From: (ngamers-digest)
Subject: ngamers-digest V1 #56
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ngamers-digest Tuesday, December 31 2002 Volume 01 : Number 056
Date: Sat, 28 Dec 2002 08:50:46 -0500
From: "Pythagoras"
Stryder Dexter=20
Xbox too while you're at it. :)=20
Both SSB and SSB:M can be thrown out with the trash, IMO. :-)
----- Original Message -----From:=20 Satoshi=20 GCSent: Saturday, December 28, = 2002 3:53=20 PMSubject: Re: [NG] Super Smash = Bros.=20 MeleeOk, but it seems that too many people compare Smash = Bros. to=20 the typical
fighting game, which it is not. Yes, every = character has=20 an A, up+A, etc.
attack, but it's the way you use these attacks to = your=20 advantage that's
important. Plus, we can't forget the issue = of=20 recovery. For example,
Jigglypuff has an excellent recovery=20 (unlimited pound attacks plus up to 5
air jumps) but is thrown = around=20 really easily. Other characters like Roy
and Marth don't = have very=20 good recovery, but have some really powerful
attacks. I = don't think=20 there's a problem with the controls being the same
since the main=20 objective is learning more so how to use the characters' =
abilities. =20 Oh, and in SF2, do you have to worry about falling off the =
stage? =20 Nope, just your HP.
true. I hope I get through this damned train soon, it is really freaking me out. Oh yeah I don’t know why but it is
strangely comforting to have a partner with you to help fight. I always feel like the computer
controlled opponent will cover me if I get sloppy when combat arises.
You’re correct about the graphical
tricks. Amazing is all I can say. Maybe it’s just my eyes and mind
playing tricks on me but I could have swore that sometimes when I went through
a room and then came through it at a different time there would be a door
creaking or a glass moving that wasn’t moving before.
Rotfl, have you noticed the corniness of the acting still? Not as bad as the original but still
pretty funny. I am also enjoying
this game thoroughly.
-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, December 31, 2002
12:52 AM
Subject: Re: [NG] RE0
In a message dated 12/31/2002
12:32:47 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:
Hey folks.
My sister came by today and handed my birthday present to me so I opened
it quickly to find Metroid Prime... which I already own so I went back
to the store and returned it for Resident Evil 0. I've only played it
for about 45 minutes but since I really enjoyed the previous installment
on GC I am also enjoying this one as well. I like how they did the
teaming with the computer partner. That is amazing sometimes because of
how they help each other out. I must admit the game seems less
oriented though as I have met up with these leech like things and a
bunch of other weird things (a giant scorpion??).
Anybody else have this game? What are your thoughts?
Hehe ... yeah. I've got it.
The partner swapping is really well done. They interact well together. Other
than that weird guy in the white dress, singing like a woman, this game is pure
RE. I love it. Some of the graphic tricks they have done are simply amazing.
Like bottles of wine rolling on a table in the background as the train moves
on. Walking on top of the train in the pouring rain was also really cool. I am
already off the train (here I thought you were on the train the whole game, and
you get off it in the first 20 minutes of play time!), and getting my ass
handed to me by the zombies in this house/mansion. It is creeping me out a lot
(I am such a pussy for the cheap scares and brooding atmosphere of these
games), and I am having a blast.