From: (orb-digest) To: Subject: orb-digest V2 #139 Reply-To: orb-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk X-No-Archive: yes orb-digest Monday, November 23 1998 Volume 02 : Number 139 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 19 Nov 98 22:50:27 EST From: "Brian " Subject: (orb) U.F.OFF-Video Comp? Hi... Got this off "U.F.Off Video Compilation: Little Fluffy Clouds / Perpetual Dawn / Assassin / Blue Room / Oxbow Lakes / Toxygene / DJ Asylum" Does anyone know where to locate this? Thanks, Brian # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info orb" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 19 Nov 1998 22:47:15 -0500 From: chicken Subject: (orb) phantom menace hey was that the orb i heard in the trailer for star wars episode 1: the phantom menace just kidding...i just had to tie this in to the orb somehow (wishful soundtrack thinking) maybe the orb could remix john williams this trailer rocks can't wait for the movie chicken # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info orb" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 20 Nov 1998 11:18:08 +0000 (GMT) From: Ed Blackshaw Subject: Re: (orb) U.F.OFF-Video Comp? DQpPbiBUaHUsIDE5IE5vdiA5OCAyMjo1MDoyNyBFU1QgQnJpYW4gIDxicmlh bkBtYWlsLkVSQVNVUkUuTkVUPiB3cm90ZToNCg0KPiANCj4gSGkuLi4NCj4g DQo+IEdvdCB0aGlzIG9mZiB0aGVvcmIuY29tLQ0KPiANCj4gIlUuRi5PZmYg VmlkZW8gQ29tcGlsYXRpb246IA0KPiBMaXR0bGUgRmx1ZmZ5IENsb3VkcyAv IFBlcnBldHVhbCBEYXduIC8gQXNzYXNzaW4gLyBCbHVlIFJvb20gLyBPeGJv dyANCj4gTGFrZXMgLyBUb3h5Z2VuZSAvIERKIEFzeWx1bSINCj4gDQo+IERv ZXMgYW55b25lIGtub3cgd2hlcmUgdG8gbG9jYXRlIHRoaXM/DQo+IA0KPiBU aGFua3MsDQo+IEJyaWFuDQoNCkkgcGlja2VkIHVwIGEgY29weSBpbiB0aGUg bG9jYWwgVmlyZ2luIE1lZ2FzdG9yZSBpbiBCcmlzdG9sLCBhZnRlciANCmh1 bnRpbmcgdGhyb3VnaCBhbGwgdGhlIHNtYWxsZXIgcmVjb3JkIHNob3BzLiBJ J20gcHJldHR5IHN1cmUgdGhlcmUgYXJlIA0Kc3RpbGwgcGxlbnR5IG9mIGNv cGllcyBvdXQgdGhlcmUuLi4NCg0KICAtLaS6sGCwuqT4LLi4LPikurBgsLqk +Cy4uCz4pLqwYLC6pPgsuLgs+KS6sGCwuqT4LLi4LPikurBgsLqkLS0NCiAg ICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgRWQgQmxhY2tzaGF3LCBTY2hvb2wgb2YgQ2hlbWlz dHJ5DQogICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgIE9yZ2FuaWMgU2VjdGlv bg0KICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICBVbml2ZXJzaXR5IG9mIEJyaXN0 b2wNCiAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgIFRlbC4gKGludGVybmFsKSBleHQu IDQyNTINCiAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgRWQuQmxhY2tzaGF3QGJyaXN0 b2wuYWMudWsNCg0KICAgICAgICAgICAgaHR0cDovL3d3dy5mcmVleWVsbG93 LmNvbS9tZW1iZXJzMi9lZHNwYWdlLw0KICAtLaS6sGCwuqT4LLi4LPikurBg sLqk+Cy4uCz4pLqwYLC6pPgsuLgs+KS6sGCwuqT4LLi4LPikurBgsLqkLS0N Cg== # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info orb" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 20 Nov 1998 15:07:01 EST From: Subject: (orb) party time tomorrow is my birthday. I plan on playing lots of Orb records all day long. Any and Everybody on this list is invited......i live in boca raton , south me for directions.....we are getting a keg of guinness , and playing all sorts of instruments to celebrate. Bring your guitars , drums , keyboards , and aliens. We will record everything. Email me for directions. (-; orb B in U orb B out U # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info orb" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 20 Nov 1998 22:35:36 EST From: Subject: (orb) We want you! to find the cat who recorded LX spinning at a MBM/Loop Guru concert In an unrelated email to RJ >now about orb shows, my car broke down on my way to the Tsunami beach >club show---* >BUT i do have information for you about an alex patterson dj set >He spun in between the sets of Meat beat manifesto and Loop Guru at Embassy >we talked to two of the cats after the show (members of Loop Guru) and they >said that he was touring with them all summer. It was September 1996 forgot >the date but i'm sure if you find a listing of loop guru / MBM tour dates for the >us he should be mentioned in the linear notes or something-- as far as live >recordings i don't have any for florida shows-- but i really wish i would of talked >to the kid who recorded the LX set he was the only person with an orb shirt >(long sleeve- Orbvs lettering) on and was packing one of those mini cassette >recorders and was a definite fan---> i'm going to post this part of the message >to the orb list in attempts to see if anyone else out there caught this or one of >the other shows on the tour----> MBM fans this is your time to shine :) If you or anyone you know has information leading to the discovery of the individual that did record his set please email me or the list as i would LOVE to talk to you about getting a copy of your recording no matter how short. little fluffy dreams, Q # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info orb" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 20 Nov 1998 20:30:08 -0800 From: Craig Benzan Subject: (orb) Rick Wright @ Albert Hall? With regards to Rick Wright playing with the Orb at Albert Hall, mentioned in the SF Chronicle interview, can anyone back this up? Smiley? No one mentioned it in their reviews on the list but thinking back...could it have been? Could it have been...? Craig # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info orb" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 21 Nov 1998 01:01:22 EST From: Subject: (orb) Orblivion screensaver while looking for a new screensaver (the dancing craig kilborn Daily show one i downloaded last week was not accetable to my girlfriend ;) ) i found this screensaver. As i never got the one offered by to work right here is a really cool screensaver based on the orblivion cover. the geometric lines (scattered throughout the linear notes) grow and collapse while the connect the dot cube (found in the orb msplus theme also available for download on, --used as the icon for empty recycle bin) revolves on an axis-- A nice mix of 2d and 3d animation. There is also a Ministry of Sound one on the same page that is advertised to have spin mix playing in the background. But i haven't downloaded it to see if it does. here is the addy: Let me know if this is the same one that i couldn't get to work or if it is different- talk about the orb following you around- Q Zazen Q's Zen Lab & temple for the musically insane. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info orb" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 21 Nov 1998 13:40:03 +0100 From: muzelic7 Subject: Re: (orb) Orblivion screensaver Heyia -- sounds the same very neat screensaver that i downloaded ages ago (heh) definetely the way coolest screensaver i ever saw. but does it have an annoying sample from the monolog in S.A.L.T? Mine does and i can't turn it off, why i had to find another screensaver and that sux. I mean this is the best one out there and then the sound option doesnt work. First few times i left the puter on with enough volume to spook the living shit out of everyone nearby with those S.A.L.T words! Buhuu! *FLOFF* skrev: > orblivion cover. the geometric lines (scattered throughout the linear notes) > grow and collapse while the connect the dot cube revolves on an axis-- A nice mix of 2d and 3d animation. > here is the addy: > Let me know if this is the same one that i couldn't get to work or if it is > different- > > talk about the orb following you around- > Q Zazen > # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info orb" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 21 Nov 1998 18:36:18 +0100 From: DERRIEN Jice Subject: (orb) Anaesthesia Dirty Kiss I received today a copy of a new promo by Blue Room Records. It's a "More Signs of Life sampler" on vinyl. A real white label, with nothing on the sleeve or in the record itself. It plays on 45 (I suppose, you never know...) and the tracklisting is this : * X dream : Piece : A nice techno track * Anaesthesia : Dirty Kiss (Hiss ?) - Orb remix. the 14 minutes long version, not the edited one on the compilation. A voice of a child, a good rhythm, very good stuff. Don't know about the availability of this vinyl. But it's new, so you might have a chance to pick up a copy someday. Good luck. JCFromParis # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info orb" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 21 Nov 98 23:43:49 -0500 From: Jeff Birgbauer Subject: (orb) My Pending Orb Auction? Well i thought i'd see how many people were interested in these items. I'll probably auction them off is i get enough responses to be fair to everyone. I've already received one bid on the Aubrey sessions disc. feel free to place a serious bid on items not marked yet to start things off. if i get enought response i will start this auction Sunday November 22 and keep details of the progress on my website, it will end a week later - ---- I've got these all NEW and NEVER played unless other wise noted: Aubrey sessions CD - Current bid $30 Little fluffy clouds CDS - very slight scratch plays fine Huge and evergrowing brain CDS Huge and evergrowing brain CDS (used,pretty scratched up but it plays fine as i recall) Huge and evergrowing brain remix CDS Blue Room UK digipack thingy 2xCDS (Used, excellent cond) Min $15 UFOrb 2xCD US Min Bid $15 Adventures (orignal import in unique sleeve) Min Bid $15 Assassin 2xcd (UK) with sticker in cardboard cd single sleeve Min $20 set sale whatever avg. going price is for the US version pomme fritz (UK) $15? Live 93 2CD (UK) $16 Live 93 4LP (UK) $25 Thanks, Jeff # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info orb" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 22 Nov 1998 03:07:12 EST From: Subject: (orb) (put me in the) asylum i think i allready posted this ,. but anway.....i have both asylum cds....neato box they come in...I will defenitely trade for r4ecord(s) , or sell them..............lemmee know. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info orb" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 22 Nov 98 19:27:38 -0500 From: Jeff Birgbauer Subject: (orb) My Orb Auction (official) Well i've had a number of request to many items. So i've decide to make my auction offical. I will try to update the list 3 times a day. The Auction has started. It ends Monday Nov. 30th 6.00 PM EST If you don't have web access I can mail you the current bids. Thanks! Jeff # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info orb" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 22 Nov 1998 20:24:06 -0500 From: (Rich J Bide) Subject: (orb) Top Ten Results Sorry, gang. I got swamped with work this week, and there's no way I'm going to complete the Top Ten compilation. I've made a start, and I should have it posted by the end of the week. With 14% of the vote counted: 1. KLF 2. Spiritualized 3. Prodigy 4. System 7 5. Global Communication Kraftwerk 7. Art of Noise 8. Aphex Twin Pink Floyd 10.Future Sound of London Stay tuned. Thanks, Rich CDs for sale or trade - new CDs added every Sunday: ___________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info orb" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 22 Nov 1998 18:28:31 -0800 From: Subject: (orb) new to the orb list Hi all! Well, I guess I'm supposed to introduce myself, so here it goes... my name is Serena, I love anime, skating and music. My two favorite types of music are punk and techno but I like a bit of everything. I love the Orb. I own Live93 and Orblivion (which are awesome!) ..and hoping to add Adventures Beyond the Ultraworld to my collection (is that any good?)... Im also on the Orbital mailing list... thats about it! - # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info orb" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 23 Nov 1998 02:50:09 -0800 (PST) From: Robert Jan Bijleveld Subject: Re: (orb) new to the orb list - wrote: > > > Hi all! > Well, I guess I'm supposed to introduce myself, so here it > goes... my name is Serena, I love anime, skating and music. My two > favorite types of music are punk and techno but I like a bit of > everything. I love the Orb. I own Live93 and Orblivion (which are > awesome!) ..and hoping to add Adventures Beyond the Ultraworld to my > collection Welcome to the list Serena. Hope you enjoy. You should defintely add Adventures to your collection, still one of the best albums. RJ _________________________________________________________ DO YOU YAHOO!? Get your free address at # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info orb" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ End of orb-digest V2 #139 *************************