From: (n64-digest) To: Subject: n64-digest V1 #946 Reply-To: n64-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk n64-digest Friday, October 22 1999 Volume 01 : Number 946 Re: [N64] PSX vs N64 fights... Re: [N64] PSX vs N64 fights... Re: [N64] control Re: [N64] PSX vs N64 fights... Re: [N64] How do you really feel about the 64? [N64] Recommend Mailing List Etiquette Re: [N64] PSX vs N64 fights... Re: [N64] How do you really feel about the 64? Re: [N64] How do you really feel about the 64? [N64] Question Re: [N64] How do you really feel about the 64? Re: [N64] PSX vs N64 fights... Re: [N64] Mario 64 & Guh-huh! 64 Re: [N64] control Re: [N64] PSX vs N64 fights... Re: [N64] PSX vs N64 fights... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 02:18:08 -0400 From: "Eddy Wu" Subject: Re: [N64] PSX vs N64 fights... I don't know about you, but I never buy a game just for the sake of having a game to play.. I can find other things to do. Everyone seems to think that "well, the N64 only has 5 games coming out this month, so everyone with an N64 will buy at least one of the 5 games, so they'll all make the sales chart." Anyway, this is diverging from the original point of the post, which was to say that the N64 is not dying, as whoever made the original post said while citing statistics which had very little to do with the topic at hand. At least base it on actual results. And again, I'd like to point out those 7 out of 20 best selling games the N64 has for the first 8 months of the year. This can't be accounted for by the fact that there are only a few very good games for the N64 every year. Isn't MGs considered a must-own for PSXers? Why is it not on the list, while Zelda is? Why is Goldeneye above Gran Turismo? Why is Pokemon Snap above NFS: High Stakes? These are supposedly the premier titles from each system, but on average the N64 games outsell the PSX games. In these situations the "scarcity of games" hypothesis doesn't apply, because it's not a matter of "should I get Zelda or some other N64 game" or "should I get MGS or some other PSX game", it's "is Zelda a good game?" and "Is MGS a good game?" Apparently, by the stats, Zelda wins out. - -----Original Message----- From: Thraxen To: Date: Friday, October 22, 1999 1:39 AM Subject: Re: [N64] PSX vs N64 fights... >You just said it yourself. The reason that those N64 games are on there is >becuase there was nothing else to buy...hence, a lot of people with N64s >bought them. > >Stryder [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 01:34:19 -0500 From: "Thraxen" Subject: Re: [N64] PSX vs N64 fights... - -----Original Message----- From: Eddy Wu To: Date: Friday, October 22, 1999 1:21 AM Subject: Re: [N64] PSX vs N64 fights... >And again, I'd like to point out those 7 out of 20 best selling games the >N64 has for the first 8 months of the year. This can't be accounted for by >the fact that there are only a few very good games for the N64 every year. >Isn't MGs considered a must-own for PSXers? Why is it not on the list, while >Zelda is? Why is Goldeneye above Gran Turismo? Why is Pokemon Snap above Actually, yes, it does have to do with the number of games. Look how old Goldeneye is....sure it is an awesome game, but one reason it is always on the list is becuase when people buy N64s, they still get Goldeneye...because...what else should they get? Pokeman snap is on there because is has Pokeman..plain and simple. Yeah, MGS was considered a must own..but I don't own it....there were other games that interested me more at the time. When Zelda came out, i had nothing else to even consider anyway. IMO, Zelda is better than MGS...but there are just flat out more quality games on the PSX. I can't even get them i have to choose which one I want. But on the n64...a good games comes out only every few i can easily get all of them. People who arre new to the N64 can afford to go back and buy some of the older must buys becuase they don't have many new must buys to worry about. Face it is function of the number of games available. Period. Stryder [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 02:36:40 -0400 From: "Eddy Wu" Subject: Re: [N64] control >Did you consider the 2D mario games frustrating? I don't think an entire >game should be frustrating, but it certainly does not hurt to be a little >frustrated by a game sometimes. It makes you better. You can virtually >walk through most of today's platformers....that, IMO, is not a good thing. I guess that's true, but a 40-hour walkthrough is still a pretty big investment of time. Now that I think about it, gaming is really moving towards a more cinematic experience, and not just on the PSX because of FMV. In the 16-bit era, mainstream gamers didn't play games because the graphics, frankly, were not that good. They were good for the technology, but they didn't simulate the world. So, the people who played games were mostly playing for the gameplay. Once we get into 3D, everything looks a lot prettier. So we get people who play games primarily to see the graphics. And to satisfy these people, developers design games so that you rarely have to repeat an area more than once, because once you've seen it a few times, the novelty of the graphics wears off. Face it, repeating stuff is boring, and in Mario (2D) I was doing a lot of repeating because I suck at 2D platformers and I was dying a lot. Here's where the cinematic comparison comes in. Very few people go to see action movies or special FX spectaculars more than once, because once you've seen the FX, you don't need to see them again. That's apparently what a mainstream gamer is looking for in a game nowadays, and I guess to a certain degree that's what I'm looking for. If you look at recent successful games, you see that they all have very varied levels. Zelda with its temples, BK with changing seasons and worlds, etc. I don't want to have to play over a level 4-5 times until I get something right. Repetition is boring, and I don't play games to be bored (school does that for me ;-). I wouldn't mind a few more thought puzzles, but games tend to stay away from those because it shuts out the younger players who may not be able to figure stuff out. This is why Zelda 64 was such a great game, because it didn't have any of those stupid "jumping puzzles" which rely purely on your reaction time and hand-eye coordination (except maybe those ghost hunting parts, but those were fun). Yet it was kind of challenging to figure out the puzzles, like in the Water Temple or Spirit Temple. Also, boss battles are much more strategic, as you can basically run away until you think of something to do, and then executing the plan is fairly easy. You don't have to be afraid that if you try to hit Ganon with a sword and you miss, then you will die immediately. >>don't think it is a coincidence that the "easiness" of this generation of >>games coincides with the increasing mainstreaming of video gaming. Whereas >>playing for several months to beat Super Mario seemed obsessive and geeky, >>picking up Goldeneye or Smash Bros. every so often and playing with friends >>is not so much. >That is the they think that people don't want challenging >games? Look at how popular the RE series is...they are fairly challenging >(in fact, they make them quite a bit harder when they port them from Japan >to the USA) and they sell well. Yes, but for the most part the most successful games are fairly easy. RE seems to be an exception, because of it's theme. For an example, take Bomberman 64. It took me at least 2 months to beat that game fully, and I enjoyed most of it. But it didn't sell very well. >Stryder [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 01:41:07 -0500 (CDT) From: Chris Avery Subject: Re: [N64] PSX vs N64 fights... On Thu, 21 Oct 1999, Eddy Wu wrote: > Um, I seem to remember that this list has been around for much longer than > the SNES-l list. I can remember a time when you weren't on the list. > According to the member list, Chris Avery is the 18th subscriber. I am the > tenth, and that's after I resubscribed. I still have the original > subscription e-mail, dated 12/24/97, and I remember before that I spent a > couple of months on the digest list. There are some around that have been on > the list for even longer, like Trey, I think. Ask Gregory Swarthout, he's > the list owner. He should know. > Well the* FAQ mentions the snes-l list. And that FAQ hasn't been modified since December 15th 1995. But I digress. ^_^ Before I took over the snes mailing list, it was ran by someone else (IACONETTI_A). |Chris Avery | Computer Services Lab Manager | |email | Computer Science Major | | | Arkansas State University | [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 16:56:40 +1000 From: Alex Subject: Re: [N64] How do you really feel about the 64? At 00:50 22-10-99 -0500, you wrote: > >-----Original Message----- >From: Alex >To: >Date: Friday, October 22, 1999 12:16 AM >Subject: Re: [N64] How do you really feel about the 64? > > >>I love M64. It had better controls, a better camera and the levels were >>better designed. Although from a technical point of view the graphics are >>better in Banjo, some areas of Mario are more asthetically pleasing because >>of the colour composition and the level design. > >I think BK had just as good control as Mario. It involves more buttons at >times so it takes a little getting used to, but still very tight control >(except in water). I also think BK has some great levels. IMO, the 2 games >played so similar, I just can't see how you can not like one, but like the >other. > >Stryder > All the unintuitive button combinaitons of Banjo aren't really useful. Shooting eggs is stupid and pointless since you can't aim properly. Banjo runs too slow so you are always maxing out the analogue stick. If you want to move at a decent speed you have to use Kazooie which involves an unintuitive button combination and results in Kazooie making this stupid squawk noise. Why have a button run when there is an analogue stick? The camera in M64 is always focused on Mario which heightens the sense of tight control. In banjo the camera stays further back and gives you this stupid high angle to limit the field of view. Mario's levels are better designed, most of the levels have definate beginings and ends which different pathways connecting them while Banjo's objectives seem to be placed whereever they would fit. Banjo isn't that bad. It probably is second only to Mario, although I never had a chance to play Space Station Silicon Valley which is supposed to be good. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 01:55:52 -0500 (CDT) From: Chris Avery Subject: [N64] Recommend Mailing List Etiquette I thought I would send this to the list. I have no control of this list. This is just my suggestions. This was original written by Jiunwei Chen for the SNES-L way back in September 1997. - ----- BTW: These ARE my opinions, but I think I've had enough experience to know what I'm talking about. Don't take these as rules I'm trying to enforce. By all means, they aren't. But I hope you take them as pointers, before we have to spend a dozen messages pointing them out. In other words, I'd like to do in one message, what might otherwise take days. :) Okay, with the intro finally over, let me begin: ---------------------- 1) Quote! + Ever been in a situation where someone suddenly starts in mid-conversation with you? That's what happens when you respond, without giving us a clue to what you are replying to. If I'm correct, you can quote in AOL by "selecting" a block of text and then hitting the reply button. (If I'm wrong, it's something you should play around with and figure out) Other mail programs do quoting automatically, it seems. Anyway, please do it. :) 2) Avoid MULTIPLE one-liners or similar short responses + True, you may have something important to say (hopefully it's not "me too!"), but if possible, don't try to spam a list with many small messages. If you can, do what I do: create a NEW message and just cut+paste BOTH your quotes and responses. Therefore, recipients get one message that's 10k, instead of ten messages that are 1k each. 3) No need to reply to everything + There's no need to respond to every message that you get. You may (probably will) have something to say about everything, yet please exercise some constraint. Otherwise, you'll be like the talkative person in a group: too chatty. Pick the responses you think are most important for others to see. 4) Avoid personal attacks (or leave to individual e-mail) + If someone's really pissed you off with a comment, and you feel that you REALLY need to flame them ... please do so in a private message. Don't bother everyone else in the list with your rantings, if they're directed towards one person only. Also, personal attacks in general are usually a bad idea. For example, commenting about the "penis size" of a person is truly unnecessary, and is probably worth a boot off the list. 5) Be flexible and open + Don't take everything you read as a personal attack on yourself. People are different, thus you're going to see a wide-range of opinions out there. Just because someone doesn't like "x" doesn't mean you have to CONVINCE them that they're wrong. Well, you can try (sometimes it makes for good conversation!) but please watch yourself. ---------------------- Of course, some of these tips are going to change depending on the nature and mood of the list. (For example, on REALLY SLOW list days ... we may even encourage people speak more than usual, just to get discussions going again) But for the most part, I'd suggest watching yourself more. I will do the same, of course, and I hope others follow. Hope I solved some problems before they erupted! :) - --- End. Fi. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 02:54:38 -0400 From: "Eddy Wu" Subject: Re: [N64] PSX vs N64 fights... Alright, obviously we have differing points of view on this, so I'm going to stop talking about it, because it has reached the point where it is counterproductive to try to clarify what I was saying before. Just so I don't seem to be _too_ stubborn, I freely admit that the PSX has a greater variey of games, the N64 doesn't have enough good third party support, and the the PSX has more quality games than the N64. Whether or not the percentage of games released that are quality is higher I won't go into, because that argument will have no end. >>And again, I'd like to point out those 7 out of 20 best selling games the >>N64 has for the first 8 months of the year. This can't be accounted for by >>the fact that there are only a few very good games for the N64 every year. >>Isn't MGs considered a must-own for PSXers? Why is it not on the list, >while >>Zelda is? Why is Goldeneye above Gran Turismo? Why is Pokemon Snap above > >Actually, yes, it does have to do with the number of games. Look how old >Goldeneye is....sure it is an awesome game, but one reason it is always on >the list is becuase when people buy N64s, they still get >Goldeneye...because...what else should they get? Pokeman snap is on there >because is has Pokeman..plain and simple. Yeah, MGS was considered a must >own..but I don't own it....there were other games that interested me more at >the time. When Zelda came out, i had nothing else to even consider anyway. >IMO, Zelda is better than MGS...but there are just flat out more quality >games on the PSX. I can't even get them i have to choose which one >I want. But on the n64...a good games comes out only every few >i can easily get all of them. People who arre new to the N64 can afford to >go back and buy some of the older must buys becuase they don't have many new >must buys to worry about. Face it is function of the number of >games available. Period. > >Stryder [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 02:00:45 -0500 From: "Thraxen" Subject: Re: [N64] How do you really feel about the 64? - -----Original Message----- From: Alex To: Date: Friday, October 22, 1999 1:53 AM Subject: Re: [N64] How do you really feel about the 64? >All the unintuitive button combinaitons of Banjo aren't really useful. >Shooting eggs is stupid and pointless since you can't aim properly. Banjo >runs too slow so you are always maxing out the analogue stick. If you want >to move at a decent speed you have to use Kazooie which involves an >unintuitive button combination and results in Kazooie making this stupid >squawk noise. Why have a button run when there is an analogue stick? Unintuitive? Does it really hurt to have to learn the controls in game? As for the running....I guess they just decided to have Kazooie be faster than Banjo. Also, is kazooie not analog? I can't remember. I can't seem to find my game....I hope I did not lose it! I'm hoping I did not loan it out and forget who I loaned it to!! Dang!! Hey Skurge, do you have my BK game? Stryder [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 03:34:00 -0400 From: "Eddy Wu" Subject: Re: [N64] How do you really feel about the 64? LOL.. I hate it when that happens. It's worse if you have siblings.. Me: "I think I'd like to play Rogue Squadron today. Where is it?" My brother or sister: "I lent it to one of my friends. They're on vacation, they won't be back for a few weeks." I haven't played Mario 64 in a long time (I own neither Mario 64 nor Goldeneye, because I bought the system after they were out and I never went back to buy old games, but I have played them by borrowing from a friend), but it seemed fairly similar to BK. It seems to me that your complaints about BK are a little illogical, given that they are all complaints about enhancements to the Mario system that you don't really have to use. For instance, I beat the game without ever once killing an enemy with eggs (except maybe that boss that you have to kill with eggs). I didn't max out on the analog stick on the snow levels where you would slip. I don't think Banjo runs any slower than Mario.. are you sure about that? They have a run button because you also have to use Kazooie to climb steep hills. It wouldn't make sense if you could just climb hills by pressing hard on the stick. And yes, Kazooie is analog. With him you can stand still on a hill that would cause Banjo to slide. Any other "complaints"? Then we can move on to the enhancements Banjo has over Mario. 1) More levels. More objectives. 2) Better graphics, longer sight range. 3) Better level variety. We have desert stages, snow stages, water stages, and they are much more varied artistically than Mario's levels. 4) Bigger overworld. 5) Less instant death. 6) Less jumping puzzles. 7) Better flying system. 8) Better final boss. 9) Slightly more complex puzzles... like to transform into a pumpkin to get into the toilets. This is not to say that Mario 64 is a bad game, but you can almost say BK is like a sequel, and aren't sequels always supposed to be better? >>All the unintuitive button combinaitons of Banjo aren't really useful. >>Shooting eggs is stupid and pointless since you can't aim properly. Banjo >>runs too slow so you are always maxing out the analogue stick. If you want >>to move at a decent speed you have to use Kazooie which involves an >>unintuitive button combination and results in Kazooie making this stupid >>squawk noise. Why have a button run when there is an analogue stick? > >Unintuitive? Does it really hurt to have to learn the controls in game? As >for the running....I guess they just decided to have Kazooie be faster than >Banjo. Also, is kazooie not analog? I can't remember. I can't seem to >find my game....I hope I did not lose it! I'm hoping I did not loan it out >and forget who I loaned it to!! Dang!! > >Hey Skurge, do you have my BK game? > >Stryder [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 17:16:40 +0100 From: Edinam Konu Subject: [N64] Question So how many of you Nintendo loyals will actually buy the dolphin when it comes out, and how do you think it will compare to the competition. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 18:26:04 +1000 From: Alex Subject: Re: [N64] How do you really feel about the 64? At 03:34 22-10-99 -0400, you wrote: > >I haven't played Mario 64 in a long time (I own neither Mario 64 nor >Goldeneye, because I bought the system after they were out and I never went >back to buy old games, but I have played them by borrowing from a friend), >but it seemed fairly similar to BK. It seems to me that your complaints >about BK are a little illogical, given that they are all complaints about >enhancements to the Mario system that you don't really have to use. For >instance, I beat the game without ever once killing an enemy with eggs >(except maybe that boss that you have to kill with eggs). I didn't max out >on the analog stick on the snow levels where you would slip. I don't think >Banjo runs any slower than Mario.. are you sure about that? They have a run >button because you also have to use Kazooie to climb steep hills. It >wouldn't make sense if you could just climb hills by pressing hard on the >stick. And yes, Kazooie is analog. With him you can stand still on a hill >that would cause Banjo to slide. Any other "complaints"? > Banjo definately runs slower than mario. The analogue stick does work with Kazooie but you can't make her walk slowly. I also beat the game without using the eggs, that shows how pointless they are. Kazooie's inclusion in the game seems to be more for marketing reasons then for gameplay reasons. They didn't need to make it that you needed Kazooie to walk on a slope. It doesn't really add anything to the game. >Then we can move on to the enhancements Banjo has over Mario. >1) More levels. More objectives. Yeah but Banjo has twice the cartridge size so that's to be expected. >2) Better graphics, longer sight range. Actually you usually have a longer sight range in Mario. Although there are times when you can see really far in Banjo like when you are a bee. Banjo has better graphics since it came out a while after Mario but some of the levels in Mario look better than Banjo because of the level design and colour composition. For example in Mario desert level the sand is yellow, the sky is blue and the bricks are grey. In the Banjo desert level most things are yellow or browny yellow. >3) Better level variety. We have desert stages, snow stages, water stages, >and they are much more varied artistically than Mario's levels. There is more variety but all the characters have that Euro look. All the characters in Mario have a Japanese look. Personally I prefer the Japanese style. >4) Bigger overworld. This isn't a good thing. Especially since the overworld in Banjo is linear so if you are outside the first level it takes a while to walk to the final level. You can use the warp pots but it isn't clear which pot is going to take you where. The overworld shouldn't be so confusing. >5) Less instant death. Yeah but it is not excessive in either game. >6) Less jumping puzzles. It's Mario, you're supposed to jump >7) Better flying system. The flying system is much better in Mario. You can control the camera when flying. There is a better sensation of speed. To stay in the air you need to rythmicly go into a dive then pull back, like in SMW. In Banjo you just tap a button. >8) Better final boss. Yeah but swinging Bowser around was cool. You can't fight Grunty after you've already killed her. >9) Slightly more complex puzzles... like to transform into a pumpkin to get >into the toilets. > Neither game was really complex, although overall I think Mario was more challenging >This is not to say that Mario 64 is a bad game, but you can almost say BK is >like a sequel, and aren't sequels always supposed to be better? > No. Often the original is better than the sequel. Though I don't think of Banjo as a sequel, more of an immitation. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 06:33:23 -0400 From: Wez Subject: Re: [N64] PSX vs N64 fights... wrote: > In a message dated 10/21/99 3:18:17 PM Central Daylight Time, > writes: > > << LOL.. I think he's finally caught on. I've been on this list for about 2 > years now, and system wars seem to erupt about once a month, on average. > Sometimes I participate if I'm in the mood for a futile debate, sometimes I > just ignore them. >> > > I don't even think this list has been alive for two years has it? It > came out after Chris Avery's snes-1 list. Everybody on that list (including > myself) pretty much moved over to this list. I know that couldn't have been > two years ago. Could it have? > > --David > I subscribed in July of 1997. And I am like 15th on the list of oldest members. That was over two years ago. I subscribed when messing around on Nintendojo I found a N64 Mailing List signup page. Wes [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 06:45:57 EDT From: Subject: Re: [N64] Mario 64 & Guh-huh! 64 In a message dated 10/22/99 1:08:59 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: > While I agree that the N64 has few 'must buy' games...I personally think BK > kicked butt. I liked it better than Mario64....I actually don't see how you > can be a fan of one without the being a fan of the other. What did you > think about M64? > > Stryder > Unless, of course, you can't stand two major things about BK, the swimming and the noise Banjo lets out when he jumps. - --- Dave --- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 06:50:59 EDT From: Subject: Re: [N64] control In a message dated 10/22/99 1:24:59 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: > What exactly do you mean by "harder"? Longer to beat? More puzzles? Harder > puzzles? Takes more physical coordination to beat? > The games haven't gotten any easier, you (Stryder) just keep buying the easy games. You want so hard games? Try R-Type Delta, Soul Reaver, or Tony Hawk's Pro Skater. I admit THPS is kinda easy, but that hidden tape on Downhill Jam.... - --- Dave --- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 06:56:04 EDT From: Subject: Re: [N64] PSX vs N64 fights... In a message dated 10/22/99 2:20:06 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: > Isn't MGS considered a must-own for PSXers? Why is it not on the list, while > Zelda is? Good question, maybe everybody who wanted Metal Gear Solid bought it last November. - --- Dave --- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 07:06:32 EDT From: Subject: Re: [N64] PSX vs N64 fights... In a message dated 10/22/99 2:20:06 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: > and "Is MGS a good game?" > Apparently, by the stats, Zelda wins out. > One hundred people decide it's time to put away that old SNES and get a new system. Fifty people buy a Nintendo 64 and the other fifty buy a PlayStation. Each person decides on two games. Out of the N64 ppl everybody buys a copy of Zelda. Then 20 ppl get Goldeneye, 10 ppl get BAR, 15 ppl decide on SW Racer, and 5 go for Pokemon Snap. Big names and they heard those are good games. Now the 50 ppl who get PlayStations, their tastes vary like the seasons. Each person decides on two games also. Person #1 get FF8 & MGS, 2 gets R-Type Delta & Need For Speed 4, 3 gets Umjammer Lammy & Madden 2000, 5 gets Tekken 3 & Soul Blade, 6 gets NHL '99 & Tomb Raider 3, 7 gets Tony Hawk & Parasite Eve, 8 gets Street Fighter Alpha 3 & Resident Evil 2, 9 gets Namco Museum 1 & Arcade's Greatest Hits: Atari2, 10 gets Gran Turismo & Xenogears, 11 gets NFL Blitz 2000 & Lunar Complete, 12 gets Guardian's Crusade & Pac Man World. Anybody see where this is going? - --- Dave --- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ End of n64-digest V1 #946 ************************* [ To quit the n64-digest mailing list (big mistake), send the message ] [ "unsubscribe n64-digest" (without the quotes) to ]