From: Subject: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Ma Date: 22 May 1997 18:17:30 -0600 -- >>>> -- END OF COMMANDS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Ma Date: 22 May 1997 18:16:23 -0600 -- >>>> -- END OF COMMANDS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: N64 News Subject: Eat Dirt! EWJ Is Confirmed / News from Date: 23 May 1997 09:37:04 -0600 (MDT) In a strange turn of the worm, Shiny Entertainment has handed over the production of Earthworm Jim 3 to Interplay to publish on Nintendo 64, Interplay said early this week. As predicted by (in a news story that ran in January 1997), Earthworm Jim will arrive in 64-bit form on Nintendo's platform (as well as on the PC and PlayStation). In that interview with Shiny President Dave Perry, we asked about the likelihood of EWJ arriving on N64. Perry responded: "Let's just say if we do another Earthworm Jim game, it will definitely be on N64." Scottish developer Viz will be bringing EWJ back for some more wacky fun, with the blessing of Perry and Doug TeNapel, the men responsible for the lovable, weird worm. Earthworm Jim 3 is scheduled to be released in the summer of 1998. believes that the game will be shown as a trailer at E3 (Electronics Entertainment Expo) in Atlanta this June, and may possibly even be playable. ============================= Be sure to patronize at: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "C. James MacLennan" Subject: RE: Nintendo issues an announcement about Rumble Pack Development / News from Date: 22 May 1997 16:20:53 -0500 "there will surely be a Rumble/Memory pack revealed some time in the future." Did Nintendo say this? It's fairly yellow to pose your speculations as facts. -----Original Message----- Sent: Thursday, May 22, 1997 3:01 PM Nintendo has recently issued some guidelines for developers using the Rumble Pack AND a memory pack. Nintendo requires developers to include a screen like a pause screen or title screen telling gamers that it is safe to remove the Rumble pack and put in the memory pack if the game doesn't support an internal back-up feature. While it may be a bit awkward at first there will surely be a Rumble/Memory pack revealed some time in the future. Until then it looks like swapping is the way to go. ============================= Be sure to patronize at: begin 600 WINMAIL.DAT M>)\^(C85`0:0" `$```````!``$``0>0!@`(````Y 0```````#H``$(@ <` M& ```$E032Y-:6-R;W-O9G0@36%I;"Y.;W1E`#$(`0V ! `"`````@`"``$$ MD 8`L $```$````0`````P``, (````+``\.``````(!_P\!````20`````` M``"!*Q^DOJ,0&9UN`-T!#U0"`````&XV-$!M86EL+GAM:7-S:6]N+F-O;0!3 M3510`&XV-$!M86EL+GAM:7-S:6]N+F-O;0`````>``(P`0````4```!33510 M`````!X``S !````%@```&XV-$!M86EL+GAM:7-S:6]N+F-O;0````,`%0P! 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MP -@`P!Z_U40.%U4,2E 77D5`Q^@/,!!`D!P.B\O=V3@+GIV.&PO(L,?H#O5 M9J\*!1(!`&A@`P`0$ `````#`!$0``````,`@!#_____0 `', #&6^'U9KP! M0 `(, #&6^'U9KP!"P`!@ @@!@``````P ```````$8``````X4````````# M``. "" &``````# ````````1@`````0A0````````,`!H (( 8``````, ` M``````!&`````%*%``"W#0``'@`F@ @@!@``````P ```````$8`````5(4` M``$````$````."XP``,`)X (( 8``````, ```````!&``````&%```````` M"P`P@ @@!@``````P ```````$8`````#H4````````#`#& "" &``````# M````````1@`````1A0````````,`,X (( 8``````, ```````!&`````!B% M````````'@!"@ @@!@``````P ```````$8`````-H4```$````!```````` M`!X`0X (( 8``````, ```````!&`````#>%```!`````0`````````>`$2 M"" &``````# ````````1@`````XA0```0````$`````````'@`]``$````% 5````4D4Z( `````#``TT_3<``'2L ` end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Gary Mort Subject: RE: I hate this FUCKING MAILING LIST Date: 22 May 1997 23:10:31 +-100 What are you - THICK or something ? What kind of idiot subscribes to a mailing list, without knowledge of getting off it ? Bye the way, this is a no swearing mail list, so keep your obscenities to yourself and GOOD RIDDANCE !! ---------- Sent: 22 May 1997 01:00 TAKE ME OFF begin 600 WINMAIL.DAT M>)\^(A,6`0:0" `$```````!``$``0>0!@`(````Y 0```````#H``$(@ <` M& ```$E032Y-:6-R;W-O9G0@36%I;"Y.;W1E`#$(`0V ! `"`````@`"``$$ MD 8`. $```$````,`````P``, 0````+``\.``````(!_P\!````:P`````` M``"U.\+ +'<0&J&\" `K*E;"%0```)4"&D7\0+P1C@/V%/\F@S1D@0`````` M`($K'Z2^HQ 9G6X`W0$/5 (`````3C8T($UA:6QI;F<@3&ES= !33510`&XV M-$!X;6ES`!X,`0````4```!33510`````!X`'PP!```` M%0```&=A M``@0`0```&4```!72$%405)%64]5+51(24-+3U)33TU%5$A)3D<_5TA!5$M) M3D1/1DE$24]44U5"4T-224)%4U1/04U!24Q)3D=,25-4+%=)5$A/551+3D]7 M3$5$1T5/1D=%5%1)3D=/1D9)5#]"``````(!"1 !````%@4``!(%``"L"@`` M3%I&=:#5VVHW``D#, $"-0#R"V!N9_ Q,#,S`?L"@PZ0$=\0M0:P<'-T96T"@ *1".8[A0EO M,!=/93(U-1AZ_QF1&4\:61AD&H(8[QR_''V'&_\:+QA_93$R.")*_R-A(Q\D M*1AD)%(BOR:/)DWG)<\C_R?$.3(K!2QQ)).G+' "@A8P>6P'D&@)X(9T```# M\&1C=&P*LX,$00/7@!0 Y4,C0^+\PQ M.#_!"U!Y+S,@-7#["Q% 17,S9"1P03]"3S8/?T7O1ODXPCAD.94PPQ=@=@$" M42![56YK;F_4=VX"@4<*P'D%T D1\Q9Q`54S-@% +J%/H"[0>TEA`8!N.2 ` M8 GP,8!O_P#@`A P<#S",> "`!"!,-('%D$+419 ($,Z7%Q%!>!/`2!I8V54 MT%=M"X!W!; +,%P64 MP;/HN/I!T4+ 0<"[01X!$\!\+@# ``4 N0$!R>3

K0*^0,P+J\OL%>O$$ %0 K ,>!Y"& @.$! 5$A)0TL@!;%S MRP-P$(!H/0$@/PJ%@8.F:WT1@L!F((!@:5:0EX+P.1 $\F('D71O@<">(%8R M@V)70!8P+" #\)^#0 A@A%%/D2X09&"#0#'@1U!YAQ"_@T$$((KA92!/D(+P=T!@?S@!@X!6,H;%@P"$8 G@!D8H2BN%&58*@24XZ1P700:' KM*O0%-4_Y5P```]D11QEV>COX 2 MI4U'+SB21Y=G5$%+D(!-\9" 3T9&E1:0QE*!D9D$?0"WL ```P`0$ `````# M`!$0`````$ `!S! 9+ Subject: Re: Question... Date: 23 May 1997 01:23:53 +1000 >Entrippy, > > What are you blind, Melbourne is rarely sunny, especially now we are going >into Winter. I suppose you are talking about those 4 days in January we >saw the sun. JJJ > > - Beamer. > Good point! I think I missed my metaphor, or something - mind you, I grew up in Ballarat, so by comparison.... To get on the topic - PAL games and borders, can anyone add to this list Pilot WIngs - Hideous borders Mario 64 - Medium Borders Turok - No borders ( i think) Killer Instinct Gold - No Borders SOTE - (no borders, I think) and apparently Mario Kart 64 - Borders Renaissance Womble and Freelance Raconteur "I can see round corners, and move at will through time!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Josh" Subject: Re: Don't Fret! / News from Ultra Game Players Date: 22 May 1997 16:31:39 -0700 ---------- > From: Stryder > To: Nintendo 64 Mailing List > Subject: Re: Don't Fret! / News from Ultra Game Players > Date: Thursday, May 22, 1997 3:47 PM > > > On Thu, 22 May 1997, N64 News wrote: > > > Q: Your sister site, Next Generation said FF3 is better than FF7. > > A: I have to agree with them 100% that FF3 is better > > than FF7. > > Give me a break! I thought FF3 was boring. FF7 is a great game. > Obviously whoever did this review does not know what they are talking > about. Give us a break. Just because someone has a different opinion then you doesn't mean they are wrong. Both Next Generation and Ultra Game Players are respected magazines/sites. Saying they don't know what they are talking about because you disagree with them is very close minded. Did you ever stop to think that your opinion is in the minority, and may very well be wrong? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Gregory A. Swarthout" Subject: Re: Question... -Reply Date: 22 May 1997 15:33:46 -0600 (MDT) No, as I understand it, the PAL system uses a higher resolution than NTSC. So unless the game companies want to spend a lot of time changing the game to take advantage of the extra pixels, the entire game playing area will fit in a smaller portion of the TV screen. Think of it like having a PC game that will only play in a 640 x 480 window. If your PC is set in that resolution, the game will take up the entire screen. If it is set at a higher resolution, say 800 x 600, then the game will appear somewhat smaller and won't take up all the screen. The area of the monitor not being used by the game would be equivalent to the "borders" for a PAL N64 game. Someone correct me if I'm wrong. Greg >>> "tippyman" 05/22/97 01:59pm >>> what's all this about borders? you mean freedom of movement in the games? Tippyman ( ---------- ---------- Sent: 22 May 1997 16:52 What is NTSC? NTSC stands for National Television Standard Committee. Its the television system used in the United States and other countries. NTSC runs at 60Htz where as PAL runs at 50Htz, so when we get NTSC to PAL conversions that is where the speed difference comes into effect. Gary Mort At 05:51 PM 5/22/97 +1000, you wrote: >At 13:02 22-05-97 +1000, you wrote: >>Likewise - Sunny Melbourne Australia >> >>Renaissance Womble and Freelance Raconteur >> >>"I can see round corners, and move at will through time!" >> >> >I'm from Melbourne, Australia. >>> >>> - Beamer. >>> >>>LJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJ >>> > >I'm from Melbourne also. > >BTW, I picked up MK64 today and it had borders. So unless the NTSC versions >had borders then it's my guess that all of NCL's games will have borders on >PAL. Which is kinda a bitch since NCL make my favorite games. :/ > > > > > > > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Stryder Subject: Re: Don't Fret! / News from Ultra Game Players Date: 22 May 1997 23:43:09 -0500 (CDT) On Thu, 22 May 1997, Josh wrote: > > > ---------- > > From: Stryder > > To: Nintendo 64 Mailing List > > Subject: Re: Don't Fret! / News from Ultra Game Players > > Date: Thursday, May 22, 1997 3:47 PM > > > > > > On Thu, 22 May 1997, N64 News wrote: > > > > Give us a break. Just because someone has a different opinion then you > doesn't mean they are wrong. Both Next Generation and Ultra Game Players > are respected magazines/sites. Saying they don't know what they are > talking about because you disagree with them is very close minded. Did you > ever stop to think that your opinion is in the minority, and may very well > be wrong? Have you even played FF7? It is a ton better than FF3. I'm not saying I did not like FF3, I just thought it was a let down after FF2. It was way too boring in the middle of the game. I hate having to walk around for hours trying to build up levels. Stryder: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Gregory A. Swarthout" Subject: Watch your subject lines! Date: 22 May 1997 16:54:35 -0600 (MDT) If you are replying to someone's message and their subject line uses profanity, CHANGE IT. You will get called on the mat for repeating it, even if all you did was hit the reply button. Greg ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Cryptic Bug) Subject: Re: Zelda 64 Date: 22 May 1997 03:16:48 -0800 -=> Quoting to cryptic bug <=- kl> From: (kleinemans) kl> Subject: Zelda 64 kl> How do you think you'll navigate through zelda 64? I mean will it be a kl> huge 3d world or will it be more like zelda 2, that you walk over a kl> map, and that you'll get a 3d view when you enter a town or a cave? You kl> can easilly get lost in a 3d world. Maybe there's just an overhead kl> camera ,like in zelda III (I mean an optional overhead camera, that kl> keeps north north) I would love to have it all 3d but it would be quite kl> confusing. When is the E3? I geuss we can get some info there. Well, we've seen no Map-shots, only the 3D shots showing action and spiffyness-of-graphics. I sure HOPE it's fully 3D. What I'D like to have, is a compass. In a separate sub-screen, you have mapped out places you've been, and you can select a destination. Whe you return to the normal Walkabout (Hopefully fully 3D), a compass appears with a pointer marking your destination selected on the map. That would be realistic, keep the option for secrets (a Huge 3D realistic world that has to be explored as in real life), and therefore more replay value, and still keep it easy to navigate. Personally, I feel half the fun of a game like that would be exploring the world, and I wouldn't want to have that taken away by being forced into a traditional, boring-to- explore top-view map-mode for much of the game. Cryptic Bug ... "Strange things await us by the eaves of the forest." - Legolas ~~~ Blue Wave/DOS v2.30 [NR] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Stryder Subject: Re: Don't Fret! / News from Ultra Game Players Date: 22 May 1997 17:47:39 -0500 (CDT) On Thu, 22 May 1997, N64 News wrote: > Q: Your sister site, Next Generation said FF3 is better than FF7. > They even said the music in FF3 is better too. How can that be? > The music in FF7 is of CD quality! To me it just sounded much > better, and also better composed. What's your take on this? > > A: That's funny. I don't recall the guys at Next Generation > Online even playing the game! Anyway, I have to agree > with them 100% that FF3 is better than FF7. FF7 just > seems really rushed towards the end. The music isn't CD > quality either. It's PCM! And FF3's soundtrack blows it > (FF7) away! Next... > Give me a break! I thought FF3 was boring. It was really good at the beginning, but the middle drags on FOREVER. You know after you destroy that floating continent? I got past that, then go extremely tired of walking around building up levels so I could get to the top of the tower. I always thought FF2 was the best of the ones released here in the US. Great story, lots of hidden things to do, lots of different areas, great music, tons of vehicles, etc... By far the best. FF7 is a great game. Obviously whoever did this review does not know what they are talking about. Stryder: ____________________________________ time heals, but I'm forever broken B.C.-------Muzzle------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Vi-64 Subject: bomberman Date: 22 May 1997 17:16:53 +30000 more new pictures of bomberman64 and dual heroes in Hudson's homepage. also, pc's version of atomic bomberman was suppose to be out last month. Is it out yet, or any news of it anyone? -Vi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: N64 News Subject: Nintendo issues an announcement about Rumble Pack Development / News from Date: 22 May 1997 14:00:59 -0600 (MDT) Nintendo has recently issued some guidelines for developers using the Rumble Pack AND a memory pack. Nintendo requires developers to include a screen like a pause screen or title screen telling gamers that it is safe to remove the Rumble pack and put in the memory pack if the game doesn't support an internal back-up feature. While it may be a bit awkward at first there will surely be a Rumble/Memory pack revealed some time in the future. Until then it looks like swapping is the way to go. ============================= Be sure to patronize at: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "tippyman" Subject: Re: Question... Date: 22 May 1997 18:29:57 -0400 oh my. that sucks! i see that in super nintendo in the U.S. I haven't seen that in the U.S. N64 games. Tippyman ( ) ---------- > From: Gary Mort > To: > Subject: RE: Question... > Date: Thursday, May 22, 1997 5:46 PM > > Borders are the 2-3 inch thick black bits that go all the way across the screen at the top and the bottom of the TV of most PAL games > > Gary Mort > > ---------- > From: tippyman[] > Sent: 22 May 1997 21:00 > To: > Subject: Re: Question... > > what's all this about borders? you mean freedom of movement in the games? > > > Tippyman ( > > > > ---------- > From: Gary Mort > To: 'N64 Mailing List' > Subject: RE: Question... > Date: Thursday, May 22, 1997 3:09 PM > > > > ---------- > From: David Chang[] > Sent: 22 May 1997 16:52 > To: > Subject: Re: Question... > > What is NTSC? > > NTSC stands for National Television Standard Committee. > Its the television system used in the United States and other countries. > NTSC runs at 60Htz where as PAL runs at 50Htz, so when we get NTSC to PAL > conversions that is where the speed difference comes into effect. > > Gary Mort > > At 05:51 PM 5/22/97 +1000, you wrote: > >At 13:02 22-05-97 +1000, you wrote: > >>Likewise - Sunny Melbourne Australia > >> > >>Renaissance Womble and Freelance Raconteur > >> > >>"I can see round corners, and move at will through time!" > >> > >> >I'm from Melbourne, Australia. > >>> > >>> - Beamer. > >>> > >>>LJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJ > >>> > > > >I'm from Melbourne also. > > > >BTW, I picked up MK64 today and it had borders. So unless the NTSC > versions > >had borders then it's my guess that all of NCL's games will have borders > on > >PAL. Which is kinda a bitch since NCL make my favorite games. :/ > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Ma Date: 22 May 1997 18:21:48 -0600 -- >>>> -- END OF COMMANDS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "tippyman" Subject: Re: tag Date: 22 May 1997 18:27:04 -0400 what does this have to do with n64?? Tippyman ( ) ---------- > From: > To: > Subject: Fwd: tag > Date: Wednesday, May 21, 1997 12:43 AM > > > --------------------- > Forwarded message: > Subj: Fwd: tag > Date: 97-05-20 23:26:31 EDT > From: SHarris22 > To: Poweryan > > > --------------------- > Forwarded message: > Subj: Fwd: tag > Date: 97-05-20 20:57:43 EDT > From: JAMIEPL25 > To: SHarris22 > > > --------------------- > Forwarded message: > Subj: Fwd: tag > Date: 97-05-20 13:35:42 EDT > From: Cindrla40 > To: DAntram,IgonnabLPN,Denny444 > To: MLEagan,KISS 1212,RRitc31061 > To: RWhittenbe,TALLBOYNO1,AAnder3110 > To: JAMIEPL25,DickCSQ,Loveit47,OPCZ > > > --------------------- > Forwarded message: > Subj: Fwd: tag > Date: 97-05-20 12:05:32 EDT > From: W8FBE Dan > To: Glo4u2,Brandpup,Cindrla40 > To: BettyB3797,Msblue306,AngelaL527 > To: CARAMIA914 > > ur it now > --------------------- > Forwarded message: > Subj: Fwd: tag > Date: 97-05-19 21:18:00 EDT > From: JONI916 > To: Jtwnfo,KissWizard,WFuller855 > To: DAWNYOUNG,W8FBE Dan > > > --------------------- > Forwarded message: > Subj: Fwd: tag > Date: 97-05-19 17:22:25 EDT > From: FEB17 > To: JONI916 > > > --------------------- > Forwarded message: > Subj: Fwd: tag > Date: 97-05-19 14:59:12 EDT > From: ChristCamp > To: FEB17,MALACKYEL,JosephT456 > To: MALACKYM,KSsut,Roker100 > > > --------------------- > Forwarded message: > Subj: Re: tag > Date: 97-05-17 17:17:48 EDT > From: PadreFred > To: ChristCamp,Salim48,KSsut,Dew000 > To: TKorleski,,MAVT46 > > > << Hello, and welcome to cyber tag!! You're wondering what that is, aren't > you? Well, it's kinda like the snowball fight, only you have 24 hours to > "tag" a friend, to make sure you are not it, tag all that you can. There is > no base, or truces. It's every man/ woman for themselves!! Don't worry, it > won't hurt. To become it, is when you get this letter, it's a "tag" and you > have to send it to 5 other people. That's the deal. Every time you hit > someone, you have one less chance of being it. So that means, no tag > backs!!! Clear?? Well, go and "tag" all that you can, and ask yourself this > question, "will it end???" > TAG - YOU ARE IT!!! > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Re: Number for Ninten Date: 22 May 1997 18:21:27 -0600 -- >>>> -- END OF COMMANDS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Ma Date: 22 May 1997 18:21:24 -0600 -- >>>> -- END OF COMMANDS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Ma Date: 22 May 1997 18:21:21 -0600 -- >>>> -- END OF COMMANDS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Ma Date: 22 May 1997 18:21:15 -0600 -- >>>> -- END OF COMMANDS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: Eat Dirt! EWJ Date: 23 May 1997 12:05:06 -0400 (EDT) In a message dated 97-05-23 11:54:55 EDT, you write: << Subj: Eat Dirt! EWJ Is Confirmed / News from Date: 97-05-23 11:54:55 EDT From: (N64 News) Sender: Reply-to: To: (Nintendo 64 Mailing List) > In a strange turn of the worm, Shiny Entertainment has handed over > the production of Earthworm Jim 3 to Interplay to publish on Nintendo > 64, Interplay said early this week. >> Isn't that great news? Although I never cease to be amazed by some of the ignorance displayed by, they always manage to scoop the cool stories. Kudos for that. But one thing deserves comment: "In a strange turn of the worm, Shiny Entertainment has handed over the production of Earthworm Jim 3 to Interplay" Last time I checked Interplay owned Shiny and publishes their titles, so why is this strange? :) I think they're missing the story -- it's strange that Perry & Co. would allow the handing over of game DEVELOPMENT to a no-name programming team called Viz. Has anyone heard of them? What games have they made before? Anyway, great news. Peer Nintendojo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Ma Date: 22 May 1997 18:21:04 -0600 -- >>>> -- END OF COMMANDS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Ma Date: 22 May 1997 18:21:11 -0600 -- >>>> -- END OF COMMANDS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Ma Date: 22 May 1997 18:14:21 -0600 -- >>>> -- END OF COMMANDS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Gary Ireland Subject: RE: Question... -Reply Date: 21 May 1997 19:48:24 +1000 You basically Summed it up, with the comparison between the systems and a PC, we may have the better picture quality in Australia, but unfortunately we lose out in speed. This is apparent in all racing games, e.g. Mk64, WR64, American/Japanese times will always be faster. I word of warning though, if you see a PAL time that is faster than an NTSC time, then you guys have some work ahead of you. -Beamer LJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJ On Friday, May 23, 1997 7:34 AM, Gregory A. Swarthout [] wrote: : No, as I understand it, the PAL system uses a higher resolution than : NTSC. So unless the game companies want to spend a lot of time changing : the game to take advantage of the extra pixels, the entire game playing : area will fit in a smaller portion of the TV screen. : : Think of it like having a PC game that will only play in a 640 x 480 : window. If your PC is set in that resolution, the game will take up : the entire screen. If it is set at a higher resolution, say 800 x 600, : then the game will appear somewhat smaller and won't take up all the : screen. The area of the monitor not being used by the game would be : equivalent to the "borders" for a PAL N64 game. : : Someone correct me if I'm wrong. : : Greg : : >>> "tippyman" 05/22/97 01:59pm >>> : what's all this about borders? you mean freedom of movement in the games? : : : Tippyman ( : : : : ---------- : From: Gary Mort : To: 'N64 Mailing List' : Subject: RE: Question... : Date: Thursday, May 22, 1997 3:09 PM : : : : ---------- : From: David Chang[] : Sent: 22 May 1997 16:52 : To: : Subject: Re: Question... : : What is NTSC? : : NTSC stands for National Television Standard Committee. : Its the television system used in the United States and other countries. : NTSC runs at 60Htz where as PAL runs at 50Htz, so when we get NTSC to PAL : conversions that is where the speed difference comes into effect. : : Gary Mort : : At 05:51 PM 5/22/97 +1000, you wrote: : >At 13:02 22-05-97 +1000, you wrote: : >>Likewise - Sunny Melbourne Australia : >> : >>Renaissance Womble and Freelance Raconteur : >> : >>"I can see round corners, and move at will through time!" : >> : >> >I'm from Melbourne, Australia. : >>> : >>> - Beamer. : >>> : >>>LJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJ : >>> : > : >I'm from Melbourne also. : > : >BTW, I picked up MK64 today and it had borders. So unless the NTSC : versions : >had borders then it's my guess that all of NCL's games will have borders : on : >PAL. Which is kinda a bitch since NCL make my favorite games. :/ : > : > : > : > : > : > : > : > : > : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Ma Date: 22 May 1997 18:20:45 -0600 -- >>>> -- END OF COMMANDS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Gary Mort Subject: PAL releases Date: 23 May 1997 16:44:23 +-100 By all accounts us Brits should be getting PAL conversions of International Superstar Soccer 64 and Mario Kart 64 on Friday 13th June. About time to !! Can't wait Gary Mort begin 600 WINMAIL.DAT M>)\^(A4/`0:0" `$```````!``$``0>0!@`(````Y 0```````#H``$(@ <` M& ```$E032Y-:6-R;W-O9G0@36%I;"Y.;W1E`#$(`0V ! `"`````@`"``$$ MD 8`. $```$````,`````P``, (````+``\.``````(!_P\!````:P`````` M``"U.\+ +'<0&J&\" `K*E;"%0```)4"&D7\0+P1C@/V%/\F@S1D@0`````` M`($K'Z2^HQ 9G6X`W0$/5 (`````3C8T($UA:6QI;F<@3&ES= !33510`&XV M-$!X;6ES\ M`1X`< `!````#0```%!!3"!R96QE87-E0 M+KSUV0U4TX@1T(LD1$535 `````>`!X,`0````4```!33510`````!X`'PP! M````%0```&=A`P`'$)P` M```>``@0`0```&4```!"64%,3$%#0T]53E1355-"4DE44U-(3U5,1$)%1T54 M5$E.1U!!3$-/3E9%4E-)3TY33T9)3E1%4DY!5$E/3D%,4U5015)35$%24T]# M0T52-C1!3D1-05))3TM!4E0V-$].1E))``````(!"1 !````OP,``+L#``#< M!P``3%I&=7^D,R$W``D#, $"-0#R"V!N9_ Q,#,S`?_%WT6_Q4O$W]E,3+^.!U*'F$>'Q\I$V0?4AV_GR&/(4T@SQ[_(L0Y,B8% M#R=Q'Y,G< *"S _$#AX`4#)#E0R-#DO,3@ZP0M0O'DO+B P< L1.T5S+F3_'W \ M/SU/,0] [T'Y,\(S9&4TE7T!53,V`4 IH6_N=RG01&$!@&XT( !@"?#]+(!O M`. "$"MP-\(LX (`-Q"!*](TL&T+432P($,H.EQ!/`2!I8VIE3;!7"X!W M!; +,%S331 +<&PN.9!T29 0%$"2V%N*4 28""-*])P`( %D&QV; !0]5-0=04`;5-"`9 `(%/2 M_PN `0`", '!4T$00 YP``#G4U ,T &0("X1@E,X)X"_4_(M4$005&]5?U:/ M,U-!3P6!6"]9/UI/;#1306SW5^]/$( LL YP+7!!3" %H!IN.O)I`B $(&]F('Y)`C $D32@?<$'0#/Q M<+\[`75Q!@!+H$XP!< V0'";`'!"@$T*P'W ($MU@:^ (@(@,U%Y0&%Z<#$. MP0)S?S(@=&A]($JI>Q!E+@J%00;@=05 3RRP!X""L(#@(2$*A4.S`' `$'%U M46&"L"!"4+`#T``0````$``````````P`--/TW``!5AU1Y ` end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Ma Date: 22 May 1997 18:20:33 -0600 -- >>>> -- END OF COMMANDS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Ma Date: 22 May 1997 18:20:27 -0600 -- >>>> -- END OF COMMANDS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Ma Date: 22 May 1997 18:20:17 -0600 -- >>>> -- END OF COMMANDS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Mark Thomson" Subject: Re: I hate this FUCKING MAILING LIST Date: 22 May 1997 22:16:07 +0000 > From: (MR MICHAEL D MILLER) > Date: Thu, 22 May 1997 16:39:52, -0500 > To: > Subject: I hate this FUCKING MAILING LIST > Reply-to: > TAKE ME OFF > Never start to piss people off when your email address is in full view. Mark ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Ma Date: 22 May 1997 18:20:18 -0600 -- >>>> -- END OF COMMANDS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Ma Date: 22 May 1997 18:20:00 -0600 -- >>>> -- END OF COMMANDS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Cryptic Bug) Subject: Re: no mac,pc debate Date: 22 May 1997 03:02:36 -0800 -=> Quoting to cryptic bug <=- kl> From: (kleinemans) kl> Subject: Re: no mac,pc debate kl> Yes, stop it. It's only my signature you know. I really don't want to kl> know what evrybody thinks about mac/pc, and you have to say: Personally kl> I THINK the mac is better, instead of Personally I know the mac is kl> better, because know things might get out of hand. If you all think I kl> have to remove my sig, then mail me. kl> I will remove it if lot's of people think it's anoying. But it's just kl> a sig, so you can just skip it! Yes, everyone leave him alone! If it was 12-pages long, then you could complain. Personally, I hate Macs, and I use DOS for EVERYTHING (My computer won't handle much anyway...). Yes, I have Win 3.11 with Workplace Shell (WAY better than the normal interface), but I on;y use it when I must, which is rare. kl> ----------------------------------------------------------------------- kl> --- "DOS computers, manufactured by millions of companies, are by far kl> the most popular, with about 70 million machines in use worldwide. kl> Macintosh fans, on the other hand, may note that while cockroaches are kl> far more numerous than humans, numbers alone do not denote a higher kl> life form." - New York Times kl> ----------------------------------------------------------------------- It IS a pretty clever remark, and I agree with it. Cryptic Bug ... "The wolf that one hears is worse than the orc that one fears." ~~~ Blue Wave/DOS v2.30 [NR] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tom Dickson Subject: Vote for your 3 favorite and most wanted N64 games! Date: 22 May 1997 17:31:57 -0600 Hey! June 1st is fast approaching, and that means another update to the Top Ten Favorite N64 Games and Top Ten Most Wanted N64 Games, so get your vote in ASAP! Just send in an Email to with your top 3 favorites and top 3 most wanted in the body of the Email, and the subject Top 3 Favorites and Most Wanted (so we don't have to litter everyone else's Inboxes). -Asha'man_X 64 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "entrippy" Subject: Re: Number for Nintendo of America Date: 23 May 1997 04:48:43 +1000 >I bought the N64 before the price drop and I hear that people are getting Mario >Kart 64 for Free. Whats the phone number I call to complain and get my free >game. Note : This was an Australian offer (UK had a similar one too) due to the sudden, major price drop - mind you, can't hurt to try Nin of America, but I suspect all they'll do is laugh at you... Renaissance Womble and Freelance Raconteur "I can see round corners, and move at will through time!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "tippyman" Subject: Re: Converters Date: 22 May 1997 18:32:52 -0400 I'll agree, macs have good graphic capabilites, but they are horribly slo= w! =20 =20 Tippyman ( ) =20 ---------- On Tue, 20 May 1997, [ISO-8859-1] Mike H=FCbner wrote: > Man would you stop writing that shit at the bottom of all your e-mails? It > is really strting to piss me off to see that all the time. Mac sucks PC > rulez. okay? Aaaaahhhhhh!!!!!!!!! He is welcome to have ANY .signature file that he wants. The same as anyone else. Uhhhh, yes the PC is much more popular, but Mac operating systems are far superior (as are most Mac programs). Why do you think Windows looks more like Macs with each installment? Appl= e just screwed up early on by selling underpowered computers at high prices and not allowing cloning. Had they allowed clones, the world woul= d be using Macs right now...they are superior. Thats why they don't have to have crap like plug 'n play. They are set up 100s of times better and are MUCH easier to use. Apple has just been run by a bunch of morons. Leave the guy alone.=20 Stryder: ____________________________________ time heals, but I'm forever broken B.C.-------Muzzle------------------- >=20 > ---------- > > From: Gary Mort > > To: 'N64 Mailing List' > > Subject: RE: Converters > > Date: Dienstag, 20. Mai 1997 22:40 > >=20 > > I'm not so sure, but I thought that I read in a magazine a month or s= o > ago=20 > > that there was not going to be a converter to play NTSC games on a P= AL > > machine. > > Anybody know anything ? > >=20 > > ---------- > > From: kleinemans[] > > Sent: 20 May 1992 20:10 > > To: > > Subject: Converters > >=20 > > Hey, I want to get a (us/jap to pal) converter in a few months or so, but > > I've got a few questions. I believe there's one out now, for $35. Are > there > > going to be cheaper ones soon? And when is the action replay 64 comin= g > out? > > Does it convert? > >=20 > > kleinemans. > >=20 > > > - > > "DOS computers, manufactured by millions of companies, are by far the > most > > popular, with about 70 million machines in use worldwide. Macintosh > > fans, on the other hand, may note that while cockroaches are far more > > numerous than humans, numbers alone do not denote a higher life form.= " - > > New York Times > > > - > >=20 > >=20 > >=20 > >=20 > >=20 > >=20 >=20 >=20 ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Ma Date: 22 May 1997 18:20:06 -0600 -- >>>> -- END OF COMMANDS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Mark J. Popp" Subject: Re: Don't Fret! / News from Ultra Game Players Date: 23 May 1997 01:27:49 -0600 At 05:47 PM 5/22/97 -0500, you wrote: >Give me a break! I thought FF3 was boring. It was really good at the >beginning, but the middle drags on FOREVER. You know after you destroy >that floating continent? I got past that, then go extremely tired of >walking around building up levels so I could get to the top of the tower. >I always thought FF2 was the best of the ones released here in the US. >Great story, lots of hidden things to do, lots of different areas, great >music, tons of vehicles, etc... By far the best. Ah, we do agree on something. FF2 is my favorite as well, it was much more involving than 3 (although I have yet to play 7). Could Square be losing it's magic? Ever since they cut their estimated profits for FF7 in Japan I wonder if they've lapsed into a sort of mediocrity after a few blockbuster games... Only time will tell. ************************************************************** Mark J. Popp | | Calgary, Alberta, Canada ************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Gregory A. Swarthout" Subject: Revised List Information - KEEP! Date: 22 May 1997 21:24:51 -0600 (MDT) [Last updated on: Thu May 22 17:59:28 1997] ********************************************** * * * Welcome to the Nintendo 64 Mailing List! * * * ********************************************** To post to the list, mail to: For subscribing, unsubscribing, and so on: ################# Table of Contents ################# 1) Who to contact for help and advice 2) Subscription information 3) Sending messages to the mailing list 4) Charter: What's acceptable, what's not 5) Disciplinary action 6) Where to find the World Wide Web home page ##################################### 1) Who to contact for help and advice ##################################### The List Mom (or SysOp) for this list is: Gregory A. Swarthout (Email: ) #################### 2) Subscription Info #################### To subscribe to or unsubscribe from this mailing list, you must send an e-mail command to the address . Leave the subject line blank; do not put commands in the subject. Here are the commands to navigate this mailing list: SUBSCRIBE n64 UNSUBSCRIBE n64 INFO n64 *Remember, all commands go to , not the main mailing list. You can put more than one command in an e-mail message. Please note that if your e-mail messages contain signatures, majordomo will attempt to read them as commands and return an error to you. This can be ignored if you also get the confirmation back on the earlier commands. You can bypass this situation entirely by placing the command END just below the last actual command in your message. ####################################### 3) Sending messages to the mailing list ####################################### To post to the mailing list, send mail to the following address: You must be a subscriber to the list to post to it. Majordomo (the mail server) is very picky about your address: it will not recognize you as a subscriber except from the account where you sent the SUBSCRIBE command from. ######################################### 4) Charter: What's Acceptable, What's Not ######################################### This list is for discussion of anything related to the Nintendo 64. Please do not stray too far from this subject when composing your messages. Things that will not be tolerated include: * Being grossly disrespectful to other list members, aka "flaming". * Vulgar profanity. (If you reply to a message that uses such profanity without changing or removing it, you are just as guilty as the originator) * Soliciting devices which are illegal. * Using the list to distribute commercial messages. * Posting community service messages that have not been first submitted to, and approved by, List Mom That last item is especially important because messages such as those warning about the fictional "Good Times" Internet virus are a nuisance to everybody and may result in the spread of erroneous information. ###################### 5) Disciplinary action ###################### Offense #1: A private warning via email Offense #2: One month suspension from the list Offense #3: Permanent removal from the list ############################## 6) Where to find the Home Page ############################## The World Wide Web home page for this mailing list can be reached from: Have fun! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Ma Date: 22 May 1997 18:20:00 -0600 -- >>>> -- END OF COMMANDS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Ma Date: 22 May 1997 18:19:49 -0600 -- >>>> -- END OF COMMANDS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Majordomo results: Re: Question... Date: 22 May 1997 18:19:46 -0600 -- >>>> What is NTSC? **** Command 'what' not recognized. >>>> >>>> At 05:51 PM 5/22/97 +1000, you wrote: **** Command 'at' not recognized. >>>> >At 13:02 22-05-97 +1000, you wrote: **** Command '>at' not recognized. >>>> >>Likewise - Sunny Melbourne Australia **** Command '>>likewise' not recognized. >>>> >> **** Command '>>' not recognized. >>>> >>Renaissance Womble and Freelance Raconteur **** Command '>>renaissance' not recognized. >>>> >> **** Command '>>' not recognized. >>>> >>"I can see round corners, and move at will through time!" **** Command '>>"i' not recognized. >>>> >> **** Command '>>' not recognized. >>>> >> >I'm from Melbourne, Australia. **** Command '>>' not recognized. >>>> >>> **** Command '>>>' not recognized. >>>> >>> - Beamer. **** Command '>>>' not recognized. >>>> >>> **** Command '>>>' not recognized. >>>> >>>LJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJ **** Command '>>>ljljljljljljljljljljljlj' not recognized. >>>> >>> **** Command '>>>' not recognized. >>>> > **** Command '>' not recognized. >>>> >I'm from Melbourne also. **** Command '>i'm' not recognized. >>>> > **** Command '>' not recognized. >>>> >BTW, I picked up MK64 today and it had borders. So unless the NTSC versions **** Command '>btw,' not recognized. >>>> >had borders then it's my guess that all of NCL's games will have borders on **** Command '>had' not recognized. >>>> >PAL. Which is kinda a bitch since NCL make my favorite games. :/ **** Command '>pal.' not recognized. >>>> > **** Command '>' not recognized. >>>> > **** Command '>' not recognized. >>>> > **** Command '>' not recognized. >>>> > **** Command '>' not recognized. >>>> > **** Command '>' not recognized. >>>> > **** Command '>>>> > **** Command '>' not recognized. >>>> > **** Command '>' not recognized. >>>> > **** Command '>' not recognized. >>>> >>>> **** No valid commands found. **** Commands must be in message BODY, not in HEADER. **** Help for This is the "Majordomo" mailing list manager, version 1.94.1. In the description below items contained in []'s are optional. When providing the item, do not include the []'s around it. Items in angle brackets, such as

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If you have any questions or problems, please contact "". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Ma Date: 22 May 1997 18:17:24 -0600 -- >>>> -- END OF COMMANDS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: James Gilliam Subject: Re: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Ma Date: 23 May 1997 12:09:41 -0400 wrote: > > -- > > >>>> -- > END OF COMMANDS Me thinks something is awry in the N64 mailing list.. =) James Gilliam ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "tippyman" Subject: Re: Question... Date: 22 May 1997 15:59:37 -0400 what's all this about borders? you mean freedom of movement in the games? Tippyman ( ---------- ---------- Sent: 22 May 1997 16:52 What is NTSC? NTSC stands for National Television Standard Committee. Its the television system used in the United States and other countries. NTSC runs at 60Htz where as PAL runs at 50Htz, so when we get NTSC to PAL conversions that is where the speed difference comes into effect. Gary Mort At 05:51 PM 5/22/97 +1000, you wrote: >At 13:02 22-05-97 +1000, you wrote: >>Likewise - Sunny Melbourne Australia >> >>Renaissance Womble and Freelance Raconteur >> >>"I can see round corners, and move at will through time!" >> >> >I'm from Melbourne, Australia. >>> >>> - Beamer. >>> >>>LJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJ >>> > >I'm from Melbourne also. > >BTW, I picked up MK64 today and it had borders. So unless the NTSC versions >had borders then it's my guess that all of NCL's games will have borders on >PAL. Which is kinda a bitch since NCL make my favorite games. :/ > > > > > > > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Ma Date: 22 May 1997 18:19:18 -0600 -- >>>> -- END OF COMMANDS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Ma Date: 22 May 1997 18:17:08 -0600 -- >>>> -- END OF COMMANDS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Coolguy Subject: Re: Question... Date: 23 May 1997 16:07:51 +1000 At 01:23 23-05-97 +1000, you wrote: >>Entrippy, >> >> What are you blind, Melbourne is rarely sunny, especially now we are >going >>into Winter. I suppose you are talking about those 4 days in January we >>saw the sun. JJJ >> >> - Beamer. >> > > >Good point! I think I missed my metaphor, or something - mind you, I grew >up in Ballarat, so by comparison.... > >To get on the topic - PAL games and borders, can anyone add to this list > >Pilot WIngs - Hideous borders > >Mario 64 - Medium Borders > >Turok - No borders ( i think) > >Killer Instinct Gold - No Borders > >SOTE - (no borders, I think) > >and apparently > >Mario Kart 64 - Borders WR64 - PW64 size borders Cruis'n USA - no borders and Turok does have borders, m64 sized. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Ma Date: 22 May 1997 18:21:30 -0600 -- >>>> -- END OF COMMANDS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Ma Date: 22 May 1997 18:21:31 -0600 -- >>>> -- END OF COMMANDS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: Number for Nintendo of America Date: 22 May 1997 20:19:52 -0400 (EDT) In a message dated 97-05-22 14:43:42 EDT, you write: << I bought the N64 before the price drop and I hear that people are getting Mario Kart 64 for Free. Whats the phone number I call to complain and get my free game. >> That's only in Australia. They got ripped off a lot worse. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Ma Date: 22 May 1997 18:20:42 -0600 -- >>>> -- END OF COMMANDS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Ma Date: 22 May 1997 18:20:36 -0600 -- >>>> -- END OF COMMANDS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Ma Date: 22 May 1997 18:16:01 -0600 -- >>>> -- END OF COMMANDS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: N64 News Subject: Maxis Enters Picture with SimCopter / News from Date: 23 May 1997 09:30:36 -0600 (MDT) A Maxis representative yesterday confirmed that SimCopter will arrive on Nintendo 64 by year's end 1998. SimCopter, which arrived on the PC in the first quarter of this year, received mixed reviews by critics, but featured interesting gameplay similar to Maxis's other 'sim' titles. In the Nintendo 64 version players will fly across about 30 pre-built cities and will save citizens in emergencies, put outs fires, catch robbers, and perform other civil duties. The action will appear in realtime, and blends budget management with arcade-like vehicle control, increasing in difficulty as the levels move on. The game won't support the PC feature that enabled pre-built SimCity cities to be imported, the Maxis rep. explained. The Maxis representative said its Japanese development company would be developing SimCopter, and that the title is likely to appear at the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3). Maxis could not confirm whether SimCopter will appear on Nintendo 64 as a straight port or with completely new features. ============================= Be sure to patronize at: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Ma Date: 22 May 1997 18:19:29 -0600 -- >>>> -- END OF COMMANDS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Ma Date: 22 May 1997 18:17:51 -0600 -- >>>> -- END OF COMMANDS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: I hate this FUCKING MAILING LIST Date: 22 May 1997 19:14:22 -0400 (EDT) In a message dated 97-05-22 17:01:21 EDT, you write: << Subj: I hate this FUCKING MAILING LIST Date: 97-05-22 17:01:21 EDT From: (MR MICHAEL D MILLER) Sender: Reply-to: To: > TAKE ME OFF >> Who will take the honor of instructing our young friend how to get off something that he signed on to... I've done it with the last four guys! Please.... Someone? Peer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "tippyman" Subject: Re: I hate this FUCKING MAILING LIST Date: 22 May 1997 19:01:43 -0400 you r a geek. If you sign up for somethin', be sure to read how to get off. Mwahahaha Tippyman ( ---------- TAKE ME OFF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Ma Date: 22 May 1997 18:17:17 -0600 -- >>>> -- END OF COMMANDS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Ma Date: 22 May 1997 18:15:46 -0600 -- >>>> -- END OF COMMANDS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Ma Date: 22 May 1997 18:15:37 -0600 -- >>>> -- END OF COMMANDS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Ma Date: 22 May 1997 18:15:18 -0600 -- >>>> -- END OF COMMANDS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Ma Date: 22 May 1997 18:15:25 -0600 -- >>>> -- END OF COMMANDS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Gregory A. Swarthout" Subject: Re: Don't Fret! / News from Ultra Game Players -Reply Date: 22 May 1997 17:33:07 -0600 (MDT) I'd agree with you about FF2, but it was way too linear for my tastes. >>> Stryder 05/22/97 04:47pm >>> On Thu, 22 May 1997, N64 News wrote: > Q: Your sister site, Next Generation said FF3 is better than FF7. > They even said the music in FF3 is better too. How can that be? > The music in FF7 is of CD quality! To me it just sounded much > better, and also better composed. What's your take on this? > > A: That's funny. I don't recall the guys at Next Generation > Online even playing the game! Anyway, I have to agree > with them 100% that FF3 is better than FF7. FF7 just > seems really rushed towards the end. The music isn't CD > quality either. It's PCM! And FF3's soundtrack blows it > (FF7) away! Next... > Give me a break! I thought FF3 was boring. It was really good at the beginning, but the middle drags on FOREVER. You know after you destroy that floating continent? I got past that, then go extremely tired of walking around building up levels so I could get to the top of the tower. I always thought FF2 was the best of the ones released here in the US. Great story, lots of hidden things to do, lots of different areas, great music, tons of vehicles, etc... By far the best. FF7 is a great game. Obviously whoever did this review does not know what they are talking about. Stryder: ____________________________________ time heals, but I'm forever broken B.C.-------Muzzle------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: N64 News Subject: Sony Vies for Tomb Raider 2 Exclusive / News from Date: 22 May 1997 13:42:04 -0600 (MDT) Executives at Sony are looking to make Tomb Raider 2 an exclusive PlayStation title, well-placed sources at Sony said early this week. Although Eidos's Tomb Raider 2, which has been under consideration as a Nintendo 64 title, may never seen the light of day on N64, a final deal hasn't been settled. If Sony is successful in convincing Eidos to make Tomb Raider 2 a PlayStation exclusive, it would be another major feather in Sony's cap, rivalling the coup it made in securing Final Fantasy VII. The deal has not yet been made final but is supposedly nearing completion. Eidos refused to confirm or deny the allegation. "At this time, Eidos is still exploring all of its options with Tomb Raider 2," an Eidos spokesperson said. If an agreement is made, Sony's deal would only be for console exclusivity and would not affect the PC version of the game. ============================= Be sure to patronize at: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: David Chang Subject: Re: Question... Date: 22 May 1997 08:52:22 -0700 What is NTSC? At 05:51 PM 5/22/97 +1000, you wrote: >At 13:02 22-05-97 +1000, you wrote: >>Likewise - Sunny Melbourne Australia >> >>Renaissance Womble and Freelance Raconteur >> >>"I can see round corners, and move at will through time!" >> >> >I'm from Melbourne, Australia. >>> >>> - Beamer. >>> >>>LJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJ >>> > >I'm from Melbourne also. > >BTW, I picked up MK64 today and it had borders. So unless the NTSC versions >had borders then it's my guess that all of NCL's games will have borders on >PAL. Which is kinda a bitch since NCL make my favorite games. :/ > > > > > > > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Gregory A. Swarthout" Subject: N64> Digest is working! Date: 23 May 1997 13:15:12 -0600 (MDT) You'll never believe this, but the digest version of the list is now available. I held onto the email address of the people who left but said they would rejoin if there was a digest version of the list and have added them already. If you would like to be on the digest version of the list, leave the non-digest version and join the digest version by sending the following commands to unsubscribe n64 subscribe n64-digest That'll do it! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Greg Swarthout Subject: N64> Header Date: 23 May 1997 11:16:09 -0600 (MDT) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Ma Date: 22 May 1997 18:14:06 -0600 -- >>>> -- END OF COMMANDS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Ma Date: 22 May 1997 18:18:14 -0600 -- >>>> -- END OF COMMANDS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Ma Date: 22 May 1997 18:18:03 -0600 -- >>>> -- END OF COMMANDS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Ma Date: 22 May 1997 18:15:03 -0600 -- >>>> -- END OF COMMANDS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Ma Date: 22 May 1997 18:14:33 -0600 -- >>>> -- END OF COMMANDS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Ma Date: 22 May 1997 18:16:59 -0600 -- >>>> -- END OF COMMANDS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Ma Date: 22 May 1997 18:14:44 -0600 -- >>>> -- END OF COMMANDS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Ma Date: 22 May 1997 18:18:45 -0600 -- >>>> -- END OF COMMANDS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: N64> Re: gameboy Date: 23 May 1997 15:18:22 -0400 (EDT) In a message dated 97-05-23 00:27:40 EDT, you write: << Al> There is a baseball game called Mario Baseball for gameboy. It Al> was good for its time, I had it and liked it for a while, but now Al> it's pretty dumb since I've played all these other baseball games Al> that are so much better than it. Have you played Radar Mission? No, never even heard of it. What is it? Thanks. :') Cryptic Bug ... "A plague on Dwarves and their stiff necks!" - Legolas Greenleaf ~~~ Blue Wave/DOS v2.30 [NR] >> Oh, Radar Mission is made by Nintendo for gameboy. I just bought it. It's a submarine game, and has two different modes of play. You'd be surprised how much fun it is. It's now one of my favorite gameboy games. Think I should buy the FF game you're talking about? Final Fantasy Legend 3 is it's name, right? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Ma Date: 22 May 1997 18:18:12 -0600 -- >>>> -- END OF COMMANDS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Ma Date: 22 May 1997 18:14:28 -0600 -- >>>> -- END OF COMMANDS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Ma Date: 22 May 1997 18:18:24 -0600 -- >>>> -- END OF COMMANDS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "tippyman" Subject: Re: N64 Web page? Date: 22 May 1997 15:56:04 -0400 i totally agree. i made my first when i was p.c. illeterate. I use notepad to make my can get help online,too. Tippyman ( ---------- Hahahahahahaha...that's funny. Seriously, why would someone pay you $15 to create a webpage that they could probably create completely on their own? -Asha'man_X 64 PS-I don't mean to be insulting, but my little brother (10 years-old) could probably make his own N64 page with the Editor we have. Morgan McBee wrote: > > Does anyone need an N64 web page? I am willing to write one for around > $15.00. Please e-mail "" with responses. > > -- > Morgan McBee > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Ma Date: 22 May 1997 18:14:50 -0600 -- >>>> -- END OF COMMANDS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Gary Mort Subject: RE: Question... Date: 22 May 1997 21:46:32 +-100 Borders are the 2-3 inch thick black bits that go all the way across the screen at the top and the bottom of the TV of most PAL games Gary Mort ---------- Sent: 22 May 1997 21:00 what's all this about borders? you mean freedom of movement in the games? Tippyman ( ---------- ---------- Sent: 22 May 1997 16:52 What is NTSC? NTSC stands for National Television Standard Committee. Its the television system used in the United States and other countries. NTSC runs at 60Htz where as PAL runs at 50Htz, so when we get NTSC to PAL conversions that is where the speed difference comes into effect. Gary Mort At 05:51 PM 5/22/97 +1000, you wrote: >At 13:02 22-05-97 +1000, you wrote: >>Likewise - Sunny Melbourne Australia >> >>Renaissance Womble and Freelance Raconteur >> >>"I can see round corners, and move at will through time!" >> >> >I'm from Melbourne, Australia. >>> >>> - Beamer. >>> >>>LJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJ >>> > >I'm from Melbourne also. > >BTW, I picked up MK64 today and it had borders. So unless the NTSC versions >had borders then it's my guess that all of NCL's games will have borders on >PAL. Which is kinda a bitch since NCL make my favorite games. :/ > > > > > > > > > begin 600 WINMAIL.DAT M>)\^(A$4`0:0" `$```````!``$``0>0!@`(````Y 0```````#H``$(@ <` M& ```$E032Y-:6-R;W-O9G0@36%I;"Y.;W1E`#$(`0V ! `"`````@`"``$$ MD 8`H ,```,````,`````P``, X````+``\.``````(!_P\!````:P`````` M``"U.\+ +'<0&J&\" `K*E;"%0```)4"&D7\0+P1C@/V%/\F@S1D@0`````` M`($K'Z2^HQ 9G6X`W0$/5 (`````3C8T($UA:6QI;F<@3&ES= !33510`&XV M-$!X;6ES``,P`0```!$```!N-C1 M>&UI``$P`0```!,````G M3C8T($UA:6QI;F<@3&ES="<```(!"S !````%@```%--5% Z3C8T0%A-25-3 M24].+D-/30````,``#D`````"P! .@$````"`?8/`0````0````````/# `` M``,``# 0````"P`/#@$````"`?\/`0```&L`````````M3O"P"QW$!JAO @` M*RI6PA4```"5`AI%_$"\$8X#]A3_)H,T9($```````"!*Q^DOJ,0&9UN`-T! M#U0"`````$XV-"!-86EL:6YG($QI&UI``(P`0````4```!33510`````!X``S !````$0```&XV-$!X;6ES2YM;W)T0'9I0: G@AG0```/P M9&-T; JSAP^#`= #,'-N97@0D*\'L 6P`, " % #E0R-#XOS#$X M/\$+4'DO,R U]&^3C".&0YE7T!53/F-@% M+J%O=R[026$!@-YN.2 `8 GP,8!O`. "$/\P<#S",> "`!"!,-(600M1019 M($,Z7%P%X$]1`2!I8V52L%<+@'>;!; +,%P64 MP;"X^D/YT3I 0<"[01X!$ M\ N , "'`4 N0$!R>3]R_W0/6+!6('#O=G]WC]]XE KY`S NKR^P0E.Q0 $6( K ,>!T M+D @,BT\,R +@! P@!%3(&L@?P)@`-"!,3&@!"" (#F@('1G;W_0; ,@@")' M4'G[?] %`&\$$8 B!/$)X7_0XP5 @")T;W!_T%!P@!-'!N "0 -P(&]F@!-4 M/%8@A?($8!8P,G!!3+V"0&$'@0J*?AH*A4<*P'V#($T)$8?/+M6'<%7@+H,$ M8 `@0'9IU)+T+?0^^_1/@``(^G.&2 M$ 4@< ; @0!P6U--5% ZFJ:60 205P$N!:!M79,__Y1$)'"4SY7?2E^9>@9@ M`C!?FG$^`9$@@R L8#F0$#(<,3J8``J%.,(@;C:D-$!4$WAM! %I`B#?G&(* MA3D'/\$XH%$*4!8P_Z52IY "D3V1%'&/IYR_??*OC>XO1PJ%F8EW@A$G?\'O M@I,$`'_0!N!U!4 &X'^#^#\@>0A@AM! 8 .@`U#_"> ^D(7C!& QT > `C" MD?^ $X=SKK")-K'RL9FRI+)-%P=@FL1X`&@"0' Z+\0O=[50+F=E4* QH7L' MD)QB+S_0$' *P! 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MAV0%,+4@`LYG`L[P(# `:$ QP*\P:+YOUG!Z8H,!]=WJYCRI\/\^<)#AJI#6 M0,O U7"W0%4Q_X#BOO%7PA9O`LT=SZD3D#8S4&&1"7T`(0`A, ,`$! ````` M`P`1$ 0```! `` Subject: Re: I hate this F*CKING MAILING LIST Date: 22 May 1997 20:22:02 -0400 ok, mike, go to where you signed up and read the instructions, you hipster-doofus. Tippyman ( ) ---------- > From: > To: > Subject: Re: I hate this FUCKING MAILING LIST > Date: Thursday, May 22, 1997 7:14 PM > > In a message dated 97-05-22 17:01:21 EDT, you write: > > << Subj: I hate this FUCKING MAILING LIST > Date: 97-05-22 17:01:21 EDT > From: (MR MICHAEL D MILLER) > Sender: > Reply-to: > To: > > > TAKE ME OFF >> > > Who will take the honor of instructing our young friend how to get off > something that he signed on to... I've done it with the last four guys! > Please.... > > Someone? > > Peer > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: N64 News Subject: Special Star Fox 64 Deal From EB! / News from N64 HQ Date: 23 May 1997 09:18:42 -0600 (MDT) N64 HQ has received word that Electronics Boutique stores all across America are planning a special deal for the game that is supposed to send N64 sales through the roof. While most EB stores were already planning on selling the game for $69.99 rather than the full retail price of $79.95, we are told that EB consumers will receive a free Star Fox 64 soundtrack if they pre-purchase the game in full. Furthermore, those who live in highly competitive areas may find the game for even less. As of yet, most local EB stores haven't started this deal, but you might want to keep your eyes open for a great deal in a time of many complaints about the high price of N64 games. ============================= Be sure to patronize N64 HQ at: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Ma Date: 22 May 1997 18:18:51 -0600 -- >>>> -- END OF COMMANDS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (MR MICHAEL D MILLER) Subject: I hate this FUCKING MAILING LIST Date: 22 May 1997 16:39:52, -0500 TAKE ME OFF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Ma Date: 22 May 1997 18:14:11 -0600 -- >>>> -- END OF COMMANDS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Gregory A. Swarthout" Subject: N64> Test of digest Date: 23 May 1997 13:32:17 -0600 (MDT) It's working! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Gary Mort Subject: RE: Question... Date: 22 May 1997 19:09:54 +-100 ---------- Sent: 22 May 1997 16:52 What is NTSC? NTSC stands for National Television Standard Committee. Its the television system used in the United States and other countries. NTSC runs at 60Htz where as PAL runs at 50Htz, so when we get NTSC to PAL conversions that is where the speed difference comes into effect. Gary Mort At 05:51 PM 5/22/97 +1000, you wrote: >At 13:02 22-05-97 +1000, you wrote: >>Likewise - Sunny Melbourne Australia >> >>Renaissance Womble and Freelance Raconteur >> >>"I can see round corners, and move at will through time!" >> >> >I'm from Melbourne, Australia. >>> >>> - Beamer. >>> >>>LJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJ >>> > >I'm from Melbourne also. > >BTW, I picked up MK64 today and it had borders. So unless the NTSC versions >had borders then it's my guess that all of NCL's games will have borders on >PAL. Which is kinda a bitch since NCL make my favorite games. :/ > > > > > > > > > begin 600 WINMAIL.DAT M>)\^(B,2`0:0" `$```````!``$``0>0!@`(````Y 0```````#H``$(@ <` M& ```$E032Y-:6-R;W-O9G0@36%I;"Y.;W1E`#$(`0V ! `"`````@`"``$$ MD 8`. $```$````,`````P``, ,````+``\.``````(!_P\!````:P`````` M``"U.\+ +'<0&J&\" `K*E;"%0```)4"&D7\0+P1C@/V%/\F@S1D@0`````` M`($K'Z2^HQ 9G6X`W0$/5 (`````3C8T($UA:6QI;F<@3&ES= !33510`&XV M-$!X;6ES2YM;W)T0'9I0: G@AG0```/P9&-T; JSAP^#`= #,'-N97@0D*\' ML 6P`, " % #E0R-#XOS#$X/\$+4'DO,R U]&^3C".&0YE3##%V!V`0)1('M5;FMN;]1W;@*!1PK >070"1'S M%G$!53,V`4 NH4^@+M![26$!@&XY( !@"? Q@&__`. "$#!P/,(QX (`$($P MT@<600M1%D @0SI<7$4%X$\!(&EC95305VT+@'<%L LP7!90"W!L^BX^D'10 ML!!P+M!'@$3P'PN , `!0"Y 0')Y-S">.0(!5I!7]0CA/9,1B(/XH`I%HKUJC.D!F7VL?;"__;3]:T!' M;H);7V_O:]ZM KY`S NKR^P"H7? M"HI7(E$U+M4``'81I#HQ$PY2`= U-UHC8FMM8FM\@R!?359!.9%AW'TM`I&# M\(27+8>6"H7_?WQ \H+=22]"WT/O1/@``'>$ESAD.8%V@&!4H&1R6V!33510 M.A Q#G!D)'E 6S!I+@F =5W_B"^)-"1PB;^*STI?CFH&8+\",(]A/@&&$% P M+& YA0`Q.C Z-3(*A3C"(&Y(-C1 5C-X;00!:?4"("X%H&T*A3D'/\$XH/Y1 M"E 6,)I"G( "D3V1%'&_A)>1KX 2@MZ _HYY5Q! AP5 ! `'L%130S^=UG\` M`3_@! `)@(2'3M(R,'26: !03N%D`D!M+0'0]95 ,Y@@.$QQG=N .J,O]Z0_ MI4NB4B!\@5*0!"!2\=\'L#F@FD$'0#BP92X0I^'?FD$&`*KR1V((4&V:``) M?0G@+J*OJ#^I3Z70A0!)OG0$(+ `,> 60*Q'!G$("JA.YTO&"[ M(@6@;C_RFD&QDO^A]+J4L;)*D G@1X QD $@_5GQ;E50M4$'@C@1O& !$?\Y M0;7OMO^X#Z7!-]#"'\._U\3*4 <*A6=0$2X$8 `@TD"/L')G"X N+_!6H.^. M>:8=@M^$B$$%0(3@F'"J,3)P3;O0+SX`+Y@A]BN,XKPP>0A@NH #8#FQQ0J% M/LX!,3,Z15"7@1HMA. MSQ_0*3Y,:9YK!]#"X8> ./%N;E Q_ZPP!N (<"_P M$1"S$%'0!T#_!S#3!],'/]"KX 0!`'# P?Y7`W "8+K1M,$X8 G@#E'MP,%2 M`- "(64(<-,'?4%-!1%PD0`+8&)Y. )HS J@4[Q@M7 N$?^QE*J3OC;05NWYL:(#H#&@ZB<$(&U0 M,&><$;ZE!T#)`R!O9@>P0TSR("WJ,00#'1\38"(-!6NR'?ZJ"AT%5 M,P"B(6M]$64@_64@8C&@]J$`D,"R\Z'>$.YAT[#R0C(@=@6PL_'S]'GJH#HO MZ#[H/@= , !HYD QP !P:&^MX'R"1U#WR9#;7-!6/ N $'"%T0/P]P) 4# ! MD&=70K&A/0'MX']9\?L?Z#TPPX5B4H&%^7T"``1P`P`0$ `````#`!$0! `` M`$ `!S! -'WFVF:\`4 `"#! -'WFVF:\`1X`/0`!````!0```%)%.B ````` *`P`--/TW``#V&F:\ ` end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Michael Jade" Subject: Number for Nintendo of America Date: 22 May 1997 09:49:33 PDT I bought the N64 before the price drop and I hear that people are getting Mario Kart 64 for Free. Whats the phone number I call to complain and get my free game. Get Your *Web-Based* Free Email at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: N64 News Subject: ACT Labs Announces NitroBYTE Memory Pack / News from N64 HQ Date: 22 May 1997 13:32:36 -0600 (MDT) VANCOUVER, CANADA, May 21, 1997 -- ACT Labs, developers of HYPER Programmable gaming peripherals for console and PC, announced the release of their latest product, the NitroBYTE memory pack for N64. NitroBYTE allows for the storage of Nintendo 64 game settings, characters, power-ups or whatever your game allows! There is a standard 256 KB model available as well as a larger 1 MB pack for your serious memory needs. And at SRP $9.99 for 256 KB and SRP $19.99 for 1MB, NitroBYTE sells at price you won't forget. ============================= Be sure to patronize N64 HQ at: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Gary Mort Subject: RE: Question... Date: 22 May 1997 19:05:50 +-100 ---------- Sent: 22 May 1997 16:24 >Entrippy, > > What are you blind, Melbourne is rarely sunny, especially now we are going >into Winter. I suppose you are talking about those 4 days in January we >saw the sun. JJJ > > - Beamer. > Good point! I think I missed my metaphor, or something - mind you, I grew up in Ballarat, so by comparison.... To get on the topic - PAL games and borders, can anyone add to this list Waverace 64 - Larger borders than Mario 64 Pilot WIngs - Hideous borders Mario 64 - Medium Borders Turok - No borders ( i think) Killer Instinct Gold - No Borders SOTE - (no borders, I think) and apparently Mario Kart 64 - Borders Renaissance Womble and Freelance Raconteur "I can see round corners, and move at will through time!" begin 600 WINMAIL.DAT M>)\^(AL2`0:0" `$```````!``$``0>0!@`(````Y 0```````#H``$(@ <` M& ```$E032Y-:6-R;W-O9G0@36%I;"Y.;W1E`#$(`0V ! `"`````@`"``$$ MD 8`. $```$````,`````P``, ,````+``\.``````(!_P\!````:P`````` M``"U.\+ +'<0&J&\" `K*E;"%0```)4"&D7\0+P1C@/V%/\F@S1D@0`````` M`($K'Z2^HQ 9G6X`W0$/5 (`````3C8T($UA:6QI;F<@3&ES= !33510`&XV M-$!X;6ES2YM;W)T0'9I0: G@AG0```/P9&-T; JSAP^#`= #,'-N97@0D*\' ML 6P`, " % #E0R-#XOS#$X/\$+4'DO,R U]&^3C".&0YE3##%V!V`0)1('M5;FMN;]1W;@*!1PK >070"1'S M%G$!53,V`4 NH4^@+M![26$!@&XY( !@"? Q@&__`. 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You might actually like it better than the third. Al> There is a baseball game called Mario Baseball for gameboy. It Al> was good for its time, I had it and liked it for a while, but now Al> it's pretty dumb since I've played all these other baseball games Al> that are so much better than it. Have you played Radar Mission? No, never even heard of it. What is it? Thanks. :') Cryptic Bug ... "A plague on Dwarves and their stiff necks!" - Legolas Greenleaf ~~~ Blue Wave/DOS v2.30 [NR] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Majordomo results: Re: Number for Nintendo of America Date: 22 May 1997 18:21:18 -0600 -- >>>> In a message dated 97-05-22 14:43:42 EDT, you write: **** Command 'in' not recognized. >>>> >>>> << **** Command '<<' not recognized. >>>> I bought the N64 before the price drop and I hear that people are getting **** Command 'i' not recognized. >>>> Mario **** Command 'mario' not recognized. >>>> Kart 64 for Free. Whats the phone number I call to complain and get my free **** Command 'kart' not recognized. >>>> game. **** Command 'game.' not recognized. >>>> >>>> >> **** Command '>>' not recognized. >>>> >>>> That's only in Australia. They got ripped off a lot worse. **** Command 'that's' not recognized. >>>> >>>> **** No valid commands found. **** Commands must be in message BODY, not in HEADER. **** Help for This is the "Majordomo" mailing list manager, version 1.94.1. In the description below items contained in []'s are optional. When providing the item, do not include the []'s around it. Items in angle brackets, such as
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Date: 22 May 1997 20:28:47 -0400 (EDT) In a message dated 97-05-22 12:44:22 EDT, you write: << Good point! I think I missed my metaphor, or something - mind you, I grew up in Ballarat, so by comparison.... To get on the topic - PAL games and borders, can anyone add to this list Pilot WIngs - Hideous borders Mario 64 - Medium Borders Turok - No borders ( i think) Killer Instinct Gold - No Borders SOTE - (no borders, I think) and apparently Mario Kart 64 - Borders Renaissance Womble and Freelance Raconteur "I can see round corners, and move a >> There seems to be a big difference between regular N64's and PAL N64's. Are Playstations around there that bad too? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Ma Date: 22 May 1997 18:21:50 -0600 -- >>>> -- END OF COMMANDS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Cryptic Bug) Subject: Re: Peer's Something is wrong with NG article Date: 22 May 1997 03:06:28 -0800 -=> Quoting to cryptic bug <=- ma> From: "Mark Thomson" ma> Subject: Peer's Something is wrong with NG article ma> Peer ma> Great article. Its nice to see what the uproar has been about since ma> NG isn't readily available in the UK. ma> One thing I would ask you to do is to post any comments from NG that ma> you recieve about the article. I'll have to add my praise here too. It WAS quite well written (But is there no way to keep it on one page?), and points out EXACTLY the things I felt Next-Gen had wrong with them, especially, the dual standards and as always the crappy reviewing system. The others are quite important as well (Their Egos and stubborness, mainly), and I can't find anything I'd like to add to it, it was so thorough. A few things I'd like to emphasize a bit more (The actual quality of third-party games, esp. ISSS), but it was all said already. Great job, as always Peer. :') Cryptic Bug ... "Yet do not cast all hope away. Tomorrow is unknown." - Legolas ~~~ Blue Wave/DOS v2.30 [NR] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Gregory A. Swarthout" Subject: Sorry about Majordomo messages Date: 22 May 1997 21:52:30 -0600 (MDT) I entered a mistake into the configuration file for the list. It hast has since been corrected. However, there are still messages in the pipeline that continue to trickle through. They should stop shortly. (We hope) Greg ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "C. James MacLennan" Subject: Reviews Date: 22 May 1997 11:34:36 -0500 I was thinking about this NG review issue and other things that make a game what it is. What I've realized over the years is that there are basically two components that comprise a game: The game engine and the rules applied to that engine(what I call the "game"). If you look at most 3d titles (IMO) they are "game"-weak and "engine"-heavy. (Note this is not necessarily related to how "fun" a title is.) For instance the game-components of Mario 64 are minimal, what drives this title is the engine. It's a blast swimming and flying and backflipping around, the collection of stars is just something to do while you're triple-jumping. Or Zelda (Link to the past, I think it was years ago). The engine was simple 2d graphics/scrolling background. Done a million times, but the "game" was heavy. Plot++. Other examples: Tetris - weak engine, strong game Doom - strong engine, weak game Blast Corps - strong engine, strong game I think that gaming is still in a state of flux moving from the 2D plane to the 3D world. What I believe where N64 true strength lies is that it allows developers to concentrate on the game aspect of the title without worrying whether the hardware will support the engine. As 3d becomes the dominant paradigm, the emphasis placed on a titles engine diminishes, allowing developers to create better and better games using that paradigm. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: N64> Re: Radar Mission Date: 23 May 1997 15:57:30 -0400 (EDT) In a message dated 97-05-23 15:56:08 EDT, you write: << Oh, Radar Mission is made by Nintendo for gameboy. I just bought it. It's a submarine game, and has two different modes of play. You'd be surprised how much fun it is. It's now one of my favorite gameboy games. Think I should buy the FF game you're talking about? Final Fantasy Legend 3 is it's name, right? >> Speaking of which -- why haven't we seen a cool submarine game on the SNES -- and now there's nothing for the N64 either. I loved Silent Service back in the C64/Atari XL days, and I'd love to play some kind of tactical submarine game on the N64. Just imagine the looks of it -- dynamic waves, storms, foggy coasts. Where's Microprose when you need them... Peer Nintendojo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: N64 News Subject: Hudson's Confirms "Duo" for U.S. / News from Date: 23 May 1997 09:33:28 -0600 (MDT) Hudson told yesterday that the stylistic Japanese fighter Dual Heroes, once believed to be a sole product for Japan, will arrive in the U.S. sometime this year. Even though the president of Hudson Japan announced Dual Heroes would arrive in the U.S. (and reported by, few industry critics believed that the game would arrive on Western shores. But a Hudson representative told yesterday that both Dual Heroes and Bomberman 64 (still a working title) will both arrive in the U.S. and debut at the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) in Atlanta this June. "Both games will be in playable form at E3, and it's possible that we'll show the four-player mode for Bomberman 64, though we're not sure at this point," said the top-level Hudson executive. Presently, both games are without publishers or release dates. Bomberman's multiplayer mode currently is being worked on and is intended to be a full 3D game, with both 3D characters and gameplay, the source said. But, he added, if the team can't get it to work out perfectly in 3D, the multiplayer mode could end up in 2D. "It's a matter if the gameplay works, but also if we can afford the development costs, too," the source said. He added that it's highly unlikely Soccer 64 and Hudson's wrestling game will arrive in the U.S. ever. ============================= Be sure to patronize at: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Gary Mort Subject: N64> Whats the difference Date: 23 May 1997 21:10:13 +-100 What's the difference between the normal mail list and the digest mail list ? Also, which is better ? Gary Mort begin 600 WINMAIL.DAT M>)\^(@,4`0:0" `$```````!``$``0>0!@`(````Y 0```````#H``$(@ <` M& ```$E032Y-:6-R;W-O9G0@36%I;"Y.;W1E`#$(`0V ! `"`````@`"``$$ MD 8`. $```$````,`````P``, (````+``\.``````(!_P\!````:P`````` M``"U.\+ +'<0&J&\" `K*E;"%0```)4"&D7\0+P1C@/V%/\F@S1D@0`````` M`($K'Z2^HQ 9G6X`W0$/5 (`````3C8T($UA:6QI;F<@3&ES= !33510`&XV M-$!X;6ES# $````% M````4TU44 `````>`!\,`0```!4```!G87)Y+FUOA21%$\561-D%8(3[Q\7OQ=]%O\5+Q-_93$R_C@=2AYA'A\?*1-D'U(= MOY\ACR%-(,\>_R+$.3(F!0\G<1^3)W "@G-T>6PU!Y!H">!T```#\&1C/'1L M"K,/@P'0`S!S;GQE>!"0![ %L # `G,J#0C0,LT!!A($AE+' $D"YD[C % R0Y4,C0Y+S$X.L$+4+QY M+RX@,' +$3M% OU/R+5!$$%1O57]6CS-304\%@5@O63]:3VPT4T%L]U?O7*]=M2E6O X` M6X]@;_%=I&(@* *188]3@S5 _U\_8_]E#V8?4[ \$&=B5#__:,]IWU:\'W!G M;VSO;?]O#_]3L%$@:^]Q?W*/T1G!Y % M0'UH"C\*A4%2$&\L('?^:$X@+@`$`'PB47%_APJ%>D<*P'D%T D1"HIY&F<- M@G$N!& `($!V:7+:9PN +BKP3X `A<"%\ ````,`$! ``````P`1$ ````! 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I don't recall the guys at Next Generation Online even playing the game! Anyway, I have to agree with them 100% that FF3 is better than FF7. FF7 just seems really rushed towards the end. The music isn't CD quality either. It's PCM! And FF3's soundtrack blows it (FF7) away! Next... ============================= Be sure to patronize Ultra Game Players at: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "entrippy" Subject: Re: Question... Date: 23 May 1997 06:48:08 +1000 >what's all this about borders? you mean freedom of movement in the games? > No - us PAL shmucks get some of our games 'Letterboxed' - with black borders, so the picture doesn't take up the whole screen. How big these borders are is dependant on the quality of the conversion.... Renaissance Womble and Freelance Raconteur "I can see round corners, and move at will through time!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Ma Date: 22 May 1997 18:15:11 -0600 -- >>>> -- END OF COMMANDS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Ma Date: 22 May 1997 18:14:38 -0600 -- >>>> -- END OF COMMANDS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Ma Date: 22 May 1997 18:14:57 -0600 -- >>>> -- END OF COMMANDS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Gregory A. Swarthout" Subject: The Lost World: Jurassic Park Date: 22 May 1997 12:03:04 -0600 (MDT) review at: (And, yes, I'm giving myself a warning because this is off-topic) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Gary Mort Subject: RE: Number for Nintendo of America Date: 22 May 1997 19:13:54 +-100 On your original box. ---------- Sent: 22 May 1997 17:50 I bought the N64 before the price drop and I hear that people are getting Mario Kart 64 for Free. Whats the phone number I call to complain and get my free game. Get Your *Web-Based* Free Email at begin 600 WINMAIL.DAT M>)\^(BT2`0:0" `$```````!``$``0>0!@`(````Y 0```````#H``$(@ <` M& ```$E032Y-:6-R;W-O9G0@36%I;"Y.;W1E`#$(`0V ! `"`````@`"``$$ MD 8`. $```$````,`````P``, ,````+``\.``````(!_P\!````:P`````` M``"U.\+ +'<0&J&\" `K*E;"%0```)4"&D7\0+P1C@/V%/\F@S1D@0`````` M`($K'Z2^HQ 9G6X`W0$/5 (`````3C8T($UA:6QI;F<@3&ES= !33510`&XV M-$!X;6ES`!X,`0````4```!33510`````!X`'PP!````%0`` M`&=A``@0 M`0```&4```!/3EE/55)/4DE'24Y!3$)/6"TM+2TM+2TM+2U&4D]-.DU)0TA! M14Q*041%4TU44#I-24M%2D5$14!(3U1-04E,0T]-4T5.5#HR,DU!63$Y.3L"@PZ0$=\0M0:P<'-T96T"@ *1".8[A0EO,!=/ M93(U-1AZ_QF1&4\:61AD&H(8[QR_''V'&_\:+QA_93$R.")*_R-A(Q\D*1AD M)%(BOR:/)DWG)<\C_R?$.3(K!2QQ)).G+' "@A8P>6P'D&@)X(9T```#\&1C M=&P*LX,$00/7@!0 Y4,C0^+\PQ.#_! 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Tippyman ( ---------- I want off this mailing list now please ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Re: I hate this F*CKI Date: 22 May 1997 18:17:41 -0600 -- >>>> -- END OF COMMANDS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Re Date: 22 May 1997 18:17:53 -0600 -- >>>> -- END OF COMMANDS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Ma Date: 22 May 1997 18:18:23 -0600 -- >>>> -- END OF COMMANDS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Ma Date: 22 May 1997 18:18:40 -0600 -- >>>> -- END OF COMMANDS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Ma Date: 22 May 1997 18:18:52 -0600 -- >>>> -- END OF COMMANDS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Ma Date: 22 May 1997 18:19:49 -0600 -- >>>> -- END OF COMMANDS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Gregory A. Swarthout" Subject: n64 Testing new subject line Date: 23 May 1997 10:30:50 -0600 (MDT) Up there ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Ma Date: 22 May 1997 18:21:40 -0600 -- >>>> -- END OF COMMANDS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Cryptic Bug) Subject: Re: Quest 64 Date: 22 May 1997 03:10:56 -0800 -=> Quoting to cryptic bug <=- tm> From: Tom McShea tm> Subject: Quest 64 tm> Does anyone know what type of RPG Quest 64 is supposed to be? I tm> heard from one place it was like Zelda (one character, real time tm> combat) and another site said it was a more traditional RPG. tm> Tom No, nobody knows. Everyone who says they know anything about it is just guessing. All that's been officially released is that "it's and RPG about the adventures of a young boy," nothing more. It LOOKS Zelda-ish (3D, pretty good Graphics, IMHO), but Since Japan especially needs a "real" RPG, and Zelda is coming at about the same time anyway to satisfy the Action/Advernture/RPG fans anyway. I HOPE it's turn based, and you can have more than the one character in your party, but I may just have to wait for Mother III for that. Cryptic Bug ... "Naur an edraith ammen! Naur dan i ngaurhoth!" - Gandalf ~~~ Blue Wave/DOS v2.30 [NR] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (MR MICHAEL D MILLER) Subject: I want off the mailing list Date: 22 May 1997 16:16:36, -0500 I want off this mailing list now please ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Ma Date: 22 May 1997 18:18:58 -0600 -- >>>> -- END OF COMMANDS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Re Date: 22 May 1997 18:21:34 -0600 -- >>>> -- END OF COMMANDS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Ma Date: 22 May 1997 18:21:52 -0600 -- >>>> -- END OF COMMANDS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Majordomo results Date: 22 May 1997 18:13:29 -0600 -- >>>> info n64 [Last updated on: Thu May 22 17:59:28 1997] ********************************************** * * * Welcome to the Nintendo 64 Mailing List! * * * ********************************************** To post to the list, mail to: For subscribing, unsubscribing, and so on: ################# Table of Contents ################# 1) Who to contact for help and advice 2) Subscription information 3) Sending messages to the mailing list 4) Charter: What's acceptable, what's not 5) Disciplinary action 6) Where to find the World Wide Web home page ##################################### 1) Who to contact for help and advice ##################################### The List Mom (or SysOp) for this list is: Gregory A. 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(If you reply to a message that uses such profanity without changing or removing it, you are just as guilty as the originator) * Soliciting devices which are illegal. * Using the list to distribute commercial messages. * Posting community service messages that have not been first submitted to, and approved by, List Mom That last item is especially important because messages such as those warning about the fictional "Good Times" Internet virus are a nuisance to everybody and may result in the spread of erroneous information. ###################### 5) Disciplinary action ###################### Offense #1: A private warning via email Offense #2: One month suspension from the list Offense #3: Permanent removal from the list ############################## 6) Where to find the Home Page ############################## The World Wide Web home page for this mailing list can be reached from: Have fun! >>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Derek Kalweit) Subject: N64> Re: gameboy Date: 23 May 1997 16:39:22 -0400 >would people stop playing/buying them? I think we're nearing the end >of that though, sadly enough. The GB's time is nearly over, IMHO. I agree. As soon as the Atlantis hits the market, I think the GB is going to be done with. :( > Now I have a question. Does someone have a list of RPGs out >for GB? I have FFLegend, FFLIII and Zelda IV, but that's about it. I >don't have FFLII or FFAdventure yet, but is there any more besides >that? Also, I heard there's a baseball game for GB, but I neer saw it >in the stores. What's it called, and is it any good? Thanks. Sure. I think one of the original carts was "baseball". :) Made by Nintendo. It's not that hard to find used. :) Derek Kalweit FIDONET: 1:2613/128.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Derek Kalweit) Subject: N64> Re: Zelda 64 Date: 23 May 1997 16:35:55 -0400 >How do you think you'll navigate through zelda 64? I mean will it be a huge >3d world or will it be more like zelda 2, that you walk over a map, and >that you'll get a 3d view when you enter a town or a cave? You can easilly >get lost in a 3d world. Maybe there's just an overhead camera ,like in >zelda III (I mean an optional overhead camera, that keeps north north) I >would love to have it all 3d but it would be quite confusing. When is the >E3? I geuss we can get some info there. I think completely 3D would be best. Having some kind of compass would be cool though-- maybe something link can even take out of his pocket and hold so you can view or something. :) Derek Kalweit FIDONET: 1:2613/128.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "" Subject: N64> Re: Question... Date: 23 May 1997 15:23:22 -0600 (MDT) >There seems to be a big difference between regular N64's and PAL N64's. Are >Playstations around there that bad too? No, that's why we all think nintendo sucks and we'll all get a PSX. If zelda would be released for it. It's like the squaresoft frustration. kleinemans. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "" Subject: N64> Re: Question... Date: 23 May 1997 15:25:30 -0600 (MDT) >There seems to be a big difference between regular N64's and PAL N64's. Are >Playstations around there that bad too? No, that's why we all think nintendo sucks and we'll all get a PSX. If zelda would be released for it. It's like the squaresoft frustration. kleinemans. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Ma Date: 22 May 1997 18:16:49 -0600 -- >>>> -- END OF COMMANDS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Ma Date: 22 May 1997 18:18:03 -0600 -- >>>> -- END OF COMMANDS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "" Subject: Re: N64> Re: gameboy Date: 23 May 1997 17:34:58 -0600 (MDT) > From: Derek Kalweit > To: > Subject: N64> Re: gameboy > Date: Freitag, 23. Mai 1997 22:39 > > >would people stop playing/buying them? I think we're nearing the end > >of that though, sadly enough. The GB's time is nearly over, IMHO. > > I agree. As soon as the Atlantis hits the market, I think the GB is going > to be done with. :( > > > > Now I have a question. Does someone have a list of RPGs out > >for GB? I have FFLegend, FFLIII and Zelda IV, but that's about it. I > >don't have FFLII or FFAdventure yet, but is there any more besides > >that? Also, I heard there's a baseball game for GB, but I neer saw it > >in the stores. What's it called, and is it any good? Thanks. > > Sure. I think one of the original carts was "baseball". :) Made by > Nintendo. It's not that hard to find used. :) > Derek Kalweit > > FIDONET: 1:2613/128.2 > > I have baseball for the gameboy. It is a fun game even if you don't like baseball. The only problem is that the game is really old, and is way out of date. If you could get it for $10 - 15 that would be a good deal. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "AL" Subject: N64> EB Date: 24 May 1997 07:53:06 +0800 Does EB World sells N64 System and Accessories ONLINE ? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Brendan Lim" Subject: N64> BlaB64: N64 POST UP! Date: 23 May 1997 19:18:18 PDT HAVE YOUR N64 OWN QUESTION POSTED AND ANSWERED BY ANYONE WHO WILL ANSWER IT go to: It is just like N64.COM's N-Post but Brendan's! Be the first person!! Just Like a ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Brendan Lim" Subject: N64> BlaB64: N64 POST UP! Date: 23 May 1997 19:18:18 PDT HAVE YOUR N64 OWN QUESTION POSTED AND ANSWERED BY ANYONE WHO WILL ANSWER IT go to: It is just like N64.COM's N-Post but Brendan's! Be the first person!! Just Like a Message Board! Will put up your question on my page in 48 hours or less! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Brendan Lim -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Check Out My Page And The N64KreW Page Get Your *Web-Based* Free Email at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Vi-64 Subject: N64> More N64 games Date: 24 May 1997 03:23:28 +30000 Umm, I haven't really played my N64 for more than a month now. Last game I played was Blast Corps which was when it first came out. Next few games like WarGods and Dark Rift doesn't interested me. I'll have to wait another month for StarFox. I spend more time reading about N64 news then playing my N64. Lucky for me, I got Wild Arms. For those who never heard about it, it's just came out this week for the playstation. It's a pretty good RPG, and keeps me busy until Starfox or FF7. Whao, more than 100 emails. half of them were majodomo. > > > I'm not sure if this mailing list supports it but digest version is getting 1 email a day, with all the emails pack into it. The thing I don't like about it is that when you want to reply to some message it's really a pain. > Does EB World sells N64 System and Accessories ONLINE ? No -Vi Boston University 1999 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Gary Mort Subject: N64> Donkey Kong Date: 24 May 1997 11:06:57 +-100 Does anybody know if there will be a Donkey Kong Country game for N64 ? Gary Mort begin 600 WINMAIL.DAT M>)\^(B8*`0:0" `$```````!``$``0>0!@`(````Y 0```````#H``$(@ <` M& ```$E032Y-:6-R;W-O9G0@36%I;"Y.;W1E`#$(`0V ! `"`````@`"``$$ MD 8`. $```$````,`````P``, (````+``\.``````(!_P\!````:P`````` M``"U.\+ +'<0&J&\" `K*E;"%0```)4"&D7\0+P1C@/V%/\F@S1D@0`````` M`($K'Z2^HQ 9G6X`W0$/5 (`````3C8T($UA:6QI;F<@3&ES= !33510`&XV M-$!X;6ES.NW#<`"0,P`0(U`/(+8&YG M\#$P,S,!]P'Q#@`#U(D"`&-H"L!S970"T>!P81X?'RD3 M9!]2';^?(8\A32#/'O\BQ#DR)@4/)W$?DR=P`H)S='EL-0>0: G@= ```_!D M8SQT; JS#X,!T ,PP!; `P )S*@T(T',.D ,P861D:4!T:79E M($0!$&%4=6P%0% *P&$)P&&P<&@@1@(A**,Q#@#W*:<*( L@<@E0+X(0`"^" M;'2\N(#!P"Q$[17,N9/\?<#P_/4\Q#T#O0?DSPC-D9325?0%5,S8!0"FA M;^YW*=!$80& ;C0@`& )\/TL@&\`X (0*W WPBS@`@`W$($KTC2P;0M1-+ @ M0R@Z7%P%X$\!(&EC:F5-L%<+@'<%L LP7---$ MP;"XYD'1)D!!P_RG00H _ M\ N *P`!0"E .W+P>30;@H&1Y M(&MN2H @!I"L('12PP/P; ,@8BS@HUX`>F!N:V5[$$L"(!YG38 (8 (P4. @ M9V&M!X @2]$'L#9 <#\*A>T*A4<*P'L030D1"HIY&AM]\%#@+@1@`"! =FDT M`#T``0````$``````````P`--/TW``!P7HRQ ` end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Gary Mort Subject: N64> Release's Date: 24 May 1997 11:09:43 +-100 Does anybody know the schedule for forthcoming releases on the PAL N64 in England ? Or if not, where can I find it on the Internet, presuming there is a page on release dates, Gary Mort begin 600 WINMAIL.DAT M>)\^(B\*`0:0" `$```````!``$``0>0!@`(````Y 0```````#H``$(@ <` M& ```$E032Y-:6-R;W-O9G0@36%I;"Y.;W1E`#$(`0V ! `"`````@`"``$$ MD 8`. $```$````,`````P``, (````+``\.``````(!_P\!````:P`````` M``"U.\+ +'<0&J&\" `K*E;"%0```)4"&D7\0+P1C@/V%/\F@S1D@0`````` M`($K'Z2^HQ 9G6X`W0$/5 (`````3C8T($UA:6QI;F<@3&ES= !33510`&XV M-$!X;6ES2YM;W)T0'9I!P M81X?'RD39!]2';^?(8\A32#/'O\BQ#DR)@4/)W$?DR=P M`H)S='EL-0>0: G@= ```_!D8SQT; JS#X,!T ,PP!; `P )S M*@T(T',.D ,P861D:4!T:79E($0!$&%4=6P%0% *P&$)P&&P<&@@1@(A**,Q M#@#W*:<*( L@<@E0+X(0`"^";'2\N(#!P"Q$[17,N9/\?<#P_/4\Q#T#O M0?DSPC-D9325?0%5,S8!0"FA;^YW*=!$80& ;C0@`& )\/TL@&\`X (0*W W MPBS@`@`W$($KTC2P;0M1-+ @0R@Z7%P%X$\!(&EC:F5-L%<+@'<%L LP7--- M$ MP;"XYD'1)D!!P_RG00H _\ N *P`!0"E .W+P>30;@(&1Y(&MN2H @=.TI0" $\"E 9"U +.!+T==\0GN M!:!M. $@$F I$(\Y800@`B![P=C9 <'CQ10YP#E%"@#^U#((@"H5/ M!< &D"![0%!T+"!W4L-C`Y%)WWQ =?%^P 5 ?>5)`C $D>\0@(#@$- 'D'5] M`WN!4N%_! !ZH(- +; LX'WA?54@LF0TH7,L"H4*A4<*P%U[$$T)$0J*>1IG MAO$N@P1@`"! =FER9PN 0BZ#`7T``*"*< ````,`$! ``````P`1$ ````! M```#T``0````$``````````P`--/TW $``" Subject: Re: N64> Donkey Kong Date: 24 May 1997 19:39:38 +0800 Yes , there will be. I think the title is Ultra Donkey Kong or Dongkey Kong Country. ---------- > From: Gary Mort > To: 'N64 Mailing List' > Subject: N64> Donkey Kong > Date: Saturday, May 24, 1997 7:06 PM > > Does anybody know if there will be a Donkey Kong Country game for N64 ? > > Gary Mort > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "AL" Subject: Re: N64> Release's Date: 24 May 1997 19:40:29 +0800 ---------- > From: Gary Mort > To: 'N64 Mailing List' > Subject: N64> Release's > Date: Saturday, May 24, 1997 7:09 PM > > Does anybody know the schedule for forthcoming releases on the PAL N64 in England ? > Or if not, where can I find it on the Internet, presuming there is a page on release dates, > > Gary Mort > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: N64> Release's Date: 24 May 1997 09:58:01 -0400 (EDT) In a message dated 97-05-24 06:41:53 EDT, you write: << Does anybody know the schedule for forthcoming releases on the PAL N64 in England ? Or if not, where can I find it on the Internet, presuming there is a page on release dates, >> Go to and then to software sector. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Brendan Lim" Subject: N64> BlaB64: 1st Post Question! Date: 24 May 1997 07:38:58 PDT The first question was added today! go to: to see it! From there you can answer the question and I will put it up in 48 hours or less 4+Free! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Brendan Lim -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Check Out My Page And The N64KreW Page Get Your *Web-Based* Free Email at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Brendan Lim" Subject: N64> BlaB64: 1st Post Question! Date: 24 May 1997 07:38:58 PDT The first question was added today! go to: to see it! From there you can answer the question and I will put it up in 48 hours or less 4+Free! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Brendan Lim -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Check Out My Page And The N64KreW Page Get Your *Web-Based* Free Email at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Cryptic Bug) Subject: N64> I have to send this... Date: 23 May 1997 16:52:26 -0400 Sorry, testing my software. It seems that about a dozen of my replies haven't gone through. Peculiar. Oh well, ignore this anyway... -- Cryptic Bug ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: N64> Re: Dark Rift & StarFox64 Date: 24 May 1997 19:45:51 -0400 (EDT) how do I get off this mailing list????!!!!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: N64> Re: I hate this FUCKING MAILING LIST Date: 24 May 1997 19:47:47 -0400 (EDT) me too!!!!!!!!!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Brendan Lim" Subject: N64> BlaB64: Create a Game Date: 24 May 1997 18:32:35 PDT If you were to make a game what would it be about???? Your answers will be posted on my page. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Brendan Lim -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Get Your *Web-Based* Free Email at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Brendan Lim" Subject: N64> BlaB64: Create a Game Date: 24 May 1997 18:32:35 PDT If you were to make a game what would it be about???? Your answers will be posted on my page. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Brendan Lim -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Get Your *Web-Based* Free Email at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Gary Mort Subject: N64> test Date: 25 May 1997 17:00:57 +-100 Test message begin 600 WINMAIL.DAT M>)\^(B\0`0:0" `$```````!``$``0>0!@`(````Y 0```````#H``$(@ <` M& ```$E032Y-:6-R;W-O9G0@36%I;"Y.;W1E`#$(`0V ! `"`````@`"``$$ MD 8`. $```$````,`````P``, (````+``\.``````(!_P\!````:P`````` M``"U.\+ +'<0&J&\" `K*E;"%0```)4"&D7\0+P1C@/V%/\F@S1D@0`````` M`($K'Z2^HQ 9G6X`W0$/5 (`````3C8T($UA:6QI;F<@3&ES= !33510`&XV M-$!X;6ES`' ``0`` M``4```!T97-T``````(!<0`!````%@````&\:2344P,S+F_5(!'0BR1$15-4 M`````!X`'@P!````!0```%--5% `````'@`?# $````5````9V%R>2YM;W)T M0'9I:MV1$W``D#, $" M-0#R"V!N9_ Q,#,S`?_%WT6_Q4O$W]E,3+^.!U* M'F$>'Q\I$V0?4AV_GR&/(4T@SQ[_(L0Y,B8%#R=Q'Y,G< *"S _$#AX`4#)#E0R M-#DO,3@ZP0M0O'DO+B P< L1.T5S+F3_'W \/SU/,0] [T'Y,\(S9&4TE7T! M53,V`4 IH6_N=RG01&$!@&XT( !@"?#]+(!O`. "$"MP-\(LX (`-Q"!*](T ML&T+432P($,H.EQ!/`2!I8VIE3;!7"X!W!; +,%S331 +<&PN.9!T29 0 M%$"2V%N*4 28""- M*])P`( %D&QV; !0]5-0=04`;5-"`9 `(%/2_PN `0`", '!4T$00 YP``#G M4U ,T &0("X1@E,X)X"_4_(M4$005&]5?U:/,U-!3P6!6"]9/UI/;#1306SW M5^]`#T``0````$``````````P`--/TW``#K)HQ\ ` end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Kory S., Kurt H." Subject: N64> NEW MULTI-gaming SITE UP CHECK IT OUT Date: 25 May 1997 12:40:37 -0400 all you gaming fans will love this, We have opened up a COOL gaming site, point ur browser to: Leave a review/Preview anything and watch this site grow and grow! -- Often imitated, never replicated....... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Kory S., Kurt H." Subject: N64> VISIT NIOW! Date: 25 May 1997 12:53:45 -0400 write a review/preview anything to help our site! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Gary Mort Subject: N64> Date: Sun, 25 May 1997 18:00:39 +-100 Date: 25 May 1997 11:02:01 -0600 Where has everybody gone - no messages today !! Has everybody gone to the digest ? When will we receive a copy of the digest ? Gary Mort begin 600 WINMAIL.DAT M>)\^(A\1`0:0" `$```````!``$``0>0!@`(````Y 0```````#H``$(@ <` M& ```$E032Y-:6-R;W-O9G0@36%I;"Y.;W1E`#$(`0V ! `"`````@`"``$$ MD 8`. $```$````,`````P``, (````+``\.``````(!_P\!````:P`````` M``"U.\+ +'<0&J&\" `K*E;"%0```)4"&D7\0+P1C@/V%/\F@S1D@0`````` M`($K'Z2^HQ 9G6X`W0$/5 (`````3C8T($UA:6QI;F<@3&ES= !33510`&XV M-$!X;6ES2YM;W)T0'9I!P81X?'RD39!]2';^?(8\A32#/'O\B MQ#DR)@4/)W$?DR=P`H)S='EL-0>0: G@= ```_!D8SQT; JS#X,!T ,PP!; `P )S*@T(T',.D ,P861D:4!T:79E($0!$&%4=6P%0% *P&$) MP&&P<&@@1@(A**,Q#@#W*:<*( L@<@E0+X(0`"^";'2\N(#!P"Q$[17,N M9/\?<#P_/4\Q#T#O0?DSPC-D9325?0%5,S8!0"FA;^YW*=!$80& ;C0@`& ) M\/TL@&\`X (0*W WPBS@`@`W$($KTC2P;0M1-+ @0R@Z7%P%X$\!(&EC:F5- ML%<+@'<%L LP7---$ MP;"XYD'1)D!!P_RG00H _\ N *P`!0"E .W+P>3

>$&X&1Y(&<"("S@,T!H;F\@ M!X%S+; 'D72E!'!A>X A(0J%2'K?=WS!?, I0" LD'R1!4 _KPJ%>F$#H /P M; ,@=RS@7Q)@3C LPEX`!:!P>X!O;F9_'PK!"H5'"L![@$W7"1$*BGD:9X/Q M+@1@`""@0'9I`#T``0````$``````````P`--/TW``#. !:T38 ` end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "tippyman" Subject: Re: N64> Digest is working! Date: 25 May 1997 14:49:56 -0400 what is the digest version? Tippyman ( ---------- You'll never believe this, but the digest version of the list is now available. I held onto the email address of the people who left but said they would rejoin if there was a digest version of the list and have added them already. If you would like to be on the digest version of the list, leave the non-digest version and join the digest version by sending the following commands to unsubscribe n64 subscribe n64-digest That'll do it! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: N64> 64dd Date: 25 May 1997 16:06:38 -0400 (EDT) I have a question for all of you. Will the 64DD have full motion video or will it have high pologonic sequence like in StarFox64 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: N64> mission impossible cancelled? Date: 25 May 1997 14:49:36 -0700 I've heard rumours that the development team of Mission impossible has = gone under and the game is cancelled. Can anyone confirm this? I think = there was an article about it in Gamefanbut I can't find it/ Dex ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Brendan Lim Subject: N64> Exchanging Date: 25 May 1997 16:25:57 -0600 (MDT) Put a link on my page using my image: If you do, I will put a link to your page on my page. --Blab64 Webmaster Brendan Lim Get Your *Web-Based* Free Email at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Vi-64 Subject: Re: N64> mission impossible cancelled? Date: 25 May 1997 19:32:55 +30000 I heard it was delayed till next year. -Vi On Sun, 25 May 1997, Dexter Sy wrote: > I've heard rumours that the development team of Mission impossible has gone under and the game is cancelled. Can anyone confirm this? I think there was an article about it in Gamefanbut I can't find it/ > > Dex > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Gary Ireland Subject: N64> RE: PAL releases Date: 22 May 1997 23:00:27 +1000 ------ =_NextPart_000_01BC6703.F1400A00 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Sorry Gary, But Australia (PAL) got there Mario Kart last week, 19th May, boy and I thought that we were behind. - Beamer. LJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJ On Saturday, May 24, 1997 1:44 AM, Gary Mort [] wrote: : By all accounts us Brits should be getting PAL conversions of International Superstar Soccer 64 and Mario Kart 64 on Friday 13th June. : About time to !! : Can't wait : : Gary Mort : ------ =_NextPart_000_01BC6703.F1400A00 Content-Type: application/ms-tnef Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 eJ8+Ih0NAQaQCAAEAAAAAAABAAEAAQeQBgAIAAAA5AQAAAAAAADoAAEIgAcAGAAAAElQTS5NaWNy b3NvZnQgTWFpbC5Ob3RlADEIAQ2ABAACAAAAAgACAAEEkAYAsAEAAAEAAAAQAAAAAwAAMAIAAAAL AA8OAAAAAAIB/w8BAAAASQAAAAAAAACBKx+kvqMQGZ1uAN0BD1QCAAAAAG42NEBtYWlsLnhtaXNz aW9uLmNvbQBTTVRQAG42NEBtYWlsLnhtaXNzaW9uLmNvbQAAAAAeAAIwAQAAAAUAAABTTVRQAAAA AB4AAzABAAAAFgAAAG42NEBtYWlsLnhtaXNzaW9uLmNvbQAAAAMAFQwBAAAAAwD+DwYAAAAeAAEw AQAAABgAAAAnbjY0QG1haWwueG1pc3Npb24uY29tJwACAQswAQAAABsAAABTTVRQOk42NEBNQUlM LlhNSVNTSU9OLkNPTQAAAwAAOQAAAAALAEA6AQAAAB4A9l8BAAAAFgAAAG42NEBtYWlsLnhtaXNz aW9uLmNvbQAAAAIB918BAAAASQAAAAAAAACBKx+kvqMQGZ1uAN0BD1QCAAAAAG42NEBtYWlsLnht aXNzaW9uLmNvbQBTTVRQAG42NEBtYWlsLnhtaXNzaW9uLmNvbQAAAAADAP1fAQAAAAMA/18AAAAA AgH2DwEAAAAEAAAAAAAAAulYAQSAAQARAAAAUkU6IFBBTCByZWxlYXNlcwBCBQEFgAMADgAAAM0H BQAWABcAAAAbAAQAJQEBIIADAA4AAADNBwUAFgAWADsAEwAEAFcBAQmAAQAhAAAARjNDQkM4MkFG NEQyRDAxMTk2QUEwMDQwRjZCODdDNUUAUQcBA5AGAIQFAAAhAAAACwACAAEAAAALACMAAAAAAAMA JgAAAAAACwApAAAAAAADAC4AAAAAAAMANgAAAAAAQAA5ACDq/B6wZrwBHgBwAAEAAAANAAAAUEFM IHJlbGVhc2VzAAAAAAIBcQABAAAAGwAAAAG8Z5AuvPXZDVTTiBHQiyRERVNUAAAAOA4SEAAeAB4M AQAAAAUAAABTTVRQAAAAAB4AHwwBAAAAEgAAAGdhcnlpQGJlYW0uY29tLmF1AAAAAwAGEH1k4foD AAcQXQEAAB4ACBABAAAAZQAAAFNPUlJZR0FSWSxCVVRBVVNUUkFMSUEoUEFMKUdPVFRIRVJFTUFS SU9LQVJUTEFTVFdFRUssMTlUSE1BWSxCT1lBTkRJVEhPVUdIVFRIQVRXRVdFUkVCRUhJTkQtQkVB TUVSTEoAAAAAAgEJEAEAAABuAgAAagIAAOEDAABMWkZ13+OHpgMACgByY3BnMTI1FjIA+Atgbg4Q MDMz6QFVMzYB6CACpAPjAgAEY2gKwHNldDAgHwcTAoMAUALyAgBwcnEjDlARhjIgVwuAZ2Q9FEFz AoMTcRLzEZdUYX5oA3ECgw9wERYTQhIZNDMW6xF/fX0KgAjIIDs7CWkOIDgKJAKACoF1Y3sAUAsD YxKyC8QGAAWwcsh5IEcKwHksCuMKhCMKgQGRIEJ1BUBBdRhzdHIHQAcwIChQQEFMKSBnbwVAdBpo BJBlBdAKwGlvIJ5LCsAFQAtgIGAgdwng8mse0DE5IYAh0R7BBuBjHnAAcGQgSSFxCGBnOmghYmEi wiLRIbFiZVJoC4BkLh7/LR/wZfphB4ByJjwfBx1SAUAPBMIyGGExIExKKm8q08cplQ9hFQJzMTco qhbDZDE2KKkgTwOgBhB0bQhwZCOiI5EgKgAjIjmiNyMwOjQ0EhBNHtAHHpIF0AkRIFtTTVRoUDpn HqEuBGAAIECQdmlyZwuALm4R4EZdItADYHRlOiZEOtcDMRhiHgFCJAFsAyAA0P0FoHUCMAQgIFAf 8AUQNbF6cySRbCRAJdAhMBHgdJUUQSAg8SAFoG52BJDnAJACIAQgb2YkUAIwBJHPJSA4QQdABgB1 cDgRAZDPBcAeMDVgBJAgNjCwJCLnIek6sQIgIEYFEC9hIzCND3BzObIhcVxubzzT0zzQH+AgSjWQ ZSY2LbX6IDQ5QQbgIBE3QAeAIXDZIiAhIT5/NFdDAHAAELxxdTORIXAi0AtwdEEf/zRWQ880VzEX RV80VzIfMyELJkQaYQBLAAAAAwAQEAAAAAADABEQAAAAAAMAgBD/////QAAHMABPbfavZrwBQAAI MABPbfavZrwBCwAAgAggBgAAAAAAwAAAAAAAAEYAAAAAA4UAAAAAAAADAAKACCAGAAAAAADAAAAA AAAARgAAAAAQhQAAAAAAAAMABYAIIAYAAAAAAMAAAAAAAABGAAAAAFKFAAC3DQAAHgAlgAggBgAA AAAAwAAAAAAAAEYAAAAAVIUAAAEAAAAEAAAAOC4wAAMAJoAIIAYAAAAAAMAAAAAAAABGAAAAAAGF AAAAAAAACwAvgAggBgAAAAAAwAAAAAAAAEYAAAAADoUAAAAAAAADADCACCAGAAAAAADAAAAAAAAA RgAAAAARhQAAAAAAAAMAMoAIIAYAAAAAAMAAAAAAAABGAAAAABiFAAAAAAAAHgBBgAggBgAAAAAA wAAAAAAAAEYAAAAANoUAAAEAAAABAAAAAAAAAB4AQoAIIAYAAAAAAMAAAAAAAABGAAAAADeFAAAB AAAAAQAAAAAAAAAeAEOACCAGAAAAAADAAAAAAAAARgAAAAA4hQAAAQAAAAEAAAAAAAAAHgA9AAEA AAAFAAAAUkU6IAAAAAADAA00/TcAADAk ------ =_NextPart_000_01BC6703.F1400A00-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tyler V. Snow" Subject: N64> Re: Question... Date: 25 May 1997 18:04:54 -0600 > Postage paid by: > >What is NTSC? It is the American and Japanese format of television. European companies use the PAL format. I think the difference is, our televisions can refresh at 60 fps, while the PAL format can only refresh at 50 fps. I may be wrong on this, but this is what I can remember. -- Tyler V. Snow ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tyler V. Snow" Subject: N64> Re: Number for Nintendo of America Date: 25 May 1997 18:08:37 -0600 >I bought the N64 before the price drop and I hear that people are getting >Mario >Kart 64 for Free. Whats the phone number I call to complain and get my free >game. This deal, unfortunately, only works for Australians. The number is 1-800-255-3700. I called them, seeing if I could get ANYthing, but the guy I talked to didn't even know that a deal was going on in .au! -- Tyler V. Snow ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tyler V. Snow" Subject: Re: N64> 64dd Date: 25 May 1997 18:25:23 -0600 >I have a question for all of you. Will the 64DD have full motion video or >will it have high pologonic sequence like in StarFox64 From what I have read, the 64DD uses Burst Loading, ie it sends the information to RAM in bursts, instead of streaming it. So, the 64DD will not be able to stream full motion video, although developers can/will find ways to do that. I expect companies to continue using polygonic sequences like StarFox 64, while some MAY use FMV, although I doubt it. -- Tyler V. Snow ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "tippyman" Subject: N64> Re: gameboy Date: 25 May 1997 20:43:44 -0400 what's atlantis? that portable snes thing? Tippyman ( ---------- >would people stop playing/buying them? I think we're nearing the end >of that though, sadly enough. The GB's time is nearly over, IMHO. I agree. As soon as the Atlantis hits the market, I think the GB is going to be done with. :( > Now I have a question. Does someone have a list of RPGs out >for GB? I have FFLegend, FFLIII and Zelda IV, but that's about it. I >don't have FFLII or FFAdventure yet, but is there any more besides >that? Also, I heard there's a baseball game for GB, but I neer saw it >in the stores. What's it called, and is it any good? Thanks. Sure. I think one of the original carts was "baseball". :) Made by Nintendo. It's not that hard to find used. :) Derek Kalweit FIDONET: 1:2613/128.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Derek Kalweit) Subject: Re: N64> Re: gameboy Date: 25 May 1997 21:54:50 -0400 Nope. It's a 32-bit portable(166mhz processor) system(from Nintendo) that's in developement(currently tabled while they work on 64DD I think). I can't wait. :) > what's atlantis? that portable snes thing? > > Tippyman ( > > > >---------- >From: Derek Kalweit >To: >Subject: N64> Re: gameboy >Date: Friday, May 23, 1997 4:39 PM > >>would people stop playing/buying them? I think we're nearing the end >>of that though, sadly enough. The GB's time is nearly over, IMHO. > >I agree. As soon as the Atlantis hits the market, I think the GB is going >to be done with. :( > > >> Now I have a question. Does someone have a list of RPGs out >>for GB? I have FFLegend, FFLIII and Zelda IV, but that's about it. I >>don't have FFLII or FFAdventure yet, but is there any more besides >>that? Also, I heard there's a baseball game for GB, but I neer saw it >>in the stores. What's it called, and is it any good? Thanks. > >Sure. I think one of the original carts was "baseball". :) Made by >Nintendo. It's not that hard to find used. :) >Derek Kalweit > >FIDONET: 1:2613/128.2 > > > > Derek Kalweit FIDONET: 1:2613/128.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: N64> 64DD Date: 25 May 1997 23:33:59 -0400 (EDT) Sorry I got all my mail deleted by my brother. Can any one send me all they know about the 64DD. Any information on it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tom Dickson Subject: Re: N64> mission impossible cancelled? Date: 25 May 1997 19:03:59 -0600 No...the guys creating Mission:Impossible (I think it's Ocean) wouldn't dare delay a game that they've pumped up so much already. Besides, GameFan isn't always a reliable source of information. I've noticed a couple of times when they've shelled out bogus information. -Asha'man_X 64 Dexter Sy wrote: > > I've heard rumours that the development team of Mission impossible has gone under and the game is cancelled. Can anyone confirm this? I think there was an article about it in Gamefanbut I can't find it/ > > Dex ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tony & Caroline Subject: Re: N64> 64dd Date: 25 May 1997 23:53:48 -0400 The 64DD does not have the space for full motion video, nor was it designed to use it. It was designed to provide bursts of information, for video you would want constant streaming of data. Although the bursts of data are not ideal for FMV it would not sup rise me to see at least some of it on the DD, a clever programer can get around all sorts of limitations. Tony wrote: > I have a question for all of you. Will the 64DD have full motion > video or > will it have high pologonic sequence like in StarFox64 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tyler V. Snow" Subject: Re: N64> Re: gameboy Date: 25 May 1997 22:34:22 -0600 >Nope. It's a 32-bit portable(166mhz processor) system(from Nintendo) that's >in developement(currently tabled while they work on 64DD I think). I can't >wait. :) I'm certainly not excited--after looking at those tech specs, don't you think it will turn out to be another Virtual Boy? I mean, come on! That will be almost, if not MORE expensive than the Virtual Boy (when it debuted). The Atlantis will be Nintendo's second mistake, if it comes to pass. But, according to VideoGameSpot (in their "History of Video Games" feature that I just happened to read), the Atlantis has been cancelled! So, who knows. -- Tyler V. Snow ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tyler V. Snow" Subject: Re: N64> 64DD Date: 25 May 1997 22:35:27 -0600 >Sorry I got all my mail deleted by my brother. Can any one send me all they >know about the 64DD. Any information on it. Yeah, check out, and for all 64DD info. -- Tyler V. Snow ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Vi-64 Subject: Re: N64> Re: gameboy Date: 26 May 1997 02:54:59 +30000 > Nope. It's a 32-bit portable(166mhz processor) system(from Nintendo) that's > in developement(currently tabled while they work on 64DD I think). I can't > wait. :) After Virtual Boy, I think they are afraid of putting out anymore portable hardware for a while. I guess they'll wait a few more years when the N64 is #1 hot selling, then they'll bring out atlantis. By then, people will forget about virtual boy and only think about the success of N64. -Vi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Vi-64 Subject: N64> european games. What languange are games? Date: 26 May 1997 03:03:44 +30000 I have a question in general about european pal versions of games. When games come out in Germany, France, Spain, etc. Will the game be in French, spanish, Italian, Russian, etc?? For example Mario64 and MarioKart64. Are those games in your own languange when it comes out in your country or is it english?? If this was the case, then games are only made in Japanese and English?? How about RPG games? Will you people get FF3,4,5,6,FF7 in Spanish? If not, then gamers must learn english or japanese to play games? -Vi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Gary Mort Subject: N64> RE: Syntax Error Date: 26 May 1997 10:34:52 +-100 I have not sent any attachments, only the text in my mail. Who is LanicWWW ? Gary Mort ---------- Sent: 25 May 1997 23:19 You've got an attachment to your message that majordomo doesn't like. Gary Mort wrote: > > Hi > > I keep receiving this error message when I send a letter to the list. > Any ideas what it is ? > When will we receive a copy of the digest ? > > Thanks > > Gary Mort > > > ---------- > From: LANIC WWW Mail Service[] > Sent: 25 May 1997 12:23 > To: Gary Mort > Cc: > Subject: Syntax Error > > <>A syntax error occurred: > > not a valid URL or command: Test > > Some or all commands were not executed. > > Tips: > > * Put commands in the body of the message, not the Subject line. > > * Make sure your signature begins with '--' > > Still having trouble? > > * Try surrounding your body with 'begin' and 'end' > > * Place a blank line between each command > > * If command takes up two lines, place a '\' after the first line > > For proper usage, send a message containing these three lines: > > begin > > HELP > > end > > ____original message follows____ > > >From Sun May 25 11:22:19 1997 > Received: from ( []) by > (8.7.6/8.7.5) with SMTP id LAA21928 for > ; Sun, 25 May 1997 11:22:18 -0500 (CDT) > Received: from domo by with local (Exim 1.62 #1) > id 0wVfkL-0001K0-00; Sun, 25 May 1997 10:02:13 -0600 > Received: from [] > by with smtp (Exim 1.62 #1) > id 0wVfkI-0001Ju-00; Sun, 25 May 1997 10:02:10 -0600 > Received: from ([]) > by (Post.Office MTA v3.0 release 112 > ID# 0-33929U70000L2S50) with SMTP id AAA17417 > for ; Sun, 25 May 1997 16:58:40 +0100 > Received: by with Microsoft Mail > id <>; Sun, 25 May 1997 > 17:01:46 +-100 > Message-ID: <> > From: Gary Mort > To: "'N64 Mailing List'" > Subject: N64> test > Date: Sun, 25 May 1997 17:00:57 +-100 > X-MS-Attachment: WINMAIL.DAT 0 00-00-1980 00:00 > Sender: > Precedence: bulk > Reply-To: > > Test message > > Name: WINMAIL.DAT > Part 1.2 Type: unspecified type (application/octet-stream) > Encoding: x-uuencode begin 600 WINMAIL.DAT M>)\^(A4)`0:0" `$```````!``$``0>0!@`(````Y 0```````#H``$(@ <` M& ```$E032Y-:6-R;W-O9G0@36%I;"Y.;W1E`#$(`0V ! `"`````@`"``$$ MD 8`0 (```(````,`````P``, 0````+``\.`0````(!_P\!````/@`````` M``"!*Q^DOJ,0&9UN`-T!#U0"```!`%1O;2!!=&MI;@!33510`'1O;6%T:VEN M0'1R:6QO8GET92YN970````>``(P`0````4```!33510`````!X``S !```` M%P```'1O;6%T:VEN0'1R:6QO8GET92YN970```,`%0P!`````P#^#P8````> M``$P`0````P````G5&]M($%T:VEN)P`"`0LP`0```!P```!33510.E1/34%4 M2TE.0%1224Q/0EE412Y.150``P``.0`````+`$ Z``````(!]@\!````! `` M``````0,`````P``, 4````+``\.``````(!_P\!````:P````````"U.\+ M+'<0&J&\" `K*E;"%0```)4"&D7\0+P1C@/V%/\F@S1D@0```````($K'Z2^ MHQ 9G6X`W0$/5 (`````3C8T($UA:6QI;F<@3&ES= !33510`&XV-$!X;6ES M"!%`!X,`0````4` M``!33510`````!X`'PP!````%0```&=A``@0`0```&4```!)2$%614Y/5%-%3E1!3EE! 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If this >was the case, then games are only made in Japanese and English?? > How about RPG games? Will you people get FF3,4,5,6,FF7 in Spanish? >If not, then gamers must learn english or japanese to play games? I think at the moment all PAL countries get the same games. Some games have a language select option on the menu (WR64: German/English, M64: German/English/French). There were lots of SNES games that had langauge select also. Games usually have english instructions, but that's probably because I'm in Australia. Some publishers however, get cheap and put 15 different langauges in one instruction "booklet" (more like a phonebook in thickness). As for Final Fantasy, I beleive Secret of Mana was the ONLY Square game to get a PAL release, (except for Rad Racer :). You think you Americans have it bad :). We didn't even get Mario RPG! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Gary Mort Subject: RE: N64> european games. What languange are games? Date: 26 May 1997 10:49:50 +-100 Most games have a language option so you can choose what language you want it in. I don't think I have ever seen an option for Russian though. Gary Mort ---------- Sent: 26 May 1997 04:04 I have a question in general about european pal versions of games. When games come out in Germany, France, Spain, etc. Will the game be in French, spanish, Italian, Russian, etc?? For example Mario64 and MarioKart64. Are those games in your own languange when it comes out in your country or is it english?? If this was the case, then games are only made in Japanese and English?? How about RPG games? Will you people get FF3,4,5,6,FF7 in Spanish? If not, then gamers must learn english or japanese to play games? -Vi begin 600 WINMAIL.DAT M>)\^(B,)`0:0" `$```````!``$``0>0!@`(````Y 0```````#H``$(@ <` M& ```$E032Y-:6-R;W-O9G0@36%I;"Y.;W1E`#$(`0V ! `"`````@`"``$$ MD 8`. $```$````,`````P``, ,````+``\.``````(!_P\!````:P`````` M``"U.\+ +'<0&J&\" `K*E;"%0```)4"&D7\0+P1C@/V%/\F@S1D@0`````` M`($K'Z2^HQ 9G6X`W0$/5 (`````3C8T($UA:6QI;F<@3&ES= !33510`&XV M-$!X;6ESTKO5LA'0BR1$15-4`````!X`'@P!````!0```%-- M5% `````'@`?# $````5````9V%R>2YM;W)T0'9I0: G@AG0```/P9&-T; JSAP^#`= #,'-N97@0D*\'L 6P`, " % #E0R-#XOS#$X/\$+4'DO,R U]& M^3C".&0YE7T!53/F-@% +J%O=R[026$!@-YN.2 `8 GP,8!O`. "$/\P<#S" M,> "`!"!,-(600M1019 ($,Z7%P%X$]1`2!I8V52L%<+@'>;!; +,%P64 MP M;"X^D/YT3I 0<"[01X!$\ N , "'`4 N0$!R>3]R_W0/6+!6('#O=G]WCY]XE KY`S N MKR^P36\6,/@@9V$'@A! ,=%C``Y25G4RL#'@;P4P:0(@()!S;R!Y"& @8P.1 M]Q P5E! 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Gary Mort begin 600 WINMAIL.DAT M>)\^(C *`0:0" `$```````!``$``0>0!@`(````Y 0```````#H``$(@ <` M& ```$E032Y-:6-R;W-O9G0@36%I;"Y.;W1E`#$(`0V ! `"`````@`"``$$ MD 8`. $```$````,`````P``, (````+``\.``````(!_P\!````:P`````` M``"U.\+ +'<0&J&\" `K*E;"%0```)4"&D7\0+P1C@/V%/\F@S1D@0`````` M`($K'Z2^HQ 9G6X`W0$/5 (`````3C8T($UA:6QI;F<@3&ES= !33510`&XV M-$!X;6ES 0``!,` M```+`",```````,`)@``````"P`I```````#`#8``````$ `.0! =YONOFF\ M`1X`< `!````#0```%1E`!X,`0````4```!33510`````!X`'PP! M````%0```&=A``@0`0```#<```!33U)262Q42$E325-*55-4051%4U1-15-304=%1T%2 M64U/4E1'05)934]25$!625)'24Y.150```(!"1 !````, ,``"P#``! !P`` M3%I&=9U1N>_ M%WT6_Q4O$W]E,3+^.!U*'F$>'Q\I$V0?4AV_GR&/(4T@SQ[_(L0Y,B8%#R=Q M'Y,G< *"S _$#AX`4#)#E0R-#DO,3@ZP0M0O'DO+B P< L1.T5S+F3_'W \/SU/ M,0] [T'Y,\(S9&4TE7T!53,V`4 IH6_N=RG01&$!@&XT( !@"?#]+(!O`. 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Gary Mort begin 600 WINMAIL.DAT M>)\^(B -`0:0" `$```````!``$``0>0!@`(````Y 0```````#H``$(@ <` M& ```$E032Y-:6-R;W-O9G0@36%I;"Y.;W1E`#$(`0V ! `"`````@`"``$$ MD 8`, $```$````,`````P``, (````+``\.``````(!_P\!````: `````` M``"U.\+ +'<0&J&\" `K*E;"%0```)4"&D7\0+P1C@/V%/\F@S0D@@`````` M`($K'Z2^HQ 9G6X`W0$/5 (`````3C8T($UA:6P@3&ES= !33510`&XV-$!X M;6ES``,P`0```!$```!N M-C1 >&UI``$P`0```! ` M```G3C8T($UA:6P@3&ES="<``@$+, $````6````4TU44#I.-C1 6$U)4U-) M3TXN0T]-`````P``.0`````+`$ Z`0````(!]@\!````! ````````+F-0$$ M@ $`"0```%=A=F5R86-E`"X#`06 `P`.````S0<%`!H`#@`%`"0``0`K`0$@ M@ ,`#@```,T'!0`:``X``0`L``$`+P$!"8 !`"$```!".44V1D0T.4-%1#5$ M,#$Q.$(R-#0T-#4U,S4T,# P, `&!P$#D 8`8 4``!,````+`",```````,` M)@``````"P`I```````#`#8``````$ `.0#@PF: U6F\`1X`< `!````"0`` M`%=A=F5R86-E``````(!<0`!````%@````&\:=6 *TG]YKO5SA'0BR1$15-4 M`````!X`'@P!````!0```%--5% `````'@`?# $````5````9V%R>2YM;W)T M0'9I!P81X?'RD39!]2';^?(8\A32#/'O\BQ#DR)@4/)W$?DR=P`H)S='EL-0>0 M: G@= ```_!D8SQT; JS#X,!T ,PP!; `P )S*@T(T',.D ,P M861D:4!T:79E($0!$&%4=6P%0% *P&$)P&&P<&@@1@(A**,Q#@#W*:<*( L@ M<@E0+X(0`"^";'2\N(#!P"Q$[17,N9/\?<#P_/4\Q#T#O0?DSPC-D9325 M?0%5,S8!0"FA;^YW*=!$80& ;C0@`& )\/TL@&\`X (0*W WPBS@`@`W$($K MTC2P;0M1-+ @0R@Z7%P%X$\!(&EC:F5-L%<+@'<%L LP7---$ MP;"XYD'1) MD!!P_RG00H _\ N *P`!0"E .W+P>3 4WN1`V!U9RX`/PJ%1+IO!Y%U`) .<'X#8X1 P7V@ M;2!B:6LLX!!Q_RRP#G $( # A7%>`(50A("W+) !(%+1;GU!?:%H2H#[?@.% M4W $D$O3@/,I, A@GFQ"@(%P*.!.(&L@`_![>Z!^`VXK8X68@W8*A4?["L!\ M($T)$0J*>1J"H%#@!BX$8 `@0'9I Subject: RE: N64> Re: Number for Nintendo of America Date: 26 May 1997 14:22:25 +-100 The deal extends to England as well. -- Gary Mort ---------- Sent: 26 May 1997 01:09 >I bought the N64 before the price drop and I hear that people are getting >Mario >Kart 64 for Free. Whats the phone number I call to complain and get my free >game. This deal, unfortunately, only works for Australians. The number is 1-800-255-3700. I called them, seeing if I could get ANYthing, but the guy I talked to didn't even know that a deal was going on in .au! -- Tyler V. Snow begin 600 WINMAIL.DAT M>)\^(A(-`0:0" `$```````!``$``0>0!@`(````Y 0```````#H``$(@ <` M& ```$E032Y-:6-R;W-O9G0@36%I;"Y.;W1E`#$(`0V ! `"`````@`"``$$ MD 8`, $```$````,`````P``, 0````+``\.``````(!_P\!````: `````` M``"U.\+ +'<0&J&\" `K*E;"%0```)4"&D7\0+P1C@/V%/\F@S0D@@`````` M`($K'Z2^HQ 9G6X`W0$/5 (`````3C8T($UA:6P@3&ES= !33510`&XV-$!X M;6ES``,P`0```!$```!N M-C1 >&UI``$P`0```! ` M```G3C8T($UA:6P@3&ES="<``@$+, $````6````4TU44#I.-C1 6$U)4U-) M3TXN0T]-`````P``.0`````+`$ Z`0````(!]@\!````! ````````3J-0$$ M@ $`+ ```%)%.B!.-C0^(%)E.B!.=6UB97(@9F]R($YI;G1E;F1O(&]F($%M M97)I8V$`#@X!!8 #``X```#-!P4`&@`.`!8`&0`!`#$!`2" `P`.````S0<% M`!H`#@`6`!D``0`Q`0$)@ $`(0```$,X139&1#0Y0T5$-40P,3$X0C(T-#0T M-34S-30P,# P``8'`0.0!@#\!@``$@````L`(P```````P`F```````+`"D` M``````,`-@``````0 `Y`&"9,=K7:;P!`@%Q``$````6`````;QIU[1Y2?WF MR=7.$="+)$1%4U0`````'@`># $````%````4TU44 `````>`!\,`0```!4` M``!G87)Y+FUOO\9D1E/&ED89!J"&.\"&= ```_!D M8W1L"K.'#X,!T ,P!"0KP>P!; `P )S*@C0<@E0-((4\#2" M=S0AL4T08' OHB]88F$0<&1_`B !0"_C,[ R< 40`C M0S,0`V$Z(%1O.*!3 M*'5B:@60=#B@1&'U%D Z,V0V,]\T[S7S+C#_,7 +@ Z &P`OL0PP+U01`#,V MSS?74F4QT!!A($C^93%P!) 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Gary Mort ---------- Sent: 22 May 1997 14:00 Sorry Gary, But Australia (PAL) got there Mario Kart last week, 19th May, boy and I thought that we were behind. - Beamer. :(:):(:):(:):(:):(:):(:):(:):(:):(:):(:):(:):(:) On Saturday, May 24, 1997 1:44 AM, Gary Mort [] wrote: : By all accounts us Brits should be getting PAL conversions of International Superstar Soccer 64 and Mario Kart 64 on Friday 13th June. : About time to !! : Can't wait : : Gary Mort : begin 600 WINMAIL.DAT M>)\^(@8-`0:0" `$```````!``$``0>0!@`(````Y 0```````#H``$(@ <` M& ```$E032Y-:6-R;W-O9G0@36%I;"Y.;W1E`#$(`0V ! `"`````@`"``$$ MD 8`, $```$````,`````P``, 0````+``\.``````(!_P\!````: `````` M``"U.\+ +'<0&J&\" `K*E;"%0```)4"&D7\0+P1C@/V%/\F@S0D@@`````` M`($K'Z2^HQ 9G6X`W0$/5 (`````3C8T($UA:6P@3&ES= !33510`&XV-$!X M;6ES``,P`0```!$```!N M-C1 >&UI``$P`0```! ` M```G3C8T($UA:6P@3&ES="<``@$+, $````6````4TU44#I.-C1 6$U)4U-) M3TXN0T]-`````P``.0`````+`$ Z`0````(!]@\!````! ````````3J-0$$ M@ $`$0```%)%.B!004P@?7:;P!'@!P M``$````-````4$%,(')E;&5A# $````%````4TU44 `````> M`!\,`0```!4```!G87)Y+FUO!T```#\/!D M8W1L"K,/@P'0`S#P!"0![ %L # -0)S*@C03!__7,!:P'3_>H][GWRD"OD#,,LS3S1060A@(',(8%40$B!$D7D@"D!C:WEJ M+@J%3%KP:P0@6=A&D/M$.4@'0-3=< M$YAB:VV%8'Z"(%^*8.,#$#XQ87TM`I&;4)OW_BV>]@J%@6Q%DIH]3<]'?[]( MCTF8``";]ST$E81)' "!AA);4TU44#J7HLAI0&)%`&TN!:"HH/TVT%V?CZ"4 M*1"A'Z(O3O]_I;00!BI"8D*C!)PJ%/:?%!_!%/4!004R&43*P_4,!XE^Y= MGX\0`V ^40J%/4!]0K]!^X:0DB!CC?,$(+N0NS %$'_/H3+0CS.H<(G7L[(% MH&[O1)*QX00@B"%)DV$$H#Y _['A!T ]D8R1?G*Y0<]0BT'_L1"_4XIIU*$" M((N_C,>$MOO(9 MV#C,?YBXG(8CA^*=:'T``.+P```#`! 0``````,`$1 `````0 `',*!YS6K6 M:;P!0 `(,*"54>?7:;P!'@`]``$````%````4D4Z( `````#``TT_3<``/BD ` end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Gary Mort Subject: RE: N64> leave Date: 26 May 1997 14:23:07 +-100 ---------- Sent: 26 May 1997 13:11 leave If you want to leave the group, then send a 1 line message (leave subject blank) of UNSUBSCRIBE n64 to begin 600 WINMAIL.DAT M>)\^(@P-`0:0" `$```````!``$``0>0!@`(````Y 0```````#H``$(@ <` M& ```$E032Y-:6-R;W-O9G0@36%I;"Y.;W1E`#$(`0V ! `"`````@`"``$$ MD 8`, $```$````,`````P``, 0````+``\.``````(!_P\!````: `````` M``"U.\+ +'<0&J&\" `K*E;"%0```)4"&D7\0+P1C@/V%/\F@S0D@@`````` M`($K'Z2^HQ 9G6X`W0$/5 (`````3C8T($UA:6P@3&ES= !33510`&XV-$!X M;6ES``,P`0```!$```!N M-C1 >&UI``$P`0```! ` M```G3C8T($UA:6P@3&ES="<``@$+, $````6````4TU44#I.-C1 6$U)4U-) M3TXN0T]-`````P``.0`````+`$ Z`0````(!]@\!````! ````````3J-0$$ M@ $`#P```%)%.B!.-C0^(&QE879E`!0$`06 `P`.````S0<%`!H`#@`7``<` M`0`@`0$@@ ,`#@```,T'!0`:``X`%P`'``$`( $!"8 !`"$```!#,44V1D0T M.4-%1#5$,#$Q.$(R-#0T-#4U,S4T,# P, #_!@$#D 8```8``!(````+`",` M``````,`)@``````"P`I```````#`#8``````$ `.0``9R/SUVF\`0(!<0`! 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Date: 26 May 1997 08:55:10 -0600 > We didn't even get Mario RPG! You should be glad. The game lasted about 3 days for me, and that was playing off and on during a family reunion! The music is great, the graphics are great, but what happened to Square's trademark LONG RPG?! And to think that was the best-selling RPG in America (yes, outsold FFIII and CTrigger), no wonder Japan doesn't port more RPG's over. -- Tyler V. Snow ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Derek Kalweit) Subject: Re: N64> RE: Syntax Error Date: 26 May 1997 14:38:10 -0400 I got a similar error due to the URL in my signature. And yes, you do have an attachment, because you're using microsoft mail(right?)-- it automatically attaches something. >I have not sent any attachments, only the text in my mail. >Who is LanicWWW ? > >Gary Mort > > >---------- >From: Tom Atkin[] >Sent: 25 May 1997 23:19 >To: Gary Mort >Subject: Re: Syntax Error > >You've got an attachment to your message that majordomo doesn't like. > >Gary Mort wrote: >> >> Hi >> >> I keep receiving this error message when I send a letter to the list. >> Any ideas what it is ? >> When will we receive a copy of the digest ? >> >> Thanks >> >> Gary Mort >> >> >> ---------- >> From: LANIC WWW Mail Service[] >> Sent: 25 May 1997 12:23 >> To: Gary Mort >> Cc: >> Subject: Syntax Error >> >> <>A syntax error occurred: >> >> not a valid URL or command: Test >> >> Some or all commands were not executed. >> >> Tips: >> >> * Put commands in the body of the message, not the Subject line. >> >> * Make sure your signature begins with '--' >> >> Still having trouble? >> >> * Try surrounding your body with 'begin' and 'end' >> >> * Place a blank line between each command >> >> * If command takes up two lines, place a '\' after the first line >> >> For proper usage, send a message containing these three lines: >> >> begin >> >> HELP >> >> end >> >> ____original message follows____ >> >> >From Sun May 25 11:22:19 1997 >> Received: from ( []) by >> (8.7.6/8.7.5) with SMTP id LAA21928 for >> ; Sun, 25 May 1997 11:22:18 -0500 (CDT) >> Received: from domo by with local (Exim 1.62 #1) >> id 0wVfkL-0001K0-00; Sun, 25 May 1997 10:02:13 -0600 >> Received: from [] >> by with smtp (Exim 1.62 #1) >> id 0wVfkI-0001Ju-00; Sun, 25 May 1997 10:02:10 -0600 >> Received: from ([]) >> by (Post.Office MTA v3.0 release 112 >> ID# 0-33929U70000L2S50) with SMTP id AAA17417 >> for ; Sun, 25 May 1997 16:58:40 +0100 >> Received: by with Microsoft Mail >> id <>; Sun, 25 May 1997 >> 17:01:46 +-100 >> Message-ID: <> >> From: Gary Mort >> To: "'N64 Mailing List'" >> Subject: N64> test >> Date: Sun, 25 May 1997 17:00:57 +-100 >> X-MS-Attachment: WINMAIL.DAT 0 00-00-1980 00:00 >> Sender: >> Precedence: bulk >> Reply-To: >> >> Test message >> >> Name: WINMAIL.DAT >> Part 1.2 Type: unspecified type (application/octet-stream) >> Encoding: x-uuencode > >begin 600 WINMAIL.DAT >M>)\^(A4)`0:0" `$```````!``$``0>0!@`(````Y 0```````#H``$(@ <` >M& ```$E032Y-:6-R;W-O9G0@36%I;"Y.;W1E`#$(`0V ! `"`````@`"``$$ >MD 8`0 (```(````,`````P``, 0````+``\.`0````(!_P\!````/@`````` >M``"!*Q^DOJ,0&9UN`-T!#U0"```!`%1O;2!!=&MI;@!33510`'1O;6%T:VEN >M0'1R:6QO8GET92YN970````>``(P`0````4```!33510`````!X``S !```` >M%P```'1O;6%T:VEN0'1R:6QO8GET92YN970```,`%0P!`````P#^#P8````> >M``$P`0````P````G5&]M($%T:VEN)P`"`0LP`0```!P```!33510.E1/34%4 >M2TE.0%1224Q/0EE412Y.150``P``.0`````+`$ Z``````(!]@\!````! `` >M``````0,`````P``, 4````+``\.``````(!_P\!````:P````````"U.\+ >M+'<0&J&\" `K*E;"%0```)4"&D7\0+P1C@/V%/\F@S1D@0```````($K'Z2^ >MHQ 9G6X`W0$/5 (`````3C8T($UA:6QI;F<@3&ES= !33510`&XV-$!X;6ES >MM0'AM:7-S:6]N+F-O;0`````#`!4,`@````,`_@\&````'@`!, $````3```` >M)TXV-"!-86EL:6YG($QIM4TE/3BY#3TT````#```Y``````L`0#H!`````@'V#P$````$````````!89G >M`02 `0`1````4D4Z(%-Y;G1A>"!%M(@`T``$`5 $!(( #``X```#-!P4`&@`*`" `'0`!`#L!`0F `0`A````049$ >M,C%%035",D0U1# Q,3A",C0T-#0U-3,U-# P,# `[@8!`Y &`&P+```2```` >M"P`C```````#`"8```````L`*0```````P`V``````! `#D`H&OZ#[AIO $" >M`7$``0```!8````!O&FWNP^E'M*PU;(1T(LD1$535 `````>`!X,`0````4` >M``!33510`````!X`'PP!````%0```&=AM``,`!A D9+X0`P`'$"@(```>``@0`0```&4```!)2$%614Y/5%-%3E1!3EE! >M5%1!0TA-14Y44RQ/3DQ95$A%5$585$E.35E-04E,5TA/25-,04Y)0U=75S]' >M05)934]25$=!4EE-3U)40%9)4D=)3DY%5"TM+2TM+2TM+2U&4D]-``````(! >M"1 !````# H```@*````%@``3%I&=?8D[[0W``D#, $"-0#R"V!N9_ Q,#,S >M`?L"@PZ0$=\0 >MM0:P<'-T96T"@ *1".8[A0EO,!=/93(U-1AZ_QF1&4\:61AD&H(8[QR_''V' >M&_\:+QA_93$R.")*_R-A(Q\D*1AD)%(BOR:/)DWG)<\C_R?$.3(K!2QQ)).G >M+' "@A8P>6P'D&@)X(9T```#\&1C=&P*LXM`G,J"-!S#I !`S!A9&1I=&EVB&4@1 $0875L!4 *4 K 80G 87!H(/9&`B$M >MHS$.`"ZG"B +()YR"5 T@A3P-()W-"&Q31!@<"^B+UAB81!P9'\"( % +^,S >ML#)P!1 ","U#,Q #83H@5&\XH%,H=6)J!9!T.*!$8?460#HS9#8SWS3O-?,N >M,/\Q< N #H ;`"^Q## O5!$`,S;/-]=293'0$&$@2/YE,7 $D#-D$< Z;SM_ >M/(J>,$00/7@!0 Y4,C0^+\PQ.#_!"U!Y+S,@-7#["Q% 17,S9"1P03]"3S8/ >M7T7O1ODXPCAD.95]`54SYC8!0"ZA;W;CD@`& )\#& ;P#@`A#_ >M,' \PC'@`@`0@3#2%D$+44$60"!#.EQ!/40$@:6-E4K!7"X!WFP6P"S!< >M%E +<&PN/I#^=$Z0$' NT$> 1/ +@# `AP% +D! 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It's a 32-bit portable(166mhz processor) system(from Nintendo) that's >>in developement(currently tabled while they work on 64DD I think). I can't >>wait. :) >I'm certainly not excited--after looking at those tech specs, don't you >think it will turn out to be another Virtual Boy? I mean, come on! That >will be almost, if not MORE expensive than the Virtual Boy (when it >debuted). The Atlantis will be Nintendo's second mistake, if it comes to >pass. But, according to VideoGameSpot (in their "History of Video Games" >feature that I just happened to read), the Atlantis has been cancelled! >So, who knows. Cancelled?!? :( Too bad. If they debuted it at $100-150, and the carts at $40, I believe they could get a strong following. /--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------\ |Derek Kalweit | | | |FIDONET: 1:2613/128.2 | | | \--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Cryptic Bug) Subject: Re: N64> mission impossible cancelled? Date: 26 May 1997 10:00:15 -0400 Sorry if this doesn't work properly, still testing. :') In article , Vi-64 wrote: > I heard it was delayed till next year. Not unless you consider August (1997) next year. It was supposed to come out in June or July like everything else, but M:I and GE-007 have both been pushed back to August. They'd rather polish it up than release it early. Nintendo probably sees their mistake in allowing certain games to come out when it's trying to push Quality over Quantity, but they were forced into it. Now they've got more choice, they'd rather stick with their motto. I for one am glad. I bet we will see it (hopefully playable) at E3. -- Cryptic Bug ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Cryptic Bug) Subject: Re: N64> Waverace Date: 26 May 1997 10:07:58 -0400 In article <>, Gary Mort wrote: > Hi > Are there any codes for Waverace 64 to get the reverse tracks and > also the 2 extra tracks, or do I have to play the game through ? Why would you want to DO that? The fun of the game is GETTING the tracks! There may be a cheat code, but I doubt it. More likely you have to play through. The reverse tracks are a bonus for those good enough to get them, and if you can't you don't deserve to have them at all. ;') Seriously though, if you did enter a cheat code, you'd have nothing to look forward to, and spoil the game for yourself. > Does using the custom bike settings make a big difference to how the > bike performs, or should I stick with the normal settings ? Yes, it makes a big difference. I find the best one for me is the third guy over (I don't remember the name), with a low handling setting, and high engine and grip settings (Not very top or very bottom, but 1-3 away). Experiment to see what you like. I don't like the built-in settings. -- Cryptic Bug ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Mark Thomson" Subject: N64> Plug Time - Mario Kart for Sale Date: 26 May 1997 22:28:47 +0000 Hi all I've got a copy of Mario Kart (US) for sale. Itrs an original and in perfect condition. Email me if interested. - Also to save any problems, UK based N64'ers only please. Thanks Mark ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Brendan Lim" Subject: N64> Turok Warp Codez! Date: 26 May 1997 14:56:52 PDT Dear Turok Playerz, It has come across me that I am pretty mad because Acclaim and Iguana won't give those darn codes. They are "Wrap Campainger and Warp Rex". I saw them in a issue of BradyGames Turok Official Guides. If BradyGames also knows it then why not tell us. I mean we have every right to know! I know their out there, and N64.COM said that they would get into the MEMORY PAK and find it, but never said a word after that. Anybody who can find it is truly a god! So if anybody on this list knows them, or not, please e-mail me anyway. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- |\ | |----- | | Brendan G. Lim | \ | | |____|_ | \ | |----- | (B-LaB64) | \| |_____| | -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- RULES Get Your *Web-Based* Free Email at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Brendan Lim" Subject: N64> Turok Warp Codez! Date: 26 May 1997 14:56:52 PDT Dear Turok Playerz, It has come across me that I am pretty mad because Acclaim and Iguana won't give those darn codes. They are "Wrap Campainger and Warp Rex". I saw them in a issue of BradyGames Turok Official Guides. If BradyGames also knows it then why not tell us. I mean we have every right to know! I know their out there, and N64.COM said that they would get into the MEMORY PAK and find it, but never said a word after that. Anybody who can find it is truly a god! So if anybody on this list knows them, or not, please e-mail me anyway. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- |\ | |----- | | Brendan G. Lim | \ | | |____|_ | \ | |----- | (B-LaB64) | \| |_____| | -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- RULES Get Your *Web-Based* Free Email at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Brendan Lim" Subject: N64> Turok Warp Codez! Date: 26 May 1997 14:56:52 PDT Dear Turok Playerz, It has come across me that I am pretty mad because Acclaim and Iguana won't give those darn codes. They are "Wrap Campainger and Warp Rex". I saw them in a issue of BradyGames Turok Official Guides. If BradyGames also knows it then why not tell us. I mean we have every right to know! I know their out there, and N64.COM said that they would get into the MEMORY PAK and find it, but never said a word after that. Anybody who can find it is truly a god! So if anybody on this list knows them, or not, please e-mail me anyway. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- |\ | |----- | | Brendan G. Lim | \ | | |____|_ | \ | |----- | (B-LaB64) | \| |_____| | -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- RULES Get Your *Web-Based* Free Email at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: N64> Re: Did you get this? Date: 26 May 1997 22:05:16 -0400 (EDT) In a message dated 97-05-24 18:59:27 EDT, you write: << Subj: N64> I have to send this... Date: 97-05-24 18:59:27 EDT From: (Cryptic Bug) Sender: Reply-to: To: > Sorry, testing my software. It seems that about a dozen of my replies > haven't gone through. Peculiar. Oh well, ignore this anyway... -- Cryptic Bug >> Same here. Did you guys ever get the mail I sent about NextGen's reply to the Nintendojo special? If so, it didn't get to me... Peer Nintendojo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: N64> Date: Sun, 25 May 1997 18:00:39 +-100 Date: 26 May 1997 22:20:44 -0400 (EDT) In a message dated 97-05-25 13:23:38 EDT, you write: << Subj: N64> Date: Sun, 25 May 1997 18:00:39 +-100 Date: 97-05-25 13:23:38 EDT From: (Gary Mort) Sender: Reply-to: To: ('N64 Mailing List') File: WINMAIL.DAT (1756 bytes) DL Time (28800 bps): < 1 minute > Where has everybody gone - no messages today !! > Has everybody gone to the digest ? > When will we receive a copy of the digest ? > Gary Mort > >> 'twas Memorial Day Weekend in the States. Everybody takes off to spend their time in a traffic jam. Great fun. Peer Nintendojo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: N64> mission impossible cancelled? Date: 26 May 1997 22:25:17 -0400 (EDT) In a message dated 97-05-25 18:01:21 EDT, you write: << Subj: N64> mission impossible cancelled? Date: 97-05-25 18:01:21 EDT From: (Dexter Sy) Sender: Reply-to: To: ( > I've heard rumours that the development team of Mission impossible has gone >under and the game is cancelled. Can anyone confirm this? I think there was an >article about it in Gamefanbut I can't find it/ > Dex >> Hehehe... Nice one. No that's total bull. I just made an appointment with Ocean for an interview this week -- and they' said they'd show me the unfinished MI -- two-level alpha with as of yet choppy animation. What GameFan, or whoever, misunderstood -- is that a company purchase (in this case: the French publisher Infogrames bought Ocean) doesn't mean that project gets canceled. Peer Nintendojo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: N64> 64DD Date: 26 May 1997 22:45:43 -0400 (EDT) In a message dated 97-05-26 00:06:16 EDT, you write: << Subj: N64> 64DD Date: 97-05-26 00:06:16 EDT From: Sender: Reply-to: To: =20 > Sorry I got all my mail deleted by my brother. Can any one send me all they > know about the 64DD. Any information on it. >> You can find the same info at Nintendo Dynamic Drive / Disk Drive (64DD) The 64DD (formerly called: Bulky Drive) is an optional add-on for the N6= 4 console. All specs are preliminary and subject to changes. 64DD PRELIMINARY DATA=20 High-speed, mass-volume memory magnetic disk drive writable storage device attaches to bottom of the N64 console disks are front-loaded Data access Estimates range from 75ms to 150 ms (milliseconds) Avera= ge Seek time (AST) Burst Access (not ideal for streaming video/aud= io) Data Transfer Rate (DTR) .71 MB/second Typical: 81 seconds for 64MB (normal speed CD-ROM: 437 seconds/64MB) Motor Driving Time less than 1.9 seconds Includes a 4 MB RAMBUS DRAM expansion plugs into memory expansion sl= ot =09 enhances the memory capacity of the system (for both magnetic disks an= d =09 cartridges) Custom ROM Chip built into the drive, reportedly holds new midi soun= d banks and other "helpful" data files System Clock built-in clock can display=A0the time of day simul= ation games can feature dawn/dusk according to real-time games could inclu= de changing content depending on day STORAGE =09 High-density 3-3/4" magnetic disks double-sided 64MB capacity =09 up to 38 MB writable lower cost than cartridges SPECIAL FEATURES =09 Data error correction Modem capabilities 64DD modem capabilities are confirmed =09 potentials: download custom data surf the web update games =09 trade customized characters multiplayer gaming Utilizes N64 hardware compression Writable game software customize and save characters and games =09 self-evolving games Allows for expansion disks cartridge games can be updated or expande= d and used in tandem Multiple disk support games on multiple disks are possible (memory card/cartridge saved data support), even if not "hot swappable" RUMORED FEATURES =09 May feature built-in internal modem download custom data surf t= he web update games trade customized characters multiplayer online gaming DIMENSIONS =09 Drive 260mm (w) x 190mm (d) x 78.7mm (h) Combined with 65.5mm height of N64, both units are 144.2mm high) 1.6 kg=20 Disk 101mm (w)x103mm (d) x 10.2mm (h) 43g =20 PRICE =09 MSRP: Between $99 and $149 CONFIRMED LAUNCH TITLES =09 Mother 3 (RPG) SimCity 64 (SIM) Mario Paint ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: N64> european games. What languange are games? Date: 26 May 1997 22:54:50 -0400 (EDT) In a message dated 97-05-26 03:40:55 EDT, you write: << Subj: N64> european games. What languange are games? Date: 97-05-26 03:40:55 EDT From: (Vi-64) Sender: Reply-to: To: (xm) > I have a question in general about european pal versions of games. > When games come out in Germany, France, Spain, etc. Will the game be in > French, spanish, Italian, Russian, etc?? > For example Mario64 and MarioKart64. Are those games in your own > languange when it comes out in your country or is it english?? If this > was the case, then games are only made in Japanese and English?? > How about RPG games? Will you people get FF3,4,5,6,FF7 in Spanish? > If not, then gamers must learn english or japanese to play games? > -Vi >> It depends. I can at least tell you what's happening in Germany: Sports games are often completely translated (the announcer speaks German, etc). Some games, like Star Fox 64, will remain in English for the German market (unless Nintendo's plans change) and have German screentext (the text boxes on the bottom). Most RPGs are translated into German -- the few that aren't don't do very well (although the majority of Germans do speak English). Some games have also altered content (such as Turrican, Turok, etc), where certain human characters are replaced by robots, or blood is reduced or changed in color. Peer Nintendojo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: N64> Aussie Games Date: 26 May 1997 22:58:29 -0400 (EDT) In a message dated 97-05-26 06:08:52 EDT, you write: << As for Final Fantasy, I beleive Secret of Mana was the ONLY Square game to < get a PAL release, (except for Rad Racer :). You think you Americans have it < bad :). We didn't even get Mario RPG! < You mean, they didn't translate Nintendo games into Australian? Pshaw -- and I was about to import Mario 64 because I wanted to hear "G'day Mario. C'mon to the castle!" How disappointing... No "Wive Ricer 64" either? Peer Nintendojo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tyler V. Snow" Subject: Re: N64> Re: Did you get this? Date: 26 May 1997 23:13:03 -0600 >> Sorry, testing my software. It seems that about a dozen of my replies >> haven't gone through. Peculiar. Oh well, ignore this anyway... > -- > Cryptic Bug > > >> > >Same here. Did you guys ever get the mail I sent about NextGen's reply to the >Nintendojo special? If so, it didn't get to me... > >Peer Peer, I *HAVE* to read that reply. I never received it, could you *PLEASE* re-forward it to the list? :) -- Tyler V. Snow ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tyler V. Snow" Subject: N64> Nintendo 64 Interviews Date: 26 May 1997 23:27:49 -0600 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --------------49B8128B19BC Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit > Yutaka Ohbuchi Reporting > Last Update: May 26, 1997 > ---------------------------------------------------------------------- > > As you probably already know, the import gaming scene is very big on > the Net. News from Japan: Yutaka Ohbuchi Reporting is an attempt to > provide you with the latest news, release dates and information about > the N64 coming from the land of the rising sun. Our Japanese > Correspondent, Yutaka Ohbuchi, translates the information for us from > the latest issues of Famitsu, Fami Maga Weekly, Dengeki Nintendo 64 > Monthly, The 64 Dream, Japanese newspapers and more. We won't be > featuring screenshots in this section, but rather the actual > information from the magazines. We hope you enjoy! > > ----------------------------------------------------- > > Monday, May 26, 1997 > > Dengeki Nintendo 64 featured an interview with Capcom's > Yoshiki Okamoto > > DN64: Capcom has already announced that they are developing > for the Nintendo 64. At this point, what titles are you > thinking about releasing? Please tell us your ideas. > > Okamoto: I'm very interested in the N64. CD-ROM is just a > readable medium. Obviously, the writable feature [of the > 64DD] is attractive for me. This feature will increase the > fun of games. I want to pursue that aspect. But before that, > we are researching the possibility of putting Resident Evil, > which is currently a CD-based game, on a 128 megabit > cartridge. > > Jun Fujimoto: The size of the ROM for cartridges is > gradually increasing. For the future, 128 megabit carts will > be the main stream. > > Okamoto: Additionally, this is not the company's final > decision, just my idea. I don't know if it's possible or not > in regard to technical difficulties... > > DN64: I understand that. So what's your idea? > > Okamoto: I have an idea for a ninja version of Resident > Evil. The location is a "ninja house" which is full of booby > traps and gimmicks. > > DN64: Sounds fun already. Do you have more great ideas for > us? > > Okamoto: Of course. The battle will take place using Katana > and Shuriken. The house will contain hidden doors behind > walls, ceilings that fall down to you, scrolls and ninja > magic, and many other ninja techniques. I have many more > ideas about this. > > DN64: That sounds fun. How about the business aspect? > > Okamoto: I think it will be very fun. And because many > overseas people love ninjitsu, I also think it will sell > very well (laugh). > > ----------------------------------------------------- > > The 64 Dream featured another interview with Nintendo > publicist, Yoshio Hongo, in which the readers asked the > questions > > T64D: Some Japanese magazines report that Nintendo has > purchased the domestic rights to Diablo. > > Hongo: I asked our department, but that is not true. > > Reader: What title will Nintendo release after Shadows of > the Empire? > > Hongo: Goldeneye will be the next title to be released. We > want to release it during the summer holiday [ed: late July > to the end of August]. After that, we want to release > Yoshi's Island 64 and Zelda 64. So we have currently > assigned all other title's staff for both titles' > development. I don't know for sure whether we will release > Zelda or Yoshi first, but Zelda 64 will be released in > October or November. Body Harvest and Buggie Boogie may also > be released this year. > > Reader: Will a Tamagotchi game be released for the Nintendo > 64? > > Hongo: Bandai might be working on it. But I can't say for > sure since it's not being developed by Nintendo [ed: > Nintendo, however, is working on a similar game for the 64DD > called Cabbage]. We hope it would be as good as the Game Boy > version of Tamagotchi, though. > > Reader: Will the 64DD launch with an internal modem? > > Hongo: The 64DD is not likely to have internal modem > built-in. But later on it may have a modem. A communication > line is one of the features the 64DD will have after its > launch. If the modem was built into the 64DD, then the cost > increase would be a detriment rather than a benefit. > > Reader: When is the Light Gun Pak going to be released? > > Hongo: It will be released when it is needed. Actually, > there is no particular game suited for the Light Gun yet. > > Reader: What kind of game will Climber be? > > Hongo: The game's idea has absorbed by another title. So > Climber has been canceled. > > Reader: Please tell me about Intelligent Systems, the ones > who are developing the Fire Emblem series. > > Hongo: They have their office in Nintendo's Uji-Ogura > factory. But they are a completely different organization. > They also develop for the Super Famicom. So their name is > recognized by many software companies. Their software > development team is currently working on the latest Fire > Emblem game for the Super Famicom. The 64DD version seems to > only be in the experimental phase right now. > > -- Yutaka Ohbuchi --------------49B8128B19BC Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii; name="news_may26.htm" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: inline; filename="news_may26.htm" Content-Base: " news_may26.htm" News from Japan: Yutaka Ohbuchi Reporting Yutaka Ohbuchi Reporting
Last Update: May 26, 1997

As you probably already know, the import gaming scene is very big on the Net. News from Japan: Yutaka Ohbuchi Reporting is an attempt to provide you with the latest news, release dates and information about the N64 coming from the land of the rising sun. Our Japanese Correspondent, Yutaka Ohbuchi, translates the information for us from the latest issues of Famitsu, Fami Maga Weekly, Dengeki Nintendo 64 Monthly, The 64 Dream, Japanese newspapers and more. We won't be featuring screenshots in this section, but rather the actual information from the magazines. We hope you enjoy!

Monday, May 26, 1997

Dengeki Nintendo 64 featured an interview with Capcom's Yoshiki Okamoto

DN64: Capcom has already announced that they are developing for the Nintendo 64. At this point, what titles are you thinking about releasing? Please tell us your ideas.

Okamoto: I'm very interested in the N64. CD-ROM is just a readable medium. Obviously, the writable feature [of the 64DD] is attractive for me. This feature will increase the fun of games. I want to pursue that aspect. But before that, we are researching the possibility of putting Resident Evil, which is currently a CD-based game, on a 128 megabit cartridge.

Jun Fujimoto: The size of the ROM for cartridges is gradually increasing. For the future, 128 megabit carts will be the main stream.

Okamoto: Additionally, this is not the company's final decision, just my idea. I don't know if it's possible or not in regard to technical difficulties...

DN64: I understand that. So what's your idea?

Okamoto: I have an idea for a ninja version of Resident Evil. The location is a "ninja house" which is full of booby traps and gimmicks.

DN64: Sounds fun already. Do you have more great ideas for us?

Okamoto: Of course. The battle will take place using Katana and Shuriken. The house will contain hidden doors behind walls, ceilings that fall down to you, scrolls and ninja magic, and many other ninja techniques. I have many more ideas about this.

DN64: That sounds fun. How about the business aspect?

Okamoto: I think it will be very fun. And because many overseas people love ninjitsu, I also think it will sell very well (laugh).

The 64 Dream featured another interview with Nintendo publicist, Yoshio Hongo, in which the readers asked the questions

T64D: Some Japanese magazines report that Nintendo has purchased the domestic rights to Diablo.

Hongo: I asked our department, but that is not true.

Reader: What title will Nintendo release after Shadows of the Empire?

Hongo: Goldeneye will be the next title to be released. We want to release it during the summer holiday [ed: late July to the end of August]. After that, we want to release Yoshi's Island 64 and Zelda 64. So we have currently assigned all other title's staff for both titles' development. I don't know for sure whether we will release Zelda or Yoshi first, but Zelda 64 will be released in October or November. Body Harvest and Buggie Boogie may also be released this year.

Reader: Will a Tamagotchi game be released for the Nintendo 64?

Hongo: Bandai might be working on it. But I can't say for sure since it's not being developed by Nintendo [ed: Nintendo, however, is working on a similar game for the 64DD called Cabbage]. We hope it would be as good as the Game Boy version of Tamagotchi, though.

Reader: Will the 64DD launch with an internal modem?

Hongo: The 64DD is not likely to have internal modem built-in. But later on it may have a modem. A communication line is one of the features the 64DD will have after its launch. If the modem was built into the 64DD, then the cost increase would be a detriment rather than a benefit.

Reader: When is the Light Gun Pak going to be released?

Hongo: It will be released when it is needed. Actually, there is no particular game suited for the Light Gun yet.

Reader: What kind of game will Climber be?

Hongo: The game's idea has absorbed by another title. So Climber has been canceled.

Reader: Please tell me about Intelligent Systems, the ones who are developing the Fire Emblem series.

Hongo: They have their office in Nintendo's Uji-Ogura factory. But they are a completely different organization. They also develop for the Super Famicom. So their name is recognized by many software companies. Their software development team is currently working on the latest Fire Emblem game for the Super Famicom. The 64DD version seems to only be in the experimental phase right now.

-- Yutaka Ohbuchi

--------------49B8128B19BC-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: N64> Re: NextGen reply Date: 27 May 1997 01:38:08 -0400 (EDT) In a message dated 97-05-27 01:28:29 EDT, you write: << Subj: Re: N64> Re: Did you get this? Date: 97-05-27 01:28:29 EDT From: (Tyler V. Snow) Sender: Reply-to: To: >> Sorry, testing my software. It seems that about a dozen of my replies >> haven't gone through. Peculiar. Oh well, ignore this anyway... > -- > Cryptic Bug > > >> > >Same here. Did you guys ever get the mail I sent about NextGen's reply to the >Nintendojo special? If so, it didn't get to me... > >Peer > Peer, I *HAVE* to read that reply. I never received it, could you *PLEASE* > re-forward it to the list? :) It came about two hours after I had posted the article. :) It's marked "not for publication or distribution," so I created a "digest version" for the list, which has vanished (darn AOL e-mail server has erased it since). But I'll type up a new one tomorrow. Peer Nintendojo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Gary Mort Subject: N64> Best times Date: 27 May 1997 21:17:01 +-100 Hi What are your fastest lap times on Waverace 64 ? and which Jet Ski did you use to obtain it ? Tell me if this is a stupid question, but will lap times be faster on a NTSC version of the game than on a PAL based version as its a well known fact that some PAL games run 17.5% slower than their imported relatives, but obviously time will be the same. I said SOME games - have you seen the PAL version of J League otherwise known as International Superstar Soccer 64 - by all accounts its even better than the JAP version (which was unbelievable) and also plays faster. That's a new one isn't it - a PAL version better than a NTSC. There's hope yet !!! -- Gary Mort begin 600 WINMAIL.DAT M>)\^(C 4`0:0" `$```````!``$``0>0!@`(````Y 0```````#H``$(@ <` M& ```$E032Y-:6-R;W-O9G0@36%I;"Y.;W1E`#$(`0V ! `"`````@`"``$$ MD 8`, $```$````,`````P``, (````+``\.``````(!_P\!````: `````` M``"U.\+ +'<0&J&\" `K*E;"%0```)4"&D7\0+P1C@/V%/\F@S0D@@`````` M`($K'Z2^HQ 9G6X`W0$/5 (`````3C8T($UA:6P@3&ES= !33510`&XV-$!X M;6ES``,P`0```!$```!N M-C1 >&UI``$P`0```! ` M```G3C8T($UA:6P@3&ES="<``@$+, $````6````4TU44#I.-C1 6$U)4U-) M3TXN0T]-`````P``.0`````+`$ Z`0````(!]@\!````! ````````+F-0$$ M@ $`"P```$)EA21%$\561-D%8(3[Q\7OQ=]%O\5+Q-_93$R M_C@=2AYA'A\?*1-D'U(=OY\ACR%-(,\>_R+$.3(F!0\G<1^3)W "@G-T>6PU M!Y!H">!T```#\&1C/'1L"K,/@P'0`S!S;GQE>!"0![ %L # `G,J#0C0,LT!!A($AE+' $D"YD[C % MR0Y4,C0Y+S$X.L$+4+QY+RX@,' +$3M% OU/R+5!$$%1O57]6CS-304\%@5@O63]:3VPT M4T%L]U?O7*]=M2E6O X`6X]@;_%=I&(@* *188]3@S5 _U\_8_]E#V8?4[ \ M$&=B5#__:,]IWU:\'W!G;VSO;?]O#_]3L%$@:^]Q?W*/0AA("T@*.#G!Y %0 M@<" LL >"`B!=>U!A.O$` MT"S@-D!P/V-[H$MP('=H3B N`$I[$( &`&L-D"R00H![\2#2=3LA=&]]4&(! 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Did you guys ever get the mail I sent about NextGen's > reply to the Nintendojo special? If so, it didn't get to me... Hmm, well, you didn't post their reply, but you said they wrote back right away, saying they agreed with many points and that they would try to change some things, and provided rather lame defenses for other things. I don't suppose you could be more specific... :') ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Cryptic Bug) Subject: Re: N64> Re: gameboy Date: 26 May 1997 22:44:59 -0400 In article <>, (Derek Kalweit) wrote: > Cancelled?!? :( Too bad. If they debuted it at $100-150, and the carts at > $40, I believe they could get a strong following. No, I don't agree with Videogamespot (or the original poster). The last official word was that it has been tabled for the present. I expect they want to concentrate on N64, and more specifically the 64DD and systems (Modem systems?). If they were to release such a unit right now, a lot of people would be forced to choose between the N64, 64DD and Atlantis, and none would reach their potential. Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if more people bought Atlantis because of the portability, and just as much or more (most of N64's Poly engine is included!) power than home 32-bitters: Imagine 4+ player linked color MarioKart 32...How about Zelda VII (or so), also in full 3D? If indeed Mario64 only used 60% of N64's potential, wouldn't it be a simple matter to port it to the Atlantis with only a slight loss, if any? I would be excited about this, Handheld 3D on a smooth 16million color active matrix screen, if it were likely to come out anytime soon. I think they'll release it in between 64DD and the next home system, when amazing (by today's standards) games are commonplace on N64/64DD, and both have a comfortable user base; when the third partys have decent development tools and have learned the ropes (and some microcode :') and Nintendo has no other hardware to worry about, and a large user base so they don't have to worry about sales so much. -- Cryptic Bug ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: N64 News Subject: N64> News from Japan / News from N64 HQ Date: 27 May 1997 16:29:32 -0600 (MDT) Konami's Ganbare Goemon 5 no longer has a two-player simultaneous mode. The game is only one-player now. However, it will be a 128 megabit game. These are the recently announced games that are compatible with the Rumble Pak. Chameleon Twist Hiryu No Ken Twin Multi-Racing Championship Sonic Wings Assault Top Gear Rally Wild Choppers Sonic Wings Assault will be compatible with both the Rumble Pak and the Controller Pak. During the game, you will need to swap the paks according the game's instructions. Multi-Racing Championship and Top Gear Rally are also supposed to support this "swapping" technique, too. Famitsu has stated that Ultra Donkey Kong (supposed sequel of Super Donkey Kong/Donkey Kong Country) will be for the 64DD, while another magazine says the opposite thing. We'll just have to wait and see. Famitsu's four reviewers gave Jikuusenshi Turok (Turok: Dinosaur Hunter) an 8, 8, 7, 7. Still unknown is exactly what changed (if anything) in the Japanese version in comparison to the U.S. version. Famitsu reported the latest total shipment figures of the major gaming consoles at the end of March. In Japan, 2.04 million Nintendo 64 units, 6.5 million PlayStation units, and 4.8 million Saturn units have been shipped. It looks like the Nintendo 64 is doing poor in Japan, right? But consider that Nintendo 64 is only nine-months-old (it came out on June 21, 1996). Whereas, the PlayStation and Saturn are both over two-years-old. (The PlayStation hit Japan on December 3, 1994 and the Saturn came out on November 22, 1994.) By the way, Game Boy/Game Boy Pocket is still alive and well here. Nintendo shipped about three million units in the last fiscal year alone. This figure is apparently the result of the huge success of Pocket Monster. Also, let's take a look at the rest of the world, excluding the Japanese figures in the total. Nintendo shipped 3.42 million units of the Nintendo 64 outside of Japan. Sony shipped 7 million units of the PlayStation outside of Japan. And Sega shipped 2.76 million units of the Saturn outside of Japan. These figures are straight from the respective companies, except the PlayStation figure. The PlayStation's domestic figure is provided by Famitsu's own research. It is not the sell-through amount. ============================= Be sure to patronize N64 HQ at: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tom Dickson Subject: N64> I'm just testing something.... Date: 27 May 1997 17:11:09 -0600 I'm just testing something. Sorry to everyone on here. -Asha'man_X 64 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: N64 News Subject: N64> Montezuma's Return / News from VideoGameSpot Date: 27 May 1997 17:09:41 -0600 (MDT) Utopia Technologies is making sure that Activision's Pitfall isn't the only classic-era video game to make the long leap from 8-bit into 32-bit. The creators of the old favorite Montezuma's Revenge - released for systems like the Atari 800, Commodore 64, and Apple II over a decade ago - have returned with a sequel, the aptly named Montezuma's Return. The original was in the initial batch of games that invented the two-dimensional side-scrolling genre, and Utopia intends to make this Montezuma's Return, with 60 hours of gameplay, one of the definitive titles in the 3-D graphic adventure category. Players must once again take on the role of Max Montezuma, a soldier whose family tree leads all the way back to an ancient Aztec emperor. As luck would have it, his plane goes down near an uncharted island that happens to be teaming with the remnants of a lost tribe of Aztec warriors. If he can live long enough, he may discover that the area conceals a heretofore-unknown connection between his people and otherworldly beings...who just might still be there. Brought about by the company's impressive new UVision graphic engine, Montezuma's Return offers a first-person perspective in a real-time, three-dimensional, fully texture-mapped environment. Unlike many 3-D games, however, the title promises real interaction with its surroundings. That is to say, instead of simply walking through static pre-rendered backgrounds, the player's character should be able to accomplish such feats as being shot high into the air, swimming (don't drink the water), climbing ropes, and be affected by such forces as surface tension, wind, and gravity. Max must also individually tailor his interaction with other characters: bribery, fighting, and teamwork are all par for the course. For example, once Max frees a giant frog from a deep well, he's able to ride on its back and jump into new areas. Such puzzle solving is purported to be common in the title, to the point where players must even construct weapons out of component parts in order to survive. Realistic sound effects and cinematic sound score add to the immersive qualities of the game. As in Capcom's Resident Evil, sounds will reflect whatever surfaces the character is walking on: A sandy beach will softly crunch, and wooden boards will creak. Meanwhile, the soundtrack is being created by a five-time Emmy-award winner, and is planned to shift between a brooding horror movie feel and the manic energy of an old time Hollywood flick. While Utopia Technologies has not yet officially announced a publisher for Montezuma's Return, parties such as Sony and Interplay are rumored to have cited serious interest. What the developers are saying, however, is that the title will hit store shelves for the Playstation and Nintendo 64 sometime in late 1997. ============================= Be sure to patronize VideoGameSpot at: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Jonofun" Subject: N64> Bandai / Sega Date: 28 May 1997 08:20:00 +0900 N64ers: I don't know if this has hit your news yet - but here it is: In a surprising move yesterday, only hours after maintaining that everything was going according to plans, Bandai and Sega announced that they would not go through with the merger that was planned to take place on the 1st of October, 1997. Bandai, a major Japanese toy manufacturer and Sega, a major manufacturer of toys and electronic hardware and software, had originally planned the merger in order to assist their efforts in standing up to growing international competition. They later discovered that the corporate cultures of their respective companies are far too different for a healthy merger and the eventual success of both companies. They finally decided that they would share technologies and work on several projects together, but they would still maintain their identities as seperate financial enterprises. Jonofun - Osaka, Japan // Wise men talk because they have something to say; Fools talk because they have to say something. -Plato ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Asha'man_X 64" Subject: Re: N64> 64dd Date: 27 May 1997 19:08:41 -0600 It will probably be polygonic sequence. You know enough already that Nintendo is trying to shy away from FMV, and use different techniques to present them. -Asha'man_X 64 ********************************* * The X-Web 64 * ** * Where Nintendo 64 RULES * ********************************* At 04:06 PM 5/25/97 -0400, you wrote: >I have a question for all of you. Will the 64DD have full motion video or >will it have high pologonic sequence like in StarFox64 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Asha'man_X 64" Subject: N64> MY EMAIL WAS ERASED! Date: 27 May 1997 20:07:46 -0600 Attention patrons of this list! Unfortunately, while trying to download email, something went a little funny, and my email was completely erased! So, if anyone planned on voting for their 3 favorite N64 games and 3 most wanted N64 games, and you did send me an email on Monday, I'm afraid it was lost, so send it in again! Just a reminder to the rest of you, the lists will be updated on June 1st, so make sure to get your 3 favorites and 3 most wanted into me ASAP! -Asha'man_X 64 ********************************* * X-Web 64 * ** * WHERE NINTENDO 64 RULES! * ********************************* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tyler V. Snow" Subject: Re: N64> Re: gameboy Date: 27 May 1997 20:09:17 -0600 >No, I don't agree with Videogamespot (or the original poster). The >last official word was that it has been tabled for the present. I >expect they want to concentrate on N64, and more specifically the 64DD >and systems (Modem systems?). If they were to release such a unit >right now, a lot of people would be forced to choose between the N64, >64DD and Atlantis, and none would reach their potential. Actually, I >wouldn't be surprised if more people bought Atlantis because of the >portability, and just as much or more (most of N64's Poly engine is >included!) power than home 32-bitters: Imagine 4+ player linked color >MarioKart 32...How about Zelda VII (or so), also in full 3D? If >indeed Mario64 only used 60% of N64's potential, wouldn't it be a >simple matter to port it to the Atlantis with only a slight loss, if >any? I would be excited about this, Handheld 3D on a smooth 16million >color active matrix screen, if it were likely to come out anytime >soon. I think they'll release it in between 64DD and the next home >system, when amazing (by today's standards) games are commonplace on >N64/64DD, and both have a comfortable user base; when the third >partys have decent development tools and have learned the ropes (and >some microcode :') and Nintendo has no other hardware to worry about, >and a large user base so they don't have to worry about sales so much. Now, I'm confused about the Atlantis (whether it's cancelled or not). Is it going to be a handheld system like the Gameboy, or a machine like the Virtual Boy that you have to set on a table or whatever? I was imagining it would be yet another not-so-portable machine like the Virtual Boy, but you were calling the Atlantis "handheld", so will it be a Gamegear/Gameboy like machine? If it is indeed handheld, I would certainly like an upgrade to my Gameboy! -- Tyler V. Snow ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Asha'man_X 64" Subject: N64> What is so special about digest? Date: 27 May 1997 20:37:03 -0600 Sorry, I don't quite understand the whole point of this digest option? What is it? -Asha'man_X 64 ********************************* X-Web 64 WHERE NINTENDO 64 RULES! ********************************* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Vi-64 Subject: N64> Electronic Boutique Date: 28 May 1997 02:25:00 +30000 I went to EB today and for the first time I saw they were selling japanese games. Brand new japanese games. It's for the Virtual Boy though. There were like 4 japanese games at $10 a game. Is it legal for any store to sell japanese games? if not, I think they should sell other japanese games. -Vi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Vi-64 Subject: N64> nintendo power Date: 28 May 1997 02:34:11 +30000 In the Nintendo Power magazine, there is a top 10 list for Snes, Gameboy, and N64. What's wierd is after all these years, Zelda is still #1 on the top ten list for Snes. It said that Zelda has been on top ten list for 64 months. That's more than 5 years, and The Legend of Zelda, a link to the past is still #1. Talk about being bias. N64's top 3 in Nintendo Power are Mario Kart 64 Super Mario 64 Turok What I notice is that on every single N64 top # list in the internet MarioKart64 and Mario64 is always 1st or 2nd. -Vi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris McDonagh Subject: N64> UK Games Date: 28 May 1997 14:25:37 BST June is a very busy month for the N64 here in the UK so out of pure interest which of the following games are you going to buy. International SuperStar Soccer - I can't wait to get this game which was awarding a whopping 97% in the Total N64 mag. Mario Kart 64 - I will camp outside GAME to be the first person to get there filthy hands on this amazing game. Wayne Gretsky 3D Hockey - I will also get this smashing looking Ice Hockey Game. I have owned every single EA NHLPA games but feel that Sega Saturn's NHL Hockey was the best Ice Hockey sim. Up the Bruins!!, Cam Neely is the finest Ice Hockey player who ever lived!!. KI GOLD - No thanks, I would sooner play on my Fighters Megamix or Soul Blade. MK Trilogy - See Abvoe. Doom 64 - This is a certain purchase, the best Doom ever?. NBA Hangtime - I probably want bother with this. I think that's it but I know Blast Corps and maybe Star Fox 64 will be out in July. Cheers Chris ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Mark J. Popp" Subject: Re: N64> nintendo power Date: 28 May 1997 07:59:49 -0600 At 02:34 AM 5/28/97 +30000, you wrote: >In the Nintendo Power magazine, there is a top 10 list for Snes, Gameboy, >and N64. What's wierd is after all these years, Zelda is still #1 on the >top ten list for Snes. It said that Zelda has been on top ten list for >64 months. That's more than 5 years, Zelda is one of my favorite games for the SNES. I'm sure a lot of gamers share my opinion. When you vote, you're supposed to consider all games released for the system (or at least the ones they have listed). >and The Legend of Zelda, a link to >the past is still #1. Talk about being bias. It's not bias; you are forgetting that everyone who enters the contest each month names their favorite games? Zelda for NES, SNES and GB would definitely be mine. If you missed out on one of these games, I suggest you track down a copy; you won't be disappointed! And btw, I'm sure the promise of Zelda 64 is doing wonders for the system! ************************************************************** Mark J. Popp | | Calgary, Alberta, Canada ************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Jorge Iv=?iso-8859-1?Q?=E1n_Su=E1?=rez Martin" Subject: N64> War Gods Date: 28 May 1997 09:55:34 -0600 What do you think about War Gods, everybody is critizicing it. They say it's another Mortal Kombat. In fact it is but it adds all the things it lacked. People said Mortal Kombat dind't use the N64 capacities, War Gods does, Mortal Kombat's music was terrible, War God's it's good. War Gods it's 3D, and has nice graphics What is your opinion? Jorge Iván Suárez Martin New Games Webmaster Tikal Producions Geocities' Hollywood Leader ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: N64> nintendo power Date: 28 May 1997 15:22:19 -0400 (EDT) In a message dated 97-05-28 02:52:15 EDT, you write: << In the Nintendo Power magazine, there is a top 10 list for Snes, Gameboy, and N64. What's wierd is after all these years, Zelda is still #1 on the top ten list for Snes. It said that Zelda has been on top ten list for 64 months. That's more than 5 years, and The Legend of Zelda, a link to the past is still #1. Talk about being bias. >> The top ten are picked by readers, not the staff of NP! Anyways, Zelda is easily one of the best games for the SNES. I don't think it deserves #1, but maybe 2 or 3. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Cryptic Bug) Subject: Re: N64> Re: gameboy Date: 28 May 1997 11:34:22 -0400 In article , "Tyler V. Snow" wrote: > Now, I'm confused about the Atlantis (whether it's cancelled or > not). It is not. It has been "Tabled" for the present. I would be willing to bet it'l be picked up in mid-98 and released for Christmas to 7 mid-99. (There has to be someone working on games a while beforehand though - a 32-bit, 3D engined, full color system will take just as long and as much money to develop for as any other next-gen system, less than N64 (Smaller Carts, I bet, though prices will have dropped...), but probably more than the home CD systems. > Is it going to be a handheld system like the Gameboy, or a machine > like the Virtual Boy that you have to set on a table or whatever? a Handheld. It's the Handheld to end all Handhelds, with more procesing power than Current 32-bit Home systems and most of N64's graphical effects (including most of the polygon engine), and maybe even better 2D capabilities (Handhelds are well suited to 2D games). It's supposedly more like the Game Gear then the Gameboy, with a horizontal appearance, a 3x2" full color Active Matrix display, and hopefully way better sound. How much you want to bet it will have an analog Pad (Not stick, it's portable) like the analog PSX controller, when there's a 3D engine built-in? > I was imagining it would be yet another not-so-portable machine like > the Virtual Boy, but you were calling the Atlantis "handheld", so > will it be a Gamegear/Gameboy like machine? If it is indeed > handheld, I would certainly like an upgrade to my Gameboy! Yep, this is it. And why I'd be so excited about it if it were coming in the near future (By Christmas) All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost; Cryptic Bug The old that is strong does not wither, Deep roots are not reached by the frost. From the ashes a fire shall be woken, A light from the shadows shall spring; Renewed shall be blade that was broken, - Bilbo Baggins, Concerning The crownless again shall be King. Aragorn, son of Arathorn II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Josh Cartwright" Subject: N64> Digest? Date: 28 May 1997 15:24:19 -0000 How do i go onto the digest mail list or whatever because I have been receiving barely any mail lately and I think its because everyone has gone to the digest josh cartwright ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Asha'man_X 64" Subject: Re: N64> War Gods Date: 28 May 1997 16:35:05 -0600 I've played War Gods in the arcade, and I was never really impressed by it at all. I mean, it may appeal to people that really liked MK, but this 3D "MK-type" game really doesn't improve anywhere. Of course, this just my opinion of the arcade game. I still have yet to play the N64 version (which I will post a review of as soon as I play it). -Asha'man_X 64 ********************************* X-Web 64 WHERE NINTENDO 64 RULES! ********************************* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tyler V. Snow" Subject: Re: N64> UK Games Date: 28 May 1997 18:39:23 -0600 >Wayne Gretsky 3D Hockey - I will also get this smashing looking >Ice Hockey Game. I have owned every single EA NHLPA games but feel >that Sega Saturn's NHL Hockey was the best Ice Hockey sim. >Up the Bruins!!, Cam Neely is the finest Ice Hockey player who >ever lived!!. Hmm... If you are really into hockey sims, do *NOT* get this game! It has best been described as NBA Jam on ice. I rented it and liked it, but I could care less if it was sim or not. This game has high scoring games, the goal net can catch on first. -- Tyler V. Snow ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: N64> Zelda 64 Date: 28 May 1997 22:51:24 -0400 (EDT) Hey, since that Nintendo rep said in the interview that Zelda 64 could be released by October in Japan, don't you think it could be released in the U.S. by Christmas if the translators busted their butt? That would be awesome. I know Dream supposed to be the "killer ap" this year, but if they release that early here in October or so, I think it would be a lot more help than hurt if they had another great game out by Christmas. ~Andy~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Travis Golliher" Subject: N64> War Gods Date: 28 May 1997 23:20:37 -0500 War Gods is a really fun game to play but I think it is rather hard when playing against computer. Allthough, I really don't know how to play all that good either. The graphics are better than MK and the sound is a little better. I think anyone who likes 3D fighting games should get this game. I have no clue as to what the special moves, combos, fatalities are? The instructions don't even tell you any of the moves. That is a drawback but not a very big one. If anyone knows any codes for War Gods please email me. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Stryder Subject: Re: N64> Zelda 64 Date: 29 May 1997 01:21:09 -0500 (CDT) On Wed, 28 May 1997 wrote: > Hey, since that Nintendo rep said in the interview that Zelda 64 could be > released by October in Japan, don't you think it could be released in the > U.S. by Christmas if the translators busted their butt? That would be > awesome. I know Dream supposed to be the "killer ap" this year, but if they > release that early here in October or so, I think it would be a lot more help > than hurt if they had another great game out by Christmas. > I agree. I can't wait to get Zelda. I am very tired of waiting for it anyway. Why do the Japanese have to get everything MONTHS before we do??? That sucks. Stryder: ____________________________________ time heals, but I'm forever broken B.C.-------Muzzle------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Asha'man_X 64" Subject: N64> Why can't we get the games at the same time? Date: 29 May 1997 07:52:47 -0600 Stryder brought up a very interesting point. When Japan gets a game, why do we have to wait months later to get it here? Why can't they create the game over in Japan, and once they get a sizable amount done, send it over to the developers on this continent, so that the ones here can get translations and what not done, maybe even do some improvements. I've heard it done for games before on the Playstation (just can't remember which one). It would make our lives, and Nintendos, that much more fun! -Asha'man_X 64 ********************************* X-Web 64 WHERE NINTENDO 64 RULES! ********************************* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Asha'man_X 64" Subject: N64> Why can't we get the games at the same time? Date: 29 May 1997 07:52:47 -0600 Stryder brought up a very interesting point. When Japan gets a game, why do we have to wait months later to get it here? Why can't they create the game over in Japan, and once they get a sizable amount done, send it over to the developers on this continent, so that the ones here can get translations and what not done, maybe even do some improvements. I've heard it done for games before on the Playstation (just can't remember which one). It would make our lives, and Nintendos, that much more fun! -Asha'man_X 64 ********************************* X-Web 64 WHERE NINTENDO 64 RULES! ********************************* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Cryptic Bug) Subject: Re: N64> Zelda 64 Date: 28 May 1997 22:07:55 -0400 In article <>, wrote: > Hey, since that Nintendo rep said in the interview that Zelda 64 > could be released by October in Japan, don't you think it could be > released in the U.S. by Christmas if the translators busted their > butt? That would be awesome. I know Dream supposed to be the > "killer ap" this year, but if they release that early here in > October or so, I think it would be a lot more help than hurt if they > had another great game out by Christmas. I don't want to sound like a pessimist, but Don't count on it. More likely it will be released in November. Yes, Zelda has top priority, but Everything else has been delayed (including Star Fox 64, another important title), so I think we would be safest to assume the worst. Not the EXTREME Worst as in something goes wrong and it doesn't get released in Japan until '98 and we don't get it until this time next year, but that Japan gets it in November and we get it n January. We get pleasantly surprised if it gets moved up, but not disappointed if not. (I know we'll all clutch our secret wild hopes anyway, but still... :') There's a bit more to it than just Translation though, most notably the Cartridge supply. As I understand it, there's only one manufacturing plant, and they'll make millions for Japan before they ship any here. That's another disadvantage of Carts, we get Japanese-developed software even SLOWER, just because they'll supply Japan first, and it takes a while to manufacture that many. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, this is just my understanding. :') All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost; Cryptic Bug The old that is strong does not wither, Deep roots are not reached by the frost. From the ashes a fire shall be woken, A light from the shadows shall spring; Renewed shall be blade that was broken, - Bilbo Baggins, Concerning The crownless again shall be King. Aragorn, son of Arathorn II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: David Chang Subject: Re: N64> Why can't we get the games at the same time? Date: 28 May 1997 22:41:31 -0700 Good things come to those who wait. At 07:52 AM 5/29/97 -0600, you wrote: > Stryder brought up a very interesting point. When Japan gets a game, why >do we have to wait months later to get it here? Why can't they create the >game over in Japan, and once they get a sizable amount done, send it over >to the developers on this continent, so that the ones here can get >translations and what not done, maybe even do some improvements. I've heard >it done for games before on the Playstation (just can't remember which >one). It would make our lives, and Nintendos, that much more fun! > -Asha'man_X 64 >********************************* > X-Web 64 > > WHERE NINTENDO 64 RULES! >********************************* > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: N64> Why can't we get the games at the same time? Date: 29 May 1997 13:58:25 -0400 (EDT) In a message dated 97-05-29 13:55:31 EDT, you write: << Subj: N64> Why can't we get the games at the same time? Date: 97-05-29 13:55:31 EDT From: (Asha'man_X 64) Sender: Reply-to: To:, > Stryder brought up a very interesting point. When Japan gets a game, why > do we have to wait months later to get it here? Why can't they create the > game over in Japan, and once they get a sizable amount done, send it over > to the developers on this continent, so that the ones here can get > translations and what not done, maybe even do some improvements. I've heard > it done for games before on the Playstation (just can't remember which > one). It would make our lives, and Nintendos, that much more fun! > -Asha'man_X 64 >> Don't complain, folks. That's life. Japan has yet to see a release of Shadows of the Empire (next month), Doom 64 and Wayne Gretzky64. All U.S.-made games come out months later in Japan (and in Europe). Same with movies. I remember having to wait almost a year for Jurassic Park to come out when I lived in Japan. Peer Nintendojo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Gary Mort" Subject: Re: N64> Why can't we get the games at the same time? Date: 29 May 1997 19:35:01 +0100 Before you start moaning, sit back for a while and think about us British. You get your games 3 months after release in Japan, we get ours 9-12 months after - and pay more too. I'm sure there are also countries that are even worse than England for releases. At least you have Starfox and Blast Corps - no sign of either here yet !! I do understand your point though. I'm sure they could do better if they tried hard enough, but 3 months later or 12 months later quality games will always sell - and they know it. --Gary Mort ---------- > From: > To: > Subject: Re: N64> Why can't we get the games at the same time? > Date: 29 May 1997 18:58 > > In a message dated 97-05-29 13:55:31 EDT, you write: > > << Subj: N64> Why can't we get the games at the same time? > Date: 97-05-29 13:55:31 EDT > From: (Asha'man_X 64) > Sender: > Reply-to: > To:, > > > Stryder brought up a very interesting point. When Japan gets a game, why > > do we have to wait months later to get it here? Why can't they create the > > game over in Japan, and once they get a sizable amount done, send it over > > to the developers on this continent, so that the ones here can get > > translations and what not done, maybe even do some improvements. I've heard > > it done for games before on the Playstation (just can't remember which > > one). It would make our lives, and Nintendos, that much more fun! > > -Asha'man_X 64 >> > > Don't complain, folks. That's life. Japan has yet to see a release of Shadows > of the Empire (next month), Doom 64 and Wayne Gretzky64. All U.S.-made games > come out months later in Japan (and in Europe). Same with movies. I remember > having to wait almost a year for Jurassic Park to come out when I lived in > Japan. > > Peer > > Nintendojo > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: N64> Digest? Date: 29 May 1997 15:06:26 -0400 (EDT) In a message dated 97-05-29 02:35:34 EDT, you write: << How do i go onto the digest mail list or whatever because I have been receiving barely any mail lately and I think its because everyone has gone to the digest josh cartwright >> I know, how come there's been so few letter's lately??? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Stryder Subject: Re: N64> Why can't we get the games at the same time? Date: 29 May 1997 18:12:06 -0500 (CDT) On Wed, 28 May 1997, David Chang wrote: > Good things come to those who wait. They just come to some people a lot sooner :( Stryder: ____________________________________ time heals, but I'm forever broken B.C.-------Muzzle------------------- > > At 07:52 AM 5/29/97 -0600, you wrote: > > Stryder brought up a very interesting point. When Japan gets a game, why > >do we have to wait months later to get it here? Why can't they create the > >game over in Japan, and once they get a sizable amount done, send it over > >to the developers on this continent, so that the ones here can get > >translations and what not done, maybe even do some improvements. I've heard > >it done for games before on the Playstation (just can't remember which > >one). It would make our lives, and Nintendos, that much more fun! > > -Asha'man_X 64 > >********************************* > > X-Web 64 > > > > WHERE NINTENDO 64 RULES! > >********************************* > > > > > > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Mark J. Popp" Subject: Re: N64> Why can't we get the games at the same time? Date: 29 May 1997 17:13:26 -0600 At 07:52 AM 5/29/97 -0600, you wrote: > Stryder brought up a very interesting point. When Japan gets a game, why >do we have to wait months later to get it here? Why can't they create the >game over in Japan, and once they get a sizable amount done, send it over >to the developers on this continent, so that the ones here can get >translations and what not done, maybe even do some improvements. I've heard >it done for games before on the Playstation (just can't remember which >one). It would make our lives, and Nintendos, that much more fun! Of course, this isn't a new debate. :) It's that way for a variety of reasons: 1) It's probably more profitable for Nintendo to do everything in Japan. After all, the Japanese want their guys at work on games and manufacturing, etc. 2) Nintendo doesn't want to abandon their high-consumption mother country for a less profitable market overseas. It's just (common sense) dollars (err, yen) talking. 3) They release their products months (or years) later and people still buy them. That says it all. ************************************************************** Mark J. Popp | | Calgary, Alberta, Canada ************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Stryder Subject: Re: N64> Why can't we get the games at the same time? Date: 29 May 1997 18:17:31 -0500 (CDT) On Thu, 29 May 1997 wrote: > Don't complain, folks. That's life. Japan has yet to see a release of Shadows > of the Empire (next month), Doom 64 and Wayne Gretzky64. All U.S.-made games > come out months later in Japan (and in Europe). Same with movies. I remember > having to wait almost a year for Jurassic Park to come out when I lived in > Japan. > Now wait a minute. No one said that made sense either. But c'mon, are they not improving Star Wars for the Japanese release?? The games we wait for do not get improved, in fact, they are often censored. Also, they wait on very few games compared to what we wait for. Waiting for Gretzky64 and Doom64 (both mediocre games) is not the same as having to wait for the N64 itself (along with Mario64), Star Fox, Zelda, all the RPGs, etc, etc, etc... I would much rather wait for Doom and Gretzky than the games we wait for. Stryder: ____________________________________ time heals, but I'm forever broken B.C.-------Muzzle------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Stryder Subject: Re: N64> Why can't we get the games at the same time? Date: 29 May 1997 18:22:15 -0500 (CDT) On Thu, 29 May 1997, Gary Mort wrote: > Before you start moaning, sit back for a while and think about us British. > You get your games 3 months after release in Japan, we get ours 9-12 months > after - and pay more too. I feel for you too...but some that has to do with the different television standards and the fact that europe is such a small yet diverse (many countries and languages) market compared to the USA and Japan. I think you guys shafted too. > At least you have Starfox and Blast Corps - no sign of either here yet !! > I do understand your point though. I'm sure they could do better if they > tried hard enough, but 3 months later or 12 months later quality games will > always sell - and they know it. We are still waiting on Star Fox. Some of the people on the list just imported it (same television standard). Stryder: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Stryder Subject: Re: N64> Why can't we get the games at the same time? Date: 29 May 1997 18:32:05 -0500 (CDT) On Thu, 29 May 1997, Mark J. Popp wrote: > Of course, this isn't a new debate. :) It's that way for a variety of > reasons: 1) It's probably more profitable for Nintendo to do everything in > Japan. After all, the Japanese want their guys at work on games and > manufacturing, etc. True, games are often more profitable in Japan. But the USA is usually second. Also, it they KNOW they are going to release a game in the USA or other overseas country, why delay? It would have zero effect on their Japanese profits. Games like Star Fox and Zelda we all know are going to be released in the USA, there is no doubt about that...could they not just have a worldwide release (like Square is going to try and do with Parasite Eve)...sure, there might be manufacturing problems with getting enough carts made, but they could make enough to release in the top 2 markets (Japan and the USA). If not, why not a 1 month delay. Why does it always have to be a 3 or more months?? 2) Nintendo doesn't want to abandon their > high-consumption mother country for a less profitable market overseas. It's > just (common sense) dollars (err, yen) talking. Once again, if the game is going to come out overseas, why does it matter when? They would in no way be abandoning their home country. 3) They release their > products months (or years) later and people still buy them. That says it all. So why not just do it now and make their customers even happier??? Stryder: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Gary Ireland Subject: RE: N64> Why can't we get the games at the same time? Date: 30 May 1997 09:35:15 +1000 I completely agree about WHY do we have to wait for games to come out for so long, especially over here in Australia. But I also see things from the developers side. Recently I have worked on : KKND - English, which when that finished and was out the door, we then got the licenses to do - Mandarin (Chinese), German, Spanish. These all took at least an extra month each to translate because of the following reasons. - WE had to get translators in, and also had to find all the text in the game. - Other Countries have different symbols for letters. (Special Character) - Other Countries take longer in some cases to say the same thing. etc This then created more bugs in the games, because text was going out of borders, wasn't enough memory to handle some text strings, effected Network play, these are but a few things that I remember happening. On the other hand : Lost Vikings 2 - Norse by Norse West - All translations where done at the same time e.g. English, French, German because they are selectable options. Same thing happened again, a level worked fine in English, but when you run the same level in French, there was more needed, it didn't have it at the time, and it crashed. The major reason for the time delay from Japan, Especially RPG, is Japanese takes up less characters, getting more story in there, when they convert to English, the story almost has to be re-written to a degree. I mean a game the size of FF7, that is why it has been delayed so long -NTSC- September, PAL - December. I wish they could release games sooner, but I you saw how much work goes into some these games, over time/weekend work, some companies just don't have the budget to translate them, that is why they have to wait for an American company to pick up the license to translate. I hope this answers some questions, and creates others. - Beamer. :-):-):-):-p:-):-):-):-D:-):-):-) On Thursday, May 29, 1997 11:53 PM, Asha'man_X 64 [] wrote: : Stryder brought up a very interesting point. When Japan gets a game, why : do we have to wait months later to get it here? Why can't they create the : game over in Japan, and once they get a sizable amount done, send it over : to the developers on this continent, so that the ones here can get : translations and what not done, maybe even do some improvements. I've heard : it done for games before on the Playstation (just can't remember which : one). It would make our lives, and Nintendos, that much more fun! : -Asha'man_X 64 : ********************************* : X-Web 64 : : WHERE NINTENDO 64 RULES! : ********************************* : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Gregory A. Swarthout" Subject: N64> Digest? -Reply Date: 29 May 1997 17:43:26 -0600 (MDT) It doesn't matter if you are on n64 or n64-digest, everyone sees the same messages. The only difference is the way in which they are received, one at a time (n64) or in big groups (n64-digest). Greg >>> "Josh Cartwright" 05/28/97 09:24am >>> How do i go onto the digest mail list or whatever because I have been receiving barely any mail lately and I think its because everyone has gone to the digest josh cartwright ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "" Subject: N64> the truth about funcoland Date: 29 May 1997 17:44:17 -0600 (MDT) the truth is that funco land is cheating gamers out of money and games! my brother used to work there and he got fired because he wouldn't lie to customers! what they told him to do is that if that a person asked for a game if they didn't buy a cleaner they told him to say that they didn't have the game! the only way to get a game is to buy a cleaner!!! so here is what i did after my brother got fired!i went in to get a game and it was combatents for the snes! it was like three day's after he got fired and he told me that there was like 10 of those games!! so i sent my friend in first to ask for it and they asked if he wanted to buy a game cleaner and he said no! and they said that they didn't have the game! so i went in like 30 min. later and i asked for the same game and they asked if i wanted to buy a cleaner and i said yes and sure enough they had it!!! and then they added it together then i was like damn i didn't have enough to get the game and the cleaner i must have left the rest of my money at home ! and then they tried to say that they had that game on hold for someone else!!! what do you know they tried not to sell it to me!!! but i won!!! i asked to see how many of the games are in and they had to let me see!!!! and then they sold it to me after about 45 min. of fighting about it!! then i told him who i was and he tried to lie about what happend and say that it never happened! but i had a little tape recorder and i have it all on tape and i took it into the news and there investgating into it! and i want funco land to hang for what they did to use gamers!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if you want to e-mail me send it to for reference it happend in IL at creastwood funcoland!! and also in mattson funcoland also in IL!! try it where you live and learn the truth!!! send this to all the gamers you now and please help me post this message in every message room that you know of!! ok so have fun gamers and game on!!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Mark J. Popp" Subject: Re: N64> Why can't we get the games at the same time? Date: 29 May 1997 18:09:25 -0600 At 06:32 PM 5/29/97 -0500, you wrote: >True, games are often more profitable in Japan. But the USA is usually >second. Also, it they KNOW they are going to release a game in the USA or >other overseas country, why delay? It would have zero effect on their >Japanese profits. My opinion is that it has little effect on Japanese profits, but increases profits in North America (we read about what Japan has and want it more). >carts made, but they could make enough to release in the top 2 markets >(Japan and the USA). If not, why not a 1 month delay. Why does it always >have to be a 3 or more months?? They probably can't justify that expense right away. Just release it in Japan, make a little money, translate it, release it in North America... and repeat. 3 months is probably just to keep us in anticipation. >3) They release their >> products months (or years) later and people still buy them. That says it all. > >So why not just do it now and make their customers even happier??? We can't be any happier (in terms of spending). Video gaming just can't match the craze in Japan. (Would you wait in a long line overnight for a game? I'm not sure I would...) Oh well, think of it this way: We don't get the flood of crap that the Japanese market does. If a game doesn't do well then we will be spared the horror of playing it here. I know they also postpone good games, but it's still a benefit. ************************************************************** Mark J. Popp | | Calgary, Alberta, Canada ************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Josh Cartwright" Subject: Re: N64> Digest? -Reply Date: 29 May 1997 17:16:54 -0000 so in other words what you are saying is that it has juust been verr slow lately an thats whyn I have barely received any mail lately like today i received about 16 messages compared to the average 45-60?????????? Josyh Cartwright ---------- > From: Gregory A. Swarthout > To: Nintendo 64 Mailing List > Subject: N64> Digest? -Reply > Date: Thursday, May 29, 1997 11:43 PM > > It doesn't matter if you are on n64 or n64-digest, everyone sees > the same messages. The only difference is the way in which they > are received, one at a time (n64) or in big groups (n64-digest). > > Greg > > >>> "Josh Cartwright" 05/28/97 09:24am >>> > How do i go onto the digest mail list or whatever because I have been > receiving barely any mail lately and I think its because everyone has gone > to the digest > > > josh cartwright > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Josh Cartwright" Subject: Re: N64> Digest? -Reply Date: 29 May 1997 17:16:54 -0000 so in other words what you are saying is that it has juust been verr slow lately an thats whyn I have barely received any mail lately like today i received about 16 messages compared to the average 45-60?????????? Josyh Cartwright ---------- > From: Gregory A. Swarthout > To: Nintendo 64 Mailing List > Subject: N64> Digest? -Reply > Date: Thursday, May 29, 1997 11:43 PM > > It doesn't matter if you are on n64 or n64-digest, everyone sees > the same messages. The only difference is the way in which they > are received, one at a time (n64) or in big groups (n64-digest). > > Greg > > >>> "Josh Cartwright" 05/28/97 09:24am >>> > How do i go onto the digest mail list or whatever because I have been > receiving barely any mail lately and I think its because everyone has gone > to the digest > > > josh cartwright > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Jonofun" Subject: Re: N64> Why can't we get the games at the same time? Date: 30 May 1997 11:17:27 +0900 This ones actually quite simple. A game is created by a *Japanese* company with all markets in mind, but the main market in mind at its creation is the same as the developers'. However, the game is created entirely in Japanese because that is the language that the developers speak. The game is not translated during its development because changes might be made and, if you didn't already know, translation fees can be ridiculously high. Also, the developers are too busy working on the game itself to be concerned with its translation, and you wouldn't want any pressure on the developers to not make changes to existing code just because it has "already been translated." After the game is produced, it is released to the target market - *then* the other markets are targeted for release. Translation, tweaking, and additional market research take time - thus the delay. Please be patient, N64ers, and keep in mind that I am *just* receiving Turok today... Jonofun - Osaka, Japan // Wise men talk because they have something to say; Fools talk because they have to say something. -Plato ---- > Stryder brought up a very interesting point. When Japan gets a game, why >do we have to wait months later to get it here? Why can't they create the >game over in Japan, and once they get a sizable amount done, send it over >to the developers on this continent, so that the ones here can get >translations and what not done, maybe even do some improvements. I've heard >it done for games before on the Playstation (just can't remember which >one). It would make our lives, and Nintendos, that much more fun! > -Asha'man_X 64 >********************************* > X-Web 64 > > WHERE NINTENDO 64 RULES! >********************************* > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Cryptic Bug) Subject: Re: N64> Why can't we get the games at the same time? Date: 29 May 1997 14:04:20 -0400 > At least you have Starfox and Blast Corps - no sign of either here > yet !! Nah, we've not got Starfox Yet. It comes out June 30th, which means most will be able to get it on July 2nd. Only another month! -- Cryptic Bug ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: David Chang Subject: Re: N64> the truth about funcoland Date: 28 May 1997 21:18:55 -0700 This is very disturbing! Are some game distributors so desperate that they have to sell a cleaner with the game? I'm sure you could sue or take some sort of legal action against Funco since you have proof. Try it and see how far you get! Let us know what happens if you do. At 05:44 PM 5/29/97 -0600, you wrote: >the truth is that funco land is cheating gamers out of money and games! my >brother used to work there and he got fired because he wouldn't lie to >customers! what they told him to do is that if that a person asked for a game >if they didn't buy a cleaner they told him to say that they didn't have the >game! the only way to get a game is to buy a cleaner!!! so here is what i did >after my brother got fired!i went in to get a game and it was combatents for >the snes! it was like three day's after he got fired and he told me that >there was like 10 of those games!! so i sent my friend in first to ask for it >and they asked if he wanted to buy a game cleaner and he said no! and they >said that they didn't have the game! so i went in like 30 min. later and i >asked for the same game and they asked if i wanted to buy a cleaner and i >said yes and sure enough they had it!!! and then they added it together then >i was like damn i didn't have enough to get the game and the cleaner i must >have left the rest of my money at home ! and then they tried to say that they >had that game on hold for someone else!!! what do you know they tried not to >sell it to me!!! but i won!!! i asked to see how many of the games are in >and they had to let me see!!!! and then they sold it to me after about 45 >min. of fighting about it!! then i told him who i was and he tried to lie >about what happend and say that it never happened! but i had a little tape >recorder and i have it all on tape and i took it into the news and there >investgating into it! and i want funco land to hang for what they did to use >gamers!!!!!!!!!!!!!! > >if you want to e-mail me send it to for reference it >happend in IL at creastwood funcoland!! and also in mattson funcoland also in >IL!! try it where you live and learn the truth!!! send this to all the >gamers you now and please help me post this message in every message room >that you know of!! ok so have fun gamers and game on!!!! > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: David Chang Subject: Re: N64> Why can't we get the games at the same time? Date: 28 May 1997 21:20:53 -0700 TRU's presale ticket says the 3rd. I'm sure EB will break the date. Everyone get it at EB. It's the same price as TRU ($69.99) and it comes with a music CD. Can't wait. At 02:04 PM 5/29/97 -0400, you wrote: >> At least you have Starfox and Blast Corps - no sign of either here >> yet !! >Nah, we've not got Starfox Yet. It comes out June 30th, which means >most will be able to get it on July 2nd. Only another month! >-- > Cryptic Bug > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Stryder Subject: RE: N64> Why can't we get the games at the same time? Date: 30 May 1997 00:05:51 -0500 (CDT) On Fri, 30 May 1997, Gary Ireland wrote: > - WE had to get translators in, and also had to find all the text in the > game. > - Other Countries have different symbols for letters. (Special Character) > - Other Countries take longer in some cases to say the same thing. > I see what you are saying, but a company as big as Nintendo should already have translators hired. This should be everday stuff for them, they have been translating games for years. Not to mention that a large portion of the Japanese already know English anyway. Also, a company like Sony translates instructions for thousands of different electronic products all the time. I just should not take more than 1 month to translate a game for companies this big and with this much experience in this area. Stryder: ____________________________________ time heals, but I'm forever broken B.C.-------Muzzle------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Stryder Subject: Re: N64> Why can't we get the games at the same time? Date: 30 May 1997 00:12:35 -0500 (CDT) On Thu, 29 May 1997, Mark J. Popp wrote: > My opinion is that it has little effect on Japanese profits, but increases > profits in North America (we read about what Japan has and want it more). Yeah, probably true, but I think it is kind of a cheap tactic and one that pisses me off. You should not treat customers that way. At least not to the extent that game companies often do it. > We can't be any happier (in terms of spending). Video gaming just can't > match the craze in Japan. (Would you wait in a long line overnight for a > game? I'm not sure I would...) Oh well, think of it this way: We don't get Well, not overnight...then again. I have already paid for FFVII (in full) at my local Software Etc. But true, though some of us on this list might be that way, there are a lot more people like that in Japan. > the flood of crap that the Japanese market does. If a game doesn't do well > then we will be spared the horror of playing it here. I know they also > postpone good games, but it's still a benefit. True once again. BUT, what about games like Zelda and Star Fox? Those are assured hits....we know that, and they know that. So why the long delay? There is no way they would cancel either of those games for release here. Stryder: ____________________________________ time heals, but I'm forever broken B.C.-------Muzzle------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Vi-64 Subject: N64> Wargods Date: 30 May 1997 01:55:28 +30000 Did anyone buy wargods? how is it? Does anyone one know what Saturn has up their sleeves. They seem to be the losing one, and they didn't do anything about the price when psx and N64 drop to $150. Also I don't think the average amount of email messages in this mailing list is 50-60. I would say between 30-40 and anything above that is pretty high. It varies depending on what kind of topics people bring up. -Vi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: N64> Why can't we get the games at the same time? Date: 30 May 1997 02:57:10 -0400 (EDT) In a message dated 97-05-29 22:04:43 EDT, you write: << > Don't complain, folks. That's life. Japan has yet to see a release of Shadows > of the Empire (next month), Doom 64 and Wayne Gretzky64. All U.S.-made games > come out months later in Japan (and in Europe). Same with movies. I remember > having to wait almost a year for Jurassic Park to come out when I lived in > Japan. > > Now wait a minute. No one said that made sense either. But c'mon, are > they not improving Star Wars for the Japanese release?? The games we wait > for do not get improved, in fact, they are often censored. Also, they wait > on very few games compared to what we wait for. Waiting for Gretzky64 > and Doom64 (both mediocre games) is not the same as having to wait for the > N64 itself (along with Mario64), Star Fox, Zelda, all the RPGs, etc, etc, > etc... I would much rather wait for Doom and Gretzky than the games we > wait for. >> Well, but like I said -- that's life. Games that are developed in Japan take a while to come over here, and games developed over here take a while to come out in Japan. It has to do with publishing rights, distribution, advertising, translation, changes, improvements, policies, timing plans and manufacturing. Too bad only that Japanese games are mostly better than American ones :( And games do get improved for their U.S. releases. Mario 64 featured far more voice overs in the U.S. version, International Superstar Soccer has improved AI and Human Grand Prix is getting a major overhaul before it comes out over here. As to censorship: Japan is a lot more picky with violence issues than the U.S. (Turok is one of the first games that features red blood instead of "sweat") -- if something gets censored, then not because of that. Things that are changed include certain names (did you really want a woman named "Hooter" in Pilotwings -- that's her name in the Japanese version), or advertisement boards. While nintendo can get away with putting things like "Marioboro" into the Japanese version of Mario Kart 64, the U.S. would readily provide either a) a lawsuit from Marlboro, or b) pissed off parents because of smoking related ads... Peer Nintendojo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Stryder Subject: Re: N64> Why can't we get the games at the same time? Date: 30 May 1997 02:32:51 -0500 (CDT) On Fri, 30 May 1997 wrote: > Well, but like I said -- that's life. Games that are developed in Japan take > a while to come over here, and games developed over here take a while to come > out in Japan. It has to do with publishing rights, distribution, advertising, > translation, changes, improvements, policies, timing plans and manufacturing. > Too bad only that Japanese games are mostly better than American ones :( My point is, they take a lot longer than necessary. I can see, MAYBE if they were actually going to make improvements a game that it could take a little while. But most games are not improved and the improvements that are there are very minor (like the voice overs in Mario you mentioned....really, who cares about that? I don't want to wait 3 or more months for something that trivial). The rest of that stuff (translation, manufacturing, policy, etc) is easy and should already be established with the games they have released before hand. They have been manufacturing and releasing games for years...that type of stuff is everyday business. Now you bring up a good point with timing plans. This is why most games are delayed. Most companies delay games so they can (a) match them up against other titles on other consoles, (b) wait for the next big shopping season, or (c) avoid 'self-competition' by having 2 big titles come out at once for the same console. It often has very little to do with manufacturing or translation...though that is what they like to tell consumers. But look at it realistically, I plan on buying Zelda no matter when it comes out...if it came out on a major shopping season like xmas, I may actually have to wait since I need money for gifts for other people. Or, if there were 2 big name titles I wanted, I would get on now and one later. Either way, when it comes to huge titles like Zelda, the people that want it will buy it when they can no matter what. > As to censorship: Japan is a lot more picky with violence issues than the > U.S. (Turok is one of the first games that features red blood instead of > "sweat") -- if something gets censored, then not because of that. Things that I don't know about that. Blood is a fairly recent addition to US games too. Hence the popularity of MK when it came was unique. Look ay all the trouble games like that have stirred up in congress,...hence our very recent rating system. I did not that in "Fate of Warriors" for the PSX (japanese game), there is one scene where villagers are being stabbed, but the blood is an orange color...but there is a LOT of it! You can also break people into pieces in this game. Also, I don't suppose you watch any anime do you?? That is violence, blood, and gore heaven. Watch Fist of the North Star sometime. > are changed include certain names (did you really want a woman named "Hooter" > in Pilotwings -- that's her name in the Japanese version), or advertisement > boards. While nintendo can get away with putting things like "Marioboro" into > the Japanese version of Mario Kart 64, the U.S. would readily provide either > a) a lawsuit from Marlboro, or b) pissed off parents because of smoking > related ads... They still do censor a lot of stuff. I own 20 or more Japanese games for my PSX, and in nearly every case, the US versions have FMV sequences missing...the endings are often redone, etc... A lot of censoring takes place in the games that come over here. Maybe not in the actual game, but often in FMV and endings. Compare the opening of Biohazard (Japanese Resident Evil) and Resident Evil sometime (I own both), a lot of stuff is cut out of the US version (in the opening especially). stryder: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Jonofun" Subject: Re: N64> Why can't we get the games at the same time? Date: 30 May 1997 11:35:26 +0900 -------------- >Before you start moaning, sit back for a while and think about us British. >You get your games 3 months after release in Japan, we get ours 9-12 months >after - and pay more too. >I'm sure there are also countries that are even worse than England for >releases. >At least you have Starfox and Blast Corps - no sign of either here yet !! Sorry, but this is an obvious error - America does *not* have StarFox yet - they have the imported version from Japan. They should receive the Domestic version 2-3 months after it was released in Japan. The only reason America *has* StarFox now is because the video standard is the same in both countries: NTSC. >I do understand your point though. I'm sure they could do better if they >tried hard enough, but 3 months later or 12 months later quality games will >always sell - and they know it. This is an excellent point. Remember, it's not like these games cure cancer or something - it's entertainment and making money, pure and simple. > >--Gary Mort > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Asha'man_X 64" Subject: N64> War Gods Info! Date: 30 May 1997 09:50:50 -0600 If you want War Gods information, check out It's cool! -Asha'man_X 64 ********************************* X-Web 64 WHERE NINTENDO 64 RULES! ********************************* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Vi-64 Subject: N64> Controller color Date: 30 May 1997 14:26:23 +30000 Has anyone tried unscrewing their N64 controller to mix up the colors? Like the one that came with Japanese MarioKart64. I was thinking about switching the top and bottom but the screws are very tight. -Vi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: David Chang Subject: Re: N64> Controller color Date: 31 May 1997 00:01:56 -0700 I've done it a with a couple of controllers. I think the best colors to mix are black and yellow. I have a freaky looking red/blue one. At 02:26 PM 5/30/97 +30000, you wrote: >Has anyone tried unscrewing their N64 controller to mix up the colors? >Like the one that came with Japanese MarioKart64. I was thinking about >switching the top and bottom but the screws are very tight. > >-Vi > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: N64 News Subject: N64> Nintendo Delays 64DD in Japan / News from N64 HQ Date: 30 May 1997 14:41:31 -0600 (MDT) "TOKYO, May 30 (Reuter) - Nintendo Co. Ltd. <7974.OS> said on Friday that it will postpone sales of special disks and disk drives for its Nintendo 64 TV video game players to March 1998. A company spokesman said Nintendo had originally planned to launch sales by the end of this year, but that it was forced to postpone the target because of a delay in developing the disks and disk drives, which have a larger memory capacity than the conventional type." If you're slightly confused by the wording of the press release, don't be. This just basically says Nintendo has delayed the 64DD in Japan from December 1997 to March 1998. Like the N64 delays before it, this setback is almost certainly the result of the software not being ready in time. What does this mean for the U.S. release of the 64DD? Well, quite honestly, not all that much. The best guess for a release date before was the second half of 1998 in the U.S., and that's definitely going to hold true now. And with the cartridge market starting to thrive again (at least in the U.S.), Nintendo is in no hurry to release the add-on over here. Look for more information on this ground-breaking peripheral at the upcoming E3 show. ============================= Be sure to patronize N64 HQ at: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: N64 News Subject: N64> ISS64 To Be Part of 'Nintendo Sports' / News from N64 HQ Date: 30 May 1997 14:43:58 -0600 (MDT) Konami's much-acclaimed International Superstar Soccer 64, which is due in the UK on June 13 (possibly a week or so later in other areas of Europe) and in the U.S. in July, has recently garnered itself the Nintendo Sports logo. On top of that, the game is exclusively for the Nintendo 64. Even though Konami has released Goal Storm '97 on the PlayStation, ISS64 is not exactly the same as that game. In fact, ISS64 is better. And, by the way, the PAL version of ISS64 runs at full screen and at full speed. Yet another reason to celebrate. But the most surprising aspect of ISS64's box is the reemergence of the Nintendo Sports label. Long-time N64 HQ readers will remember Nintendo introducing the "Nintendo Sports" label back in May of 1996. Touted as Nintendo's answer to Sega and Sony's sports divisions, the label produced a whole lot of nothing in 1996. Wayne Gretzky's 3D Hockey, the game that was originally supposed to debut the label, ended up not officially being part of the lineup. And other games such as FIFA Soccer 64, Mario Kart 64 and the now-canceled Monster Dunk were also supposed to be included. But none of the aforementioned titles were affiliated with Nintendo Sports. What has International Superstar Soccer 64 done to receive this "honor"? Nintendo is extremely fond of the title and, in fact, asked Konami if they would carry the logo on the box. Perfect Striker, the Japanese version of ISS64, is also one of Mario Club's favorite games. If you recall, Mario Club is NCL's (Nintendo Japan) internal software rating system. The members are all volunteers from the Japanese public. So what will become of this label in the future? With ISS64 breaking in the label, one can only assume that more titles will follow, including MLB Featuring Ken Griffey Jr. from Nintendo and Angel Studios and Nintendo's rumored basketball game. And if future sports games on the N64 follow ISS64's lead with great 3-D graphics, analog control and realistic gameplay, then Nintendo just might actually start to make the competition sweat. ============================= Be sure to patronize N64 HQ at: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: N64 News Subject: N64> Blockbuster to Rent Imports? / News from N64 HQ Date: 30 May 1997 14:45:40 -0600 (MDT) An N64 HQ reader recently informed us that their local Blockbuster was renting imported games. But one quickly asks, "Isn't that illegal?" Blockbuster Video 204 Sikes Senter Mall Wichita Falls, TX 76308 (940) 696-0040 Like many corporations with thousands of stores across the nation, some Blockbuster stores may be independently owned and operated. So just because this particular Blockbuster is renting imported N64 titles, that doesn't mean your local store will be renting them. The store in question is currently renting three imported games for the same price as a normal game rental: Human Grand Prix, Pro Baseball King and St. Andrews Golf. On the inside front cover of the storage case, there is a layout of the controls and buttons in English. And the plastic case that the game comes in has a warning sticker on the cover that says something like this: WARNING! THIS VIDEO GAME HAS INSTRUCTIONS THAT ARE IN JAPANESE. IF YOU NORMALLY NEED THE INSTRUCTIONS TO PLAY, RENT AT YOUR OWN RISK. How can you play the Japanese games, then? They have adapters strapped to the carts with the "IF YOU BREAK THIS SEAL, YOU BUY" Blockbuster sticker. The adapters are the same color and about the same size as the carts. FOR SALE AND USE IN JAPAN ONLY AND COMMERCIAL RENTAL PROHIBITED Considering Japanese Nintendo 64 games have the following warning in the back of their instruction booklets, this illegal activity will probably be stopped soon. However, it's highly unlikely we'll see any kind of rental war like Nintendo and Blockbuster had a few years back. Funny how they're good friends now, isn't it? ============================= Be sure to patronize N64 HQ at: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: N64> War Gods Date: 30 May 1997 21:32:41 GMT Anyone have any comments on this game. I just rented it to play this weekend, wondering what anyone thinks about it? Carol Douglas ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Asha'man_X 64" Subject: Re: N64> War Gods Date: 30 May 1997 16:47:28 -0600 To tell you the truth, I was quite surprised. This game is really actually pretty good. And the interesting thing is, I enjoy playing it a lot more than the arcade version. Everything moves much smoother, the sound is incredible, and it is quite fun, although the control gets annoying. I need to buy a fighting game to add to my library, and right now, it's a toss-up between this and Dark Rift. -Asha'man_X 64 ********************************* X-Web 64 WHERE NINTENDO 64 RULES! ********************************* At 09:32 PM 5/30/97 GMT, you wrote: > Postage paid by: Anyone have any comments on this game. I just >rented it to play this weekend, wondering what anyone thinks about it? >Carol Douglas > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: N64 News Subject: N64> Midway Ponders New Sports Line / News from Date: 30 May 1997 16:35:52 -0600 (MDT) An industry source told today that Midway Home Entertainment is looking into a brand new sports line featuring games much different from the company's current crop of sports titles. Asked not to be mentioned by name, the source (who works closely with Midway) said that the company has no confirmed plans yet and is still in the discussion stages for such a sports line. But, games with a hard-edge simulation feel, not necessarily arcade-style games, are being considered for the proposed line. But during a phone interview with a company representative, Midway denied any such sports line exists. Midway has found incredible success with arcade-style sports games on Nintendo 64, which, by no coincidence, happen to be ported over from the arcade. NBA Hangtime and Wayne Gretzky's 3D Hockey are two of the games previous published and developed by Midway for Nintendo 64 (and the arcade), both of which have received tremendous commercial success, and without having any serious simulation qualities (although some would argue that Gretzky does in fact have those qualities). With such good fortune in the sports market, it seems that Midway, with a slew of good sports titles already in its back pocket, would start its own sports line, just as Interplay, Electronics Arts, Sony, and Sega, among others have done. Other hints that point to Midway's possible new line is the company's current interest in obtaining a license for either Indy car or NASCAR for future driving games. This sports line, if and when initiated, would start up as early as 1998, the source added. ============================= Be sure to patronize at: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: N64 News Subject: N64> Resident Evil May Arrive on N64 / News from Date: 30 May 1997 16:39:03 -0600 (MDT) In a recent interview with Capcom Japan’s very own Yoshiki Okamoto, Dengeki Nintendo 64 magazine of Japan reported that the developer is currently researching the possibility of releasing a new version of Resident Evil for Nintendo 64. Capcom Japan often develops games without notifying Capcom's U.S. headquarters, and then even reveals that news to the Japanese press beforehand. Certainly, even if Capcom US knew about the the possibility of Resident Evil appearing on N64, the company wouldn't have said anything to the press. So when called Capcom US, we were not surprised by the company's response. "As far as we're concerned, Resident Evil 64 is merely a rumor," a Capcom representative said. "We have no comment on what Capcom Japan does. Most of our announcements in regard to games arriving on home console games will be made at E3. Currently, we have made no such announcements." Although the game has not been confirmed -- even in Japan the game is still in the experimental stages -- if a new ninja-based Resident Evil does manifest into a real videogame, this would no doubt be a major coupe for Nintendo, which has been struggling to gain hit third-party games. In addition, a game like Resident Evil would help to loosen N64’s image as a “kids only” gaming machine. ============================= Be sure to patronize at: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: N64> War Gods Info! Date: 30 May 1997 18:44:04 -0400 (EDT) In a message dated 97-05-30 15:23:56 EDT, you write: << Subj: N64> War Gods Info! Date: 97-05-30 15:23:56 EDT From: (Asha'man_X 64) Sender: Reply-to: To: > If you want War Gods information, check out > It's cool! > -Asha'man_X 64 >> Hey, nice looking page. Who made it? (I wish they would have used their resources for a better game... :) Peer Nintendojo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tyler V. Snow" Subject: Re: N64> Controller color Date: 30 May 1997 18:39:42 -0600 >I've done it a with a couple of controllers. I think the best colors to >mix are black and yellow. I have a freaky looking red/blue one. Is it very hard to do? Is there any risk at all or anything? I've been wanting to do that for a while, but I would like further information before I proceed.... :) -- Tyler V. Snow ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Derek Kalweit) Subject: Re: N64> Controller color Date: 30 May 1997 21:15:56 -0400 >>I've done it a with a couple of controllers. I think the best colors to >>mix are black and yellow. I have a freaky looking red/blue one. >Is it very hard to do? Is there any risk at all or anything? I've been >wanting to do that for a while, but I would like further information before >I proceed.... :) I'm sure it can't be much different than the NES/SNES controllers-- all pretty much the same. :) The color is all that's different. They're made to take apart to clean, so don't worry about damaging anything(but still be careful). :) The N64 joystick might be a little bit different with the analog stick-- I'm not sure how it's attached(I don't have a N64 or controller yet). :) Nothing wrong with trying it. :) /--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------\ |Derek Kalweit | | | |FIDONET: 1:2613/128.2 | | | \--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Stryder Subject: Re: N64> Controller color Date: 30 May 1997 20:54:28 -0500 (CDT) On Fri, 30 May 1997, Tyler V. Snow wrote: > > >I've done it a with a couple of controllers. I think the best colors to > >mix are black and yellow. I have a freaky looking red/blue one. > > > Is it very hard to do? Is there any risk at all or anything? I've been > wanting to do that for a while, but I would like further information before > I proceed.... :) > It is real easy. I did it with black and grey controllers. I have a whole grey/black theme going. The bottom of my PSX is black and so are my memory cards (experiments:)) and of course my N64 is a greyish black. I also took apart my 2 Shark Pads (N64) and put stickers that have my name on them on the bottom of the main can see them since the pads are clear (I always mark my stuff in some way). Anyway, just go for it, it is simple. Stryder: ____________________________________ time heals, but I'm forever broken B.C.-------Muzzle------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Vi-64 Subject: N64> E3 countdown Date: 31 May 1997 00:47:09 +30000 It's almost June which means E3. umm what's the exact date again? twenty something, i forgot, still alot to go. Just look at and it looks like only 6 games came out in 5 months for N64. That is pathetic. From Jan-May, the only game I really liked was MarioKart64. But the upcoming months look fantastic. Don't know when the hell tetrisphere is coming out. It better be good. -Vi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Stryder Subject: Re: N64> Controller color Date: 30 May 1997 20:54:28 -0500 (CDT) On Fri, 30 May 1997, Tyler V. Snow wrote: > > >I've done it a with a couple of controllers. I think the best colors to > >mix are black and yellow. I have a freaky looking red/blue one. > > > Is it very hard to do? Is there any risk at all or anything? I've been > wanting to do that for a while, but I would like further information before > I proceed.... :) > It is real easy. I did it with black and grey controllers. I have a whole grey/black theme going. The bottom of my PSX is black and so are my memory cards (experiments:)) and of course my N64 is a greyish black. I also took apart my 2 Shark Pads (N64) and put stickers that have my name on them on the bottom of the main can see them since the pads are clear (I always mark my stuff in some way). Anyway, just go for it, it is simple. Stryder: ____________________________________ time heals, but I'm forever broken B.C.-------Muzzle------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Vi-64 Subject: N64> original Mario Kart Date: 31 May 1997 01:38:28 +30000 Can someone tell me why some people say that the original Super Mario Kart is better than Mario Kart 64? Did Nintendo take something out of MK64 that was in SMK? maybe because of the feather? and better AI? Also if another Mario Kart came out. What new weapons would you like to be add on? I think their should be a grey shell that shoots the person who won 1st place last time. -Vi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Vi-64 Subject: N64> Top Gear 64 Date: 31 May 1997 01:50:41 +30000 I heard this game has only 4 stages. I just can't imagine how this game can survive with only 4 stages. When was the last time you saw a game with 4 stages? hmm...... ... ..Pole Position? I don't care how good or how long those stages are. I rather have small tracks than long boring ones. imagine if the 4 stages in Top Gear 64 are like Rainbow Road in MK64? The only racer I'm getting must be a 4 player one, and that's Extreme G. -Vi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Asha'man_X 64" Subject: Re: N64> Top Gear 64 Date: 31 May 1997 02:02:18 -0600 One of the Playstations off-road games only has four tracks on it as well, with different weather elements each time. So, maybe four tracks is not as absurd as it sounds. Plus, the way the hype is going around this game, it supposed to be 4 times better than the current PSX off-road games. As to whether that is true or not, who knows. -Asha'man_X 64 ********************************* X-Web 64 WHERE NINTENDO 64 RULES! ********************************* At 01:50 AM 5/31/97 +30000, you wrote: > Postage paid by: I heard this game has only 4 stages. I just >can't imagine how this game can survive with only 4 stages. When was the >last time you saw a game with 4 stages? hmm...... ... ..Pole >Position? I don't care how good or how long those stages are. I rather >have small tracks than long boring ones. imagine if the 4 stages in Top >Gear 64 are like Rainbow Road in MK64? The only racer I'm getting must be >a 4 player one, and that's Extreme G. -Vi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "David Yockey" Subject: N64> Re: N64- original Mario Kart Date: 31 May 1997 06:40:42 PDT >From Fri May 30 22:49:21 1997 >Received: from domo by with local (Exim 1.62 #1) > id 0wXgsD-0001WN-00; Fri, 30 May 1997 23:38:41 -0600 >Received: from [] (root) > by with smtp (Exim 1.62 #1) > id 0wXgs8-0001W4-00; Fri, 30 May 1997 23:38:36 -0600 >Received: from ( []) by (8.8.3/8.7.3) with ESMTP id BAA03024 for ; Sat, 31 May 1997 01:38:30 -0400 (EDT) >Received: (from vi@localhost) by (8.8.3/8.7.3) id BAA23240; Sat, 31 May 1997 01:38:29 -0400 (EDT) >Date: Sat, 31 May 1997 01:38:28 +30000 >From: Vi-64 >To: xm >Subject: N64> original Mario Kart >Message-ID: >MIME-Version: 1.0 >Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII >Sender: >Precedence: bulk >Reply-To: > >Can someone tell me why some people say that the original Super Mario >Kart is better than Mario Kart 64? Did Nintendo take something out of >MK64 that was in SMK? maybe because of the feather? and better AI? > > >Also if another Mario Kart came out. What new weapons would you like to >be add on? >I think their should be a grey shell that shoots the person who won 1st >place last time. > >-Vi > They took out Koopa!!! I think there should be a bomb. David Yockey Get Your *Web-Based* Free Email at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: N64> War Gods Date: 31 May 1997 12:42:59 -0400 (EDT) In a message dated 97-05-31 02:22:15 EDT, you write: << Subj: N64> War Gods Date: 97-05-31 02:22:15 EDT From: Sender: Reply-to: To: > Anyone have any comments on this game. > I just rented it to play this weekend, wondering what anyone thinks about it? >> War Gods? Not my cup of tea, quite frankly. I've been amazed when I got the first 3D fighter for the PSX (Toshinden), and I played it a lot -- but for some reason I can't get into War Gods. I find the character design a little silly, the 5,000 hit-combos (or whatever) annoying, and the fact that you have to stay within a small ring (with an invisible barrier) is really dumb. I really loved kicking people off a building, etc in other games, but in War Gods you just bump into an invisible wall. I don't think WG is as horrible as everyone makes it out to be -- it's leagues ahead of Mortal Kombat Trilogy, and it's a much more solid piece of programming. But no lighting effects, lame screams and the cheesy MK blood effects make it look dated. Peer Nintendojo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: N64> Amazing new soccer game Date: 31 May 1997 12:49:13 -0400 (EDT) Hi list I just talked to a buddy of mine who is "close to Nintendo" (oh what lovely source quoting). He told me that Acclaim had just delivered a beta version of Probe's new soccer game to them. Nintendo reps were reportedly amazed at the game fluid motion-captured players and likened the quality of the gameplay to ISS64. Neither Acclaim nor Nintendo have announced this title, so it looks like it will make a surprise showing at the E3. :) With the recent degree of quality that Acclaim is putting out (who would have known), this is definitely one to look forward to. Peer Nintendojo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: N64> Top Gear 64 Date: 31 May 1997 12:52:00 -0400 (EDT) In a message dated 97-05-31 05:18:12 EDT, you write: << Subj: Re: N64> Top Gear 64 Date: 97-05-31 05:18:12 EDT From: (Asha'man_X 64) Sender: Reply-to: To: > One of the Playstations off-road games only has four tracks on it as well, > with different weather elements each time. So, maybe four tracks is not as > absurd as it sounds. Plus, the way the hype is going around this game, it > supposed to be 4 times better than the current PSX off-road games. As to > whether that is true or not, who knows. Actually, all of the Ridge/Rave/Rage Racer games have a very limited amount of tracks. It seems that inspite of the cart memory restrictions, N64 games come up with the most tracks. BTW: TGR has a hidden fifth track. I posted an update to the game yesterday explaining the paint shop option (you can design your own logos for your car and save it). Cool. check it out at: and download the AVI Peer Nintendojo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: N64> Top Gear 64 Date: 31 May 1997 12:54:38 -0400 (EDT) In a message dated 97-05-31 06:17:58 EDT, you write: << Subj: N64> Top Gear 64 Date: 97-05-31 06:17:58 EDT From: (Vi-64) Sender: Reply-to: To: (xm) > I heard this game has only 4 stages. I just can't imagine how this > game can survive with only 4 stages. When was the last time you saw a > game with 4 stages? hmm...... ... ..Pole Position? > I don't care how good or how long those stages are. I rather have small > tracks than long boring ones. imagine if the 4 stages in Top Gear 64 are > like Rainbow Road in MK64? The only racer I'm getting must be a > 4 player one, and that's Extreme G. >> Extreme G is a very, very different game. I've seen a demo version running at VideoGameSpot -- and it looks sweet (damn Turok fog is back though!). It goes so fast it almost makes you wanna hurl -- corkscrews, loops, 85% drops. TGR is a more realistic racing games with neat weather options, a paint shop and traditional car racing (flips, tumbling, crashing included). Peer Nintendojo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Derek Kalweit) Subject: Re: N64> original Mario Kart Date: 31 May 1997 18:07:47 -0400 >Also if another Mario Kart came out. What new weapons would you like to >be add on? >I think their should be a grey shell that shoots the person who won 1st >place last time. I think that most of all, they need to add a track editor-- DEFINITELY. :) As for weapons, I think some kind of weapon to just FREEZE everyone else dead in their tracks for like 5 seconds would be great. :) Or something where you can fly 2 cart-heights above everyone else for about 10-15 seconds. :) /--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------\ |Derek Kalweit | | | |FIDONET: 1:2613/128.2 | | | \--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tyler V. Snow" Subject: N64> New Turok Code, the biggie: Level Warps! Date: 31 May 1997 21:52:47 -0600 > THIS MESSAGE IS IN MIME FORMAT. Since your mail reader does not understand this format, some or all of this message may not be legible. --Next_Part_2947960368_186350_MS_Mac_IMN Content-type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit Well, here is the current and updated list of codes for Turok, including level skips (you can even warp to Campaigner!): DLKTDR - Pen and Ink Mode (black and white wireframes) SNFFRR - Disco Mode (strobe lights and dancing enemies) FRTHSTHTTRLSCK - Infinite Lives THBST - Gallery (view, scale and rotate all 3D enemies) FDTHMGS - Show Credits THSSLKSCL - Spirit Mode (invincibility and slow-moving enemies) CMGTSMMGGTS - All Weapons BLLTSRRFRND - Unlimited Ammo RBNSMTH - Robin's Cheat (invincibility, all weapons, unlimited ammo, big head and credits) GRGCHN - Greg Mode (same as Robin's Cheat, except no invincibility) DNCHN - Dana Mode (small enemies) NSTHMNDNT - Show Enemies (displays enemies as red arrows on map) LLTHCLRSFTHRNB - Purty Colors (weird colors all over the place) CLLTHTNMTN - Quack Mode (rip on Quake: bad animation, pixelation, rough textures) NTHGTHDGDCRTDTRK - The Big Cheat (all cheats, including the anticipated warps and level skips!) This was from N64 HQ ( --Next_Part_2947960368_186350_MS_Mac_IMN Content-type: text/html; charset="us-ascii" Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit New Turok Code, the biggie: Level Warps! Well, here is the current and updated list of codes for Turok, including level skips (you can even warp to Campaigner!):
DLKTDR - Pen and Ink Mode (black and white wireframes)
SNFFRR - Disco Mode (strobe lights and dancing enemies)
THBST - Gallery (view, scale and rotate all 3D enemies)
FDTHMGS - Show Credits
THSSLKSCL - Spirit Mode (invincibility and slow-moving enemies)
BLLTSRRFRND - Unlimited Ammo
RBNSMTH - Robin's Cheat (invincibility, all weapons, unlimited ammo, big
head and credits)
GRGCHN - Greg Mode (same as Robin's Cheat, except no invincibility)
DNCHN - Dana Mode (small enemies)
NSTHMNDNT - Show Enemies (displays enemies as red arrows on map)
LLTHCLRSFTHRNB - Purty Colors (weird colors all over the place)
CLLTHTNMTN - Quack Mode (rip on Quake: bad animation, pixelation, rough
NTHGTHDGDCRTDTRK - The Big Cheat (all cheats, including the anticipated
warps and level skips!)

This was from N64 HQ (
--Next_Part_2947960368_186350_MS_Mac_IMN-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: David Chang Subject: Re: N64> Controller color Date: 31 May 1997 15:35:36 -0700 It's not hard, but I would preceed with extreme caution when doing this for the first time. Remember! By opening the controllers, you void all warrenties (you can't ask Nintendo to fix it if you did something wrong). Otherwise, have fun! Hey what about this? We could trade the bottom parts of our controllers with each other to mix and match. Anyone else interested? At 06:39 PM 5/30/97 -0600, you wrote: > >>I've done it a with a couple of controllers. I think the best colors to >>mix are black and yellow. I have a freaky looking red/blue one. > > >Is it very hard to do? Is there any risk at all or anything? I've been >wanting to do that for a while, but I would like further information before >I proceed.... :) > > -- Tyler V. Snow > > > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: David Chang Subject: Re: N64> War Gods Date: 31 May 1997 15:35:34 -0700 This game? I don't see how you can like it. It's just not type of game I guess. To be honest, I've never played the arcade version (mainly because I couldn't find one anywhere) so maybe I'm not the best person to ask about the translation, but the game itself is not that good. Anyone else agree? At 04:47 PM 5/30/97 -0600, you wrote: > To tell you the truth, I was quite surprised. This game is really actually >pretty good. And the interesting thing is, I enjoy playing it a lot more >than the arcade version. Everything moves much smoother, the sound is >incredible, and it is quite fun, although the control gets annoying. I need >to buy a fighting game to add to my library, and right now, it's a toss-up >between this and Dark Rift. > -Asha'man_X 64 >********************************* > X-Web 64 > > WHERE NINTENDO 64 RULES! >********************************* >---------------------------------------------------------------- >At 09:32 PM 5/30/97 GMT, you wrote: >> Postage paid by: Anyone have any comments on this game. I just >>rented it to play this weekend, wondering what anyone thinks about it? >>Carol Douglas >> > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "C. James MacLennan" Subject: N64> Turok Bug Date: 30 May 1997 10:35:32 -0500 Has anybody else found the mysterious blue wall in Turok. I was playing last night on level 5 (catacombs) and I was in the part after you enter the portal thats atop the pillar near the save point. I finished the lower part and jumped up the pillars to the "natural" looking caves. At one point I turned right and the passage was blocked by rubble. I walked toward the rubble and passed right through! On the other side was the end-of-the world BLUE WALL. My instructions are vague as I only went there once, it was late last night, and I got killed shortly after. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "C. James MacLennan" Subject: RE: N64> Why can't we get the games at the same time? Date: 30 May 1997 10:31:36 -0500 It really is just a development issue. I work, and have worked, for software companies that release in multiple languages. We have been releasing in multiple languages for years. It is our goal to have simulataneous localized releases, but we have never attained that goal. All companies (software, gaming, and others) realize the simple business rule that time-to-market translates directly into cash, which has basically two parts: 1) They want your money now, not later. (time-value of money) 2) They want your money to go to them, and not to a competitor. So the idea that a company would deliberately delay a game just to make you sweat is rediculous. Would the company want to take your $70 today and make you happy so you come back for more, or would they try and make you wait, potentially pissing you off and have you swear off their products altogether. What many of the response posts have been trying to say is that there is alot more to localizing software than meets the eye. Names, images, colors, sounds, etc.etc. may have different connotations in every language, or even in different cultures that share the same language. Different length strings caused by varying language constructs cause problems - memory usage, screen display, etc. etc. -----Original Message----- Sent: Friday, May 30, 1997 12:06 AM On Fri, 30 May 1997, Gary Ireland wrote: > - WE had to get translators in, and also had to find all the text in the > game. > - Other Countries have different symbols for letters. (Special Character) > - Other Countries take longer in some cases to say the same thing. > I see what you are saying, but a company as big as Nintendo should already have translators hired. This should be everday stuff for them, they have been translating games for years. Not to mention that a large portion of the Japanese already know English anyway. Also, a company like Sony translates instructions for thousands of different electronic products all the time. I just should not take more than 1 month to translate a game for companies this big and with this much experience in this area. Stryder: ____________________________________ time heals, but I'm forever broken B.C.-------Muzzle------------------- begin 600 WINMAIL.DAT M>)\^(B4/`0:0" `$```````!``$``0>0!@`(````Y 0```````#H``$(@ <` M& ```$E032Y-:6-R;W-O9G0@36%I;"Y.;W1E`#$(`0V ! `"`````@`"``$$ MD 8`L $```$````0`````P``, (````+``\.``````(!_P\!````20`````` M``"!*Q^DOJ,0&9UN`-T!#U0"`````&XV-$!M86EL+GAM:7-S:6]N+F-O;0!3 M3510`&XV-$!M86EL+GAM:7-S:6]N+F-O;0`````>``(P`0````4```!33510 M`````!X``S !````%@```&XV-$!M86EL+GAM:7-S:6]N+F-O;0````,`%0P! M`````P#^#P8````>``$P`0```!@````G;C8T0&UA:6PN>&UI/#FV\`1X` M< `!````-@```%)%.B!.-C0^(%=H>2!C86XG="!W92!G970@=&AE(&=A;65S M(&%T('1H92!S86UE('1I;64_`````@%Q``$````6`````;QM#H]E5RL@5]C^ M$="+5 !@EY1)/@``'@`># $````%````4TU44 `````>`!\,`0```!4```!J M86UI96U >GEC;W(N;&=C+F-O;0`````#``80!]V8S ,`!Q!M!P``'@`($ $` M``!E````251214%,3%E)4TI54U1!1$5614Q/4$U%3E1)4U-514E73U)++$%. M1$A!5D573U)+140L1D]24T]&5%=!4D5#3TU004Y)15-42$%44D5,14%314E. 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