From: (n64-digest)
Subject: n64-digest V1 #1232
Reply-To: n64-digest
Precedence: bulk
n64-digest Friday, May 19 2000 Volume 01 : Number 1232
[N64] - Coolnews N64
Re: [N64] Dolphin
[N64] PS2 trolls Make a Stand, was Dolphin
Re: [N64] Nintendo Commercials
Re: [N64] Dolphin
Re: [N64] Dolphin
Re: [N64] Dolphin
Re: [N64] Dolphin
Re: [N64] 4 player controllers
Re: [N64] Dolphin
Re: [N64] PS2 trolls Make a Stand, was Dolphin
Date: Sat, 20 May 2000 00:39:55 +1000 (EST)
Subject: [N64] - Coolnews N64
COOLNEWS NINTENDO 64: Gamedate May 19, 2000
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Date: Fri, 19 May 2000 22:14:11 GMT
From: "E. Jefferson"
Subject: Re: [N64] Dolphin
Exactly. The system hasn't even launched yet. Calling it a failure now is
premature. People said the DC would be a failure because most of it's
launch games weren't AAA in quality, but they've sold millions of units.
- ----Original Message Follows----
Subject: Re: [N64] Dolphin
Date: Fri, 19 May 2000 17:08:17 EDT
In a message dated 05/19/2000 1:58:40 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:
<< Now, it appears that Sony
might have made some bad choices with their hardware. Time will tell if
their system can meet the hype. >>
Well, they certainly didn't make the hype at E3, even with MGS2. If it can
happen with their launch is yet to be determined.
- -Eric-
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Date: Fri, 19 May 2000 15:24:51 -0700
From: Dexter Sy
Subject: [N64] PS2 trolls Make a Stand, was Dolphin wrote:
> In a message dated 05/19/2000 1:13:59 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
> writes:
> << All this discussion is pointless. Dolphin will not
> fail because Nintendo won't fail. Its really that simple. The question
> really is, how successful will the console be. >>
> Very good point, Dex. As I've been saying, I'm hoping it'll be a heck of a
> lot more successful than PS2.
> -Eric-
By the way, go read Daily Radar's "In Defense of PlayStation2" where their PS
editor (actually, all their editors are playstation zealots...), Dan Egger
make an argument that PS2 really doesn't have any problems. Man oh man, he
sounded like a desparate trying to defend a console. It is funny because
PlayStation gamers were always in the position of simply stating the facts and
saying "look at the numbers". It is ironic to see them put in the position of
having to explain away chinks in sony's armor. I do remember the days when the
odd Sony supporter would laugh at us lowly Nintendo people for defending the
N64 right down to every issue, looks like the table's been turned.
One particularly funny thing is about the last of VRAM. He explains this away
in a reassuing fashion by saying the Naughty Dog was able to do great streaming
off of PlayStation 1, therefore implying that they will do the same for
Playstation 2, adding further that developers only need to get acquainted with
the dev kits.
If anyone in this list made the point that the Nintendo 64 IS NOT hard to
develop for by pointing out to all the great RARE software, It would be almost
certain that they would get flame mails and rebuttals right away pointing out
how RARE is an exception etc. etc. And you can see how Dan and the PS2 camp
in general is stuck in exactly the same position. PS2 has a problem and he is
attempting to make the point that the problem isn't that bad. Yes, Naughty
Dog and Electronic Arse may get things done better, but given all the other
third parties out there, how many will actually get it right? or will they get
it at all? maybe we need to wait until the 3rd, or the 4th generation for the
majority of developers to be able to deal with this streaming issue. Its funny
how he doesn't even have an example of a developer doing it on the PlayStation
2 and has to resort to faith that developers will figure a way around the
PS2's ram limitations.
Moving on, Daily Radar devoted an entire page under its "In Defense of PS2"
feature to make he point that "Sony will Eventually Beat Sega"
Unless you've been totally out of it, we know Sega is already beaten,
regardless of who it is facing, whether it be Nintendo, Sony or even
Microsoft. But all that page in the feature managed to achieve is to give some
pep talk to Sony fans, showing them how Sega's got it worse and that's really
what that topic is about. The shallowness of the arguments rears its ugly head
again with Dan concluding the page saying that "Nintendo can still come from
behind, though. All they have to do is have a huge number of consoles ready
for launch day and release with a Pokemon and a Mario game." and then more pep
talk "Sony will win this next generation... unless something major and
totally unexpected happens. And that's possible You never know in this
industry" Yes, Nintendo can come from behind and from all indications its also
got its act together too. But that's not the point. The article's lack of
insight about what Microsoft and Nintendo's consoles is about and how they are
being positioned is made painfully clear here.
Fast forward to the page 4 "Is Aliasing That Big A Problem?" I couldn't
contain my laughter when I got here. The feature had degenerated from an
attempt at pepping up PS2 fans to a desparate attempt to retionalize a crucial
flaw in the console's design. The article first apologizes for the PS2's
predicatioment saying " it was stupid of Sony to not include a more
simplistic anti-aliasing system in the PS2" Then, it goes on the offensive
making the point that PlayStation 2 can do anti-alsiasing by sacrificing
hardware performance ( it only reduces framerate from 60 fps to 30 fps...)
As if all the previous arguments made in all theprevious topics weren't silly
enough, the argument that Dreamcast got aliasing problems as well was made.
The article read:
"Speaking of aliasing problems, I have noticed that many Dreamcast titles
from it as well. It seems that all this focus on the PS2 has spared the DC a
bit. I've looked back at many of the DC titles that I own and have noticed
quite a
number of aliasing problems.
One funny example of this was at E3. Midway was showing both the PS2 and DC
versions of Ready 2 Rumble 2. When comparing the two games, I not only noticed
that the PS2 had the graphical edge but also that the DC version had worse
aliasing problems! Can you believe that? "
With regards to the top paragraph, the article sounded bitter.Understandable
considering how deflated everyone was after E3. But the second paragraph is
really a funny example (no pun intended). The article attempted to
rationalize that anti-aliasing isn't such a big deal because Dreamcast has
worse aliasing problems by using a very specific comparasion of ready 2 rumble
2. For starters, the article conviniently ignores that fact that the PS2
version of Ready 2 Rumble 2 looks similar to the DC version, right down to the
stiff hands and bulgy polygonal torsos (I would know, I played it at Sony's
Museum... eeer. booth.) and whatever graphical edge it has over DC is
minimal. Which leaves me to wonder if Midway had to use up all that extra
power to get anti-aliasing done right on the PS2. At any rate, the logic
behind it is flawed. The article attempts to argue a moot point. It's like
an one-armed man saying he would be fine once he get his prosthetics in
place. Sure, the prosthetic arm may help him carry things, but the fact of the
matter is, the man is still handicappe, no matter how good the prosthetic arm
his. Given that anti-aliasing is free on N64, Dreamcast, and probably on
Dolphin and X-box, developers could anti-aliasing as much or as little as they
want without taking a hit on the game's graphics engine. That is simply not the
case with PS2.
This essay is less an indicment of Dan than it is of his desperation. For all
I know, he could be a nice guy and he probably is. But the stuff Daily Radar
is putting up is hilarious. Defending Sony like there is no tomorrow while
consistently taking pot shots at everyone else. I think I've gone far enough.
The article goes on to claim that PlayStation 2 won E3... and that Jesus
prophecized Sony's world domination before he was crucified.
Go check this hilarity out:
- --
Dexter S.
Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine
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Date: Fri, 19 May 2000 15:45:16 -0700
From: Dexter Sy
Subject: Re: [N64] Nintendo Commercials
> I love the one where that guy falls onto that boat where those people are
> fishing...great commercial. Too bad I'm not interested in motorcycle games
> :P As for MM, well...hmmm, obviously I have not seen it.
> Stryder
Its very good. You can download it at Tendo Box... at our e3 coverage.
its under the news story "holy mother of god!"
- --
Dexter S.
Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine
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Date: Fri, 19 May 2000 15:51:59 -0700
From: Dexter Sy
Subject: Re: [N64] Dolphin wrote:
> In a message dated 05/19/2000 1:13:59 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
> writes:
> << All this discussion is pointless. Dolphin will not
> fail because Nintendo won't fail. Its really that simple. The question
> really is, how successful will the console be. >>
> Very good point, Dex. As I've been saying, I'm hoping it'll be a heck of a
> lot more successful than PS2.
> -Eric-
By the way, go read Daily Radar's "In Defense of PlayStation2" where their PS
editor (actually, all their editors are playstation zealots...), Dan Egger
make an argument that PS2 really doesn't have any problems. Man oh man, he
sounded like a desparate trying to defend a console. It is funny because
PlayStation gamers were always in the position of simply stating the facts and
saying "look at the numbers". It is ironic to see them put in the position of
having to explain away chinks in sony's armor. I do remember the days when the
odd Sony supporter would laugh at us lowly Nintendo people for defending the
N64 right down to every issue, looks like the table's been turned.
One particularly funny thing is about the last of VRAM. He explains this away
in a reassuing fashion by saying the Naughty Dog was able to do great streaming
off of PlayStation 1, therefore implying that they will do the same for
Playstation 2, adding further that developers only need to get acquainted with
the dev kits.
If anyone in this list made the point that the Nintendo 64 IS NOT hard to
develop for by pointing out to all the great RARE software, It would be almost
certain that they would get flame mails and rebuttals right away pointing out
how RARE is an exception etc. etc. And you can see how Dan and the PS2 camp
in general is stuck in exactly the same position. PS2 has a problem and he is
attempting to make the point that the problem isn't that bad. Yes, Naughty
Dog and Electronic Arse may get things done better, but given all the other
third parties out there, how many will actually get it right? or will they get
it at all? maybe we need to wait until the 3rd, or the 4th generation for the
majority of developers to be able to deal with this streaming issue. Its funny
how he doesn't even have an example of a developer doing it on the PlayStation
2 and has to resort to faith that developers will figure a way around the
PS2's ram limitations.
Moving on, Daily Radar devoted an entire page under its "In Defense of PS2"
feature to make he point that "Sony will Eventually Beat Sega"
Unless you've been totally out of it, we know Sega is already beaten,
regardless of who it is facing, whether it be Nintendo, Sony or even
Microsoft. But all that page in the feature managed to achieve is to give some
pep talk to Sony fans, showing them how Sega's got it worse and that's really
what that topic is about. The shallowness of the arguments rears its ugly head
again with Dan concluding the page saying that "Nintendo can still come from
behind, though. All they have to do is have a huge number of consoles ready
for launch day and release with a Pokemon and a Mario game." and then more pep
talk "Sony will win this next generation... unless something major and
totally unexpected happens. And that's possible You never know in this
industry" Yes, Nintendo can come from behind and from all indications its also
got its act together too. But that's not the point. The article's lack of
insight about what Microsoft and Nintendo's consoles is about and how they are
being positioned is made painfully clear here.
Fast forward to the page 4 "Is Aliasing That Big A Problem?" I couldn't
contain my laughter when I got here. The feature had degenerated from an
attempt at pepping up PS2 fans to a desparate attempt to retionalize a crucial
flaw in the console's design. The article first apologizes for the PS2's
predicatioment saying " it was stupid of Sony to not include a more
simplistic anti-aliasing system in the PS2" Then, it goes on the offensive
making the point that PlayStation 2 can do anti-alsiasing by sacrificing
hardware performance ( it only reduces framerate from 60 fps to 30 fps...)
As if all the previous arguments made in all theprevious topics weren't silly
enough, the argument that Dreamcast got aliasing problems as well was made.
The article read:
"Speaking of aliasing problems, I have noticed that many Dreamcast titles
suffer from it as well. It seems that all this focus on the PS2 has spared the
DC a
little bit. I've looked back at many of the DC titles that I own and have
quite a number of aliasing problems.
One funny example of this was at E3. Midway was showing both the PS2 and DC
versions of Ready 2 Rumble 2. When comparing the two games, I not only noticed
that the PS2 had the graphical edge but also that the DC version had worse
aliasing problems! Can you believe that? "
With regards to the top paragraph, the article sounded bitter.Understandable
considering how deflated everyone was after E3. But the second paragraph is
really a funny example (no pun intended). The article attempted to
rationalize that anti-aliasing isn't such a big deal because Dreamcast has
worse aliasing problems by using a very specific comparasion of ready 2 rumble
2. For starters, the article conviniently ignores that fact that the PS2
version of Ready 2 Rumble 2 looks similar to the DC version, right down to the
stiff hands and bulgy polygonal torsos (I would know, I played it at Sony's
Museum... eeer. booth.) and whatever graphical edge it has over DC is
minimal. Which leaves me to wonder if Midway had to use up all that extra
power to get anti-aliasing done right on the PS2. At any rate, the logic
behind it is flawed. The article attempts to argue a moot point. It's like
an one-armed man saying he would be fine once he get his prosthetics in
place. Sure, the prosthetic arm may help him carry things, but the fact of the
matter is, the man is still handicapped, no matter how good the prosthetic arm
his. Given that anti-aliasing is free on N64, Dreamcast, and probably on
Dolphin and X-box, developers could anti-aliasing as much or as little as they
want without taking a hit on the game's graphics engine. That is simply not the
case with PS2.
This essay is less an indicment of Dan than it is of his desperation. For all
I know, he could be a nice guy and he probably is. But the stuff Daily Radar
is putting up is hilarious. Defending Sony like there is no tomorrow while
consistently taking pot shots at everyone else. I think I've gone far enough.
The article goes on to claim that PlayStation 2 won E3... and that Jesus
prophecized Sony's world domination before he was crucified.
Go check this hilarity out:
- --
Dexter S.
Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine
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Date: Fri, 19 May 2000 19:17:10 EDT
Subject: Re: [N64] Dolphin
Okay, now we're just trying to be idealistic. Both Sony, Sega, Nintendo, and
any other business on the face of the earth exists for one reason: to make
money. Sony thinks they will make money by producing a set-top box that has
the bare essentials to play games (well, hardware wise it is quite
sophisticated). Nintendo is betting that a cheap, dedicated game console with
everything a gamer could need will suffice (and maybe a Dolphin-capable
Panasonic DVD player, too). Who is right is a mystery right now, but I can
say one thing: I KNOW the Dolphin will have good games, simply because it is
a Nintendo console. The PS2, however, has no yet deemed itself worthy of the
$400+ I'd be spending at launch ($400 including games, peripherals, etc.).
"People who speak in metaphors ought to shampoo my crotch." - Jack Nicholson
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Date: Fri, 19 May 2000 19:45:09 -0500
From: Thraxen
Subject: Re: [N64] Dolphin
> Another fact that will hurt Sony is that they cant make good quality 1st
> party games like Nintendo that will hurt their sucsess. They rely on too
> 3rd party support.
Sure, Nintendo makes great 1st party games....but they rely on 3rd party
support nearly as much due to the fact that their good 1st party games are
few and far between.
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Date: Fri, 19 May 2000 19:48:02 -0500
From: Thraxen
Subject: Re: [N64] Dolphin
- ----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, May 19, 2000 9:53 AM
Subject: Re: [N64] Dolphin
> In a message dated 5/19/00 9:21:57 AM Central Daylight Time,
> writes:
> << Maybe sony are making their games so that multiplayer for
> more than 2 people is going to be online and their gona
> crank up the price to make even more money
> >>
> I think Sony's intent is to make money while Nintendo's intent is to
please a
> vast array of gamers by producing high quality games.
> Daniel
Haha...I have to disagree here....please a vast array of gamers??
Please...they lack depth in so many genres it is sad.
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Date: Fri, 19 May 2000 19:54:18 -0500
From: Thraxen
Subject: Re: [N64] 4 player controllers
> Sony wants to make more money by making you buy a 4-player adapter for
> around $30-40 bucks.
> Oh wait, if all the psx controllers work, then my 4-player adapter for psx
> should work also. I have like 6 psx controllers.
> 10 saturn controllers, 4 dreamcast controllers, and 4 n64 controllers.
> My rooms is a big big mess.
hey...I have not thought about that...I wonder if the mulitplayer adapter
will work...
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Date: Fri, 19 May 2000 20:16:44 -0500
From: Thraxen
Subject: Re: [N64] Dolphin
> got its act together too. But that's not the point. The article's lack
> insight about what Microsoft and Nintendo's consoles is about and how they
> being positioned is made painfully clear here.
You know why? Because the Dolphin and X-box have yet to actually appear in
public. You are slamming these guys for the arguments they are making, but
what position do you really have until opinions of the X-box and Dplphin
hardware appear from developers?
> Fast forward to the page 4 "Is Aliasing That Big A Problem?" I couldn't
> contain my laughter when I got here. The feature had degenerated from an
> attempt at pepping up PS2 fans to a desparate attempt to retionalize a
> flaw in the console's design. The article first apologizes for the
> predicatioment saying " it was stupid of Sony to not include a more
> simplistic anti-aliasing system in the PS2" Then, it goes on the
> making the point that PlayStation 2 can do anti-alsiasing by sacrificing
> hardware performance ( it only reduces framerate from 60 fps to 30
If you know anything about anti-aliasing...this is no surprise. Just go
read some reviews of the VooDoo 5 and 3dfx's famed FSAA. In order to get
the AA they have, they have to render each frame 2 or 4 times (depending on
if you have FSAA 2X or 4X enabled). The frame rates take serious hits
because rendering each frame 2 or 4 times reduces you effective fill rate by
2 or 4 times.
> minimal. Which leaves me to wonder if Midway had to use up all that
> power to get anti-aliasing done right on the PS2. At any rate, the logic
> behind it is flawed. The article attempts to argue a moot point. It's
> an one-armed man saying he would be fine once he get his prosthetics in
> place. Sure, the prosthetic arm may help him carry things, but the fact
of the
> > matter is, the man is still handicapped, no matter how good the
prosthetic arm
> his.
> Given that anti-aliasing is free on N64, Dreamcast, and probably on
> Dolphin and X-box, developers could anti-aliasing as much or as little as
> want without taking a hit on the game's graphics engine. That is simply
not the
> > case with PS2.
That is can't have AA without taking a hit in performance...if you
could, why would neither 3DFX or Nvidia have used such a method???????
Nothing is for free my might get it cheaper, but their is
always a cost for prettier graphics. again...go read up on AA for the
VooDoo 5 and GeForce 2 GTS chipsets...then maybe you will get it.
> This essay is less an indicment of Dan than it is of his desperation.
For all
> I know, he could be a nice guy and he probably is. But the stuff Daily
> is putting up is hilarious. Defending Sony like there is no tomorrow
> consistently taking pot shots at everyone else. I think I've gone far
> The article goes on to claim that PlayStation 2 won E3... and that Jesus
> prophecized Sony's world domination before he was crucified.
> Go check this hilarity out:
> --
> Dexter S.
> Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine
> Http://
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Date: Fri, 19 May 2000 20:05:06 -0500
From: Thraxen
Subject: Re: [N64] PS2 trolls Make a Stand, was Dolphin
- ----- Original Message -----
From: Dexter Sy
Sent: Friday, May 19, 2000 5:24 PM
Subject: [N64] PS2 trolls Make a Stand, was Dolphin
> By the way, go read Daily Radar's "In Defense of PlayStation2" where
their PS
> editor (actually, all their editors are playstation zealots...), Dan
> make an argument that PS2 really doesn't have any problems. Man oh man,
> sounded like a desparate trying to defend a console. It is funny because
> PlayStation gamers were always in the position of simply stating the facts
> saying "look at the numbers". It is ironic to see them put in the
position of
> having to explain away chinks in sony's armor. I do remember the days
when the
> odd Sony supporter would laugh at us lowly Nintendo people for defending
> N64 right down to every issue, looks like the table's been turned.
Turned? I think all you people need to wait till the Dolphin materializes
before slamming Sony.
> One particularly funny thing is about the last of VRAM. He explains this
> in a reassuing fashion by saying the Naughty Dog was able to do great
> off of PlayStation 1, therefore implying that they will do the same for
> Playstation 2, adding further that developers only need to get acquainted
> the dev kits.
This may well be true....the PSX has very little RAM and the games were
fine. I will say it again...from the reports about MGS2...the PS2 is a very
viable just takes a bit to figure out how to program games for
> If anyone in this list made the point that the Nintendo 64 IS NOT hard to
> develop for by pointing out to all the great RARE software, It would be
> certain that they would get flame mails and rebuttals right away pointing
> how RARE is an exception etc. etc. And you can see how Dan and the PS2
> in general is stuck in exactly the same position. PS2 has a problem and
he is
> attempting to make the point that the problem isn't that bad. Yes,
> Dog and Electronic Arse may get things done better, but given all the
> third parties out there, how many will actually get it right? or will they
> it at all? maybe we need to wait until the 3rd, or the 4th generation for
> majority of developers to be able to deal with this streaming issue. Its
> how he doesn't even have an example of a developer doing it on the
> 2 and has to resort to faith that developers will figure a way around the
> PS2's ram limitations.'re jumping the gun here. It is still very early. The PSX
had serious RAM figure it out.
> Moving on, Daily Radar devoted an entire page under its "In Defense of
> feature to make he point that "Sony will Eventually Beat Sega"
> Unless you've been totally out of it, we know Sega is already beaten,
> regardless of who it is facing, whether it be Nintendo, Sony or even
> Microsoft. But all that page in the feature managed to achieve is to give
> pep talk to Sony fans, showing them how Sega's got it worse and that's
> what that topic is about. The shallowness of the arguments rears its ugly
> again with Dan concluding the page saying that "Nintendo can still come
> behind, though. All they have to do is have a huge number of consoles
> for launch day and release with a Pokemon and a Mario game." and then
more pep
> talk "Sony will win this next generation... unless something major and
> totally unexpected happens. And that's possible You never know in this
> industry" Yes, Nintendo can come from behind and from all indications its
> got its act together too. But that's not the point. The article's lack
> insight about what Microsoft and Nintendo's consoles is about and how they
> being positioned is made painfully clear here.
> Fast forward to the page 4 "Is Aliasing That Big A Problem?" I couldn't
> contain my laughter when I got here. The feature had degenerated from an
> attempt at pepping up PS2 fans to a desparate attempt to retionalize a
> flaw in the console's design. The article first apologizes for the
> predicatioment saying " it was stupid of Sony to not include a more
> simplistic anti-aliasing system in the PS2" Then, it goes on the
> making the point that PlayStation 2 can do anti-alsiasing by sacrificing
> hardware performance ( it only reduces framerate from 60 fps to 30
> As if all the previous arguments made in all theprevious topics weren't
> enough, the argument that Dreamcast got aliasing problems as well was
> The article read:
> "Speaking of aliasing problems, I have noticed that many Dreamcast titles
> suffer
> from it as well. It seems that all this focus on the PS2 has spared the
DC a
> little
> bit. I've looked back at many of the DC titles that I own and have
> quite a
> number of aliasing problems.
> One funny example of this was at E3. Midway was showing both the PS2 and
> versions of Ready 2 Rumble 2. When comparing the two games, I not only
> that the PS2 had the graphical edge but also that the DC version had worse
> aliasing problems! Can you believe that? "
> With regards to the top paragraph, the article sounded
> considering how deflated everyone was after E3. But the second paragraph
> really a funny example (no pun intended). The article attempted to
> rationalize that anti-aliasing isn't such a big deal because Dreamcast has
> worse aliasing problems by using a very specific comparasion of ready 2
> 2. For starters, the article conviniently ignores that fact that the PS2
> version of Ready 2 Rumble 2 looks similar to the DC version, right down to
> stiff hands and bulgy polygonal torsos (I would know, I played it at
> Museum... eeer. booth.) and whatever graphical edge it has over DC is
> minimal. Which leaves me to wonder if Midway had to use up all that
> power to get anti-aliasing done right on the PS2. At any rate, the logic
> behind it is flawed. The article attempts to argue a moot point. It's
> an one-armed man saying he would be fine once he get his prosthetics in
> place. Sure, the prosthetic arm may help him carry things, but the fact
of the
> matter is, the man is still handicappe, no matter how good the prosthetic
> his. Given that anti-aliasing is free on N64, Dreamcast, and probably on
> Dolphin and X-box, developers could anti-aliasing as much or as little as
> want without taking a hit on the game's graphics engine. That is simply
not the
> case with PS2.
> This essay is less an indicment of Dan than it is of his desperation.
For all
> I know, he could be a nice guy and he probably is. But the stuff Daily
> is putting up is hilarious. Defending Sony like there is no tomorrow
> consistently taking pot shots at everyone else. I think I've gone far
> The article goes on to claim that PlayStation 2 won E3... and that Jesus
> prophecized Sony's world domination before he was crucified.
> Go check this hilarity out:
> --
> Dexter S.
> Tendo Box - Nintendo e-zine
> Http://
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