From: (movies-digest) To: Subject: movies-digest V2 #221 Reply-To: movies-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk movies-digest Monday, August 23 1999 Volume 02 : Number 221 Re: [MV] Sixth Sense RE:[MV] Deep Blue Sea Re: [MV] Summer's End [MV] Movie News - 08/23/99 Re: [MV] Iron Giant review [MV] Talos the Mummy (spoilers) [MV] WIld wild west [MV] RE: [MovieReview] Blast from the Past Re: [MV] WIld wild west Re: [MV] Sixth Sense Re: [MV] Films and Movies Re: [MV] Summer's End [MV] Lists and movies Re: [MV] Lists and movies RE: [MV] Lists and movies Re: [MV] Lists and movies [MV] OFF TOPIC: Pop Quiz Re: [MV] OFF TOPIC: Pop Quiz RE:[MV] WIld wild west ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 08:28:50 CDT From: "Wade Snider" Subject: Re: [MV] Sixth Sense He was also the youngest son on Dave's World, an American TV sitcom based on the columnist Dave Barry. He was very funny, too. >From: >Reply-To: >To: >Subject: Re: [MV] Sixth Sense >Date: Sat, 21 Aug 1999 08:26:00 -0700 > >YEAH,THAT LITTLE KID WAS IN FOREST GUMP AS HIS SON. >------------------( Forwarded letter 1 follows )-------------------- >Date: Tue, 17 Aug 1999 22:06:49 -0500 >To: >From: >Sender: >Reply-To: >Subject: Re: [MV] Sixth Sense > >On 8/17/99, 7:56 PM -0700, shelley bornholdt said so nicely: > > The > >"boy's" character-name slips my mind too. In real > >life his name is Haley Joel Osment. > >His name was Cole. Oscar caliber if you ask me!! > >~~~~~ >Diane Christy (Samantha and Joshua's Mom) >Jefferson, LA > > >ICQ #12904700 on Instant Messenger >~~~~~ > >[ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] >[ movies" (without the quotes) to ] > >[ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] >[ movies" (without the quotes) to ] _______________________________________________________________ Get Free Email and Do More On The Web. Visit [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies" (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 08:29:43 CDT From: "Wade Snider" Subject: RE:[MV] Deep Blue Sea Bastard! >From: >Reply-To: >To: >Subject: RE:[MV] Deep Blue Sea >Date: Sat, 21 Aug 1999 08:34:00 -0700 > >YEAH,DEEP BLUE SEA WAS SOOOO AWESOME-WAY BETTER THAT JAWS. HOW 'BOUT WHEN >THAT >SHARK JUMPED OUT OF THE WATER >AND ATE UP SAM JACKSON? COOL!! > > >------------------( Forwarded letter 1 follows )-------------------- >Date: Wed, 18 Aug 1999 12:39:43 -0700 (PDT) >To: >From: >Sender: >Reply-To: >Subject: [MV] Deep Blue Sea > >The movie, Deep Blue Sea, is an exciting movie with a >lot of suspense. The suspense is made possible by the >sounds effects similar to Sixth Sense. This uses >almost the same idea as the movie, Jaws. > > > >_________________________________________________________ >Do You Yahoo!? >Get your free address at > > >[ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] >[ movies" (without the quotes) to ] > >[ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] >[ movies" (without the quotes) to ] _______________________________________________________________ Get Free Email and Do More On The Web. Visit [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies" (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 08:40:02 CDT From: "Wade Snider" Subject: Re: [MV] Summer's End You could compare the first one to the Kurt Russell movie, Solider, which (although it has uncapitalized interesting and unexploited aspects and acting) makes Universal Soldier look like a Kubrick masterpiece. >From: >Reply-To: >To: >Subject: Re: [MV] Summer's End >Date: Sun, 22 Aug 1999 20:55:49 -0500 > >At 09:40 PM 8/22/99 EDT, wrote: > >Hello there all you movie listers...or is it listee's?? anyhoo > > > > I'm sad to report that's i've cought my last summer movie today > > > >Universal Soldier: the Return... > >It wasn't much compared to the original, but then again, the original >isn't > >much compared to anything...ever > >the incredible wonderment of "cyborg" is all the jean-claude van damme i'll >ever need ever again. > >[ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] >[ movies" (without the quotes) to ] > _______________________________________________________________ Get Free Email and Do More On The Web. Visit [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies" (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 10:10:35 -0600 From: "The Reporter" Subject: [MV] Movie News - 08/23/99 LOS ANGELES (AP) - "The Sixth Sense" spooked $24.1 million out of moviegoers at the weekend box office, becoming the first film since the "Phantom Menace" to hold the No. 1 spot for three consecutive weeks, according to industry estimates Sunday. The supernatural thriller - starring Bruce Willis as a therapist treating a boy who sees dead people - has grossed $107.7 million in three weeks. Different movies had debuted in first place for nine straight weekends since "Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace" fell to second place in June. The Hollywood satire "Bowfinger," meanwhile, held on to second place this weekend. Starring Steve Martin as a wannabe director who secretly films an action star played by Eddie Murphy, "Bowfinger" earned $10.7 million in its second week for a total of $35.9 million. "Mickey Blue Eyes," a romantic-comedy starring Hugh Grant as a man who discovers his fiancee's father is a mobster, opened in third place with a respectable $10.4 million. However, two other new films debuted in the bottom of the top 10. The Jean-Claude Van Damme sci-fi adventure "Universal Soldier: The Return" opened weakly with $4.7 million for seventh place. "Teaching Mrs. Tingle," a black-comedy about teens who hold their teacher hostage, was hampered by bad reviews and criticism of its violent content. The film earned a paltry $3.5 million for tenth place. "People expected 'Tingle' to do really well, but teens don't want to see any comedy that has a dark theme. They want lighthearted fair or horror films," said Robert Bucksbaum, a movie analyst with Reel Source Inc. He said "The Sixth Sense" has done well because it takes its somber subject matter seriously, yet its PG-13 rating opens it up to a broad audience. "It's getting incredible repeat business," Bucksbaum said. "Nothing else out there is even coming close." The thriller also has a surprise ending that prompted moviegoers to see it multiple times, said Chuck Viane, head of distribution for Disney, which released the film. "Audiences are coming back for the ending," he said, adding that a lot of people want to know "how they got me." The Julia Roberts-Richard Gere romance "Runaway Bride" was fourth with $9.3 million, and "The Blair Witch Project" slipped to fifth place with $7.1 million. The low-budget shocker has grossed $120.5 million, since it opened in wide release four weeks ago, making it one the most successful independent films in history, Bucksbaum said. -=> * <=- LOS ANGELES (Billboard) - Stunt coordinator Remy Julienne has acknowledged responsibility for Monday's fatal accident during a Paris shoot for "Taxi 2," the sequel to the hit French action movie. Driver Gilbert Bataille made a second stunt run up a raised launch ramp, video footage shows, sailed far past a battle tank, overshot boxes positioned to soften his landing and veered toward the camera crew. "Everyone got clear at the last second," police said, "except the cameraman (Alain Dutartre), who kept his eye glued to the viewfinder." Dutartre died of massive injuries. -=> * <=- LOS ANGELES (AP) - Miramax Films picked the worst possible time - back-to-school season - to release "Teaching Mrs. Tingle," a black comedy about teens who hold their mean-spirited teacher hostage, education groups say. The movie's opening on Friday came just four days after classes resumed at Columbine High School in Colorado for the first time since two students gunned down 12 schoolmates and a teacher and wounded 23 others before killing themselves last spring. "The timing is really unfortunate," said Kathleen Lyons, spokeswoman for the National Education Association. "We find it appalling that Miramax would release a movie about kids hunting down teachers." Miramax did not immediately return phone calls from The Associated Press, but sent a fax detailing the plot and a comment from first-time director Kevin Williamson, who also wrote the horror screenplays, to "Scream" and "I Know What You Did Last Summer." "I hope audiences find this movie to be funny, wicked and incredibly entertaining, but in addition I hope they take away the idea that we have all had bad experiences that can later become assets in life. You can turn the tables," he said. "Mrs. Tingle" stars Helen Mirren as a malevolent teacher who is kidnapped by three students. Originally called "Killing Mrs. Tingle," the movie's title was toned down after the Columbine shootings. The teacher is not killed, although she's injured and several scenes involve a menacing crossbow. Since Columbine, the entertainment industry has faced criticism that the violence in films, television and video games contributes to real-life violence. President Clinton and Congress have appealed to Hollywood to show more restraint. [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies" (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 23 Aug 99 10:36:32 -0700 From: "David F. Nolan" Subject: Re: [MV] Iron Giant review I'd have to agree. "The Iron Giant" is probably the most-overlooked gem of the Summer. It's currently the fourth-highest-rated movie on FlickPicks (, yet it has languished at the box office (about $15M to date) while people flock to see dreck like Wild Wild West ($110M+), The Haunting ($90M) and Inspector Gadget ($80M). And don't even get me started on "The Blair Witch Project" ..... [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies" (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 18:42:21 +0100 From: Garrett Winters Subject: [MV] Talos the Mummy (spoilers) I got a whole bunch of new movies on the weekend including the abovementioned mummy flick and all I can say is "What the F**k was that all about?". As a film I thought it a bit disjointed, with scenes peppered in that weren't explained and left you wondering what just happened. and then the ending I could not believe, I can't remember the last time I saw a film where all the leads were killed and the bad guy survived, does this mean we are going to get a sequel? All in all it wasn't even a touch on the Brendan Fraser Mummy film which was a much more enjoyable film, in which you could see that the director went to great lengths to provide a decent finished product ( to me it felt almost like an "Indiana Jones Lite"). Garrett [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies" (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 18:42:22 +0100 From: Garrett Winters Subject: [MV] WIld wild west I think movie goers are getting too big for their britches, we all seem to want to see remakes of our favorite shows but when they arrive we boo and hiss and say it was rubbish. In the last few years Mission Impossible, Lost in Space, and now WWW have all been panned for a multitude of reasons and yet the critics are all wrong as each of those movies delivered exactly what they should have. I suppose when the charlies angel's flick arrives we will all moan because it is so unlike the original, that is the point isn't it to bring you back to the carefree days of youth but at the same time they have to entertain the audience we have become. could you imagine what LIS and WWW would have been like if they had stayed true to the original ( and LIS was almost a carbon copy of the first few episodes of the original series), and used props and effects that were common at the time. they would have sucked big banana's. I don't know what people expect, I suppose the Phantom Menace showed that a lot of the people who claim to be star wars fans really aren't or they wouldn't have complained about TPM. I loved it and thought it couldn't have possibly been any better and look forward to the next two with great relish. So people who didn't like the movies I"ve listed above are more likely just vocal fans of the original's rather than true fans who will accept changes to an already successful formula. Garrett [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies" (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 12:48:50 -0500 From: Subject: [MV] RE: [MovieReview] Blast from the Past I thought the movie was horrible. To me Christopher Walken and Sissy Spacek chose poorly to involve themselves. Must have been the money. I was embarrased to watch this movie with my son. He loves Brandon Fraser after seeing The Mummy. That's just my opinion I think it stunk! > -----Original Message----- > From: Wade Snider [] > Sent: Monday, August 23, 1999 11:54 AM > To:; > Subject: Re: [MovieReview] Blast from the Past > > I, too, surprisingly enjoyed this movie. I didn't expect to, either. Sure, > > Alicia did a decent job, and she manages to vary a little bit from her > usual > pouty cynicism in her roles. Now, her pouty cynicism has more energy. > Hahahahaha.. No, I agree that for her, she did a much better job than she > usually does. And, she plays a huge part in the fact that as bizzare as > Adam > (Fraser) is, they have great chemistry on screen. Brendan Fraser is > actually > very good, and I enjoyed the small but hilarious roles of Sissy Spacek and > > Christopher Walken as Fraser's parents (Even though the setup takes too > long > to get going for the first half hour or so). > > There are some VERY funny throw away gags, such as how Walken tries to > explain baseball to his son, who never really understands when in their > bomb > shelter. The movie is partially a satire, that doesn't take itself all > that > seriously. > > It has some retchedly predictable and annoying points (the cult group, the > > social worker), but there is enough energy that even though you know > what's > coming, you can still enjoy it. A pretty good movie. Not a great one, but > very enjoyable nonetheless. > > > Wade > > >From: "Erskine 'Robbie' Robinson" > >To: Movie Review > >Subject: [MovieReview] Blast from the Past > >Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 10:47:15 -0500 > > > >Finally saw this movie. I thought it was very funny. The best > >performance by far from Alicia that I have seen. How about you? > > > >Robbie > > > > > >-- -- > >For the archives, to sub/unsubscribe to/from the list or > >list digest , go to: or > >send the word 'help' to > > > > > > -- -- > For the archives, to sub/unsubscribe to/from the list or > list digest , go to: or > send the word 'help' to [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies" (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 13:29:21 CDT From: "Wade Snider" Subject: Re: [MV] WIld wild west >I think movie goers are getting too big for their britches, we all seem >to want to see remakes of our favorite shows but when they arrive we boo >and hiss and say it was rubbish. I don't know how many people are clamoring for remakes of old tv shows. I don't. I think remaking old TV shows is Hollywood's mistaken attempt to capitalize on nostalgia, as well as forsake the effort it takes to come up with original screenplays. So, we are too big for our britches to expect for some intelligent and original products. In the last few years Mission >Impossible, Lost in Space, and now WWW have all been panned for a >multitude of reasons and yet the critics are all wrong as each of those >movies delivered exactly what they should have. So, they were SUPPOSED to deliver messy screenplays, flat acting, unoriginal stories, and cheesy promotional tie-ins?? Oh, I see. expecting some thought to go into the writing, the acting, and the overall story is wrong. I suppose when the >charlies angel's flick arrives we will all moan because it is so unlike >the original, that is the point isn't it to bring you back to the >carefree days of youth but at the same time they have to entertain the >audience we have become. I agree with this concept wholeheartedly. And, that is exactly what I would expect from such movies. The point most people make in disliking the movies, is that the movies themselves don't entertain. I agree that they should take the original concept, but then they should move on in new or modern directions. Presently, they just take the old concept and try to force in formulaic plot points and glitzy special effects. >could you imagine what LIS and WWW would have >been like if they had stayed true to the original ( and LIS was almost a >carbon copy of the first few episodes of the original series), and used >props and effects that were common at the time. they would have sucked >big banana's. Which I thought they did anyway. >I don't know what people expect, I suppose the Phantom Menace showed that >a lot of the people who claim to be star wars fans really aren't or they >wouldn't have complained about TPM. Now, your Star Wars argument seems to be the main point, but it's kind of like apples and oranges with regards to the first part of your post. Phantom Menace was not a remake. It was a new product, and it attempted to somewhat capitalize on the original Star Wars nostalgia. (So, I do concede that this is the main similarity to your first points) But, I do resent the notion that as a fan of the original trilogy, I should love TPM. I liked it, but I thought it was laden with problems and story conflicts. I do think it was overhyped, and it could have been better. even so, I do look forward to the next two movies, somewhat. I loved it and thought it couldn't >have possibly been any better and look forward to the next two with great >relish. So people who didn't like the movies I"ve listed above are more >likely just vocal fans of the original's rather than true fans who will >accept changes to an already successful formula. I am not a vocal fan of the original MI or Lost in Space. I am indifferent to both. I didn't think very much of either movie, but I did think that they could have been so much better than they actually were. I personally see no problem with changes to the old formulas. That goes back to the earlier point you mentioned. Simply put, I'm just saying that I don't agree with your characterizations of people who don't like these movies. Wade _______________________________________________________________ Get Free Email and Do More On The Web. Visit [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies" (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 12:28:11 -0700 (PDT) From: Sandra Nelson Subject: Re: [MV] Sixth Sense Any Cass Members seen Sixth Sense???Answer me soon ok? Hint hint.. Sandra end - --- Wade Snider wrote: > He was also the youngest son on Dave's World, an > American TV sitcom based on > the columnist Dave Barry. He was very funny, too. > > > >From: > >Reply-To: > >To: > >Subject: Re: [MV] Sixth Sense > >Date: Sat, 21 Aug 1999 08:26:00 -0700 > > > >YEAH,THAT LITTLE KID WAS IN FOREST GUMP AS HIS SON. > >------------------( Forwarded letter 1 follows > )-------------------- > >Date: Tue, 17 Aug 1999 22:06:49 -0500 > >To: > >From: > >Sender: > >Reply-To: > >Subject: Re: [MV] Sixth Sense > > > >On 8/17/99, 7:56 PM -0700, shelley bornholdt said > so nicely: > > > The > > >"boy's" character-name slips my mind too. In > real > > >life his name is Haley Joel Osment. > > > >His name was Cole. Oscar caliber if you ask me!! > > > >~~~~~ > >Diane Christy (Samantha and Joshua's Mom) > >Jefferson, LA > > > > > >ICQ #12904700 on Instant Messenger > >~~~~~ > > > >[ To leave the movies mailing list, send the > message "unsubscribe ] > >[ movies" (without the quotes) to > ] > > > >[ To leave the movies mailing list, send the > message "unsubscribe ] > >[ movies" (without the quotes) to > ] > > > _______________________________________________________________ > Get Free Email and Do More On The Web. Visit > > > [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message > "unsubscribe ] > [ movies" (without the quotes) to > ] > === Sandra Nelson Cass Program Index #33 'And as we let our light shine, we subconciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our fear, our presence automatically liberates others.' Nelson Mandella __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Bid and sell for free at [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies" (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 12:53:00 -0700 From: Subject: Re: [MV] Films and Movies I'm w/you Matt. What's w/all the Stanley Kubrick and Terry Gilliam movies. I really think All the Kubrick movies suck bug time.The only one that is good is The Shining because of Jack.The only others on the list I like are Resevoir Dogs and The Game. Dave - ------------------( Forwarded letter 1 follows )-------------------- Date: Sun, 22 Aug 1999 18:51:05 EDT To: From: Sender: Reply-To: Subject: Re: [MV] Films and Movies This has got to be the worst top ten list of movies ever. You, Mr. Mayer, are a complete moron. What kind of idiot puts an Ed Wood movie as one of the best? I swear, if I ever see this Eric Mayer on the street I'll break both his legs. ~Matt <> [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies" (without the quotes) to ] [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies" (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 13:05:00 -0700 From: Subject: Re: [MV] Summer's End I think Van Damme,Steven Segall and almost all those big action stars are all washed up!!! - ------------------( Forwarded letter 1 follows )-------------------- Date: Sun, 22 Aug 1999 20:55:49 -0500 To: From: Sender: Reply-To: Subject: Re: [MV] Summer's End At 09:40 PM 8/22/99 EDT, wrote: >Hello there all you movie listers...or is it listee's?? anyhoo > > I'm sad to report that's i've cought my last summer movie today > >Universal Soldier: the Return... >It wasn't much compared to the original, but then again, the original isn't >much compared to anything...ever the incredible wonderment of "cyborg" is all the jean-claude van damme i'll ever need ever again. [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies" (without the quotes) to ] [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies" (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 13:31:53 -0700 From: "Jacqueline Martin" Subject: [MV] Lists and movies This is a multi-part message in MIME format. - ------=_NextPart_000_00A1_01BEED6B.DCEF33A0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Well, I have never really posted to this list, so here is my top 10: 1. LA Confidential: One of the finest cast performances I have ever seen. Kevin Spacey just = takes that movie. 2. The Shinning: My favorite Kubrick movie, hands down. 3. The Silence of The Lambs:=20 One of the few book based movies that are better than the book. 4. Schindler's List: A once in a lifetime achievement for any director, unless you're Steven = Spielberg 5. The Usual Suspects: what can I say, I am a sucker for a good Spacey flick 6. The Manchurian Candidate I don't know what it is about this film I like, but I like it, so = there!!! 7. Trainspotting Daring film! Good performances all around. Lock Stock is also great. 8. Pulp Fiction: Samuel L Jackson deserved the attention that Travolta got! 9. The Full Monty: A little film with more heart than a thousand Titanics 10. This is Spinal Tap Need I say more? This one goes to 11 Jackie - ------=_NextPart_000_00A1_01BEED6B.DCEF33A0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Well, I have never really posted to this list, so = here is my=20 top 10:
1. LA Confidential:
One of the finest cast performances I have ever = seen. Kevin=20 Spacey just takes that movie.
2. The Shinning:
My favorite Kubrick movie, hands down.
3. The Silence of The Lambs:
One of the few book based movies that are better = than the=20 book.
4. Schindler's List:
A once in a lifetime achievement for any director, = unless=20 you're Steven Spielberg
5. The Usual Suspects:
what can I say, I am a sucker for a good Spacey=20 flick
6. The Manchurian Candidate
I don't know what it is about this film I like, but = I like it,=20 so there!!!
7. Trainspotting
Daring film! Good performances all around. Lock = Stock is also=20 great.
8. Pulp Fiction:
Samuel L Jackson deserved the attention that = Travolta=20 got!
9. The Full Monty:
A little film with more heart than a thousand=20 Titanics
10. This is Spinal Tap
Need I say more? This one goes to 11
- ------=_NextPart_000_00A1_01BEED6B.DCEF33A0-- [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies" (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 23 Aug 99 13:37:16 -0700 From: "David F. Nolan" Subject: Re: [MV] Lists and movies RE: Jacqueline Martin's "Top 10" list... Excellent choices, Jackie! [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies" (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 13:39:54 -0700 From: "Jim Sweeney" Subject: RE: [MV] Lists and movies This is a multi-part message in MIME format. - ------=_NextPart_000_0015_01BEED6C.FC6A2C20 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Were you in a "black" mood, Jackie? I enjoyed all your favorite movies. Jim ====LIVE IN SAN DIEGO? ==LOVE GOOD FILM?==FEEL LIKE YOU'RE MISSING OUT?==== As much as we salivate over all the screenings we hear about to the north, some of us can't afford to commute to LA to get our film culture and would appreciate local news and discussion from other film-lovers in the area. Join "sd-film", a discussion list for film lovers in San Diego geared toward rooting out the quality film-going experience in America's finest city. To subscribe, head over to -----Original Message----- From: []On Behalf Of Jacqueline Martin Sent: Monday, August 23, 1999 1:32 PM To: Subject: [MV] Lists and movies Well, I have never really posted to this list, so here is my top 10: 1. LA Confidential: One of the finest cast performances I have ever seen. Kevin Spacey just takes that movie. 2. The Shinning: My favorite Kubrick movie, hands down. 3. The Silence of The Lambs: One of the few book based movies that are better than the book. 4. Schindler's List: A once in a lifetime achievement for any director, unless you're Steven Spielberg 5. The Usual Suspects: what can I say, I am a sucker for a good Spacey flick 6. The Manchurian Candidate I don't know what it is about this film I like, but I like it, so there!!! 7. Trainspotting Daring film! Good performances all around. Lock Stock is also great. 8. Pulp Fiction: Samuel L Jackson deserved the attention that Travolta got! 9. The Full Monty: A little film with more heart than a thousand Titanics 10. This is Spinal Tap Need I say more? This one goes to 11 Jackie - ------=_NextPart_000_0015_01BEED6C.FC6A2C20 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Were=20 you in a "black" mood, Jackie?  I enjoyed all your favorite=20 movies.
As=20 much as we salivate over all the screenings we hear about to the north, = some of=20 us can't afford to commute to LA to get our film culture and would = appreciate=20 local news and discussion from other film-lovers in the area. Join = "sd-film", a=20 discussion list for film lovers in San Diego geared toward rooting out = the=20 quality film-going experience in America's finest city. To subscribe, = head over=20 to http://www.onelist.= com/subscribe.cgi/sd-film.=20
-----Original Message-----
From:=20 = []On=20 Behalf Of Jacqueline Martin
Sent: Monday, August 23, = 1999 1:32=20 PM
Subject: [MV] = Lists and=20 movies

Well, I have never really posted to this list, so = here is my=20 top 10:
1. LA Confidential:
One of the finest cast performances I have ever = seen. Kevin=20 Spacey just takes that movie.
2. The Shinning:
My favorite Kubrick movie, hands = down.
3. The Silence of The Lambs:
One of the few book based movies that are better = than the=20 book.
4. Schindler's List:
A once in a lifetime achievement for any director, = unless=20 you're Steven Spielberg
5. The Usual Suspects:
what can I say, I am a sucker for a good Spacey=20 flick
6. The Manchurian Candidate
I don't know what it is about this film I like, = but I like=20 it, so there!!!
7. Trainspotting
Daring film! Good performances all around. Lock = Stock is=20 also great.
8. Pulp Fiction:
Samuel L Jackson deserved the attention that = Travolta=20 got!
9. The Full Monty:
A little film with more heart than a thousand=20 Titanics
10. This is Spinal Tap
Need I say more? This one goes to 11
- ------=_NextPart_000_0015_01BEED6C.FC6A2C20-- [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies" (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 14:12:47 -0700 From: "Jacqueline Martin" Subject: Re: [MV] Lists and movies This is a multi-part message in MIME format. - ------=_NextPart_000_00B7_01BEED71.93AC9100 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable I think I was in a black mood because I wrote the list while at work. = Makes sense. My honorable mention: Swimming With Sharks Jackie ----- Original Message -----=20 From: Jim Sweeney=20 To: Sent: Monday, August 23, 1999 1:39 PM Subject: RE: [MV] Lists and movies Were you in a "black" mood, Jackie? I enjoyed all your favorite = movies. =20 Jim =20 =3D=3D=3D=3DLIVE IN SAN DIEGO? =3D=3DLOVE GOOD FILM?=3D=3DFEEL LIKE = YOU'RE MISSING OUT?=3D=3D=3D=3D As much as we salivate over all the screenings we hear about to the = north, some of us can't afford to commute to LA to get our film culture = and would appreciate local news and discussion from other film-lovers in = the area. Join "sd-film", a discussion list for film lovers in San Diego = geared toward rooting out the quality film-going experience in America's = finest city. To subscribe, head over to = -----Original Message----- From: = []On Behalf Of Jacqueline Martin Sent: Monday, August 23, 1999 1:32 PM To: Subject: [MV] Lists and movies Well, I have never really posted to this list, so here is my top 10: 1. LA Confidential: One of the finest cast performances I have ever seen. Kevin Spacey = just takes that movie. 2. The Shinning: My favorite Kubrick movie, hands down. 3. The Silence of The Lambs:=20 One of the few book based movies that are better than the book. 4. Schindler's List: A once in a lifetime achievement for any director, unless you're = Steven Spielberg 5. The Usual Suspects: what can I say, I am a sucker for a good Spacey flick 6. The Manchurian Candidate I don't know what it is about this film I like, but I like it, so = there!!! 7. Trainspotting Daring film! Good performances all around. Lock Stock is also great. 8. Pulp Fiction: Samuel L Jackson deserved the attention that Travolta got! 9. The Full Monty: A little film with more heart than a thousand Titanics 10. This is Spinal Tap Need I say more? This one goes to 11 Jackie - ------=_NextPart_000_00B7_01BEED71.93AC9100 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
I think I was in a black mood = because I wrote=20 the list while at work. Makes sense.
My honorable mention:
Swimming With Sharks
----- Original Message -----
From:=20 Jim=20 Sweeney
Sent: Monday, August 23, 1999 = 1:39=20 PM
Subject: RE: [MV] Lists and = movies

Were=20 you in a "black" mood, Jackie?  I enjoyed all your favorite=20 movies.
As=20 much as we salivate over all the screenings we hear about to the = north, some=20 of us can't afford to commute to LA to get our film culture and would=20 appreciate local news and discussion from other film-lovers in the = area. Join=20 "sd-film", a discussion list for film lovers in San Diego geared = toward=20 rooting out the quality film-going experience in America's finest = city. To=20 subscribe, head over to http://www.onelist.= com/subscribe.cgi/sd-film.=20
-----Original Message-----
From:=20 []On Behalf Of = Jacqueline=20 Martin
Sent: Monday, August 23, 1999 1:32 PM
To: =
Subject: [MV] Lists and=20 movies

Well, I have never really posted to this list, = so here is=20 my top 10:
1. LA Confidential:
One of the finest cast performances I have ever = seen.=20 Kevin Spacey just takes that movie.
2. The Shinning:
My favorite Kubrick movie, hands = down.
3. The Silence of The Lambs:
One of the few book based movies that are better = than the=20 book.
4. Schindler's List:
A once in a lifetime achievement for any = director, unless=20 you're Steven Spielberg
5. The Usual Suspects:
what can I say, I am a sucker for a good Spacey=20 flick
6. The Manchurian Candidate
I don't know what it is about this film I like, = but I like=20 it, so there!!!
7. Trainspotting
Daring film! Good performances all around. Lock = Stock is=20 also great.
8. Pulp Fiction:
Samuel L Jackson deserved the attention that = Travolta=20 got!
9. The Full Monty:
A little film with more heart than a thousand=20 Titanics
10. This is Spinal Tap
Need I say more? This one goes to = 11
- ------=_NextPart_000_00B7_01BEED71.93AC9100-- [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies" (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 14:31:24 -0700 From: Subject: [MV] OFF TOPIC: Pop Quiz Scoring: 1-6 correct=average 7-12 correct=above average 13-18 correct=intelligent more than 18 correct=genius Example: 16 = O in a P Answer: 16 Ounces in a Pound 1. 26 = L in the A 2. 7 = D of the W 3. 1001 = AN 4. 12 = S of the Z 5. 54 = C in a D (with J) 6. 9 = P in the SS 7. 88 = PK 8. 13 = S on the AF 9. 32 = D F at which W F 10. 18 = H on a G C 11. 90 = D in a R A 12. 200 = D for P G in M 13. 8 = S on SS 14. 3 = B M (S H T R) 15. 4 = Q in a G 16. 24 = H in a D 17. 1 = W on a U 18. 5 = D in a ZC 19. 57 = H V 20. 11 = P on a F T 21. 1000 = W that a P is W 22. 29 = D in F in a L Y 23. 64 = S on a C B 24. 40 = D and N of the G F 25. 50 = W to L Y L 26. 99 = B of B on the W 27. 60 = S in a M 28. 1 = H on a U 29. 9 = J on the S C 30. 7 = B for S B 31. 21 = D on a D 32. 7 = W of the A W 33. 1 = B B for E of U - ----- Sent using ( http://MailStart.Com/welcome.html ) The FREE way to access your mailbox via any web browser, anywhere! [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies" (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 23 Aug 99 14:54:05 -0700 From: "David F. Nolan" Subject: Re: [MV] OFF TOPIC: Pop Quiz >1-6 correct=average >7-12 correct=above average >13-18 correct=intelligent >more than 18 correct=genius I got 25 in 15 minutes. Beat that! (Sent 'em to Gregory, so as not to spoil your fun.) [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies" (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 14:54:00 -0700 From: Subject: RE:[MV] WIld wild west I thought Wild Wild West was HORRRRRIBBBLE! Who let this movie be made? Wasn't Jim West a white guy?As far as other TV show movies,I liked Mission Impossibe and Lost In Space.I also didn't like The Avengers. - ------------------( Forwarded letter 1 follows )-------------------- Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 18:42:22 +0100 To: From: Sender: Reply-To: Subject: [MV] WIld wild west I think movie goers are getting too big for their britches, we all seem to want to see remakes of our favorite shows but when they arrive we boo and hiss and say it was rubbish. In the last few years Mission Impossible, Lost in Space, and now WWW have all been panned for a multitude of reasons and yet the critics are all wrong as each of those movies delivered exactly what they should have. I suppose when the charlies angel's flick arrives we will all moan because it is so unlike the original, that is the point isn't it to bring you back to the carefree days of youth but at the same time they have to entertain the audience we have become. could you imagine what LIS and WWW would have been like if they had stayed true to the original ( and LIS was almost a carbon copy of the first few episodes of the original series), and used props and effects that were common at the time. they would have sucked big banana's. I don't know what people expect, I suppose the Phantom Menace showed that a lot of the people who claim to be star wars fans really aren't or they wouldn't have complained about TPM. I loved it and thought it couldn't have possibly been any better and look forward to the next two with great relish. So people who didn't like the movies I"ve listed above are more likely just vocal fans of the original's rather than true fans who will accept changes to an already successful formula. Garrett [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies" (without the quotes) to ] [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies" (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ End of movies-digest V2 #221 **************************** [ To quit the movies-digest mailing list (big mistake), send the message ] [ "unsubscribe movies-digest" (without the quotes) to ]