From: (n64-digest)
Subject: n64-digest V1 #187
Reply-To: n64-digest
Precedence: bulk
n64-digest Thursday, February 12 1998 Volume 01 : Number 187
Re: [N64] Topics (was Re: [N64] List quality)
[N64] Re: s-video
[N64] Cart size
[N64] Tokyo Games Show
[N64] GoldenEye Cheats...
[N64] Wizpig 2
Re: [N64] Cart size
Re: [N64] Wizpig 2
Re: [N64] Wizpig 2
Re:[N64] Wizpig 2
Re: [N64] Wizpig 2
Re: [N64] Cart size
Re: Re[4]: [N64] List quality
Re: [N64] Favorite games, also Magazines
Re: [N64] AWARDS
Re: [N64] 64DD-yes or no?
Re: [N64] 64DD-yes or no?
Re: [N64] AWARDS
[N64] Spite Vs Polygonal Baddies
[N64] Snowboard Kids
Re: [N64] AWARDS
Re: [N64] Spite Vs Polygonal Baddies
Re: Re[4]: [N64] List quality
Re: [N64] Wizpig 2 i know how to beat him !
Date: Wed, 11 Feb 1998 16:56:28 -0500
From: "Sawczyn, Andrew"
Subject: Re: [N64] Topics (was Re: [N64] List quality)
>> But honestly, these things are the future. I am a developer and many
>> corporations are seriously moving away from "computers" because of
>> high cost and their difficult maintenance. Network Computers are
>> for 80% of all computer users. Most home users do not need a 400MHZ
>> Pentium II that costs $4000 to surf the web and read e-mail.
I'm also a developer and I think you're wrong. Most people do need
Pentium II's or PowerPC's. Why? Because of what computers are
into and the applications that these evolving pc's will be running.
Home PC's
will be called upon more and more to render complex images, to control
households, and to provide entertainment. When you state that people do
not need this amount of horsepower, you are restricting the pc to it's
incarnation of a box, monitor, and keyboard. Sure most home users only
use their pc to surf the web and read email, but this is only the
High-speed data lines bring not only more data into the home, but more
that will need to be processed and presented to the user in a useable
This is the future of computing, and this is why the home user needs as
power as possible.
The home pc quickly evolving into a home game console as quickly as game
consoles are evolving into home pc's. This is all being accomplished by
providing the end user with more and more power. An example of this is
Gateway Evolution (or whatever it's called), and the Sega Katana.
- -Andrew
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Date: Wed, 11 Feb 1998 17:03:30 -0500
From: "Sawczyn, Andrew"
Subject: [N64] Re: s-video
>> I have another theory on this. My s-video equipped TV is a 27" sony.
>> possible that some TV's demonstrate the difference better than
Better TV's have better circuitry and therefore won't show that much of
difference between S-Video and Composite Video. I have my Playstation
hooked up via S-Video and I can tell the difference, but it's not
a good thing. Sure it's a much sharper image, but it also tends to make
any graphical flaws that much more noticeable. I guess in this case,
composite video is more of an external anti-aliasing feature for the
- -Andrew
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Date: Thu, 12 Feb 1998 09:26:47 -0600
From: Michael Bauers
Subject: [N64] Cart size
I think we could all speculate that carts could be theoretically larger than
32Meg. 32Meg = 2^25, and 25 address lines for a cart seems like an odd
number. On the other hand, they may not be able to physically fit more than
32Meg in the cart. But the history of memory technology would seem to refut
THAT statement. I remember 4K RAM chips for the Apple II :) And I think it
took 8 4K ram chips to make 4K. In may just be a cost issue.
In general though, any statement involving technology and the marketing of
it is suspect. It just changes too damn fast. I hear we will be able to
put men on the moon soon.
Michael Bauers
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Date: Thu, 12 Feb 1998 06:57:03 -0600
From: felp
Subject: [N64] Tokyo Games Show
i mean, if the japanese gamers love RPG=B4s so much, then i think that
would really stand out!
what do you think?
- --
ICQ UIN: 2684048
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Date: Thu, 12 Feb 1998 16:51:33 GMT
From: Inderpal Panesar
Subject: [N64] GoldenEye Cheats...
I have all the cheats except for the Facility. my best time so far is
Can anyone help?
Thats the Bottom Line, Cause I said so!!!
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Date: Thu, 12 Feb 1998 18:09:56 -0800
From: Sam
Subject: [N64] Wizpig 2
I am on ADVENTURE 1. and facing the flying Wizpig. I cannot beat him!
I have been at this point since Christmas day. ANy tips?
- --
Nurgatomic Dustbin
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Date: Thu, 12 Feb 1998 11:43:26 -0700
From: Tyler V Snow
Subject: Re: [N64] Cart size
At 09:26 AM 2/12/1998 -0600, you wrote:
>I think we could all speculate that carts could be theoretically larger than
>32Meg. 32Meg = 2^25, and 25 address lines for a cart seems like an odd
>number. On the other hand, they may not be able to physically fit more than
>32Meg in the cart.
That is what I have heard; you can only *physically* fit 32 megabytes into
the cartridge Nintendo is currently uses. Sure, theoretically they could
put more than 32 megabytes into a single cartridge by extending the
cartridge size vertically, but then this raises another issue: cost. Who
knows how much 32 MB will cost to manufacture per cart, imagine
manufacturing 48 or 64 MB carts! Only Nintendo would be able to afford
that, but if Nintendo was going to make games that required that much
space, they would just make the game for the 64DD anyway. :)
Also, I have read that 32 megabits (4 megabytes) was the maximum amount
allowed in one SNES cart....
- -Tyler V Snow
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Date: Thu, 12 Feb 1998 11:50:28 -0700
From: Tyler V Snow
Subject: Re: [N64] Wizpig 2
At 06:09 PM 2/12/1998 -0800, you wrote:
>I am on ADVENTURE 1. and facing the flying Wizpig. I cannot beat him!
>I have been at this point since Christmas day. ANy tips?
I didn't think the second Wizpig was THAT hard. :) What exactly are you
having problems with? Until you give us something specific, it will be
hard to help you out...
Here's the most basic help I can give you: I used Pipsy, grabbed every red
balloon I saw and shot Wizpig every chance I got, dodged the boulders to
the best of my ability, and just played it smart the rest of the way. The
most important thing is don't get frustrated--just stay calm and retry it
over and over until you've mastered the level and he will be (relatively)
easy to beat. Pipsy has excellent control; I think if you use any other
character it would be difficult to maneuver around the boulders, lasers,
and other stuff... But your mileage may vary.
- -Tyler V Snow
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Date: Thu, 12 Feb 1998 18:54:01 -0800
From: Sam
Subject: Re: [N64] Wizpig 2
Tyler V Snow wrote:
> At 06:09 PM 2/12/1998 -0800, you wrote:
> >I am on ADVENTURE 1. and facing the flying Wizpig. I cannot beat him!
> >I have been at this point since Christmas day. ANy tips?
> I didn't think the second Wizpig was THAT hard. :) What exactly are you
> having problems with? Until you give us something specific, it will be
> hard to help you out...
> Here's the most basic help I can give you: I used Pipsy, grabbed every red
> balloon I saw and shot Wizpig every chance I got, dodged the boulders to
> the best of my ability, and just played it smart the rest of the way. The
> most important thing is don't get frustrated--just stay calm and retry it
> over and over until you've mastered the level and he will be (relatively)
> easy to beat. Pipsy has excellent control; I think if you use any other
> character it would be difficult to maneuver around the boulders, lasers,
> and other stuff... But your mileage may vary.
> -Tyler V Snow
> [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ]
> [ (without the quotes) to ]Thanks, I have been using Diddy.
- --
Nurgatomic Dustbin
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Date: Thu, 12 Feb 1998 20:34:33 +0100
From: Siemon
Subject: Re:[N64] Wizpig 2
>I am on ADVENTURE 1. and facing the flying Wizpig. I cannot beat him!
>I have been at this point since Christmas day. ANy tips?
Read my strategy guide at Game Nation, the full address is:
it will tell you how to beat each boss (including Wizpig 2)
if any of you don't have Internet access, mail me and I'll mail the guide to
yours sincerely,
- -Siemon
ICQ= 5750532
Head HTML designer/Webmaster of Game Nation,
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Date: Thu, 12 Feb 1998 15:44:16 EST
Subject: Re: [N64] Wizpig 2
Well, I would trY to get as many missles as possible, And you should get the
boost on top of Wizpigs head, alos when you go into his throme room, make sure
you had gotten the yellow ballon which is body armor
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Date: Thu, 12 Feb 1998 03:53:31 -0500
From: "Cho"
Subject: Re: [N64] Cart size
ROM chips can get really big
theoretically, they can go into GigaBytes and even TeraBytes
it is just limited, by cost, and the fact that the N64 can't read roms that
it was designed to have a 128mbit limit
just like how the snes has a 32mbit limit
you could make a 64mbit cart for the snes, but it just wont work, and there
is no way to do so
the only way to get by this is with a hardware addon that sends data
differently, changing it really
so there you go..
- -----Original Message-----
From: Michael Bauers
To: post64
Date: Thursday, February 12, 1998 10:27 AM
Subject: [N64] Cart size
>I think we could all speculate that carts could be theoretically larger
>32Meg. 32Meg = 2^25, and 25 address lines for a cart seems like an odd
>number. On the other hand, they may not be able to physically fit more
>32Meg in the cart. But the history of memory technology would seem to
>THAT statement. I remember 4K RAM chips for the Apple II :) And I think
>took 8 4K ram chips to make 4K. In may just be a cost issue.
>In general though, any statement involving technology and the marketing of
>it is suspect. It just changes too damn fast. I hear we will be able to
>put men on the moon soon.
>Michael Bauers
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Date: Thu, 12 Feb 1998 03:55:21 -0500
From: "Cho"
Subject: Re: Re[4]: [N64] List quality
Actually 3...
>So all you've managed to do is crreate two more non-topic posts.
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Date: Thu, 12 Feb 1998 14:08:21 -0700
From: "Gregory A. Swarthout"
Subject: Re: [N64] Favorite games, also Magazines
From: "E. Jefferson"
>I still don't understand why no one is screaming "bias!" regarding EGM;
>maybe everyone is just biased against Next Generation? :)
>-Tyler V Snow
I haven't seen the latest issue of EGM, so I'm not to familiar with the
disparaging comments they made in th magazine. I no longer s*bscribe to
EGM because I thought that it was geared more toward the younger gamers,
like Gamepro. One thing that steered me away from EGM was the Q-man
section. The information in this section was not always accurate, and
sometimes it appearde to be plagurized from another magazine.
NG, however, dedicated at least six pages to detail the deficiences of
the N64. I was uspet by this because, A - this was only system I owned
( former troll ) and B - They had never dedicated a spread like this to
any other system. Even the 3D0 and Jaguar didn't recieve treatment like
this, not matter how bad they performed. In addition, there were what
seemd to be questionable reviews of some N64 games, which started all
the bias arguments.
Regardless, though, I think that because most of the arguments on this
list about bias are directed toward's NG, it shows which magazine is
read the most on this list.
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Date: Thu, 12 Feb 1998 14:08:52 -0700
From: "Gregory A. Swarthout"
Subject: Re: [N64] AWARDS
From: =22=7EFlash =22
*******>Are web awards really easy to earn?
*******>Nurgatomic Dustbin
I have a N64 site of the week award, it is as easy as i think your site is
good. you can sign up for it by going here: (
_ _____________________________ _
/ )=7C Tim Danko UIN=23 5174647 =7C( =5C
/ / =7C =7C =5C =5C
_( (_ =7C =22 =5C=5C=7C// =22 =7C _) )_
(((=5C =5C>=7C_/->________(o o)________<-=5C_=7C /)))
(=5C=5C=5C=5C =5C_/ / -oOOO--(_)--OOOo- =5C =5C_/ ////)
=5C / =5C /
=5C _/ =5C_ /
/ / =5C =5C
/___/ =5C___=5C
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Date: Thu, 12 Feb 1998 14:10:13 -0700
From: "Gregory A. Swarthout"
Subject: Re: [N64] 64DD-yes or no?
From: Tyler V Snow
> All the Pocket Monster games have been c*nceled
No, simply the Pocket Monster RPG. There are 3 other Pocket Monster games
in development. It would be suicide for Nintendo to c*ncel ALL of the
Pocket Monster games.
> and Mother 3,Zelda
>64,SM64 II , FZero X (Which is rumoured to be the first 'never-ending
>game) will all be HUGE hits here as well!
It's all debatable.. as I explained, RPGs never have sold well in America
(sans FFVII) and I really don't think Mother 3 will be an exception. And
F-Zero X will be a cartridge game, with a 64DD track editor and other
stuff.... I really think this would appeal to the more hardcore of gamers,
not the casual gamers. But I agree that, if released here, Zelda 64 2 and
Mario 64 2 will be hits, but Nintendo will be lucky to sell a million
copies of any one 64DD game IMO.
- -Tyler V. Snow
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Date: Thu, 12 Feb 1998 04:24:34 -0500
From: "Cho"
Subject: Re: [N64] 64DD-yes or no?
may I ask
is there a problem with saying the c a n c e l word?
does the server pick it up and kick you off the list?
- -----Original Message-----
From: Gregory A. Swarthout
Date: Thursday, February 12, 1998 4:06 PM
Subject: Re: [N64] 64DD-yes or no?
>From: Tyler V Snow
>> All the Pocket Monster games have been c*nceled
>No, simply the Pocket Monster RPG. There are 3 other Pocket Monster games
>in development. It would be suicide for Nintendo to c*ncel ALL of the
>Pocket Monster games.
>> and Mother 3,Zelda
>>64,SM64 II , FZero X (Which is rumoured to be the first 'never-ending
>>game) will all be HUGE hits here as well!
>It's all debatable.. as I explained, RPGs never have sold well in America
>(sans FFVII) and I really don't think Mother 3 will be an exception. And
>F-Zero X will be a cartridge game, with a 64DD track editor and other
>stuff.... I really think this would appeal to the more hardcore of gamers,
>not the casual gamers. But I agree that, if released here, Zelda 64 2 and
>Mario 64 2 will be hits, but Nintendo will be lucky to sell a million
>copies of any one 64DD game IMO.
>-Tyler V. Snow
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Date: Thu, 12 Feb 1998 21:30:19 -0800
From: Sam
Subject: Re: [N64] AWARDS
Gregory A. Swarthout wrote:
> From: "~Flash "
> *******>Are web awards really easy to earn?
> *******>--
> *******>Sam
> *******>Nurgatomic Dustbin
> *******>
> *******>
> I have a N64 site of the week award, it is as easy as i think your site is
> good. you can sign up for it by going here: (
> ~Flash
> _ _____________________________ _
> / )| Tim Danko UIN# 5174647 |( \
> / / | | \ \
> _( (_ | " \\|// " | _) )_
> (((\ \>|_/->________(o o)________<-\_| /)))
> (\\\\ \_/ / -oOOO--(_)--OOOo- \ \_/ ////)
> \ / \ /
> \ _/ \_ /
> / / \ \
> /___/ \___\
> [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ]
> [ (without the quotes) to ]Thanks, I think I will.
PS. are you the moderator chap?
- --
Nurgatomic Dustbin
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Date: Thu, 12 Feb 98 16:35 EST
From: (Kevin Mapp)
Subject: [N64] Spite Vs Polygonal Baddies
Here's the dealio...
IMO I think that games such as Duke Nukem64, Doom64,
and any other N64 game that uses the sprite based
opponents should have used the 'polygonal' based
technology to upgrade the 'baddies' so that they
appear more lifelike as in GE007 as well as Turok.
That had to be one of the major reasons why both
of these games, GE & Turok, did so well.
Keep in mind that I played Turok and GE007 before
I played either Duke or Doom so I was obviously
under the impression that all games would have had
the polygonal type movement. Hence, I was very
disappointed to see otherwise. I understand that
its a close port to its predecessor on the pc, but
I think its retarded to keep the same standards
when a game is being ported to a better system.
Hell, I liked Adventure on the Atari 2600, but
I wouldn't want to see it ported to the N64
without maxing out, or damn near maxing out,
and utilyzing the N64 to its full potential.
Understand my point?
Holla if ya hear me!
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Date: Thu, 12 Feb 1998 21:38:29 -0800
From: Sam
Subject: [N64] Snowboard Kids
I heard ATLUS are using a 5 lap race, how does this work in a downhill
snowboard title?? The lap cannot extend downhill, or does it mean five
- --
Nurgatomic Dustbin
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Date: Thu, 12 Feb 1998 16:55:48 -0500
From: "~Flash "
Subject: Re: [N64] AWARDS
>Gregory A. Swarthout wrote:
>> From: "~Flash "
>> *******>Are web awards really easy to earn?
>> *******>--
>> *******>Sam
>> *******>Nurgatomic Dustbin
>> *******>
>> *******>
>> I have a N64 site of the week award, it is as easy as i think your
site is
>> good. you can sign up for it by going here:
>> ~Flash
>> _ _____________________________ _
>> / )| Tim Danko UIN# 5174647 |( \
>> / / | | \ \
>> _( (_ | " \\|// " | _) )_
>> (((\ \>|_/->________(o o)________<-\_| /)))
>> (\\\\ \_/ / -oOOO--(_)--OOOo- \ \_/ ////)
>> \ / \ /
>> \ _/ \_ /
>> / / \ \
>> /___/ \___\
>> [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64"
>> [ (without the quotes) to
]Thanks, I think I will.
>PS. are you the moderator chap?
Moderator? what the h*ell?
_ _____________________________ _
/ )| Tim Danko UIN# 5174647 |( \
/ / | | \ \
_( (_ | " \\|// " | _) )_
(((\ \>|_/->________(o o)________<-\_| /)))
(\\\\ \_/ / -oOOO--(_)--OOOo- \ \_/ ////)
\ / \ /
\ _/ \_ /
/ / \ \
/___/ \___\
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Date: Thu, 12 Feb 1998 16:57:13 -0500
From: Dweezle
Subject: Re: [N64] Spite Vs Polygonal Baddies
: - O
Moving on. Sprites are just OLD news! We the people deserve, no no
no, we DEMAND games that utilize the technologies that are out there.
In a perfect world we should get these things. Hmm, lets think about
that last statement. I guess I responded to myself. Long live the
Nintendo GOD!!!
Kevin Mapp wrote:
> Comrades,
> Here's the dealio...
> IMO I think that games such as Duke Nukem64, Doom64,
> and any other N64 game that uses the sprite based
> opponents should have used the 'polygonal' based
> technology to upgrade the 'baddies' so that they
> appear more lifelike as in GE007 as well as Turok.
> That had to be one of the major reasons why both
> of these games, GE & Turok, did so well.
> Keep in mind that I played Turok and GE007 before
> I played either Duke or Doom so I was obviously
> under the impression that all games would have had
> the polygonal type movement. Hence, I was very
> disappointed to see otherwise. I understand that
> its a close port to its predecessor on the pc, but
> I think its retarded to keep the same standards
> when a game is being ported to a better system.
> Hell, I liked Adventure on the Atari 2600, but
> I wouldn't want to see it ported to the N64
> without maxing out, or damn near maxing out,
> and utilyzing the N64 to its full potential.
> Understand my point?
> Holla if ya hear me!
> Kevin
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Date: Thu, 12 Feb 1998 18:16:28 -0500
From: Tippyman
Subject: Re: Re[4]: [N64] List quality
> Hey Tippyman, lighten up. Although your post is valid, lists can
>rarely stay *exactly* on topic at all times. And what? people here
>aren't allowed to slide in the occasional bit of humour. I could
>understand your point if someone was constantly doing nothing but
>unrelated one-liners but give us a break.
Yea, but it's really stupid having unfunny and retarded posts like "Yeeha,
Billy-bob and ma are makin' pig slop!" just because someone's post deals
with the South. You could put in some humor, but it's just crappy to make
an ENTIRE post just to make an insipid comment.
>you'd make a bad cop.
Yes I would. That's why I'm not in the law enforcement field. Actually, the
cops usually bother me...why would I wanna help 'em? Hard-asses!
>Besides, posts like yours, which I might add was not N64 relaated,
>just prompt more posts like mine which is also not N64 related. So
>all you've managed to do is crreate two more non-topic posts.
I wasn't saying anything about ontopic posts, I was talking about the "To
make this N64 related.." CRAP. Read carefully.
"Skankin' be fun."
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Date: Thu, 12 Feb 1998 18:39:06 -0500
From: "Mike Klomp"
Subject: Re: [N64] Wizpig 2 i know how to beat him !
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
- ------=_NextPart_000_01BD37E5.7F67F600
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
This is to sam , How to beat WIZPIG
I have had diddy kong since christmas and i already beat it a while ago .
i beat him but with great difficulty.
there are a few areas that you can make up lost time ,
here are my tips :
when you are going outside (where there is a massive face of the big pig
fly under his chin and then dive straight up and towards the cave entrance.
note; when going through this tunnel wizpig cant avoid the lazers and slows
IMPORTANT in the room that is filled with shooting lazers as you enter go
up as high as you can and you should avoid being the exit approches
dive for it at the last second.
if you keep doing this throughout the race you will eventually come out in
front of him in the end
E-mail me later to tell how well youve done . at
- ------=_NextPart_000_01BD37E5.7F67F600
Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
This is to sam , How to beat WIZPIG
I have had diddy kong since christmas and i already =
beat it a while ago .
i beat him but with great difficulty.
there =
are a few areas that you can make up lost time ,
here are my tips =
- when you are going outside (where there is a massive face of =
the big pig himself)
fly under his chin and then dive straight up and towards the cave =
- note; when going through this tunnel wizpig cant avoid the =
lazers and slows down.
in the room that is filled with =
shooting lazers as you enter go up as high as you can and you should =
avoid being the exit approches dive for it at the last =
if you keep doing this throughout =
the race you will eventually come out in front of him in the =
E-mail me later to tell how well youve done . at =
- ------=_NextPart_000_01BD37E5.7F67F600--
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