From: "Jonathon Montgomery" Subject: [nuts-list] NUTS Meeting August 13 **REMINDER** Date: 13 Aug 2002 08:52:33 -0600 Please join us at the upcoming NUTS (Novell Users Technical Symposium) Meeting Derek Dobson, Novell Product Manager of Cross Platform Services will give a technical presentation on Nakoma, the next version of NetWare and where it is going. Derek will also give a demo on a new utility that Novell is working on called Server Consolidation. Meeting: Tuesday, Aug. 13th, 2002 5:30 PM - Networking 6:00 PM - Meeting Starts Location: Novell Salt Lake Gateway Tower West 15 West South Temple 5th floor Parking is at Crossroads Plaza. Pizza and Drinks will be served To help us with food count, please RSVP to: Sandy Osburn or Warren Black nuts... " a not-for-profit organization that brings together users of NOVELL NetWare and related products for the exchange of technical expertise, information, and ideas..." "Connecting People through Networks that Work" Visit our new web site: NUTS on the WWW: For information or assistance send e-mail to: (c) 2001 NetWare Users Technical Symposium (NUTS). All rights reserved.