From: (Smiley) Subject: ORBULLETIN: Alex, Fehlmann & Fripp again Date: 17 Feb 1999 10:40:04 GMT # This is an Orb announcement from the ORBULLETINS mailing list. ORBULLETINS # help is available by emailing "info orbulletins" to # We're now on the web at Forwarded message follows: Hi Orbies, After a very long absence I'm finaly back on the Orb list! Yesterday a did an interview with Thomas Fehlmann (The Orb's third member) and one with Sun Electric. Thomas Fehlmann came up with some spicey details about The Orb (some things about Kris Weston aka Trash I didn't know) and some things about the new stuff that should arrive within two months, according to Fehlmann. There are three working titles at the moment, Cydonia is one of them. But the title depends completely of the artwork Alex will come up with. There is one track with Robert Fripp on it. And at the moment Alex, Thomas and Fripp are working om a new album. In march they go into the studio with each other to finish it. Probably it will be releases on Fripp's label. Just like Alex, Fehlmann finds the FFWD album the best thing The Orb has ever done. I asked why it took them so long to finish the new Orb album and he answered that an good album is just like good wine. It need some time to gets better. And during this proces they constant add and take away things. He also talked about Alex and told me that Alex is the one that's gets the best out of every person involved. He told me when Andy and Thomas made any track, it isn't an Orb track before Alex gets his hands on it. No matter how beautiful the track is, it isn't an Orb track before Alex played with it. This week I'm going to write the articles. When I find any details on the tape you should know about, I let you know. Later Nico ***** i can also add that i spoke to andy yesterday, and he told me that the album was finished - they've been editing/arranging it for the last few weeks. i'm hoping to see andy tomorrow, and hopefully i'll get hold of a tape once it's all been okayed.... l8r. -- Smiley spares list at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Smiley) Subject: ORBULLETIN: new album/change of address... Date: 19 Feb 1999 12:26:22 GMT # This is an Orb announcement from the ORBULLETINS mailing list. ORBULLETINS # help is available by emailing "info orbulletins" to # We're now on the web at afternoon all... went to see andy at the studio last night, and listened to the first edits of the new album. it's EXCELLENT. more details tomorrow, including track names and information, details of the first two singles, scheduled release dates and more.... with my job coming to an end, so is my current isp connection, as of today. however, i'm now connected at home, so my new address is: apologies to those waiting for my rock/pop/indie spares list, and an updated dance list, as i've been TOO busy job-hunting to work on them. they WILL be coming (relatively) soon. l8rs. -- Smiley spares list at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Smiley Subject: ORBULLETIN: details of the new album!!!! Date: 21 Feb 1999 20:35:57 +0100 # This is an Orb announcement from the ORBULLETINS mailing list. ORBULLETINS # help is available by emailing "info orbulletins" to # We're now on the web at greetings promised, here's some info on the new orb album! i went over to see andy on thursday evening, and listened to the 'first edits' for the new album. these are NOT the final mixes and tracklistings, but are pretty much what will turn up on the album. the album is still most likely to be called 'cydonia' but this still has to be confirmed. i listened to these tracks: - Terminus - Jam On Yer Honey - Once More - Ralf - Promis - Bicyles & Tricycles - Turn It Down - Yungle - Ghostdancing - A Mile Long Lump of Lard - Freely Wheely two tracks have to be dropped to get it down to a single album. one will be 'bicyles and tricycles' (co-written by Vince, who is Lewis Keough's cousin), and the other is down to 'jam on yer honey' and 'freely wheely'. 'freely wheely' will probably STAY on the album, as it's one of lx's favourite tracks. the dropped tracks will turn up as b-sides on singles. the first single will be 'once more'. it features vocals from a japanese singer called Aki. she used to be in a band called Freaky Realistic that some uk-based listers may remember. anyway, it's a BRILLIANT track. the record company radio pluggers are going mad for it, and i can see it going top five EASILY. andy thought i would hate it, but i didn't. it's great. PLUS - andy is going into the studio with JIMMI CAUTY to do another mix of it on tuesday.... the second single will be 'ghostdancing' and features vocals from Nina Walsh of Sabrettes fame. the mix i heard was not as immediate as is 'once more' but it would be edited differently for a single release. it's an ethereal sounding track, and nina sounds surprisingly like bj=F6rk in places= =2E my personal favourite (on first listen) was 'yungle' - as in jungle. this is a collaboration with John 'Witchman' Roome, although the version i heard is apparently a LONG way from how it started. anyway, it's completely mental and all over the place, and i LOVED it. '...lard' is the track that andy and fil played me back in summer 1997, and is also the new track that they played at the albert hall gig last october... aplogies for the lack of info, but i wasn't allowed to take any recordings away with me (i did try!), so this is all from what's in my head...i hope to get a tape of the finished album once it's been okayed by all and sundry. scheduled release dates in the uk are may 24th for 'once more', with the album to follow a week later. i wouldn't be surprised if these change numerous times between now and then, but i'll let you know of any changes as soon as i find out... l8rs... --- Smiley spares list: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Smiley Subject: ORBULLETIN: DJ dates for LX Date: 22 Feb 1999 23:44:13 +0100 # This is an Orb announcement from the ORBULLETINS mailing list. ORBULLETINS # help is available by emailing "info orbulletins" to # We're now on the web at FEBRUARY 99 Fri 26 333 Club, Old Street Sat 27 The Cavern Club, Exeter MARCH 99 Sat 13 Return To The Source, The Rocket, N1 Fri 19 with Thomas Fehlmann Berlin 'Can's 30th Birthday celebrations Wed 31 Dubweiser, Nottinghill Arts Club, W11 --- Smiley spares list: