From: (n64-digest) To: Subject: n64-digest V1 #871 Reply-To: n64-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk n64-digest Friday, September 10 1999 Volume 01 : Number 871 [N64] OT: Dream Day [N64] Identity Vi [N64] 9.9.99 Great day [N64] Identity (List Owner) Re: [N64] OT: Dream Day Re: [N64] Identity Re: [N64] Identity Re: [N64] Identity crisis Re: [N64] Identity crisis Re: [N64] Identity crisis Re: [N64] Identity Re: [N64] Identity crisis Re: [N64] Identity + [OT] DC and FF8 [N64] - Coolnews Nintendo 64 [N64] - Coolnews [N64] Perfect Dark Launch Announcement / News from Nintendo Re: [N64] Perfect Delay - Bahhh. Re: [N64] Perfect Delay - Bahhh. Re: [N64] Perfect Delay - Bahhh. Re: [N64] Perfect Delay - Bahhh. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 09 Sep 1999 16:48:27 -0400 From: Wez Subject: [N64] OT: Dream Day What a day. I know obviously that this is an N64 list, and as a list deputy, I should not be one of the rule breakers, but I can't help myself. =) Who other than me got a Dreamcast today? What games? I'm curious of other people's impressions of it. I think it's great, but the ultimate gaming machine it was hyped to be. Still a blast tho, with NFL 2k and Hydro Thunder. So? - -Wez [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 17:06:12 -0400 (EDT) From: Vi On Subject: [N64] Identity Vi Hello from your friendly list admin, Vi On. If you ever see anyone's who has a shorter fullname please tell me. I'm 22, living in Boston. I've been playing videogames ever since atari As you can tell from my email address, I'm a Boston University alumni. Computer Science. I'm a programmer at Raytheon, ready to shoot missles all over the world. :) Hoping to develop for some game company someday, so I'm just building up my c skills here in Boston. I love Cars: I'm drive an Acura 99'TL I'm on the list and I also visit often. Email me to talk about any kind of car or tell me about some great list. I love Stocks: If you know any good stocks, IPOs , mailing list, please tell me. I love Movies: I'm on list, which is just like this one. Most important of all I love playing GAMES!!! I really love this list, not just because of n64 cause it's sitting in my room eating dust. It's because of you guys give great opinions. - -Vi [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 17:08:51 -0400 (EDT) From: Vi On Subject: [N64] 9.9.99 Great day These identiy mail are actually worth keeping. Anyways today is great because I get to play Final Fantasy 8!! I guess I'm not getting dreamcast, but i'll be playing final fantasy 8 all night tonight, and watch that mtv thing. - -Vi [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 15:27:19 -0600 From: "Gregory A. Swarthout" Subject: [N64] Identity (List Owner) I'm 32 years old and have been married since 1990 and have been a homeowner for six years in a suburb of Salt Lake City, UT. My wife and I are currently looking to adopt. I have a B.S. in Information Systems & Technology and currently work for a consulting company named Domain Systems. Through them, I have worked as a programmers on jobs for Iomega and Fairchild Semiconductor, and my current assignment is for Intel. I've also worked as a systems programmer and web programmer for Thiokol, for which I earned two patents for my contributions to the shop floor system used by the engineers who produce the solid-fuel rocket boosters used in the space shuttle program. I recently gave my notice to the Tooele-Transcript Bulletin, for whom I've written a movie review column for the past 8 years. Past jobs include a stint as a firefighter in the U.S. Air Force and an air traffic controller for the FAA. I've been interested in videogames since pong became available as a standalone home system (although our unit also played pong-like hockey and handball). Atari 2600 was a big hit in our household, with Activision being my favorite developer for it. Between myself and my good friend Chris, we owner just about every Activision title available and earned neato patches for achieving high score for them. (I even got invited to Activision headquarters to demonstrate my unusual technique for beating the game Dolphin and met its programmer). I moved on to the Atari 5200 while Chris moved onto Colecovision. Later, we both acquired an NES and spent many happy years with them. I graduated to SNES while he went with Genesis. He's now strictly a PC gamer while I, of course, am on my second N64 (after having the first stolen in a break-in). I am fiercely loyal to Nintendo and will remain so until I am given good reason not to be. I have no intentions on picking up a Dreamcast; Sega's record of system abandonment has left me skittish. Although I will definitely get a Dolphin, I may also get the PSX2, largely because of Sony's reputation and its backward-compatibility. Whether or not I actually do depends on how it fares with critics and gamers and what the price tag comes out to be. Greg [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 18:25:24 EDT From: Subject: Re: [N64] OT: Dream Day My friend Rick got his today. Wow. NICE graphics. Everything looks great. But the controller is the biggest piece of crap ever. It is SO horrible. I hate it, the start button is in such an awkward place. The games controls, like Sonic Adventure, are tight, but the cameras suck, and the control is a little off, too. ~Matt <> [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 22:35:53 EDT From: Subject: Re: [N64] Identity In a message dated 99-09-08 19:56:51 EDT, you write: > We spend so much time talking about everything, I think it is > appropriate that maybe we knew a little bit more about each other. It > is interesting and may explain a few things we were wondering about each > other. I'll start it off. I thought the whole idea of the internet was to be free of all those things concering identity. To be able to express ideas without behing held down by racial predijuces, gender, status of living, etc. That's the message I got from MCI anyway. :-) Trey [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 22:48:05 -0400 From: "Eddy Wu" Subject: Re: [N64] Identity Well, no one is forcing you to talk about yourself. I always thought of the Internet as a way to meet new people, basically the same as in RL but just spread out further. After knowing someone for a while, it's nice to know some background on them. If you want to go deeper, is it really possible to "be able to express ideas without behing held down by racial predijuces, gender, status of living, etc"? Your personality and upbringing is expressed in every sentence you type and send out to the list. Just because you're not coming out with a "I was born in.." statement doesn't mean you're not showing your background. - -----Original Message----- From: To: Date: Thursday, September 09, 1999 10:37 PM Subject: Re: [N64] Identity >In a message dated 99-09-08 19:56:51 EDT, you write: > >> We spend so much time talking about everything, I think it is >> appropriate that maybe we knew a little bit more about each other. It >> is interesting and may explain a few things we were wondering about each >> other. I'll start it off. > >I thought the whole idea of the internet was to be free of all those things >concering identity. To be able to express ideas without behing held down by >racial predijuces, gender, status of living, etc. That's the message I got >from MCI anyway. :-) > >Trey > >[ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] >[ (without the quotes) to ] > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 22:52:51 EDT From: Subject: Re: [N64] Identity crisis In a message dated 99-09-08 19:56:51 EDT, you write: > We spend so much time talking about everything, I think it is > appropriate that maybe we knew a little bit more about each other. It > is interesting and may explain a few things we were wondering about each > other. I'll start it off. Some of you know this already, but my name isn't really Trey. Just happen to like the name. (If you read NGO daily then you'll know my real name) I live in Erie, Pennsylvania, the mistake on the lake. I don't wanna work, I wanna bang on me drum all day. I own my own car, a 1993 Cavalier Z-24 which I paid for in cash. This is my 6th car in the past 6 years. Draw you own conclusion. I could have had something nicer but I spend all my free money on videogames. I've made some silly purchaces like getting a Net Yaroze even though I have no desire to program and only two import titles. Aside from videogames I have some other interests. I've recently gotten into car stereo noise and whatnot, although it's nothing to brag about (maybe 90 decibles) the music sure sounds sweet. I prefer clarity over bass anyway, especially since most of the stuff I listen to is more acoustic than electric. Like Dave Matthews Band, Phish, Rusted Root, Led Zeppelin, Grateful Dead. But I do also enjoy Marilyn Manson, Type O-Negative and Korn. I can feel a lot of love in this room ;) Trey [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 22:58:50 EDT From: Subject: Re: [N64] Identity crisis In a message dated 9/9/99 9:54:14 PM Central Daylight Time, writes: << Aside from videogames I have some other interests. I've recently gotten into car stereo noise and whatnot, although it's nothing to brag about (maybe 90 decibles) the music sure sounds sweet. I prefer clarity over bass anyway, especially since most of the stuff I listen to is more acoustic than electric. Like Dave Matthews Band, Phish, Rusted Root, Led Zeppelin, Grateful Dead. But I do also enjoy Marilyn Manson, Type O-Negative and Korn. I can feel a lot of love in this room ;) Trey >> I've never understood this. Beefing up your stereo is a big fad where I live to. Does it make your car run better? ;) - --David [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 23:21:09 EDT From: Subject: Re: [N64] Identity crisis In a message dated 99-09-09 23:00:10 EDT, you write: > I've never understood this. Beefing up your stereo is a big fad where I > live to. Does it make your car run better? ;) > > --David I wouldn't call it a fad, since it's been going on for quite a while now. Not everybody can buy a $40,000 car with a state of the art bose stereo system in it. People like music, I'm sure of that. But many people aren't content to listening to the latest (fill in artist here) disc (or tape) on a Delco player with delco speakers at 5 wats per channel. It doesn't make the car run better, sometimes it makes it run worse (for those people who don't buy an extra battery if needed). But the music sounds a lot better. Like with home theaters, running Zelda 64 through a Dolby Surround Sound system adds a lot to the game, but it doesn't make the picture any better. So why would people do that with the Dolby instead of just listening though the 89 cent TV speaker? But if you're gonna give your car a booming system please insulate the car, there's nothing more pathetic tahn when the car shakes more than the speakers. Yeah. Okay. sure. Trey [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 09 Sep 1999 20:26:11 PDT From: "Elliot Jefferson" Subject: Re: [N64] Identity I was going to suggest a roll-call but never got around to it. Oh well... ;-) I'm Elliot and I'm 23 yrs old (at least for two more weeks). I was born, raised, & still live in Chicago. I'm currently employed at Lucent Technologies, in a suburb of Chicago. I've been there since October 1996, which was when I graduated from DeVry. At Lucent I do various types of laboratory testing, circuit design testing (analog & Digital), and will be doing some digital circuit design simulation (which is fun) and testing shortly. Lucent's also sent me back to school to further my education. I've been playing games since my dad shelled out $120 bucks for an Atari 2600 and $49 for Defender in the early eighties. After that, the only electronic games I had were the Tiger electronics type or Nintendo's game watch variety. After that, I always ended up getting systems AFTER they were popular. NES, Genesis, GB. All of them late in their life cycle. Currently though, I've added to my collection and have been able to keep up. In the past six months I've gotten a GBC, SNES and my DC will be delievered on Monday. I prefer to think of myself as a collector first and player second. I don't really care about beating them at first, but just enjoy playing. However, I'm better at most of them than my friends. I like Nintendo because they've delievred most of the time and their games are fun. But other people like Peer, Tyler & Stryder convinced me to try something else and I liked it. I'll always be a Nintendo fan, but because of some of the list members, I started to recognize some of the other things out there. When not gaming (console & now PC - Mechwarrior 3, not wimpy Mechcommander ;-) ) I like sports, working on my car & hanging out in downtown chicago. I've recently become addicted to roller-coasters and starting to travel to ride them (i.e., Cedar Point). I'm also like radio-controlled cars and might start racing them soon. ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 22:57:02 -0500 (CDT) From: Stryder Subject: Re: [N64] Identity crisis On Thu, 9 Sep 1999 wrote: > But if you're gonna give your car a booming system please insulate the car, > there's nothing more pathetic tahn when the car shakes more than the > speakers. Yeah. Okay. sure. > Haha..I know exactly what you mean. I hate it when some guy drives by thinking he is cool with his booming car, but every time low bass hits the trunk rattles or something and the cars sounds like it is about to fall apart. I just stand there thinking , "What a dumb ass". stryder [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 23:17:16 -0500 (CDT) From: Stryder Subject: Re: [N64] Identity + [OT] DC and FF8 First, I would like to thank Fentie for starting the identity thread...It has proven to be very interesting. Today I picked up the DC with Sonic Adventure and also FF8. I really like the DC...I did not realize how small the thing was until I actually got it home. It takes up very little shelf space. Now I just need to wait for Marvel vs Capcom, V8: 2nd offense, and Code Veronica. Also, how many of you picked up FF8? All i can say is WOW! That opening FMV is absolutely amazing!! If that FF movie they are making is of the same quality (or higher!) I think it will be amazing. Also relating the FF8, I thought it was supposed to have that software protection where it would not play on modded PSXs. I bought a PS Hacker just so I could defeat such games, but when i fired up FF8, it worked just fine. Is the protection only in the japanese version? and finally to something N64 related. I remember a while back when Hybrid Heaven was first annouced, the gaming magazine went nuts and when it was first shown at a game show, there were screen shots in magainzes and the game got a lot of hype. But then eveything went quiet about the game and now it has come out with no noise at all! what happend?? Does the game suck, or did it just get buried under the DC and Dolphin vs. PSX2 spec war hype? Anyone played it? is it any good? Stryder [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 22:30:31 +1000 (EST) From: editor - hotgames Subject: [N64] - Coolnews Nintendo 64 COOLNEWS NINTENDO 64: Gamedate September 10, 1999 The newsletter of! JUST WHEN YOU THOUGHT IT WAS SAFE... rest comfortably in the knowledge that the Nintendo 64 is the best console around, along comes a new contender to steal the crown! Sega's new Dreamcast is here and it doesn't look like it's going away any time soon...or does it? Take a look at our brand new Dreamcast site to check out the competition and see what the future holds for Sega and Nintendo fans alike! Ed. FEATURE REVIEW - DUKE NUKEM: ZERO HOUR The duke is back, and we don't mean John Wayne! Mr. Nukem is here on the Nintendo 64 to do what he does best - blow up alien scum and come home to masses of adoring fans! Check out his latest adventure in our radioactive review, and see if this is a must have for your N64 collection! LATEST 5 NINTENDO 64 GAME REVIEWS: WWF Attitude: Madden NFL 2000: NFL Blitz 2000: ShadowMan: Monster Truck Madness: FEATURE EDITORIAL - HOTGAMES.COM'S MULTIPLAYER GAMES NIGHT!!! The editors of invited the biggest from the world of sport, television and politics for some highly competitive multi-player action. And a lot of pizza... Here's what happened at our latest games night! WIN PRIZES - THREE DREAMCASTS! So, you want to get your hands on this rather spiffy looking console, then? You're not alone, so we're having a contest to see who walks away with one of THREE brand new Dreamcasts! Just click on over to our handy dany prizes section to see how laughably easy it is! CHEAT OF THE WEEK - MARIO GOLF 64 PASSWORD SCREEN: To access a password screen, highlight "clubhouse" from the main menu and hit Z+R+A at the same time! - check it out! Cameron D. To unsubscribe to Coolnews send an email message to with the word 'unsubscribe' in the subject field. - --------------------------------------------------------- Do you have friends who are also keen N64 gamers? Why not FORWARD this cool newsletter email to them NOW! They can subscribe all for themselves at: [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 22:31:49 +1000 (EST) From: editor - hotgames Subject: [N64] - Coolnews COOLNEWS: Gamedate September 10, 1999 The Newsletter of A PC IN A BOX! Wouldn't it be nice to get away from all the hardware upgrades, software incomaptibilities and hard drive space problems that are part and parcel of every day PC gaming life? Maybe someone should make a PC-style games machine in a simple box that anyone can enjoy...and that's exactly what's happened with the Windows CE powered Dreamcast! Take a look at our brand new Dreamcast site ( right now! Ed. FEATURE DEMO - RAINBOW SIX: ROGUE SPEAR One of the coolest (and smartest) action games to have hit the PC in a long while is back in an all new adventure! Can the Rainbow Six team deliver again? Find out in our stealthy review... LATEST 5 GAME DEMOS AND REVIEWS: Homeworld NHL 2000 3D Ultra Lionel TrainTown Hatfields & McCoys Akuma: Demon Spawn FEATURE EDITORIAL - LUNCHTIME GAMING Back by overwhelming request, we take a look at small game demos that you could download and play in the nick-of-time... and some tips on how NOT to get caught if you're supposed to be doing something else. WIN PRIZES - THREE DREAMCASTS! We are celebrating the launch of Sega's Dreamcast and our accompanying new orange site by throwing the Internet's biggest hardware giveaway! 3 Dreamcast consoles to be won, right here! CHEAT OF THE WEEK - DRAKAN: ORDER OF THE FLAME sanctuary = godmode smeghead = full health debug on = debugmode on debug off = debugmode off Take a look at the Dreamcast and see the future! Cameron D. To unsubscribe to Coolnews send an email message to with the word 'unsubscribe' in the subject field. - --------------------------------------------------------- Do you have friends who are also keen gamers? Why not FORWARD this cool newsletter email to them NOW! They can subscribe all for themselves at: [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 12:19:10 -0600 From: N64 News Subject: [N64] Perfect Dark Launch Announcement / News from Nintendo Redmond, September 10, 1999 - The launch for Perfect Dark is being pushed back from December 1999 to April 2000. The move comes on the heels of a thorough review of the game's progress by both Rare and Nintendo. Together, it was decided to take the extra time to guarantee that Perfect Dark is the genre-bursting title everyone expects it to be. The delay is completely in keeping with Rare's tradition of shipping a game only when they are perfectly satisfied with it. Veteran players will recall that GoldenEye 007, which was originally scheduled to ship in late 1996, wasn't available until September 1997. "With the game in final stages of development, Nintendo and Rare together have done a thorough review over this last week," says Peter Main, executive vice president, sales and marketing, Nintendo of America. "With more development time, we're all convinced it will produce a considerably better product. What's unique about Perfect Dark is how complex it is. It's a bigger game than GoldenEye, and with more time, will look and play even better. And you know how great GoldenEye has been. So, while it won't launch in time for the holiday season, we're sure when it does launch that you'll say it was worth the wait." ============================= Be sure to patronize Nintendo at: [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 16:06:20 -0500 (CDT) From: John Carson Subject: Re: [N64] Perfect Delay - Bahhh. Bahhhh. More delays. Why dont they just change textures, add characters, add levels, and call it a new game. It would still be HUGE!!! I dont know why sequals are ALWAYS totally redone games. Most of the time they tend to screw things up. (Yes, I know this is not a sequal, but its the same company. They could use the same engine, and code.) I just wish companies like Singletrac (Man they used to rock) would like, release Twisted metal 2, then 6 monthes later release a game with the same engine, but more levels, and maybe 1 or 2 new cars. If something is a success, why dont they milk it? -John On Fri, 10 Sep 1999, N64 News wrote: > > Redmond, September 10, 1999 - The launch for Perfect > Dark is being pushed back from December 1999 to April 2000. > > The move comes on the heels of a thorough review of the > game's progress by both Rare and Nintendo. Together, it was > decided to take the extra time to guarantee that Perfect Dark > is the genre-bursting title everyone expects it to be. > > The delay is completely in keeping with Rare's tradition of > shipping a game only when they are perfectly satisfied with it. > Veteran players will recall that GoldenEye 007, which was > originally scheduled to ship in late 1996, wasn't available until > September 1997. > > "With the game in final stages of development, Nintendo and > Rare together have done a thorough review over this last > week," says Peter Main, executive vice president, sales and > marketing, Nintendo of America. "With more development > time, we're all convinced it will produce a considerably better > product. What's unique about Perfect Dark is how complex it > is. It's a bigger game than GoldenEye, and with more time, > will look and play even better. And you know how great > GoldenEye has been. So, while it won't launch in time for the > holiday season, we're sure when it does launch that you'll say > it was worth the wait." > > ============================= > > Be sure to patronize Nintendo at: > > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] > - John Carson [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 18:47:59 EDT From: Subject: Re: [N64] Perfect Delay - Bahhh. Oh well. That just leaves me 2 N64 games to get for the rest of the year (DK64 and JFG). It's DC all the way for me -- if Nintendo wants to delay their stuff, fine I suppose. But it's their loss... Aldo Merino - -Dojo!! [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 16:14:03 PDT From: "Elliot Jefferson" Subject: Re: [N64] Perfect Delay - Bahhh. Hmmm...Sega's getting their foot in the door. :) Elliot From: Reply-To: To: Subject: Re: [N64] Perfect Delay - Bahhh. Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 18:47:59 EDT Oh well. That just leaves me 2 N64 games to get for the rest of the year (DK64 and JFG). It's DC all the way for me -- if Nintendo wants to delay their stuff, fine I suppose. But it's their loss... Aldo Merino - -Dojo!! [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 16:19:23 PDT From: "Elliot Jefferson" Subject: Re: [N64] Perfect Delay - Bahhh. I can't remember where I was reading it (maybe the 'dojo) but someone had speculated it was going to be delayed anyway. I think Nintendo had probably made the decision a litle while ago, but waited to see how much of a load would be on their marketing dept. Besides, I still haven't played smash bros., Mario Golf & Hybrid Heaven. My DC w/ four games still hasn't arrived, & not to mention the selction of psx games this holiday season. Elliot (forgetting all about Beast Wars Neo, DKC64, Excitebike64, JFG, yadda, yada, yadda...) From: John Carson Reply-To: To: Subject: Re: [N64] Perfect Delay - Bahhh. Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 16:06:20 -0500 (CDT) Bahhhh. More delays. Why dont they just change textures, add characters, add levels, and call it a new game. It would still be HUGE!!! I dont know why sequals are ALWAYS totally redone games. Most of the time they tend to screw things up. (Yes, I know this is not a sequal, but its the same company. They could use the same engine, and code.) I just wish companies like Singletrac (Man they used to rock) would like, release Twisted metal 2, then 6 monthes later release a game with the same engine, but more levels, and maybe 1 or 2 new cars. If something is a success, why dont they milk it? -John On Fri, 10 Sep 1999, N64 News wrote: > > Redmond, September 10, 1999 - The launch for Perfect > Dark is being pushed back from December 1999 to April 2000. > > The move comes on the heels of a thorough review of the > game's progress by both Rare and Nintendo. Together, it was > decided to take the extra time to guarantee that Perfect Dark > is the genre-bursting title everyone expects it to be. > > The delay is completely in keeping with Rare's tradition of > shipping a game only when they are perfectly satisfied with it. > Veteran players will recall that GoldenEye 007, which was > originally scheduled to ship in late 1996, wasn't available until > September 1997. > > "With the game in final stages of development, Nintendo and > Rare together have done a thorough review over this last > week," says Peter Main, executive vice president, sales and > marketing, Nintendo of America. "With more development > time, we're all convinced it will produce a considerably better > product. What's unique about Perfect Dark is how complex it > is. It's a bigger game than GoldenEye, and with more time, > will look and play even better. And you know how great > GoldenEye has been. So, while it won't launch in time for the > holiday season, we're sure when it does launch that you'll say > it was worth the wait." > > ============================= > > Be sure to patronize Nintendo at: > > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] > - John Carson [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ End of n64-digest V1 #871 ************************* [ To quit the n64-digest mailing list (big mistake), send the message ] [ "unsubscribe n64-digest" (without the quotes) to ]