From: (movies-digest) To: Subject: movies-digest V2 #326 Reply-To: movies-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk movies-digest Wednesday, February 21 2001 Volume 02 : Number 326 RE: [MV] Indy Films RE: [MV] Showgirls - So bad it's BAD!! [MV] Re: Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon again... RE: [MV] Indy Films [MV] RE: DON QUIXOTE [MV] Re: Crouching Tiger, Hidden [MV] Castaway and Oscar nominations RE: [MV] Re: Crouching Tiger, Hidden RE: [MV] Castaway and Oscar nominations Re: [MV] Re: Crouching Tiger, Hidden RE: RE: [MV] Castaway and Oscar nominations RE: [MV] Castaway and Oscar nominations Re: [MV] Showgirls - So bad it's BAD!! RE: [MV] Castaway and Oscar nominations Re: [MV] Hannibal : Too gory ?? RE: [MV] Castaway and Oscar nominations RE: [MV] Showgirls - So bad it's BAD!! [MV] Requiem For a Dream Re: [MV] Hannibal : Too gory ?? Re: [MV] Hannibal : Too gory ?? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 10:34:41 -0000 From: MARK DAINTY Subject: RE: [MV] Indy Films Been away from the office for a few days, so I've only just seen this thread. It is hard to say where to start when looking at "Indy" films, as their subject matter is just as wide and varied as mainstream films. You could start with the likes of Wayne Wang's "Smoke" and "Blue in the Face" a wonderful couple of films with loads of cameos, just covering life in and around a tobacco shop in Queens (I think). Maybe you would like something more vexing, then go for Darren Aronovsky's "PI" a dark film regarding a mathematical genius' descent into personal madness after discovering a formula for predicting the stockmarket. Or there is the more accessible "Run Lola, Run" a great German film with a split storyline. Or the more explicit "Romance" a French film that has an excellent story regarding a woman looking for the love and attention she doesn't get out of her current relationship - BE WARNED - there are pretty graphic sex scenes in this film, but don't let that deter you, it has a story that a lot of people can relate to. However, if you are looking at widening your film repertoire, don't forget older films. Try Akira Kurosawa's "Seven Samurai" (a personal favourite), or "Kagemusha", or even "The Hidden Fortress" (apparently where Lucas got most of the plot for Star Wars from. Or you could try Luis Bunuels "The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeousie". The emergence of DVD gives us all the ability to re-discover films that may have been lost or unkown to us. Can I recommend an excellent DVD forum site - o.k. so it is british, but is still covers all areas - try and ask questions. It is an intelligently run and moderated site, and people are only too happy to help. MARK > -----Original Message----- > From: Diane Christy [] > Sent: 19 February 2001 15:24 > To: > Subject: Re: [MV] Indy Films > > At 2:44 AM -0500 2/18/01, Mel Eperthener wrote: > >Understandable. Whore can be a bit hard to stomache. > > > >For indy films, a good place to start might be Fargo. It is not > really > >independent, but has that feel, and a good story, and might be a good > place > >to start. Another one like that is The Usual Suspects, one of my > favourite > >films of all time. > > Oh, well, yes I saw "Fargo." I thought it was very good. And I > loved "The Usual Suspects"!!! I thought it was so well written!! > > > > >Being John Malkovich is another good introduction to this genre. And > I > >highly recommend the Kevin Smith films (who is a friend of a friend, > but I > >raved about his films before I even found this out). Clerks is the > logical > >place to start, but be forewarned. This film has no sex, no > violence, no > >nudity, nothing but language, and it still originally got an NC-17 > rating, > >the only film to ever get that on the basis of language alone. > Chasing Amy > >is equally good (Mallrats is when even Smith himself admits he sold > out to > >the studios), but also has some "troubling" issues. Besides, it is > really > >every man's lesbian fantasy (that being that all a lesbian needs to > set her > >straight is the right man), so I am sure most of the lesbian > community > >would hate this film. Dogma was protested by the Catholic Church > before > >anyone ever saw it, so until you see it, you cannot appreciate that > it > >actually has a very pro-religion message. > > I saw "Being John Malkovich" and disliked it. I hated the > characters. I wasn't interested in them at all. I didn't care what > happened to them. I need to see "Clerks." I saw "Chasing Amy" and I > enjoyed that. Haven't seen "Mallrats." Haven't seen "Dogma" either. > > > > >One thing is, most indy, or even quasi-independent films like to push > the > >envelope, and especially like to examine the effects of violence on > people. > > I think Pulp Fiction and Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels work on > many > >different levels, and have to be viewed beyond the top layer to > really be > >appreciated. If you were able to stomache A Clockwork Orange (and > even I > >had trouble with that), Romper Stomper is another good one that > examines > >some of the same social issues. That leads us into Once Were > Warriors and > >The Last Supper. If you can get thru those, then you might just be > able to > >handle Clean, Shaven. I have not got this far yet, but I do know it > starts > >off with seventeen minutes of static. > > I loved "Pulp Fiction." "Clockwork Orange" was just too weird for > me. I saw "Once Were Warriors" and enjoyed it even though it was > pretty gritty. > > 17 minutes of static? OK... > > > > >A good way to get the feel for these movies without the overboard > themes is > >to go to the foreign films section of the video store. Giving into > the > >English language bias, let me give you some good foreign films that > did > >well overseas, but are high quality enough and obscure enough to give > you > >the same feel. Try Strictly Ballroom (very clean movie, the kids can > even > >watch) and Priscilla, Queen of the Desert. I also think The Year My > Voice > >Broke is one of the best films ever made, and another that the entire > >family can watch safely. One that I bet just about everyone missed > is > >Boulevard of Broken Dreams. Also, The Efficiency Expert is a great > comedy, > >and Don's Party did the big chill nearly two decades befor The Big > Chill. > > I haven't seen any of these. > > > > >Some other ones to consider are Love and Other Catastrophies, Shallow > >Grave, The Unbearable Lightness of Being, High Art, Henry Fool, and > Oscar > >and Lucinda. > > Haven't seen these either. > > > > >When you are up to dealing with subtitles, anything by Luc Besson > will do > >(The Big Blue, La Femme Nikita, The Visitors), as well as Oscar > winners in > >the Foreign Film catagory (Burnt By the Sun, Antonia's Line, Koyla, > etc > >etc), and let's not forget the Colours Trilogy (Bleu, Blanc, et > Rogue, or > >in English, Blue, White, and Red) > > Nope, none of these... > > > > >Now, I know that these aren't the true independent films that were > >suggested, but they are a start, and will ease you into the genre. > And I > >am sure that there are a lot of other suggestions that are more > >independent. Some others that are more indepenent are When We Were > Kings, > >Once Upon A Time When We Were Coloured, In His Father's Shoes, and > Looking > >for Richard. And I am sure people are adding to this list as we > speak. > > Nope. Boy I've got some films to see, huh?? > > > > >> > >>Nope, didn't like "Patch Adams." > >>-- > > > >See, no matter what, everyone has to agree you can't be all bad:-) > > Thanks, Mel!! > > > -- > ~~~~~ > Diane Christy (Samantha and Joshua's Mom) > Jefferson, LA > > > ICQ #12904700 on Instant AOL Messenger > ~~~~~ > > [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] > [ movies" (without the quotes) to ] [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies" (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 06:29:21 -0800 From: "Marc C. Desbiens" Subject: RE: [MV] Showgirls - So bad it's BAD!! Wow, Excellent review Mark, I agree with everything you said basically !! This film was just plain awful even if we see a number of gorgeous women in sexy outfits !! Awful story, acting, dialogues ... I would say either 0.5/5 or 1/5 depending if I feel generous or not !! ;-) Did you see the way Berkley was handling that ketchup bottle near the beginning, I knew I was in big trouble right **there** !! ;-) Marc >From: MARK DAINTY >To: "''" >Subject: [MV] Showgirls - So bad it's BAD!! >Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 10:59:38 -0000 >Reply-To: > >I have waited many years to see Showgirls, I missed the opportunity at >the cinema, and this weekend I got my chance as it was on Channel 4 >(UK). Now, I can almost hear you screaming "WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO SEE >THAT?" - - ------------------------------------------------------------ Apollo Guide: The Best in Movie Reviews, DVD & Home Video Click Here for intelligent reviews online -> [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies" (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 08:43:43 -0700 (MST) From: A Kanizaj Subject: [MV] Re: Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon again... I need a big favor from someone. I want to drag my girlfriend to Crouching Tiger so we can see it for the 1st time together, but she keeps asking "what's it about"? Basically,unless I can give her a short, concise plot summary/sales pitch, she won't go, and I'll have to wait until "somebody" sends it to me on video. If anyone can help it would be most appreciated. Serious answers only please, mostly cuz I won't be able to tell the difference between a fake one and a real one. Also, a customer of mine is looking for some movies. Any Taboo sequels with the actress playing the mother from the first one, the Linda Lovelace with a dog reel, the German Faces of Death 5 and 6, Traces of Death 4 and onwards, Death Scenes 2, Killing Of America, and Raw Talent. Any help would be greatly appreciated and top dollar will be paid, or I will trade for any movies you want. - -ak On Tue, 20 Feb 2001, Tobie Openshaw wrote: > > > > >I know that this is a bit off-current-topic, but I just watched the > movie yesterday (friday) and I found it great. But I'm here to ask a > simple question, I read in a magazine that the title of the movie is from > an old chinese saying about "the things that is not like they seems..", > can anyone tell me the whole saying? > My friends here in Taiwan tell me that it's pretty much complete as is, > and is used to denote the idea that you may well find yourself > unwittingly in the midst of many people with hidden Kung-Fu talents. > > Tobie Openshaw > Bignose Productions > Taiwan > > > > > > ________________________________________________________________________________ > > Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at > > > [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies" (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 08:46:36 -0700 (MST) From: A Kanizaj Subject: RE: [MV] Indy Films Yeah, the first 3 are brilliant, but a word of warning. The guy who did Smoke and Blue... has a new one with Harvey Keitel, Willem Dafoe...oh yeah, Lulu On The Bridge. It bored me to tears. I bought the thing on "name value" and couldn't get all the way through it. - -ak On Tue, 20 Feb 2001, MARK DAINTY wrote: > Been away from the office for a few days, so I've only just seen this > thread. It is hard to say where to start when looking at "Indy" films, > as their subject matter is just as wide and varied as mainstream films. > You could start with the likes of Wayne Wang's "Smoke" and "Blue in the > Face" a wonderful couple of films with loads of cameos, just covering > life in and around a tobacco shop in Queens (I think). > > Maybe you would like something more vexing, then go for Darren > Aronovsky's "PI" a dark film regarding a mathematical genius' descent > into personal madness after discovering a formula for predicting the > stockmarket. > > Or there is the more accessible "Run Lola, Run" a great German film with > a split storyline. Or the more explicit "Romance" a French film that > has an excellent story regarding a woman looking for the love and > attention she doesn't get out of her current relationship - BE WARNED - > there are pretty graphic sex scenes in this film, but don't let that > deter you, it has a story that a lot of people can relate to. > > However, if you are looking at widening your film repertoire, don't > forget older films. Try Akira Kurosawa's "Seven Samurai" (a personal > favourite), or "Kagemusha", or even "The Hidden Fortress" (apparently > where Lucas got most of the plot for Star Wars from. Or you could try > Luis Bunuels "The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeousie". > > The emergence of DVD gives us all the ability to re-discover films that > may have been lost or unkown to us. > > Can I recommend an excellent DVD forum site - o.k. so it is british, but > is still covers all areas - try and ask > questions. It is an intelligently run and moderated site, and people > are only too happy to help. > > MARK > > > -----Original Message----- > > From: Diane Christy [] > > Sent: 19 February 2001 15:24 > > To: > > Subject: Re: [MV] Indy Films > > > > At 2:44 AM -0500 2/18/01, Mel Eperthener wrote: > > >Understandable. Whore can be a bit hard to stomache. > > > > > >For indy films, a good place to start might be Fargo. It is not > > really > > >independent, but has that feel, and a good story, and might be a good > > place > > >to start. Another one like that is The Usual Suspects, one of my > > favourite > > >films of all time. > > > > Oh, well, yes I saw "Fargo." I thought it was very good. And I > > loved "The Usual Suspects"!!! I thought it was so well written!! > > > > > > > >Being John Malkovich is another good introduction to this genre. And > > I > > >highly recommend the Kevin Smith films (who is a friend of a friend, > > but I > > >raved about his films before I even found this out). Clerks is the > > logical > > >place to start, but be forewarned. This film has no sex, no > > violence, no > > >nudity, nothing but language, and it still originally got an NC-17 > > rating, > > >the only film to ever get that on the basis of language alone. > > Chasing Amy > > >is equally good (Mallrats is when even Smith himself admits he sold > > out to > > >the studios), but also has some "troubling" issues. Besides, it is > > really > > >every man's lesbian fantasy (that being that all a lesbian needs to > > set her > > >straight is the right man), so I am sure most of the lesbian > > community > > >would hate this film. Dogma was protested by the Catholic Church > > before > > >anyone ever saw it, so until you see it, you cannot appreciate that > > it > > >actually has a very pro-religion message. > > > > I saw "Being John Malkovich" and disliked it. I hated the > > characters. I wasn't interested in them at all. I didn't care what > > happened to them. I need to see "Clerks." I saw "Chasing Amy" and I > > enjoyed that. Haven't seen "Mallrats." Haven't seen "Dogma" either. > > > > > > > >One thing is, most indy, or even quasi-independent films like to push > > the > > >envelope, and especially like to examine the effects of violence on > > people. > > > I think Pulp Fiction and Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels work on > > many > > >different levels, and have to be viewed beyond the top layer to > > really be > > >appreciated. If you were able to stomache A Clockwork Orange (and > > even I > > >had trouble with that), Romper Stomper is another good one that > > examines > > >some of the same social issues. That leads us into Once Were > > Warriors and > > >The Last Supper. If you can get thru those, then you might just be > > able to > > >handle Clean, Shaven. I have not got this far yet, but I do know it > > starts > > >off with seventeen minutes of static. > > > > I loved "Pulp Fiction." "Clockwork Orange" was just too weird for > > me. I saw "Once Were Warriors" and enjoyed it even though it was > > pretty gritty. > > > > 17 minutes of static? OK... > > > > > > > >A good way to get the feel for these movies without the overboard > > themes is > > >to go to the foreign films section of the video store. Giving into > > the > > >English language bias, let me give you some good foreign films that > > did > > >well overseas, but are high quality enough and obscure enough to give > > you > > >the same feel. Try Strictly Ballroom (very clean movie, the kids can > > even > > >watch) and Priscilla, Queen of the Desert. I also think The Year My > > Voice > > >Broke is one of the best films ever made, and another that the entire > > >family can watch safely. One that I bet just about everyone missed > > is > > >Boulevard of Broken Dreams. Also, The Efficiency Expert is a great > > comedy, > > >and Don's Party did the big chill nearly two decades befor The Big > > Chill. > > > > I haven't seen any of these. > > > > > > > >Some other ones to consider are Love and Other Catastrophies, Shallow > > >Grave, The Unbearable Lightness of Being, High Art, Henry Fool, and > > Oscar > > >and Lucinda. > > > > Haven't seen these either. > > > > > > > >When you are up to dealing with subtitles, anything by Luc Besson > > will do > > >(The Big Blue, La Femme Nikita, The Visitors), as well as Oscar > > winners in > > >the Foreign Film catagory (Burnt By the Sun, Antonia's Line, Koyla, > > etc > > >etc), and let's not forget the Colours Trilogy (Bleu, Blanc, et > > Rogue, or > > >in English, Blue, White, and Red) > > > > Nope, none of these... > > > > > > > >Now, I know that these aren't the true independent films that were > > >suggested, but they are a start, and will ease you into the genre. > > And I > > >am sure that there are a lot of other suggestions that are more > > >independent. Some others that are more indepenent are When We Were > > Kings, > > >Once Upon A Time When We Were Coloured, In His Father's Shoes, and > > Looking > > >for Richard. And I am sure people are adding to this list as we > > speak. > > > > Nope. Boy I've got some films to see, huh?? > > > > > > > >> > > >>Nope, didn't like "Patch Adams." > > >>-- > > > > > >See, no matter what, everyone has to agree you can't be all bad:-) > > > > Thanks, Mel!! > > > > > > -- > > ~~~~~ > > Diane Christy (Samantha and Joshua's Mom) > > Jefferson, LA > > > > > > ICQ #12904700 on Instant AOL Messenger > > ~~~~~ > > > > [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] > > [ movies" (without the quotes) to ] > > [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] > [ movies" (without the quotes) to ] > [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies" (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 08:50:00 -0700 From: ("Paul D Richardson") Subject: [MV] RE: DON QUIXOTE > Does anyone know of the current status of Terry Gilliams new picture "Don > Quixote"? It's been on hold due to health problems of the star. From what I've read, it's highly doubtful that the film will actually be finished. [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies" (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 09:03:00 -0700 From: ("Paul D Richardson") Subject: [MV] Re: Crouching Tiger, Hidden > I need a big favor from someone. I want to drag my girlfriend to Crouching > Tiger so we can see it for the 1st time together, but she keeps asking > "what's it about"? Luckily, CTHD should be very easy to convince a girl to see. Assuming that she's under 30, she probably loved TITANIC. If that's the case, tell her it's about a young girl who is being forced to marry against her will and who decides to rebel so she can be with the man she truly loves. You could also mention the sub-plot about the loveable rogue who decides to give up his violent past so that he can profess his long-time unrequited love. All of this is 100% true, by the way. Enjoy the flick! [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies" (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 12:07:38 -0400 From: Enrique Bird Subject: [MV] Castaway and Oscar nominations Friends, Does anyone here agree with a friend and I in thinking that the = charcater Wilson in the movie "Castaway" should have received a best supporting = actor Oscar nomination? Enrique F. Bird Pic=F3 Email: Office =3D=3D=3D=3D> Personal =3D=3D> Tel: Office (787) 751-4343 ext. 348=20 Home (787) 757-3909 [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies" (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 16:52:38 -0000 From: MARK DAINTY Subject: RE: [MV] Re: Crouching Tiger, Hidden Nah, he's lying - it's about this Chinese Warrior, Hu Flung D' Ung, who was in warring times known as Tiger. However, he was captured by the 15th century warload, Aki Ra Koorasa Wa, and during his imprisonment he was severely injured, and could not walk upright again - Hence the Crouching Tiger part. As he is handicapped he has to re-learn a new fighting style, which he calls Hidden Dragon - the defence for the crippled. He teaches this to his new compatriots who are all "physically challenged" and eventually has his revenge against the evil warlord that changed his life. However, he acknowledges that through his disability he has become a better person, so in the end he gives the warlord a chance to learn the value of life, and cripples him. And THAT'S THE TRUTH, RUTH MARK > -----Original Message----- > From: [] > Sent: 20 February 2001 16:03 > To: > Subject: [MV] Re: Crouching Tiger, Hidden > > > I need a big favor from someone. I want to drag my girlfriend to > Crouching > > Tiger so we can see it for the 1st time together, but she keeps > asking > > "what's it about"? > > Luckily, CTHD should be very easy to convince a girl to see. Assuming > that > she's under 30, she probably loved TITANIC. If that's the case, tell > her it's > about a young girl who is being forced to marry against her will and > who > decides to rebel so she can be with the man she truly loves. You > could also > mention the sub-plot about the loveable rogue who decides to give up > his > violent past so that he can profess his long-time unrequited love. > All of > this is 100% true, by the way. Enjoy the flick! > > [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] > [ movies" (without the quotes) to ] [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies" (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 16:52:53 -0000 From: MARK DAINTY Subject: RE: [MV] Castaway and Oscar nominations no! > -----Original Message----- > From: Enrique Bird [] > Sent: 20 February 2001 16:08 > To: > Subject: [MV] Castaway and Oscar nominations >=20 > Friends, >=20 > Does anyone here agree with a friend and I in thinking that the > charcater > Wilson in the movie "Castaway" should have received a best supporting > actor > Oscar nomination? >=20 > Enrique F. Bird Pic=F3 > Email: Office =3D=3D=3D=3D> > Personal =3D=3D> > Tel: Office (787) 751-4343 ext. 348=20 > Home (787) 757-3909 >=20 >=20 >=20 > [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] > [ movies" (without the quotes) to ] [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies" (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 09:14:12 -0700 (MST) From: A Kanizaj Subject: Re: [MV] Re: Crouching Tiger, Hidden She is exactly 30, but she loves Titanic still. I will try this, thanks a million. - -ak On Tue, 20 Feb 2001 wrote: > > I need a big favor from someone. I want to drag my girlfriend to Crouching > > Tiger so we can see it for the 1st time together, but she keeps asking > > "what's it about"? > > Luckily, CTHD should be very easy to convince a girl to see. Assuming that > she's under 30, she probably loved TITANIC. If that's the case, tell her it's > about a young girl who is being forced to marry against her will and who > decides to rebel so she can be with the man she truly loves. You could also > mention the sub-plot about the loveable rogue who decides to give up his > violent past so that he can profess his long-time unrequited love. All of > this is 100% true, by the way. Enjoy the flick! > > [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] > [ movies" (without the quotes) to ] > [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies" (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 08:15:40 -0800 From: "Marc C. Desbiens" Subject: RE: RE: [MV] Castaway and Oscar nominations DQpZZXMgISBJbWFnaW5lIHRoZSBhY2NlcHRhbmNlICJzcGVlY2giLCB2b2ljZSBvdmVycyBy ZXF1aXJlZCAhIQ0KV291bGQgV2lsc29uIGhhdmUgYSBzZWF0IGluIHRoZSBhdWRpZW5jZSA/ Pw0KDQpUaGUgc2hvdWxkIGFkZCBuZXcgY2F0ZWdvcmllcyBhbnl3YXksIHRoZSBvbmVzIHRo ZXkgaGF2ZSBub3cgYXJlIGdvb2QgYnV0IHRoZXkgYXJlIGEgYml0IHRvbyAic3RpZmYiIC4u LiBJJ20gbm90IHNheWluZyBoYXZpbmcgYSAiQmVzdCBraXNzIiBsaWtlIGF0IHRoZSBNVFYg YXdhcmRzIGJ1dCB0aGV5IGNvdWxkICoqdHJ5KiogdG8gbWFrZSBpdCBtb3JlIGZ1biAhIQ0K DQpNYXJjIDstKQ0KDQo+RnJvbTogTUFSSyBEQUlOVFkgPE1BUktAemlwcGFjay5jby51az4N Cj5UbzogIidtb3ZpZXNAbGlzdHMueG1pc3Npb24uY29tJyIgPG1vdmllc0BsaXN0cy54bWlz c2lvbi5jb20+DQo+U3ViamVjdDogUkU6IFtNVl0gQ2FzdGF3YXkgYW5kIE9zY2FyIG5vbWlu YXRpb25zDQo+RGF0ZTogVHVlLCAyMCBGZWIgMjAwMSAxNjo1Mjo1MyAtMDAwMA0KPlJlcGx5 LVRvOiBtb3ZpZXNAbGlzdHMueG1pc3Npb24uY29tDQo+DQo+bm8hDQo+DQo+PiAtLS0tLU9y aWdpbmFsIE1lc3NhZ2UtLS0tLQ0KPj4gRnJvbTogICAgIEVucmlxdWUgQmlyZCBbU01UUDpl YmlyZEBnbWdyb3VwLmNvbV0NCj4+IFNlbnQ6ICAgICAyMCBGZWJydWFyeSAyMDAxIDE2OjA4 DQo+PiBUbzogICAgIG1vdmllc0BsaXN0cy54bWlzc2lvbi5jb20NCj4+IFN1YmplY3Q6ICAg ICBbTVZdIENhc3Rhd2F5IGFuZCBPc2NhciBub21pbmF0aW9ucw0KPj4gDQo+PiBGcmllbmRz LA0KPj4gDQo+PiBEb2VzIGFueW9uZSBoZXJlIGFncmVlIHdpdGggYSBmcmllbmQgYW5kIEkg aW4gdGhpbmtpbmcgdGhhdCB0aGUNCj4+IGNoYXJjYXRlcg0KPj4gV2lsc29uIGluIHRoZSBt b3ZpZSAiQ2FzdGF3YXkiIHNob3VsZCBoYXZlIHJlY2VpdmVkIGEgYmVzdCBzdXBwb3J0aW5n DQo+PiBhY3Rvcg0KPj4gT3NjYXIgbm9taW5hdGlvbj8NCj4+IA0KPj4gRW5yaXF1ZSBGLiBC aXJkIFBpY/MNCj4+IEVtYWlsOiBPZmZpY2UgPT09PT4gZWJpcmRAZ21ncm91cC5jb20NCj4+ ICAgICAgICAgICBQZXJzb25hbCA9PT4gZW5mYmlyZHBAY29xdWkubmV0DQo+PiBUZWw6IE9m ZmljZSAoNzg3KSA3NTEtNDM0MyBleHQuIDM0OCANCj4+ICAgICAgICBIb21lICg3ODcpIDc1 Ny0zOTA5DQo+PiANCj4+IA0KPj4gDQo+PiBbIFRvIGxlYXZlIHRoZSBtb3ZpZXMgbWFpbGlu ZyBsaXN0LCBzZW5kIHRoZSBtZXNzYWdlICJ1bnN1YnNjcmliZSBdDQo+PiBbIG1vdmllcyIg KHdpdGhvdXQgdGhlIHF1b3RlcykgdG8gbWFqb3Jkb21vQHhtaXNzaW9uLmNvbSAgICAgICAg ICBdDQo+DQo+WyBUbyBsZWF2ZSB0aGUgbW92aWVzIG1haWxpbmcgbGlzdCwgc2VuZCB0aGUg bWVzc2FnZSAidW5zdWJzY3JpYmUgXQ0KPlsgbW92aWVzIiAod2l0aG91dCB0aGUgcXVvdGVz KSB0byBtYWpvcmRvbW9AeG1pc3Npb24uY29tICAgICAgICAgIF0NCg0KDQotLS0tLS0tLS0t LS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0NCkFw b2xsbyBHdWlkZTogVGhlIEJlc3QgaW4gTW92aWUgUmV2aWV3cywgRFZEICYgSG9tZSBWaWRl bw0KQ2xpY2sgSGVyZSBmb3IgaW50ZWxsaWdlbnQgcmV2aWV3cyBvbmxpbmUgLT4gaHR0cDov L2Fwb2xsb2d1aWRlLmNvbQ0KDQoNCg== [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies" (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 17:01:49 -0000 From: MARK DAINTY Subject: RE: [MV] Castaway and Oscar nominations I take it you are presuming Wilson is a man - Chauvinist!! > -----Original Message----- > From: MARK DAINTY [] > Sent: 20 February 2001 16:53 > To: '' > Subject: RE: [MV] Castaway and Oscar nominations >=20 > no! >=20 > > -----Original Message----- > > From: Enrique Bird [] > > Sent: 20 February 2001 16:08 > > To: > > Subject: [MV] Castaway and Oscar nominations > >=20 > > Friends, > >=20 > > Does anyone here agree with a friend and I in thinking that the > > charcater > > Wilson in the movie "Castaway" should have received a best > supporting > > actor > > Oscar nomination? > >=20 > > Enrique F. Bird Pic=F3 > > Email: Office =3D=3D=3D=3D> > > Personal =3D=3D> > > Tel: Office (787) 751-4343 ext. 348=20 > > Home (787) 757-3909 > >=20 > >=20 > >=20 > > [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] > > [ movies" (without the quotes) to ] >=20 > [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] > [ movies" (without the quotes) to ] [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies" (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 16:48:37 -0700 From: "" Subject: Re: [MV] Showgirls - So bad it's BAD!! Man, you guys need to lighten up on Berkley. I've met her a few times and her take on Showgirls is that people just don't realise that she, and everyone else in the film, was taking the mickey. She says she gets people coming up to her all the time saying "you know, it's prononced ver-sa-chee, not ver-sase." The whole film was a giant piss-take, but people judge it like it was trying to change the world. Hey, let's treat Demi Moore like America's favorite daughter after she got paid millions to flash her boobs in Striptease, but Berkley, "she's terrible!" I can't suggest with a straight face that Berkley is a younger Judi Dench or anything, but give the girl some credit - she'd been playing the goody two-shoes teenager in Saved By The Bell for so many years that she couldn't get a real role in a feature film because everyone saw her as her TV character. So she went for a role that was so far away from that character that it would forever shatter the Saved By The Bell stereotype. And it did! Unfortunately, now she's stuck with a new stereotype, but you can't win them all. There's so many inexcusably bad movies out there that pretend they're Oscar material (What Women Want for example) that, to me, it seems odd that so many people pour scorn on a mere satire. Drew Barrymore had been the original choice for the lead role until she dropped out weeks before the shoot began, and if you don't believe the whole movie was tongue in cheek, check the scene where Berkley sits down in front of her make-up mirror for the first time and tears a nametag off the mirror that says "Drew"... Chris Parry [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies" (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 23:19:19 -0500 From: tom ryder Subject: RE: [MV] Castaway and Oscar nominations Yes, I agree. Tom Hanks is a great actor and if he can carry this film by himself, that just proves he deserves the award. Lynda At 04:52 PM 2/20/01 +0000, you wrote: >no! > >> -----Original Message----- >> From: Enrique Bird [] >> Sent: 20 February 2001 16:08 >> To: >> Subject: [MV] Castaway and Oscar nominations >>=20 >> Friends, >>=20 >> Does anyone here agree with a friend and I in thinking that the >> charcater >> Wilson in the movie "Castaway" should have received a best supporting >> actor >> Oscar nomination? >>=20 >> Enrique F. Bird Pic=F3 >> Email: Office =3D=3D=3D=3D> >> Personal =3D=3D> >> Tel: Office (787) 751-4343 ext. 348=20 >> Home (787) 757-3909 >>=20 >>=20 >>=20 >> [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] >> [ movies" (without the quotes) to ] Lynda Ryder 172/Intro to the Internet [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies" (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 23:11:47 -0600 From: "Barb Kald" Subject: Re: [MV] Hannibal : Too gory ?? Hi There, I read your discussions about "Hannibal" and found them very interesting. Some friends recommended mi that movie, so I went to see it. I was shocked!!!! I never expected so much violence!!!! Some parts of the movie are still in my head. Now a days, scenes are way too explicit which influence people into even more violence. Some of you may not agree with me here, but i strongly believe that movies/the media influence those that are weak of mind (such as kids, which you all might know, are involve in some kind of criminal behavior). I just think that "GOOD" movies are those which let you use your imagination!!!!!! =with all due respect= *Barb, (Chicago, IL)* >From: "Marc C. Desbiens" >Reply-To: >To: >Subject: [MV] Hannibal : Too gory ?? >Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2001 11:18:11 -0800 > > ><<<<< Elaine ranting about Hannibal >>>>>> > ><<<<<< Respectfully submitted >>>>>>>>>> > >Ms. Diane your comments are creating quite a controversy !! > >Marc ;-) > >============================================================== > > >Elaine wrote : ----------- Well, my thoughts were that this movie was about >a man who had > >cannibalistic tendencies and anyone going to see it should have known >that > >before stepping into the theater. It wasn't as if this movie wasn't well > >anticipated or publicized. Did she expect them not to show this? And if >she > >wasn't sure, why not wait and hear what others have to say and then make >a > >decision about whether there might be too much gore for her tastes? Why >go > >immediately upon it's opening? Some people are like sheep and go see a >movie > >strictly because they don't want to be "left out." > >I don't agree with her at all that it was over the top. I think they >used > >great restraint in how much they showed. This is who, or what, Hannibal >is > >and there were parts that just couldn't be avoided. Who would have >wanted to > >see a movie about him without showing this aspect? It wasn't titled >"Looking > >for Dr. Lecter" it was titled "Hannibal!!!" Grrrr! > > Elaine :) > > >------------------------------------------------------------ >Apollo Guide: The Best in Movie Reviews, DVD & Home Video >Click Here for intelligent reviews online -> > > > >[ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] >[ movies" (without the quotes) to ] _________________________________________________________________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies" (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 10:00:04 -0000 From: MARK DAINTY Subject: RE: [MV] Castaway and Oscar nominations do know that Tom Hanks DIDN'T play Wilson don't you??? = Wilson was the ball!! MARK > -----Original Message----- > From: tom ryder [] > Sent: 21 February 2001 04:19 > To: > Subject: RE: [MV] Castaway and Oscar nominations >=20 > Yes, I agree. Tom Hanks is a great actor and if he can carry this > film by > himself, that just proves he deserves the award. > Lynda >=20 > At 04:52 PM 2/20/01 +0000, you wrote: > >no! > > > >> -----Original Message----- > >> From: Enrique Bird [] > >> Sent: 20 February 2001 16:08 > >> To: > >> Subject: [MV] Castaway and Oscar nominations > >>=20 > >> Friends, > >>=20 > >> Does anyone here agree with a friend and I in thinking that the > >> charcater > >> Wilson in the movie "Castaway" should have received a best > supporting > >> actor > >> Oscar nomination? > >>=20 > >> Enrique F. Bird Pic=F3 > >> Email: Office =3D=3D=3D=3D> > >> Personal =3D=3D> > >> Tel: Office (787) 751-4343 ext. 348=20 > >> Home (787) 757-3909 > >>=20 > >>=20 > >>=20 > >> [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe = ] > >> [ movies" (without the quotes) to = ] >=20 > Lynda Ryder > 172/Intro to the Internet > >=20 >=20 > [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] > [ movies" (without the quotes) to ] [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies" (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 10:12:16 -0000 From: MARK DAINTY Subject: RE: [MV] Showgirls - So bad it's BAD!! I know that the film was supposed to be tongue in cheek, but that doesn't stop it from being effing terrible. Starship Troopers was tongue in cheek, but that worked. Showgirls isn't some secret club where only the few "get it", it is just a bad movie, no excuses. Elizabeth Berkley is obviously gonna be defensive against her performance and say that she knew it was taking the mickey, with a performance THAT bad what else are you gonna do? However, follow this through, Showgirls was her first major role in a major movie, without any previous hollywood credentials do you think that she would try to deliver a self deprocating performance to show that she could do "satire", I don't think so. Also, the films "rape" scend doesn't stand up to the film taking the mickey, for something supposedly so light, why have something so graphic? Irrespective of whether the film is just a bad joke that didn't work, or some wayyy too subtle insightful film, the fact stands that it is bad, bad, BAD. I will say that Berkley is perhaps the most innocent in all of this, I'm sure that she had very little say in the proceedings, but that doesn't stop her performance from being nothing more than amateurish overacting. I agree that there are bad movies that are pretenders to the throne, (I totally hated "What Women Want" also), but there are also bad movies, that just plain suck. For a good, bad movie that takes the mickey, have a look at the large piece of cheese that is "Coyote Ugly", on much less of a budget, and on a far less scale, it tells almost the same story as Showgirls, but far more effectively. As far the films "in-joke" regarding Drew Barrymore, one-in joke does not a movie make, and this just goes to show why Drew Barrymore's career is ascending, the fact that she know to avoid a turgid turd of a movie like this. MARK PS Next time you see Ms. Berkley I don't mind if you tell her this - as long as you get me her phone number : ) > -----Original Message----- > From: [] > Sent: 20 February 2001 23:49 > To: Movies Mailing List > Subject: Re: [MV] Showgirls - So bad it's BAD!! > > Man, you guys need to lighten up on Berkley. I've met her a few times > and her > take on Showgirls is that people just don't realise that she, and > everyone > else in the film, was taking the mickey. She says she gets people > coming up > to her all the time saying "you know, it's prononced ver-sa-chee, not > ver-sase." > > The whole film was a giant piss-take, but people judge it like it was > trying > to change the world. Hey, let's treat Demi Moore like America's > favorite > daughter after she got paid millions to flash her boobs in Striptease, > but > Berkley, "she's terrible!" I can't suggest with a straight face that > Berkley > is a younger Judi Dench or anything, but give the girl some credit - > she'd > been playing the goody two-shoes teenager in Saved By The Bell for so > many > years that she couldn't get a real role in a feature film because > everyone > saw her as her TV character. So she went for a role that was so far > away from > that character that it would forever shatter the Saved By The Bell > stereotype. And it did! Unfortunately, now she's stuck with a new > stereotype, > but you can't win them all. > > There's so many inexcusably bad movies out there that pretend they're > Oscar > material (What Women Want for example) that, to me, it seems odd that > so many > people pour scorn on a mere satire. Drew Barrymore had been the > original > choice for the lead role until she dropped out weeks before the shoot > began, > and if you don't believe the whole movie was tongue in cheek, check > the scene > where Berkley sits down in front of her make-up mirror for the first > time and > tears a nametag off the mirror that says "Drew"... > > Chris Parry > > > [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] > [ movies" (without the quotes) to ] [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies" (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 11:14:09 -0000 From: MARK DAINTY Subject: [MV] Requiem For a Dream I'll start off with a little warning, this film is definitely not for all. It is dark, disturbing, very real and shot in an auteur style, that may confuse and annoy. I personally loved the film, it really makes you think about what you are watching and the stories that unfold. Essentially, the film follows Harry (Jared Leto), Marion (Jennifer Connelly) and Ty (Marlon Wayans), as well as Harry's mother, (the wonderful and deservedly Oscar nominated Ellen Burstyn). Harry, Marion and Ty are junkies, always looking for their next fix, and looking to score big so that they can become major players - Marion also wants to open a shop. Their thread follows them as they build their dream, become richer and richer through a series of drugs deals - however, as is the norm with films like this - things begin to fall apart pretty quickly. They descend into dipping into their own savings from their deals, pimping and prostitution. The parallel story line is of Harry's mother, Sarah, who is undergoing many of her own forms of addiction. It begins with t.v., then food, and then slimming pills that are, basically, just speed. The dramatic transformation of her character throughout the film from a relatively normal mother to a psyche patient is breathtaking, and perhaps more disturbing than the storyline involving "hard" drugs. The film allows us to explore a junkies rationale for getting their next hit, from whatever kind of dealer it may come. It unfolds over four seasons and shows the up and big downs that the major characters endure throughout the year. The graphic styling of the film, check the diseased arm, and the split screen and various camera techniques give the film an edgy, pacy style that is perfect for the tone and content of the film, but will not appeal to many. I saw the film with my girlfriend and her friend, both of whom HATED it with a passion, they said that they left the film feeling dirty. My girlfriend says that she never even wants to discuss this film, never mind see it again. Director, Darren Aronofsky developed a style with his earlier film "PI", and this film continues that style, it is undoubtedly a "Darren Aronfsky" film. I love this style of film making, however, it does worry me as to how it will carry across to his upcoming film, the next in the "Batman" franchise, whatever happens it should be interesting. Although I loved the film, I cannot recommend it wholeheartedly, as it will definitely not appeal to all, so if you take someone, be prepared for them to dislike you for a while afterwards. It is an essential piece of cinema, and very important as it speaks of all sorts of addictions, and how we are all affected. MARK [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies" (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 10:07:51 -0600 From: Diane Christy Subject: Re: [MV] Hannibal : Too gory ?? At 11:11 PM -0600 2/20/01, Barb Kald wrote: >I just think that "GOOD" movies are those which let you use your >imagination!!!!!! I so agree with you here!! I thought "Blair Witch Project" was very good. That's exactly what happened during that movie. The entire movie took place in your own imagination. - -- ~~~~~ Diane Christy (Samantha and Joshua's Mom) Jefferson, LA ICQ #12904700 on Instant AOL Messenger ~~~~~ [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies" (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 09:15:02 -0700 (MST) From: A Kanizaj Subject: Re: [MV] Hannibal : Too gory ?? There has always been violent crime, youthcrime, etc. Both of these have been going DOWN over the last15 years, despite whatRepublicans and the media would like you to believe. Most people actively refuse to believe this, but as a Criminoplogy student I can vouch for the statistical authenticity. I have a book/movie called Death Scenes, which is a homicide detective's crime scene photos from the 30's and 40's. It's tag line is "These prove there were no "good old days"", and boy is that true. There has never been a period of history without murders, shocking crimes, cannibals, whatever. Everything from comics to dime pulp fiction novels to gory campfire ghost stories has been blamed. None of it is true, and removing these "influences" does nothing. There is no way to watch Hannibal in prison, and yet that's the most violent place there is. No convicted serial killers have ever watched a serial killer movie. Think about it. - -ak On Tue, 20 Feb 2001, Barb Kald wrote: > Hi There, > > I read your discussions about "Hannibal" and found them very interesting. > Some friends recommended mi that movie, so I went to see it. I was > shocked!!!! I never expected so much violence!!!! Some parts of the movie > are still in my head. > > Now a days, scenes are way too explicit which influence people into even > more violence. Some of you may not agree with me here, but i strongly > believe that movies/the media influence those that are weak of mind (such as > kids, which you all might know, are involve in some kind of criminal > behavior). > > I just think that "GOOD" movies are those which let you use your > imagination!!!!!! > > =with all due respect= > *Barb, (Chicago, IL)* > > > > >From: "Marc C. Desbiens" > >Reply-To: > >To: > >Subject: [MV] Hannibal : Too gory ?? > >Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2001 11:18:11 -0800 > > > > > ><<<<< Elaine ranting about Hannibal >>>>>> > > > ><<<<<< Respectfully submitted >>>>>>>>>> > > > >Ms. Diane your comments are creating quite a controversy !! > > > >Marc ;-) > > > >============================================================== > > > > >Elaine wrote : ----------- Well, my thoughts were that this movie was about > >a man who had > > >cannibalistic tendencies and anyone going to see it should have known > >that > > >before stepping into the theater. It wasn't as if this movie wasn't well > > >anticipated or publicized. Did she expect them not to show this? And if > >she > > >wasn't sure, why not wait and hear what others have to say and then make > >a > > >decision about whether there might be too much gore for her tastes? Why > >go > > >immediately upon it's opening? Some people are like sheep and go see a > >movie > > >strictly because they don't want to be "left out." > > >I don't agree with her at all that it was over the top. I think they > >used > > >great restraint in how much they showed. This is who, or what, Hannibal > >is > > >and there were parts that just couldn't be avoided. Who would have > >wanted to > > >see a movie about him without showing this aspect? It wasn't titled > >"Looking > > >for Dr. Lecter" it was titled "Hannibal!!!" Grrrr! > > > Elaine :) > > > > > >------------------------------------------------------------ > >Apollo Guide: The Best in Movie Reviews, DVD & Home Video > >Click Here for intelligent reviews online -> > > > > > > > >[ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] > >[ movies" (without the quotes) to ] > > _________________________________________________________________ > Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at > > > [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] > [ movies" (without the quotes) to ] > [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ movies" (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ End of movies-digest V2 #326 **************************** [ To quit the movies-digest mailing list (big mistake), send the message ] [ "unsubscribe movies-digest" (without the quotes) to ]