From: "Gregory A. Swarthout" Subject: [N64] [Fwd: Top5 - 11/1/00 - Cool Features of thePlayStation 2] Date: 01 Nov 2000 16:09:16 -0700 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --------------5016BB5DDCA18D0AEC463849 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit --------------5016BB5DDCA18D0AEC463849 Content-Type: message/rfc822 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: inline Envelope-to: Received: from [] ( by with smtp (Exim 3.12 #1) id 13r6mn-0003ov-00 for; Wed, 01 Nov 2000 15:55:13 -0700 Message-ID: <> Reply-To: X-Topica-Loop: 2000000260 Received: (qmail 15646 invoked by alias); 1 Nov 2000 20:38:09 -0000 Received: (qmail 15640 invoked by uid 0); 1 Nov 2000 20:38:09 -0000 Received: from ( by with SMTP; 1 Nov 2000 20:38:09 -0000 Received: from custerdome ( []) by (EL-8_9_3_3/8.9.3) with ESMTP id MAA12045 for ; Wed, 1 Nov 2000 12:38:07 -0800 (PST) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT X-mailer: Pegasus Mail for Win32 (v3.12c) X-Mozilla-Status2: 00000000 To unsubscribe: ================================================================== T H E T O P F I V E L I S T Do not immerse in water. ================================================================== CDNOW -- The Internet's #1 Source for Music Download music, read reviews, buy movies on DVD and VHS, and more! ================================================================== Today's Classic Top5: Signs Your Cruise Ship is on Fire Read it on our website: To subscribe: November 1, 2000 The Top 15 Cool Features of the Sony PlayStation 2 [ The Top 5 List ] [ Copyright 2000 by Chris White ] 15> Optional M.O.M. technology automatically yells at you to "Go outside and get some fresh air" for every hour of game play. 14> Built-in catheter helps extend those marathon DOOM sessions! 13> Makes you feel really cool for a couple of weeks, with nearly twice as many "I'll be your best friend" offers! 12> Broadband access enables joystick to double as a SCUD missile launcher. 11> You can play it naked! 10> Razzes you about how your country still can't even manufacture a decent television set. 9> Panic button switches the screen to porn whenever your wife walks in the room, so she won't think you're a game geek. 8> Timer automatically counts down to exact moment of obsolescence. 7> Groundbreaking, truly interactive technology allows you to use your own penis, or that of a friend, as a joystick. 6> New "Campaign 2000" edition has an Al Gore that's 33% more lifelike than the original, a George W. Bush with realistic SnortSurround sound, and a Ralph Nader which doesn't do anything for itself, but helps destruct competing models. 5> Special butter churn attachment for "Elijah's Virtual Churnmaster 3000" results in awesome, realistic butter churning! 4> Label on underside has cool recipe for vegan babaganoush. 3> Secret command sequence causes head of annoying dweeb who lives next door to explode. 2> CPU now draws a full 75% of its power from your pent-up sexual frustration. and's Number 1 Cool Feature of the Sony PlayStation 2... 1> Highspeed internet access allows you to play online with other losers who paid $1000 for a friggin' toy. [ The Top 5 List ] [ Copyright 2000 by Chris White ] ================================================================== *----- $100,000 SWEEPSTAKES & FREE E-MAIL NEWSLETTERS -----* Enter for your chance to win $100,000 and other GREAT prizes! See why over 2,300,000 people get their news, entertainment & fun from e-mail newsletters! The best selection of topics on the net... AND IT'S FREE!! Bargains, Cooking, Crafting, Free Stuff, Sports, SOHO and more. Don't miss it! Visit today & enter for a chance to win $100,000. Bonus: Visit today and also get a free 30 minute phone card. Click Here: Click!

================================================================== Rumination of the Day A wise person once said to me: "You can't have too much naked." But I didn't have a twenty for another lap dance so she left me. (Jim Stark) To subscribe to Ruminations: ================================================================== Selected from 109 submissions from 41 contributors. Today's Top 5 List authors are: Pat McCarley, Missouri City, TX -- 1 (2nd #1) Andy Ihnatko, Boston, MA -- 2 Fran Fruit, Winnetka, IL -- 3 Eric Lipton, Washington, DC -- 4, 5 Tristan Fabriani, Passaic, NJ -- 6, Banner Tag, Topic Dennis Koho, Keizer, OR -- 6 Kim Moser, New York, NY -- 6 Beth Black, Misawa City, Japan -- 7 Jim Rosenberg, Greensboro, NC -- 7 (Hall of Famer) Jason Anderson, Birmingham, AL -- 8 Dave Goudsward, Harrisburg, PA -- 8 Slick Sharkey, Miami, FL -- 9, RU name (Hall of Famer) Peter Bauer, Rochester, NY -- 10 David Hyatt, New York, NY -- 11 Michael Sheinbaum, King of Prussia, PA -- 12 Jeffrey Anbinder, New York, NY -- 13 Ed Brooksbank, Sacramento, CA -- 13 Doug Finney, Houston, TX -- 14, HM list name Daniel Weckerly, Limerick, PA -- 14 John Gephart IV, Harrisburg, PA -- 15 Chris White, Irvine, CA -- List owner/editor Alan Parsons Project, London, England -- Ambience -> Ambience explanation: "Game Over" and "Ponged" The Runners Up and Honorable Mention submissions for today's list can be found on the Joke A Day website: ================================================================== [ T H E T O P F I V E L I S T ] [ TOP5 -- The Home of Original Humor ] [----------------------------------------------------------------] The Top 5 List (original lists) Top5 Classic (greatest hits) Ruminations (odd thoughts) The Daily Probe (news satire) The Whack Report (real stories) The Kid Report (kid stories) Gadget Geek (cool stuff) ================================================================== [ Copyright 2000 by Chris White All rights reserved. ] [ Do not forward, publish, broadcast, or use in any manner ] [ without crediting "The Top 5 List at" ] ================================================================== [ To unsubscribe: Send mail to ] [ To bitch at the owner: ] [ ] ================================================================== If you can read this, you deserve better email! CLICK HERE ___________________________________________________________ T O P I C A The Email You Want. Newsletters, Tips and Discussions on Your Favorite Topics --------------5016BB5DDCA18D0AEC463849-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr." Subject: Re: [N64] [Fwd: Top5 - 11/1/00 - Cool Features of thePlayStation 2] Date: 02 Nov 2000 12:11:03 -0500 (EST) This board has now officially changed to a multi-console discussion list. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] [Fwd: Top5 - 11/1/00 - Cool Features of thePlayStation 2] Date: 02 Nov 2000 19:35:45 EST --part1_5d.2b9a6f8.27336261_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Language: en In a message dated 11/02/2000 9:12:06 AM Pacific Standard Time,=20 writes: >=20 I think so too, but I'm still afraid to post Sony and Sega related material=20 because of Greg. It's bad for the list, too. There are plenty of articles=20= I=20 send to Jed's list because I fear that Greg will kick me off. Let us know,=20 Greg, can we post multi console now, or what? -Eric- You keep on walking, where will you go? Walk again, in the company of the wind March with confidence until you get to where you=E2=80=99re going Until you finally grab that dream. =E2=80=9CKaze to Issho ni=E2=80=9D My=C3=BBts=C3=BB no Gyakush=C3=BB --part1_5d.2b9a6f8.27336261_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Language: en In a message dated 11/02/2000 9:12:06 AM Pacific Stand= ard Time, writes:

This board has now official= ly changed to a multi-console discussion list.

I think so too, but I'm still afraid to post Sony and Sega related mater= ial
because of Greg.  It's bad for the list, too.  There are p= lenty of articles I
send to Jed's list because I fear that Greg will kic= k me off.  Let us know,
Greg, can we post multi console now, or wha= t?

You keep on walking, where will you go?
Walk again, in the company of the wind
March with confidence until you get to where you=E2=80=99re going
Until you finally grab that dream.

=E2=80=9CKaze to Issho ni=E2=80=9D  My=C3=BBts=C3=BB no Gyakush=C3= =BB
--part1_5d.2b9a6f8.27336261_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dave Rhodes" Subject: Re: [N64] Zelda Qs Date: 02 Nov 2000 19:46:41 -0500 ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Thursday, November 02, 2000 7:35 PM 2] In a message dated 11/02/2000 9:12:06 AM Pacific Standard Time, writes: This board has now officially changed to a multi-console discussion list. I think so too, but I'm still afraid to post Sony and Sega related materi= al because of Greg. It's bad for the list, too. There are plenty of articl= es I send to Jed's list because I fear that Greg will kick me off. Let us kno= w, Greg, can we post multi console now, or what? -Eric- You keep on walking, where will you go? Walk again, in the company of the wind March with confidence until you get to where you=E2=80=99re going Until you finally grab that dream. =E2=80=9CKaze to Issho ni=E2=80=9D My=C3=BBts=C3=BB no Gyakush=C3=BB >> Why would you want to post multi brand console, there's two other lists f= or that. SPOILER SPACE =2E =2E How do I get the heart piece that's on top of the building in the swamp where the witch sells boat tickets? And what is the pig mask for? [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Zelda Qs Date: 02 Nov 2000 19:51:29 EST --part1_98.c2b4d85.27336611_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 11/02/2000 4:48:02 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes: spoiler space: Swamp > How do I get the heart piece that's on top of the building in the swamp > Not sure about the pig mask (haven't used it yet), but to get that heart piece, you have to give the deku shrub (scrub?, don't remember) the title deed for the flower in Clock Town. In exchange, he'll give you the title deed for the flower he's using. The rest should be self explanatory. -Eric- The moon is like an authority, with its circular pattern How round, so round... No matter what happens in the world, the night goes on "Nyarth no Uta" Pocket Monsters --part1_98.c2b4d85.27336611_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 11/02/2000 4:48:02 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

spoiler space: Swamp

How do I get the heart piece that's on top of the building in the swamp
where the witch sells boat tickets? And what is the pig mask for?

Not sure about the pig mask (haven't used it yet), but to get that heart
piece, you have to give the deku shrub (scrub?, don't remember) the title
deed for the flower in Clock Town.  In exchange, he'll give you the title
deed for the flower he's using.  The rest should be self explanatory.

The moon is like an authority, with its circular pattern
How round, so round...
No matter what happens in the world, the night goes on

"Nyarth no Uta"  Pocket Monsters
--part1_98.c2b4d85.27336611_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "DarkKnight423" Subject: RE: [N64] Zelda Qs Date: 02 Nov 2000 20:57:55 -0500 -----Original Message----- []On Behalf Of Dave Rhodes Sent: Thursday, November 02, 2000 7:47 PM ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Thursday, November 02, 2000 7:35 PM thePlayStation 2] In a message dated 11/02/2000 9:12:06 AM Pacific Standard Time, writes: This board has now officially changed to a multi-console discussion = list. I think so too, but I'm still afraid to post Sony and Sega related = material because of Greg. It's bad for the list, too. There are plenty of = articles I send to Jed's list because I fear that Greg will kick me off. Let us = know, Greg, can we post multi console now, or what? -Eric- You keep on walking, where will you go? Walk again, in the company of the wind March with confidence until you get to where you=E2=80=99re going Until you finally grab that dream. =E2=80=9CKaze to Issho ni=E2=80=9D My=C3=BBts=C3=BB no Gyakush=C3=BB >> Why would you want to post multi brand console, there's two other lists = for that. SPOILER SPACE . . How do I get the heart piece that's on top of the building in the swamp where the witch sells boat tickets? And what is the pig mask for? Use the pig mask to help Kotake with her problem. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dave Rhodes" Subject: [N64] another Zelda question Date: 02 Nov 2000 21:36:06 -0500 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_000D_01C04514.E87DE0C0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Spoiler Space (Mountains) ; ' keg Q: How do I remove the four large snowballs blocking my way just a bit = into the snowy mountain area? Q: Does some of the music in Majora's Mask remind anybody of Final = Fantasy 7? ~~ Dave ~~ =20 "If there's a fire it's asleep in my bed I must leave it to burn until it burns itself out Catch as you can I'm not staying here long I'll be coming back early or never at all" - Genesis =20 AIM: Super Trey Bros ------=_NextPart_000_000D_01C04514.E87DE0C0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Spoiler Space (Mountains)
Q: How do I remove the four large = snowballs=20 blocking my way just a bit into the snowy mountain area?
Q: Does some of the music in Majora's = Mask remind=20 anybody of Final Fantasy 7?
~~ Dave ~~
"If there's a=20 fire it's asleep in my bed
I must leave it to burn until it burns = itself=20 out
Catch as you can I'm not staying here long
I'll be coming back = early=20 or never at all" - Genesis
 AIM: = Super Trey=20 Bros
------=_NextPart_000_000D_01C04514.E87DE0C0-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "DarkKnight423" Subject: RE: [N64] another Zelda question Date: 02 Nov 2000 22:04:32 -0500 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0002_01C04518.E10AFFE0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit -----Original Message----- From: []On Behalf Of Dave Rhodes Sent: Thursday, November 02, 2000 9:36 PM To: Subject: [N64] another Zelda question Spoiler Space (Mountains) ; ' keg Q: How do I remove the four large snowballs blocking my way just a bit into the snowy mountain area? [DarkKnight423] A: Blow them up Q: Does some of the music in Majora's Mask remind anybody of Final Fantasy 7? ~~ Dave ~~ "If there's a fire it's asleep in my bed I must leave it to burn until it burns itself out Catch as you can I'm not staying here long I'll be coming back early or never at all" - Genesis AIM: Super Trey Bros ------=_NextPart_000_0002_01C04518.E10AFFE0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
-----Original Message-----
From: = []On Behalf Of Dave=20 Rhodes
Sent: Thursday, November 02, 2000 9:36 = PM
Subject: [N64] another Zelda=20 question

Spoiler Space = (Mountains)
Q: How do I remove the four = large snowballs=20 blocking my way just a bit into the snowy mountain area?
A:  Blow them up  
Q: Does some of the music in Majora's = Mask remind=20 anybody of Final Fantasy 7?
~~ Dave ~~
"If there's=20 a fire it's asleep in my bed
I must leave it to burn until it burns = itself=20 out
Catch as you can I'm not staying here long
I'll be coming = back early=20 or never at all" - Genesis
 AIM: = Super=20 Trey Bros
------=_NextPart_000_0002_01C04518.E10AFFE0-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dave Rhodes" Subject: Re: [N64] another Zelda question Date: 02 Nov 2000 22:14:47 -0500 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0008_01C0451A.4FBE1F20 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable ----- Original Message -----=20 From: DarkKnight423=20 To: Sent: Thursday, November 02, 2000 10:04 PM Subject: RE: [N64] another Zelda question =20 -----Original Message----- From: = []On Behalf Of Dave Rhodes Sent: Thursday, November 02, 2000 9:36 PM To: Subject: [N64] another Zelda question Spoiler Space (Mountains) ; ' keg Q: How do I remove the four large snowballs blocking my way just a = bit into the snowy mountain area? [DarkKnight423]=20 A: Blow them up =20 No s*** Sherlock. With what, and where do I get the things to blow = them up with? ~~ Dave ~~ =20 "If there's a fire it's asleep in my bed I must leave it to burn until it burns itself out Catch as you can I'm not staying here long I'll be coming back early or never at all" - Genesis =20 AIM: Super Trey Bros ------=_NextPart_000_0008_01C0451A.4FBE1F20 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
----- Original Message -----
From:=20 DarkKnight423
Sent: Thursday, November 02, = 2000 10:04=20 PM
Subject: RE: [N64] another = Zelda=20 question

-----Original Message-----
From: =20 [mailto:owner-n64@lists.xmiss=]On=20 Behalf Of Dave Rhodes
Sent: Thursday, November 02, = 2000 9:36=20 PM
S= ubject:=20 [N64] another Zelda question

Spoiler Space = (Mountains)
Q: How do I remove the four = large=20 snowballs blocking my way just a bit into the snowy mountain = area?
A:  Blow them up  
No s*** Sherlock. With what, and = where do I get=20 the things to blow them up with?
~~ Dave ~~
"If=20 there's a fire it's asleep in my bed
I must leave it to burn = until it=20 burns itself out
Catch as you can I'm not staying here = long
I'll be=20 coming back early or never at all" - = Genesis
 AIM:=20 Super Trey Bros
------=_NextPart_000_0008_01C0451A.4FBE1F20-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] another Zelda question Date: 02 Nov 2000 23:04:57 EST --part1_31.c059863.27339369_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 11/02/2000 7:16:14 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes: spoiler space: Mountains > No s*** Sherlock. With what, and where do I get the things to blow them up > with? > > ~~ Dave ~~ > Save up some rupees, and buy the bomb bag from the bomb shop in West Clock Town. -Eric- The moon is like an authority, with its circular pattern How round, so round... No matter what happens in the world, the night goes on "Nyarth no Uta" Pocket Monsters --part1_31.c059863.27339369_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 11/02/2000 7:16:14 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

spoiler space: Mountains

No s*** Sherlock. With what, and where do I get the things to blow them up

~~ Dave ~~

Save up some rupees, and buy the bomb bag from the bomb shop in West Clock

The moon is like an authority, with its circular pattern
How round, so round...
No matter what happens in the world, the night goes on

"Nyarth no Uta"  Pocket Monsters
--part1_31.c059863.27339369_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [N64] IGN64's hot pick of November Date: 02 Nov 2000 23:32:27 EST --part1_23.2f9d15e.273399db_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Language: en IGN64, unsurprisingly (to me, at least), has chosen Banjo-Tooie as the game=20 of the month. They also seemed to also look favorably upon titles such as=20 Mickey's Speedway USA, Ms. Pac Man Maze Madness, Hey You, Pikachu!, and=20 Spiderman. I'm kind of surprised about the choice of Spiderman, since I=20 figured it might follow the dismal launch of Superman 64. Well, they did=20 follow suit with a bad outlook on another super hero cartoon to video game,=20 Batman Beyond. Well, I guess that with all the cr*p that has come out of=20 Kids WB, a little more is only natural. (Hmm, I wonder if that one was just= =20 an excuse for me to gripe about Kids WB; oh well, they suck) ;-) -Eric- You keep on walking, where will you go? Walk again, in the company of the wind March with confidence until you get to where you=E2=80=99re going Until you finally grab that dream. =E2=80=9CKaze to Issho ni=E2=80=9D My=C3=BBts=C3=BB no Gyakush=C3=BB --part1_23.2f9d15e.273399db_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Language: en IGN64, unsurprisingly (to me, at least), has chosen Ba= njo-Tooie as the game
of the month.  They also seemed to also look=20= favorably upon titles such as
Mickey's Speedway USA, Ms. Pac Man Maze Ma= dness, Hey You, Pikachu!, and
Spiderman.  I'm kind of surprised abo= ut the choice of Spiderman, since I
figured it might follow the dismal l= aunch of Superman 64.  Well, they did
follow suit with a bad outloo= k on another super hero cartoon to video game,
Batman Beyond.  Well= , I guess that with all the cr*p that has come out of
Kids WB, a little=20= more is only natural.  (Hmm, I wonder if that one was just
an excus= e for me to gripe about Kids WB; oh well, they suck) ;-)

You keep on walking, where will you go?
Walk again, in the company of the wind
March with confidence until you get to where you=E2=80=99re going
Until you finally grab that dream.

=E2=80=9CKaze to Issho ni=E2=80=9D  My=C3=BBts=C3=BB no Gyakush=C3= =BB
--part1_23.2f9d15e.273399db_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [N64] PD is a high seller?! Date: 02 Nov 2000 23:45:54 EST --part1_d.bf3886c.27339d02_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Amazingly, Perfect Dark has made the number one spot on the Japanese sales charts. Why is it so odd? As all of us should know, FPS games normally do not sell well in Japan and PD has received mediocre reviews from Famitsu. Those factors shouldn't boast high sales. Mysterious Dungeon and Mario Tennis have also made the top ten. PS2 software continues to be outsold, with only one title making the top ten. Fushigi desu ka? Did I actually say that right? ;) -Eric- The moon is like an authority, with its circular pattern How round, so round... No matter what happens in the world, the night goes on "Nyarth no Uta" Pocket Monsters --part1_d.bf3886c.27339d02_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Amazingly, Perfect Dark has made the number one spot on the Japanese sales
charts.  Why is it so odd?  As all of us should know, FPS games normally do
not sell well in Japan and PD has received mediocre reviews from Famitsu.  
Those factors shouldn't boast high sales.  Mysterious Dungeon and Mario
Tennis have also made the top ten.  PS2 software continues to be outsold,
with only one title making the top ten.  Fushigi desu ka?  Did I actually say
that right? ;)

The moon is like an authority, with its circular pattern
How round, so round...
No matter what happens in the world, the night goes on

"Nyarth no Uta"  Pocket Monsters
--part1_d.bf3886c.27339d02_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Thraxen Subject: Re: [N64] another Zelda question Date: 02 Nov 2000 22:48:06 -0600 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_003C_01C0451E.F73ED740 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable ----- Original Message -----=20 From: Dave Rhodes=20 To: Sent: Thursday, November 02, 2000 9:14 PM Subject: Re: [N64] another Zelda question ----- Original Message -----=20 From: DarkKnight423=20 To: Sent: Thursday, November 02, 2000 10:04 PM Subject: RE: [N64] another Zelda question -----Original Message----- From: = []On Behalf Of Dave Rhodes Sent: Thursday, November 02, 2000 9:36 PM To: Subject: [N64] another Zelda question Spoiler Space (Mountains) ; ' keg Q: How do I remove the four large snowballs blocking my way just a = bit into the snowy mountain area? [DarkKnight423]=20 A: Blow them up =20 No s*** Sherlock. With what, and where do I get the things to blow = them up with? ~~ Dave ~~>>>> Wait in the North section of town and at midnight on the first day = a lady will walk through and be attacked by a mugger. As mugger tries = to run, slash him with your sword and he will drop the bag he stole. = The lady will say that they will now be able to stock bomb bags. Go to = her store on that street where the banker guy is and buy a bomb bag. Stryder ------=_NextPart_000_003C_01C0451E.F73ED740 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
----- Original Message -----
From:=20 Dave = Rhodes=20
Sent: Thursday, November 02, = 2000 9:14=20 PM
Subject: Re: [N64] another = Zelda=20 question

----- Original Message -----
From:=20 DarkKnight423
Sent: Thursday, November 02, = 2000 10:04=20 PM
Subject: RE: [N64] another = Zelda=20 question

-----Original Message-----
From: =20 [mailto:owner-n64@lists.xmiss=]On=20 Behalf Of Dave Rhodes
Sent: Thursday, November 02, = 2000 9:36=20 PM
S= ubject:=20 [N64] another Zelda question

Spoiler Space = (Mountains)
Q: How do I remove the four = large=20 snowballs blocking my way just a bit into the snowy mountain=20 area?
A:  Blow them up  
No s*** Sherlock. With what, and = where do I=20 get the things to blow them up with?
~~ Dave = ~~>>>>
Wait in the North section of town = and at=20 midnight on the first day a lady will walk through and be attacked = by a=20 mugger.  As mugger tries to run, slash him with your sword = and he=20 will drop the bag he stole.  The lady will say that they will = now be=20 able to stock bomb bags.  Go to her store on that street = where the=20 banker guy is and buy a bomb bag.

------=_NextPart_000_003C_01C0451E.F73ED740-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: D Fentie Subject: Re: [N64] another Zelda question Date: 02 Nov 2000 23:03:09 -0600 Whats with all this crazy writing? It seems like the last few posts have been in 8pt font and even color... is it my crazy computer or is darkknight using fancyshmancy emails? [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Gregory A. Swarthout" Subject: Re: [N64] [Fwd: Top5 - 11/1/00 - Cool Features of thePlayStation 2] Date: 02 Nov 2000 22:34:02 -0700 Go for it. Just keep it video game related. Greg [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dave Rhodes" Subject: Re: [N64] IGN64's hot pick of November Date: 03 Nov 2000 00:40:06 -0500 ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Thursday, November 02, 2000 11:32 PM <> I guess you never played Neversoft's Spiderman on the PlayStation. Great game, but since my money is wrapped up with Dreamcast titles I'll probably get it when it turns Greatest Hits. ~~ Dave ~~ "If there's a fire it's asleep in my bed I must leave it to burn until it burns itself out Catch as you can I'm not staying here long I'll be coming back early or never at all" - Genesis AIM: Super Trey Bros [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] PD is a high seller?! Date: 02 Nov 2000 21:55:33 -0800 --------------0A68915FF8E758A8EDC9C01F Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit wrote: > Amazingly, Perfect Dark has made the number one spot on the Japanese > sales > charts. Why is it so odd? As all of us should know, FPS games > normally do > not sell well in Japan and PD has received mediocre reviews from > Famitsu. > Those factors shouldn't boast high sales. Mysterious Dungeon and > Mario > Tennis have also made the top ten. PS2 software continues to be > outsold, > with only one title making the top ten. Fushigi desu ka? Did I > actually say > that right? ;) That's surprising to be sure. But I'm skeptical of its staying power. However, for the game to sell at all, is suprising. As for outselling PS2 games, that's not surprising as software sales for PS2 in Japan remains anorexic. Sony has shipped 3.52 million units of PlayStation2's in Japan. Total software shipped for the console is 3.4 million. This is based on Sony's own numbers quietly release on 10-26, as part of a large backage of financial results. (read it here:,10870,2645756,00.html ) Considering these numbers of shipping numbers, not actual sell throughs, the numbers be actually be less than was is represented above. But with reports of continued PS2 shortages, 3.52 million shipped probably means 3.52 million units sold. But software is sketchier, with various software publishers releasing different software, some selling out and some not, it is doubtful all 3.4 million units of software sold. Even if somehow the laws of economics were turned on its head and supply equals demand, and all 3.4 million units of software were sold, it would still give a software ration of 0.965 games sold, per PS2 that is sold. or a software/hardware ratio of 0.97:1 That means there's a percentage of people (about 120,000 users) who don't own any ps2 games at all. And that's assuming that other 3.4 million users are buying at a 1:1 Ratio. Which is statistically unlikely. There are going to be segements buying upwards of ten games, segements buying 2 or 3 games, segements who buy only 1 game, and segments who buy no games at all and only uses their ps2 for DVD movies. Because of this, the 120,000 PS2 users that are currently gameless is probably a very conservative estimate. after we take into accout users who buy more than one games, and subtract the games (out of the 3.4 million shipped) that are NOT actually sold but sitting in store sheleves, the number of people who uses the ps2 exclusively as a DVD player is bound to rise significantly. -- Dexter S. Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine Http:// --------------0A68915FF8E758A8EDC9C01F Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit wrote:

Amazingly, Perfect Dark has made the number one spot on the Japanese sales
charts.  Why is it so odd?  As all of us should know, FPS games normally do
not sell well in Japan and PD has received mediocre reviews from Famitsu.
Those factors shouldn't boast high sales.  Mysterious Dungeon and Mario
Tennis have also made the top ten.  PS2 software continues to be outsold,
with only one title making the top ten.  Fushigi desu ka?  Did I actually say
that right? ;)
That's surprising to be sure.  But I'm skeptical of its staying power.  However, for the game to sell at all, is suprising.

As for outselling PS2 games,  that's not surprising as software sales for PS2 in Japan remains anorexic.  Sony has shipped 3.52 million units of PlayStation2's in Japan.  Total software shipped for the console is 3.4 million.   This is based on Sony's own numbers quietly release on 10-26, as part of a large backage of financial results.  (read it here:,10870,2645756,00.html )

Considering these numbers of shipping numbers, not actual sell throughs, the numbers be actually be less than was is represented above.  But with reports of continued PS2 shortages, 3.52 million shipped probably means 3.52 million units sold.  But software is sketchier, with various software publishers releasing different software, some selling out and some not, it is doubtful all 3.4 million units of software sold.  Even if somehow the laws of economics were turned on its head and supply equals demand,  and all 3.4 million units of software were sold, it would still give a software ration of  0.965 games sold, per PS2 that is sold.

or a software/hardware ratio of 0.97:1   That means there's a percentage of people (about 120,000 users) who don't own any ps2 games at all.  And that's assuming that other 3.4 million users are buying at a 1:1 Ratio.   Which is statistically unlikely.  There are going to be segements buying upwards of ten games, segements buying 2 or 3 games, segements who buy only 1 game, and segments who buy no games at all and only uses their ps2 for DVD movies.

Because of this, the 120,000 PS2 users that are currently gameless is probably a very conservative estimate.  after we take into accout users who buy more than one games,  and subtract the games  (out of the 3.4 million shipped) that are NOT actually sold but sitting in store sheleves,  the number of people who uses the ps2 exclusively as a DVD player is bound to rise significantly.

Dexter S.
Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine
  --------------0A68915FF8E758A8EDC9C01F-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr." Subject: Re: [N64] PD is a high seller?! Date: 03 Nov 2000 10:35:44 -0500 (EST) Great post. I wouldn't be surprised if 8-10% of PS2 owners do not have any games. If it continues then not only is Sony screwed because it derives it's profit primarily from 3rd parties but the software companies especially the smaller ones will suffer. PS2 is like poison. > As for outselling PS2 games, that's not surprising as software sales > for PS2 in Japan remains anorexic. Sony has shipped 3.52 million units > of PlayStation2's in Japan. Total software shipped for the console is > 3.4 million. This is based on Sony's own numbers quietly release on > 10-26, as part of a large backage of financial results. (read it here: >,10870,2645756,00.html ) > > Considering these numbers of shipping numbers, not actual sell throughs, > the numbers be actually be less than was is represented above. But with > reports of continued PS2 shortages, 3.52 million shipped probably means > 3.52 million units sold. But software is sketchier, with various > software publishers releasing different software, some selling out and > some not, it is doubtful all 3.4 million units of software sold. Even > if somehow the laws of economics were turned on its head and supply > equals demand, and all 3.4 million units of software were sold, it > would still give a software ration of 0.965 games sold, per PS2 that is > sold. > > or a software/hardware ratio of 0.97:1 That means there's a percentage > of people (about 120,000 users) who don't own any ps2 games at all. And > that's assuming that other 3.4 million users are buying at a 1:1 > Ratio. Which is statistically unlikely. There are going to be > segements buying upwards of ten games, segements buying 2 or 3 games, > segements who buy only 1 game, and segments who buy no games at all and > only uses their ps2 for DVD movies. > > Because of this, the 120,000 PS2 users that are currently gameless is > probably a very conservative estimate. after we take into accout users > who buy more than one games, and subtract the games (out of the 3.4 > million shipped) that are NOT actually sold but sitting in store > sheleves, the number of people who uses the ps2 exclusively as a DVD > player is bound to rise significantly. > > -- > Dexter S. > Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine > Http:// > > sx [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Steve" Subject: [N64] alotta questionz Date: 03 Nov 2000 18:20:45 +0100 hello everybody, i am new to this list but haven't received any mail yet so i was wondering, how many are subscribed to this list should i expect something before, say, next month but most of all, does anybody know the european release date of majora's mask i can't find it anywhere on the net and did any of you get past level 11-veteran in PDmultiplay and where's the question mark on this keyboard s [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "E. Jefferson" Subject: Re: [N64] IGN64's hot pick of November Date: 03 Nov 2000 13:51:57 CST Spiderman is a port of the psx version which has recieved pretty good reviews. Elliot ----Original Message Follows---- Reply-To: IGN64, unsurprisingly (to me, at least), has chosen Banjo-Tooie as the game of the month. They also seemed to also look favorably upon titles such as Mickey's Speedway USA, Ms. Pac Man Maze Madness, Hey You, Pikachu!, and Spiderman. I'm kind of surprised about the choice of Spiderman, since I figured it might follow the dismal launch of Superman 64. Well, they did follow suit with a bad outlook on another super hero cartoon to video game, Batman Beyond. Well, I guess that with all the cr*p that has come out of Kids WB, a little more is only natural. (Hmm, I wonder if that one was just an excuse for me to gripe about Kids WB; oh well, they suck) ;-) -Eric- You keep on walking, where will you go? Walk again, in the company of the wind March with confidence until you get to where you’re going Until you finally grab that dream. “Kaze to Issho ni” Myûtsû no Gyakushû _________________________________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at Share information about yourself, create your own public profile at [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dave Rhodes" Subject: Re: [N64] alotta questionz Date: 03 Nov 2000 16:38:34 -0500 ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Friday, November 03, 2000 12:20 PM > hello everybody, i am new to this list but haven't received any mail yet > so i was wondering, how many are subscribed to this list > Over 100 I think, but about 20 or so reply. (Where's Zig?) > should i expect something before, say, next month > but most of all, does anybody know the european release date of majora's > mask Yes, and not a clue. ~~ Dave ~~ "If there's a fire it's asleep in my bed I must leave it to burn until it burns itself out Catch as you can I'm not staying here long I'll be coming back early or never at all" - Genesis AIM: Super Trey Bros [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [N64] daily NewsLetter - - Coolnews N64 Date: 04 Nov 2000 02:59:34 +1100 (EST) COOLNEWS NINTENDO 64: Gamedate November 3, 2000 The newsletter of! More for the 64! Welcome back to the HotGames Nintendo 64. It's been a while since you had a newsletter from us -- that's because we're constantly changing and making it better for our faithful N64 users. This week we've got reviews on The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, The World is Not Enough, and Power Rangers: Light Speed Rescue. Next week look for Tank Assualt and Hey You! Pikachu, along with a lsate of new previews -- and maybe something on Banjo Tooie! Stay faithful, N64 owners -- at least you weren't waiting in line for hours on October 26th! Don't forget! is now HotGames official e-commerce partner. Need a great deal on games, systems, electronics, and more? Buy it at! Ed. Today's Coolnews is sponsored by: You Betcha! The Future Of On-Line Sports Betting -- Register Today and receive a Free Sports Bet. Please Note This Offer Applies to Over 18's Only. Win a DVD Player! WIN A DVD PLAYER AND FIVE OF YOUR FAVORITE MOVIES! Enter to win a DVD Player and five of your favorite movies from BargainDog. Its 100% FREE to enter, and youll also receive a FREE e-mail newsletter keeping you up to date on the best bargains on the web. FEATURE REVIEW - The World is Not Enough Bond is back, on the N64 where he belongs. The World is Not Enough is Goldeneye, only better. Dont believe us? Read our review. LATEST 5 NINTENDO 64 GAME REVIEWS: The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask The World is Not Enough Pokemon Snap Pokemon Puzzle League Turok 3: Shadows of Oblivion FEATURE EDITORIAL - One Giant Step for EA We got an exclusive interview with Jason Sehorn at EAs Game On event in New York. Check out what this talented cornerback for the New York Giants had to say about video games and football. WIN PRIZES - Go Axe Alice Win ten exclusive stickers of Alice and the Cheshire Cat (and some temp tattoos of the Cheshire Cat) and a cool CD carrying case exclusively from EA! CHEAT OF THE WEEK - WWF Attitude Just make him he looks like da character from South Park. Go to Create player and give chef black body, Red shirt, white overalls, blue pants, a beard, a white bandana, and write chef on the front of overalls. Personality Crowd Yeah, Fight Style M. Henry, theme M. Henry, Enter like road dogg voice M. Henry add your own sh*t to him like moves if you want. = Chef His entrance will amaze you. More in store for the 64 soon! Lawrence Neves, Editorial Director To unsubscribe from Coolnews send an email message to with the word 'unsubscribe' in the subject field. Do you have friends who are also keen N64 gamers? Why not FORWARD this cool newsletter email to them NOW! They can subscribe all for themselves at: [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [N64] Zelda Help Date: 03 Nov 2000 22:20:48 EST --part1_4a.cfd5cb8.2734da90_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Language: en Spoiler space: Epona Simple question: where is Epona? -Eric- You keep on walking, where will you go? Walk again, in the company of the wind March with confidence until you get to where you=E2=80=99re going Until you finally grab that dream. =E2=80=9CKaze to Issho ni=E2=80=9D My=C3=BBts=C3=BB no Gyakush=C3=BB --part1_4a.cfd5cb8.2734da90_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Language: en Spoiler space: Epona

Simple question: where is Epona?

You keep on walking, where will you go?
Walk again, in the company of the wind
March with confidence until you get to where you=E2=80=99re going
Until you finally grab that dream.

=E2=80=9CKaze to Issho ni=E2=80=9D  My=C3=BBts=C3=BB no Gyakush=C3= =BB
--part1_4a.cfd5cb8.2734da90_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: re: [N64] new guy Date: 03 Nov 2000 23:33:43 EST hello everybody, i am new to this list but haven't received any mail yet so i was wondering, how many are subscribed to this list should i expect something before, say, next month but most of all, does anybody know the european release date of majora's mask i can't find it anywhere on the net and did any of you get past level 11-veteran in PDmultiplay and where's the question mark on this keyboard s Hey Steve, there are usually about several postings a day. that's all I can answer, oh ya, about 110 members last time I checked, but everytime I try to check now, I can't -Jed webmaster of gamers Arena [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] alotta questionz Date: 03 Nov 2000 23:38:18 EST --part1_72.485bbeb.2734ecba_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit <> Holy crap, that reminds me, I still have to finish Perfect Dark. Man, Majora's Mask really is a spectacular game. In Calculus class, I'm humming the Goron Lullaby and Epona's Song. During my Spanish test the other day, I was actually THINKING about how I can get into the Pirate's Cove at the Bay. I have never been this sickly obsessed with a game like this before ... please help ... ~Matt "A majority only means that all the fools are on the same side." --part1_72.485bbeb.2734ecba_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit <<hello everybody, i am new to this list but haven't received any mail yet
so i was wondering, how many are subscribed to this list
should i expect something before, say, next month
but most of all, does anybody know the european release date of majora's
i can't find it anywhere on the net
and did any of you get past level 11-veteran in PDmultiplay
and where's the question mark on this keyboard


Holy crap, that reminds me, I still have to finish Perfect Dark. Man,
Majora's Mask really is a spectacular game. In Calculus class, I'm humming
the Goron Lullaby and Epona's Song. During my Spanish test the other day, I
was actually THINKING about how I can get into the Pirate's Cove at the Bay.
I have never been this sickly obsessed with a game like this before ...
please help ...


"A majority only means that all the fools are on the same side."
--part1_72.485bbeb.2734ecba_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Zelda Help Date: 03 Nov 2000 23:46:00 EST --part1_2d.30a68b1.2734ee88_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit <> She's at the Romani Ranch. Follow the Milk Road on the third day, and the guy will be done chopping the boulder. Or, if you've beaten Snowhead and been certified to carry Powder Kegs, you can blow the rock up on the first day, which will allow you to actually "get" Epona. ~Matt "Blinky lights are the essence of technology. Everything else is fluff." --part1_2d.30a68b1.2734ee88_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit <<Epona

Simple question: where is Epona?

She's at the Romani Ranch. Follow the Milk Road on the third day, and the guy
will be done chopping the boulder. Or, if you've beaten Snowhead and been
certified to carry Powder Kegs, you can blow the rock up on the first day,
which will allow you to actually "get" Epona.


"Blinky lights are the essence of technology. Everything else is fluff."
--part1_2d.30a68b1.2734ee88_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dave Rhodes" Subject: [N64] Gameube pre-orders Date: 04 Nov 2000 12:58:04 -0500 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0005_01C0465E.DED5D640 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Strange as it seems, when I went to Software ETC today to pre pay Capcom = Vs. SNK I noticed that they are taking pre-orders for Game Cube. = Needless to say I put my $10 down. ~~ Dave ~~ =20 "If there's a fire it's asleep in my bed I must leave it to burn until it burns itself out Catch as you can I'm not staying here long I'll be coming back early or never at all" - Genesis =20 AIM: Super Trey Bros ------=_NextPart_000_0005_01C0465E.DED5D640 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Strange as it seems, when I went to = Software ETC=20 today to pre pay Capcom Vs. SNK I noticed that they are taking = pre-orders for=20 Game Cube. Needless to say I put my $10 down.
~~ Dave ~~
"If there's a=20 fire it's asleep in my bed
I must leave it to burn until it burns = itself=20 out
Catch as you can I'm not staying here long
I'll be coming back = early=20 or never at all" - Genesis
 AIM: = Super Trey=20 Bros
------=_NextPart_000_0005_01C0465E.DED5D640-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Gameube pre-orders Date: 04 Nov 2000 14:35:16 EST --part1_c8.c647ce1.2735bef4_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Language: en In a message dated 11/04/2000 9:59:29 AM Pacific Standard Time,=20 writes: > Strange as it seems, when I went to Software ETC today to pre pay Capcom V= s.=20 > SNK I noticed that they are taking pre-orders for Game Cube. Needless to=20 > say I put my $10 down. > =20 > ~~ Dave ~~ >=20 I have to talk to my friend at EB to see if they're taking pre-orders for it= =20 yet. Let's hope there's no shortage with this one. -Eric- =E2=80=9CNanda kanda to kikare tara Kotaete ageru ga yo no nasake Sekai no hakai o fusegu tame Sekai no heiwa o mamoru tame Ai to shinjitu no aku o turanuku Lovely charmy na kataki yaku Musashi! Kojiro! Ginga o kakeru Rocket dan no futari niwa White hole, shiroi ashita ga matteruze Nya-nte na!=E2=80=9D --part1_c8.c647ce1.2735bef4_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Language: en In a message dated 11/04/2000 9:59:29 AM Pacific Stand= ard Time, writes:

Strange as it seems, when I= went to Software ETC today to pre pay Capcom Vs.
SNK I noticed that the= y are taking pre-orders for Game Cube. Needless to
say I put my $10 down= .

~~ Dave ~~

I have to talk to my friend at EB to see if they're taking pre-orders fo= r it
yet.  Let's hope there's no shortage with this one.

=E2=80=9CNanda kanda to kikare tara
Kotaete ageru ga yo no nasake
Sekai no hakai o fusegu tame
Sekai no heiwa o mamoru tame
Ai to shinjitu no aku o turanuku
Lovely charmy na kataki yaku
Ginga o kakeru Rocket dan no futari niwa
White hole, shiroi ashita ga matteruze
Nya-nte na!=E2=80=9D

Rocket Dan- Pocket Monsters
=06=06 --part1_c8.c647ce1.2735bef4_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Gameube pre-orders Date: 04 Nov 2000 14:50:41 -0800 --------------E487C314E7D70BC479AA7F3C Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hmmm... I'll check my local EB to see if they are taking pre-orders... dex Dave Rhodes wrote: > Strange as it seems, when I went to Software ETC today to pre pay > Capcom Vs. SNK I noticed that they are taking pre-orders for Game > Cube. Needless to say I put my $10 down. ~~ Dave ~~ > > "If there's a fire it's asleep in my bed > I must leave it to burn until it burns itself out > Catch as you can I'm not staying here long > I'll be coming back early or never at all" - Genesis > > > AIM: Super Trey Bros -- Dexter S. Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine Http:// --------------E487C314E7D70BC479AA7F3C Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hmmm...  I'll check my local EB to see if they are taking pre-orders...


Dave Rhodes wrote:

Strange as it seems, when I went to Software ETC today to pre pay Capcom Vs. SNK I noticed that they are taking pre-orders for Game Cube. Needless to say I put my $10 down. ~~ Dave ~~

"If there's a fire it's asleep in my bed
I must leave it to burn until it burns itself out
Catch as you can I'm not staying here long
I'll be coming back early or never at all" - Genesis
 AIM: Super Trey Bros

Dexter S.
Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine
  --------------E487C314E7D70BC479AA7F3C-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Thraxen Subject: Re: [N64] Gameube pre-orders Date: 04 Nov 2000 17:09:13 -0600 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0197_01C04681.F4AD56A0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable ----- Original Message -----=20 From: Dexter Sy=20 To: Sent: Saturday, November 04, 2000 4:50 PM Subject: Re: [N64] Gameube pre-orders Hmmm... I'll check my local EB to see if they are taking = pre-orders...=20 dex >>> The SE here has been taking pre-orders for NGC for about a month. Stryder ------=_NextPart_000_0197_01C04681.F4AD56A0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

----- Original Message -----
From:=20 Dexter = Sy=20
Sent: Saturday, November 04, = 2000 4:50=20 PM
Subject: Re: [N64] Gameube=20 pre-orders

Hmmm...  I'll check my local EB to see if they are = taking=20 pre-orders...=20

dex >>>



The SE here has been taking pre-orders = for NGC for=20 about a month.


------=_NextPart_000_0197_01C04681.F4AD56A0-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Gameube pre-orders Date: 04 Nov 2000 18:14:04 EST In a message dated 11/4/00 6:11:25 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes: << The SE here has been taking pre-orders for NGC for about a month. Stryder >> i BET.....nothing like an interest free loan for a year + [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [N64] (no subject) Date: 05 Nov 2000 15:13:16 EST --part1_ca.c5b06de.2737195c_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit i'm not gettin mail from this list --part1_ca.c5b06de.2737195c_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit i'm not gettin  mail from this list     --part1_ca.c5b06de.2737195c_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] (no subject) Date: 05 Nov 2000 15:15:09 EST --part1_28.ce0f203.273719cd_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 11/05/2000 12:14:13 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes: > i'm not gettin mail from this list That's 'cause no one's posting. --part1_28.ce0f203.273719cd_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 11/05/2000 12:14:13 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

i'm not gettin  mail from this list     

That's 'cause no one's posting.
--part1_28.ce0f203.273719cd_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] (no subject) Date: 05 Nov 2000 12:28:48 -0800 --------------533D559AA65A0938994DE748 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I'm getting your mail. So it looks like its ok now wrote: > i'm not gettin mail from this list -- Dexter S. Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine Http:// --------------533D559AA65A0938994DE748 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I'm getting your mail.  So it looks like its ok now wrote:

i'm not gettin  mail from this list

Dexter S.
Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine
  --------------533D559AA65A0938994DE748-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dave Rhodes" Subject: Re: [N64] (no subject) Date: 05 Nov 2000 17:37:05 -0500 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_000E_01C0474F.03E67FC0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Just open Pandora's Box why don't you? ~~ Dave ~~ =20 "If there's a fire it's asleep in my bed I must leave it to burn until it burns itself out Catch as you can I'm not staying here long I'll be coming back early or never at all" - Genesis =20 AIM: Super Trey Bros ----- Original Message -----=20 From: To: Sent: Sunday, November 05, 2000 3:13 PM Subject: [N64] (no subject) i'm not gettin mail from this list =20 ------=_NextPart_000_000E_01C0474F.03E67FC0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Just open Pandora's Box why don't = you?
~~ Dave ~~
"If there's a=20 fire it's asleep in my bed
I must leave it to burn until it burns = itself=20 out
Catch as you can I'm not staying here long
I'll be coming back = early=20 or never at all" - Genesis
 AIM: = Super Trey=20 Bros
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, November 05, 2000 = 3:13=20 PM
Subject: [N64] (no = subject)

i'm not gettin  mail from this list =     ------=_NextPart_000_000E_01C0474F.03E67FC0-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Thraxen Subject: [N64] Huh? Date: 05 Nov 2000 21:59:58 -0600 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0369_01C04773.BCEAF5E0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Where did this gizmo come from? Stryder ------=_NextPart_000_0369_01C04773.BCEAF5E0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable et/site
Where did this gizmo come from?
------=_NextPart_000_0369_01C04773.BCEAF5E0-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dave Rhodes" Subject: [N64] Zelda help Date: 06 Nov 2000 20:57:42 -0500 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_000A_01C04834.34E07B40 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Spoiler (mountains) How do I stay interested in this game? Really? No, the real question is, how do I go about to melt the furnace at the = smithy? And no simple answers like "pour hot water on it", like what do = I do to get to that too.=20 ~~ Dave ~~ =20 "If there's a fire it's asleep in my bed I must leave it to burn until it burns itself out Catch as you can I'm not staying here long I'll be coming back early or never at all" - Genesis =20 AIM: Super Trey Bros ------=_NextPart_000_000A_01C04834.34E07B40 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Spoiler (mountains)
How do I stay interested in this game?=20 Really?
No, the real question is, how do I go = about to melt=20 the furnace at the smithy? And no simple answers like "pour hot water on = it",=20 like what do I do to get to that too.
~~ Dave ~~
"If there's a=20 fire it's asleep in my bed
I = must leave=20 it to burn until it burns itself out
Catch as you can I'm not staying = here=20 long
I'll be coming back early or never at all" -=20 Genesis
 AIM: = Super Trey=20 Bros
------=_NextPart_000_000A_01C04834.34E07B40-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Zelda help Date: 06 Nov 2000 21:27:31 EST --part1_35.c73d4ee.2738c293_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Language: en In a message dated 11/06/2000 5:59:23 PM Pacific Standard Time,=20 writes: spoiler space: mountains > No, the real question is, how do I go about to melt the furnace at the=20 > smithy? And no simple answers like "pour hot water on it", like what do I=20 > do to get to that too.=20 > =20 > ~~ Dave ~~ >=20 First, go to the Goron Village (if you can't find it, just quit now). Go to= =20 the edge of the cliff to find the owl. Talk to him and he'll lead you acros= s=20 the chasm to a worship area (or whatever it was). There you'll find the len= s=20 of truth. Use it to get back to the village (across the chasm). Right ther= e=20 you'll find a Goron ghost. Talk to him, and he'll lead you to his grave=20 site. Once there, play the song of healing for him to get the goron mask. =20 Then move the grave stone (as a goron) and a hot spring will open up. -Eric- You keep on walking, where will you go? Walk again, in the company of the wind March with confidence until you get to where you=E2=80=99re going Until you finally grab that dream. =E2=80=9CKaze to Issho ni=E2=80=9D My=C3=BBts=C3=BB no Gyakush=C3=BB --part1_35.c73d4ee.2738c293_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Language: en In a message dated 11/06/2000 5:59:23 PM Pacific Stand= ard Time, writes:

spoiler space: mountains

No, the real question is, h= ow do I go about to melt the furnace at the
smithy? And no simple answer= s like "pour hot water on it", like what do I
do to get to that too.
~~ Dave ~~

First, go to the Goron Village (if you can't find it, just quit now). &n= bsp;Go to
the edge of the cliff to find the owl.  Talk to him and h= e'll lead you across
the chasm to a worship area (or whatever it was). &= nbsp;There you'll find the lens
of truth.  Use it to get back to th= e village (across the chasm).  Right there
you'll find a Goron ghos= t.  Talk to him, and he'll lead you to his grave
site.  Once t= here, play the song of healing for him to get the goron mask.  
Then= move the grave stone (as a goron) and a hot spring will open up.

You keep on walking, where will you go?
Walk again, in the company of the wind
March with confidence until you get to where you=E2=80=99re going
Until you finally grab that dream.

=E2=80=9CKaze to Issho ni=E2=80=9D  My=C3=BBts=C3=BB no Gyakush=C3= =BB
--part1_35.c73d4ee.2738c293_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Zelda help Date: 06 Nov 2000 21:58:40 EST --part1_9f.cb1c45b.2738c9e0_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable <>=A0=A0=A0=20 Pour hot water on it ;-) Seriously, you need the Lens of Truth. Follow into the mountains as far as=20 you can, until you meet that owl again. Eventually you'll earn the lens here= ,=20 and then, as you cross the chasm using the lens, you should spot Darimani's=20 ghost. Follow it, and that'll get you the Goron mask. Pull Darimani's tomb=20 away from where it is, and you'll release the hot springs. Bottle the hot=20 water, and quickly run to the Smithy's shop.=20 ~Matt "I hate the PS2." PS: Remember, you can't keep the Razor Sword when you go back in time, so=20 save your rupees and wait until you get the Gold Dust from the Goron races i= n=20 the spring for the Gilded Sword. --part1_9f.cb1c45b.2738c9e0_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="ISO-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable <<Spoiler (mountains)
How do I stay interested in this game? Really?
No, the real question is, how do I go about to melt the furn= ace at the
smithy? And no simple answers like "pour hot water on it", li= ke what do I do
to get to that too.

~~ Dave ~~

Pour hot water on it ;-)

Seriously, you need the Lens of Truth. Follow into the mountains as far=20= as
you can, until you meet that owl again. Eventually you'll earn the le= ns here,
and then, as you cross the chasm using the lens, you should spo= t Darimani's
ghost. Follow it, and that'll get you the Goron mask. Pull=20= Darimani's tomb
away from where it is, and you'll release the hot spring= s. Bottle the hot
water, and quickly run to the Smithy's shop.=20


"I hate the PS2."

PS: Remember, you can't keep the Razor Sword when you go back in time, s= o
save your rupees and wait until you get the Gold Dust from the Goron r= aces in
the spring for the Gilded Sword.

--part1_9f.cb1c45b.2738c9e0_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dave Rhodes" Subject: Re: [N64] Zelda help Date: 06 Nov 2000 22:06:50 -0500 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_000C_01C0483D.DCE6EBE0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable ----- Original Message -----=20 From: To: Sent: Monday, November 06, 2000 9:27 PM Subject: Re: [N64] Zelda help In a message dated 11/06/2000 5:59:23 PM Pacific Standard Time,=20 writes:=20 spoiler space: mountains=20 No, the real question is, how do I go about to melt the furnace at = the=20 smithy? And no simple answers like "pour hot water on it", like what = do I=20 do to get to that too.=20 ~~ Dave ~~=20 First, go to the Goron Village (if you can't find it, just quit now Where is the Goron Village? ~~ Dave ~~ =20 "If there's a fire it's asleep in my bed I must leave it to burn until it burns itself out Catch as you can I'm not staying here long I'll be coming back early or never at all" - Genesis =20 AIM: Super Trey Bros ------=_NextPart_000_000C_01C0483D.DCE6EBE0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, November 06, 2000 = 9:27=20 PM
Subject: Re: [N64] Zelda = help

In a message dated 11/06/2000 5:59:23 PM = Pacific=20 Standard Time, writes:

spoiler space: mountains=20 =

<= BR>

No, the real question is, how do I go about to melt the = furnace=20 at the
smithy? And no simple answers like "pour hot water on = it", like=20 what do I
do to get to that too.

~~ Dave = ~~ =

First, go to the Goron Village (if you can't = find it,=20 just quit now
Where is the Goron = Village?
~~ Dave ~~
"If there's=20 a fire it's asleep in my bed
I must leave it to burn until it burns = itself=20 out
Catch as you can I'm not staying here long
I'll be coming = back early=20 or never at all" - Genesis
 AIM: = Super=20 Trey Bros
------=_NextPart_000_000C_01C0483D.DCE6EBE0-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Zelda help Date: 06 Nov 2000 22:46:10 EST --part1_9b.c626188.2738d502_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 11/06/2000 7:08:07 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes: spoiler space: Gorons > First, go to the Goron Village (if you can't find it, just quit now > > Where is the Goron Village? > > ~~ Dave ~~ > Well, ok, just in case you're being serious: it branches off from the area of the smithy shop. Read the signs. One path goes back down the mountain, one goes to snowhead (and the next temple), and the other leads to the gorons. -Eric- The moon is like an authority, with its circular pattern How round, so round... No matter what happens in the world, the night goes on "Nyarth no Uta" Pocket Monsters --part1_9b.c626188.2738d502_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 11/06/2000 7:08:07 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

spoiler space: Gorons

First, go to the Goron Village (if you can't find it, just quit now

Where is the Goron Village?

~~ Dave ~~

Well, ok, just in case you're being serious: it branches off from the area of
the smithy shop.  Read the signs.  One path goes back down the mountain, one
goes to snowhead (and the next temple), and the other leads to the gorons.

The moon is like an authority, with its circular pattern
How round, so round...
No matter what happens in the world, the night goes on

"Nyarth no Uta"  Pocket Monsters
--part1_9b.c626188.2738d502_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [N64] Chrono Trigger Date: 06 Nov 2000 22:57:45 EST Well, I finally beat Chrono Trigger, I beat the queen then lavos, man, it was tough. -Jed [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: re: [N64] Date: 06 Nov 2000 22:59:38 EST i'm not gettin mail from this list That's 'cause no one's posting. Well I am over at message boards. -Jed [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Chrono Trigger Date: 06 Nov 2000 20:17:45 -0800 wrote: > Well, I finally beat Chrono Trigger, I beat the queen then lavos, man, it was > tough. > Yes, or it wouldn't be hailed as one of the best RPG ever made. -- Dexter S. Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine Http:// [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dave Rhodes" Subject: Re: [N64] Chrono Trigger Date: 06 Nov 2000 23:43:43 -0500 ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Monday, November 06, 2000 10:57 PM > Well, I finally beat Chrono Trigger, I beat the queen then lavos, man, it was > tough. > > -Jed Only 11 more endings to go for ya. ~~ Dave ~~ "If there's a fire it's asleep in my bed I must leave it to burn until it burns itself out Catch as you can I'm not staying here long I'll be coming back early or never at all" - Genesis AIM: Super Trey Bros [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [N64] tournament fighters Date: 07 Nov 2000 21:57:34 +0000 (GMT+00:00) --25801807.973634254348.JavaMail.nobody@www-a24 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi, I'm new to this list, but I'm a big fan of N64 fighting games, even though their not as high caliber as some playstation fighting games, I think they are still good. Get ready because here is the list of n64 fighting games which I've played and Enjoyed. 1. Mace 2. Dark Rift 3. Fighters Destiny 4. Bio-Freaks Can anyone add to this list? _______________ Hassan J. Razvi CIS 118-219 Your email address says a lot about you. Express yourself @ --25801807.973634254348.JavaMail.nobody@www-a24-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Moody, Luke" Subject: RE: [N64] tournament fighters Date: 08 Nov 2000 10:02:12 +1100 > Hi, I'm new to this list, but I'm a big fan of N64 fighting games, even > though their not as high caliber as some playstation fighting games, I > think they are still good. Get ready because here is the list of n64 > fighting games which I've played and Enjoyed. > > 1. Mace > 2. Dark Rift > 3. Fighters Destiny > 4. Bio-Freaks > > Can anyone add to this list? > > Hi Hassan Welcome. Super Smash Bothers is good too. Some say the best! What about favourite game all round? Luke > _______________ > Hassan J. Razvi > CIS 118-219 > > > Your email address says a lot about you. > Express yourself @ > > ********************************************************************** Commonwealth Bank of Australia (ABN 48 123 123 124) ********************************************************************** [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Gregory A. Swarthout" Subject: Re: [N64] tournament fighters Date: 07 Nov 2000 16:17:22 -0700 I'd have to add both Super Smash Brothers as the only 4-player 2D fighter and Xena as the only 4-player 3D fighter. "Moody, Luke" wrote: > > > Hi, I'm new to this list, but I'm a big fan of N64 fighting games, even > > though their not as high caliber as some playstation fighting games, I > > think they are still good. Get ready because here is the list of n64 > > fighting games which I've played and Enjoyed. > > > > 1. Mace > > 2. Dark Rift > > 3. Fighters Destiny > > 4. Bio-Freaks > > > > Can anyone add to this list? > > > > > Hi Hassan > Welcome. > > Super Smash Bothers is good too. Some say the best! > What about favourite game all round? > > Luke > > > _______________ > > Hassan J. Razvi > > CIS 118-219 > > > > > > Your email address says a lot about you. > > Express yourself @ > > > > > > ********************************************************************** > Commonwealth Bank of Australia (ABN 48 123 123 124) > ********************************************************************** > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: D Fentie Subject: Re: [N64] tournament fighters Date: 07 Nov 2000 17:31:36 -0600 SSB is the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was just looking at my stats in the game and I added up all my hours played with all the characters and it's 432 hours of playing that game since I got it 2 years ago (I think). Now THATS the kind of addicting game I've known Nintendo for and I'm sooooo glad they pulled it off. I also have to thank my friends because we have never had that much fun with a game before, ever. Gregory A. Swarthout wrote: > > I'd have to add both Super Smash Brothers as the only 4-player 2D fighter > and Xena as the only 4-player 3D fighter. > > "Moody, Luke" wrote: > > > > > Hi, I'm new to this list, but I'm a big fan of N64 fighting games, even > > > though their not as high caliber as some playstation fighting games, I > > > think they are still good. Get ready because here is the list of n64 > > > fighting games which I've played and Enjoyed. > > > > > > 1. Mace > > > 2. Dark Rift > > > 3. Fighters Destiny > > > 4. Bio-Freaks > > > > > > Can anyone add to this list? > > > > > > > > Hi Hassan > > Welcome. > > > > Super Smash Bothers is good too. Some say the best! > > What about favourite game all round? > > > > Luke > > > > > _______________ > > > Hassan J. Razvi > > > CIS 118-219 > > > > > > > > > Your email address says a lot about you. > > > Express yourself @ > > > > > > > > > > ********************************************************************** > > Commonwealth Bank of Australia (ABN 48 123 123 124) > > ********************************************************************** > > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > > [ (without the quotes) to ] > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] tournament fighters Date: 07 Nov 2000 18:56:32 EST --part1_46.cad4845.2739f0b0_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Language: en In a message dated 11/07/2000 2:27:52 PM Pacific Standard Time,=20 writes: > 1. Mace > 2. Dark Rift > 3. Fighters Destiny > 4. Bio-Freaks >=20 >=20 I don't believe it. No Super Smash Bros. For shame. -Eric- =E2=80=9CNanda kanda to kikare tara Kotaete ageru ga yo no nasake Sekai no hakai o fusegu tame Sekai no heiwa o mamoru tame Ai to shinjitu no aku o turanuku Lovely charmy na kataki yaku Musashi! Kojiro! Ginga o kakeru Rocket dan no futari niwa White hole, shiroi ashita ga matteruze Nya-nte na!=E2=80=9D --part1_46.cad4845.2739f0b0_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Language: en In a message dated 11/07/2000 2:27:52 PM Pacific Stand= ard Time, writes:

1. Mace
2. Dark Rift
3. Fighters Destiny
4. Bio-Freaks

Can anyone add to this list?

I don't believe it.  No Super Smash Bros.  For shame.

=E2=80=9CNanda kanda to kikare tara
Kotaete ageru ga yo no nasake
Sekai no hakai o fusegu tame
Sekai no heiwa o mamoru tame
Ai to shinjitu no aku o turanuku
Lovely charmy na kataki yaku
Ginga o kakeru Rocket dan no futari niwa
White hole, shiroi ashita ga matteruze
Nya-nte na!=E2=80=9D

Rocket Dan- Pocket Monsters
=01=00 --part1_46.cad4845.2739f0b0_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [N64] Zelda help Date: 07 Nov 2000 19:08:09 EST --part1_56.3022ca7.2739f369_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Language: en Spoiler space: haunted well OK, I'm in the well. What the h*ll do these mummies mean by "something=20 deliciously fresh?" -Eric- You keep on walking, where will you go? Walk again, in the company of the wind March with confidence until you get to where you=E2=80=99re going Until you finally grab that dream. =E2=80=9CKaze to Issho ni=E2=80=9D My=C3=BBts=C3=BB no Gyakush=C3=BB --part1_56.3022ca7.2739f369_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Language: en Spoiler space: haunted well

OK, I'm in the well.  What the h*ll do these mummies mean by "somet= hing
deliciously fresh?"

You keep on walking, where will you go?
Walk again, in the company of the wind
March with confidence until you get to where you=E2=80=99re going
Until you finally grab that dream.

=E2=80=9CKaze to Issho ni=E2=80=9D  My=C3=BBts=C3=BB no Gyakush=C3= =BB
--part1_56.3022ca7.2739f369_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] tournament fighters Date: 07 Nov 2000 20:32:25 EST --part1_46.cab6166.273a0729_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit <<1. Mace 2. Dark Rift 3. Fighters Destiny 4. Bio-Freaks Can anyone add to this list? _______________ Hassan J. Razvi CIS 118-219>> Super Smash Bros. ~Matt "The Bureau of Incomplete Statistics reports that one out of three." --part1_46.cab6166.273a0729_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit <<1. Mace
2. Dark Rift
3. Fighters Destiny
4. Bio-Freaks

Can anyone add to this list?

Hassan J. Razvi
CIS 118-219>>

Super Smash Bros.


"The Bureau of Incomplete Statistics reports that one out of three."

--part1_46.cab6166.273a0729_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dave Rhodes" Subject: Re: [N64] tournament fighters Date: 07 Nov 2000 21:16:59 -0500 ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Tuesday, November 07, 2000 4:57 PM > Hi, I'm new to this list, but I'm a big fan of N64 fighting games, even though their not as high caliber as some playstation fighting games, I think they are still good. Get ready because here is the list of n64 fighting games which I've played and Enjoyed. > > 1. Mace > 2. Dark Rift > 3. Fighters Destiny > 4. Bio-Freaks > > Can anyone add to this list? Easily. Killer Instinct Gold. ~~ Dave ~~ "If there's a fire it's asleep in my bed I must leave it to burn until it burns itself out Catch as you can I'm not staying here long I'll be coming back early or never at all" - Genesis AIM: Super Trey Bros [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: re: [N64] chrono Trigger Date: 07 Nov 2000 22:43:09 EST > Well, I finally beat Chrono Trigger, I beat the queen then lavos, man, it was > tough. > > -Jed Only 11 more endings to go for ya. ~~ Dave ~~ Hum, I beat it 2 times, I went and fought the queen and then I fought lavos, got an ending, then I took the time machine and went to 1999 and crashed throguh lavos, and got a different ending. now how do I get the 10 others. -Jed [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "DarkKnight423" Subject: RE: [N64] Zelda help Date: 07 Nov 2000 22:44:25 -0500 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0012_01C0490C.47A36660 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable -----Original Message----- From: = []On Behalf Of Sent: Tuesday, November 07, 2000 7:08 PM To:; Subject: [N64] Zelda help Spoiler space: haunted well=20 OK, I'm in the well. What the h*ll do these mummies mean by = "something=20 deliciously fresh?"=20 -Eric-=20 You keep on walking, where will you go?=20 Walk again, in the company of the wind=20 March with confidence until you get to where you=E2=80=99re going=20 Until you finally grab that dream.=20 =E2=80=9CKaze to Issho ni=E2=80=9D My=C3=BBts=C3=BB no Gyakush=C3=BB=20 [DarkKnight423]=20 Get a fish from the water in some of the rooms and give it to the = mummy=20 ------=_NextPart_000_0012_01C0490C.47A36660 Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
-----Original Message-----
From: = []On Behalf Of=20
Sent: Tuesday, November 07, 2000 7:08=20 PM
Subject: [N64] Zelda=20 help

Spoiler space: haunted well=20 =

<= BR>

OK,=20 I'm in the well.  What the h*ll do these mummies mean by = "something=20
deliciously fresh?"

You keep on walking, where = will you=20 go?
Walk again, in the company of the wind
March with = confidence until=20 you get to where you=E2=80=99re going
Until you finally grab that = dream.=20

=E2=80=9CKaze to Issho ni=E2=80=9D  My=C3=BBts=C3=BB no = Gyakush=C3=BB

Get = a fish from=20 the water in some of the rooms and give it to the=20 mummy 
------=_NextPart_000_0012_01C0490C.47A36660-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Boudewijn de Kemp Subject: Re: [N64] tournament fighters Date: 08 Nov 2000 09:34:44 +0000 Sure, Clayfighters ;-) > > 1. Mace > 2. Dark Rift > 3. Fighters Destiny > 4. Bio-Freaks > > Can anyone add to this list? > > _______________ > Hassan J. Razvi > CIS 118-219 > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dave Rhodes" Subject: Re: [N64] tournament fighters Date: 08 Nov 2000 06:15:49 -0500 ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2000 4:34 AM > > Sure, Clayfighters ;-) Don't forget War Gods & Mortal Kombat Trilogy. ;-) > > 1. Mace > > 2. Dark Rift > > 3. Fighters Destiny > > 4. Bio-Freaks > > > > Can anyone add to this list? > > > > _______________ > > Hassan J. Razvi > > CIS 118-219 > > > > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [N64] How do games work? Date: 08 Nov 2000 20:50:05 EST Go to and click on the video games link, you will be able to tell how a video game console works -Jed [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dave Rhodes" Subject: Re: [N64] How do games work? Date: 08 Nov 2000 21:15:18 -0500 ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2000 8:50 PM > Go to and click on the video games link, you > will be able to tell how a video game console works > > -Jed I already know how they work. Little tiny Gnomes live inside each console. With paint brushes and scotch tape they make the games come out on the TV screen. At least that's what they teach at DigiPen. ~ Dave ~ "most of what you read may or may not be untrue" [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dave Rhodes" Subject: [N64] Pikachu! Date: 08 Nov 2000 21:19:13 -0500 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_000F_01C049C9.8AEB3B60 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Just in case nobody noticed. Both "Hey You, Pikachu" and the Pikachu = N64s have been released. I still think if anybody is going to buy a N64 = that the Atomic Purple bundle (comes with 2 controllers for the price of = a colored shell system or Pikachu, or Star Wars Racer bundle if you = didn't know) is still the best value. Unless you go for crappy games, = then maybe the Donkey Kong 64 bundle would fit you.=20 So the big question is, will Eric get a Pikachu N64? ~~ Dave ~~ =20 "If there's a fire it's asleep in my bed I must leave it to burn until it burns itself out Catch as you can I'm not staying here long I'll be coming back early or never at all" - Genesis =20 AIM: Super Trey Bros ------=_NextPart_000_000F_01C049C9.8AEB3B60 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Just in case nobody noticed. Both "Hey = You,=20 Pikachu" and the Pikachu N64s have been released. I still think if = anybody is=20 going to buy a N64 that the Atomic Purple bundle (comes with 2 = controllers for=20 the price of a colored shell system or Pikachu, or Star Wars Racer = bundle if you=20 didn't know) is still the best value. Unless you go for crappy games, = then maybe=20 the Donkey Kong 64 bundle would fit you.
So the big question is, will Eric get a = Pikachu=20 N64?
~~ Dave ~~
"If there's a=20 fire it's asleep in my bed
I must leave it to burn until it burns = itself=20 out
Catch as you can I'm not staying here long
I'll be coming back = early=20 or never at all" - Genesis
 AIM: = Super Trey=20 Bros
------=_NextPart_000_000F_01C049C9.8AEB3B60-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu! Date: 08 Nov 2000 19:20:41 -0800 --------------78A740BE4CF8339CBA015546 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Dave Rhodes wrote: > Just in case nobody noticed. Both "Hey You, Pikachu" and the Pikachu > N64s have been released. I still think if anybody is going to buy a > N64 that the Atomic Purple bundle (comes with 2 controllers for the > price of a colored shell system or Pikachu, or Star Wars Racer bundle > if you didn't know) is still the best value. Unless you go for crappy > games, then maybe the Donkey Kong 64 bundle would fit you. > So the big question is, will Eric get a Pikachu N64? The bigger question is whether American consumers will want to put up with the exhorbitent price (Nintendo is marketing it as a specialty toy instead of a game) and whether it will be a million seller or not. -- Dexter S. Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine Http:// --------------78A740BE4CF8339CBA015546 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit  

Dave Rhodes wrote:

Just in case nobody noticed. Both "Hey You, Pikachu" and the Pikachu N64s have been released. I still think if anybody is going to buy a N64 that the Atomic Purple bundle (comes with 2 controllers for the price of a colored shell system or Pikachu, or Star Wars Racer bundle if you didn't know) is still the best value. Unless you go for crappy games, then maybe the Donkey Kong 64 bundle would fit you.
  So the big question is, will Eric get a Pikachu N64?

The bigger question is whether American consumers will want to put up with the exhorbitent price (Nintendo is marketing it as a specialty toy instead of a game) and whether it will be a million seller or not.

Dexter S.
Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine
  --------------78A740BE4CF8339CBA015546-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu! Date: 08 Nov 2000 22:08:16 EST --part1_80.29709ee.273b6f20_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Language: en In a message dated 11/08/2000 6:20:32 PM Pacific Standard Time,=20 writes: > So the big question is, will Eric get a Pikachu N64? > =20 > ~~ Dave ~~ >=20 The big answer is no. Hey, I like Pok=C3=A9mon, but I've already got an N64= , I=20 don't need two. Hey You! Pikachu? Hasn't been getting very good reviews an= d=20 I don't want to pay $90 for it. I'd rather go for Banjo-Tooie this month (i= t=20 actually looks like I will be able to get it at launch :) ) Guh huh. And I= =20 might rent Mickey's Speedway. If it's anything like DKR, I'm sure I'll like= =20 it. -Eric- You keep on walking, where will you go? Walk again, in the company of the wind March with confidence until you get to where you=E2=80=99re going Until you finally grab that dream. =E2=80=9CKaze to Issho ni=E2=80=9D My=C3=BBts=C3=BB no Gyakush=C3=BB --part1_80.29709ee.273b6f20_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Language: en In a message dated 11/08/2000 6:20:32 PM Pacific Stand= ard Time, writes:

So the big question is, wil= l Eric get a Pikachu N64?
~~ Dave ~~

The big answer is no.  Hey, I like Pok=C3=A9mon, but I've already g= ot an N64, I
don't need two.  Hey You! Pikachu?  Hasn't been g= etting very good reviews and
I don't want to pay $90 for it.  I'd r= ather go for Banjo-Tooie this month (it
actually looks like I will be ab= le to get it at launch :) )  Guh huh.  And I
might rent Mickey= 's Speedway.  If it's anything like DKR, I'm sure I'll like

You keep on walking, where will you go?
Walk again, in the company of the wind
March with confidence until you get to where you=E2=80=99re going
Until you finally grab that dream.

=E2=80=9CKaze to Issho ni=E2=80=9D  My=C3=BBts=C3=BB no Gyakush=C3= =BB
--part1_80.29709ee.273b6f20_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu! Date: 08 Nov 2000 22:15:46 EST --part1_6f.cb499b7.273b70e2_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable In a message dated 11/08/2000 7:07:46 PM Pacific Standard Time,=20 writes: > The bigger question is whether American consumers will want to put up with= =20 > the exhorbitent price (Nintendo is marketing it as a specialty toy instead= =20 >=20 I've wondered about this myself. I mean, it's a neat concept, but $90? =20 C'mon, NOA. NCL didn't sell it for that much two years ago. It actually=20 looks like this one would be cheaper to import (demo watashi wa nihongo o=20 hanasemasen :( ). Oh well. Guess we'll have to wait for Pok=E9mon Stadium=20= GS. -Eric- The moon is like an authority, with its circular pattern How round, so round... No matter what happens in the world, the night goes on "Nyarth no Uta" Pocket Monsters --part1_6f.cb499b7.273b70e2_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="ISO-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable In a message dated 11/08/2000 7:07:46 PM Pacific Stand= ard Time, writes:

The bigger question is whet= her American consumers will want to put up with
the exhorbitent price (N= intendo is marketing it as a specialty toy instead
of a game) and whethe= r it will be a million seller or not.

I've wondered about this myself.  I mean, it's a neat concept, but=20= $90?  
C'mon, NOA.  NCL didn't sell it for that much two years=20= ago.  It actually
looks like this one would be cheaper to import (d= emo watashi wa nihongo o
hanasemasen :( ).  Oh well.  Guess we= 'll have to wait for Pok=E9mon Stadium GS.

The moon is like an authority, with its circular pattern
How round, so round...
No matter what happens in the world, the night goes on

"Nyarth no Uta"  Pocket Monsters
--part1_6f.cb499b7.273b70e2_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu! Date: 08 Nov 2000 19:37:43 -0800 --------------B72DDFDDBF4868E5ED0192F3 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit > > >> The bigger question is whether American consumers will want to put >> up with >> the exhorbitent price (Nintendo is marketing it as a specialty toy >> instead >> of a game) and whether it will be a million seller or not. > > I've wondered about this myself. I mean, it's a neat concept, but > $90? > C'mon, NOA. NCL didn't sell it for that much two years ago. It > actually > looks like this one would be cheaper to import (demo watashi wa > nihongo o > hanasemasen :( ). Oh well. Guess we'll have to wait for Pokmon > Stadium GS. > -Eric- Unless you're really modest, you would reconsider using the word Watashi. Boku may be more appropriate. -- Dexter S. Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine Http:// --------------B72DDFDDBF4868E5ED0192F3 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
The bigger question is whether American consumers will want to put up with
the exhorbitent price (Nintendo is marketing it as a specialty toy instead
of a game) and whether it will be a million seller or not.

I've wondered about this myself.  I mean, it's a neat concept, but $90?
C'mon, NOA.  NCL didn't sell it for that much two years ago.  It actually
looks like this one would be cheaper to import (demo watashi wa nihongo o
hanasemasen :( ).  Oh well.  Guess we'll have to wait for Pokémon Stadium GS.

Unless you're really modest, you would reconsider using the word Watashi.   Boku may be more appropriate.

Dexter S.
Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine
  --------------B72DDFDDBF4868E5ED0192F3-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu! Date: 08 Nov 2000 22:26:44 EST --part1_f8.4659eb8.273b7374_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Language: en In a message dated 11/08/2000 7:24:33 PM Pacific Standard Time,=20 writes: > Unless you're really modest, you would reconsider using the word Watashi.=20= =20 > Boku may be more appropriate.=20 > =20 Ah, so what's the difference between the two. I've heard the word "boku" an= d=20 I've thought it was another way of saying I (or something like that), but=20 when would each be used? -Eric- =E2=80=9CNanda kanda to kikare tara Kotaete ageru ga yo no nasake Sekai no hakai o fusegu tame Sekai no heiwa o mamoru tame Ai to shinjitu no aku o turanuku Lovely charmy na kataki yaku Musashi! Kojiro! Ginga o kakeru Rocket dan no futari niwa White hole, shiroi ashita ga matteruze Nya-nte na!=E2=80=9D --part1_f8.4659eb8.273b7374_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Language: en In a message dated 11/08/2000 7:24:33 PM Pacific Stand= ard Time, writes:

Unless you're really modest= , you would reconsider using the word Watashi.   
Boku may be m= ore appropriate.=20

Ah, so what's the difference between the two.  I've heard the word=20= "boku" and
I've thought it was another way of saying I (or something lik= e that), but
when would each be used?

=E2=80=9CNanda kanda to kikare tara
Kotaete ageru ga yo no nasake
Sekai no hakai o fusegu tame
Sekai no heiwa o mamoru tame
Ai to shinjitu no aku o turanuku
Lovely charmy na kataki yaku
Ginga o kakeru Rocket dan no futari niwa
White hole, shiroi ashita ga matteruze
Nya-nte na!=E2=80=9D

Rocket Dan- Pocket Monsters
r --part1_f8.4659eb8.273b7374_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu! Date: 08 Nov 2000 19:42:32 -0800 --------------77B768BBA27BC5C4D858728D Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Watashi is the feminine form. But it can be used by men when you're being courteous, polite and official. Dex wrote: > In a message dated 11/08/2000 7:24:33 PM Pacific Standard Time, > writes: > > > >> Unless you're really modest, you would reconsider using the word >> Watashi. >> Boku may be more appropriate. > > Ah, so what's the difference between the two. I've heard the word > "boku" and > I've thought it was another way of saying I (or something like that), > but > when would each be used? > -Eric- > > “Nanda kanda to kikare tara > Kotaete ageru ga yo no nasake > Sekai no hakai o fusegu tame > Sekai no heiwa o mamoru tame > Ai to shinjitu no aku o turanuku > Lovely charmy na kataki yaku > Musashi! > Kojiro! > Ginga o kakeru Rocket dan no futari niwa > White hole, shiroi ashita ga matteruze > Nya-nte na!” > > Rocket Dan- Pocket Monsters r -- Dexter S. Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine Http:// --------------77B768BBA27BC5C4D858728D Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Watashi is the feminine form.  But it  can be used by men when you're being courteous, polite and official.

Dex wrote:

In a message dated 11/08/2000 7:24:33 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:
Unless you're really modest, you would reconsider using the word Watashi.
Boku may be more appropriate.

Ah, so what's the difference between the two.  I've heard the word "boku" and
I've thought it was another way of saying I (or something like that), but
when would each be used?

â€Nanda kanda to kikare tara
Kotaete ageru ga yo no nasake
Sekai no hakai o fusegu tame
Sekai no heiwa o mamoru tame
Ai to shinjitu no aku o turanuku
Lovely charmy na kataki yaku
Ginga o kakeru Rocket dan no futari niwa
White hole, shiroi ashita ga matteruze
Nya-nte na!â€

Rocket Dan- Pocket Monsters r

Dexter S.
Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine
  --------------77B768BBA27BC5C4D858728D-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu! Date: 08 Nov 2000 22:32:26 EST --part1_c.cd6a378.273b74ca_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Language: en In a message dated 11/08/2000 7:30:01 PM Pacific Standard Time,=20 writes: > Watashi is the feminine form. But it can be used by men when you're bein= g=20 >=20 Hmm, on my CD ROM, it shows "watashi" as the only form of "I." Of course,=20 they said in the intro that they're teaching the most polite form of=20 Japanese, so I guess it makes sense. Thanks, Dex. -Eric- You keep on walking, where will you go? Walk again, in the company of the wind March with confidence until you get to where you=E2=80=99re going Until you finally grab that dream. =E2=80=9CKaze to Issho ni=E2=80=9D My=C3=BBts=C3=BB no Gyakush=C3=BB --part1_c.cd6a378.273b74ca_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Language: en In a message dated 11/08/2000 7:30:01 PM Pacific Stand= ard Time, writes:

Watashi is the feminine for= m.  But it  can be used by men when you're being
courteous, po= lite and official.

Hmm, on my CD ROM, it shows "watashi" as the only form of "I."  Of=20= course,
they said in the intro that they're teaching the most polite for= m of
Japanese, so I guess it makes sense.  Thanks, Dex.

You keep on walking, where will you go?
Walk again, in the company of the wind
March with confidence until you get to where you=E2=80=99re going
Until you finally grab that dream.

=E2=80=9CKaze to Issho ni=E2=80=9D  My=C3=BBts=C3=BB no Gyakush=C3= =BB
--part1_c.cd6a378.273b74ca_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Boudewijn de Kemp Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu! Date: 09 Nov 2000 10:26:38 +0000 > Dit bericht heeft een MIME-indeling. Aangezien uw e-maillezer deze indeling niet ondersteunt, is dit bericht mogelijk gedeeltelijk of geheel niet leesbaar. --MS_Mac_OE_3056610398_240059_MIME_Part Content-type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit . Unless you go for crappy games, then maybe the Donkey Kong 64 bundle would fit you. So the big question is, will Eric get a Pikachu N64? ~~ Dave ~~ Dave, u know that RARE Rules. And the DK64 system came out with a memory expansion pack..................... --MS_Mac_OE_3056610398_240059_MIME_Part Content-type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable Re: [N64] Pikachu!
. Unless you go for = crappy games, then maybe the Donkey Kong 64 bundle would fit you.

So the big question is, will Eric = get a Pikachu N64?

~~ Dave ~~
Dave, u know that RARE Rules. And the DK64 system came out with a = memory expansion pack.....................
--MS_Mac_OE_3056610398_240059_MIME_Part-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu! Date: 09 Nov 2000 07:34:33 EST --part1_d9.bfee3cc.273bf3d9_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 11/09/2000 1:30:45 AM Pacific Standard Time, writes: > Dave, u know that RARE Rules. And the DK64 system came out with a memory > Yes, Rare does rule, but DK64 wasn't exactly a terrific game. It was ok, but it just gets way too tedious near the end. Besides, Pikachu rules, and everyone knows it. ;) -Eric- The moon is like an authority, with its circular pattern How round, so round... No matter what happens in the world, the night goes on "Nyarth no Uta" Pocket Monsters --part1_d9.bfee3cc.273bf3d9_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 11/09/2000 1:30:45 AM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

Dave, u know that RARE Rules. And the DK64 system came out with a memory
expansion pack.....................

Yes, Rare does rule, but DK64 wasn't exactly a terrific game.  It was ok, but
it just gets way too tedious near the end.  Besides, Pikachu rules, and
everyone knows it. ;)

The moon is like an authority, with its circular pattern
How round, so round...
No matter what happens in the world, the night goes on

"Nyarth no Uta"  Pocket Monsters
--part1_d9.bfee3cc.273bf3d9_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dave Rhodes" Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu! Date: 09 Nov 2000 16:12:49 -0500 ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Thursday, November 09, 2000 7:34 AM <> Pikachu rules? I don't remember voting for him. ~~ Dave ~~ "If there's a fire it's asleep in my bed I must leave it to burn until it burns itself out Catch as you can I'm not staying here long I'll be coming back early or never at all" - Genesis AIM: Super Trey Bros [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu! Date: 09 Nov 2000 22:17:44 EST --part1_38.dac5b9f.273cc2d8_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 11/09/2000 1:14:11 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes: > Pikachu rules? I don't remember voting for him. > > Yeah, but the write-ins actually gave him the lead. Don't believe all this stuff you hear about Florida with Bush and Gore. Pikachu will lead this nation into the next millenium. ;) -Eric- Best thing about election years: Letterman. --part1_38.dac5b9f.273cc2d8_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 11/09/2000 1:14:11 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

Pikachu rules? I don't remember voting for him.

~~ Dave ~~

Yeah, but the write-ins actually gave him the lead.  Don't believe all this
stuff you hear about Florida with Bush and Gore.  Pikachu will lead this
nation into the next millenium. ;)
Best thing about election years: Letterman.
--part1_38.dac5b9f.273cc2d8_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [N64] Chrono Trigger experience Date: 11 Nov 2000 12:35:09 EST Well as I beat the game(Chrono Trigger) on several different endings, the thought came across my mind(even before I beat the game the first time) Well, just one quick note, prehistroy in the game, is messed up this way: it goes back to about 35 million BC, but human civilization only appeared around 2 million BC. On to the kingdom of Zeal, that queen is a nut head. Imagine, she destroyed her wonderful kingdom, this is what got me really thinking, maybe, just maybe, about 12 000BC, humans were like that, except stuff got destroyed and then we are now rebuilding everything. On to one more note, in the game, 1000 AD is the present, while 600 AD is the middle ages, but is'nt the middle ages around 1000 AD? and the present is 2000 AD, so they must have divided our time by 2 or something. Now do you guys think a "Lavos" is in the core of out earth? I don't, but maybe there is. and on Death peak, did anyone see Lavos there? -Jed [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dave Rhodes" Subject: Re: [N64] Chrono Trigger experience Date: 11 Nov 2000 16:57:08 -0500 ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Saturday, November 11, 2000 12:35 PM > Well as I beat the game(Chrono Trigger) on several different endings, the > thought came across my mind(even before I beat the game the first time) > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Well, just one quick note, prehistroy in the game, is messed up this way: it > goes back to about 35 million BC, but human civilization only appeared around > 2 million BC. > > On to the kingdom of Zeal, that queen is a nut head. Imagine, she destroyed > her wonderful kingdom, this is what got me really thinking, maybe, just > maybe, about 12 000BC, humans were like that, except stuff got destroyed and > then we are now rebuilding everything. On to one more note, in the game, 1000 > AD is the present, while 600 AD is the middle ages, but is'nt the middle ages > around 1000 AD? and the present is 2000 AD, so they must have divided our > time by 2 or something. > > Now do you guys think a "Lavos" is in the core of out earth? I don't, but > maybe there is. > It's well established that in 1999 Lavos emerges from his home in the earth's crust and lays waste to the planet's surface. > and on Death peak, did anyone see Lavos there? > No, but there were Lavos' children, not fully grown, but if they had a chance to mature more they would launch themselves into space to find other planets to nest in. > -Jed [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr." Subject: [N64] rebirth Date: 13 Nov 2000 18:44:14 -0500 (EST) 98 new messages???!!! Did somebody put the difilibrator on this listserv? [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [N64] N64 in lead of PS2 Date: 13 Nov 2000 20:41:01 EST The Nintendo sales are above the PS2 sales, go here and see the report: -Jed [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [N64] which n64 games? Date: 13 Nov 2000 20:43:46 EST Go there to see the top choices, I agree with em all. -Jed [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] N64 in lead of PS2 Date: 13 Nov 2000 21:08:18 EST --part1_c4.ba3ed1d.2741f892_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 11/13/2000 5:41:32 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes: > The Nintendo sales are above the PS2 sales, go here and see the report: > > > Well, yes, but one thing we have to take into consideration is that N64 has a larger user base. PS2 has a set amount of hardware units sold, so we know the base for them is around 500,000. The larger base has a better chance to make bigger sales, so I'm not that surprised. We'll have to see what happens next year. On another note, I've just completed Majora's Mask. I still have four masks to collect, but I feel good about it. Oh, and I'm 18 today. All right!!!! -Eric- The moon is like an authority, with its circular pattern How round, so round... No matter what happens in the world, the night goes on "Nyarth no Uta" Pocket Monsters --part1_c4.ba3ed1d.2741f892_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 11/13/2000 5:41:32 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

The Nintendo sales are above the PS2 sales, go here and see the report:


Well, yes, but one thing we have to take into consideration is that N64 has a
larger user base.  PS2 has a set amount of hardware units sold, so we know
the base for them is around 500,000.  The larger base has a better chance to
make bigger sales, so I'm not that surprised.  We'll have to see what happens
next year.  On another note, I've just completed Majora's Mask.  I still have
four masks to collect, but I feel good about it.  Oh, and I'm 18 today.  All

The moon is like an authority, with its circular pattern
How round, so round...
No matter what happens in the world, the night goes on

"Nyarth no Uta"  Pocket Monsters
--part1_c4.ba3ed1d.2741f892_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] which n64 games? Date: 13 Nov 2000 21:12:22 EST --part1_f3.481acec.2741f986_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Language: en In a message dated 11/13/2000 5:44:23 PM Pacific Standard Time,=20 writes: >=20 >=20 >=20 >=20 >=20 > > Go there to see the top choices, I agree with em all. >=20 >=20 I didn't like Wave Race all that much, but it seems that most people did. =20 And why no Diddy Kong Racing? Got a higher score than MK, but still not=20 there. Oh well. -Eric- =E2=80=9CNanda kanda to kikare tara Kotaete ageru ga yo no nasake Sekai no hakai o fusegu tame Sekai no heiwa o mamoru tame Ai to shinjitu no aku o turanuku Lovely charmy na kataki yaku Musashi! Kojiro! Ginga o kakeru Rocket dan no futari niwa White hole, shiroi ashita ga matteruze Nya-nte na!=E2=80=9D --part1_f3.481acec.2741f986_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Language: en In a message dated 11/13/2000 5:44:23 PM Pacific Stand= ard Time, writes:
Go there to see the top choices, I agree with em all.


I didn't like Wave Race all that much, but it seems that most people did= .  
And why no Diddy Kong Racing?  Got a higher score than MK,=20= but still not
there.  Oh well.

=E2=80=9CNanda kanda to kikare tara
Kotaete ageru ga yo no nasake
Sekai no hakai o fusegu tame
Sekai no heiwa o mamoru tame
Ai to shinjitu no aku o turanuku
Lovely charmy na kataki yaku
Ginga o kakeru Rocket dan no futari niwa
White hole, shiroi ashita ga matteruze
Nya-nte na!=E2=80=9D

Rocket Dan- Pocket Monsters
=C2=9Ci --part1_f3.481acec.2741f986_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] N64 in lead of PS2 Date: 13 Nov 2000 22:28:05 EST --part1_c7.325bc91.27420b45_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable <> Bravo on Majora's Mask, Eric. I myself am just about to enter the Stone Towe= r=20 Temple, and I need two more masks -- one of them I know is the Fierce Deity'= s=20 Mask, so I can only guess what the other is.=20 18 today? That sucks. Gore coulda used your vote a week ago ;-) ~Matt "Blinky lights are the essence of technology. Everything else is fluff." --part1_c7.325bc91.27420b45_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="ISO-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable <<Well, yes, but one thing we have to take into=20= consideration is that N64 has
larger user base. =A0PS2 has a set amount of hardware units sold, so we=20= know=20
the base for them is around 500,000. =A0The larger base has a better cha= nce to=20
make bigger sales, so I'm not that surprised. =A0We'll have to see what=20= happens=20
next year. =A0On another note, I've just completed Majora's Mask. =A0I s= till have=20
four masks to collect, but I feel good about it. =A0Oh, and I'm 18 today= . =A0All=20

The moon is like an authority, with its circular pattern=20
How round, so round...=20
No matter what happens in the world, the night goes on >>

Bravo on Majora's Mask, Eric. I myself am just about to enter the Stone=20= Tower
Temple, and I need two more masks -- one of them I know is the Fie= rce Deity's
Mask, so I can only guess what the other is.=20

18 today? That sucks. Gore coulda used your vote a week ago ;-)


"Blinky lights are the essence of technology. Everything else is fluff."=
--part1_c7.325bc91.27420b45_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] N64 in lead of PS2 Date: 13 Nov 2000 22:40:07 EST --part1_22.da8c068.27420e17_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Language: en In a message dated 11/13/2000 7:29:34 PM Pacific Standard Time,=20 writes: > Bravo on Majora's Mask, Eric. I myself am just about to enter the Stone=20 > Tower=20 > Temple, and I need two more masks -- one of them I know is the Fierce=20 > Deity's=20 > Mask, so I can only guess what the other is.=20 >=20 Ah, the wonderful Stone Tower. The tower sucks, but the temple is very cool= .=20 Do you know where the Keaton Mask is? I went to IGN and they say in Kafei'= s=20 house on the third day. I checked the mayor's residence, and it's not there= . > 18 today? That sucks. Gore coulda used your vote a week ago ;-)=20 >=20 > ~Matt=20 >=20 Nah, he doesn't need any more Illinois votes. If I lived in Florida,=20 however.... ;) -Eric- You keep on walking, where will you go? Walk again, in the company of the wind March with confidence until you get to where you=E2=80=99re going Until you finally grab that dream. =E2=80=9CKaze to Issho ni=E2=80=9D My=C3=BBts=C3=BB no Gyakush=C3=BB --part1_22.da8c068.27420e17_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Language: en In a message dated 11/13/2000 7:29:34 PM Pacific Stand= ard Time, writes:

Bravo on Majora's Mask, Eri= c. I myself am just about to enter the Stone
Temple, and I need two more masks -- one of them I know is the Fierce Deity's=20
Mask, so I can only guess what the other is.=20

Ah, the wonderful Stone Tower.  The tower sucks, but th= e temple is very cool.
 Do you know where the Keaton Mask is?  = ;I went to IGN and they say in Kafei's
house on the third day.  I c= hecked the mayor's residence, and it's not there.

18 today? That=20= sucks. Gore coulda used your vote a week ago ;-)=20


Nah, he doesn't need any more Illinois votes.  If I lived in Florid= a,
however.... ;)

You keep on walking, where will you go?
Walk again, in the company of the wind
March with confidence until you get to where you=E2=80=99re going
Until you finally grab that dream.

=E2=80=9CKaze to Issho ni=E2=80=9D  My=C3=BBts=C3=BB no Gyakush=C3= =BB
--part1_22.da8c068.27420e17_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dave Rhodes" Subject: Re: [N64] N64 in lead of PS2 Date: 13 Nov 2000 22:43:56 -0500 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_000A_01C04DC3.34794C60 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Yeah, what's up with you not being born earlier and not living in = Florida? How rude. ;-) ~~ Dave ~~ =20 "If there's a fire it's asleep in my bed I must leave it to burn until it burns itself out Catch as you can I'm not staying here long I'll be coming back early or never at all" - Genesis =20 AIM: Super Trey Bros ----- Original Message -----=20 From: To: Sent: Monday, November 13, 2000 10:40 PM Subject: Re: [N64] N64 in lead of PS2 In a message dated 11/13/2000 7:29:34 PM Pacific Standard Time,=20 writes:=20 Nah, he doesn't need any more Illinois votes. If I lived in Florida,=20 however.... ;)=20 -Eric-=20 You keep on walking, where will you go?=20 Walk again, in the company of the wind=20 March with confidence until you get to where you=E2=80=99re going=20 Until you finally grab that dream.=20 =E2=80=9CKaze to Issho ni=E2=80=9D My=C3=BBts=C3=BB no Gyakush=C3=BB=20 ------=_NextPart_000_000A_01C04DC3.34794C60 Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Yeah, what's up with you not being born = earlier and=20 not living in Florida? How rude. ;-)
~~ Dave ~~
"If there's a=20 fire it's asleep in my bed
I must leave it to burn until it burns = itself=20 out
Catch as you can I'm not staying here long
I'll be coming back = early=20 or never at all" - Genesis
 AIM: = Super Trey=20 Bros
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, November 13, 2000 = 10:40=20 PM
Subject: Re: [N64] N64 in lead = of=20 PS2

In a message dated 11/13/2000 7:29:34 PM = Pacific=20 Standard Time, writes:=20

Nah, he doesn't need any more Illinois = votes.=20  If I lived in Florida,
however.... ;)

You = keep on=20 walking, where will you go?
Walk again, in the company of the wind =
March with confidence until you get to where you=E2=80=99re going =
Until you=20 finally grab that dream.

=E2=80=9CKaze to Issho ni=E2=80=9D =  My=C3=BBts=C3=BB no=20 Gyakush=C3=BB
------=_NextPart_000_000A_01C04DC3.34794C60-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] N64 in lead of PS2 Date: 13 Nov 2000 22:46:44 EST --part1_85.2d5f623.27420fa4_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 11/13/2000 7:44:37 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes: > Yeah, what's up with you not being born earlier and not living in Florida? > How rude. ;-) > > ~~ Dave ~~ > I know. I'm such a terrible Democrat. ;) Oh, well. I'm not going to help reelect Bush in four years. Until then, I'll just sit back and enjoy SNL and Letterman. -Eric- The moon is like an authority, with its circular pattern How round, so round... No matter what happens in the world, the night goes on "Nyarth no Uta" Pocket Monsters --part1_85.2d5f623.27420fa4_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 11/13/2000 7:44:37 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

Yeah, what's up with you not being born earlier and not living in Florida?
How rude. ;-)

~~ Dave ~~

I know.  I'm such a terrible Democrat. ;)  Oh, well.  I'm not going to help
reelect Bush in four years.  Until then, I'll just sit back and enjoy SNL and

The moon is like an authority, with its circular pattern
How round, so round...
No matter what happens in the world, the night goes on

"Nyarth no Uta"  Pocket Monsters
--part1_85.2d5f623.27420fa4_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] N64 in lead of PS2 Date: 13 Nov 2000 22:49:49 EST --part1_55.d3a1549.2742105d_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable < 18 today? That sucks. Gore coulda used your vote a week ago ;-)=20 >=20 > ~Matt=20 >=20 Nah, he doesn't need any more Illinois votes. =A0If I lived in Florida,=20 however.... ;)=20 -Eric- >> I heard Kefei only likes to give out his masks after getting mail ... ~Matt "Blinky lights are the essence of technology. Everything else is fluff." --part1_55.d3a1549.2742105d_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="ISO-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable <<Ah, the wonderful Stone Tower.=20= =A0The tower sucks, but the temple is very
=A0Do you know where the Keaton Mask is? =A0I went to IGN and they say i= n Kafei's=20
house on the third day. =A0I checked the mayor's residence, and it's not= there.=20

18 today? That sucks. Gore=20= coulda used your vote a week ago ;-)=20


Nah, he doesn't need any more Illinois votes. =A0If I lived in Florida,=20
however.... ;)=20
-Eric- >>

I heard Kefei only likes to give out his masks after getting mail ...


"Blinky lights are the essence of technology. Everything else is fluff."=
--part1_55.d3a1549.2742105d_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: D Fentie Subject: [N64] Squaresoft for Gamecube!!! Date: 13 Nov 2000 22:00:48 -0600 Well sort of... Square in Europe has this massive poll on their site asking which next generation system Square should develop for..... and... guess what...??????? Gamecube is in the LEAD!!!!! Thats right, go here to check out the gamecube coverage and go here: to vote! Just click on "click here to vote" Now if you've ever even wanted square to come back to Nintendo vote for NGC! However if you want Square on PS2 don't bother voting (even though I know the real jerks like Dave will and I expect him to make a witty comment on all this) because we all know its already being developed for Sony. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dave Rhodes" Subject: Re: [N64] Squaresoft for Gamecube!!! Date: 14 Nov 2000 00:35:20 -0500 ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Monday, November 13, 2000 11:00 PM > Well sort of... Square in Europe has this massive poll on their site > asking which next generation system Square should develop for..... > and... guess what...??????? Gamecube is in the LEAD!!!!! Thats right, > go here to check out the gamecube > coverage and go here: to > vote! Just click on "click here to vote" > > Now if you've ever even wanted square to come back to Nintendo vote for > NGC! However if you want Square on PS2 don't bother voting (even though > I know the real jerks like Dave will and I expect him to make a witty > comment on all this) because we all know its already being developed for > Sony. > Actually I want Square to develop for the Dreamcast. Like maybe a Tobal #3 or a SaGa Online. ;-) ~~ Dave ~~ "If there's a fire it's asleep in my bed I must leave it to burn until it burns itself out Catch as you can I'm not staying here long I'll be coming back early or never at all" - Genesis AIM: Super Trey Bros [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Boudewijn de Kemp Subject: [N64] Edge Date: 14 Nov 2000 09:53:15 +0000 Hi fellow listers, I have just recieved a magazine called Edge. It was a relieve to read a game mag finally aimed at the age group 25 and above! A very mature approach to gaming and capable of weaving out all Pokemon shyte. Also a great mag if you are looking for a job in gaming. The where jobpostings from Rare and Ubisoft in it (too name just a few). So if someone is looking for a kind of mag like this, don't look further! Cheers, -Boudewijn- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dave Rhodes" Subject: Re: [N64] Edge Date: 14 Nov 2000 07:44:00 -0500 ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2000 4:53 AM > Hi fellow listers, > > I have just recieved a magazine called Edge. > It was a relieve to read a game mag finally aimed at the age group 25 and > above! > A very mature approach to gaming and capable of weaving out all Pokemon > shyte. > Also a great mag if you are looking for a job in gaming. The where > jobpostings from Rare and Ubisoft in it (too name just a few). So if someone > is looking for a kind of mag like this, don't look further! > > Cheers, > > -Boudewijn- In America we have a magazine that shares content with Edge, it's called Next Generation., It's been around for over 5 years. ~~ Dave ~~ "If there's a fire it's asleep in my bed I must leave it to burn until it burns itself out Catch as you can I'm not staying here long I'll be coming back early or never at all" - Genesis AIM: Super Trey Bros [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Boudewijn de Kemp Subject: Re: [N64] Edge Date: 14 Nov 2000 13:50:57 +0000 000 4:53 AM > Subject: [N64] Edge > > >> Hi fellow listers, >> >> I have just recieved a magazine called Edge. >> It was a relieve to read a game mag finally aimed at the age group 25 and >> above! >> A very mature approach to gaming and capable of weaving out all Pokemon >> shyte. >> Also a great mag if you are looking for a job in gaming. The where >> jobpostings from Rare and Ubisoft in it (too name just a few). So if > someone >> is looking for a kind of mag like this, don't look further! >> >> Cheers, >> >> -Boudewijn- > > In America we have a magazine that shares content with Edge, it's called > Next Generation., It's been around for over 5 years. > > ~~ Dave ~~ Do you like it Dave? You are also a twenty something guy right???????? It's a great mag if u r looking for a design gig...... -Boudewijn- "I wonder where the X is for" [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Moody, Luke" Subject: RE: [N64] Edge Date: 15 Nov 2000 08:24:59 +1100 > Hi fellow listers, > > I have just recieved a magazine called Edge. > It was a relieve to read a game mag finally aimed at the age group 25 and > above! > A very mature approach to gaming and capable of weaving out all Pokemon > shyte. > Also a great mag if you are looking for a job in gaming. The where > jobpostings from Rare and Ubisoft in it (too name just a few). So if > someone > is looking for a kind of mag like this, don't look further! > > Cheers, > > -Boudewijn- > We have Edge in Australia. It's a great magazine. They actually have good info and exclusives. Like GC was on the cover and that was on (our) shelves five days after the Japanese release. Luke ********************************************************************** Commonwealth Bank of Australia (ABN 48 123 123 124) ********************************************************************** [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Edge Date: 14 Nov 2000 19:49:02 EST --part1_8f.2ef04bd.2743377e_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit <> Yeah, I just got their latest issue. What a shot in the crapper. Not only did those bastards give Majora's Mask 4 stars (and Madden for the PS2 deserves 5?!?), but their all of their PS2 coverage made me yearn for Gamecube even more. I mean, is it me or does Crash for the PS2 look slightly better than Super Mario 64? Certainly Zelda looks better than it. They do have a brief interview about NGC, though. ~Matt "The Bureau of Incomplete Statistics reports that one out of three." --part1_8f.2ef04bd.2743377e_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit <<In America we have a magazine that shares content with Edge, it's called
Next Generation., It's been around for over 5 years.

~~ Dave ~~

"If there's a fire it's asleep in my bed
I must leave it to burn until it burns itself out
Catch as you can I'm not staying here long
I'll be coming back early or never at all" - Genesis
AIM: Super Trey Bros.>>

Yeah, I just got their latest issue. What a shot in the crapper. Not only did
those bastards give Majora's Mask 4 stars (and Madden for the PS2 deserves
5?!?), but their all of their PS2 coverage made me yearn for Gamecube even
more. I mean, is it me or does Crash for the PS2 look slightly better than
Super Mario 64? Certainly Zelda looks better than it. They do have a brief
interview about NGC, though.


"The Bureau of Incomplete Statistics reports that one out of three."

--part1_8f.2ef04bd.2743377e_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Edge Date: 14 Nov 2000 22:25:05 EST --part1_75.c1e7c6f.27435c11_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Language: en In a message dated 11/14/2000 4:50:30 PM Pacific Standard Time,=20 writes: > Yeah, I just got their latest issue. What a shot in the crapper. Not only=20 > did=20 > those bastards give Majora's Mask 4 stars (and Madden for the PS2 deserves= =20 > 5?!?), but their all of their PS2 coverage made me yearn for Gamecube even= =20 > more. I mean, is it me or does Crash for the PS2 look slightly better than= =20 > Super Mario 64? Certainly Zelda looks better than it. They do have a brief= =20 > interview about NGC, though.=20 >=20 > ~Matt=20 >=20 >=20 WTF do they think they're doing?!!!!! Four stars?!! You gotta be kidding=20 me. Majora's Mask is one of the best games I've played in my lifetime, and=20 it'll be hard to top (still cloudy on this MM vs OoT issue, so I'd like to=20 leave it at "they're too close to call ;) ). Well, as long as EGM and IGN=20 have some sense in them. -Eric- You keep on walking, where will you go? Walk again, in the company of the wind March with confidence until you get to where you=E2=80=99re going Until you finally grab that dream. =E2=80=9CKaze to Issho ni=E2=80=9D My=C3=BBts=C3=BB no Gyakush=C3=BB --part1_75.c1e7c6f.27435c11_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Language: en In a message dated 11/14/2000 4:50:30 PM Pacific Stand= ard Time, writes:

Yeah, I just got their late= st issue. What a shot in the crapper. Not only
those bastards give Majora's Mask 4 stars (and Madden for the PS2 deserv= es=20
5?!?), but their all of their PS2 coverage made me yearn for Gamecube ev= en=20
more. I mean, is it me or does Crash for the PS2 look slightly better th= an=20
Super Mario 64? Certainly Zelda looks better than it. They do have a bri= ef=20
interview about NGC, though.=20


WTF do they think they're doing?!!!!!  Four stars?!!  You gott= a be kidding
me.  Majora's Mask is one of the best games I've playe= d in my lifetime, and
it'll be hard to top (still cloudy on this MM vs O= oT issue, so I'd like to
leave it at "they're too close to call ;) ). &n= bsp;Well, as long as EGM and IGN
have some sense in them.

You keep on walking, where will you go?
Walk again, in the company of the wind
March with confidence until you get to where you=E2=80=99re going
Until you finally grab that dream.

=E2=80=9CKaze to Issho ni=E2=80=9D  My=C3=BBts=C3=BB no Gyakush=C3= =BB
--part1_75.c1e7c6f.27435c11_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dave Rhodes" Subject: Re: [N64] Edge Date: 14 Nov 2000 22:35:29 -0500 ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2000 7:49 PM <> <> I think Majora's Mask only deserves 4 stars. Crash for the PS2 does look like something that would appear on the N64, I'm not at all impressed by it, but then again I didn't expect much with Naughty Dog not making it. ~~ Dave ~~ "If there's a fire it's asleep in my bed I must leave it to burn until it burns itself out Catch as you can I'm not staying here long I'll be coming back early or never at all" - Genesis AIM: Super Trey Bros [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Edge Date: 14 Nov 2000 22:39:11 EST --part1_de.c527972.27435f5f_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 11/14/2000 7:36:31 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes: > Grrrrr.......... --part1_de.c527972.27435f5f_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 11/14/2000 7:36:31 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

I think Majora's Mask only deserves 4 stars.

--part1_de.c527972.27435f5f_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dave Rhodes" Subject: Re: [N64] Majora's Mask Date: 14 Nov 2000 22:40:56 -0500 ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2000 10:25 PM <> I think MM is a 4 star game, or an 8.0. It's just feels like a regular game with Zelda images pasted all over the place. It doesn't feel, to me, like a Zelda game. Since I got Jet Grind Radio (and then Shenmue, Capcom Vs SNK, and then King of Fighters Dream Match '99) I haven't the urge to play Majora's Mask. ~~ Dave ~~ "If there's a fire it's asleep in my bed I must leave it to burn until it burns itself out Catch as you can I'm not staying here long I'll be coming back early or never at all" - Genesis AIM: Super Trey Bros [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Edge Date: 14 Nov 2000 22:47:36 EST --part1_3d.38a9c18.27436158_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit <> Did we get the same issue of Next Gen? I mean, Christ, the graphics look sub-MGS! Aside form one screenshot of a large landmass far off in the distance (reminds me of Banjo-Kazooie: you see the land, but no specific details), the game looked like crap. Oh, and according to the interview Next Gen got with Sony, not having first party games is GOOD for a console. when they suck as much as Sony's first party titles, I agree, but c'mon ... ~Matt "I hate the PlayStation 2." --part1_3d.38a9c18.27436158_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit <<Crash for the PS2 does look like something that would appear on the N64, I'm
not at all impressed by it, but then again I didn't expect much with Naughty
Dog not making it.

~~ Dave ~~

"If there's a fire it's asleep in my bed
I must leave it to burn until it burns itself out
Catch as you can I'm not staying here long
I'll be coming back early or never at all" - Genesis
AIM: Super Trey Bros>>

Did we get the same issue of Next Gen? I mean, Christ, the graphics look
sub-MGS! Aside form one screenshot of a large landmass far off in the
distance (reminds me of Banjo-Kazooie: you see the land, but no specific
details), the game looked like crap. Oh, and according to the interview Next
Gen got with Sony, not having first party games is GOOD for a console. when
they suck as much as Sony's first party titles, I agree, but c'mon ...


"I hate the PlayStation 2."
--part1_3d.38a9c18.27436158_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Majora's Mask Date: 14 Nov 2000 22:48:58 EST --part1_a7.8fbe2f5.274361aa_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 11/14/2000 7:41:37 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes: > I think MM is a 4 star game, or an 8.0. It's just feels like a regular game > with Zelda images pasted all over the place. It doesn't feel, to me, like a > IMO, it is one of the best games in existence. All I could think of doing for a while was play Zelda. I must admit that I was a little disappointed with the Stone Tower Temple (rather easy), but I found the game's true appeal in the notebook. I went through the entire entry to Kafei's file (haven't gotten the Keaton mask yet, but I will), and it was awesome. The way Nintendo has created distinct lives in this game is amazing. It's definitely one of N64's (all time's) best games. Innovation was incredible. -Eric- The moon is like an authority, with its circular pattern How round, so round... No matter what happens in the world, the night goes on "Nyarth no Uta" Pocket Monsters --part1_a7.8fbe2f5.274361aa_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 11/14/2000 7:41:37 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

I think MM is a 4 star game, or an 8.0. It's just feels like a regular game
with Zelda images pasted all over the place. It doesn't feel, to me, like a
Zelda game.

IMO, it is one of the best games in existence.  All I could think of doing
for a while was play Zelda.  I must admit that I was a little disappointed
with the Stone Tower Temple (rather easy), but I found the game's true appeal
in the notebook.  I went through the entire entry to Kafei's file (haven't
gotten the Keaton mask yet, but I will), and it was awesome.  The way
Nintendo has created distinct lives in this game is amazing.  It's definitely
one of N64's (all time's) best games.  Innovation was incredible.

The moon is like an authority, with its circular pattern
How round, so round...
No matter what happens in the world, the night goes on

"Nyarth no Uta"  Pocket Monsters
--part1_a7.8fbe2f5.274361aa_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Edge Date: 14 Nov 2000 22:52:25 EST --part1_a2.c0d12f5.27436279_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Language: en In a message dated 11/14/2000 7:48:15 PM Pacific Standard Time,=20 writes: > Oh, and according to the interview Next=20 > Gen got with Sony, not having first party games is GOOD for a console. whe= n=20 > they suck as much as Sony's first party titles, I agree, but c'mon ...=20 >=20 > ~Matt=20 >=20 >=20 Good? Hmm, the Sony guys have lit up the crack pipe again. But I agree. I= =20 mean, if Nintendo would've just let the third parties handle N64, we wouldn'= t=20 have been subjected to games like OoT or Mario 64. ;-) UGH, how stupid. -Eric- =E2=80=9CNanda kanda to kikare tara Kotaete ageru ga yo no nasake Sekai no hakai o fusegu tame Sekai no heiwa o mamoru tame Ai to shinjitu no aku o turanuku Lovely charmy na kataki yaku Musashi! Kojiro! Ginga o kakeru Rocket dan no futari niwa White hole, shiroi ashita ga matteruze Nya-nte na!=E2=80=9D --part1_a2.c0d12f5.27436279_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Language: en In a message dated 11/14/2000 7:48:15 PM Pacific Stand= ard Time, writes:

Oh, and according to the in= terview Next=20
Gen got with Sony, not having first party games is GOOD for a console. w= hen=20
they suck as much as Sony's first party titles, I agree, but c'mon ...=20


Good?  Hmm, the Sony guys have lit up the crack pipe again.  B= ut I agree.  I
mean, if Nintendo would've just let the third partie= s handle N64, we wouldn't
have been subjected to games like OoT or Mario= 64.  ;-)  UGH, how stupid.

=E2=80=9CNanda kanda to kikare tara
Kotaete ageru ga yo no nasake
Sekai no hakai o fusegu tame
Sekai no heiwa o mamoru tame
Ai to shinjitu no aku o turanuku
Lovely charmy na kataki yaku
Ginga o kakeru Rocket dan no futari niwa
White hole, shiroi ashita ga matteruze
Nya-nte na!=E2=80=9D

Rocket Dan- Pocket Monsters
eS --part1_a2.c0d12f5.27436279_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Majora's Mask Date: 14 Nov 2000 20:14:19 -0800 --------------49C82B3501E7A212A7C04B49 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Majora is also a contentious game because it deviates quite a bit from Ocarina gameplay wise. Next-Generation also treats all Next-Generation consoles quite well when it comes to rating the system potential and games. That's their real focus. Dexter wrote: > In a message dated 11/14/2000 7:41:37 PM Pacific Standard Time, > writes: > > > >> I think MM is a 4 star game, or an 8.0. It's just feels like a >> regular game >> with Zelda images pasted all over the place. It doesn't feel, to me, >> like a >> Zelda game. > > IMO, it is one of the best games in existence. All I could think of > doing > for a while was play Zelda. I must admit that I was a little > disappointed > with the Stone Tower Temple (rather easy), but I found the game's true > appeal > in the notebook. I went through the entire entry to Kafei's file > (haven't > gotten the Keaton mask yet, but I will), and it was awesome. The way > Nintendo has created distinct lives in this game is amazing. It's > definitely > one of N64's (all time's) best games. Innovation was incredible. > -Eric- > > The moon is like an authority, with its circular pattern > How round, so round... > No matter what happens in the world, the night goes on > > "Nyarth no Uta" Pocket Monsters -- Dexter S. Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine Http:// --------------49C82B3501E7A212A7C04B49 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Majora is also a contentious game because it deviates quite a bit from Ocarina gameplay wise.  Next-Generation also treats all Next-Generation consoles quite well when it comes to rating the system potential and games.  That's  their real focus.

Dexter wrote:

In a message dated 11/14/2000 7:41:37 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:
I think MM is a 4 star game, or an 8.0. It's just feels like a regular game
with Zelda images pasted all over the place. It doesn't feel, to me, like a
Zelda game.

IMO, it is one of the best games in existence.  All I could think of doing
for a while was play Zelda.  I must admit that I was a little disappointed
with the Stone Tower Temple (rather easy), but I found the game's true appeal
in the notebook.  I went through the entire entry to Kafei's file (haven't
gotten the Keaton mask yet, but I will), and it was awesome.  The way
Nintendo has created distinct lives in this game is amazing.  It's definitely
one of N64's (all time's) best games.  Innovation was incredible.

The moon is like an authority, with its circular pattern
How round, so round...
No matter what happens in the world, the night goes on

"Nyarth no Uta"  Pocket Monsters

Dexter S.
Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine
  --------------49C82B3501E7A212A7C04B49-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Majora's Mask Date: 14 Nov 2000 23:23:17 EST --part1_2b.d2c2fa6.274369b5_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit <> How far in the game did you get, Dave? During Woodfall, I was worried this game was some Zelda wannabe, overusing the whole, "light the torches," puzzle. But then I got to Snowhead, and the Great Bay ... it all fell into place. This is classic Zelda with what I think is one of the most original gameplay twists ever - the ending of your virtual world. If Next Gen weren't so busy hyping CrapFest 2 , ahem, the PlayStation 2, they might have been able to get someone to actually complete the game and see it for the brilliance it is. But no, we've gotta suffer through article after article of developers saying, "Ya know, I think we finally cracked this whole PS2 conundrum. Look at this screen shot. Now granted, this is from a prerendered cinema, but the in-game graphics will look JUST like this ..." You wanna see what people are doing with the PS2? Check out page 79. Or page 82, where we don't get screen shots to hype the machine, we get art a promises of atmosphere. ~Matt "I hate Next Gen and the PlayStation 2." --part1_2b.d2c2fa6.274369b5_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit <<I think MM is a 4 star game, or an 8.0. It's just feels like a regular game
with Zelda images pasted all over the place. It doesn't feel, to me, like a
Zelda game. Since I got Jet Grind Radio (and then Shenmue, Capcom Vs SNK,
and then King of Fighters Dream Match '99) I haven't the urge to play
Majora's Mask.

~~ Dave ~~>>

How far in the game did you get, Dave? During Woodfall, I was worried this
game was some Zelda wannabe, overusing the whole, "light the torches,"
puzzle. But then I got to Snowhead, and the Great Bay ... it all fell into
place. This is classic Zelda with what I think is one of the most original
gameplay twists ever - the ending of your virtual world.

If Next Gen weren't so busy hyping CrapFest 2 , ahem, the PlayStation 2, they
might have been able to get someone to actually complete the game and see it
for the brilliance it is. But no, we've gotta suffer through article after
article of developers saying, "Ya know, I think we finally cracked this whole
PS2 conundrum. Look at this screen shot. Now granted, this is from a
prerendered cinema, but the in-game graphics will look JUST like this ..."
You wanna see what people are doing with the PS2? Check out page 79. Or page
82, where we don't get screen shots to hype the machine, we get art a
promises of atmosphere.


"I hate Next Gen and the PlayStation 2."
--part1_2b.d2c2fa6.274369b5_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Majora's Mask Date: 14 Nov 2000 23:34:10 EST --part1_e6.d841270.27436c42_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 11/14/2000 8:24:31 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes: > How far in the game did you get, Dave? During Woodfall, I was worried this > game was some Zelda wannabe, overusing the whole, "light the torches," > puzzle. But then I got to Snowhead, and the Great Bay ... it all fell into > place. This is classic Zelda with what I think is one of the most original > gameplay twists ever - the ending of your virtual world. > > I'd also like to know this. Last time you (Dave) asked for help, you were on the mountain looking for the lens of truth. If you're still there, you haven't experienced the real game yet. After Woodfall, I felt it was beginning to recapture the spirit, but still wasn't sure. After Snowhead, it just kept on getting better. I was so amazed by the amount of interaction. I did feel the temples were a bit too easy, but that didn't mean they were bad. Dave, I challenge you to play through the Snowhead Temple at least. After that, you decide. If you don't want to try, then too bad. You don't know what you're missing out on. -Eric- --part1_e6.d841270.27436c42_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 11/14/2000 8:24:31 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

How far in the game did you get, Dave? During Woodfall, I was worried this
game was some Zelda wannabe, overusing the whole, "light the torches,"
puzzle. But then I got to Snowhead, and the Great Bay ... it all fell into
place. This is classic Zelda with what I think is one of the most original
gameplay twists ever - the ending of your virtual world.

I'd also like to know this.  Last time you (Dave) asked for help, you were on
the mountain looking for the lens of truth.  If you're still there, you
haven't experienced the real game yet.  After Woodfall, I felt it was
beginning to recapture the spirit, but still wasn't sure.  After Snowhead, it
just kept on getting better.  I was so amazed by the amount of interaction.  
I did feel the temples were a bit too easy, but that didn't mean they were
bad.  Dave, I challenge you to play through the Snowhead Temple at least.  
After that, you decide.  If you don't want to try, then too bad.  You don't
know what you're missing out on.
--part1_e6.d841270.27436c42_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dave Rhodes" Subject: Re: [N64] Majora's Mask Date: 14 Nov 2000 23:34:14 -0500 ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2000 11:23 PM <> <> I got as far as the fraozen smithy. Then I haven't played since. <> At $1 an issue how could you hate Next Gen? ~~ Dave ~~ "If there's a fire it's asleep in my bed I must leave it to burn until it burns itself out Catch as you can I'm not staying here long I'll be coming back early or never at all" - Genesis AIM: Super Trey Bros [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Majora's Mask Date: 14 Nov 2000 23:38:06 EST --part1_f4.48a36ad.27436d2e_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit <> Because Sports Illustrated and Playboy are also both $1 an issue ;-) ~Matt "A majority only means that all the fools are on the same side." --part1_f4.48a36ad.27436d2e_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit <<At $1 an issue how could you hate Next Gen?

~~ Dave ~~

"If there's a fire it's asleep in my bed
I must leave it to burn until it burns itself out
Catch as you can I'm not staying here long
I'll be coming back early or never at all" - Genesis
AIM: Super Trey Bros.>>

Because Sports Illustrated and Playboy are also both $1 an issue ;-)


"A majority only means that all the fools are on the same side."
--part1_f4.48a36ad.27436d2e_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dave Rhodes" Subject: Re: [N64] Majora's Mask Date: 14 Nov 2000 23:38:11 -0500 ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2000 11:34 PM In a message dated 11/14/2000 8:24:31 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes: How far in the game did you get, Dave? During Woodfall, I was worried this game was some Zelda wannabe, overusing the whole, "light the torches," puzzle. But then I got to Snowhead, and the Great Bay ... it all fell into place. This is classic Zelda with what I think is one of the most original gameplay twists ever - the ending of your virtual world. <> I'll probably get bcak to playing it in December, after I finish Shenmue and before I get Grandia 2. Who knows, I still haven't finished Chrono Cross. But then again, I'd give CC an 8.0 too. ~~ Dave ~~ "If there's a fire it's asleep in my bed I must leave it to burn until it burns itself out Catch as you can I'm not staying here long I'll be coming back early or never at all" - Genesis AIM: Super Trey Bros [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Gregory A. Swarthout" Subject: [N64] Controller memory paks Date: 15 Nov 2000 16:56:19 -0700 A 256k memory card would hold as much as how many standard memory cards? [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dave Rhodes" Subject: Re: [N64] Controller memory paks Date: 15 Nov 2000 19:37:15 -0500 ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 2000 6:56 PM > A 256k memory card would hold as much as how many standard memory cards? > Don't know. But I bet it would be good at losing and or corrupting data. Heed my warning, I will only say this once, buy only Nintendo brand Controller Paks, or suffer the fate of my Turok 2: Seeds of Evil save. ~~ Dave ~~ "If there's a fire it's asleep in my bed I must leave it to burn until it burns itself out Catch as you can I'm not staying here long I'll be coming back early or never at all" - Genesis AIM: Super Trey Bros [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Controller memory paks Date: 16 Nov 2000 00:29:36 EST In a message dated 11/15/2000 4:38:39 PM Pacific Standard Time,=20 writes: > Don't know. But I bet it would be good at losing and or corrupting data. > Heed my warning, I will only say this once, buy only Nintendo brand > Controller Paks, or suffer the fate of my Turok 2: Seeds of Evil save. >=20 > ~~ Dave ~~ Why, what happened with it? I've been using a Performance card (4 times the= =20 memory) and nothing bad has happened. -Eric- You keep on walking, where will you go? Walk again, in the company of the wind March with confidence until you get to where you=E2=80=99re going Until you finally grab that dream. =E2=80=9CKaze to Issho ni=E2=80=9D My=C3=BBts=C3=BB no Gyakush=C3=BB [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [N64] daily NewsLetter - - Coolnews N64 Date: 16 Nov 2000 00:40:53 +1100 (EST) COOLNEWS NINTENDO 64: Gamedate November 15, 2000 The newsletter of! If you go out to the 64 woods today . . . . . . you wont find any teddy bears picnic, thats for sure. Seems like the boys and girls at the big N have a thing for fairies, ogres, elves, and other flights of fancy. Weve got the write-up on the latest epic fantasy strategy and it doesnt have to do with Pokemon. Ogre Battle 64: Person of Lordly Caliber is available for N64, so check out how weve rated it. Just in case you happened to miss our take on Links latest, head on over to our review of Legend of Zelda: Majoras Mask. Finally, its time for more Bondage with The World is Not Enough, another 007 shooter gunning for Goldeneyes spy FPS crown. With games like these, do you really need a PS2 this holiday season? Ed. Today's Coolnews is sponsored by: FREE Cursors FREE! Check out the cool cursors from Comet Cursor -- Thanksgiving cursors, Holiday cursors, Winter cursors and more. Dress-up your Website with seasonal cheer, pick a Comet Cursor today. Not in the mood for Holidays? Choose from over 2,000 cursors, including celebrities such as Pamela Anderson, Mike Piazza, NSYNC's Justin, Britney Spears, astrological signs, angels and Star Trek. Pick a new cursor right now from! FEATURE REVIEW - Ogre Battle 64: Person of Lordly Caliber Engage in epic fantasy warfare amidst the tide of revolution. Secure strongholds, maintain formations and ready your heroes for combat. Command priests, fencers, dragons and witches on your way to victory. LATEST 5 NINTENDO 64 GAME REVIEWS: Ogre Battle 64: Person of Lordly Caliber The World Is Not Enough The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue Pokemon Puzzle League FEATURE EDITORIAL - One Giant Step for EA We got an exclusive interview with Jason Sehorn at EAs Game On event in New York. Check out what this talented cornerback for the New York Giants had to say about video games and football. WIN PRIZES - CHEAT OF THE WEEK - Hold On There, Cowboy Time getting you down? Enter C-down, A, C-right, C-down, A, then C-right to slow things to a crawl. Your rumble pak has nothing on us. Lawrence Neves, Editorial Director To unsubscribe from Coolnews send an email message to with the word 'unsubscribe' in the subject field. Do you have friends who are also keen N64 gamers? Why not FORWARD this cool newsletter email to them NOW! They can subscribe all for themselves at: [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: re:[N64] Memory cards Date: 16 Nov 2000 19:34:20 EST A 256k memory card would hold as much as how many standard memory cards? That would be 1 standard memory card. -Jed [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [N64] Now THAT'S some crap ... Date: 16 Nov 2000 20:23:01 EST --part1_6a.88a4883.2745e275_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I just checked out IGN64's article on how Banjo-Tooie interacts with Banjo-Kazooie, and I feel ripped off. I won't spoil it for those who want to keep it a surprise, but let's just say that we were all wrong and Rare has pulled a cheap shot on us. ~Matt "A majority only means that all the fools are on the same side." --part1_6a.88a4883.2745e275_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I just checked out IGN64's article on how Banjo-Tooie interacts with
Banjo-Kazooie, and I feel ripped off. I won't spoil it for those who want to
keep it a surprise, but let's just say that we were all wrong and Rare has
pulled a cheap shot on us.


"A majority only means that all the fools are on the same side."
--part1_6a.88a4883.2745e275_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Wez Subject: Re: [N64] Now THAT'S some crap ... Date: 16 Nov 2000 20:36:10 -0500 I read the story with the screen shots and I don't understand what is going on. Explain? My brain is fried from too much DC.....drool, back to Tony Hawk 2. Wez wrote: > I just checked out IGN64's article on how Banjo-Tooie interacts with > Banjo-Kazooie, and I feel ripped off. I won't spoil it for those who > want to > keep it a surprise, but let's just say that we were all wrong and Rare > has > pulled a cheap shot on us. > > ~Matt > > "A majority only means that all the fools are on the same side." [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Now THAT'S some crap ... Date: 16 Nov 2000 20:41:28 EST --part1_e6.da3d70b.2745e6c8_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I just d/led the video, and MAN, what CRAP this is. B-T is not looking too hot, IMO. Oh, and Kazooie sounds like a total idiot in the movie ... God, what the hell is Rare thinking?!? ~Matt "The Bureau of Incomplete Statistics reports that one out of three." --part1_e6.da3d70b.2745e6c8_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I just d/led the video, and MAN, what CRAP this is. B-T is not looking too
hot, IMO. Oh, and Kazooie sounds like a total idiot in the movie ... God,
what the hell is Rare thinking?!?


"The Bureau of Incomplete Statistics reports that one out of three."

--part1_e6.da3d70b.2745e6c8_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dave Rhodes" Subject: Re: [N64] Now THAT'S some crap ... what did you expect, it's on the N64 Date: 16 Nov 2000 21:11:42 -0500 ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2000 8:36 PM > I read the story with the screen shots and I don't understand what is > going on. Explain? My brain is fried from too much DC.....drool, back > to Tony Hawk 2. > > Wez I don't get it either. And those low resolution mip-mapped to hell screen shots make my head hurt. Oh well, back to Shenmue, Jet Grind Radio, Capcom Vs SNK, and King of Fighters: Dream Match '99. Okay, I know the last one is old and the graphics aren't up to par with Capcom Vs SNK, but I just got it and it is still fun. ~~ Dave ~~ "If there's a fire it's asleep in my bed I must leave it to burn until it burns itself out Catch as you can I'm not staying here long I'll be coming back early or never at all" - Genesis AIM: Super Trey Bros [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dave Rhodes" Subject: Re: [N64] Now THAT'S some crap ... Date: 16 Nov 2000 21:45:58 -0500 ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2000 8:41 PM <> I just downlaoded it now. My god, I think Kazooie's voice goes for most annoying sound ever. I think I'll avoid this (yut yo yutt yo yo yut) title. ~~ Dave ~~ "If there's a fire it's asleep in my bed I must leave it to burn until it burns itself out Catch as you can I'm not staying here long I'll be coming back early or never at all" - Genesis AIM: Super Trey Bros [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: [N64] Banjo-Tooie Commercial Surprise Date: 17 Nov 2000 01:03:13 -0800 After getting several black eyes from advertising campaigns that were decidely out of touch (remember those Banjo-Kazooie television spots?) Nintendo has been on a great run in the past year with some really funny commercials and great integration of the game characters to deliver the message. With Banjo Tooie, Nintendo takes a page out of Sony's Crash Bandicoot commercials and delivers a spot with a guy in a Bear suit. Very funny, and despite the obvious parallels to Crash, the commercial takes itself somewhat more seriously with Banjo and Kazooie being portrayed as real characters, not as some guy in a suit pretending. The dubbed voice of Banjo sounds a quite a lot like Dan Castellana's Homer Simpson character in the Simpsons changing his voice in often humorous situations to evade sticky situations. I can't recall the specifics of the episodes, but if you watch the simpsons you'll know what I'm talking about. It's a nice touch by the marketing firm who worked on this for nintendo. Makes Banjo that much more funny. -- Dexter S. Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine Http:// [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Boudewijn de Kemp Subject: Re: [N64] Banjo-Tooie Commercial Surprise Date: 17 Nov 2000 13:25:32 +0000 Has anyone a Quicktime Movie of this ad? -Boudewijn > > After getting several black eyes from advertising campaigns that were > decidely out of touch (remember those Banjo-Kazooie television spots?) > Nintendo has been on a great run in the past year with some really > funny commercials and great integration of the game characters to > deliver the message. With Banjo Tooie, Nintendo takes a page out of > Sony's Crash > Bandicoot commercials and delivers a spot with a guy in a Bear suit. > Very funny, and despite the obvious parallels to Crash, the commercial > takes itself somewhat more seriously with > Banjo and Kazooie being portrayed as real characters, not as some guy > in a suit pretending. > > The dubbed voice of Banjo sounds a quite a lot like Dan Castellana's > Homer Simpson character in the Simpsons changing his voice in often > humorous situations to evade sticky situations. I can't recall the > specifics of the episodes, but if you watch the simpsons you'll know > what I'm talking about. It's a nice touch by the marketing firm who > worked on this for nintendo. Makes Banjo that much more funny. > > -- > Dexter S. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Banjo-Tooie Commercial Surprise Date: 17 Nov 2000 11:33:08 EST Funny thing is, I thought the commercial sucked=) Of course, it's better than the atrocious Pokemon Gold/Silver one if you ask me. Aldo Merino ----------------- Tendo Box [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [N64] daily NewsLetter - - Coolnews N64 Date: 18 Nov 2000 04:12:23 +1100 (EST) COOLNEWS NINTENDO 64: Gamedate November 17, 2000 The newsletter of! Where's Banjo? THERE ARE NEW UNSUBSCRIBE PROCEDURES AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS EMAIL Yeah, where is it? Nintendo left us high and dry after Zelda, but don't fret -- we'll serve you up portions of The World is Not Enough and Ogre Battle. Next week the N64 fills out with our reviews of Army Men: Sarge's Heroes 2, Mickey's Speedway, and Hey You! Pikachu. And hopefully, Banjo. Ed. Today's Coolnews is sponsored by: Shag, baby! * FUN... CONTROVERSIAL... ADDICTIVE... and it's all FREE! * Like to Laugh... Like your news a little Bizarre... or do you like to be Teased, Brain Teasers that is? See why over 8,000,000 a day get their news, entertainment and fun from ShagMail! The widest selection of topics on the net. Visit: You Betcha! The Future Of On-Line Sports Betting; Register Today and Receive a Free Sports Bet. Email Please Note This Offer Applies to Over 18's Only. FEATURE REVIEW - Ogre Battle 64 Another long awaited successor to the fantasy strategy franchise lumbers its way home. Does Ogre Battle 64: Person of Lordly Caliber pack the punch of its predecessors? See how we size up this beast in our review. LATEST 5 NINTENDO 64 GAME REVIEWS: The World is Not Enough The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask Ogre Battle 64 Pokemon Stadium WCW: Backstage Assault FEATURE EDITORIAL - One Giant Step for EA We got an exclusive interview with Jason Sehorn at EAs Game On event in New York. Check out what this talented cornerback for the New York Giants had to say about video games and football. WIN PRIZES - Go Axe Alice Win ten exclusive stickers of Alice and the Cheshire Cat (and some temp tattoos of the Cheshire Cat) and a cool CD carrying case exclusively from EA! CHEAT OF THE WEEK - It's Chef! Just make him he looks like da character from South Park. Go to Create player and give chef black body, Red shirt, white overalls, blue pants, a beard, a white bandana, and write chef on the front of overalls. Personality Crowd Yeah, Fight Style M. Henry, theme M. Henry, Enter like road dogg voice M. Henry add your own sh*t to him like moves if you want. = Chef His entrance will amaze you. Strummin' our banjos until next week! Lawrence Neves, Editorial Director To unsubscribe from Coolnews send an email message to with the word 'unsubscribe' in the BODY OF THE EMAIL <--NEW PROCEDURE-->. Do you have friends who are also keen N64 gamers? Why not FORWARD this cool newsletter email to them NOW! They can subscribe all for themselves at: [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [N64] daily NewsLetter - - Coolnews N64 Date: 18 Nov 2000 04:12:23 +1100 (EST) COOLNEWS NINTENDO 64: Gamedate November 17, 2000 The newsletter of! Where's Banjo? THERE ARE NEW UNSUBSCRIBE PROCEDURES AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS EMAIL Yeah, where is it? Nintendo left us high and dry after Zelda, but don't fret -- we'll serve you up portions of The World is Not Enough and Ogre Battle. Next week the N64 fills out with our reviews of Army Men: Sarge's Heroes 2, Mickey's Speedway, and Hey You! Pikachu. And hopefully, Banjo. Ed. Today's Coolnews is sponsored by: Shag, baby! * FUN... CONTROVERSIAL... ADDICTIVE... and it's all FREE! * Like to Laugh... Like your news a little Bizarre... or do you like to be Teased, Brain Teasers that is? See why over 8,000,000 a day get their news, entertainment and fun from ShagMail! The widest selection of topics on the net. Visit: You Betcha! The Future Of On-Line Sports Betting; Register Today and Receive a Free Sports Bet. Email Please Note This Offer Applies to Over 18's Only. FEATURE REVIEW - Ogre Battle 64 Another long awaited successor to the fantasy strategy franchise lumbers its way home. Does Ogre Battle 64: Person of Lordly Caliber pack the punch of its predecessors? See how we size up this beast in our review. LATEST 5 NINTENDO 64 GAME REVIEWS: The World is Not Enough The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask Ogre Battle 64 Pokemon Stadium WCW: Backstage Assault FEATURE EDITORIAL - One Giant Step for EA We got an exclusive interview with Jason Sehorn at EAs Game On event in New York. Check out what this talented cornerback for the New York Giants had to say about video games and football. WIN PRIZES - Go Axe Alice Win ten exclusive stickers of Alice and the Cheshire Cat (and some temp tattoos of the Cheshire Cat) and a cool CD carrying case exclusively from EA! CHEAT OF THE WEEK - It's Chef! Just make him he looks like da character from South Park. Go to Create player and give chef black body, Red shirt, white overalls, blue pants, a beard, a white bandana, and write chef on the front of overalls. Personality Crowd Yeah, Fight Style M. Henry, theme M. Henry, Enter like road dogg voice M. Henry add your own sh*t to him like moves if you want. = Chef His entrance will amaze you. Strummin' our banjos until next week! Lawrence Neves, Editorial Director To unsubscribe from Coolnews send an email message to with the word 'unsubscribe' in the BODY OF THE EMAIL <--NEW PROCEDURE-->. Do you have friends who are also keen N64 gamers? Why not FORWARD this cool newsletter email to them NOW! They can subscribe all for themselves at: [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Thraxen Subject: Re: [N64] Banjo-Tooie Commercial Surprise Date: 17 Nov 2000 20:15:52 -0600 > The dubbed voice of Banjo sounds a quite a lot like Dan Castellana's > Homer Simpson character in the Simpsons changing his voice in often > humorous situations to evade sticky situations. I can't recall the > specifics of the episodes, but if you watch the simpsons you'll know > what I'm talking about. It's a nice touch by the marketing firm who > worked on this for nintendo. Makes Banjo that much more funny. Hmm...I've not seen that one yet...I just can't wait for the game. Stryder [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Now THAT'S some crap ... Date: 17 Nov 2000 22:24:24 EST --part1_4e.d993142.27475068_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Language: en In a message dated 11/16/2000 5:24:17 PM Pacific Standard Time,=20 writes: > I just checked out IGN64's article on how Banjo-Tooie interacts with=20 > Banjo-Kazooie, and I feel ripped off. I won't spoil it for those who want=20 > to=20 > keep it a surprise, but let's just say that we were all wrong and Rare has= =20 > pulled a cheap shot on us.=20 >=20 > ~Matt=20 >=20 >=20 I am pissed off as well. I mean, a hot swap type thing was not expected (by= =20 me at least), but I thought that maybe they'd put the original levels into=20 the game. This completely sucks. Oh, well, I'm still getting it. -Eric- =E2=80=9CNanda kanda to kikare tara Kotaete ageru ga yo no nasake Sekai no hakai o fusegu tame Sekai no heiwa o mamoru tame Ai to shinjitu no aku o turanuku Lovely charmy na kataki yaku Musashi! Kojiro! Ginga o kakeru Rocket dan no futari niwa White hole, shiroi ashita ga matteruze Nya-nte na!=E2=80=9D --part1_4e.d993142.27475068_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Language: en In a message dated 11/16/2000 5:24:17 PM Pacific Stand= ard Time, writes:

I just checked out IGN64's=20= article on how Banjo-Tooie interacts with=20
Banjo-Kazooie, and I feel ripped off. I won't spoil it for those who wan= t
keep it a surprise, but let's just say that we were all wrong and Rare h= as=20
pulled a cheap shot on us.=20


I am pissed off as well.  I mean, a hot swap type thing was not exp= ected (by
me at least), but I thought that maybe they'd put the original= levels into
the game.  This completely sucks.  Oh, well, I'm=20= still getting it.

=E2=80=9CNanda kanda to kikare tara
Kotaete ageru ga yo no nasake
Sekai no hakai o fusegu tame
Sekai no heiwa o mamoru tame
Ai to shinjitu no aku o turanuku
Lovely charmy na kataki yaku
Ginga o kakeru Rocket dan no futari niwa
White hole, shiroi ashita ga matteruze
Nya-nte na!=E2=80=9D

Rocket Dan- Pocket Monsters
ss --part1_4e.d993142.27475068_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Now THAT'S some crap ... Date: 17 Nov 2000 22:42:33 EST --part1_25.d9a85b0.274754a9_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Language: en In a message dated 11/16/2000 6:46:41 PM Pacific Standard Time,=20 writes: > I just downlaoded it now. My god, I think Kazooie's voice goes for most > annoying sound ever. I think I'll avoid this (yut yo yutt yo yo yut) title= . >=20 >=20 I figured you would. Guh-huh. Aside from that BK items things, it should b= e=20 pretty cool. Heck, if it's anywhere as good as BK, it's a guaranteed winner= . -Eric- =E2=80=9CNanda kanda to kikare tara Kotaete ageru ga yo no nasake Sekai no hakai o fusegu tame Sekai no heiwa o mamoru tame Ai to shinjitu no aku o turanuku Lovely charmy na kataki yaku Musashi! Kojiro! Ginga o kakeru Rocket dan no futari niwa White hole, shiroi ashita ga matteruze Nya-nte na!=E2=80=9D --part1_25.d9a85b0.274754a9_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Language: en In a message dated 11/16/2000 6:46:41 PM Pacific Stand= ard Time, writes:

I just downlaoded it now. M= y god, I think Kazooie's voice goes for most
annoying sound ever. I think I'll avoid this (yut yo yutt yo yo yut) tit= le.

~~ Dave ~~

I figured you would.  Guh-huh.  Aside from that BK items thing= s, it should be
pretty cool.  Heck, if it's anywhere as good as BK,= it's a guaranteed winner.

=E2=80=9CNanda kanda to kikare tara
Kotaete ageru ga yo no nasake
Sekai no hakai o fusegu tame
Sekai no heiwa o mamoru tame
Ai to shinjitu no aku o turanuku
Lovely charmy na kataki yaku
Ginga o kakeru Rocket dan no futari niwa
White hole, shiroi ashita ga matteruze
Nya-nte na!=E2=80=9D

Rocket Dan- Pocket Monsters
E=09 --part1_25.d9a85b0.274754a9_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Banjo-Tooie Commercial Surprise Date: 17 Nov 2000 22:54:30 EST --part1_94.c3e6434.27475776_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Language: en In a message dated 11/17/2000 12:50:03 AM Pacific Standard Time,=20 writes: > Very funny, and despite the obvious parallels to Crash, the commercial > takes itself somewhat more seriously with > Banjo and Kazooie being portrayed as real characters, not as some guy > in a suit pretending. >=20 > The dubbed voice of Banjo sounds a quite a lot like Dan Castellana's > Homer Simpson character in the Simpsons changing his voice in often > humorous situations to evade sticky situations. I can't recall the > specifics of the episodes, but if you watch the simpsons you'll know > what I'm talking about. It's a nice touch by the marketing firm who > worked on this for nintendo. Makes Banjo that much more funny. >=20 Yeah, I downloaded it from IGN. That was pretty funny. Glad to see Nintend= o=20 making good commercials for a change. -Eric- You keep on walking, where will you go? Walk again, in the company of the wind March with confidence until you get to where you=E2=80=99re going Until you finally grab that dream. =E2=80=9CKaze to Issho ni=E2=80=9D My=C3=BBts=C3=BB no Gyakush=C3=BB --part1_94.c3e6434.27475776_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Language: en In a message dated 11/17/2000 12:50:03 AM Pacific Stan= dard Time, writes:

Very funny, and despite the= obvious parallels to Crash, the commercial
takes itself somewhat more seriously with
Banjo and Kazooie being portrayed as real characters, not as some guy
in a suit pretending.

The dubbed voice of Banjo sounds a quite a lot like Dan Castellana's
Homer Simpson character in the Simpsons changing his voice in often
humorous situations to evade sticky situations.  I can't recall the
specifics of the episodes, but if you watch the simpsons you'll know
what I'm talking about.  It's a nice touch by the marketing firm wh= o
worked on this for nintendo.  Makes Banjo that much more funny.

Yeah, I downloaded it from IGN.  That was pretty funny.  Glad=20= to see Nintendo
making good commercials for a change.

You keep on walking, where will you go?
Walk again, in the company of the wind
March with confidence until you get to where you=E2=80=99re going
Until you finally grab that dream.

=E2=80=9CKaze to Issho ni=E2=80=9D  My=C3=BBts=C3=BB no Gyakush=C3= =BB
--part1_94.c3e6434.27475776_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Banjo-Tooie Commercial Surprise Date: 17 Nov 2000 22:59:12 EST --part1_40.397aab5.27475890_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable In a message dated 11/17/2000 8:35:15 AM Pacific Standard Time,=20 writes: > Funny thing is, I thought the commercial sucked=3D) Of course, it's better= =20 > than=20 >=20 That one wasn't atrocious. Wasn't good, but still. Oh well, as long as the= =20 game's selling. I'll probably get back to Pok=E9mon Silver as soon as I fin= ish=20 the rest of MM. -Eric- The moon is like an authority, with its circular pattern How round, so round... No matter what happens in the world, the night goes on "Nyarth no Uta" Pocket Monsters --part1_40.397aab5.27475890_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="ISO-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable In a message dated 11/17/2000 8:35:15 AM Pacific Stand= ard Time, writes:

Funny thing is, I thought t= he commercial sucked=3D) Of course, it's better
the atrocious Pokemon Gold/Silver one if you ask me.

That one wasn't atrocious.  Wasn't good, but still.  Oh well,=20= as long as the
game's selling.  I'll probably get back to Pok=E9mon= Silver as soon as I finish
the rest of MM.

The moon is like an authority, with its circular pattern
How round, so round...
No matter what happens in the world, the night goes on

"Nyarth no Uta"  Pocket Monsters
--part1_40.397aab5.27475890_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Banjo-Tooie Commercial Surprise Date: 17 Nov 2000 22:31:10 -0800 --------------380B322FC792DAF8055AA756 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit > > Yeah, I downloaded it from IGN. That was pretty funny. Glad to see > Nintendo > making good commercials for a change. > -Eric- > Heheh. They actiully just took it off of Nintendo's website. I included the movie link in a follow up e-mail because i forgot to add it in when i wrote it. Here it is again if you need to see it. -- Dexter S. Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine Http:// --------------380B322FC792DAF8055AA756 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Yeah, I downloaded it from IGN.  That was pretty funny.  Glad to see Nintendo
making good commercials for a change.
Heheh.  They actiully just took it off of Nintendo's website.  I included the movie link in a follow up e-mail because i forgot to add it in when i wrote it.

Here it is again if you need to see it.

Dexter S.
Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine
  --------------380B322FC792DAF8055AA756-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Banjo-Tooie Commercial Surprise Date: 17 Nov 2000 22:31:48 -0800 --------------65ED2B5AC313A0FF0BFA8AA9 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit > > Yeah, I downloaded it from IGN. That was pretty funny. Glad to see > Nintendo > making good commercials for a change. > -Eric- Heheh. They actually just took it off of Nintendo's website. I included the movie link in a follow up e-mail to my original because i forgot to add it in when i wrote it. but most people probably simply deleted it thinking it was a double. Here it is again if you need to see it. -- Dexter S. Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine Http:// --------------65ED2B5AC313A0FF0BFA8AA9 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Yeah, I downloaded it from IGN.  That was pretty funny.  Glad to see Nintendo
making good commercials for a change.
Heheh.  They actually just took it off of Nintendo's website.  I included the movie link in a follow up e-mail to my original because i forgot to add it in when i wrote it.  but most people probably simply deleted it thinking it was a double.

Here it is again if you need to see it.

Dexter S.
Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine
  --------------65ED2B5AC313A0FF0BFA8AA9-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Moody, Luke" Subject: RE: [N64] Now THAT'S some crap ... Date: 20 Nov 2000 09:14:28 +1100 > I am pissed off as well. I mean, a hot swap type thing was not expected > (by > me at least), but I thought that maybe they'd put the original levels into > > the game. This completely sucks. Oh, well, I'm still getting it. > -Eric- > > What does this mean? Is it a hot swap? I haven't seen anything? Help Luke > > "Nanda kanda to kikare tara > Kotaete ageru ga yo no nasake > Sekai no hakai o fusegu tame > Sekai no heiwa o mamoru tame > Ai to shinjitu no aku o turanuku > Lovely charmy na kataki yaku > Musashi! > Kojiro! > Ginga o kakeru Rocket dan no futari niwa > White hole, shiroi ashita ga matteruze > Nya-nte na!" > > Rocket Dan- Pocket Monsterss > s ********************************************************************** Commonwealth Bank of Australia (ABN 48 123 123 124) ********************************************************************** [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Now THAT'S some crap ... Date: 19 Nov 2000 14:44:13 -0800 > > What does this mean? Is it a hot swap? I haven't seen anything? > > Help > Luke I hear ya luke. I too am not aware of any official announcement as to how the Tooie will talk with Kazooie. There are theories out there ranging from hot swapping to lock-on. The website isn't even set up yet. I'd like to see the article in which hot swapping is confirmed official. May solve the mystery -- Dexter S. Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine Http:// [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Now THAT'S some crap ... Date: 19 Nov 2000 22:10:47 EST --part1_58.389ca94.2749f037_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Language: en In a message dated 11/19/2000 2:19:20 PM Pacific Standard Time,=20 writes: > What does this mean? Is it a hot swap? I haven't seen anything? >=20 > Help > Luke >=20 Go to IGN and see their report on how to find the Ice Key in BT. It doesn't= =20 even interact with the other game. What a rip off. -Eric- You keep on walking, where will you go? Walk again, in the company of the wind March with confidence until you get to where you=E2=80=99re going Until you finally grab that dream. =E2=80=9CKaze to Issho ni=E2=80=9D My=C3=BBts=C3=BB no Gyakush=C3=BB --part1_58.389ca94.2749f037_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Language: en In a message dated 11/19/2000 2:19:20 PM Pacific Stand= ard Time, writes:

What does this mean? Is it= a hot swap? I haven't seen anything?


Go to IGN and see their report on how to find the Ice Key in BT.  I= t doesn't
even interact with the other game.  What a rip off.

You keep on walking, where will you go?
Walk again, in the company of the wind
March with confidence until you get to where you=E2=80=99re going
Until you finally grab that dream.

=E2=80=9CKaze to Issho ni=E2=80=9D  My=C3=BBts=C3=BB no Gyakush=C3= =BB
--part1_58.389ca94.2749f037_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Now THAT'S some crap ... Date: 19 Nov 2000 22:13:35 EST --part1_79.c5e0f97.2749f0df_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 11/19/2000 2:30:33 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes: > I hear ya luke. I too am not aware of any official announcement as to how > the > Tooie will talk with Kazooie. There are theories out there ranging from hot > swapping to lock-on. The website isn't even set up yet. > > I'd like to see the article in which hot swapping is confirmed official. > May > Check out IGN's report. They say that the ice key is found in a little capsule that resembles a BK controller. Break it open and get the key. Unless this is an extremely sick joke by Matt and Fran, I feel ripped off. -Eric- The moon is like an authority, with its circular pattern How round, so round... No matter what happens in the world, the night goes on "Nyarth no Uta" Pocket Monsters --part1_79.c5e0f97.2749f0df_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 11/19/2000 2:30:33 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

I hear ya luke.  I too am  not aware of any official announcement as to how
Tooie will talk with Kazooie.  There are theories out there ranging from hot
swapping to lock-on.  The website isn't even set up yet.

I'd like to see the article in which hot swapping is confirmed official.  
solve the mystery

Check out IGN's report.  They say that the ice key is found in a little
capsule that resembles a BK controller.  Break it open and get the key.  
Unless this is an extremely sick joke by Matt and Fran, I feel ripped off.

The moon is like an authority, with its circular pattern
How round, so round...
No matter what happens in the world, the night goes on

"Nyarth no Uta"  Pocket Monsters
--part1_79.c5e0f97.2749f0df_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [N64] 14 Date: 19 Nov 2000 23:49:21 EST well, today, the 19th was my birthday, it's just about to end, at 12:00 AM, it's 11:59 PM EST right now, oh well:( I had a good supper, ate at SUBWAY, -Jed [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] 14 Date: 19 Nov 2000 23:57:33 EST --part1_5a.d4553d1.274a093d_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 11/19/2000 8:49:48 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes: > well, today, the 19th was my birthday, it's just about to end, at 12:00 AM, > it's 11:59 PM EST right now, oh well:( > I had a good supper, ate at SUBWAY, > -Jed > happy bday Jed --part1_5a.d4553d1.274a093d_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 11/19/2000 8:49:48 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

well, today, the 19th was my birthday, it's just about to end, at 12:00 AM,
it's 11:59 PM EST right now, oh well:(
I had a good supper, ate at SUBWAY,

happy bday Jed
--part1_5a.d4553d1.274a093d_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Moody, Luke" Subject: RE: [N64] 14 Date: 20 Nov 2000 16:27:20 +1100 > well, today, the 19th was my birthday, it's just about to end, at > 12:00 AM, > it's 11:59 PM EST right now, oh well:( > I had a good supper, ate at SUBWAY, > -Jed > > Something a bit classier please. Like Slizzler ********************************************************************** Commonwealth Bank of Australia (ABN 48 123 123 124) ********************************************************************** [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] 14 Date: 20 Nov 2000 00:19:20 -0800 Happy Birthday Mr. Cross wrote: > well, today, the 19th was my birthday, it's just about to end, at 12:00 AM, > it's 11:59 PM EST right now, oh well:( > I had a good supper, ate at SUBWAY, > -Jed > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] -- Dexter S. Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine Http:// [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [N64] The First Quarter Date: 20 Nov 2000 18:54:32 EST --part1_6.e2cc466.274b13b8_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Well, my copy of The First Quarter: A 25 Year History of Video Games by Steven L. Kent came in the mail today. I must say it's a pretty sweet read. Although not as well written as Game Over by any means (whoever edited should be shot; there's a typo in the first sentence!). Next Gen's review was pretty spot on, and the only bad parts are a lack of description of some events I'd prefer to hear more about. Anyway, pick one up if ya can. ~Matt "A majority only means that all the fools are on the same side." --part1_6.e2cc466.274b13b8_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Well, my copy of The First Quarter: A 25 Year History of Video Games by
Steven L. Kent came in the mail today. I must say it's a pretty sweet read.
Although not as well written as Game Over by any means (whoever edited should
be shot; there's a typo in the first sentence!). Next Gen's review was pretty
spot on, and the only bad parts are a lack of description of some events I'd
prefer to hear more about. Anyway, pick one up if ya can.


"A majority only means that all the fools are on the same side."
--part1_6.e2cc466.274b13b8_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr." Subject: [N64] Most obscure N64 title. Date: 20 Nov 2000 18:34:11 -0500 (EST) What is the N64 title that is the least known of them all. My picks are: Buck Bumble Rat Attack Flying Dragon Lode Runner 3D Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Moody, Luke" Subject: RE: [N64] Most obscure N64 title. Date: 21 Nov 2000 14:34:02 +1100 > What is the N64 title that is the least known of them all. > > > My picks are: > > Buck Bumble > Rat Attack > Flying Dragon > Lode Runner 3D > Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko > I thought that Flying Dragons was good. Loved the mini fighters. Very anime. Luke ********************************************************************** Commonwealth Bank of Australia (ABN 48 123 123 124) ********************************************************************** [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Most obscure N64 title. Date: 20 Nov 2000 22:39:11 EST --part1_2f.d2ec90a.274b485f_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Language: en In a message dated 11/20/2000 7:31:55 PM Pacific Standard Time,=20 writes: > My picks are: >=20 > Buck Bumble > Rat Attack > Flying Dragon > Lode Runner 3D >=20 Was Rat Attack even released? How about Gex 64, Wetrix, and Space Station=20 Silicon Valley? -Eric- You keep on walking, where will you go? Walk again, in the company of the wind March with confidence until you get to where you=E2=80=99re going Until you finally grab that dream. =E2=80=9CKaze to Issho ni=E2=80=9D My=C3=BBts=C3=BB no Gyakush=C3=BB --part1_2f.d2ec90a.274b485f_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Language: en In a message dated 11/20/2000 7:31:55 PM Pacific Stand= ard Time, writes:

My picks are:

Buck Bumble
Rat Attack
Flying Dragon
Lode Runner 3D
Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko

Was Rat Attack even released?  How about Gex 64, Wetrix, and Space=20= Station
Silicon Valley?

You keep on walking, where will you go?
Walk again, in the company of the wind
March with confidence until you get to where you=E2=80=99re going
Until you finally grab that dream.

=E2=80=9CKaze to Issho ni=E2=80=9D  My=C3=BBts=C3=BB no Gyakush=C3= =BB
--part1_2f.d2ec90a.274b485f_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dave Rhodes" Subject: Re: [N64] Most obscure N64 title. Date: 20 Nov 2000 22:54:35 -0500 ----- Original Message ----- Cc: Sent: Monday, November 20, 2000 6:34 PM > > > What is the N64 title that is the least known of them all. > > > My picks are: > > Buck Bumble > Rat Attack > Flying Dragon > Lode Runner 3D > Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko > Don't forget Charlie's Blast Territory. ~~ Dave ~~ "If there's a fire it's asleep in my bed I must leave it to burn until it burns itself out Catch as you can I'm not staying here long I'll be coming back early or never at all" - Genesis AIM: Super Trey Bros [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Moody, Luke" Subject: RE: [N64] Most obscure N64 title. Date: 21 Nov 2000 15:00:48 +1100 > > What is the N64 title that is the least known of them all. > > > > > > My picks are: > > > > Buck Bumble > > Rat Attack > > Flying Dragon > > Lode Runner 3D > > Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko > > > > Don't forget Charlie's Blast Territory. > > ~~ Dave ~~ > Man, I forgot about that one. I remember I was going to buy Charlie's Blast Territory because I wanted more games. Thank god I didn't lucky I bought Bommerman 64 instead! !!!!!!!!!!!!!Not!!!!!!!!!!!! Luke > > "If there's a fire it's asleep in my bed > I must leave it to burn until it burns itself out > Catch as you can I'm not staying here long > I'll be coming back early or never at all" - Genesis > > > AIM: Super Trey Bros > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] ********************************************************************** Commonwealth Bank of Australia (ABN 48 123 123 124) ********************************************************************** [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dave Rhodes" Subject: Re: [N64] The First Quarter Date: 21 Nov 2000 11:18:55 -0500 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_000A_01C053AC.D6406A80 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Where did you get it? Hardcover, softcover? Big? small? Did Obi-Wan ever = tell you about your father? how much was it? how many pages? How many = words?=20 ~~ Dave ~~ =20 "If there's a fire it's asleep in my bed I must leave it to burn until it burns itself out Catch as you can I'm not staying here long I'll be coming back early or never at all" - Genesis =20 AIM: Super Trey Bros ----- Original Message -----=20 From: To: Sent: Monday, November 20, 2000 6:54 PM Subject: [N64] The First Quarter Well, my copy of The First Quarter: A 25 Year History of Video Games = by=20 Steven L. Kent came in the mail today. I must say it's a pretty sweet = read.=20 Although not as well written as Game Over by any means (whoever edited = should=20 be shot; there's a typo in the first sentence!). Next Gen's review was = pretty=20 spot on, and the only bad parts are a lack of description of some = events I'd=20 prefer to hear more about. Anyway, pick one up if ya can.=20 ~Matt=20 "A majority only means that all the fools are on the same side."=20 ------=_NextPart_000_000A_01C053AC.D6406A80 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Where did you get it? Hardcover, = softcover? Big?=20 small? Did Obi-Wan ever tell you about your father? how much was it? how = many=20 pages? How many words?
~~ Dave ~~
"If there's a=20 fire it's asleep in my bed
I must leave it to burn until it burns = itself=20 out
Catch as you can I'm not staying here long
I'll be coming back = early=20 or never at all" - Genesis
 AIM: = Super Trey=20 Bros
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, November 20, 2000 = 6:54=20 PM
Subject: [N64] The First = Quarter

Well, my copy of The First Quarter: A 25 = Year=20 History of Video Games by
Steven L. Kent came in the mail today. I = must=20 say it's a pretty sweet read.
Although not as well written as Game = Over by=20 any means (whoever edited should
be shot; there's a typo in the = first=20 sentence!). Next Gen's review was pretty
spot on, and the only bad = parts=20 are a lack of description of some events I'd
prefer to hear more = about.=20 Anyway, pick one up if ya can.


"A majority = only=20 means that all the fools are on the same side."
=20 ------=_NextPart_000_000A_01C053AC.D6406A80-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "E. Jefferson" Subject: Re: [N64] Most obscure N64 title. Date: 21 Nov 2000 11:04:44 -0600 ... or the Robotron remake. Elliot ----Original Message Follows---- Reply-To: ----- Original Message ----- Cc: Sent: Monday, November 20, 2000 6:34 PM > > > What is the N64 title that is the least known of them all. > > > My picks are: > > Buck Bumble > Rat Attack > Flying Dragon > Lode Runner 3D > Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko > Don't forget Charlie's Blast Territory. ~~ Dave ~~ "If there's a fire it's asleep in my bed I must leave it to burn until it burns itself out Catch as you can I'm not staying here long I'll be coming back early or never at all" - Genesis AIM: Super Trey Bros [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] _____________________________________________________________________________________ Get more from the Web. FREE MSN Explorer download : [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Matt MA" Subject: Re: [N64] Most obscure N64 title. Date: 21 Nov 2000 09:20:06 -0800 Clayfighter 63-1/2 It went direct to rental so the only way to buy it would be as a used = copy. matt ma [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dave Rhodes" Subject: Re: [N64] Most obscure N64 title. Date: 21 Nov 2000 14:24:53 -0500 ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2000 12:20 PM <> I think you mean Clayfighters 63 1/3 Sculptor's Cut. ~~ Dave ~~ "If there's a fire it's asleep in my bed I must leave it to burn until it burns itself out Catch as you can I'm not staying here long I'll be coming back early or never at all" - Genesis AIM: Super Trey Bros [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Clark Subject: [N64] Obscure N64 titles Date: 21 Nov 2000 14:48:49 -0500 Here's a few more obscurities: Milo's Astro Lanes Chameleon Twist/Chameleon Twist 2 Aero Gauge Knife Edge: Nosegunner Iggy's Reckin' Balls Star Soldier: Vanishing Earth ...and where did Big Mountain come from - I never heard of it before seeing it discounted at EB Oh yeah, for whoever asked, Rat Attack was released - I picked it up awhile back at Best Buy for $7 (and it was still a rip off). >>What is the N64 title that is the least known of them all. My picks are: Buck Bumble Rat Attack Flying Dragon Lode Runner 3D Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Gregory A. Swarthout" Subject: [N64] Link to Kaz-Two hookup Date: 21 Nov 2000 13:28:29 -0700 Could someone please post a link to any article which confirms (not just speculates) on how the two Banjo games interact? Greg [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] The First Quarter Date: 21 Nov 2000 18:26:21 EST --part1_c2.383d02a.274c5e9d_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable <> I got it off, it's a pretty big book, but softcover. it has a=20 couple 500 pages, I guess. Obi-wan said my father died fighting the empire.=20 It was about $15.00. A lot of words. ~Matt "Blinky lights are the essence of technology. Everything else is fluff." --part1_c2.383d02a.274c5e9d_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="ISO-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable <<Where did you get it? Hardcover, softcover? Bi= g? small? Did Obi-Wan ever
tell you about your father? how much was it?=20= how many pages? How many words?

~~ Dave ~~>>

I got it off, it's a pretty big book, but softcover. it has a=
couple 500 pages, I guess. Obi-wan said my father died fighting the emp= ire.
It was about $15.00. A lot of words.


"Blinky lights are the essence of technology. Everything else is fluff."=
--part1_c2.383d02a.274c5e9d_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Most obscure N64 title. Date: 21 Nov 2000 18:27:42 EST --part1_92.c98260c.274c5eee_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit <<... or the Robotron remake. Elliot>> My copy of Robotek: Crystal Dreams is pretty obscure, I think. I'll sell it if anyone wants it. ~Matt "A majority only means that all the fools are on the same side." --part1_92.c98260c.274c5eee_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit <<... or the Robotron remake.


My copy of Robotek: Crystal Dreams is pretty obscure, I think. I'll sell it
if anyone wants it.


"A majority only means that all the fools are on the same side."
--part1_92.c98260c.274c5eee_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Moody, Luke" Subject: RE: [N64] Most obscure N64 title. Date: 22 Nov 2000 10:55:35 +1100 > My copy of Robotek: Crystal Dreams is pretty obscure, I think. I'll sell > it > if anyone wants it. > > ~Matt > I thought Robotek: Crystal Dreams was never released? Luke > "A majority only means that all the fools are on the same side." ********************************************************************** Commonwealth Bank of Australia (ABN 48 123 123 124) ********************************************************************** [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr." Subject: Re: [N64] Most obscure N64 title. Date: 21 Nov 2000 19:08:47 -0500 (EST) Space Station way. Body Harvest maybe but not SSV. :) lloyd On Mon, 20 Nov 2000 wrote: > In a message dated 11/20/2000 7:31:55 PM Pacific Standard Time,=20 > writes: >=20 >=20 > > My picks are: > >=20 > > Buck Bumble > > Rat Attack > > Flying Dragon > > Lode Runner 3D > >=20 >=20 > Was Rat Attack even released? How about Gex 64, Wetrix, and Space Statio= n=20 > Silicon Valley? > -Eric- >=20 > You keep on walking, where will you go? > Walk again, in the company of the wind > March with confidence until you get to where you=E2=80=99re going > Until you finally grab that dream. >=20 > =E2=80=9CKaze to Issho ni=E2=80=9D My=C3=BBts=C3=BB no Gyakush=C3=BB >=20 sx [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr." Subject: Re: [N64] Obscure N64 titles Date: 21 Nov 2000 19:10:36 -0500 (EST) Star Soldier, Milo's Astro Lanes, and Knife Edge are all ones that are VERY obscure. I didn't even know there was a Chameleon Twist 2. Wow On Tue, 21 Nov 2000, Chris Clark wrote: > Here's a few more obscurities: > > Milo's Astro Lanes > Chameleon Twist/Chameleon Twist 2 > Aero Gauge > Knife Edge: Nosegunner > Iggy's Reckin' Balls > Star Soldier: Vanishing Earth > ...and where did Big Mountain come from - I never heard of it before seeing > it discounted at EB > > Oh yeah, for whoever asked, Rat Attack was released - I picked it up awhile > back at Best Buy for $7 (and it was still a rip off). > > >>What is the N64 title that is the least known of them all. > > > My picks are: > > Buck Bumble > Rat Attack > Flying Dragon > Lode Runner 3D > Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] > sx [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dave Rhodes" Subject: Re: [N64] Most obscure N64 title. Date: 21 Nov 2000 22:52:19 -0500 ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2000 6:27 PM <> Your inability to correctly spell "Robotech" gives it all away. ~~ Dave ~~ "If there's a fire it's asleep in my bed I must leave it to burn until it burns itself out Catch as you can I'm not staying here long I'll be coming back early or never at all" - Genesis AIM: Super Trey Bros [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dave Rhodes" Subject: Re: [N64] Most obscure N64 title. Date: 21 Nov 2000 22:59:12 -0500 ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2000 6:55 PM > > > My copy of Robotek: Crystal Dreams is pretty obscure, I think. I'll sell > > it > > if anyone wants it. > > > > ~Matt > > > I thought Robotek: Crystal Dreams was never released? > > Luke > > > It's Robotech! [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Link to Kaz-Two hookup Date: 21 Nov 2000 23:24:31 EST --part1_c8.d38fb56.274ca47f_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 11/21/2000 12:28:47 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes: > > > > > > Could someone please post a link to any article which confirms (not > just speculates) on how the two Banjo games interact? > > < Doesn't say that it interacts at all, which really sucks. Oh well. I'm getting it tomorrow (if it's still in stock). -Eric- guh-huh --part1_c8.d38fb56.274ca47f_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 11/21/2000 12:28:47 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

Could someone please post a link to any article which confirms (not
just speculates) on how the two Banjo games interact?

Greg The Key to the Kazooie-Tooie Connection?

Doesn't say that it interacts at all, which really sucks.  Oh well.  I'm
getting it tomorrow (if it's still in stock).
--part1_c8.d38fb56.274ca47f_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: [N64] Shenmue Date: 21 Nov 2000 21:24:46 -0800 It's mid november and I still don't have this game... :( I've read some good stuff, and some pretty nasty stuff. The contrast in opinion is quite apparent when NG gives it 5 stars (some call it a blasphemy) and Gamespot gives it 6 out of 10 (and others call that blashphemy as well) No consensus on the quality of the title. Any comments? -- Dexter S. Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine Http:// [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: [N64] More dough for Do-- get it? Date: 21 Nov 2000 21:29:28 -0800 From Reuters. Year-ago comparisons are unavailable since this will be the first time Nintendo releases interim results on a consolidated basis. For the full year to March 31, it forecast a 46 percent jump in consolidated net profit to 82 billion yen from the previous year, with sales rising 1.8 percent to 540 billion yen. Domestic sales of the Nintendo 64 have been slack, hurt by rival Sony's recently launched PlayStation 2, while Gameboy sales have been brisk. Shares in Nintendo closed on Monday down 2.81 percent at 18,300 yen. They have risen eight percent so far this year, but they are 31 percent down from this year's peak at 26,400 yen. Nintendo's solid profit performance is expected to contrast with the dim results of rival game makers. Last month, Sony Corp reported a group net loss of 68.47 billion yen in the six months, against a 64.94 billion yen net profit a year earlier, due to the strong yen and the heavy cost of the roll out of the PlayStation 2, the successor to the world's top-selling home video game player. A day later, Sega Corp , the world's third-largest video game maker, issued a loss warning, forecasting a group net loss of 29 billion yen against its initial estimate of a 600 million yen profit, blaming a cut in the overseas sales price of its mainstay Dreamcast game consoles to fend off competition from PlayStation 2. -- Dexter S. Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine Http:// [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Most obscure N64 title. Date: 21 Nov 2000 21:36:17 -0800 > > < it > if anyone wants it. > > ~Matt >> > > Your inability to correctly spell "Robotech" gives it all away. > > ~~ Dave ~~ Give the guy a break. The company behind it was GameTek... so you see the possible confusion eh? At least it's not as confusing as opening up FF 9 only to find the manual is all in french. We Canadians are furious! And we shall march our 10 man army to Square headquarters immediately. Good thing i can read some of it. -- Dexter S. Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine Http:// [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dave Rhodes" Subject: Re: [N64] Most obscure N64 title. Date: 22 Nov 2000 03:59:11 -0500 ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Wednesday, November 22, 2000 12:36 AM > > > > < > it > > if anyone wants it. > > > > ~Matt >> > > > > Your inability to correctly spell "Robotech" gives it all away. > > > > ~~ Dave ~~ > > Give the guy a break. The company behind it was GameTek... so you see the > possible confusion eh? Does that mean I can call you Deckster Sigh? ~~ Dave ~~ "If there's a fire it's asleep in my bed I must leave it to burn until it burns itself out Catch as you can I'm not staying here long I'll be coming back early or never at all" - Genesis AIM: Super Trey Bros [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "E. Jefferson" Subject: Re: [N64] Most obscure N64 title. Date: 22 Nov 2000 11:19:43 -0600 You mean Robotech, right? You've got a ROM? Gametek never finished the game because they went belly up. How'd you get it? The game I'm talking about is based on the original Atari game Robotron where you had two joysticks, one to shoot in any direction, the other to move in any direction. Best Buy's around here have a ton of them. Elliot ----Original Message Follows---- Reply-To: <<... or the Robotron remake. Elliot>> My copy of Robotek: Crystal Dreams is pretty obscure, I think. I'll sell it if anyone wants it. ~Matt "A majority only means that all the fools are on the same side." _____________________________________________________________________________________ Get more from the Web. FREE MSN Explorer download : [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr." Subject: Re: [N64] More dough for Do-- get it? Date: 22 Nov 2000 12:18:21 -0500 (EST) Nintendo must be doing something right. :) Nintendojo had an interesting article on the Big N's marketing plan. While it might fustrate gamers Nintendo is ensuring it will be around for a long time. Initially the 1.5 gb mini-disc format irritated me but the losses that PS2 might incur off of piracy(there are teams working on it as we speak) will be great. DC had a good anti-piracy format and only now, a year later, has it been cracked. I sincerely believe Nintendo will outlast Sony. On Tue, 21 Nov 2000, Dexter Sy wrote: > >From Reuters. > > Year-ago comparisons are unavailable since this will be the first time > Nintendo releases interim results on a consolidated basis. > > For the full year to March 31, it forecast a 46 percent jump in > consolidated net profit to 82 billion yen from the previous year, with > sales rising 1.8 percent to 540 billion yen. > > Domestic sales of the Nintendo 64 have been slack, hurt by rival Sony's > recently launched PlayStation 2, while Gameboy sales have been brisk. > > Shares in Nintendo closed on Monday down 2.81 percent at 18,300 yen. > They have risen eight percent so far this year, but they are 31 percent > down from this year's peak at 26,400 > yen. > > Nintendo's solid profit performance is expected to contrast with the dim > results of rival game makers. > > Last month, Sony Corp reported a group net loss of 68.47 billion yen in > the six months, against a 64.94 billion yen net profit a year earlier, > due to the strong yen and the heavy cost of the > roll out of the PlayStation 2, the successor to the world's top-selling > home video game player. > > A day later, Sega Corp , the world's third-largest video game maker, > issued a loss warning, forecasting a group net loss of 29 billion yen > against its initial estimate of a 600 million yen > profit, blaming a cut in the overseas sales price of its mainstay > Dreamcast game consoles to fend off competition from PlayStation 2. > > > -- > Dexter S. > Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine > Http:// > > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] > sx [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Moody, Luke" Subject: RE: [N64] More dough for Do-- get it? Date: 23 Nov 2000 08:45:25 +1100 > Nintendo must be doing something right. :) > > Nintendojo had an interesting article on the Big N's marketing > plan. While it might fustrate gamers Nintendo is ensuring it will be > around for a long time. Initially the 1.5 gb mini-disc format irritated > me but the losses that PS2 might incur off of piracy(there are teams > working on it as we speak) will be great. DC had a good anti-piracy > format and only now, a year later, has it been cracked. I sincerely > believe Nintendo will outlast Sony. > I agree, but it will be fun finding it out. Luke > On Tue, 21 Nov 2000, Dexter Sy > wrote: > > > >From Reuters. > > > > Year-ago comparisons are unavailable since this will be the first time > > Nintendo releases interim results on a consolidated basis. > > > > For the full year to March 31, it forecast a 46 percent jump in > > consolidated net profit to 82 billion yen from the previous year, with > > sales rising 1.8 percent to 540 billion yen. > > > > Domestic sales of the Nintendo 64 have been slack, hurt by rival Sony's > > recently launched PlayStation 2, while Gameboy sales have been brisk. > > > > Shares in Nintendo closed on Monday down 2.81 percent at 18,300 yen. > > They have risen eight percent so far this year, but they are 31 percent > > down from this year's peak at 26,400 > > yen. > > > > Nintendo's solid profit performance is expected to contrast with the dim > > results of rival game makers. > > > > Last month, Sony Corp reported a group net loss of 68.47 billion yen in > > the six months, against a 64.94 billion yen net profit a year earlier, > > due to the strong yen and the heavy cost of the > > roll out of the PlayStation 2, the successor to the world's top-selling > > home video game player. > > > > A day later, Sega Corp , the world's third-largest video game maker, > > issued a loss warning, forecasting a group net loss of 29 billion yen > > against its initial estimate of a 600 million yen > > profit, blaming a cut in the overseas sales price of its mainstay > > Dreamcast game consoles to fend off competition from PlayStation 2. > > > > > > -- > > Dexter S. > > Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine > > Http:// > > > > > > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > > [ (without the quotes) to ] > > > > sx > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] ********************************************************************** Commonwealth Bank of Australia (ABN 48 123 123 124) ********************************************************************** [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Thraxen Subject: [N64] Banjo Tooie - Eric Read Date: 22 Nov 2000 17:18:01 -0600 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_009E_01C054A8.2A901B20 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Well, I just got home from work and found Banjo Tooie waiting on = me...woo hoo! Then I saw that I had another copy of Banjo Tooie :/ = Apparently, I pre-ordered it long ago and forgot about it and then = pre-ordered it again last week....hmmmm. So now I have 2 copies... Anyway, I have decided that instead of returning it I am just going to = give it away (guess I'm in the holiday spirit...who knows). So if you = have not bought it yet, Eric (since you have been my staunch fellow BK = supporter) , you are welcome to this extra copy I have free of charge = (if you can stand to wait a few days for shipping). If you already have = it...then someone else on the list is welcome to it :) Stryder ------=_NextPart_000_009E_01C054A8.2A901B20 Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Well, I just got home from work and = found Banjo=20 Tooie waiting on me...woo hoo!  Then I saw that I had another copy = of Banjo=20 Tooie :/ Apparently, I pre-ordered it long ago and forgot about it and = then=20 pre-ordered it again last week....hmmmm.  So now I have 2=20 copies...
Anyway, I have decided that instead of = returning it=20 I am just going to give it away (guess I'm in the holiday spirit...who=20 knows).  So if you have not bought it yet, Eric (since you have = been my=20 staunch fellow BK supporter) , you are welcome to this extra copy I = have=20 free of charge (if you can stand to wait a few days for shipping). If = you=20 already have it...then someone else on the list is welcome to it = :)
------=_NextPart_000_009E_01C054A8.2A901B20-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Gregory A. Swarthout" Subject: Re: [N64] Banjo Tooie - Eric Read Date: 22 Nov 2000 16:25:55 -0700 > Thraxen wrote: > > Well, I just got home from work and found Banjo Tooie waiting on me...woo hoo! Then I saw that I had > another copy of Banjo Tooie :/ Apparently, I pre-ordered it long ago and forgot about it and then > pre-ordered it again last week....hmmmm. So now I have 2 copies... > > Anyway, I have decided that instead of returning it I am just going to give it away (guess I'm in the > holiday spirit...who knows). So if you have not bought it yet, Eric (since you have been my staunch > fellow BK supporter) , you are welcome to this extra copy I have free of charge (if you can stand to wait > a few days for shipping). If you already have it...then someone else on the list is welcome to it :) > > Stryder Me, me, me, me, me! [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dave Rhodes" Subject: Re: [N64] Banjo Tooie - Eric Read Date: 22 Nov 2000 18:43:08 -0500 ----- Original Message ----- <> I love Banjo. Guh-huh. I'll take it off your hands. ~~ Dave ~~ "If there's a fire it's asleep in my bed I must leave it to burn until it burns itself out Catch as you can I'm not staying here long I'll be coming back early or never at all" - Genesis AIM: Super Trey Bros [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Most obscure N64 title. Date: 22 Nov 2000 19:03:37 EST --part1_c1.8fd459b.274db8d9_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit <> Hey, my beta cart says "Robotek." I didn't make the game. ~Matt "A majority only means that all the fools are on the same side." --part1_c1.8fd459b.274db8d9_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit <<Your inability to correctly spell "Robotech" gives it all away.

~~ Dave ~~>>

Hey, my beta cart says "Robotek." I didn't make the game.


"A majority only means that all the fools are on the same side."
--part1_c1.8fd459b.274db8d9_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Banjo Tooie - Eric Read Date: 22 Nov 2000 19:03:41 EST --part1_6d.bd11499.274db8dd_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 11/22/2000 3:20:12 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes: > Anyway, I have decided that instead of returning it I am just going to give > it away (guess I'm in the holiday spirit...who knows). So if you have not > bought it yet, Eric (since you have been my staunch fellow BK supporter) , > you are welcome to this extra copy I have free of charge (if you can stand > to wait a few days for shipping). If you already have it...then someone > else on the list is welcome to it :) > > Stryder > Cool, thanks Stryder. :) --part1_6d.bd11499.274db8dd_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 11/22/2000 3:20:12 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

Anyway, I have decided that instead of returning it I am just going to give
it away (guess I'm in the holiday spirit...who knows).  So if you have not
bought it yet, Eric (since you have been my staunch fellow BK supporter) ,
you are welcome to this extra copy I have free of charge (if you can stand
to wait a few days for shipping). If you already have it...then someone
else on the list is welcome to it :)


Cool, thanks Stryder. :)
--part1_6d.bd11499.274db8dd_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Banjo Tooie - Eric Read Date: 22 Nov 2000 19:12:44 EST --part1_7d.d58691d.274dbafc_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable <> =A0 If and only if Eric doesn't want it, I'll take it. ~Matt "It only makes sense that every facet of our daily lives should depend upon=20 the position of celestial bodies hundreds of millions of miles away." -=20 Calvin and Hobbes --part1_7d.d58691d.274dbafc_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="ISO-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable <<Anyway, I have decided that instead of returni= ng it I am just going to give
it away (guess I'm in the holiday spirit..= .who knows).=A0 So if you have not
bought it yet, Eric (since you have b= een my staunch fellow BK supporter)=A0,
you are welcome to this extra co= py I have free of charge (if you can stand to
wait a few days for shippi= ng). If you already have it...then someone else on
the list is welcome t= o it :)

If and only if Eric doesn't want it, I'll take it.


"It only makes sense that every facet of our daily lives should depend u= pon
the position of celestial bodies hundreds of millions of miles away.= " -
Calvin and Hobbes
--part1_7d.d58691d.274dbafc_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Banjo Tooie - Eric Read Date: 22 Nov 2000 19:51:00 EST --part1_91.3523c3b.274dc3f4_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Language: en In a message dated 11/22/2000 4:09:23 PM Pacific Standard Time,=20 writes: > I love Banjo. Guh-huh. I'll take it off your hands. >=20 >=20 And then he'll sell it on Ebay. ;) -Eric- You keep on walking, where will you go? Walk again, in the company of the wind March with confidence until you get to where you=E2=80=99re going Until you finally grab that dream. =E2=80=9CKaze to Issho ni=E2=80=9D My=C3=BBts=C3=BB no Gyakush=C3=BB --part1_91.3523c3b.274dc3f4_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Language: en In a message dated 11/22/2000 4:09:23 PM Pacific Stand= ard Time, writes:

I love Banjo. Guh-huh. I'll= take it off your hands.

~~ Dave ~~

And then he'll sell it on Ebay. ;)

You keep on walking, where will you go?
Walk again, in the company of the wind
March with confidence until you get to where you=E2=80=99re going
Until you finally grab that dream.

=E2=80=9CKaze to Issho ni=E2=80=9D  My=C3=BBts=C3=BB no Gyakush=C3= =BB
--part1_91.3523c3b.274dc3f4_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "The Nintendo Guru" Subject: Re: [N64] More dough for Do-- get it? Date: 23 Nov 2000 22:08:38 +1100 that article just made me laugh so much i don't mean to offend any playstation or sega people here, but nintendo seems to be A LOT better than any other company that's to my understanding, and that proves what company is the smartest. and it ain't one starting with "S" >From: "Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr." >Reply-To: >To: N64 Mailing List >CC: "" >Subject: Re: [N64] More dough for Do-- get it? >Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2000 12:18:21 -0500 (EST) >MIME-Version: 1.0 >Received: from [] by (3.2) with ESMTP id >MHotMailBBE5C3A400C04004310FC63C1607F3B10; Wed Nov 22 17:53:47 2000 >Received: from domo by with local (Exim 2.12 #2)id >13ye4T-0006wg-00for; Wed, 22 Nov 2000 >10:52:37 -0700 >Received: from [] ( >with esmtp (Exim 2.12 #2)id 13ye4R-0006wU-00for; >Wed, 22 Nov 2000 10:52:35 -0700 >Received: from ( [])by > (8.10.1/8.10.1) with ESMTP id eAMHIPm28164;Wed, 22 Nov >2000 12:21:07 -0500 (EST) >Received: from (IDENT:sendmail@localhost [])by > (8.9.3/8.9.3) with SMTP id MAA18310;Wed, 22 Nov 2000 >12:18:25 -0500 (EST) >Received: from localhost (mccoyjr@localhost)by (8.9.3/8.9.3) >with ESMTP id MAA18303;Wed, 22 Nov 2000 12:18:21 -0500 (EST) >From Wed Nov 22 17:54:38 2000 >X-Authentication-Warning: mccoyjr owned process doing -bs >In-Reply-To: <> >Message-ID: >Sender: >Precedence: bulk > >Nintendo must be doing something right. :) > >Nintendojo had an interesting article on the Big N's marketing >plan. While it might fustrate gamers Nintendo is ensuring it will be >around for a long time. Initially the 1.5 gb mini-disc format irritated >me but the losses that PS2 might incur off of piracy(there are teams >working on it as we speak) will be great. DC had a good anti-piracy >format and only now, a year later, has it been cracked. I sincerely >believe Nintendo will outlast Sony. > > > > On Tue, 21 Nov 2000, Dexter Sy >wrote: > > > >From Reuters. > > > > Year-ago comparisons are unavailable since this will be the first time > > Nintendo releases interim results on a consolidated basis. > > > > For the full year to March 31, it forecast a 46 percent jump in > > consolidated net profit to 82 billion yen from the previous year, with > > sales rising 1.8 percent to 540 billion yen. > > > > Domestic sales of the Nintendo 64 have been slack, hurt by rival Sony's > > recently launched PlayStation 2, while Gameboy sales have been brisk. > > > > Shares in Nintendo closed on Monday down 2.81 percent at 18,300 yen. > > They have risen eight percent so far this year, but they are 31 percent > > down from this year's peak at 26,400 > > yen. > > > > Nintendo's solid profit performance is expected to contrast with the dim > > results of rival game makers. > > > > Last month, Sony Corp reported a group net loss of 68.47 billion yen in > > the six months, against a 64.94 billion yen net profit a year earlier, > > due to the strong yen and the heavy cost of the > > roll out of the PlayStation 2, the successor to the world's top-selling > > home video game player. > > > > A day later, Sega Corp , the world's third-largest video game maker, > > issued a loss warning, forecasting a group net loss of 29 billion yen > > against its initial estimate of a 600 million yen > > profit, blaming a cut in the overseas sales price of its mainstay > > Dreamcast game consoles to fend off competition from PlayStation 2. > > > > > > -- > > Dexter S. > > Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine > > Http:// > > > > > > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > > [ (without the quotes) to ] > > > >sx > > >[ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] >[ (without the quotes) to ] _____________________________________________________________________________________ Get more from the Web. FREE MSN Explorer download : [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] More dough for Do-- get it? Date: 23 Nov 2000 13:03:01 EST --part1_6.e528673.274eb5d5_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit <> If Nintendo were smart, they never would have lost so much marketshare to Sega or Sony to begin with. If Nintendo were smart, the n64 would have been a disc-based system. If Nintendo were smart, the GBA would have 2 more buttons on it, making it a duplicate of the SNES controller. Nintendo has made it's share of mistakes, and it better thank God that they have such a healthy portable business, otherwise they'd be dead in the water. ~Matt "It only makes sense that every facet of our daily lives should depend upon the position of celestial bodies hundreds of millions of miles away." - Calvin and Hobbes --part1_6.e528673.274eb5d5_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit <<that article just made me laugh so much

i don't mean to offend any PlayStation or SEGA people here, but Nintendo
seems to be A LOT better than any other company

that's to my understanding, and that proves what company is the smartest.

and it ain't one starting with "S">>

If Nintendo were smart, they never would have lost so much marketshare to
Sega or Sony to begin with. If Nintendo were smart, the n64 would have been a
disc-based system. If Nintendo were smart, the GBA would have 2 more buttons
on it, making it a duplicate of the SNES controller. Nintendo has made it's
share of mistakes, and it better thank God that they have such a healthy
portable business, otherwise they'd be dead in the water.


"It only makes sense that every facet of our daily lives should depend upon
the position of celestial bodies hundreds of millions of miles away." -
Calvin and Hobbes
--part1_6.e528673.274eb5d5_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [N64] OT Thanksgiving Date: 23 Nov 2000 13:21:22 EST --part1_84.d9fc24a.274eba22_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hey, fellow listers. No one's said it yet, so I'll be the first. To all US residents: Happy Thanksgiving!!! -Eric- --part1_84.d9fc24a.274eba22_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hey, fellow listers.  No one's said it yet, so I'll be the first.  To all US
residents: Happy Thanksgiving!!!
--part1_84.d9fc24a.274eba22_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] More dough for Do-- get it? Date: 23 Nov 2000 15:17:33 -0800 --------------C9572BFA5C0D3C8A932B25BD Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit > > If Nintendo were smart, they never would have lost so much marketshare > to > Sega or Sony to begin with. Market share isn't everything. On one hand it gives you the critical mass you need to make your profits, but if you spend say, a billion dollars to capture that market and you earn 500 million in profits from subsequent game sales, you've still lost a 500 billion dollars. That's why businesses that go after market share aggresively often run out of cash and either is forced to withdraw or has to restructure. Nintendo's made some mistakes which has certainly cost it market share, but that doesn't mean its going to start losing money. Sega on the other hand is another story. > If Nintendo were smart, the n64 would have been a > disc-based system. If Nintendo were smart, the GBA would have 2 more > buttons > on it, making it a duplicate of the SNES controller. I agree on the n64 part, but I hold my judgement on the GBA until i've actually touched it and see more games on it. > Nintendo has made it's > share of mistakes, and it better thank God that they have such a > healthy > portable business, otherwise they'd be dead in the water. It's the same thing as saying Sony is doing so well with the playstation or it would be dead in the water. You can't turn around and take someone's success away only to prove how weak it is. So, is it fair to say if the United States had lost World War 2, America, and most certainly England and the whole of western europe would be dead in the water? I'm sure those who dislike the West would like to spend their time postulating such scenarios, but history is written on what's happened, not on what could have happened. -- Dexter S. Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine Http:// --------------C9572BFA5C0D3C8A932B25BD Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
If Nintendo were smart, they never would have lost so much marketshare to
Sega or Sony to begin with.
Market share isn't everything.  On one hand it gives you the critical mass you need to make your profits, but if you spend say, a billion dollars to capture that market and you earn 500 million in profits from subsequent game sales, you've still lost a 500 billion dollars.  That's why businesses that go after market share aggresively often run out of cash and either is forced to withdraw or has to restructure.

Nintendo's made some mistakes which has certainly cost it market share, but that doesn't mean its going to start losing money.  Sega on the other hand is another story.

If Nintendo were smart, the n64 would have been a
disc-based system. If Nintendo were smart, the GBA would have 2 more buttons
on it, making it a duplicate of the SNES controller.
I agree on the n64 part, but I hold my judgement on the GBA until i've actually touched it and see more games on it.
Nintendo has made it's
share of mistakes, and it better thank God that they have such a healthy
portable business, otherwise they'd be dead in the water.
It's the same thing as saying Sony is doing so well with the playstation or it would be dead in the water.  You can't turn around and take someone's success away only to prove how weak it is.  So, is it fair to say if the United States had lost World War 2, America, and most certainly England and the whole of western europe would be dead in the water?  I'm sure those who dislike the West would like to spend their time postulating such scenarios, but history is written on what's happened, not on what could have happened.

Dexter S.
Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine
  --------------C9572BFA5C0D3C8A932B25BD-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] More dough for Do-- get it? Date: 23 Nov 2000 15:24:42 -0800 "Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr." wrote: > Nintendo must be doing something right. :) haven't read it. > > > Nintendojo had an interesting article on the Big N's marketing > plan. While it might fustrate gamers Nintendo is ensuring it will be > around for a long time. Initially the 1.5 gb mini-disc format irritated > me but the losses that PS2 might incur off of piracy(there are teams > working on it as we speak) will be great. DC had a good anti-piracy > format and only now, a year later, has it been cracked. I sincerely > believe Nintendo will outlast Sony. The 1.5 gig format also allows Nintendo to make a backwards compatible GameCubeBoy handheld console. Nintendo's been very coy about that when asked and they've openly admitted that it is a possibility. Handhelds are still seen as the bastard brother of the industry, and with some good reason. But Comdex this past week proved once and for all portable computing is here to stay and GameBoy certainly proved portable gaming is here to stay as well. I'm in no way suggesting home gaming is dying, and infact, i'd argue agains't that, but then again, in the early 80s, the arcades looked so unstobbale they were a quarter a dozen. Videogame buffs of the time, would have found it hard to believe if you tell them the arcade industry would shrink from being the dominant segment of the industry into a shadow of its former self. > -- Dexter S. Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine Http:// [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] OT Thanksgiving Date: 23 Nov 2000 18:25:25 EST --part1_36.e7500b2.274f0165_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Yeah, happy Turkey Day to all you fellow Yankees. And don't forget, today is the anniversary of the Battle of Chattanooga during the American Civil War. ~Matt "Blinky lights are the essence of technology. Everything else is fluff." --part1_36.e7500b2.274f0165_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Yeah, happy Turkey Day to all you fellow Yankees. And don't forget, today is
the anniversary of the Battle of Chattanooga during the American Civil War.


"Blinky lights are the essence of technology. Everything else is fluff."
--part1_36.e7500b2.274f0165_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Thraxen Subject: Re: [N64] More dough for Do-- get it? Date: 23 Nov 2000 19:58:01 -0600 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_001A_01C05587.AF4ED920 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable I agree on the n64 part, but I hold my judgement on the GBA until i've = actually touched it and see more games on it. >>> More buttons is something you don't have to see in person to know it is = a better idea. I think it makes sense. =20 Nintendo has made it's=20 share of mistakes, and it better thank God that they have such a = healthy=20 portable business, otherwise they'd be dead in the water. It's the same thing as saying Sony is doing so well with the = playstation or it would be dead in the water. You can't turn around and = take someone's success away only to prove how weak it is.>> I think he was simply referring to their standing as a console maker. = Sega is in serious trouble because they don't have anything to really = fall back on except a poor arcade market. Sony will always have it's = consumer electronics and Nintendo it's GB. Stryder ------=_NextPart_000_001A_01C05587.AF4ED920 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

I agree on the n64 part, but I hold my judgement on the GBA until = i've=20 actually touched it and see more games on it. >>>
More buttons is something you don't = have to see in=20 person to know it is a better idea.  I think it makes sense. =20
Nintendo has made = it's=20
share of mistakes, and it better thank God that = they have=20 such a healthy
portable business, = otherwise they'd=20 be dead in the water.
It's the same thing as saying Sony is doing so well with the = playstation=20 or it would be dead in the water.  You can't turn around and take = someone's success away only to prove how weak it is.>>
I think he was simply referring to = their standing=20 as a console maker.  Sega is in serious trouble because they = don't have=20 anything to really fall back on except a poor arcade market.  = Sony will=20 always have it's consumer electronics and Nintendo it's = GB.
------=_NextPart_000_001A_01C05587.AF4ED920-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Thraxen Subject: Re: [N64] More dough for Do-- get it? Date: 23 Nov 2000 20:05:13 -0600 > The 1.5 gig format also allows Nintendo to make a backwards compatible > GameCubeBoy handheld console. Nintendo's been very coy about that when asked > and they've openly admitted that it is a possibility.>>> Well, it would allow it without a change in media...but the format is actually irrelevant to whether or not it could be made portable. You can take game code and put it on any type of media. > Handhelds are still seen as the bastard brother of the industry, and with > some good reason. But Comdex this past week proved once and for all portable > computing is here to stay and GameBoy certainly proved portable gaming is here > to stay as well. I'm in no way suggesting home gaming is dying, and infact, > i'd argue agains't that, but then again, in the early 80s, the arcades looked > so unstobbale they were a quarter a dozen. Videogame buffs of the time, would > have found it hard to believe if you tell them the arcade industry would > shrink from being the dominant segment of the industry into a shadow of its > former self. That is actually makes perfect sense that arcades would die off. People will always prefer to do something at home instead of away if they can (i.e. the growth in online sales). Home gaming will always be around because that is where it will always be more convenient for people to entertain themselves with videogames. Stryder [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] More dough for Do-- get it? Date: 23 Nov 2000 21:46:59 EST --part1_9b.d2cfc16.274f30a3_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I wouldn't say die off really. As you pointed out, there's a growth of online sales; but we still have loads of stores. They may diminish in number in general, but if the [at least] mild popularity of the local arcades are any indication, I don't think we'll see them go away. A little "get off your butt and interact" never hurt anyone (and I'm not implying you suggested such either). Besides, I love the arcades....the 80s anyone? Psh, cars. You want REAL wheels? Get a pair of rollerskates=) Back in my day... Aldo Merino ------------------ Tendo Box In a message dated 11/23/00 8:05:58 PM Central Standard Time, writes: > That is actually makes perfect sense that arcades would die > off. People will always prefer to do something at home instead of away if > they can (i.e. the growth in online sales). Home gaming will always be > around because that is where it will always be more convenient for people to > entertain themselves with videogames. > > > --part1_9b.d2cfc16.274f30a3_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I wouldn't say die off really. As you pointed out, there's a growth of online
sales; but we still have loads of stores. They may diminish in number in
general, but if the [at least] mild popularity of the local arcades are any
indication, I don't think we'll see them go away. A little "get off your butt
and interact" never hurt anyone (and I'm not implying you suggested such
either). Besides, I love the arcades....the 80s anyone?

Psh, cars. You want REAL wheels? Get a pair of rollerskates=) Back in my

Aldo Merino
Tendo Box

In a message dated 11/23/00 8:05:58 PM Central Standard Time,

That is actually makes perfect sense that arcades would die
off.  People will always prefer to do something at home instead of away if
they can (i.e. the growth in online sales).  Home gaming will always be
around because that is where it will always be more convenient for people to
entertain themselves with videogames.


--part1_9b.d2cfc16.274f30a3_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Thraxen Subject: Re: [N64] More dough for Do-- get it? Date: 23 Nov 2000 21:02:30 -0600 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_012C_01C05590.B17A2E80 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable ----- Original Message -----=20 From: To: Sent: Thursday, November 23, 2000 8:46 PM Subject: Re: [N64] More dough for Do-- get it? I wouldn't say die off really. As you pointed out, there's a growth of = online=20 sales; but we still have loads of stores. >>> True...we will always have stores because you can't try stuff out = online (especially clothes and such) and sometimes people just want = stuff now and not have to wait for shipping. But gaming is = can really get just as much out of home gaming as having = to travel to an arcade and playing a game...well, I guess you do have = those moving arcade games...but that is not so important to most people. They may diminish in number in=20 general, but if the [at least] mild popularity of the local arcades = are any=20 indication, I don't think we'll see them go away. A little "get off = your butt=20 and interact" never hurt anyone (and I'm not implying you suggested = such=20 either). Besides, I love the arcades....the 80s anyone? >>> =20 Yea, I'm sure they will always be around to some degree. But they are = pretty much dead here...I dont think we have one at our mall anymore. I = think the only place to play arcade games may be at Chuck E Cheese. :) Stryder ------=_NextPart_000_012C_01C05590.B17A2E80 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, November 23, = 2000 8:46=20 PM
Subject: Re: [N64] More dough = for Do--=20 get it?

I wouldn't say die off really. As you pointed out, = there's a=20 growth of online
sales; but we still have loads of stores.=20 >>>
True...we will always have stores because you = can't try=20 stuff out online (especially clothes and such) and sometimes people = just want=20 stuff now and not have to wait for shipping.  But gaming is=20 can really get just as much out of home gaming as = having to=20 travel to an arcade and playing a game...well, I guess you do have = those=20 moving arcade games...but that is not so important to most=20 people.
They may diminish in number in
general, but if = the [at=20 least] mild popularity of the local arcades are any
indication, I = don't=20 think we'll see them go away. A little "get off your butt
and = interact"=20 never hurt anyone (and I'm not implying you suggested such =
either).=20 Besides, I love the arcades....the 80s anyone? = >>>
Yea, I'm sure they will always = be around to=20 some degree.  But they are pretty much dead here...I dont think = we have=20 one at our mall anymore.  I think the only place to play arcade = games may=20 be at Chuck E Cheese.  :)
------=_NextPart_000_012C_01C05590.B17A2E80-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] More dough for Do-- get it? Date: 23 Nov 2000 22:07:51 EST --part1_bd.925a60f.274f3587_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Well, there's one big exception I can think of: L.A. Machine Guns. Classic, heavenly Sega arcade stuff. If only the arcade cabinets came as cheap as Dreamcast games. Aldo Merino ------------------ Tendo Box In a message dated 11/23/00 9:04:13 PM Central Standard Time, writes: > True...we will always have stores because you can't try stuff out online > (especially clothes and such) and sometimes people just want stuff now and > not have to wait for shipping. But gaming is can really > get just as much out of home gaming as having to travel to an arcade and > playing a game...well, I guess you do have those moving arcade games...but > that is not so important to most people. --part1_bd.925a60f.274f3587_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Well, there's one big exception I can think of: L.A. Machine Guns. Classic,
heavenly Sega arcade stuff. If only the arcade cabinets came as cheap as
Dreamcast games.

Aldo Merino
Tendo Box

In a message dated 11/23/00 9:04:13 PM Central Standard Time,

True...we will always have stores because you can't try stuff out online
(especially clothes and such) and sometimes people just want stuff now and
not have to wait for shipping.  But gaming is can really
get just as much out of home gaming as having to travel to an arcade and
playing a game...well, I guess you do have those moving arcade games...but
that is not so important to most people.

--part1_bd.925a60f.274f3587_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dave Rhodes" Subject: [N64] Mega Man GIFs galore Date: 23 Nov 2000 22:08:38 -0500 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0015_01C05599.EE9567E0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Check it out. Lots of Mega Man/Rockman related GIFs. ~~ Dave ~~ =20 "If there's a fire it's asleep in my bed I must leave it to burn until it burns itself out Catch as you can I'm not staying here long I'll be coming back early or never at all" - Genesis =20 AIM: Super Trey Bros ------=_NextPart_000_0015_01C05599.EE9567E0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable m/mmx/Animated_Gifs
Check it out. Lots of Mega Man/Rockman = related=20 GIFs.
~~ Dave ~~
"If there's a=20 fire it's asleep in my bed
I must leave it to burn until it burns = itself=20 out
Catch as you can I'm not staying here long
I'll be coming back = early=20 or never at all" - Genesis
 AIM: = Super Trey=20 Bros
------=_NextPart_000_0015_01C05599.EE9567E0-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Moody, Luke" Subject: [N64] Chuck E Cheese Date: 24 Nov 2000 16:22:07 +1100 > > Yea, I'm sure they will always be around to some degree. But they > are pretty much dead here...I dont think we have one at our mall anymore. > I think the only place to play arcade games may be at Chuck E Cheese. :) > > Stryder > What is Chuck E Cheese? I hear the all the time for americans TV. Luke ********************************************************************** Commonwealth Bank of Australia (ABN 48 123 123 124) ********************************************************************** [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Chuck E Cheese Date: 24 Nov 2000 01:30:21 EST --part1_30.d08099a.274f64fd_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 11/23/2000 9:58:01 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes: > > > What is Chuck E Cheese? I hear the all the time for americans TV. > > Luke > Chuck E Cheese is this pizza place. One of the ones with a huge arcade and all these plastic tubes to crawl through. I think I was there only once or twice. It's not bad, but it has these annoying arse robots on a stage that sing every once in a while. Ever see that episode of the Simpsons where Bart falls down the well? Well, at the beginning at his birthday party, he's at a place that's obviously poking fun at Chuck E Cheese. Think of that, and you'll get the idea. -Eric- --part1_30.d08099a.274f64fd_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 11/23/2000 9:58:01 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

   What is Chuck E Cheese? I hear the all the time for americans TV.


Chuck E Cheese is this pizza place.  One of the ones with a huge arcade and
all these plastic tubes to crawl through.  I think I was there only once or
twice.  It's not bad, but it has these annoying arse robots on a stage that
sing every once in a while.  Ever see that episode of the Simpsons where Bart
falls down the well?  Well, at the beginning at his birthday party, he's at a
place that's obviously poking fun at Chuck E Cheese.  Think of that, and
you'll get the idea.
--part1_30.d08099a.274f64fd_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dave Rhodes" Subject: Re: [N64] Chuck E Cheese Date: 24 Nov 2000 07:23:50 -0500 ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Friday, November 24, 2000 1:30 AM In a message dated 11/23/2000 9:58:01 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes: > What is Chuck E Cheese? I hear the all the time for americans TV. Luke <> One should also know that Chuck E Cheese was founded by Nolan Bushnell, the father of Pong and Atari, after Warner Bros. made him leave Atari in 1982. ~~ Dave ~~ "If there's a fire it's asleep in my bed I must leave it to burn until it burns itself out Catch as you can I'm not staying here long I'll be coming back early or never at all" - Genesis AIM: Super Trey Bros [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Chuck E Cheese Date: 24 Nov 2000 08:33:39 EST --part1_c2.39635cb.274fc833_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit <> Wrong-o, Dave. Warner bought Atari, and Nolan got Warner to invest in Chuck E. Cheese. Later, when he left the company, he agreed to buy the entire Chuck. E. Cheese "thing" (robots and all) for something around $30 million, if I remember correctly from The First Quarter. So while Nolan did "make" Chuck E. Cheese, it would never have happened without initial investments from Warner. All this and more in your copy of The First Quarter! ~Matt "A majority only means that all the fools are on the same side." --part1_c2.39635cb.274fc833_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit <<One should also know that Chuck E Cheese was founded by Nolan Bushnell, the
father of Pong and Atari, after Warner Bros. made him leave Atari in 1982.

~~ Dave ~~

"If there's a fire it's asleep in my bed
I must leave it to burn until it burns itself out
Catch as you can I'm not staying here long
I'll be coming back early or never at all" - Genesis>>

Wrong-o, Dave. Warner bought Atari, and Nolan got Warner to invest in Chuck
E. Cheese. Later, when he left the company, he agreed to buy the entire
Chuck. E. Cheese "thing" (robots and all) for something around $30 million,
if I remember correctly from The First Quarter. So while Nolan did "make"
Chuck E. Cheese, it would never have happened without initial investments
from Warner. All this and more in your copy of The First Quarter!


"A majority only means that all the fools are on the same side."
--part1_c2.39635cb.274fc833_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Boudewijn de Kemp Subject: Re: [N64] Chuck E Cheese Date: 24 Nov 2000 14:42:16 +0000 > Dit bericht heeft een MIME-indeling. Aangezien uw e-maillezer deze indeling niet ondersteunt, is dit bericht mogelijk gedeeltelijk of geheel niet leesbaar. --MS_Mac_OE_3057921737_1078837_MIME_Part Content-type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit There ya go........... -Boudewijn- Van: Beantwoord: Datum: Fri, 24 Nov 2000 08:33:39 EST Aan: Onderwerp: Re: [N64] Chuck E Cheese <> Wrong-o, Dave. Warner bought Atari, and Nolan got Warner to invest in Chuck E. Cheese. Later, when he left the company, he agreed to buy the entire Chuck. E. Cheese "thing" (robots and all) for something around $30 million, if I remember correctly from The First Quarter. So while Nolan did "make" Chuck E. Cheese, it would never have happened without initial investments from Warner. All this and more in your copy of The First Quarter! ~Matt "A majority only means that all the fools are on the same side." --MS_Mac_OE_3057921737_1078837_MIME_Part Content-type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable Re: [N64] Chuck E Cheese There ya go...........


Datum: Fri, 24 Nov 2000 08:33:39 EST
Onderwerp: Re: [N64] Chuck E Cheese

<<One should also know that Chuck E = Cheese was founded by Nolan Bushnell, the
father of Pong and Atari, after Warner Bros. made him leave Atari in = 1982.

~~ Dave ~~

"If there's a fire it's asleep in my bed
I must leave it to burn until it burns itself out
Catch as you can I'm not staying here long
I'll be coming back early or never at all" - Genesis>>

Wrong-o, Dave. Warner bought Atari, and Nolan got Warner to invest in = Chuck
E. Cheese. Later, when he left the company, he agreed to buy the entire =
Chuck. E. Cheese "thing" (robots and all) for something = around $30 million,
if I remember correctly from The First Quarter. So while Nolan did = "make"
Chuck E. Cheese, it would never have happened without initial = investments
from Warner. All this and more in your copy of The First Quarter!


"A majority only means that all the fools are on the same = side."

--MS_Mac_OE_3057921737_1078837_MIME_Part-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dave Rhodes" Subject: Re: [N64] Chuck E Cheese Date: 24 Nov 2000 12:46:07 -0500 << ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Friday, November 24, 2000 8:33 AM <> Wrong-o, Dave. Warner bought Atari, and Nolan got Warner to invest in Chuck E. Cheese. Later, when he left the company, he agreed to buy the entire Chuck. E. Cheese "thing" (robots and all) for something around $30 million, if I remember correctly from The First Quarter. So while Nolan did "make" Chuck E. Cheese, it would never have happened without initial investments from Warner. All this and more in your copy of The First Quarter! ~Matt "A majority only means that all the fools are on the same side." >> I stand corrected. Damn those rotten editors at Videogames & Computer Entertainment for misleading information. ~~ Dave ~~ "If there's a fire it's asleep in my bed I must leave it to burn until it burns itself out Catch as you can I'm not staying here long I'll be coming back early or never at all" - Genesis AIM: Super Trey Bros [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Chuck E Cheese Date: 24 Nov 2000 13:33:17 EST --part1_de.cc661ae.27500e6d_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Correct me if I'm, wrong but wasn't Chuck E Cheese originally called Showbiz Pizza? Aldo Merino ----------------- Tendo Box --part1_de.cc661ae.27500e6d_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Correct me if I'm, wrong but wasn't Chuck E Cheese originally called Showbiz

Aldo Merino
Tendo Box
--part1_de.cc661ae.27500e6d_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Thraxen Subject: Re: [N64] Chuck E Cheese Date: 24 Nov 2000 12:59:48 -0600 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0060_01C05616.6D222F40 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable ----- Original Message -----=20 From: To: Sent: Friday, November 24, 2000 12:33 PM Subject: Re: [N64] Chuck E Cheese Correct me if I'm, wrong but wasn't Chuck E Cheese originally called = Showbiz=20 Pizza?=20 Aldo Merino=20 -----------------=20 Tendo Box=20 I'm not sure if they were sperate in the beginning or what...but I = know the Chuck E Cheese here was originally a Showbiz Pizza then changed = into Chuck E Cheese later. Stryder ------=_NextPart_000_0060_01C05616.6D222F40 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, November 24, 2000 = 12:33=20 PM
Subject: Re: [N64] Chuck E = Cheese

Correct me if I'm, wrong but wasn't Chuck E Cheese = originally called Showbiz

Aldo Merino =
Tendo Box
I'm not sure if they were sperate in = the=20 beginning or what...but I know the Chuck E Cheese here was originally = a=20 Showbiz Pizza then changed into Chuck E Cheese later.
------=_NextPart_000_0060_01C05616.6D222F40-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Chuck E Cheese Date: 24 Nov 2000 15:04:44 EST --part1_b6.dac6777.275023dc_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 11/24/2000 10:33:51 AM Pacific Standard Time, writes: > Correct me if I'm, wrong but wasn't Chuck E Cheese originally called Showbiz > Pizza? > > Aldo Merino > yup --part1_b6.dac6777.275023dc_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 11/24/2000 10:33:51 AM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

Correct me if I'm, wrong but wasn't Chuck E Cheese originally called Showbiz

Aldo Merino

--part1_b6.dac6777.275023dc_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] More dough for Do-- get it? Date: 24 Nov 2000 17:09:33 -0800 --------------0E3E08F9166E0893D5766A40 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit >More buttons is something you don't have to see in person to know it is a better >idea. I think it makes sense. Not to be argumentative but if i were to follow what you've just said to its logical and literal conclusion, Jaguar's Controller would be the best of the bunch. The thing is, you have to keep in mind this is a portable machine and while I'm not saying 2 more bottons won't work, I don't think not having them warrants any kind of hostility as well. We all love our Super Nintendos and the controller is considered as one of the best desgined in history, but I' wonder how it will be like to use the SNES button confuguaration on a handheld that isn't shaped like the SNES. There might be issues of ergonomics. >I think he was simply referring to their standing as a console maker. Sega is in >serious trouble because they don't have anything to really fall back on except a poor >arcade market. Sony will always have it's consumer electronics and Nintendo it's >GB. I see the point. Appreciate the clarification. One thing with Nintendo though, I've read in an interview where a Nintendo executive was quoted saying that every year for the past decade of so, people have said Nintendo was in trouble, whether it was a backlash against its success and predictions of another Atari like crash in the late 80s, to the false predictions about how Sega was going to replace Nintendo. And those predictions were proved to be unfounded. I think that's the everyday person's take on things. They see a couple of news clippings, maybe see a sales report and make wild predictions. The way Nintendo is managed, there's very little chance the company is going to get into any serious financial trouble anytime soon. Seeing how frugal the company was at E3, tells me something. They don't spend when they don't have to. Dexter -- Dexter S. Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine Http:// --------------0E3E08F9166E0893D5766A40 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit >More buttons is something you don't have to see in person to know it is a better >idea.  I think it makes sense.

Not to be argumentative but if i were to follow what you've just said to its logical and literal conclusion, Jaguar's Controller would be the best of the bunch.  The thing is, you have to keep in mind this is a portable machine and while I'm not saying 2 more bottons won't work, I don't think not having them warrants any kind of hostility as well.  We all love our Super Nintendos and the controller is considered as one of the best desgined in history, but I' wonder how it will be like to use the SNES button confuguaration on a handheld that isn't shaped like the SNES.  There might be issues of ergonomics.

>I think he was simply referring to their standing as a console maker.  Sega is in >serious trouble because they don't have anything to really fall back on except a poor >arcade market.  Sony will always have it's consumer electronics and Nintendo it's >GB.

I see the point. Appreciate the clarification.    One thing with Nintendo though, I've read in an interview where a Nintendo executive was quoted saying that every year for the past decade of so, people have said Nintendo was in trouble, whether it was a backlash against its success and predictions of another Atari like crash in the late 80s, to the false predictions about how Sega was going to replace Nintendo.   And those predictions were proved to be unfounded.    I think that's the everyday person's take on things.  They see a couple of news clippings, maybe see a sales report and make wild predictions.    The way Nintendo is managed, there's very little chance the company is going to get into any serious financial trouble anytime soon.  Seeing how frugal the company was at E3,  tells me something.  They don't spend when they don't have to.


Dexter S.
Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine
  --------------0E3E08F9166E0893D5766A40-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] More dough for Do-- get it? Date: 24 Nov 2000 17:16:49 -0800 Thraxen wrote: > > The 1.5 gig format also allows Nintendo to make a backwards compatible > > GameCubeBoy handheld console. Nintendo's been very coy about that when > asked > > and they've openly admitted that it is a possibility.>>> > > Well, it would allow it without a change in media...but the format is > actually irrelevant to whether or not it could be made portable. You can > take game code and put it on any type of media. True. But the question about the portability of the 1.5 gig media was in the context of cross platform usage. From gamecube to future game machines portable or otherwise and vice versa. > > > That is actually makes perfect sense that arcades would die > off. People will always prefer to do something at home instead of away if > they can (i.e. the growth in online sales). Home gaming will always be > around because that is where it will always be more convenient for people to > entertain themselves with videogames. > Well, I've said I'd defend the idea that home gaming is dying. But at the same time, I thought it was fair to point out that the Arcades looked so unstoppable. Reading Mr. Steve Kent's "The First Quarter" he made it clear that from his perspective, and from the people he interviewed, there was very little idea at the end of 1982 that the Arcade industry was going to be collapsing into a smaller industry. The home industry recovered as a result of the NES, which supplanted the Arcade industry as the dominant form. You probably know this, but during the Atara/Coleco/Intellivision Era, home version of arcade ports were so coveted bidding wars erupted over them and that's never been the case since the collpase. with a few exceptions (mostly Sega's ports). Again, I'm not saying home gaming dead, but these things, like history itself, can be quite hard to spot, and they only become clear in retrospect. That's why I thought it was important to bring up the demise of the arcades. Kind of a footnote to ground the discussion. -- Dexter S. Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine Http:// [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Thraxen Subject: Re: [N64] More dough for Do-- get it? Date: 24 Nov 2000 19:24:49 -0600 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0026_01C0564C.3677D4A0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable ----- Original Message -----=20 From: Dexter Sy=20 To: Sent: Friday, November 24, 2000 7:09 PM Subject: Re: [N64] More dough for Do-- get it? >More buttons is something you don't have to see in person to know it = is a better >idea. I think it makes sense.=20 Not to be argumentative but if i were to follow what you've just said = to its logical and literal conclusion, Jaguar's Controller would be the = best of the bunch. The thing is, you have to keep in mind this is a = portable machine and while I'm not saying 2 more bottons won't work, I = don't think not having them warrants any kind of hostility as well. We = all love our Super Nintendos and the controller is considered as one of = the best desgined in history, but I' wonder how it will be like to use = the SNES button confuguaration on a handheld that isn't shaped like the = SNES. There might be issues of ergonomics. >> Yea, but the GB big flaw, IMO, has always been the lack of buttons. I = think it is high time they put 4 buttons on the face. 2-Buttons really = just does not make much sense anymore. The shoulder buttons help...but = I still think you need more than 2 on the front...and I think most = people would agree with that. >I think he was simply referring to their standing as a console maker. = Sega is in >serious trouble because they don't have anything to really = fall back on except a poor >arcade market. Sony will always have it's = consumer electronics and Nintendo it's >GB.=20 I see the point. Appreciate the clarification. One thing with = Nintendo though, I've read in an interview where a Nintendo executive = was quoted saying that every year for the past decade of so, people have = said Nintendo was in trouble, whether it was a backlash against its = success and predictions of another Atari like crash in the late 80s, to = the false predictions about how Sega was going to replace Nintendo. = And those predictions were proved to be unfounded. I think that's the = everyday person's take on things. They see a couple of news clippings, = maybe see a sales report and make wild predictions. The way Nintendo = is managed, there's very little chance the company is going to get into = any serious financial trouble anytime soon. Seeing how frugal the = company was at E3, tells me something. They don't spend when they = don't have to. >>> Yea, Nintendo is not going anywhere...which is why he said they should = be glad that they have control of the handheld market...else they would = be like Sega. Things look much brighter on the console market for the = Gamecube though. Stryder ------=_NextPart_000_0026_01C0564C.3677D4A0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

----- Original Message -----
From:=20 Dexter = Sy=20
Sent: Friday, November 24, 2000 = 7:09=20 PM
Subject: Re: [N64] More dough = for Do--=20 get it?

>More buttons is = something=20 you don't have to see in person to know it is a better >idea.  = I think=20 it makes sense.=20

Not to be argumentative but if i = were to=20 follow what you've just said to its logical and literal conclusion, = Jaguar's=20 Controller would be the best of the bunch.  The thing is, you = have to=20 keep in mind this is a portable machine and while I'm not saying 2 = more=20 bottons won't work, I don't think not having them warrants any kind of = hostility as well.  We all love our Super Nintendos and the = controller is=20 considered as one of the best desgined in history, but I' wonder how = it will=20 be like to use the SNES button confuguaration on a handheld that isn't = shaped=20 like the SNES.  There might be issues of = ergonomics. >>

Yea, but the GB big flaw, IMO, has = always been the=20 lack of buttons.  I think it is high time they put 4 buttons on = the=20 face.   2-Buttons really just does not make much sense=20 anymore.  The shoulder buttons help...but I still think you need = more=20 than 2 on the front...and I think most people would agree with = that.

>I think he was simply = referring to their=20 standing as a console maker.  Sega is in >serious trouble = because they=20 don't have anything to really fall back on except a poor >arcade=20 market.  Sony will always have it's consumer electronics and = Nintendo=20 it's >GB.=20

I see the point. Appreciate the=20 clarification.    One thing with Nintendo though, I've = read in=20 an interview where a Nintendo executive was quoted saying that every = year for=20 the past decade of so, people have said Nintendo was in trouble, = whether it=20 was a backlash against its success and predictions of another Atari = like crash=20 in the late 80s, to the false predictions about how Sega was going to = replace=20 Nintendo.   And those predictions were proved to be=20 unfounded.    I think that's the everyday person's take = on=20 things.  They see a couple of news clippings, maybe see a sales = report=20 and make wild predictions.    The way Nintendo is = managed,=20 there's very little chance the company is going to get into any = serious=20 financial trouble anytime soon.  Seeing how frugal the company = was at=20 E3,  tells me something.  They don't spend when they don't = have=20 to. = >>>

Yea, Nintendo is not going = anywhere...which is why=20 he said they should be glad that they have control of the handheld=20 market...else they would be like Sega.  Things look much brighter = on the=20 console market for the Gamecube though.




------=_NextPart_000_0026_01C0564C.3677D4A0-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [N64] Unbreakable Date: 24 Nov 2000 22:45:46 EST --part1_5d.3c0fa54.27508fea_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hey all. I just saw M. Night Shyamalan's "Unbreakable," and I must say I'm impressed. I'd like to think a bit more about the film, but my initial impressions are that it is a very well done film. I know it won't be as widely accepted or critically acclaimed as "The Sixth Sense," though. ~Matt "It only makes sense that every facet of our daily lives should depend upon the position of celestial bodies hundreds of millions of miles away." - Calvin and Hobbes --part1_5d.3c0fa54.27508fea_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hey all. I just saw M. Night Shyamalan's "Unbreakable," and I must say I'm
impressed. I'd like to think a bit more about the film, but my initial
impressions are that it is a very well done film. I know it won't be as
widely accepted or critically acclaimed as "The Sixth Sense," though.


"It only makes sense that every facet of our daily lives should depend upon
the position of celestial bodies hundreds of millions of miles away." -
Calvin and Hobbes
--part1_5d.3c0fa54.27508fea_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] More dough for Do-- get it? Date: 24 Nov 2000 22:51:01 EST --part1_28.d830f45.27509125_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable <I think he was simply referring to their standing as a console=20 maker.=A0 Sega is in >serious trouble because they don't have anything to=20 really fall back on except a poor >arcade market.=A0 Sony will always have i= t's=20 consumer electronics and Nintendo it's >GB. I see the point. Appreciate the=20 clarification.=A0=A0=A0 One thing with Nintendo though, I've read in an inte= rview=20 where a Nintendo executive was quoted saying that every year for the past=20 decade of so, people have said Nintendo was in trouble, whether it was a=20 backlash against its success and predictions of another Atari like crash in=20 the late 80s, to the false predictions about how Sega was going to replace=20 Nintendo.=A0=A0 And those predictions were proved to be unfounded.=A0=A0=A0=20= I think=20 that's the everyday person's take on things.=A0 They see a couple of news=20 clippings, maybe see a sales report and make wild predictions.=A0=A0=A0 The=20= way=20 Nintendo is managed, there's very little chance the company is going to get=20 into any serious financial trouble anytime soon.=A0 Seeing how frugal the=20 company was at E3,=A0 tells me something.=A0 They don't spend when they don'= t=20 have to. Dexter=20 =A0=20 =A0=20 =A0 --=20 Dexter S.=20 Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine=20 <=20 >>=A0=20 Oh come on, Dex. I think you are arguing just for the sake of being=20 difficult. I don't think ergonomics enters into it: 2 more buttons on the GB= A=20 would not be a big deal at all. You wanna talk ergonomic problems? How about= =20 those shoulder buttons? Almost drop your damn GBA if the thing is heavy=20 enough and you need the shoulder buttons. I don't see why Nintendo isn't=20 gonna put those 2 extra buttons on, I mean games like Zelda: ALTTP and Super= =20 Metroid used all the buttons. They are gonna feel derivative if they are=20 stripped of those other 2 buttons. ~Matt "The Bureau of Incomplete Statistics reports that one out of three." --part1_28.d830f45.27509125_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="ISO-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable <<Not to be argumentative but if i were to follo= w what you've just said to
its logical and literal conclusion, Jaguar's=20= Controller would be the best of
the bunch.=A0 The thing is, you have to=20= keep in mind this is a portable machine
and while I'm not saying 2 more=20= bottons won't work, I don't think not having
them warrants any kind of h= ostility as well.=A0 We all love our Super Nintendos
and the controller=20= is considered as one of the best desgined in history, but
I' wonder how=20= it will be like to use the SNES button confuguaration on a
handheld that= isn't shaped like the SNES.=A0 There might be issues of
ergonomics. >I think he was simply referring to their standing=20= as a console
maker.=A0 Sega is in >serious trouble because they don't= have anything to
really fall back on except a poor >arcade market.= =A0 Sony will always have it's
consumer electronics and Nintendo it's &g= t;GB.
I see the point. Appreciate the
clarificat= ion.=A0=A0=A0 One thing with Nintendo though, I've read in an interview
= where a Nintendo executive was quoted saying that every year for the past decade of so, people have said Nintendo was in trouble, whether it was a <= BR>backlash against its success and predictions of another Atari like crash=20= in
the late 80s, to the false predictions about how Sega was going to re= place
Nintendo.=A0=A0 And those predictions were proved to be unfounded.= =A0=A0=A0 I think
that's the everyday person's take on things.=A0 They s= ee a couple of news
clippings, maybe see a sales report and make wild pr= edictions.=A0=A0=A0 The way
Nintendo is managed, there's very little cha= nce the company is going to get
into any serious financial trouble anyti= me soon.=A0 Seeing how frugal the
company was at E3,=A0 tells me somethi= ng.=A0 They don't spend when they don't
have to.
=A0 --=20
Dexter S.=20
Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine=20

Oh come on, Dex. I think you are arguing just for the sake of being
= difficult. I don't think ergonomics enters into it: 2 more buttons on the GB= A
would not be a big deal at all. You wanna talk ergonomic problems? How= about
those shoulder buttons? Almost drop your damn GBA if the thing is= heavy
enough and you need the shoulder buttons. I don't see why Nintend= o isn't
gonna put those 2 extra buttons on, I mean games like Zelda: ALT= TP and Super
Metroid used all the buttons. They are gonna feel derivativ= e if they are
stripped of those other 2 buttons.


"The Bureau of Incomplete Statistics reports that one out of three."

--part1_28.d830f45.27509125_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] More dough for Do-- get it? Date: 24 Nov 2000 20:21:55 -0800 --------------A72408B4F96AC27642155A58 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit > > > Oh come on, Dex. I think you are arguing just for the sake of being > difficult. I don't think ergonomics enters into it: 2 more buttons on > the GBA > would not be a big deal at all. I'm not saying it does but i'm saying it's a factor. It's quite obvious GBA isn't shaped like an SNES controller ands the SNES buttom layout was designed with the controller shape in mind. It could be a factor and to discount it I think is just being ignorant. Not to insult you, but there's really no data out there and we're not ergonomic experts. You can neither rule it out or rule it in. But we do have to consider it. > You wanna talk ergonomic problems? How about > those shoulder buttons? Almost drop your damn GBA if the thing is > heavy > enough and you need the shoulder buttons. #1, reporters say its not heavy and it's no heavier than a GBC #2 most didn't complain about the shoulder buttons Those are the hands on impressions I've read thus far, so I'm not making anything up. > I don't see why Nintendo isn't > gonna put those 2 extra buttons on, I mean games like Zelda: ALTTP and > Super > Metroid used all the buttons. They are gonna feel derivative if they > are > stripped of those other 2 buttons. They probably thought about it long and hard. For me, its far more important to have the shoulder buttons than two extra buttons on the face of the GBA. You want it all, but I reserve final judgement until i finally see and hold one in my hand. I may agree with you. GBA is a console in its own right. Trying to think about all the great ports that might come over from the SNES is counter productive. Nintendo may do ports to milk its older fanbase, but with cartridges going up to 256 megabits (same size as Zelda) I think Nintendo is planning to support it with software unique to the handheld, and tailor made as portable games. And besides, Not all the SNES games are well suited for a portable. -- Dexter S. Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine Http:// --------------A72408B4F96AC27642155A58 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Oh come on, Dex. I think you are arguing just for the sake of being
difficult. I don't think ergonomics enters into it: 2 more buttons on the GBA
would not be a big deal at all.

I'm not saying it does but i'm saying it's a factor.  It's quite obvious GBA isn't shaped like an SNES controller ands the SNES buttom layout was designed with the controller shape  in mind.  It could be a factor and to discount it I think is just being ignorant.  Not to insult you, but there's really no data out there and we're not ergonomic experts.  You can neither rule it out or rule it in.  But we do have to consider it.
You wanna talk ergonomic problems? How about
those shoulder buttons? Almost drop your damn GBA if the thing is heavy
enough and you need the shoulder buttons.
#1, reporters say its not heavy and it's no heavier than a GBC
#2  most didn't complain about the shoulder buttons

Those are the hands on impressions I've read thus far, so I'm not making anything up.

I don't see why Nintendo isn't
gonna put those 2 extra buttons on, I mean games like Zelda: ALTTP and Super
Metroid used all the buttons. They are gonna feel derivative if they are
stripped of those other 2 buttons.
They probably thought about it long and hard.  For me, its far more important to have the shoulder buttons than two extra buttons on the face of the GBA.  You want it all, but I reserve final judgement until i finally see and hold one in my hand. I may agree with you.  GBA is a console in its own right.  Trying to think about all the great ports that might come over from the SNES is counter productive. Nintendo may do ports to milk its older fanbase, but with cartridges going up to 256 megabits (same size as Zelda)  I think Nintendo is planning to support it with software unique to the handheld, and tailor made as portable games.

And besides, Not all the SNES games are well suited for a portable.

Dexter S.
Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine
  --------------A72408B4F96AC27642155A58-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dave Rhodes" Subject: [N64] question (I know the answer) Date: 25 Nov 2000 00:48:32 -0500 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_000F_01C05679.6F5D7040 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Okay, does your First Quarter book tell what happened on September 13th, = 1985? ~~ Dave ~~ =20 "If there's a fire it's asleep in my bed I must leave it to burn until it burns itself out Catch as you can I'm not staying here long I'll be coming back early or never at all" - Genesis =20 AIM: Super Trey Bros ------=_NextPart_000_000F_01C05679.6F5D7040 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Okay, does your First Quarter book tell = what=20 happened on September 13th, 1985?
~~ Dave ~~
"If there's a=20 fire it's asleep in my bed
I must leave it to burn until it burns = itself=20 out
Catch as you can I'm not staying here long
I'll be coming back = early=20 or never at all" - Genesis
 AIM: = Super Trey=20 Bros
------=_NextPart_000_000F_01C05679.6F5D7040-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Thraxen Subject: Re: [N64] Unbreakable Date: 24 Nov 2000 23:48:59 -0600 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0011_01C05671.1D6315E0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable ----- Original Message -----=20 From: To: Sent: Friday, November 24, 2000 9:45 PM Subject: [N64] Unbreakable Hey all. I just saw M. Night Shyamalan's "Unbreakable," and I must say = I'm=20 impressed. I'd like to think a bit more about the film, but my initial = impressions are that it is a very well done film. I know it won't be = as=20 widely accepted or critically acclaimed as "The Sixth Sense," though.=20 ~Matt >>>> I though Unbreakable was a little goofy. It was like a movie based on = a comic that tried to pass itself off as a serious movie....just seems = strange. I enjoyed somewhat, but was a little let down. Stryder ------=_NextPart_000_0011_01C05671.1D6315E0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, November 24, 2000 = 9:45=20 PM
Subject: [N64] = Unbreakable

Hey all. I just saw M. Night Shyamalan's = "Unbreakable," and=20 I must say I'm
impressed. I'd like to think a bit more about the = film, but=20 my initial
impressions are that it is a very well done film. I = know it=20 won't be as
widely accepted or critically acclaimed as "The Sixth = Sense,"=20 though.

~Matt >>>>
I though Unbreakable was a little goofy.  It = was like a=20 movie based on a comic that tried to pass itself off as a serious=20 movie....just seems strange.  I enjoyed somewhat, but was a = little let=20 down.
------=_NextPart_000_0011_01C05671.1D6315E0-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Thraxen Subject: Re: [N64] More dough for Do-- get it? Date: 24 Nov 2000 23:58:02 -0600 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_001E_01C05672.610127A0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable I'm not saying it does but i'm saying it's a factor. It's quite = obvious GBA isn't shaped like an SNES controller ands the SNES buttom = layout was designed with the controller shape in mind. It could be a = factor and to discount it I think is just being ignorant. Not to insult = you, but there's really no data out there and we're not ergonomic = experts. You can neither rule it out or rule it in. But we do have to = consider it. >> Seriously Dex...there are tons of controllers out there of every shape = and size. I don't think anybody is going to find the GBA ackward to = hold. I don't buy the ergonomics excuse at all. They probably thought about it long and hard. For me, its far more = important to have the shoulder buttons than two extra buttons on the = face of the GBA. >>> I like the buttons on the shoulder...everyone has those these days, = but they also have a lot of face buttons. It should have been made with = both. More buttons (within reason, of course) will always make games = easier to control. Hell, people griped about the DC controllers only = having 4 face buttons...the GBA should have had at least 4. =20 You want it all, but I reserve final judgement until i finally see and = hold one in my hand. I may agree with you. GBA is a console in its own = right. Trying to think about all the great ports that might come over = from the SNES is counter productive.>>> That is not even the main point (in general) these days = simply require more buttons to have easy to use control. With the GBA = being 32-bit, it is sure to have some fairly complicated games that = people will find they wished they had more buttons to work with...I = would bet money on that any day. Surely you can't fail to see that? Stryder ------=_NextPart_000_001E_01C05672.610127A0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
I'm not saying it does but i'm saying it's a factor.  It's = quite=20 obvious GBA isn't shaped like an SNES controller ands the SNES buttom = layout=20 was designed with the controller shape  in mind.  It could = be a=20 factor and to discount it I think is just being ignorant.  Not to = insult=20 you, but there's really no data out there and we're not ergonomic=20 experts.  You can neither rule it out or rule it in.  But we = do have=20 to consider it. >>
Seriously Dex...there are tons of = controllers out=20 there of every shape and size.  I don't think anybody is going to = find=20 the GBA ackward to hold. I don't buy the ergonomics excuse at=20 all.
They probably thought about it long and hard.  For me, its = far more=20 important to have the shoulder buttons than two extra buttons on the = face of=20 the GBA.  >>>
I like the buttons on the = shoulder...everyone has=20 those these days, but they also have a lot of face buttons.  It = should=20 have been made with both.  More buttons (within reason, of=20 course) will always make games easier to control.  Hell, = people=20 griped about the DC controllers only having 4 face buttons...the GBA = should=20 have had at least 4. 
You want it all, but I reserve final judgement until i finally = see and=20 hold one in my hand. I may agree with you.  GBA is a console in = its own=20 right.  Trying to think about all the great ports that might come = over=20 from the SNES is counter productive.>>>
That is not even the main point = (in general) these days simply require more buttons to have easy to = use=20 control.  With the GBA being 32-bit, it is sure to have some = fairly=20 complicated games that people will find they wished they had more = buttons to=20 work with...I would bet money on that any day.  Surely you can't = fail to=20 see that?
------=_NextPart_000_001E_01C05672.610127A0-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] More dough for Do-- get it? Date: 25 Nov 2000 01:35:49 EST --part1_63.e4180bf.2750b7c5_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Language: en In a message dated 11/24/2000 7:52:03 PM Pacific Standard Time,=20 writes: > Oh come on, Dex. I think you are arguing just for the sake of being=20 > difficult. I don't think ergonomics enters into it: 2 more buttons on the=20 > GBA=20 > would not be a big deal at all. You wanna talk ergonomic problems? How=20 > about=20 > those shoulder buttons? Almost drop your damn GBA if the thing is heavy=20 > enough and you need the shoulder buttons. I don't see why Nintendo isn't=20 > gonna put those 2 extra buttons on, I mean games like Zelda: ALTTP and=20 > Super=20 > Metroid used all the buttons. They are gonna feel derivative if they are=20 > stripped of those other 2 buttons.=20 >=20 >=20 > ~Matt=20 I have to agree with Matt on this one. My initial reaction to the GBA was=20 that it was a disappointment. The very thought of a "portable" Zelda 3 or=20 Metroid 3 was enough to convince me that this would be the greatest handheld= =20 device ever made. Then: two buttons?! What were they thinking? I mean, is= =20 this some sort of reversal roles for Nintendo? They made a competitive and=20 well marketed handheld (GBC) and a problem plagued console (N64), and now=20 they might be doing a total flip-flop of that stance. I mean, not that GBA=20 will be bad. More than likely, it'll be a very good system. But how=20 Nintendo plans to port those SNES classics to it at this point (if they do=20 plan to), is completely beyond me. -Eric- You keep on walking, where will you go? Walk again, in the company of the wind March with confidence until you get to where you=E2=80=99re going Until you finally grab that dream. =E2=80=9CKaze to Issho ni=E2=80=9D My=C3=BBts=C3=BB no Gyakush=C3=BB --part1_63.e4180bf.2750b7c5_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Language: en In a message dated 11/24/2000 7:52:03 PM Pacific Stand= ard Time, writes:

Oh come on, Dex. I think yo= u are arguing just for the sake of being=20
difficult. I don't think ergonomics enters into it: 2 more buttons on th= e
would not be a big deal at all. You wanna talk ergonomic problems? How <= BR>about=20
those shoulder buttons? Almost drop your damn GBA if the thing is heavy=20
enough and you need the shoulder buttons. I don't see why Nintendo isn't= =20
gonna put those 2 extra buttons on, I mean games like Zelda: ALTTP and <= BR>Super=20
Metroid used all the buttons. They are gonna feel derivative if they are= =20
stripped of those other 2 buttons.


I have to agree with Matt on this one.  My initial reaction to the=20= GBA was
that it was a disappointment.  The very thought of a "porta= ble" Zelda 3 or
Metroid 3 was enough to convince me that this would be t= he greatest handheld
device ever made.  Then: two buttons?!  W= hat were they thinking?  I mean, is
this some sort of reversal role= s for Nintendo?  They made a competitive and
well marketed handheld= (GBC) and a problem plagued console (N64), and now
they might be doing=20= a total flip-flop of that stance.  I mean, not that GBA
will be bad= .  More than likely, it'll be a very good system.  But how
Nin= tendo plans to port those SNES classics to it at this point (if they do
= plan to), is completely beyond me.

You keep on walking, where will you go?
Walk again, in the company of the wind
March with confidence until you get to where you=E2=80=99re going
Until you finally grab that dream.

=E2=80=9CKaze to Issho ni=E2=80=9D  My=C3=BBts=C3=BB no Gyakush=C3= =BB
--part1_63.e4180bf.2750b7c5_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] More dough for Do-- get it? Date: 25 Nov 2000 01:40:10 EST --part1_81.3563abe.2750b8ca_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable In a message dated 11/24/2000 8:08:26 PM Pacific Standard Time,=20 writes: > GBA is a console in its own right. Trying to think about all the great=20 > ports that might come over from the SNES is counter productive. Nintendo=20 > may do ports to milk its older fanbase, but with cartridges going up to 25= 6=20 > megabits (same size as Zelda) I think Nintendo is planning to support it=20 >=20 I guess this is a good point as well. We need to move on. It's just that=20 with Nintendo making ports of their old NES games to GBC, one would guess=20 that GBA would get ports of SNES games. I'd like to see that, but seeing a=20 32-bit Pok=E9mon game would be even better. :) It still kinda stinks, IMO,=20 about only 2 buttons. -Eric- The moon is like an authority, with its circular pattern How round, so round... No matter what happens in the world, the night goes on "Nyarth no Uta" Pocket Monsters --part1_81.3563abe.2750b8ca_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="ISO-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable In a message dated 11/24/2000 8:08:26 PM Pacific Stand= ard Time, writes:

GBA is a console in its own= right.  Trying to think about all the great
ports that might come=20= over from the SNES is counter productive. Nintendo
may do ports to milk=20= its older fanbase, but with cartridges going up to 256
megabits (same si= ze as Zelda)  I think Nintendo is planning to support it
with softw= are unique to the handheld, and tailor made as portable games.

I guess this is a good point as well.  We need to move on.  It= 's just that
with Nintendo making ports of their old NES games to GBC, o= ne would guess
that GBA would get ports of SNES games.  I'd like to= see that, but seeing a
32-bit Pok=E9mon game would be even better. :) &= nbsp;It still kinda stinks, IMO,
about only 2 buttons.

The moon is like an authority, with its circular pattern
How round, so round...
No matter what happens in the world, the night goes on

"Nyarth no Uta"  Pocket Monsters
--part1_81.3563abe.2750b8ca_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Unbreakable Date: 24 Nov 2000 23:06:48 -0800 --------------BACED20A01A7C760F92302F8 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Reviews for it have been mixed. Thraxen wrote: > > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: > To: > Sent: Friday, November 24, 2000 9:45 PM > Subject: [N64] Unbreakable > Hey all. I just saw M. Night Shyamalan's "Unbreakable," and > I must say I'm > impressed. I'd like to think a bit more about the film, but > my initial > impressions are that it is a very well done film. I know it > won't be as > widely accepted or critically acclaimed as "The Sixth > Sense," though. > > ~Matt >>>> > > I though Unbreakable was a little goofy. It was like a > movie based on a comic that tried to pass itself off as a > serious movie....just seems strange. I enjoyed somewhat, > but was a little let down. Stryder > -- Dexter S. Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine Http:// --------------BACED20A01A7C760F92302F8 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Reviews for it have been mixed.

Thraxen wrote:

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, November 24, 2000 9:45 PM
Subject: [N64] Unbreakable
 Hey all. I just saw M. Night Shyamalan's "Unbreakable," and I must say I'm
impressed. I'd like to think a bit more about the film, but my initial
impressions are that it is a very well done film. I know it won't be as
widely accepted or critically acclaimed as "The Sixth Sense," though.

~Matt >>>>

  I though Unbreakable was a little goofy.  It was like a movie based on a comic that tried to pass itself off as a serious movie....just seems strange.  I enjoyed somewhat, but was a little let down. Stryder

Dexter S.
Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine
  --------------BACED20A01A7C760F92302F8-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] More dough for Do-- get it? Date: 24 Nov 2000 23:09:52 -0800 --------------E006FC6B5F9C1547209D2178 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit > > > I guess this is a good point as well. We need to move on. It's just > that > with Nintendo making ports of their old NES games to GBC, one would > guess > that GBA would get ports of SNES games. I'd like to see that, but > seeing a > 32-bit Pokmon game would be even better. :) It still kinda stinks, > IMO, > about only 2 buttons. > -Eric- Actually, Nintendo only ported Super Mario Brothers to the GBC. A few third parties have brough over former NES games but they're not all that important. A re-release of the original Zelda was rumoured for a long time, but Nintendo never released it. So, I think all these fantasies about playing SNES games on the GBA are just that, fantasies. If you want to play 16-bit games on a handheld, go get a nomad. That did Sega a lot of good. -- Dexter S. Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine Http:// --------------E006FC6B5F9C1547209D2178 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit


I guess this is a good point as well.  We need to move on.  It's just that
with Nintendo making ports of their old NES games to GBC, one would guess
that GBA would get ports of SNES games.  I'd like to see that, but seeing a
32-bit Pokémon game would be even better. :)  It still kinda stinks, IMO,
about only 2 buttons.

Actually, Nintendo only ported Super Mario Brothers  to the GBC.  A few third parties have brough over former NES games but they're not all that important.  A re-release of the original Zelda was rumoured for a long time, but Nintendo never released it.

So, I think all these fantasies about playing SNES games on the GBA are just that, fantasies.  If you want to play 16-bit games on a handheld, go get a nomad. That did Sega a lot of good.

Dexter S.
Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine
  --------------E006FC6B5F9C1547209D2178-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] More dough for Do-- get it? Date: 24 Nov 2000 23:14:52 -0800 --------------2C14689C11E9D55327F7A0A4 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit > > > I guess this is a good point as well. We need to move on. It's just > that > with Nintendo making ports of their old NES games to GBC, one would > guess > that GBA would get ports of SNES games. I'd like to see that, but > seeing a > 32-bit Pokmon game would be even better. :) It still kinda stinks, > IMO, > about only 2 buttons. > -Eric- At least it support 4 player play :) Unlike that other high profile sequel to that other console :-P -- Dexter S. Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine Http:// --------------2C14689C11E9D55327F7A0A4 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit


I guess this is a good point as well.  We need to move on.  It's just that
with Nintendo making ports of their old NES games to GBC, one would guess
that GBA would get ports of SNES games.  I'd like to see that, but seeing a
32-bit Pokémon game would be even better. :)  It still kinda stinks, IMO,
about only 2 buttons.

At least it support 4 player play :) Unlike that other high profile sequel to that other console :-P

Dexter S.
Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine
  --------------2C14689C11E9D55327F7A0A4-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Thraxen Subject: Re: [N64] More dough for Do-- get it? Date: 25 Nov 2000 01:06:30 -0600 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0038_01C0567B.F19F77E0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable At least it support 4 player play :) Unlike that other high profile = sequel to that other console :-P >>> -Dexter S.=20 Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine=20 Http:// >>> See, it is the same sort of thing. Sony went with 2 controllers ports = whichmade zero sense. The same is true with 2 buttons on the = sense. The only problem is that 2 controller ports can be fixed with a = multi-tap and people who truly have that many people over often and = desire to play 3 or more players can just buy simply can't fix = 2 face buttons... Stryder =20 ------=_NextPart_000_0038_01C0567B.F19F77E0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

At least it support 4 player play :) Unlike that other high = profile=20 sequel to that other console :-P >>>
  -Dexter S. =
Tendo=20 Box - Nintendo e-zine
Http:// >>>
See, it is the same sort of = thing.  Sony=20 went with 2 controllers ports whichmade zero sense.  The same is = true=20 with 2 buttons on the sense.  The only problem is that 2 = controller ports can be fixed with a multi-tap and people who truly = have that=20 many people over often and desire to play 3 or more players can just = buy=20 simply can't fix 2 face buttons...

------=_NextPart_000_0038_01C0567B.F19F77E0-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] More dough for Do-- get it? Date: 25 Nov 2000 02:07:05 EST --part1_2b.da06d3c.2750bf19_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Language: en In a message dated 11/24/2000 10:57:45 PM Pacific Standard Time,=20 writes: > Actually, Nintendo only ported Super Mario Brothers to the GBC. A few=20 > third parties have brough over former NES games but they're not all that=20 > important. A re-release of the original Zelda was rumoured for a long=20 >=20 I guess so, but I think Stryder makes the better argument in this case. All= =20 systems are using more face buttons, so to not include them is still rather=20 puzzling. I think it could be a spectacular system, but, as of now, I'm kin= d=20 of skeptical about it. -Eric- =E2=80=9CNanda kanda to kikare tara Kotaete ageru ga yo no nasake Sekai no hakai o fusegu tame Sekai no heiwa o mamoru tame Ai to shinjitu no aku o turanuku Lovely charmy na kataki yaku Musashi! Kojiro! Ginga o kakeru Rocket dan no futari niwa White hole, shiroi ashita ga matteruze Nya-nte na!=E2=80=9D --part1_2b.da06d3c.2750bf19_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Language: en In a message dated 11/24/2000 10:57:45 PM Pacific Stan= dard Time, writes:

Actually, Nintendo only por= ted Super Mario Brothers  to the GBC.  A few
third parties hav= e brough over former NES games but they're not all that
important.  = ;A re-release of the original Zelda was rumoured for a long
time, but Ni= ntendo never released it.

I guess so, but I think Stryder makes the better argument in this case.=20=  All
systems are using more face buttons, so to not include them is= still rather
puzzling.  I think it could be a spectacular system,=20= but, as of now, I'm kind
of skeptical about it.

=E2=80=9CNanda kanda to kikare tara
Kotaete ageru ga yo no nasake
Sekai no hakai o fusegu tame
Sekai no heiwa o mamoru tame
Ai to shinjitu no aku o turanuku
Lovely charmy na kataki yaku
Ginga o kakeru Rocket dan no futari niwa
White hole, shiroi ashita ga matteruze
Nya-nte na!=E2=80=9D

Rocket Dan- Pocket Monsters
l --part1_2b.da06d3c.2750bf19_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] More dough for Do-- get it? Date: 24 Nov 2000 23:31:47 -0800 --------------2E921C2BBE6053CCCC6EAFDE Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit > > > See, it is the same sort of thing. Sony went with 2 > controllers ports whichmade zero sense. The same is true > with 2 buttons on the sense. The only problem is > that 2 controller ports can be fixed with a multi-tap and > people who truly have that many people over often and desire > to play 3 or more players can just buy simply > can't fix 2 face buttons... > > #1. Multi-tap is not fixing the problem at all. You might as well sell to a blank market. It's not going to fly and publishers will continue to sell to the lowest common denominator #2. I've said time and again I reserve my judgement on this issue because you have to see the kind of games for the GBA and how they play. Sitting at home and thinking about why the GBA didn't have 2 extra buttons but had 2 shoulder buttons is really pointless. The parallel with PlayStation 2's dilema is superficial, because they are completely different paradigms. Nintendo actually puts a lot of thought into controller design, and they probably have good reason to keep it 2 face buttons plus 2 shoulder buttons. I can think of one reason now. To keep games simple enough for a portable machine. The shoulder buttons had to be included because its a natural evolution to controller design, more buttons however, isn't and I honestly don't see the GBA will suffer at all without those 2 buttons. Granted it's not desinged to play Doom, which the GBA wasn't expected to run anyways. -- Dexter S. Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine Http:// --------------2E921C2BBE6053CCCC6EAFDE Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
See, it is the same sort of thing.  Sony went with 2 controllers ports whichmade zero sense.  The same is true with 2 buttons on the sense.  The only problem is that 2 controller ports can be fixed with a multi-tap and people who truly have that many people over often and desire to play 3 or more players can just buy simply can't fix 2 face buttons...

#1.  Multi-tap is not fixing the problem at all. You might as well sell to a blank market.  It's not going to fly and publishers will continue to sell to the lowest common denominator

#2.   I've said time and again I reserve my judgement on this issue because you have to see the kind of games for the GBA and how they play.  Sitting at home and thinking about why the GBA didn't have 2 extra buttons but had 2 shoulder buttons is really pointless.   The parallel with PlayStation 2's dilema is superficial, because they are completely different paradigms.

Nintendo actually puts a lot of thought into controller design, and they probably have good reason to keep it 2 face buttons plus 2 shoulder buttons.  I can think of one reason now.  To keep games simple enough for a portable machine.  The shoulder buttons had to be included because its a natural evolution to controller design, more buttons however, isn't and I honestly don't see the GBA will suffer at all without those 2 buttons.   Granted it's not desinged to play Doom, which the GBA wasn't expected to run anyways.
Dexter S.
Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine
  --------------2E921C2BBE6053CCCC6EAFDE-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] More dough for Do-- get it? Date: 24 Nov 2000 23:35:18 -0800 --------------F5BC73CEFEB7276D5327CA34 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit > I guess so, but I think Stryder makes the better argument in this > case. All > systems are using more face buttons, so to not include them is still > rather > puzzling. I think it could be a spectacular system, but, as of now, > I'm kind > of skeptical about it. > -Eric- You may well be right about more buttons. But I remain skeptical of the negativity towars the 2 button + 2 shoulder button configuration for reasons I've already stated. I'd be more outraged if they had a diamond 4 botton configuration and no shoulder buttons because shoulder buttons lets you do some nifty things. adding 2 more buttons on the face is marginal, and most games only use 3, and if you go back to your old snes games, you'll notice most games only use the A and B buttons, plus L and R. X and Y just duplicate the functions of A and B. -- Dexter S. Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine Http:// --------------F5BC73CEFEB7276D5327CA34 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

I guess so, but I think Stryder makes the better argument in this case.  All
systems are using more face buttons, so to not include them is still rather
puzzling.  I think it could be a spectacular system, but, as of now, I'm kind
of skeptical about it.
You may well be right about more buttons.  But I remain skeptical of the negativity towars the 2 button + 2 shoulder button configuration for reasons I've already stated.  I'd be more outraged if they had a diamond 4 botton configuration and no shoulder buttons because shoulder buttons lets you do some nifty things.  adding 2 more buttons on the face is marginal, and most games only use 3, and if you go back to your old snes games, you'll notice most games only use  the A and B buttons, plus L and R.   X and Y just duplicate the functions of A and B.

Dexter S.
Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine
  --------------F5BC73CEFEB7276D5327CA34-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Thraxen Subject: Re: [N64] More dough for Do-- get it? Date: 25 Nov 2000 01:54:10 -0600 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0050_01C05682.9AB0F740 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable <<#1. Multi-tap is not fixing the problem at all. You might as well = sell to a blank market. It's not going to fly and publishers will = continue to sell to the lowest common denominator >> Don't be foolish...I see your point, but to say it does not fix the = problem at all is a stretch....mine seems to work just fine. Ha! <<#2. I've said time and again I reserve my judgement on this issue = because you have to see the kind of games for the GBA and how they play. = Sitting at home and thinking about why the GBA didn't have 2 extra = buttons but had 2 shoulder buttons is really pointless. The parallel = with PlayStation 2's dilema is superficial, because they are completely = different paradigms. >>> Well, you brought it up... <>> I still say the two shoulders plus two more face are = better...obviously better. Fighters, for example, are far better with = more face buttons. << I can think of one reason now. To keep games simple enough for a = portable machine. >>> That makes little sense. Why does a game need to be simpler simply = because it is portable?? Explain that further. Again I will use = fighters...they are fairly simple games as far as the concept goes...but = they play better if you have more buttons available. <<< The shoulder buttons had to be included because its a natural = evolution to controller design, more buttons however, isn't and I = honestly don't see the GBA will suffer at all without those 2 buttons. = Granted it's not desinged to play Doom, which the GBA wasn't expected to = run anyways. >>> What? Natural evolution of controller design? I think the natural = evolution of controller design has already shown that more face buttons = are better. Why do you think that after the DC was launched that = controllers suddenly appeared that had six face buttons with two of them = mimicing the shoulder buttons? Well, I'll tell you...because that is = where many people prefer them to be...and the DC already had 4 on the = face. BTW, should buttons ARE more buttons (in reference to shoulder = buttons being a natural evolution and more buttons not). Stryder ------=_NextPart_000_0050_01C05682.9AB0F740 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

<<#1.  Multi-tap is not fixing the problem at all. You = might as=20 well sell to a blank market.  It's not going to fly and publishers = will=20 continue to sell to the lowest common denominator >>
Don't be foolish...I see your point, = but to say it=20 does not fix the problem at all is a stretch....mine seems to work just=20 fine.  Ha!
<<#2.   I've said time and again I reserve my = judgement on=20 this issue because you have to see the kind of games for the GBA and how = they=20 play.  Sitting at home and thinking about why the GBA didn't have 2 = extra=20 buttons but had 2 shoulder buttons is really pointless.   The = parallel=20 with PlayStation 2's dilema is superficial, because they are completely=20 different paradigms. >>>
Well, you brought it up...

<<Nintendo actually puts a lot of thought into controller = design, and=20 they probably have good reason to keep it 2 face buttons plus 2 = shoulder=20 buttons. >>>

I still say the two shoulders plus two = more face=20 are better...obviously better.  Fighters, for example, are far = better=20 with more face buttons.

<< I can think of one reason now.  To keep games = simple=20 enough for a portable machine. >>>

That makes little sense.  Why does a game need to be simpler = simply=20 because it is portable??  Explain that further.  Again I = will use=20 fighters...they are fairly simple games as far as the concept = goes...but they=20 play better if you have more buttons available.

<<< The shoulder buttons had to be included because = its a=20 natural evolution to controller design, more buttons however, isn't = and I=20 honestly don't see the GBA will suffer at all without those 2=20 buttons.   Granted it's not desinged to play Doom, which the = GBA=20 wasn't expected to run anyways. >>>

What?  Natural evolution of = controller=20 design?  I think the natural evolution of controller design has = already=20 shown that more face buttons are better.  Why do you think = that=20 after the DC was launched that controllers suddenly appeared that had = six face=20 buttons with two of them mimicing the shoulder buttons?  = Well, I'll=20 tell you...because that is where many people prefer them to be...and = the DC=20 already had 4 on the face.   BTW, should buttons ARE more = buttons=20 (in reference to shoulder buttons being a natural evolution and more = buttons=20 not).



------=_NextPart_000_0050_01C05682.9AB0F740-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] More dough for Do-- get it? Date: 25 Nov 2000 01:33:31 -0800 --------------0A227CA7730E305A2198108C Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Thraxen wrote: >Don't be foolish...I see your point, but to say it does not fix the problem at all is >stretch....mine seems to work just fine. Ha! Good for you. Doesn't matter, as you've acknowledge my pont. >Well, you brought it up... Yes, complete with smiling faces. Take a hint. Maybe I was trying to make a playful remark. You take any negativity against ps2 always, as an attack. I don't think you can ever claim to be neutral, after that last discussion and this one. >I still say the two shoulders plus two more face are better...obviously better. >Fighters, for example, are far better with more face buttons. That's not a bad point. Except I don't think Nintendo is tailoring GBA to fighters. I reserve my judgement, and in fact, I think we'll gain some more insight as to why they went with 2 buttons + 2 shoulder buttons once the console reaches market. >That makes little sense. Why does a game need to be simpler simply because it >is portable?? Explain that further. Again I will use fighters...they are fairly simple >games as far as the concept goes...but they play better if you have more buttons >available. Are you intentionally being naive or do you have no clue? I'm not sure why you think you're qualified to partake in this discussion if you haven't the slightest clue of portable games should be made simple. Let me ask you this question. Why are arcade games for the most part less complicated and less time consuming than home games. >What? Natural evolution of controller design? I think the natural evolution of >controller design has already shown that more face buttons are better. Why do you >think that after the DC was launched that controllers suddenly appeared that had six >face buttons with two of them mimicing the shoulder buttons? Well, I'll tell >you...because that is where many people prefer them to be...and the DC already had >4 on the face. That's your opinion, but the DC controller isn't winning prizes and you seem to have conviniently forgotten Sony did not upgrade its controller confugration at all, and the GameCube controller isn't throwing around any more buttons. For a portable console to feature shoulder buttons is a marked improvement yes, as it was an evolution for home gaming when Nintendo introduced them. Gameplay wise, it's far more important than adding more buttons on the face. > BTW, should buttons ARE more buttons (in reference to shoulder >buttons being a >natural evolution and more buttons not). That's right. So why are you whining? There are more buttons. :) -- Dexter S. Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine Http:// --------------0A227CA7730E305A2198108C Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit  

Thraxen wrote:

>Don't be foolish...I see your point, but to say it does not fix the problem at all is >stretch....mine seems to work just fine.  Ha!

Good for you.  Doesn't matter, as you've acknowledge my pont.

>Well, you brought it up...

Yes, complete with smiling faces. Take a hint. Maybe  I was trying to make a playful remark.  You take any negativity against ps2 always, as an attack.  I don't think you can ever claim to be neutral, after that last discussion and this one.

>I still say the two shoulders plus two more face are better...obviously better.  >Fighters, for example, are far better with more face buttons.

That's not a bad point.   Except I don't think Nintendo is tailoring GBA to fighters.
I reserve my judgement, and in fact, I think we'll gain some more insight as to why they went with 2 buttons + 2 shoulder buttons once the console reaches market.

>That makes little sense.  Why does a game need to be simpler simply because it >is portable??  Explain that further.  Again I will use fighters...they are fairly simple >games as far as the concept goes...but they play better if you have more buttons >available.

Are you intentionally being naive or do you have no clue?  I'm not sure why you think you're qualified to partake in this discussion if you haven't the slightest clue of portable games should be made simple.  Let me ask you this question.  Why are arcade games for the most part less complicated and  less time consuming  than home games.

>What?  Natural evolution of controller design?  I think the natural evolution of >controller design has already shown that more face buttons are better.  Why do you >think that after the DC was launched that controllers suddenly appeared that had six >face buttons with two of them mimicing the shoulder buttons?  Well, I'll tell >you...because that is where many people prefer them to be...and the DC already had >4 on the face.

That's your opinion, but the DC controller isn't winning prizes and you seem to have conviniently forgotten Sony did not upgrade its controller confugration at all, and the GameCube controller isn't throwing around any more buttons.

For a portable console to feature shoulder buttons is a marked improvement yes, as it was an evolution for home gaming when Nintendo introduced them.  Gameplay wise, it's far more important than adding more buttons on the face.

>  BTW, should buttons ARE more buttons (in reference to shoulder >buttons being a >natural evolution and more buttons not).

That's right.  So why are you whining?  There are more buttons.  :)

Dexter S.
Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine
  --------------0A227CA7730E305A2198108C-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dave Rhodes" Subject: Re: [N64] GBA Date: 25 Nov 2000 07:58:00 -0500 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0024_01C056B5.6E7F9C20 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable As long as the Game Boy Advance has a kickass brand new Super Mario = Bros. title as a launch game (pack in please) I'll get it now matter how = many buttons it has. ~~ Dave ~~ =20 "If there's a fire it's asleep in my bed I must leave it to burn until it burns itself out Catch as you can I'm not staying here long I'll be coming back early or never at all" - Genesis =20 AIM: Super Trey Bros ------=_NextPart_000_0024_01C056B5.6E7F9C20 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

As long as the Game Boy Advance has a = kickass brand=20 new Super Mario Bros. title as a launch game (pack in please) I'll get = it now=20 matter how many buttons it has.
~~ Dave ~~
"If there's a=20 fire it's asleep in my bed
I must leave it to burn until it burns = itself=20 out
Catch as you can I'm not staying here long
I'll be coming back = early=20 or never at all" - Genesis
 AIM: = Super Trey=20 Bros
------=_NextPart_000_0024_01C056B5.6E7F9C20-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] More dough for Do-- get it? Date: 25 Nov 2000 12:14:09 EST --part1_e2.ce50ede.27514d61_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 11/24/2000 11:22:21 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes: > and if you go back to your old SNES games, you'll notice most games only use > the A and B buttons, plus L and R. X and Y just duplicate the functions > of A and B. > Actually, Y and B were most frequently used. SMW: Y= run, B= jump. Star Fox: Y= fire. The only oddball I can think of is Super Metroid in which A= jump and X= fire. Still, Y and B were dominant. -Eric- The moon is like an authority, with its circular pattern How round, so round... No matter what happens in the world, the night goes on "Nyarth no Uta" Pocket Monsters --part1_e2.ce50ede.27514d61_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 11/24/2000 11:22:21 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

and if you go back to your old SNES games, you'll notice most games only use
the A and B buttons, plus L and R.   X and Y just duplicate the functions
of A and B.

Actually, Y and B were most frequently used.  SMW: Y= run, B= jump.  Star
Fox: Y= fire.  The only oddball I can think of is Super Metroid in which A=
jump and X= fire.  Still, Y and B were dominant.

The moon is like an authority, with its circular pattern
How round, so round...
No matter what happens in the world, the night goes on

"Nyarth no Uta"  Pocket Monsters
--part1_e2.ce50ede.27514d61_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] GBA Date: 25 Nov 2000 12:23:40 EST --part1_51.3f335d3.27514f9c_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Language: en In a message dated 11/25/2000 4:58:25 AM Pacific Standard Time,=20 writes: > As long as the Game Boy Advance has a kickass brand new Super Mario Bros.=20 > title as a launch game (pack in please) I'll get it now matter how many=20 > buttons it has. > =20 > ~~ Dave ~~ >=20 And as long as they have a new Pok=C3=A9mon game in the works, we all know w= ho's=20 getting one of those. ;) -Eric- =E2=80=9CNanda kanda to kikare tara Kotaete ageru ga yo no nasake Sekai no hakai o fusegu tame Sekai no heiwa o mamoru tame Ai to shinjitu no aku o turanuku Lovely charmy na kataki yaku Musashi! Kojiro! Ginga o kakeru Rocket dan no futari niwa White hole, shiroi ashita ga matteruze Nya-nte na!=E2=80=9D --part1_51.3f335d3.27514f9c_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Language: en In a message dated 11/25/2000 4:58:25 AM Pacific Stand= ard Time, writes:

As long as the Game Boy Adv= ance has a kickass brand new Super Mario Bros.
title as a launch game (p= ack in please) I'll get it now matter how many
buttons it has.

~~ Dave ~~

And as long as they have a new Pok=C3=A9mon game in the works, we all kn= ow who's
getting one of those. ;)

=E2=80=9CNanda kanda to kikare tara
Kotaete ageru ga yo no nasake
Sekai no hakai o fusegu tame
Sekai no heiwa o mamoru tame
Ai to shinjitu no aku o turanuku
Lovely charmy na kataki yaku
Ginga o kakeru Rocket dan no futari niwa
White hole, shiroi ashita ga matteruze
Nya-nte na!=E2=80=9D

Rocket Dan- Pocket Monsters
a --part1_51.3f335d3.27514f9c_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] More dough for Do-- get it? Date: 25 Nov 2000 13:30:05 EST --part1_ad.3681be3.27515f2d_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable < >>=A0=20 No, in Earthworm Jim, X turns on some old lady's porch light in Russia. HOW=20 WRONG WE ARE, EH DEX!?!?!" ~Matt "It only makes sense that every facet of our daily lives should depend upon=20 the position of celestial bodies hundreds of millions of miles away." -=20 Calvin and Hobbes --part1_ad.3681be3.27515f2d_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="ISO-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable <<You may well be right about more buttons.=A0 B= ut I remain skeptical of the
negativity towars the 2 button + 2 shoulder= button configuration for reasons
I've already stated.=A0 I'd be more ou= traged if they had a diamond 4 botton
configuration and no shoulder butt= ons because shoulder buttons lets you do
some nifty things.=A0 adding 2=20= more buttons on the face is marginal, and most
games only use 3, and if=20= you go back to your old snes games, you'll notice
most games only use= =A0 the A and B buttons, plus L and R.=A0=A0 X and Y just
duplicate the=20= functions of A and B.=20
=A0 --=20
Dexter S.=20
Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine=20 >&g= t;=A0=20

No, in Earthworm Jim, X turns on some old lady's porch light in Russia.=20= HOW


"It only makes sense that every facet of our daily lives should depend u= pon
the position of celestial bodies hundreds of millions of miles away.= " -
Calvin and Hobbes
--part1_ad.3681be3.27515f2d_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] More dough for Do-- get it? Date: 25 Nov 2000 13:32:49 EST --part1_c8.d5a74e3.27515fd1_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit <> Score one more point for Dex on Next Gen's "Are You A Hardcore Gamer?" quiz. ~Matt "A majority only means that all the fools are on the same side." --part1_c8.d5a74e3.27515fd1_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit <<The parallel with PlayStation 2's dilema is superficial, because they are
completely different paradigms. >>

Score one more point for Dex on Next Gen's "Are You A Hardcore Gamer?" quiz.


"A majority only means that all the fools are on the same side."
--part1_c8.d5a74e3.27515fd1_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Thraxen Subject: Re: [N64] More dough for Do-- get it? Date: 25 Nov 2000 13:37:08 -0600 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0008_01C056E4.CEBD0440 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Are you intentionally being naive or do you have no clue? I'm not = sure why you think you're qualified to partake in this discussion if you = haven't the slightest clue of portable games should be made simple. Let = me ask you this question. Why are arcade games for the most part less = complicated and less time consuming than home games. >>> Naive? Please Dex...sad. I love how I ask you to explainfurther and = you respond with a question....haha, talk about avoiding the issue. As = for arcade game, I do not think they are more complicated at all...we = see arcade ports all the time. They may be more complicated from a = mechanical stand point (i.e. moving chairs and such), but the games = themselves are usually simple. But, they are time comsuming....and the = reason for that is so they can take your money. still have = not explained why a portable game should be simple....try again. =20 >What? Natural evolution of controller design? I think the natural = evolution of >controller design has already shown that more face buttons = are better. Why do you >think that after the DC was launched that = controllers suddenly appeared that had six >face buttons with two of = them mimicing the shoulder buttons? Well, I'll tell >you...because that = is where many people prefer them to be...and the DC already had >4 on = the face.=20 That's your opinion, but the DC controller isn't winning prizes and = you seem to have conviniently forgotten Sony did not upgrade its = controller confugration at all, and the GameCube controller isn't = throwing around any more buttons. >>> Dex...think please. We are not talk ergonomic design here...the DC = controller has been ridiculed for not having anough room for your = fingers on the side grips. It's hilarious how you mention other console = controllers and how they have not upgraded, but have obviously decided = to overlook the fact that they already have more than 2 face buttons. = That was my point all along. You're a hoot, Dex... Stryder ------=_NextPart_000_0008_01C056E4.CEBD0440 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Are you intentionally being naive or do you have no clue?  I'm = not=20 sure why you think you're qualified to partake in this discussion if = you=20 haven't the slightest clue of portable games should be made = simple.  Let=20 me ask you this question.  Why are arcade games for the most part = less=20 complicated and  less time consuming  than home games.=20 >>>

Naive?  Please Dex...sad.  I = love how I=20 ask you to explainfurther and you respond with a question....haha, = talk about=20 avoiding the issue.  As for arcade game, I do not think they are = more=20 complicated at all...we see arcade ports all the time.  They may = be more=20 complicated from a mechanical stand point (i.e. moving chairs and = such), but=20 the games themselves are usually simple.  But, they are time=20 comsuming....and the reason for that is so they can take your = money. =20 still have not explained why a portable game should be=20 simple....try again. 

>What?  Natural = evolution of=20 controller design?  I think the natural evolution of = >controller=20 design has already shown that more face buttons are better.  Why = do you=20 >think that after the DC was launched that controllers suddenly = appeared=20 that had six >face buttons with two of them mimicing the shoulder=20 buttons?  Well, I'll tell >you...because that is where many = people=20 prefer them to be...and the DC already had >4 on the=20 face.=20

That's your opinion, but the DC = controller=20 isn't winning prizes and you seem to have conviniently forgotten Sony = did not=20 upgrade its controller confugration at all, and the GameCube = controller isn't=20 throwing around any more buttons. >>>

Dex...think please.  We are not = talk ergonomic=20 design here...the DC controller has been ridiculed for not having = anough room=20 for your fingers on the side grips.  It's hilarious how you = mention other=20 console controllers and how they have not upgraded, but have obviously = decided=20 to overlook the fact that they already have more than 2 face = buttons. =20 That was my point all along.  You're a hoot, Dex...



------=_NextPart_000_0008_01C056E4.CEBD0440-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] GBA Date: 25 Nov 2000 13:26:25 -0800 --------------8B39D1FC686EE0148399F203 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Dave Rhodes wrote: > As long as the Game Boy Advance has a kickass brand new Super Mario > Bros. title as a launch game (pack in please) I'll get it now matter > how many buttons it has. As long as it has good games. I can't wait for Mario Kart Advanced -- Dexter S. Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine Http:// --------------8B39D1FC686EE0148399F203 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit  

Dave Rhodes wrote:

As long as the Game Boy Advance has a kickass brand new Super Mario Bros. title as a launch game (pack in please) I'll get it now matter how many buttons it has.

As long as it has good games.  I can't wait for Mario Kart Advanced
Dexter S.
Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine
  --------------8B39D1FC686EE0148399F203-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] More dough for Do-- get it? Date: 25 Nov 2000 13:27:58 -0800 --------------E804F60E3218CA184F9F3E5F Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit >> > > Actually, Y and B were most frequently used. SMW: Y= run, B= jump. > Star > Fox: Y= fire. The only oddball I can think of is Super Metroid in > which A= > jump and X= fire. Still, Y and B were dominant. > -Eric- > I stand corrected :( But that doesn't change my original statement that most games only use 2 buttons out of 4, and the 2 others just repeat the same functions. Most don't even use L and R or just use one or the other. -- Dexter S. Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine Http:// --------------E804F60E3218CA184F9F3E5F Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit


Actually, Y and B were most frequently used.  SMW: Y= run, B= jump.  Star
Fox: Y= fire.  The only oddball I can think of is Super Metroid in which A=
jump and X= fire.  Still, Y and B were dominant.

I stand corrected :(
But that doesn't change my original statement that most games only use 2 buttons out of 4, and the 2 others just repeat the same functions.  Most don't even use L and R or just use one or the other.

Dexter S.
Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine
  --------------E804F60E3218CA184F9F3E5F-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] More dough for Do-- get it? Date: 25 Nov 2000 13:29:57 -0800 --------------5173AECD6EE8D4E3C69125FE Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit > > No, in Earthworm Jim, X turns on some old lady's porch light in > Russia. HOW > WRONG WE ARE, EH DEX!?!?!" > > ~Matt > I hear if you press down on all four shoulder buttons on the dual shock controller and use your nose and thub to press down the X, Square, Triangle, and Circule buttons, you can shut down Moscow's power supply. -- Dexter S. Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine Http:// --------------5173AECD6EE8D4E3C69125FE Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

No, in Earthworm Jim, X turns on some old lady's porch light in Russia. HOW


I hear if you press down on all four shoulder buttons on the dual shock controller and use your nose and thub to press down the   X, Square, Triangle, and Circule buttons,  you can shut down Moscow's power supply.

Dexter S.
Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine
  --------------5173AECD6EE8D4E3C69125FE-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] More dough for Do-- get it? Date: 25 Nov 2000 13:45:32 -0800 --------------1C7FCAF960A27EB5B318E066 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit > > Naive? Please Dex...sad. I love how I ask you to > explainfurther and you respond with a question....haha, talk > about avoiding the issue. As for arcade game, I do not > think they are more complicated at all...we see arcade ports > all the time. > No. I don't think you understand the issue on a quantitative level. I feel like a teacher here. Let me give you another hint. Yes, we see arcade ports, and they're always what? Fighters, Racers, shooters. And what kind of fighters, racer and shooters are they? Do they have massive customization options like Gran Turismo? or are they closer to San Franciso Rush? Do we have Role-playing games or Platformers like Banjo-Tooie being ported from the Arcade to home, or from the home to the arcade? If not, why? Ponder on that point and you'll come to understand my point about portable games. > They may be more complicated from a mechanical stand point > (i.e. moving chairs and such), but the games themselves are > usually simple. > Not talking about mechanical standpoint. When you play portable games, you have no mechanical chairs to sit on. But you're right about arcade games usually being simple. now take that extra step. come on. why are they simple? > But, they are time comsuming....and the reason for that is > so they can take your money. still have not > explained why a portable game should be simple....try again. > Yes, they are made difficult so they eat money, but that's the arcade business model. But we're not talking about business models here, as the portable market has the same business level as the home market. But the portable market do share something in common with arcades, about the games being slightly simpler. You're almost there. > > Dex...think please. We are not talk ergonomic design > here...the DC controller has been ridiculed for not having > anough room for your fingers on the side grips. It's > hilarious how you mention other console controllers and how > they have not upgraded, but have obviously decided to > overlook the fact that they already have more than 2 face > buttons. > My point was that controller buttons for home consoles have leveled off. Any more than what we've currently seen will make them far too clunky to operate hence the evolution of controllers have stayed more or less on a level path, buttons wise. Nintendo probably decided that Game Boy Advance, being a 2-D machine and not needing all that extra buttons for camera, and realizing from their snes experience that most games use half of the 4 face buttons, that 2 face buttons with 2 shoulder buttons would do just fine. > That was my point all along. You're a hoot, Dex... > Hmmm. I think you've misterpreted what I said above. So that insult is no longer applicable. -- Dexter S. Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine Http:// --------------1C7FCAF960A27EB5B318E066 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Naive?  Please Dex...sad.  I love how I ask you to explainfurther and you respond with a question....haha, talk about avoiding the issue.  As for arcade game, I do not think they are more complicated at all...we see arcade ports all the time.
No.  I don't think you understand the issue on a quantitative level.    I feel like a teacher here.  Let me give you another hint.  Yes, we see arcade ports, and they're always what?  Fighters, Racers, shooters.    And what kind of fighters, racer and shooters are they?  Do they have massive customization options like Gran Turismo? or are they closer to San Franciso Rush?  Do we have Role-playing games or Platformers like Banjo-Tooie being ported from the Arcade to home, or from the home to the arcade?  If not, why?

 Ponder on that point and you'll come to understand  my point about portable games.

They may be more complicated from a mechanical stand point (i.e. moving chairs and such), but the games themselves are usually simple.
Not talking about mechanical standpoint.  When you play portable games, you have no mechanical chairs to sit on.  But you're right about arcade games usually being simple. now take that extra step. come on. why are they simple?
 But, they are time comsuming....and the reason for that is so they can take your money. still have not explained why a portable game should be simple....try again.
Yes, they are made difficult so they eat money, but that's the arcade business model. But we're not talking about business models here, as the portable market has the same business level as the home market.  But the portable market do share something in common with arcades, about the games being slightly simpler.  You're almost there.
Dex...think please.  We are not talk ergonomic design here...the DC controller has been ridiculed for not having anough room for your fingers on the side grips.  It's hilarious how you mention other console controllers and how they have not upgraded, but have obviously decided to overlook the fact that they already have more than 2 face buttons.
My point was that controller buttons for home consoles have leveled off.  Any more than what we've currently seen will make them far too clunky to operate hence the evolution of controllers have stayed more or less on a level path, buttons wise.    Nintendo probably decided that Game Boy Advance, being a 2-D machine and not needing all that extra buttons for camera, and realizing from their snes experience that most games use half of the 4 face buttons, that 2 face buttons with 2 shoulder buttons would do just fine.
 That was my point all along.  You're a hoot, Dex...
Hmmm.  I think you've misterpreted what I said above.  So that insult is no longer applicable.

Dexter S.
Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine
  --------------1C7FCAF960A27EB5B318E066-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Thraxen Subject: Re: [N64] More dough for Do-- get it? Date: 25 Nov 2000 15:50:55 -0600 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0046_01C056F7.7F635120 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Not talking about mechanical standpoint. When you play portable games, = you have no mechanical chairs to sit on. But you're right about arcade = games usually being simple. now take that extra step. come on. why are = they simple? >>> Again, they are simple for money reasons. They want people to be able = to just walk in, pop some quarters in and begin playing. You can't just = put complicated instructions on the side of an arcade machine. That has = no relevance to portable gaming. I see no reason why you can't have = more complicated games in the portable realm. There are a number of = current GB games that could use more buttons (i.e. Zelda)...but since = they do not, you are forced to access menus over and over to change = button functions. Besides, you can have simple games that require more = buttons (fighters again are pefect examples)....even in arcades they = often have 6 buttons. My whole point is that more buttons gives = programmers more freedom. They don't have to resort to menus or button = combinations to get the desired effect. Cosidering that 4 face buttons = is basically the minimum for any controller these days....I think it = should have been obvious to do the same with the GBA. Stryder ------=_NextPart_000_0046_01C056F7.7F635120 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Not talking about mechanical standpoint.  When you play = portable=20 games, you have no mechanical chairs to sit on.  But you're right = about=20 arcade games usually being simple. now take that extra step. come on. = why are=20 they simple? >>>
Again, they are simple for money = reasons. =20 They want people to be able to just walk in, pop some quarters in and = begin=20 playing.  You can't just put complicated instructions on the side = of an=20 arcade machine.  That has no relevance to portable gaming.  I = see no=20 reason why you can't have more complicated games in the portable = realm. =20 There are a number of current GB games that could use more buttons (i.e. = Zelda)...but since they do not, you are forced to access menus over and = over to=20 change button functions.  Besides, you can have simple games that = require=20 more buttons (fighters again are pefect examples)....even in arcades = they often=20 have 6 buttons.  My whole point is that more buttons gives = programmers more=20 freedom.  They don't have to resort to menus or button combinations = to get=20 the desired effect.  Cosidering that 4 face buttons is basically = the=20 minimum for any controller these days....I think it should have been = obvious to=20 do the same with the GBA.
------=_NextPart_000_0046_01C056F7.7F635120-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] More dough for Do-- get it? Date: 25 Nov 2000 14:15:17 -0800 --------------12FD65B2C17E38C0EF0EEAAC Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit > Again, they are simple for money reasons. They want people to be > able to just walk in, pop some quarters in and begin playing. You > can't just put complicated instructions on the side of an arcade > machine. That has no relevance to portable gaming. > > > I see no reason why you can't have more complicated games in the > portable realm. There are a number of current GB games that could use > more buttons (i.e. Zelda)...but since they do not, you are forced to > access menus over and over to change button functions. Besides, you > can have simple games that require more buttons (fighters again are > pefect examples)....even in arcades they often have 6 buttons. My > whole point is that more buttons gives programmers more freedom. They > don't have to resort to menus or button combinations to get the > desired effect. Cosidering that 4 face buttons is basically the > minimum for any controller these days....I think it should have been > obvious to do the same with the GBA. Actually it does have relevance for portable game. By its very nature, portable gaming is portable, games for portables have to be quicker, sometimes simpler, but always designed to fit the portable market. Will there be real-time strategy games for it? You bet. But it's not going to be the same kind of game as what you'd experct on a pc or a home console. That's the whole point I was making. If you continue to deny that, then you're only fooling yourself. As for controls, I reserve judgement on controllers regardless of the manufacturer until I've actually had a chance to play it. Actually, of all the major consoles, I don't think any controller has ever been bad. They were designed with mass consumers in mind and their design reflects an inclusiveness. I seriously don't think anything 2 face buttons would be any worse because there are two additionmal shoulder buttons. Games like Zelda, 2-D for GBA, will need only 2 buttons, and the shoulder buttons could be assinged for menus. -- Dexter S. Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine Http:// --------------12FD65B2C17E38C0EF0EEAAC Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
 Again, they are simple for money reasons.  They want people to be able to just walk in, pop some quarters in and begin playing.  You can't just put complicated instructions on the side of an arcade machine.  That has no relevance to portable gaming.

I see no reason why you can't have more complicated games in the portable realm.  There are a number of current GB games that could use more buttons (i.e. Zelda)...but since they do not, you are forced to access menus over and over to change button functions.  Besides, you can have simple games that require more buttons (fighters again are pefect examples)....even in arcades they often have 6 buttons.  My whole point is that more buttons gives programmers more freedom.  They don't have to resort to menus or button combinations to get the desired effect.  Cosidering that 4 face buttons is basically the minimum for any controller these days....I think it should have been obvious to do the same with the GBA.

Actually it does have relevance for portable game.  By its very nature, portable gaming is portable, games for portables have to be quicker, sometimes simpler, but always designed to fit the portable market.    Will there be real-time strategy games for it? You bet.  But it's not going to be the same kind of game as what you'd experct on a pc or a home console.     That's the whole point I was making.  If you continue to deny that, then  you're only fooling yourself.

 As for controls, I reserve judgement on controllers regardless of the manufacturer until I've actually had a chance to play it.  Actually, of all the major consoles, I don't think any controller has ever been bad.  They were designed with mass consumers in mind and their design reflects an inclusiveness.  I seriously don't think anything 2 face buttons would be any worse because there are two additionmal shoulder buttons.  Games like Zelda, 2-D for GBA, will need only 2 buttons, and the shoulder buttons could be assinged for menus.

Dexter S.
Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine
  --------------12FD65B2C17E38C0EF0EEAAC-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [N64] GBA Date: 25 Nov 2000 17:21:21 EST So with all this GBA stuff, what games do you wanna see on machine? Other than Super Maetroid, I don't think I can think of a game that uses ALL the face buttons and the shoulder buttons. I know that if and when we see a new Zelda game on GBA, that they keep the R buttons for your shield. I am SO used to that that I press R to shield or block on almost every game. With R as shield, the A and B buttons would be left for items, like your sword and another selectable item. Oh well, I cannot wait to see some truely beautiful GBA games. ~Matt "I like toast." [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: D Fentie Subject: [N64] Cheap games Date: 25 Nov 2000 17:16:51 -0600 Hey, anyone know where I can get Ogre Battle 64 for a decent price? Or if you're not sure, where's some really good places to go (online and not) I know we already had a brief discussion about this a while back but I've deleted all my posts. Anyone care to summarize? Thanks in advance [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dave Rhodes" Subject: Re: [N64] GBA Date: 25 Nov 2000 20:11:58 -0500 << ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Saturday, November 25, 2000 4:27 PM Actually, Y and B were most frequently used. SMW: Y= run, B= jump. Star Fox: Y= fire. The only oddball I can think of is Super Metroid in which A= jump and X= fire. Still, Y and B were dominant. -Eric- I stand corrected But that doesn't change my original statement that most games only use 2 buttons out of 4, and the 2 others just repeat the same functions. Most don't even use L and R or just use one or the other. -- Dexter S. Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine Http:// >> You know what the four face button thing is all about don't you? We all wanted to see a Street Fighter game on the GBA. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] More dough for Do-- get it? Date: 25 Nov 2000 20:19:21 EST --part1_3d.4057b34.2751bf19_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Language: en In a message dated 11/25/2000 1:31:45 PM Pacific Standard Time,=20 writes: > Nintendo probably decided that Game Boy Advance, being a 2-D machine and n= ot=20 > needing all that extra buttons for camera, and realizing from their snes=20 > experience that most games use half of the 4 face buttons, that 2 face=20 >=20 I don't know about that. One example I can think of are the GB games DKL 2=20 and 3. Because the GB lacks the extra buttons, certain techniques are=20 missing. One: the team throw. Rare used the SNES A button to have one of=20 our primate friends hop on the other's shoulders. Since the GB didn't have=20 that equivalent button, they didn't even have a need to have both on the=20 screen at the same time. It just made the game seem very boring. Also, the= =20 animals. In the DKC series, you could ride them. That's because they used=20 the A button to jump off. The DKL series: you had to transform instead. I=20 know, it doesn't seem like such a big deal, but the more buttons give them a= =20 lot more freedom with their games. I remain optimistic about GBA's=20 potential, yet very disappointed that Nintendo didn't choose to add the extr= a=20 buttons. Still, what turns up should prove to be very interesting. -Eric- You keep on walking, where will you go? Walk again, in the company of the wind March with confidence until you get to where you=E2=80=99re going Until you finally grab that dream. =E2=80=9CKaze to Issho ni=E2=80=9D My=C3=BBts=C3=BB no Gyakush=C3=BB --part1_3d.4057b34.2751bf19_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Language: en In a message dated 11/25/2000 1:31:45 PM Pacific Stand= ard Time, writes:

Nintendo probably decided t= hat Game Boy Advance, being a 2-D machine and not
needing all that extra= buttons for camera, and realizing from their snes
experience that most=20= games use half of the 4 face buttons, that 2 face
buttons with 2 shoulde= r buttons would do just fine.

I don't know about that.  One example I can think of are the GB gam= es DKL 2
and 3.  Because the GB lacks the extra buttons, certain te= chniques are
missing.  One: the team throw.  Rare used the SNE= S A button to have one of
our primate friends hop on the other's shoulde= rs.  Since the GB didn't have
that equivalent button, they didn't e= ven have a need to have both on the
screen at the same time.  It ju= st made the game seem very boring.  Also, the
animals.  In the= DKC series, you could ride them.  That's because they used
the A b= utton to jump off.  The DKL series: you had to transform instead.  = ;I
know, it doesn't seem like such a big deal, but the more buttons give= them a
lot more freedom with their games.  I remain optimistic abo= ut GBA's
potential, yet very disappointed that Nintendo didn't choose to= add the extra
buttons.  Still, what turns up should prove to be ve= ry interesting.

You keep on walking, where will you go?
Walk again, in the company of the wind
March with confidence until you get to where you=E2=80=99re going
Until you finally grab that dream.

=E2=80=9CKaze to Issho ni=E2=80=9D  My=C3=BBts=C3=BB no Gyakush=C3= =BB
--part1_3d.4057b34.2751bf19_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] GBA Date: 25 Nov 2000 20:25:08 EST --part1_47.3f43bed.2751c074_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 11/25/2000 2:21:59 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes: > Obviously, another Mario and Zelda game. Can ya guess what else I'd want? ;) -Eric- The moon is like an authority, with its circular pattern How round, so round... No matter what happens in the world, the night goes on "Nyarth no Uta" Pocket Monsters --part1_47.3f43bed.2751c074_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 11/25/2000 2:21:59 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

So with all this GBA stuff, what games do you wanna see on machine?

Obviously, another Mario and Zelda game.  Can ya guess what else I'd want? ;)

The moon is like an authority, with its circular pattern
How round, so round...
No matter what happens in the world, the night goes on

"Nyarth no Uta"  Pocket Monsters
--part1_47.3f43bed.2751c074_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dave Rhodes" Subject: Re: [N64] GBA Date: 25 Nov 2000 20:54:48 -0500 ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Saturday, November 25, 2000 8:25 PM In a message dated 11/25/2000 2:21:59 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes: So with all this GBA stuff, what games do you wanna see on machine? <> A Digimon game? ~~ Dave ~~ "If there's a fire it's asleep in my bed I must leave it to burn until it burns itself out Catch as you can I'm not staying here long I'll be coming back early or never at all" - Genesis AIM: Super Trey Bros [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] GBA Date: 25 Nov 2000 21:50:57 EST --part1_f6.4f0cda8.2751d491_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 11/25/2000 5:55:01 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes: > A Digimon game? > grrrrrr --part1_f6.4f0cda8.2751d491_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 11/25/2000 5:55:01 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

A Digimon game?

--part1_f6.4f0cda8.2751d491_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [N64] Fwd: virus warnings! Date: 26 Nov 2000 00:40:21 EST --part1_8f.36d4ae6.2751fc45_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 11/25/00 10:37:50 PM Eastern Standard Time, Nutz4n64 writes: << Subj: Fwd: virus warnings! Date: 11/25/00 10:37:50 PM Eastern Standard Time Subject: virus warnings! DO NOT OPEN "PRETTY PARK" It is a virus that will erase your whole "C" drive. It will come to you in the form of an E-Mail from a familiar person. I repeat a friend sent it to me, but called & warned me before I opened it. He was not so lucky and now he cant even start his computer! Forward this to everyone in your address book. I would rather receive this 25 times than not at all. Also: Intel announced that a new and very destructive virus was discovered recently. If you receive an email called "An Internet Flower For You", do not open it. Delete it right away! This virus removes all dynamic link libraries(.dll files) from your computer. Your computer will not be able to boot up. SEND THIS TO EVERYONE ON YOUR CONTACT LIST!! >> --part1_8f.36d4ae6.2751fc45_boundary Content-Type: message/rfc822 Content-Disposition: inline Return-path: Full-name: Nutz4n64 Message-ID: <>,,,,,,,,,,,,,, MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="part2_8f.36d4ae6.2751df8e_boundary" X-Mailer: Unknown sub 171 --part2_8f.36d4ae6.2751df8e_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit --part2_8f.36d4ae6.2751df8e_boundary Content-Type: message/rfc822 Content-Disposition: inline Return-path: Full-name: KatLady217 Message-ID: <>,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="part3_8f.36d4ae6.2751dc97_boundary" X-Mailer: Unknown sub 171 --part3_8f.36d4ae6.2751dc97_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit --part3_8f.36d4ae6.2751dc97_boundary Content-Type: message/rfc822 Content-Disposition: inline Return-path: Full-name: JJChopstick Message-ID: <> CC:,,,,,,,,,,, MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="part4_8f.36d4ae6.2751d5cb_boundary" X-Mailer: Unknown sub 171 --part4_8f.36d4ae6.2751d5cb_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit --part4_8f.36d4ae6.2751d5cb_boundary Content-Type: message/rfc822 Content-Disposition: inline Return-path: Full-name: Mjalnite Message-ID:,,,,,,, MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="part5_8f.36d4ae6.274e2071_boundary" X-Mailer: Windows AOL sub 125 --part5_8f.36d4ae6.274e2071_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit --part5_8f.36d4ae6.274e2071_boundary Content-Type: message/rfc822 Content-Disposition: inline Return-path: Full-name: BAR10DER95 Message-ID: <>,,,,,,,,,,,,,, MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Mailer: Windows AOL sub 107 DO NOT OPEN "PRETTY PARK" It is a virus that will erase your whole "C" drive. It will come to you in the form of an E-Mail from a familiar person. I repeat a friend sent it to me, but called & warned me before I opened it. He was not so lucky and now he cant even start his computer! Forward this to everyone in your address book. I would rather receive this 25 times than not at all. Also: Intel announced that a new and very destructive virus was discovered recently. If you receive an email called "An Internet Flower For You", do not open it. Delete it right away! This virus removes all dynamic link libraries(.dll files) from your computer. Your computer will not be able to boot up. SEND THIS TO EVERYONE ON YOUR CONTACT LIST!! --part5_8f.36d4ae6.274e2071_boundary-- --part4_8f.36d4ae6.2751d5cb_boundary-- --part3_8f.36d4ae6.2751dc97_boundary-- --part2_8f.36d4ae6.2751df8e_boundary-- --part1_8f.36d4ae6.2751fc45_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [N64] unsubscribe Date: 26 Nov 2000 00:53:08 EST Okay, Greg or Vi, could you take me off the list, and then put me back on, because I don't like going to the archive to read the messages, i don't get them in my Hotmail or my AOL, and I see on the subscribers list that I am subscribed with both addresses. -Jed [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] GBA Date: 26 Nov 2000 01:41:08 -0800 I want Harvest Moon Advanced and Mario Kart Advanced and F-Zero and Castlevania: Circle of the moon , an all new Mario game (not too interested in a port of Mario World ) and a rendered Zelda game. Perhaps Nintendo could reuse the work on the rendered Zelda game they were apparently working on for the SNES but never released. -- Dexter S. Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine Http:// [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: D Fentie Subject: [N64] virus warnings and other junk Date: 26 Nov 2000 09:40:10 -0600 What? This isn't what the pretty park virus does, its not even a virus. I had it on my comp a few months ago. You get it through icq, mirc or email or something like that. It basically is a worm that hacks into your registry and changes a few values and adds a driver into your system folder that your computer 'thinks' it needs because of the changed registry values. If you delete this driver, your whole comp screws up royally (sigh) unless you can hack back into the registry and change a few lines of code. It has a southpark icon when you open it and makes a file called "files32.vxd" or something. Anyway, since this isn't N64 related, if any of the next-gen systems gets online is it possible for them to get viruses??? What if they have an operating system ala Xbox? wrote: > > In a message dated 11/25/00 10:37:50 PM Eastern Standard Time, Nutz4n64 > writes: > > << Subj: Fwd: virus warnings! > Date: 11/25/00 10:37:50 PM Eastern Standard Time > > Subject: virus warnings! > > > DO NOT OPEN "PRETTY PARK" It is a virus that will erase your > whole "C" drive. > It will come to you in the form of an E-Mail from a familiar person. I > repeat a friend sent it to me, but called & warned me > before I opened it. He was not so lucky and now he cant even start his > computer! Forward this to everyone in your address book. I would rather > receive this 25 times than not at all. > > Also: > Intel announced that a new and very destructive virus > was discovered recently. If you receive an email > called "An Internet Flower For You", do not open > it. Delete it right away! This virus removes all > dynamic link libraries(.dll files) from your computer. > Your computer will not be able to boot up. > SEND THIS TO EVERYONE ON YOUR CONTACT LIST!! >> > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > > Subject: Fwd: virus warnings! > Date: Sat, 25 Nov 2000 22:37:50 EST > From: > To:,,,, >,,, >,,, >,,, >,,, >,, > > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > > Subject: Fwd: virus warnings! > Date: Sat, 25 Nov 2000 22:25:11 EST > From: > To:,,,, >,,, >,,, >,,, >,,, >,,, >, > > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > > Subject: Fwd: virus warnings! > Date: Sat, 25 Nov 2000 21:56:11 EST > From: > To: > CC:,,, >,,, >,,, >,, > > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > > Subject: Fwd: virus warnings! > Date: Thu, 23 Nov 2000 02:25:37 EST > From: > To:,,, >,,, >,,, >, > > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > > Subject: virus warnings! > Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2000 23:36:43 EST > From: > To:,,, >,,, >,,, >,,, >,,, >,, > > > Subject: virus warnings! > > DO NOT OPEN "PRETTY PARK" It is a virus that will erase your > whole "C" drive. > It will come to you in the form of an E-Mail from a familiar person. I > repeat a friend sent it to me, but called & warned me > before I opened it. He was not so lucky and now he cant even start his > computer! Forward this to everyone in your address book. I would rather > receive this 25 times than not at all. > > Also: > Intel announced that a new and very destructive virus > was discovered recently. If you receive an email > called "An Internet Flower For You", do not open > it. Delete it right away! This virus removes all > dynamic link libraries(.dll files) from your computer. > Your computer will not be able to boot up. > SEND THIS TO EVERYONE ON YOUR CONTACT LIST!! [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: D Fentie Subject: Re: [N64] GBA Date: 26 Nov 2000 09:41:09 -0600 EARTHBOUND!!!!!!!!! Other than that I don't care. Dexter Sy wrote: > > I want Harvest Moon Advanced and Mario Kart Advanced and F-Zero and > Castlevania: Circle of the moon , an all new Mario game (not too > interested in a port of Mario World ) and a rendered Zelda game. > Perhaps Nintendo could reuse the work on the rendered Zelda game they > were apparently working on for the SNES but never released. > > -- > Dexter S. > Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine > Http:// > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] GBA Date: 26 Nov 2000 13:42:34 EST --part1_97.d94f4e4.2752b39a_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 11/26/2000 1:27:11 AM Pacific Standard Time, writes: > I want Harvest Moon Advanced and Mario Kart Advanced and F-Zero and > Castlevania: Circle of the moon , an all new Mario game (not too > interested in a port of Mario World ) and a rendered Zelda game. > Perhaps Nintendo could reuse the work on the rendered Zelda game they > Good ideas. I've never played Harvest Moon, but I've heard nothing but positive remarks about it. Maybe that's one I should buy, since I could probably get it for $20-30. -Eric- The moon is like an authority, with its circular pattern How round, so round... No matter what happens in the world, the night goes on "Nyarth no Uta" Pocket Monsters --part1_97.d94f4e4.2752b39a_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 11/26/2000 1:27:11 AM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

I want Harvest Moon Advanced and Mario Kart Advanced and F-Zero  and
Castlevania: Circle of the moon , an all new Mario game (not too
interested in a port of Mario World )    and a rendered Zelda game.
Perhaps Nintendo could reuse the work on the rendered Zelda game they
were apparently working on for the SNES but never released.

Good ideas.  I've never played Harvest Moon, but I've heard nothing but
positive remarks about it.  Maybe that's one I should buy, since I could
probably get it for $20-30.

The moon is like an authority, with its circular pattern
How round, so round...
No matter what happens in the world, the night goes on

"Nyarth no Uta"  Pocket Monsters
--part1_97.d94f4e4.2752b39a_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: [N64] Shrek Date: 26 Nov 2000 14:50:19 -0800 Dreamworks has a full CG movie called Shrek coming out May 2001 I dled the trailer and I must say I'm impressed. The movie sort of pokes fun at several Disney animated classics, and it looks real pretty... -- Dexter S. Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine Http:// [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Shrek Date: 26 Nov 2000 17:48:39 EST In a message dated 11/26/00 5:36:07 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes: << Dreamworks has a full CG movie called Shrek coming out May 2001 I dled the trailer and I must say I'm impressed. The movie sort of pokes fun at several Disney animated classics, and it looks real pretty... >> Yeah, it was on the Chicken Run DVD. OK looking most of the time....lots of big name voices. Should be interesting. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Shrek Date: 26 Nov 2000 15:09:19 -0800 > > Yeah, it was on the Chicken Run DVD. OK looking most of the time....lots of > big name voices. Should be interesting. > > Heh. I was browsing through my Gladiator DVD and found the Chicken Run Gladiator spoof hidden in the bonus disk :-P I must say Dreamworks has done some great movies lately. A lot of their stuff are a breath of fresh air from the movies cranked out by other studios. -- Dexter S. Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine Http:// [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Shrek Date: 26 Nov 2000 17:59:28 EST In a message dated 11/26/00 5:55:05 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes: << Heh. I was browsing through my Gladiator DVD and found the Chicken Run Gladiator spoof hidden in the bonus disk :-P I must say Dreamworks has done some great movies lately. A lot of their stuff are a breath of fresh air from the movies cranked out by other studios. >> Oh man I'd love to check that out. If Chicken Run doesn't win an Oscar it would be a tragedy. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Wez Subject: Re: [N64] Shrek Date: 26 Nov 2000 18:24:37 -0500 What's with everyone all of a sudden sending their Movie List-related messages to the N64-list? Wez Dexter Sy wrote: > Dreamworks has a full CG movie called Shrek coming out May 2001 > > I dled the trailer and I must say I'm impressed. The movie sort of > pokes fun at several Disney animated classics, and it looks real > pretty... > > > > -- > Dexter S. > Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine > Http:// > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Shrek Date: 26 Nov 2000 18:25:45 EST In a message dated 11/26/00 6:24:05 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes: << What's with everyone all of a sudden sending their Movie List-related messages to the N64-list? Wez >> ok, HAS ANyone played the Chicken Run video game? How's that? [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Shrek Date: 26 Nov 2000 15:43:41 -0800 > > ok, HAS ANyone played the Chicken Run video game? How's that? LOL. :) No I haven't. -- Dexter S. Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine Http:// [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Shrek Date: 26 Nov 2000 15:45:10 -0800 Wez wrote: > What's with everyone all of a sudden sending their Movie List-related > messages to the N64-list? > > Wez The guys on this list are easier to relate to. The movie list has a wide assortment of agegroups and sometimes, i don't feel like posting at all because people either don't understand a movie and ignore it, or make some rude comments i don't particularly care for. It's the ignoring of posts that i dislike the most. -- Dexter S. Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine Http:// [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Shrek Date: 26 Nov 2000 18:34:42 EST In a message dated 11/26/00 6:31:13 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes: << > What's with everyone all of a sudden sending their Movie List-related > messages to the N64-list? > > Wez The guys on this list are easier to relate to. The movie list has a wide assortment of agegroups and sometimes, i don't feel like posting at all because people either don't understand a movie and ignore it, or make some rude comments i don't particularly care for. It's the ignoring of posts that i dislike the most. >> I find this list the most laid back. It's no like we're spamming the list with dozens of movie posts. If you like video games, chances are you like the movies we bring up. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Shrek Date: 26 Nov 2000 16:17:05 -0800 > > I find this list the most laid back. It's no like we're spamming the list > with dozens of movie posts. If you like video games, chances are you like > the movies we bring up. > I now remember why I decided to post the Shrek bit on this board. The CG graphics is has a quirky fairytale feel that is in some ways very Nintendo. Luigi's Mansion would have no problem fitting into the movie. -- Dexter S. Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine Http:// [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Wez Subject: Re: [N64] Shrek Date: 26 Nov 2000 20:46:02 -0500 wrote: > In a message dated 11/26/00 6:31:13 PM Eastern Standard Time, > writes: > > << > What's with everyone all of a sudden sending their Movie List-related > > messages to the N64-list? > > > > Wez > > The guys on this list are easier to relate to. The movie list has a wide > assortment of agegroups and sometimes, i don't feel like posting at all > because people either don't understand a movie and ignore it, or make some > rude comments i don't particularly care for. It's the ignoring of posts > that i dislike the most. >> > I find this list the most laid back. It's no like we're spamming the list > with dozens of movie posts. If you like video games, chances are you like > the movies we bring up. I just don't care to read about movies on this list.... if it was really laid back, we'd be discussing DC/PS2 stuff as well. Wez [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Shrek Date: 26 Nov 2000 22:30:14 EST --part1_31.d1595f5.27532f46_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Language: en In a message dated 11/26/2000 2:59:58 PM Pacific Standard Time,=20 writes: > Oh man I'd love to check that out. If Chicken Run doesn't win an Oscar it= =20 > would be a tragedy. =20 >=20 >=20 I'm sure it'll win a Golden Globe, but it deserves an Oscar. -Eric- You keep on walking, where will you go? Walk again, in the company of the wind March with confidence until you get to where you=E2=80=99re going Until you finally grab that dream. =E2=80=9CKaze to Issho ni=E2=80=9D My=C3=BBts=C3=BB no Gyakush=C3=BB --part1_31.d1595f5.27532f46_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Language: en In a message dated 11/26/2000 2:59:58 PM Pacific Stand= ard Time, writes:

Oh man I'd love to check th= at out.  If Chicken Run doesn't win an Oscar it=20
would be a tragedy.  

I'm sure it'll win a Golden Globe, but it deserves an Oscar.

You keep on walking, where will you go?
Walk again, in the company of the wind
March with confidence until you get to where you=E2=80=99re going
Until you finally grab that dream.

=E2=80=9CKaze to Issho ni=E2=80=9D  My=C3=BBts=C3=BB no Gyakush=C3= =BB
--part1_31.d1595f5.27532f46_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Shrek Date: 26 Nov 2000 22:50:46 EST In a message dated 11/26/00 10:32:41 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes: << I'm sure it'll win a Golden Globe, but it deserves an Oscar. -Eric- >> Yes, it does. Speaking of which....are there any awards for video game cut scenes and such? I've seen stories on the people who act for them, but nothing much beyond that.... [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Shrek Date: 27 Nov 2000 00:12:20 EST --part1_9d.da15b6e.27534734_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable <> Yeah, I saw the trailer when I took my little bro to see The Grinch (which,=20 by the way, is not that great and you can wait for it on video). Anyway,=20 Shrek has some good voice talent in Mike Myers, and maybe Cameron Diaz (her=20 voice isn't her most ... memorable ... attribute), but Eddie Murphy really=20 turns me off. I mean, this guy does every character the same: loud,=20 exaggerated, and not very funny. I doubt that if you were to compare voice=20 clips from Shrek and other Murphy movies (BHC, Nutty Professor, and=20 Bowfinger), they would all have that loud, nagging, know-it-all quality. Wha= t=20 happened to some of his SNL stuff? I've seen some of his "Best of ..." stuff= ,=20 and it was good. What's happened? Anyway, yeah, Shrek looked very good. I also saw the Final Fantasy trailer a= t=20 the same show, so compared to FF's very realistic approach (and Steve=20 Bucshemi (SP?)), I dunno which will be better. But I agree, the cartoony=20 quality of Shrek looks very possible on some of these Next Gen systems; hell= ,=20 the little I've played of Shenmue almost look good enough. Here's hoping the= =20 next Miyamoto game is something like Shrek. Also, just finishing up The First Quarter (not as much free time as I'da=20 liked this holiday, okay?), and I must say it's quite insightful. Personally= ,=20 I didn't start really following the industry until a few years ago, so this=20 is a very insightful lesson I'm getting here. I especially like Miyamoto's=20 contempt with the Stamper Bros. and the marketing people at NCL. They told=20 him Yoshi's Island was "too cartoony," when compared to DKC, so he went and=20 made it outrageously cartoony out of spite, and it was accepted. He even=20 jabbed at Rare, saying, "DKC proves that people will accept mediocre gamepla= y=20 if the art is good." Hehe. Sadly, I also learned of the ugly circumstances=20 surrounding Gunpei Yokoi's departure from Nintendo and his untimely death=20 after finishing the Wonder Swan. ~Matt "It only makes sense that every facet of our daily lives should depend upon=20 the position of celestial bodies hundreds of millions of miles away." -=20 Calvin and Hobbes --part1_9d.da15b6e.27534734_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="ISO-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable <<I now remember why I decided to post the Shrek= bit on this board.=A0 The CG
graphics is has a quirky fairytale feel that is in some ways very Ninten= do.
Luigi's Mansion would have no problem fitting into the movie.

Dexter S.
Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine

Yeah, I saw the trailer when I took my little bro to see The Grinch (whi= ch,
by the way, is not that great and you can wait for it on video). Any= way,
Shrek has some good voice talent in Mike Myers, and maybe Cameron D= iaz (her
voice isn't her most ... memorable ... attribute), but Eddie Mu= rphy really
turns me off. I mean, this guy does every character the same= : loud,
exaggerated, and not very funny. I doubt that if you were to com= pare voice
clips from Shrek and other Murphy movies (BHC, Nutty Professo= r, and
Bowfinger), they would all have that loud, nagging, know-it-all q= uality. What
happened to some of his SNL stuff? I've seen some of his "B= est of ..." stuff,
and it was good. What's happened?

Anyway, yeah, Shrek looked very good. I also saw the Final Fantasy trail= er at
the same show, so compared to FF's very realistic approach (and St= eve
Bucshemi (SP?)), I dunno which will be better. But I agree, the cart= oony
quality of Shrek looks very possible on some of these Next Gen syst= ems; hell,
the little I've played of Shenmue almost look good enough. He= re's hoping the
next Miyamoto game is something like Shrek.

Also, just finishing up The First Quarter (not as much free time as I'da=
liked this holiday, okay?), and I must say it's quite insightful. Perso= nally,
I didn't start really following the industry until a few years ag= o, so this
is a very insightful lesson I'm getting here. I especially li= ke Miyamoto's
contempt with the Stamper Bros. and the marketing people a= t NCL. They told
him Yoshi's Island was "too cartoony," when compared to= DKC, so he went and
made it outrageously cartoony out of spite, and it=20= was accepted. He even
jabbed at Rare, saying, "DKC proves that people wi= ll accept mediocre gameplay
if the art is good." Hehe. Sadly, I also lea= rned of the ugly circumstances
surrounding Gunpei Yokoi's departure from= Nintendo and his untimely death
after finishing the Wonder Swan.


"It only makes sense that every facet of our daily lives should depend u= pon
the position of celestial bodies hundreds of millions of miles away.= " -
Calvin and Hobbes
--part1_9d.da15b6e.27534734_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Shrek Date: 27 Nov 2000 01:02:48 EST --part1_80.3645bbe.27535308_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 11/26/2000 7:55:16 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes: > Yes, it does. Speaking of which....are there any awards for video game cut > scenes and such? I've seen stories on the people who act for them, but > I don't know much about the video game awards. Does anyone know more about them? *cough* Dex *cough* -Eric- The moon is like an authority, with its circular pattern How round, so round... No matter what happens in the world, the night goes on "Nyarth no Uta" Pocket Monsters --part1_80.3645bbe.27535308_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 11/26/2000 7:55:16 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

Yes, it does.  Speaking of which....are there any awards for video game cut
scenes and such?  I've seen stories on the people who act for them, but
nothing much beyond that....

I don't know much about the video game awards.  Does anyone know more about
them? *cough* Dex *cough*

The moon is like an authority, with its circular pattern
How round, so round...
No matter what happens in the world, the night goes on

"Nyarth no Uta"  Pocket Monsters
--part1_80.3645bbe.27535308_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Shrek Date: 26 Nov 2000 22:21:20 -0800 --------------0B4411D74DBF448222ADB2F0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit > > Also, just finishing up The First Quarter (not as much free time as > I'da > liked this holiday, okay?), and I must say it's quite insightful. > Personally, > I didn't start really following the industry until a few years ago, so > this > is a very insightful lesson I'm getting here. I especially like > Miyamoto's > contempt with the Stamper Bros. and the marketing people at NCL. They > told > him Yoshi's Island was "too cartoony," when compared to DKC, so he > went and > made it outrageously cartoony out of spite, and it was accepted. He > even > jabbed at Rare, saying, "DKC proves that people will accept mediocre > gameplay > if the art is good." Hehe. Sadly, I also learned of the ugly > circumstances > surrounding Gunpei Yokoi's departure from Nintendo and his untimely > death > after finishing the Wonder Swan. > > ~Matt Yea. It's sad isn't it? > > -- Dexter S. Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine Http:// --------------0B4411D74DBF448222ADB2F0 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Also, just finishing up The First Quarter (not as much free time as I'da
liked this holiday, okay?), and I must say it's quite insightful. Personally,
I didn't start really following the industry until a few years ago, so this
is a very insightful lesson I'm getting here. I especially like Miyamoto's
contempt with the Stamper Bros. and the marketing people at NCL. They told
him Yoshi's Island was "too cartoony," when compared to DKC, so he went and
made it outrageously cartoony out of spite, and it was accepted. He even
jabbed at Rare, saying, "DKC proves that people will accept mediocre gameplay
if the art is good." Hehe. Sadly, I also learned of the ugly circumstances
surrounding Gunpei Yokoi's departure from Nintendo and his untimely death
after finishing the Wonder Swan.


Yea. It's sad isn't it?

Dexter S.
Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine
  --------------0B4411D74DBF448222ADB2F0-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Shrek Date: 26 Nov 2000 22:23:46 -0800 --------------4ADDA3C4499C69D29ACD00C2 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit wrote: > > > I don't know much about the video game awards. Does anyone know more > about > them? *cough* Dex *cough* > -Eric- > > There are varios categories under the Craft awards section which the academy could award to voice talent and good cg work. These include: Outstanding achievement in art direction Outstanding achievement in animation outstanding achievement in visual engineering outstanding character or story development -- Dexter S. Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine Http:// --------------4ADDA3C4499C69D29ACD00C2 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit wrote:


I don't know much about the video game awards.  Does anyone know more about
them? *cough* Dex *cough*

There are varios categories under the Craft awards section which the academy could award to voice talent and good cg work.  These include:

Outstanding achievement in art direction
Outstanding achievement in animation
outstanding achievement in visual engineering
outstanding character or story development

Dexter S.
Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine
  --------------4ADDA3C4499C69D29ACD00C2-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "E. Jefferson" Subject: Re: [N64] Most obscure N64 title. Date: 27 Nov 2000 12:50:37 -0600 Can't be the 'Robotech' we're talking about because it never went into production. How does your robotek play? What type of game is it? Elliot ----Original Message Follows---- Reply-To: <> Hey, my beta cart says "Robotek." I didn't make the game. ~Matt "A majority only means that all the fools are on the same side." _____________________________________________________________________________________ Get more from the Web. FREE MSN Explorer download : [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dave Rhodes" Subject: [N64] Hey You! Date: 27 Nov 2000 21:45:46 -0500 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0005_01C058BB.666FB760 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Has anybody played Hey You Pikachu?=20 Is everybody just playing Banjo Tooie or what?=20 Or maybe everybody died and I'm the only one left alive to fight off the = zombie hordes. N64 sux, PSX rulez. Wake up! ~~ Dave ~~ =20 "If there's a fire it's asleep in my bed I must leave it to burn until it burns itself out Catch as you can I'm not staying here long I'll be coming back early or never at all" - Genesis =20 AIM: Super Trey Bros ------=_NextPart_000_0005_01C058BB.666FB760 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Has anybody played Hey You Pikachu? =
Is everybody just playing Banjo Tooie = or what?=20
Or maybe everybody died and I'm the = only one left=20 alive to fight off the zombie hordes.
N64 sux, PSX rulez.
Wake up!
~~ Dave ~~
"If there's a=20 fire it's asleep in my bed
I must leave it to burn until it burns = itself=20 out
Catch as you can I'm not staying here long
I'll be coming back = early=20 or never at all" - Genesis
 AIM: = Super Trey=20 Bros
------=_NextPart_000_0005_01C058BB.666FB760-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Hey You! Date: 27 Nov 2000 22:28:25 EST --part1_3b.cdd2007.27548059_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 11/27/00 9:16:07 PM Central Standard Time, writes: > > Has anybody played Hey You Pikachu? > > Is everybody just playing Banjo Tooie or what? > > Or maybe everybody died and I'm the only one left alive to fight off the > zombie hordes. > > N64 sux, PSX rulez. > > Wake up! > > ~~ Dave ~~ > > "If there's a fire it's asleep in my bed > I must leave it to burn until it burns itself out > Catch as you can I'm not staying here long > I'll be coming back early or never at all" - Genesis > > < > AIM: Super Trey Bros > Nope, finishing up Zelda and getting into the good part of FFVII Daniel --part1_3b.cdd2007.27548059_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 11/27/00 9:16:07 PM Central Standard Time, writes:

Has anybody played Hey You Pikachu?

Is everybody just playing Banjo Tooie or what?

Or maybe everybody died and I'm the only one left alive to fight off the
zombie hordes.

N64 sux, PSX rulez.

Wake up!

~~ Dave ~~
"If there's a fire it's asleep in my bed
I must leave it to burn until it burns itself out
Catch as you can I'm not staying here long
I'll be coming back early or never at all" - Genesis
AIM: Super Trey Bros

Nope, finishing up Zelda and getting into the good part of FFVII

--part1_3b.cdd2007.27548059_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Hey You! Date: 27 Nov 2000 22:29:08 EST --part1_94.ca4779a.27548084_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Personally, I don't give a hoot about Hey You Pikachu. The price is way too high for a simple game/toy. I watched the commerical a few times and it really turned off my interest. Unless the game has a HUGE amount of depth and playability in it, I'll leave it sitting on the shelf next to the robo pup at TRU. ~Cy In a message dated 11/27/00 8:16:07 PM Mountain Standard Time, writes: > Has anybody played Hey You Pikachu? > > Is everybody just playing Banjo Tooie or what? > > Or maybe everybody died and I'm the only one left alive to fight off the > zombie hordes. > > N64 sux, PSX rulez. > > Wake up! > > ~~ Dave ~~ > --part1_94.ca4779a.27548084_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit      Personally, I don't give a hoot about Hey You Pikachu.  The price is
way too high for a simple game/toy.  I watched the commerical a few times and
it really turned off my interest.  Unless the game has a HUGE amount of depth
and playability in it, I'll leave it sitting on the shelf next to the robo
pup at TRU.


In a message dated 11/27/00 8:16:07 PM Mountain Standard Time, writes:

Has anybody played Hey You Pikachu?

Is everybody just playing Banjo Tooie or what?

Or maybe everybody died and I'm the only one left alive to fight off the
zombie hordes.

N64 sux, PSX rulez.

Wake up!

~~ Dave ~~

--part1_94.ca4779a.27548084_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [N64] Christmas List Date: 27 Nov 2000 22:35:41 EST --part1_9c.954219d.2754820d_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Since this list has been sorta dead recently, I guess I'll try to start a couple threads to get everything goin. Anyway, Christmas time is just around the corner, and there are a few games out there that I'm considering for Christmas. For me, I've already gotten Final Fantasy 9...I just can't play it till the 25. =( I also plan on getting WWF No Mercy. I rented the game a few days ago and I was instantly hooked (GREAT party game). I'm also thinking of getting another title for either the PlayStation or the 64, but I really don't know to what I'm looking for yet. Maybe you guys can give some good suggestions. Has anyone played Driver 2 yet? I loved the first game and I haven't had the chance to play it yet (Stupid 10 year olds hogging the PlayStation at TRU..) ~Cy --part1_9c.954219d.2754820d_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit      Since this list has been sorta dead recently, I guess I'll try to
start a couple threads to get everything goin.  Anyway, Christmas time is
just around the corner, and there are a few games out there that I'm
considering for Christmas.  For me, I've already gotten Final Fantasy 9...I
just can't play it till the 25. =(  I also plan on getting WWF No Mercy.  I
rented the game a few days ago and I was instantly hooked (GREAT party game).
 I'm also thinking of getting another title for either the PlayStation or the
64, but I really don't know to what I'm looking for yet.  Maybe you guys can
give some good suggestions.  Has anyone played Driver 2 yet?  I loved the
first game and I haven't had the chance to play it yet (Stupid 10 year olds
hogging the  PlayStation at TRU..)

--part1_9c.954219d.2754820d_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Hey You! Date: 27 Nov 2000 22:42:30 EST --part1_f.c62213b.275483a6_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Language: en In a message dated 11/27/2000 7:16:07 PM Pacific Standard Time,=20 writes: > Has anybody played Hey You Pikachu?=20 > =20 > Is everybody just playing Banjo Tooie or what?=20 > =20 > Or maybe everybody died and I'm the only one left alive to fight off the=20 > zombie hordes. > =20 > N64 sux, PSX rulez. > =20 > Wake up! >=20 We're coming for you. Nothing you do can save your life, mortal. ;) Ok, no= ,=20 I haven't played Pikachu. I've concentrated on Pok=C3=A9mon Silver. Stryde= r sent=20 me Banjo-Tooie. It's a good game so far, although I wonder why Rare changed= =20 Banjo's voice and left out the "guh-huh." Oh well, this one still has it in= =20 the gameplay department. -Eric- =E2=80=9CNanda kanda to kikare tara Kotaete ageru ga yo no nasake Sekai no hakai o fusegu tame Sekai no heiwa o mamoru tame Ai to shinjitu no aku o turanuku Lovely charmy na kataki yaku Musashi! Kojiro! Ginga o kakeru Rocket dan no futari niwa White hole, shiroi ashita ga matteruze Nya-nte na!=E2=80=9D --part1_f.c62213b.275483a6_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Language: en In a message dated 11/27/2000 7:16:07 PM Pacific Stand= ard Time, writes:

Has anybody played Hey You=20= Pikachu?
Is everybody just playing Banjo Tooie or what?
Or maybe everybody died and I'm the only one left alive to f= ight off the
zombie hordes.

N64 sux, PSX rulez.
Wake up!

We're coming for you.  Nothing you do can save your life, mortal. ;= )  Ok, no,
I haven't played Pikachu.  I've concentrated on Pok= =C3=A9mon Silver.  Stryder sent
me Banjo-Tooie.  It's a good g= ame so far, although I wonder why Rare changed
Banjo's voice and left ou= t the "guh-huh."  Oh well, this one still has it in
the gameplay de= partment.

=E2=80=9CNanda kanda to kikare tara
Kotaete ageru ga yo no nasake
Sekai no hakai o fusegu tame
Sekai no heiwa o mamoru tame
Ai to shinjitu no aku o turanuku
Lovely charmy na kataki yaku
Ginga o kakeru Rocket dan no futari niwa
White hole, shiroi ashita ga matteruze
Nya-nte na!=E2=80=9D

Rocket Dan- Pocket Monsters
G --part1_f.c62213b.275483a6_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Christmas List Date: 27 Nov 2000 22:46:24 EST --part1_af.3b2a076.27548490_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Language: en In a message dated 11/27/2000 7:36:58 PM Pacific Standard Time,=20 writes: > 'm also thinking of getting another title for either the PlayStation or th= e=20 > 64, but I really don't know to what I'm looking for yet. Maybe you guys=20 > can=20 > give some good suggestions. Has anyone played Driver 2 yet? I loved the=20 > first game and I haven't had the chance to play it yet (Stupid 10 year old= s=20 > hogging the PlayStation at TRU..)=20 >=20 >=20 Have you picked up Majora's Mask? If not, GET IT!!! -Eric- You keep on walking, where will you go? Walk again, in the company of the wind March with confidence until you get to where you=E2=80=99re going Until you finally grab that dream. =E2=80=9CKaze to Issho ni=E2=80=9D My=C3=BBts=C3=BB no Gyakush=C3=BB --part1_af.3b2a076.27548490_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Language: en In a message dated 11/27/2000 7:36:58 PM Pacific Stand= ard Time, writes:

'm also thinking of getting= another title for either the PlayStation or the=20
64, but I really don't know to what I'm looking for yet.  Maybe you= guys
give some good suggestions.  Has anyone played Driver 2 yet?  = I loved the=20
first game and I haven't had the chance to play it yet (Stupid 10 year o= lds=20
hogging the  PlayStation at TRU..)=20

Have you picked up Majora's Mask?  If not, GET IT!!!

You keep on walking, where will you go?
Walk again, in the company of the wind
March with confidence until you get to where you=E2=80=99re going
Until you finally grab that dream.

=E2=80=9CKaze to Issho ni=E2=80=9D  My=C3=BBts=C3=BB no Gyakush=C3= =BB
--part1_af.3b2a076.27548490_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Christmas List Date: 27 Nov 2000 22:55:55 EST --part1_db.cd44e26.275486cb_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Is it really that good? I haven't heard much about it. None of my friends have it, let alone have ever played it. I guess I could rent it and give it a try. Hopefully I won't beat the game before I turn it back into the store. ~Cy In a message dated 11/27/00 8:50:08 PM Mountain Standard Time, writes: > Have you picked up Majora's Mask? If not, GET IT!!! > --part1_db.cd44e26.275486cb_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit      Is it really that good?  I haven't heard much about it.  None of my
friends have it, let alone have ever played it.  I guess I could rent it and
give it a try.  Hopefully I won't beat the game before I turn it back into
the store.


In a message dated 11/27/00 8:50:08 PM Mountain Standard Time, writes:

Have you picked up Majora's Mask?  If not, GET IT!!!

--part1_db.cd44e26.275486cb_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Christmas List Date: 27 Nov 2000 22:59:12 EST --part1_de.ce13ff8.27548790_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 11/27/2000 7:56:31 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes: > Is it really that good? I haven't heard much about it. Mainly, it depends on who you ask. Matt and I think it's one of the N64's best games. Dave thinks it's just ok. Zelda fans shouldn't be disappointed. (IMO) -Eric- The moon is like an authority, with its circular pattern How round, so round... No matter what happens in the world, the night goes on "Nyarth no Uta" Pocket Monsters --part1_de.ce13ff8.27548790_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 11/27/2000 7:56:31 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

Is it really that good?  I haven't heard much about it.  

Mainly, it depends on who you ask.  Matt and I think it's one of the N64's
best games.  Dave thinks it's just ok.  Zelda fans shouldn't be disappointed.

The moon is like an authority, with its circular pattern
How round, so round...
No matter what happens in the world, the night goes on

"Nyarth no Uta"  Pocket Monsters
--part1_de.ce13ff8.27548790_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Christmas List Date: 27 Nov 2000 23:05:19 EST --part1_75.cb467a1.275488ff_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable << >=20 Mainly, it depends on who you ask. =A0Matt and I think it's one of the N64's= =20 best games. =A0Dave thinks it's just OK. =A0Zelda fans shouldn't be disappoi= nted.=20 (IMO)=20 -Eric-=20 The moon is like an authority, with its circular pattern=20 How round, so round...=20 No matter what happens in the world, the night goes on=20 "Nyarth no Uta" =A0Pocket Monsters >> In a word, yes. Majora's Mask rocks hard, all night long. It's a great game=20 that will keep you entertained for hours, without ever becoming repetitive.=20 The new time system needs a little getting used to, and at first seems out o= f=20 place, but you soon realize that the living world of Clock Town is just=20 amazing. And the whole thing about masks: the ones vital to the game are=20 simple to get, while the ultimate mask that let's you really stick it to=20 Majora is pretty tough. All in all, it's impossible to go wrong. Pick it up=20 ASAP. ~Matt "The Bureau of Incomplete Statistics reports that one out of three." --part1_75.cb467a1.275488ff_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="ISO-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable <<
Is it really that good?=20= =A0I haven't heard much about it. =A0

Mainly, it depends on who you ask. =A0Matt and I think it's one of the N= 64's=20
best games. =A0Dave thinks it's just OK. =A0Zelda fans shouldn't be disa= ppointed.=20

The moon is like an authority, with its circular pattern=20
How round, so round...=20
No matter what happens in the world, the night goes on=20

"Nyarth no Uta" =A0Pocket Monsters

In a word, yes. Majora's Mask rocks hard, all night long. It= 's a great game
that will keep you entertained for hours, without ever b= ecoming repetitive.
The new time system needs a little getting used to,=20= and at first seems out of
place, but you soon realize that the living wo= rld of Clock Town is just
amazing. And the whole thing about masks: the=20= ones vital to the game are
simple to get, while the ultimate mask that l= et's you really stick it to
Majora is pretty tough. All in all, it's imp= ossible to go wrong. Pick it up


"The Bureau of Incomplete Statistics reports that one out of three."

--part1_75.cb467a1.275488ff_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Christmas List Date: 27 Nov 2000 23:53:31 EST I fall somewhere between Dave and Matt & Eric; it's a good game certainly. I= =20 just don't feel, and still do not, it's up to par with Zelda 64. However, if= =20 you liked it, and certainly didn't mind being a child, it's a good N64 game=20 to get. Banjo-Tooie is more or less your other option for the holidays,=20 although if you have a modified N64, I'd definitely go with Sin & Punishment= =20 if you can find it.=20 Or do you want you really need to do: ask for a Dreamcast=3D) Aldo Merino ----------------- Tendo Box In a message dated 11/27/2000 10:06:25 PM Central Standard Time,=20 writes: > The moon is like an authority, with its circular pattern=20 > How round, so round...=20 > No matter what happens in the world, the night goes on=20 > =20 > "Nyarth no Uta" =A0Pocket Monsters >> > =20 > In a word, yes. Majora's Mask rocks hard, all night long. It's a great=20 game=20 > that will keep you entertained for hours, without ever becoming=20 repetitive.=20 > The new time system needs a little getting used to, and at first seems ou= t=20 > of=20 > place, but you soon realize that the living world of Clock Town is just=20 > amazing. And the whole thing about masks: the ones vital to the game are=20 > simple to get, while the ultimate mask that let's you really stick it to=20 > Majora is pretty tough. All in all, it's impossible to go wrong. Pick it=20 up=20 > ASAP. > =20 > ~Matt > =20 [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Christmas List Date: 28 Nov 2000 00:31:27 EST --part1_98.d06444f.27549d2f_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Language: en In a message dated 11/27/2000 9:12:54 PM Pacific Standard Time,=20 writes: > I fall somewhere between Dave and Matt & Eric; it's a good game certainly.= I=20 > just don't feel, and still do not, it's up to par with Zelda 64. However,=20 > if=20 > you liked it, and certainly didn't mind being a child, it's a good N64 gam= e=20 > to get. Banjo-Tooie is more or less your other option for the holidays,=20 > although if you have a modified N64, I'd definitely go with Sin &=20 > Punishment=20 > if you can find it.=20 >=20 >=20 I'm still debating whether it's better than Z: OoT. I think I take the=20 stance of the folks at IGN64 who gave it a 9.9, saying "it's just as good as= =20 OoT, but doesn't take the leap in gameplay that OoT did." Something of that= =20 nature. Either way, both of them are incredible titles that (I would guess)= =20 any Nintendo fan would have to pick up. I wonder, does the Kanji or Hiragan= a=20 or whatever in Sin and Punishment make it difficult to play. If it is, I'd=20 have to wait for the English version (if there is one). DC? I've been=20 considering it, but, as I've said, my funds limit me to less than a game a=20 month. I'm mainly going for the major releases only, and, with the remainin= g=20 games I want for N64, I don't know if I should chance adding DC to the list.= =20 I must say, I do enjoy Crazy Taxi. :) -Eric- =E2=80=9CNanda kanda to kikare tara Kotaete ageru ga yo no nasake Sekai no hakai o fusegu tame Sekai no heiwa o mamoru tame Ai to shinjitu no aku o turanuku Lovely charmy na kataki yaku Musashi! Kojiro! Ginga o kakeru Rocket dan no futari niwa White hole, shiroi ashita ga matteruze Nya-nte na!=E2=80=9D --part1_98.d06444f.27549d2f_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Language: en In a message dated 11/27/2000 9:12:54 PM Pacific Stand= ard Time, writes:

I fall somewhere between Da= ve and Matt & Eric; it's a good game certainly. I=20
just don't feel, and still do not, it's up to par with Zelda 64. However= ,
you liked it, and certainly didn't mind being a child, it's a good N64 g= ame=20
to get. Banjo-Tooie is more or less your other option for the holidays,=20
although if you have a modified N64, I'd definitely go with Sin & Punishment=20
if you can find it.=20

Or do you want you really need to do: ask for a Dreamcast=3D)

I'm still debating whether it's better than Z: OoT.  I think I take= the
stance of the folks at IGN64 who gave it a 9.9, saying "it's just a= s good as
OoT, but doesn't take the leap in gameplay that OoT did." &nbs= p;Something of that
nature.  Either way, both of them are incredibl= e titles that (I would guess)
any Nintendo fan would have to pick up. &n= bsp;I wonder, does the Kanji or Hiragana
or whatever in Sin and Punishme= nt make it difficult to play.  If it is, I'd
have to wait for the E= nglish version (if there is one).  DC?  I've been
considering=20= it, but, as I've said, my funds limit me to less than a game a
month. &n= bsp;I'm mainly going for the major releases only, and, with the remaining games I want for N64, I don't know if I should chance adding DC to the lis= t.  
I must say, I do enjoy Crazy Taxi. :)

=E2=80=9CNanda kanda to kikare tara
Kotaete ageru ga yo no nasake
Sekai no hakai o fusegu tame
Sekai no heiwa o mamoru tame
Ai to shinjitu no aku o turanuku
Lovely charmy na kataki yaku
Ginga o kakeru Rocket dan no futari niwa
White hole, shiroi ashita ga matteruze
Nya-nte na!=E2=80=9D

Rocket Dan- Pocket Monsters
.=20 --part1_98.d06444f.27549d2f_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [N64] daily NewsLetter - - Coolnews N64 Date: 26 Nov 2000 08:30:51 +1100 (EST) COOLNEWS NINTENDO 64: Gamedate November 25, 2000 The newsletter of! All the Trimmings, None of the Fat PLEASE VIEW THE NEW UNSUBSCRIBE FEATURE AT THE END OF THIS EMAIL As we try to recover from the annual gobble-fest, the reviews keep rolling in from our dedicated editorial crew. No turkeys for the N64 this week as we carve up slices of WWF No Mercy and Mickey's Speedway USA. Now that the holiday season is in full gear, count on us for the low-down on games you'll want to add to your wish list. Next week expect reviews of Hey You, Pikachu! and Army Men: Sarge's Heroes 2. Ed. Today's Coolnews is sponsored by: Win a PlayStation 2 from is giving away a PlayStation 2 EVERY DAY until Christmas. That's 60 machines in 60 days, and the winners get eight games to start playing immediately. Enter Gone in 60 Days-the Great PlayStation 2 Giveaway-daily for your chance to win. (And if you don't win today, you can always enter again tomorrow!) Enter at While you're there, put the pedal to the metal and race your way to more entries. Or refer friends, post messages and submit reviews to improve your chances of winning a hot new PS2. What are you waiting for? Get over to FEATURE REVIEW - WWF No Mercy WWF No Mercy slams its way onto the Nintendo 64 with 65 superstar wrestlers (including fan favorites like The Rock, Stone Cold, Tori, and Mankind), tons of different play modes, and four-player, eye-gouging, face-slamming action. It's as close as you'll get without smelling the sweat! LATEST 5 NINTENDO 64 GAME REVIEWS: WWF No Mercy Mickey's Speedway USA Ogre Battle 64 The World is Not Enough The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask FEATURE EDITORIAL - Something Wicked This Way Comes On Thursday, November 16th Electronic Arts treated us to a preview of Majestic, the most potentially disturbing game in recent memory. No guns, fireballs, or decapitations here. You won't even need a 3D accelerator, just your PC, phone and fax. Intrigued? Read on. WIN PRIZES - CHEAT OF THE WEEK - My Name Isn't Inigo Montoya To unlock the legendary Andre the Giant, enter Survival Mode and defeat 101 opponents. Hotgames - We?re the gravy on your gaming mashed potatoes. Lawrence Neves, Editorial Director To unsubscribe from Coolnews send an email message to with the word 'unsubscribe' in the FIRST LINE of the BODY OF THE EMAIL. Do you have friends who are also keen N64 gamers? Why not FORWARD this cool newsletter email to them NOW! They can subscribe all for themselves at: [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dave Rhodes" Subject: [N64] Team Rocket Date: 28 Nov 2000 04:18:39 -0500 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0017_01C058F2.4917CB80 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable When Team Rocket is "blasting off again", where do they land, and how do = they survive impact? ~~ Dave ~~ =20 "If there's a fire it's asleep in my bed I must leave it to burn until it burns itself out Catch as you can I'm not staying here long I'll be coming back early or never at all" - Genesis =20 AIM: Super Trey Bros ------=_NextPart_000_0017_01C058F2.4917CB80 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
When Team Rocket is "blasting off = again", where do=20 they land, and how do they survive impact?
~~ Dave ~~
"If there's a=20 fire it's asleep in my bed
I must leave it to burn until it burns = itself=20 out
Catch as you can I'm not staying here long
I'll be coming back = early=20 or never at all" - Genesis
 AIM: = Super Trey=20 Bros
------=_NextPart_000_0017_01C058F2.4917CB80-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Christmas List Date: 28 Nov 2000 11:44:18 EST According to IGN64, the Japanese is minimal and mostly limited to the menus; the cinematics run in English. I know Mike and DCD may import it, so if they do, we'll have more info on the game then. Hell, I'd import if I had the money. As for the DC, once you get the system, you can get two games a month with the DC's budget pricing. They're games (like Crazy Taxi) that are $20, $30, $40, and some $50. Heck, sales even put some at $10. It's a nice change from the N64's $30-$50 prices. And with only 22 titles due out til the end of next year, now's a good time to start looking for one...or perhaps early next year. There are only 7 major releases left. Aldo Merino ----------------- Tendo Box In a message dated 11/27/2000 11:32:06 PM Central Standard Time, writes: > I'm still debating whether it's better than Z: OoT. I think I take the > stance of the folks at IGN64 who gave it a 9.9, saying "it's just as good as > > OoT, but doesn't take the leap in gameplay that OoT did." Something of that > > nature. Either way, both of them are incredible titles that (I would guess) > > any Nintendo fan would have to pick up. I wonder, does the Kanji or > Hiragana > or whatever in Sin and Punishment make it difficult to play. If it is, I'd > have to wait for the English version (if there is one). DC? I've been > considering it, but, as I've said, my funds limit me to less than a game a > month. I'm mainly going for the major releases only, and, with the > remaining > games I want for N64, I don't know if I should chance adding DC to the list. > > I must say, I do enjoy Crazy Taxi. :) > -Eric- > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Team Rocket Date: 28 Nov 2000 20:53:37 EST --part1_c1.927c79b.2755bba1_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Judging from the sparkling thing they make when they disappear, they land somewhere far away. Surviving impact...well they're cartoon characters, so I guess they can take their share of beatings and high altitude plunges to the ground. ~Cy In a message dated 11/28/00 2:19:20 AM Mountain Standard Time, writes: > When Team Rocket is "blasting off again", where do they land, and how do > they survive impact? > > ~~ Dave ~~ > > > --part1_c1.927c79b.2755bba1_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit      Judging from the sparkling thing they make when they disappear, they
land somewhere far away.  Surviving impact...well they're cartoon characters,
so I guess they can take their share of beatings and high altitude plunges to
the ground.


In a message dated 11/28/00 2:19:20 AM Mountain Standard Time, writes:

When Team Rocket is "blasting off again", where do they land, and how do
they survive impact?

~~ Dave ~~

--part1_c1.927c79b.2755bba1_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dave Rhodes" Subject: [N64] Ice Key Date: 29 Nov 2000 07:19:59 -0500 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0005_01C059D4.C85F4700 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Did anybody get the Ice Key in Banjo Tooie yet, does anybody have an = answer to what it is for and how it is used?=20 What does Banjo say when he jumps? How is the framerate? Is it good like in Majora or yucky like in Jet = Force Gemini? How are the graphics? Notice any jaggies? Look hard now, you may see = some. Does Banjo Tooie use the Expansion Pak? Does it require it? Is Banjo Tooie overloaded with lighting effects? How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? ~~ Dave ~~ =20 "If there's a fire it's asleep in my bed I must leave it to burn until it burns itself out Catch as you can I'm not staying here long I'll be coming back early or never at all" - Genesis =20 AIM: Super Trey Bros ------=_NextPart_000_0005_01C059D4.C85F4700 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Did anybody get the Ice Key in Banjo = Tooie yet,=20 does anybody have an answer to what it is for and how it is used? =
What does Banjo say when he = jumps?
How is the framerate? Is it good like = in Majora or=20 yucky like in Jet Force Gemini?
How are the graphics? Notice any = jaggies? Look hard=20 now, you may see some.
Does Banjo Tooie use the Expansion Pak? = Does it=20 require it?
Is Banjo Tooie overloaded with lighting = effects?
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck = if a=20 woodchuck could chuck wood?
~~ Dave ~~
"If there's a=20 fire it's asleep in my bed
I must leave it to burn until it burns = itself=20 out
Catch as you can I'm not staying here long
I'll be coming back = early=20 or never at all" - Genesis
 AIM: = Super Trey=20 Bros
------=_NextPart_000_0005_01C059D4.C85F4700-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Michael" Subject: Re: [N64] Hey You! Date: 29 Nov 2000 16:31:52 +0100 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_00BF_01C05A21.E11F0120 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable still have to finish dino crisis. Koudelka will be my next game and ZeldaMM will be my game for chrismas. X-Y-GMX: $flush regards _Michael PS: army sucks :(=20 still 2,5 weeks until my basic instruction is over & i can work indoors instead of camping outside in the cold :( =20 -----Urspr=FCngliche Nachricht----- Von: Dave Rhodes An: Datum: Dienstag, 28. November 2000 04:15 Betreff: [N64] Hey You! Has anybody played Hey You Pikachu?=20 Is everybody just playing Banjo Tooie or what?=20 Or maybe everybody died and I'm the only one left alive to fight off = the zombie hordes. N64 sux, PSX rulez. Wake up! ~~ Dave ~~ =20 "If there's a fire it's asleep in my bed I must leave it to burn until it burns itself out Catch as you can I'm not staying here long I'll be coming back early or never at all" - Genesis =20 AIM: Super Trey Bros ------=_NextPart_000_00BF_01C05A21.E11F0120 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
still have to finish dino crisis. = Koudelka will be=20 my next game
and ZeldaMM will be my game for=20 chrismas.
PS: army sucks :( 
       = still 2,5=20 weeks until my basic instruction is over & i can
       = work indoors=20 instead of camping outside in the cold :(
-----Urspr=FCngliche=20 Nachricht-----
Von: Dave Rhodes <>
An: = = <>
= Datum:=20 Dienstag, 28. November 2000 04:15
Betreff: [N64] Hey=20 You!

Has anybody played Hey You Pikachu? =
Is everybody just playing Banjo Tooie = or what?=20
Or maybe everybody died and I'm the = only one left=20 alive to fight off the zombie hordes.
N64 sux, PSX rulez.
Wake up!
~~ Dave ~~
"If there's=20 a fire it's asleep in my bed
I must leave it to burn until it burns = itself=20 out
Catch as you can I'm not staying here long
I'll be coming = back early=20 or never at all" - Genesis
 AIM: = Super=20 Trey Bros
------=_NextPart_000_00BF_01C05A21.E11F0120-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Ice Key Date: 29 Nov 2000 22:10:42 EST --part1_83.391a406.27571f32_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Language: en In a message dated 11/29/2000 4:20:36 AM Pacific Standard Time,=20 writes: >=20 > What does Banjo say when he jumps? > =20 He has this deep "huh" sound in place of the "woo, woo, wee." To be honest,= =20 I still prefer the latter, but have gotten used to BT. > ow is the framerate? Is it good like in Majora or yucky like in Jet Force=20 > Gemini? > =20 I'm really surprised that you think JFG's framerate is "yucky." Anyway, I=20 only noticed a slow down in one scene, and it wasn't even that major. > ow are the graphics? Notice any jaggies? Look hard now, you may see some. > =20 This stems from that last question. When the frame slowed down (it was just= =20 the camera moving behind Banjo), there was a noticeable blur. However, they= =20 are, for the most part, very good. There isn't as much pop up either. And=20 one thing I thought was cool is that now the sun creates an actual shadow on= =20 the ground instead of a single spot. -Eric- You keep on walking, where will you go? Walk again, in the company of the wind March with confidence until you get to where you=E2=80=99re going Until you finally grab that dream. =E2=80=9CKaze to Issho ni=E2=80=9D My=C3=BBts=C3=BB no Gyakush=C3=BB --part1_83.391a406.27571f32_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Language: en In a message dated 11/29/= 2000 4:20:36 AM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

What does Banjo say when he jumps?

He has this deep "huh" sound in place of the "woo, woo, wee.= "  To be honest,
I still prefer the latter, but have gotten used to= BT.

ow is the fram= erate? Is it good like in Majora or yucky like in Jet Force

I'm really surprised that you think JFG's framerate is "yuck= y."  Anyway, I
only noticed a slow down in one scene, and it wasn't= even that major.

ow are the gra= phics? Notice any jaggies? Look hard now, you may see some.

This stems from that last question.  When the frame slo= wed down (it was just
the camera moving behind Banjo), there was a notic= eable blur.  However, they
are, for the most part, very good.  = ;There isn't as much pop up either.  And
one thing I thought was co= ol is that now the sun creates an actual shadow on
the ground instead of= a single spot.

You keep on walking, where will you go?
Walk again, in the company of the wind
March with confidence until you get to where you=E2=80=99re going
Until you finally grab that dream.

=E2=80=9CKaze to Issho ni=E2=80=9D  My=C3=BBts=C3=BB no Gyakush=C3= =BB
--part1_83.391a406.27571f32_boundary-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [N64] thne latest on my poll Date: 30 Nov 2000 15:22:48 EST remember that poll of mine I had on my site, currently, there are 81 votes, here are the results: NGC:52 64% PS2: 20 24% SDC: 6 7% XBOX:3 3% Some people wrote comments like, worship the Sega Dreamcast. If you want to vote, go to and enter the site, then vote at the bottom. _Jed [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dave Rhodes" Subject: Re: [N64] thne latest on my poll Date: 30 Nov 2000 16:36:58 -0500 ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2000 3:22 PM > remember that poll of mine I had on my site, currently, there are 81 votes, > here are the results: > > NGC:52 64% > PS2: 20 24% > SDC: 6 7% > XBOX:3 3% > > Some people wrote comments like, worship the Sega Dreamcast. > If you want to vote, go to and enter > the site, then vote at the bottom. > > _Jed I confess, that was me. :-) But really, the Dreamcast is worth worshiping. ~~ Dave ~~ "If there's a fire it's asleep in my bed I must leave it to burn until it burns itself out Catch as you can I'm not staying here long I'll be coming back early or never at all" - Genesis AIM: Super Trey Bros [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] thne latest on my poll Date: 30 Nov 2000 17:12:12 EST <> Hey Dave (or anyone who owns a Dreamcast), how is Evil Dead 2: Hail to the King? Is it even out yet? That game would be a very strong reason for me to purchase a DC. Hey, is it going to be released on the PC? ~Matt "I hate the PlayStation 2." [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dave Rhodes" Subject: Re: [N64]Evil Dead 2 Date: 30 Nov 2000 19:13:48 -0500 ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2000 5:12 PM > Hey Dave (or anyone who owns a Dreamcast), how is Evil Dead 2: Hail to the King? Is it even out yet? That game would be a very strong reason for me to purchase a DC. Hey, is it going to be released on the PC? > > ~Matt > > "I hate the PlayStation 2." It's not out yet. I can think of some other strong reasons to get a Dreamcast though. But who would want a system with killer racing, fighting, survival horror, shooting, platfomers, RPGs, and other types of games? ~~Dave~~ "I hate the PlayStation 2, that is until mine comes in next March." [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ]