800 I completely agree with you You have my support, Mel... David ---------- > From: Mel Eperthener > To: > Subject: Re: [MV] ALL READ > Date: 08 November 1998 12:57 > > At 08.21 PM 07/11/98 -0500, Chris Culligan wrote: > >I hate to be the voice of dissent here - but this list is called MOVIES. If > >someone has something to say related to movies - be it junk, cross posted, > >meaningless movie garbage, or any thing else, I believe it has a place > here. As > >long as the post has anything to do with movies - let-it-be. If you don't > want to > >read it - hit the delete button (It's not hard to do - I do it to the Flick > >Filospher all the time). As long as a post has anything to do with movies > - this > >is the place for it. > > Here's a novel idea that should keep everyone happy: > > Why don't we let every mailing list related to movies (ie, Flick Filospher, > Movie Report) post to the list a few times, then let anyone interested get > an individual subscription. If we don't have a web page, it's pretty easy > to start a free one that could contain links to these resources, and > instructions on how to subscribe. > > This would accomplish a number of things: > > Lists that we would otherwise not know about would be given some exposure. > > New members of the list could find resources of older movie-related lists. > > And finally, we would allow room for new lists to be promoted without the > fear of overload. > > Again, just an idea, thrown out there. Anyone care to expand on this, > change it around completely, or just shoot it down?? Please do. > > Regards, > > --Mel > [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Culligan Subject: [MV] Godzilla Revisited Date: 08 Nov 1998 10:56:40 -0500 Reading all the negative stuff that came out about Godzilla on its initial release, I waited for the video before watching it. I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised by the movie. If you didn't compare it to a Godzilla movie and just watched it as its own monster movie, I didn't think it was to bad. They should not have called it Godzilla, though. Attack of the Mutant Lizard (or something like that) might have been a better name. Comparisons to the original Godzilla movies should have never have been made. This would have let the movie stand on it's own merits (because it didn't bare a lot of similarities to any Godzilla movie I've ever seen). It was just a good monster movie with good SFX, and I liked it, but it wasn't a Godzilla movie. CHRIS. [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [MV] MovieJuice! - THE WATERBOY - Bored on the Bayou Date: 08 Nov 1998 16:49:14 -0500 (EST) THE WATERBOY - BORED ON THE BAYOU by Mark Ramsey November 8, 1998 Brought to you by Adam Sandler and director Frank Coraci - best known for directing traffic - it's The Waterboy. And suddenly, The Wedding Singer is looking like Casablanca. Is it true that Martin Scorcese, in his tour through American movies, needed a Triple-A tow out of this Cajun country? In a weekend when Adam Sandler faces off with Judy Garland, Adam kicks Judy's breast-restrained ass somewhere over the rainbow. In the battle of the Cowardly Lion versus the Cowardly Linebacker, Gatorade Boy wins. Desperately searching perspective, off I went to Shady Grove Retirement Home for a chat with Wizard of Oz producer Mervyn LeRoy. There, in a sunny corner room atop a pile of his own filth, was legendary producer Mervyn. "Mr. LeRoy, what do you think about The Waterboy opening up a can of whoop ass all over Wizard of Oz at the weekend box office?" "Son," said Mervyn, sucking a stogie longer than Jeff Goldblum's nose and filled with just as much mystery substance, "I haven't been so angry since George Cukor pinched my ass. Besides, forget that Sandler fella. It's that dame!" "You mean Fairuza Balk?" "Yeah, that doll is hotsie totsie! My kinda broad! I'd love to roll around in filth with that chickadee, because something tells me it wouldn't be her first time! Know what I'm sayin'? I'm down wid dat! She quite fly!" Nasty girl Fairuza is sexpot sweet in this flick. Hubba hubba! Having made the transition from Ginger to Geri, can the phrase "Ambassador Fairuza" be far behind? Can we promote Fairuza to Fine-uza? Did someone add water to her sea monkeys? A giant sensual step up from Drew Barrymore, Adam, if I may say so. According to Fodor's travel guide, Fairuza's got a belly as flat as Kansas but with more enticing sights in the distance - the snow-capped Rockies to the North and the humid Amazonian Rainforest to the South, or something like that. All aboard the happy-tram! Leave the driving to us! Fairuza sports a triangular pyramid tattoo on one shoulder. That means "yield" in some languages and "stop" in none of them. The triangle, of course, summons the ancient astronauts who manufactured the original pyramids of Giza. What astronaut wouldn't want to orbit Fairuza's celestial body, abduct and prod her in weird, probing ways? She's gone from Fair-who-za to Fair-lollapalooza! The great thing about Adam Sandler's movies is they give hope to losers. A) Yes, loser, you can win. B) Yes, loser, you can get the beautiful girl. C) Yes, loser, you will be crushed in the game of life because you believe points A and B. Lest we be confused, Fairuza wouldn't be caught dead with any waterboy in real life (or - in my dreams - with any boy at all for that matter - if you catch my drift). Thanks to movies like The Waterboy and The Wedding Singer, Adam is quickly becoming the Pied Piper of Minimum Wage, the patronizing saint of the hopeless, the Lion King of Losers, the Armageddon of the Up-and-at-em, , the Frank Lloyd Wright of movies starting with "W." What's next, The Wookie? The Windbreaker? The Wanker? Definitely The Wanker. Look for a cameo by the legendary Col. Sanders, who has died and been resurrected by KFC enough times to add another chapter to the Bible, called the "Extra Crispy" Testament. And isn't that oddball super-fan with the beer-cap Director Ron Howard's brother Clint? You betcha! It follows naturally from Einstein's Theory of Relatives! Don't let the Andy Griffith Show fool you; all the acting chops in the Howard family are on Clint's chromosomes, just as sure as Steve Guttenberg created the printing press. Last but not least, there's Fonzie, cast as Adam's Football coach. The Fonz is taking five from the chores of producing TV's Sightings to show his naked butt in Cinemascopic dimensions. In last week's episode, the Sightings team conducted a psychic investigation into this paranormal display of ass cleavage. Psychic investigator Bette Crack checked Fonzie's ass for vibrations and discovered the ghosts of Arnold, Potsie, and Big Al living off residuals in hollowed out dimples. Wait! There's no way that ass was Fonzie's ass! Did the Fonz have a cheek lift? Have the geniuses at ILM taken a break from one Phantom Menace to digitally render another? Beware, the hemorrhoidal force is with you! Was that a fart or did Fonzie's butt just shout "Heeeeeeyyyyyyyy!"? Copyright 1998 Mark Ramsey. All rights reserved. NO PORTION MAY BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION OF THE AUTHOR. ******************** Hey, kids, don't forget to visit the MovieJuice! Site at The pictures are half the fun (and sometimes more than half the laughs)! ******************** TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS LIST: DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL! Just go to and follow the directions at the top of the left frame. It's very easy. NOTE: YOUR NAME CANNOT BE REMOVED FROM THE LIST UNLESS YOU UNSUBSCRIBE USING THE EMAIL ADDRESS YOU REGISTERED WITH). And don't write me lots of mean-spirited crap. I won't read it. ******************** IF YOUR LINES AREN'T WRAPPING If the lines extend way off into the right horizon, then look to your browser or email software for a setting called "Wrap Long Lines." Now, if your lines aren't RAPPING, then you should consider that normal. [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Rebecca Bezant" Subject: [MV] Who can find the new shining? Date: 09 Nov 1998 00:36:14 PST I like the 1980 version of The Shining, I do, but when the new version = with Stephen Weber came on a couple years ago, I only got the chance to = see the first part of it. I thought that Is might as well catch it on vid= eo when came out in a few months. Months came and gone and its still not = around. All of Steven Kings TV movies went on video like IT, Langoliers, = The Tommyknockers and The Stand, but who is hiding this movie. Is there = any video store that carries it, or can it be specially ordered from some= company like ABC television company that ran it? Please write me, Tim, = and tell me, I am looking forward to finishing it! Thank you! [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Mel Eperthener Subject: Re: [MV] Who can find the new shining? Date: 09 Nov 1998 00:29:56 -0500 At 12.36 AM 09/11/98 PST, Rebecca Bezant wrote: >I like the 1980 version of The Shining, I do, but when the new version with Stephen Weber came on a couple years ago, I only got the chance to see the first part of it. I thought that Is might as well catch it on video when came out in a few months. Months came and gone and its still not around. All of Steven Kings TV movies went on video like IT, Langoliers, The Tommyknockers and The Stand, but who is hiding this movie. Is there any video store that carries it, or can it be specially ordered from some company like ABC television company that ran it? Please write me, Tim, and tell me, I am looking forward to finishing it! Thank you!>> All I can say is that it's coming. There were rumours of a release, and then it sort of dried up. I recently picked up the re-release of the Jack Nicholson version, and when I was ordering it from my (new) sales rep, she was confused, thought I wanted the new one, and said it wasn't out yet, but was due "soon". Probably early in 1999. Regards, --Mel --Mel Eperthener president, Gowanna Multi-media Pty email: 419 Butler Street PO Box 95184 Pittsburgh, PA 15223-0184 (412) 781-6140 (412) 781-6380 1-888-45-GOWANNA -- TOLL FREE (1-888-454-6926) ____________________________________________ "Mulder, if you had to do without a cell phone for two minutes, you'd lapse into catatonic schizophrenia" --Dana Scully ______________________________________________ [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [MV] Film Threat Weekly : 11-9-98 : Take 46 Date: 09 Nov 1998 02:01:27 EST FILM THREAT WEEKLY "Hollywood's Indie Voice of the New Millennium" ============================= Take 46 : November 9th, 1998 ============================= ============================= "Get your stinking paws off me you damn dirty ape!" - Charlton Heston speaks his mind in "The Planet of the Apes." <===========Deluxe======Widescreen======Edition ===========> THIS WEEK "Right here, right now." =========================================== ——> NEWS: Where objectivity is strangely absent. ——> BOXOFFICE CHART: Who's number one at the boxoffice? ——> PICKS OF THE WEEK: A load of plugs. ——> BIG SCREEN: The Waterboy, The Siege, more... ——> DIY FILMMAKING: Filmmaker War Stories ——> HATE MAIL: You like us. You really like us. SUBSCRIBE "Unless you already did." =========================================== Subscribe/Unsubscribe by sending an e-mail to CLASSIFIEDS "If you advertise, they will come." =========================================== Reach over 65,000 film fanatics on the net. For our reasonable ad rates, e- mail NO DANCE FILM FESTIVAL 1999 NO DANCE Film & Multimedia Festival returns to Park City. DEADLINE APPROACHING - NOVEMBER 20TH - FIRST EVER DVD FESTIVAL - CHECK WEBSITE FOR MORE DETAILS - ONE DAY - ONE EVENT - ONE MOUNTAIN. FRANCOIS TRUFFAUT VIDEO MORATORIUM! Nine Truffaut's films will not be available after October 31: CONFIDENTIALLY YOURS; THE 400 BLOWS; JULES AND JIM; THE LAST METRO; LOVE ON THE RUN; SHOOT THE PIANO PLAYER; THE SOFT SKIN; TWO ENGLISH GIRLS; THE WOMAN NEXT DOOR. We put a "hold" on copies. If interested, order before 11/9. $32.98 each, but Film Threat Weekly subscribers receive a $3.00 discount per if you type 'FTW" into our "discount code." WORLDFEST-FLAGSTAFF INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL This annual Independent film festival, now held in the High Country of Flagstaff, Arizona on November 13-22, 1998 offers premieres of new independent and international features, shorts, documentaries, and video. Screenings are held in a three-screen Dolby theatre, and a select program of only 35-40 new features and 60 shorts are premiered, with directors in attendance. In addition, on the NAU campus (Northern Ariz Univ) there are video and 16mm screenings, all open at no charge! WorldFest screens only Independent Films, and NO major studio films are accepted. Series VIP Passes start at just $100, singles start at free, then $4 and $5.50 per film! E-mail: WIN A FILM THREAT VIDEO! "Sign up a friend!" =========================================== Each week we'll be giving away a special collectible Film Threat Party Video to readers who forward Film Threat Weekly to their friends! (And you know in Hollywood, "friends" is a loose term, so that means just about anybody!!!) You could WIN, too! The more e-mail addresses you send, the more your chances to win. Sign up your whole family, or your whole company! Start forwarding FTW to your pals or send us their e-mail address and we'll send them a weekly fix of Film Threat. That's not a threat, it's a promise. THE NEWS "Filtered and manipulated. Just like the real news." =========================================== Our top story... FREE ENTERPRISE GETS TOP AWARDS AT AFI FEST "Free Enterprise," the new indie romantic comedy from Mindfire Entertainment, earned top honors at this year's L.A. based AFI International Film Festival winning both Best Picture in the New Directions/New Visions category as well as Best Screenplay for writers Mark A. Altman and Robert Meyer Burnett. In addition, the film was the Runner Up for the AFI Audience Award, topped by Miramax's "Life Is Beautiful." The film, which is directed by Robert Meyer Burnett, stars William Shatner as himself whose own foibles prove illuminating for two would-be filmmakers who idolize him and discover, much to their mutual horror, the actor is more screwed up than they are. The film has been described by critics as "Swingers" meets "My Favorite Year." The awards were accepted Friday evening at the closing night AFI festivities by producer Dan Bates and executive producer Mark Gottwald. "We are very excited about winning these two prestigious awards," said Bates. "I think it represents the passion that everyone at Mindfire had for this project. This recognition by AFI is a testament to the fact that quirky and original fare can still get made and seen in Hollywood." Says screenwriter/producer Mark A. Altman, "I greatly regret not being able to attend the awards show, but I was playing clarinet at Michael's Pub." Writer/Director Burnett clarifies by pointing out the two filmmakers were on a plane to introduce the film at The Fifth Annual Peachtree Film Festival in Atlanta where the film screened to a standing ovation last weekend. "I wish we could have been there to accept the award and both Mark and I are deeply grateful to the AFI festival and fest director Jon Fitzgerald for giving us the opportunity to be awarded this great honor." "Free Enterprise" will be playing again at the Hawaii International Film Festival on Wednesday, November 10th. Look for updates this week at Film Threat Online in the Dailies section at: BOXOFFICE CHART "Hollywood's Horse Race... and they're off!" =========================================== Weekend of November 6-8, Source: Exhibitor Relations Co. 1/New THE WATERBOY $39.1 2/New THE SIEGE $14.7 3/ 2 PLEASANTVILLE $6.0/$26.6 4/New THE WIZARD OF OZ $5.5 5/ 4 ANTZ $5.4/$74.9 6/ 28 LIVING OUT LOUD $4.5/$4.7 7/ 3 PRACTICAL MAGIC $4.3/$39.9 8/ 1 JOHN CARPENTER'S VAMPIRES $4.0/$15.7 9/New BELLY $3.7/$4.9 10/ 6 RUSH HOUR $3.5/$127.2 -/ New ELISABETH $.279 (9 screens) -/ - AMERICAN HISTORY X $.151 (19 screens) -/ New THE BIG CHILL $.065 (50 screens) PICKS OF THE WEEK "Stuff we wanna plug." =========================================== FILM FESTIVAL: The Rhode Island International Film Festival for independent film and video, is calling for entries to the 1999 festival. The Festival will take place August 11-15, 1999 in historic Providence, Rhode Island and parts of the surrounding Blackstone Valley. The Honorary Chairman for this year’s Festival is writer/director Bobby Farrelly, who premiered his newest film "There’s Something About Mary" as the official kick-off for the 1998 Festival. The Festival is accepting shorts as well as feature-length films and videos. Films and videos must have been produced after 1996. The Rhode Island International Film Festival is one of only three broadly focused, independent festivals in New England accepting works of any type (dramatic, documentary, experimental, animation), on any subject matter, and in any genre. The Festival offers an artistic exchange as well as opportunities for the global creative community that are not available in the established entertainment industry. It is designed to foster contact among film directors, producers, distributors, backers and audiences. Film Partners will have an opportunity to share new film product, test-market films in development, and share the film-making process with industry peers, students, and the general public. The Festival’s goal is to recognize achievement and innovation in a variety of filmmaking and storytelling disciplines while providing an opportunity to secure wider distribution. Of special note is that because of its unique geographic location and cultural-heritage linkages, one of the chief aims of the Festival is the encouragement of an artistic exchange between filmmakers from the New England region and the Canadian provinces. The Rhode Island International Film Festival represents an ideal opportunity to test-market new product in an area with demographics that represent a microcosm of the film-going public: a unique mix of cultural, ethnic and educational backgrounds exist in a relatively concentrated area. RIIFF, P.O. Box 162, Newport, Rhode Island 02840, Tel/Fax: (401) 847-7590 e-mail: UNDERGROUND FILM FESTIVAL: The 11. Exground-Filmfest, to be held Nov. 13 - 22 1998 in Wiesbaden, Germany, will showcase 9 US Independents: Ramin Niamis "Somewhere in the City", Tamara Hernandez Audience Award Winning "Men Cry Bullets" (Chicago Underground Film Festival), "I woke up early the day i died" by Aris Iliopulos from a scipt by Ed Wood, Katrina Flener's "The Fourth" as European Premiere, "Surrender Dorothy" by Kevin DiNovis, Peter O'Fallons "Suicide Kings", "1999" by Nick Davis, the Troma Release "Dog Years" by Robert Loomis and "Modulations - Cinema for the ear" by Iara Lee. The Festival features more than 120 Shorts, Documentries and Featurefilms from Germany, Scandinavia, Hongkong and Japan. email: MOVIE TRAILER: Jerry! Jerry! Jerry! Jerry Springer "stars" in "The Ringmaster" from Artisan Entertainment. The fictionalized film stars Springer as a talk show host who is dragged into the drama of his crazy guests. Where have we heard this before? The fictional film opens November 25th, the show is on television at 11 pm in most markets. SCREENPLAY CONTEST: The Philadelphia Festival of World Cinema is pleased to announce the seventh annual "Set In Philadelphia" Screenwriting Competition. The competition is open to all screenwriters nationwide. All genres of screenplays are eligible and will be judged on their overall quality and the extent to which they tell a "genuine Philadelphia story." Screenplays should capture the spirit, characters and/or locations of the region. The winning screenwriter will be awarded $5,000 in prize money, a professionally-cast live script readings of their screenplay at the Nuyorican Poets' Caf in Manhattan's Lower East Side, and also one at The Lab at Mike Lemon Casting in Philadelphia. There will also be a special prize of $1,000, the Irene I. Parisi Award, awarded to an outstanding writer under 30. Deadline: 1-26-99. E-mail: DVD: Alex Cox's modern classic "Sid and Nancy" is available for the first time on DVD from Criterion. The bio-pic follows the trials and tribulations of one Sid Vicious (played by Gary Oldman) and his beau Nancy Spungen. Nancy Spungen may have been the Courtney Love of her time -- had she lived. The disc contains a ton of extras including the Sex Pistols being interviewed on U.K. television and a rare interview in which the real-life Nancy falls asleep in mid thought. Get a great deal on "Sid and Nancy" and learn how to win a Toshiba SD-2108 DVD player from DVD EXPRESS. They're giving away a DVD player every day in November. Thirty Days, 30 Players, 30 Winners! Find out why DVD is going to rock your livingroom. And tell 'em Film Threat sent you. BIG SCREEN "Coming Soon to a Theater Near You" =========================================== From five stars "Perfect! * * * * *" to one star "Crap! *" here's the lowdown. THE WATERBOY (PG-13) * * * - If you're stoned. Add 1/2 * for every two beers until unconscious. * - If you're sober ( Taking a step back toward "Cajun Man" and "Canteen Boy", Sandler is 31 year old Bobby Boucher, waterboy to the University of Louisiana football team for the last 18 years. Mercilessly abused by the team, Bobby is fired by the coach (Jerry Reed) for being a distraction. Bobby takes a job at the smaller and seedier Central Louisiana State University with a team that's lost 40 games straight. When the somewhat mental coach (Henry Winkler) tells Bobby to defend himself from the abuse of this team, Bobby focuses 20 years of rage into tackling the quarterback. Bobby is made a linebacker behind the back of his disapproving mother (Kathy Bates putting that Oscar to use); hilarity ensues. All ends with a bowl game against the team that fired him. You were expecting Chekov? "The Waterboy" is a stupid summer movie that takes the weight off all the depressingly serious fall films, a reprieve from the Oscar death march. While Sandler did more actual acting in "The Wedding Singer", we need movie stars who aren't afraid to act like idiots (in Bruce Willis' case, I don't think it's... oh, never mind). Whether you enjoy this movie depends on how you feel about Sandler. No stretching involved, but he delivers. It's a safe date film. "The Waterboy" won't change your life, but it might get you laid. - Ron Wells THE SIEGE (R) * * 1/2 ( If you like political thrillers with lots of explosions, domestic terrorism, and vein-popping army Generals, this movie's for you. If, however, you're just tagging along and don't know the difference between the FBI and CIA, remember to bring one of those breathe-right snore strips as to not disturb the others. The Siege, director Edward Zwick's follow up to his compelling Courage Under Fire, is a sometimes gripping but mostly routine shoot-em-up about Muslim terrorism in American. The plot is a typical political thriller with lots of explosions. After a Muslim terrorist is kidnapped on his own soil, Anthony Hubbard (Denzel Washington) head of the FBI/NYPD Terrorism Task Force, witnesses merciless acts of terrorism pop up all over New York City. When investigations lead him to a Muslim sympathizer/CIA operative Elise Kraft (Annette Bening), we are exposed to the secretive world of the Arab community living in New York City. Meanwhile, the government, fearful of more domestic bombings, sends in General Devereaux (Bruce Willis) to command an army and close off the entire Brooklyn borough to extract the Arab-American community in search of the rouge terrorists. Declaring Marshall Law in New York City is a great idea for a film that falls short halfway, and it's a shame because the set up is so strong. As the entire New York Arab-American community is rounded up, you can't help but realize that this very real problem could happen to ANY ethnic group targeted by the government. It puts all American's feelings of paranoia and powerlessness into the forefront. (In one scene a truck engine backfires and the entire New York city street hits the ground, assuming sniper gunfire.) Ultimately The Siege turns into an overly simplistic cat and mouse game between the army and the FBI, with stand-offs reminiscent of another Denzel Washington film, Crimson Tide. Now if only there was to get a submarine in New York...? - Chris Gore BELLY (R) * * ( Music video director Hype Williams, gets down in order to get righteous, but that doesn't happen until the film's final chapter -- after too many people have had their brains needlessly blown out over drugs, money and booty. The splintered and sputtering plot follows the "Scareface" aspirations of Tommy (DMX) and his buddy, Sincere (Naz), as they rise up the ladder of the gangster world, dealing drugs, shaking down other dealers and killing anyone who gets in their way. That's pretty much the path of the flick until the pull-the- trigger duo see the light of god and Williams turns the unsympathetic crime- fest into a "Million Man March" moral. As a visual stylist, Williams shows opulent mastery and his heart seems to be in the right place, but the obscenity rife script is likely to glorify what it seeks to rectify. - Tom Meek SNAKE TALES (NR) * * * * When Lizzie (a winsome Amalia Stifter) gets arrested for running over an endangered Indigo snake near the outskirts of Pandale, TX, she quickly discovers the locals in the smudge-sized hamlet have a rich tradition in the fine art of dispensing gossip, folklore and local legends. The late, lamented blue-skinned Indigo of West Texas, for instance, has a local rep approaching that of a Sasquatch or a Nessie, and the only way Lizzie will be acquitted is if she can spin a tall tale snappy enough to win over a jaded and cynical judge (Fred Ellis). She's got two minutes. Such is the premise of "Snake Tales," the goofy but enchanting debut feature from University of Texas film instructor Francesca Talenti. At first, Lizzie stammers out a lame excuse for arriving without a driver's license, but quickly warms to her task. Soon, the characters in her story are telling stories of their own until these branching and inter- connecting stories within stories tangle, weave, and blend to form a labyrinthine whole; a sort of narrative hall of mirrors where you're not quite certain where you are but you're havin' a ball nonetheless. I've got a soft spot for interlocking vignette films IF they're done well, and this one is. It's amazing how many films can't even tell one story well. "Snake Tales" manages to tell several - and one - all at the same time. Okay, it's a bit ragged around the edges with a couple of skipped-frame jump- cuts and some obvious dialogue looping, but so what? This is fun stuff, full of genuine surprises, endearing oddballs and even a touch of the supernatural thrown in to complement the film's rustic photography and rugged local clime. Featuring enough oddities to fill up a ten gallon hat under a Texas sun that's hot enough to sizzle armadillo roadkill, "Snake Tales" slithers through its intoxicating mix of the petty, profound and surreal in fine fashion; a perfect film for a state that's practically its own Tall Tale. - Merle Bertrand DIY FILMMAKING: "War Stories from the Frontlines of Filmmaking" =========================================== Here we present another chapter in our continuing series focusing on the trials and tribulations of making independent films. These War Stories from filmmakers who slaved to get it done will tear at your heart and might even make you cry. (Not really, but it sounds good to say that.) Battle on indie filmmakers! INTERVIEW WITH FILMMAKER: Joe LaPenna, writer/director/producer What's your story? "Gargoyle Girls" is the story of a mediocre children's party magician who accidentally releases two thirteenth century female gargoyles into modern day society. What does the title mean? It is self descriptive, but when I tell people the title they initially think it's a porn film. Tell me would you like to see naked Gargoyles, I think not. What was the budget/schedule? The film was shot for about forty or so thousand in cash and a another forty in deferred payments. Shot and edited over a grueling 15 month period. Did you sacrifice anything because of the budget? I sacrificed only what really needed to be sacrificed. I really wanted to do this on film, but I figured I would never be able to raise the cash the film needed for that, so I decided to do it on digital video instead. I am glad I did. Why did you do it? I needed to start somewhere. After a long stint as a special make up effects artist I decided to see what I could do from behind the camera. Current status of the film? Seeking distribution. Advice or pearls of brilliant film making wisdom? If you can't find work in the film business then make work. Grab your idea hold on and take your lumps. It eventually pays off. Was it worth it? Absolutely. I can't wait to do it again. In fact I am doing it again. What's next? I am in pre production on my current project (Working title) American Nightmare. It's going to be a supernatural thriller. Kind of a mix between lethal weapon and ghostbusters. Already finished the new script. To find out more, surf over to: If you would like to know where to find Gargoyle Girls, email FILMMAKERS: Hey! How come my film isn't in this column?!! E-mail your tales to and answer the basic questions above. Send us a copy of your film on video and if it sounds cool, we'll run a story about your movie! Send VHS review copies to: Film Threat, 5042 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 150, Los Angeles, CA 90036 HATE MAIL: You like us. You really like us. =========================================== VOW OF CRAP Dear Chris and the filmthreat crew: Thanks for the HOLLYWOOD FILMMAKER'S VOW OF QUALITY. It really darkened my day How about an amendment: I promise not to entice an audience with a truly funny premise and 20-30 minutes of quality dark humor only to force my own political and/or social agenda for the remainder of the film (AKA the Opposite of Sex syndrome). Keep kicking Hollywood's candy ass! Your fan - Greg ( END CREDITS "Written, produced, and directed by . . ." =========================================== Publisher / Chris Gore Executive Publisher / Victor Minjares Contributors / Merle Bertrand, Tom Meek, Anthony Miele, Ron Wells Send us films, videos, CDs, games, screening passes: FILM THREAT, 5042 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 150, Los Angeles, CA 90036 Website: Edress: FILM THREAT WEEKLY is published by The Gore Group, LLC. All material © 1998 Gore Group Publications. All rights reserved. Contents may not be reprinted without written permission of the author. You are, however, welcome to forward this e-mail to whomever you wish. All letters, comments and reviews sent to Film Threat Weekly in any manner are assumed intended for publication, unless stated otherwise. Your name and e-mail address will be printed if published herein. Not responsible for unsolicited submissions. Film Threat is now a proud part of the den: the daily entertainment network at Film Threat Weekly is distributed by ZENtertainment - QUOTING FILM THREAT WEEKLY: Journalists, if you feel the need to quote Film Threat Weekly you MUST include the Film Threat url ( so that readers can get more information. Otherwise you are NOT given permission to quote any material or contents contained herein. ADVERTISE: FILM THREAT MEDIA KIT =========================================== Reach over 65,000 film fanatics on the net. Indie filmmakers get a 50% discount! To get an e-media kit, e-mail FILM THREAT WEEKLY TAKES OVER THE NET "Read FTW on other sites" =========================================== Read excerpts from Film Threat Weekly on the "All-Movie Guide" at Read Film Threat Weekly on the "Internet Movie Database" at Also read Film Threat Weekly on the "Hollywood IndieNetwork" at Speak Italian? Read Film Threat Weekly translated into Italian at FTW is also posted on a web site in the Philippines, Cyberville Online at FILM THREAT "Hollywood's Indie Voice of the New Millennium" =========================================== Independent, Cult, Underground, Alternative Film, Hollywood Satire And No BS ==============CUT-AND-PRINT =============== [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: jkrudy Subject: RE: [MV] Who can find the new shining? Date: 09 Nov 1998 07:49:12 -0700 I really liked the miniseries. It seems to me that they'll show it again on tv here pretty soon then release it on video. That's how it worked for The Stand anyway. -----Original Message----- From: Rebecca Bezant [] Sent: Monday, November 09, 1998 1:36 AM To: Subject: [MV] Who can find the new shining? I like the 1980 version of The Shining, I do, but when the new version with Stephen Weber came on a couple years ago, I only got the chance to see the first part of it. I thought that Is might as well catch it on video when came out in a few months. Months came and gone and its still not around. All of Steven Kings TV movies went on video like IT, Langoliers, The Tommyknockers and The Stand, but who is hiding this movie. Is there any video store that carries it, or can it be specially ordered from some company like ABC television company that ran it? Please write me, Tim, and tell me, I am looking forward to finishing it! Thank you! [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bruce Bridges Subject: Re: [MV] ALL READ -Reply Date: 09 Nov 1998 08:34:27 -0800 Hey I'm not advocating censorship of any sort but am really trying to keep my already bloated mailbox from receiving even more unnecessary mail. I'm not beating up on the flick filosopher either but I do not want to be placed on a mailing list unless I specifically request it. As it stands now my AOL account is worthless to me for email because so much spam crap clogs the mailbox. Fight the Power! bb [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bruce Bridges Subject: Re: [MV] ALL READ -Reply Date: 09 Nov 1998 08:35:13 -0800 I think that's a marvelous idea. bb [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Scott Renshaw Subject: [MV] REVIEW: AMERICAN HISTORY X Date: 09 Nov 1998 11:00:12 -0700 (MST) AMERICAN HISTORY X (New Line) Starring: Edward Norton, Edward Furlong, Beverly D'Angelo, Fairuza Balk, Stacy Keach, Avery Brooks. Screenplay: David McKenna. Producer: John Morrissey. Director: Tony Kaye. MPAA Rating: R (violence, profanity, adult themes, sexual situations, nudity) Running Time: 118 minutes. Reviewed by Scott Renshaw. Making a movie about racism is virtually a no-win proposition. Ninety-nine percent of the time, a film-maker will spend two hours making it excruciatingly clear that racism is bad, inspiring either righteous nods of approval or rolled eyes at the explication of the self-evident. We all feel good abour ourselves as right-thinking people, but we get the point already. What more is there to say if you're only making a cinematic sermon for the choir? There is another option, which is even tricker: exploring the gray areas of what makes racist principles attractive. It's a risky endeavor -- you might find people chastising you for not making racism obviously bad _enough_ -- but it's the most potentially compelling. For all its flaws, AMERICAN HISTORY X grabs you because it throws you inside the racist mind more effectively than any film I can remember. The center of that exploration is Edward Norton's creepy-smart performance as Derek Vinyard, a young skinhead we meet in two incarnations. Just released from a three year prison sentence, he's a reformed neo-Nazi trying to save his hero-worshipping younger brother Danny (Edward Furlong) from a similar fate. In flashback, he's a revered skinhead adept at recruiting new blood into the white power gangs led by Cameron (Stacy Keach). Those flashback sequences are by far the most effective, photographed by director Tony Kaye in icy black-and-white. Remarkably, they begin from the premise that Derek and Danny are both intelligent rather than red-neck morons. Devastated by his firefighter father's murder in a predominantly black neighborhood, Derek has justified his hatred with ideas disturbingly familiar from contemporary policy discussions about affirmative action and welfare. Derek is chilling because he's not merely spewing bile and epithets -- he's making racism _make sense_ like a master rhetorician. It's that kind of audience-baiting that makes portions of AMERICAN HISTORY X so disturbing, particularly in a neighborhood basketball game sequence where Kaye masterfully manipulates viewers into siding with Derek and his skinhead cronies. Eventually, of course, the rhetoric of hatred turns into actions of hatred, leading to AMERICAN HISTORY X's most devastating sequences. The first shows Derek leading his gang on a rampage through a Korean-owned grocery store, terrorizing a black female clerk in a manner somehow more unsettling than the physical assaults on Mexican-American employees. The second shows us the reason for Derek's incarceration -- the murder of two black carjackers -- in a moment more shocking than you might think movies can be any more. Norton is perhaps at his most brilliant in this sequence; his raised eyebrows of triumph as he is being arrested may be the most memorable single moment of screen acting this year. It's hard to imagine AMERICAN HISTORY X ever getting made without the redemption/salvation angle, but it would have been much stronger without it. Though Derek's transformation further emphasizes his intelligence -- he's forced to change his views when his friendship in prison with a black inmate (Guy Torry) provides him with new evidence -- it can only lead to a great big Moral to the Story. Even more unnecessary is the contrived device in which Danny is forced to write a history paper on Derek's road to ruin, leading to a resolution that feels disappointingly pat. There's a grand sense of Shakesepearean tragedy to the conclusion, but not nearly the intensity of emotion present as we're pulled into Derek's racist world. We get that racism is bad. AMERICAN HISTORY X works because it risks showing us why some people believe it's good. On the Renshaw scale of 0 to 10 history lessons: 7. Visit Scott Renshaw's MoviePage *** Subscribe to receive new reviews directly by email! See the MoviePage for details, or reply to this message with subject line "Subscribe". [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: jkrudy Subject: [MV] Insurrection Date: 10 Nov 1998 07:56:40 -0700 Well I thought that I was quite the Star Trek fan until my sister emailed me and asked what I thought of the previews for Insurrection. I replied that I had not even heard of it, to which she replied, "Never heard of it! What is wrong with you!!! It's the new STAR TREK movie that is coming out in December." So now I feel very dumb. So what's the scoop on this movie? When does it come out? What's it about? If anybody can fill me in I'd be appreciative. James K. Rudy [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Wade Snider Subject: Re: [MV] Insurrection Date: 10 Nov 1998 09:24:21 PST This is not spoiler info, but if you don't want to know any detail of the movie, don't read anymore!!! But, I don't tell anything more than is stated in the trailer or on the official website... Where've ya been James?!?!?! ;-) Actually, there have been quite a few blurbs here and there about the movie on various entertainment shows, such as ET. A lot of movie news websites keep up with the status of the movie and the progress of it, you can find pics and other goodies all over the web. There's even an official site somewhere. The premise of the movie involves a planet, not in the Federation, that has some sort of "fountain of youth" or some such thing, be it mineral resources or whatever that somehow increases a lifespan and cures disease, or whatever. I'm not entirely sure, but you get the message. I think the planet and its people may have been isolated for a long time, and there is another race, belonging to the Federation that is old and dying, and they want the resources of this planet to save their own species.So, they try to capture this world. The crew of the Enterprise has compassion for this world and its people so they violate the Prime Directive and direct Starfleet orders by protecting this world and its people from being taken over, fighting this race and Starfleet itself. Thus, the title Insurrection. It sounds like a really good movie. A lot of the pics I've seen are pretty good. All the regular cast is in the movie, and they even supposedly shot but are leaving out a cameo from the final cut at the movie's close with Quark in it. It's directed by Frakes, who directed First Contact, for those who didn't know. Usually the odd numbered films have the rep of being flops, but this one actually looks pretty good. F. Murray Abraham plays the leader of the dying race, and supposedly there is some ambiguity to the nature of the race, that is, they may not be evil, actually a good people, simply desparate. Supposedly Abraham and Patrick Stewart have some really good dialogue and get the chance to stretch their acting muscles. There was also some discussion on movie news sites about there being a bubble bath scene between Riker and Troi.. hahahahahahaha..really trivial but amusing for the ST fan. The US release date is Dec. 11, I think. It may the 18th though. The teasers are supposedly out in the theater, and the trailer may be, too or soon anyway. There have been some descriptions of the trailer here and there. Has anyone else seen the teaser yet? Or any of the trailer? I suppose that some websites will have that, too. I am looking forward to it myself... Wade >--- On Tue, 10 Nov 1998 07:56:40 -0700 jkrudy wrote: >Well I thought that I was quite the Star Trek fan until my sister emailed me >and asked what I thought of the previews for Insurrection. I replied that I >had not even heard of it, to which she replied, "Never heard of it! What is >wrong with you!!! It's the new STAR TREK movie that is coming out in >December." So now I feel very dumb. So what's the scoop on this movie? >When does it come out? What's it about? If anybody can fill me in I'd be >appreciative. >James K. Rudy ------- W. Snider Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards. -Kierkegaard [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Ryan Allen) Subject: Re: [MV] Insurrection Date: 10 Nov 1998 10:45:16 -0500 ** Very Small Chance of Spoilers ** At 09:56 11/10/98 , you wrote: >Well I thought that I was quite the Star Trek fan until my sister emailed me >and asked what I thought of the previews for Insurrection. I replied that I >had not even heard of it, to which she replied, "Never heard of it! What is >wrong with you!!! It's the new STAR TREK movie that is coming out in >December." So now I feel very dumb. So what's the scoop on this movie? >When does it come out? What's it about? If anybody can fill me in I'd be >appreciative. I can fill you in, but at least she didn't call you stupid. And don't worry I won't either. Star Trek IX: Insurrection is the latest movie from Paramount to feature the Next Generation cast, including Worf from DS9. I know the entire plot, so I won't spoil it for you. But I will detail the basic premise, some interesting rumors and historical notes, and give you an opinion based on the script I've read: There is a planet, where time is so slow, it actually causes regression for those who land there. A planet of near-eternal youth. Well, that's something everyone would like to have, and alien races are no different. In order to protect the planet, the Federation steps in and sends in the Enterprise. Uh oh, seems the Enterprise was really sent by the Federation for a secret reason, and once it's discovered by Picard and crew, he commits an act of treason in order to air the secret. Well, the Federation isn't going to let THAT happen. Will Picard and the Enterprise survive? Will his crew fully support him? What will the Enterprise find on the planet? How will off-worlder's react to this planet's unique time-changing features? Only the movie will tell!! Facts and Rumors: Every odd numbered Star Trek film (save the first one) has been weak at the box office. Every odd film has had a weak storyline, or an edited storyline that can't tell the story with reduced budgets (ST:V). This will be the first Star Trek film where a romantic storyline is introduced beyond the small sideline stories of ST:TMP and ST:IV. Paramount is actually billing this as the first Star Trek "date" film. Rumor has it that the movie continues to impress audiences with test screenings, although the film has had more reshoots and increased SFX sequences added to the movie. The love story has been toned down, and action (and budget) increased to offset what some audiences felt was another slow Trek. The character focus and development in this movie will parallel the kind in ST:VIII, where we learn small interesting character information developments, but not with the overbearing character focus of ST:VII. All in all, it sounds like a great movie. Hope this helps. Stardate: 12.11.98 Cheers, Ryan Intranet Specialist Intranet Development Team (IDTeam) Allen Systems Group ## Hurricane Season (June 1-Nov. 1) is Here! ## ## Please visit my Personal Page ## ## ## [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "ABYRNE.IE.ORACLE.COM" Subject: Re: [MV] Insurrection Date: 10 Nov 1998 15:41:35 +0000 --=_ORCL_6109903_0_0 Content-Transfer-Encoding:quoted-printable Content-Type:text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Jonathan Frakes directs it again. It is about(I think) a planet of eternal youth that somehow threatens the survival of Earth, indirectly, as they are a peaceful people, and the Enterprise must go against the Federation to save it. It looks pretty cool. Someone tell me if I'm right or wrong! Thanks & Regards, ****************************************************************************= ** ****************************************************************************= ** Anto Byrne Oracle E.M.E.A. Fulfillment Dept. Unit 14 Phone:8031461 Airways Industrial Estate Fax:8031541 Cloghran email:abyrne Dublin 17. Ireland ****************************************************************************= ** --=_ORCL_6109903_0_0 Content-Type:message/rfc822 Return-Path: Received:from by (SMI-8.6/SMI-4.1) id OAA11492; Tue, 10 Nov 1998 14:54:42 GMT Received:from by (5.x/SMI-SVR4) id AA08437; Tue, 10 Nov 1998 14:58:30 GMT Received:from ( []) by (8.8.5/8.8.5) with ESMTP id GAA02725 for ; Tue, 10 Nov 1998 06:58:27 -0800 (PST) Received:from domo by with local (Exim 2.04 #1) id 0zdFE8-0002qq-00 for; Tue, 10 Nov 1998 07:57:04 -0700 Received:from [] ( by with smtp (Exim 2.04 #1) id 0zdFE3-0002pg-00 for; Tue, 10 Nov 1998 07:57:00 -0700 Received:from by via smtpd (for []) with SMTP; 10 Nov 1998 14:56:57 UT Received:from ( []) by (8.8.8/8.8.8) with ESMTP id HAA02068 for ; Tue, 10 Nov 1998 07:56:55 -0700 (MST) Received:by with Internet Mail Service (5.0.1460.8) id ; Tue, 10 Nov 1998 07:56:53 -0700 Message-Id:<> Precedence: bulk MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type:text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding:quoted-printable Well I thought that I was quite the Star Trek fan until my sister emailed me and asked what I thought of the previews for Insurrection. I replied that I had not even heard of it, to which she replied, "Never heard of it! What is wrong with you!!! It's the new STAR TREK movie that is coming out in December." So now I feel very dumb. So what's the scoop on this movie? When does it come out? What's it about? If anybody can fill me in I'd be appreciative. James K. Rudy [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] --=_ORCL_6109903_0_0-- [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: jkrudy Subject: RE: [MV] Insurrection Date: 10 Nov 1998 09:03:02 -0700 "Where've ya been James?!?!?! ;-)" "I can fill you in, but at least she didn't call you stupid." I sure wish I could say I was on some desert isle (with Cindy Crawford, perhaps) but the fact remains I've been sitting securely in front of my computer screen and was still clueless to this movie. I do appreciate the input, live long and prosper. The movie sounds awesome! James K. Rudy -----Original Message----- From: [] Sent: Tuesday, November 10, 1998 8:45 AM To: Subject: Re: [MV] Insurrection ** Very Small Chance of Spoilers ** At 09:56 11/10/98 , you wrote: >Well I thought that I was quite the Star Trek fan until my sister emailed me >and asked what I thought of the previews for Insurrection. I replied that I >had not even heard of it, to which she replied, "Never heard of it! What is >wrong with you!!! It's the new STAR TREK movie that is coming out in >December." So now I feel very dumb. So what's the scoop on this movie? >When does it come out? What's it about? If anybody can fill me in I'd be >appreciative. I can fill you in, but at least she didn't call you stupid. And don't worry I won't either. Star Trek IX: Insurrection is the latest movie from Paramount to feature the Next Generation cast, including Worf from DS9. I know the entire plot, so I won't spoil it for you. But I will detail the basic premise, some interesting rumors and historical notes, and give you an opinion based on the script I've read: There is a planet, where time is so slow, it actually causes regression for those who land there. A planet of near-eternal youth. Well, that's something everyone would like to have, and alien races are no different. In order to protect the planet, the Federation steps in and sends in the Enterprise. Uh oh, seems the Enterprise was really sent by the Federation for a secret reason, and once it's discovered by Picard and crew, he commits an act of treason in order to air the secret. Well, the Federation isn't going to let THAT happen. Will Picard and the Enterprise survive? Will his crew fully support him? What will the Enterprise find on the planet? How will off-worlder's react to this planet's unique time-changing features? Only the movie will tell!! Facts and Rumors: Every odd numbered Star Trek film (save the first one) has been weak at the box office. Every odd film has had a weak storyline, or an edited storyline that can't tell the story with reduced budgets (ST:V). This will be the first Star Trek film where a romantic storyline is introduced beyond the small sideline stories of ST:TMP and ST:IV. Paramount is actually billing this as the first Star Trek "date" film. Rumor has it that the movie continues to impress audiences with test screenings, although the film has had more reshoots and increased SFX sequences added to the movie. The love story has been toned down, and action (and budget) increased to offset what some audiences felt was another slow Trek. The character focus and development in this movie will parallel the kind in ST:VIII, where we learn small interesting character information developments, but not with the overbearing character focus of ST:VII. All in all, it sounds like a great movie. Hope this helps. Stardate: 12.11.98 Cheers, Ryan Intranet Specialist Intranet Development Team (IDTeam) Allen Systems Group ## Hurricane Season (June 1-Nov. 1) is Here! ## ## Please visit my Personal Page ## ## ## [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Ryan Allen) Subject: Re: [MV] Insurrection Date: 10 Nov 1998 11:06:04 -0500 At 12:24 11/10/98 , you wrote: >Has anyone else seen the teaser yet? Or any of the trailer? I suppose that >some websites will have that, too. Wade, I have the trailer from both ET and the movie on my PC. They are available at a number of "trailer parks" on the net. If you have QT, definitely worth seeing it. Ryan Intranet Specialist Intranet Development Team (IDTeam) Allen Systems Group ## Hurricane Season (June 1-Nov. 1) is Here! ## ## Please visit my Personal Page ## ## ## [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Wade Snider Subject: Re: [MV] Insurrection Date: 10 Nov 1998 10:14:58 PST Well, cool Ryan. I'd seen the teaser on the net, but only part of the trailer on ET. I'll poke around and check it out.Thanks Wade >Has anyone else seen the teaser yet? Or any of the trailer? I suppose that >some websites will have that, too. Wade, I have the trailer from both ET and the movie on my PC. They are available at a number of "trailer parks" on the net. If you have QT, definitely worth seeing it. Ryan Intranet Specialist Intranet Development Team (IDTeam) Allen Systems Group ## Hurricane Season (June 1-Nov. 1) is Here! ## ## Please visit my Personal Page ## ## ## [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ---------------End of Original Message----------------- W. Snider Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards. -Kierkegaard [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bruce Bridges Subject: Re: [MV] Insurrection -Reply Date: 10 Nov 1998 08:29:43 -0800 Is it just me or does the Enterprise crew disobey either Starfleet Command or the Prime Directive in every movie? You would think these guys would be in the brig by now. bb [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: jkrudy Subject: RE: [MV] Insurrection -Reply Date: 10 Nov 1998 09:43:35 -0700 If the rebellion is successful the rebels are called heroes, if the rebellion is unsuccessful the rebels are called criminals. I'm quoting, but I don't know from where, but you get the idea. James K. Rudy -----Original Message----- From: Bruce Bridges [SMTP:Bruce@SABAN.COM] Sent: Tuesday, November 10, 1998 9:30 AM To: Subject: Re: [MV] Insurrection -Reply Is it just me or does the Enterprise crew disobey either Starfleet Command or the Prime Directive in every movie? You would think these guys would be in the brig by now. bb [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Ryan Allen) Subject: Re: [MV] Insurrection - Prime Directives Date: 10 Nov 1998 11:47:47 -0500 At 11:29 11/10/98 , you wrote: >Is it just me or does the Enterprise crew disobey either Starfleet >Command or the Prime Directive in every movie? It's just you. :) Here we go: ST:TMP (no rule breakage) - Sent to save Earth from V'ger, supported by Starfleet and the Federation ST:TWOK (no rule breakage) - While surveying, Checkov gets captured by Kahn, who goes on a rampage for revenge against Admiral Kirk. Although there is a mention of a previous rule breakage, Kirk's defeat of the "no-win situation" simulation. ST:TSFS - They break all the rules in this one, searching for Spock, realizing the good of the one outweighs the good of the many. ST:TVH (no rule breakage) - Travelling back in time to save the future, they have the Federation's support. Only Kirk is "punished" by Starfleet and demoted to Captain at the end. ST:TFF (no rule breakage) - Attempt to stop the takeover of the galaxy's peace plant. They screw up and, with no budget, make the worst Star Trek feature ever. Although the original script was very good, and a few great scenes remain, mainly the campfire bookend scenes. The music is some of the best, and can be heard repeated in numerous movie trailers, and in followup Trek pictures. ST:TUC - Breaking them all again, in order to stop a madman's attempt to disrupt the Kittomer Peace Accords (spelling?). ST:G - Arguably one of the poorest ST outings, they only break a few rules here and there, but no major PD rules. ST:FC - The best ST film since TVH, arguably they only break the Prime Directive (to not interfere), because the Borg are attempting to assimilate Earth. This will only ensure that it can be created in the future. A catch-22, I suppose. ST:I - Major rule breakage. Cheers, Ryan Intranet Specialist Intranet Development Team (IDTeam) Allen Systems Group ## Hurricane Season (June 1-Nov. 1) is Here! ## ## Please visit my Personal Page ## ## ## [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: cHriS Subject: [MV] Insurrection/the Enterprise Date: 10 Nov 1998 10:54:50 -0600 I like the Trek films, but I wish they'd stop blowing up the Enterprise. When was the last time the ship actually made it through a movie intact? What version of the Enterprise are they on now? G? H? Sheesh... - cHriS [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Scott Renshaw Subject: [MV] REVIEW: I STILL KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER Date: 10 Nov 1998 10:10:52 -0700 (MST) I STILL KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER (Columbia/Mandalay) Starring: Jennifer Love Hewitt, Brandy, Freddie Prinze Jr., Mekhi Phifer, Matthew Settle, Muse Watson. Screenplay: Trey Callaway. Producers: Neal H. Moritz, Erik Feig, Stokely Chaffin and William S. Beasley. Director: Danny Cannon. MPAA Rating: R (violence, profanity, drug use, adult themes) Running Time: 96 minutes. Reviewed by Scott Renshaw. I STILL KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER seems like exactly the kind of film at which SCREAM and SCREAM 2 took their satiric jabs. In this sequel to last fall's horror hit, Julie James (Jennifer Love Hewitt) is still traumatized after surviving a killing spree by a gortex-clad, hook-handed, vengeance-minded psycho (Muse Watson). A year after the events in the first film, she's terrorized again -- this time on a tropical holiday with her college roommate Karla (Brandy), Karla's boyfriend Tyrell (Mekhi Phifer) and a classmate named Will (Matthew Settle) with a crush on Julie -- in all the expected ways. People begin dying in reverse credits order. Shadowy figures flit across the background. Small creatures dart out to the accompaniment of blasts of music. The electricity goes out. The killer moves...very...slowly towards potential victims. And no matter how violently the killer meets his apparent demise, he always turns up to suggest yet another sequel. Aside from its chronologically-challenged title -- if this is happening a year after the first film, shouldn't it be I STILL KNOW WHAT YOU DID TWO SUMMERS AGO? -- I STILL KNOW SHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER is constructed with an almost benign predictablity. Yet in a way, that's the appeal of the teen horror film. There's nothing truly scary about the film, nor was there ever intended to be. It's a Halloween funhouse with spaghetti for intestines and peeled grapes for human eyeballs. There's nothing dehumanizing about the way characters are gleefully dispatched, because they're never meant to be any more human than a mannequin being decapitated. You scream because it's what you're supposed to do, and you laugh about it afterwards. That doesn't make it any more fun for the average viewer of voting age to watch a film where you can identify every twist or turn several minutes before it happens. This is the kind of film you go to for only one reason: you're a teenager, you're on a date, and you're ready for an excuse to grip someone tightly. You're not going for the chance to see Jeffrey Combs' demented turn as a hotel manager with an attitude. You're not going to care about the inane attempts to give our protagonists actual personalities. You're certainly not going to care about the silly dialogue, or the less-than-terrifying prospect of Julie becoming an ultraviolet McNugget while locked into a tanning bed. You'll pay your money for a hug and a shriek, and you'll get exactly what you pay for. If I STILL KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER didn't feel as long as its title by the time the credits finally roll, it might have warranted even more slack. After all, it's a genre film doing what a genre film is made to do. It's also a film which feels blasted into production on a shaky premise with virtually no attempt at creating a quality product. It might seem strange to see a film like this after SCREAM turned its kind into comic relief, but there's still an audience for this sort of grind-it-out funhouse ride. I'm not it, but you know who you are. On the Renshaw scale of 0 to 10 endless summers: 4. Visit Scott Renshaw's MoviePage *** Subscribe to receive new reviews directly by email! See the MoviePage for details, or reply to this message with subject line "Subscribe". [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Wade Snider Subject: Re: [MV] Insurrection - Prime Directives Date: 10 Nov 1998 11:17:59 PST Hahaha.. what a good list you've got. Note that in ST:FC Picard disobeyed direct Starfleet orders and attacked the Borg when it was near Earth, that's before they went back in time...not a PD rule, but actually direct insubordination if you think about it. --- On Tue, 10 Nov 1998 11:47:47 -0500 Ryan Allen wrote: At 11:29 11/10/98 , you wrote: >Is it just me or does the Enterprise crew disobey either Starfleet >Command or the Prime Directive in every movie? It's just you. :) Here we go: ST:TMP (no rule breakage) - Sent to save Earth from V'ger, supported by Starfleet and the Federation ST:TWOK (no rule breakage) - While surveying, Checkov gets captured by Kahn, who goes on a rampage for revenge against Admiral Kirk. Although there is a mention of a previous rule breakage, Kirk's defeat of the "no-win situation" simulation. ST:TSFS - They break all the rules in this one, searching for Spock, realizing the good of the one outweighs the good of the many. ST:TVH (no rule breakage) - Travelling back in time to save the future, they have the Federation's support. Only Kirk is "punished" by Starfleet and demoted to Captain at the end. ST:TFF (no rule breakage) - Attempt to stop the takeover of the galaxy's peace plant. They screw up and, with no budget, make the worst Star Trek feature ever. Although the original script was very good, and a few great scenes remain, mainly the campfire bookend scenes. The music is some of the best, and can be heard repeated in numerous movie trailers, and in followup Trek pictures. ST:TUC - Breaking them all again, in order to stop a madman's attempt to disrupt the Kittomer Peace Accords (spelling?). ST:G - Arguably one of the poorest ST outings, they only break a few rules here and there, but no major PD rules. ST:FC - The best ST film since TVH, arguably they only break the Prime Directive (to not interfere), because the Borg are attempting to assimilate Earth. This will only ensure that it can be created in the future. A catch-22, I suppose. ST:I - Major rule breakage. Cheers, Ryan Intranet Specialist Intranet Development Team (IDTeam) Allen Systems Group ## Hurricane Season (June 1-Nov. 1) is Here! ## ## Please visit my Personal Page ## ## ## [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ---------------End of Original Message----------------- W. Snider Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards. -Kierkegaard [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Ryan Allen) Subject: Re: [MV] Insurrection - Prime Directives Date: 10 Nov 1998 13:06:55 -0500 At 14:17 11/10/98 , you wrote: >Hahaha.. what a good list you've got. Note that in ST:FC Picard >disobeyed direct Starfleet orders and attacked the Borg when it was >near Earth, that's before they went back in time...not a PD rule, >but actually direct insubordination if you think about it. Thanks for the list compliment, it's just my memory. I had forgotten that Starfleet felt that Picard had too much of a connection to the Borg since Locutus, and was to watch the neutral zone in case Romulans came across to take advantage of the situation. That's how Worf was brought aboard the Enterprise. Thanks for reminding me, it was a direct violation. Ryan Intranet Specialist Intranet Development Team (IDTeam) Allen Systems Group ## Hurricane Season (June 1-Nov. 1) is Here! ## ## Please visit my Personal Page ## ## ## [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Ryan Allen) Subject: Re: [MV] Insurrection/the Enterprise Date: 10 Nov 1998 13:17:06 -0500 At 11:54 11/10/98 , you wrote: >I like the Trek films, but I wish they'd stop blowing up the Enterprise. >When was the last time the ship actually made it through a movie intact? >What version of the Enterprise are they on now? G? H? Sheesh... NCC-1701 Enterprise survived the first film; damaged, but not destroyed in the second film; sacrificed to create a winnable "no win" situation in the third (first time for destruction); technically NCC 1701-A survived the fourth film (it appeared only at the end); it survived the fifth film and the sixth films; the seventh film was the only ST film that has featured two starships in the same film, NCC-1701-B was commissioned and survived, while NCC-1701-D was destroyed in a crash landing in the seventh film; NCC-1701-E survived the eighth film completely intact. Other Enterprises: NCC-1701-B was destroyed in unusual circumstances, not covered in detail in ST history (left to writers); NCC-1701-C was destroyed during a time travel experience when it came into the future, met Picard, and returned to defend a Klingon outpost during a Romulan attack and subsequent massacre. Cheers, Ryan Intranet Specialist Intranet Development Team (IDTeam) Allen Systems Group ## Hurricane Season (June 1-Nov. 1) is Here! ## ## Please visit my Personal Page ## ## ## [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Romero, Leticia" Subject: RE: [MV] Insurrection Date: 10 Nov 1998 10:21:25 -0800 I've seen the trailer about a dozen times, my husband and sister-in-law are HUGE trekkers, and the release date is Dec. 11. The trailer looks great, but a bit anti-climatic > -----Original Message----- > From: Wade Snider [] > Sent: Tuesday, November 10, 1998 9:24 AM > To: > Subject: Re: [MV] Insurrection > > > This is not spoiler info, but if you don't want to know > any detail of the movie, don't read anymore!!! But, I don't > tell anything more than is stated in the trailer or on the > official website... > > > > > > > > > > > Where've ya been James?!?!?! ;-) > Actually, there have been quite a few blurbs here and there about the > movie > on various entertainment shows, such as ET. A lot of movie news websites > keep up with the status of the movie and the progress of it, you can find > pics > and other goodies all over the web. There's even an official site > somewhere. > > The premise of the movie involves a planet, not in the Federation, that > has > some sort of "fountain of youth" or some such thing, be it mineral > resources > or whatever that somehow increases a lifespan and cures disease, or > whatever. > I'm not entirely sure, but you get the message. I think the planet and its > people > may have been isolated for a long time, and there is another race, > belonging to the > Federation that is old and dying, and they want the resources of this > planet to > save their own species.So, they try to capture this world. The crew of the > Enterprise has compassion for this world and its people so they violate > the > Prime Directive and direct Starfleet orders by protecting this world and > its people > from being taken over, fighting this race and Starfleet itself. Thus, the > title Insurrection. > > It sounds like a really good movie. A lot of the pics I've seen are pretty > good. > All the regular cast is in the movie, and they even supposedly shot but > are leaving > out a cameo from the final cut at the movie's close with Quark in it. It's > directed > by Frakes, who directed First Contact, for those who didn't know. Usually > the odd > numbered films have the rep of being flops, but this one actually looks > pretty > good. F. Murray Abraham plays the leader of the dying race, and supposedly > there is > some ambiguity to the nature of the race, that is, they may not be evil, > actually > a good people, simply desparate. Supposedly Abraham and Patrick Stewart > have some > really good dialogue and get the chance to stretch their acting muscles. > There was > also some discussion on movie news sites about there being a bubble bath > scene > between Riker and Troi.. hahahahahahaha..really trivial but amusing for > the ST fan. > > The US release date is Dec. 11, I think. It may the 18th though. The > teasers are > supposedly out in the theater, and the trailer may be, too or soon anyway. > There > have been some descriptions of the trailer here and there. > > Has anyone else seen the teaser yet? Or any of the trailer? I suppose that > some websites will have that, too. > > I am looking forward to it myself... > > Wade > > > > >--- On Tue, 10 Nov 1998 07:56:40 -0700 jkrudy wrote: > >Well I thought that I was quite the Star Trek fan until my sister emailed > me > >and asked what I thought of the previews for Insurrection. I replied > that I > >had not even heard of it, to which she replied, "Never heard of it! What > is > >wrong with you!!! It's the new STAR TREK movie that is coming out in > >December." So now I feel very dumb. So what's the scoop on this movie? > >When does it come out? What's it about? If anybody can fill me in I'd > be > >appreciative. > > >James K. Rudy > > > ------- > > -------------------------------------------------------- > W. Snider > > Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards. > -Kierkegaard > > -------------------------------------------------------- > > > [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] > [ movies (without the quotes) to ] [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Ryan Allen) Subject: RE: [MV] Insurrection Date: 10 Nov 1998 13:41:11 -0500 At 13:21 11/10/98 , you wrote: >I've seen the trailer about a dozen times, my husband and sister-in-law are >HUGE trekkers, and the release date is Dec. 11. The trailer looks great, >but a bit anti-climatic Well, that's what worried everyone about Insurrection, as it is an odd numbered film. So after a great number of test screenings, they've added a lot of SFX and toned down the Picard/Female relationship story arc. I can't wait! :) Cheers, Ryan Intranet Specialist Intranet Development Team (IDTeam) Allen Systems Group ## Hurricane Season (June 1-Nov. 1) is Here! ## ## Please visit my Personal Page ## ## ## [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Wade Snider Subject: Re: [MV] Insurrection - Prime Directives Date: 10 Nov 1998 13:28:43 PST Sure. I just watched First Contact again this weekend, so that's the main reason I remember it. --- On Tue, 10 Nov 1998 13:06:55 -0500 Ryan Allen wrote: Thanks for the list compliment, it's just my memory. I had forgotten that Starfleet felt that Picard had too much of a connection to the Borg since Locutus, and was to watch the neutral zone in case Romulans came across to take advantage of the situation. That's how Worf was brought aboard the Enterprise. Thanks for reminding me, it was a direct violation. Ryan Intranet Specialist Intranet Development Team (IDTeam) Allen Systems Group ## Hurricane Season (June 1-Nov. 1) is Here! ## ## Please visit my Personal Page ## ## ## [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ---------------End of Original Message----------------- W. Snider Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards. -Kierkegaard [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Romero, Leticia" Subject: FW: [MV] Insurrection - Prime Directives Date: 10 Nov 1998 12:02:23 -0800 YOU ALL ARE NUTS.... > Goose, > Please forward this to the gang: > > > Additional to FIRST CONTACT: Picard was guilty of disobeying Starfleet > orders during the first act; he ordered the Enterprise to leave the > Neutral Zone in order to engage in combat with the Borg. (Data's > attitude: "Sir, I believe I speak for the entire crew when I say, 'To > Hell with our orders.'") > > > > > -----Original Message----- > > From: Romero, Leticia [] > > Sent: Tuesday, November 10, 1998 11:21 AM > > To: 'eric' > > Subject: FW: [MV] Insurrection - Prime Directives > > > > Oh my god.... somebody's actually chronicaled these movies... who > > knew? > > > > Ha!! > > > > > -----Original Message----- > > > From: [] > > > Sent: Tuesday, November 10, 1998 8:48 AM > > > To: > > > Subject: Re: [MV] Insurrection - Prime Directives > > > > > > At 11:29 11/10/98 , you wrote: > > > >Is it just me or does the Enterprise crew disobey either Starfleet > > > >Command or the Prime Directive in every movie? > > > > > > It's just you. :) Here we go: > > > > > > ST:TMP (no rule breakage) - Sent to save Earth from V'ger, supported > > by > > > Starfleet and the Federation > > > ST:TWOK (no rule breakage) - While surveying, Checkov gets captured > > by > > > Kahn, who goes on a rampage for revenge against Admiral Kirk. > > Although > > > there is a mention of a previous rule breakage, Kirk's defeat of the > > > "no-win situation" simulation. > > > ST:TSFS - They break all the rules in this one, searching for Spock, > > > realizing the good of the one outweighs the good of the many. > > > ST:TVH (no rule breakage) - Travelling back in time to save the > > future, > > > they have the Federation's support. Only Kirk is "punished" by > > Starfleet > > > and demoted to Captain at the end. > > > ST:TFF (no rule breakage) - Attempt to stop the takeover of the > > galaxy's > > > peace plant. They screw up and, with no budget, make the worst Star > > Trek > > > feature ever. Although the original script was very good, and a few > > great > > > scenes remain, mainly the campfire bookend scenes. The music is > > some of > > > the best, and can be heard repeated in numerous movie trailers, and > > in > > > followup Trek pictures. > > > ST:TUC - Breaking them all again, in order to stop a madman's > > attempt to > > > disrupt the Kittomer Peace Accords (spelling?). > > > ST:G - Arguably one of the poorest ST outings, they only break a few > > rules > > > here and there, but no major PD rules. > > > ST:FC - The best ST film since TVH, arguably they only break the > > Prime > > > Directive (to not interfere), because the Borg are attempting to > > > assimilate > > > Earth. This will only ensure that it can be created in the future. > > A > > > catch-22, I suppose. > > > ST:I - Major rule breakage. > > > > > > Cheers, > > > Ryan > > > Intranet Specialist > > > Intranet Development Team (IDTeam) > > > Allen Systems Group > > > > > > > > > ## Hurricane Season (June 1-Nov. 1) is Here! ## > > > ## Please visit my Personal Page ## > > > ## ## > > > > > > [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] > > > [ movies (without the quotes) to ] [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Ryan Allen) Subject: Re: FW: [MV] Insurrection - Prime Directives Date: 10 Nov 1998 15:17:35 -0500 We're not nuts. But thanks for the compliments. Is there something wrong with a good memory about movies? Wondering, Ryan At 15:02 11/10/98 , you wrote: >YOU ALL ARE NUTS.... > > >> Goose, >> Please forward this to the gang: >> >> >> Additional to FIRST CONTACT: Picard was guilty of disobeying Starfleet >> orders during the first act; he ordered the Enterprise to leave the >> Neutral Zone in order to engage in combat with the Borg. (Data's >> attitude: "Sir, I believe I speak for the entire crew when I say, 'To >> Hell with our orders.'") >> >> >> >> > -----Original Message----- >> > From: Romero, Leticia [] >> > Sent: Tuesday, November 10, 1998 11:21 AM >> > To: 'eric' >> > Subject: FW: [MV] Insurrection - Prime Directives >> > >> > Oh my god.... somebody's actually chronicaled these movies... who >> > knew? >> > >> > Ha!! >> > >> > > -----Original Message----- >> > > From: [] >> > > Sent: Tuesday, November 10, 1998 8:48 AM >> > > To: >> > > Subject: Re: [MV] Insurrection - Prime Directives >> > > >> > > At 11:29 11/10/98 , you wrote: >> > > >Is it just me or does the Enterprise crew disobey either Starfleet >> > > >Command or the Prime Directive in every movie? >> > > >> > > It's just you. :) Here we go: >> > > >> > > ST:TMP (no rule breakage) - Sent to save Earth from V'ger, supported >> > by >> > > Starfleet and the Federation >> > > ST:TWOK (no rule breakage) - While surveying, Checkov gets captured >> > by >> > > Kahn, who goes on a rampage for revenge against Admiral Kirk. >> > Although >> > > there is a mention of a previous rule breakage, Kirk's defeat of the >> > > "no-win situation" simulation. >> > > ST:TSFS - They break all the rules in this one, searching for Spock, >> > > realizing the good of the one outweighs the good of the many. >> > > ST:TVH (no rule breakage) - Travelling back in time to save the >> > future, >> > > they have the Federation's support. Only Kirk is "punished" by >> > Starfleet >> > > and demoted to Captain at the end. >> > > ST:TFF (no rule breakage) - Attempt to stop the takeover of the >> > galaxy's >> > > peace plant. They screw up and, with no budget, make the worst Star >> > Trek >> > > feature ever. Although the original script was very good, and a few >> > great >> > > scenes remain, mainly the campfire bookend scenes. The music is >> > some of >> > > the best, and can be heard repeated in numerous movie trailers, and >> > in >> > > followup Trek pictures. >> > > ST:TUC - Breaking them all again, in order to stop a madman's >> > attempt to >> > > disrupt the Kittomer Peace Accords (spelling?). >> > > ST:G - Arguably one of the poorest ST outings, they only break a few >> > rules >> > > here and there, but no major PD rules. >> > > ST:FC - The best ST film since TVH, arguably they only break the >> > Prime >> > > Directive (to not interfere), because the Borg are attempting to >> > > assimilate >> > > Earth. This will only ensure that it can be created in the future. >> > A >> > > catch-22, I suppose. >> > > ST:I - Major rule breakage. >> > > >> > > Cheers, >> > > Ryan >> > > Intranet Specialist >> > > Intranet Development Team (IDTeam) >> > > Allen Systems Group >> > > >> > > >> > > ## Hurricane Season (June 1-Nov. 1) is Here! ## >> > > ## Please visit my Personal Page ## >> > > ## ## >> > > >> > > [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] >> > > [ movies (without the quotes) to ] > >[ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] >[ movies (without the quotes) to ] Intranet Specialist Intranet Development Team (IDTeam) Allen Systems Group ## Hurricane Season (June 1-Nov. 1) is Here! ## ## Please visit my Personal Page ## ## ## [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Romero, Leticia" Subject: RE: FW: [MV] Insurrection - Prime Directives Date: 10 Nov 1998 12:13:34 -0800 heavens no!! I think it's wonderful that we all love movies the way we do... but as much as you know about ST, nobody- but NOBODY- knows more about James Bond than my hubby!!! > -----Original Message----- > From: [] > Sent: Tuesday, November 10, 1998 12:18 PM > To: > Subject: Re: FW: [MV] Insurrection - Prime Directives > > We're not nuts. But thanks for the compliments. Is there something wrong > with a good memory about movies? > > Wondering, > Ryan > > At 15:02 11/10/98 , you wrote: > >YOU ALL ARE NUTS.... > > > > > >> Goose, > >> Please forward this to the gang: > >> > >> > >> Additional to FIRST CONTACT: Picard was guilty of disobeying Starfleet > >> orders during the first act; he ordered the Enterprise to leave the > >> Neutral Zone in order to engage in combat with the Borg. (Data's > >> attitude: "Sir, I believe I speak for the entire crew when I say, 'To > >> Hell with our orders.'") > >> > >> > >> > >> > -----Original Message----- > >> > From: Romero, Leticia [] > >> > Sent: Tuesday, November 10, 1998 11:21 AM > >> > To: 'eric' > >> > Subject: FW: [MV] Insurrection - Prime Directives > >> > > >> > Oh my god.... somebody's actually chronicaled these movies... who > >> > knew? > >> > > >> > Ha!! > >> > > >> > > -----Original Message----- > >> > > From: [] > >> > > Sent: Tuesday, November 10, 1998 8:48 AM > >> > > To: > >> > > Subject: Re: [MV] Insurrection - Prime Directives > >> > > > >> > > At 11:29 11/10/98 , you wrote: > >> > > >Is it just me or does the Enterprise crew disobey either Starfleet > >> > > >Command or the Prime Directive in every movie? > >> > > > >> > > It's just you. :) Here we go: > >> > > > >> > > ST:TMP (no rule breakage) - Sent to save Earth from V'ger, > supported > >> > by > >> > > Starfleet and the Federation > >> > > ST:TWOK (no rule breakage) - While surveying, Checkov gets captured > >> > by > >> > > Kahn, who goes on a rampage for revenge against Admiral Kirk. > >> > Although > >> > > there is a mention of a previous rule breakage, Kirk's defeat of > the > >> > > "no-win situation" simulation. > >> > > ST:TSFS - They break all the rules in this one, searching for > Spock, > >> > > realizing the good of the one outweighs the good of the many. > >> > > ST:TVH (no rule breakage) - Travelling back in time to save the > >> > future, > >> > > they have the Federation's support. Only Kirk is "punished" by > >> > Starfleet > >> > > and demoted to Captain at the end. > >> > > ST:TFF (no rule breakage) - Attempt to stop the takeover of the > >> > galaxy's > >> > > peace plant. They screw up and, with no budget, make the worst > Star > >> > Trek > >> > > feature ever. Although the original script was very good, and a > few > >> > great > >> > > scenes remain, mainly the campfire bookend scenes. The music is > >> > some of > >> > > the best, and can be heard repeated in numerous movie trailers, and > >> > in > >> > > followup Trek pictures. > >> > > ST:TUC - Breaking them all again, in order to stop a madman's > >> > attempt to > >> > > disrupt the Kittomer Peace Accords (spelling?). > >> > > ST:G - Arguably one of the poorest ST outings, they only break a > few > >> > rules > >> > > here and there, but no major PD rules. > >> > > ST:FC - The best ST film since TVH, arguably they only break the > >> > Prime > >> > > Directive (to not interfere), because the Borg are attempting to > >> > > assimilate > >> > > Earth. This will only ensure that it can be created in the future. > >> > A > >> > > catch-22, I suppose. > >> > > ST:I - Major rule breakage. > >> > > > >> > > Cheers, > >> > > Ryan > >> > > Intranet Specialist > >> > > Intranet Development Team (IDTeam) > >> > > Allen Systems Group > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > ## Hurricane Season (June 1-Nov. 1) is Here! ## > >> > > ## Please visit my Personal Page ## > >> > > ## ## > >> > > > >> > > [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] > >> > > [ movies (without the quotes) to ] > > > >[ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] > >[ movies (without the quotes) to ] > > Intranet Specialist > Intranet Development Team (IDTeam) > Allen Systems Group > > > ## Hurricane Season (June 1-Nov. 1) is Here! ## > ## Please visit my Personal Page ## > ## ## > > [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] > [ movies (without the quotes) to ] [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Wade Snider Subject: Re: FW: [MV] Insurrection - Prime Directives Date: 10 Nov 1998 14:37:09 PST Nuts?? Hey, now..... just enjoy these movies, so we know about them and enjoy relating them across their history.... --- On Tue, 10 Nov 1998 15:17:35 -0500 Ryan Allen wrote: We're not nuts. But thanks for the compliments. Is there something wrong with a good memory about movies? Wondering, Ryan At 15:02 11/10/98 , you wrote: >YOU ALL ARE NUTS.... > > >> Goose, >> Please forward this to the gang: >> >> >> Additional to FIRST CONTACT: Picard was guilty of disobeying Starfleet >> orders during the first act; he ordered the Enterprise to leave the >> Neutral Zone in order to engage in combat with the Borg. (Data's >> attitude: "Sir, I believe I speak for the entire crew when I say, 'To >> Hell with our orders.'") >> >> >> >> > -----Original Message----- >> > From: Romero, Leticia [] >> > Sent: Tuesday, November 10, 1998 11:21 AM >> > To: 'eric' >> > Subject: FW: [MV] Insurrection - Prime Directives >> > >> > Oh my god.... somebody's actually chronicaled these movies... who >> > knew? >> > >> > Ha!! >> > >> > > -----Original Message----- >> > > From: [] >> > > Sent: Tuesday, November 10, 1998 8:48 AM >> > > To: >> > > Subject: Re: [MV] Insurrection - Prime Directives >> > > >> > > At 11:29 11/10/98 , you wrote: >> > > >Is it just me or does the Enterprise crew disobey either Starfleet >> > > >Command or the Prime Directive in every movie? >> > > >> > > It's just you. :) Here we go: >> > > >> > > ST:TMP (no rule breakage) - Sent to save Earth from V'ger, supported >> > by >> > > Starfleet and the Federation >> > > ST:TWOK (no rule breakage) - While surveying, Checkov gets captured >> > by >> > > Kahn, who goes on a rampage for revenge against Admiral Kirk. >> > Although >> > > there is a mention of a previous rule breakage, Kirk's defeat of the >> > > "no-win situation" simulation. >> > > ST:TSFS - They break all the rules in this one, searching for Spock, >> > > realizing the good of the one outweighs the good of the many. >> > > ST:TVH (no rule breakage) - Travelling back in time to save the >> > future, >> > > they have the Federation's support. Only Kirk is "punished" by >> > Starfleet >> > > and demoted to Captain at the end. >> > > ST:TFF (no rule breakage) - Attempt to stop the takeover of the >> > galaxy's >> > > peace plant. They screw up and, with no budget, make the worst Star >> > Trek >> > > feature ever. Although the original script was very good, and a few >> > great >> > > scenes remain, mainly the campfire bookend scenes. The music is >> > some of >> > > the best, and can be heard repeated in numerous movie trailers, and >> > in >> > > followup Trek pictures. >> > > ST:TUC - Breaking them all again, in order to stop a madman's >> > attempt to >> > > disrupt the Kittomer Peace Accords (spelling?). >> > > ST:G - Arguably one of the poorest ST outings, they only break a few >> > rules >> > > here and there, but no major PD rules. >> > > ST:FC - The best ST film since TVH, arguably they only break the >> > Prime >> > > Directive (to not interfere), because the Borg are attempting to >> > > assimilate >> > > Earth. This will only ensure that it can be created in the future. >> > A >> > > catch-22, I suppose. >> > > ST:I - Major rule breakage. >> > > >> > > Cheers, >> > > Ryan >> > > Intranet Specialist >> > > Intranet Development Team (IDTeam) >> > > Allen Systems Group >> > > >> > > >> > > ## Hurricane Season (June 1-Nov. 1) is Here! ## >> > > ## Please visit my Personal Page ## >> > > ## ## >> > > >> > > [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] >> > > [ movies (without the quotes) to ] > >[ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] >[ movies (without the quotes) to ] Intranet Specialist Intranet Development Team (IDTeam) Allen Systems Group ## Hurricane Season (June 1-Nov. 1) is Here! ## ## Please visit my Personal Page ## ## ## [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ---------------End of Original Message----------------- W. Snider Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards. -Kierkegaard [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Ryan Allen) Subject: RE: FW: [MV] Insurrection - Prime Directives Date: 10 Nov 1998 15:37:38 -0500 At 15:13 11/10/98 , you wrote: >heavens no!! I think it's wonderful that we all love movies the way we >do... but as much as you know about ST, nobody- but NOBODY- knows more >about James Bond than my hubby!!! Woohoo! I love a challenge, where do we begin? What's the famous line that was entered into the Guiness Book of Movies as the most famous movei line of all time? Hint hint. It wasn't from Casblanca (that was #2 or #3). Cheers, Ryan Intranet Specialist Intranet Development Team (IDTeam) Allen Systems Group ## Hurricane Season (June 1-Nov. 1) is Here! ## ## Please visit my Personal Page ## ## ## [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Romero, Leticia" Subject: RE: FW: [MV] Insurrection - Prime Directives Date: 10 Nov 1998 12:30:02 -0800 duh! even I know that! "Bond, James Bond" You gotta do better than that.... > -----Original Message----- > From: [] > Sent: Tuesday, November 10, 1998 12:38 PM > To: > Subject: RE: FW: [MV] Insurrection - Prime Directives > > At 15:13 11/10/98 , you wrote: > >heavens no!! I think it's wonderful that we all love movies the way we > >do... but as much as you know about ST, nobody- but NOBODY- knows more > >about James Bond than my hubby!!! > > Woohoo! I love a challenge, where do we begin? What's the famous line > that was entered into the Guiness Book of Movies as the most famous movei > line of all time? Hint hint. It wasn't from Casblanca (that was #2 or > #3). > > Cheers, > Ryan > Intranet Specialist > Intranet Development Team (IDTeam) > Allen Systems Group > > > ## Hurricane Season (June 1-Nov. 1) is Here! ## > ## Please visit my Personal Page ## > ## ## > > [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] > [ movies (without the quotes) to ] [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: jkrudy Subject: RE: FW: [MV] Insurrection - Prime Directives Date: 10 Nov 1998 13:42:48 -0700 Try me. James K. Rudy -----Original Message----- From: Romero, Leticia [] Sent: Tuesday, November 10, 1998 1:14 PM To: '' Cc: 'eric' Subject: RE: FW: [MV] Insurrection - Prime Directives heavens no!! I think it's wonderful that we all love movies the way we do... but as much as you know about ST, nobody- but NOBODY- knows more about James Bond than my hubby!!! > -----Original Message----- > From: [] > Sent: Tuesday, November 10, 1998 12:18 PM > To: > Subject: Re: FW: [MV] Insurrection - Prime Directives > > We're not nuts. But thanks for the compliments. Is there something wrong > with a good memory about movies? > > Wondering, > Ryan > > At 15:02 11/10/98 , you wrote: > >YOU ALL ARE NUTS.... > > > > > >> Goose, > >> Please forward this to the gang: > >> > >> > >> Additional to FIRST CONTACT: Picard was guilty of disobeying Starfleet > >> orders during the first act; he ordered the Enterprise to leave the > >> Neutral Zone in order to engage in combat with the Borg. (Data's > >> attitude: "Sir, I believe I speak for the entire crew when I say, 'To > >> Hell with our orders.'") > >> > >> > >> > >> > -----Original Message----- > >> > From: Romero, Leticia [] > >> > Sent: Tuesday, November 10, 1998 11:21 AM > >> > To: 'eric' > >> > Subject: FW: [MV] Insurrection - Prime Directives > >> > > >> > Oh my god.... somebody's actually chronicaled these movies... who > >> > knew? > >> > > >> > Ha!! > >> > > >> > > -----Original Message----- > >> > > From: [] > >> > > Sent: Tuesday, November 10, 1998 8:48 AM > >> > > To: > >> > > Subject: Re: [MV] Insurrection - Prime Directives > >> > > > >> > > At 11:29 11/10/98 , you wrote: > >> > > >Is it just me or does the Enterprise crew disobey either Starfleet > >> > > >Command or the Prime Directive in every movie? > >> > > > >> > > It's just you. :) Here we go: > >> > > > >> > > ST:TMP (no rule breakage) - Sent to save Earth from V'ger, > supported > >> > by > >> > > Starfleet and the Federation > >> > > ST:TWOK (no rule breakage) - While surveying, Checkov gets captured > >> > by > >> > > Kahn, who goes on a rampage for revenge against Admiral Kirk. > >> > Although > >> > > there is a mention of a previous rule breakage, Kirk's defeat of > the > >> > > "no-win situation" simulation. > >> > > ST:TSFS - They break all the rules in this one, searching for > Spock, > >> > > realizing the good of the one outweighs the good of the many. > >> > > ST:TVH (no rule breakage) - Travelling back in time to save the > >> > future, > >> > > they have the Federation's support. Only Kirk is "punished" by > >> > Starfleet > >> > > and demoted to Captain at the end. > >> > > ST:TFF (no rule breakage) - Attempt to stop the takeover of the > >> > galaxy's > >> > > peace plant. They screw up and, with no budget, make the worst > Star > >> > Trek > >> > > feature ever. Although the original script was very good, and a > few > >> > great > >> > > scenes remain, mainly the campfire bookend scenes. The music is > >> > some of > >> > > the best, and can be heard repeated in numerous movie trailers, and > >> > in > >> > > followup Trek pictures. > >> > > ST:TUC - Breaking them all again, in order to stop a madman's > >> > attempt to > >> > > disrupt the Kittomer Peace Accords (spelling?). > >> > > ST:G - Arguably one of the poorest ST outings, they only break a > few > >> > rules > >> > > here and there, but no major PD rules. > >> > > ST:FC - The best ST film since TVH, arguably they only break the > >> > Prime > >> > > Directive (to not interfere), because the Borg are attempting to > >> > > assimilate > >> > > Earth. This will only ensure that it can be created in the future. > >> > A > >> > > catch-22, I suppose. > >> > > ST:I - Major rule breakage. > >> > > > >> > > Cheers, > >> > > Ryan > >> > > Intranet Specialist > >> > > Intranet Development Team (IDTeam) > >> > > Allen Systems Group > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > ## Hurricane Season (June 1-Nov. 1) is Here! ## > >> > > ## Please visit my Personal Page ## > >> > > ## ## > >> > > > >> > > [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] > >> > > [ movies (without the quotes) to ] > > > >[ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] > >[ movies (without the quotes) to ] > > Intranet Specialist > Intranet Development Team (IDTeam) > Allen Systems Group > > > ## Hurricane Season (June 1-Nov. 1) is Here! ## > ## Please visit my Personal Page ## > ## ## > > [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] > [ movies (without the quotes) to ] [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Ryan Allen) Subject: RE: FW: [MV] Insurrection - Prime Directives Date: 10 Nov 1998 15:50:52 -0500 At 15:30 11/10/98 , you wrote: >duh! even I know that! "Bond, James Bond" > >You gotta do better than that.... > I just started with an easy one... ;) Ryan Intranet Specialist Intranet Development Team (IDTeam) Allen Systems Group ## Hurricane Season (June 1-Nov. 1) is Here! ## ## Please visit my Personal Page ## ## ## [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Garrett Winters Subject: RE: FW: [MV] Insurrection - Prime Directives Date: 10 Nov 1998 21:04:57 +0000 Ryan Allen writes >Woohoo! I love a challenge, where do we begin? What's the famous line >that was entered into the Guiness Book of Movies as the most famous movei >line of all time? Hint hint. It wasn't from Casblanca (that was #2 or #3). ah I know this one "The name is Bond, James Bond" (Sean Connery in Dr. No ( I think)) Garrett [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Ryan Allen) Subject: RE: FW: [MV] Insurrection - Prime Directives Date: 10 Nov 1998 16:20:03 -0500 Yup. :) At 16:04 11/10/98 , you wrote: >Ryan Allen writes >>Woohoo! I love a challenge, where do we begin? What's the famous line >>that was entered into the Guiness Book of Movies as the most famous movei >>line of all time? Hint hint. It wasn't from Casblanca (that was #2 or #3). >ah I know this one >"The name is Bond, James Bond" (Sean Connery in Dr. No ( I think)) >Garrett [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Romero, Leticia" Subject: [MV] Happiness Date: 11 Nov 1998 10:20:29 -0800 I finally saw Happiness last night.... wow, what a sick and ironic title.... but I loved it!! The characters were all so pathetic it was hilarious! Has anyone else seen it? Did Scott do a review? Is anyone out there? [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "ABYRNE.IE.ORACLE.COM" Subject: [MV] Release Date Date: 11 Nov 1998 18:54:14 +0000 Can anyone tell me the European relase date for Star Trek Insurrection?????? Thanks & Regards, ****************************************************************************= ** ****************************************************************************= ** Anto Byrne Oracle E.M.E.A. Fulfillment Dept. Unit 14 Phone:8031461 Airways Industrial Estate Fax:8031541 Cloghran email:abyrne Dublin 17. Ireland ****************************************************************************= ** [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Hollywood Online) Subject: [MV] Hollywood Online Weekly Dispatch Date: 11 Nov 1998 06:34:19 -0800 (PST) Hollywood Online Weekly Dispatch Hello movie fans! Welcome yet again to the Hollywood Online Weekly Dispatch, delivered FREE OF CHARGE to your e-mail box every week. Instructions for unsubscribing appear at the bottom. The Hollywood Online Weekly Dispatch is THE source for detailed news about the latest movie and video releases, Hollywood events, special movie site features, exclusive interviews and audio clips. The web's number one information source for movie soundtrack news, premiere coverage, and much more. ****************************************************** ADVERTISEMENT ****************************************************** CDnow is the internet's #1 music store with over 300,000 titles. They provide the service you want to make music shopping easy: simple smart searches, an album advisor to find great music, and even Real Audio samples so you can listen BEFORE you buy. Great Prices, Huge Selection, AND Superior service from ********************************************************** Brad Pitt is back, along with Anthony Hopkins, in "Meet Joe Black." Will it win this weekend's box office race against "I'll Be Home for Christmas" starring Jonathan Taylor Thomas and "I Still Know What You Did Last Summer" starring Jennifer Love Hewitt and Brandy; or will Adam Sandler's "Waterboy" continue hold its own? Check out all the movies opening this week... **************************************** NEW MOVIES RELEASED THIS WEEK **************************************** Movies Opening November 13, 1998 (in alphabetical order) "American History X" Drama: Edward Norton becomes the leader of a white supremacist group after his father is violently murdered by a black gang member. After spending time in prison, Norton no longer wants to be a part of the hate and violence that his neo-Nazi group cultivates, and tries to separate himself and brother Edward Furlong from the urban racism. November 13, 1998 - expanded release "Autumn Sun" Art/Foreign: Set in Buenos Aires, "Autumn Sun" explores a romance that develops between two older individuals. Norma Aleandro stars as a single Jewish woman who prepares for her American brother's visit by hiring a fake Jewish lover. A few things are unexpected. Her brother cancels. Her gentleman isn't exactly Jewish. And their romance isn't entirely fake. November 13, 1998 - LA release "Dancing at Lughnasa" Drama: Meryl Streep is part of a close-knit Irish clan whose secrets begin to break through as Europe approaches upheaval in 1936. November 13, 1998 - LA/NY release "The Decline of Western Civilization Part III" Documentary: Youth pulse-taker Penelope Spheeris turns her documentary eye on the homeless "gutter-punks" of Hollywood. November 13, 1998 - LA release "Hard Core Logo" Drama: A legendary Vancouver punk band undertakes a reunion tour that brings its members up against some hard truths. November 13, 1998 - LA/NY release "I Still Know What You Did Last Summer" Horror: Guess who still knows what they did last summer? Jennifer Love Hewitt follows in the footsteps of fellow "Party of Fiver" Neve Campbell by becoming a scream queen in her own right. The "I Know What You Did Last Summer" heroine makes it back to campus for what looks to be a killer sophomore year. Freddie Prinze, Jr. returns, along with newcomer Brandy Norwood. November 13, 1998 - national release "I'll Be Home for Christmas" Family: Jonathan Taylor Thomas must hitchhike across the country in a Santa get-up or lose the Porsche his dad has promised him. November 13, 1998 - national release "Meet Joe Black" Drama: If an otherworldly creature is going to take human form, he might as well pick Brad Pitt's. While on Earth, he falls in love with Anthony Hopkins' daughter Claire Forlani. November 13, 1998 - national release "River Red" Drama: Tom Everett Scott and David Moscow as brothers whose final confrontation with their abusive father leads to a destructive deception. November 13, 1998 - NY release "Ten Benny" Drama: A man tries a shortcut to the big time, jeopardizing his friendships and his future. November 13, 1998 - NY release "Thursday" Action/Adventure: It's not easy switching jobs, especially when you're an L.A. drug dealer who's become a Houston architect. Making the transition especially difficult for Thomas Jane is drug-peddling buddy Aaron Eckhart, and the users that come knocking for him. Paulina Porizkova co-stars as a jilted ex-girlfriend, and Mickey Rourke appears as a rogue cop. November 13, 1998 - LA release "Welcome to Woop, Woop" Comedy: Johnathon Schaech stars as a charismatic con running from the law and eventually from kidnapper Susie Porter. The backdrop for this comedy is the town of Woop Woop, an Australian outback populated by 50 crazy, repulsive residents led by Porter's intimidating father, Rod Taylor. Schaech must escape before being forced to marry Porter and add to the vile gene pool. November 13, 1998 - limited release "Whatever It Takes" Action/Adventure: Andrew "Dice" Clay and Don (The Dragon) Wilson star as D.E.A. agents working undercover at Muscle Beach to bust up an illegal steroid operation. November 13, 1998 - LA release **************************************** SHOWTIMES MOVIE LISTINGS **************************************** Now that you've seen what's coming out this week, here's the best way to find out where it's playing in your neighborhood, and when! Plus, get maps, theater information, and much more -- everything about movies at Hollywood Online! **************************************** NEW VIDEOS RELEASED THIS WEEK **************************************** Videos Released November 10, 1998 (in alphabetical order) "The Horse Whisperer" Drama: Robert Redford rides again as director and star. Kristin Scott Thomas is the mother of 14-year-old Scarlett Johansson. When her daughter suffers a terrible horse riding accident, the magazine editor launches a campaign to find someone who can cure the troubled horse. Redford, a Montana "horse whisperer," develops a healing relationship with the animal and his owners. "Small Soldiers" Action/Adventure: Tommy Lee Jones lends his voice in this live action, computer animated adventure. Armies of toy monsters and soldiers war against each other to the bitter end. The good guys are crude creatures known as the Gorgonites. The villains are a highly trained battalion of soldiers who pursue global domination at all costs. November 13, 1998 "Armageddon" Action/Adventure: NASA chief Billy Bob Thornton sends Bruce Willis, deep core driller, to blow up an earth-threatening asteroid from the inside. The special effects spectacle is jeopardized as reckless protege Ben Affleck threatens to botch the job, and MENSA dropout Steve Buscemi gets space madness. Also starring Liv Tyler. **************************************** HOLLYWOOD NEWS **************************************** HOLLYWOOD ROUNDTABLE Weekly columns on a variety of subjects, from underground film to foreign film to film zeitgeist. ART ATTACK - 'Life is Beautiful' Director Roberto Benigni THE PRESSROOM The best premiere coverage, celebrity photos and interviews on the web! New this week: "The Big Chill" Premiere "Party of Five" 100th Episode Society of Singers International Achievement Awards Christian Bale Interview **************************************** HOLLYWOOD ONLINE: FEATURES **************************************** "THE THIN RED LINE" PREMIERE TRIP GIVEAWAY Enter before November 30th to win a trip to Los Angeles to see the worldwide premiere of John Travolta, Sean Penn and Nick Nolte's new movie, "The Thin Red Line." Brought to you by Visa! "I STILL KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER" SPECIAL FEATURE Videos, Photos, Fun Stuff - Vote for the Scream Queens! "JOHN CARPENTER'S VAMPIRES" SPECIAL FEATURE Videos, Photos, Fun Stuff - Enter before November 23 to win a CD in the Caption Contest! DIGITAL REVOLUTION Everything you could want to know about DVDs, laser discs, industry developments, and all the latest titles. Pick of the Week: "Suicide Kings",1133,114,00.html MOVIE CRITIC "The Siege" and "The Waterboy" earn mixed reviews from the nation's top critics. Check out what they're saying about the movies opening this week! MOVIETALK Hear your favorite celebs in their own words, behind the scenes, unrehearsed, and in glorious RealAudio! This week: Denzel Washington, Annette Bening, Tony Shalhoub, Edward Zwick ("The Siege"); Cate Blanchett ("Elizabeth"); Edward Norton, Edward Furlong, John Morrissey ("American History X"). MOVIETUNES MovieTunes at Hollywood Online is the best source for movie music news and coverage -- audio clips, interviews, art, forums, and more. Soundtrack of the week: "The Rock" Also: "Antz" "Pleasantville" "Vampires" ***************************************************************** ADVERTISEMENT ***************************************************************** ( Looking for that hard-to-find DVD? With over 2,000 titles, has what you want. Simply select your rental, receive it within 2-3 business days - watch it as often as you like for a full 7 days! Return it using the prepaid, pre-addressed return-mailer. No hassles, no long lines, just pure entertainment. ***************************************************************** UNSUBSCRIBE? CHANGE OF ADDRESS? If you wish to be removed from this email list, or to change the email address we have for you, go to: where you will be asked to enter the exact email address you wish unsubscribed. For any other information about this e-mail, contact: Thanks for being a part of Hollywood Online -- where we're all about movies!(r) [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Wade Snider Subject: Re: [MV] Release Date Date: 11 Nov 1998 13:18:59 PST If I remember when I was looking at one site yesterday, if I remember it correctly, that the UK release date is January 1st, maybe the 15th. Same with Australia Wade --- On 11 Nov 98 18:54:14 +0000 "ABYRNE.IE.ORACLE.COM" wrote: Can anyone tell me the European relase date for Star Trek Insurrection?????? Thanks & Regards, ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** Anto Byrne Oracle E.M.E.A. Fulfillment Dept. Unit 14 Phone:8031461 Airways Industrial Estate Fax:8031541 Cloghran email:abyrne Dublin 17. Ireland ****************************************************************************** [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ---------------End of Original Message----------------- W. Snider Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards. -Kierkegaard [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: jkrudy Subject: RE: [MV] Release Date Date: 11 Nov 1998 12:20:12 -0700 But don't worry Anto, we'll make sure to tell you all about it long before then. Just kidding! James K. Rudy -----Original Message----- From: Wade Snider [] Sent: Wednesday, November 11, 1998 2:19 PM To: Subject: Re: [MV] Release Date If I remember when I was looking at one site yesterday, if I remember it correctly, that the UK release date is January 1st, maybe the 15th. Same with Australia Wade --- On 11 Nov 98 18:54:14 +0000 "ABYRNE.IE.ORACLE.COM" wrote: Can anyone tell me the European relase date for Star Trek Insurrection?????? Thanks & Regards, **************************************************************************** ** **************************************************************************** ** Anto Byrne Oracle E.M.E.A. Fulfillment Dept. Unit 14 Phone:8031461 Airways Industrial Estate Fax:8031541 Cloghran email:abyrne Dublin 17. Ireland **************************************************************************** ** [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ---------------End of Original Message----------------- -------------------------------------------------------- W. Snider Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards. -Kierkegaard -------------------------------------------------------- [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: s44108 Subject: [MV] "Saving private Ryan"!!! Date: 11 Nov 1998 23:10:18 +0800 Is there anyone who has seen the movie"Saving private Ryan"? Please speak up you opinions about and feelings about "Saving private Ryan" on that. I will truly appreciate. [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: jkrudy Subject: RE: [MV] "Saving private Ryan"!!! Date: 11 Nov 1998 13:42:09 -0700 Oh oh, here we go again. Did anybody save all those emails from a couple of months ago. I didn't. I thought it was one of the best movies I've ever seen. I didn't find it boring. I didn't find any fault with it, but you're going to find many people who will disagree with me. James K. Rudy -----Original Message----- From: s44108 [] Sent: Wednesday, November 11, 1998 8:10 AM To: Subject: [MV] "Saving private Ryan"!!! Is there anyone who has seen the movie"Saving private Ryan"? Please speak up you opinions about and feelings about "Saving private Ryan" on that. I will truly appreciate. [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Scott Renshaw Subject: [MV] REVIEW: MEET JOE BLACK Date: 11 Nov 1998 16:30:08 -0700 (MST) MEET JOE BLACK (Universal) Starring: Brad Pitt, Anthony Hopkins, Claire Forlani, Marcia Gay Harden, Jake Weber, Jeffrey Tambor. Screenplay: Ron Osborn & Jeff Reno and Kevin Wade and Bo Goldman. Producer: Martin Brest. Director: Martin Brest. MPAA Rating: PG-13 (profanity, sexual situations, adult themes) Running Time: 179 minutes. Reviewed by Scott Renshaw. Death (Brad Pitt), in the nattily-attired, bleach-blond human form of Joe Black, is ready for a holiday. Having spent eternity in the isolation of his never-ending task, the Reaper has decided he wants to sample mortal pleasures, with aging communications tycoon Bill Parrish (Anthony Hopkins) as his somewhat reluctant guide. You may feel that Death has made up for plenty of lost time by the time MEET JOE BLACK finally winds its way to a conclusion -- not because his love of Parrish's daughter Susan (Claire Forlani) is so transforming, but because the three hours of the film begin to feel something like eternity. In his attempt to make an epic of the human experience, director Martin Brest has overburdened a simple story with an entire film's worth of pregnant pauses, portentous glances and flabby plotting. The real shame is that there's two hours of solid material trying to escape from this lengthy remake of DEATH TAKES A HOLIDAY. The relationship between Susan and Joe is given a neat twist at the start as the emotionally confused Susan meets and falls for the guy whose body Death takes (in one of the most startling screen deaths you'll see). Hopkins, meanwhile, does nice work as the businessman taking stock of his legacy, drawing on the understated physical acting which has always marked his best performances. Brest finds both comedy and creepiness in the early stages of Joe and Parrish's interaction, with the mogul's mysterious new confidante inspiring curiosity among his family and business associates, as well as confusion over the gentleman's unusual affinity for peanut butter. Between every shred of interesting material, however, there are several patience-threatening minutes. It's astonishing to note that two editors are credited on MEET JOE BLACK, since virtually nothing seems to have been left on the cutting room floor. The scene in which Forlani and Pitt make their lingering departure from one another at the coffee shop could qualify as a short subject; it takes so long for them to undress one another when they finally make love you suspect they're sizing each other for wardrobe. Superfluous sub-plots drag the film down, including one which requires Pitt to adopt an embarrassing West Indian accent. Even the entire storyline involving an attempted coup by Parrish's top lieutenant (Jake Weber, oozing yuppie sleaze) seems to exist for the sole purpose of one big punch line at the 160 minute mark. That consistent lack of narrative economy ultimately dooms MEET JOE BLACK in spite of its strengths. Pitt brings a surprising undercurrent of menace to the role of Joe Black, while still finding the humanity Death discovers. There are also some supporting moments which do work quite well, including Marcia Gay Harden as Parrish's oldest daughter making a heartbreaking admission of love for her father. MEET JOE BLACK is a truly gorgeous film, with Emmanuel Lubezki providing luminous photography of Dante Ferretti's production design. It's also a case of ever-diminishing returns, with so many emotional confrontations and false endings you may forget whom you were supposed to care about. 1998 has already seen one film about an immortal who risks life on earth for love, the Nicolas Cage/Meg Ryan vehicle CITY OF ANGELS. That film was smart enough to treat the story as grand melodrama -- a weepy transcendental tragedy rather than an Oscar-season Message Movie. MEET JOE BLACK sprinkles its moments of insight so intermittently throughout its three hours that they start to get lost. Life on earth certainly could have seemed more vibrant, and less like an endurance test. On the Renshaw scale of 0 to 10 lingering Deaths: 5. Visit Scott Renshaw's MoviePage *** Subscribe to receive new reviews directly by email! See the MoviePage for details, or reply to this message with subject line "Subscribe". [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "vikas lamba" Subject: [MV] saving private ryan Date: 12 Nov 1998 03:56:54 PST Hello all, This is my first mail to the list. Since I live in India, I usually get to see the same movies a lot later than you guys. But I quite enjoy the movie discussions here. Regarding Saving Private Ryan, even though the movie has not been released here as yet, I have read the novel based on the screenplay and I found it very interesting. Especially, the character of Rieber is superbly drawn (I am speaking about the novel). I am quite looking forward to the movie as the book has already made quite an impression on me. The novel was very thought-provoking and it made me realize that nobody can ever describe a war; you have to be there if you want to feel it. ....Just my thoughts ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [MV] Screen It Newsletter (November 12, 1998) Date: 12 Nov 1998 07:44:46 -0500 (EST) Welcome to the Screen It! Newsletter (November 12, 1998). This week at the movies, Jonathan Taylor Thomas tries to get home for Christmas, Jennifer Love Hewitt hopes to avoid getting hooked, and Brad Pitt plays dead in a long, but quite good film. On home video, the biggest movie of the year gets a special Friday release, Ms. Hewitt makes her second appearance of the week as she shows up in a moderate hit, and a series of other films that didn't do well at the box office also arrive on the video shelves this Tuesday. PLEASE NOTE: The new movie reviews WILL NOT be publicly posted until LATE Thursday night (EDT) to comply with the studios' wishes/demands. Next week, reviews of "Celebrity" (Kenneth Branagh, Judy Davis), "Enemy of the State" (Will Smith, Gene Hackman), "The Rugrats Movie" (based on the Nickelodeon TV cartoon) and other new releases. ===========PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS=========== WIN A FREE DVD PLAYER! Interested in a chance to win a Panasonic DVD player and 25 free movies? Enter the sweepstakes at the following location (no purchase necessary): (Please note that the above address should be one single line, and that there is a ? (question mark) between "shtml" and "bit". Some mail readers may alter the address.) This FREE offer is provided in conjunction with a third party not owned or operated by Screen It. Please read all rules & instructions carefully, and note that you can opt out from receiving any solicitation from that party at the bottom of the entry form if you so desire. Good Luck! ===========PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS=========== NEW MOVIE REVIEWS FOR FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13TH: "I'LL BE HOME FOR CHRISTMAS" (1998) (Jonathan Taylor Thomas, Jessica Biel) (PG) Comedy: After being left in the California desert dressed as Santa, a college student (Thomas) must make his way home to New York by Christmas Eve or risk forfeiting the vintage Porsche his father has promised him. Due to prior scheduling conflicts, we couldn't see this film in advance, and with two other screenings on Friday, our review won't be ready until later this weekend. We can tell you that the MPAA rated it PG for "for mild language and some rude humor." (National Release)(Available later this weekend) __________________________________________________ "I STILL KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER" (1998) (Jennifer Love Hewitt, Brandy) (R) Horror: A college student (Hewitt) and several friends (including Brandy) try to avoid a deranged killer whose deadly signature weapon is his hooked hand. A lame sequel to a film that wasn't that great to begin with, this is a lackluster and mostly fright-free release. The R rating comes from horror-related violence and gore, profanity, and some pot smoking. (National Release) __________________________________________________ "MEET JOE BLACK" (1998) (Brad Pitt, Anthony Hopkins) (PG-13) Drama: Personified as a charming, but enigmatic young man, Death (Pitt) grants a media tycoon (Hopkins) some extra time on Earth in exchange for getting to experience life as a human. A witty and charming film filled with a great cast, this production's leisurely, three hour pace may be too much for restless viewers, but it's a surefire audience pleaser for everyone else. The PG-13 rating comes from brief profanity, a sensual sexual encounter, and a brief accident scene. (National Release) __________________________________________________ NEW VIDEO REVIEW FOR FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13TH: (Notice: Release dates subject to change) (Not all video stores will carry all titles) "ARMAGEDDON" (1998) (Bruce Willis, Billy Bob Thornton) (PG-13) Action/Adventure: The world's best deep core oil drilling crew (including Willis) blasts off into space to land on an asteroid, plant a nuclear bomb, and detonate it before the Texas-sized rock hits the Earth. Dumber than "Deep Impact," but much more visually entertaining, it's a pure example of a film that occasionally hits on all cylinders of nothing but pure, big screen summer testosterone. Rated PG-13 for sci-fi action violence, some profanity and one sensual scene, this is this year's biggest money maker with a $430 million (and counting) global box office take. ( __________________________________________________ NEW VIDEO REVIEWS FOR TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17TH: "CAN'T HARDLY WAIT" (1998) (Ethan Embry, Jennifer Love Hewitt) (PG-13) Drama/Comedy: A diverse group of students (including Embry & Hewitt) celebrates their graduation from high school at a party that soon turns into a great social equalizer. With enough topical references to please the teens and some odds ones apparently designed for the thirtysomething and older crowd, the film tries to be hip, but the efforts aren't too impressive. Grossing $25 million domestically, the film's PG-13 rating comes from profanity, sexuality, and teenage drinking. ( __________________________________________________ "DIRTY WORK" (1998) (Norm MacDonald, Artie Lang) (PG-13) Comedy: An out of luck loser (MacDonald) and his buddy (Lang) start a revenge for hire business hoping to pay for a heart transplant for the buddy's father. Featuring a comically intriguing, but limited premise, the film comes across as a lowest common denominator effort offering a few laughs, but suffering from unoriginal, anemic writing, mediocre at best directing, and performances honed at the Institute of Caricature Acting. Making just $10 million at the domestic box office, the film's PG-13 rating comes from crude sexual humor and profanity. ( __________________________________________________ "FEAR AND LOATHING IN LAS VEGAS" (1998) (Johnny Depp, Benicio Del Toro) (R) Drama: A journalist (Depp) and his lawyer (Del Toro) travel to Las Vegas to cover a motorcycle race, but spend most of their time consuming conspicuous amounts of drugs and trashing their hotel rooms. Featuring one-dimensional characters, essentially no plot, and a mind numbing array of scenes involving drug use that never amount to anything, this adaption of Hunter S. Thompson's novel is a really bad film. Grossing around $10.5 million at the domestic box office, the film gets its R rating from drug use, profanity and nudity. ( __________________________________________________ "THE LAND GIRLS" (1998) (Catherine McCormack, Rachel Weisz) (R) Drama: Three young women (including McCormack & Weisz) join the Women's Land Army to work on farms and support the British troops during WWII. While some may find the proceedings satisfying and maybe even emotionally moving, we found the film too emotionally detached and flat for its own good. Barely released and thus grossing less than $250,000 domestically, the film's R rating is for some sexually related material. ( __________________________________________________ "PASSION IN THE DESERT" (1998) (Ben Daniels, Michel Piccoli) (PG-13) Drama: A Napoleonic soldier (Daniels), lost in the Egyptian desert in the late 18th century, enters into an odd relationship with an adult female leopard. Without the wholehearted belief that all of this is a desert mirage, all of the wonderful scenery and camera work can't make up for the unrealistic and quite absurd material (the animalistic "love" affair between man and leopard) that intrudes upon what could have been a good film. Another barely seen release, this one made around $250,000 at the domestic box office. ( __________________________________________________ "TWENTYFOURSEVEN" (1998) (Bob Hoskins, Danny Nussbaum) (R) Drama: A middle-aged man (Hoskins) tries to reestablish a boxing club to get the troubled youths (including Nussbaum) off the suburban streets of his English Midlands neighborhood. Something of a mix between the recent boxing pic, "The Boxer," and a variation on the "middle-aged man trying to help some younger boys" story of "Dead Poets Society" fame, director/co-writer Shane Meadow's feature film debut occasionally shows promise, but otherwise comes off as a low budget, poorly constructed bit of filmmaking. Grossing less than $100,000 domestically, the film's R rating is for violence, profanity and some drug use. ( ===========PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS=========== WIN A FREE DVD PLAYER! Interested in a chance to win a Panasonic DVD player and 25 free movies? Enter the sweepstakes at the following location (no purchase necessary): (Please note that the above address should be one single line, and that there is a ? (question mark) between "shtml" and "bit". Some mail readers may alter the address.) This FREE offer is provided in conjunction with a third party not owned or operated by Screen It. Please read all rules & instructions carefully, and note that you can opt out from receiving any solicitation from that party at the bottom of the entry form if you so desire. Good Luck! ===========PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS=========== Do you find the Screen It Website useful? If so, contact your local newspaper, TV or radio station, or favorite magazine and ask that they do a story about our site so that others in your community or country may benefit from this information. Contact information can be found at the following address: __________________________________________________ Remember, before you and/or your kids see it, buy it , or rent it, make sure that first you Screen It! Screen It! Entertainment Reviews for Parents __________________________________________________ Since we respect your privacy and time, we'll always keep these messages brief and we'll never sell or give your e-mail address to anyone. If at any time you no longer wish to receive these updates, simply let us know at and we'll remove you from our list. [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Romero, Leticia" Subject: RE: [MV] saving private ryan Date: 12 Nov 1998 09:39:02 -0800 vikas - Hi!! Welcome! I LOVE Indian movies! I'll have to ask you about one particular one later... > -----Original Message----- > From: vikas lamba [] > Sent: Thursday, November 12, 1998 3:57 AM > To: > Subject: [MV] saving private ryan > > Hello all, > This is my first mail to the list. Since I live in India, I usually > get > to see the same movies a lot later than you guys. But I quite enjoy the > movie discussions here. > Regarding Saving Private Ryan, even though the movie has not been > released here as yet, I have read the novel based on the screenplay and > I found it very interesting. Especially, the character of Rieber is > superbly drawn (I am speaking about the novel). I am quite looking > forward to the movie as the book has already made quite an impression on > me. The novel was very thought-provoking and it made me realize that > nobody can ever describe a war; you have to be there if you want to feel > it. > > ....Just my thoughts > > ______________________________________________________ > Get Your Private, Free Email at > > [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] > [ movies (without the quotes) to ] [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [MV] Saving Private Ryan Out of Theaters! Date: 12 Nov 1998 14:45:29 EST Hello, With an eye toward an eventual Oscar season relaunch, DreamWorks is taking the unusual step of pulling all but two prints of “Saving Private Ryan” from domestic theaters today. The Steven Spielberg-helmed war drama is currently playing in 502 locations in North America. The studio is expected to give the Tom Hanks starrer a wider rerelease shortly after Oscar nominations are announced on Feb. 9 — assuming the film fares well with Academy members. DreamWorks execs declined to comment, but according to insiders, the company plans to keep the pic onscreen in just two locations — one in New York, the other in L.A. — through mid-February. The two exclusive engagements would give Acad voters and other year-end award givers a chance to see the film in all its gory glory on the bigscreen. Studios also typically distribute screener videocassettes to Acad members. In Gotham, the film will play at United Artists’ brand new Union Square 14-plex, which opens Friday. It’s not yet clear where DreamWorks will book the pic in L.A., but it is likely to be a Westside run such as Century City or Santa Monica. ~Mr. Movie~ [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Wade Snider Subject: Re: [MV] Saving Private Ryan Out of Theaters! Date: 12 Nov 1998 13:56:48 PST Can you tell us when this comes out on video by the by???????? --- On Thu, 12 Nov 1998 14:45:29 EST wrote: Hello, =20 With an eye toward an eventual Oscar season relaunch, DreamWorks is ta= king the unusual step of pulling all but two prints of =93Saving Private Ryan=94= from domestic theaters today. The Steven Spielberg-helmed war drama is currently playing in 502 loca= tions in North America. The studio is expected to give the Tom Hanks starrer a wider rerelease shortly after Oscar nominations are announced on Feb. 9 =97 assuming the = film fares well with Academy members. DreamWorks execs declined to comment, but according to insiders, the company plans to keep the pic onscreen in just two locations =97 one in N= ew York, the other in L.A. =97 through mid-February. The two exclusive engagements would give Acad voters and other year-en= d award givers a chance to see the film in all its gory glory on the bigscr= een. Studios also typically distribute screener videocassettes to Acad members. In Gotham, the film will play at United Artists=92 brand new Union Squ= are 14-plex, which opens Friday. It=92s not yet clear where DreamWorks will b= ook the pic in L.A., but it is likely to be a Westside run such as Century City o= r Santa Monica. ~Mr. Movie~ [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ---------------End of Original Message----------------- W. Snider If man evolved from apes, why do we still have apes? [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: cHriS Subject: [MV] Thursday, A Thin Red Line Date: 12 Nov 1998 14:34:32 -0600 Just tossing a couple inquiries to the all-knowing masses on this list: 1) Will "Thursday" get released nationally in the U.S.? I know it's got a screening in one city only later this month, but haven't been able to find out if it's destined for theaters everywhere, or straight to video. 2) I've read some decent hype about T. Malik's war film "A Thin Red Line" and supposedly gets a limited screening sometime in December. Anyone have any specifics about a nationwide release date, and are there any trailers for it in theaters yet? Thanks for anything you got! - cHriS p.s. Mickey Rourke's a common denominator in these films, in case anyone's curious (or cares). [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Christina Stanley Subject: Re: [MV] Thursday, A Thin Red Line Date: 12 Nov 1998 12:41:03 -0800 (PST) On Thu, 12 Nov 1998, cHriS wrote: > 2) I've read some decent hype about T. Malik's war film "A Thin Red Line" > and supposedly gets a limited screening sometime in December. Anyone have > any specifics about a nationwide release date, and are there any trailers > for it in theaters yet? I read on some ng that someone saw a trailer for Thin Red Line before The Siege. christina, also looking forward to it. ______________________________________________________________ "Nobody can be exactly like me. Even I have trouble doing it." Tallulah Bankhead [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Romero, Leticia" Subject: RE: [MV] Thursday, A Thin Red Line Date: 12 Nov 1998 12:31:43 -0800 1) THURSDAY opens tomorrow nationally - but in L.A. it's only playing in "art house" theaters, so I'm guessing that it's a limited release; 2) A THIN RED LINE opens late December, and I haven't seen a single trailer for it!! > -----Original Message----- > From: cHriS [] > Sent: Thursday, November 12, 1998 12:35 PM > To: > Subject: [MV] Thursday, A Thin Red Line > > > Just tossing a couple inquiries to the all-knowing masses on this list: > > 1) Will "Thursday" get released nationally in the U.S.? I know it's got a > screening in one city only later this month, but haven't been able to find > out if it's destined for theaters everywhere, or straight to video. > > 2) I've read some decent hype about T. Malik's war film "A Thin Red Line" > and supposedly gets a limited screening sometime in December. Anyone have > any specifics about a nationwide release date, and are there any trailers > for it in theaters yet? > > Thanks for anything you got! > > - cHriS > > p.s. Mickey Rourke's a common denominator in these films, in case anyone's > curious (or cares). > > > > > [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] > [ movies (without the quotes) to ] [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [MV] The Thin Red Line Date: 12 Nov 1998 16:15:37 EST Hello, The Thin Red Line is being released in NY & LA on December 25, 1998 and is due to be released wide on January 08, 1999. For More Release Date Information visit my web site at: ~MrMovie~ [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Michael Dequina Subject: [MV] The Movie Report#166, 11/12/98 Date: 12 Nov 1998 12:57:24 -0800 T H E M O V I E R E P O R T #166 NOVEMBER 12, 1998 PLEASE HELP... ...keep the MR and Mr. Brown's Movie Site alive. I am undergoing a serious funding and resource crisis. Please send any donations (every little bit does help) to: Michael Dequina 3650 Denver Avenue Long Beach, CA 90810-2205 You can also help by renting or purchasing videos from! Please visit: Thank you very much. =>T H I S W E E K<= M O V I E S -_The_Rugrats_Movie_ -_I'll_Be_Home_for_Christmas_ V I D E O -_Armageddon_ -_The_Horse_Whisperer_ -_Small_Soldiers_ For links to the official websites of all the current films, past reviews, exclusive Hollywood event photos, movie discussion board, movie theme MIDI files, a comprehensive link section, and more, visit Mr. Brown's Movie Site: or Please don't forget to sign the guestbook... If you are reading this on Usenet, you can subscribe to the MR at: Select reviews are available at CompuServe Hollywood Hotline: ...and the Eyepiece Network at: ...and Albany Online at: all movies graded out of four stars (****) ~~~ =>M O V I E S<= N E W R E L E A S E S Hollywood Hotline Featured Review _The_Rugrats_Movie_ (G) *** _I'll_Be_Home_for_Christmas_ (PG) * 1/2 November not only marks the unofficial start of the holiday season, it also signals the arrival of the first of a flock of films fashioned for families. Leading the opening wave are two films coming from less-than-distinguished cinematic pedigrees: a non-Disney animated feature, _The_Rugrats_Movie_; and a live-action comedy from the Mouse, _I'll_Be_Home_for_Christmas_. While Paramount is able to buck the generally lackluster non-Walt animation trend with the fun _Rugrats_, the Mouse strikes out once again in the flesh-and-blood arena with a most uninviting _Home_. My experience with Nickelodeon's smash cartoon series _Rugrats_ has been confined to just an episode or two caught during breaks from channel surfing. But as limited as my familiarity with the show is, I have seen enough of it to know that it's not something strictly for the tykes, despite of its title's implication. While clearly targeted at the preschool demographic, the adventures of diaper-clad Tommy Pickles (voice of E.G. Daily) and his friends Chuckie Finster (Christine Cavanaugh) and twin siblings Phillip and Lillian Deville (both voiced by Kath Soucie) show mature flashes of wit, and that smartness extends to the film. Only adults will appreciate such wry touches as a hospital sign tracking the arrivals of newborns like flights at an airport, references to _The_Fugitive_, and the children's numerous instances of malapropism (e.g. "custardy" for "custody"). The majority of the film, on the other hand, is equally accessible and amusing to grown-ups and wee ones alike. As can be expected, there is only a sliver of a story in David N. Weiss and J. David Stem's script. At center of the plot is the arrival of a new child in the Pickles household, Dylan a.k.a. "Dil" (Tara Charendoff), who, much to Tommy's chagrin, immediately dominates all the attention of their parents Didi (Melanie Chartoff) and Stu (Jack Riley). But Tommy must learn to live with and love Dil when they, Chuckie, Phillip, and Lillian find themselves lost in the forest, thanks to a runaway toy wagon. Not too far behind is Tommy's bratty cousin Angelica (Cheryl Chase), determined to reclaim her beloved Cynthia doll, which Dil has taken with him. The adventures that ensue in the forest setting, ranging from some wild river rafting to an encounter with circus monkeys, are sure to keep the children enthralled (the kids at the screening I attended were noticeably silent) and amuse the adults. Part of the appeal for the older set is the distinctive art style, which is rough and simple yet remarkably expressive. Wisely, directors Norton Virgien and Igor Kovalyov resist the urge to punch up the visuals with gratuitous computer animation--at least, for the most part: a boulder, clouds, and Dil's head-trippy arrival into the world are the instances of CGI, and they are brief and effective. The directors' big misstep, though, was bowing to Disney animation tradition and grafting on a few musical numbers to the film, which feel like they're, well, grafted on, with the exception of one inspired number where Angelica breaks out into a modified version of Blondie's "One Way or Another," sung in reference to her missing Cynthia. Production numbers aside, _The_Rugrats_Movie_ is essentially just a big-screen episode of the series, and that's more than enough to satisfy any audience. While Disney has a rich tradition in animated family entertainment, but its track record in live-action film is, to put it mildly, less than stellar. The wan _I'll_Be_Home_for_Christmas_ will do nothing to change that. This piece of warmed-over sitcom-level schmaltz casts _Tiger_Beat_ pinup du jour Jonathan Taylor Thomas as a cocky prep school student who goes on a cross-country road trip to make it home in time for Christmas. Sounds harmless enough, but then there's the gimmick: JTT is stuck in a Santa Claus outfit, and along the way he learns the true meaning of Christmas. As lame and predictable as the story is, the key problem is Taylor Thomas himself. His character is supposed to undergo a gradual attitude change as the film progresses, but he plays the character as such a smug bastard the whole way through that one senses no change, nor does one care if he changes. Less than halfway through _I'll_Be_Home..._, I wanted to go home myself. I N C U R R E N T R E L E A S E (full reviews of the following in past MRs and at the listed URLs) -_American_History_X_ (R) *** -_Antz_ (PG) *** 1/2 -_Apt_Pupil_ (R) *** 1/2 -_Belly_ (R) ** -_Beloved_ (R) *** -_The_Big_Chill_ (R) *** -_Bride_of_Chucky_ (R) * 1/2 -_The_Cruise_ (PG-13) *** -_Elizabeth_ (R) *** 1/2 -_Happiness_ **** -_Holy_Man_ (PG) * 1/2 -_The_Impostors_ (R) ** 1/2 -_John_Carpenter's_Vampires_ (R) * 1/2 -_Life_Is_Beautiful_(La_Vita_E_Bella)_ (PG-13) **** -_Living_Out_Loud_ (R) *** -_The_Mighty_ (PG-13) *** 1/2 -_A_Night_at_the_Roxbury_ (PG-13) 1/2* -_Orgazmo_ (NC-17) * 1/2 -_Pleasantville_ (PG-13) *** 1/2 -_Practical_Magic_ (PG-13) ** -_Rush_Hour_ (PG-13) ** 1/2 -_The_Siege_ (R) ** 1/2 -_Slam_ (R) **** -_Soldier_ (R) * -_There's_Something_About_Mary_ (R) *** 1/2 -_Unmade_Beds_ ** 1/2 -_Velvet_Goldmine_ (R) ** 1/2 -_The_Waterboy_ (PG-13) ** -_What_Dreams_May_Come_ (PG-13) *** 1/2 -_The_Wizard_of_Oz_ (G) **** F U T U R E F I L M S -_Little_Voice_ (R) *** (December 11) -_Waking_Ned_Devine_ (PG) *** (November 20) O N T H E H O R I Z O N FRIDAY _Autumn_Sun_ Argentinean romance between a Jewish woman (Norma Aleandro) and a man (Federico Luppi) she hires to pose as her lover. _Hard_Core_Logo_ (R) Mock documentary about a Canadian punk band. _I_Still_Know_What_You_Did_Last_Summer_ (R) * Full review in MR#165, 11/6/98; and at: Lame sequel to last fall's horror sleeper, in which a hooked fisherman (Muse Watson) continues to stalk Julie James (Jennifer Love Hewitt) and her friends (Freddie Prinze Jr. and series newcomers Brandy, Mekhi Phifer, and Matthew Settle). _I'll_Be_Home_for_Christmas_ (PG) * 1/2 Sitcom-level schmaltz about a cocky prep school student (Jonathan Taylor Thomas) who learns the meaning of Christmas during a cross-country road trip. _Meet_Joe_Black_ (PG-13) Update of 1934's _Death_Takes_a_Holiday_, in which the Grim Reaper himself takes the human form of Brad Pitt and falls in love with Claire Forlani. _Welcome_to_Woop_Woop_ (R) Title of the week honors go to this offbeat comedy about a con man (Johnathon Schaech) running from the law and a kidnapper in the Australian outback. ~~~ =>V I D E O<= N E W T H I S W E E K _Armageddon_ (PG-13) *** Full review in MR#149, 7/1/98; and at: Rent or buy at p?MMID=41801 This past summer's biggest hit was Michael Bay's entertaining, if superficial, slam-bang yarn about an asteroid on a collision course with earth. Bruce Willis, Ben Affleck, Liv Tyler, Billy Bob Thornton, and Steve Buscemi star. (Touchstone Home Video) _The_Horse_Whisperer_ (PG-13) * 1/2 Full review in MR#142, 5/14/98; and at: Rent or buy at p?MMID=41316 The most ridiculously overrated movie of the year so far is Robert Redford's overlong, slow, self-indulgent adaptation of Nicholas Evan's novel about the love story between Montana horse rancher (Redford) and a big city magazine editor (Kristin Scott Thomas). (Touchstone Home Video) _Small_Soldiers_ (PG-13) ** 1/2 Full review in MR#150, 7/10/98; and at: Rent or buy at p?MMID=41927 Impressive effects are just about all that distinguish Joe Dante's violent fantasy about living combat toys waging war against a group of also-sentient monster toys. Tommy Lee Jones and Frank Langella head the voice cast; Kirsten Dunst and the late Phil Hartman head the flesh-and-blood cast. (DreamWorks Home Entertainment) A L S O N E W T H I S W E E K _Artemisia_ (R) Rent or buy at p?MMID=41241 Fact-based story of the first female painter (Valentina Cervi) to succeed in the Italian art world. (Miramax Home Entertainment) _I_Went_Down_ (R) Rent or buy at p?MMID=41926 Irish gangster film in which a man (Peter McDonald) tracks down a maverick mobster to pay off a debt to a mafia kingpin. (Artisan Entertainment) ~~~ =>N E X T W E E K<= More reviews, including: -_A_Simple_Plan_ -_Very_Bad_Things_ 'til then... __________________________________________________________ Michael Dequina Chat Forum Host, The Official Michael Jordan Web Site | | >My personal WWW sites< Mr. Brown's Movie Site: Michael Jordan Beyond the Court: A Michael Jordan Fan's Heartbreak: Personal Page: >Other WWW sites I work on< CompuServe Hollywood Hotline: Albany Online: Eyepiece Network: "Life is knowing the toughest competition you ever face is yourself." --Michael Jordan __________________________________________________________ [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Kimberly A Borkenhagen Subject: [MV] Good movie recommendation Date: 12 Nov 1998 14:18:41 -0800 (PST) I have just joined this mailing list and I am now looking for a good movie to rent. I want something that i can just sit on my couch, and take a break from the everyday stress, and watch. If anyone has any good ideas, please let me know. Thank you! -- Kimberly A Borkenhagen [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Oz Subject: Re: [MV] Good movie recommendation Date: 13 Nov 1998 09:25:44 -0800 Kimberly A Borkenhagen wrote: > I have just joined this mailing list and I am now looking for a > good > movie to rent. I want something that i can just sit on my couch, > and take > a break from the everyday stress, and watch. If anyone has any > good > ideas, please let me know. Thank you! It's not usually a popular decision, but I'd suggest Beautiful Girls. It's somewhat coming of age and celebrity filled, but it features perhaps the greatest performance I think I've seen by a teenage girl in Natalie Portman. Love this film way too much, and a few other people I know love it just as hard. Alternately, if you can find it, try The Size Of Watermelons, starring Paul Rudd, Donal Logue and Ione Skye. Kind oftough to track down, but a funny offbeat movie. -------{{{{OZ}}}}------------------------------------------ [sick of being ripped off at the movies?] ..*HOLLYWOOD BITCHSLAP*.. TAKE YOUR BEST SHOT -------------- [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tony Myers Subject: RE: [MV] Good movie recommendation Date: 12 Nov 1998 14:50:22 -0800 > >>I have just joined this mailing list and I am now looking for a good >>movie to rent. I want something that i can just sit on my couch, and take >>a break from the everyday stress, and watch. If anyone has any good >>ideas, please let me know. Thank you! > >>Kimberly A Borkenhagen Eve's Bayou was a real nice surprise for me. When it first came out I thought it would be really dull and sappy, but I saw it on HBO a couple of weeks ago and it's not like that at all. It's told from a child's point a view and is a little like To Kill a Mockingbird in that respect (although not nearly at that level.) I liked the story and the characters, though, and I thought the acting was excellent. If you're looking for something story-driven rather that action-driven you might want to check it out. Anyways, that's my suggestion. Tony [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "David Lee" Subject: [MV] Paul Rudd (was Good movie recommendation) Date: 13 Nov 1998 07:31:40 +0800 > Alternately, if you can find it, try The Size Of Watermelons, > starring Paul Rudd, Donal Logue and Ione Skye. Kind oftough to track > down, but a funny offbeat movie. Talking about Paul Rudd, isn't he the guy from Object of My Affection? I thought I saw him the other day on TV in one of the Halloween movies. Can anybody remember which one? Also, does anybody know of films in which he starred in, or had a minor role? Just curious. David [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jayson Subject: [MV] help! Date: 13 Nov 1998 08:06:35 +0800 (HKT) I was taken off the list and I don't know how to subscribe back. Can anyone pls e-mail me personally on how to get back? Thanks! Jayson [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Oz Subject: Re: [MV] Paul Rudd (was Good movie recommendation) Date: 13 Nov 1998 10:58:11 -0800 David Lee wrote: > Talking about Paul Rudd, isn't he the guy from Object of My > Affection? He is indeed. > I thought I saw him the other day on TV in one of the Halloween > movies. Can > anybody remember which one? Halloween 6: The Curse Of Michael Myers > Also, does anybody know of films in which he > starred in, or had a minor role? You'll see him in Clueless (as Alicia's dorky love interest), Overnight Delivery (written by Kevin Smith, but straight to video), Romeo + Juliet, The Locusts (which I've not seen), Object Of My Affection, Size Of Watermelons and the upcoming 200 Cigarettes (with Courtney Love, Ben Affleck, Casey Affleck and Christina Ricci) and The Cider House Rules (due out next year).-------{{{{OZ}}}}------------------------------------------ [sick of being ripped off at the movies?] ..*HOLLYWOOD BITCHSLAP*.. TAKE YOUR BEST SHOT -------------- ------------- [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [MV] Good movie recommendation Date: 12 Nov 1998 22:47:26 EST In a message dated 11/12/98 2:20:57 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes: << I have just joined this mailing list and I am now looking for a good movie to rent. I want something that i can just sit on my couch, and take a break from the everyday stress, and watch. If anyone has any good ideas, please let me know. Thank you! >> A couple of older films that should be in your video store could be perfect for you. John Belushi is not making any films anymore but two of his best ones are the very funny comedy Animal House and the very entertaining music- filled Blues Brothers. My third selection is Streets of Fire which weaves action, adventure and first rate rock music with a cast including Michael Pare, Diane Lane, Willem Dafoe, Amy Madigan and Rick Moranis. [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Rebecca Bezant" Subject: [MV] response of Paul Rudd to Davis Lee Date: 13 Nov 1998 01:44:23 PST Dave, Now that you mention it, i do reconze the actor Paul Rudd of Object = of my Affection from Halloween: Curse of Michael Myers (the sixth hallow= een film, or the fifth of the actual Michael movie). In my book on movies= it says that Paul also appeared in the movie Clueless, thats all i have = listed on him at this moment Tim [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Wade Snider Subject: Re: [MV] Paul Rudd (was Good movie recommendation) Date: 13 Nov 1998 08:17:14 PST Hahaha.. checked the IMDB? You would barely recognize Rudd in The Locusts.. You notice him but he almost seems like a completely different person.. very good subtlety. --- On Fri, 13 Nov 1998 10:58:11 -0800 Oz wrote: David Lee wrote: > Talking about Paul Rudd, isn't he the guy from Object of My > Affection? He is indeed. > I thought I saw him the other day on TV in one of the Halloween > movies. Can > anybody remember which one? Halloween 6: The Curse Of Michael Myers > Also, does anybody know of films in which he > starred in, or had a minor role? You'll see him in Clueless (as Alicia's dorky love interest), Overnight Delivery (written by Kevin Smith, but straight to video), Romeo + Juliet, The Locusts (which I've not seen), Object Of My Affection, Size Of Watermelons and the upcoming 200 Cigarettes (with Courtney Love, Ben Affleck, Casey Affleck and Christina Ricci) and The Cider House Rules (due out next year).-------{{{{OZ}}}}------------------------------------------ [sick of being ripped off at the movies?] ..*HOLLYWOOD BITCHSLAP*.. TAKE YOUR BEST SHOT -------------- ------------- [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ---------------End of Original Message----------------- W. Snider If man evolved from apes, why do we still have apes? [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: The Flick Filosopher's Coming Attractions Subject: [MV] Coming Monday, 11.16, to The Flick Filosopher Date: 13 Nov 1998 16:49:03 -0000 The Flick Filosopher's Coming Attractions - In honor of today's video release of *Armageddon* (oh, the humanity!), let us all sing the praises of master thespian Bruce Willis. THE RISE Willis -- I'm not surprised to discover -- won an Emmy in 1987 playing David Addison. Self-referential, sarcastic, "Moonlighting" was more 90s than 80s -- and Willis's smarmy, snide David proved that the actor was a real find (he won the part over 3000 other hopefuls). Then came *Die Hard,* which reinvigorated the action genre, bringing humor into the mix of big explosions and macho posturing and making Willis a box office megastar. THE FALL *Hudson Hawk.* *The Last Boy Scout.* *Striking Distance.* Try not to dwell on them. THE RISE? *Pulp Fiction.* *Twelve Monkeys.* Is Willis daring to actually act again? THE FALL? *The Fifth Element.* *Armageddon.* Testosterone fests that can't be bothered with character or even rationality. Explore The Rise and Fall (and Rise and Fall?) of Bruno this week with *The Siege,* *The Jackal,* and *Mercury Rising.* Yippie-ki-ai! MaryAnn ______________________________________________________________________ To unsubscribe, write to Start Your Own FREE Email List at [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Rebecca Bezant" Date: 13 Nov 1998 16:49:24 PST i am curious about something, what was the name of the lazy/sleepy dalmat= ion pup in 101 Dalmations. Just want to name my dog. Tim [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Gregory A. Swarthout" Subject: [MV] Movie News - 11/14/98 Date: 14 Nov 1998 19:51:49 -0700 (MST) Will Smith has been moving into more challenging roles, such as the upcoming "Enemy of the State" with Gene Hackman. An even tougher part looms next year when he portrays Muhammad Ali. Smith will play the champ both as a young man and as he ages to his bloated later years. "I want to do the 'Raging Bull' thing and gain 30 pounds," Smith told the Los Angeles Times. "With every film you take on, people need to be saying, 'He can't do that.' You need to take that kind of leap. People need to think it was a bad choice." Smith says he'd like to be a combination of Robin Williams, Eddie Murphy and Arnold Schwarzenegger. -=> * <=- Despite critical disapproval, Adam Sandler's "The Waterboy" (which cost $19 million) dominated the nation's box office by bringing in an estimated $39.1 million, according to studio estimates. No. 2 "The Siege," with Denzel Washington, took in an impressive $15 million. Finishing a distant third was "Pleasantville" ($6 million) in its third weekend, followed by "Antz" ($5.4 million) in its sixth weekend. No. 5 was the newly restored 1939 classic "The Wizard of Oz," which made $4.9 million and is as wonderful as ever. -=> * <=- Brad Pitt was in his native Springfield MO Thursday night for a fundraiser screening of his new movie "Meet Joe Black," which opens nationwide today. Bringing the film home proved a boon to local charities, which took in $66,750 in ticket sales from the film and a reception attended by Pitt, the AP reports. At a news conference in his hometown Pitt said, "I just felt like I wanted to get back and bring something home." As flashbulbs popped all around him, Pitt insisted he's just a regular guy who happens to make movies. When he looks in the mirror, "I see a guy," Pitt said with a laugh. * Reviews for the new film have been mostly poor, with the New York Daily News giving it one star and the New York Post one-half a star. The New York Times called the film "oppressively lavish and snail-paced," a reference to the three-hour running time. -=> * <=- Pop singer Mariah Carey says her marriage to Sony Music chief Tommy Mattola prevented her from taking movie roles, New York's Daily News reports. The newspaper says Carey told Barbara Walters on ABC's "20/20" (airing tonight) that she would have said yes to a number of roles if she had known about the offers. "I was not told about them," Carey complains. "I would read things like in Variety or Us or whatever magazine." -=> * <=- A Los Angeles jury says Jean-Claude Van Damme owes nothing to a martial arts expert who claims he collaborated with the actor on a movie script. Frank Dux sued the action star for $1.5 million, claiming Van Damme broke their contract over the 1991 film "The Quest,'' which Van Damme both directed and starred in. Dux says the film was similar to the manuscript for "Enter the New Dragon: The Kumite," which they co-wrote. Jury foreman Paul Martinet said jurors found Dux's testimony less than credible, including his assertion that an audiotape documenting his oral agreement with the actor was destroyed in the 1994 Northridge earthquake. Dux plans to appeal. -=> * <=- Is George Costanza bad enough to play Boris Badenov? We'll see. Jason Alexander, best known for his role in the hit TV series "Seinfeld," has been tapped to play Boris in "Rocky and Bullwinkle," which starts production in January, Variety reports.The title characters will be created with computer-generated technology, with voices from Alexander and from Monica Potter ("Without Limits"), who has already been cast as an FBI agent who teams up with the squirrel and moose to thwart the evil Boris and Natasha Fatale. Universal is said to be eyeing several statuesque actresses for the role of Natasha. And Robert De Niro, one of the producers, has been oft-mentioned to play their boss, the aptly named Fearless Leader. Alexander just completed directing his second feature, "Cherry Pink," starring Gretchen Mol. -=> * <=- Sara Gilbert, best known for her role as the wise-cracking daughter Darlene on "Roseanne," has joined the cast of the 20th Century Fox feature "Light It Up," Reuters reports. The film, which also stars Forest Whitaker and Vanessa Williams, is about a group of students who take over a run-down high school in an effort to improve it. Gilbert is also developing two television series. One, "Even the Losers," which she created and will direct for MTV, has been picked up by ABC. It's an edgy high school series about a 15-year-old Woody Allen-type who is shipped off to boarding school. Additionally, she has a CBS deal to develop and star in an as yet unnamed comedy series. -=> * <=- Jerry Lewis, who starred in the 1960 comedy "Cinderfella," is selling the rights for a new version of the film. Lewis and New Line Cinema didn't disclose financial terms, but Daily Variety says the comedian received seven figures and could end up with as much as $5 million, depending on how the movie does at the box office. "The Nutty Professor" remake with Eddie Murphy two years ago earned $270 million worldwide. "Cinderfella" could be out next year or in early 2000. The original "Cinderfella" was a retelling of the fairy tale with Lewis playing a male Cinderella up against a wicked stepmother and two greedy stepsons. -=> * <=- There's talk that John Travolta is interested in doing another movie musical, and Francis Ford Coppola may have just the right project for him. Variety's Army Archerd reports that Coppola has penned a script and several songs with John Farrar for "The Great Kahoona." Coppola says he wants Travolta to play the big Kahoona for the project, which is set in the rock 'n' roll '50s. And he's talking a dramatic miniseries with Puff Daddy. Stay tuned. -=> * <=- The Academy of Motion Pictures Arts & Sciences will honor veteran actor Karl Malden tonight at New York's Museum of Modern Art. Film clips from the former academy president's career, as well as conversations with friends and co-stars (including Hume Cronyn, Kim Hunter, Eli Wallach and Richard Widmark), will form the backbone of the evening. Among Malden's best-known roles was that of a priest counseling Marlon Brando in the 1950s film "On the Waterfront." In the 1970s, he starred opposite Michael Douglas in the cop drama "The Streets of San Francisco." Gregory Allen Swarthout 4515 Jarrah Street Murray, UT 84123 (801) 265-9680 COMPUTER SKILLS & EXPERIENCE ============================ General: 18 years programming experience at work, school, and home including proficiency in: C, C++, BASIC, COBOL, Fortran, CGI, HTML, Java, Pascal, Scheme, 6502 Assembly, 68000 Assembly, Visual Basic Software packages: Borland C/C++, Turbo C, WordPerfect, Harvard Graphics, ProComm, Lotus 1-2-3, DecNet, Q&A, ccMail, Paradox, Quattro Pro, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Netscape, Internet Explorer, many others Operating systems: MS-DOS, Windows NT/95/3.1, Unix, VAX/VMS WORK EXPERIENCE =============== Auto-Soft Corporation Salt Lake City, UT Position: Software Engineer Duties: Programming a material control system in Java with a GUI front end. Thiokol Corporation Brigham City, UT Position: Web Programmer Duties: Initially, programmed in C with embedded SQL and Motif on the Shop Floor Management System. After one year, moved to company’s web team and headed up initial design of, and special projects for, the corporate Intranet. Also, taught weekly classes in HTML to employees. Primavera Systems, Inc. Salt Lake City, UT Position: Shipping Manager Duties: Designed and programmed shipping/receiving system, oversaw all shipping/receiving. Computer Data Systems, Inc. Salt Lake City, UT Position: Programmer/Data Entry Duties: Programming WordPerfect macros, data entry including OCR, manned Help Desk, Fortran and C programming on a VAX/VMS system, database management using in-house system. EDUCATION ========= Weber State University - Ogden, UT - BS in Information Systems & Technology (March '96) MISCELLANEOUS ============= 6+ years experience working as a columnist for the Tooele Transcript-Bulletin Proficiency with the Internet, including Web page design and mailing list administration Well-equipped home computer system (Windows 95) SALARY REQUIREMENT ================== $55,000 - $65,000 REFERENCES ========== Available upon request [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Gregory A. Swarthout" Subject: Re: [MV] "Saving private Ryan"!!! Date: 13 Nov 1998 22:20:28 -0700 A lot of world war 2 movies tell us that so many soldiers died for the justice of the world. But this movie is different,it tells about so many soldiers died for one trivial person.Hence the question: Is Ryan's life of more value than those of the soldiers died for him? But I don't think this is the real question. The real one is: Is our life more valuable than theirs,is the freedom that we enjoy today more valuable than theirs? [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Scott Renshaw Subject: [MV] REVIEW: CELEBRITY Date: 15 Nov 1998 08:06:34 -0700 (MST) CELEBRITY (Miramax) Starring: Kenneth Branagh, Judy Davis, Joe Mantegna, Winona Ryder, Leonardo DiCaprio, Charlize Theron, Melanie Griffith, Famke Janssen. Screenplay: Woody Allen. Producer: Jean Doumanian. Director: Woody Allen. MPAA Rating: R (profanity, sexual situations, adult themes) Running Time: 113 minutes. Reviewed by Scott Renshaw. Woody Allen's detractors have had a laundry list of gripes about his films for many years now. His neurotic screen persona had grown increasingly shrill and annoying, they said; his cinematic world of white Upper-Manhattanites had grown ever more insular. As the lines between his convoluted personal life and his baldly autobiographical films grew blurrier by the year, the anti-Woody contingent began to consider him a vaguely pathetic has-been, the film-making equivalent of Frank Sinatra -- more famous in the later stages of his career for who he used to be than for who he still was. It took watching Kenneth Branagh's grating gloss on Allen's mannerisms in CELEBRITY for me to sympathize with that side of the Great Woody Debate. Branagh plays Lee Simon, a writer who has dabbled in novels, travel pieces and screenplays before hitting his current assignment as an entertainment writer. His work brings him into contact with a number of ostensibly colorful characters, including a sexy film actress (Melanie Griffith), a supermodel (Charlize Theron) and a volatile teen heartthrob (Leonardo DiCaprio). Occasionally it even brings him into contact with his ex-wife Robin (Judy Davis), who leaves a job as an English teacher to work for her new significant other (Joe Mantegna) in television. It's easy to see the potential in CELEBRITY for exploring the foibles of fame and the absurdity of a culture that bestows fame for all the wrong reasons. It's also easy to see that Allen intends Lee as a John Q. Star-Struck American who casts off a 16-year marriage and plunges into writing screenplays because he's convinced he's missing something the world of movies can bring him. Unfortunately, Lee is never a remotely sympathetic character, primarily because Branagh is too preoccupied with mimicking the Woodman to find anything true in the character. Judy Davis is more effective as the emotionally fragile Robin, but her character arc is only slightly more compelling. The film's two central characters are contrivances; worse, they're often annoying contrivances, twisted knots of self-doubt and self-loathing whose happiness couldn't matter less to us. Without any emotional center, CELEBRITY becomes a series of stand-alone vignettes about the strange and self-absorbed things famous people do. Allen can still manage to pull out a few one-line zingers (including self-deprecating takes on "pretentious film-makers who shoot everything in black-and-white"), but they're few and far between in this film. Sequences that should build to a great comic payoff, like Lee's wild night with DiCaprio's bad boy actor, just seem to drag on until it's time to start the next scene. For a film-maker who has spent most of his career obsessing over beautiful people, he can't seem to come up with anything particularly clever to say about them. The lack of invention in CELEBRITY gives you plenty of time to notice how stale Allen's act has become. The constant references to psychotherapy feel twenty years past their prime; his pokes at Catholic iconography, Nazis, unstable relationships and sexual timidity have liver spots on them by now. For every decent gag (a film producer referring to his next project, "an all-black version of 'Birth of a Nation'"), there are half a dozen that turned up in a previous Woody Allen film. CELEBRITY, a film which should have been wonderfully timely in the daytime talk show era, shows little cutting-edge satiric bite. Allen doesn't even seem to find it ironic that Robin finds her bliss by abandoning teaching for fame as a television personality. Perhaps it's even more ironic that he's showing himself to be one of those famous people so far removed from ordinary life that he doesn't know what we might find absurd, or that he himself may now be one of those people famous for all the wrong reasons. On the Renshaw scale of 0 to 10 tin Woodmen: 4. Visit Scott Renshaw's MoviePage *** Subscribe to receive new reviews directly by email! See the MoviePage for details, or reply to this message with subject line "Subscribe". [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [MV] MovieJuice! VIDEO - I Still Know What You Did Last Summer Date: 15 Nov 1998 14:16:35 -0500 (EST) I STILL KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER A MovieJuice! Review Presentation It's VIDEO time, baby. Join The Talking Butt as he reviews I Still Know What You Did Last Summer. You're not gonna find THIS on Access Hollywood, gang. Presenting the most ambitious MovieJuice! RealVideo Presentation Yet! It's our tribute to a movie that needs no tribute and, God knows, deserves none. Go to and find the video! It's free, and a lot better than the movie. Or my name isn't Kevin Williamson. [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [MV] Film Threat Weekly : 11-16-98 : Take 47 Date: 15 Nov 1998 18:01:12 EST FILM THREAT WEEKLY "Hollywood's Indie Voice of the New Millennium" ============================= Take 47 : November 16th, 1998 ============================= ============================= "You only gave me books with the word Death in the title." - Diane Keaton from Woody Allen's "Annie Hall" <===========Deluxe======Widescreen======Edition ===========> THIS WEEK "Right here, right now." =========================================== ——> NEWS: Where objectivity is strangely absent. ——> BOXOFFICE CHART: Who's number one at the boxoffice? ——> PICKS OF THE WEEK: A load of plugs. ——> BIG SCREEN: A Bug's Life, Celebrity, I Still Know..., more... ——> MICROCINEFEST: Baltimore's Underground Film Festival ——> HATE MAIL: You like us. You really like us. SUBSCRIBE "Unless you already did." =========================================== Subscribe/Unsubscribe by sending an e-mail to CLASSIFIEDS "If you advertise, they will come." =========================================== Reach over 65,000 film fanatics on the net. For our reasonable ad rates, e- mail NO DANCE FILM FESTIVAL 1999 NO DANCE Film & Multimedia Festival returns to Park City. DEADLINE APPROACHING - NOVEMBER 20TH - FIRST EVER DVD FESTIVAL - CHECK WEBSITE FOR MORE DETAILS - ONE DAY - ONE EVENT - ONE MOUNTAIN. UNIQUE VIDEO GIFTS FROM ATOMIC HOLLYWOOD Hundreds of mostly hard-to-find, seldom-seen videos are gifts that are greatly appreciated. FREE Request Line for worldwide title search, plus THOUSANDS of available DVD and laser titles now can be e-mailed. Film Threat Weekly subscribers receive a $3.00 discount on any title ordered before New Year's when they include "FTW" in the "discount" space. HOTTEST SELLING SCREENWRITER BOOK IN HOLLYWOOD Last week Paul Argentini's "ELEMENTS OF STYLE FOR SCREENWRITERS: The Essential Manual for Writers of Screenplays" ($11.95, from LONE EAGLE PUBLISHING) entered the Los Angeles Times Bestsellers List by knocking off the Michael Eisner and Jackie Chan biographies. Argentini presents an essential reference masterpiece in the art of clear and concise principles of screenplay formatting, structure and style for screenwriters. Argentini explains how to design and format manuscripts to impress any film school professor, story editor, agent, producer or studio executive. No book in shorter space, with fewer words, will help any screenwriter more than this persistent volume. * A to Z listing of format terms and examples * Incorporates recent changes in acceptable screenplay format submissions * Includes a special section on playwrite formatting * Complete listing of literary agencies that represent screenwriters Many professional screenwriters will advise keeping a copy of this book at arms reach and refer to reading this very handy little book cover-to-cover once a year. If you do any regular writing or screenwriting, then follow the advice. Call (800) 345-6257 to order direct! Mention FILM THREAT WEEKLY to receive a 25 percent special discount! WIN A FILM THREAT VIDEO! "Sign up a friend!" =========================================== Each week we'll be giving away a special collectible Film Threat Party Video to readers who forward Film Threat Weekly to their friends! (And you know in Hollywood, "friends" is a loose term, so that means just about anybody!!!) You could WIN, too! The more e-mail addresses you send, the more your chances to win. Sign up your whole family, or your whole company! Start forwarding FTW to your pals or send us their e-mail address and we'll send them a weekly fix of Film Threat. That's not a threat, it's a promise. THE NEWS "Filtered and manipulated. Just like the real news." =========================================== Our top story... CHARGES AGAINST TARANTINO DISMISSED, COUNTERSUIT CONSIDERED Judge Judith Levitt of the New York County Criminal Court today ordered the dismissal of assault charges which had been lodged against Mr. Tarantino as a result of a barroom altercation which occurred in May of 1998. The New York County District Attorney's Office moved for the dismissal after interviewing Mr. Tarantino and other witnesses to the altercation. "We supplied to the district attorney's office the name of a witness who severely undermined the credibility of the complainant, Leila Mwangi," commented Paul F. Callan, attorney to Quentin Tarantino. "The witness revealed that Ms. Mwangi's boyfriend, Barron Claiborne, a professional photographer, had admitted to doctoring photographs of Ms. Mwangi to make it appear that she had been seriously injured in the incident. This is a clear case of celebrity stalking and a celebrity shakedown. The arrest of Mr. Tarantino was an abuse of the criminal justice system designed to force Mr. Tarantino to pay money in a 15 million dollar civil suit which has been filed by Ms. Mwangi." Attorney Callan continued, "I will be discussing with Mr. Tarantino the possibility of filing a countersuit for assault, malicious prosecution and abuse of process against Ms. Mwangi and Mr. Claiborne in civil court now that Mr. Tarantino has been completely exonerated in the criminal case. I want to thank ADA Julio Cuevas and District Attorney Robert Morgenthau for having the courage and integrity to dismiss these false charges after a full and fair investigation." We all thought Quentin was tough? His bad boy image is a fake? Wow, we are all disappointed. STAR WARS EPISODE 1 TRAILER DEBUTS TUESDAY NOVEMBER 17TH Get ready to sneak your video cameras into movie theaters, the first expanded glimpse into the new Star Wars film happens at select theaters this Tuesday. Reactions from those who have seen the two-minute trailer have been from audible gasps to "Oh my God." The excitement starts on the net as the race begins for the first web site to have the trailer available as a download. Expect a full review of the trailer on the Film Threat site later this week. Check the official Star Wars site for theaters and showtimes. Look for updates this week at Film Threat Online in the Dailies section at: BOXOFFICE CHART "Hollywood's Horse Race... and they're off!" =========================================== Weekend of November 13-15, Source: Exhibitor Relations Co. 1/ 1 THE WATERBOY $25.2/$80.0 2/New I STILL KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER $17.5 3/New MEET JOE BLACK $15.6 4/ 2 THE SIEGE $8.3/$26.6 5/ 4 ANTZ $4.2/$81.3 6/ 3 PLEASANTVILLE $4.1/$32.1 7/New I'LL BE HOME FOR CHRISTMAS $4.0 8/ 5 THE WIZARD OF OZ $3.3/$10.6 9/ 6 LIVING OUT LOUD $2.7/$8.7 10/10 RUSH HOUR $2.0/$130.0 PICKS OF THE WEEK "Stuff we wanna plug." =========================================== FILM FESTIVAL: "First there was Texas. Then there was Austin. Then there was SXSW. The three go together like a hand in a glove." -- Quentin "Cleared of All Charges" Tarantino. SXSW is just around the corner. Nine days of the best new independent film, March 12-20, 1999. Register at the lowest rate for the South by Southwest Film Conference and Festival. Through November 30 the price is only $125. For that you get: ALL the panels and meetings, ALL the parties, ALL the films and much more! South By Southwest Film Festival & Conference, PO Box 4999, Austin TX 78765, ANOTHER FILM FESTIVAL: Sponsored by Black Talent News, The Hollywood Black Film Festival is a dynamic forum to showcase the work of emerging and established filmmakers (directors and writers). The non-profit Hollywood Black Film Festival (is seeking volunteers to work in the areas of Community Outreach, Festival Programming, Conference Coordination and Graphic Design for its first annual Festival scheduled for February 19-21 at the University of Southern California School of Cinema-television (USC). "The HBFF provides an excellent opportunity for students and professionals with an interest in film, event planning, public relations, and other areas to obtain valuable, hands-on experience," said Tanya Kersey- Henley, Founder and Executive Director of the Festival. "We've been receiving inquiries from enthusiastic people wanting to volunteer ever since the Festival was first announced in August, so we're responding with an official Call for Volunteers." Call 310-348-3944. WEB SITE: If you are a fan of "Lawrence of Arabia" then there is no better place to visit than A site totally devoted to the films of David Lean which includes director's notes on the re-editing of "Lawrence of Arabia." Great stuff. DVD: Abel Ferrara's dark cop tale "Bad Lieutenant" is available for the first time on DVD. Harvey Keitel takes self-destruction to new limits in the performance of his career -- and does it all with full frontal nudity! (Keitel's penis should get his own agent after so many on screen appearances.) Get a great deal on "Bad Lieutenant" and learn how to win a Toshiba SD-2108 DVD player from DVD EXPRESS. They're giving away a DVD player every day in November. Thirty Days, 30 Players, 30 Winners! Find out why DVD is going to rock your livingroom. And tell 'em Film Threat sent you. BIG SCREEN "Coming Soon to a Theater Near You" =========================================== From five stars "Perfect! * * * * *" to one star "Crap! *" here's the lowdown. A BUG'S LIFE (G) * * * * 1/2 ( Now I've seen them both. I remember thinking "The Truman Show" was pretty good until I saw "Pleasantville". While "ANTZ" is essentially a great Woody Allen film, John Lasseter has again set the bar with the superior "A Bug's Life". There's been speculation that Jeffrey Katzenberg may have "borrowed" from the new Pixar/Disney film which was under development while he was still at Disney for Dreamworks' "ANTZ". They have a number of similarities. In "ANTZ", we follow Z (Woody Allen), an ant who thinks differently than his brethren ants. He falls in love with the princess ant (Sharon Stone), must leave the colony due to a major screw-up after they laud him as a hero from a plan gone awry, and eventually save the colony from a massive threat to become a true hero. Ditto, "A Bug's Life". Flik (Dave Foley), an inventor, always wants to help the colony but usually screws it up. Every year, a gang of grasshoppers led by the evil Hopper (Kevin Spacey) invade and take their existing food supply. One of Flik's inventions accidently knocks out a support rock and loses all of the food. Hopper tells the ants they have until the end of the summer to make it up, the time when the ants normally gather all of their own food for the winter. Flik decides to leave the colony and find some bigger bugs to fight off the loathsome locusts. What he finds are a group of rejects from a flea circus. There's Manny, the praying mantis magician played by Jonathan Harris just like his Dr. Smith in "Lost in Space"; Francis, a gender-confused male ladybug (Denis Leary); and an assortment of other wacky insects. Once this group enters the picture, the movie moves to a whole new level. Flik and the circus bugs learn to work to each of their strengths as they search for a way to fend off the swarm. As expected, nothing works out smoothly. When I saw "ANTZ", I thought it was good, but missing something to push it over the top. I couldn't figure out what it was. After seeing a different approach to the CGI ant premise, I understood what it was. In "ANTZ", the crisis came from within their closed society. Other insects appeared, but were generally superfluous to the story. The majority of the story concerns red-brown ants within a dirt brown setting. The movie picked up greatly when they went outside. It's also only outside where we come in contact with insects that could be understood as "wacky". "A Bug's Life" has a variety of settings with a variety of bugs and colors. The threat comes from outside. While the Dreamworks film is targeted at adults, this is a family film. There's a great deal of wackiness. While "ANTZ" has a cool, sort of airbrushed storybook texture to itself, this movie is something else, entirely. It doesn't even look like "Toy Story". Which brings to mind "ANTZ" is the first attempt by Pacific Data Images and Dreamworks at creating a full length film. The PIXAR team on a "A Bug's Life" is much the same as the on "Toy Story", most importantly including director John Lasseter. PIXAR has had the chance to develop new technology based on the lessons they've learned from "Toy Story" and their short films, such as the oscar winning "Geri's Game". Despite similarities, these are two different films and should be judged on their own merits. "ANTZ" is a far better Woody Allen film than "Celebrity", and not a bad date film. "A Bug's Life", however, is a classic. It's better than the last several Disney animated films. PIXAR has stated they want to be the second successful feature animation studio. They're already there. - Ron Wells I STILL KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER (R) * 1/2 ( Kill-miester Ben Willis is back to wreak havoc once again on Julie James (Jennifer Love Hewitt). This time Ben, who still looks strikingly like the Morton's Fisherman (the guy on a box of frozen fish sticks) stalks Julie and her three friends to the Caribbean in the middle of rainy season to continue the revenge he started in the first film. However this time, it seems they left the suspense back on the mainland. The main problem with the film, besides the fact that it should have been called, "I Know What You Did Two Summers Ago", (the story takes place one year after the original), is that it lacks humor. Unlike "Scream", this film is more of a horror-drama, with everybody taking themselves way too seriously. Director Danny Cannon didn't have any fun with the horror conventions, and missed every opportunity for humorous tension breakers. They were too busy making a conventional slasher film to have a little fun. The film opens a year after the first film, when Kate (Brandy) wins an all expenses paid trip to the Bahamas on a radio promotion. She decides to take her roommate Julie (Hewitt), her boyfriend (Mekhi Phifer), and their new friend (Matthew Settle) on the getaway. Julie is still uneasy one year after she was nearly killed by a bloody stalker and feels the Bahamas is safer than her hometown, where the horrible incident took place. Once at the exotic resort, a whole cast of suspicious islanders (kind of an R-rated version of Gilligan's Island) are systematically eliminated, leaving Julie no choice but to explain to her friends that Ben Willis' body was never found. Our four heroes must fend for themselves as they realize that they are the next victims of the fish sticks guy. Unfortunately, nothing in this movie is very surprising. I was more afraid of what was in my popcorn's butter-flavoring than I was of what was up on the screen. Of course a hurricane is moving in and all the phone lines are down, and of course the people who say "stay here, I'm gonna check out the shed" don't come back. The slow pace of the film really gave me time to wonder why this Fisherman is so obsessed with this girl. So she tried to kill you one day and left you for road kill. So what. Give it up. Get some therapy. GO ON WITH YOUR LIFE! Or at least try to reason with her, it might make for a more interesting movie. - Chris Gore CELEBRITY (R) * * * 1/2 - Without Kenneth Branagh * - When Kenneth Branagh is onscreen ( I can't really remember the last time I saw a movie with this much biting satire and brilliance and was utterly excruciating half the time. I've generally hated Kenneth Branagh. He's always struck me as amazingly pretentious while concentrating on the surface tics and mannerisms of a character at the expense of depth or heart. Nothing seems to come from deep within. I had changed my mind after "Gingerbread Man", but then again, he was playing a jerk. If you've been waiting for Bard-boy to do his Woody Allen imitation, you are in luck. The core of "Celebrity" is the breakup of Lee (Kenneth Branagh) and Robin Simon (Judy Davis). A travel writer, Lee attends his high school reunion, inciting reflection on his life. He freaks out. Lee doesn't want to be married to a schoolteacher while writing travel articles. He leaves Robin to work on his novels and write entertainment journalism. An entertainment journalist is like a parent. You need neither aptitude nor competence to become one. He works through his bizarre encounters with various celebrities that leave him much the worse for wear. Robin hits bottom after the divorce. After making the rounds through various forms of therapy, she flirts with cosmetic surgery when she has a chance encounter with a television producer played by Joe Mantegna. Her life takes a very different path from there. What is Allen trying to accomplish here? While in "Deconstructing Harry" he sort of explained himself while flipping off his critics, this picture obliquely explores the nature of celebrity while flipping off the most aspects of the entertainment industry. It's too bad he couldn't call the film "Starf**kers", an equally appropriate name. Lee encounters a star actress (Melanie Griffith), a supermodel (Charlize Theron), and a hot young Hollywood star (Leonardo DiCaprio). These vignettes leave him bruised. In the process, Allen demonstrates the horror of the people our society chooses to celebrate, and the kind of behavior we're willing to except from them. DiCaprio's actor is coked to the gills and out of his mind for his entire ten minute piece (as if Leo has some flipping off of his own to do). The supermodel is a sociopath in heat and the actress seems to have a definition of sex not unlike that of our sitting president. Lee and Robin take separate paths through show business and occasionally meet again by chance, twice in a movie theatre. The first time, Lee is cruising to success as his ex-wife is pulling her life together. The second time, his wife, now everything he could have wanted, is the object of attention. Lee's problem is that he never seems to learn. A good writer is usually a great liar, but he's mainly lying to himself. He keeps dumping women for someone younger and cuter. Lee's too busy looking for a fantasy. Robin succeeds by grasping what's in front of her. Though at times she too needs a reality check, she takes the opportunities for what they are and works with them. The only decent characters in the film are the ones that can ignore the distractions of, well, 'celebrity'. The others are sad, pathetic, or demonic. Speaking of demonic, Branagh and Davis seem to be portraying younger versions of Allen and Mia Farrow. Davis, thankfully, doesn't take it LITERALLY. Branagh reproduces Allen's vocal inflections. The problem is that he doesn't possess Allen's affableness to counteract the non-stop whining. After a few minutes of this, I was ready to claw my own eyes out. I only stayed with the film because of Davis and the fierceness of the writing. Allen doesn't let himself off the hook, either. One character mocks the effects of viewing a film at a press screening (like I did) instead of a real audience while ridiculing the pretensiousness of filmmakers who insist on shooting their films in black and white (like this one). If I could have just watched the Davis scenes, I would have been happier, but Allen needed a stand- in and a patsy, so we got Branagh. His fate could have been tragic if he didn't earn it. - Ron Wells MICROCINEFEST: Baltimore's Underground Film Festival =========================================== by Charles Cohen After the second annual Microcinefest in Baltimore, Skizz Cyzyk did what most any program director does -- he went to a party. There he stood worried in the proverbial after-hour's warehouse loft, complete with the gallery and beat-up elevator. "I only hope we made enough money to send the films back," he said. "Postage is expensive and those things are bulky and they're heavy." Such is the tragic beauty and conundrum of pulling off a successful underground film festival.... To read the complete story, go to Film Threat Online in the Dailies section at: HATE MAIL: You like us. You really like us. =========================================== CRITICAL ANALYSIS Kudos on your writing. Although most would take your spelling of "martial law" as "Marshall Law" in your review of "The Siege" as an overlooked error, I recognized it as a great legal pun. You're very right to equate the power-grabbing Federalism of our greatest Chief Justice, John Marshall, with the near-fascism of Gen. Devereaux (Bruce Willis's character) from "The Siege." The General truly represents the tyrannical central government, oppressive of its own people, that anti-Federalists of Marshall's day were certain he was creating. It's this level of analysis and writing which keeps me paying my FT subscription bill - good work! - Kirk Susong ( END CREDITS "Written, produced, and directed by . . ." =========================================== Publisher / Chris Gore Executive Publisher / Victor Minjares Contributors / Merle Bertrand, Tom Meek, Anthony Miele, Ron Wells Send us films, videos, CDs, games, screening passes: FILM THREAT, 5042 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 150, Los Angeles, CA 90036 Website: Edress: FILM THREAT WEEKLY is published by The Gore Group, LLC. All material © 1998 Gore Group Publications. All rights reserved. Contents may not be reprinted without written permission of the author. You are, however, welcome to forward this e-mail to whomever you wish. All letters, comments and reviews sent to Film Threat Weekly in any manner are assumed intended for publication, unless stated otherwise. Your name and e-mail address will be printed if published herein. Not responsible for unsolicited submissions. 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Read Film Threat Weekly translated into Italian at FTW is also posted on a web site in the Philippines, Cyberville Online at FILM THREAT "Hollywood's Indie Voice of the New Millennium" =========================================== Independent, Cult, Underground, Alternative Film, Hollywood Satire And No BS ==============CUT-AND-PRINT =============== [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: jkrudy Subject: RE: [MV] Movie News - 11/14/98 Date: 16 Nov 1998 08:48:04 -0700 So we're now receiving Resumes on this list? What's up with that?????? James K. Rudy **************************************************************************** ***** Gregory Allen Swarthout 4515 Jarrah Street Murray, UT 84123 (801) 265-9680 COMPUTER SKILLS & EXPERIENCE ============================ General: 18 years programming experience at work, school, and home including proficiency in: C, C++, BASIC, COBOL, Fortran, CGI, HTML, Java, Pascal, Scheme, 6502 Assembly, 68000 Assembly, Visual Basic Software packages: Borland C/C++, Turbo C, WordPerfect, Harvard Graphics, ProComm, Lotus 1-2-3, DecNet, Q&A, ccMail, Paradox, Quattro Pro, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Netscape, Internet Explorer, many others Operating systems: MS-DOS, Windows NT/95/3.1, Unix, VAX/VMS WORK EXPERIENCE =============== Auto-Soft Corporation Salt Lake City, UT Position: Software Engineer Duties: Programming a material control system in Java with a GUI front end. Thiokol Corporation Brigham City, UT Position: Web Programmer Duties: Initially, programmed in C with embedded SQL and Motif on the Shop Floor Management System. After one year, moved to company's web team and headed up initial design of, and special projects for, the corporate Intranet. Also, taught weekly classes in HTML to employees. Primavera Systems, Inc. Salt Lake City, UT Position: Shipping Manager Duties: Designed and programmed shipping/receiving system, oversaw all shipping/receiving. Computer Data Systems, Inc. Salt Lake City, UT Position: Programmer/Data Entry Duties: Programming WordPerfect macros, data entry including OCR, manned Help Desk, Fortran and C programming on a VAX/VMS system, database management using in-house system. EDUCATION ========= Weber State University - Ogden, UT - BS in Information Systems & Technology (March '96) MISCELLANEOUS ============= 6+ years experience working as a columnist for the Tooele Transcript-Bulletin Proficiency with the Internet, including Web page design and mailing list administration Well-equipped home computer system (Windows 95) SALARY REQUIREMENT ================== $55,000 - $65,000 REFERENCES ========== Available upon request [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Wade Snider Subject: RE: [MV] Movie News - 11/14/98 Date: 16 Nov 1998 10:08:51 PST No joke! --- On Mon, 16 Nov 1998 08:48:04 -0700 jkrudy wrote: So we're now receiving Resumes on this list? What's up with that?????? James K. Rudy **************************************************************************** ***** Gregory Allen Swarthout 4515 Jarrah Street Murray, UT 84123 (801) 265-9680 COMPUTER SKILLS & EXPERIENCE ============================ General: 18 years programming experience at work, school, and home including proficiency in: C, C++, BASIC, COBOL, Fortran, CGI, HTML, Java, Pascal, Scheme, 6502 Assembly, 68000 Assembly, Visual Basic Software packages: Borland C/C++, Turbo C, WordPerfect, Harvard Graphics, ProComm, Lotus 1-2-3, DecNet, Q&A, ccMail, Paradox, Quattro Pro, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Netscape, Internet Explorer, many others Operating systems: MS-DOS, Windows NT/95/3.1, Unix, VAX/VMS WORK EXPERIENCE =============== Auto-Soft Corporation Salt Lake City, UT Position: Software Engineer Duties: Programming a material control system in Java with a GUI front end. Thiokol Corporation Brigham City, UT Position: Web Programmer Duties: Initially, programmed in C with embedded SQL and Motif on the Shop Floor Management System. After one year, moved to company's web team and headed up initial design of, and special projects for, the corporate Intranet. Also, taught weekly classes in HTML to employees. Primavera Systems, Inc. Salt Lake City, UT Position: Shipping Manager Duties: Designed and programmed shipping/receiving system, oversaw all shipping/receiving. Computer Data Systems, Inc. Salt Lake City, UT Position: Programmer/Data Entry Duties: Programming WordPerfect macros, data entry including OCR, manned Help Desk, Fortran and C programming on a VAX/VMS system, database management using in-house system. EDUCATION ========= Weber State University - Ogden, UT - BS in Information Systems & Technology (March '96) MISCELLANEOUS ============= 6+ years experience working as a columnist for the Tooele Transcript-Bulletin Proficiency with the Internet, including Web page design and mailing list administration Well-equipped home computer system (Windows 95) SALARY REQUIREMENT ================== $55,000 - $65,000 REFERENCES ========== Available upon request [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ---------------End of Original Message----------------- W. Snider If man evolved from apes, why do we still have apes? [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Romero, Leticia" Subject: [MV] a bug's life Date: 16 Nov 1998 15:20:21 -0800 You must see this movie!!! and stay for the end credits!! [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Gregory A. Swarthout" Subject: Re: [MV] a bug's life Date: 16 Nov 1998 20:30:14 -0700 Yes, the end credits are the best part of the film. On the whole, though, I prefer Toy Story. Romero, Leticia wrote: > > You must see this movie!!! and stay for the end credits!! > > [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] > [ movies (without the quotes) to ] [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jayson Subject: [MV] Help on Saving Private Ryan Date: 17 Nov 1998 17:07:09 +0800 (HKT) I'm having a little trouble identifying the soldiers in this wonderful movie. The only ones I know were (aside from being obvious, they also performed well): Tom Hanks, Matt Damon, Tom Sizemore, Edward Burns, Giovanni Ribisi and Jeremy Davies. I know the names of the others like Adam Goldberg (?) and the other one but I can't place their faces. Can someone please help me on this one? Thanks! Jayson [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "ABYRNE.IE.ORACLE.COM" Subject: Re: [MV] Help on Saving Private Ryan Date: 17 Nov 1998 09:52:56 +0000 --=_ORCL_6169699_0_0 Content-Transfer-Encoding:quoted-printable Content-Type:text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Barry Pepper is the sniper. The one that was preaching as he shot people. He was pretty good! Thanks & Regards, ****************************************************************************= ** ****************************************************************************= ** Anto Byrne Oracle E.M.E.A. Fulfillment Dept. Unit 14 Phone:8031461 Airways Industrial Estate Fax:8031541 Cloghran email:abyrne Dublin 17. Ireland ****************************************************************************= ** --=_ORCL_6169699_0_0 Content-Type:message/rfc822 Return-Path: Received:from by (SMI-8.6/SMI-4.1) id IAA27400; Tue, 17 Nov 1998 08:53:41 GMT Received:from ( by (5.x/SMI-SVR4) id AA08024; Tue, 17 Nov 1998 08:57:28 GMT Received:from ( []) by (8.9.1/8.9.1) with SMTP id IAA19585 for ; Tue, 17 Nov 1998 08:58:47 GMT Received:from ([]) by via smtpd (for []) with SMTP; 17 Nov 1998 08:58:47 UT Received:from domo by with local (Exim 2.04 #1) id 0zfgxX-0005Qv-00 for; Tue, 17 Nov 1998 01:58:03 -0700 Received:from [] ( by with esmtp (Exim 2.04 #1) id 0zfgxV-0005Qa-00 for; Tue, 17 Nov 1998 01:58:01 -0700 Received:from [] ( by with esmtp (Exim 2.04 #1) id 0zfgwW-0000wC-00 for; Tue, 17 Nov 1998 01:57:40 -0700 Received:from localhost (ja970600@localhost) by (8.9.1a/8.9.1) with SMTP id RAA08210 for ; Tue, 17 Nov 1998 17:07:09 +0800 (HKT) Message-Id: Precedence: bulk MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type:TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding:7bit I'm having a little trouble identifying the soldiers in this wonderful movie. The only ones I know were (aside from being obvious, they also performed well): Tom Hanks, Matt Damon, Tom Sizemore, Edward Burns, Giovanni Ribisi and Jeremy Davies. I know the names of the others like Adam Goldberg (?) and the other one but I can't place their faces. Can someone please help me on this one? Thanks! Jayson [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] --=_ORCL_6169699_0_0-- [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Oz Subject: Re: [MV] Help on Saving Private Ryan Date: 18 Nov 1998 00:04:01 -0800 Goldberg is (shock) the Jewish soldier. Barry Pepper was the sniper. And Max Martini was the red haired soldier that was shot in the neck before Goldberg was killed. Max is a great guy, worked with him on a film in Vancouver and he said Speilberg used actual amputees as war victims in the shoot. Said it was the most surreal experience in his life to go up to the craft services table and have to push past guys with legs blown off and holes in their guts to get a cup of coffee. My piece of SPR trivia. Oz Jayson wrote: > I'm having a little trouble identifying the soldiers in this wonderful > movie. The only ones I know were (aside from being obvious, they also > performed well): Tom Hanks, Matt Damon, Tom Sizemore, Edward Burns, > Giovanni Ribisi and Jeremy Davies. I know the names of the others like > Adam Goldberg (?) and the other one but I can't place their faces. Can > someone please help me on this one? > Thanks! > > Jayson > > > > > [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] > [ movies (without the quotes) to ] -- -------{{{{OZ}}}}------------------------------------------ [sick of being ripped off at the movies?] ..*HOLLYWOOD BITCHSLAP*.. TAKE YOUR BEST SHOT -------------- [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Scott Renshaw Subject: [MV] REVIEW: A BUG'S LIFE Date: 17 Nov 1998 07:52:40 -0700 (MST) A BUG'S LIFE (Disney/Pixar) Voices: Dave Foley, Kevin Spacey, Julia Louis-Dreyfuss, David Hyde Pierce, Denis Leary, Joe Ranft, Phyllis Diller, Richard Kind. Screenplay: Andrew Stanton and Donald McEnery & Bob Shaw. Producers: Darla K. Anderson and Kevin Reher. Directors: John Lasseter and Andrew Stanton. MPAA Rating: G. Running Time: 95 minutes. Reviewed by Scott Renshaw. A BUG'S LIFE deserves better. It deserves better than to be held up to that other computer-animated insect film from earlier this fall. It deserves better than to be compared to that other feature from Pixar. It's virtually impossible to talk about A BUG'S LIFE without invoking ANTZ and/or TOY STORY, but it deserves better. Films with this much wit, energy and imagination are too uncommon to diminish this one with such petty comparisons. A BUG'S LIFE is not just a delightful computer-animated family film about insects. It's a delightful film. Not that it's a perfect one. It gets off to a slightly sluggish start, introducing an ant colony forced to collect a winter food supply for Hopper (Kevin Spacey), a grasshopper gang leader running an entomological protection racket. Our protagonist Flik (Dave Foley), a dreamer whose innovations tend to cause aggravations for the Queen (Phyllis Diller) and her successor-in-training Princess Atta (Julia Louis-Dreyfuss), inadvertently destroys the grasshopper offering one day, endangering the entire colony. Thus Flik takes it upon himself to head out from Ant Island and find warriors who will defend the ants when the angry grasshoppers return. A BUG'S LIFE doesn't really take off until we meet the "warriors" Flik eventually finds in the big city. In actuality, they're a band of disgraced bug circus performers Flik mistakenly assumes are warriors, including put-upon walking stick bug Slim (David Hyde Pierce), clownish caterpillar Heimlich (Joe Ranft) and the hilarious, imcomprehensible acrobatic pill bug tandem Tuck and Roll (Michael McShane). The botched circus sequence in which they are introduced recalls Warner Bros. cartoons at their most rapid-fire anarchic, with the cast of colorful performers all delivering laughs. Though Foley is a pleasant enough presence, his redemption storyline isn't nearly as interesting as the circus performers' search for an adoring audience. He serves much the same function here as he does on TV's "NewsRadio," acting as the sane center around which more charismatic characters can do their thing. He's also the center around which the animators can do their thing, and they do more than enough things to make for a wonderful ride. The throwaway gags in Flik's visit to the "big city" -- an annoying street mime mimicking Flik's every move, a cricket panhandler with a sign announcing "Wings pulled off by kids" -- are consistently appealing to viewers of all ages. Meanwhile, the big action set pieces, including an attack by a hungry bird, offer splendidly-paced thrills. Director John Lasseter has an uncanny eye for setting up a scene, and a comic sensibility most directors of live action should be willing to kill for. Nowhere is that more evident than during the closing credits, when Lasseter pulls out the kind of brilliant conceit that makes really good films feel like great films. Miss the final five minutes at your own peril. Sure, it would have been nice if A BUG'S LIFE had had a story as tightly constructed as the buddy bonding of Woody and Buzz in TOY STORY. It would have been nice if the lead character had had as distinctive a personality as Woody Allen's Z in ANTZ. Those are the nit-picking details you have to come up with when a film offers as much pure fun as A BUG'S LIFE. Silly enough for kids, smart enough for adults, grandly-staged enough for anyone who loves movies, it offers entertainment that deserves a different kind of comparison. Understand that there probably haven't been a half-dozen better films of _any_ kind this year, and you'll be on to the kind of comparison A BUG'S LIFE really deserves. On the Renshaw scale of 0 to 10 bug-y rides: 9. Visit Scott Renshaw's MoviePage *** Subscribe to receive new reviews directly by email! See the MoviePage for details, or reply to this message with subject line "Subscribe". [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: jkrudy Subject: RE: [MV] Help on Saving Private Ryan Date: 17 Nov 1998 07:58:36 -0700 I don't know the others that were with Tom Hanks, but Ted Danson had a role as an American Colonel about half way through the movie. James K. Rudy -----Original Message----- Sent: Tuesday, November 17, 1998 2:07 AM I'm having a little trouble identifying the soldiers in this wonderful movie. The only ones I know were (aside from being obvious, they also performed well): Tom Hanks, Matt Damon, Tom Sizemore, Edward Burns, Giovanni Ribisi and Jeremy Davies. I know the names of the others like Adam Goldberg (?) and the other one but I can't place their faces. Can someone please help me on this one? Thanks! Jayson [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Romero, Leticia" Subject: RE: [MV] Help on Saving Private Ryan Date: 17 Nov 1998 08:38:30 -0800 COOL! What are you working on these days? > -----Original Message----- > From: Oz [] > Sent: Wednesday, November 18, 1998 12:04 AM > To: > Subject: Re: [MV] Help on Saving Private Ryan > > Goldberg is (shock) the Jewish soldier. Barry Pepper was the sniper. > And Max Martini was the red haired soldier that was shot in the neck > before Goldberg was killed. > Max is a great guy, worked with him on a film in Vancouver and he said > Speilberg used actual amputees as war victims in the shoot. Said it was > the most surreal experience in his life to go up to the craft services > table and have to push past guys with legs blown off and holes in their > guts to get a cup of coffee. > > My piece of SPR trivia. > > Oz > > > Jayson wrote: > > > I'm having a little trouble identifying the soldiers in this wonderful > > movie. The only ones I know were (aside from being obvious, they also > > performed well): Tom Hanks, Matt Damon, Tom Sizemore, Edward Burns, > > Giovanni Ribisi and Jeremy Davies. I know the names of the others like > > Adam Goldberg (?) and the other one but I can't place their faces. Can > > someone please help me on this one? > > Thanks! > > > > Jayson > > > > > > > > > > [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] > > [ movies (without the quotes) to ] > > -- > -------{{{{OZ}}}}------------------------------------------ > [sick of being ripped off at the movies?] > ..*HOLLYWOOD BITCHSLAP*.. TAKE YOUR BEST SHOT > -------------- > > > > [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] > [ movies (without the quotes) to ] [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Scott Renshaw Subject: [MV] ESSAY: And The Nominees Could Be (If Anyone Remembers)... Date: 17 Nov 1998 13:11:20 -0700 (MST) All right, end-of-year-award-hopefuls, it's time to break out the gratitude -- I'm ready to play end of the year publicist for you. I ask for no compensation, merely the recognition that sometimes we nasty critics are on your side. You just need to deserve it by virtue of superior performance, rather than endurance or media omnipresence. In the interest of assisting both Academy members and my fellow critics in preparing their lists of potential nominees, I wanted to draw attention to a few performances from earlier in the year. They deserve better than to be forgotten just because a few months have passed. Many are already available on video, where you can bask both in the glory of great acting and the wisdom of my choices. SUPPORTING ACTOR: Voters generally do like it when a performer shows versatility, taking on types of characters outside their recognized comfort zone. That still doesn't guarantee they'll remember Steve Martin's splendidly icy work in David Mamet's THE SPANISH PRISONER. Martin showed a keen sense both for Mamet's dialogue and for the intricacies of villainy. I'd also be thrilled to see Jason Patric's ruthlessness in YOUR FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS get a nod, though his character was far too emotionally brutal for may viewers' comfort. The bad guys often get attention in this category, but these are two bad guys whose unconventional work may get overlooked. SUPPORTING ACTRESS: Lisa Kudrow, the most talented comic actress now working anywhere (never let it be said I couch my terms), finally got an overdue Emmy for her work on "Friends" last year. She also deserves Oscar consideration for the best performance in THE OPPOSITE OF SEX, a film with several good performances. In a role that could have been a fussy stereotype of repressed sexuality, Kudrow showed both wit and vulnerability. Vulnerability is also what made Kathy Bates' flashy turn as a political "fixer" in PRIMARY COLORS worth a second look. Her final speech may be a bit too "speechy," but it gives depth to the Colorful Supporting character. LEAD ACTRESS: Remember the name Hope Davis, because you'll be seeing a lot of her in the near future. As the wistful, reluctantly romantic heroine of NEXT STOP WONDERLAND, she brought soul to an otherwise frothy comedy, and a piercing intelligence to every line reading. On the other end of the spectrum is Ally Sheedy's work as a heroin-addicted photographer in HIGH ART. It's hard to tell to what extent her teen queen history added to the resonance of the performance, but her weary crawl back towards the light was something to behold. One on the way up, one on the way back, both probably too little-seen to get serious consideration. LEAD ACTOR: TWO GIRLS AND A GUY was not a very good film; in fact, Natasha Gregson Wagner made it nigh-unwatchable at times. At other times, Robert Downey Jr.'s intensity as a narcissistic actor made it impossible _not_ to watch. Like Sheedy, he brought personal real-world baggage to the role that made him that much more compelling, so convincing at times that it was scary. Vincent Gallo has never found narcissism in short supply, which made plenty of folks inclined to dismiss his practically-one-man-show BUFFALO '66. He gave himself an incredibly difficult role to make sympathetic -- an ex-con inveterate loser who kidnaps a young woman to pose as his wife for his family -- then turned around and did exactly that. It's a film and a performance that have only gotten better the more I think about them. Next: Forgotten gems in some other categories, including screenplays and technical credits. Visit Scott Renshaw's MoviePage *** Subscribe to receive new reviews directly by email! See the MoviePage for details, or reply to this message with subject line "Subscribe". [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Oz Subject: [MV] production folks (was Help on Saving Private Ryan) Date: 18 Nov 1998 11:28:10 -0800 "Romero, Leticia" wrote: > > COOL! What are you working on these days? Trying to get three screenplays some backing, doctoring two others, and running the site listed below. Are there any other production folks on this list? Just curious. -------{{{{OZ}}}}------------------------------------------ [sick of being ripped off at the movies?] ..*HOLLYWOOD BITCHSLAP*.. TAKE YOUR BEST SHOT -------------- [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Romero, Leticia" Subject: [MV] BEOWOLF Date: 17 Nov 1998 17:17:32 -0800 THEY'RE MAKING A MOVIE OF BEOWULF?!! What lunatic thought that Christopher Lambert would make the ultimate story any good?!!! I'm in shock... [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Scott Renshaw Subject: [MV] REVIEW: HOME FRIES Date: 18 Nov 1998 08:37:32 -0700 (MST) HOME FRIES (Warner Bros.) Starring: Drew Barrymore, Luke Wilson, Catherine O'Hara, Jake Busey. Screenplay: Vince Gilligan. Producers: Mark Johnson, Barry Levinson, Lawrence Kasdan and Charles Neuwirth. Director: Dean Parisot. MPAA Rating: PG-13 (profanity, adult themes) Running Time: 92 minutes. Reviewed by Scott Renshaw. HOME FRIES opens with the bucolic, folksy feel of a girl-appeal comedy-drama. Sassy young Sally (Drew Barrymore), drive-thru cashier at a small town BurgerMatic, is visited by Henry Lever (Chris Ellis). Sally is eight months pregnant; married Henry is the father, though he never revealed his marriage to Sally during their affair. As Sally explains to her customer exactly why he can no longer have it his way, you might suspect that HOME FRIES will follow our plucky, unconventional heroine on her search for independence and true love through the world of greasy dining -- HOME FRIED GREEN TOMATOES, or something of the sort. Be prepared to dismiss such notions quickly, as Henry leaves their encounter...only to be pursued by an ominous black helicopter through the woods until he has a heart attack. Thus begins a darkly twisted, truly unexpected comic concoction from a decade-old script by "X-Files" producer Vince Gilligan (who clearly has a thing for black helicopters). It seems that the copter was piloted by brothers Dorian (Luke Wilson) and Angus (Jake Busey), two Air National Guardsmen who also happen to be Henry's stepsons. At the insistence of their maniacal mother (Catherine O'Hara), they've scared philandering stepdad to death, with the as-yet-unknown object of Henry's affections next on their list. The first order of business, however, is finding out who was on the same frequency as the copter's radio during their ambush, leading Dorian to an undercover assignment at a certain BurgerMatic, and a tentative relationship with a certain drive-thru cashier. The kind of quirky humor HOME FRIES deals out can easily become oppressive if not directed with a sure hand. First-time feature director Dean Parisot seems to know just how to drop the peculiar into a scene without pointing at it for you and slapping your knee. A sensitive moment in which Dorian presents Sally a gift for her baby -- a toy helicopter he describes as "non-toxic, I think" -- is set against a grease fire in the BurgerMatic kitchen. Henry's wake features Zamfir's pan flute rendition of "You Light Up My Life." And the sequence of most profound bonding between our two young lovers occurs at a natural childbirth class where the instructor tells her students "you didn't get into this with your legs closed, and you won't get out of it that way." It's all consistently off-beat in a way that's more often refreshing than just plain weird, but it also comes with an undercurrent of sincerity. Luke Wilson -- deadpan in an "aw shucks"-appealing kind of way -- does a nice job with Dorian's ambivalence over his bizarre family dynamics and his attraction to Sally's sweet (relative) normalcy. In fact, the search for a "normal" family comes to play a significant role in the proceedings. Dorian and Angus still share bunk beds in their childhood room, frozen in the time they were abandoned by their father; Sally's father (Lanny Flaherty) is an alcoholic in and out of the good graces of her mother (Shelley Duvall). There's something almost touching to the convoluted family tree Dorian describes for Sally's baby, since it comes with the hope that the next generation will somehow be less screwed up than the last. It's too bad that HOME FRIES concludes with an overwrought helicopter-car chase that feels ridiculously out of place. It's also too bad that Drew Barrymore can't make Sally more interesting as the object of everyone's love or hate, her character slipping in and out of focus like her generically Southern accent. Ultimately, the story isn't even really about her. If anyone is the true protagonist, it's Dorian in his search for affection outside a dysfunctional family where mom spews crocodile tears at her husband's death and big brother pumps carbon monoxide into the trailer of an unsuspecting woman. Not exactly the stuff of a folksy, girl-appeal comedy-drama, is it? On the Renshaw scale of 0 to 10 crisp fries: 7. Visit Scott Renshaw's MoviePage *** Subscribe to receive new reviews directly by email! See the MoviePage for details, or reply to this message with subject line "Subscribe". [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Christina Stanley Subject: Re: [MV] REVIEW: HOME FRIES Date: 18 Nov 1998 08:43:38 -0800 (PST) Jeez, it looks like a totally different movie in the ads currently running. Hollywood marketing is so odd. christina, also hates misleading video boxes and one-sheets. ______________________________________________________________ "Nobody can be exactly like me. Even I have trouble doing it." Tallulah Bankhead [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Wade Snider Subject: Re: [MV] ESSAY: And The Nominees Could Be (If Anyone Remembers)... Date: 18 Nov 1998 11:14:07 PST So are we to assume that you think Ally Sheedy should get an Oscar as should Robert Downey junior??? Or, is the point of this essay that there were some interesting but not significantly noted performances that may not get any real recognition? W. Snider If man evolved from apes, why do we still have apes? [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jayson Subject: [MV] Re: Early Oscar Contenders Date: 19 Nov 1998 08:46:20 +0800 (HKT) To Mr. Renshaw, Are those the people you think WILL be nominated, MUST be nominated or will not be nominated but SHOULD have been? Sad to say, I haven't seen most of the films you mentioned because they haven't reached this side of the globe (and maybe never will). Anyway, it was good to see you praising "most-likely-to-be-overlooked" performances and not going with the obvious nominees (like performances in Saving Private Ryan, Pleasantville, The Truman Show, Beloved, etc.). ------- Jayson ------- Smelly cat, smelly cat What are they feeding you? Smelly cat, smelly cat It's not your fault. [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [MV] Screen It Newsletter (November 19, 1998) Date: 19 Nov 1998 07:23:45 -0500 (EST) Welcome to the Screen It! Newsletter (November 19, 1998). This week at the movies, a wide variety of films open as the Thanksgiving holiday rush begins. With two national, and a handful of other limited releases opening, there's something for nearly everyone. On home video, Eddie Murphy talks to the animals in one of the bigger hits of this past summer, while Samuel L. Jackson and Kevin Spacey try to do some negotiating in a suspense thriller. PLEASE NOTE: The new movie reviews WILL NOT be publicly posted until LATE Thursday night (EDT) to comply with the studios' wishes/demands. Next week, reviews of "A Bug's Life" (from the makers of "Toy Story"), "Babe: Pig in the City" (the sequel to "Babe"), "Home Fries" (Drew Barrymore, Luke Wilson), "Ringmaster" (Jerry Springer), and "Very Bad Things" (Christian Slater, Cameron Diaz). ===========PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS=========== IT'S THE BIGGEST BREAKTHROUGH IN GETTING A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP! Tempur-Pedic Swedish Sleep System has been featured on Dateline NBC, CNN and the Wall Street Journal. Originally developed by NASA, this pressure relieving material is so effective, over 25,000 doctors and sleep clinics recommend Tempur-Pedic mattresses. Request a FREE "Better Sleep" video and a FREE sample of the revolutionary Tempur-Pedic material. ===========PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS=========== NEW MOVIE REVIEWS FOR FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20TH: "CELEBRITY" (1998) (Kenneth Branagh, Judy Davis) (R) Comedy: A neurotic celebrity reporter (Branagh) and his equally despondent ex-wife (Davis) try to find happiness and acceptance through their friendships and relationships with others. It's the same old Woody Allen material, but this time Kenneth Branagh plays the stereotypical Allen character in an exact, but distracting impersonation. The R rating comes from profanity, sexually related material and brief drug use. (Limited Release) __________________________________________________ "ELIZABETH" (1998) (Cate Blanchett, Geoffrey Rush) (R) Drama: The daughter (Blanchett) of Henry VIII becomes the Queen of England and must deal with various forces of betrayal and conspiracy that threaten her and the throne. Always compelling and featuring some fine performances from its talented cast, the film may not win any accolades from historians or high school history teachers, but it comes across as a decently crafted variation of the "normally" stuffy costume drama. The R rating comes from violence (occasionally resulting in decapitated heads, etc...) and several sexual encounters. (Limited Release) __________________________________________________ "ENEMY OF THE STATE" (1998) (Will Smith, Gene Hackman) (R) Suspense/Thriller: Having unknowingly received evidence concerning a government-based murder, a lawyer (Smith) finds his life turned upside down as covert government officials try to find out what he knows. Smith drops the wisecracks and producer Jerry Bruckheimer and Tony Scott (two guys known for high tech, but often stupid, testosterone-laced action flicks) deliver a decently constructed, thinking person's conspiracy thriller. The R rating comes from violence and profanity. (National Release) __________________________________________________ "GODS AND MONSTERS" (1998) (Ian McKellen, Brendan Fraser) (Not Rated) Drama: A once famous, and outwardly gay movie director (McKellen) hires a robust gardener (Fraser) and the two enter into an often awkward, but platonic relationship in this speculative account of the last days in the life of legendary director James Whale. Featuring a stellar performance from Ian McKellen -- who's clearly Oscar bound with this role -- and very good supporting takes by both Brendan Fraser and Lynn Redgrave, the film obviously won't be for all tastes, but it's clearly a well-executed, character-driven drama. Although the film isn't rated, if it were, it would receive an R for sexually related material, nudity, and profanity. (Limited Release) __________________________________________________ "THE RUGRATS MOVIE" (1998) (voices of E.G. Daily, Christine Cavanaugh) (G) Children's Animated: Based on the Nickelodeon TV show, a group of young kids must find their way home after getting lost in the woods. Playing out just like most would imagine -- the big screen treatment of an animated TV show -- the film should entertain the young kids and not horribly bore their parents. The film is rated G for not containing material to warrant a higher rating, but does contain several perilous moments that may have different reactions in younger kids. (National Release) __________________________________________________ "WAKING NED DEVINE" (1998) (Ian Bannen, David Kelly) (PG) Comedy: A small Irish town (including Bannen & Kelly) hopes to pass off one of its citizens as the winner of a huge lottery, despite the original winner dying of a heart attack, so that they may claim the multimillion pound prize. This small, but charming and highly entertaining film is simply one of the best, and easily one of the most enjoyable films of the year. Its PG rating comes from older male nudity (played for laughs), language and "thematic elements." (Limited Release) __________________________________________________ NEW VIDEO REVIEWS FOR TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24TH: "DR. DOLITTLE" (1998) (Eddie Murphy, voice of Norm MacDonald) (PG-13) Comedy: A doctor (Murphy) suddenly regains his long repressed childhood gift that enables him to converse with animals. While the comedic potential from the main plot line wears thin rather quickly, and the remaining subplots completely strike out, the funny dialogue delivered by the animals keeps things lively and humorous. Rated PG-13 for some crude scatological humor, and a few sexual remarks, this was one of the bigger hits of the summer with a domestic box office take of more than $140 million with another $110 million or so coming from overseas markets. ( __________________________________________________ "THE NEGOTIATOR" (1998) (Samuel L. Jackson, Kevin Spacey) (R) Suspense/Thriller: Chicago's best hostage negotiator (Jackson) takes a group of people hostage himself and must deal with another experienced negotiator (Spacey) while trying to prove that he didn't kill his partner. Loosely based on real life events and featuring two of the best actors working today, "The Negotiator" is a compelling and often thrilling "whodunit" that unfortunately runs out of gas and momentum before the end credits roll. With great performances and an intriguing premise and initial setup, however, the film manages to end up as an above par entry in this genre. Rated R for profanity and violence, the film grossed a bit more than $40 million domestically. ( __________________________________________________ ===========PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS=========== IT'S THE BIGGEST BREAKTHROUGH IN GETTING A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP! Tempur-Pedic Swedish Sleep System has been featured on Dateline NBC, CNN and the Wall Street Journal. Originally developed by NASA, this pressure relieving material is so effective, over 25,000 doctors and sleep clinics recommend Tempur-Pedic mattresses. Request a FREE "Better Sleep" video and a FREE sample of the revolutionary Tempur-Pedic material. ===========PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS=========== Do you find the Screen It Website useful? If so, contact your local newspaper, TV or radio station, or favorite magazine and ask that they do a story about our site so that others in your community or country may benefit from this information. Contact information can be found at the following address: __________________________________________________ Remember, before you and/or your kids see it, buy it , or rent it, make sure that first you Screen It! Screen It! Entertainment Reviews for Parents __________________________________________________ Since we respect your privacy and time, we'll always keep these messages brief and we'll never sell or give your e-mail address to anyone. If at any time you no longer wish to receive these updates, simply let us know at and we'll remove you from our list. [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Scott Renshaw Subject: [MV] REVIEW: ENEMY OF THE STATE Date: 19 Nov 1998 10:31:25 -0700 (MST) ENEMY OF THE STATE (Touchstone) Starring: Will Smith, Gene Hackman, Jon Voight, Regina King, Loren Dean, Jake Busey, Barry Pepper, Tom Sizemore, Lisa Bonet, Gabriel Byrne. Screenplay: David Marconi. Producer: Jerry Bruckheimer. Director: Tony Scott. MPAA Rating: R (violence, profanity, adult themes) Running Time: 127 minutes. Reviewed by Scott Renshaw. Director Tony Scott presents what sometimes seems like a documentary on electronic surveillance in ENEMY OF THE STATE. His vehicle is the story of Robert Clayton Dean (Will Smith), a Washington D.C. attorney who unwittingly becomes embroiled in a conspiracy when a computer disk finds its way into his shopping bags. On the disk is evidence that a National Security Agency boss named Reynolds (Jon Voight) engineered the murder of a U.S. congressman (an uncredited Jason Robards) who would have killed legislation making it easier for the NSA to spy on citizens. Piece by piece Dean's identity is destroyed and accusations are trumped up against him, until the only chance he has left is a secretive former government operative known only as Brill (Gene Hackman). It's a great button-pushing premise for a millenial-angst-heavy information age, full of shadowy government operations and technological voyeurism of every shape and form. Early on, however, Scott starts to fetishize all that technology. Satellites sweep across the sky from hundreds of miles above to pinpoint a fleeing target; microtransmitters are planted in shoes, pens and cell phones; phone and bank records betray every personal secret. The first time a chase scene spills over with surveillance details, it's effective and alarming. The second time, you start to notice that it drags scenes out much longer than they need to be. The third, fourth and fifth times, you wonder why the omniscient gadgetry is beginning to seem more cool than scary. Is this a movie about people oppressed by electronics, or a commercial for electronics? Fortunately, the human angle is in the capable hands of Will Smith. In his first purely starring role -- no buddy cop, no aliens -- Smith continues to show the charisma of a star. He's a more effective hounded Everyman than you might expect, cracking wise when it serves the moment while generally handling his predicament with intelligence and resolve. Hackman arrives fairly late in the film to provide some requisite bonding moments, but mostly the weight of ENEMY OF THE STATE falls squarely on Smith's shoulders. He proves more than capable of handling it. He also gets to work with an action/thriller script considerably more coherent than average. Dean's imperfect relationship with his wife (Regina King) links deftly into the conspiracy plot, as does the connection between Brill and go-between Rachel (Lisa Bonet). The resolution is a rushed disappointment -- mixing in a dopey mob sub-plot just when the table-turning pleasures of Dean and Brill watching the watchmen had been so promising -- but for nearly two hours it's pretty a effective story. With Scott keeping the pacing steady and intense, all the script needs to do is avoid situations so obviously stupid that you feel insulted. Marconi's script may not be impressive, but it's unobtrusive, which is one of the higher compliments you can pay an action/thriller script in 1998. Still, there's the matter of all those gee-whiz shots of satellite cams, computer extrapolations and general manipulation of technology. Tony Scott has always been a director who never met a five-second piece of film he liked, and in ENEMY OF THE STATE it often proves distracting as he whips back and forth between Smith talking to someone and someone _listening_ to Smith talking to someone, a couple dozen times in the space of a minute. Sure it's unsettling to consider that the only privacy you may have is inside your head, but it's most unsettling if we connect with a character connecting with that reality the hard way. Will Smith provides that humanity almost in spite of Scott's inventory of spy gear. The director takes the edge off the edgy concept, turning in a solid thriller that hypes us up when it should be freaking us out. On the Renshaw scale of 0 to 10 state secrets: 6. Visit Scott Renshaw's MoviePage *** Subscribe to receive new reviews directly by email! See the MoviePage for details, or reply to this message with subject line "Subscribe". [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Gregory A. Swarthout" Subject: [MV] Movie News - 11/19/98 Date: 19 Nov 1998 20:42:01 -0700 (MST) Starting Tuesday, moviegoers can get a peek at George Lucas' "'Star Wars' Episode One: The Phantom Menace." The trailer will run in specially selected theaters in 26 states and in Washington DC, says, the official "Star Wars" website. (The trailer goes "wide" on Friday and will play in all 50 states, says Lucasfilm.) The movie itself opens in May. -=> * <=- If you know of any good conspiracy websites, pass them on to Will Smith. "I'm on the Internet nine hours a week. I have conspiracy theories forever," Smith told the Boston Globe. "I argue with friends who are attorneys and such all the time about different ones." Smith's love of conspiracy meshes with the plot of his new movie, "Enemy of the State." He plays a Washington lawyer tormented by U.S. intelligence operatives. -=> * <=- Adam Sandler's goofball comedy "The Waterboy" had a $25.2 million weekend to top the charts for a second consecutive week and push its 10-day take to almost $80 million, according to studio estimates. Opening in the No. 2 spot with $17.5 million was the slasher flick "I Still Know What You Did Last Summer" (thus topping the $15.8 million debut of "I Know What You Did Last Summer" last October). Brad Pitt's three-hour "Meet Joe Black," which many critics called stupid, made its debut in third place with $15 million. "The Siege" slipped two places to No. 4, and "Antz" crawled down a notch to fifth. -=> * <=- Jonathan Taylor Thomas, who became a teen heartthrob while on the sitcom "Home Improvement," is in the family holiday movie "I'll Be Home for Christmas." But his image may shift once another movie, "Speedway Junkie," comes out. In that one, he plays a tough street kid. "I wouldn't recommend young kids see 'Speedway Junkie,'" Thomas told the Los Angeles Times. "It's definitely an age-appropriate movie -- dark and realistic and edgy. If young kids want to see me, go see the Christmas movie." -=> * <=- Madonna is being wooed to star as one of her own personal icons, the controversial Mexican painter Frida Kahlo, reports PEOPLE Magazine stringer Jan McGirk. The political-sexual drama, to be called "Brush with Death," is set to be released in December 1999 and will highlight Kahlo's affair with Bolshevik Leon Trotsky as her marriage to muralist Diego Rivera crumbles. "The film will be entirely shot in Mexico," says producer Sundeep "Bobby" Bedi. "Actors will be chosen once the director is [hired]." Madonna, who, like Kahlo, has dabbled with Hinduism, reportedly collects drawings by the artist, including a self-portrait featuring Kahlo's trademark heavy eyebrows that look like caterpillars making their way across the bridge of her nose. -=> * <=- Will Smith, who stars in the soon-to-open "Enemy of the State," reveals to USA Weekend that having an Air Force veteran for a father wields an influence on his relationship with his wife Jada Pinkett Smith. "I focus on my relationship with Jada like a soldier," says Will. "When we're together, I'm her mate. I'm her security guard. I'm her cook. I'm everything ... you have to focus on everything in your life with that type of military intensity." -=> * <=- Hobbled by leg irons and bound in handcuffs, Harry Connick Jr. was dragged into a prison lockdown unit to do his time: two days. The actor-crooner was doing research for an upcoming role as an inmate when he was put in prison clothes and restrained for his trip to Camp J, a solitary unit at notorious Louisiana State Penitentiary. An unshaven Connick, who had planned to do three days in solitary, signaled to get out a day early, saying "it was too quiet" and "the food wasn't too good," said Warden Burl Cain. "The inmates didn't know who he was," Cain said. "They nicknamed him 'Youngster.'" -=> * <=- FINISHED: "Babe: Pig in the City," which took so long to complete that Universal Studios was forced to cancel a charity premiere last week. After some early concerns that the "Babe" sequel would be too scary for children, a re-edited version was shown to the Motion Picture Association of America on Monday afternoon. The film, rated G, will open Nov. 25 -- on schedule. [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Yusheng Subject: Re: [MV] "Saving private Ryan"!!! Date: 19 Nov 1998 20:53:41 -0700 (MST) A lot of world war 2 movies tell us that so many soldiers died for the justice of the world. But this movie is different,it tells about so many soldiers died for one trivial person.Hence the question: Is Ryan's life of more value than those of the soldiers died for him? But I don't think this is the real question. The real one is: Is our life more valuable than theirs,is the freedom that we enjoy today more valuable than theirs? [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Diane Christy Subject: Re: [MV] "Saving private Ryan"!!! Date: 19 Nov 1998 22:28:32 -0600 On 11/19/98, 9:53 PM -0600, Yusheng said so nicely: >The real one is: Is our life more valuable than >theirs,is the freedom that we enjoy today more valuable than theirs? Great question!! ~~~~~ Diane Christy (Samantha and Joshua's Mom) Jefferson, LA ICQ #12904700 ~~~~~ [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: jkrudy Subject: [MV] Not a Spoiler, but related to Star Wars Prequel: No info about m Date: 20 Nov 1998 07:43:45 -0700 I saw the Star Wars Prequel Trailer last night and let me just say this: May God grant me the strength to survive until May 21, because the anticipation may just kill me! I wish I hadn't watched it, but only because it made me more anxious to see the actual movie! Have a great weekend all. James K. Rudy [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Oz Subject: Re: [MV] Not a Spoiler, but related to Star Wars Prequel: No info about Date: 21 Nov 1998 01:49:58 -0800 jkrudy wrote: > > I saw the Star Wars Prequel Trailer last night and let me just say this: > May God grant me the strength to survive until May 21, because the > anticipation may just kill me! I wish I hadn't watched it, but only because > it made me more anxious to see the actual movie! Not to be one of those insane site pluggers or anything, but a regular at my site posted a report on 17 minutes of workprint he managed to see in the UK. He's a non fan of the trilogy but what he saw impressed him enough to make him eager. Full report at -------{{{{OZ}}}}------------------------------------------ [sick of being ripped off at the movies?] ..*HOLLYWOOD BITCHSLAP*.. TAKE YOUR BEST SHOT -------------- [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "" Subject: [MV] The Weekly Newsletter -- 11/20/98 Date: 20 Nov 1998 17:50:33 -0800 Welcome to the Newsletter - a weekly mailing of the news and reviews from This mailing is distributed to the mailing list and to new members of For information on how to subscribe/unsubscribe, please scroll to the bottom of this message. Contents - 11/20/98 1. Enemy of the State: Will and Gene Get Noisy 2. Celebrity: Branagh Does Woody 3. Waking Ned Devine: Lotto Fever 4. The Rugrats Movie: Babies Talk 5. Central Station: Brasilian Road Movie 6. Preview: Star Wars, Episode I 7. Weekend Box Office 8. In the Screening Room . . . 9. Video news: New releases 10. Video specials from 11. Movie Music 12. Do You Have G2? 13. Enter to Win the "Real Life, Real Stories" Contest! 14. Next week on 1. ENEMY OF THE STATE Review excerpt by Robert Horton " . . . It never seems to have occurred to Bruckheimer and company that part of the appeal of a movie like North by Northwest is that the nightmare-adventure the hero takes is actually fun. That's one of the subversive things about the genre: after you've dangled from the face of Mt. Rushmore, normal life looks dull by comparison. In Enemy of the State, everything is awful and crowded, and when Smith gets back his nagging wife and his Mercedes and his vaguely deceitful business practices, we're encouraged to applaud. For the fade-out, we get Larry King, delivering a warning about government's intrusion into people's lives. Wow. In its own unwitting way, this film makes you question who the enemy really is . . . ." 2. CELEBRITY Review excerpt by Norman Green " . . . Yes, we get breathtaking views of the City, photographed in black and white by Sven Nykvist. Yes, we can count on Woody for dead-on set pieces like the high school reunion, and a rabbi whining at skinheads in the green room of a talk show over who ate the last hors d'oeuvre. But no, Celebrity simply does not hold together. The editing is fragmentary, fractured, disjointed, chaotic. Too much is unintentionally unfunny. And it succumbs to the kind of inner emptiness it tries to decry. As someone once said about psychoanalysis, Celebrity is the disease it purports to cure. . . ." 3. WAKING NED DEVINE Review excerpt by Elizabeth Weitzman "Is Waking Ned Devine the next Full Monty? Long before anyone saw the film that's what we were hearing, and I guess it does make some sense, since it's a foreign (but English-speaking) comedy that makes the most of exposing its characters very-unbuff bodies. As far as I can tell, though, the list ends there. . . ." 4. THE RUGRATS MOVIE Review excerpt by Sean P. Means " . . . The question is not whether children will like The Rugrats Movie -- they'll eat it up with a spoon, since it's simply an expansion on the Nickelodeon cable-TV cartoon they've been watching and loving since its debut in 1991. The question is whether the grownups, who haven't been watching as the electronic babysitter did its thing, will be able to stand 86 minutes in the company of these lumpy little toddlers. The answer, mercifully, is yes . . ." 5. CENTRAL STATION Review excerpt by Peter Brunette " . . . Call me a curmudgeon, but I just can't warm up to Central Station, the new Brazilian film that's gotten audience awards at several festivals on the circuit this year since its premiere last January at Sundance, and even won first prize at Berlin. To me, its blatantly manipulative pairing of an adorable young boy and a selfish, honesty-challenged older woman, who first battle and then learn to love one another amid the photogenic surroundings of Brazil, seemed so calculating that I could never get emotionally involved. A better title might have been "Kolya Flies to Rio," though Central Station lacks the Czech film's bite. Speaking of bites, I am thankful that at least the kid did not also have an adorable dog. . . ." 6. PREVIEW: STAR WARS, EPISODE I Preview excerpt by Tom Keogh [Yes, we have the Real Video trailer! Check it out . . . ] "W hat's the fastest path to madness? Spend an hour or two researching everything on the Internet being said or rumored about the new Star Wars trilogy. The obsessiveness of fan speculation about George Lucas' long-promised, three-part prequel to the familiar Star Wars saga is astonishing. Meanwhile, Lucas himself - via the project's official Web site ( - is fueling feverish enthusiasm for everything from set design to editing wizardry to the precise function of every element on Mandalorian spacesuits. (What? You don't remember the Mandalorian spacesuits from The Empire Strikes Back?) Still, if you keep your wits about you, getting the lay of the land for the next trilogy - which precedes, in narrative terms, all the Star Wars movies we're already familiar with - can be fun and intriguing. Why? Think about it: the storyline necessarily has to lead to the downfall of the Jedi and the rise of the Empire, not to mention Anakin Skywalker's nasty metamorphosis to becoming Darth Vader. We're talking dark, and that's precisely what Lucas is promising. Will audiences reward this downbound story arc through the year 2005 (the projected release date of the last film in the new batch) to the tune of hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars? Check out our preview coverage to get the latest word . . . ." 7. BOX OFFICE RESULTS Weekend of November 13-15 1. The Waterboy 2. I Still Know What You Did Last Summer 3. Meet Joe Black 4. The Siege 5. Antz 6. Pleasantville 7. I'll Be Home For Christmas 8. The Wizard of Oz 9. Living Out Loud 10. Rush Hour 8. IN THE SCREENING ROOM This week: new trailers for You've Got Mail, Celebrity, and The Thin Red Line, -- and don't miss the full-length trailer for Star Trek: Insurrection. Plus, check out our "Film Clips" room, loaded with scenes from current films, and the RealShorts Film Festival, our online collection of 31 short films from the Seattle International Film Festival. 10. NEW VIDEO RELEASES In Sean Axmaker's video column, read all about this week's new releases, including Dr. Dolittle, The Negotiator, King Lear, and the return of My Life as a Dog. Be sure to send the "Print and Go" page to your printer, to take along as a handy guide to the video store. 11. VIDEO SPECIALS FROM REEL.COM has a Thanksgiving gift for its customers - free shipping on all domestic orders through November 25! And, of course, the American Film Institute's Top 100 continues on sale -- all at 25 percent off. 12. MOVIE MUSIC Next week on Soundtrack Cinema: New soundtrack releases, including selections from "The Siege" and "Apt Pupil." 13. DO YOU HAVE G2? Check out the and Screening Room channels on the new G2 Player - and don't miss the Talking Picture Show, in which's critics debate the movies of the week. 14. REAL LIFE, REAL STORIES Would you like to win $50,000 just for being yourself? With RealNetworks "Real Life, Real Stories", you can! We are asking you to send us a 3 minute video telling us why the world should spend the day with you. The winner will receive $50,000 and have a day in his or her life broadcast on the Internet. For details including, how to enter by mail and contest rules, visit: NEXT WEEK . . . Watch for reviews of this year's Thanksgiving movies: Babe: Pig in the City, Home Fries, Very Bad Things, Ringmaster, and A Bug's Life; trailers for The Thin Red Line, Mighty Joe Young, You've Got Mail, and The Mod Squad, our holiday movie preview, and more . . . SUBSCRIBING/UNSUBSCRIBING This mailing is distributed to the mailing list and to new members of If you do not wish to receive this mailing, please send an e-mail to with the following message in the body of the text: unsubscribe (Note that the address is "d-mail-one," not "d-mail-L") To subscribe to the mailing list, send an e-mail to with the following message in the body of the text: subscribe We will deal with requests as soon as possible, but are not always able to clear subscriptions/unsubscriptions immediately. We thank you for your patience in this regard. For technical problems or questions, send an e-mail to Thanks for reading -- we welcome your story ideas, suggestions, and feedback. [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Michael Dequina Subject: [MV] The Movie Report#167, 11/20/98 Date: 20 Nov 1998 21:32:20 -0800 no1 T H E M O V I E R E P O R T #167 NOVEMBER 20, 1998 Saturday, November 21, marks the one-year anniversary of The Day... PLEASE HELP... ...keep the MR and Mr. Brown's Movie Site alive. I am undergoing a serious funding and resource crisis. Please send any donations (every little bit does help) to: Michael Dequina 3650 Denver Avenue Long Beach, CA 90810-2205 You can also help by renting or purchasing videos and DVDs from! Get a jumpstart on your holiday gift shopping by visiting: Thank you very much. =>T H I S W E E K<= M O V I E S -_A_Bug's_Life_ -_A_Simple_Plan_ -_Very_Bad_Things_ -_Meet_Joe_Black_ -_Thursday_ V I D E O -_Can't_Hardly_Wait_ -_Dirty_Work_ -_Fear_and_Loathing_in_Las_Vegas_ For links to the official websites of all the current films, past reviews, exclusive Hollywood event photos, movie discussion board, movie theme MIDI files, a comprehensive link section, and more, visit Mr. Brown's Movie Site: or Please don't forget to sign the guestbook... If you are reading this on Usenet, you can subscribe to the MR at: Select reviews are available at CompuServe Hollywood Hotline: ...and the Eyepiece Network at: ...and Albany Online at: all movies graded out of four stars (****) ~~~ =>M O V I E S<= N E W R E L E A S E S _A_Bug's_Life_ (G) *** 1/2 With the release of Disney and Pixar's _A_Bug's_Life_, the first head-to-head Disney-DreamWorks animation battle has officially taken place. The winner? Well, there isn't one--it's a draw. While their respective studios continue their war of words and massive publicity, _Bugs_ and _Antz_, it turns out, can peacefully co-exist, each carving out their own delightful, distinctive niche in the computer-animated insect milieu. The similarities between _Bugs_ and _Antz_ begin and end with the facts that they are completely computer animated, center on ant colonies, and that the two main characters are a worker ant (here named Flik, voiced by Dave Foley) and an ant princess (Atta, voiced by Julia Louis-Dreyfus). Ne'er-do-well Flik is ordered by the Princess to find warrior insects to help his colony in their ongoing conflict with a gang of grasshoppers led by the maniacal Hopper (Kevin Spacey). Flik finds a willing group in the praying mantis Manny (Jonathan Harris); his moth wife, Gypsy (Madeline Kahn); male ladybug Francis (Denis Leary); walking stick Slim (David Hyde Pierce); caterpillar Heimlich (Joe Ranft); black widow spider Rosie (Bonnie Hunt); rhino beetle Dim (Brad Garrett); and pillbugs Tuck and Roll (Michael McShane). But as warrior-like as these bugs may appear, they are actually gentle circus performers desperate for a gig after being fired by flea circus owner P.T. Flea (John Ratzenberger). Realizing his error, Flik nonetheless tries to make a counteroffensive against the grasshoppers work, lest he let down the colony once again. The script for _A_Bug's_Life_, credited to co-director Andrew Stanton, Donald McEnery, and Bob Shaw (from a story by Stanton, Ranft, and co-director John Lasseter), lacks the sharp, satirical, sociopolitical subtext of _Antz_. For that matter, neither is the story as hilarious and smart as that of the previous Disney/Pixar collaboration, _Toy_Story_. In telling a simpler story, _Bugs_ holds more kid and general family appeal, but that does not mean that there isn't enough witty dialogue, funny situations, and entertaining characters to amuse the adults in the crowd. (In fact, the film's best gag, which comes during the end credits, is clearly aimed at adults; I wouldn't dream of giving it away, but I will say that, with any luck, it should kill a lazy trend in recent film.) The most memorable characters are distinguished by terrific voice performances: Spacey completely inhabits the menacing Hopper with malicious glee; Louis-Dreyfus is nicely neurotic as Atta; and Ranft fits Heimlich with a hilarious, almost effeminate German accent. As a whole, though, the ensemble here won't make you forget the work of the more stellar cast of _Antz_; Foley does an adequate job voicing Flik, but, not surprisingly, he doesn't hold down the center of the movie as well as Woody Allen in the other film. Where _A_Bug's_Life_ is clearly superior to _Antz_ is in the visual department. The art by the Pixar crew is stunningly detailed, from the gritty walls of the ant colony tunnels to, most impressively, the insects themselves, namely the amazingly lifelike grasshoppers. Lasseter and Stanton also employ more ambitious camera work than their DreamWorks counterparts, especially during an exciting aerial chase sequence set during a rainstorm. PDI did a terrific job with the animation on _Antz_, but _A_Bug's_Life_ shows that Pixar is still the king of feature computer animation. And, by default, so is Disney, and, with its broader demographic appeal, _A_Bug's_Life_ should handily outpace _Antz_'s impressive box office grosses. But DreamWorks has already established itself as a worthy contender in the animation field, and the Mouse should watch out when the big SKG fires its next assault, next month's hotly anticipated epic _The_Prince_of_Egypt_. _A_Simple_Plan_ (R) **** _Very_Bad_Things_ (R) **** _A_Simple_Plan_ and _Very_Bad_Things_ are films of two opposing genres--drama and comedy--but both are actually so similar that their titles could very well be interchangeable. Both are about botched secret schemes that lead to downward spirals of transgression; both are bound to leave audiences unsettled--and both are among the most memorable films of the year. Although his filmmaking career has spanned twenty years, Sam Raimi has always remained on the fringes of Hollywood, scoring no big box office hits but amassing a fiercely devoted cult following and with his trademark brand of dark humor (more often than not tinged with gore) and wildly kinetic camera work. More than a few Raimi cultists weaned on the likes of his _Evil_Dead_ trilogy will undoubtedly cry "sellout" after seeing _A_Simple_Plan_, which neither looks nor feels like a traditional Raimi film. Instead, it looks and feels like a simply "traditional" film: no flashy camera work, no excessive violence, no macabre humor. Thematically, on the other hand, this adaptation of Scott B. Smith's bestselling novel is exactly what one would expect from the auteur. Bill Paxton and Billy Bob Thornton play Midwestern brothers Hank and Jacob Mitchell, who, with friend Lou (Brent Briscoe), discover a downed plane containing a dead body and a bag full of money--$4.4 million, to be exact. Their plan, as the title states, is simple: split the money between them, but only after the plane is discovered and it is determined that the authorities are not tracing the cash. As they say, "the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry," and that's exactly what happens. As jealousy, greed, and suspicion enter the picture, a tense and ever-twisting turn of events follows, in which the most innocent characters reveal their more sinister tendencies--and vice versa. This theme of the ever-shifting tides of evil within people is a perfect fit for the dark sensibilities of Raimi, and he made a wise decision in keeping his showy visual tendencies in check. Any of Raimi's usual visual theatrics would have detracted from Smith's tightly-wound script, and his restrained approach intensifies the suspense of the story. Adding to the complexity and power of the story are the actors, whose multidimensional performances create complex characters the audience sometimes hates yet maintains a certain empathy for. Thornton is likely to receive the most attention for his heartwrenching turn as the sad sack Jacob, who may be slow-witted but is nobody's fool. Equally as impressive though certain to be overlooked in Thornton's shadow is Paxton's subtle, slow burn as the often-conflicted Hank. Bridget Fonda's role as Hank's wife Sarah seems simple at the start, but as the character gradually takes on sharper edges, so does Fonda's performance. The film's richness of character lends its conclusion a poignant and haunting impact. As badly as the characters in _A_Simple_Plan_ behave, nothing they do comes off quite as reprehensible as the deeds perpetrated by the characters inhabiting _Very_Bad_Things_, the audacious writing/directing debut of actor Peter Berg. Stuffed with scenes of stylishly shot splatter, this film is as violent as any that has been released as this or any year--and it's all played for _laughs_ (coincidentally, much like Raimi's earlier work). That shameless, eager-to-shock energy, with a crafty script and a flawless ensemble cast to match, make this beyond-black comedy a very good thing indeed. A few days before his wedding to Laura Garrity (Cameron Diaz), Kyle Fisher (Jon Favreau) heads to Las Vegas for a big bachelor blowout with his buddies: self-improvement-obsessed realtor Robert Boyd (Christian Slater), quiet auto mechanic Charles Moore (Leland Orser), straightlaced family man Adam Berkow (Daniel Stern), and Adam's boorish younger brother Michael (Jeremy Piven). Mix these five men, gallons of booze, pounds of cocaine and marijuana, and a stripper into a hotel room and something bad is bound to happen--and it does. A rather grisly "complication" during sex with Michael leaves the stripper dead, and the ever-cunning Boyd comes up with, yes, a simple plan to correct, as he calls it, the "105-pound problem"--bury her body in the desert. Predictably, this rash decision just leads to more trouble. What isn't so predictable, however, is the severity of the troubling situations Berg puts his characters in. These developments will undoubtedly offend some, but most people would be laughing too hard to be offended. An obvious comparison would be to the Farrelly Brothers' surprise sensation _There's_Something_About_Mary_, but the brands of humor are distinctly different; whereas the Farrellys dabbled in "gross-out" bodily function humor, Berg's violent variety of comedy can best be described as "shock" humor. But however different their specific sensibilities are, the Farrellys and Berg share the same go-for-broke attitude when it comes to generating laughs, going so far as to seem to dare the audience not to laugh. "Shock" gags would not mean anything if they didn't organically emerge from the story, and like _Mary_, the very bad things of the title are firmly rooted in the script. But there's more to Berg's assured writing than his ability to jolt the audience into laughter; there are also some juicy roles, and each cast member tackles their respective job with aplomb. The characters truly take shape, and the actors achieve liftoff, after the stripper incident, when everyone experiences different types of emotional fallout. The fact that Kyle's increasing anxiety can be palpably felt while not exactly seen is a tribute to Favreau's firm grasp of the character, who tries to maintain a veneer of composure throughout. Adam becomes mad with paranoia, leading to some effectively hammy hysterics by Stern. Nicely playing off of him is Piven, whose all-attitude Michael undergoes the most dramatic arc in the film. Slater's often irksome Nicholson-channelling works like a charm for Boyd. As his self-improvement philosophy becomes increasingly, shall we say, dark, Slater's devilish Jack-like grin and swagger could not be more perfect; it's his best performance since _True_Romance_. As the wedding date nears and the tension mounts, the chirpy Laura seems less like herself--or is that _more_?--and Diaz obviously has a blast. Even a relatively peripheral player like Adam's wife Lois (Jeanne Tripplehorn) takes on greater depth as things get more and more horrifying; only Orser's barely-heard Moore remains an enigma, but I believe that was the point. Berg falls a little short at the end; his ultimate resolution doesn't quite live up to the raucous build up, but it closes the film with an appropriately acidic sting. (_A_Simple_Plan_ opens December 4; _Very_Bad_Things_ opens November 25) IN BRIEF _Meet_Joe_Black_ (PG-13) *** Most meetings last just a couple of seconds. A hello, a handshake, and you have officially met someone. In the case of _Joe_Black_, the meeting is stretched over three hours, and while it is an enjoyable and sometimes touching entertainment, the same effect could have been achieved in half the time. That's exactly what director Mitchell Leisen did in 1934's 79-minute_Death_Takes_a_Holiday_, upon which Martin Brest's film is based. Despite the presence of the Grim Reaper himself, _Joe_Black_ is a simple and frothy fantasy that does not deserve such an epic length. Death, who has arrived on earth to take an aging business tycoon (Anthony Hopkins) by the name of Bill Parrish (Get it? _Parrish_?) into the great beyond, decides to take a holiday in the land of the living in the body of a recently deceased young man (Brad Pitt). Death gets more than he bargained for when he falls in love with Bill's unhappy youngest daughter Susan (Claire Forlani). An drab corporate intrigue subplot contributes to the bloated running time, as does the tediously drawn out finale, which strings together a number of potential endings of diminishing effectiveness; had the film ended fifteen minutes earlier, it would have been better for it. Nonetheless, the length does not completely dilute the involving core of the story, whose effectiveness can be credited to the ever-impressive Hopkins and the luminous Forlani, whose heartfelt performance is as stunning as her appearance. Not surprisingly, the weak link in the lead trio of actors is Pitt, whose portrayal of Death comes off as a cleaned-up version of his blank stoner character in _True_Romance_. _Thursday_ no stars In a recent article for the _Chicago_Sun-Times_, Roger Ebert commented, "It's pretty hard to offend me, but a film named _Thursday_ crossed the line at the Toronto Film Festival earlier this month. Watching it, I felt outrage. I saw a movie so reprehensible I couldn't rationalize it using the standard critical language about style, genre or irony. The people associated with it should be ashamed of themselves." I echo Ebert's sentiments, but from a different angle. There is a lot of violence, sex, and various other forms of bad behavior on display in first time writer-director Skip Woods's low-budget thriller. But the graphic nature of _Thursday_ is not what upset me; it was the content behind the mayhem--or, rather, the lack thereof. There's absolutely no substance to Woods's script beyond the setup: a "reformed" ex-drug dealer (Thomas Jane) who has his quiet Houston household violently thrown upside down after his still-in-the-biz ex-partner (Aaron Eckhart, who should have known better) arrives for a stay. What follows are random, plotless acts of violence and nastiness, such as various bloody shooting deaths; grisly body disposals; and, most notoriously, an Amazonian femme fatale (Paulina Porizkova) wearing a jacket reading "CUNT" who openly masturbates and later rapes the main character. This criticism may sound hypocritical from someone who completely bought into the sick sensibility of _Very_Bad_Things_, but there writer-director Peter Berg had an actual story to work with, and the borderline offensive shocks naturally emerged from that narrative. Woods, on the other hand, hails from the school of film that believes that shock value in and of itself equals hipness. In actuality, it only equates to pathetic desperation. I N C U R R E N T R E L E A S E (full reviews of the following in past MRs and at the listed URLs) -_American_History_X_ (R) *** -_Antz_ (PG) *** 1/2 -_Belly_ (R) ** -_Beloved_ (R) *** -_Bride_of_Chucky_ (R) * 1/2 -_The_Cruise_ (PG-13) *** -_Elizabeth_ (R) *** 1/2 -_Happiness_ **** -_I_Still_Know_What_You_Did_Last_Summer_ (R) * -_I'll_Be_Home_for_Christmas_ (PG) * 1/2 -_John_Carpenter's_Vampires_ (R) * 1/2 -_Life_Is_Beautiful_(La_Vita_E_Bella)_ (PG-13) **** -_Living_Out_Loud_ (R) *** -_The_Mighty_ (PG-13) *** 1/2 -_Orgazmo_ (NC-17) * 1/2 -_Pleasantville_ (PG-13) *** 1/2 -_Practical_Magic_ (PG-13) ** -_Rush_Hour_ (PG-13) ** 1/2 -_The_Siege_ (R) ** 1/2 -_There's_Something_About_Mary_ (R) *** 1/2 -_Velvet_Goldmine_ (R) ** 1/2 -_The_Waterboy_ (PG-13) ** -_What_Dreams_May_Come_ (PG-13) *** 1/2 -_The_Wizard_of_Oz_ (G) **** F U T U R E F I L M S -_Little_Voice_ (R) *** (December 11) O N T H E H O R I Z O N FRIDAY _A_Bug's_Life_ (G) *** 1/2 Disney and Pixar's delightful computer animated tale of ants at war with grasshoppers opens exclusively at the El Capitan in Hollywood, with wide release to follow Wednesday, the 25th. Kevin Spacey, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, and Dave Foley head the voice cast. _Celebrity_ (R) The annual Woody Allen project focuses on a reporter (Kenneth Branagh) covering the celebrity beat. Winona Ryder, Charlize Theron, Bebe Neuwirth, Joe Mantegna, Gretchen Mol, Melanie Griffith, and, in a 12-minute role, some guy named DiCaprio round out the ensemble. _Dancing_at_Lughnasa_ (PG) Opening in Los Angeles while continuing in New York is Pat O'Connor's adaptation of Brian Friel's play about the lives of five sisters (Meryl Streep, Catherine McCormack, Kathy Burke, Sophie Thompson, and Brid Brennan) in 1936 Ireland. _Enemy_of_the_State_ (R) A lawyer (Will Smith) is targeted by the government in this thriller from director Tony Scott. Gene Hackman co-stars. _Savior_ (R) The soul-searching journey of a mercenary (Dennis Quaid) in war-torn Bosnia. _The_Rugrats_Movie_ (G) *** Full review in MR#166, 11/12/98; and at: Energetic adaptation of the smash Nickelodeon animated series, which is enjoyable for wee ones and grown-ups alike. _Waking_Ned_Devine_ (PG) *** Full review in MR#164, 10/29/98; and at: Pleasant crowdpleasing comedy in which the population of a small Irish town attempt to claim the lottery jackpot won by deceased resident. Ian Bannen and David Kelly star for writer-director Kirk Jones. ~~~ =>V I D E O<= N E W T H I S W E E K _Can't_Hardly_Wait_ (PG-13) ** Full review in MR#146, 6/11/98; and at: Rent or buy at p?MMID=41581 The small screen should fit perfectly for this messy throwback to '80s teen comedies, following a number of stories at a wild high school graduation bash. The dull will-they-or-won't-they relationship between Jennifer Love Hewitt and a deserves-better Ethan Embry is the focus of the film, but co-stars Seth Green and Lauren Ambrose steal the show. (Columbia TriStar Home Video) _Dirty_Work_ (PG-13) * Full review in MR#147, 6/17/98; and at: Rent or buy at p?MMID=41558 Bob Saget, late of TV's _Full_House_ and _America's_Funniest_Home_Videos_, made an inauspicious directorial debut in which two losers (Norm MacDonald and Artie Lange) start a revenge-for-hire business. A promising premise for dark comedy is ultimately lost under a flood of poor taste and unexpected schmaltz. (MGM/UA Home Video) _Fear_and_Loathing_in_Las_Vegas_ (R) no stars Full review in MR#144, 5/29/98; and at: Rent or buy at p?MMID=41412 Terry Gilliam's unwatchable film of Hunter S. Thompson's unfilmable novel, in which a sports writer (Johnny Depp) and his lawyer (Benicio DelToro) go on a long, tedious drug binge in Sin City. Christina Ricci and Cameron Diaz are among the stars who turn up in cameo roles. (Universal Studios Home Video) A L S O N E W T H I S W E E K _Hurricane_Streets_ (R) Rent or buy at p?MMID=40922 Brendan Sexton III stars in writer-director Morgan J. Freeman's tale of troubled teens in the city, which won three awards at the 1997 Sundance Film Festival. (MGM/UA Home Video) _The_Land_Girls_ (R) Rent or buy at p?MMID=41573 World War II drama centering on "land girls"--British female volunteers who tend to the lands of farmers sent to war. Catherine McCormack and Rachel Weisz head the cast. (PolyGram Video) _Passion_in_the_Desert_ (PG-13) Rent or buy at p?MMID=41576 Adaptation of Honore de Balzac's novella about an officer (Ben Daniels) in Napoleon's army who forms an intimate bond with a leopard while stranded in the Sahara. (New Line Home Video) _TwentyFourSeven_ (R) Rent or buy at p?MMID=41034 Drama in which Bob Hoskins stars as an Englishman who starts a boxing club to help keep troubled youths off the street. (Universal Studios Home Video) ~~~ =>N E X T W E E K<= More reviews coming Tuesday, including: -_Enemy_of_the_State_ -_Home_Fries_ 'til then... __________________________________________________________ Michael Dequina Chat Forum Host, The Official Michael Jordan Web Site | | >My personal WWW sites< Mr. Brown's Movie Site: Michael Jordan Beyond the Court: A Michael Jordan Fan's Heartbreak: Personal Page: >Other WWW sites I work on< CompuServe Hollywood Hotline: Albany Online: Eyepiece Network: "Life is knowing the toughest competition you ever face is yourself." --Michael Jordan __________________________________________________________ [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Yusheng" Subject: [MV] Saving private Ryan Date: 22 Nov 1998 19:05:08 +0800 Now Mr. Miller is 'Saving private Ryan' in the cinemas around P.R.China now,issuing orders with fluent,standard chinese.We are very lucky to see this great movie so soon. When the soldier (who speaks a little Franch and Germen ) shooted the Germen soldier formerly released by Miller,I heard a 6-7 year old boy near me sighed:'oh,from start to the end,he shooted only one enemy!" [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [MV] MovieJuice! - Enemy of the State Date: 22 Nov 1998 16:45:50 -0500 (EST) ENEMY OF THE STATE - THE FRESH CONNECTION by Mark Ramsey November 22, 1998 This theater was cold! Was it the excitement that made me tremble or just the physiological effects of hypothermia? Maybe the frigid temp was designed to make me ignore the 2 1/2 hour running time of Enemy of the State which - despite being a good flick - is definitely an Enemy of My Body Clock. Still, it's dog years, compared to Beloved, and yes, I just used "dog" and "Beloved" in the same sentence. In case you were wondering whatever happened to former Cosby teen dream and one-time Lenny Kravitz main squeeze Lisa Bonet, wonder no more! Lisa, whose cinematic highlight reel consists of three blood-soaked, naked minutes from Enemy of the Bath Mickey Rourke's Angel Heart - has magically earned billing over the likes of hyper-talents Jason Robards and Gabriel Byrne! Correct Jeopardy question: "What is 'when Hell freezes over,' Alex?" Now don't get me wrong. Lisa was a human testosterone ignition switch every Thursday at 8:00 during the 80's, but time has not been kind to that most pissed and 'tudinal of all the Cosby clan. As Lisa passes a video to Will Smith over a table in Enemy of the State, her bare arm reveals a long-held family secret: She's first cousin to a Grizzly! Lisa, was there an arm stylist on crew? Is that a necklace or a flea collar? Does your acting coach double as a shepherd? Do you prefer electrolysis or a weed whacker? Are you auditioning for Disney's "The Lion Queen"? One sudden wind gust and Lisa goes Twister, thanks to those arm dreads. Is there a full moon tonight? Sorry, Lisa. That's your brain pain, doll. Although Lisa earned no residuals off innumerable Cosby repeats, she was able to rent out pelts for various Arctic expeditions. Since she and Lenny parted ways, Lisa's been living quietly with husband Bigfoot in the Oregon wilderness. She's busy now working on her next flick: "Bushmen of the Kalahari." In her spare time, Lisa cares for the love child of newlyweds Dennis Rodman and Carmen Electra. "I love little Anti-Christ like he was my own," says Lisa. "He's always fighting his parents for dibs on eyeliner." What's Enemy of the State about, anyway? Will Smith is being chased by the National Security Agency because he's a very smart and successful Black man and the government is generally against that kind of thing. It seems that a guy from all the Kevin Smith movies has accidentally lucked out with a video that incriminates the NSA and - at the same time - lucked into three lines of dialogue in a Jerry Bruckheimer film. That, by the way, is about two lines more than Gabriel Byrne. What's with that, Gabe? Several months ago, I saw Gabe in a hotel lobby in LA. He was sitting quietly, puffing a cancer stick. Little did I know that he was bound to make a career out of it. So the Kevin Smith guy gives the tape to Will, but Will doesn't realize he has it. Will, you see, is busy shopping for lingerie in a store where the employees model the merchandise. Only in a movie would such a place be nearly empty. Meanwhile, the Feds figure out that Will's got the goods. Much enthusiastic chasing ensues, and so on and so forth. The idea here is that Big Brother is watching and you'd better look out. Thanks to a bunch of plaid-clad hipster hackers with Top Secret street cred, every move you make is watched, every sound is heard, every Star Trek chat room monitored, every Cindy Crawford photo downloaded. That's right, in less time than it takes your PC to boot up, these kids know everything there is to know about you with time to spare for a Special Op X-Ray Spectral Morpho-Analysis of the "Truth" beneath Scully's Armani duds. As with all Jerry Bruckheimer movies, the bad guy guerillas (no pun intended, Lisa Bonet) possess trademarked spiky blond Nordic God haircuts and enough firepower to take down not only Will Smith but also Will's firebrand wife Jada Pinkett - one part actress, one part Tasmanian Devil. If ever there's a war, put me on Jada's side and let the games begin! If it's comedy you're seeking, you'd better seek elsewhere. The play's the thing, here. Will's definitely on surer ground when there's a joke count, but "charisma" is his middle name (Lisa Bonet's middle name, by contrast, is "c-hair-sma"). And God Bless Gene Hackman, the King of Keepin' it Real! I love Gene. Here's an older actor who can keep up with the kids without resorting to a "Breathing Double." You go, boy! I could go on, but like Kate Moss, I'm suffering from exhaustion and over-work. There's too much running on the runways and the catwalks are too catty. All that walking and posing and strenuous changing. Unfortunately, Kate's career options are limited to positioning boobies in spandex or eggs in supermarket bags. Personally, I'd take the boobies. You need to be more careful with eggs. They're real. Copyright 1998 Mark Ramsey. All rights reserved. NO PORTION MAY BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION OF THE AUTHOR. ******************** Hey, kids, don't forget to visit the MovieJuice! Site at The pictures are half the fun (and sometimes more than half the laughs)! ******************** TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS LIST: DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL! Just go to and follow the directions at the top of the left frame. It's very easy. NOTE: YOUR NAME CANNOT BE REMOVED FROM THE LIST UNLESS YOU UNSUBSCRIBE USING THE EMAIL ADDRESS YOU REGISTERED WITH). And don't write me lots of mean-spirited crap. I won't read it. ******************** IF YOUR LINES AREN'T WRAPPING If the lines extend way off into the right horizon, then look to your browser or email software for a setting called "Wrap Long Lines." Now, if your lines aren't RAPPING, then you should consider that normal. [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jayson Subject: [MV] Off-topic question Date: 23 Nov 1998 13:28:43 +0800 (HKT) Am I off the list again or is the list just awfully quiet? ------- Jayson ------- Smelly cat, smelly cat What are they feeding you? Smelly cat, smelly cat It's not your fault. [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Pam Miller Subject: Re: [MV] Off-topic question Date: 22 Nov 1998 19:59:59 +0000 Yes it does seen to have quieted down a bit. So here's my two cents. I just saw Meet Joe Black. I really did like the story and found it quite touching. But, was it just my imagination or was Claire Forlani squinting through the whole movie? Maybe those production lights are just too strong for her. Anyone else have any thoughts on this? Jayson wrote: > Am I off the list again or is the list just awfully quiet? > > ------- > Jayson > ------- > Smelly cat, smelly cat > What are they feeding you? > Smelly cat, smelly cat > It's not your fault. > > [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] > [ movies (without the quotes) to ] [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Oz Subject: Re: [MV] Off-topic question Date: 23 Nov 1998 17:03:28 -0800 Pam Miller wrote: > > But, was it just my imagination or was Claire Forlani > squinting through the whole movie? Maybe those production lights are > just too strong for her. Anyone else have any thoughts on this? Clair wears glasses, pretty thick ones, so you're probably right. She did the same thing in Mallrats, though they let her wear them in some scenes. -------{{{{OZ}}}}------------------------------------------ [sick of being ripped off at the movies?] ..*HOLLYWOOD BITCHSLAP*.. TAKE YOUR BEST SHOT -------------- [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Rebecca Bezant" Subject: Re: [MV] Off-topic question Date: 23 Nov 1998 02:23:24 PST Yes, it is getting quite slow. When i first subscribe to this, here movie= list i was like getting 20 or so more emails a day(getting my mom ticked= off by the amount) but i liked recieving a lot of emails, i barely get = many anyway, especially those movie news about the upcoming film roles = and or movie star problems, why isnt there anymore of that? Oh by the = way anyone see that Rear Window tonight? Really good you all must know. = But oh well, guess you will have to wait until it reruns somewhere if you= missed it. ---------- > Am I off the list again or is the list just awfully quiet? > > ------- > Jayson > ------- > Smelly cat, smelly cat > What are they feeding you? > Smelly cat, smelly cat > It's not your fault. > > > [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] > [ movies (without the quotes) to ] > [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [MV] Film Threat Weekly : 11-23-98 : Take 48 Date: 23 Nov 1998 03:48:30 EST SURPRISE! FILM THREAT T-SHIRTS are here!!! The store is open! Buy cool stuff -- go to our main page and visit FILM THREAT ONLINE for a big laugh!! FILM THREAT WEEKLY "Hollywood's Indie Voice of the New Millennium" ============================= Take 48 : November 23rd, 1998 ============================= ============================= "The only reality she knows comes to her from over the TV set." - William Holden as he leaves his wife from "Network." <===========Deluxe======Widescreen======Edition ===========> THIS WEEK "Right here, right now." =========================================== ——> NEWS: Where objectivity is strangely absent. ——> BOXOFFICE CHART: Who's number one at the boxoffice? ——> PICKS OF THE WEEK: A load of plugs. ——> BIG SCREEN: Enemy of the State, The Ringmaster, more... ——> HATE MAIL: You like us. You really like us. SUBSCRIBE "Unless you already did." =========================================== Subscribe/Unsubscribe by sending an e-mail to CLASSIFIEDS "If you advertise, they will come." =========================================== Reach over 65,000 film fanatics on the net. For our reasonable ad rates, e- mail NEW FILM FESTIVAL SEEKS ENTRIES Valleyfest in Knoxville, TN is accepting shorts, documentaries, animations and features for March 12-14 festival. First time directing efforts for features encouraged. DEADLINE FOR ENTRY IS JANUARY 1. For information or entry form call 423-971-1792 or visit our website at: NO DANCE FILM FESTIVAL 1999 NO DANCE Film & Multimedia Festival returns to Park City. DEADLINE APPROACHING - NOVEMBER 20TH - FIRST EVER DVD FESTIVAL - CHECK WEBSITE FOR MORE DETAILS - ONE DAY - ONE EVENT - ONE MOUNTAIN. UNIQUE VIDEO GIFTS FROM ATOMIC HOLLYWOOD Hundreds of mostly hard-to-find, seldom-seen videos are gifts that are greatly appreciated. FREE Request Line for worldwide title search, plus THOUSANDS of available DVD and laser titles now can be e-mailed. Film Threat Weekly subscribers receive a $3.00 discount on any title ordered before New Year's when they include "FTW" in the "discount" space. HOTTEST SELLING SCREENWRITER BOOK IN HOLLYWOOD Paul Argentini's ELEMENTS OF STYLE FOR SCREENWRITERS: The Essential Manual for Writers of Screenplays ($11.95, from LONE EAGLE PUBLISHING) presents an essential reference masterpiece in the art of clear and concise principles of screenplay structure and style for screenwriters. A-Z listing of terms, complete list of agencies that represent screenwriters and more! Call 800-345-6257 to order direct! Mention FILM THREAT to receive a 25% discount! WIN A FILM THREAT VIDEO! "Sign up a friend!" =========================================== Each week we'll be giving away a special collectible Film Threat Party Video to readers who forward Film Threat Weekly to their friends! You could WIN, too! Start forwarding FTW to your pals or send us their e-mail address and we'll send them a weekly fix of Film Threat. That's not a threat, it's a promise. THE NEWS "Filtered and manipulated. Just like the real news." =========================================== The news is on the site! Look for updates this week at Film Threat Online in the Dailies section at: BOXOFFICE CHART "Hollywood's Horse Race... and they're off!" =========================================== Weekend of November 20-22, Source: Exhibitor Relations Co. 1/ New THE RUGRATS MOVIE $28.0 2/ New ENEMY OF THE STATE $20.3 3/ 1 THE WATERBOY $15.8/$100.3 4/ 3 MEET JOE BLACK $15.8/$27.2 5/ 2 I STILL KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER $7.2/$26.4 6/ 4 THE SIEGE $3.5/$40.0 7/ 6 I'LL BE HOME FOR CHRISTMAS $2.5/$7.0 8/ 7 PLEASANTVILLE $2.4/$34.9 9/ 5 ANTZ $2.3/$84.1 10/New CELEBRITY $1.7 -/ New A BUG'S LIFE $.291 [1 Screen] -/ New WAKING NED DEVINE $.145 [9 screens] PICKS OF THE WEEK "Stuff we wanna plug." =========================================== FILM FESTIVAL FOR WOMEN: Women Make Waves Film & Video Festival, April 10- May 2, 1999 in Taipei, Taiwan celebrates its 6th birthday. The Festival is a non-competitive showcase for good features, documentaries, shorts and animation. Women Make Waves seeks excellent new films and videos by, for, and about women. Deadline: January 31st, 1999. For questions, contact Shu-Chun Jao, Program Coordinator, Phone/Fax: +886-2-2364 9354. Email: SUPER 8 FILM FESTIVAL: Splice This! Toronto's 2nd Annual Super 8 Film Festival takes place June 18-20, 1999. Splice This! is a festival dedicated to the exhibition of small gauge films by providing a forum for independent filmmakers and super 8 buffs everywhere. The festival showcases a wide range of work from all genres and welcomes first-time and seasoned super-eighters alike. Splice This! 423 Shaw street, Toronto Ontario M6J 2X4, CANADA. E-mail: DVD: Betty Page is America's Pin-Up Queen and now you can see her -- naked -- on DVD! This Betty Page must-have includes a collection of some of her most famous exotic dance numbers from "Striporama", "Varietease" and "Teaserama." Plus, the disc includes commentary from Betty Page herself! How DID she walk in such high heels? Get a great deal on "Betty Page Pin-Up Queen" and learn how to win a Toshiba DVD player from DVD EXPRESS. They're giving away a DVD player every day in November. Find out why DVD is going to rock your livingroom. And tell 'em Film Threat sent you. BIG SCREEN "Coming Soon to a Theater Near You" =========================================== From five stars "Perfect! * * * * *" to one star "Crap! *" here's the lowdown. ENEMY OF THE STATE (R) or THE CONVERSATION 2: ELECTRIC BOOGALOO * * 1/2 ( I hope Coppola got some change out of this since producer Jerry Bruckheimer, director Tony Scott and writer David Marconi have decided to make some weird quasi-sequel to Coppola's "The Conversation". They were even cheeky enough to bring in Gene Hackman as essentially the same character. Robert Clayton Dean (Will Smith) is a D.C. labor lawyer and family man out Christmas shopping for his wife when he intercepts Zavitz (Jason Lee), a friend from college. Dean gives Zavitz his business card, and unbeknownst to Dean, Zavitz drops an item into Dean's shopping bag. The item contains a video of a murder that occurred before the opening credits, and Zavitz is promptly murdered by N.S.A. agents moments later. They don't find the tape, but they find Dean's business card. At this point, Dean's credit cards are canceled, newspapers print reports linking him to the mob, yadda, yadda, yadda… you get the idea. He meets his ex-girlfriend (Lisa Bonet), who happens to be his contact for a mysterious surveillance expert who's provided him evidence before to figure out what's happening. The two meet in a park and the scene looks awfully familiar, like… the opening scene of "The Conversation". Who does the surveillance expert turn out to be? Why Gene Hackman, as Brill, or Lyle, or maybe even Harry Caul. Turns out he's an ex-N.S.A. surveillance genius who went underground in 1980 after something went wrong. So Brill and Dean team up and hilarity ensues. Who'd have thought I'd miss the subtle touch of the late Don Simpson? At least Bruckheimer decided to spread the wealth by hiring every other young male star of tomorrow in the supporting cast. There's Seth Green ("Buffy the Vampire Slayer", "Austin Powers"), Jamie Kennedy ("Scream"), Ian Hart ("Backbeat"), Jake Busey ("Starship Troopers") and Barry Pepper ("Saving Private Ryan"), all as young government agents. James Le Gros ("Drugstore Cowboy","Phantasm II") and Gabriel Byrne ("Miller's Crossing") are both in it for literally 5 seconds. What sucks is, most of these guys would have been more convincing in the lead than Will Smith who may be the most unconvincing "movie lawyer" of the year. Tony Scott has cajones, though. He turns up the juice to school Michael Bay any chance he gets. The drinking game would be to swig every time they cut to earth orbit to watch a spy satellite go by. No amount of quick-cut editing can cover up the weaknesses. The strong parts are the rip-offs of "The Conversation". The worst part is the lack of understandable character motivations. The chief antagonist is an N.S.A. section chief named Reynolds (Jon Voight). I guess Voight saw all of Gary Oldman's films from the past five years and said, "I could do that." It's what he did in "The Rainmaker" and it's what he's done here. The only motivation for the initial murder seems to be career advancement, not any kind of political belief. Parts of the first hour before Hackman appears are appalling. Smith's character isn't much more than a well-meaning punching bag until Hackman saves him. There's no depth to Dean other than a distant affair with Bonet. When trying to negotiate union business away from a mob leader (Tom Sizemore), he only gets himself into worse trouble. It would have been more interesting to have Dean killed in the first twenty minutes and have the wife (Regina King) find the tape and solve the crisis, but then I wouldn't want to stand in the way of The Fresh Prince's career path of role model and movie star. - Ron Wells RINGMASTER (R) * * * (maybe * * * *, hell, I don't know. Ask me later) ( I'm sure the producers of the Jerry Springer movie had every good intention of making a cheap, sensationalistic movie to exploit the popularity of America's most popular and controversial daytime talkshow host. I'm sure they wanted a cocktail of lesbian strippers, transvestites, and chair-throwing white trash to make a quick buck in the theatres. None of the promotional materials I've seen led me to believe anything else. However, I'm sure director Neil Abramson, writer John Bernstein, and, I suspect Springer himself, had another idea entirely. While "Ringmaster" is a work of fiction performed by professional actors, it is eerily true to everything Springer has stated about his show. Jerry is not the star of his show. He's not the star of the movie, either. Jerry is a sort of befuddled wizard of Oz, wandering in and out of his own movie as the real stars of the film make their way to him seeking transformation, transcendence or just their fifteen minutes in the spotlight. Two groups make their way to Oz (Los Angeles): one to demonstrate, "My girlfriend's a traitor" and the other, "You did what with your stepdaddy?" The real star of this show is Molly Hagan. As Connie Zorzak, she drives a snack truck and lives with her deadbeat husband Rusty (Michael Dudikoff) and her 19 year old daughter, Angel (Jaime Pressly) in a genuine Florida trailer park. Angel's a petite, blonde hellion whose two primary methods of expression seem to be her temper and oral sex. All are subject to the former and guests of the motel she clean for and her, guess what, "stepdaddy" are subject to the latter. Mom, who was only 15 when Angel was born, walks in on the pair. Her first stop is across the trailer park to Angel's sort of fiancee Willie (Ashley Holbrook) to create a kind of "balance" in the family dynamic, and her second stop is to the payphone to call the "Jerry" show to report all that's gone on. The other half of the sideshow concerns Starletta (Wendy Raquel Robinson) and her boyfriend Demond (Michael Jai White). Demond has the misfortune to always have Starletta bust him in intercourse with her girlfriends. Two such girlfriends join the pair on their trip to Los Angeles to appear on the "Jerry" show. Meanwhile, in California, Jerry's staff is well aware they do not work for 60 minutes. Fans accost Jerry as some sage Jedi master who can help them work through their problems. The media accosts him as the harbinger of the fall of western civilization. Jerry, it turns out, is just a schlub trying to do the best that he can and has a little compassion to go around for everybody, and everybody finds their way to his show. Now we get to the point of all this. Jerry has stated publicly, and in the movie, that while he seems to reign over a freakshow, his guests are decent human beings who have the misfortune of being poor and getting into some messed up situations. Much of the shows success derives from Jerry's refusal to judge them (that and the fights). He is, after all, the guy who was busted for visiting a whorehouse while deputy mayor of Cincinnati because he wrote them a check. The movie takes viewpoint of the guests. We follow them from the point they develop their "situations", to contact with the show, what happens there, and how they cope with the aftermath. What allows this film to transcend your typical Fox reality show is the refusal to write off anyone. Everyone is allowed the chance to display their humanity. They prove to be not necessarily losers as just lost. Demond, the one guy who just can't seem to keep it in his pants, performs a completely selfless act, one he knows will cost him. When the movie works, it's like Robert Altman directing from a Paul Schrader script. It's dark and powerful. No one is Hollywood pretty. It demonstrates, with fierceness and subtlety, the one defining characteristic of Jerry's kids is loneliness. They all ended up where they are by a need for human contact and compassion. The reason they all worship Jerry is he's giving out warmth and compassion like Halloween candy to a bunch of confused but good children wearing scary masks. The movie has it's problems. Jerry and his movie staff feel the need to preach occasionally and deliver the requisite freakshow. Abramson and Bernstein know, fortunately, they're not dealing with the empty cult of personality of Howard Stern. Molly Hagan is stunning. Her performance never wavers. No matter what she has to take, she never gives up on her daughter, who despite her mother's subtle competitiveness, loves her back. In the end, it's the women in this film who find in each other upon whom they can depend. Why has Oprah Winfrey lost so much ground to Springer? Oprah comes off now like some stern mother telling you what to do with your life. Jerry is the confused but understanding dad who will always love you and tell you to just play nice. Which would you want? Besides, "Beloved" sucks. - Ron Wells CENTRAL STATION (R) * * * 1/2 ( When I've been up all night writing, there's nothing I like more than sitting through Brazilian art films. Why do I do this to myself? Winner of the Golden Bear at the 1998 Berlin Film Festival, "Central Station" is the story of Dora (Fernanda Montenegro), a retired elementary schoolteacher and Josue (Vinicius Be Oliviera) in Rio De Janero. To make ends meet, Dora writes letters for the illiterate in Rio's central train station, though rarely actually sends them. One day, Dora writes a letter for Josue and his mother to the father he's never met to inform him of a visit to the outer reaches of Brazil's frontier. Moments later, Josue's mother is killed by a bus, leaving the child to fend for himself. For a fee, Dora brings the boy to a shady figure who claims the child will be brought to America for adoption. Dora later realizes the child is meant for illegal organ harvest, and rescues him. Unable to return home, she uses the fee to take the child to his father. Josue doesn't trust her as she had sold him. Dora has let no one close to her in years. As the pair lose most of their money on the way, they must learn trust and compassion for each other to complete the search for the father. I think I nodded off somewhere and there was something about a stolen bicycle. Attitude aside, I wasn't in the mood for this film, but it got to me anyway. The main reason is Montenegro, kind of a latin Jessica Tandy. The film kicks in hard at the point where she's broke and suddenly very desperate. The hook here is the letters. As people read or dictate them, they reveal themselves. Even when, late in the movie, Dora read aloud from someone else's letter, she reveals her own feelings. The letters accentuate a theme of loneliness and the inability to communicate. Dora survives by helping others speak but failing to deliver the message. She redeems herself by attempting to personally deliver the letter and the boy to his father. On the way she crosses both physical and spiritual landscapes to reach others. The letter, child, and now spiritual mother complete the journey by meeting another letter. Dora then writes her own to mark her return from one frontier to leave her heart at the other end. - Ron Wells HURLYBURLY (R) * * * ( The screen adaptation of David Rabe's play packs an all-star cast into a downtrodden Mamet-ian world full of testasterone and self loathing. Sean Penn and Kevin Spacey play a pair of dysfunctional, "Odd Couple" roommates who share the same office -- they're deal makers in the biz -- and for a brief moment the affections of the same woman (Robin Wright) -- but not at the same time. For the most part they hang out in the luxury of their Valley chalet, snort coke, banter about love, fate and destiny, and keep a tight eye on their mercurial buddy, Chazz Palminteri. Meg Ryan and Garry Shandling pop-up as delectable odd balls hanging on the fringe of trio's edgy friendship and Anna Paquin is a piquant addition as the teenage couch potato who nonchalantly turns tricks. Fantastic performances all around and portrait of tumultuous Hollywood caricatures are cool and crisp even though the plot flounders at times. - Tom Meek HATE MAIL: You like us. You really like us. =========================================== BRANAGH BLOWS Hats off to Ron Wells for calling Kenneth Branagh a pretentious jerk. I couldn't agree more! He and Helena Bonham Carter have always annoyed the sh*t out of me and struck me as completely pompous and almost arrogant for no apparent reason. I still don't know why Woody allowed that jerk in his film, especially if his performance is as ridiculous as it sounds. Now if only people would start to realize how bad Gary Oldman overacts....we'd be getting somewhere! - Don Lewis ( VERY BAD MOVIE *Danger, the enclosed is an OPINION* I've got an above average capacity to get dark comedy. I liked Heathers as much as the next guy, I laugh sometimes at South Park, but I'm hoping we as a society can draw the line at the reprehensible snuff 'comedy' insult-to- your-intelligence that's coming to theatres, the film "Very Bad Things." You all remember the business this last year of Jeremy Strohmeyer killing that 7 year old girl in the Casino bathroom, while his putrid friend David Cash refused to intercede. Well imagine a movie celebrating this as some sort of lame attempt at comedy. Sadly somebody managed to get a successful cast in this, Christian Slater, Jeremy Piven, Cameron Diaz for about 2 minutes. But don't let the ads fool you, this is a lame, inept would-be comedy about five white dickheads who are having bachelor party, do a lot of coke, and one impales the hooker on a coat hook while having sex. "Oh but it's okay, she's Chinese, she doesn't count." "Oh look, it's funny when you think about it really! We're Wacky." So these lamebrains decide to bury her. Uh-oh, the Black hotel security guard shows up, and they kill him too. Oh how funny! Look at us clean the blood off the tile, we're wacky. It's okay, the people we killed didn't count. Besides we're suburban white people and we're so damn important. Oh look, now it's funny because we're fighting over how to bury the bodies. In essence, this is the most ineptly concieved piece of dreck to cross screens since I can remember. Which is why if you look carefully you'll see the commercials don't tell you anything about it, and why they can't really show anything on the poster besides big pink lettering and the actor's names. I'd really like some film company boneheads to walk away with the message that you can't film a tragic accident, put a Latin beat soundtrack on and declare that it's wacky dark comedy. Cameron Diaz, Christian Slater, Jeremy Piven, John Favreau should be ashamed of themselves. This movie is beneath them and beneath us. Save yourself and your friends the embarassment of deciding whether to walk out, as did a good chunk of the audience at the free screening I had the misfortune to attend. Just skip it entirely. - Bart Gold ( END CREDITS "Written, produced, and directed by . . ." =========================================== Publisher / Chris Gore Executive Publisher / Victor Minjares Contributors / Merle Bertrand, Tom Meek, Anthony Miele, Ron Wells Send us films, videos, CDs, games, screening passes: FILM THREAT, 5042 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 150, Los Angeles, CA 90036 Website: Edress: FILM THREAT WEEKLY is published by The Gore Group, LLC. All material © 1998 Gore Group Publications. All rights reserved. Contents may not be reprinted without written permission of the author. You are, however, welcome to forward this e-mail to whomever you wish. All letters, comments and reviews sent to Film Threat Weekly in any manner are assumed intended for publication, unless stated otherwise. 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Date: 23 Nov 1998 15:48:27 -0000 ---------- > From: Gary Law > To: > Subject: [loons_of_london] You have been warned... > Date: 23 November 1998 15:09 > > Every virus warning I've ever had as been a hoax... > > ...but this one comes from the official UK government internet > intellegence bulletin, so it should be authoritative. You have been warned! > > ...and if you're a Mac/Unix/anything-else-decent user, then just laugh > long and hearty at the problems of the PC community once more... > > > (start) > > VIRUS WARNING > > ********************************************************************** > > Someone on the Internet is sending out a very desirable screen-saver, > called "The Budweiser Frogs". (BUDDYLST.ZIP) But if you download it, > you will lose everything. Your hard drive will crash. > > DON'T DOWNLOAD THIS UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES!!! PLEASE DISTRIBUTE THIS > TO AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE. > > The screensaver offer is looks as follows: > > File: BUDSAVER.EXE (24643 bytes) DL Time (28800 bps): 1 minute. > > If you download it, someone will get your screen name and password > across the Internet. > > Please send this on to any names you can think of and remember never > download BUDDYLST.ZIP. This is a new, very malicious virus and not > many people know about it. This information was announced recently by > Microsoft. Please share it with everyone that might access the > internet. Once again, pass this along to EVERYONE in your address book > so that this may be stopped. > > > > (end) > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > For the absolute lowest price on Video/PC Games visit: > > > Free Web-based e-mail groups -- [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Wade Snider Subject: Re: [MV] Fw: You have been warned... Date: 23 Nov 1998 10:31:55 PST Why is it always Microsoft who warns people of such viruses, hmm? They aren't the only people watching ths kind of thing.... --- On Mon, 23 Nov 1998 15:48:27 -0000 46CCHI <> wrote: > > Please send this on to any names you can think of and remember never > download BUDDYLST.ZIP. This is a new, very malicious virus and not > many people know about it. This information was announced recently by > Microsoft. Please share it with everyone that might access the > internet. Once again, pass this along to EVERYONE in your address book > so that this may be stopped. > > > > (end) > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > For the absolute lowest price on Video/PC Games visit: > > > Free Web-based e-mail groups -- [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ---------------End of Original Message----------------- W. Snider If man evolved from apes, why do we still have apes? [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Scott Renshaw Subject: [MV] REVIEW: VERY BAD THINGS Date: 23 Nov 1998 09:47:53 -0700 (MST) VERY BAD THINGS (Polygram) Starring: Christian Slater, Cameron Diaz, Jon Favreau, Daniel Stern, Jeremy Piven, Jeanne Tripplehorn, Leland Orser. Screenplay: Peter Berg. Producers: Michael Schiffer, Diane Nabatoff and Cindy Cowan. Director: Peter Berg. MPAA Rating: R (violence, profanity, nudity, sexual situations, drug use, adult themes) Running Time: 101 minutes. Reviewed by Scott Renshaw. The film's title offers too easy and convenient a bon mot. Expect cadres of critics to be trotting out innumerable variations on "VERY BAD THINGS _is_ one of them," though it's both a cheap analysis and an inaccurate one. VERY BAD THINGS isn't a very bad movie. It's a very good idea approached from entirely the wrong perspective. The idea involves that most cynically macho of American matrimonial institutions, the bachelor party. The groom-to-be is mild-mannered Los Angeles cubicle-dweller Kyle Fisher (Jon Favreau); his fiancee is Laura Garrety (Cameron Diaz), a woman only slightly obsessed with her nuptial details. The boys' night out is to be an overnight in Las Vegas including Kyle's four best buddies: mile-a-minute real estate hustler Robert Boyd (Christian Slater); family man Adam Berkow (Daniel Stern); Adam's edgy brother Michael (Jeremy Piven); and reticent mechanic Charles Moore (Leland Orser). Though the party begins with the expected drinking, drugs and bare breasts, it ends with the unexpected problem of a dead prostitute on the floor of their hotel room bathroom. That sets off a grotesque chain of events, as the friends' attempts to cover up one death lead to one death after another. Beneath the macabre, over-the-top situations surrounding the deaths in VERY BAD THINGS is a savage satire of stereotypical gender responses to impending marriage. Kyle watches in a passive daze as Laura orchestrates the ceremony from overture to finale; Laura plows over Kyle's every hesitation with a fiercely muttered "Do you love me?", focusing so completely on _getting_ married she seems oblivious to the idea of _being_ married. The horrific events in Las Vegas become a steroid-injected version of more mundane bachelor party naughtiness, with the bachelor turning the "very bad thing" into both a source of guilt and a potential excuse for getting out of the marriage he fears. To Laura, it's all just one more logistical glitch to be overcome, with Diaz turning in a frighteningly funny vision of a woman whose wedding _will not_ be spoiled by anything. Diaz nails the proper tone so completely (particularly in the film's final act) that you may suddenly realize what's been so wrong with the rest of the film. While Diaz plays Laura entirely for absurd laughs, the male cast members range from one extreme to another. Slater plays Boyd as too sinister to be funny, Stern and Piven play the brothers Berkow as too genuinely tormented to be funny, and Favreau plays Kyle as too dull to be funny. For much of VERY BAD THINGS, the script by Peter Berg (better known from his role on "Chicago Hope") is simply a plot in motion, pulling the characters along with it. At times there's not even exaggerated humanity in the reactions of the characters, the kind that would have given a more humorous spin to more scenes. For a film that could have and should have been a dark comedy, VERY BAD THINGS is too much like the menacing morality play of SHALLOW GRAVE. That kind of tone is going to alienate a lot of viewers, particularly as the situations grow increasingly extreme and gruesome. Though VERY BAD THINGS ends with a hilariously horrifying subversion of suburban domestic bliss, it doesn't given you enough reason to stick around for it. Comedy can still work when it's caustic, but at some point a film-maker needs to understand that he has to keep an audience laughing at material this dark to keep them from walking away. VERY BAD THINGS is a great opportunity wasted, and that's the _real_ very bad thing. On the Renshaw scale of 0 to 10 final flings: 5. Visit Scott Renshaw's MoviePage *** Subscribe to receive new reviews directly by email! See the MoviePage for details, or reply to this message with subject line "Subscribe". [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Linda Shipley Subject: Re: [MV] Fw: You have been warned... Date: 23 Nov 1998 10:54:07 -0600 (CST) Sorry, but this old hoax has been making the rounds for ages. You've been had. :>( Linda At 03:48 PM 11/23/98 -0000, you wrote:>-------- >> From: Gary Law >> To: >> Subject: [loons_of_london] You have been warned... >> Date: 23 November 1998 15:09 >> >> Every virus warning I've ever had as been a hoax... >> >> ...but this one comes from the official UK government internet >> intellegence bulletin, so it should be authoritative. You have been >warned! >> >> ...and if you're a Mac/Unix/anything-else-decent user, then just laugh >> long and hearty at the problems of the PC community once more... >> >> >> (start) >> >> VIRUS WARNING >> >> ********************************************************************** >> >> Someone on the Internet is sending out a very desirable screen-saver, >> called "The Budweiser Frogs". (BUDDYLST.ZIP) But if you download it, >> you will lose everything. Your hard drive will crash. >> >> DON'T DOWNLOAD THIS UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES!!! PLEASE DISTRIBUTE THIS >> TO AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE. >> >> The screensaver offer is looks as follows: >> >> File: BUDSAVER.EXE (24643 bytes) DL Time (28800 bps): 1 minute. >> >> If you download it, someone will get your screen name and password >> across the Internet. >> >> Please send this on to any names you can think of and remember never >> download BUDDYLST.ZIP. This is a new, very malicious virus and not >> many people know about it. This information was announced recently by >> Microsoft. Please share it with everyone that might access the >> internet. Once again, pass this along to EVERYONE in your address book >> so that this may be stopped. >> >> >> >> (end) >> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ >> For the absolute lowest price on Video/PC Games visit: >> >> >> Free Web-based e-mail groups -- > >[ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] >[ movies (without the quotes) to ] > > [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ren Subject: Re: [MV] Fw: You have been warned... Date: 23 Nov 1998 12:00:03 -0600 (CST) the budwiser screensaver has been passing around for at least a's a fake. i've seen it so many times and in so many different letters, it isn't funny anymore. -Ren ************************************************ * Renee' Rhodes * * * * * * "... am I alive or thoughts that drift away? * * does summer come for everyone? * * can humans do as prophets say? * * and if I die before I learn to speak * * can money pay for all the days I lived * * awake but half asleep"? * * - Primitive Radio Gods * ************************************************ [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ren Subject: Re: [MV] Fw: You have been warned... Date: 23 Nov 1998 12:00:03 -0600 (CST) the budwiser screensaver has been passing around for at least a's a fake. i've seen it so many times and in so many different letters, it isn't funny anymore. -Ren ************************************************ * Renee' Rhodes * * * * * * "... am I alive or thoughts that drift away? * * does summer come for everyone? * * can humans do as prophets say? * * and if I die before I learn to speak * * can money pay for all the days I lived * * awake but half asleep"? * * - Primitive Radio Gods * ************************************************ [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Mel Eperthener Subject: Re: [MV] Fw: You have been warned... Date: 23 Nov 1998 12:16:39 -0500 Gary, Gary, Gary, Sorry, old chap, but you have been had. A few points in a second, but first, I have saved the text below which I found to another virus hoax. = It is now over a year old, but as current as ever. It was written rather tongue-in-cheek, and I have saved it to send out under these circumstance= s (as a matter of fact, some people on this list may even be familiar with this from the last time we had a hoax) First of all, Gary thought he was doing a good thing. IMHO, the only thi= ng he is guilty of is being too trusting of whoever sent him this hoax. Having said that... I have know of this supposed "virus" for well over 6 months now. Hardly = a newly discovered threat. If *I* know about it, then this hoax has circle= d the globe more than John Glenn!! The British Government knows nothing about it, and with all due respect, if they did, they would hardly announ= ce it in this forum. The version I heard had the CDC in Atlanta reporting o= n it. Someone took the meaning of computer virus too literally:-) And lastly, there are dangers out there. There are many files out there that, if downloaded onto your computer AND OPENED, can cause damage. However, they are all .exe files, and macro files (like the MSWord .doc files). Normal email cannot cause damage to your computer. As with life in general, 'tis best to practice caution. A virus programme would not h= urt. Again, Gary didn't realise that what he was doing was not a good thing. = He thought he was being helpful, and his only crime is nievity. Gary, in th= e future, you may want to be more careful, because some of us have seen so many hoaxes that they are a major pain, akin to spam. On some lists, you would have been torn apart, but fortunately here, no one really jumped on= you. Regards, --Mel >Posted by:Elven Lord ( ) > Date posted: Tue Sep 9 19:37:18 US/Eastern 1997=20 > Subject: Virii messages...ENOUGH!!!!!=20 > Message: > > Every few months on the internet, you will come across sincere >warnings about Monster > Viruses that transfer through your e-mail. Common sense tells you >that this is impossible, that > a text file is just text and it can=92t hurt you or your computer= . But >the warnings claim it can and > often add "My system administrator passed this on to me, so it mu= st >be true", statements. > You begin to doubt your technical knowledge. Don=92t! The warning >itself , IS the "virus": it tricks > people into passing it on, endlessly. Here=92s how I shall deal w= ith it. > > LAST "GOODTIMES" VIRUS WARNING.Goodtimes will re-write your hard >drive. Not only that, > but it will scramble any disks that aren=92t even close to your >computer. It will re-calibrate your > refrigerator=92s coolness setting so all your ice cream goes melt= y. It >will demagnetize the strips > on all your credit cards, screw up the tracking on your televisio= n & >VCR and use sub-space > field harmonics to scratch any CD=92s you try to play. It will gi= ve >your ex-girlfriend your new > phone number. It will mix Kool-Aid into your fishtank. It will dr= ink >all your beer and leave its > socks out on the coffee table when there=92s company coming over.= It >will put a dead cockroach > in the back pocket of your good suit pants and hide your car keys >when you are late for work. > Goodtimes will make you fall in love with a penguin. It will give >you nightmares about circus > midgets.=20 > > It will pour sugar into your gas tank and shave off both your >eyebrows while dating your > girlfriend behind your back and billing the dinner & hotel room t= o >your Discover card. It will > slander your grandmother. It does not matter if she is dead or no= t, >such is the power of > Goodtimes, it reaches out beyond the grave to sully those things = we >hold most dear. It moves > your car randomly around parking lots so you can=92t find it. It = will >kick your dog.=20 > > It will leave libidinous messages on your bosses voice mail in yo= ur >voice! It is insidious and > subtle. It is dangerous and terrifying to behold. It is also a >rather interesting shade of > mauve.Goodtimes will give you Dutch Elm disease. It will leave th= e >toilet seat up. It will make a > batch of Methanphedime in your bath tub and leave bacon cooking o= n >your stove while it goes > out to chase gradeschoolers with your new snowblower. > > LISTEN TO ME, GOODTIMES DOES NOT EXIST.It cannot do anything to y= ou. >But I can. I am > sending this message to everyone in the world. Tell your friends, >tell your family. If ANYONE > sends me another e-mail or ICQ message about this (or any other >virus) fake Goodtimes Virus, > I will turn them into a religion. I will do things to them that >would make a horsehead in their bed > look like Easter Sunday brunch.=20 > > For those paranoid people, pls read this.....only be concerned >regarding actual > attachments to mail, or files sent to you from someone on ICQ, or >other, that you don=92t > know or trust. Run a damned virus program to keep yourself >safe....and don=92t forget to > check all the MACROS you may have/receive for apps such as WORD o= r >EXCEL.....Quit > being a lamer, and don=92t send out all these useless messages...= .you >are just wasting > other peoples bandwidth....Thank you for your time.=20 --Mel Eperthener president, Gowanna Multi-media Pty email: 419 Butler Street PO Box 95184 Pittsburgh, PA 15223-0184 (412) 781-6140 (412) 781-6380 ____________________________________________ Fear is the path to the Dark Side Fear leads to anger Anger leads to hate Hate leads to sufferring. --Yoda, The Phantom Menace (really cool trailer) ______________________________________________ [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Lillian Lepinath Subject: Re: [MV] Fw: You have been warned... Date: 24 Nov 1998 08:58:07 +1000 Sorry to continue this off-topic mail, but I'm sure I was sent this about 6 months ago... if it's not the same one, people obviously just like the frogs. Lillian. >Why is it always Microsoft who warns people of such viruses, hmm? >They aren't the only people watching ths kind of thing.... > > > >--- On Mon, 23 Nov 1998 15:48:27 -0000 46CCHI ><> wrote: >> >> Please send this on to any names you can think of and remember never >> download BUDDYLST.ZIP. This is a new, very malicious virus and not >> many people know about it. This information was announced recently by >> Microsoft. Please share it with everyone that might access the >> internet. Once again, pass this along to EVERYONE in your address book >> so that this may be stopped. >> >> >> >> (end) >> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ >> For the absolute lowest price on Video/PC Games visit: >> >> >> Free Web-based e-mail groups -- > >[ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] >[ movies (without the quotes) to ] > > >---------------End of Original Message----------------- > >-------------------------------------------------------- >W. Snider > >If man evolved from apes, why do we still have apes? > >-------------------------------------------------------- > > >[ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] >[ movies (without the quotes) to ] [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Lillian Lepinath Subject: [MV] Quiet List (Was Off-topic question) Date: 24 Nov 1998 09:01:42 +1000 This list isn't as quiet as how it was about mid-last year. Bruce and Gregory can back me up on this one (as well as everyone else who was around at that time.) It took the death of the guy who played the Penguin in the Batman TV Series (can't remember his name, sorry) to get conversation started. After that it became quite amazing and from there developed into this wonderful (if sometimes slow) list that you now receive. Teck. >Yes, it is getting quite slow. When i first subscribe to this, here movie >list i was like getting 20 or so more emails a day(getting my mom ticked >off by the amount) but i liked recieving a lot of emails, i barely get >many anyway, especially those movie news about the upcoming film roles and >or movie star problems, why isnt there anymore of that? Oh by the way >anyone see that Rear Window tonight? Really good you all must know. But oh >well, guess you will have to wait until it reruns somewhere if you missed >it. > >---------- >> Am I off the list again or is the list just awfully quiet? >> >> ------- >> Jayson >> ------- >> Smelly cat, smelly cat >> What are they feeding you? >> Smelly cat, smelly cat >> It's not your fault. >> >> >> [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] >> [ movies (without the quotes) to ] >> > > > >[ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] >[ movies (without the quotes) to ] [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Danielle Conkle" Subject: [MV] Tommy Date: 23 Nov 1998 19:46:59 PST Whoa. I'm watching this movie on HBO called "Tommy" it is some crazy stuff! anyone seen this movie before? ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Diane Christy Subject: Re: [MV] Tommy Date: 23 Nov 1998 21:59:33 -0600 On 11/23/98, 9:46 PM -0600, Danielle Conkle said so nicely: >Whoa. I'm watching this movie on HBO called "Tommy" it is some crazy >stuff! anyone seen this movie before? Saw that in high school in the '70s. It's great!! ~~~~~ Diane Christy (Samantha and Joshua's Mom) Jefferson, LA ICQ #12904700 ~~~~~ [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Rebecca Bezant" Subject: Re: [MV] Fw: You have been warned... Date: 24 Nov 1998 02:42:57 PST if you think this is a hoax, then why dont you download the virus your = self and email us back(on which ever computer it may be) and tell us how = it went, it is the people right to be known of something, cause i recentl= y downloaded something on my computer and it wiped out all my windows mak= ing it difficult to install everything back in, but even though that was = a small little virus doenst mean there isnt anything bigger that could = be to destroy the big amounts of money that people spent on their machine= s. They need to be known about it and need to listen to one that has down= loaded the virus. ---------- Sorry, but this old hoax has been making the rounds for ages. You've been had. :>( Linda ______ > Gary, Gary, Gary, > > Sorry, old chap, but you have been had. A few points in a second, but > first, I have saved the text below which I found to another virus hoax.= It > is now over a year old, but as current as ever. It was written rather > tongue-in-cheek, and I have saved it to send out under these circumstan= ces > (as a matter of fact, some people on this list may even be familiar wit= h > this from the last time we had a hoax) > > First of all, Gary thought he was doing a good thing. IMHO, the only = thing > he is guilty of is being too trusting of whoever sent him this hoax. > Having said that... > > I have know of this supposed "virus" for well over 6 months now. Hardl= y a > newly discovered threat. If *I* know about it, then this hoax has circ= led > the globe more than John Glenn!! The British Government knows nothing > about it, and with all due respect, if they did, they would hardly anno= unce > it in this forum. The version I heard had the CDC in Atlanta reporting= on > it. Someone took the meaning of computer virus too literally:-) > > And lastly, there are dangers out there. There are many files out ther= e > that, if downloaded onto your computer AND OPENED, can cause damage. > However, they are all .exe files, and macro files (like the MSWord .doc > files). Normal email cannot cause damage to your computer. As with = life > in general, 'tis best to practice caution. A virus programme would not= hurt. > > Again, Gary didn't realise that what he was doing was not a good thing.= He > thought he was being helpful, and his only crime is nievity. Gary, in = the > future, you may want to be more careful, because some of us have seen = so > many hoaxes that they are a major pain, akin to spam. On some lists, = you > would have been torn apart, but fortunately here, no one really jumped = on you. > > Regards, > > --Mel > > >Posted by:Elven Lord ( ) > > Date posted: Tue Sep 9 19:37:18 US/Eastern 1997 > > Subject: Virii messages...ENOUGH!!!!! > > Message: > > > > Every few months on the internet, you will come across sincere > >warnings about Monster > > Viruses that transfer through your e-mail. Common sense tells = you > >that this is impossible, that > > a text file is just text and it can=92t hurt you or your comput= er. But > >the warnings claim it can and > > often add "My system administrator passed this on to me, so it = must > >be true", statements. > > You begin to doubt your technical knowledge. Don=92t! The warni= ng > >itself , IS the "virus": it tricks > > people into passing it on, endlessly. Here=92s how I shall deal= with it. > > > > LAST "GOODTIMES" VIRUS WARNING.Goodtimes will re-write your har= d > >drive. Not only that, > > but it will scramble any disks that aren=92t even close to your > >computer. It will re-calibrate your > > refrigerator=92s coolness setting so all your ice cream goes = melty. It > >will demagnetize the strips > > on all your credit cards, screw up the tracking on your televis= ion & > >VCR and use sub-space > > field harmonics to scratch any CD=92s you try to play. It will = give > >your ex-girlfriend your new > > phone number. It will mix Kool-Aid into your fishtank. It will = drink > >all your beer and leave its > > socks out on the coffee table when there=92s company coming ove= r. It > >will put a dead cockroach > > in the back pocket of your good suit pants and hide your car = keys > >when you are late for work. > > Goodtimes will make you fall in love with a penguin. It will = give > >you nightmares about circus > > midgets. > > > > It will pour sugar into your gas tank and shave off both your > >eyebrows while dating your > > girlfriend behind your back and billing the dinner & hotel room= to > >your Discover card. It will > > slander your grandmother. It does not matter if she is dead or = not, > >such is the power of > > Goodtimes, it reaches out beyond the grave to sully those thing= s we > >hold most dear. It moves > > your car randomly around parking lots so you can=92t find it. = It will > >kick your dog. > > > > It will leave libidinous messages on your bosses voice mail in = your > >voice! It is insidious and > > subtle. It is dangerous and terrifying to behold. It is also = a > >rather interesting shade of > > mauve.Goodtimes will give you Dutch Elm disease. It will leave = the > >toilet seat up. It will make a > > batch of Methanphedime in your bath tub and leave bacon cooking= on > >your stove while it goes > > out to chase gradeschoolers with your new snowblower. > > > > LISTEN TO ME, GOODTIMES DOES NOT EXIST.It cannot do anything = to you. > >But I can. I am > > sending this message to everyone in the world. Tell your friend= s, > >tell your family. If ANYONE > > sends me another e-mail or ICQ message about this (or any other > >virus) fake Goodtimes Virus, > > I will turn them into a religion. I will do things to them that > >would make a horsehead in their bed > > look like Easter Sunday brunch. > > > > For those paranoid people, pls read this.....only be concerned > >regarding actual > > attachments to mail, or files sent to you from someone on ICQ, = or > >other, that you don=92t > > know or trust. Run a damned virus program to keep yourself > >safe....and don=92t forget to > > check all the MACROS you may have/receive for apps such as WORD= or > >EXCEL.....Quit > > being a lamer, and don=92t send out all these useless messages.= > >are just wasting > > other peoples bandwidth....Thank you for your time. > > > > --Mel Eperthener > president, Gowanna Multi-media Pty > > email: > > > > 419 Butler Street > PO Box 95184 > Pittsburgh, PA 15223-0184 > (412) 781-6140 > (412) 781-6380 > > ____________________________________________ > Fear is the path to the Dark Side > Fear leads to anger > Anger leads to hate > Hate leads to sufferring. > > --Yoda, The Phantom Menace > (really cool trailer) > ______________________________________________ > > [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] > [ movies (without the quotes) to ] > [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Wade Snider Subject: Re: [MV] Quiet List (Was Off-topic question) Date: 24 Nov 1998 08:31:39 PST Burgess Meredith --- On Tue, 24 Nov 1998 09:01:42 +1000 Lillian Lepinath wrote: This list isn't as quiet as how it was about mid-last year. Bruce and Gregory can back me up on this one (as well as everyone else who was around at that time.) It took the death of the guy who played the Penguin in the Batman TV Series (can't remember his name, sorry) to get conversation started. After that it became quite amazing and from there developed into this wonderful (if sometimes slow) list that you now receive. Teck. >Yes, it is getting quite slow. When i first subscribe to this, here movie >list i was like getting 20 or so more emails a day(getting my mom ticked >off by the amount) but i liked recieving a lot of emails, i barely get >many anyway, especially those movie news about the upcoming film roles and >or movie star problems, why isnt there anymore of that? Oh by the way >anyone see that Rear Window tonight? Really good you all must know. But oh >well, guess you will have to wait until it reruns somewhere if you missed >it. > >---------- >> Am I off the list again or is the list just awfully quiet? >> >> ------- >> Jayson >> ------- >> Smelly cat, smelly cat >> What are they feeding you? >> Smelly cat, smelly cat >> It's not your fault. >> >> >> [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] >> [ movies (without the quotes) to ] >> > > > >[ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] >[ movies (without the quotes) to ] [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ---------------End of Original Message----------------- W. Snider If man evolved from apes, why do we still have apes? [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [MV] Screen It Newsletter (November 24, 1998) Date: 24 Nov 1998 11:08:31 -0500 (EST) Welcome to the Screen It! Newsletter (November 24, 1998). This week, a special early edition of our newsletter (due to the new movie releases all opening on Wednesday for the big Thanksgiving holiday weekend). At the movies, Babe the talking pig returns for another adventure, Disney releases a bunch of computer generated bugs, two films try to be successful as black comedies, and a TV talk show gets the big screen treatment. On home video, the last film featuring comedian John Candy, a rousing, old fashioned and highly entertaining swashbuckler, and a Twilight Zone like romantic comedy vie for your rental dollars. PLEASE NOTE: The new movie reviews WILL NOT be publicly posted until LATE Tuesday night (EST) to comply with the studios' wishes/demands. Next week, reviews of "Psycho"(a remake of Hitchcock's classic, starring Vince Vaughn and Anne Heche and directed by "Good Will Hunting's" Gus Van Sant) and other new releases. ===========PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS=========== WIN A FREE FLAT SCREEN TV! Interested in a chance to win a Panasonic 36" Flat Screen TV? Enter the sweepstakes at the following location (no purchase necessary): (Please note that the above address should be one single line, and that there is a ? (question mark) between "shtml" and "bit". Some mail readers may alter the address.) This FREE offer is provided in conjunction with a third party not owned or operated by Screen It. Please read all rules & instructions carefully, and note that you can opt out from receiving any solicitation from that party at the bottom of the entry form if you so desire. Good Luck! ===========PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS=========== NEW MOVIE REVIEWS FOR WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 25TH: "BABE: PIG IN THE CITY" (1998) (James Cromwell, voice of Elizabeth Daily) (G) Children's: With Farmer Hoggett's (Cromwell) farm facing foreclosure, Babe the talking pig (Daily) sets out for the big city to earn enough money to save his beloved home. The sequel to the critically lauded 1995 hit, this film takes a dark and foreboding turn that, despite its G rating, may surprise many parents and upset some kids. (National Release) __________________________________________________ "A BUG'S LIFE" (1998) (voices of Dave Foley, Kevin Spacey) (G) Children's/Computer Animated: An ant mistakenly recruits a group of insect circus performers, believing them to be fierce warriors, hoping they'll defend his colony from a gang of greedy and domineering grasshoppers. Filled with more than enough funny, adventurous and interesting material to keep children and adults alike fully satisfied during its ninety some minute duration, this is easily one of the best family films to come along in years. The film is rated G, but does contain some scenes that may be suspenseful/frightening to very young kids. (National Release) __________________________________________________ "HOME FRIES" (1998) (Drew Barrymore, Luke Wilson) (PG-13) Black/Romantic comedy: A young man (Wilson) falls for an unmarried pregnant woman (Barrymore) who may have innocently heard him and his brother scare their stepfather to death. Although the film has enough quirky charm to make it bearable to sit through, the fact that it's neither outrageous nor hilarious enough to satisfy as a romantic and/or black comedy (it tries to straddle the fence between the two) results in a disappointing mess. The PG-13 rating comes from some sexual material and "thematic elements" (unmarried pregnancy from an affair, attempted homicide, etc...). (National Release) __________________________________________________ "RINGMASTER" (1998) (Jerry Springer, Jaime Pressly) (R) Comedy: A mother, tired of her daughter (Pressly) fooling around with her own stepfather, books them on a talk show whose host (Springer) must deal with them and the wild, crazy, and often uncontrollable antics of the show's other guests. Simply a racier version of TV's "The Jerry Springer" show, this is one of the worst films of the year. It gets its R rating from profanity and sexual talk and activity. (National Release) __________________________________________________ "VERY BAD THINGS" (1998) (Jon Faveau, Christian Slater) (R) Black comedy: Things spiral out of control and progressively worsen as several friends (including Faveau & Slater) try to cover up the accidental death of a stripper at a bachelor party. Although some moviegoers -- most likely the teen and college-aged male crowd -- might find the proceedings amusing, most will probably agree that the film goes a bit, or, depending on your perspective, way too far in pushing the morbid humor envelope. The R rating comes from bloody and grisly violence, profanity, sexual activity and drug use. (National Release) __________________________________________________ NEW VIDEO REVIEWS FOR TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1ST: "ALMOST HEROES" (1998) (Chris Farley, Matthew Perry) (PG-13) Comedy: Two bumbling explorers (Farley & Perry) hope to beat Lewis & Clarke to the Pacific Ocean as they race across America's western frontier in the early 1800's. Featuring hackneyed and trite material, slipshod writing and overzealous but bad acting, this disaster of a release will only be remembered for being comedian/actor Chris Farley's last major picture. Rated PG-13 for crude humor and nudity, the film only managed to gross a little more than $6 million domestically. ( __________________________________________________ "THE MASK OF ZORRO" (1998) (Antonio Banderas, Anthony Hopkins) (PG-13) Action/Adventure: Zorro (Hopkins), the legendary swashbuckler, trains a young protégé (Banderas) to avenge both his and the young man's personal misfortunes by having him take his place as the freedom fighting masked hero. With plenty of old-fashioned action and adventure, as well as humor and romance to please nearly every sort of moviegoer, this was easily one of the best films from this past summer. Rated PG-13 for "intense action and violence," the film grossed around $92 million domestically, with about $50 million more coming in from overseas markets. ( __________________________________________________ "SLIDING DOORS" (1998) (Gwyneth Paltrow, John Hannah) (PG-13) Romantic Comedy: A split second moment sends a woman's (Paltrow) life in two separate directions, creating parallel worlds where her two selves must choose between her cheating boyfriend and a new and charming man (Hannah). This enjoyable and charming film should please fans of the romantic comedy genre, as well as those who like movies with a "Twilight Zone" fantasy twist. Grossing around $12 million domestically, the film's PG-13 rating comes from sexually related material and profanity. ( __________________________________________________ ===========PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS=========== WIN A FREE FLAT SCREEN TV! Interested in a chance to win a Panasonic 36" Flat Screen TV? Enter the sweepstakes at the following location (no purchase necessary): (Please note that the above address should be one single line, and that there is a ? (question mark) between "shtml" and "bit". Some mail readers may alter the address.) This FREE offer is provided in conjunction with a third party not owned or operated by Screen It. Please read all rules & instructions carefully, and note that you can opt out from receiving any solicitation from that party at the bottom of the entry form if you so desire. Good Luck! ===========PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS=========== Do you find the Screen It Website useful? If so, contact your local newspaper, TV or radio station, or favorite magazine and ask that they do a story about our site so that others in your community or country may benefit from this information. Contact information can be found at the following address: __________________________________________________ Remember, before you and/or your kids see it, buy it , or rent it, make sure that first you Screen It! Screen It! Entertainment Reviews for Parents __________________________________________________ Since we respect your privacy and time, we'll always keep these messages brief and we'll never sell or give your e-mail address to anyone. If at any time you no longer wish to receive these updates, simply let us know at and we'll remove you from our list. [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Ryan Allen) Subject: Re: [MV] a bug's life Date: 24 Nov 1998 14:16:16 -0500 At 22:30 11/16/98 , you wrote: >Yes, the end credits are the best part of the film. On the whole, though, I >prefer Toy Story. Doesn't everyone on this list stay through all the credits? There hasn't been a movie I can remember in 10 years that I didn't stay through the credits for. Not only to pay homage to those responsible (good or bad) for the movie, but for the occasional ending that is often thrown in for the dedicated audience. Ryan Intranet Specialist Intranet Development Team (IDTeam) Allen Systems Group ## Hurricane Season (June 1-Nov. 1) is Here! ## ## Please visit my Personal Page ## ## ## [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: jkrudy Subject: RE: [MV] a bug's life Date: 24 Nov 1998 12:26:17 -0700 The last time I stayed for the end credits was when I saw Ferris Bueller's Day Off. Normally I'm not compelled to stay, but that's just me. I don't think it adds to the "event" of watching the film to know that some guy named John Doe Albert was the caterer, because even if I was looking for a caterer he's probably busy and over a 1000 miles away, so why bother. In the case of "A Bug's Life" I'll stay because I know something cool or funny is going to happen, but then that's why I stayed at the end of Ferris, because something interesting was happening. Just my opinion, James K. Rudy -----Original Message----- Sent: Tuesday, November 24, 1998 12:16 PM At 22:30 11/16/98 , you wrote: >Yes, the end credits are the best part of the film. On the whole, though, I >prefer Toy Story. Doesn't everyone on this list stay through all the credits? There hasn't been a movie I can remember in 10 years that I didn't stay through the credits for. Not only to pay homage to those responsible (good or bad) for the movie, but for the occasional ending that is often thrown in for the dedicated audience. Ryan Intranet Specialist Intranet Development Team (IDTeam) Allen Systems Group ## Hurricane Season (June 1-Nov. 1) is Here! ## ## Please visit my Personal Page ## ## ## [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Diane Christy Subject: RE: [MV] a bug's life Date: 24 Nov 1998 14:05:03 -0600 On 11/24/98, 1:26 PM -0600, jkrudy said so nicely: >The last time I stayed for the end credits was when I saw Ferris Bueller's >Day Off. I usually stay for most of them. It's rare that I stay for the whole thing. I like to see what's involved in making the films. It's very interesting. ~~~~~ Diane Christy (Samantha and Joshua's Mom) Jefferson, LA ICQ #12904700 ~~~~~ [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Gene Ehrich Subject: Re: [MV] Tommy Date: 25 Nov 1998 03:54:54 -0500 At 07:46 PM 11/23/98 -0800, you wrote: >Whoa. I'm watching this movie on HBO called "Tommy" it is some crazy >stuff! anyone seen this movie before? Great movie. Ann Margaret was nominated for best actress Oscar for it. Written by The Who > > >______________________________________________________ >Get Your Private, Free Email at > >[ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] >[ movies (without the quotes) to ] > gene@ehrich Computer & Video Game Garage Sale [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Scott Renshaw Subject: [MV] REVIEW: BABE: PIG IN THE CITY Date: 24 Nov 1998 14:08:05 -0700 (MST) BABE: PIG IN THE CITY (Universal) Starring: Magda Szubanski, Mary Stein, Mickey Rooney, James Cromwell, voices of E. G. Daily, Danny Mann, Glenne Headly, Steven Wright. Screenplay: George Miller, Judy Morris and Mark Lamprell. Producers: George Miller, Doug Mitchell and Bill Miller. Director: George Miller. MPAA Rating: G (mild bodily function reference). Running Time: 95 minutes. Reviewed by Scott Renshaw. Like a classic storybook tale, 1995's BABE was set no-where and no-when in particular. The singular world in which the rosy, glowing Hoggett farm and its chattering menagerie existed added to the charm that made the original film a surprise hit and an Oscar-nominee. BABE: PIG IN THE CITY takes that anywhere-ness a step farther...actually, a step too far. The story begins as Farmer Hoggett (James Cromwell) suffers an unfortunate accident, making him unable to work the farm. With financial ruin imminent, Mrs. Hoggett (Magda Szubanski) decides to take the now-famous Babe (E. G. Daily, replacing Christine Cavanaugh) for a lucrative state fair appearance, only to end up stranded in The Big City. Where, exactly, _is_ that Big City? Well, a view from Babe's hotel window includes The Statue of Liberty, the Sydney Opera House, the Eiffel Tower, and the Hollywood sign. It's a cute gag the first time, but it also signals a not-so-subtle shift in tone from BABE. The setting is no longer Anywhere, but Everywhere; the story isn't just a fantasy where anything could happen, but one where the film-makers try to make everything happen. Babe and Mrs. Hoggett contend with suspicions that they are drug smugglers; Mrs. Hoggett goes to jail when she inadvertently causes a mess in downtown Metropolis; Babe comes to the rescue of a massive collection of sort-of-homeless animals. BABE: PIG IN THE CITY is so full of plots and sub-plots that saving the Hoggett farm practically becomes an afterthought, with a resolution so silly it almost seems a waste of time. You might suspect that a pace that frantic would be a sop to younger viewers, but it's hard to imagine George Miller (who produced the original and also directs here) had kids in mind making this film. A catastrophic performance by a low-rent circus (featuring Mickey Rooney in a weird cameo as a clown of indeterminate personality) turns into a moody and murky slow-motion sequence like something out of PLATOON; later, a dog with a bad heart has a near-death experience with pastoral visions. BABE certainly had a few dark moments, but nothing like the consistently creepy feel of PIG IN THE CITY. Miller may have been playing to the kiddies when Mrs. Hoggett goes bouncing around a reception hall in inflatable pants, but not when a dog insults a cat with an epithet that could be interpreted as quite vulgar. Ironically, that strangely mature tone introduces the film's only truly compelling element, a melancholy performing orangutan named Thelonious (voice of James Cosmo). He's a mysterious presence who can't seem to bear the idea that he's not human, and both the animal and vocal performances are wonderfully sympathetic. I sat just a bit forward in my seat every time Thelonious appeared, gradually realizing that this one character also served to point out how bland the rest of the characters are in BABE: PIG IN THE CITY. There are too many animals milling about to care about any of them all that much; even the little pig himself seems to have been sapped of personality. The easy rapport between Babe and Farmer Hoggett (relegated here to little more than a glorified cameo) is sorely missed. Then again, a whole lot of things from BABE are sorely missed. It's a nice change of pace to find a sequel that doesn't merely try to remake the original, but BABE: PIG IN THE CITY lack any of the original's endearing gentle spirit. It's so hyped-up and busy, it's almost as though John Hughes got hold of our sweet little pig and tossed him into a HOME ALONE sequel. Too many chuckles in BABE: PIG IN THE CITY are too forced; too many others are too close to a shudder. This is one major holiday disappointment, a storybook tale that should have quit with its original happy ending. On the Renshaw scale of 0 to 10 pork chops: 4. Visit Scott Renshaw's MoviePage *** Subscribe to receive new reviews directly by email! See the MoviePage for details, or reply to this message with subject line "Subscribe". [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Culligan Subject: Re: [MV] Tommy Date: 24 Nov 1998 18:12:49 -0500 This movie was inspired by the first-of-its-kind Rock Opera Album written by Pete Townsend and performed by The Who. This is an excellent CD - BTW. Townsend recently produced the stage version of Tommy for Broadway and it was quite succesful (I think). Another great Who movie that you may want to check out is Quadrophenia. I saw this movie on VH1 and really liked it. It stars a very young Sting (who you might remember from the rock group The Police and the movie Dune). Again, the album of the same name, written by Pete Townsend and performed by The Who, is excellent (IMO). CHRIS Gene Ehrich wrote: > At 07:46 PM 11/23/98 -0800, you wrote: > >Whoa. I'm watching this movie on HBO called "Tommy" it is some crazy > >stuff! anyone seen this movie before? > > Great movie. > > Ann Margaret was nominated for best actress Oscar for it. > > Written by The Who > > > > > > >______________________________________________________ > >Get Your Private, Free Email at > > > >[ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] > >[ movies (without the quotes) to ] > > > gene@ehrich > > Computer & Video Game Garage Sale > > [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] > [ movies (without the quotes) to ] [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Romero, Leticia" Subject: RE: [MV] end credits Date: 24 Nov 1998 17:27:23 -0800 here here! I've always stayed to read each and every person's name in respect and to pay homage to the hard work (and a lot of bulls**t) they went through to get their names up there!! > -----Original Message----- > From: [] > Sent: Tuesday, November 24, 1998 11:16 AM > To: > Subject: Re: [MV] a bug's life > > At 22:30 11/16/98 , you wrote: > >Yes, the end credits are the best part of the film. On the whole, > though, I > >prefer Toy Story. > > Doesn't everyone on this list stay through all the credits? There hasn't > been a movie I can remember in 10 years that I didn't stay through the > credits for. Not only to pay homage to those responsible (good or bad) > for > the movie, but for the occasional ending that is often thrown in for the > dedicated audience. > > Ryan > Intranet Specialist > Intranet Development Team (IDTeam) > Allen Systems Group > > > ## Hurricane Season (June 1-Nov. 1) is Here! ## > ## Please visit my Personal Page ## > ## ## > > [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] > [ movies (without the quotes) to ] [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Mel Eperthener Subject: Re: [MV] Fw: You have been warned... Date: 24 Nov 1998 17:49:01 -0500 At 02.42 AM 24/11/98 PST, Rebecca Bezant wrote: >if you think this is a hoax, then why dont you download the virus your self and email us back(on which ever computer it may be) and tell us how it went, it is the people right to be known of something, cause i recently downloaded something on my computer and it wiped out all my windows making it difficult to install everything back in, but even though that was a small little virus doenst mean there isnt anything bigger that could be to destroy the big amounts of money that people spent on their machines. They need to be known about it and need to listen to one that has downloaded the virus.< OK, difficult as it may be (considering that this message didn't even come with the lines formatted correctly, not to be pedantic about it:-), I am going to be nice here, and not suggest that anyone who downloads a virus like this take their computer back to the shop they bought it because they don't deserve to own one (the old-timers here know the story to which this relates). First of all, I did NOT say that virii programmes did not exist on the web. Nor am I saying that the budweiser frogs do NOT contain a virus. However, anyone with any right to be online should practice BASIC safety methods that make this message moot. Nearly two years ago now, my computer was infected by a macro virus (remember that I mentioned macros?? I am giving you the benefit of the doubt that you read my entire message, although your reply does leave that in doubt). It came from someone that I trusted (his newsletter contained a virus that he got in an airport terminal). And seeing that I do not run MS Word (just the Reader), the virus did no damage to my computer. However, it did open my eyes. Before that time, I just did not open any .exe files, and even now that would probably keep me safe. First of all, you should have a virus scanning programme on your machine. If you do not, stop right now, and go download one from a REPUTABLE site (Netscape, MicroSoft, Tucows, PCWorld, etc). Install it and run a check. Second, do NOT download any .exe programme that you are unsure of. Do not allow ANY .exe, .doc, .zip, .com, or similar programme to run on your system UNLESS AND UNTIL you run your virus scan. Even then, I only run an .exe programme if I know the source. Now, if you REALLY want me to, I will download the file in question, run a virus scan, and tell you what I find. Where should I send the invoice for services?? If you follow these simple and basic practices, you should have no problems online. If you don't, you should box up your computer, take it back to where you bought it, and tell them that you do not deserve to own a computer. I apologise if this post tramples on any sensitive feelings, as my last post did. However, after you have been online after more than a few weeks, you'll see people starting these virii scares over and over again, and you, too, will tire of them. Regards, --Mel [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Michael Dequina Subject: [MV] The Movie Report#168, 11/24/98 Date: 24 Nov 1998 17:25:52 -0800 T H E M O V I E R E P O R T #168 NOVEMBER 24, 1998 PLEASE HELP... ...keep the MR and Mr. Brown's Movie Site alive. I am undergoing a serious funding and resource crisis. Please send any donations (every little bit does help) to: Michael Dequina 3650 Denver Avenue Long Beach, CA 90810-2205 You can also help by renting or purchasing videos and DVDs from! Get a jumpstart on your holiday gift shopping by visiting: Thank you very much. =>T H I S W E E K<= M O V I E S -_Home_Fries_ -_Enemy_of_the_State_ V I D E O -_Doctor_Dolittle_ -_The_Negotiator_ -_Sliding_Doors_ Due to some unforeseen server problems, Mr. Brown's Movie Site is currently down. Hopefully, in a day or two (or less), you can check out links to the official websites of all the current films, past reviews, exclusive Hollywood event photos, movie discussion board, movie theme MIDI files, a comprehensive link section, and more at: or Please don't forget to sign the guestbook... If you are reading this on Usenet, you can subscribe to the MR at: Select reviews are available at CompuServe Hollywood Hotline: ...and the Eyepiece Network at: ...and Albany Online at: all movies graded out of four stars (****) ~~~ =>M O V I E S<= N E W R E L E A S E S Hollywood Hotline Featured Review _Home_Fries_ (PG-13) ** Being fairly tired of the assembly-line product foisted upon us by the Hollywood studios, I'm generally all in support of something offbeat. But it's one thing to be offbeat, and another thing entirely to be off-pitch. The quirky dark comedy _Home_Fries_, I'm afraid, falls under the latter category. Don't be fooled by Warner Bros.'s misleading marketing campaign, which sells this strange film as a light-as-a-feather romance. At the center of _Home_Fries_ is Henry Lever (Chris Ellis), whose upright dead body is found in the middle of a field. Harry, who had a heart ailment, was quite literally scared to death by his two National Guard helicopter pilot stepsons Dorian (Luke Wilson) and Angus (Jake Busey), who chase him down with a chopper as a favor to their unhappy mother (Catherine O'Hara). Since it all happened in the middle of nowhere, there are no witnesses--at least by eye. Possibly overhearing everything, thanks to some crossed radio signals, is Sally (Drew Barrymore), a very pregnant young woman who works the drive-thru at a local burger joint. And, as it always conveniently happens in the movies, the father of Sally's baby is the late Henry. To get close to Sally and find out what she may or may not know, Dorian takes a job at Burger-Matic himself. But he gets more than he bargained for, slowly but surely falling for her. _Home_Fries_ could have worked if writer Vince Gilligan and director Dean Parisot kept things simple and left the film at that. But real-life loves Wilson and the always-engaging Barrymore aren't given much breathing room to build an on-screen rapport; they're all but drowned out by all the strange goings-on that compete for attention. Lurking in the background and occasionally stepping up to center stage is the conniving Mrs. Lever, who has a Machiavellian grasp on Angus, who will do anything he can to make his mother happy--even kill. Gilligan obviously intended this subplot to give the film an unconventional, dark edge, but it is largely unfunny, too broadly played, and too much of what springs from it feels out of place. Does there really need to be a go-for-broke copter-car chase climax? While I applaud the filmmakers' ambitions in creating something different, I cannot help but feel that _Home_Fries_ would have been better if it were more conventional. Ironically, despite all the quirkiness being bandied about, it is the film's most conventional aspect--the romance--that remotely holds any interest. Everything else, as offbeat as it is, is simply a bore. IN BRIEF _Enemy_of_the_State_ (R) *** 1/2 Anyone who thinks that the key to Will Smith's big-screen success lies solely on his attitude and charisma will be proven wrong once and for all by his work in Tony Scott's smart, stylish thriller. Aside from a handful of wry wisecracks delivered in the early going, Smith's Robert Clayton Dean is a straight arrow, a labor attorney who is hunted down by some shady government types after coming into possession of a videotape of a congressman's (Jason Robards) murder. Dean has trouble evading his pursuers--and their high-tech surveillance equipment--until an equally shady former NSA agent (Gene Hackman) arrives on the scene to offer some reluctant help. As amusing as Hackman and his riff on his character in _The_Conversation_ is, it is with his first appearance (which doesn't come until about an hour in, if not more) that _Enemy_of_the_State_'s tightly coiled tension begins to unravel somewhat; there is much more suspense when Dean, a common man with no combat skills or the like, is called on to evade government professionals solely on his wits. But on the whole, David Marconi's script is solid, intelligently bringing up realistic issues regarding privacy while serving the slam-bang thrills required of any Jerry Bruckheimer production. Pulling the entire enterprise together is Scott, who uses his large bag of dazzling visual tricks in good service to the plot; and Smith. He paints a vivid portrait of paranoia and fear, and his natural presence and rapport with the audience is invaluable in creating a likable character. I N C U R R E N T R E L E A S E (full reviews of the following in past MRs and at the listed URLs) -_American_History_X_ (R) *** -_Antz_ (PG) *** 1/2 -_Belly_ (R) ** -_Beloved_ (R) *** -_A_Bug's_Life_ (G) *** 1/2 -_The_Cruise_ (PG-13) *** -_Elizabeth_ (R) *** 1/2 -_Happiness_ **** -_I_Still_Know_What_You_Did_Last_Summer_ (R) * -_I'll_Be_Home_for_Christmas_ (PG) * 1/2 -_John_Carpenter's_Vampires_ (R) * 1/2 -_Life_Is_Beautiful_(La_Vita_E_Bella)_ (PG-13) **** -_Living_Out_Loud_ (R) *** -_Meet_Joe_Black_ (PG-13) *** -_Pleasantville_ (PG-13) *** 1/2 -_Practical_Magic_ (PG-13) ** -_The_Rugrats_Movie_ (G) *** -_Rush_Hour_ (PG-13) ** 1/2 -_The_Siege_ (R) ** 1/2 -_There's_Something_About_Mary_ (R) *** 1/2 -_Velvet_Goldmine_ (R) ** 1/2 -_Waking_Ned_Devine_ (PG) *** -_The_Waterboy_ (PG-13) ** -_The_Wizard_of_Oz_ (G) **** F U T U R E F I L M S -_Little_Voice_ (R) *** (December 11) -_A_Simple_Plan_ (R) **** (December 4) O N T H E H O R I Z O N FRIDAY _Babe:_Pig_in_the_City_ (G) The little pig that could hits the big city in this sequel, which has been dogged by disastrous press following poor test screenings, rush re-edits, and a cancelled world premiere bash. _Central_Station_ (R) Acclaimed Brazilian import in which a woman (Fernanda Montenegro) befriends a boy searching for his father. _Home_Fries_ (PG-13) ** Muddled dark comedy about a pregnant fast food worker (Drew Barrymore) who is romanced by the stepson (Luke Wilson) of her dead lover. _The_Last_Emperor_ Director's Cut (PG-13) **** Expanded version of Bernardo Bertolucci's sumptuous 1987 Best Picture winner about the life of Pu Yi, the last Chinese emperor (played as an adult by John Lone). _Ringmaster_ (R) Jerry Springer makes his not-so-eagerly-awaited big-screen debut playing himself in this thinly-veiled film version of his popular television fight fest--I mean, talk show. _Very_Bad_Things_ (R) **** Full review in MR#167, 11/20/98; and at: Hilarious, flawlessly acted pitch black comedy about a wild Vegas bachelor party gone horribly wrong. Actor Peter Berg, in his filmmaking debut, directs Jon Favreau, Cameron Diaz, Christian Slater, Jeremy Piven, Daniel Stern, Jeanne Tripplehorn, and Leland Orser. ~~~ =>V I D E O<= N E W T H I S W E E K _Doctor_Dolittle_ (PG-13) ** Full review in MR#148, 6/26/98; and at: Rent or buy at p?MMID=41744 Eddie Murphy scored a surprise box office hit with this miss, a largely laughless reworking of the 1967 film about a doctor (Murphy) who can talk to and hear the animals. Something is clearly amiss when the usually lively and raucous Murphy is called on to play straight man to a bunch of fuzzy friends. (20th Century Fox Home Entertainment) _The_Negotiator_ (R) *** Full review in MR#151, 7/24/98; and at: Rent or buy at p?MMID=41558 Tense action thriller in which an ace hostage negotiator (Samuel L. Jackson) becomes a hostage taker himself after being framed for murder. Kevin Spacey is a forbidable foil as the negotiator brought in to resolve the situation. (Warner Home Video) _Sliding_Doors_ (PG-13) *** Full review in MR#140, 4/30/98; and at: Rent or buy at p?MMID=40921 Adorable comedy-fantasy exploring two parallel romantic futures of a London woman (Gwyneth Paltrow). John Hannah, John Lynch, and Jeanne Tripplehorn also star for writer-director Peter Howitt. (Miramax Home Entertainment) ~~~ =>N E X T W E E K<= More reviews... 'til then... a happy Thanksgiving to everyone in the States. __________________________________________________________ Michael Dequina Chat Forum Host, The Official Michael Jordan Web Site | | >My personal WWW sites< Mr. Brown's Movie Site: Michael Jordan Beyond the Court: A Michael Jordan Fan's Heartbreak: Personal Page: >Other WWW sites I work on< CompuServe Hollywood Hotline: Albany Online: Eyepiece Network: "Life is knowing the toughest competition you ever face is yourself." --Michael Jordan __________________________________________________________ [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bill Code Subject: Re: [MV] Fw: You have been warned... Date: 24 Nov 1998 20:50:23 -0700 >At 02.42 AM 24/11/98 PST, Rebecca Bezant wrote: >>if you think this is a hoax, then why dont you download the virus your >self and email us back(on which ever computer it may be) and tell us how it >went, it is the people right to be known of something, cause i recently >downloaded something on my computer and it wiped out all my windows making >it difficult to install everything back in, but even though that was a >small little virus doenst mean there isnt anything bigger that could be to >destroy the big amounts of money that people spent on their machines. They >need to be known about it and need to listen to one that has downloaded the >virus.< Should be using a Macintosh... Ciao Bill Code Code Dlugos & Associates of Victoria 250-995-4191 [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Diane Christy Subject: Re: [MV] Fw: You have been warned... Date: 24 Nov 1998 23:25:45 -0600 On 11/24/98, 9:50 PM -0600, Bill Code said so nicely: >Should be using a Macintosh... AMEN to that!!!!! ~~~~~ Diane Christy (Samantha and Joshua's Mom) Jefferson, LA ICQ #12904700 ~~~~~ [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Rebecca Bezant" Date: 25 Nov 1998 03:44:20 PST One for mel: Be my guest if you want to do the download, all that I am saying is = that hoax or not, last thing one needs is a positive attitude from one = that knows second-hand knowledge of something that is said to be VERY neg= ative. Oh and this line from your resonse kinda bugged me: " I am giving you the benefit of the doubt that you read my entire messag= e, although your reply does leave that in doubt" Well, please forgive me for writing a VERY short resonse to your 2 pages,= I just didnt feel like writing a masterpiece being so close to 3 am. And now to Bill, whom said "Should be using a Macintosh..." and to Diane,= who thinks Bill's a god for saying that, well just set up funds for me = to afford one, not everyone is well suited for cash. Thank you and goodni= ght! Ps: why are we talking computer viruses on a movie email listing? That = sure got me stumped. [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Hollywood Online) Subject: [MV] Hollywood Online Weekly Dispatch Date: 25 Nov 1998 03:43:18 -0800 (PST) Hollywood Online Weekly Dispatch Hello movie fans! Welcome yet again to the Hollywood Online Weekly Dispatch, delivered FREE OF CHARGE to your e-mail box every week. Instructions for unsubscribing appear at the bottom. The Hollywood Online Weekly Dispatch is THE source for detailed news about the latest movie and video releases, Hollywood events, special movie site features, exclusive interviews and audio clips. The web's number one information source for movie soundtrack news, premiere coverage, and much more. It's Thanksgiving week and there's a lot to be grateful for. The much anticipated "Babe: Pig in the City" and "A Bug's Life" open on Wednesday, along with new movies starring Cameron Diaz ("Very Bad Things") and Drew Barrymore ("Home Fries"). Check out all the movies opening this week, as well as some new Hollywood Online features ... **************************************** NEW MOVIES RELEASED THIS WEEK **************************************** Movies Opening November 25, 1998 (in alphabetical order) "Babe: Pig in the City" Family: James Cromwell and Magda Szubanski return as the Hoggets, joined by Mickey Rooney in this sequel to the porcine blockbuster. November 25, 1998 - national release "A Bug's Life" Family: An ant organizes a squad of insects to save the colony from invading grasshoppers in Pixar/Disney's theatrical follow-up to "Toy Story." November 25, 1998 - expanded release "Elizabeth" Drama: Cate Blanchett claims the title role of Elizabeth I, the iron-willed Queen of England who came to power at age 23. Imprisoned by a half-sister at 16, Elizabeth uses her resilience to overcome the challenges of the male-dominated ruling class in 1554. Geoffrey Rush, Joseph Fiennes and Christopher Eccleston play secondary characters. November 25, 1998 - expanded release "Home Fries" Comedy: An eccentric mother, two brothers and the woman the boys are obsessed with are the principals in an offbeat comedy starring Drew Barrymore. November 25, 1998 - national release "Jerry Springer: Ringmaster" Comedy: Jerry Springer plays himself in a fictional account of the antics behind the scenes as two groups of guests become even more dysfunctional in each other's company. November 25, 1998 - national release "The Last Emperor" Art/Foreign: Almost an hour of unseen footage expands the director's cut of Bertolucci's 1987 epic to its original 219-minute running time. November 25, 1998 - limited release "The Mirror" Art/Foreign: An independent little girl reaches the end of the school day to find out that no one has come to pick her up. In turn, she decides to find her own way home through the streets of Tehran. Reality further complicates the situation when the actress who plays the girl tells the director she's quitting. November 25, 1998 - NY release "Steam: the Turkish Bath" Art/Foreign: When a Roman designer is bequeathed a traditional steam bath in Istanbul, he enters a new and sensuous realm. November 25, 1998 - LA/NY release "Very Bad Things" Comedy: "Chicago Hope" resident Peter Berg writes and directs the tale of a bachelor party gone very bad. After a stripper is accidentally killed, the boys clash over the manly thing to do. A series of cover-ups and murders ensue in this blackest of comedies. Cameron Diaz, Christian Slater and Jon Favreau co-star. November 25, 1998 - national release **************************************** SHOWTIMES MOVIE LISTINGS **************************************** Now that you've seen what's coming out this week, here's the best way to find out where it's playing in your neighborhood, and when! Plus, get maps, theater information, and much more -- everything about movies at Hollywood Online! **************************************** NEW VIDEOS RELEASED THIS WEEK **************************************** Videos Released November 24, 1998 (in alphabetical order) "Dr. Dolittle" Comedy: Eddie Murphy heeds the call of the wild in this modern update of the classic family comedy. As Dr. Dolittle, Murphy leads the perfect domestic life until a long-dormant ability to communicate with nature rears its furry head. Literally able to hear and understand creatures of all shapes and sizes, Murphy becomes the animal world's best friend. "The Negotiator" Action/Adventure: Samuel L. Jackson and Kevin Spacey are brilliant Chicago police negotiators forced to play a game of cat and mouse. Jackson is pushed up against the wall and takes hostages after discovering he has been framed for embezzlement and murder. Spacey is brought in to negotiate with his colleague and defuse the situation. "Sliding Doors" Comedy: Gwyneth Paltrow slides into two possible futures as an English advertising executive who experiences strange things after a ride on a London train. John Hannah of "Four Weddings and a Funeral" fame co-stars as the man she meets along the way. Peter Howitt writes and directs this comic fable. **************************************** HOLLYWOOD NEWS **************************************** HOLLYWOOD ROUNDTABLE Weekly columns on a variety of subjects, from underground film to foreign film to film zeitgeist. HOLLYWOOD RETROSPECTIVE: Thanks for Hollywood! THE PRESSROOM The best premiere coverage, celebrity photos and interviews on the web! New this week: "A Bug's Life" Premiere "Home Fries" Premiere "I Still Know What You Did Last Summer" Premiere Thanksgiving Special Jon Favreau ("Very Bad Things") Interview **************************************** HOLLYWOOD ONLINE: FEATURES **************************************** "THE THIN RED LINE" PREMIERE TRIP GIVEAWAY Enter before November 30th to win a trip to Los Angeles to see the worldwide premiere of John Travolta, Sean Penn and Nick Nolte's new movie, "The Thin Red Line." Brought to you by Visa! "YOU'VE GOT MAIL" TICKET GIVEAWAY Win two FREE movie tickets to see "You've Got Mail." "I STILL KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER" SPECIAL FEATURE Videos, Photos, Fun Stuff - Vote for the Scream Queens! DIGITAL REVOLUTION Everything you could want to know about DVDs, laser discs, industry developments, and all the latest titles. Pick of the Week: "The Thing",1133,121,00.html ***************************************************************** ADVERTISEMENT ***************************************************************** ( Looking for that hard-to-find DVD? With over 2,000 titles, has what you want. Simply select your rental, receive it within 2-3 business days - watch it as often as you like for a full 7 days! Return it using the prepaid, pre-addressed return-mailer. No hassles, no long lines, just pure entertainment. ***************************************************************** MOVIE CRITIC The critics are thrilled by "Enemy of the State" and "The Rugrats Movie." Check out what they're saying about the movies opening this week! MOVIETALK Hear your favorite celebs in their own words, behind the scenes, unrehearsed, and in glorious RealAudio! This week: Will Smith, Jon Voight, Regina King, Jerry Bruckheimer, Tony Scott, ("Enemy of the State"); Jonathan Taylor Thomas, Jessica Biel ("I'll Be Home for Christmas"); Jennifer Love Hewitt, Brandy("I Still Know What You Did Last Summer"). MOVIETUNES MovieTunes at Hollywood Online is the best source for movie music news and coverage -- audio clips, interviews, art, forums, and more. Soundtrack of the week: "A Bug's Life" Also: "Antz" "Meet Joe Black" UNSUBSCRIBE? CHANGE OF ADDRESS? If you wish to be removed from this email list, or to change the email address we have for you, go to: where you will be asked to enter the exact email address you wish unsubscribed. For any other information about this e-mail, contact: Thanks for being a part of Hollywood Online -- where we're all about movies!(r) [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Ryan Allen) Subject: RE: [MV] end credits Date: 25 Nov 1998 11:17:54 -0500 So I'm not the only one here who does this. I know that my friends don't appreciate film as I do, therefore they don't understand why I do it. I enjoy watching the credits - and since most movies today are expensive as is, why not see the whole thing? Ryan At 20:27 11/24/98 , you wrote: >here here! I've always stayed to read each and every person's name in >respect and to pay homage to the hard work (and a lot of bulls**t) they went >through to get their names up there!! > >> -----Original Message----- >> From: [] >> Sent: Tuesday, November 24, 1998 11:16 AM >> To: >> Subject: Re: [MV] a bug's life >> >> At 22:30 11/16/98 , you wrote: >> >Yes, the end credits are the best part of the film. On the whole, >> though, I >> >prefer Toy Story. >> >> Doesn't everyone on this list stay through all the credits? There hasn't >> been a movie I can remember in 10 years that I didn't stay through the >> credits for. Not only to pay homage to those responsible (good or bad) >> for >> the movie, but for the occasional ending that is often thrown in for the >> dedicated audience. Intranet Specialist Intranet Development Team (IDTeam) Allen Systems Group ## Hurricane Season (June 1-Nov. 1) is Here! ## ## Please visit my Personal Page ## ## ## [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "ABYRNE.IE.ORACLE.COM" Subject: Re: RE: [MV] end credits Date: 25 Nov 1998 16:47:42 +0000 --=_ORCL_6279634_0_0 Content-Transfer-Encoding:quoted-printable Content-Type:text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" I think I'm in the same boat as you buddy. The credits at the end of Armageddon were great. I know you don't really get to see who does what in it, as you are looking at the pictures, but the pictures were pretty cool, like the film. Thanks & Regards, ****************************************************************************= ** ****************************************************************************= ** Anto Byrne Oracle E.M.E.A. Fulfillment Dept. Unit 14 Phone:8031461 Airways Industrial Estate Fax:8031541 Cloghran email:abyrne Dublin 17. Ireland ****************************************************************************= ** "In Order to find his equal, an Irish Man is forced to talk to God" ****************************************************************************= ** --=_ORCL_6279634_0_0 Content-Type:message/rfc822 Return-Path: Received:from by (SMI-8.6/SMI-4.1) id QAA23278; Wed, 25 Nov 1998 16:16:43 GMT Received:from ( by (5.x/SMI-SVR4) id AA25506; Wed, 25 Nov 1998 16:20:27 GMT Received:from ( []) by (8.9.1/8.9.1) with SMTP id QAA11346 for ; Wed, 25 Nov 1998 16:21:35 GMT Received:from ([]) by via smtpd (for []) with SMTP; 25 Nov 1998 16:21:35 UT Received:from domo by with local (Exim 2.04 #1) id 0zihdq-0006LO-00 for; Wed, 25 Nov 1998 09:18:10 -0700 Received:from [] ( by with esmtp (Exim 2.04 #1) id 0zihdn-0006L6-00 for; Wed, 25 Nov 1998 09:18:08 -0700 Received:from ryana1 ([]) by (Post.Office MTA v3.1.2 release (PO205-101c) ID# 0-48942U400L100S0) with SMTP id AAA173 for ; Wed, 25 Nov 1998 11:25:46 -0500 Message-Id:<> In-Reply-To:<318527D97BDCD0118F9C0000F67AD2B50251DC91@10eEXCHANGE.SAONE T.UCLA.EDU> Precedence: bulk MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type:text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding:7bit So I'm not the only one here who does this. I know that my friends don't appreciate film as I do, therefore they don't understand why I do it. I enjoy watching the credits - and since most movies today are expensive as is, why not see the whole thing? Ryan At 20:27 11/24/98 , you wrote: >here here! I've always stayed to read each and every person's name in >respect and to pay homage to the hard work (and a lot of bulls**t) they went >through to get their names up there!! > >> -----Original Message----- >> From: [] >> Sent: Tuesday, November 24, 1998 11:16 AM >> To: >> Subject: Re: [MV] a bug's life >> >> At 22:30 11/16/98 , you wrote: >> >Yes, the end credits are the best part of the film. On the whole, >> though, I >> >prefer Toy Story. >> >> Doesn't everyone on this list stay through all the credits? There hasn't >> been a movie I can remember in 10 years that I didn't stay through the >> credits for. Not only to pay homage to those responsible (good or bad) >> for >> the movie, but for the occasional ending that is often thrown in for the >> dedicated audience. Intranet Specialist Intranet Development Team (IDTeam) Allen Systems Group ## Hurricane Season (June 1-Nov. 1) is Here! ## ## Please visit my Personal Page ## ## ## [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] --=_ORCL_6279634_0_0-- [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Mel Eperthener Subject: [MV] Re: Pox Virii Date: 25 Nov 1998 12:43:38 -0500 At 03.44 AM 25/11/98 PST, Rebecca Bezant wrote: >One for mel: > Be my guest if you want to do the download, all that I am saying is that hoax or not, last thing one needs is a positive attitude from one that knows second-hand knowledge of something that is said to be VERY negative. Hunh?? And you still haven't provided your address so I can send the invoice for services after I download and neutralise the virus:-) >Ps: why are we talking computer viruses on a movie email listing? That sure got me stumped. This was the ENTIRE point of my original responce. Sending hoaxes and urban legends to a movies mailing list wastes my time and yours. Are you saying that it is perfectly alright to waste bandwidth sending a computer hoax that is, at the very least, over a year old, but debating the use of resources for said hoax is in itself a waste of resources?? Everyone online for more than a few weeks has seen hoaxes/ULs like this. At least the responces (including the very funny Apple comments) attempted to be educational. Most tried to explain to the original poster his mistake in a nice and pleasant manner. Regards, --Mel --Mel Eperthener president, Gowanna Multi-media Pty email: 419 Butler Street PO Box 95184 Pittsburgh, PA 15223-0184 (412) 781-6140 (412) 781-6380 ____________________________________________ Fear is the path to the Dark Side Fear leads to anger Anger leads to hate Hate leads to sufferring. --Yoda, The Phantom Menace (really cool trailer) ______________________________________________ [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "ABYRNE.IE.ORACLE.COM" Subject: Re: [MV] Re: Pox Virii Date: 25 Nov 1998 19:57:43 +0000 --=_ORCL_6281656_0_0 Content-Transfer-Encoding:quoted-printable Content-Type:text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" End Of Virus Conversations. Period! Thanks & Regards, ****************************************************************************= ** ****************************************************************************= ** Anto Byrne Oracle E.M.E.A. Fulfillment Dept. Unit 14 Phone:8031461 Airways Industrial Estate Fax:8031541 Cloghran email:abyrne Dublin 17. Ireland ****************************************************************************= ** "In Order to find his equal, an Irish Man is forced to talk to God" ****************************************************************************= ** --=_ORCL_6281656_0_0 Content-Type:message/rfc822 Return-Path: Received:from by (SMI-8.6/SMI-4.1) id TAA29113; Wed, 25 Nov 1998 19:07:02 GMT Received:from ( by (5.x/SMI-SVR4) id AA00900; Wed, 25 Nov 1998 19:10:47 GMT Received:from ( []) by (8.9.1/8.9.1) with SMTP id TAA07447 for ; Wed, 25 Nov 1998 19:12:03 GMT Received:from ([]) by via smtpd (for []) with SMTP; 25 Nov 1998 19:12:03 UT Received:from domo by with local (Exim 2.04 #1) id 0zikKr-0000Vx-00 for; Wed, 25 Nov 1998 12:10:45 -0700 Received:from [] ( ident=root) by with esmtp (Exim 2.04 #1) id 0zikKp-0000Vk-00 for; Wed, 25 Nov 1998 12:10:43 -0700 Received:from ( []) by (8.8.8/8.8.5) with SMTP id NAA23608; Wed, 25 Nov 1998 13:45:44 -0500 (EST) Message-Id:<> In-Reply-To: Precedence: bulk MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type:text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding:7bit At 03.44 AM 25/11/98 PST, Rebecca Bezant wrote: >One for mel: > Be my guest if you want to do the download, all that I am saying is that hoax or not, last thing one needs is a positive attitude from one that knows second-hand knowledge of something that is said to be VERY negative. Hunh?? And you still haven't provided your address so I can send the invoice for services after I download and neutralise the virus:-) >Ps: why are we talking computer viruses on a movie email listing? That sure got me stumped. This was the ENTIRE point of my original responce. Sending hoaxes and urban legends to a movies mailing list wastes my time and yours. Are you saying that it is perfectly alright to waste bandwidth sending a computer hoax that is, at the very least, over a year old, but debating the use of resources for said hoax is in itself a waste of resources?? Everyone online for more than a few weeks has seen hoaxes/ULs like this. At least the responces (including the very funny Apple comments) attempted to be educational. Most tried to explain to the original poster his mistake in a nice and pleasant manner. Regards, --Mel --Mel Eperthener president, Gowanna Multi-media Pty email: 419 Butler Street PO Box 95184 Pittsburgh, PA 15223-0184 (412) 781-6140 (412) 781-6380 ____________________________________________ Fear is the path to the Dark Side Fear leads to anger Anger leads to hate Hate leads to sufferring. --Yoda, The Phantom Menace (really cool trailer) ______________________________________________ [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] --=_ORCL_6281656_0_0-- [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Garrett Winters Subject: Re: [MV] Re: Pox Virii+ Freddy vs Jason Date: 25 Nov 1998 23:11:29 +0000 A.Byrne writes >End Of Virus Conversations. Period! >Thanks & Regards, also it would be nice if you could lose the attachments that seem to come with your mail all the time. I don't know what mailer you use but it is something that is controllable. thanks Garrett on a movie note what is the buzz on "Freddy Vs Jason", is there a script yet? [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Rebecca Bezant" Subject: [MV] Pox Virii renewed Date: 26 Nov 1998 02:59:35 PST For one thing, dont "Hunh??" You know well enough of what I was saying, = and for another thing, you dont need my email address to test out for me = to pay to see if your correct of what you think. If you are going to say = something is false or true, prove it yourself as well as paying for it = too. Then tell the results all that you want, cause you don't hear me com= ing on saying something I have not proven at all. Due to those that do = say without proving tell those and the other people go off thinking its = all right cause some says that its not a thing to worry about. Next thing= you know they are stuck with a waste(unless they are insured which was = fortunate for a friend of mine because he, too, thought that a certain = download was no sweat at alland his computer was alot powerful than mine)= . Don't complain for me repeating myself, but prove something before you = open youur lid about your thoughts. Oh and pay for it yourself. dont you just love to think of yourself a wizard when you say this:= "At least the responces (including the very funny Apple comments) atte= mpted to be educational. Most tried to explain to the original poster his mistake in a nice and pleasant manner." I am sure you find the respon= ses laugh-out-loud-funny-attempt-to-break-a-spine hilarious, but being = a little (how does one put it?)BROKE, I dont find it a nice and pleasant = manner, instead I find it rude and offensive for one to just tell another= to buy a macintosh, as if everyone is growing a tree blooming with 20 = dollars bills in place of apples. Oh by the way, I did not in anyway make= a "mistake," I find that you make a mistake saying Dont worry, It wont = bite. Cause all I said Bite or no bite, no one should fill someone's head= with actual knowledge. Cause i am sure you didnt like it that well when = that person that you said that you trusted sent you that virus, and I am = sure no one else does either. Well I believe i wrote too much truth about telling the actual truth = instead of vague assumptions, seems to me like I wrote the same thing abo= ut ten times over, so i think I'll end it here. Thank you all, that made = it here without deleting, for reading this nonsense. Ps: Is this making the slow email more enjoyable, I find it fun, i haven'= t wrote this much email in a while. [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Rebecca Bezant" Date: 26 Nov 1998 03:31:09 PST You know i wrote that other email and read one from some Abyrne gy saying= : End Of Virus Conversations. Period! You know I would love to, but its quite difficult quitting a topic when = you are being mocked for replying to something that doesnt seem right. = Ending it off like you would like one too is like getting punched and not= getting back. Cause it was rude what was said: "Gary didn't realise = that what he was doing was not a good thing. He thought he was being helpful," I find that warning people is a good = thing, I would hate it if a bomb fell on my town and someone warned every= one about it, and they just told to bug off. Who will be the lucky one? = It will be the one that warned us all and packed his bags and left before= it could happened. So people shouldnt be mocked for ACTUALLY helping out= , and its not just a thought either, I am not saying that i believe the = virus is true or false i am saying that I wouldnt risk touching that pack= age. God its late, good night [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Mel Eperthener Subject: Re: [MV] Pox Virii renewed Date: 26 Nov 1998 02:35:45 -0500 At 02.59 AM 26/11/98 PST, Rebecca Bezant wrote: >For one thing, dont "Hunh??"< Excuse me?? EXCUSE ME???? Who the hell gave you such an attitude??? Up to this point, I have tried to be nice. You are making it difficult. I do NOT need your attitude. I put up with less from PAYING CUSTOMERS, which you are not one!!!!! I also planned to let this drop. As Anto said, this is a MOVIE mailing list. This is not the attitude mailing list. Neither is it the Virus Hoax mailing list, which I was trying to explain to the original poster. In addition, next time, try writing in English, and I will not "Hunh?" you. Get rid of the attitude on the list, and my responce will not be on the list, either. > You know well enough of what I was saying, and for another thing, you dont need my email address to test out for me to pay to see if your correct of what you think.< Sweetheart (yes, I know saying that is going to piss you off. That is why I said it. Why should I be the only one pissed off around here??), I don't need your email address. By the action of you posting to a mailing list, we already all have your email address. What I need is a billing address. I need do no research for myself. I already KNOW the truth. If you wish to have proof from me, you will be paying for my time. You have already wasted enough of my time by sticking your nose into an argument that you know nothing about, and making this personal, as well. Also, if you would learn to operate your email programme, this wouldn't be a mass of jumbled letters. An entire paragraph should not be taking up one line (which is what is happening by not being able to properly quote your message). Perhaps you can learn that as soon as you learn to write in English. (NB: I am adding marks to this to show what is being quoted) > If you are going to say something is false or true, prove it yourself as well as paying for it too. Then tell the results all that you want, cause you don't hear me coming on saying something I have not proven at all.< **I** don't NEED to prove it. If you knew anything at all about the internet, neither would you. Get back to me after you have been online more than a few days. In addition, YOU are the one saying things that are not proven. YOU claim that the budwieser frogs hoax is not actually a hoax. Had you done ONE IOTA of research, you would know that you are dead wrong. >Due to those that do say without proving tell those and the other people go off thinking its all right cause some says that its not a thing to worry about. Next thing you know they are stuck with a waste(unless they are insured which was fortunate for a friend of mine because he, too, thought that a certain download was no sweat at alland his computer was alot powerful than mine). Don't complain for me repeating myself, but prove something before you open youur lid about your thoughts. Oh and pay for it yourself.< Here's an idea: Go and get a virus scanning programme. Install it. Run it. Then stop whinging to everyone about virii. You know nothing of which you speak. And then you have the audacity to talk to me with that attitude. I'm sorry that you were foolish enough to download a virus. Once you learn about the internet, I am sure that it will not be happening again. (And God help us if it does) > >dont you just love to think of yourself a wizard when you say this: "At least the responces (including the very funny Apple comments) attempted >to be educational. Most tried to explain to the original poster his >mistake in a nice and pleasant manner." I am sure you find the responses laugh-out-loud-funny-attempt-to-break-a-spine hilarious, but being a little (how does one put it?)BROKE, I dont find it a nice and pleasant manner, instead I find it rude and offensive for one to just tell another to buy a macintosh, as if everyone is growing a tree blooming with 20 dollars bills in place of apples.< Oh, more whinging. Hey, I use a Wintel machine, as well. And if you are so broke, how can you afford internet access?? Just asking, as enquiring minds wish to know. If the worst you can complain about is not owning a Mac, and having mistakenly downloaded a virus, then you have no right to have such an attitude. If your economic situation was so dire, this would also be the least of your worries. Either way, this is a MOVIES mailing list, and no one wished to hear about virii and virii hoaxes. >Ps: Is this making the slow email more enjoyable, I find it fun, i haven't wrote this much email in a while.< Well, that is nice. However, I am sure that most people here would like to hear about MOVIES. For those people, I truly apologise for wasting your time. However, I felt a need to defend myself from this attitude. Unless attacked again, I will take everything to private email. I urge anyone else willing to comment do the same (assuming that they are able to figure out how to send mail to my address instead of the list) Regards, --Mel (OK, the following came in after I wrote the above. I wanted to write it all together) >Cause it was rude what was said: "Gary didn't realise that what he was doing was not a good thing. He >thought he was being helpful," You find THIS rude?? That I stuck up for Gary?? Then how would you catagorise your behaviour?? And, truth to tell, you ain't seen nothing yet, if you want to talk rude. > I find that warning people is a good thing, I would hate it if a bomb fell on my town and someone warned everyone about it, and they just told to bug off. Who will be the lucky one? It will be the one that warned us all and packed his bags and left before it could happened.< Or how about this scenario?? Someone warns you that a bomb is coming. Industry shuts down, people leave their possessions to the looters, civilisation in this town ends. AND THE BOMB NEVER COMES!!!!!!!!!!!! Or you can just go build a bomb shelter in the woods, leave civilisation behind, and wait for the end instead of contributing to the end not coming. Of course, I have no idea how someone with no money is going to afford to spend the rest of her days in a bomb shelter. Just to keep things modestly on topic, both are movie plots. We can discuss that for a bit. Or look with more detail into the story of The Boy Who Cried Wolf. Once again, regards, --Mel --Mel Eperthener president, Gowanna Multi-media Pty email: 419 Butler Street PO Box 95184 Pittsburgh, PA 15223-0184 (412) 781-6140 (412) 781-6380 1-888-45-GOWANNA -- TOLL FREE (1-888-454-6926) ____________________________________________ "Mulder, if you had to do without a cell phone for two minutes, you'd lapse into catatonic schizophrenia" --Dana Scully ______________________________________________ [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "ABYRNE.IE.ORACLE.COM" Subject: [MV] Re:Attachments Date: 26 Nov 1998 08:15:28 +0000 --=_ORCL_6283729_0_0 Content-Transfer-Encoding:quoted-printable Content-Type:text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" I apologise for the attachments, I mail from a dumb terminal, and have no control over these little attachments. Are they that big(K wise). If so, I apologise. Thanks & Regards, ****************************************************************************= ** ****************************************************************************= ** Anto Byrne Oracle E.M.E.A. Fulfillment Dept. Unit 14 Phone:8031461 Airways Industrial Estate Fax:8031541 Cloghran email:abyrne Dublin 17. Ireland ****************************************************************************= ** "In Order to find his equal, an Irish Man is forced to talk to God" ****************************************************************************= ** --=_ORCL_6283729_0_0 Content-Type:message/rfc822 Return-Path: Message-Id:<> Precedence: bulk MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type:text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding:7bit A.Byrne writes >End Of Virus Conversations. Period! >Thanks & Regards, also it would be nice if you could lose the attachments that seem to come with your mail all the time. I don't know what mailer you use but it is something that is controllable. thanks Garrett on a movie note what is the buzz on "Freddy Vs Jason", is there a script yet? [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] --=_ORCL_6283729_0_0-- [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Oz Subject: Re: [MV] Re: Freddy vs Jason Date: 26 Nov 1998 22:24:43 -0800 Garrett Winters wrote: > > on a movie note what is the buzz on "Freddy Vs Jason", is there a script > yet? According to one of the regular users at Hollywood Bitchslap ( a few weeks back, Kane Hodder (Jason - and incidentally one of the stuntmen on Enemy Of The State) made an appearance at (I think) DragonCon and said the script was finally coming together. It's taken a few years and lot's of drafts that ended up in the shredder, but the word is that they finally have a premise that works and a script that doesn't suck chunks. Both Robert Englund and Kane Hodder signed on long ago and it can only be good news that they're waiting until they get a good script before green-lighting it. Maybe they can avoid making something as awful as Halloween: H20 or Urban Legend. -------{{{{OZ}}}}------------------------------------------ [sick of being ripped off at the movies?] ..*HOLLYWOOD BITCHSLAP*.. TAKE YOUR BEST SHOT -------------- ------------- [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Garrett Winters Subject: Re: [MV] Re: Freddy vs Jason Date: 26 Nov 1998 19:27:31 +0000 Oz writes >It's taken a few years and lot's of drafts that ended up in the >shredder, but the word is that they finally have a premise that >works and a script that doesn't suck chunks. Both Robert Englund and >Kane Hodder signed on long ago and it can only be good news that >they're waiting until they get a good script before green-lighting >it. Thanks for that, I'd read that it was slowly inching towards the light. finally after years of waiting for some of my most wanted films they are nearly here( xmen and F vs J). Now all I want is Spiderman and Predator Vs Alien( there is bound to be a decent story in there but it would probably have to include humans as I can't see a studio backing it without them). Garrett [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Garrett Winters Subject: Re: [MV] Re:Attachments Date: 26 Nov 1998 19:40:18 +0000 > A.Byrne writes >I apologise for the attachments, I mail from a dumb terminal, and have no >control over these little attachments. Are they that big(K wise). I didn't think you might have no control over it, they aren't that big (13k) it's just seeing an attachment from a non personal source can be perturbing at times and with the bulk of mail I get here at home a few random attachments every day means I have to clean out my download folder fairly regularly to keep it tidy. if there is nothing you can do don't worry about it. garrett [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bill Code Subject: Re: [MV] Pox Virii renewed Date: 26 Nov 1998 13:13:52 -0700 Excuse me Rebecca, but my Apple comment was not ment to offend. It was more of a comment that in the 13+ years that I've been working with computers, my Mac(s) haven't been infected with ANY type of virus. That's not necessarily saying that there are no Mac viruses, I will assure you there are, but Mac's are harder to "hurt". As for blooming $20 bills instead of apples. I wasn't aware that Macintosh was anymore expensive that ANY other equivalant brand of computer. Mac's are just faster and easier to use. Sorry for this non movie-related response folks. Bill Code Code Dlugos & Associates of Victoria 250-995-4191 [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Lillian Lepinath Subject: [MV] Predator Vs Alien (was Freddy VS Jason) Date: 27 Nov 1998 10:23:43 +1000 > Now all I want is Spiderman and Predator >Vs Alien( there is bound to be a decent story in there but it would >probably have to include humans as I can't see a studio backing it >without them). >Garrett > Garrett, Wasn't there an Atari Jaguar game along the lines of Predator Vs Alien? If I remember correctly, there were humans involved, but usually only as fodder... I think there were a few scenario's where the player was human and had the fun of attacking both Predator and Alien... but don't quote me on that, since I've never played the actual game and have only seen it in action once or twice. I do remember, however, the game's atmosphere was brilliant. But, as for a movie, I agree, I don't see how there could be a film with does not include a character which is human or has human-like qualities... that's not exactly right, it could be done in some way (and I would like to see a film along those lines), but probably not with studio backing, as you've said. Does anyone think that a Pred. vs A. film could be done where neither are affiliated to humans in anyway? Right now, I can only see a story line where one is token 'good', allied to humans for some just cause... like rescuing some colony or saving the planet etc etc etc... just a thought. Comments? Teck [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Gregory A. Swarthout" Subject: [MV] Movie News - 11/25/98 Date: 26 Nov 1998 18:44:05 -0700 (MST) Movie director and producer Alan Pakula, who made such hits as "To Kill a Mockingbird," "Klute," "All the President's Men" and "Sophie's Choice," was killed in a freak accident Thursday. Pakula, 70, was driving on the Long Island Expressway when a seven-foot-long metal bar on the roadway flew up and crashed through the windshield of his car, striking him on the head and causing the vehicle to swerve across a service road and hit a fence, said Suffolk County (NY) police. He was pronounced dead at 12:22 p.m. at the North Shore University Hospital. Pakula's family said he had been on his way to his home in East Hampton to work on "No Ordinary Time," a screenplay about the White House during the era of Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt. Pakula was nominated for an Academy award as best director for "All the President's Men" and nominated for best screenplay for "Sophie's Choice," which he also directed. His most recent film was "The Devil's Own," with Harrison Ford and Brad Pitt. -=> * <=- Will Smith is in talks to star in a remake of "A Star Is Born" for Warner Bros., with the studio seeking to pair him with a major female singing star and add a new twist to the tale. "Star" was first made in 1937 with Fredric March and Janet Gaynor, again in 1954 with Judy Garland and James Mason and in 1976 with Barbra Streisand and Kris Kristofferson. Those films featured a male star who discovers and falls in love with a young woman whose fame begins to eclipse his. The new version features a gender role reversal, with Smith as the young unknown who falls in love with a femme superstar. -=> * <=- Mariah Carey wants to break into movies and she hopes a movie cameo will help her kick off an acting career, says USA Today. Carey is said to be considering a number of small roles, including one in "The Bachelor," which tells the story of a single young man who will inherit a large sum of money if he weds by a certain deadline. Chris O'Donnell and Renee Zellweger will star in the film. -=> * <=- "Titanic" star Kate Winslet married assistant film director Jim Threapleton Sunday in what the vicar described as "a normal wedding as far as we were concerned." Security was tight at the ceremony at the church in the town of Reading, England. About 150 guests, including actress Emma Thompson, attended. After the half-hour service, the 23-year-old actress, in a white Edwardian-style gown, posed briefly for photographs with her 25-year-old husband. (They met last year in Morocco on the set of the movie "Hideous Kinky," which has yet to be released.) "It was quite amazing," the bride said of the wedding. "It was the most amazing day of our lives." She said the exchange of vows was the highlight. "I think it was an incredible feeling." -=> * <=- Director Francis Ford Coppola plans to remake the movie "Gidget" and wants John Travolta to play Kahoona, the aging king of the surfers, says USA Today. "I've admired Travolta in the past, and he has given great performances recently," Coppola told the paper. "When I finish the script (for the musical called "The Big Kahoona"), I'm certainly going to send it to him and offer him the role." Travolta's manager says his client has received, and rejected, thousands of musical pitches and scripts over the last 14 years. However, he said, "Francis is a great, authentic and original filmmaker. He could be the guy who comes up with the screenplay John is looking for." -=> * <=- Adam Sandler's low-brow comedy "The Waterboy" was deposed by an animated film about babies in diapers. "The Rugrats Movie," based on a popular cable cartoon, topped the weekend box-office returns with a take of $28 million, while "The Waterboy" slipped to No. 3 after two weeks in the top spot. "Enemy of the State," a political thriller starring Will Smith and Gene Hackman, opened at No. 2 with $20.3 million. The Brad Pitt vehicle "Meet Joe Black" slipped a notch to fourth with $8.6 million, while the horror sequel "I Still Know What You Did Last Summer" slid three places to fifth with $7.2 million. The new Woody Allen movie "Celebrity," which features a neat cameo by Leonardo DiCaprio, made its debut with $1.7 million on 493 screens (vs. 2,782 screens for "Rugrats"). [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tonya =)" Subject: Re: [MV] Re: Freddy vs Jason Date: 26 Nov 1998 22:55:15 -0600 Oz wrote: > Maybe they can avoid making something as awful as Halloween: H20 or > Urban Legend. I happend to really like Urbal Legend. What was so wrong with it? I thought it was a rather clever story idea... -Tonya ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today." -James Dean [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Oz Subject: Re: [MV] Re: Freddy vs Jason Date: 27 Nov 1998 17:02:00 -0800 "Tonya =)" wrote: > > I happend to really like Urbal Legend. What was so wrong with it? I > thought it was a rather clever story idea... Oh, it was. That's what made the awful execution of it so hard to take. A great premise ruined by untalented cast (except Jordan Catalano and Billy Bibbit), plotholes the size of your average small truck and about seventy five occasions where music builds as if something's about to happen only for it to be one of those "oh, it was you, you scared me" moments. All in all a complete waste of the best premise for a horror film in recent memory. ""The dog got fried in the microwave! That's scary/funny!" <--- not heard -------{{{{OZ}}}}------------------------------------------ [sick of being ripped off at the movies?] ..*HOLLYWOOD BITCHSLAP*.. TAKE YOUR BEST SHOT -------------- [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Oz Subject: Re: [MV] Predator Vs Alien (was Freddy VS Jason) Date: 27 Nov 1998 17:05:45 -0800 Lillian Lepinath wrote: > > Does anyone think that a Pred. vs A. film could be done where neither are > affiliated to humans in anyway? Right now, I can only see a story line > where one is token 'good', allied to humans for some just cause... like > rescuing some colony or saving the planet etc etc etc... just a thought. If they can do a Freddy vs Jason movie, who says there needs to be a good guy? But I can't see it happening after the botch job done on Predator 2 and the predicted botch job that will be the next Alien episode. (Alien comes to earth inside Wynona. Fun ensues.) Both franchises (Alien and Preddy) are owned by studios, so if the studios don't make it, it won't be made. Personally I'm waiting to see the big screen adaption of Preacher. Now that will be a kickass gory movie. -------{{{{OZ}}}}------------------------------------------ [sick of being ripped off at the movies?] ..*HOLLYWOOD BITCHSLAP*.. TAKE YOUR BEST SHOT -------------- [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Rebecca Bezant" Subject: [MV] Here's the best response I got and the usual rude one. And a movie related question. Amazing, huh? Date: 27 Nov 1998 03:55:01 PST One for Bill, I just got your letter tonight about what I thought to be rude, and = I would like to thank you for a much better explaination of what you sent= before hand. Thanks, it definetly seemed to be a heck of alot more nicer= resonse than that I have been getting from Mel. Yet Another for Mel, "Excuse me?? EXCUSE ME????" Well, to quote from the character Lt. Col. = Slade from 'Scent of a Woman'(just to keep a little of this letter movie = related upon your request)"No, I don't think I will!" For one thing, my = attitude that you say I have you should know of course is reflected from = your mockery of what I have said in my past few email, so please don't = tell me you were nice. And I still love this line of yours, " I am giving= you the benefit of thedoubt that you read my entire message, although = your reply does leave that in doubt." Has it ever occured to you that = maybe you didnt read my entire message when the mail arrives? " YOU are = the one saying things that are not proven. YOU claim that the budwieser = frogs hoax is not actually a hoax. Had you done ONE IOTA of research, = you would know that you are dead wrong" Ok here is a challange for you= , please go and recap my emails and tell me exactly where it was that I = have said that it was not a hoax. You will never find it because I never = said it. All that I have said is that people should not tell that others = to go ahead for the download to put themself in risk. But you are correct= , I have not proven myself and i haven't been done ONE IOTA of reseach. = But I do know that people's money are on the line, that most wouldnt like= to waste. And for the comment on being online for a few days, I don't know how = long you have been on, could be five to seven years or more, but I've bee= n on for the past two years in places from downloadable applications to = games and chatrooms as well as mirc chat and instant messaging(and of = course this source of email would be included), so you can stop thinking = of me as the internet child, cause I have grown up. Oh and by the way I work at a fast food place and I live with my mothe= r, if you dont relize the amount of cash that is earned, then do the rese= arch, cause i dont know any thing about the company in which you are pres= ident of, but with my earned amount, I pay for my internet access of $18 = a month and gas for the car, food and real needs and a couple wants, whic= h leave me broke. There is your answer that your enquired minds have now = received. And oh god, another thing, you know how I said that I live with my moth= er, well, she is the one that does most of the emails, so I put it her = name and just usually dont put in my name on emails, although a few times= on the mailing list I have said to write to Tim. So dont start getting = mad at my mom. I just hope that Mel is short for Melanie, cause you just = called a guy sweetheart, pal. Thank you for wasted time, and about the = english, go back to school, its not hard at all to figure out what I said= in that letter, even my 9 year old nephew knew what I was talking about = when I wrote it. And for the movie question, I have been curious ever since the Academy = Awards back in spring when I heard that actor J. T. Walsh died. What exa= ctly did he die from? I never could find anything else about it. [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "ABYRNE.IE.ORACLE.COM" Subject: Re: [MV] Predator Vs Alien Date: 27 Nov 1998 10:12:10 +0000 --=_ORCL_6298071_0_0 Content-Transfer-Encoding:quoted-printable Content-Type:text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Sigourney said that she only agreed to do Alien Resurection if they agreed to scrap the Alien Vs. Predator idea, which they supposedley did. I have playeed a game though, in the Arcade, called Alien Vs. Predator, which was brilliant, and had the potential for a great film. It was that the Predators came to Earth, to find it had been overrun with Aliens, and together with a male( I think based on Arnie) and a female( Not Weaver, but it could be a good idea), they worked together to rid the Aliens. Any one think that this could be a good film??? Thanks & Regards, ****************************************************************************= ** ****************************************************************************= ** Anto Byrne Oracle E.M.E.A. Fulfillment Dept. Unit 14 Phone:8031461 Airways Industrial Estate Fax:8031541 Cloghran email:abyrne Dublin 17. Ireland ****************************************************************************= ** "In Order to find his equal, an Irish Man is forced to talk to God" ****************************************************************************= ** --=_ORCL_6298071_0_0 Content-Type:message/rfc822 Return-Path: Message-Id: In-Reply-To:<> Precedence: bulk MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type:text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding:7bit > Now all I want is Spiderman and Predator >Vs Alien( there is bound to be a decent story in there but it would >probably have to include humans as I can't see a studio backing it >without them). >Garrett > Garrett, Wasn't there an Atari Jaguar game along the lines of Predator Vs Alien? If I remember correctly, there were humans involved, but usually only as fodder... I think there were a few scenario's where the player was human and had the fun of attacking both Predator and Alien... but don't quote me on that, since I've never played the actual game and have only seen it in action once or twice. I do remember, however, the game's atmosphere was brilliant. But, as for a movie, I agree, I don't see how there could be a film with does not include a character which is human or has human-like qualities... that's not exactly right, it could be done in some way (and I would like to see a film along those lines), but probably not with studio backing, as you've said. Does anyone think that a Pred. vs A. film could be done where neither are affiliated to humans in anyway? Right now, I can only see a story line where one is token 'good', allied to humans for some just cause... like rescuing some colony or saving the planet etc etc etc... just a thought. Comments? Teck [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] --=_ORCL_6298071_0_0-- [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "greuel" Subject: [MV] Movie Mailing List administrative message Date: 27 Nov 1998 18:16:21 cet Dear members of the movie mailing list, to ensure that our business remains on the cutting edge of movie mailing lists we are proud to announce the following changes: Movie Mailing List (c) has recently acquired Mailbomb Inc.(TM) ( and we are proud to announce that from this day on every spam, flame or off-topic mail will enter the lottery to win a totally free mailbombing. The lucky monthly winner will receive 20MB of free emails by or the biggest distributors of quality information delivered right into your mailbox. You will also be eligible to enter the anual hoax award and win your own e-mail virus that will be distributed all over the world with the following message: is a five year old girl/boy dying from cancer. Her/his only wish is to get as many e-mail greetings as possible. Please forward this mail to all your friends and send your best wishes at . God bless you for your kindheartedness. The Wishful Thinking Corporation We noticed that there are still some of you out there encountering an unsurmountable need to state the superiority of the IT company of your choice. Thus we are proud to announce that two new mailinglists have been set up, on which you may openly discuss the merits or flaws of your favourite IT company. To subscribe send mail to or and put "subscribe" in the subject line. We had several requests from people receiving unsolicited virus warnings, flames or spam asking how they can thank the distributors for the valuable information given. We acknowledge the importance of sharing your gratitude with these helping hands and would like to encourage the senders to add their complete home address and phone number to their mails, so that our customers have the opportunity to thank the distributors personally in whatever way they deem fair. Some of those ways could include the sending of your beloved deceased pets. Be sure to express your gratitude with a reverse charge call at any time of day (or night) wherever on the globe you are living. This is also a great way to make new friends. For those of you who find that the general public is not caring enough about the griefs and sorrows of having to live with your mother and not being able to afford a car and an internet service provider at the same time, we have hired a highly trained and well educated counsellor. Please send your problems to Always remember their motto: "Someone out there is willling to listen to you!" Please excuse this off-topic mail, but Movie Mailing List wants to make sure that you continue to enjoy our services. We hope that you employ these recent changes to your complete satisfaction and will resume discussing those great pieces of celluloid that shape our lifes. Yours sincerely, Innigs Sistent Chairman of Movie Mailing List --- - abomiNation "One must still have chaos in one to give birth to a dancing star" Friedrich Nietzsche [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Jason Cormier" Subject: [MV] Very Bad Things about A Bug's Life Date: 28 Nov 1998 00:57:46 -0800 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_000B_01BE1A6A.2B4EE980 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable No Bug's Life is not bad - this is one of those two-fers again! =20 A Bug's Life - great animation, good characters - very Disney. = Everything is cute and cuddly (except the bad gus who get their just = desserts if you can believe it!) and there are a lot of medium sized = laughs throughout. Good little story - ant's version of Three Amigos. = The funniest part is after the movie ends and they show us out-takes = (Out-takes? But this is animation!!! Very funny!) Entertaining - kids = will love it - it'll make gobs of dough and everyone will be happy. A = 78% rating from me (I liked Antz more!) Very Bad Things with bad boy Cristian Slater and Swinger Jon Favreau and = Girl of the Moment Cameron Diaz. The only word that can sum up this = movie is...ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous! None of it makes sense, the = dialogue is bad, some of the acting is terrible, the characters are 2 = dimensional stereotypes...but I enjoyed myself! This is Shallow Grave = for the Scream Generation. No character development allowed - just = excessive deaths. All improbable - nothing is rational - but I found = myself laughing at the goriest of situations! (I'm not that crazy - = other audience members were laughing too!) But it could be due to the = fact that I was raised on cheesey horror flicks! I give it a 75% but = don't really recommend this one to everyone out there! ------=_NextPart_000_000B_01BE1A6A.2B4EE980 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
No Bug's Life is not bad - this is = one of those=20 two-fers again! 
A Bug's Life - great animation, good = characters=20 - very Disney.  Everything is cute and cuddly (except the bad gus = who get=20 their just desserts if you can believe it!) and there are a lot of = medium sized=20 laughs throughout.  Good little story - ant's version of Three=20 Amigos.  The funniest part is after the movie ends and they show us = out-takes (Out-takes?  But this is animation!!!  Very = funny!) =20 Entertaining - kids will love it - it'll make gobs of dough and everyone = will be=20 happy.  A 78% rating from me (I liked Antz more!)
Very Bad Things with bad boy = Cristian Slater and=20 Swinger Jon Favreau and Girl of the Moment Cameron Diaz.  The only = word=20 that can sum up this movie is...ridiculous!  Utterly = ridiculous!  None=20 of it makes sense, the dialogue is bad, some of the acting is terrible, = the=20 characters are 2 dimensional stereotypes...but I enjoyed myself!  = This is=20 Shallow Grave for the Scream Generation.  No character development = allowed=20 - just excessive deaths.  All improbable - nothing is rational - = but I=20 found myself laughing at the goriest of situations!  (I'm not that = crazy -=20 other audience members were laughing too!)  But it could be due to = the fact=20 that I was raised on cheesey horror flicks!  I give it a 75% but = don't=20 really recommend this one to everyone out = there!
------=_NextPart_000_000B_01BE1A6A.2B4EE980-- [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Rebecca Bezant" Subject: Re: [MV] Movie Mailing List administrative message reponse Date: 28 Nov 1998 03:24:53 PST I just received the email below my message, and I must admid that even = though I know that it directed toward me, I found it very entertaining = that I found myself laughing through it, so if your intention was made = to offend me, it certainly did not work(you seriously need lessons in bei= ng more rude), but I am curious, since this is a movie list, don't you = think it should be celebporn instead of the regular tripple X stuff? Just= wondering, cause I am e\getting bored of the amataur pics that I get. = And if you were thinking of qualifying me for the contest, when I receiv= ed this following letter I was in the middle of writing to Mel at his own= email address, so if you curious of what I wrote contact him for the mes= sage. So what I am saying is that this here is my final off-topic email = and that I do apologize for putting those people out there suffering from= slow awaited emails through such excitement. Tim "Tell him, Thank you, it's nice to bomb in another language." -Robin Williams 'Good Morning, Vienam' ---------- > Dear members of the movie mailing list, > > to ensure that our business remains on the cutting edge of movie > mailing lists we are proud to announce the following changes: > > Movie Mailing List (c) has recently acquired Mailbomb Inc.(TM) > ( and we are proud to announce that from > this day on every spam, flame or off-topic mail will enter the lottery = > to win a totally free mailbombing. The lucky monthly winner will > receive 20MB of free emails by or > the biggest distributors of quality > information delivered right into your mailbox. > > You will also be eligible to enter the anual hoax award and win your = > own e-mail virus that will be distributed all over the world with the = > following message: > > is a five year old girl/boy dying from cancer. > Her/his only wish is to get as many e-mail greetings as > possible. Please forward this mail to all your friends and send > your best wishes at . > God bless you for your kindheartedness. > > The Wishful Thinking Corporation > > We noticed that there are still some of you out there encountering > an unsurmountable need to state the superiority of the IT company > of your choice. Thus we are proud to announce that two new > mailinglists have been set up, on which you may openly discuss the > merits or flaws of your favourite IT company. > > To subscribe send mail to > or > > and put "subscribe" in the subject line. > > We had several requests from people receiving unsolicited virus > warnings, flames or spam asking how they can thank the distributors > for the valuable information given. We acknowledge the importance > of sharing your gratitude with these helping hands and would like to = > encourage the senders to add their complete home address and > phone number to their mails, so that our customers have the > opportunity to thank the distributors personally in whatever way > they deem fair. Some of those ways could include the sending of your = > beloved deceased pets. > > Be sure to express your gratitude with a reverse charge call at any > time of day (or night) wherever on the globe you are living. This is = > also a great way to make new friends. > > For those of you who find that the general public is not caring enough = > about the griefs and sorrows of having to live with your mother and > not being able to afford a car and an internet service provider at the = > same time, we have hired a highly trained and well educated > counsellor. Please send your problems to > Always remember their motto: "Someone out there is willling to listen = > to you!" > > Please excuse this off-topic mail, but Movie Mailing List wants to make > sure that you continue to enjoy our services. We hope that you > employ these recent changes to your complete satisfaction and will > resume discussing those great pieces of celluloid that shape our lifes. > > Yours sincerely, > > Innigs Sistent > Chairman of Movie Mailing List > > > --- > - abomiNation > "One must still have chaos in one > to give birth to a dancing star" > Friedrich Nietzsche > > [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] > [ movies (without the quotes) to ] > [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Oz Subject: Re: [MV] Very Bad Things about A Bug's Life Date: 28 Nov 1998 23:35:19 -0800 > Jason Cormier wrote: > The funniest part is after the movie ends and > they show us *SNIP* (*SNIP*? But this is animation!!! Very > funny!) Thanks for the spoiler, Jason. Try to consider people who haven't seen the movie. -------{{{{OZ}}}}------------------------------------------ [sick of being ripped off at the movies?] ..*HOLLYWOOD BITCHSLAP*.. TAKE YOUR BEST SHOT ------------ ------------ [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Jason Cormier" Subject: Re: [MV] Very Bad Things about A Bug's Life Date: 28 Nov 1998 17:49:40 -0800 Chill out bud...I didn't give anything about the movie away at all. No mention of the plot in my reviews - ever. I hate when critics et al give away plot elements or character decisions - but what I mentioned happens after the movie and I was mentioning it to make sure that everyone stayed to watch it cause in the theatre I saw it in half the people had already left the theatre and missed out on some funny material. I don't think that by knowing that this section of the movie exists will ruin any enjoyment of said scene. -----Original Message----- >> Jason Cormier wrote: >> The funniest part is after the movie ends and >> they show us *SNIP* (*SNIP*? But this is animation!!! Very >> funny!) > >Thanks for the spoiler, Jason. >Try to consider people who haven't seen the movie. > >-------{{{{OZ}}}}------------------------------------------ > [sick of being ripped off at the movies?] > ..*HOLLYWOOD BITCHSLAP*.. TAKE YOUR BEST SHOT >------------ ------------ > >[ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] >[ movies (without the quotes) to ] > [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Oz Subject: Re: [MV] spoilers and their habitats Date: 29 Nov 1998 13:33:33 -0800 Jason Cormier wrote: > > Chill out bud...I didn't give anything about the movie away at all. Dude, in evvery review of the movie I've seen (mine included) there has been something akin to "don't leave early, the credits are the best part of the film". Explaining exactly what they contain is a spoiler. Spoilers ruin the surprise for people who haven't seen it yet. Glad to have educated you. -------{{{{OZ}}}}------------------------------------------ [sick of being ripped off at the movies?] ..*HOLLYWOOD BITCHSLAP*.. TAKE YOUR BEST SHOT ------------- ----------- [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Mel Eperthener Subject: [MV] In Negotiations Date: 29 Nov 1998 00:46:46 -0500 First off, to get back on topic, I was wondering if anyone has any comments on The Negotiator (recently released on video). I have liked Kevin Spacey's work since The Usual Suspects. (One of my all-time favourites. If you have not seen it, go. Now. You will not be disappointed) I thought both he and Samuel L Jackson played great characters. Very strong, and kept you guessing. There have been many suspense movies released lately. They all could have taken lessons from this film (which I don't even consider of that genre) on how to keep the audience on the edge of their seats. And finally I wish to apolgise to the list for my recent behaviour. I wish to note that neither the ListMum nor anyone else on the list has complained to me directly. However, considering the number of lists I am on (and I even manage a list on which this behaviour is NOT tolerated), *I* should know better. The conversation has gone to private email, and I just want to apologise for wasting everyone's time, and to state that I will endeavour to keep my rants on topic from now on.:-) Regards, --Mel --Mel Eperthener president, Gowanna Multi-media Pty Please support the endeavour of a friend and fellow Australian. Political Corrections by Michael Jaymes Cassidy ____________________________________________ Fear is the path to the Dark Side Fear leads to anger Anger leads to hate Hate leads to sufferring. --Yoda, The Phantom Menace (really cool trailer) ______________________________________________ [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Rebecca Bezant" Subject: Re: [MV] In Negotiations Date: 29 Nov 1998 03:01:56 PST Well Mel, There is two movies I would have to agree with you on. When I first = saw 'The Usual Supects' I was totally blown away. Its sometimes rare to = come across a real good suspense/mystery like that of Keiser Sosie(or = however you spell it), Spacey did a excellent job of the two faced Verbal= Kent, but for those who havent seen it, I'll keep it a mystery for you = to check out. And I rented 'The Negotiator' and "Doctor Dolittle' on = Tuesday, and they are also two great movies to check out. 'Doctor Dolittl= e' although at a short 85 minutes, is enjoyable as Eddie Murphey's other = '60 movie remake "The Nutty Professor'. Here he plays a People doctor who= , when he was young was able to commmunicate with animals then his father= made him forget, after a while later, he grows up and finds out he can = still talk, but everyone around him thinks he is quite looney. But I am = sure you all have heard the story so I'll continue on... 'The Negotiator,' I believe is the best hostage movie I have ever seen= . Not only does it have two of my few favorites actors Sam Jackson and = Kevin Spacey, but the outcome of the ending is as well totally different = than what I have expected it like in other hostage movies. I dont really = want to say anymore about the ending, I don't want get yelled at for spoi= ling, but the start of the movie is where one of the best hostage negotia= tors is framed for the murder of his best friend and so he goes and takes= four people hostage at the city's Internal Affairs so he can find the = killer and why he was framed. If anyone doesnt feel like they have time = for sitting through movies with a length of 138 minutes, you better make= time time, or you will miss one heck of a great movie. And on a final note, I also rented "The Horse Whisperer'. When this = movie came out I rememebered reading little articles on it, and I thought= it would be some boring pony lesson with a lenghth of 168 minutes. So = I rented it, due to the fact the the only other new release out that week= was Small Soldiers(which is a real funny film to watch). And I found thi= s movie to be a real surprise, I found myself upset when the truck hit = the two girls and the two horses. Along with that, it was interesting how= the movie went from there with the one girl and one very, grumpy horse = that lived go to a Montana ranch to get the horse well. The only thing = about the movie I really didnt care for was the extra 10 minutes focused = on the small romance between Robert Redford and Kristen Scott Thomas' cha= racters, did anyone else that seen it found that part a waste since it = didnt amount to anything? Tim ---------- > First off, to get back on topic, I was wondering if anyone has any comm= ents > on The Negotiator (recently released on video). I have liked Kevin > Spacey's work since The Usual Suspects. (One of my all-time favourites= . > If you have not seen it, go. Now. You will not be disappointed) I > thought both he and Samuel L Jackson played great characters. Very str= ong, > and kept you guessing. There have been many suspense movies released > lately. They all could have taken lessons from this film (which I don'= t > even consider of that genre) on how to keep the audience on the edge = of > their seats. > > And finally I wish to apolgise to the list for my recent behaviour. = I wish > to note that neither the ListMum nor anyone else on the list has compla= ined > to me directly. However, considering the number of lists I am on (and = I > even manage a list on which this behaviour is NOT tolerated), *I* shoul= d > know better. The conversation has gone to private email, and I just = want > to apologise for wasting everyone's time, and to state that I will > endeavour to keep my rants on topic from now on.:-) > > Regards, > > --Mel > > > --Mel Eperthener > president, Gowanna Multi-media Pty > > Please support the endeavour > of a friend and fellow Australian. > > Political Corrections by Michael Jaymes Cassidy > > > ____________________________________________ > Fear is the path to the Dark Side > Fear leads to anger > Anger leads to hate > Hate leads to sufferring. > > --Yoda, The Phantom Menace > (really cool trailer) > ______________________________________________ > > [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] > [ movies (without the quotes) to ] > [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [MV] MovieJuice! - A Special Invitation for Subscribers Date: 29 Nov 1998 15:16:43 -0500 (EST) IN PLACE OF THIS WEEK'S MOVIEJUICE, A SPECIAL INVITATION FOR MOVIEJUICE SUBSCRIBERS! Announcing the first annual JUICIES! An awards ceremony with the tongue firmly planted in cheek. Celebrating the Breast - er - Best of Hollywood in 1998. And YOU can help us create the awards and pick the winners! GOT A WACKY CATEGORY? Have an outlandish category in mind? Something clever and funny? Then send it to us and we'll consider it for our end-of-year awards issue! GOT A NOMINEE IN MIND? Know a star turn which deserves a dubiously honorable JUICY? Just send us the name, the film, and why that actor's deserving. And don't expect his/her thanks for the nomination! JUST REPLY TO THIS EMAIL WITH YOUR SILLY CATEGORIES AND DESERVING NOMINEES! Reminder: Nothing X-Rated but Hard R is AOK. Anything that smacks of that vacuum-like brain freeze called the MTV Movie Awards will be auto-flamed. GOOD LUCK! Next week in MovieJuice! - PSYCHO [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Jason Cormier" Subject: Re: [MV] spoilers and their habitats Date: 29 Nov 1998 16:20:08 -0800 I hardly find myself "educated" by you at all buddy. I think you need a Valium for taking this way too seriously...As I said before - half of the theatre left and did not see some funny bits - I wanted to make sure that other people who see it - do not leave early. The movie is over...there is no more surprises left in the movie - no more plot devices left's over. That is not what a spoiler is. A spoiler ruins part of the movie for you - like finding out who is related to Luke Skywalker. What you are implying is that any knowledge whatsoever about the movie before going in is a spoiler - knowing that it's about bug's or that Dave Foley does the voice of the main character. If this is the case then I would recommend that you never read another review for the rest of your life. -----Original Message----- >Jason Cormier wrote: >> >> Chill out bud...I didn't give anything about the movie away at all. > >Dude, in evvery review of the movie I've seen (mine included) there >has been something akin to "don't leave early, the credits are the >best part of the film". Explaining exactly what they contain is a >spoiler. Spoilers ruin the surprise for people who haven't seen it >yet. > >Glad to have educated you. > >-------{{{{OZ}}}}------------------------------------------ > [sick of being ripped off at the movies?] > ..*HOLLYWOOD BITCHSLAP*.. TAKE YOUR BEST SHOT >------------- ----------- > >[ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] >[ movies (without the quotes) to ] > [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Oz Subject: Re: [MV] spoilers and their habitats Date: 30 Nov 1998 10:00:55 -0800 At the risk of flogging Trigger long after he's turned to glue (and this will be my last word on the topic since my point has been made a lot)... Dude. When you saw the movie, you were *surprised* at what the end credits contained. You then spoiled that surprise for others. That is a spoiler. Whether or not it was integral to the story, whether it contained the secret to who is the ant world's Keyser Soze, or whether it was just a happy little joke, you spoiled. What you could have said instead... "Don't leave before the credits." "The credits are the funniest part of the film" "There's a surprise at the end, don't leave early." Now I'm not going to go into your insults. Hopefully this mail will prevent other people from making the same mistake that you did. I know you're not an idiot, you just resembled one for a minute. Jason Cormier wrote: > > I hardly find myself "educated" by you at all buddy. I think you need a > Valium for taking this way too seriously...As I said before - half of the -SNIP- End of thread. Back to important things. -------{{{{OZ}}}}------------------------------------------ [sick of being ripped off at the movies?] ..*HOLLYWOOD BITCHSLAP*.. TAKE YOUR BEST SHOT -------------- [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [MV] Film Threat Weekly : 11-30-98 : Take 49 Date: 29 Nov 1998 17:51:11 EST Visit FILM THREAT ONLINE for a satirical look at the Star Wars: Episode 1 poster! Plus FILM THREAT T-SHIRTS are here!!! Our T-Shirts cure nudity on contact! FILM THREAT WEEKLY "Hollywood's Indie Voice of the New Millennium" ============================= Take 49 : November 30th, 1998 ============================= ============================= "Kirk was wrong when he said I didn't know where movie scripts left off and life began. A movie script has to make sense, and life doesn't." - Humphrey Bogart from Joseph L. Mankiewicz's "The Barefoot Contessa." <===========Deluxe======Widescreen======Edition ===========> THIS WEEK "Right here, right now." =========================================== ——> NEWS: Where objectivity is strangely absent. ——> BOXOFFICE CHART: Who's number one at the boxoffice? ——> PICKS OF THE WEEK: A load of plugs. ——> BIG SCREEN: Babe, Cube, more... SUBSCRIBE "Unless you already did." =========================================== Subscribe/Unsubscribe by sending an e-mail to CLASSIFIEDS "If you advertise, they will come." =========================================== Reach over 70,000 film fanatics on the net. For our reasonable ad rates, e- mail NEW FILM FESTIVAL SEEKS ENTRIES Valleyfest in Knoxville, TN is accepting shorts, documentaries, animations and features for March 12-14 festival. First time directing efforts for features encouraged. DEADLINE FOR ENTRY IS JANUARY 1. For information or entry form call 423-971-1792 or visit our website at: NO DANCE FILM FESTIVAL 1999 NO DANCE Film & Multimedia Festival returns to Park City. DEADLINE APPROACHING - NOVEMBER 20TH - FIRST EVER DVD FESTIVAL - CHECK WEBSITE FOR MORE DETAILS - ONE DAY - ONE EVENT - ONE MOUNTAIN! FRANCOIS TRUFFAUT VIDEO MORATORIUM! Nine Truffaut's films will not be available after October 31: CONFIDENTIALLY YOURS; THE 400 BLOWS; JULES AND JIM; THE LAST METRO; LOVE ON THE RUN; SHOOT THE PIANO PLAYER; THE SOFT SKIN; TWO ENGLISH GIRLS; THE WOMAN NEXT DOOR. $32.98 each, but Film Threat Weekly subscribers receive a $3.00 discount per if you type 'FTW" into our "discount code." WIN A FILM THREAT VIDEO! "Sign up a friend!" =========================================== Each week we'll be giving away a special collectible Film Threat Party Video to readers who forward Film Threat Weekly to their friends! (And you know in Hollywood, "friends" is a loose term, so that means just about anybody!!!) You could WIN, too! The more e-mail addresses you send, the more your chances to win. Sign up your whole family, or your whole company! Start forwarding FTW to your pals or send us their e-mail address and we'll send them a weekly fix of Film Threat. That's not a threat, it's a promise. THE NEWS "Filtered and manipulated. Just like the real news." =========================================== Our top story... "LAPDANCE" FILM FESTIVAL ANNOUNCES PARK CITY DEBUT It was bound to happen. During the Sundance Film Festival in January, Park City, Utah reluctantly becomes host to upstart film festivals seeking attention. Some gain respect and become a significant force like Slamdance while others merely exist to showcase the works of rejected filmmakers. Park City has now spawned everything from Slamdance to Slumdance to Undance to No Dance to Slamdunk to Son of Sam Dance. The new festival on the block is "Lapdance". Sporting a retro seventies logo and a festival poster featuring a topless model in white go-go boots wearing short-shorts with half her butt showing, the upstart fest promises to showcase "...the top talents in comedy, porno, and avant garde cinema" in what they describe as "the best party ever thrown in Park City!" The preliminary line-up of films include "The Sound of One Hand Clapping" a freaky ninja flick by Glasgow Phillips, "Sex For Life, Too" by Tim Lake plus live performances by the "Ladies of Lapdance" (yeah, baby!) as well as a Stan Brakhage retrospective with the filmmaker in attendance. How's that for a diverse program?! A specific date has not been set for the event (we assume during Sundance January 21-31), organized by Brody McHugh, but the provocative nature of this "Dance" is bound to capture the attention of the curious. CHICAGO UNDERGROUND FILM FESTIVAL GIVES AWAY MONEY The Chicago Underground Film Festival proudly announces the creation of The Chicago Underground Film Fund, established to aid underground and independent film and video makers who share the festival's maverick spirit and defiant attitude. Selected winners receive cash grants between $500 and $2000 for post production on works-in-progress that are in keeping with CUFF's mission to promote works that push boundaries, defy commercial expectations and transcend the mainstream of independent filmmaking. The fund is open to all film and video directors and producers. CUFF will consider proposals for any existing project, regardless of length, genre, or final exhibition format. Film projects in 35mm, 16mm, or super-8, and all video formats are eligible. Deadline is February 1, 1999. BOSTON MOVIE UNDERDOG HIT OF HAWAII FESTIVAL The Boston-based indie comedy, "Starving Artists" screened twice at this year's Hawaii International Film Festival. Among an array of multi-million dollar productions from twenty-four countries, the microbudget "Starving Artists" was the only feature to star actors who are not famous in any country. "Other movies had actors who maybe were unknown in the US, but were big stars in say China or Australia," says "Starving Artists" director, Allan Piper. "Our movie had the only stars who can boast complete international obscurity." Despite its underdog status, "Starving Artists" was one of the more talked about movies at the festival. "It's one of the best written movies I've seen this year," said festival director Christian Gaines. Quentin Tarantino, who was at the festival showcasing his documentary "Full Tilt Boogie," cited "Starving Artists" as one of three movies he was most interested in seeing. Piper traveled to Hawaii for the festival, though it meant missing the Detroit International Festival of Film, where "Starving Artists" was also screening. "I really wanted to go to Detroit," says Piper, "but you have to make certain sacrifices." Director of Photography, Robert Ballo attended the Detroit festival instead. Writer/director Piper is a graduate of Harvard, where he took Spike Lee’s course. He has also studied filmmaking at NYU and USC. His documentary, "Admiral, My Name is Corey," has won festival awards in the US, Ireland, Canada, and Spain. Part of "Starving Artists"' miniscule budget came from the offer that anyone who gave even a dollar would get her/his name somewhere IN the movie. Names appear in graffiti, news headlines, and other creative spots. "People get really happy when they find their hidden cameos," says Piper, "except for one woman whose name showed up on a porno mag." In Piper's screwball romantic comedy, a handful of hapless, hungry artists brave absurdity, starvation, and a barrel of monkeys, while pursuing their artistic goals. The movie has screened at festivals in New York, California, Massachusetts, and Connecticut. It won Best Original Screenplay and Best Production Design in a Comedy at the New York International Independent Film & Video Festival, as well as an Audience Award at Film Fest New Haven. Having just returned from Hawaii, Piper can put away the aloha shirts and sun tan lotion. The next screening of "Starving Artists" will be at the Arctic Light Film Festival in Sweden. JESUS SATIRE IS THE NEW STUDIO EXEC VIDEO XMAS CARD "Harrison Ford just asked for a copy of our 6 minute comedy New Testament!" boasts filmmaker Philip Pelletier creator of the underground short "New Testament." The commercial parody features Jesus at the last supper suddenly breaking into song to plug his new wine cooler. Hilarity ensues. The short is quickly shaping up to be this year's "Video Christmas Card" for Hollywood studio executives (a'la South Park's "Spirit Of Christmas"). The filmmaker has created some buzz and gained attention from A Band Apart, 20th Century Fox, MTV, Film Roman, and Warner Bros. as well as agents from 3 Arts Entertainment, Metropolitan Talent, and Endeavor among others. "New Testament" is currently touring with D.FILM, Flixtour, Euro-Underground, Independent Exposure, Liquid Cinema, and Brainwash festivals. Read the complete story of this satire and an interview with the director on the site at: Plus, look for more updates this week at Film Threat Online at: BOXOFFICE CHART "Hollywood's Horse Race... and they're off!" =========================================== Weekend of November 27-29, Source: Exhibitor Relations Co. 1/ 26 A BUG'S LIFE $33.6/$46.9 (2) 2/ 1 THE RUGRATS MOVIE $21.1/$58.0 (2) 3/ 2 ENEMY OF THE STATE $18.0/$49.0 (2) 4/ 3 THE WATERBOY $14.0/$122.5 (4) 5/New BABE: PIG IN THE CITY $6.4/$8.4 (1) 6/ 4 MEET JOE BLACK $5.8/$35.7 (3) 7/ 5 I STILL KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER $4.6/$33.7 (3) 8/New HOME FRIES $3.7/$5.2 (1) 9/New RINGMASTER $3.6/$5.4 (1) 10/ 13 ELIZABETH $3.4/$7.0 (4) -/New VERY BAD THINGS $3.3/$4.7 (1) PICKS OF THE WEEK "Stuff we wanna plug." =========================================== FILM FESTIVAL: The Kansas City Filmmakers Jubilee is April 14 - 18, 1999. This is the Jubilee's third year and it's your chance to showcase your work. Over $10,000 in cash and prizes will awarded. The deadline is 1-31-99. Get the details on the site: WEB SITE: Compelling and provocative underground filmmaker and photographer Richard Kern has his own web site. WARNING: Wear clean underwear before you check it out. Awesome stuff! ANOTHER WEB SITE: Make movies on your computer! "Digital Puppet" shows people how to make short animated motion pictures on the Macintosh computer with inexpensive software such as MetaCreations' Poser 3 and Bryce 3D. Ready... ACTION! I mean, CLICK! DVD: Filmmaker Terry Gilliam would qualify for a Lifetime Achievement Award for Monty Python alone but Gilliam went and directed Brazil, 12 Monkeys and The Fisher King and Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas -- now available on DVD. DVD Express is having a sale and you can save Up To 50% on EVERYTHING! When you order discs to ship in December, they'll send you a $5 gift certificate with every order. That means 50% off on anything! DVD Express has their elves are in overdrive! And don't forget to tell 'em Film Threat sent you. BIG SCREEN "Coming Soon to a Theater Near You" =========================================== From five stars "Perfect! * * * * *" to one star "Crap! *" here's the lowdown. BABE: PIG IN THE CITY (PG) or CITY OF LOST PIGS * * * * ( Well, any alledged children's movie that rips off both Sergio Leone and Tennessee Williams can't be all bad. I never saw the first film, but I took my girlfriend and her 71 year old mother to a matinee on Thanksgiving. We were treated to a fire in a children's hospital ward, a rampaging pit bull, a biker gang, and what appears to be all of the female extras from the David Lee Roth videos. I like it. The film starts off with the ending of the first film. In short order, Babe the pig trips up the farmer when installing a water pump putting him in the hospital. His wife can't run the farm on her own, so she decides to take Babe to a large state fair on its last day for an appearance fee. They miss their connecting flight at the airport, can't get a flight back for days, and so they are stuck IN THE big CITY. Hilarity ensues. The city actually appears as a condensed meta-city with the skyline composed of parts of a couple of dozen cities. All of the girls in bikinis are, in turn, in what is a sort of meta-Venice Beach. All of the locations are very stylized to go with the storybook atmosphere, but in such a way that recalls "City of Lost Children" more than anything else, and like that film, "Babe:..." is a children's movie that's really for adults. I'd heard that children, ALLEDGEDLY, cried during preview screenings, and it's easy to see why. I think George Miller has done an amazing job but without the template of a book, like the first movie, he just went buck wild with dark visuals. At least he came up with something original and entertaining. I'd definitely take a date to it (and did). I just wouldn't take any small children. - Ron Wells CUBE (R) * * * ( Our wacky foreign neighbors to the north have thrown us this nugget to populate midnight screenings at college campuses around the country. Director Vincenzo Natali spins this tale of 7 ordinary people (one doesn't make it through the title sequence) who each awake in a cubic room with a door on every surface. Each door leads to another cube, seemingly forever, with some cubes containing lethal traps. There's a math student, an architect, an escape artist, a doctor, an autistic, and a cop (Sorry, no Indian or construction worker). None of them know how they arrived there, but each may posess a skill to escape, or a flaw that will kill them and others. With basically a single set and a limited cast, the producers get the most of their limited budget, particular with a couple of spectacular death scenes. However, since they have cast some obvious stage actors who are projecting to the back of the theatre, the whole picture can often seem like "Doctor Who" on crank. At 90 minutes, Natali is able to maintain incredible tension until fifteen minutes from the end, when one character turns on the others, turning the story into a simple race and dispersing all the human complexity. The movie becomes conceptually muddled by laying on too much social and political allegory. At the point where the one cracks up, it seems they ran out of points and tried to just wrap the whole thing up. It's a shame since despite some flaws, the whole thing was flirting with greatness up until then. Oh, well. At least we're getting a new Cronenberg next year. - Ron Wells REDBOY 13 (NR) * * * Every now and then, you'll see a film where the filmmaker has more desire than talent; more guts than cash. A truly independent film like Marcus van Bavel's so-goofy-ya-gotta-love it "Redboy 13." Sean (Devon Roy-Brown) is a 13 year-old junior high school kid/secret agent for the CYA... no, that's not a typo. The CYA, which gives you about all the insight you need to appreciate this film's groaner humor. Anyway, the CYA, a covert military branch, sends the wunderkind into the Central American country of - ahem - Murkinagua to face his evil nemesis, Dr. Heimlich Manure (van Bavel) and... hold it. Does this not sound like the kind of films all of us geeky filmmakers used to make on our Super 8 cameras when we were kids, or what? The plot - standard James Bond-type stuff run through a cornball filter - really isn't even all that important. Even the presence of a "name" actor like Robert ("Wilderness Family") Logan somehow only adds to the film's charming innocence. You see, "Redboy 13" is one of those rare films where it's not so important how good the movie is, although it is at times outlandishly funny, as it is that it got made at all. Get this: The thing is shot in Cinemascope(!), van Bavel built his own soundstage to house the sets, he designed and built his own crane (which is truly a behemoth, if memory serves correctly,) and he came up with his own computer animation system to render the film's dozens of explosions and other effects. This made-for-Cult-Status film, with its uneven acting, inconsistent pacing and simplistic storytelling, isn't for everyone and certainly isn't for those who only consume, er, enjoy, the typical slickly-produced Hollywood adventure film. But if you have a soft spot for stubborn DIY indies like this film's spiritual godfather "The Wizard of Speed and Time," then check out "Redboy 13." - Merle Bertrand THE RUGRATS MOVIE (G) * * * 1/2 ( Yes, your favorite characters from the small screen Nickelodeon cartoon look bigger than life on the movie screen. The story opens with an imaginary Indiana Jones-style adventure with Tommy, Chucky, Phil and Lil with the little tots about to be run over by a runaway bolder that ends in a clever transition into the kids about to be run over by Mrs. Pickles very pregnant tummy. The conflict involves the arrival of Tommy Pickles baby brother, appropriately named Dillon (or Dill Pickes for short). After Baby Dill arrives, the kids become lost in the forest after an unwelcome ride in Daddy Pickles' motorized baby carriage. The parents mount a search which gains media attention as the kids try to battle the residents of the forest including a group of delightful circus monkeys. The situations and characters are hilarious. It's strange to watch something that appeals to such a broad demographic - from young parents in their thirties to two year-olds - each group laughing at two very different levels of humor. The writing is smart and there is enough for parents to want to bring back their kids. One of the most humorous sequences is a musical number in the maternity ward (featuring the voices of Iggy Pop, Lisa Loeb and members of the B-52s, the soundtrack is great) in which a bunch of newborns pee into the air creating a beautiful fountain. The biggest laugh from the kids in the audience came when Tommy Pickles' diaper fell down exposing his bare bottom to the audience - I've never heard a crowd of single-digit aged kids laugh harder in a movie theater. The Rugrats seems to have replaced Star Trek as Viacom's most successful franchise. There are two main reasons for the success of this film: 1) It is based on a successful existing franchise and… 2) The Rugrats Movie DOES NOT try to follow the Disney formula of musical animated feature. (In fact, there is a funny reference to Disney as a group of cute animals, not unlike those seen in Bambi are grazing in the forest when Tommy and the gang tear through the animals in a runaway Reptar baby carriage. It's refreshing to see an animated film remain true to its audience and avoid becoming a Disney-clone. Diaper-loads of fun. - Chris Gore END CREDITS "Written, produced, and directed by . . ." =========================================== Publisher / Chris Gore Executive Publisher / Victor Minjares Contributors / Merle Bertrand, Tom Meek, Anthony Miele, Ron Wells Send us films, videos, CDs, games, screening passes: FILM THREAT, 5042 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 150, Los Angeles, CA 90036 Website: Edress: FILM THREAT WEEKLY is published by The Gore Group, LLC. All material © 1998 Gore Group Publications. All rights reserved. Contents may not be reprinted without written permission of the author. You are, however, welcome to forward this e-mail to whomever you wish. All letters, comments and reviews sent to Film Threat Weekly in any manner are assumed intended for publication, unless stated otherwise. Your name and e-mail address will be printed if published herein. Not responsible for unsolicited submissions. Film Threat is now a proud part of the den: the daily entertainment network at Film Threat Weekly is distributed by ZENtertainment - QUOTING FILM THREAT WEEKLY: Journalists, if you feel the need to quote Film Threat Weekly you MUST include the Film Threat url ( so that readers can get more information. Otherwise you are NOT given permission to quote any material or contents contained herein. ADVERTISE: FILM THREAT MEDIA KIT =========================================== Reach over 70,000 film fanatics on the net. Indie filmmakers AND film festivals get a 50% discount! To get an e-media kit, e-mail FILM THREAT WEEKLY TAKES OVER THE NET "Read FTW on other sites" =========================================== Read excerpts from Film Threat Weekly on the "All-Movie Guide" at Read Film Threat Weekly on the "Internet Movie Database" at Also read Film Threat Weekly on the "Hollywood IndieNetwork" at Speak Italian? Read Film Threat Weekly translated into Italian at FTW is also posted on a web site in the Philippines, Cyberville Online at FILM THREAT "Hollywood's Indie Voice of the New Millennium" =========================================== Independent, Cult, Underground, Alternative Film, Hollywood Satire And No BS ==============CUT-AND-PRINT =============== [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Oz Subject: [MV] Further to Freddy vs Jason Date: 01 Dec 1998 00:47:31 -0800 Got a chance to talk to Wes Craven today as part of an interview I did for my website. On the topic of F vs J, he had this to say. "I'm not prepared to make another Freddy but I have seen the one script which pits Freddy and Jason together. If there is to be another film, and I suspect there will be, that will be it. New Line have been working on the script for a while and I'm sure they'll see it through. The script I saw wasn't the latest one and it's a good thing because it wasn't up to scratch. If it were up to me, Freddy would stay dead, but I don't own him so it's not my call. Whatever happens, Freddy vs Jason will be senor Freddy's last hurrah." When the interview is transcribed and ready for release on the site I'll let the list know. -------{{{{OZ}}}}------------------------------------------ [sick of being ripped off at the movies?] ..*HOLLYWOOD BITCHSLAP*.. TAKE YOUR BEST SHOT ------------ ------------ [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Scott Renshaw Subject: [MV] REVIEW: HAPPINESS Date: 30 Nov 1998 07:12:44 -0700 (MST) HAPPINESS (Good Machine) Starring: Jane Adams, Dylan Baker, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Lara Flynn Boyle, Cynthia Stevenson, Camryn Manheim, Ben Gazarra, Louise Lasser. Screenplay: Todd Solondz. Producers: Ted Hope and Christine Vachon. Director: Todd Solondz. MPAA Rating: Not Rated (sexual situations, adult themes, profanity). Running Time: 135 minutes. Reviewed by Scott Renshaw. HAPPINESS is almost too difficult to watch -- not because of its potentially shocking content, but because it's so achingly sad. Lonely men make obscene phone calls which only seem to make them more frustrated. Stabs at romance turn into depressing one-night stands. A few moments of isolated contact quickly vanish in a rage of rejection. The dozen or so principal characters in Todd Solondz's bleakly funny suburban nightmare fumble and fail so consistently in their pursuit of happiness you might suspect it was unattainable. And, in the sense that some of them define it, it is. HAPPINESS deals with people whose chances for contentment are thwarted by yearnings for things they can't have, or have been led to believe they _should_ have by cultural signals like the shmaltz love ballads that permeate the soundtrack. Joy (Jane Adams), a single aspiring songwriter, feels she should have a man and a stable life like her married older sister Trish (Cynthia Stevenson); Trish, a housewife, feels inferior to sister Helen (Lara Flynn Boyle), a successful author; Helen, meanwhile, wants a life of danger to give her writing "authenticity." Helen's lonely, obscene phone-calling neighbor Allen (Philip Seymour Hoffman) longs for Helen while considering her inaccessible, even as he becomes the object of similar feelings from even lonelier neighbor Kristina (Camryn Manheim). Solondz fills his world with people who want what they haven't got, never realizing how much it could cost them. Nowhere is that more evident than in HAPPINESS' trickiest character, Trish's husband Bill (Dylan Baker). A successful therapist, Bill also happens to be a pedophile who has unnervingly frank sexual discussions with his 11-year-old son Billy (Rufus Read) and molests Billy's classmates during sleepovers. Baker gives Bill so many layers that he always seems human even through his predatory calculation. His attempt to cajole Billy's young friend into eating a drugged sandwich is as pathetic as it is creepy, his parental concern as genuine as it is tainted. Solondz is never merely interested in the sensationalistic but trite notion that the monsters who turn up in headlines are our neighbors. He wants us to see the misery of a monster who knows that he's causing pain but can't stop himself because causing it at least for a moment eases his own. It's even more unsettling that Solondz sets Bill at one far end of a continuum of pain selfishly inflicted in the desperate search for fulfillment. Allen humiliates women he calls in an attempt to feel significant; the sisters' father (Ben Gazzara) abandons his wife in search of something even another woman can't provide; Joy dumps a boyfriend (a scathing cameo by Jon Lovitz) who may be a sensitive guy. There are no grand enlightenments in HAPPINESS, which may make it seem that Solondz is simply reveling in the characters' degradation. The fact is they're merely deeply flawed, some making small steps towards defining their own happiness, others too immersed in external definitions to be ready for those small steps. Solondz's one real mis-step -- aside from the unnecessarily long running time -- involves a murder/rape sub-plot which launches HAPPINESS into an unnecessarily surreal direction. The film doesn't need the cheap laughs from references to cut up body parts in freezer bags, not when it offers edgy humor that's so much more uncomfortably genuine. A key scene in HAPPINESS finds Billy sharing concerns with his father that he's not "normal" because he may not be maturing sexually as fast as his peers. It's brutally ironic that he's asking for advice on normalcy from a man who may be nobody's paradigm of normalcy, but at least he's receiving reassurance that he's not alone in his confusion. The paralyzing pursuit of "normalcy" is what makes so many of the people in HAPPINESS so unhappy. Solondz turns what could have been a freak show into a reassurance that we, too, are not alone in being something other than "normal." On the Renshaw scale of 0 to 10 happy endings: 9. Visit Scott Renshaw's MoviePage *** Subscribe to receive new reviews directly by email! See the MoviePage for details, or reply to this message with subject line "Subscribe". [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Wade Snider Subject: Re: [MV] Here's the best response I got and the usual rude one. And a movie related question. Amazing, huh? Date: 30 Nov 1998 08:34:53 PST --- On Fri, 27 Nov 98 03:55:01 PST Rebecca Bezant wrote: >And for the movie question, I have been curious ever since the Academy > spring when I heard that actor J. T. Walsh died. What exactly did >he die from? >I never could find anything else about it. After ignoring the ramble about whatever, I think Walsh died of a heart attack or something similar. It was big news back in March? maybe February... I think he had had a bypass surgery previously, and had experienced some heart problems. He was not that old either.. like 46 or 47 ? not sure.... Wade W. Snider If man evolved from apes, why do we still have apes? [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: jkrudy Subject: RE: [MV] Predator Vs Alien (was Freddy VS Jason) Date: 30 Nov 1998 08:39:40 -0700 The game was aptly named "Planet of the Damned" and involved a 3 way gore fest between humans, Aliens, and Predators. James K. Rudy -----Original Message----- Sent: Thursday, November 26, 1998 5:24 PM > Now all I want is Spiderman and Predator >Vs Alien( there is bound to be a decent story in there but it would >probably have to include humans as I can't see a studio backing it >without them). >Garrett > Garrett, Wasn't there an Atari Jaguar game along the lines of Predator Vs Alien? If I remember correctly, there were humans involved, but usually only as fodder... I think there were a few scenario's where the player was human and had the fun of attacking both Predator and Alien... but don't quote me on that, since I've never played the actual game and have only seen it in action once or twice. I do remember, however, the game's atmosphere was brilliant. But, as for a movie, I agree, I don't see how there could be a film with does not include a character which is human or has human-like qualities... that's not exactly right, it could be done in some way (and I would like to see a film along those lines), but probably not with studio backing, as you've said. Does anyone think that a Pred. vs A. film could be done where neither are affiliated to humans in anyway? Right now, I can only see a story line where one is token 'good', allied to humans for some just cause... like rescuing some colony or saving the planet etc etc etc... just a thought. Comments? Teck [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: jkrudy Subject: RE: [MV] spoilers and their habitats Date: 30 Nov 1998 09:01:47 -0700 Having not seen the movie in question, but having already been told to stay for the end credits by several people on this list, I was a little upset by what I would consider a spoiler. I totally agree with Oz on this one. "That's all I have to say about that." --Forrest Gump James K. Rudy -----Original Message----- Sent: Monday, November 30, 1998 11:01 AM At the risk of flogging Trigger long after he's turned to glue (and this will be my last word on the topic since my point has been made a lot)... Dude. When you saw the movie, you were *surprised* at what the end credits contained. You then spoiled that surprise for others. That is a spoiler. Whether or not it was integral to the story, whether it contained the secret to who is the ant world's Keyser Soze, or whether it was just a happy little joke, you spoiled. What you could have said instead... "Don't leave before the credits." "The credits are the funniest part of the film" "There's a surprise at the end, don't leave early." Now I'm not going to go into your insults. Hopefully this mail will prevent other people from making the same mistake that you did. I know you're not an idiot, you just resembled one for a minute. Jason Cormier wrote: > > I hardly find myself "educated" by you at all buddy. I think you need a > Valium for taking this way too seriously...As I said before - half of the -SNIP- End of thread. Back to important things. -------{{{{OZ}}}}------------------------------------------ [sick of being ripped off at the movies?] ..*HOLLYWOOD BITCHSLAP*.. TAKE YOUR BEST SHOT -------------- [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Wade Snider Subject: RE: [MV] spoilers and their habitats Date: 30 Nov 1998 10:12:05 PST Where is the list administrator??? This thread has gone on for FAR too long to be conducive or interesting. Should've gone private a LONG time ago.... Wade --- On Mon, 30 Nov 1998 09:01:47 -0700 jkrudy wrote: Having not seen the movie in question, but having already been told to stay for the end credits by several people on this list, I was a little upset by what I would consider a spoiler. I totally agree with Oz on this one. "That's all I have to say about that." --Forrest Gump James K. Rudy -----Original Message----- Sent: Monday, November 30, 1998 11:01 AM At the risk of flogging Trigger long after he's turned to glue (and this will be my last word on the topic since my point has been made a lot)... Dude. When you saw the movie, you were *surprised* at what the end credits contained. You then spoiled that surprise for others. That is a spoiler. Whether or not it was integral to the story, whether it contained the secret to who is the ant world's Keyser Soze, or whether it was just a happy little joke, you spoiled. What you could have said instead... "Don't leave before the credits." "The credits are the funniest part of the film" "There's a surprise at the end, don't leave early." Now I'm not going to go into your insults. Hopefully this mail will prevent other people from making the same mistake that you did. I know you're not an idiot, you just resembled one for a minute. Jason Cormier wrote: > > I hardly find myself "educated" by you at all buddy. I think you need a > Valium for taking this way too seriously...As I said before - half of the -SNIP- End of thread. Back to important things. -------{{{{OZ}}}}------------------------------------------ [sick of being ripped off at the movies?] ..*HOLLYWOOD BITCHSLAP*.. TAKE YOUR BEST SHOT -------------- [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ---------------End of Original Message----------------- W. Snider If man evolved from apes, why do we still have apes? [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Ryan Allen) Subject: Re: [MV] Predator Vs Alien (was Freddy VS Jason) Date: 30 Nov 1998 15:08:37 -0500 At 19:23 11/26/98 , you wrote: >Wasn't there an Atari Jaguar game along the lines of Predator Vs Alien? >I do remember, however, the game's atmosphere was brilliant. Yes there was and it was the critical game needed to secure Atari's success. Trouble was, it was late to market. And there were three scenarios, you could be human (hardest), Predator (easiest), or Alien (medium) and play at those difficultly levels. I still own it (and the Jag) to this day. I still play it. It was a terrific game. The reincarnations on other systems (PSX, etc.) aren't as good IMHO. >Does anyone think that a Pred. vs A. film could be done where neither are >affiliated to humans in anyway? Right now, I can only see a story line >where one is token 'good', allied to humans for some just cause... like >rescuing some colony or saving the planet etc etc etc... just a thought. I don't know if it's been discussed already (I'm behind in the list) but the original concept from the comics, books, and "universe" stories that they are in fact related! The Predator species, hunters by birth, CREATED the Aliens as the perfect "game." Able to adapt to any environment and reproduce almost endlessly, the Predators sent the eggs out into the solar system, than began to hunt them down. If you want evidence of this connection, watch Predator 2. When Glover enters the ship for the fight at the end, the camera passes a "trophy" case of skulls. Human AND Alien. Right there. It all ties in nicely, but the idea was never taken into (at the time) Alien3. Hope this helps, Ryan Allen Intranet Specialist Intranet Development Team (IDTeam) Allen Systems Group ## Hurricane Season (June 1-Nov. 30) is Here! ## ## Please visit my Personal Page ## ## ## [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Ryan Allen) Subject: Re: [MV] In Negotiations Date: 30 Nov 1998 15:15:22 -0500 At 00:46 11/29/98 , you wrote: >First off, to get back on topic, I was wondering if anyone has any comments >on The Negotiator (recently released on video). I have liked Kevin >Spacey's work since The Usual Suspects. (One of my all-time favourites. I agree. Kevin is a fantastic actor, and not to be missed. I caught this one in the theatres, and while good on video, this is a great "theatre" movie (as all are, I mean who makes a movie for TV anyway?). It was after this movie that I noticed in the credits that it was dedicated to J.T. Walsh. Up until that time, I didn't know he died, and it wasn't until much later at an awards ceremony that it was mentioned that he died. I too, have wondered. Anyone know? My $.02 Ryan Intranet Specialist Intranet Development Team (IDTeam) Allen Systems Group ## Hurricane Season (June 1-Nov. 30) is Here! ## ## Please visit my Personal Page ## ## ## [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Wade Snider Subject: Re: [MV] In Negotiations Date: 30 Nov 1998 14:30:20 PST I thought I had written this earlier today.. but here is what I posted on Walsh.. After ignoring the ramble about whatever, I think Walsh died of a heart attack or something similar. It was big news back in March? maybe February... I think he had had a bypass surgery previously, and had experienced some heart problems. He was not that old either.. like 46 or 47 ? not sure.... Wade --- On Mon, 30 Nov 1998 15:15:22 -0500 Ryan Allen wrote: At 00:46 11/29/98 , you wrote: >First off, to get back on topic, I was wondering if anyone has any comments >on The Negotiator (recently released on video). I have liked Kevin >Spacey's work since The Usual Suspects. (One of my all-time favourites. I agree. Kevin is a fantastic actor, and not to be missed. I caught this one in the theatres, and while good on video, this is a great "theatre" movie (as all are, I mean who makes a movie for TV anyway?). It was after this movie that I noticed in the credits that it was dedicated to J.T. Walsh. Up until that time, I didn't know he died, and it wasn't until much later at an awards ceremony that it was mentioned that he died. I too, have wondered. Anyone know? My $.02 Ryan Intranet Specialist Intranet Development Team (IDTeam) Allen Systems Group ## Hurricane Season (June 1-Nov. 30) is Here! ## ## Please visit my Personal Page ## ## ## [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ---------------End of Original Message----------------- W. Snider If man evolved from apes, why do we still have apes? [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Wade Snider Subject: Re: [MV] In Negotiations Date: 30 Nov 1998 14:28:59 PST I wasn't as enthusiastic about the negotiator. It was a good movie, but I didn't think it was that great. Jackson was superb. No doubt. Spacey was good, too, but he had a lot smaller role than many people going into it realize. But the movie is exactly what I remember one critic calling it - "style over story" It is fast paced and great, but it is not very original as far as cop/hostage/thrillers go. It is better when Spacey enters the story, but a lot of the plot is not very strong. It is filled with obligatory cliches and predictable points.... ie Jackson's wife, the actions of the TV crew, the actions of the cops against Jackson, and on.. That's not that I'm saying the movie is bad. It's not. It's good. The acting is great. The interaction between Jackson and Spacey is fantastic. It is like a plain old police movie but made better with the good acting by Jackson & Spacey and the great direction by F Gary Grey. Fantastic style and direction. Pretty decent dialogue as well as a good knowledge of hostage and negotiator procedures.. Wade --- On Sun, 29 Nov 98 03:01:56 PST Rebecca Bezant wrote: > 'The Negotiator,' I believe is the best hostage movie I have ever seen. Not >only does it have two of my few favorites actors Sam Jackson and Kevin Spacey, but >the outcome of the ending is as well totally different than what I have expected >it like in other hostage movies. I dont really want to say anymore about the >ending, I don't want get yelled at for spoiling, but the start of the movie is >where one of the best hostage negotiators is framed for the murder of his best >friend and so he goes and takes four people hostage at the city's Internal Affairs >so he can find the killer and why he was framed. If anyone doesnt feel like they >have time for sitting through movies with a length of 138 minutes, you better >make time time, or you will miss one heck of a great movie. Tim ---------- >> First off, to get back on topic, I was wondering if anyone has any comments >> on The Negotiator (recently released on video). I have liked Kevin >> Spacey's work since The Usual Suspects. (One of my all-time favourites. >> If you have not seen it, go. Now. You will not be disappointed) I >> thought both he and Samuel L Jackson played great characters. Very strong, >> and kept you guessing. There have been many suspense movies released >> lately. They all could have taken lessons from this film (which I don't >> even consider of that genre) on how to keep the audience on the edge of >> their seats. >> >> --Mel W. Snider If man evolved from apes, why do we still have apes? [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Romero, Leticia" Subject: RE: [MV] Very Bad Things about A Bug's Life Date: 30 Nov 1998 12:35:01 -0800 yeah Jason!!! > -----Original Message----- > From: Oz [] > Sent: Saturday, November 28, 1998 11:35 PM > To: > Subject: Re: [MV] Very Bad Things about A Bug's Life > > > Jason Cormier wrote: > > The funniest part is after the movie ends and > > they show us *SNIP* (*SNIP*? But this is animation!!! Very > > funny!) > > Thanks for the spoiler, Jason. > Try to consider people who haven't seen the movie. > > -------{{{{OZ}}}}------------------------------------------ > [sick of being ripped off at the movies?] > ..*HOLLYWOOD BITCHSLAP*.. TAKE YOUR BEST SHOT > ------------ ------------ > > [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] > [ movies (without the quotes) to ] [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Romero, Leticia" Subject: RE: [MV] spoilers and their habitats Date: 30 Nov 1998 13:09:53 -0800 Jason, a spoiler can also be something that is enjoyable, an inside joke if you will, that other film lovers would want to see on their own, without expecting it... that's why EVERYONE who's seen A Bug's Life have only mentioned SEEING the end credits, and not WHY.... > -----Original Message----- > From: Jason Cormier [] > Sent: Sunday, November 29, 1998 4:20 PM > To: > Subject: Re: [MV] spoilers and their habitats > > I hardly find myself "educated" by you at all buddy. I think you need a > Valium for taking this way too seriously...As I said before - half of the > theatre left and did not see some funny bits - I wanted to make sure that > other people who see it - do not leave early. The movie is over...there > is > no more surprises left in the movie - no more plot devices left >'s over. That is not what a spoiler is. A spoiler ruins > part > of the movie for you - like finding out who is related to Luke Skywalker. > What you are implying is that any knowledge whatsoever about the movie > before going in is a spoiler - knowing that it's about bug's or that Dave > Foley does the voice of the main character. If this is the case then I > would recommend that you never read another review for the rest of your > life. > -----Original Message----- > From: Oz > To: > Date: Saturday, November 28, 1998 7:22 PM > Subject: Re: [MV] spoilers and their habitats > > > >Jason Cormier wrote: > >> > >> Chill out bud...I didn't give anything about the movie away at all. > > > >Dude, in evvery review of the movie I've seen (mine included) there > >has been something akin to "don't leave early, the credits are the > >best part of the film". Explaining exactly what they contain is a > >spoiler. Spoilers ruin the surprise for people who haven't seen it > >yet. > > > >Glad to have educated you. > > > >-------{{{{OZ}}}}------------------------------------------ > > [sick of being ripped off at the movies?] > > ..*HOLLYWOOD BITCHSLAP*.. TAKE YOUR BEST SHOT > >------------- ----------- > > > >[ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] > >[ movies (without the quotes) to ] > > > > > [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] > [ movies (without the quotes) to ] [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Garrett Winters Subject: Re: [MV] Predator Vs Alien (was Freddy VS Jason) Date: 30 Nov 1998 23:23:52 +0000 Ryan Allen writes >I don't know if it's been discussed already (I'm behind in the list) but >the original concept from the comics, books, and "universe" stories that >they are in fact related! The Predator species, hunters by birth, CREATED >the Aliens as the perfect "game." Able to adapt to any environment and >reproduce almost endlessly, the Predators sent the eggs out into the solar >system, than began to hunt them down. If you want evidence of this >connection, watch Predator 2. When Glover enters the ship for the fight at >the end, the camera passes a "trophy" case of skulls. Human AND Alien. >Right there. It all ties in nicely, but the idea was never taken into (at >the time) Alien3. Good point, I had noticed the skull myself at the time and thought for sure that Predator3 would have Aliens in it. obviously this hasn't happened yet. It is a clever idea and does fit in nicely with the original Alien Vs Predator comic book ( by Dark Horse) and it postulated a story where a pred ship comes down and deposits these robotic carriers that just go out and lay eggs on the ground, when the natural fauna encounter it they become alienized and the hunt is on. the only problem this time was a human settlement on the particular planet they pick and all sorts of carnage ensues. I'm not sure if it was also in that storyline or a later one but a human female becomes a predator ( or is trying to become one) and faces challenges all her own ( I'm not thinking about the woman from the second Alien vs Pred comic). so all in all right there is a workable idea, it doesn't have to be Earth so you don't have too many people ( and most are just cannon fodder) and all sorts of alien varieties are possible if varying wildlife encounter the eggs. I can't recall how it ended but most likely some humans survive. Garrett [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies (without the quotes) to ]