From: "Donald K Gooden" Subject: GH/PC: Carly/Jason/Robin Date: 01 Jan 1998 17:13:19 -0500 Most of you will probably disagree with this, but oh well. I wish that Robin were out of the picture. I know that you all have have high hopes for Jason and robin. However I think that Carly and Jason have a kind of chemistry that Robin and Jason don't have. I not saying that they don't have any chemistry together, it is just that there relationship is just so sappy. I really loved Robin and Stone, but Jason and Robin hold no appeal for me. I hoping that the writers will eventually put Jason and Carly in a romantic relationship. I mean Kimberly McCoulough took a semester of from school to do GH, but she will have to go back eventually. She can't just keep taking semesters off to give Robin's relationship with Jason a little boost. The writers at GH would make a very good investment if they kept the ties between Jason and carly very strong. I almost wish that Jason, Carly, and baby could be one big happy family. Jamila - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Donald K Gooden" Subject: Re: GH/PC: GH: Thoughts on Tony/AJ/Jason Date: 01 Jan 1998 17:16:48 -0500 Mary Lu wrote, >spoiler space >; >; >; >; >; >; >; >; >; >; >; >; >; >; >; >; >; >; >; >; >; > >Ok, I'm probably going to write something that most people won't agree with >(since I seem to detect A LOT of pro Carly/AJ talk... Pro AJ /Carly?? Do you mean Pro Carly/Jason? I used to be a Pro AJ/Carly but that was awhile ago. >AJ... Unless they are going to pull a fast one on us, AJ is definitely the >father of that baby. Jason... I love his scenes with Carly. No doubt about it, the scenes are >terrific. It would be more interesting to me, in a way, if he were the >father, but he isn't and knows it. Mary Lu, It is interesting that you should mention that. It is funny, but for the past few days I for some reason have been believing that Jason could actually be the father. I mean I know that he isn't. It is just that this charade is being played so well that one can almost believe. When I saw that promo commercial for the show when AJ tells Jason that now that Tony is out of the running it was just them two left I actually caught myself thinking "Please let it be Jason, Please let Jason be the Father" Then I remembered that that was impossible. I also want to say something against AJ. It is the same thing that I said against Tony. When AJ found the Carly almost died there was no reaction from him. He actually kept on talking about how conniving she is. I am not saying she isn't conniving, but AJ did have good feelings for her. At one point he generally cared for her. Even if you get really angry with someone you still feel something for them if they are practically on their deathbed. I also liked Luke's reaction to carly and the whole situation. He does genuinely care about her. I think that it will be very good when the truth about Carly's parentage comes out. After Bobbie sorts out whatever she might feel, The Three Spencers Carly/Luke/Bobbie will be a force to be reckoned with. I can actually see Uncle Luke going to bat for Caroline if any tried to take his grandnephew away from the family. If that is the way it plays out that would be so fun to watch. A Spencers united storyline would be very interesting to watch. Jamila - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Donald K Gooden" Subject: GH/PC: Rumors Date: 01 Jan 1998 18:50:00 -0500 I was at the GH hotline, and I found this. I thought it was kind of cute so I thought I would share. Which of the following do you think are most plausible, and which do you think could never happen in a million years. Jamila Rumors ... Rumors This floor is slowly becoming almost as popular as the scoops, and it's easy to see why. The items here are great. But please keep in mind that all of the items on this page are just rumors. They have appeared in chat rooms and on message boards, as posted by the fans. None of this has appeared in any magazines, and as of this writing there is no "engraved in stone" confirmation for any of them. Many of them are quite plausible while others might make your nose crinkle a bit as you giggle. Believe or disbelieve them, at your own discretion ... >Carly's next ploy for sympathy (when she returns in Feb) will be to fake blindness. >Jerry Jax will soon be in town, and will promptly fall in love with Brenda. >Stefan will fly in some employees of ELQ Jakarta to stage an embarrasing stike at ELQ headquarters. >AJ decides to find Carly- and stalks her movements in Cyberspace -- following the trail of mysterious e-mails she is sending to someone unknown ... he finds her working in a Pretzel factory >Jagger returns to PC to reclaim Brenda.......this reignites the Jagger/Brenda/Karen triangle and leaves Jax out in the cold. >Carly's baby is born with a heart condition which is exactly the same as the one AJ was born with. >Brenda watches the TV Movie Lucy and Desi and has another breakdown when she believes that "Desi" is actually Sonny. >Luke has been away from Laura so long, that when he cracks and nearly has an affair with Alexis, he discovers that he has become impotent and has to undergo hormone therapy to restore his virility. >Alexis will join Luke and will play both ends against the middle in a bid to save her life. Helena believes Alexis is doing her dirty work, but all the while Alexis is reporting to Luke. >Carly is in big trouble and who is there but Bobbie ... who hears Carly whisper, "I am Caroline." >Bobbie and Tony get back together. >Brenda reads an item in the Port Charles Herald which says that Sonny married a casino showgirl, and she completely freaks out. She will be committed to the psych unit and Jax will not be allowed to see her, since the doctors will blame him completely for her losing it. >Lila will suffer a major health crisis. >Ned receives a letter from Lois telling him that she is going to get remarried, and the guy's real name is Eddie Maine. >Jason hits his head and thinks he is a rock star. He hits the road with Eddie Maine, leaving the entire empire to Carly. >Stefan gets poked in the eye and has to wear a black patch. >Katherine will get pregnant with Stefan's child, and Helena will tell Katherine that if she does not get an abortion then Helena will kill the child the moment it is born. She wants to make sure that Nikolas is the heir apparent. >Helena sets her sights on Edward Q. >Carly was molested as a child, and that is why her adoptive parents divorced. >Carly will name the baby Morgan Morgan. >Ned and Lois are forming a new business in Russia. >Luke will be determined to be Nicholas' father, Stefan will be in shock, Helena will be at her wits end and Alexis will take over the family. >Sarah and Lizzie's mother will return to Port Charles and accuse Audrey of letting the girls run wild. >General Hospital will enter into the New Year with peace on earth ... for 24 hours. >Alexis and Luke will plot to take over the Cassadine fortune. >Alexis will steal Stefan's computer. >Stefan will throw his affair with Laura up in Luke's face. Luke is so devastated that he has an affair with Alexis, who conceives his child. >Luke will ask Jason to get out of the bar business. >Lucky will not accept the fact that Nicholas is his brother. >Alexis will prove her wits will be her best asset as she goes head to head with the other Cassadines. >Sonny will return and try to take back the business from Jason, who tells Sonny that he's not giving up the empire and he will kill Sonny first. >Jason will have fun being a father after Carly leaves. He will change diapers will the best of them. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Mary Lu" Subject: Re: GH/PC: GH: Thoughts on Tony/AJ/Jason Date: 01 Jan 1998 19:32:03 -0500 :>Ok, I'm probably going to write something that most people won't agree with :>(since I seem to detect A LOT of pro Carly/AJ talk... : :Pro AJ /Carly?? Do you mean Pro Carly/Jason? I used to be a Pro AJ/Carly but :that was awhile ago. Jamilla, Mea culpa, on this one! You caught me! Is my face red! Mary Lu - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Mary Lu" Subject: Re: GH/PC: Carly/Jason/Robin Date: 01 Jan 1998 19:49:56 -0500 > From: Donald K Gooden > To: > Subject: GH/PC: Carly/Jason/Robin > Date: Thursday, January 01, 1998 5:13 PM > > Most of you will probably disagree with this, but oh well. I wish that Robin > were out of the picture. I know that you all have have high hopes for Jason > and robin. However I think that Carly and Jason have a kind of chemistry > that Robin and Jason don't have. I not saying that they don't have any > chemistry together, it is just that there relationship is just so sappy. I sort of agree with you on this one, although in a different way. I don't want Robin to be in this picture MUCH, except to use it as a springboard to bring Kimberly McCullough's talents to the surface in a story line that could take her to the very depths of her search for who she is. Take the sappiness away from her character. She doesn't have to turn into a deviant to have a meaty story, but they do have to give Robin many more dimensions than she has. Some of her best work was when she was angry at her Uncle Mac and doing things that were uncharacteristic of her, such as when she "borrowed" his car to go someplace she was forbidden to go. Let her do a lot more things like that. After all, this is that exact age in a person's life when that is most likely to happen. I won't say she needs to grow up because she has faced all sorts of terrible things already, but she needs to become her own person in her own right, not someone's daughter or niece or even someone's boyfriend. When Robin comes back, she will of course have to address the issue of Carly/Jason, use it and deal with it. Not having seen Robin and Nik together, I could think that there might possibly be a story line here... a Scorpio thrown into the Cassadine/Spencer feud, and, making Stefan even more upset, a Scorpio that is "damaged goods" in Stefan's eyes, unable to produce an heir, the only thing Stefan really, really wants from Nikolas! I cut my GH teeth on Robin, so I would like to see her back, but NOT with Jason. Robin has too delicious a past to keep having a sappy character line. Mary Lu - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Mary Lu" Subject: Re: GH/PC: GH: Thoughts on Tony/AJ/Jason Date: 01 Jan 1998 19:59:07 -0500 ---------- > From: Donald K Gooden > To: > Subject: Re: GH/PC: GH: Thoughts on Tony/AJ/Jason > Date: Thursday, January 01, 1998 5:16 PM > >When AJ found the Carly almost died > there was no reaction from him. He actually kept on talking about how > conniving she is. I am not saying she isn't conniving, but AJ did have good > feelings for her. At one point he generally cared for her. Even if you get > really angry with someone you still feel something for them if they are > practically on their deathbed. I agree with you totally on this one. I still think that AJ could have feelings for Carly, though. I just don't want a tiny baby to be raised in such a dangerous atmosphere. I guess, though, that being a Quartermaine AND a Spencer, that is impossible to happen. Can we say "dysfunctional"? Since there really is no clear right/wrong with all of this, and no one is innocent as far as any of the parties go (but the baby), this DOES make good story-telling because it could all go in any direction from here. Seeing Jason as a father would definitely add dimension to HIS character. I already sympathize with Carly as the mother, even though I don't like how she managed the whole thing, but she firmly believes the ends justifies the means no matter how right or wrong she is. I can't wait until Alan realizes that AJ is the father of that precious bundle of joy he calls his grandson, and NOT the goldenboy son, Jason. Can you unbond from a grandson? I don't think so.... And, so far, everyone seems to have bonded to the boy but AJ, who hasn't seen him, yet, but still knows that he is either the father or the uncle to him! Mary Lu - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: AnneBPT Subject: Re: GH/PC: Scott/Eve/Chris Date: 01 Jan 1998 21:35:07 EST In a message dated 97-12-30 13:34:06 EST, writes: << >Lucy and Doc just don't belong with these people in my >opinion and I wish they would go back to GH with Scotty visiting the show >often. I miss Mac and Kevin. I'm with Taiyin on this: >> I'd rather have them on almost every day, with great dialogue and snappy raprte, but seperated from much of their old context, than back on GH, showing up once or twice a week as window dressing for the ongoing Spencer/Cassasinde, soon-to-include Quartermaine/Morgan war.<< This is much much better, I think. Kevin is on nearly every day. It's like a wonderful present to me after suffering his absence on GH. As for Mac, I would love if they just took him from GH and had him mainly on PC. Look what they are making him do now on GH, why not have him over to PC-- but Felicia can stay on GH thank you very much:-). Anne - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: AnneBPT Subject: Re: GH/PC: Scott/Eve/Chris Date: 01 Jan 1998 21:35:07 EST In a message dated 97-12-30 13:34:06 EST, writes: << >Lucy and Doc just don't belong with these people in my >opinion and I wish they would go back to GH with Scotty visiting the show >often. I miss Mac and Kevin. I'm with Taiyin on this: >> I'd rather have them on almost every day, with great dialogue and snappy raprte, but seperated from much of their old context, than back on GH, showing up once or twice a week as window dressing for the ongoing Spencer/Cassasinde, soon-to-include Quartermaine/Morgan war.<< This is much much better, I think. Kevin is on nearly every day. It's like a wonderful present to me after suffering his absence on GH. As for Mac, I would love if they just took him from GH and had him mainly on PC. Look what they are making him do now on GH, why not have him over to PC-- but Felicia can stay on GH thank you very much:-). Anne - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: AnneBPT Subject: GH/PC: GH or PC? Date: 01 Jan 1998 21:36:17 EST This question was posed on my other PC list and I wondered what everyone thinks on here. Which show is better right now-- GH or PC? Which do you prefer and why? Here's what I wrote comparing the two shows: I think PC is a LOT better than GH. This summer and fall it wasn't even worth considering--- PC was so far superior. Now GH is getting better, though I am not a member of the "Guza is God Club." GH is better now than it was before Guza returned, I'll give him that. But the show was so bad it wasn't hard to improve it some. BTW I'm finding right now it's not really the Brenda show totally, but the "Brenda, Carly, and Jason Show" You throw in a little Stefan and an almost evil Luke, and you have GH. Jason was interesting at first with his brain damage, but now he's too blank and one note. I hate all this "Jason doesn't lie" stuff because there is such a thing as a lie of omission. Carly despite her evil deeds, I tend to like, though she has been so over exposed I'm getting sick of her. Brenda and the insanity thing-- well I've had enough already. I am not thrilled with the vilification of Sonny and the all the anti Sonny propaganda we have to listen to spewing from Jax's mouth all the time. This leads me to something that worries me about Guza. He never has been good at telling a balanced tale. He shows his favorites every scene, every day for weeks and weeks. Then he'll give Monica (or Kevin and Lucy when they were on) a good day or two, as if a storyline is starting-- then you don't see them for three weeks again. He did this most notably with Jax, when he first came on. It made me crazy to see Jax daily and K&L maybe twice a month. It seems the Q's are getting the short end of it this time. I am interested though in a few storylines and I couldn't say that two months ago. I want to see what happens with the baby mainly. Who will end up with it? When will Bobbie find out about Carly? PC has better characters right now-- all around better and more fleshed out characters. In fact I like almost everyone on PC-- Julie is sometimes annoying, but other than that I'm happy. They have taken the time to let us get to know these characters. GH doesn't seem to be going all that deep into their characters lately. Guza has said himself, he wants things "larger than life." To me that does not bode well for a character driven storyline. I don't feel I know a lot of the GH characters as well as I did when the Labines were writing. PC has some romance(Kevin and Lucy, Karen and Joe, Frank and Julie) and some good potential romances(Matt and Ellen--or Grace, Eve and Scott-- or Chris). How about the Scott-Eve-Chris triangle potential? I mean this can be very very good. Like someone (Taiyin I think) said, this is one where it is hard to choose. I have waffled from one camp to the other on this, where I'm usually firmly on one side or the other. I like Eve with both of them. She has different relationships with each of them. GH right now is a wasteland in the romance department. I don't see any spark with Stefan and Kath, and they are probably the most "together" couple on GH right now. I did like the idea of Ned-Alexis, but that's shelved for now. What else is even on the horizion? Jax-Brenda redux? After she's all but admitted she never really loved him the first time. Maybe Jason-Robin? They left me cold this last time together in Paris, but I suppose it might be interesting to see what will happen with Carly thrown in the middle of their relationship. I'm sorry, but for me Nik-Sarah just doesn't light any fires LOL. Remember to that Guza's idea of grand romance was Tom and Felicia on the roof. And of course the never to be forgotten "honey" scene. I don't think he really gets romance. I like the friendship aspects of PC too. Karen and Julie, or Kevin and Elllen, Scott and Lucy, or Frank and Joe as brothers. All of the interns share a camaraderie that I really enjoy. A lot of time they honestly seem like REAL people, there is some fun, some teasing, some realistic dialogue. I like shows like Thanksgiving, or parties where they all get together. They do this kind of thing really well right now. GH ignores friendships pretty much these day-- other than Jax mooning after Brenda. I miss the kind of thing they had going with Brenda-Lois for instance. Or Kevin -Mac, Lucky-Emily even, Lucy-Luke, Tony-Alan, Laura-Mary Mae, on and on. Remember when all the guys would hang out in the Outback bar and talk about women(mainly Lucy)? How about Sonny-Luke, or Stone-Sonny, or for that matter Stone :-Luke -Mike -Kevin -Brenda -Ned -Lois. We have next to nothing in that vein on GH, but they are working on it with PC. Yeah I'd probably go along with you all and vote for a pretty quick end to the Rex thing. I don't find it as bad as everyone else I guess. I think it was a good idea to kick the show off, and probably Februar sweeps will see the end of it. We shall see Kevin and Lucy are having a little fun sneaking around. I like that of course:-). A lot of people seem annoying that Rex is on to them, but I am confident that in the end he won't be the winner. Maybe he doesn't have everything as well figured out as he thinks he does. See there's a difference between the shows for me right there-- I have a legitimate hope that the PC writers will think up something that might surprise me. I haven't regained that hope on GH yet. I like PC as a half hour show. I like the pace, I think things do move along just fine. I think some things others don't like maybe I do. I like a slow buiId for certain things. They have taken time with relationships so it makes you anxious for say Scott to kiss Eve, or something to happen with Matt and Ellen. I don't think there are any plans to lengthen the show. They wanted a half hour soap to sell overseas, where I guess half hour soaps are in demand. I do wish more affiliates would pick it up-- that's one big problem with the ratings. Anyhow to sum up this extremely long post: I'm starting to enjoy GH more, but I find it no contest that PC is the better soap right now-- FOR ME. JMHO, Anne(BTW I like AMC better than GH right now too) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: AnneBPT Subject: Re: GH/PC: Tony and Bobbie Date: 01 Jan 1998 21:35:25 EST In a message dated 97-12-30 19:01:16 EST, you write: << God I hate Tony!!! The presumptuousness of that man. He accepts the fact that Carly has had an affair. He logically knows that the time he thinks Carly and Jason slept together could have resulted in her pregnancy. However he calls the baby his son. That man is in denial about a few things. Also, today he had no concern for Carly's welfare.>> Well I guess I'm stepping in here to stick up for Tony. I don't understand why he has to be concerned about Carly and her welfare. I don't blame him one bit. Yeah I know he WAS planning to marry her at one time, but given what he has found out about her-- I don't understand why he should be expected to worry about her. Now if her life was hanging in the balance a year from now when things have settled down a bit maybe he'd be more understanding. But from his point of view right now he honestly doesn't care if she lives or dies. People seem so ready to jump on Tony for his attitude towards Carly, but she's done a heck of a lot more to him than he has to her. It wasn't his fault she snooped into his private papers to find out he was suing for custody. She caused that confrontation all on her own. That's just one tiny thing in a long line of lies and deceit. I'm trying to think of one truthful thing she EVER told him in their entire relationship. I'm not sure ther is anything-- I mean the whole thing started with the lie about her being Bobbie's daughter and not telling him. I think he was right about why he had to keep the custody suit secret. Look what's happened since he found out. He's lucky she didn't just skip town. He's calling the baby his since he thought of it as his all along until now. I don't think he wants to even consider that it might be Jason's. His whole relationship and future disappeared in front of his face, he's trying to hold on to what he probably thinks is the one good thing to come out of the mess with Carly. The same can be said for AJ-- look what she did to him, and he is expected o be worried about her welfare? I don't think so, I think that might be considered unrealistic. I have to say though, that I like the character of Carly, always have. I think you have to have someone like that on a show. There's a difference between veiwers I think, some like characters because they are good people, others like them because good or bad they are good characters. Carly is a good character, not necessarily a good person, played to perfection by Sarah Brown. Anne - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: AnneBPT Subject: Re: GH/PC: Carly/Jason/Robin Date: 01 Jan 1998 21:35:59 EST In a message dated 98-01-01 17:23:34 EST, writes: << Most of you will probably disagree with this, but oh well. I wish that Robin were out of the picture. I know that you all have have high hopes for Jason and robin. However I think that Carly and Jason have a kind of chemistry that Robin and Jason don't have. >> The last time Robin and Jason were together they were not all that thrilling. I couldn't see any of what I once liked about them. They never had the appeal of Robin and Stone, but they were okay. I like his relationship with Carly too, most of the time. I'm getting a little bored with Jason in general though. He's been too one note. I can't see him as a major leading man. I'm worried GH is becoming the "Jason, and Carly Show,". or the "J-C and Brenda Show." You throw in a little Stefan and an almost evil Luke, and there is GH. What the heck I like PC better anyhow:-). Anne - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: SCassidine Subject: Re: GH/PC: Carly/Jason/Robin Date: 01 Jan 1998 21:46:01 EST Anne, You bring up a good point about the "Jason and Carly" Show, but however, "Carly" will be on hiatus when Sarah Brown leaves for all of Jan and some of February, so GH just may turn around. Amy - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Donald K Gooden" Subject: GH/PC: Mac/Felicia Date: 01 Jan 1998 22:30:40 -0500 Does any one care to guess about this whole Mac/Felicia/James/Tess thing? I really have no idea what is going on. What is James's and Tess's point any way. A Felicia/Mac storyline could have been so good a few years ago. They were actually enjoyable to watch a few years ago. However, now Felicia and Mac seem so stale. I saw a picture of Kristina and Jack on the cover of Soap Opera digest yesterday. Jack Wagner is definitely someone I would love to have back on the show. I never really saw much of felicia and Frisco. I have only seen whatever they have done in the last few years, and that hasn't been a lot. I remember when felicia was having hallucinations about Frisco appearing in her apartment. That caused her to call Kevin which in turn set off my most favorite Lucy and Kevin fight. Oh yeah this might be interesting to note. I recently found someone that has over 300 GH tapes dating back to 1981. I will post the web address later so that anyone that wants to see the list of tapes that this person has may do so. I presently have misplaced the URL. Oh well I will look it up later. This might be a real find for those of you who are die-hard GH trivia fans. Jamila - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Cagey Subject: Re: GH/PC: Rumors Date: 02 Jan 1998 07:44:55 -0800 (PST) At 06:50 PM 1/1/98 -0500, Jamila wrote: >I was at the GH hotline, and I found this. I thought it was kind of cute so >I thought I would share. Which of the following do you think are most >plausible, and which do you think could never happen in a million years. S P O I L E R S ? I T H I N K N O T ! >>AJ decides to find Carly- and stalks her movements in Cyberspace -- >following the trail of mysterious e-mails she is sending to someone unknown >... he finds her working in a Pretzel factory Actually, she's Alexis' daughter, and she's finally reading all that email that her mom sent her months ago . > >>Jagger returns to PC to reclaim Brenda.......this reignites the >Jagger/Brenda/Karen triangle and leaves Jax out in the cold. Brenda on PC? One desperately hopes not. > >>Carly's baby is born with a heart condition which is exactly the same as >the one AJ was born with. Did AJ have a heart condition when he was born? I remember the ruckus about the birthmark... > >>Brenda watches the TV Movie Lucy and Desi and has another breakdown when >she believes that "Desi" is actually Sonny. ROTFL! >>Jason hits his head and thinks he is a rock star. He hits the road with >Eddie Maine, leaving the entire empire to Carly. Bwahahahaha! >>Helena sets her sights on Edward Q. Lila would run over her. >>Carly will name the baby Morgan Morgan. Hahahahaha! Or John Morgan after her father. Or Bob Morgan after her mother. >>Luke will be determined to be Nicholas' father, Stefan will be in shock, >Helena will be at her wits end and Alexis will take over the family. It's that potent, and long lasting, Spencer sperm. >>Sarah and Lizzie's mother will return to Port Charles and accuse Audrey of >letting the girls run wild. And remove them from Port Charles, right? Please? Pretty please? >>Alexis will steal Stefan's computer. And set fire to the study with it. Thanks Jamila. Those were highly amusing. --kg - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Julie Subject: Fwd: Re: GH/PC: GH or PC? Date: 02 Jan 1998 09:41:44 -0800 [This is from Julie. She's having trouble posting right now, so I'm sending it for her. -- Taiyin] On 01/01/98 21:36:17 anne wrote: > >This question was posed on my other PC list and I wondered what everyone >thinks on here. Which show is better right now-- GH or PC? Which do you >prefer and why? i hope this message goes through, because i'm REALLY missing not being able to post to the list! it's so frustrating not being able to respond to anything! :) anyway, on the off chance this DOES work, i'll throw in my two cents. or at least i'll try, because i'm kind of torn. i'm really liking gh SOOOOO much better now than anytime in recent history, that i'm tempted to say gh is better than pc, even if it's only a case of confusing "most improved" with "best." don't get me wrong, there are still things i DETEST about gh. (can we say sara, or kat and bat, or the whole james/mac/tess/felicia thing (thus far anyway), alan's pill popping, and his attitude towards aj, or ESPECIALLY the anti-sonny venom that's been spewing lately.) however, the things which are good, in my view, are OUTSTANDING. for example: one word--alexis. alexis and luke, alexis and stefan, alexis and helena, alexis and nikolas, hell, even alexis and ned (who?). that woman could be paired with a lamppost and still be emmy-worthy. i'm terribly sad (on a selfish level) that she's having a baby, because right now she is by FAR the most interesting character (to me) on gh, especially in her scenes with luke. speaking of which, he's my number two. the man is amazing. yes, luke-the-character can be more than a tad annoying...but put him in a scene with carly, or alexis, and i'll forgive ANY of his annoyances. i actually find myself hoping laura DOESN'T come back anytime soon (i know, what heresy!), because i find luke MUCH more interesting with almost anyone than with her. (yes, i wasn't watching during l&l's glory days.) >Jason was interesting at first with his brain damage, but now he's too blank >and one note. I hate all this "Jason doesn't lie" stuff because there is such >a thing as a lie of omission. jason's actually been growing on me lately. i still don't get his loyalty to carly, but he's been showing some interesting sides of himself recently. when he went to apologize to brenda, for example. or when he made it clear to luke that his relationship with sonny did NOT automatically translate into a tie to jason. and i really loved his talk with bobbie after he refused to approve carly's hysterectomy--especially in light of the fact that he knows bobbie is carly's mother. i figure by the time robin comes to town (soon? anyone know?) jason will be turned around in so many different directions that his emotionless gaze will HAVE to crack...and that will be interesting to see. in addition, i was thinking the other day as the q's gazed in adoration at the newest addition to the family, and jason just looked at them all like they were animals in a zoo, that this whole baby thing could make for some very interesting scenarios for jason--even though i think the plausability of this charade has been stretched much too thin. i don't believe for a second that jason would have looked at poor confused emily, who was tripping over her words in embarrassment while trying to politely ask if it were remotely possible that he could REALLY be the father of carly's baby, and STILL not come clean about the truth. i wish emily had pushed just a TAD farther, and said something to the effect of "but what about robin?" based on his past relationship with em, i can't believe jason would lie to HER. and i agree, he's lying, even if he isn't saying the words out loud. >Carly despite her evil deeds, I tend to like, >though she has been so over exposed I'm getting sick of her. i agreed completely, until she named jason the baby's father. up to that point i was THOROUGHLY sick of her. how much belly-rubbing can we actually WATCH, after all? but things are starting to get interesting with her (finally!), so i'm finding her much more watchable now. >Brenda and the insanity thing-- well I've had enough already. >I am not thrilled with the vilification of Sonny and the all the >anti Sonny propaganda i agree there. i think vanessa marcil is handling herself beautifully, but i do NOT want to watch J&B, the sequel. and the anti-sonny bit makes me see red. >He did this most notably with Jax, when he first came on. It made me crazy to >see Jax daily and K&L maybe twice a month. It seems the Q's are getting the >short end of it this time. really? i think the q's are going to be QUITE involved, especially with this whole jason and the baby thing. bottom line, i'm actually INTERESTED in gh again, which make me VERY happy! the stuff that i hate, i hate much more than anything i hate about pc... but along the same lines, i don't like anything on pc as much as the things i love on gh. gh inspires greater extremes with me than pc does--possibly because of its longer history--so while i think almost all of pc is very good, i think parts of gh are outstanding, and basically i'd say that i like a show which sometimes reaches outstanding better than a show that is consistently very good. >PC has some romance(Kevin and Lucy, Karen and Joe, Frank and Julie) and some >good potential romances(Matt and Ellen--or Grace, Eve and Scott-- or Chris). i agree, gh has been sorely lacking in that category. (i do NOT count kat/bat or nik/sara!) and karen and joe have more sexual chemistry than any characters i've seen in a long time. but frank and julie, quite frankly, leave me cold. the other day, in front of the fireplace--there was just NO spark whatsoever to make me believe they felt ANYTHING for each other. but the matt/ellen and eve/scott/chris things are definitely capturing my attention as well. so absolutely, pc wins in the romance dept. >A lot of time they honestly seem like REAL people, there is some fun, some >teasing, some realistic dialogue. I like shows like Thanksgiving, or parties >where they all get together. They do this kind of thing really well right >now. i agree i guess, but part of what i like about gh is that they DON'T seem like real people. i don't know anyone like alexis, or luke, or jason, which is part of what makes them fun to watch. i think that's kind of what guza meant when he talked about gh and its characters being larger than life. they're not SUPPOSED to be realistic--they're supposed to be extraordinary. >Yeah I'd probably go along with you all and vote for a pretty quick end to the >Rex thing. I don't find it as bad as everyone else I guess. I think it was >a good idea to kick the show off, and probably Februar sweeps will see the end >of it. We shall see i hope. i can't stand rex. and i find this entire story a little ludicrous. i can't imagine ANY judge giving custody of serena to a complete and total stranger, even if he IS her uncle (not a particularly close relation, incidentally) when they could give custody to her grandparents, or the woman who gave birth to her. so i find the whole subject moot. that, and i just hate rex! :) >A lot of people seem annoying that Rex is on to them, but I am confident that >in the end he won't be the winner. Maybe he doesn't have everything as well >figured out as he thinks he does. > >See there's a difference between the shows for me right there-- I have a >legitimate hope that the PC writers will think up something that might >surprise me. I haven't regained that hope on GH yet. now there i disagree. i don't think for a second rex can win. it's just not possible. so whatever they come up with won't surprise me in the least. however, things like having luke dig up alexis's history (while implausible), and carly passing jason off as the father of her baby (while impossible)... THEY surprised me! tv shows in general have a way of being extremely predictable, but gh has a history of throwing curve balls. like bj's death, or robin being hiv+, both of which caught me completely off-guard. (i didn't think for a SECOND they would actually do the equivalent of sentencing robin, who's been on the show most of her life, to death. but then, i didn't predict alan would come up with a cure for aids! ) >I like PC as a half hour show. I like the pace, I think things do move along >just fine. I think some things others don't like maybe I do. I like a slow >buiId for certain things. They have taken time with relationships so it makes >you anxious for say Scott to kiss Eve, or something to happen with Matt and >Ellen. i like pc's half-hour format, too. to be honest, if it had started out as an hour show i'm not sure i would've watched. i definitely enjoy pc for what it is...but i can't help viewing it as an appetizer, with gh as the main course. >Anyhow to sum up this extremely long post: ditto! :) >I'm starting to enjoy GH more, but >I find it no contest that PC is the better soap right now-- FOR ME. and...NOW...i'd have to say gh, for ME! up until the luke/alexis scene on the docks it would've been either a toss-up, or no contest pc (depending on the day), but since then gh has recaptured my interest, and reminded me why i liked it in the first place. guza's right--gh's characters ARE larger than life--and so are its actors. parts of the pc cast are extremely talented, but i don't think they have ANYONE who can compete on the level of nancy lee grahn, or tony geary, or maurice benard (sob!), or even sarah brown. pc is coming together very nicely--but now that gh is starting to get its act together again, it just has too much history to build on and play with for pc to win, in my book. >JMHO, same here! julie ------End forward message--------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: GH/PC: GH or PC? Date: 02 Jan 1998 10:52:24 -0800 Well, since I'm never lacking for an opinion, I figure I'll jump into this one, too. BTW, I was positively giddy to see how much mail I had to download this morning. Actually, I was already giddy (I bought a new car yesterday -- a convertible!!!... sorry, too happy to stay quiet... if I were someone else who had to deal with me today, I'd smack me just out of sheer disgust.), but seeing all this conversation was fabulous. I think I'm in love with 1998 already. Now, onto the matter at hand... At 09:36 PM 1/1/98 EST, AnneBPT wrote: > >I think PC is a LOT better than GH. This summer and fall it wasn't even worth >considering--- PC was so far superior. Now GH is getting better, though I am >not a member of the "Guza is God Club." I agree on all counts. This summer I gave up watching GH for weeks on end. And I also agree that I don't think Guza is the end all, be all, either. Though, since you can't stand Luke , I suspect that my reasons for liking Guza are probably part of the same reason that you are less fond of him. I LOVE what Guza does with Luke. Love, love, love it. I prefer Luke when he's dangerous -- and since Guza's been back, Luke's been more and more the way I like him. As much as I love Claire Lebine, and as grateful to her as I am for some of my favorite things GH ever did (Kevin and Lucy, Stone/AIDS, Monica's breast cancer, BJ/Maxie, etc.), the one thing I disliked about what she did was that she domesticated Luke way too much. >Jason was interesting at first with his brain damage, but now he's too blank >and one note. I hate all this "Jason doesn't lie" stuff because there is such >a thing as a lie of omission. I'm actually the reverse when it comes to Jason. At the beginning I was wholly uninterested. I liked Jason before, even if he was more than slightly boring, and so his head injury annoyed me. It wasn't until recently that he's become interesting to me at all. Despite the fact that I think Sonny's exodus does more damage to Jason's character (from the audiences POV) than it did even to Sonny's, for the most part I love that Jason makes a lot of sense. He has the habit of boiling things down to their most basic element. Like when he asked AJ if he saw someone bleeding on the street if he'd just h*lp them, or wait to see if everything they'd done in the past few months met with his approval first. So, while I still want AJ to go to battle wtih Carly (in whatever context), I agree with what Jason is saying. THAT is why I like Jason. And yes, Jason's lies are lies of omission, but it's a nice change from Carly "Everytime I open my mouth a lie just pops out" Roberts. >Carly despite her evil deeds, I tend to like, >though she has been so over exposed I'm getting sick of her. Carly is fun to watch most of the time, for me. However, until the day she blurted out to Tony that Jason was the baby's father, not him, I was so sick of her that I'd fast-forward through her whenever she was on. Now, though, she's absolutely amazing. I think I'm just astounded that anybody who can lie as much as she has been, hasn't been busted yet. ;-) >Brenda and the insanity thing-- well I've had enough already. I am so sick of Brenda it defies words. I can't stomach any more of her, period. I REALLY wish Vanessa had just left when Maurice did. Not only could we have had a nice happily-ever-after for S&B (which I would have liked, even though they were digusting me by the end), but then we would have to suffer through more of this. And, despite the fact that Brenda really did give WAY too much of herself to Sonny to ever have a healthy relationship, I find this whole losing her mind over him bit to be more than slightly offensive and misogynistic. And what I REALLY hate is everyone continually painting Brenda and Sonny as having an unhealthy relationship, while painting Brenda and Jax as having a healthy one. Excuse me? Brenda and Sonny never PRETENDED to have a healthy relationship -- that was part of their appeal. You knew they were terrible for each other, that they often brought the worst out in each other, but that they were hopelessly addicted to each other. Brenda and Jax, however, are constantly billed as a "healthier" couple, which is absurd. They are the postchildren for Co-dependents R Us. And watching Jax tie Brenda's shoes on a daily basis is not only a waste of two very good actors, but also a real drain on what could have been an interesting story. And don't even get me STARTED on the disappearence of V. >I am not thrilled with the >vilification of Sonny and the all the anti Sonny propaganda we have to listen >to spewing from Jax's mouth all the time. I hate that part, too. And that's why I LOVED last week when Alan, essentially, told Jax that he was no better than Sonny. Fabulous. And about damn time, too. >This leads me to something that worries me about Guza. He never has been good >at telling a balanced tale. He shows his favorites every scene, every day for >weeks and weeks. Then he'll give Monica (or Kevin and Lucy when they were on) >a good day or two, as if a storyline is starting-- then you don't see them for >three weeks again. Well, my biggest concern with Guza is that he does SUCH an incredible job with the Spencer/Cassadine stuff (and, IMO, he does), that he neglects pretty much everything else to that end. And, so far, it seems that his solution for that problem, instead of getting everyone else their own stories, it to slowly, but surely, ensnare them in the Spencer/Cassidine battle (on one level or another), as well. The bit about ELQ/Jax teaming up to get the Indonesia division back was the perfect example. And now Stefan threatening Jason. I mean, yes, so far he has kept other stories brewing, but I dislike the fact that everything gets boiled down to the most basic Spencer/Cassadine level. >He did this most notably with Jax, when he first came on. It made me crazy to >see Jax daily and K&L maybe twice a month. It seems the Q's are getting the >short end of it this time. The Qs got the short end of the stick last time, too. >I am interested though in a few storylines and I couldn't say that two months >ago. I want to see what happens with the baby mainly. Who will end up with >it? When will Bobbie find out about Carly? Agreed. This Jason twist has made this entire thing more interesting. The only thing, though, is that, IMO, we never EVER got any sign of Carly bonding with the baby. It was always a means to an end -- Tony. So, now her whole, constant "nobody is going to take my baby" thing feels very out of left field. I mean, I would never doubt that a mother loves her baby, but considering the way she has used this baby since the moment she found out about it, it's ringing a little hollow now, that the welfare of the baby is her biggest/only concern. >PC has better characters right now-- all around better and more fleshed out >characters. In fact I like almost everyone on PC-- Julie is sometimes >annoying, but other than that I'm happy. They have taken the time to let us >get to know these characters. I agree. Can't stand Rex, though. Julie wrote: >i agree i guess, but part of what i like about gh is that they DON'T seem like >real people. i don't know anyone like alexis, or luke, or jason, which is >part >of what makes them fun to watch. i think that's kind of what guza meant when >he talked about gh and its characters being larger than life. they're not >SUPPOSED to be realistic--they're supposed to be extraordinary. This I agree with. Now that the characters are sort of expanding in scope, I don't necessarily mind the lack of intimacy as much. I mean, Luke coming out with all of Alexis' past DEFINITELY came out of left field. But the way the whole scene came together was so spectacular that I coule forgive the fact that we never knew that Luke was even looking into that in the first place. It's a trade off, I think. Anne wrote: >PC has some romance(Kevin and Lucy, Karen and Joe, Frank and Julie) and some >good potential romances(Matt and Ellen--or Grace, Eve and Scott-- or Chris). Absolutely. PC kicks GH's but all over upstate New York when it comes to romance potential. They keep shoving Katherin and Stefan down our throats , and that alone is enought o kill my romantic id. Yuck. The only thing worse is Sarah and Nikolas. Double yuck. >How about the Scott-Eve-Chris triangle potential? I mean this can be very >very good. Like someone (Taiyin I think) said, this is one where it is hard >to choose. I have waffled from one camp to the other on this, where I'm >usually firmly on one side or the other. I like Eve with both of them. She >has different relationships with each of them. Exactly. And, aside from my inherent and unconditional preference of Kevin and Lucy over any and every couple in the history of daytime, I must say that Eve is proving to be one of the most compelling things about PC for me. And I am LOVING the Scott/Eve/Chris stuff -- completely and totally. Like I said before, I have NEVER been torn like this when it comes to a love triangle. Never, ever, ever. It's almost infuriating, because I love her with whomeever she's with in any given scene. ;-) >GH right now is a wasteland in the romance department. I don't see any spark >with Stefan and Kath, and they are probably the most "together" couple on GH >right now. I did like the idea of Ned-Alexis, but that's shelved for now. I've developed this involuntary "tick" when it comes to kat and Bat. Everytime Stefan and Katherine are on the screen, before I even realize it, the word "revolting" pops out of my mouth. I can't h*lp it and most of the time I don't even realize it. And then I hit fast-forward again. >What else is even on the horizion? Jax-Brenda redux? After she's all but >admitted she never really loved him the first time. I agree. And they were a big priority for Guza, too. The most blatant disappointment about his return, for me. At least there was a chance at jax and V before Guza came back. >Maybe Jason-Robin? They >left me cold this last time together in Paris, but I suppose it might be >interesting to see what will happen with Carly thrown in the middle of their >relationship. I'm actually very, very eager to see Robin added to this Jason/Carly/AJ mix. >I'm sorry, but for me Nik-Sarah just doesn't light any fires >LOL. No, but they make me want to light a fire UNDER them. >Remember to that Guza's idea of grand romance was Tom and Felicia on the roof. >And of course the never to be forgotten "honey" scene. I don't think he >really gets romance. Nor do I. And for me, that is the single biggest reason to be GRATEFUL that Kevin and Lucy are on PC right now. Lynn Latham, despite my attempts at staying detached and reserving judgement, has been doing an astoundingly insightful and tender job of writing for them. She is showing a sensativity to them that no one has shown since they first slept together at the beginning of 1995. >I like the friendship aspects of PC too. Karen and Julie, or Kevin and >Elllen, Scott and Lucy, or Frank and Joe as brothers. All of the interns >share a camaraderie that I really enjoy. I agree. I think part of it is that Lynn Latham tends to be much more character/relationship driven than individual/character driven (if you know what I mean). Guza tends to write the characters as living much more in a vacuum; Lynn is writing them as being more pliable, which, IMO, is why I like her writing style better. No one person is going to respond the same way to every other person. Everybody has different relationships with different people, so everyone sees different sides to everyone else's personality. I don't think Guza quite gets that. >A lot of time they honestly seem like REAL people, there is some fun, some >teasing, some realistic dialogue. I like shows like Thanksgiving, or parties >where they all get together. They do this kind of thing really well right >now. I agree with that, too. I think the inter-presonal stuff on PC is vastly superior to GH. >Yeah I'd probably go along with you all and vote for a pretty quick end to the >Rex thing. I don't find it as bad as everyone else I guess. I think it was >a good idea to kick the show off, and probably Februar sweeps will see the end >of it. We shall see Well, according to a buzz in SOU, the rumor mill is cranking with the posibility that Rex will be history after this sotryline wraps up. >Kevin and Lucy are having a little fun sneaking around. I like that of >course:-). See, and for me, these two make a comparison between GH and PC moot. Even long before Claire ever left GH, K&L were the ONLY reasons I would EVER watch. There were huge parts of the show that I couldn't stand, but K&L kept me tuning in, anyway. K&L were why I started watching PC, and as long as they are there, I will continue to. If they were to permanently break them up, forget it. I'd quit watching both. >Anyhow to sum up this extremely long post: I'm starting to enjoy GH more, but >I find it no contest that PC is the better soap right now-- FOR ME. Well, considering that the only way I could compare the two is if I take K&L out of the mix, I'd say that... it's probably pretty close to a tie. Though, it is leaning in PCs favor. GH's imporvments lately, despite whatever reservations and/or objections I may have to some of what Guza does, have been very good and impressive and compelling. However, I adore Eve and the relationships that are getting forged on PC are far more interesting to me (most days) than the vast majority of The Next Installment of the Spencer/Cassadine War. However, I also agree with Julie about the one thing that makes GH awesome, and it's one thing that PC doesn't have: Nancy Lee Grahan. Now, if they'd just bring Tracy back... then we'd have to talk again... ;-) Taiyin... more long-winded than usual, today... "Been held-up at gun point by your mother lately?" -- AJ to Ned - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Cagey Subject: Re: GH/PC: GH or PC? Date: 02 Jan 1998 14:04:56 -0800 (PST) Taiyin wrote: >Well, since I'm never lacking for an opinion, I figure I'll jump into this >one, too. I refuse to comment, on the grounds that it might get me in trouble . S P O I L E R S H O ! >I prefer Luke when he's dangerous -- and since Guza's been back, Luke's been >more and more the way I like him. My only quibble...his so called "caring" looks at Carly have looked remarkably like glares, to me. If I were trying to analyze Luke, I'd say he's pissed beyond belief that Carly is still in town. But I won't try to analyze Luke ;) I will say that I loved his exchange with the Qs about the baby! >So, while I still want AJ to go to battle wtih Carly (in whatever context), >I agree with what Jason is saying. THAT is why I like Jason. I'm still no fan of the new AJ (I want to smack him everytime he comes on screen; sorry, Jill), but the brothers have been playing off of each other very well of late. I think Jason would have helped Carly because she was a friend, but having both Tony and AJ laying claim to her baby, just as the Qs insisted that he was "theirs" after he became Jason Morgan, is a darned good rationale for his keeping up the pretense. And, as a comment on Friday's show, may I ask what in the hell A.J.'s remark about Jason being used to cleaning up Carly's mess was about? At what other time has Jason come to Carly's rescue? >Well, according to a buzz in SOU, the rumor mill is cranking with the >posibility that Rex will be history after this sotryline wraps up. That doesn't surprise me. The situation he's been written into, he'll either need to kick the bucket, or go to jail. I'm hoping for the latter, being the sole on-list member of the Rex rooting gallery . --kg - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: GH/PC: GH or PC? Date: 02 Jan 1998 14:49:32 -0800 >Taiyin wrote: > >>Well, since I'm never lacking for an opinion, I figure >I'll jump into this >>one, too. Cagey wrote: >I refuse to comment, on the grounds that it might get me in >trouble . Pfft! Hush you! >S >P >O >I >L >E >R >S > >H >O >! > >>I prefer Luke when he's dangerous -- and since Guza's been >back, Luke's been >more and more the way I like him. > >My only quibble...his so called "caring" looks at Carly >have looked remarkably like glares, to me. If I were >trying to analyze Luke, I'd say he's pissed beyond belief >that Carly is still in town. Kind of hard to blame him, really. I mean, now that Carly isn't trying desperately to hold onto Tony, she doesn't really have much to lose when it comes to Bobbie learning the truth about who she is. Luke, however, has a hell of a lot more to lose. If I were Luke I'd be more than a tad concerned that the truth was about to come out. >But I won't try to analyze Luke ;) Always a prudent policy. >I'm still no fan of the new AJ (I want to smack him >everytime he comes on screen; sorry, Jill), but the Well, as much as I loved Sean, I think that Billy is doing a really good job. I think the only thing that was really better with Sean was that his AJ was very taken with Carly -- and their chemistry was ASTOUNDING. That night they slept together in Jason's room at Jakes... wow! Sarah's chemistry with Billy is very different; I like it, but it's not nearly as sexual. >I think Jason would have helped Carly because she >was a friend, but having both Tony and AJ laying claim to >her baby, just as the Qs insisted that he was "theirs" >after he became Jason Morgan, is a darned good rationale >for his keeping up the pretense. I agree. Like when he told Tony that you can't own a kid and Tony said that custody was very much like ownership. That exchange said a lot about both of them. Though, I must say that Tony's insistance that Jason's involvement with Carly had something to do with Jason's latent anger over his post-accident treatment was just dumb. It made Tony look paranoid and stupid; not to mention the fact that it showed how low an opinion of Jason he really has -- even before this fiasco. >That doesn't surprise me. The situation he's been written >into, he'll either need to kick the bucket, or go to jail. >I'm hoping for the latter, being the sole on-list member of >the Rex rooting gallery . Get Rika over here, too, then. She likes Rex also. Taiyin "Been held-up at gun point by your mother lately?" -- AJ to Ned - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: GH/PC: Logan Interview with Jane Elliot Date: 02 Jan 1998 15:52:23 -0800 Just because she is one of my all-time faves, and I thought parts of this were very interesting... Logan interviewed her a in December: Jane Elliot aka Tracy Quartermaine on The City Though Emmy Award winner Jane Elliot -- the beloved, supremely gifted veteran of Guiding Light, All My Children, Days of Our Lives and, of course, General Hospital -- has not been seen onscreen since the demise of The City, I get a constant avalanche of letters asking for (OK, demanding) a Q&A. So guess who Santa delivered? Let's cut to the chase, Jane. When are you coming back to GH? The most important thing in my life is my children, and I have finally managed to create for them a quality of life that I feel good about -- and that life is on the East Coast. I would go back to GH in a hot minute if I felt good about raising my kids in Southern California -- and I don't. Really, really good friends of mine like Lynn Herring and Deidre Hall are raising their children there -- but for me it's not an acceptable way of life. I was raised on the East Coast and when I became a mother I went back to my roots, to what I know -- the seasons, the contrast. Never mind L.A.'s pollution, the earthquakes, the crime, the congestion, the completely unacceptable public-school education, it's something even more primary than that. You get a kind of stimulation in a seasonal environment just waking up in the morning -- your clothing changes, your diet changes, where you can go and what you can do changes all because of the weather. I love the part of Tracy Quartermaine, I love GH, I love the people there, but I love my children more. You could play Tracy at age 107 if you wanted to -- do you envision a day when the kids are packed off to college and your life would turn back to a full focus on acting? Absolutely. And I'd love to go live in Southern California again. Are there days when you miss acting? My life is very fulfilling. I love my life. I'm a regular cookie mom. I volunteer in the classroom. I'm at every school function. I do it all as if there was some husband here supporting me, and there isn't. The truth is, I really don't have time to miss it. The only time I miss acting is when I go and see some extraordinary piece of work that I wish I could play -- the kind of work that makes me wish I could jump right into the movie screen and participate in the wonderful game those people are playing. Like? Like L.A. Confidential. I'd love to act with Kevin Spacey. He was so incredible in that film. And... my short-term memory leaves something to be desired... what was the movie with the English actress playing Queen Victoria? Mrs. Brown! Yes! Judi Dench, baby, that is the Best Actress Oscar this year! Judi Dench! I have watched her act since I was 17 years old, and she gets better and better and what she was in that movie was incredibly simple. That is my favorite film of the year. Astounding. Yes, astounding. When I see actors who really, really get it, then that's when I say, "Oh, God, oh, God, I wish I could be there." But beyond that, life is very fulfilling right now -- and the truth is, if I had unlimited funds I wouldn't even think about working. So would you take a lead role on a New York soap? [Laughing] I'd her have a small role that pays me a lot of money. Yeah, like somebody's gonna waste you on a small role. I love to act, and it's the easiest way to earn a living when you're raising kids. If GH was in New York, I would be crawling on my belly like a reptile to be asked back on that show. I would beg for my job! Did ABC ever discuss taking Tracy to either of its other two New York soaps when The City folded? No. Would that have been unwise? The reason I ended up doing Tracy on The City was that they lost their diva, Morgan Fairchild. All My Children and One Life to Live already have their divas. They don't need Tracy. She takes up too much room. With Robin Strasser and Erika Slezak and Hillary B. Smith and Kassie DePaiva, there are lots of wonderful, strong, fascinating women to watch on OLTL, and AMC has Julia Barr, Susan Lucci, of course, and Robin Mattson. I just don't think Tracy fits in. Well, we certainly need someone of your ilk on Guiding Light. There is no queenpin character in Springfield. Isn't Maeve Kinkead still there? No, I'm talking about a ball-busting powerhouse kind of character. Alexandra! Hey, you know [GH head writer Bob] Guza went on the record in my Q&A saying he would take you back anytime, anyplace, under any circumstances and he'd make it work. You could at least come back and do another short-term stint like you did with the Lois storyline. I read what he said and he said, "If the powers that be let me." Yes, that is true. But it should be obvious to everyone -- Wendy Riche included -- that the Quartermaines need help. But they don't need me. What they need to do is get somebody into the Quartermaines who is pivotal and who can get that family working again. Personally, I would love to see Carla Soleito move into the Quartermaine mansion. I would love to see Amy Van Horne go after every man in the house, including Edward, to pay Tracy back for what she did to her father. Amy is one actress who has that spark and fire. She is a consummate performer, and I'd love to see her in a situation that allowed her to play a different aspect of female against each of the various men in the house. Interesting! But nobody asks me what I think. Well, I do. And a whole lot of fans are waiting to hear it. I am buried under "We want a Jane Elliot interview" letters. I'm not kidding you! But about Amy: You know, I never did understand why Wendy told me that she was absolutely blown away by Amy's audition for Port Charles -- in not one but two roles -- and she didn't hire her for either one. Well, she'd be perfect for GH. Jason's in the mob, and Amy is a Mafia princess with a huge axe to grind against Tracy, which brings Tracy into the house without actually bringing Tracy into the house, and it puts this marvelous actress there who has the same kind of danger as Tracy. Well, that's damn generous of ya, but we really want you. Well, thank you. But I think the only reason that everybody wants me is because they haven't been given anybody else to take my place. There is never only one solution. I may be good, but I'm not the only actress on the planet. You know, there was a time when I asked them to recast Tracy, because her absence deprives Stuart Damon, it deprives Leslie Charleson, Wally Kurth, John Ingle, it deprives all of my friends of the kind of work they all used to do when Tracy was on the canvas. I don't feel good about that lost dimension. I love those people and the work they do. I would like to see someone in there giving them the same stimulation. Is it even possible to reclaim those incredible Quartermaine glory days? I don't see how, without you and David Lewis. Sure, Stuart Damon becomes David Lewis and Leslie Charleson becomes Anna Lee, and that original Edward-Lila dynamic could work again. They could put a bitch with one of those boys, someone who starts manipulating everyone and going after the money any way she can get it -- which was all Tracy ever did -- and it can work! The war was always between Edward and Lila, and also between Alan and Tracy. You can set up that kind of conflict in a different generation. It doesn't have to be Tracy and Alan. It can be Ned and A.J. Or it can be Lois and somebody, if Lois is coming back. I don't know if she is or not, but I sense she will. The humor is really outta whack. In the old days of the Qs, the humor was based on character; now it's usually based on situation. The Thanksgiving episode with the turkey burning and them sending out for pizzas and getting robbed by the three Pilgrims who were working for Tracy was among the worst things I've ever seen on daytime, and that's saying something. You were even made guilty by association. Did you see it? No. Well, count your blessings, honey. Nobody can do what you and David Lewis did. That's what great stars are all about. The reason stars are stars is because they're like nobody else on the planet. So I think we should just move the whole show to New York. Hey, you never really assessed -- on the record -- your experience as a producer on Loving. Would you do that job again? When I no longer have kids to raise, what I want to do is produce. At this point it is unrealistic for me to put in a 60- to 70-hour week, which is what you do as a producer. It's the most fulfilling of all, because you get to use every single part of you -- you can use what you know about acting, about the audience, about story, about problem-solving -- and share it. As a mom, you problem-solve from morning till night, so when you get into a managerial position in soaps, it's really the same thing. Producing is bringing the best out in people. It's making matches between people -- getting a good acting couple on the screen, getting a good writing team together, getting a good directing team together. The people who produce with the greatest success are those who are willing to shoulder a huge burden. And the ones who live in a state of chaos are the ones who empower too many people around them. You know, this business has gotten sort of murky in the last decade because just about everything is done by committee. And to me, that which is done by committee is chaotic and confusing and diluted. And in every situation where someone stands alone, the situation thrives. Do you see that changing? Can daytime drama pull out of that murk? Absolutely. Everything in life is cyclical. Everything. The leaves come on the trees, the leaves fall off the trees. The sun goes up, the sun goes down. To think that you can get on a roll and stay in control and at No. 1 is naive. That's not the way life is. But in order to change things, it would involve a toppling of the very structure of the entire daytime drama business. Nowadays there is so much money involved, so many entities to be satisfied, so many hands on deck at any given point. For any kind of salvation, it would seemingly require a massive rethinking, a massive overhaul. It's not going to happen overnight. There is no quick fix. That's the biggest -------- -- I don't know if you can quote me on that -- in business today to think that there is a quick fix. Slowly but surely things will turn around because they do. Why is The Young and the Restless so successful? Why is The Bold and the Beautiful so successful? Because there is one man at the top! And he gets to call all the shots. But what more does it take than opening your eyes to see that? Everybody in this business is aware of how Bill Bell works and the success it has brought him, but nobody wants to borrow that philosophy. The same goes for Jim Reilly and his single-vision storytelling. The top-three shows are single-vision shows -- well, Days was until Reilly left. That says it all, but the ABCs and the P&Gs don't get it. They see it but they don't get it. Evidence doesn't make them change their ways. It's not a question of changing their ways. You cannot turn an orange into an apple. The people who don't get it will meet their demise. That's all. They will ultimately be replaced by those who will be more successful. Why is Guiding Light so successful right now? Because it has a man who is willing to put himself way out on a limb and say, "It's my way or no way at all." And guess what? The show's turned around! It's the best soap to watch right now. Now, argue you may with Paul Rauch's technique. He's a grumpy old fart. And he's the last person I would have predicted would have done such an effective overhaul. For the most part, his choices have been very selfless -- which is more than can be said for, say, the choices being made at As the World Turns. What he has done has been done for the benefit of the show, the history, the audience. He's demanding and uncompromising and very clear about what he wants and how to get it done. Now, Paul cooled his heels for years because his style of producing went out. They tried a different style of producing, the "Like me, please like me" style of producing where everybody was everybody's friend, where everybody was comfortable knocking on the producer's door and asking for what they wanted. Well, that's not working anymore so we're going back to the old style, which is where you revere the person at the top, where you are afraid of the person at the top. I believe in my heart of hearts that there is a middle ground, where you can be uncompromising and focused and still be nice. And still make people feel good about what they're doing. There are the Gloria Montys of the world. She's a fabulous producer but I never wanted to get on her wrong side because she's mean as a snake when things aren't going her way. The shows you mention -- Y&R, B&B, GL -- are run by men. How much does that figure in here? I think the most successful environments are those where there's a good mix. When there's a preponderance of either maleness or femaleness, they are less successful. A roomful of men permit bad behavior in each other -- and the same goes for a roomful of women. Men and women together bring out the best in each other, because there's an element of restraint and it gets to be about the work and not about all the other stuff. Well, the Bell shows and GL certainly have women as producers, writers etc. What's the difference when the buck stops with a guy? You know where I'm going here, of course. As horrid as it is to say it, one must wonder if men aren't better suited for this job. The female producers are concerned about being liked and let it get in the way of the job; the male producers don't give a damn. The top three shows -- Y&R, B&B and Days, as well as GL, which is the only show to raise its ratings in 1997 -- all have male leaders. I don't know that we're talking coincidence here. It depends, and there's one book that has helped me a lot -- Dare to Discipline -- and it's about being willing to be disliked. It doesn't mean that you're going to be, just that you have to be willing to be. When you lay a line to your children and say, "This is the way it is," your 13-year-old is going to grumble and slam the door and behind your back scream: "What a bitch!" into his pillow -- but I know what I'm doing is right for this human being. And the same goes for any managerial position. Being the head of the household and being the head of the show is the same thing -- you have to be willing to let your subordinates go into their offices and scream into their couches: "What a bitch!" It's the difference between being in the editing room and deciding "Where is the edit in this scene? Where is the cut?" as opposed to "How do you feel about me making the decision about the cut? How do you rate me as a leader?" It's not about any of that -- let's just get the damn job done! To think that in this period of communications skills and psychotherapy and trying to increase productivity and trying to put people in a nurturing environment, we've strayed from the real point! And part of that occurs when you have to create by committee. When you've got 20 people sitting around a desk -- where there used to be four -- you now have to look for management assistance to get the 20 people to communicate properly. Now everything's a big deal. At the same meeting you must now have two people from P&G, two people from NBC, two people from the show and a bunch of writers -- and each has their say. Each has an equal piece of the pie, each person has a right to be pleased with the final decision -- now how are you going to get eight or more people to come to the same decision? You can't. They compromise, they acquiesce, the vision goes out the window. And everyone ends up walking out of the room feeling unsatisfied. So what's to be done here? The bottom line is that it isn't working so it will change. How long it's going to take to change, I have no idea. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Donald K Gooden" Subject: GH/PC: Fw: PC Spoilers for the Week of January 5th Date: 03 Jan 1998 23:55:08 -0500 I got these spoilers from ratsa. I feel really really sick. I wish that....well I will let you read these and tell me what you think. Jamila >It looks like the Lucy/Rex/Scott storyline will be coming to an end >soon. Hallelujah! I know I can't be the only one who's really bored >with it. Anyway, have a great week! > >C >O >U >L >D >R >E >X >G >O >O >U >T >W >I >T >H >A >W >H >O >D >U >N >N >I >T >? > >Casting News > >- Good Day, L. A. entertainment reporter Dorothy Lucey plays a >reporter on the January 16th episode > >Monday, January 5th > >- Rex has a plan that will put Lucy in danger > >Tuesday, January 6th > >- Matt learns about Ellen’s past >- Alice rejects Ellen >- Ellen tells Winston that her husband is dead > >Wednesday, January 7th > >- Lucy’s testimony causes a lot of damage to Scott’s case >- Ellen breaks down while telling Matt why she and her mother are >estranged > >Thursday, January 8th > >- Joe confronts Frank about his past with his father > >Friday, January 9th > >- Frank takes responsibility for Lark, causing more trouble than he >bargained for >- Rex creates a phony past for Lucy’s benefit > >Other things happening this week: > >- When Rex begins to wonder if Kevin and Lucy have really broken up, >he sends Lucy a special batch of pills >- Rex tests Lucy’s loyalty and she comes through in court >- As the jury deliberates, Scott reminds Lucy that they are running >out of time >- Lucy enlists Eve’s help >- Lark hides some of her belongings >- Alice takes a turn for the worst > >Next Week > >- Serena meets her Aunt Katherine >- Lucy and Eve stage a Marilyn Monroe photo shoot to divert Rex >- Lark continues to wreak havoc >- Matt’s secrecy piques Chris’ interest >- Rex asks Lucy to marry him > > >S. J. McGrath > >Maintainer of The Unofficial Spencer Homepage >Located at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Donald K Gooden" Subject: GH/PC: Fw: Spoilers for the Week of January 5th Date: 03 Jan 1998 23:53:19 -0500 I got these spoilers from ratsa. God I feel sick. Jamila >I hope everyone had a Happy New Year! >Spoilers Below... > >W >I >L >L >T >H >E >Y >E >V >E >R >T >R >Y >T >O >R >E >D >E >E >M >C >A >R >L >Y >? > > >Casting News > >- Sarah Brown will be taking a month off to film her new movie >"Cybersex and Pretzels", but viewers will hardly notice the difference >because Sarah has been busy pre-taping scenes that will air during her >absence > >Monday, January 5th > >- A depressed Carly makes a shocking decision >- Carly refuses to touch her baby > >Tuesday, January 6th > >- Brenda’s paranoia reaches new heights > >Wednesday, January 7th > >- Tony vows revenge on Jason > >Thursday, January 8th > >- Brenda tells all about Jason’s “affair” > >Friday, January 9th > >- Jason finds a surprise visitor waiting at his home (Please let it be >anyone but Robin) >- Brenda slashes her face with a pair of scissors > >Other things happening this week: > >- Nikolas forces Katherine out of Wyndemere >- Brenda goes on a destructive rampage >- Tony rips into Carly for putting so much distance between herself >and the baby >- Bobbie urges Felicia to revisit the past >- Ned gives Alexis a job >- Luke warns Alexis to watch her back >- Nikolas has a run-in with Helena >- Carly asks Jason to help her leave town >- Luke gives Carly a chance to come clean >- A. J. tells Alan the truth, but Alan reaches the wrong conclusion >about the information >- Jason shocks the Quartermaine's when he interrupts the ELQ board >meeting >- Jason finds himself in a very difficult situation > >Next Week > >- Tony, Alan, Ned and A. J. take drastic steps >- Brenda takes her first step towards recovery >- Tony embarks on his plans of revenge against Jason > >S. J. McGrath > >Maintainer of The Unofficial Spencer Homepage >Located at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Donald K Gooden" Subject: GH/PC: Spoilers part two Date: 05 Jan 1998 21:37:42 -0500 Detailed spoilers for week of Jan 5 Jamila S P O I L E R S P A C E > > > > > Brenda Leaks Hurtful Information When Jax returns from Paris with Robin, Brenda and Robin will have a joyful reunion at first, but that is all. Jax thinks that Robin will help comfort Brenda, because not only is Robin a friend, but she knows what it feels like to lose someone. Jax thinks the two will bond, and Brenda can have a companion. However, this will not be the case. Brenda is so emotionally unstable that she becomes paranoid that Robin was sent to spy on her for Sonny. Brenda's hatred for Jason is deep, because she feels he knew of Sonny's plan to leave town. Brenda wants to hurt Jason, and the only way she knows how to do this is through Robin. Therefore, she deliberately tells Robin that Jason and Carly had an affair and that Carly has just given birth to Jason's son. Brenda's emotional state, at the time, does not give a thought for her friend's feelings or well-being, as she is convinced that Robin is secretly against her too. Robin has returned to Port Charles with the understanding that Brenda is hurting and is confused, but she never thought Brenda was this unstable. Therefore when Brenda first says these hurtful things, Robin's initial reaction is one of "hurt," but she doesn't think Brenda really means what she says. Robin never doubts Jason's love for her, and she knows Brenda does not like Jason. Robin knows that Jason would never lie about his relationship with Carly and chooses to think Brenda is making everything up out of hurt and confusion. Any attempt to make Brenda understand this would be useless, so Robin just lets it go. After Robin leaves Brenda's house, she goes straight to Jason's penthouse to find out exactly what is going on. Timing is everything they say: she arrives just in time to see Jason bringing the baby home from the hospital. ---- Jason Fights Back Jason is used to taking care of himself against all odds. However, look for Jason to take extreme measures when the threats are closer to home. During the week of January 12, Jason will be forced to take action against members of his own family and friends. Ned, Alan, AJ, and Tony all have a plan against Jason in some way, and each will put Jason on the defensive. ---- Brenda On the Mend General Hospital fans are not used to seeing Brenda so unstable and winning the admiration of fans at the same time. SOU completely credits Vanessa Marcil's excellent handling of this storyline to have "completely enveloped the audience." She is a far cry from the Brenda who entered Port Charles manipulating herself into Jagger's good graces and destroying Jagger and Karen's relationship. So, what is causing this about face? Sonny's absence seems to be the root of Brenda's downfall. "We're trying to do justice to the Brenda/Sonny relationship, and that it's not something that she can get over easily," says Bob Guza when he talks about his decision to explore this dark side of Brenda. Guza explains that to add to Brenda's unstable emotional state, she finds out that her business manager stole all of her money and that she will lose everything. This means that she will lose everything she has ever worked for, and she is broke. She is reduced to nothing and feels she is not worthy. As Jax tries to back away from being her caretaker, Brenda thinks she is losing him as well, even though he can not help himself from trying to make things right behind the scenes. At first bringing Robin to town seems like a good thing. However, it doesn't take Brenda long to associate Robin with Sonny. Then all hell breaks loose. Brenda does things that will affect Jax, Robin, Jason, Carly, and herself. On January 13, Brenda will experience a catharsis after she dashes out of the shower and runs away leaving Jax in a state of shock. However, her actions prove to be a "first step toward recovery." Her sudden realization of her condition doesn't pull her out of the woods yet, says Guza. "She's going to take months to get out of this, having small triumphs and then setbacks." Guza adds, that once Brenda realizes what is happening to her, the key is for her to understand that she has to do this herself without Jax or Ned to catch her every setback. This is something that she has to do for herself. She will have to rebuild her character from the bottom up to be an independent person. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Donald K Gooden" Subject: GH/PC: Spoilers part two PC Date: 05 Jan 1998 21:44:25 -0500 Detailed spoiler for the week of Jan 5 for PC Jamila S P O I L E R S P A C E > > > > > Admittance "Winston curtly mocks Ellen about her husband, but Ellen blasts him back by informing him that her husband is dead. Ellen confides in Matt and breaks down when she tells him that her mother eliminated her from her life the day her husband died". Ellen sees her mother, Alice, for the first time in years this week on Port Charles. Alice, has a heart attack and is brought to the hospital. The two have been estranged for a long time due to a family disagreement over choices that Ellen made early in life. Winston, Ellen's brother, will not allow Ellen to come into their mother's room. Later when Alice does see Ellen, Alice is surprised that Ellen is a successful doctor, but she rejects Ellen's attempts to comfort her. Later, Ellen breaks down during her explanation to Matt of the "bad feelings" in her family. Ellen explains that Alice was extremely disappointed in the direction Ellen was headed early in her adult life. The splitting of mother and daughter was not a pleasant scene. Both women are very much alike in the fact that both have difficulty showing their true feelings. Both women carry a lot pain and cover that pain by being hostile to one another. Emotionally, the two are stuck in the past. Alice did not know that Ellen had gone to medical school. Apparently, Alice had big aspirations for her daughter, and Ellen took a different path. When Alice sees that her daughter did indeed make a doctor, she says, "Oh, well, you did go to med school. How about that!" Alice is a proud woman and will not say more. At the time of Ellen's parting from the family, everything Alice had wanted for her daughter was totally ignored. Alice had worked very hard to give Ellen opportunities, and those opportunities were discarded as far as Alice knew. Alice loves Ellen but won't allow herself to forget and forgive. In fact, the last time Ellen called home; Alice hung up on her. One would think that Alice has no quarrel with Ellen's professional choice, so it must be the man she chose to marry. Alice (Hattie Wilson) teases, "I can't tell you yet, but it's something worse than that!" ---- Don't Con a Con Man Rex is always one step ahead of Lucy. As Lucy is trying to prove that Rex was in the Cayman Islands when his passport says he wasn't, Rex taunts Lucy by planting many different passports around his room. Rex discovers that Lucy's herbs are for fertility and becomes suspicious that Lucy and Kevin have not broken up but are in a plot against him. Rex will not be played a fool and arranges for Lucy to receive herbs laced with poison. Later he changes his mind, but does his men replace the lethal herbs with the original ones in time to save Lucy? Lucy's time is running out to help Scott, and she is desperate to outdo Rex. She gets Eve to help her with a scheme that will allow Lucy access to Rex's mansion to gather incriminating evidence against him. As always Rex has planned ahead and gives Lucy false information to use against Scott. Lucy has no choice but to go through with the damaging testimony in court. At week's end a shocking revelation comes to light about Rex. Is Rex who he says he is? - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Donald K Gooden" Subject: GH/PC: Spoilers part one PC Date: 05 Jan 1998 21:42:54 -0500 Spoilers for the week of Jan 5 for PC Jamila Rex realizes that Lucy and Kevin are play acting and arranges for her to recieve a ''special batch'' of her fertility pills. But old Rexy has a change of heart and sends his thugs to her hotel to retrieve the herbs.Will Ellen's past comes into focus for Matt. Frank befriends Lark but is unaware of her drug involvement. When Lucy searches for damaging information to use against Rex, he traps her in his bedroom. Will Lucy use sex as a cover-up for why she was there? The Scanlon brothers clash over their father. Winston is successful at keeping Ellen from her mother. Lark comes to General Hospital with mysterious bruises on her body. Matt learns what really happened with Ellen's husband. Rex tries to make Lucy believe he is a good guy. Lark blames Frank for her injuries. Alice's condition worsens and she undergoes surgery. Frank makes a decision concerning Lark. Rex has a test for Lucy in court. Lucy comes through in court which pleases Rex but hurts Scott. Alice rejects Ellen. As the jury deliberates, Scott gets nervous that Lucy's plan is running behind schedule. Lucy gets Eve to help her with a scheme. Lark does not hit it off well with Eve or Julie when Frank brings her home. As Lucy and Rex continue their charade with each other, Rex realizes he is actually falling in love with her. As Scott and Kevin dive deeper into Rex's past, they come up with more questions than answers. ---- PC Preview Rex discovers that Lucy's fertility pills are fake, and he becomes suspicious that Kevin and Lucy are still together. Rex manages to switch Lucy's pills with poisoned ones. A still suspicious Rex decides to put Lucy's loyalty to the test. He gives her false information about Scott that she can use in the courtroom. Lucy knows the information is incorrect, but if she does not use it against Scott, then all will be lost. Lucy comes through with flying colors. Rex is very pleased with Lucy's performance on the stand, but Lucy's testimony does Scott much harm. The jury is in deliberations, and Scott fears the worse. He reminds Lucy that time is of the essence. Lucy steps up her scheme to gain Rex's trust. She enlists Eve's help to distract Rex. Rex provides Lucy with some more false information that makes him appear to be a nice guy. It will look like he is confiding in Lucy, but a flashback will reveal to the audience the real truth. Ellen's mother suffered a heart attack, but it does not bring mother and daughter any closer. Winston is so concerned that Ellen's presence will only upset their mother that he continues to now Ellen to see Alice. When Ellen finally manages to get into Alice's room, her words of comfort are rejected by her mother. Winston sarcastically mentions Ellen's husband, and Ellen informs him rather heatedly that her husband is dead. Ellen then confides all in Matt and breaks down in the process. She tells Matt that she was an outcast from her mother the day her husband died. Later, complications arise during Alice's surgery that will be life threatening. ---- Alert Monday Rex suspects Lucy and Kevin still carry a torch for each other. Rex has a plan for Lucy. Tuesday Alice rejects Ellen, and Ellen informs Winston that her ex-husband is dead. Wednesday Ellen tells Matt the whole truth concerning the death of her husband in an emotional confession. Lucy's testimony harms Scott's chances in court. Thursday Joe confronts Frank about his past as a child. Friday Rex makes up a phony past that doesn't show him to be a bad guy to impress Lucy. Frank takes on the responsibility of becoming Lark's foster parent. Rex has a flashback. ---- Coming Soon Serena meets Aunt Katherine. Lucy and Eve prepare a Marilyn Monroe photo shoot to distract Rex. Lark continues to cause problems. Matt's own secrets have sparked Chris' curiosity. Rex shocks Lucy by asking her to marry him. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Donald K Gooden" Subject: GH/PC: Spoilers part One Date: 05 Jan 1998 21:35:33 -0500 Spoilers for the week of Jan 5 Jamila S P O I L E R S P A C E > > > > ---- Carly is severely depressed and makes a shocking decision. Nikolas meets his grandmother, Helena. Ned gives Alexis a job, and Luke warns her to watch her back. Brenda's paranoia escalates and she becomes a danger to herself. Brenda upsets Robin when she tells her of Jason's relationship with Carly. Nikolas sinks further into his depression over his inability to speak. Jax asks Robin to come back to Port Charles to help Brenda. Jason aids Carly by arranging for her to skip town. A.J. comes clean with Alan on all that Carly has done. Felicia's curiosity is aroused when Mac demonstrates his desire to get romantic. Nikolas forces Katherine to leave Wyndemere. Tony tears into Carly for not touching or holding her baby. Bobbie encourages Felicia to remember the past. Nikolas has a confrontation with his grandmother. Luke gives Carly an opportunity to tell her secret before he does. AJ tells Alan the truth, but Alan reaches the wrong conclusion about what AJ tells him. Jason shocks his family by interrupting the ELQ Board meeting, but he later finds himself in a much more difficult situation. Jason finds someone special waiting for him, and will find himself in a difficult situation. The Quartermaines move forward to have Jason involved with the family, but they find that his ELQ involvment is not what they hoped. It will be a very unwelcomed intrusion. ---- GH Preview Brenda finds photos of herself and becomes hysterical. She slashes her face out of every picture with scissors and then burns the mutilated photographs. As Brenda is on the rampage, Jax is with Robin trying to explain Brenda's condition. Robin sees how much all of this is having a negative effect on Jax and agrees to help. Robin's visit is joyful only for a brief period. Brenda begins a paranoia trip that has her believing that Robin is a spy reporting back to Sonny. In a desperate attempt to get even with Jason, Brenda spills all the juicy gossip about Jason's affair with Carly. Brenda taunts Robin that Jason is now a new daddy. In a rage, Brenda yells at both Robin and Jax, and the scene takes a dangerous turn when Brenda threatens to slash her face with a pair of scissors. A severely depressed Carly finds that she cannot bring herself to hold her newborn baby. She blames herself for the baby's condition. Tony pays Carly a visit and gets a lot of his chest. He swears to make changes in his life and criticizes her for not bonding with her son. Feeling trapped by all around her, Carly begs Jason to help her get out-of-town to allow her some time to make some important decisions. While she is away, Carly wants Jason to take care of her son. Luke decides he has no choice but to come clean with Bobbie over Carly's identity. He gives Carly the opportunity to tell Bobbie first. After seeing Carly's state of mind, Luke agrees to give Carly one month to get her life in order under two conditions: to tell Bobbie the truth upon her return, and to allow Bobbie to help Jason take care of the baby during her absence. During an ELQ board meeting, Jason arrives with Sonny's proxy in hand. Later, Jason is held and questioned about a murder investigation (Valentine) while Jax is putting pressure on everyone for Jason's arrest. Justus aids Jason again and gets him released. Carly's baby is released in Jason's care, and Jason returns to the penthouse with the baby only to find Robin waiting with demands for the truth. ---- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday On Monday, Luke decides it is time to "spill the beans" to Bobbie about Carly's identity and tells Carly that he's kept her secret too long. --- Carly is having severe postpartum depression. --- Tony pays Carly a visit and gets a lot off his chest. --- Carly can't handle her situation and does something unthinkable which leaves everyone in limbo. --- While Jax is away, Brenda goes on a rampage and destroys every picture of herself that she can find by cutting her face out of each and every photograph. --- Jax is bringing Robin home from Paris because he thinks she can comfort Brenda. On Tuesday, Brenda and Robin have a joyful yet brief reunion. --- Brenda's condition worsens. She becomes paranoid that Robin was sent by Sonny to spy on her. This puts Robin in danger. --- Carly leaves town and leaves her baby boy in Bobbie's care. --- Jason begs Luke not tell Bobbie about Carly's true identity right away. On Wednesday, AJ fills Alan in on all that Carly did to him. Alan now knows that AJ was drugged and was not drunk. --- Edward tries to buy Carly's baby. --- Ned gives Alexis an offer he thinks she can't refuse: working for ELQ. --- Tony is out for revenge against Jason. --- Sarah uses Emily to get a letter to Nikolas, but Nikolas is so angry and depressed that he crumbles the letter without reading it. If the Thursday and Friday updates are available, they will be posted Thursday morning. Alert Monday Carly can't bring herself to hold or touch her baby. Tuesday Brenda's paranoid escalates to the breaking point. Wednesday Tony vows revenge against Jason, and it involves some of the Quartermaines. Thursday Brenda upsets Robin by telling her of Jason's affair with Carly. Friday Brenda is ready to slash her face. Jason has someone special waiting for him at home. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie Saker" Subject: GH/PC: GH yesterday/test Date: 06 Jan 1998 13:07:08 PST hello? anybody out there? ok, thanks to taiyin's tireless dedication, i SHOULD now be back on-list, albeit with a new address for the time being. and i know tests are a no-no, but i just had to know if this would work! :) also, so as to not make this COMPLETELY of my roommates thinks having bronchitis is a sufficient excuse for going home early and changing the channel, so i didn't get to tape yesterday's gh. can anyone fill me in--did i miss anything good? (i read the update on tvguide online, but those things never seem to capture the feel of an episode!) i missed you guys! fingers crossed that this one goes through... julie ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Cagey Subject: Re: GH/PC: GH yesterday/test Date: 07 Jan 1998 08:54:30 -0800 (PST) Julie wrote: >hello? anybody out there? Haaalllooo! We've been out looking for heffalumps and woozles, but I think we're back now . Welcome back, Julie. >(i read the update on tvguide online, but those things never seem to capture >the feel of an episode!) Hmm, let's see. Seeing Brenda go from one mood swing to the next was dizzying; I expect it won't be long before she makes Robin's day miserable with Jason news. The scenes between Luke and Jason were fascinating. Jason basically told Luke that he had little regard for anybody who threatened women. I laughed my head off. I was recently rewatching the very old scene where Luke threatened Lucy to keep quiet about Bobbie and Alan's fledgling affair, and Jason's comment really hit home. But back to yesterday's GH...Jason also spooked what's her face (Elaine? Carly's cohort), but she doesn't have the sense to leave town while she's still in one piece. And nobody has bandied about any first names for Baby Morgan. Shall we have a contest ? I'm voting for Spencer Morgan (ha!). I suppose, in order to sufficiently infuriate all clans, it should be Spencer Quartermaine Morgan. As a final remark about yesterday's show, it's about time that Felicia started to become suspicious about "Mac." However, if she doesn't get wise about the scheme from the fact that Mac didn't recognize Robin's voice, I'm going to slug her. Please, please, end this storyline! On another note, I rarely watch the opening credits past Alexis, so I was surprised to notice that some of the scenes have changed. Who are those people in the swirling montages? All I can make out is spiky hair... --kg ***** * * "That was the most deceptive I've ever seen you." "Really? I thought you knew me much better than that." --Betty and Scott, Remember WENN - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie Saker" Subject: GH/PC: Re: GH yesterday Date: 07 Jan 1998 09:25:14 PST cagey wrote: >Haaalllooo! We've been out looking for heffalumps and >woozles, but I think we're back now . Welcome back, Julie. thanks! and a pooh reference to boot--happy day indeed! :) >I expect it won't be long before she >makes Robin's day miserable with Jason news. now THAT i'll have to see... poor robin isn't going to know what hit her. i hope she slugs jason. >Shall we have a contest ? I'm voting for Spencer Morgan >(ha!). I suppose, in order to sufficiently infuriate all >clans, it should be Spencer Quartermaine Morgan. that could be fun. how about if she names him after his (disputed) father(s): Anthony Jason Morgan, going by "AJ"! >As a final remark about yesterday's show, it's about time >that Felicia started to become suspicious about "Mac." >However, if she doesn't get wise about the scheme from the >fact that Mac didn't recognize Robin's voice, I'm going to >slug her. Please, please, end this storyline! i add my wholehearted agreement. POOR kristina wagner... why she continues to put up with this garbage is beyond me. the poor woman hasn't had a decent storyline since bj's death. >On another note, I rarely watch the opening credits past >Alexis, so I was surprised to notice that some of the >scenes have changed. Who are those people in the swirling >montages? All I can make out is spiky hair... ah, well clearly you haven't been visiting pc online! there was all SORTS of uproar when they changed the credits (last week, i think). they took out sonny's picture , and took out the previous scene of sonny and brenda dancing (the one that used to follow the scene of ned and lois dancing, which they took out a long time ago), and replaced it with a couple of shots of jason and robin on the beach, that time they took their trip, back when robin still had long hair. so now the only glimpse of sonny is that scene in puerto rico... thanks for the update! julie ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Gina Clayton" Subject: Re: GH/PC: Re: GH yesterday Date: 07 Jan 1998 13:20:31 EST5EDT > cagey wrote: > > > >I expect it won't be long before she > >makes Robin's day miserable with Jason news. > > now THAT i'll have to see... > poor robin isn't going to know what hit her. i hope she slugs jason. Brenda is supposed to leak the news Thursday to Robin about Jason's and Carly's "affair". She is supposed to be nasty about to pay back Robin for "spying" on her. Another paranoia trip. Is Jason supposed to come clean with Robin? Or is he going to keep lying?! > >As a final remark about yesterday's show, it's about time > >that Felicia started to become suspicious about "Mac." > >However, if she doesn't get wise about the scheme from the > >fact that Mac didn't recognize Robin's voice, I'm going to > >slug her. Please, please, end this storyline! It was good to see Dara again, even if it is for the Mac/Felicia/Tess/Jimmy disaster. I hope Robin and Felicia figure it out soon. If we could get a clue as to what this is about, I might enjoy it! > >On another note, I rarely watch the opening credits past > >Alexis, so I was surprised to notice that some of the > >scenes have changed. Who are those people in the swirling > >montages? All I can make out is spiky hair... > > ah, well clearly you haven't been visiting pc online! there was all > SORTS of uproar when they changed the credits (last week, i think). > they took out sonny's picture , and took > out the previous scene of sonny and brenda dancing (the one that used to > follow the scene of ned and lois dancing, which they took out a long > time ago), and replaced it with a couple of shots of jason and robin on > the beach, that time they took their trip, back when robin still had > long hair. so now the only glimpse of sonny is that scene in puerto > rico... I thought one of the new pics was Jax and I mistaken?!:) > thanks for the update! > > julie > > I'm new to this bear with me!! thanks! gina > > ______________________________________________________ > Get Your Private, Free Email at > > - > > - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie Saker" Subject: GH/PC: Re: GH yesterday Date: 07 Jan 1998 10:49:30 PST gina wrote: >I thought one of the new pics was Jax and I mistaken?!:) i don't THINK so, i think it's solely jason and robin. but that could just be wishful thinking on my part! :) i generally fast-forward the credits, and thus have only watched the new ones once (after seeing the messages on pc online that they had changed). >I'm new to this bear with me!! >thanks! gina welcome aboard! i promise...we RARELY bite! :) julie ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: GH/PC: Re: GH yesterday Date: 07 Jan 1998 10:54:43 -0800 Gina wrote: >Is Jason supposed to come clean with Robin? Or is he going to keep >lying?! If he lies to Robin I agree with Julie: I hope she clocks him. >If we could get a clue as to what this is about, I might >enjoy it! I agree. As is, though, it's just dragging very SSSSLLLLLOOOOWWWWLLLYYY. >I thought one of the new pics was Jax and I mistaken?!:) Nope, you're right. Figures. >I'm new to this bear with me!! Welcome, welcome! Taiyin "Sacrifice yourself, my love slave." --"Oh, do with me what you will." -- Lucy & Kevin, GH - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: GH/PC: ADMIN: List stuff Date: 07 Jan 1998 11:04:40 -0800 Well, since Cagey is off engrossed in RL(tm) (for now, anyway), I figured I'd pipe up and so the Cranky ListMom stuff. For starters, I wanted to welcome Gina. It's always nice to have a new junkie around here, so welcome. And... (shameless fic lover that I am), I don't suppose you write fanfic at all, do you? And secondly, I wanted to remind everyone about both spoiler space and quote limits. We all get sloppy about it at times (me too), but just remember to please snip excess lines when you're responding and to make sure that you leave some sort of scroll space in the body of the message before you discuss upcomign events on the show. Now, ObGH/PC: If you were going to cast Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs using GH characters, who would you cast as whom? Lesse... I think I'd probably cast Brenda as Snow White. Aside from the "Eternal Vicitm" thing, there is also the fact that Snow White never managed to follow really sound advise. So then who are the Dwarfs? Doc: Dopey: Sneezy: Sleepy: Happy: Grumpy: Ack! I'm missing a dwarf! Ok, and the Queen would have to be Helena. And the Prince would probably have to be Mr. Mac "Always play white knight to every damsel in distress" Scorpio. And I won't ruin everyone else's fun by casting the dwarves myself... Any suggestions? Taiyin "Sacrifice yourself, my love slave." --"Oh, do with me what you will." -- Lucy & Kevin, GH - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie Saker" Subject: GH/PC: RE: GH Snow White Date: 07 Jan 1998 11:35:02 PST taiyin wrote: >Now, ObGH/PC: If you were going to cast Snow White and the Seven >Dwarfs using GH characters, who would you cast as whom?! :) >Lesse... I think I'd probably cast Brenda as Snow White. Aside from >the "Eternal Vicitm" thing, there is also the fact that Snow White >never managed to follow really sound advise. well, i was torn between brenda, and felicia (for the exact same reasons!) lately, i'd have to say brenda. but historically, it's felicia all the way! plus, snow-white-the-cartoon has that really annoying high-pitched little girl voice. so i'd have to pick filly. >So then who are the Dwarfs? >Doc: too obvious for words. kevin, of course! (yes, i know, he's technically not ON gh anymore...but he's still in the credits. so there! :) >Dopey: tony. another no-brainer. (pun wholeheartedly intended ! ) >Sneezy: kat. she always winds up in the hospital SOMEHOW, right? >Sleepy: justus, dara, and keesha. between the three of them they'd have just about enough airtime for ONE role. >Happy: no contest. chipper-in-the-face-of-sorrow robin. >Grumpy: jason. just 'cause it makes me giggle to think about it! >Ack! I'm missing a dwarf! that would be bashful. i'd have to go with nik for this one. and not just becuause he won't talk anymore, but because even before he got shot he had that sort of aloof standoffishness that could easily double for bashfulness. >Ok, and the Queen would have to be Helena. agreed. >And the Prince would probably have to be Mr. Mac "Always play white >knight to every damsel in distress" Scorpio. now that's a TRUE toss-up. either mac or jax. ditto for the reasoning. thanks, taiyin...what a great mid-afternoon diversion! i just love picturing kat as a dwarf! (i'd rather make her a troll...but there aren't any of those in the story! :) julie ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Cagey Subject: Re: GH/PC: Re: GH yesterday Date: 07 Jan 1998 16:38:29 -0800 (PST) At 09:25 AM 1/7/98 PST, Julie Saker wrote: >that could be fun. how about if she names him after his (disputed) >father(s): Anthony Jason Morgan, going by "AJ"! Bwahahaha! >ah, well clearly you haven't been visiting pc online! there was all >SORTS of uproar when they changed the credits (last week, i think). So both pics are of Jason and Robin? That's a comment on the pitiful romance situation on GH of late... Maybe they should have done a drive-by shooting montage instead. --kg - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: GH/PC: Re: GH yesterday Date: 07 Jan 1998 16:34:46 -0800 Cagey wrote: >So both pics are of Jason and Robin? Nah, I'm positive that one of them was Jax and Brenda. >That's a comment on >the pitiful romance situation on GH of late... Well, even with Jax and Brenda it's still pretty pitiful. Even moreso, maybe. OTOH, it could be worse, it could be Katherine and Stefan. ;-) >Maybe they >should have done a drive-by shooting montage instead. At least that would be interesting. Taiyin "Sacrifice yourself, my love slave." --"Oh, do with me what you will." -- Lucy & Kevin, GH - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Cagey Subject: Re: GH/PC: Snow White Date: 07 Jan 1998 16:51:13 -0800 (PST) >Doc: If I'm making Doc the Doc, then Mac doesn't get to be the Prince. No sirree . >Dopey: Julie nailed this one. Poor Tony. >Sneezy: Webber twit #1. I've decided that *that* is the weird expression which is always on her face--she's trying to sneeze. >Sleepy: So that would be someone who spends a lot of time in bed, right? Carly? >Happy: Bobbie. Hands down. >Grumpy: Stefan. Also hands down. As for Bashful: Emily would have fit, at one point. I suppose the most recent candidate would be Laura, since she must have made herself scarce for *some* reason. Can we make this work for PC? That definitely makes Lucy Snow Scarlet, and Kevin her Prince. Ellen can be Doc, Karen is Happy, Matt is Sexy...oops, wrong game. --kg - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: GH/PC: Snow White Date: 07 Jan 1998 16:58:10 -0800 >>Doc: Cagey wrote: >If I'm making Doc the Doc, then Mac doesn't get to be the >Prince. No sirree . OK, then who's the Prince? >>Sneezy: > >Webber twit #1. I've decided that *that* is the weird >expression which is always on her face--she's trying to >sneeze. Is THAT what she is doing? I thought she was trying to cough up a hairball or something. >>Grumpy: > >Stefan. Also hands down. Or Edward. It was a toss-up for me. I just couldn't choose. >Can we make this work for PC? That definitely makes Lucy >Snow Scarlet, and Kevin her Prince. Can't argue that. >Ellen can be Doc, I dunno, Ellen does a pretty good imitation of Grumpy most of the time. >Karen is Happy, Matt is Sexy...oops, wrong game. Dopey is Scott. Him and his haircut. Yeesh. Sneezy... dunno about that one. Maybe Julie. Taiyin "Sacrifice yourself, my love slave." --"Oh, do with me what you will." -- Lucy & Kevin, GH - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Cyndibird Subject: Re: GH/PC: Re: GH yesterday Date: 08 Jan 1998 09:16:40 -0500 (EST) I could have sworn they were both of Jason & Robin. I'll check again today, but which one do you think is of Jax & Brenda? the first or second? Cynthia S&Believer > > >So both pics are of Jason and Robin? > > Nah, I'm positive that one of them was Jax and Brenda. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Cyndibird Subject: Re: GH/PC: Re: GH yesterday Date: 08 Jan 1998 09:16:40 -0500 (EST) I could have sworn they were both of Jason & Robin. I'll check again today, but which one do you think is of Jax & Brenda? the first or second? Cynthia S&Believer > > >So both pics are of Jason and Robin? > > Nah, I'm positive that one of them was Jax and Brenda. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Gina Clayton" Subject: Re: GH/PC: Snow White Date: 08 Jan 1998 10:00:15 EST5EDT > >Doc: > > If I'm making Doc the Doc, then Mac doesn't get to be the > Prince. No sirree . The Prince could be Jax or Ned. > > >Dopey: > > Julie nailed this one. Poor Tony. > Alan is a close second. :) > >Sneezy: > > Webber twit #1. I've decided that *that* is the weird > expression which is always on her face--she's trying to > sneeze. Can't beat that! LOL 8) > >Sleepy: > > So that would be someone who spends a lot of time in bed, > right? Carly? That would be Mac with his new "storyline" Or it could be someone who puts you to sleep. (maybe the same difference?!)JK > >Happy: > > Bobbie. Hands down. Maybe Lila since she now has a great-grandchild in PC??? > >Grumpy: > > Stefan. Also hands down. I believe it would have to be Edward. He's more entertaining being in a bad mood than Stefan. (I agree with Taiyin) > As for Bashful: > > Emily would have fit, at one point. I suppose the most > recent candidate would be Laura, since she must have made > herself scarce for *some* reason. I would have to vote Emily on this one. > Can we make this work for PC? That definitely makes Lucy > Snow Scarlet, and Kevin her Prince. Ellen can be Doc, > Karen is Happy, Matt is Sexy...oops, wrong game. Happy: Mama Scanlon hands down for me I agree with Taiyin....Scotty is dopey Grumpy: Ellen Sneezy:??Maybe Rex?? Bashful:?? Sleepy:?? Doc:?? Lost on those last's too early for me yet!! gina:):) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Gina Clayton" Subject: Re: GH/PC: Re: GH yesterday Date: 08 Jan 1998 10:02:06 EST5EDT > I could have sworn they were both of Jason & Robin. I'll check again > today, but which one do you think is of Jax & Brenda? the first or > second? > I think it might be the second, I'll check today and let you know:):) gina BTW-what did you guys think of yesterday's GH?! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie Saker" Subject: GH/PC: RE: GH opening Date: 08 Jan 1998 07:01:24 PST cynthia wrote: >I could have sworn they were both of Jason & Robin. I'll check again >today, but which one do you think is of Jax & Brenda? the first or >second? ok, after yesterday's debate over this subject i deliberately watched and re-watched the credits. the first pic is DEFINITELY jason and robin. the second one, which i originally thought was also jason and robin...well, i'm not SURE! i must have watched it ten times last night. i even did slo-mo frame-by-frame (gotta love the modern vcr!), but i just can't tell. it COULD be jax and brenda, but it went by so quickly (even in slow motion), and so little of either's face was actually shown, that i can't say for sure either way. it does seem to me rather odd that they would both be of the same couple though (even though that's what i thought it was until someone said otherwise), so i guess it's pretty likely that the second pic is j&b. blech. julie ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jill Subject: Re: GH/PC: Re: GH yesterday Date: 08 Jan 1998 09:07:19 -0800 On Thu, 8 Jan 1998, Gina Clayton wrote: > BTW-what did you guys think of yesterday's GH? I think AJ should have slugged both Alan and Ned. Hard. Billy Warlock did a very nice job, IMO, of conveying the frustration and anger of trying to get a parent to LISTEN when he's so blind and ignorant that he just can't hear. I hope he goes into that board meeting and skins them all. Jill - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Mary Lu" Subject: Re: GH/PC: GH observations about Jason Date: 08 Jan 1998 14:14:38 -0500 Concerning Jason... When Jason had his scenes with Luke on Tuesday, I was taken by the change in facial features that he had. It seems to me that his features had "softened" when talking to Luke about the baby. Always, since he became Jason Morgan, he has had this very cold, stone-like face. It didn't change for anything, no matter who he talked to. Even in his scenes with Sonny. Then, on Tuesday, the corners of his mouth seemed to be slipping easier into a hint of a smile, definitely *not* a frozen look for Jason. I liked it, although it seems out of character. I thought that I was imagining his old face until the opening on Wednesday when they showed the "previously on GH" scenes, and that frozen face was there again. I loved him toughing the baby on Friday. Loved it, loved it, loved it. Loved it that he asked Mike to look in on the baby until he fell asleep. Loved it that Mike stuck around. This is now strictly spec below, no spoilers, but I am going to leave space, anyway.... - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Cagey Subject: GH/PC: ADMIN stuff Date: 08 Jan 1998 11:24:26 -0800 (PST) A couple of administrative comments: When you reply to a post on the list, check to make sure that you're not sending your reply to *and* cc'ing it to, or some combination thereof. Either address is fine (I believe--Taiyin, have we had any problems?), and eliminating one will h*lp cut down on duplicate posts. Also, when you leave spoiler space, you must use letters or words, not spaces or periods. If you use spaces or periods, some mailers read that as the end of the message and cut off whatever is below. For example S P O I L E R S P A C E is good! Thanks, --kg, Co List Mum - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: GH/PC: ADMIN stuff Date: 08 Jan 1998 11:37:56 -0800 At 11:24 AM 1/8/98 -0800, Cagey wrote: > >thereof. Either address is fine (I believe--Taiyin, have >we had any problems?), and eliminating one will h*lp cut >down on duplicate posts. What happened is that Xmission has added a new computer system. If you looked at the headers of messages from before they switched, often times they would say now they say -- but that is just the computers at Xmission. You *can* send the mail to or you can send it to It doesn't matter (unless you are sending from an actual Xmission account -- but nobody but me is, so that's not an issue right now). The computer is smart enough to know that if a message is accidentally sent to and then Cc:ed to the *exact same* address, that it only actually processes it once. But it does NOT recognize and to be the same list, so it will send THOSE ones twice. That's why we get duplicates. ObGH/PC: Does anyone know how long Sarah Brown is supposed to be gone? I htought she was just taking off for maternity leave, but I just read somewhere that she is doing a movie. But it didn't say how long she'd be gone. And all the spoilers I've read only go up through Jason and the baby stuff. Taiyin "Sacrifice yourself, my love slave." --"Oh, do with me what you will." -- Lucy & Kevin, GH - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Gina Clayton" Subject: Re: GH/PC: ADMIN stuff Date: 08 Jan 1998 14:49:28 EST5EDT > ObGH/PC: Does anyone know how long Sarah Brown is supposed to be gone? I > htought she was just taking off for maternity leave, but I just read > somewhere that she is doing a movie. But it didn't say how long she'd be > gone. And all the spoilers I've read only go up through Jason and the baby > stuff. I understand it that she will be gone for one month to shoot a movie. Hope this helps!! gina > Taiyin > "Sacrifice yourself, my love slave." > --"Oh, do with me what you will." > -- Lucy & Kevin, GH > > - > > - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie Saker" Subject: GH/PC: RE: GH--Sarah Brown Date: 08 Jan 1998 12:17:00 PST taiyin wrote: >ObGH/PC: Does anyone know how long Sarah Brown is supposed to be >gone? I thought she was just taking off for maternity leave, but I >just read somewhere that she is doing a movie. But it didn't say how >long she'd be gone. And all the spoilers I've read only go up >through Jason and the baby stuff. maternity leave? i didn't think she was really pregnant. was she? what i had heard was that she'd be off for a month filming a movie, but that she had done a lot of pre-taping so that her absence would "hardly be noticed." (which i ASSUME means carly will get her act together and come back to claim her baby pretty quickly.) also, i think i read she's taking time off again a little later (i forget when--i think for her wedding? but i might be getting her confused with someone else.), and that she would once again be pre-taping a lot of scenes so her story could continue. if true, i think that's really great of her, and i wish more actors would do it. because it's a real shame when storylines get crippled because of individual actor's schedules. (for example, i read an interview somewhere with the woman who plays laura's mother--i forget her name--and she was for all intents and purposes brought back to the show and then immediately sent away again, being held hostage to genie francis's maternity leave.) incidentally, did anyone else laugh when luke told jason, "ok, so a month--the first week in february--that's as good a time as any to tell bobbie the truth..." can we say "february sweeps," luke? i had to chuckle at that one. on a side note, isn't that baby ADORABLE? oh, and i read a notice about the twins who are playing him which included the baby's name, so scroll down if you want to know and i'll leave spoiler space for those who want to be surprised. s p o i l e r s p a c e s o r t o f good enough. robert morgan. (didn't give a middle name) of course, my first thought upon reading it was, "god i want them to bring robert and anna back..." julie ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: GH/PC: RE: GH--Sarah Brown Date: 08 Jan 1998 13:00:01 -0800 Julie asked: > >maternity leave? i didn't think she was really pregnant. was she? Now that you're asking, I'm questioning myself. But it seems to me that I distinctly remember a mention of her in the soap mags back at Emmy time as being pregnant. It is, of course, entirely possible that I am just losing my mind, though. ;-) >what i had heard was that she'd be off for a month filming a movie, but >that she had done a lot of pre-taping so that her absence would "hardly >be noticed." (which i ASSUME means carly will get her act together and >come back to claim her baby pretty quickly.) That's what I heard, too. Maybe that was why I'm confused. Other than the normal reasons... ;-) Taiyin "Sacrifice yourself, my love slave." --"Oh, do with me what you will." -- Lucy & Kevin, GH - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Victoria Subject: Re: GH/PC: RE: GH opening Date: 08 Jan 1998 15:38:06 -0800 >ok, after yesterday's debate over this subject i deliberately watched >and re-watched the credits. the first pic is DEFINITELY jason and >robin. the second one, which i originally thought was also jason and >robin...well, i'm not SURE! My first reaction after seeing the second couple was that it was:......... ..... Jax & Miranda (the one in the flashback when they were on that beach and Miranda had that awful fake long wig on)..That's my guess Victoria :) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Cyndibird Subject: Re: GH/PC: RE: GH opening Date: 09 Jan 1998 10:30:05 -0500 (EST) i rewatched the opening in slow motion and both pics are of Jason & Robin. I used the freeze frame and could see jason's face clearly in the second picture and it was in the same setting as the first, in Montauk. cynthia - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Donald K Gooden" Subject: Re: GH/PC: RE: GH--Sarah Brown Date: 09 Jan 1998 18:23:07 -0500 >Julie asked: >> >>maternity leave? i didn't think she was really pregnant. was she? >Taiyin wrote, >Now that you're asking, I'm questioning myself. But it seems to me that I >distinctly remember a mention of her in the soap mags back at Emmy time as >being pregnant. Well, I too was under the impression that she was pregnant. I think that I also got that from the Emmys, however I am not sure what put that in my head. Anyway the name of Sarah's movie is Cybersex and Pretzels. Now, On the show Luke said that Carly would have until February. I heard somewhere that Sarah is not actually getting back till February. Did she pretape the scenes that will air almost a month from now. Exactly how long do soap stars tape their scenes before they air? Jamila > > - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie Saker" Subject: GH/PC: Re: GH: Sarah Brown Date: 12 Jan 1998 07:37:14 PST jamila asked: >Well, I too was under the impression that she was pregnant. I think >that I also got that from the Emmys, however I am not sure what put >that in my head. Anyway the name of Sarah's movie is Cybersex and >Pretzels. Now, On the show Luke said that Carly would have until >February. I heard somewhere that Sarah is not actually getting back >till February. Did she pretape the scenes that will air almost a >month from now. Exactly how long do soap stars tape their scenes >before they air? well, i think they tape about two weeks or so in advance of the airdate (somebody correct me if i'm wrong!), which would mean if she (she-Sarah, not she-Carly) really isn't going to be back until february, that she would indeed have to have pre-taped the stuff that will air a month from now. (translation: if carly will be on-air the first week in feb., but sarah isn't back until after that, she would have had to already tape the stuff that will air then.) however, the impression i had gotten from the stuff i read was that she (she-carly this time) wouldn't be off-air for that long...especially since i for one find it HIGHLY unlikely that they would start the bobbie/carly storyline in motion without carly being in town. (i mean, we've all waited THIS long, what's a few more weeks?) but who knows! :) about the only thing i'm sure about is that if she's (she-sarah) currently off filming a movie, and will be returning to gh immediately after that...then it's pretty unlikely that she's pregnant in real life. isn't it? julie ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: GH/PC: Re: GH: Sarah Brown Date: 12 Jan 1998 09:59:05 -0800 At 07:37 AM 1/12/98 PST, Julie Saker wrote: >about the only thing i'm sure about is that if she's (she-sarah) >currently off filming a movie, and will be returning to gh immediately >after that...then it's pretty unlikely that she's pregnant in real life. >isn't it? Yeah, it is. And I don't remember why, specifically, I thought she was pregnant in real life anymore. And so now it's driving me crazy. But now that I actually think about it, I realize she's not. Taiyin "Sacrifice yourself, my love slave." --"Oh, do with me what you will." -- Lucy & Kevin, GH - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Donald K Gooden" Subject: GH/PC: spoilers GH Date: 12 Jan 1998 18:20:46 -0500 For the week of Jan 12 Jamila S P O I E R S P A C E > > > > > > ---- When Brenda disappears, Jax confronts Jason. The Cassadine bickering will put the Q's to shame, as Nikolas falls in the middle of Stefan and Helena's differences. Jason might feel he's doing the right thing with Carly and the baby, but Robin doesn't and it affects their relationship. "What am I, your secretary?" is probably what Tess is thinking when James calls her up, looking for very important information. Laura's ex-mother-in-law gives Luke some news about his wife and baby daughter. Will Brenda come through when Robin asks her for a big favor? After Bobbie interferes with his plans to protect Carly's baby, Tony strikes a pact with three men from the Quartermaine clan. Information that Tess is given by Mac is inaccurate, which results in Robin coming to James' assistance. Ignoring all possible risks, Justus contemplates taking on a "difficult assignment." Helena tries to stroke one Kat, who might not be in a very kittenish mood. Brenda moves one step up the ladder of her recovery. Robin is asked to retain confidential information, but is uncertain if she can. ---- GH Preview On Monday, Helena makes efforts to win over Nikolas but their meeting is interrupted by Stefan, who warns his mother to stay out of his life, and that includes Katherine. Later on, Stefan tells Nikolas that Helena is about as trustworthy as a three-dollar bill. --- Robin is mesmerized by the sight of Jason with the baby. Although she knows deep down in her heart that Jason is not the real father, she needs to hear it from Jason and she asks him point blank, "Shall I call you daddy?" --- As Brenda stares in the mirror with the scissors very close to her eye she runs her hand over one of the blades, totally unaware of her actions. She only cuts her finger but the sight of the blood triggers an unexpected reaction from Brenda. By day's end, Brenda visits the gravesite of the late Mrs. Corinthos. On Tuesday, Mac is still all tied up and James continues impersonating him at The Outback. However, James soon discovers that one area of Mac's life that he needs to learn very quickly is that of his "niece": Robin Scorpio. --- Robin asks Brenda for a favor that she hopes Brenda won't refuse. She tells Brenda that she wants to move in with her. --- A reporter confronts Brenda and informs her that Lucy is looking for the new face of Jax Cosmetics. Will Brenda attack this reporter with their tripod, or will she do the smart thing and call her psychiatrist, Gail Baldwin? On Wednesday, Katherine and Stefan continue to share their love, but their hopes for a happy future together might change after Helena comes face-to-face with Katherine. Although Katherine has been told by practically everyone that Helena is the equivalent of "Satan's Sister," the shrewd Mama Cass exudes endless charm and class. Helena asks Katherine to keep their little meeting "just between us girls," but Katherine feels that honesty is the best policy. --- Robin is torn between her head and her heart and she struggles between telling Keesha & AJ the truth about Carly's baby, or honoring Jason's wishes and continuing the charade. If the Thursday and Friday updates are available, they will be posted Thursday morning. ---- Alert Mon Jason cannot tell a lie, when Robin confronts him about "his son." Jason and AJ stare each other down. Will one of them blink? Tues Brenda visits Lily's grave and asks for her help. It's choice time for Emily. Wed Luke and Helena have an exchange of words. Will it be checkmate or stalemate? Thurs Tony goes from Dr. Jones to Mr. Hyde, as he seeks revenge against Jason. Fri It's the four musketeers to the rescue as Tony and AJ team up with Alan and Ned, "for the sake of the baby." Coming soon Emily and AJ each make decision. Nikolas is on the path to speaking again. Jason gets too close for comfort. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Donald K Gooden" Subject: GH/PC: spoilers PC Date: 12 Jan 1998 18:23:30 -0500 Spoilers for the week of Jan 12. PC Jamila S P O I L E R S P A C E > > > > Marilyn Monroe is not dead ... she's gone brunette!!! In an attempt to gather evidence against Rex, Lucy & Eve collaborate on La Monroe photo shoot. As Frank is about to find out, being the parent of a teenager is tough work ... particularly when that teenager isn't such a good girl. Lark takes the statement "me casa, su casa" quite literally, and begins to makes dibs on everything under Frank's roof. Will the real Rex Stanton please stand up. Chris decides to make discovering Matt's history a personal project. Lucy may have to choose between her love for Kevin and Serena, as Rex catches her in an unlikely place. Rex is tired of being a bachelor for so long and pops the question to one (un)lucky lady. ---- PC Preview On Monday, Lucy learns that she's met her match in the form of Rex, who not as gullible as other men she's played tricks on. He challenges her about the "herbal fertility pills" that she's been taking, and Lucy has to do some pretty fancy footwork to cover her tracks. In the meantime, it becomes more apparent that this Rex Stanton is not *the* Rex Stanton ... but will Scott and Lucy be able to prove it before the judge asks the jury, "Have you reached a verdict?" On Tuesday, Lucy and Eve move forward with their plan to get the goods on Rex. While one bombshell keeps Rex occupied, the other one goes to Rex's house to find any evidence linking him to Serena's kidnapping. Although the papers are discovered, an unexpected visitor throws open the door and asks, "Did the butler send you in?" On Wednesday, Lark is beginning to show that she's more like a hawk and she begins to "indefinitely borrow" things that don't belong to her, including Julie's credit cards. --- When confronted by Rex in (of all places) his bedroom, Lucy tells Rex that her reason for being there is very simple ... but will Rex be lucky in love? ---- Alert mon It's "all in the family," as Serena meets her Aunt Katherine. tues Lucy and Eve scheme to fool Rex. wed Lark continues to upset Frank. thurs Chris decides to investigate Matt's past. fri Rex surprises Lucy. Coming soon Joe and Karen finally "get it on." - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Cagey Subject: Re: GH/PC: spoilers PC Date: 12 Jan 1998 18:29:43 -0800 (PST) At 06:23 PM 1/12/98 -0500, Donald K Gooden wrote: >Spoilers for the week of Jan 12. PC > Jamila >S >P >O >I >L >E >R > >S >P >A >C >E >> >> >> >> > > >As Frank is about to find out, being the parent of a teenager is tough work >... particularly when that teenager isn't such a good girl. The girl needs to learn to do something other than look vaguely past the camera with her "I'm a bad girl" gaze. >In the meantime, it becomes more >apparent that this Rex Stanton is not *the* Rex Stanton ... You know, this just isn't how I thought this situation would be resolved. I suppose it's as good as any solution, apart from the fact that Mac checked out Stanton when he came to town at Kevin's behest . Thanks for the scoops, Jamila. --kg ***** "Ah, yes! I wrote the Purple Cow-- I'm sorry, now, I wrote it! But I can tell you anyhow, I'll kill you if you quote it!" --Gelett Burgess MOO: - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: GH/PC: spoilers PC Date: 14 Jan 1998 00:43:27 -0800 At 06:29 PM 1/12/98 -0800, Cagey wrote: >>S >>P >>O >>I >>L >>E >>R >> >>S >>P >>A >>C >>E >>> >>> >>> >>> >> >> >The girl needs to learn to do something other than look >vaguely past the camera with her "I'm a bad girl" gaze. All I could think of when she was hiding her joints in the curtain rod was, "Why does every rebellious teenager on daytime always smoke pot? At least Emily had a broader repetoire than that. The pot thing is only slightly over-used. And yes, I agree, the child could use a few more facial expressions. >You know, this just isn't how I thought this situation >would be resolved. I suppose it's as good as any solution, >apart from the fact that Mac checked out Stanton when he >came to town at Kevin's behest . Chalk one up to "details lost in transition" between writing teams. >Thanks for the scoops, Jamila. Ditto. Taiyin "What did I do before I had you?" --"You were lost and confused." -- Lucy and Kevin - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: GH/PC: Grrrrrrrr Date: 14 Jan 1998 11:13:02 -0800 Is anyone one else's PC blinking out every once in a while and zapping over to One Life to Live for a minute or two? I can't tell if it's my affiliate or if it's a network gliche. Bah. Taiyin "What did I do before I had you?" --"You were lost and confused." -- Lucy and Kevin - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Cagey Subject: Re: GH/PC: Grrrrrrrr Date: 13 Jan 1998 14:37:27 -0500 At 11:13 AM 1/14/98 -0800, you wrote: >Is anyone one else's PC blinking out every once in a while and zapping over >to One Life to Live for a minute or two? > >I can't tell if it's my affiliate or if it's a network gliche. Well, yesterday we got the end credits first, and then they kept running this annoying tag at the top (!) of the screen that they would be doing some sort of required test from 12:32 to 12:49 (during PC, natch) the following day. I'll be pleasantly surprised if there's anything on my tape for me to watch tonight . --kg - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie Saker" Subject: GH/PC: Re: PC Date: 13 Jan 1998 12:03:48 PST taiyin wrote: >Is anyone one else's PC blinking out every once in a while and >zapping over to One Life to Live for a minute or two? ok, i'm at work, and very much in work mode--but the first thing i thought when i started reading this message (honestly! i'm not making this up!) was: "she's getting soap operas on her COMPUTER? how COOL!" then i read this: >I can't tell if it's my affiliate or if it's a network gliche. and remembered that "pc" can stand for any NUMBER of things these days...not the LEAST of which is "personal computer." i think i've CLEARLY been working too long...either that, or i'm getting WAY old before my time! (it's just like my grandmother being all proud a few years back that my sister was going be so responsible and spend her birthday money on cd's, not realizing ali meant compact discs instead of certificate of deposit!) julie ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: GH/PC: Re: PC Date: 14 Jan 1998 13:38:40 -0800 At 12:03 PM 1/13/98 PST, Julie Saker wrote: > >ok, i'm at work, and very much in work mode--but the first thing i >thought when i started reading this message (honestly! i'm not making >this up!) was: "she's getting soap operas on her COMPUTER? how COOL!" LOL! No, sorry to disappoint you, Julie. I'm home sick today. >i think i've CLEARLY been working too long...either that, or i'm getting >WAY old before my time! (it's just like my grandmother being all proud >a few years back that my sister was going be so responsible and spend >her birthday money on cd's, not realizing ali meant compact discs >instead of certificate of deposit!) No, this is about the second time over the past week that I'd be watching PC and then all of a sudden it was like someone changed the channel on my VCR to One Life to Live. In the first split second it happened, the thought that ran through my head was, "Who the %$#* has been in my room and messing with my VCR?" But, obviously, since that's not possible (and since it switches back after a minute or two), it's either my network or the affiliate. My money's on the affiliate. Someone probably flipped the wrong switch during today's satelite feed of OLtL and accidentally flashed it across the entire San Francisco Bay Area before they realized what they did. Maybe it's a new person and that's why it's happened twice int eh past week. Taiyin "What did I do before I had you?" --"You were lost and confused." -- Lucy and Kevin - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: GH/PC: Grrrrrrrr Date: 14 Jan 1998 13:40:38 -0800 At 02:37 PM 1/13/98 -0500, Cagey wrote: > >Well, yesterday we got the end credits first, Well that's interesting. >and then they kept running >this annoying tag at the top (!) of the screen that they would be doing >some sort of required test from 12:32 to 12:49 (during PC, natch) the >following day. I'll be pleasantly surprised if there's anything on my tape >for me to watch tonight . Strange. We had an emergency broadcast test thingie today just before PC aired, but it didn't actually pre-empt any of the show. Taiyin "What did I do before I had you?" --"You were lost and confused." -- Lucy and Kevin - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: GH/PC: Katherine Date: 14 Jan 1998 14:19:29 -0800 I'll put spoiler space for anyone at work/school who hasn't seen today's ep yet... X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X OK, well, I must say that, even though I didn't like Katherine and Scott when they were first paired together back in 1994, I actually liked them together today. This was the first time in gods know how long that Katherine didn't irritate the daylights out of me. Her being paired off with Stefan all the time, neck deep in angst and misery, makes it easy to forget that she can actually have a sense of humor. And I've gotten to the point of detesting Katherine so much, that I forgot I really do like Mary Beth Evans. But, for the brief time she was on today, she was actually very watchable. Taiyin JUSTUS: "You know, I don't want it to get out, but I can dance that dance." DARA: "Is that what you do all day at the Quartermaine house? Shake your booty up and down those beautiful marble floors?" JUSTUS: "Oh yeah! And that is no easy feat to chamber music." - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: GH/PC: Helena and Jason and Tony Date: 14 Jan 1998 19:15:30 -0800 Not together, of course. ;-) First of all: I *loved* the showdown between Helena and Stefan yesterday. And I especially loved the insults she kept hurling at Katherine ("bovine tramp" is definitely one I intend to remember). But more than that, I *loved* her threats against Alexis and the look on Stefan's face. The only thing I think I loved more was when Stefan told her that the only reason he hadn't killed Luke yet was because he hoped Luke would kill Helena for him. Their whole exchange was fabulous and I can't wait for a few more of them. Also, I was very, very glad to see Jason tell Robin everything. And I was even happier to see that Robin was trying to get Jason to understand that AJ having a right to know about his son didn't have anything to do with ownership. Too bad they got cut off, though. And today was just one of those rare days when I really, really liked Bobbie. They don't happen very often, as she has a knack for irritating me, but today she just rocked. She showed remarkable self-restraint in not decking Tony -- boy is he asking for it. And the whole scene at the penthouse, with Jason's bodygaurd trying to put the swing together, and his accountant (or whoever that guy is) reading to the kid from Em's book, was great. The best part, though, was DEFINITELY Bobbie coming out of the kitchen with a cookie sheet of fresh cookies. The whole thing was great and I am really enjoying this Mr. Mom routine. I'm not one to go ga-ga over babies, but Jason holding that baby is so sweet I could hardly stand it. It's going to be a bummer when Carly comes back, because I can't imagine that she can be nearly as entertaining a parent as Jason is already. For someone who read the spoilers, though, I have a quesiton: does Jason end up naming the baby, or does he wait until Carly comes back and let her name him? Anyway, I really did love the whole thing. I even actually kind of liked Brenda at Lily's grave yesterday. I violently detested Lily, but I did really like the fact that Brenda recognized that everyone refering to Lily as a saint came with a really heavy price tage: death. I forgot that I actually used to really like Brenda. It's been a long time. But yesterday and today she was pretty good. I think they could have done a little more build up to bring Robin home permanently, though. I mean, one minute she's perfectly happy in Paris (or at the very least, Yale) and then suddenly she's not and she wants to come home. It's not as though we haven't seen her at all over the past couple months. Anyway, that gripe aside, I love that I can actually enjoy GH again. It's been too long. Taiyin "What did I do before I had you?" --"You were lost and confused." -- Lucy and Kevin - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie Saker" Subject: GH/PC: Re: Helena and Jason and Tony Date: 14 Jan 1998 07:02:01 PST taiyin wrote: >The only thing I think I loved more was when Stefan told her that the >only reason he hadn't killed Luke yet was because he hoped Luke would >kill Helena for him. that was GREAT! i was so glad to see helena was still around. we hadn't seen her for a while, so i was scared gh had dropped back into their habit of forgetting about characters and/or storylines and leaving them dangling forever. (not that the previous writing regime caused me to be a little wary or anything!) >Also, I was very, very glad to see Jason tell Robin everything. god yes--me too. when she first asked to hold the baby, i just looked at the screen and said, "WHAT?!?" again, that was my distrust of tptb speaking--i forgot that robin would NEVER believe the stuff brenda was trying to tell her about jason. >And the whole scene at the penthouse, with Jason's >bodygaurd trying to put the swing together, and his accountant (or >whoever that guy is) reading to the kid from Em's book, was great. at the beginning of that scene, when jason was on the phone and before em arrived, i was groaning to myself: "oh NO...not ANOTHER 'three men and a baby' rip-off." but by the time the child welfare lady showed up, i was pleasantly surprised. >The best part, though, was DEFINITELY Bobbie coming out of the >kitchen with a cookie sheet of fresh cookies. i laughed out loud at that one! i'm really enjoying this whole set-up, with bobbie bonding so much with that baby, the child of her biggest enemy, who she will someday soon (PLEASE let it be soon!)learn is her own grandson. you have to wonder what carly's reaction is going to be, when she returns and realizes how close jason has allowed bobbie and the baby to become. should be interesting... >The whole thing was great and I am really enjoying this Mr. Mom >routine. I'm not one to go ga-ga over babies, but Jason holding that >baby is so sweet I could hardly stand it. agreed. >For someone who read the spoilers, though, I have a quesiton: does >Jason end up naming the baby, or does he wait until Carly comes back >and let her name him? i don't know for sure, but if i had to guess i'd say...if carly REALLY isn't going to be back until sometime in february, robin (who i'm sure will be visiting jason and the baby again soon) will say something to the effect of, "you can't just call him 'baby boy morgan' forever. you should pick a name for him." and jason will say something like, "but it's carly's kid. she should be the one to name him." and robin will say, "but she put YOUR name on the birth certificate." (incidentally, there is NO WAY a hospital will issue a birth certificate until the baby has a name...that's kind of the POINT of a birth certificate, after all. but i digress...) and somehow the two of them will come up with the name. incidentally, i read a post on pc online which raised an interesting point. this child has, on his birth certificate, carly roberts and jason morgan as his parents. neither of those two creations are real. carly roberts is dead, and jason morgan isn't his real name, just his first and middle names. could make for an interesting point, from a future custody battle point of view, when it comes out that neither of the names on the birth certificate are the baby's actual parents. >I even actually kind of liked Brenda at Lily's grave yesterday. well, i liked it by the end. but at the beginning, when brenda started in with her "remember when we were friends?" bit. i just screamed at the tv, "NO...i DON'T remember that." somebody help me out here, because i REALLY don't remember the two ever being friends. were they? >I think they could have done a little more build up to bring Robin >home permanently, though. i guess. but that doesn't bother me NEARLY as much as the fact that robin isn't even the LEAST bit suspicious about mac/jimmy. sure, she thought some of his reactions were odd, but for the most part she was so self-absorbed in that conversation that she didn't notice a thing. i think i'm just getting sick of the fact that this storyline hasn't gone anywhere yet...but i REALLY wanted her to be more suspicious. maybe she'll talk to felicia soon and the two of them will compare notes. >Anyway, that gripe aside, I love that I can actually enjoy GH again. >It's been too long. amen to that. julie ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: GH/PC: Re: Helena and Jason and Tony Date: 15 Jan 1998 09:41:45 -0800 At 07:02 AM 1/14/98 PST, Julie Saker wrote: > >god yes--me too. when she first asked to hold the baby, i just looked >at the screen and said, "WHAT?!?" again, that was my distrust of tptb >speaking--i forgot that robin would NEVER believe the stuff brenda was >trying to tell her about jason. I had the same reaction. But once the scenes got underway it did make a lot more sense and I felt much better. >at the beginning of that scene, when jason was on the phone and before >em arrived, i was groaning to myself: "oh NO...not ANOTHER 'three men >and a baby' rip-off." but by the time the child welfare lady showed up, >i was pleasantly surprised. Actually, I was laughing when the bodygaurd yanked Em into the room. ;-) >i laughed out loud at that one! i'm really enjoying this whole set-up, >with bobbie bonding so much with that baby, the child of her biggest >enemy, who she will someday soon (PLEASE let it be soon!)learn is her >own grandson. No kidding. I especially like the fact that she went out of her way to mangle Tony's plans to h*lp out, too. Tony really crossed the line with all that crap about Jason being mentally deficient. I was happy to see the social worker point out to him, though, that when crime figures and racketeers get busted they only lose their yachts and savings accounts, though, and NOT their children. And I'm looking forward to her confrontation about it with Tony today. >you have to wonder what carly's reaction is going to be, >when she returns and realizes how close jason has allowed bobbie and the >baby to become. should be interesting... From Bobbie's side of it, too. >i don't know for sure, but if i had to guess i'd say...if carly REALLY >isn't going to be back until sometime in february, robin (who i'm sure >will be visiting jason and the baby again soon) will say something to >the effect of, "you can't just call him 'baby boy morgan' forever. you That's what I was thinking will probably happen, too. I can't see them dodging the name issue for an entire month -- especially if Tony keeps getting in their face like he's been doing. Not only that, but since we know the baby's name is going to be Robert, then I can't really see Carly naming him that, just because that *isn't* her real last name. >carly roberts is dead, and jason morgan isn't his real name, just his >first and middle names. could make for an interesting point, from a >future custody battle point of view, when it comes out that neither of >the names on the birth certificate are the baby's actual parents. I don't know that it'll matter much in Jason's case because, even if he hasn't legally changed his name (which, considering his array of financial holdings, I'd find a little unlikely by this point) it's not as though he's pretending to be someone other than who he is. Carly, however, could be in trouble (or she would be if Jason wasn't covering her butt for her). Tony or AJ could use that fact to h*lp prove that she is unstable. >well, i liked it by the end. but at the beginning, when brenda started >in with her "remember when we were friends?" bit. i just screamed at >the tv, "NO...i DON'T remember that." somebody help me out here, >because i REALLY don't remember the two ever being friends. were they? Oh, no, I agree. At the beginning I was sitting there going, "Ugh. It's not bad enough we have to *hear* about Saint Lily, now we have to visit her grave?" But by thte end of the conversation, I was mildy impressed with Brenda (though it seems to me that she came to the realizations that she did very quickly in this whole storyline). And yeah, she and Lily were friends for about five minutes. It didn't stop, really, until Lily and Miguel started having problems and Lily started turning to Sonny more and more. In Puerto Rico, for Miguel's concert even, Sonny and Miguel already hated each other, but Lily and Brenda were still friends. That was just because Brenda didn't see Lily as being a threat yet. >i guess. but that doesn't bother me NEARLY as much as the fact that >robin isn't even the LEAST bit suspicious about mac/jimmy. sure, she >thought some of his reactions were odd, but for the most part she was so >self-absorbed in that conversation that she didn't notice a thing. Well, as someone who actually *had* that same conversation with her father once, I could understand how she'd be too distracted by what she had to say to notice how different "Mac" was. Besides, she DID notice that something wasn't right, she just couldn't put her finger on what was really wrong with him. >think i'm just getting sick of the fact that this storyline hasn't gone >anywhere yet...but i REALLY wanted her to be more suspicious. maybe >she'll talk to felicia soon and the two of them will compare notes. I don't think I'd mind them dragging it out if we at LEAST knew what Tess and Jimmy are after. And I must have way too much of a reality dose when I'm watching my soaps, because everytime I see Mac tied up, all I can think of is, "And how, exactly, does he go to the bathroom like that?" Bad, bad, bad. Taiyin "They are such a strange couple. I don't understand how they stayed married all these years." -- "I thought it was the sex." --Emily and Jason, about their grandparents - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Olio Subject: GH/PC: Hello! Date: 14 Jan 1998 13:28:53 EST Hi Everyone, My name is Danielle and I just joined the list. I am switching from another GH list because there was way too many posts every day and it seemed as if half of them were off topic! Sometimes there were 200 posts a day!!! I just couldn't keep up, so I am glad to find another smaller list. Anyhow, I have been watching GH since I was about 12 which is 20 years ago and never miss a show! (good ole VCR's) My favorite character and storyline is Carly. I think the actress does a great job and I can't wait till she gets back next month and Bobbie finds out FINALLY who she is. I also like Vanessa Marcil and think she has done a great job these past few weeks with Brenda having the breakdown. Her expressions are so real! I don't like the story though. I hated seeing Brenda ruined like that over a man, even if it is Sonny. I also don't think Brenda would have ever really believed that Sonny left her that way. I expected her to search for him and never believe it. But thats done and over with. As far as Port Charles goes, I like that show alot, but I HATE the Rex storyline. I can't wait for that to be finished!!! I think it is really a little overboard but I know it's a soap. Well, just wanted to introduce myself and add a few opinions on the shows. Bye, Danielle - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie Saker" Subject: GH/PC: SOD Awards Date: 14 Jan 1998 10:42:31 PST this was posted on pc online. the daily news isn't exactly the ny times, so who knows... but i thought you guys might be interested. julie From Tuesday's New York Daily News: Soap Mag Cleans Up Scandal: Rumors about vote-rigging jeopardized awards telecast By RICHARD HUFF Daily News Staff Writer Alleged vote-rigging on the part of folks at ABC's ''General Hospital'' nearly led to the cancellation of NBC's annual prime-time telecast of the ''Soap Opera Digest Awards,'' set for Feb. 27. Call it Soapgate. Not since her peers left Susan Lucci off the Emmy nomination list in 1994 has an incident stirred up so much dust in the soap world. Sources say executives at NBC were so furious at the alleged ballot-box stuffing that they were going to cancel the show if the situation wasn't rectified — and fast. Voting for the annual awards is conducted through a ballot that is inserted into the November newsstand and subscriber issues of Soap Opera Digest. But what got NBC brass — as well as the people behind the NBC soaps — in an uproar was word that someone at ABC had gone out and bought 317 issues of the magazine in an attempt to get ''General Hospital'' named the best show. Sources say the information was garnered from a California newspaper and magazine wholesaler who made the bulk sale to somebody connected to ABC or the show. NBC, which is home to ''Days of Our Lives,'' the show that runs off almost every year with the favorite-soap award, freaked upon hearing this news, and threatened Soap Opera Digest. ''Days'' has been voted best show 11 of the past 13 years by the magazine's readers. ''General Hospital'' (pictured) got the nod last year. Likewise, when ABC staffers heard the initial round of ballots would not be counted, they complained that the process was being corrupted, said sources. Insiders said the issue of ballot-box stuffing came up last year, but the talk resulted in no changes in the process or the telecast. ''They told them to rectify the situation or there's a good chance we won't air it,'' said a source. ABC in a statement said the network had been advised that a wholesaler had improperly sold the magazine after its issue date to a ''General Hospital'' staffer. No surprise, Soap Opera Digest, fearing a loss of millions of viewers — and millions of potential magazine buyers — came up with a plan to insert another ballot into an upcoming issue of the magazine. These ballots, though, will go only to subscribers. The publication has about 600,000 subscribers and sells about the same number of copies on newstands. About 100,000 people vote yearly. Because Soap Opera Digest editors were forced to rush the new ballot into an already-in-production issue of the magazine, they included just a brief note telling readers that ''due to a potential discrepancy the previous ballot won't be counted.'' Soap Opera Digest editor Lynn Leahey said, ''We're happy that we could arrive at a solution to the problem.'' An NBC spokeswoman said the network commends the magazine for its steps to fix the problem. ''ABC supports Soap Opera Digest's decision to reballot for the 1998 Soap Opera Awards,'' ABC stated. ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie Saker" Subject: GH/PC: Re: Helena and Tony and Jason Date: 14 Jan 1998 10:48:06 PST On 01/15/98 09:41:45 taiyin wrote: > >I don't know that it'll matter much in Jason's case because, even if >he hasn't legally changed his name (which, considering his array of >financial holdings, I'd find a little unlikely by this point) it's >not as though he's pretending to be someone other than who he is. i agree--it's pretty likely that he's legally changed his name by now. but even the fact that his name is real doesn't change the fact that his claim to be the baby's father ISN'T! >Carly, however, could be in trouble (or she would be if Jason wasn't >covering her butt for her). Tony or AJ could use that fact to h*lp >prove that she is unstable. that...among many other things! :) >Brenda (though it seems to me that she came to the realizations that >she did very quickly in this whole storyline). true. makes me wonder if we have indeed reached the end. i hope not, if only for the sake of realism. >I don't think I'd mind them dragging it out if we at LEAST knew what >Tess and Jimmy are after. yeah, that's probably my feeling about it too. it just seems like we've spent an AWFUL long time on this...too long to justify the lack of info we still have about where all of this is going. >And I must have way too much of a reality dose when I'm watching my >soaps, because everytime I see Mac tied up, all I can think of is, >"And how, exactly, does he go to the bathroom like that?" Bad, bad, >bad. LOL! but don't you remember--he's a soap person. they don't GO to the bathroom! in fact, most of them don't even HAVE bathrooms! (i think the exception, throughout gh/pc history, has been lucy, who only has them as a place to have the occasional humorous seduction scene!) i'm trying this from my regular email address, by the way, 'cause i'm getting sick of having to switch over to hotmail every time. we'll see if it works yet! julie p.s. ok, so i guess it doesn't work yet. back to hotmail. unless it shows up later--my apologies for the duplicate if it does! ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jill Subject: Re: GH/PC: SOD Awards Date: 15 Jan 1998 10:54:41 -0800 I find it interesting that NBC, who has for been accused of "stuffing ballots" and totally skewing the SOD awards, is the network that's complaining this time. Jill - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: GH/PC: SOD Awards Date: 15 Jan 1998 10:58:55 -0800 At 10:42 AM 1/14/98 PST, Julie Saker wrote: >No surprise, Soap Opera Digest, fearing a loss of millions of viewers =97= =20 >and millions of potential magazine buyers =97 came up with a plan to=20 >insert another ballot into an upcoming issue of the magazine. These=20 >ballots, though, will go only to subscribers.=20 Argh! And Days/NBC has got a lot of room to talk!! Pfft. Taiyin "What did I do before I had you?" --"You were lost and confused." -- Lucy and Kevin - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: GH/PC: Re: Helena and Tony and Jason Date: 15 Jan 1998 11:16:25 -0800 At 10:48 AM 1/14/98 PST, Julie Saker wrote: > >i agree--it's pretty likely that he's legally changed his name by now. >but even the fact that his name is real doesn't change the fact that >his claim to be the baby's father ISN'T! Well, yes, obviously there is that. :-) >>Carly, however, could be in trouble (or she would be if Jason wasn't >>covering her butt for her). Tony or AJ could use that fact to h*lp >>prove that she is unstable. > >that...among many other things! :) Quite. It's not as though she hasn't given them ample ammunition. Between stealing Tony's custody documents from Justus' office, drugging AJ, etc. -- as soon as they all start comparing notes, she'll be sunk. Or she would be if Jason wasn't wasn't cleaning up after her so thoroughly. Which is another reason why id don't understand why she just doesn't tell AJ the truth. Jason has gotten rid of most of the evidence against her. There really probably isn't enough left against her to get the kid away from her. >true. makes me wonder if we have indeed reached the end. i hope not, >if only for the sake of realism. Probably not. Guza kept saying that she was going to have a long road to recovery ahead of her. Taiyin "What did I do before I had you?" --"You were lost and confused." -- Lucy and Kevin - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: GH/PC: Hello! Date: 15 Jan 1998 11:18:53 -0800 Danielle wrote: > Well, just wanted to introduce myself and add a few opinions on the shows. Welcome, welcome, Danielle. And I couldn't agree more about Rex. I'm currently writhing in pain because of today's episode. Taiyin "Why can't Rex be like everyone else and just send a fruit basket?" -- Kevin - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Olio Subject: GH/PC: Re: GH/PC Rex Date: 14 Jan 1998 15:11:34 EST In a message dated 98-01-14 14:20:56 EST, you write: << And I couldn't agree more about Rex. I'm currently writhing in pain because of today's episode. >> I know! If Lucy had the evidence she needed, she should have ran out of there as fast as she could! It was a little ridiculous. It was funny to watch though. I wonder if Rex went in her purse? Knowing Rex, he must have. Danielle - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: GH/PC: Tony and AJ Date: 15 Jan 1998 14:56:24 -0800 Should both be lined up against a wall and be smacked by a rotation of every father on the planet. How DARE they decide that Jason is unfit to be a father? Omitting for the moment the fact that he's NOT the father, as far as they know, he is. And yet still they think they have the right to take that child away from him? If I was Robin I wouldn't have been NEARLY so civil. Bobbie, either. Taiyin "What did I do before I had you?" --"You were lost and confused." -- Lucy and Kevin - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Mary Lu" Subject: Re: GH/PC: Tony and AJ Date: 15 Jan 1998 02:08:46 -0500 ---------- > From: Taiyin > Date: Thursday, January 15, 1998 5:56 PM > > How DARE they decide that Jason is unfit to be a father? Omitting for the > moment the fact that he's NOT the father, as far as they know, he is. And > yet still they think they have the right to take that child away from him? > I am thoroughly enjoying this story and watching these guys react this way. I don't agree with everything they say, of course, but I do like the story. I like watching Tony so thoroughly self-destruct. I like AJ finally getting some spine. There is a point to be made, although they are only dancing around it: fathers DO have a right to be with their children. Both of these guys have been pushed and pushed and pushed. Tony did it to himself and so did AJ in a sense. When I get pushed and pushed and pushed eventually I react. Whether I take it out on someone else or I take it out on myself depends on the situation. However I WILL take it out somehow, somewhere. The only part of this story that I am not buying at all was how quick Jason suddenly has feelings for an infant. I think too much of Steve Burton is showing through too quickly. If Jason couldn't change for Robin, I don't expect him to change overnight for the baby and that is exactly what he has done. He is redeemed, somewhat, in my mind, when he had that conversation with Carly saying that he felt AJ should know that the baby is his and should have some say. This doesn't mean that I don't like the story, though. I certainly do. I predicted the "Three Mob Guys and a Baby" on Tuesday's episode... It was great! Jason is going to have to realize one of these days that the baby is taking up attention to his business and he can't have it both ways. Both Jason and Robin (among MANY on GH lately) have lost so much touch with reality. Brenda is not the only one on the show that is a mental case waiting to happen. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie Saker" Subject: GH/PC: Re: Tony and AJ Date: 15 Jan 1998 06:49:39 PST taiyin wrote: >How DARE they decide that Jason is unfit to be a father? Omitting >for the moment the fact that he's NOT the father, as far as they >know, he is. And yet still they think they have the right to take >that child away from him? and mary lu responded: >There is a point to be made, although they are only dancing around >it: fathers DO have a right to be with their children. i'm completely with taiyin on this one. i do feel for tony and aj, in a way--particularly for tony, who went through eight months looking forward to being a father. but still, given the situation, their behavior is INEXCUSABLE. they think jason is the father, and they think they have the right to take that baby from him?!? how does that make the point about fathers having a right to be with their children? the point they're trying to make could more accurately be stated, "fathers have a right to be with their children, unless the father is a mobster," or "fathers have a right to be with their children, as long as the father is me." in fact, it would seem to me this story is making the exact OPPOSITE point...because at this point, i'd rather see this baby spend his entire life with jason than go live with his actual father, aj, who only wants him out of spite--because he wants to have what jason has. the point I'M seeing in all this, is that you don't have to be related by blood to be a parent. >The only part of this story that I am not buying at all was how quick >Jason suddenly has feelings for an infant. well...i see your point, but i can buy it. jason's always been very protective towards those who needed protection--carly, emily, robin, even brenda. this child is the ULTIMATE in defenseless. plus, i think he identifies very strongly with this kid, in that both he and the child have this large extended family trying to lay claim to them, so trying to maintain this baby's independence is, in large part, also trying to maintain his own. >Jason is going to have to realize one of these days that the baby >is taking up attention to his business and he can't have it both >ways. that i agree with 100%, and i think that will have to come sooner rather than later. i thought, in fact, the goings-on while he was on the phone the other day would have tipped him off already, but i guess not. considering he was the first one to point out to sonny that his feelings for brenda were making him stupid, and therefore vulnerable, he should realize that his feelings for this baby are doing the exact same thing to him. julie ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Ayn E Van syke (BSN)" Subject: Re: GH/PC: Katherine Date: 15 Jan 1998 10:03:27 -0500 (EST) > > OK, well, I must say that, even though I didn't like Katherine and Scott > when they were first paired together back in 1994, I actually liked them > together today. This was the first time in gods know how long that > Katherine didn't irritate the daylights out of me. > > Her being paired off with Stefan all the time, neck deep in angst and > misery, makes it easy to forget that she can actually have a sense of > humor. And I've gotten to the point of detesting Katherine so much, that I > forgot I really do like Mary Beth Evans. > > But, for the brief time she was on today, she was actually very watchable. > > Taiyin I agree 100% that Katherine and Scott were actually very interesting on Tuesday. I am so torn about the Scott/Eve/Chris situation that this would be a perfect solution. Besides the fact that I hate Katherine and the Cassadines. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Ayn E Van syke (BSN)" Subject: Re: GH/PC: Katherine Date: 15 Jan 1998 10:03:27 -0500 (EST) > > OK, well, I must say that, even though I didn't like Katherine and Scott > when they were first paired together back in 1994, I actually liked them > together today. This was the first time in gods know how long that > Katherine didn't irritate the daylights out of me. > > Her being paired off with Stefan all the time, neck deep in angst and > misery, makes it easy to forget that she can actually have a sense of > humor. And I've gotten to the point of detesting Katherine so much, that I > forgot I really do like Mary Beth Evans. > > But, for the brief time she was on today, she was actually very watchable. > > Taiyin I agree 100% that Katherine and Scott were actually very interesting on Tuesday. I am so torn about the Scott/Eve/Chris situation that this would be a perfect solution. Besides the fact that I hate Katherine and the Cassadines. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie Saker" Subject: GH/PC: Wendy Riche Date: 15 Jan 1998 07:25:15 PST GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!! ok, i need to vent! way back when, during that farce of an ending for the love story that WAS sonny and brenda, back when i was SERIOUSLY considering giving up on this show for good...i wrote a very long, very detailed, very NEGATIVE (although still well thought out) letter to tptb, explaining my EXTREME dissatisfaction with the way the s&b ending was handled. i sent copies to everyone whose name and address i could get my hands on--including wendy riche, guza (even though it wasn't his fault), and countless other producer-types. i knew it wouldn't do any good (after all, nobody can change the past), but it made me feel a LOT better. until last night. when i got home last night and picked up my mail, there was a postcard for me from general hospital. i KNOW it was just a form letter, but it pissed me off. it said: i personally wanted to thank you for writing to general hospital. i love to read letters like yours and have shared your thoughts with the entire cast. it makes all of us happy to know you're enjoying the stories and characters we've created for you. we've got some really exciting stories that will unfold over the next few months. so wait until you see what's next--then write us and tell us what you think! your opinion is extremely valuable to us! again, thanks for writing and stay tuned! wendy riche executive producer IT MAKES US ALL HAPPY TO KNOW YOU'RE ENJOYING THE STORIES AND CHARACTERS WE'VE CREATED FOR YOU???? if any one sentence could sum up the exact OPPOSITE of what my letter said, it would be that one! i would have rather they never acknowledged my letter at ALL then to send me this piece of patronizing fluff! i'm beginning to understand why it is that riche has such a reputation for being unconcerned with viewers' thoughts and opinions. would it be so hard to at least come up with two DIFFERENT form postcards--one for positive letters, and one for negative ones? something like, "i appreciate your input, and thank you for taking the time to share your feelings. the opinions of our viewers are extremely important to us, and i appreciate your candor. i am sorry that you have been disappointed with general hospital recently, but we are constantly developing new stories and characters, and i hope that you enjoy the developments that will be unfolding in the weeks ahead. please continue to keep us informed as to how we're doing! thanks for writing, and stay tuned!" that took all of two minutes, completely off the top of my head--is that so hard to do???? GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. sorry--just had to get that out of my system! anybody who feels the urge to vent to tptb...don't expect much in return! julie ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: GH/PC: Wendy Riche Date: 15 Jan 1998 09:09:55 -0800 At 07:25 AM 1/15/98 PST, Julie Saker wrote: > > anybody who feels the urge to vent to tptb...don't expect much >in return! Unless you do it in person. Wendy Riche, among others (Bob Guza, Michelle Val Jean, a few other writers, Tony Geary, Jackie Zeaman, Brad Maule and a few others) are going to be The Museum of Television and Radio in Beverly Hills next Thursday night. You could storm the museum and throw stale popcorn at her. I do understand your frustration, though, Julie. Taiyin, who is going, but who will also leave the popcorn at home... "Sacrifice yourself, my love slave." --"Oh, do with me what you will." -- Lucy & Kevin, GH - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie Saker" Subject: GH/PC: Logan's Last Chat Date: 15 Jan 1998 10:59:27 PST there's not an awful lot in the way of news in here, but i figured since it was the last one... (for those who haven't heard, logan is quitting the tvguide online stuff--to be replaced by a group of three whose names i can't remember--although he will still be doing the tv guide print column. he said he was too busy to handle it all, so this week was his last online chat.) this is the edited version (i deleted out a bunch of stuff related to the various other networks' soaps!) julie Michael Logan , January 13, 1998 Logan: Hi, MPWs! Well, this is it! The Last Chat (sorta like the Last Supper, only more lo-cal... ...and I'm soooooo glad to be shipping out with a lip-smackin', finger-lickin' good Wendy Riche scandal to dish with you about! As many of you Webheads must already know, Wendela got caught purchasing back issues of Soap Opera Digest (the one with the Awards ballot) from a magazine wholesaler, and now the voting has to be redone. SOD is reissuing the ballot in the next issue for subscribers only. Readers will only have one week to get the ballots back — in contrast to the eight weeks they had the first time around — so there's likely to be some very interesting if not out and out weird winners this year. (I can just see it now: Best Soap — Sunset Beach!) Actually, the whole thing is exceedingly ironic: What Wendy did (or more accurately what the propman whom she sent out to get the extra issues did) is nothing other shows haven't been doing for years. Almost every show buys up as many issues as possible in order to stuff that ballot box. Granted, no one has been caught striking a deal with a wholesaler, but that's really the only difference. I'm sure you've got questions on this topic, so hit me! Selat2: Hi, Logan! Wondered if you could explain what the deal with the Soap Opera Digest Awards is? I hear that NBC threatened to cancel the show unless they did the balloting over? Logan: That NBC rumor is not exactly true. Here's the scoop — it's a little lengthy, but trust me, it's juicy. Without naming names, let's just say that one of Wendela's underlings got blotto drunk at an industry party and boasted about the ballot-stuffing — get this, right in front of Ken Corday's publicist! I mean, like, can you spell S-T-U-P-I-D??? Kenny Boy immediately went boo-hoo-hooing to NBC West Coast Chief Don Ohlmeyer. An investigation followed, and when it was discovered that Wendy had gotten hold of 300+ issues, the Peacock threatened to cancel the Awards telecast. The network did not suggest a re-vote because at this point they did not think it was possible timewise. It was Digest that suggested the re-vote. I feel so bad for Lynn Leahey and her staff: They've done nothing wrong, yet are on the receiving end of a nightmarish load o' crap, but hey, there's always a silver lining. Allowing only subscribers to vote will perhaps be a better representation of the tastes of the magazine's loyal core audience and will, of course, put an end to ballot-stuffing. Maybe their subscription rates will even rise if that's the only way fans can vote. Adding to the drama, ABC has issued a statement putting the entire blame on the wholesaler, like somehow he forced those poor innocent, well-meaning folks at GH to take those issues. There was also a follow-up release in which ABC says in part that it is "outraged at the recent press reports of alleged 'ballot stuffing'...The matter was immediately looked into as soon as it was brought to our attention and we found absolutely no validity to these claims whatsoever... Any lingering allegations to the contrary are simply ludicrous." So much for "The Year of the Soap"! Elisevm15: Does Brenda's freak-out make any sense to you? Logan: Not one damn bit. I mean, it all started with a lightbulb, for cryin' out loud. I wonder where Guza researched this peculiar condition. I must say though that I really liked the scenes a few days ago where Brenda gave Robin the 411 about Baby Boy Morgan. It was GH at its best — loaded with the subtext of all their years together as friends. I love that whole BBM story, especially Bobbie and Emily coming to the rescue today when that snotty-ass social worker showed up. I do have a question about that Mac storyline: How exactly is he going to the potty? One can't help but wonder about these things. [taiyin, guess you're not the only one who wondered! :) ] Karenh97: Was it really Wendy? Or one of her henchmen? Logan: No, it truly was one of her henchmen. I do hear, however, that Wendy has just been convicted for dwarf-tossing. Mauri21: Phyllis's trial: thumbs up or down? Now that I mention that, did you see Roger Ebert recommending Debbi Morgan for Best Supporting Actress? Logan: Thumbs sideways. Yes I did hear Ebert's plug. Debbi also has a fabulous box in this week's Entertainment Weekly article about Oscar predictions. She's picked as the "Loveable Long Shot." Soaps_Rules: This is NOT fair, Logan. Now Days will win EVERYTHING. What about the best soap of 97, GL?:-( Logan: I wouldn't assume Days is a shoo-in. Interestingly, the subscriber audience of SOD tends to skew a bit older. Days has a very large young audience. I wouldn't be surprised if, as a result of the re-vote, shows like GL, AMC and Y&R took home a prize or two. Wally459: Call me sicko, but I just love these juicy scandals! Logan: Oh, me too, Wally! I would've been so ticked if this scandal had broken next week, after I'd left TVGEN. Barbara_47: How long do you think GH can afford to leave Tony Geary without a storyline? Are they still waiting for Genie? Logan: Tony has some very strong stuff coming up with or without Genie, who still has not agreed to return to the show. She still remains under contract, so legally she must return at some point. Justjosie: Logan, what did you think of Brenda's gravesite scene on GH? Logan: I wish Lily's hand had come out of the grave — like at the end of Carrie — and strangled the hell out of VM. Jenbo54: Logan, will you be at the SODs? Love to see you there. Logan: I wouldn't miss it. I've never attended a real-life scandal. CybilAnne: Logan, how can you leave us?!?! Don't you know we arrange our schedules and family lives around your chat?!?!?! Logan: Hey, reality bytes. Sammsfan: Thanks, Logan, for your hilarious comments on the soaps! You made Tuesdays nights worth staying home. Logan: Hey, thanks! But now that Buffy's moving to Tuesdays, it won't be a total loss. I appreciate the sentiment. Wally459: Wendy and Hunter Tylo should get a two-for-one deal at an institution! Logan: With designer straitjackets. JulieRhea: Are you still doing your TV Guide column? Logan: Absolutely. I'm no fool. Texas_Tech_CS: Michael, any last words? Logan: Of course I've got last words. I want to say that you people have been a complete and total blast on these chats. Screw Buffy, Tuesdays will never be the same without you. I shall miss you all very much (yes, Kristi, even you). Please know how much I appreciate your support, your patronage, your wisecracks, even your gripes during this year that I've been online. Many of your letters in Ask Logan regarding my sayonara have torn a hole in my heart because they are so sweet, so kind, so touching. 'Til we meet again (which, who knows, may happen sooner than we think —how's that for being cryptic?), I want you all to keep the faith. The soaps that we love so dearly may sometimes (OK, often) let us down, but they are so worth sticking with, so worth fighting for. Keep TPTBs on their toes. See ya soon, you Mouse-Pushing Wackos. Logan (Who Has Left the Building) ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: GH/PC: Logan's Last Chat Date: 15 Jan 1998 11:31:05 -0800 Julie wrote: >there's not an awful lot in the way of news in here, but i figured since=20 >it was the last one... Maybe not much news, but a lot more details to the SOD Awards scandel. >(for those who haven't heard, logan is quitting the tvguide online=20 >stuff--to be replaced by a group of three whose names i can't=20 >remember--although he will still be doing the tv guide print column. he=20 >said he was too busy to handle it all, so this week was his last online=20 >chat.) I am so bummed. I hadn't heard that. What a downer -- I *love* Logan. I hope the new team are as much as smart ass as Logan is. ;-) >just say that one of Wendela's underlings got blotto drunk at an=20 >industry party and boasted about the ballot-stuffing =97 get this, right=20 >in front of Ken Corday's publicist! I mean, like, can you spell=20 >S-T-U-P-I-D??? ROTFLMAO!!!! Oh man, stupidity that blatant deserves to be punished. The rest of us don't deserve it, but still, it is kind of funny. >Kenny Boy immediately went boo-hoo-hooing to NBC West=20 >Coast Chief Don Ohlmeyer.=20 Cry baby. He's probably just upset because Wendy's flunkies bought up more issues than his did. Nyah. >I feel so bad for Lynn Leahey and her staff:=20 So do I. This really stinks for them. Their tiny little office must be going out of their minds (their office in NYC really is very small; I can't imagine how they must all trip over each other when they have something this crazed to deal with). >Elisevm15: Does Brenda's freak-out make any sense to you? > >Logan: Not one damn bit.=20 At least I'm not the only one. >loaded with the subtext of all their years together as friends. I love=20 >that whole BBM story, especially Bobbie and Emily coming to the rescue=20 >today when that snotty-ass social worker showed up. I always knew Logan, most of the time, had good taste! >I do have a question about that Mac storyline: How exactly is he going=20 >to the potty? One can't help but wonder about these things. >[taiyin, guess you're not the only one who wondered! :) ] My mind goes places with that question that none of you want to hear about. ;-) >Logan: No, it truly was one of her henchmen. I do hear, however, that=20 >Wendy has just been convicted for dwarf-tossing. ROTFL! >Logan: Tony has some very strong stuff coming up with or without Genie,=20 >who still has not agreed to return to the show. She still remains under=20 >contract, so legally she must return at some point. Bah. >Justjosie: Logan, what did you think of Brenda's gravesite scene on GH? >Logan: I wish Lily's hand had come out of the grave =97 like at the end of= =20 >Carrie =97 and strangled the hell out of VM. Now THAT would have been fun to watch. ;-) >Logan: Hey, thanks! But now that Buffy's moving to Tuesdays, it won't be=20 >a total loss. I appreciate the sentiment. LOL! He really does have good taste. It's really too bad that he's not going to do the chats anymore. I think it gave him a much bigger audience, and much more of a voice, than he has just doing the TVG articles. Soaps need more critiques, instead of just yes-men or anti-soap bashers. There isn't much middle ground, and that does all soaps a disservice. Hopefully his replacements will keep it up. Taiyin "Sacrifice yourself, my love slave." --"Oh, do with me what you will." -- Lucy & Kevin, GH - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie Saker" Subject: GH/PC: Re: Logan's Last Chat Date: 15 Jan 1998 12:34:43 PST On 01/15/98 11:31:05 taiyin wrote: > >Maybe not much news, but a lot more details to the SOD Awards >scandel. > well yes...logan DOES love a good scandal! especially one where riche's involved--who, i often gather, isn't one of his favorite people! :) >I am so bummed. I hadn't heard that. What a downer -- I *love* >Logan. I hope the new team are as much as smart ass as Logan is. ;-) i know--i just LOVE reading his stuff. i'll go search out the info on his replacements--seems to me i hadn't heard of them, but perhaps you guys have... >It's really too bad that he's not going to do the chats anymore. I >think it gave him a much bigger audience, and much more of a voice, >than he has just doing the TVG articles. Soaps need more critiques, >instead of just yes-men or anti-soap bashers. There isn't much >middle ground, and that does all soaps a disservice. i agree. and his measly little weekly tv guide column is just so SMALL, and he has so many soaps to cover, that we rarely EVER get a mention of anything gh or pc-related! the chats and ask logan, however, were always FLOODED with gh stuff. (he always said we were among the most prolific letter-writers of all soap fans he'd ever encountered! :) >Hopefully his replacements will keep it up. i hope so too. i'll go look that stuff up. back in a minute... damnit, i can't find it! i THOUGHT i read it in logan's own words, in his chat from LAST week, but this is all he says there: What's the deal? There were posts saying you had been fired and replaced by two people? Logan: Let's just say the reports of my departure are highly erroneous. First of all, I would have liked to announce my own departure, cleanly and in my own inimitable style, but that option was taken away from me by my successors, who announced it themselves. (But hey, I'm just getting a teensy bit of my own medicine -- now I know how La Tylo must have felt when I announced La Pregnancy.) Anyway, whoever put the info online that not only was I fired from TVGEN but from TV Guide magazine as well is one quirky prankster. None of this is true. Here's the 411: I am voluntarily departing TVGEN because I am cross-eyed with exhaustion.When I started last January, I originally agreed to six months, then agreed to another six months, and now that time is up. I have dearly loved the chats and the Ask Logans and most especially the Q&As, but the workload has been a real killer, so I am taking a little sabbatical from the Web, but only from the Web. I have not been fired from TV Guide and look forward to continuing that column. Actually, I'm not even leaving the Web: I've been invited to do some critic stuff on Sony's Soap City site, which sounds like fun; I'll be doing a fan Q&A later this month on the GH Mining Company site; the ever delightful and eternally glamorous Kristen Powers (she made me say this) has asked me to take part in SOD Online's Digest Awards Chat, which has me salivating (she made me say that, too -- and if I didn't she was going to type it anyway); and Lynn Leahey has extended an open invitation for me to do my thing on the new SOD web site, so I'm sure you have not seen nor heard the last of me. Many, many of you have written to Ask Logan expressing disappointment in my departure, and I want you to know I am very touched and very overwhelmed. I busted my butt to make this site fun and informative, and I'm very proud of the work I've done here, and your response means more than I can ever say. And, no, I'm not trying to pull a Jensen Buchanan. Kendall_64: Congrats on your other offers, Logan. You will be missed. Keep up the honest reporting. Logan: Bless your heart! But the body's not cold yet. Our final chat will be next Tuesday at this time, and I will delivering two more weeks of Ask Logans and Q&As. Next week is the notoriously reclusive Susan Flannery and, though he has not yet accepted my invitation, I hope to do my last Q&A with (who else) God himself. Angellillie: Rauch? DynaRider: Tony Geary? Logan: Of course Rauch! Geary is Da Man. Haven't you people learned anything? Kendall_64: I hope by your last interview with "God himself" you mean Drake Hogestyn ;-) Yoda48152: Sonny?? The God Father?? JRJofCBS: Rod Arrants? Texas_Tech_CS: George Burns? ;) Cherylin: Elvis? Lonemesa: No Logan's favorite... TINA SLOAN. Texas_Tech_CS: Any special type of questions that you want for your final chat next week? Logan: No, just send cash. Listen, I love you guys, please come back next week for my swan song. You're the best! ok, now that's REALLY gonna bug me, 'cause i KNOW i read who his replacements were SOMEWHERE. i'll look around and post them separately if i find them. julie ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie Saker" Subject: GH/PC: Logan's replacements Date: 15 Jan 1998 12:42:24 PST found it! from the gossip section of pc online: FROM MICHAEL KAPE former editor of Soap Opera NOW! As you have probably heard by now, Michael Logan has decided to withdraw from providing the online content for TV Guide's online soap opera site effective January 15, 1998. TV Guide has asked the three of us to take over responsibility for the content. We are all very excited about the possibilities this holds, especially since we've been directed by TV Guide to help make it the number one soap opera site on the Internet. The soap opera area is already the most popular part of TV Guide's Internet site, but the plans are to expand it even more. Joanna Coons most recently served as editor of Soapdish, the bi-weekly publication. Prior to that, she had been Editorial Director for Soap Opera NOW!--a weekly daytime newspaper available in both a print and Internet edition, and an editor for Soap Opera Digest. She has also worked as a writer on a number of soap operas. Don Wagner has worked on the production side of telelvision for Merv Griffen and David Frost. He worked for Soap Opera NOW! for 10 years, first as Storylines Editor and then as the Managing Editor, as well as the Story Editor for Soapdish for two years. Michael Kape is one of the founders of Soap Opera NOW! and edited the publication for 15 years. He also created the publication's Internet site and its presence on America Online, where he held weekly Friday afternoon chat rooms. Under this new arrangement, Mr. Wagner will be taking over the "Ask Logan" column (new name to be determined) and conducting interviews for the Q&A section. Ms. Coons will also be doing Q&A and be working on previews of the shows. Mr. Kape will be writing the news for the site and will preside over the weekly online chats every Monday evening at 8 pm. However, visitors to the site can expect the trio to pop up unexpectedly in any given week, since responsibility for all the content will be shared. i must have read another announcement SOMEWHERE, because i SWEAR i remember reading a comment that said the new chat guy has kind of a similar no-holds-barred-tell-it-like-it-is style like logan does... but i can't seem to find that, so maybe i hallucinated it! :) guess this is the best i can do for now! hope that helps.... julie ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: GH/PC: Re: Logan's Last Chat Date: 15 Jan 1998 12:42:01 -0800 At 12:34 PM 1/15/98 PST, Julie Saker wrote: > >well yes...logan DOES love a good scandal! especially one where riche's >involved--who, i often gather, isn't one of his favorite people! :) So I've noticed. ;-) >i agree. and his measly little weekly tv guide column is just so SMALL, >and he has so many soaps to cover, that we rarely EVER get a mention of >anything gh or pc-related! the chats and ask logan, however, were >always FLOODED with gh stuff. (he always said we were among the most >prolific letter-writers of all soap fans he'd ever encountered! :) Yeah, but even more than just my own personal preferences (after all, it's not as though he ever touts the many fabulous virtues of Kevin & Lucy -- humbug!), I just like the fact that, while he loves soaps, he doesn't just take whatever TPTB hand us with a smile. If it's crap, he says it's crap and he is lucky enough to be in a position to be heard, by not only fans, but by TPTB, too. (Unlike us. We can scream and yell that something is dreadful and we, by and large, get ignored by TPTB.) >by my successors, who announced it themselves. (But hey, I'm just >getting a teensy bit of my own medicine -- now I know how La Tylo must >have felt when I announced La Pregnancy.) Anyway, whoever put the info That's the other thing I like about Logan, he knows when he's full of it and readily admits it. ;-) >from TV Guide and look forward to continuing that column. Actually, I'm >not even leaving the Web: I've been invited to do some critic stuff on >Sony's Soap City site, which sounds like fun; I'll be doing a fan Q&A >later this month on the GH Mining Company site; That actually makes me feel much better. At least he'll be around a bit -- even if it isn't consistantly in the same place and time. >ok, now that's REALLY gonna bug me, 'cause i KNOW i read who his >replacements were SOMEWHERE. i'll look around and post them separately >if i find them. Well, let us know when you figure it out. Taiyin "Sacrifice yourself, my love slave." --"Oh, do with me what you will." -- Lucy & Kevin, GH - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: GH/PC: Logan's replacements Date: 15 Jan 1998 12:46:35 -0800 Julie wrote: >i must have read another announcement SOMEWHERE, because i SWEAR i >remember reading a comment that said the new chat guy has kind of a >similar no-holds-barred-tell-it-like-it-is style like logan does... but >i can't seem to find that, so maybe i hallucinated it! :) Thanks, Julie. Kinda h*lps explain why Logan was so beat, if it's taking three people to replace him, eh? And blunt is good. I hope the new guy really is like that. >guess this is the best i can do for now! hope that helps.... Indeed, indeed. Thanks muchly. Taiyin, off to lunch... "Sacrifice yourself, my love slave." --"Oh, do with me what you will." -- Lucy & Kevin, GH - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Holly Sisk Subject: GH/PC: logan and the web Date: 15 Jan 1998 17:51:04 -0500 (EST) i know that most of y'all will just keel over from shock but i have never located the web page that logan did his chats on. could someone please post the address. thanks holly ******************************************************************************* "It's the start that stops most people." --anonymous ******************************************************************************* - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: GH/PC: Them Q Men Date: 16 Jan 1998 19:11:51 -0800 Well, the Quartermaine males and their capacity for self-deluded blindness never cease to amze me. Truly. Can someone explain to me, please, what (if ANYTHING) Alan, Edward, AJ and the token non-Q, Tony, are thinking? They think -- what? They can just hold onto the baby and say, "No, Jason. We aren't going to let you take him home with you." And they think Jason will just say, "Oh, ok, if you're sure. No problem." and leave? And did anyone else feel the overwhelming urge to throw something at the screen when Tony made that analogy to an alcoholic? All I could think of was, "Well, it never worked for AJ, did it??" Putzes. All of them. I feel bad for AJ (more than Tony. I think Carly screwing Tony over was karmic justice for him leaving his wife and son for a woman-child half his age and so I have little or no sympathy for him whatsoever; AJ, however, was used and abused by that little bovine tramp, to quote Helena, and it was almost literally in another life), but he needs to be smacked. He had a moment where I thought he might not decide to be a total schmuck and then he blew it, Mr. "I know my brother better than any of you, but I'm going to play stuid and just decide to delude myself into thinking this could possibly work" AJ. Pfft. And, of course, the women are all used as patsies -- both Emily and Robin. However, the OTHER two Quartermaine males were FAR more interesting. The little exchange between Justus and Ned at the Grille was fabulous. I especially loved the part where Justus pointed out that Ned's biggest problem is a feeling of insecurity because he fears Justus is real competition. Beautiful -- and long-awaited. And, while the exchange with Keesha was predictable and even though I would have been saying the exact same things as she did, I'm happy that he's going to end up discarding her commentary. Justus is gonna be a mob lawyer...Justus is gonna be a mob lawyer...Justus is gonna be a mob lawyer...Justus is gonna be a mob lawyer...Justus is gonna be a mob lawyer...Justus is gonna be a mob lawyer...Justus is gonna be a mob lawyer... I love this. I wish they'd just get on with it already, though. They've been dragging this whole thing out and I'm DYING for them to do that. I love the dynamic that creates -- it keeps Jason from being the family renegade and instead gives the Quartermaine's an entire branch that is nothing but mob (the illegal version, as opposed to Ned and Edward's legal version which is at LEAST as unethical as Jason's). And Ned is being such a jerk again. I keep changing my mind about whether or not I like him better as a jerk or a sweetie. I think it depends on who he's with. When he's being a jerk though, all I can hope for is that either AJ or Justus will just deck him. Taiyin "What did I do before I had you?" --"You were lost and confused." -- Lucy and Kevin - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Mary Lu" Subject: Re: GH/PC: Re: Tony and AJ Date: 16 Jan 1998 03:08:00 -0500 and mary lu responded: >There is a point to be made, although they are only dancing around >it: fathers DO have a right to be with their children. Julie said to that: i'm completely with taiyin on this one. i do feel for tony and aj, in a way--particularly for tony, who went through eight months looking forward to being a father. but still, given the situation, their behavior is INEXCUSABLE. they think jason is the father, and they think they have the right to take that baby from him?!? how does that make the point about fathers having a right to be with their children? the point they're trying to make could more accurately be stated, "fathers have a right to be with their children, unless the father is a mobster," or "fathers have a right to be with their children, as long as the father is me." in fact, it would seem to me this story is making the exact OPPOSITE point...because at this point, i'd rather see this baby spend his entire life with jason than go live with his actual father, aj, who only wants him out of spite--because he wants to have what jason has. the point I'M seeing in all this, is that you don't have to be related by blood to be a parent. And then I come in with: Julie, I don't think we are disagreeing all that much. There is no way that I agree with the way these four boys are plotting to get Baby Boy Morgan out of Jason's hands. Nothing that they are doing is right. Can't agree with you more... and I do love Jason's scenes with the baby. However, I did say that they were dancing around the argument that a baby should spend some time with their father (and THEY are TPTB who write this story in the first place). What happened to me during these scenes, particularly when Tony was speaking about the way he had prepared for that baby for eight months and the rights he would have had as a father. They all know that he ISN'T the father. So do we. In this day and age, more and more fathers and presumed fathers (who later found out they weren't) are going to court to fight for the right to spend more time with their children. I got to thinking about THOSE fathers, not Tony as the father of the baby. Sure, some cases are brought before the court with horrible intent and some judges rule for them for bizarre reasons. One guy won custody because the mother was keeping her child in daycare while she attended college classes on a scholarship. She was trying to make a better life for herself and the child. The judge blew the decision, but precious time was lost in the court battle to get the rule over-turned (and it was). I really disagree, however, with AJ only wanting that baby for revenge on Carly. He was truly disappointed in not being the daddy. He is really hurting. He may want more revenge on Jason, however, than Carly. He loses to Jason so much, that it was only way too easy to get him to believe that once again Jason had edged him out. I think that he may be afraid to bond with the baby right now because he had his hopes set up to be the daddy. I don't like him wanting to take the baby from Jason for the reasons he has given, but I would rather see him like this than have the GH writers make him go on yet another drinking binge. Besides, Alan is starting to sympathize with AJ some, but for all the wrong reasons. Other than I ultimately want everyone who is SOMEONE to that baby to bond with it, from Carly, on down to Uncle Luke. In the meantime, I am going to enjoy the ride of AJ getting a stronger backbone, Jason getting some human feelings, Tony falling apart at the scenes and conspiring WITH the Quartermaines, everything with this story. This baby is changing so many people's lives. I don't care about who become couples with this story. I just like the fact that there is finally a story to tell and people can get to act once more. I have spent way too much time watching Tony being numb from BJ's death. That was pretty boring. All of Tony and Carly was boring with the exception of seeing how Carly got out of one lie after another for so long. Man, she's good!!! All those scenes we got of Tony throwing Bobbie out of his house, then Carly (I don't remember how he forced Lucy out of the house). He keeps throwing things! Then, last week he threw the rubber ducky and the baby things out of the house, using the window this time. Finally, he did the ultimate--he threw HIMSELF out of the house and slept in the hall. It was the first time I have ever seen anyone literally throw themselves out of their own home! This guy is really going down, and going down hard. Because of his attitude about the baby and Carly, he has turned everyone off and they are tuning him out very, very fast. How much more pathetic can he get to have to team up with the Q's? I hope a lot more, because I want to see Brad Maule have some decently written material to work with once more. Throw Robin in to the picture, and we are seeing someone who realizes that AJ does deserve time with the baby. This was after AJ accused her of doing rotten things and keeping the secret of Jason's. She was ripped royally by AJ for this, and she really wasn't guilty of what he accused her of. She was a victim of his feelings of inadequacy and she still told Jason that AJ should know the truth and should have a say in raising the child. We have seen how despicable Carly can be. And AJ, too. No one is denying in all seriousness that Carly should have nothing to do with the baby, but no one but us really knows that she isn't out of the picture very long. The four boys feel she might never return. This (rightly or wrongly) is part of the reason to take Jason out of the picture. For every reason why Carly should be a part of that baby's life, there is an equally compelling reason for AJ to be a part of his life, too. Jason won't ever really be out of the baby's life as he is bonding with that baby. Don't forget that in this instance, Jason is Uncle Jason to the baby. He knows he is the uncle, even though he may not realize the privileges being an uncle is. Uncle Jason is most definitely tied to that baby by blood. I am extremely close to my nephews and niece. We live a continent apart. That is a very strong blood tie. Just ask Uncle Luke........... It's going to hurt like heck to give the baby up, but we get to enjoy the ride of seeing Jason have emotions again. Jason #3 may just be the best Jason yet! He may turn out to have the best qualities of both Jason Morgan and Jason Quartermaine by the time this story gets played out. The writers are making a case for the father to be involved, not the four boys. I hope the writers take their time on this one. I want to watch a good story on GH after having it be a soap I could just barely watch for months. I've known several custodial fathers. They were good to their kids. I want joint custody here, not sole custody for either Carly OR AJ. But let it be a good story in the process! Agree or disagree... the fact that comments are being made on this story line point out that the story is actually being watched with interest. Better that than nothing at all. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie Saker" Subject: GH/PC: Re: logan and the web Date: 16 Jan 1998 06:22:56 PST holly asked: >i know that most of y'all will just keel over from shock but i have >never located the web page that logan did his chats on. could >someone please post the address. sure! transcripts of past chats can be found at the tv guide online site, whose main address is from the main page, there's a drop down menu labeled "site index" or something along those lines. find "chat", which is listed under "communities." when the main chat page loads up, scroll down to the bottom where it says "transcripts" in the bottom left hand corner of the screen. click there and you'll get a page with drop down menus of various date's chats for their main columnists. logan's past stuff is still there, even though he's no longer affiliated with the site, and i guess they'll leave them there for a while. also, if you want to read his "ask logan" or "Q&A" columns, they can be reached under "soaps" from the main site index menu. >thanks you're welcome! julie ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie Saker" Subject: GH/PC: Re: Them Q Men Date: 16 Jan 1998 06:49:24 PST taiyin wrote: >Can someone explain to me, please, what (if ANYTHING) Alan, Edward, >AJ and the token non-Q, Tony, are thinking? They think -- what? >They can just hold onto the baby and say, "No, Jason. We aren't >going to let you take him home with you." And they think Jason will >just say, "Oh, ok, if you're sure. No problem." and leave? LOL! i was thinking the exact same thing! what kind of a plan is that?!? it's even more screwed up and ridiculous than alexis's natasha/kat plan, or stefan and luke's battle to take over the world via laptop computer. absolute BEST case scenario i can see resulting from this is, alan or edward has his hands on the baby, informs jason he can't have him back, and jason pulls out his gun (every mobster carries one, right?), points it at one of them, and says "yes i can." takes baby, leaves, and never is seen by them again. that's the CLOSEST thing to a story that could come from this. far more likely is jason just taking the baby out of their arms and leaving. what's to stop him? i just don't get it... >And did anyone else feel the overwhelming urge to throw something at >the screen when Tony made that analogy to an alcoholic? yes. an "intervention"? by holding their grandson/great-grandson hostage??? this is just PATHETIC. have they not been WATCHING the show in the months since jason had his accident? sure...they'll be able to convince him of the evils of his ways, he'll give up the mob (as if that were even POSSIBLE), and re-enroll for the pre-med program at pcu, move back into the west wing, with the baby, without carly, and life will be peachy keen. uh-huh. whatever you say, guys... >He had a moment where I thought he might not decide to be a >total schmuck and then he blew it, Mr. "I know my brother better than >any of you, but I'm going to play stuid and just decide to delude >myself into thinking this could possibly work" AJ. Pfft. i know, i was hopeful for a minute there too. but i suppose it was a foregone conclusion. aj is STILL trying SO damn hard to get alan's approval, that there's no way he wouldn't cave in eventually. >And, of course, the women are all used as patsies -- both Emily and >Robin. y'know what? i hope emily and lila are the ones who trash this plan to pieces by taking that baby themselves and giving him back to jason and letting him leave. because they should both be FURIOUS at edward and alan and aj for using them this way. >The little exchange between Justus and Ned at the Grille was >fabulous. I especially loved the part where Justus pointed out that >Ned's biggest problem is a feeling of insecurity because he fears >Justus is real competition. Beautiful -- and long-awaited. long-awaited indeed! i've been waiting for somebody to put ned in his place for EONS! and i loved justus's statement (to keesha i think?) that he'd be involved in elq until one of the q's physically forced him out the door. > Justus is gonna be a mob lawyer...Justus is gonna be a >mob lawyer...Justus is gonna be a mob lawyer... >I love this. really? i couldn't tell! :) >I wish they'd just get on with it already, though. ditto. i know, it's nice to build things up, and let justus's morals weigh on him for a while. but he knows, and we know, that working for jason (from a moral standpoint, if not from a legal one) is no worse than working for elq, so what's the point in beating himself up over it? >I love the dynamic that creates -- it keeps Jason from being the >family renegade and instead gives the Quartermaine's an entire branch >that is nothing but mob (the illegal version, as opposed to Ned and >Edward's legal version which is at LEAST as unethical as Jason's). yes! it definitely sets up a nice little balance-of-power thing between the two branches too. they touched on it already, with the whole "we own the docks...but jason runs them" bit. but as edward said before the board meeting, he needs justus's support a lot of the time. if justus is now aligned with jason, that support won't necessarily always be so forthcoming >When he's being a jerk though, all I can hope for is that >either AJ or Justus will just deck him. or both! i'd love to see the TWO of them gang up on ned. he's had it coming for a LOOOOOONG time! julie ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie Saker" Subject: GH/PC: Re: Tony and AJ Date: 16 Jan 1998 07:37:03 PST mary lu wrote: >However, I did say that they were dancing around the argument that a >baby should spend some time with their father (and THEY are TPTB who >write this story in the first place). ah--i misunderstood who "they" were supposed to be. that makes a HUGE're right about that! >particularly when Tony was speaking about the way he had prepared for >that baby for eight months and the rights he would have had as a >father. that was definitely an interesting point. part of me agrees with taiyin, that tony's getting EXACTLY what he deserves for being such a jerk to bobbie. but then...he DID get duped and betrayed by carly. he DID spend eight months thinking he was blissfully in love and about to be a father. (so he's stupid...we knew that already!) and, after losing bj, i HAVE to feel for him at least a LITTLE bit for "losing" this child too. >I got to thinking about THOSE fathers, not Tony as the father of the >baby. well...if you're going to bring the REAL world into it, that changes everything! >One guy won custody because the mother was keeping her child in >daycare while she attended college classes on a scholarship. i remember that one...i couldn't BELIEVE it. >I really disagree, however, with AJ only wanting that baby for >revenge on Carly. He was truly disappointed in not being the daddy. oh, i don't think he wanted the baby for revenge on carly either. i think he wanted the baby for revenge on JASON, completely. i agree that he was disappointed in not being the daddy, but i think keesha got it exactly right when she asked him if he wanted to be the father for the baby's sake or for his own. i don't doubt that he had real feelings of wanting the baby to be his...but i think his motivations, deep down, were less than pure. let's face it--he had a drunken one night stand--it's not like this is a love child or anything. i really believe the only reason he wanted the baby to be his is that he would then be one up on jason. by providing the "next quartermaine," he would finally be doing something jason hadn't done, and would get the attention (from alan and edward) that he's craved for so long. >I think that he may be afraid to bond with the baby right now because >he had his hopes set up to be the daddy. I don't like him wanting to >take the baby from Jason for the reasons he has given, but I would >rather see him like this than have the GH writers make him go on yet >another drinking binge. oh i agree wholeheartedly there! at least this is giving aj a compelling story. and i think the bonding thing will turn out to be VERY interesting, especially by the time carly comes back and all the truths come out. you have jason bonding with the baby, whether he will admit it or not, and coming to see himself as the father figure. you have ROBIN even going along, and the two of them having those little moments where they seem very much like two kids playing house, which i think will REALLY hurt robin in a big way one of these days as she is forced to directly realize this is something she'll never have. you have bobbie bonding with her grandson without even knowing it, who will be COMPLETELY torn apart when she realizes this boy is the son of the daughter who stole her husband. you have uncle luke being drawn towards the baby, even though he knows that when the truth comes out bobbie is going to be WAY pissed at him. and i think you're exactly right, that aj's afraid to bond with the baby...which will also be interesting when the truth comes out. alan and edward's reactions, too, when they learn the quartermaine heir isn't the son of the golden boy, but the son of the family scapegoat. >I just like the fact that there is finally a story to tell and people >can get to act once more. me too! >The writers are making a case for the father to be involved, not the >four boys. I hope the writers take their time on this one. I want >to watch a good story on GH after having it be a soap I could just >barely watch for months. agreed. and i would NEVER say fathers shouldn't be involved in their kids' lives! that's why i'm so pissed about what the four boys are doing...because as far as they know, jason's the father, and they think they have the right to take his baby away just because they don't approve of his lifestyle. now that i understand you were talking about the WRITERS' viewpoint rather than the guys', i agree wholeheartedly. >Agree or disagree... the fact that comments are being made on this >story line point out that the story is actually being watched with >interest. Better that than nothing at all. and THAT is the best point of all! it had been a while! :) julie ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie Saker" Subject: GH/PC: GH Spoilers Date: 16 Jan 1998 11:52:41 PST Spoilers below! i don't know how accurate they are, because i don't know where they're originally from (they were in a post i read on pc online). but some of them are kind of interesting, so i figured i'd share...bail out now if you want to... S P O I L E R - S P A C E - H E R E ok, good enough. here goes: **Emily rejects her family in favor of Jason, and her visit to Nikolas prompts him to have a breakthrough. **Alan and Monica are at odds again. **Jason has a dangerous encounter that causes him to reconsider the baby's future. THE FOLLOWING WEEK Emily asks Ned to be her father. Nikolas and Emily make a pact. Near catastrophie pushes Jason to make a major decision. In the aftermath of the failed capture, the Q's are left in disarray. Justus walks out on Edward, Monica won't talk to Alan and Emily runs off to Jason's penthouse. Emily is very shaken by the family disturbance and sneaks out her window to be with Jason on her birthday. During her stay with Jason, Emily pays a visit to Nikolas. Moved by her need for friendship, Nikolas speaks for the first time, urging her to go back home. oh, and i read another spoiler post that said carly returns the week of jan. 26th. that's all for now! yuck. ned as em's FATHER? julie ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Gina Clayton" Subject: Re: GH/PC: GH Spoilers Date: 16 Jan 1998 15:44:49 EST5EDT > Spoilers below! i don't know how accurate they are, because i don't > know where they're originally from (they were in a post i read on pc > online). but some of them are kind of interesting, so i figured i'd > share...bail out now if you want to... > > S > P > O > I > L > E > R > - > S > P > A > C > E > - > H > E > R > E > > ok, good enough. here goes: > > **Alan and Monica are at odds again. > wow....shocker. > **Jason has a dangerous encounter that causes him to reconsider the > baby's future. > > THE FOLLOWING WEEK > > Emily asks Ned to be her father. > > can't stand alan anymore. (and frankly, i can't blame her for that!)> I understand this....she and Ned are pretty tight. He is really good with's just everyone else he has problems with!:) At least this might give him a real storyline...I like Ned. Wally is a great actor, he just hasn't had anything big since Lois left. > > Nikolas and Emily make a pact. I think she helps with his therapy for speaking. It might be a secret from everyone else...I think I read that somewhere. > > Near catastrophie pushes Jason to make a major decision. > > gets shot at on the docks, after just sending the baby home. could this > "major decision" be to come clean with aj? or perhaps send baby boy > morgan to live with grandma bobbie for a while? hmmmmmm...> He asks someone to be the baby's godparents. I also heard something about Felicia...huh? Anyone else heard about this?! > > > Emily is very shaken by the family disturbance and sneaks out her window > to be with Jason on her birthday. During her stay with Jason, Emily pays > a visit to Nikolas. Moved by her need for friendship, > Nikolas speaks for the first time, urging her to go back home. Isn't that sweet??:):) > > oh, and i read another spoiler post that said carly returns the week of > jan. 26th. She returns for the baby's Baptism. > - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie Saker" Subject: GH/PC: Re: GH Spoilers Date: 16 Jan 1998 13:14:45 PST Gina wrote: > > S > P > O > I > L > E > R > - > S > P > A > C > E > - > H > E > R > E > > ok, good enough. here goes: > >I understand this....she and Ned are pretty tight. He is really good >with's just everyone else he has problems with!:) At >least this might give him a real storyline...I like Ned. Wally is a >great actor, he just hasn't had anything big since Lois left. well, yeah, i know they're tight. and she's about the only one i can STAND him with these days (except alexis). i definitely liked him MUCH MUCH more when lois was still around... >He asks someone to be the baby's godparents. I also heard something >about Felicia...huh? Anyone else heard about this?! can he DO that? and what does felicia have to do with ANY of this? >She returns for the baby's Baptism. huh? now i'm just CONFUSED. that would imply that somebody made the decision to HAVE the baby baptized, without her being there. that just doesn't seem like the kind of thing jason would come up with! i mean, if he hasn't even made a move to NAME the kid, why would he all of a sudden decide to have a baptism? oh well, guess we'll find out... julie ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: GH/PC: The Qs Date: 19 Jan 1998 11:37:18 -0800 Wow. Double wow. Friday was so AWESOME. ESPECIALLY Edward and Justus. Oh my, oh my, oh my. Justus: "YOU SHUT YOUR MOUTH, OLD MAN!!!" Edward: "Nobody talks to me like that!" Justus: "Well, maybe they should. Every hour on the hour whether you have it coming or not! Ward House created families, out of love and hope and hard work. What you're doing is tearing one apart, and how DARE you use my grandmother's good name to bleass it! And on the anniversary of her death! And isn't it convenient for you that she's not here." Edward: "That is a contemptable lie!" Justus: "It's the TRUTH, Edward. She was you conscience. Now that she's gone you can do anything you want to do EXCEPT when I'm in the room, isn't that true? Isn't that why you sent me on a fool's errand to Chicago? Isn't that why you'll never give me a seat at the table? Because there is too much of her in me?" Woo hoo! Damn that was good. And the preview for Monday was even better. Ned looked so confused -- I wonder how he's going to react. I assume that since the Dorks With the Plan deliberately excluded him that they are going to make him disapporve. Having Ned sympathize with Jason (after all, his wife took his child away from him) could prove a fascinating twist. And I must just be really slow or something, but I fail to see how on EARTH Idiots #1, #2, #3 and #4 could actually think this plan would WORK. All Jason has to do (if he were incapable of getting the child away from them himself), is call the cops. The cops may not like him, but the law is on HIS side. This whole thing is so stupid. And I have a problem with it because it makes all of the guys look monumentally stupid, too. Especially Tony, since this was his brain-child. OTOH, it's been a long time since the Q's have had anything this divisive to go to war over. Taiyin TESS: "What do you usually get for your birthday?" MAC: "Older." - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Donald K Gooden" Subject: GH/PC: Spoilers GH Date: 18 Jan 1998 23:22:37 -0500 Spoilers for general Hospital Jamila S P O I L E R S P A C E > > > > > > GH Spoilers and Scoops Week of January 19-23, 1998 courtesy of Soap Opera Weekly, Soap Opera Update and other sources! HAPPY NEW YEAR! HAPPY NEW YEAR! 1998 Preview Below - by Robert Guza Jr. Plus article on a shoot-out of Jason on the Docks Important Stuff: Monday: Jason leaves the Q mansion with Carly's son Wednesday: Nikolas regains his ability to speak Friday: Mac confronts James, who later tries to propose to Felicia. Jason is ambushed. More Stuff: Ned presses Alexis for a commitment. Jax leaves Brenda by herself, again unaware that she still has problems. Jason goes up against the Quartermaines and takes more than the baby with him when he leaves. Robin and Felicia both question Felicia's relationship with "Mac." Katherine's disclosure to Stefan prompts him to make a confession. Brenda asks Ned for help and later learns that Lucy has replaced her as a model. Alan gives A.J. what he wants. Emily rejects her family in favor of Jason, and her visit to Nikolas prompts him to have a breakthrough. Alan and Monica are at odds again. Mac continues to give Tess and James false information; he later escapes and tries to get James to see the light. Jason has a dangerous encounter that causes him to reconsider the baby's future. James asks Felicia a question. The FOLLOWING week: Emily asks Ned to be her father. Brenda realizes she has feelings for Jax. Carly returns during her son's baptism. Nikolas and Emily make a pact. Near catastrophie pushes Jason to make a major decision: Jason's job as mob boss sparked Edward, Alan, A.J. and Tony's attempt to kidnap the baby, but Jason takes back the boy and leaves the mansion. What happens is that Jason goes to the house to show the baby to Lila, because Robin is always telling him to try to do the right thing. When they tell Jason he's not getting the baby back, he puts his hand on the gun, but they know basically not to start a whole thing because he probably would hurt somebody for the kid. In the aftermath of the failed capture, the Q's are left in disarray. Justus walks out on Edward, Monica won't talk to Alan and Emily runs off to Jason's penthouse. Edward is left to agonize over not only the departure of his great grandson but also over the stance taken by his grandson Justus. Although pained by the reality of the situation, Alan is supportive of A.J. Jason feels more than just obligated to take care of Carly's son. "The kid is growing on him," Burton says. "He doesn't treat it like a baby. He talks to it not in a baby voice like everyone else does. He treats him just like a human." Jason had considered the possibility that he might be putting the child in danger, "but Jason knows he is safe, pretty much, at the penthouse, with guards and everything, so he figures the kid's going to be safe, too. Emily is very shaken by the family disturbance and sneaks out her window to be with Jason on her birthday. During her stay with Jason, Emily pays a visit to Nikolas. Moved by her need for friendship, Nikolas speaks for the first time, urging her to go back home. Meanwhile, Jason meets with a near catastrophe on the docks when he's ambushed. Jason knows the kid could have been in the car during the shoot-out on the docks, if Jason hadn't sent him home. That's when he realizes he has to be extra careful. If something happens to Carly and Jason, where is the kid going to go? To ensure the child's future, Jason chooses godparents, and decides to have the baby baptized. "I don't think that Jason is going to realize the impact of the baby until they take it away from him," Burton says. "Carly and Jason will never, ever get back together that way, but it's going to really hurt when they take the kid away." Guza's 1998 PREVIEW - a sneak peek at the whole year: "The shooting at Luke's really percolates into the first part of the year," head writer Robert Guza Jr. says. "We start to see what Helena's agenda is, which very much revolves around Nikolas, the notion being that whomever controls Nikolas controls the dynasty - and Luke knows it. Helena is going to use Luke and Laura to try to take apart the Cassadines to try to regain control of Nikolas. Helena will draw Katherine into it. It will be a very gradual thing where we deconstruct the love of all time, and will build to a huge Katherine/Stefan climax. Brenda hits rock bottom and has an emotional epiphany that involves coming to terms with Sonny and what he did to her. She really has to start over and reconstruct her life, but it is not going to be easy. Jason and A.J. will be our Cain and Abel, and we essentially split the Quartermaines almost on gender lines. Jason realizes that the lifestyle he has chosen has separated him from the woman he loves and could also jeopardize the baby. As a result, he sets out to give the child a life. Alan's drug addiction continues and will directly jeopardize somebody he cares about deeply. With Carly's return, everybody will find out who she really is. Tony is going to change 180 degrees as a result of this horrendous betrayal he has gone through. Six months from the Dec. 8 show you're not going to recognize Tony, but you will have seen every step along the way. What Tony does in the wake of the Carly reveal directly affects the Quartermaines, Jason, Carly, the baby and Bobbie. And it's ultimately going to tie into the Cassadines. The mistaken-identity thing with Felicia and Mac will be revealed to actually be much bigger and, in fact, a very sinister subplot that will fold in several other major players. When we reveal what Tess' agenda is - why Mac is being set up - this will turn into a thriller with a ticking clock where Mac and Felicia have to race to thwart the bad guys before they essentially kill somebody on the canvas. Once Brenda begins to pull herself together, she's going to have to re-win Jax big time. He realizes he can't be her safety net, and he will test the waters with other women, and that is something Brenda will have to deal with. We are committed to the Jax/Brenda romance. It is one of the grandest romances this canvas has ever had, and we're going to play it. But it's not going to be easy for either of them." - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Donald K Gooden" Subject: GH/PC: Ned Date: 18 Jan 1998 23:36:34 -0500 Please don't shoot me if someone has already brought this up. I have been out of commission for awhile. I think that Ned should be on Jason's side. I mean think about it. Lois took Ned's Baby away because she didn't want her to be raised by the Q's. She thought that Brooke would turn out to be bloodsucking or whatever because of the environment she would be in. Now, the Q's are taking away Jason's "baby" because they are afraid of the environment that the baby is in. It would be hypocritical of Ned if he were to be on the side of Edward and Tony. S P O I L E R S P A C E > > > I think I am kinda glad that Emily asks Ned to be her dad. I doubt that there will be any legal changes in the adoption, but I never really liked Alan. The relationship between Ned and Emily has just always seemed more real to me than the relationship between Emily and Alan. Jamila Kevin and Lucy: The Wonder Years - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: GH/PC: Spoilers GH Date: 19 Jan 1998 21:02:31 -0800 Jamila wrote: >S >P >O >I >L >E >R > >S >P >A >C >E >> >> >> >> >> >> >Jason goes up against the Quartermaines and takes more than the baby with >him when he leaves. Justus and Emily! Woo hoo! Damn, I love this story. I want Justus to let Edward have it again, first, though. >Brenda asks Ned for help and later learns that Lucy has replaced her as a >model. Didn't we already do this? >Alan and Monica are at odds again. I want to see HER reaction to that catastrophe from Friday. >Emily asks Ned to be her father. So suddenly Ned is the good guy? Better than Alan at the moment, I can buy, though. I still want Justus to deck him, though. >Brenda realizes she has feelings for Jax. Oh brother. Here we go again. >Carly returns during her son's baptism. That was a short trip. >Nikolas and Emily make a pact. To never have another scene with Sarah ever, ever, ever again?? Please. >Jason he's not getting the baby back, he puts his hand on the gun, but they >know basically not to start a whole thing because he probably would hurt >somebody for the kid. In the aftermath of the failed capture, the Q's are >left in disarray. Wow, it really is a gun. I didn't think it would be. >Justus walks out on Edward, Mob lawyer!!! Sorry. I guess I'm a little too happy about that development, huh? :-) > To ensure the child's future, Jason chooses godparents, and decides to >have the baby baptized. Hhhmmm... who would that be... such options... >control of Nikolas. Helena will draw Katherine into it. It will be a very >gradual thing where we deconstruct the love of all time, and will build to a >huge Katherine/Stefan climax. Oh PLEASE, PLEASE tell me that translates in "break up"??? >Jason and A.J. will be our Cain and Abel, and we essentially >split the Quartermaines almost on gender lines. Oh, I *love* internal Quartermaine wars. >Tony is going to change 180 degrees as a result of this >horrendous betrayal he has gone through. Six months from the Dec. 8 show >you're not going to recognize Tony, but you will have seen every step along >the way. Now this I'm looking forward to -- as long as they stop making him such a ninny. This whole plan on Friday was just STUPID and it made Dr. Tony Jones, brilliant neurosurgeon, look like an idiot. >What Tony does in the wake of the Carly reveal directly affects the >Quartermaines, Jason, Carly, the baby and Bobbie. And it's ultimately going >to tie into the Cassadines. On one hand, that's very promising. OTOH, that's also my biggest grivence with Guza. It always seems that his biggest and best stories always have to have either the Spencers of the Cassadines at the heart of them. You'd think the entire town of Port Charles can't surive without them. >The mistaken-identity thing with Felicia and Mac >will be revealed to actually be much bigger and, in fact, a very sinister >subplot that will fold in several other major players. When we reveal what >Tess' agenda is - why Mac is being set up - this will turn into a thriller Well then GET ON WITH IT ALREADY. Jeez. Part of me is convinced that I will actually like this storyline when enough of it gets revealed so that it stops putting me to sleep, but for now it's painful. >women, and that is something Brenda will have to deal with. We are committed >to the Jax/Brenda romance. It is one of the grandest romances this canvas >has ever had, and we're going to play it. But it's not going to be easy for >either of them." Oh man, I really, really wish they wouldn't do that. REALLY wish they wouldn't. A lot. Very much a lot. A lot, a lot. Tons a lot. Megatons. Bah. The phrase, "Been there, done that" pops to mind. Jax is ten times more interesting on his own, or with V, than he is with Brenda. And "grandest"? I think he means "over-exposed" and "heatedly debated." Taiyin, who thinks that if Guza thinks Jax and Brenda are one of the best he's seen, then it's a good thing that Kevin and Lucy are safely tucked away on PC where he can't mess with them... - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: GH/PC: Ned Date: 19 Jan 1998 21:13:11 -0800 At 11:36 PM 1/18/98 -0500, Donald K Gooden wrote: >been out of commission for awhile. I think that Ned should be on Jason's >side. I think he is, and I think that's exactly why the Dummies With The Plan went to such lengths to exclude Ned and make sure he wasn't there. Also, if you saw the preview for Monday at the end of Friday, Ned looked very, very confused and more than a little concerned. I don't think that Guza would have gone to the trouble of having The Dummies exclude Ned if he wasn't going to have Ned disapprove. And I agree, that the Ned/Lois/Brooke situation will DIRECTLY impact which side of this issue Ned chooses and why. I also doubt that Emily would go to Ned with such a request if he DIDN'T disapprove of what they did. >I mean think about it. Lois took Ned's Baby away because she didn't >want her to be raised by the Q's. She thought that Brooke would turn out to >be bloodsucking or whatever because of the environment she would be in. And, just to be a hypocrite , I'd say that Lois' motives are a hell of a lot more reasonable and understandable than Tony/Alan/AJ/Edwards. Besides the fact that at least Lois is really Brooke's mother (and awkward analogy, considering the baby's paternity sitch, I know, but considering that everyone THINKS that Jason is the father, it is inexcusible to me that they would try and take the kid away from him in spite of that info). >It would be hypocritical of Ned if he were >to be on the side of Edward and Tony. Right. And, though Ned is not unfamiliar with blatant hypocracy, anything that has anything to do with Brooke brings out the best in him. It's the best part of him and it's the same part that he demonstrates when it comes to Emily. And that he used to demonstrate with Lois. Way back when. >I think I am kinda glad that Emily asks Ned to be her dad. I doubt that >there will be any legal changes in the adoption, but I never really liked >Alan. The relationship between Ned and Emily has just always seemed more >real to me than the relationship between Emily and Alan. Well, I did really love Emily and Alan's relationship in the beginning. From the time they first met in Arizona they were really cool. But since the storylines have gone the way they have over the years, they haven't had nearly the chance to interact the way they used to. And, these days, Emily is too old for Sydney the Bear. :-) And, just as an aside, I must say that I am really glad that Stuart Damon is wearing his glasses so much recently. He really looks very good with them on. I hope he keeps it up. Taiyin "What did I do before I had you?" --"You were lost and confused." -- Lucy and Kevin - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Donald K Gooden" Subject: GH/PC: Crazy Q's Date: 19 Jan 1998 16:43:28 -0500 S P O I L E R S P A C E > > > > > I loved Emily today. The way she told her family off made me really happy. I also thought it was "classic" Edward, when he turned on Tony at the end. I was practically falling off the bed laughing when I heard Edward putting it all on Tony. Then AJ started to put it on Tony. I mean AJ was right in what he said about Tony, but having him say it after Edward put it all in a different light. I also was not one bit upset when Ned told AJ off. Usually, I get so upset when Ned gets on AJ's back. However AJ was acting so awful today that Ned didn't say half of what I would have said. There are a few good things that came from this though. AJ and Alan are back together. I have wanted this for awhile. However I wish that it didn't have to be over something like this. I am also glad that Justus left. He needs a good storyline, and he hasn't been getting one at the Q's. I also like the strengthened bond between Jason and Emily. I also like what Jason said about family values. He is so attached to that baby. In the event that Robert gets taken away I don't know what Jason would do. I am also, not surprised that Jason decides to baptize the baby. I mean I know that he wants to have protection for the baby in the event that something should happen. Also, mob/Mafia people are known for being religious. I know that Jason doesn't fit into the traditional picture of mob boss but.... Jamila - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Donald K Gooden" Subject: GH/PC: Emily Date: 19 Jan 1998 16:52:12 -0500 How old is Emily? In fact how old are all of the teens on the show supposed to be? How can there parents let them run around town like that? When did it become OK for a girl to sneak out of the house through her upper level window to visit someone? Emily is like what 14? My parents never let me do something like that when I was that age. They always had to know where I was and who I was with at all times. I am no longer 14, but they still want to know just about everything about me and my life. Television always seems to portray teens as people that can do anything whenever they please. When I was little I used to always say that I can't wait till I can just jump in my car and go anywhere I please without telling anyone. Well I am still waiting for that day to come. Jamila - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: GH/PC: More Q's Date: 20 Jan 1998 21:35:51 -0800 Well, for the first time in... well, ever, probably, I wanted *Ned* to klobber A.J. I don't ever recall coming down on Ned's side versus A.J.'s. Not that Ned's diatribe at A.J. was called for, but damn, every single one of those pompus jackasses needed to be shoved into one of Lila's rose bushes face first. And, aside from the sheer LUDICROUSNESS of Edward blaming that fiasco entirely on Tony, I did enjoy watching Edward stick it to him. And, of course, one of the best parts: "You're offering me a penthouse?" Yay! Justus is a mob lawyer! Justus is a mob lawyer! Justus is a mob lawyer! Justus is a mob lawyer! Justus is a mob lawyer! Justus is a mob lawyer! Justus is a mob lawyer! I hope Monica stays FURIOUS with Alan and A.J. for a good long time. And I *love* Emily going to Jason's. I love them together -- and the baby and the birthday cake were great. About as cool as Jason apologizing to the baby for the fiasco at the Q's. I hope that Robin quits being so sanctimonious on this subject, now. I love Robin, but she's just GOT to knock it off with this "they're your family" bit. Alan slopping all over A.J., though, after everything that he's done over the years, was just revolting. And then I wanted someone to smack Ned again with his "so what" attitude about Justus leaving. But the constant reminders about Mary Mae were great. And she'd spin in her grave if she knew that Justus was working for the mob. Taiyin "Anything's better than *there.*" -- "That's what I think." -- Emily and Jason - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: GH/PC: Emily Date: 20 Jan 1998 21:51:57 -0800 At 04:52 PM 1/19/98 -0500, Donald K Gooden wrote: >How old is Emily? I think this was supposed to be her 16th birthday. They made mention a few months ago that Em would be driving in a couple of months, so I assume that's it (nevermind the fact that the driving age in New York State, last time I checked, was 18). >become OK for a girl to sneak out of the house through her upper level >window to visit someone? Emily is like what 14? My parents never let me do >something like that when I was that age. They always had to know where I was >and who I was with at all times. I am no longer 14, but they still want to >know just about everything about me and my life. Yeah, but stuff like that varies a lot. I never had to tell my father anything when I was a teenager -- as long as we were getting along, he didn't ask me many questions. But, honestly, Em left a note for her mother, telling her where she'd be. Monica may not like it, but what are her choices? The only thing they could really do is to go to Jason's and drag Em out physically. Aside from the fact that Monica doesn't blame Em one tiny bit for being too hurt and angry to stay in the same house as the Scheming Dummies, most parents are pretty reluctant to go chasing around town trying to drag their kids back home. And since she knows that Jason isn't going to let anything happen to her, I doubt Monica would be *so* worried that she'd feel the need to chase Emily down. Besides which, the Qs aren't exactly the postchildren for wholesome family values. Taiyin "I don't think he liked Alan holding him very much, but who would?" -- Jason - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Cagey Subject: Re: GH/PC: Spoilers GH Date: 20 Jan 1998 09:38:25 -0500 At 11:22 PM 1/18/98 -0500, you wrote: >Spoilers for general Hospital > Jamila >S >P >O >I >L >E >R > >S >P >A >C >E >> >> >> > To ensure the child's future, Jason chooses godparents, and decides to >have the baby baptized. "I don't think that Jason is going to realize the >impact of the baby until they take it away from him," Burton says. "Carly >and Jason will never, ever get back together that way, but it's going to >really hurt when they take the kid away." Who is this "they" that Steve is referring to, do you think? I'm pleased to know that Carly and Jason are not destined as a romantic pair (I love them together, but not in that way), but I really had hoped that Jason would hang onto the baby for a while. --kg - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie Saker" Subject: Re: GH/PC: More Q's Date: 20 Jan 1998 11:17:45 PST wow! was there some mail waiting for me this morning! happy day...things to DISCUSS! :) taiyin wrote: >Well, for the first time in...well, ever, probably, I wanted *Ned* to >klobber A.J. i agree wholeheartedly...i've never been on ned's side either. but even though he WAS on the right side for once, he was STILL a jerk about it. i really hope a.j. gives him what's coming to him one of these days. forget that--i hope both a.j. AND justus do. ned's attitude toward both of them is just beyond despicable. but i was happy to see a.j. hit the nail right on the head--ned's scared of ANYONE, a.j. included, usurping his place of honor in the family. >Not that Ned's diatribe at A.J. was called for, but damn, every single one >of those pompus jackasses needed to be shoved into one of Lila's rose >bushes face first. agreed there too. and i was really happy to see emily give it to all of them for using her like that. i was just upset that lila wasn't around to throw her two cents in, too. (by the way, where DID she disappear to? i don't remember how they managed to conveniently get rid of her...) oh, and on the subject of emily sneaking out her window...MY only problem with that whole scenario was not that kids her age wouldn't/shouldn't/couldn't do things like that...but that why did she have to climb out her window? the way things were in the q house at that point, she could have walked right out the front door and nobody would have noticed. or if they did, it's unlikely they would have tried to stop her. as for her age, i was wondering that too. it doesn't seem POSSIBLE that she's supposed to be sixteen. maybe i just have an outdated notion of what sixteen looks and acts like! :) but she seems younger to me. i don't remember the driving comment though. (and, taiyin... i THINK the driving age is only 18 in new york CITY, not the whole state. however, i thought it was 17 in ny state, like it is in nj. of course, i could be wrong on all of that, living in nj.) i did think it was kind of odd, though, for them to go through all this birthday hoopla and never ONCE directly mention her age...maybe TPTB don't know how old she's supposed to be either! :) > Yay! Justus is a mob lawyer! Justus is a mob lawyer! i LOVED the chat between jason and justus about damian smith's murder. "am i supposed to say something else? because i'm not too good at that..." that was just CLASSIC! justus has been beating himself up over killing a man who DESERVED to die for far too long now, and i'm glad jason tried to give him a little perspective there. (not that i think what justus did to laura was right...but that was YEARS ago now. time to move on!) and i'm with taiyin...i think this mob thing is going to REALLY make things interesting. it's been too long since justus had something to do. >I hope Monica stays FURIOUS with Alan and A.J. for a good long time. >And I *love* Emily going to Jason's. me too, on both counts. i loved monica's line that "not only didn't you get jason's child, but he got yours." i don't see her forgiving the guys too easily on this one. and i loved that jason hesitated before saying yes to em staying with him. it's little details like that that mean so much in terms of his character--he KNOWS it's probably not the best idea, but he can't say no to em. >About as cool as Jason apologizing to >the baby for the fiasco at the Q's. wasn't that SWEET? i'm actually finding myself, completely against my "real world" judgment, hoping that aj DOESN'T find out the baby's his. of course he WILL...but i'm REALLY loving jason with the baby. an awful awful lot. >I hope that Robin quits being so >sanctimonious on this subject, now. I love Robin, but she's just GOT to >knock it off with this "they're your family" bit. yeah, she does have a bit of a blind spot there. i hope we get to see the scene where she finds out what they tried to do to jason. i DON'T particularly want to see another scene with her preaching to the q's, or preaching to jason about aj...but i WOULD like to see her begin to doubt whether aj finding out about his son would be such a good thing after all. >Alan slopping all over A.J., though, after everything that he's done over >the years, was just revolting. now that just came COMPLETELY out of left field, as far as i'm concerned. aj went along with the plot to kidnap jason's baby, so NOW alan loves him? huh? did i miss something? >And then I wanted someone to smack Ned again with his "so what" attitude >about Justus leaving. he's a jerk. and i'm being EXTREMELY kind, out of deference to our pg-13 rating! >But the constant reminders about Mary Mae were great. And she'd spin in >her grave if she knew that Justus was working for the mob. yup. i'm afraid justus can't have it both ways on this one--telling edward that if she were still alive to act as his conscience he wouldn't be doing the things he does. same goes for justus. i suppose it's only a matter of time before he realizes that...but in the meantime, i'm really going to enjoy this! julie ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie Saker" Subject: Re: Re: GH/PC: Spoilers GH Date: 20 Jan 1998 11:27:19 PST cagey wrote: >At 11:22 PM 1/18/98 -0500, you wrote: >>Spoilers for general Hospital >> Jamila >>S >>P >>O >>I >>L >>E >>R >> >>S >>P >>A >>C >>E >>> >>> >>> >> "Carly and Jason will never, ever get back together that way, but it's going to >>really hurt when they take the kid away." > >Who is this "they" that Steve is referring to, do you think? i was wondering that, too. i would GUESS that it's going to be a.j. and the q's, after it comes out that a.j.'s the father. (it DOES have to come out eventually i suppose...) but i'm with you--i've really started hoping it's later rather than sooner. they'll easily be able to prove carly's an unfit mother, and get custody, as soon as they know the truth. but i don't want them to find out anytime soon. (as opposed to carly's OTHER which i say the sooner the better! ohhhhhhh, poor bobbie--she isn't going to know what hit her!) julie ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie Saker" Subject: Re: Re: GH/PC: Ned Date: 20 Jan 1998 11:40:48 PST taiyin wrote: >Well, I did really love Emily and Alan's relationship in the beginning. >From the time they first met in Arizona they were really cool. But since >the storylines have gone the way they have over the years, they haven't had >nearly the chance to interact the way they used to. And, these days, Emily >is too old for Sydney the Bear. :-) oh thank GOD! i'm sorry, but i always really REALLY HATED sydney the bear! that's probably part of why i never really liked alan and emily--the whole sydney the bear thing just seemed so patronizing and annoying to me. i don't much care for ned either--but ned's relationship with emily has always seemed a lot more real to me than alan's. jmo... julie ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie Saker" Subject: Re: Re: GH/PC: Spoilers GH Date: 20 Jan 1998 12:41:08 PST taiyin wrote: >Jamila wrote: > >>S >>P >>O >>I >>L >>E >>R >> >>S >>P >>A >>C >>E >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>Brenda asks Ned for help and later learns that Lucy has replaced her as a >>model. > >Didn't we already do this? yes, we did. but they never DID have brenda and lucy talk about it. as long as we get some crossovers out of it, they can rehash that one as far as i'm concerned. >>Brenda realizes she has feelings for Jax. > >Oh brother. Here we go again. THIS rehash, however...PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DON'T GO THERE!!!!! i HATE this. even if i WEREN'T still harboring deep DEEP resentment over the sonny fiasco, i STILL wouldn't want to suffer through yet ANOTHER incarnation of j&b. >>Carly returns during her son's baptism. > >That was a short trip. february sweeps! they PROMISED we'd get the truth about carly and bobbie soon! YEAH!!! >>Nikolas and Emily make a pact. > >To never have another scene with Sarah ever, ever, ever again?? Please. LOL! i WISH! HAS been a while since we've been subjected to her! (the only downside of that, however, is that we also haven't seen lizzie...who i was actually beginning to like somewhat. but i am DEFINITELY happy we seem to have seen the last of the pc high scenes!) >Wow, it really is a gun. I didn't think it would be. i knew he'd have one with him...but i also knew he wouldn't have to use it. i was really glad, however, to see justus give jason some food for thought on the combo of babies and guns. yes, the kid is WAY too young to be able to get his hands on it...YET...but there's this AWFUL public service commercial they show around here (i don't know if it's local or national), with a little kid humming some happy little song to himself as he stacks up chairs and books and stuff on top of each other. still humming, he climbs up on top of the tower he's built (the audience has no idea what's going on--it's all from the kid's point of view), and he reaches onto a high shelf and grabs something. all of a sudden the humming stops, there's a gunshot and the screen goes black. an announcer's voice says something to the effect of, "if you think your kid's too young to find your gun...think again." creepy. and i don't doubt that jason has the best intentions towards this baby...but his lifestyle IS something he should be thinking about. which i guess he will soon, if the spoilers are right... >> To ensure the child's future, Jason chooses godparents, and decides to >>have the baby baptized. > >Hhhmmm... who would that be... such options... that IS interesting. ummmmmm...let's see. em's too young. lila's too old. he hates all the other q's. how about...bobbie?!? carly would have a COW! bobbie and luke?!? even BETTER! :) can you IMAGINE carly returning from her little trip, walking in to discover that not only has jason named the baby, he's chosen his grandmother and great-uncle to be his godparents?!? or i suppose there's robin. and justus. but they wouldn't be NEARLY as much fun! :) >>control of Nikolas. Helena will draw Katherine into it. It will be a very >>gradual thing where we deconstruct the love of all time, and will build to a >>huge Katherine/Stefan climax. > >Oh PLEASE, PLEASE tell me that translates in "break up"??? we can hope, i guess... however, i'm not optimistic. "deconstruct the love of all time" i take to mean stefan and laura, with the assumption that genie comes back, and nik's paternity comes out, etc. and since i'm MORE than sure guza doesn't intend to sacrifice luke and laura for laura and stefan...i wouldn't be at ALL surprised if he keeps kat & bat together. after all...look at the man's idea of couplehood thus far...(see below! i'll have PLENTY more to say on that one! grrrrrrrrrrr.) >>Jason and A.J. will be our Cain and Abel, and we essentially >>split the Quartermaines almost on gender lines. > >Oh, I *love* internal Quartermaine wars. me too. and ESPECIALLY the way this one's looking to shape up--i can DEFINITELY see em, lila and monica (with probably ned on their side) being QUITE the force to be reckoned with! >>Tony is going to change 180 degrees as a result of this >>horrendous betrayal he has gone through. Six months from the Dec. 8 show >>you're not going to recognize Tony, but you will have seen every step along >>the way. > >Now this I'm looking forward to -- as long as they stop making him such a >ninny. This whole plan on Friday was just STUPID and it made Dr. Tony >Jones, brilliant neurosurgeon, look like an idiot. well...he hasn't exactly seemed intelligent in ANY of his storylines ANYTHING will be an improvement i think. at least i hope! >>What Tony does in the wake of the Carly reveal directly affects the >>Quartermaines, Jason, Carly, the baby and Bobbie. And it's ultimately going >>to tie into the Cassadines. > >On one hand, that's very promising. > >OTOH, that's also my biggest grivence with Guza. i agree. i can't for the LIFE of me figure out what this story has to do with ANY of the cassadines. and i don't really think it's necessary to INVENT a connection just to get them involved. however, i'll withhold judgment, because who knows--he could come up with something stupendous. he clearly can't do romance to save his life, so let him do what he's good at--cassadine intrigue. >>The mistaken-identity thing with Felicia and Mac >>will be revealed to actually be much bigger and, in fact, a very sinister >>subplot that will fold in several other major players. hmmm...let me guess. the cassadines? ooh...i know...the cassadines AND jax & brenda! >Well then GET ON WITH IT ALREADY. Jeez. Part of me is convinced that I >will actually like this storyline when enough of it gets revealed so that >it stops putting me to sleep, but for now it's painful. i'm REALLY getting annoyed by it so far. i think they're taking too long to develop it, personally. if they don't do something soon, i'm going to lose interest in it entirely. >>We are committed >>to the Jax/Brenda romance. It is one of the grandest romances this canvas >>has ever had, and we're going to play it. But it's not going to be easy for >>either of them." AAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! now it's statements like THIS that really make me crazy. "one of the grandest romances"?!? this man has no CLUE! what, praytell, is romantic about them? brenda's inability to make even the smallest decision, like picking out a couch on her own? jax's need to treat brenda like a child? (and they said SONNY was a father figure? puh-LEEZE! "could you call and check on me while you're away, daddy?" i bet he even brings her back a present if she's a good girl.) i don't get it--i really, really don't. i didn't mind the two of them together the first time around. i thought it was a little deluded that he would marry her knowing she didn't love him (the first time) convinced that he would change her mind...but once they got past that part, i really kind of liked the two of them together. so this isn't SOLELY sour grapes over the sonny thing. i thought they were kind of a fun couple at the time. but i do believe, wholeheartedly, that once they brought in miranda, and DEFINITELY once brenda left jax for sonny, they can NOT put the two of them together again. it's just PATHETIC. i know tptb WANT to do this...but they should be smart enough to realize that you can't always GET what you want. once the damage was done with the whole miranda/sonny mess, it's just not possible to go back and un-do it. i don't see why the j&b crowd would even WANT them to. if jax takes brenda back at this point, he might as well get "doormat" tattooed across his forehead. and if brenda WANTS jax back, she might as well start buying schoolgirl uniforms and wearing her hair in pigtails. for BOTH of them, this would be SERIOUS regression. >Oh man, I really, really wish they wouldn't do that. REALLY wish they >wouldn't. A lot. Very much a lot. A lot, a lot. Tons a lot. Megatons. ditto. >Bah. The phrase, "Been there, done that" pops to mind. Jax is ten times >more interesting on his own, or with V, than he is with Brenda. yeah--let's talk about poor v. they still throw her name around, yet she hasn't been seen on-screen since, when? before christmas, when brenda was institutionalized? THAT would be an interesting couple. j&b, however, have NOTHING new to say or explore at this point. put jax with ANYONE else...ANYONE...carly! kat! bobbie! even SARAH! just PLEASE don't make me watch more j&b. even as FRIENDS they bore me. >And "grandest"? I think he means "over-exposed" and "heatedly debated." >Taiyin, who thinks that if Guza thinks Jax and Brenda are one of the best >he's seen, then it's a good thing that Kevin and Lucy are safely tucked >away on PC where he can't mess with them... this man wouldn't know romance if he tripped over it. i bet he's single...anyone know? ok, enough complaining. i have work to do. but i'm STILL not happy.... julie ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: GH/PC: The SOD Awards Flap Date: 20 Jan 1998 16:11:28 -0800 This is a note from Lynn Leahey (editor of SOD) from the SOD web page: I want to apologize to each and every one of our readers who sent in the ballot from the November 10, 1997 issue. Because of an irregularity in the voting, which had nothing to do with our readers, those votes were disqualified, and a new ballot was rushed into subscriber copies. That really stunk for all the readers who buy their issues on the newsstand. "It's simply unfair," wrote one reader, and she's absolutely right. I wish there had been a better solution -- the easiest thing to do would have been to disqualify the 317 ballots in question, but the lawyers vetoed that idea right away. A number of readers suggested we disqualify General Hospital or ABC, but that wouldn't have been fair to our GH fans, or the nominees for that matter, who did nothing wrong. Facing the possible cancellation of the awards show by NBC if we didn't resolve the problem, we considered just not airing it, or postponing it. But then we realized many readers had already bought tickets to the show, including non-refundable airline tickets. There was no way we could ruin their plans. So we issued the new ballots, and it isn't because the opinions of those of you who buy us on the newsstand don't matter. Far from it. We were faced with an impossible decision, and I am truly sorry that our loyal newsstand buyers got the short end of the stick. Believe me, we're already working on ways to make it up to you. Lynn Leahey Editor-in-Chief - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: GH/PC: Interview with Michael Deitz Date: 20 Jan 1998 16:22:59 -0800 by Joann Fazzi Star: Michael Dietz Role: Dr. Joseph Parnell Scanlon, PORT CHARLES Other Soap Roles: Alan-Michael Spaulding, GUIDIND LIGHT & Greg McKean, BEVERLY HILLS 90210 Hails From: The suburbs of Pittsburgh, PA Birthdate: February 10, 1971 Family Ties: Mom Anna Finlay; stepfather is William Finlay. "He's the greatest, my stepfather. I love him to death." His real dad, "who I didn't live with growing up," is Frank Dietz. Although Michael is an only child, he has "A lot of cousins, a lot of cousins! There are about 12, 15, something like that." Online Browser: "I always liked going on the internet, of course." Does he check out the PORT CHARLES message boards? "I do. And I've chatted and told people who I was." Has he gotten lots of e-mail? "Yeah. It's all been really great. Everything, 100% of it. It's been really, really nice." GH Background: "My mother [watched GENERAL HOSPITAL] her whole life. I remember coming home from school and the VCR would be taping because she wasn't there at three o'clock. In fact, when I got GUIDIND LIGHT, she was like, 'I wish it was GENERAL HOSPITAL.'" How did she feel when he landed his PC role? "Extremely happy." On His PC Wardrobe: "It's not bad, it's comfortable. It could be a lot worse. The suits Alan-Michael had to wear were brutal. Three piece Armani suits with ties...You can't really tell if you screw 'em up. With the suit, you can't wear the jacket until you're on." One fall afternoon, Digest Online Editor Joann Fazzi had lunch with MICHAEL DIETZ in the ABC Commissary. Clad in his usual black t-shirt and gray scubs, Michael was very hospitable. He ordered a Caesar salad and Baked Chicken Romano (A chicken dish with noodles and a heavy cream sauce, which Michael lamented couldn't be healthy). During our interview, loads of GH and PC cast members filtered around the dining room. PC's Kin Shriner, Lynn Herring and Jon Lindstom (Scott, Lucy and Kevin) shared lunch a few tables away. David Holcomb came over to say hello and Michael introduced him as "our psycho, nutcase..." "I play Doctor Greg Cooper," Holcomb interrupted, letting Dietz know, "That's Doctor to you!" Jennifer Sky (Sarah, GH) also said a quick hello. DIGEST ONLINE: What was it like for you being on brand new soap that was just starting out? MICHAEL DIETZ: It was so great to have everyone starting out at the same time. We all really bonded really well. It's really funny because we're very protective of each other, we're like this family. It's great. As opposed to [when I went on] GUIDIND LIGHT, something that's been around for sixty years, to be the new guy is really tough. There's nobody that's been on [PORT CHARLES] longer than me or anybody else, [we've all been here] the same amount of time, so it's great. It was awesome. It was the best thing in the world to have to do a new show and to create a new character. DIGEST ONLINE: How do you feel about Joe Scanlon? DIETZ: I absolutely love the character. I think it's great to play a male part in anywhere -- film, TV, anything -- that's vulnerable and has that side to him, because a lot of male characters are tougher or psycho or something and never really show a lot of their vulnerability. I think that's what I love about him, to be able to bring that to him. Yet he's still a standup guy, has a temper, he's not a wimp. I think it's a great, great character. [It's] nice, going from GUIDIND LIGHT, [where my character was] never smiling, to be able to smile and have fun. And working with JENNIFER HAMMON [Karen] has just been incredible. She's amazing. I absolutely love the character. There is nothing I would change about him -- nothing! I think he's perfect. DIGEST ONLINE: The audience has definitely taken to him and the pairing of Joe and Karen. DIETZ: Yeah. I think the rooting value we have as a couple is great because it's not really right, you know, because she's married, and yet they still want us together. I think all the problems we've had.... Poor Joe, just pining away for her all the time, he can't have her. I think people really want them together. And as I said, she's been amazing to work with, since day one, we really hit it off. She's really giving as an actress which really helps. We've been able to do scenes, push to our limit, get where we really want to get, which I never really experienced with anybody else. So, I owe a lot to her, she's really great. DIGEST ONLINE: Where to you see Joe and Karen going? DIETZ: I think it's going to take a while, I mean, I don't know, it has nothing to do with me knowing anything. I think, in my humble opinion, it will take a good three, four months until they're really together, they really start doing things. I don't think they want to rush into it because, I mean, she is married, and it was a big couple, and to just kind of disregard that, I think, would be disenheartening for most of the viewers to watch and just think she gave up. So, I think it's going to take a while. And Joe has no intention of doing anything until it's really over and done because he really does want to play by the rules. It will take a while. DIGEST ONLINE: Are we going to see Jagger? DIETZ: I don't know. I'm sure they'd like to have him come back for a couple of days to finish out the storyline, but I don't know. I'd like to see him come back. DIGEST ONLINE: What would Joe do to Jagger if he saw him? DIETZ: You know, I think part of Joe would want to kill him for cheating on Karen. But the other part would understand and kind of let him be and let the two of them work it out without interfering. Although he'd want to, I'm sure. DIGEST ONLINE: We wouldn't see a knockdown, drag out fight? DIETZ: No. Not unless, I think, he really physically hurt her. Then again, it's none of Joe's business, really. He's friends with Karen, but that's it. Joe has to let it take its course. He can't interfere because, I think, part of him would wonder if he had something to do with it, so he has to let it happen on its own. He definitely wouldn't get into a fight unless Jagger did something to him first like punched him or something. Even then I don't know if he would. I didn't think you'll be seeing any fighting between the two, probably not. DIGEST ONLINE: Are we going to get more into Joe's past? We know a bit of his family history, but we don't know anything about his personal life... any ex-girlfriends... wives... children? DIETZ: Yeah, we don't know. I know my father died, he was drunk, in a car accident. Yeah, I'd like to see more, especially with my mother, Patricia [Crowley, Mary Scanlon]. We talk about it now and then. I don't know if it's going to happen. I mean, I don't have anything right now that's going in that direction, I've been so busy at the hospital with Karen. I would love to see more concerning the family, because it's one of the only real families on the show. DIGEST ONLINE: Are we going to see more Scanlon family interaction in general? DIETZ: Yes, I think so. I especially think once all the Joe and Karen stuff dies down, I think that's my main storyline right now, and the other stuff is there to keep the family alive, but I think probably not right now but in a little bit, we'll probably go back to that more and more. But Karen and Joe are the most important right now, I think, for the writers, and I don't mind it, I think it's great, it's a great storyline. I'd like to see Mary, I love working with Patricia, she's so great, I'd love to work with her more. And Jay [Pickett, Frank], I love working with Jay, [he's] like my favorite. So, I hope so. DIGEST ONLINE: I think that the Scanlon brothers portray a very true sibling relationship. DIETZ: He is like my big brother here in real life. He really is. I don't have any brothers and sisters. And even off screen, he really is like my big brother. It's very funny. We always joke about it. As far as support and just advice, you know, he really is my big brother. It's almost eerie in a sense, but he's been great. He's been really great. And I think that helps, you know, on camera, if your relationship off is really good, you hang out, it only helps and adds to it. DIGEST ONLINE: Who do you hang out with from PC when you're not working? DIETZ: Definitely Jay. Mark Teschner [GH/PC Casting Director] and his girlfriend Lisa Lord, who plays Grace, I hang out with them a lot. Kind of everybody at some point, there's nobody that doesn't hang out. We've all done things off camera. There's really nobody that doesn't get along. DIGEST ONLINE: What kind of stuff do you do when you're not working? DIETZ: Exercise and read, go to movies, dinner, just try to stay busy. I don't like sitting around watching TV. DIGEST ONLINE: What was the last movie you saw? DIETZ: Last movie I just saw "She's So Lovely." Very good, really good movie. Sean Penn was amazing, absolutely amazing. I watched "Donnie Brasco" last night. And what else? Write. I started a course at UCLA on Screenwriting. DIGEST ONLINE: Have you ever written a full screenplay? DIETZ: Yeah, I have one that I started about two years ago, and now I'm at the point where I just want to clean it up, finish it up. DIGEST ONLINE: What genre is the screenplay? DIETZ: Action-y. Actually, I would love to write my own and direct it, raise the money, and do like a little indie film. I think it would be really neat. DIGEST ONLINE: Did you study writing in school? Was it something you were always interested in? DIETZ: I always did really well in English. Yeah, I always liked writing. DIGEST ONLINE: How did you hear about PORT CHARLES originally? DIETZ: Mark [Teschner, GH/PC Casting Director] remembered me, I had read for Mark for some other parts and he remembered me. DIGEST ONLINE: For GENERAL HOSPITAL? DIETZ: Uh huh. He knew when I got GUIDIND LIGHT, he was always like, that role's not right for him! He had called my agent and said we have this role, we'd like to bring Michael in on, we think he'd be great for it. He took me to Wendy [Riche, GH/PC Executive Producer], she liked me when I tested and that was it. Nice and painless. I didn't have to wait around for weeks. DIGEST ONLINE: Were you living out in California? DIETZ: I had just moved. But, my last date [on GUIDIND LIGHT] was January 28, I was driving on January 29. Wasted no time. DIGEST ONLINE: I guess you prefer the West Coast because you like the warm weather? DIETZ: Yeah. I just didn't like New York. I mean, I like visiting, I was just there and it was great. But... DIGEST ONLINE: Did you live in Manhattan? DIETZ: I actually had an apartment that I was getting in the city. It was a brand new building, which is very rare in New York, and they said, it'll be done, it'll be done, it'll be done, and I moved into my parents' house in New Jersey, waiting for the place to finish. Never did... they kept saying, another week, another two weeks, another week and I said, screw it, give me my money back, stayed at my parents' house and I was gonna wait and see until after the first of the year, kind of what happened with the show... good thing I did 'cause, you know, I found out that I was leaving. It was great, I never moved out with my parents, saved breaking a lease, which you know, worked out well. I would stay in the city, I'd come up and stay with friends so I basically lived there. DIGEST ONLINE: How far from Manhattan do your parents live? DIETZ: Forty-five minutes. I used to drive in everyday, which really wasn't that bad because there's people that came from across town, took them forty-five minutes, so it's really not a bad deal. If I were to have to live in New York, then I would live outside [the city]. Where I live now, I have this house, by myself, I live that I rent in Bel Air, it's probably the price of like a nice one bedroom in New York. Full backyard, crickets at night, birds in the morning, green trees everywhere, it's incredible. And I miss that. In New York, you really can't find that. You look out your window and you look at another building, see somebody getting dressed or something. That's really the primary reason. I mean, I felt like I was just going from a cab, from one building to another building, getting out of the cab and going into another building. You really don't see the sights, I mean, you do in Central Park, but I wasn't crazy about Central Park. That's what I really miss, to be able to just get in your car and drive to Malibu or to Santa Monica or Venice. There's so many different areas around here, you go from one place to the next, it's totally different. It's such a freedom. That's really the bottom [line], it's the freedom... I felt like I was stifled [in New York.] It feel like downtown L.A. without leaving downtown L.A., not being able to go to Malibu, just staying in the city, downtown L.A., and never leaving. You know, that's kind of what I feel like. Then again, I didn't give it a lot of time, and I wasn't really living in the city, so it might have been ... it might have been worse, actually. At least my parents had a house with some green and trees. I don't regret it. GUIDIND LIGHT was a wonderful experience, I learned so much from that show that I never would have known by coming on this show, I would have had to learn again. It's nice going from an hour to a half an hour, too. It's nice... it's the best schedule in the world! DIGEST ONLINE: Did you know any of the cast before you started? DIETZ: No, just Nolan [North, Chris] and I met on one of the auditions and kind of hit it off. That was it. DIGEST ONLINE: Do you keep in touch with anyone from GUIDIND LIGHT? DIETZ: Frank DiCopolous [Frank], who is my real life cousin, and that's really it. I [recently] saw Ron Raines [Alan], who played my father, at dinner, he was great. I miss Grant [Aleksander, Phillip], I loved Grant, Michael O'Leary [Rick] is really great. I mean, all of them were great, I miss everybody. I talked to Paul Rausch and he congratulated me, very sweet. It was nice to see everybody. But I don't really pick up the phone every other week calling. DIGEST ONLINE: If you could write what Joe's future would be, what would you write? DIETZ: I would like to see him and Karen, obviously, eventually get together and someday get married, that would be great. And continue his internship, become a doctor, be the best he could be, just have a good, good family life. Definitely I'd like to see them married, I think that would be great, someday down the line. [A pause] And take over the hospital. DIGEST ONLINE: So who is going to win the coveted Quartermaine fellowship? DIETZ: I don't know, good question! There's probably going to be competition on and off for that. DIGEST ONLINE: When does that actually happen? I know they keep talking about it. DIETZ: I don't even know. That's a good question. I don't know. Maybe Joe? Maybe Karen? Maybe somebody totally unexpected. It's a soap... it could be anybody! [Laughs] I don't know. I think Joe has a good shot. I wouldn't want Chris Ramsey winning it, but other than that, I think anybody else [would be okay.] DIGEST ONLINE: What's it like playing those Joe/Chris feuding scenes? DIETZ: They're funny because we get along so well. It's really just kind of funny to have to like pretend we hate each other. DIGEST ONLINE: What is your usual work schedule? DIETZ: I've been working like four, five days a week, which is great, in around 9 out around 2, average schedule. Five hours a day. DIGEST ONLINE: Sounds nice to me! DIETZ: Not bad. Some days you're in at twelve, out at four. Today is a long day. [Laughs] Like anybody can have respect for that. I talk to my friends, investment bankers and stuff, who work ten hours a day, or lawyers, and they're like, "Oh, yeah, you had such a rough day. Seven hours! Until like four." [Laughs] And they're coming home at like eight. So, we're very, very fortunate. I think, if you're not careful, you can lose track of that, start taking that for granted. Just gotta really realize how lucky you are in that schedule, to be in L.A., the sun, the house, it's really nice. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: GH/PC: SPOILERS -- Upcoming events Date: 20 Jan 1998 16:59:01 -0800 These are a bunch of general spoilers, on-screen and off, from the SOD web site. Some of it we already know, some of it is a bit new. I'm off until Friday. I'm going down to LA to see The High Lonesome and then go to the GH event at the Museum of Television and Radio with Wendy, Guza, Geary, Maule, Zeman and a bunch of other people on Thursday. Full report when I get back! Taiyin ****** S P O I L E R S P A C E Times New RomanJOEY ARESCO will appear on General Hospital as Moreno, a crime lord. Aresco credits include Capitol (as Nino Vincent), Santa Barbara and Dallas. His other credits canvas film and primetime, including Star Trek: The Next Generation, St. Elsewhere, Taxi, Baa Baa Black Sheep, Barney Miller, MacGyver and Dark Sky. He first airs January 30. BRAD MAULE and SHELL KEPLER (Tony Jones and Amy Vining) will make guest appearances on Port Charles. The characters help Lucy (Lynn Herring) celebrate her engagement to Rex (Wayne Northrop). Look for Maule and Kepler on February 3. General Hospital's SARAH BROWN (Carly Roberts) returns to Port Charles with a vengeance on January 30. Brown had taken a sabbatical from the soap to film a movie. Watch for Bobbie (Jacklyn Zeman) to get the shock of her life soon -- yes, it's what you've been waiting for -- She'll learn that that the baby abandoning tart is her daughter... Also on GH, ELLIA THOMPSON will appear in the recurring role of Ashley, a friend of Jerry Jacks. Ashley follows Jax (Ingo Rademacher) back to town. Thompson first airs January 29. Still no word on when and if Jerry will come to town. Port Charles' Joe (Michael Dietz) and Karen (Jennifer Hammon) make up for the last seven months and finally make love. However, the lovebirds get an unexpected visitor at a most inconvenient time on January 23. RICHARD GROSS plays the unexpected and unwelcome character, a janitor. Port Charles casting call: On February 5, TAKAYO FISCHER puts in a repeat performance as the judge who presides over Scott's (Kin Shriner) case... JENNIFER RADE plays Marla, an X-Ray technician who goes out with Chris (Nolan North) on February 4 and 5... Joe's father appears in a dream sequence that Joe has about his childhood. FRANK CONN plays the elder Scanlon. BRYAN BURKE appears as the young Joe. Look for both actors on January 29... BILLY O appears as Keith Corbett, a patient who is told he is paralyzed, from January 27 through the 29... BOBBIE NORMAN plays Kathy Fawcett, Agent Boynton's mother. Norman appears on the January 30 episode... Joe has a temper tantrum and an orderly gets the brunt of it. CHARLES DE FAZIO plays the unlucky orderly on January 30 and February 3. "Sacrifice yourself, my love slave." --"Oh, do with me what you will." -- Lucy & Kevin, GH - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Kathryn Bassett) Subject: GH/PC: Taiyin, can you format and repost please? Date: 21 Jan 1998 00:43:59 GMT Hi Taiyin, I'd like to read the Interview with Michael Dietz, but it's too difficult to read with the left margin set so far in, making it wrap funny. If you have any control over that, could you please re-post it for easier reading? I've included part of it below so you can see what I'm talking about. -- Kathryn Rhinehart Bassett (Pasadena CA) "Genealogy is my bag" "GH is my soap" ---------------------------Reply Separator------------------------------- On 1/20/1998 4:22PM, in message <>, Taiyin wrote: by Joann Fazzi Star: Michael Dietz Role: Dr. Joseph Parnell Scanlon, PORT CHARLES Other Soap Roles: Alan-Michael Spaulding, GUIDIND LIGHT & Greg McKean, BEVERLY HILLS 90210 Hails From: The suburbs of Pittsburgh, PA Birthdate: February 10, 1971 Family Ties: Mom Anna Finlay; stepfather is William Finlay. "He's the greatest, my stepfather. I love him to death." His real dad, "who I didn't live with growing up," is Frank Dietz. Although Michael is an only child, he has "A lot of cousins, a lot of cousins! There are about 12, 15, something like that." Online Browser: "I always liked going on the internet, of course." Does he check out the PORT CHARLES message boards? "I do. And I've chatted and told people who I was." Has he gotten lots of e-mail? "Yeah. It's all been really great. Everything, 100% of it. It's been really, really nice." GH Background: "My mother [watched GENERAL HOSPITAL] her - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Cagey Subject: Re: GH/PC: Taiyin, can you format and repost please? Date: 21 Jan 1998 14:34:39 -0500 The interview can be found at It's an old interview, though. Hopefully it will come through this time... --kg Not Your Average Joe -- PC's Michael Dietz by Joann Fazzi Star: Michael Dietz Role: Dr. Joseph Parnell Scanlon, PORT CHARLES Other Soap Roles: Alan-Michael Spaulding, GUIDIND LIGHT & Greg McKean, BEVERLY HILLS 90210 Hails From: The suburbs of Pittsburgh, PA Birthdate: February 10, 1971 Family Ties: Mom Anna Finlay; stepfather is William Finlay. "He's the greatest, my stepfather. I love him to death." His real dad, "who I didn't live with growing up," is Frank Dietz. Although Michael is an only child, he has "A lot of cousins, a lot of cousins! There are about 12, 15, something like that." Online Browser: "I always liked going on the internet, of course." Does he check out the PORT CHARLES message boards? "I do. And I've chatted and told people who I was." Has he gotten lots of e-mail? "Yeah. It's all been really great. Everything, 100% of it. It's been really, really nice." GH Background: "My mother [watched GENERAL HOSPITAL] her whole life. I remember coming home from school and the VCR would be taping because she wasn't there at three o'clock. In fact, when I got GUIDIND LIGHT, she was like, 'I wish it was GENERAL HOSPITAL.'" How did she feel when he landed his PC role? "Extremely happy." On His PC Wardrobe: "It's not bad, it's comfortable. It could be a lot worse. The suits Alan-Michael had to wear were brutal. Three piece Armani suits with ties...You can't really tell if you screw 'em up. With the suit, you can't wear the jacket until you're on." One fall afternoon, Digest Online Editor Joann Fazzi had lunch with MICHAEL DIETZ in the ABC Commissary. Clad in his usual black t-shirt and gray scubs, Michael was very hospitable. He ordered a Caesar salad and Baked Chicken Romano (A chicken dish with noodles and a heavy cream sauce, which Michael lamented couldn't be healthy). During our interview, loads of GH and PC cast members filtered around the dining room. PC's Kin Shriner, Lynn Herring and Jon Lindstom (Scott, Lucy and Kevin) shared lunch a few tables away. David Holcomb came over to say hello and Michael introduced him as "our psycho, nutcase..." "I play Doctor Greg Cooper," Holcomb interrupted, letting Dietz know, "That's Doctor to you!" Jennifer Sky (Sarah, GH) also said a quick hello. DIGEST ONLINE: What was it like for you being on brand new soap that was just starting out? MICHAEL DIETZ: It was so great to have everyone starting out at the same time. We all really bonded really well. It's really funny because we're very protective of each other, we're like this family. It's great. As opposed to [when I went on] GUIDIND LIGHT, something that's been around for sixty years, to be the new guy is really tough. There's nobody that's been on [PORT CHARLES] longer than me or anybody else, [we've all been here] the same amount of time, so it's great. It was awesome. It was the best thing in the world to have to do a new show and to create a new character. DIGEST ONLINE: How do you feel about Joe Scanlon? DIETZ: I absolutely love the character. I think it's great to play a male part in anywhere -- film, TV, anything -- that's vulnerable and has that side to him, because a lot of male characters are tougher or psycho or something and never really show a lot of their vulnerability. I think that's what I love about him, to be able to bring that to him. Yet he's still a standup guy, has a temper, he's not a wimp. I think it's a great, great character. [It's] nice, going from GUIDIND LIGHT, [where my character was] never smiling, to be able to smile and have fun. And working with JENNIFER HAMMON [Karen] has just been incredible. She's amazing. I absolutely love the character. There is nothing I would change about him -- nothing! I think he's perfect. DIGEST ONLINE: The audience has definitely taken to him and the pairing of Joe and Karen. DIETZ: Yeah. I think the rooting value we have as a couple is great because it's not really right, you know, because she's married, and yet they still want us together. I think all the problems we've had.... Poor Joe, just pining away for her all the time, he can't have her. I think people really want them together. And as I said, she's been amazing to work with, since day one, we really hit it off. She's really giving as an actress which really helps. We've been able to do scenes, push to our limit, get where we really want to get, which I never really experienced with anybody else. So, I owe a lot to her, she's really great. DIGEST ONLINE: Where to you see Joe and Karen going? DIETZ: I think it's going to take a while, I mean, I don't know, it has nothing to do with me knowing anything. I think, in my humble opinion, it will take a good three, four months until they're really together, they really start doing things. I don't think they want to rush into it because, I mean, she is married, and it was a big couple, and to just kind of disregard that, I think, would be disenheartening for most of the viewers to watch and just think she gave up. So, I think it's going to take a while. And Joe has no intention of doing anything until it's really over and done because he really does want to play by the rules. It will take a while. DIGEST ONLINE: Are we going to see Jagger? DIETZ: I don't know. I'm sure they'd like to have him come back for a couple of days to finish out the storyline, but I don't know. I'd like to see him come back. DIGEST ONLINE: What would Joe do to Jagger if he saw him? DIETZ: You know, I think part of Joe would want to kill him for cheating on Karen. But the other part would understand and kind of let him be and let the two of them work it out without interfering. Although he'd want to, I'm sure. DIGEST ONLINE: We wouldn't see a knockdown, drag out fight? DIETZ: No. Not unless, I think, he really physically hurt her. Then again, it's none of Joe's business, really. He's friends with Karen, but that's it. Joe has to let it take its course. He can't interfere because, I think, part of him would wonder if he had something to do with it, so he has to let it happen on its own. He definitely wouldn't get into a fight unless Jagger did something to him first like punched him or something. Even then I don't know if he would. I didn't think you'll be seeing any fighting between the two, probably not. DIGEST ONLINE: Are we going to get more into Joe's past? We know a bit of his family history, but we don't know anything about his personal life... any ex-girlfriends... wives... children? DIETZ: Yeah, we don't know. I know my father died, he was drunk, in a car accident. Yeah, I'd like to see more, especially with my mother, Patricia [Crowley, Mary Scanlon]. We talk about it now and then. I don't know if it's going to happen. I mean, I don't have anything right now that's going in that direction, I've been so busy at the hospital with Karen. I would love to see more concerning the family, because it's one of the only real families on the show. DIGEST ONLINE: Are we going to see more Scanlon family interaction in general? DIETZ: Yes, I think so. I especially think once all the Joe and Karen stuff dies down, I think that's my main storyline right now, and the other stuff is there to keep the family alive, but I think probably not right now but in a little bit, we'll probably go back to that more and more. But Karen and Joe are the most important right now, I think, for the writers, and I don't mind it, I think it's great, it's a great storyline. I'd like to see Mary, I love working with Patricia, she's so great, I'd love to work with her more. And Jay [Pickett, Frank], I love working with Jay, [he's] like my favorite. So, I hope so. DIGEST ONLINE: I think that the Scanlon brothers portray a very true sibling relationship. DIETZ: He is like my big brother here in real life. He really is. I don't have any brothers and sisters. And even off screen, he really is like my big brother. It's very funny. We always joke about it. As far as support and just advice, you know, he really is my big brother. It's almost eerie in a sense, but he's been great. He's been really great. And I think that helps, you know, on camera, if your relationship off is really good, you hang out, it only helps and adds to it. DIGEST ONLINE: Who do you hang out with from PC when you're not working? DIETZ: Definitely Jay. Mark Teschner [GH/PC Casting Director] and his girlfriend Lisa Lord, who plays Grace, I hang out with them a lot. Kind of everybody at some point, there's nobody that doesn't hang out. We've all done things off camera. There's really nobody that doesn't get along. DIGEST ONLINE: What kind of stuff do you do when you're not working? DIETZ: Exercise and read, go to movies, dinner, just try to stay busy. I don't like sitting around watching TV. DIGEST ONLINE: What was the last movie you saw? DIETZ: Last movie I just saw "She's So Lovely." Very good, really good movie. Sean Penn was amazing, absolutely amazing. I watched "Donnie Brasco" last night. And what else? Write. I started a course at UCLA on Screenwriting. DIGEST ONLINE: Have you ever written a full screenplay? DIETZ: Yeah, I have one that I started about two years ago, and now I'm at the point where I just want to clean it up, finish it up. DIGEST ONLINE: What genre is the screenplay? DIETZ: Action-y. Actually, I would love to write my own and direct it, raise the money, and do like a little indie film. I think it would be really neat. DIGEST ONLINE: Did you study writing in school? Was it something you were always interested in? DIETZ: I always did really well in English. Yeah, I always liked writing. DIGEST ONLINE: How did you hear about PORT CHARLES originally? DIETZ: Mark [Teschner, GH/PC Casting Director] remembered me, I had read for Mark for some other parts and he remembered me. DIGEST ONLINE: For GENERAL HOSPITAL? DIETZ: Uh huh. He knew when I got GUIDIND LIGHT, he was always like, that role's not right for him! He had called my agent and said we have this role, we'd like to bring Michael in on, we think he'd be great for it. He took me to Wendy [Riche, GH/PC Executive Producer], she liked me when I tested and that was it. Nice and painless. I didn't have to wait around for weeks. DIGEST ONLINE: Were you living out in California? DIETZ: I had just moved. But, my last date [on GUIDIND LIGHT] was January 28, I was driving on January 29. Wasted no time. DIGEST ONLINE: I guess you prefer the West Coast because you like the warm weather? DIETZ: Yeah. I just didn't like New York. I mean, I like visiting, I was just there and it was great. But... DIGEST ONLINE: Did you live in Manhattan? DIETZ: I actually had an apartment that I was getting in the city. It was a brand new building, which is very rare in New York, and they said, it'll be done, it'll be done, it'll be done, and I moved into my parents' house in New Jersey, waiting for the place to finish. Never did... they kept saying, another week, another two weeks, another week and I said, screw it, give me my money back, stayed at my parents' house and I was gonna wait and see until after the first of the year, kind of what happened with the show...good thing I did 'cause, you know, I found out that I was leaving. It was great, I never moved out with my parents, saved breaking a lease, which you know, worked out well. I would stay in the city, I'd come up and stay with friends so I basically lived there. DIGEST ONLINE: How far from Manhattan do your parents live? DIETZ: Forty-five minutes. I used to drive in everyday, which really wasn't that bad because there's people that came from across town, took them forty-five minutes, so it's really not a bad deal. If I were to have to live in New York, then I would live outside [the city]. Where I live now, I have this house, by myself, I live that I rent in Bel Air, it's probably the price of like a nice one bedroom in New York. Full backyard, crickets at night, birds in the morning, green trees everywhere, it's incredible. And I miss that. In New York, you really can't find that. You look out your window and you look at another building, see somebody getting dressed or something. That's really the primary reason. I mean, I felt like I was just going from a cab, from one building to another building, getting out of the cab and going into another building. You really don't see the sights, I mean, you do in Central Park, but I wasn't crazy about Central Park. That's what I really miss, to be able to just get in your car and drive to Malibu or to Santa Monica or Venice. There's so many different areas around here, you go from one place to the next, it's totally different. It's such a freedom. That's really the bottom [line], it's the freedom... I felt like I was stifled [in New York.] It feel like downtown L.A. without leaving downtown L.A., not being able to go to Malibu, just staying in the city, downtown L.A., and never leaving. You know, that's kind of what I feel like. Then again, I didn't give it a lot of time, and I wasn't really living in the city, so it might have been ... it might have been worse, actually. At least my parents had a house with some green and trees. I don't regret it. GUIDIND LIGHT was a wonderful experience, I learned so much from that show that I never would have known by coming on this show, I would have had to learn again. It's nice going from an hour to a half an hour, too. It's nice... it's the best schedule in the world! DIGEST ONLINE: Did you know any of the cast before you started? DIETZ: No, just Nolan [North, Chris] and I met on one of the auditions and kind of hit it off. That was it. DIGEST ONLINE: Do you keep in touch with anyone from GUIDIND LIGHT? DIETZ: Frank DiCopolous [Frank], who is my real life cousin, and that's really it. I [recently] saw Ron Raines [Alan], who played my father, at dinner, he was great. I miss Grant [Aleksander, Phillip], I loved Grant, Michael O'Leary [Rick] is really great. I mean, all of them were great, I miss everybody. I talked to Paul Rausch and he congratulated me, very sweet. It was nice to see everybody. But I don't really pick up the phone every other week calling. DIGEST ONLINE: If you could write what Joe's future would be, what would you write? DIETZ: I would like to see him and Karen, obviously, eventually get together and someday get married, that would be great. And continue his internship, become a doctor, be the best he could be, just have a good, good family life. Definitely I'd like to see them married, I think that would be great, someday down the line. [A pause] And take over the hospital. DIGEST ONLINE: So who is going to win the coveted Quartermaine fellowship? DIETZ: I don't know, good question! There's probably going to be competition on and off for that. DIGEST ONLINE: When does that actually happen? I know they keep talking about it. DIETZ: I don't even know. That's a good question. I don't know. Maybe Joe? Maybe Karen? Maybe somebody totally unexpected. It's a soap... it could be anybody! [Laughs] I don't know. I think Joe has a good shot. I wouldn't want Chris Ramsey winning it, but other than that, I think anybody else [would be okay.] DIGEST ONLINE: What's it like playing those Joe/Chris feuding scenes? DIETZ: They're funny because we get along so well. It's really just kind of funny to have to like pretend we hate each other. DIGEST ONLINE: What is your usual work schedule? DIETZ: I've been working like four, five days a week, which is great, in around 9 out around 2, average schedule. Five hours a day. DIGEST ONLINE: Sounds nice to me! DIETZ: Not bad. Some days you're in at twelve, out at four. Today is a long day. [Laughs] Like anybody can have respect for that. I talk to my friends, investment bankers and stuff, who work ten hours a day, or lawyers, and they're like, "Oh, yeah, you had such a rough day. Seven hours! Until like four." [Laughs] And they're coming home at like eight. So, we're very, very fortunate. I think, if you're not careful, you can lose track of that, start taking that for granted. Just gotta really realize how lucky you are in that schedule, to be in L.A., the sun, the house, it's really nice. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Traci DyAnn Haley" Subject: GH/PC: Hope I have the right address... Date: 21 Jan 1998 23:25:14 -0800 Hi Fellow GHers! I'm not sure if I have the right address to post to the GH Chat list...I joined but the welcome message never mentioned what address to send to :|. Anyway, I just wanted to say "hi" and introduce myself... My name is Traci...if any of you happen to frequent Port Charles Online or the Ingo Rademacher Message Exchange I occasionally post there as Wisteria. I also used to run a GH club..the now defunct General Hospital Memory Society. Anyway, I am an 18-year-old aspiring writer in Central Oregon. I've watched GH for almost 7 years and PC from the very beginning. On GH my very favourite character is Cesar Faison...sure he's gone, but he's still my favourite :). I also like Jax, Luke, Felicia, Mac, and Alexis. On PC I like almost all the characters, but especially Matt, Kevin, Lucy, and Julie's father (is he still on, btw?). I write a GH fanfic, but it's not very well written, it's called Adventures in Villainy and hasn't been updated in forever and a day...I'm trying to decide whether anyone will be broken up if I decide not to continue :). Besides soaps my other interests are: reading anything that falls into my hands (or flashes across my computer screen :)), writing, cooking, crafts, computers, video games, listening to music, watching t.v. and movies, tarot cards, dream interpretation, journaling, and collecting almost everything :). If y'all wanna know anything else, let me know! :) I'm glad I found this list and I look forward to chatting with you all! Beam me up, Scotty, Traci ~*~ Modems...reach out and BYTE someone! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Cagey Subject: Re: GH/PC: Hope I have the right address... Date: 22 Jan 1998 18:49:00 -0500 > I'm not sure if I have the right address to post to the GH Chat list...I >joined but the welcome message never mentioned what address to send to :|. Looks like I'm going to have to update that darned welcome message, huh? Either or will work; just be sure not to use both addys at the same time! >Anyway, I just wanted to say "hi" and introduce myself... Welcome Traci. Taiyin's cavorting in L.A. at the moment and so is off-line, but as Co-List Mum let me warn you not to be offended by periodic character er..."bashing" may be too strong a word, but let me just say that some of our more vocal participants are *not* thrilled with the Jax/Brenda repairing . At any rate, all commentary is meant in good fun. More importantly, let me say what I know Taiyin would say--Write more fic!! ;) Welcome aboard. --kg - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie Saker" Subject: Re: Re: GH/PC: Hope I have the right address... Date: 23 Jan 1998 07:21:04 PST cagey wrote: >Welcome Traci. Taiyin's cavorting in L.A. at the moment and so is >off-line, but as Co-List Mum let me warn you not to be offended by periodic >character er..."bashing" may be too strong a word, but let me just say that >some of our more vocal participants are *not* thrilled with the Jax/Brenda >repairing . ahem. hi. i THINK that last remark might have been directed at me! :) i promise, no matter HOW angry this little development makes me, i rarely bite! besides, i currently have a NEW pet peeve--the fact that EVERY SINGLE so-called newsworthy event seems to happen between the hours of 3 and 4:00 eastern time. coincidence? i think not! this has been TWO DAYS IN A ROW now that gh has been interrupted so that peter jennings can stand in cuba and foam at the mouth over the fact that he's not in d.c. >At any rate, all commentary is meant in good fun. oh definitely! after all, it IS only a soap! (i have to keep reminding myself of that sometimes, in an attempt to calm myself down! "it's only a soap, julie, it's only a soap...") >Welcome aboard. ditto! we seem to go in spurts around here--we'll have days on end of deathly quiet, and then get 30 messages in a day. but hopefully now that gh is getting more interesting (carly's coming back soon and i can hardly WAIT for that story to break!!!) we'll all have more to say! so join the fun! (plus, taiyin will be back soon with details of the gh event at the museum of television and radio in l.a., lucky girl!) so bye for now! death to j&b! (just teasing...couldn't resist!) julie ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Cagey Subject: Re: Re: GH/PC: Hope I have the right address... Date: 23 Jan 1998 11:35:13 -0500 Julie wrote: >ahem. hi. i THINK that last remark >might have been directed at me! Certainly not! Heck, bring up the possibility of an actual Lucy and Rex wedding, and watch me burn . >the fact that EVERY SINGLE so-called newsworthy event seems >to happen between the hours of 3 and 4:00 eastern time. Add to the list, that my cable company decides to do work on the lines whenever PC is on. >death to j&b! (just teasing...couldn't resist!) ;) Well, given ABC news reports and my cruddy taping record of late, I'm hoping for some explication from someone. Namely, what is the current state of affairs between Alexis and Helena? The last bit that I saw, Helena told Alexis that she had to become friends with Katherine (argh! a fate worse than death!). What happened after that? I hope Alexis laughed in her face... --kg --kg - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie Saker" Subject: Re: GH/PC: Recaps Date: 23 Jan 1998 09:37:09 PST cagey wrote: >Certainly not! Heck, bring up the possibility of an actual Lucy and Rex >wedding, and watch me burn . just out of curiosity, what was lucy THINKING yelling at kevin for kissing eve? exCUSE me, but who's the one who's ENGAGED TO REX??? i'm with you...if this even gets CLOSE to a wedding, i'm gonna be PISSED. first of all, i HATE HATE HATE rex. and he's been more smug than usual since lucy accepted his proposal. as if it's not bad enough they had lucy chat with scott about how well the two of them understand each other, vs. how well lucy and KEVIN do. yuck. i can't wait to hear taiyin's comments on that scene, 'cause i don't think she's gonna be very happy! >Well, given ABC news reports and my cruddy taping record of late, I'm >hoping for some explication from someone. i missed all of that due to abc interruptions. but here's a recap some kind soul posted on pc online: here's wednesday: KMGH Channel 7 in Denver was gracious enough to air the last part of the episode after the pope stuff... Dara/Mac(Jimmy) Dara was hilarious she couldn't believe that she heard what she just heard and voiced her disbelief, to make matters worse Mac/Jimmy goes on to say, ''We're alone, Robin is not here...oh you want to talk first and then maybe I can kiss you, I would have but you seemed anxious to get down to business.'' Dara then tells him that the business she was talking about getting to was the Valentine's Day concert and what ''the Hell kind of business'' did he think she meant. Mac/Jimmy tells her he's sorry but she was so pretty and Dara says, ''I have heard some come ons in my day but that had to be the sloppiest, the most pathetic...Have you lost your mind?'' Mac/Jimmy apologizes and tell her that he felt pressured to make a move on her so she wouldn' t think he was a wimp. Dara accepts this and they both state that they have interest in other people, Dara in Justus and Mac in Felicia. Felicia/Mac(Jimmie) Felicia voices her concern to Tony about losing her ''pal'' if she and Mac become involved but she cannot stop thinking about him..Later the screen keeps cutting back and forth between Mac and Dara and Felicia and Tony as they both talk about what they mean to each other. Both Tony and Dara tell Felicia and Mac to go ahead and give it a shot. Maxie tells her mother later that she looks sad and that if she is, she should call Mac since she seems happier around him. At the end Jimmie/Mac stops by under some pretense about something about the bar but what he really goes there to do is to kiss Felicia and he does just that. Mac/Tess Mac continues to give Tess the wrong information about him and Dara. Also it seems that Mac may be catching a bit of a nasty cold or flu. Katherine/Emily/Nikolas Well Katherine feels the need to sit down and give her opinion about something or other, I think it was about why Nikolas left of something (sorry guys but my ears automatically turn off when that woman is on my screen). Anyway the conversation is cut short by ABC's second special report of the day and when the show returns, Kat is leaving the table. Emily tells Nikolas that she can understand why he likes Katherine so much. All of the sudden Nikolas very clearly says, ''Go Home''. Emily gets all excited and asks Nikolas to repeat it again but he has trouble. She tells him not to worry because if he did it once he can do it again. Helena/Alexis Alexis tells Helena that Katherine will never forgive her for what she did and that she really can't forgive herself. Helena tells her that her methods were wrong but her motives were right and she shouldn't feel guilty about what she did. Alexis tells Helena, ''You make disloyality and lies sound like noble endeavors.'' Alexis again tells Helena that it will be hard to befriend Katherine and Helena warns Alexis if she does not do this, she will disappear from Port Charles just as mysteriously as she appeared. Alexis asks Helena to guarantee that if she does what she asks, then she will spare her life. Helena tells her there is no guarantee of this and it is not negotiable. Helena raises her voice to Alexis and tells her she wants an answer now! Alexis is really starting to panic and getting frightened and almost without thinking says yes to Helena. Helena then does the most eerie thing to Alexis. Helena walks up to Alexis and puts her index fingers on Alexis' face and slowly works her way down her face, I thought she would end up touching her throat but she stops at her chin. While she is doing this she tells a very freaked out Alexis that, ''You resemble your mother, the same cheeckbones, same elegant carriage, you are intelligent and resourceful, while she was only instinctive. You will find a way to succeed Natasha, I have confidence in you.'' Stefan/Katherine Stefan is standing in the cold and Katherine comes out mumbling something or other and Stefan tells her that he is the one having her followed. Katherine is not happy about this and tells Stefan she deserves to decide who and why she should be protected. Stefan tells her that Helena cannot be trusted and that she only wants to endear herself to Katherine so that she can use her. and a recap somebody posted of what those of us in the ny area missed due to YESTERDAY'S abc interruption: Here's what you missed... After being unsuccessful in convincing Jason to get Emily to move back home, Alan poured his heart out to Emily. Alan told Emily how he had never been able to accept the fact that Jason would never live up to his expectations and how that had influenced his decisions. Alan revealed that he had hoped to use the baby as a way to bring Jason back into the family, but realized that he had lost Jason forever. Alan hoped that he had not poisoned Emily away from the family as well. A torn Emily told Alan that his explanations were not good enough and admitted that she could not trust him. Even though they each admitted how much they loved each other, Emily refused to return home with Alan. After Alan left, Lila arrived with the quilt that she and Emily had been working on. Lila’s gentle nature and words of wisdom convinced Emily to return to the mansion. At the PC Grill, AJ told a disappointed Keesha about his role in ambushing Jason and the baby. AJ related how Jason had almost pulled a gun during their confrontation and how he had seen a side of Jason he had never seen before. AJ and Jason had a chance meeting in the men’s room where AJ made it clear that he no longer felt guilty about the accident and the choices that Jason had made in his life. AJ was then left standing outside of Jason’s shadow and was ready to move ahead with Keesha. James paid Felicia another visit and greeted her with flowers. Felicia admitted her fear about losing her best friend and James tried to reassure her with another kiss. Before James left to visit Tess, he told Felicia to get ready for a special surprise. As Felicia struggled with her feelings, James told a worried Tess that Mac had been giving them false information. Tess sensed that James was developing feelings for Felicia and warned him not to get too cozy in Mac’s shoes. Later, Mac managed to free himself, but ran into James. thank god for different time zones, and the miracles of the internet! julie ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: GH/PC: Hope I have the right address... Date: 23 Jan 1998 09:46:22 -0800 At 06:49 PM 1/22/98 -0500, Cagey wrote: > >Looks like I'm going to have to update that darned welcome message, huh? > Oops. I'll do that today. >Welcome Traci. Taiyin's cavorting in L.A. at the moment and so is >off-line, And I'm in the process of typing up the details from the GH panel last night at the Museum at TV & Radio. It was very interesting. Unfortunately, though, it was a 9 hour drive home, and I just got here about two hours ago and am now dying at having to spend all day in the office before I can go home and go to sleep. So I'm moving a little slowly at the moment... >character er..."bashing" may be too strong a word, but let me just say that >some of our more vocal participants are *not* thrilled with the Jax/Brenda >repairing . Nope. I do like Jax, though. Just not with Brenda. I think he deserves better -- epecailly after last time. But I was very, very good and didn't blurt that out to Bob Guza or Wendy Riche last night. I wanted to, but I didn't. >importantly, let me say what I know Taiyin would say--Write more fic!! ;) I think this means I'm a tad too predictable. >Welcome aboard. Indeed, indeed! Taiyin "Sacrifice yourself, my love slave." --"Oh, do with me what you will." -- Lucy & Kevin, GH - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie Saker" Subject: Re: GH/PC: Hope I have the right address... Date: 23 Jan 1998 10:18:46 PST taiyin wrote: >And I'm in the process of typing up the details from the GH panel >last night at the Museum at TV & Radio. It was very interesting. taiyin! welcome back! i can't WAIT to hear all about it... >Unfortunately, though, it was a 9 hour drive home, and I just got >here about two hours ago and am now dying at having to spend all day >in the office before I can go home and go to sleep. So I'm moving a >little slowly at the moment... well...i guess THAT'S understandable! >Nope. I do like Jax, though. Just not with Brenda. I think he >deserves better -- epecailly after last time. i'll agree wholeheartedly there. i was never one of those fervent types who believed that being pro-sonny necessarily meant being anti-jax. after all, the man IS a god! :) >But I was very, very good and didn't blurt that out to Bob Guza or >Wendy Riche last night. I wanted to, but I didn't. taiyin...WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYY NOT??????? oh i had such HOPES! i pictured you telling them in NO uncertain terms what a mistake they were making, and them being so impressed by your passion that they hired you IMMEDIATELY as script consultant, where you proceeded to right all the MANY MANY wrongs that have been inflicted on us, the loyal viewing public. no such luck... seriously, i'm not sure how you were able to RESTRAIN yourself! if i were in the same room with that woman...hell, after guza's latest comment about j&b, with BOTH of them...let's just say it wouldn't be pretty! :) oh well, welcome back anyway! i can't wait till you get caught up with might regret the restraint you showed last night! julie ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Gina Clayton" Subject: GH/PC: PC Date: 23 Jan 1998 13:23:47 EST5EDT ok,ok.. I am kinda lost. I haven't kept up with PC daily, so bear with me. Today Rex had a flashback of showing Lucy the picture of Scotty in the Cayman Islands and her on the stand. I remember all that, but what was up with the pill that she took from him? I s that supposed to be significant? Sorry if the answer is obvious, but I am lost. This engagement fiasco/thing is is going a LITTLE bit too far!(to say the least) BTW...I thought Karen and Joe were funny on the roof. BTW..what is the general concensus on GH lately? Everyone have a great Friday!!! gina - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: GH/PC: The Museum of Television and Radio (Some small spoilers) Date: 23 Jan 1998 10:55:57 -0800 At 07:21 AM 1/23/98 PST, Julie Saker wrote: >(plus, taiyin will be back soon with details of the gh event at >the museum of television and radio in l.a., lucky girl!) Just what I love: a woman with a fine sense of priorities. There are some small spoilers towards the bottom, though -- consider yourself warned (and there is built in space since I'll do the non-spoiler stuff first). OK, last night... let me first just say MAJOR thanks to Anne. Because my trip down there was last minute, I couldn't actually get a ticket because the event was, natch, sold out. She had an extra and donated it to my patheticness, and I am very grateful. Tony Geary didn't make it; instead Michelle Val Jean and Joe Something or other showed up, in addition to Shelley Curtis. Joe actually directed the pilot ep of GH in 1963. He then went on to direct the pilot ep of Days, before coming back to direct for GH. The entire panel was: Wendy Riche, Joe, Bob Guza, Shelley Curtis, Michelle Val Jean, Brad Maule and Jackie Zeman. At the very beginning they ran a "video" that had scenes from years gone by -- some of the best. The first clip in the vid was from the pilot ep, with Jessie Brewer and Stever Hardy. The second scene was from 1979, and it was Rick Webber (a very young, long-haired Richard Dean Anderson) and Audrey (also very young looking, and with *very* short hair). It was about Rick finding out that Steve was his father. The next scene was also from 1979 and it was from Luke and Laura's famous night in Whyndam's. Then they skipped all the 1980's and went to 1991: Robert and Mac, right after Mac arrived in town. It was a scene at Kelly's where Robert basically picked a fight with Mac, Mac decked him and then a bunch of cops, including Frisco, came running in and busted Mac for assaulting an officer. And no one believed that Mac was Robert's brother. Anna watched the whole exchange and was SERIOUSLY unhappy with Robert. Next was from 1993 and the return of Luke and Laura. If anyone knows where I can get that stuff, please email me off list, because I am DYING to see Lucky's trek across country on his own -- in the scene the truck blew up, Luke realized that they've been found and he told Laura to "make the call." She couldn't do it, because she couldn't "leave Lucky." Luke told her that they've discussed this a hundred times and they had decided that if there was ever a move made against them while they were seperated that they would make their ways to their next location seperately. Laura cried that Lucky was only 10 years old and Luke insistsed that he knew what to do. After that was the ones that always have everyone rolling on the floor in tears. From 1994: Tony telling Frisco that Maxie's new heart was really BJ's. Wah! It was so pavlovian. As soon as the scene opened, 90% of the audience was in tears. God knows I was. And then was the scene from the same time between Bobbie and Ruby. And then after that was the scene where Tony threw Bobbie out of the Brownstone. Of course the following exchange: Bobbie: "I suppose you're so perfect that you've never been attracted to anyone else!" Tony: "I never acted on it!" ... had EVERYONE laughing in light of the past year. For a scene that really isn't even remotely funny, we were hysterical. The next scene was from the 1995 Nurses Ball, where AJ goaded Stone into blurting out his medical status (I love that scene). And after that was the 1996 NB, the "Dualing Divas" as Luke called them -- Katherine and Lucy's "Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend" routine. Then it ended with a run through the credits. Their choice in credits was puzzling. A classic version or the current version would have made sense, but instead it was about three or four versions ago. Not only were Robin and Sonny in them, but so were Tom and Miranda. I think maybe even Lois. Strange. Next was the panel. Let me just say that at a Forever Knight con last year, the fans discovered that one of the women on the show, in RL, was a THOUSAND times more stunningly beautiful than she EVER was on the show. Last night I discovered the same is true of Jackie Zeman. I still can't get over how absolutely gorgeous she is. Most of the panel time was spent on Q&As, which was nice. And I was very happy that all of the questions from the audience were very intellegent -- that's not to say that I would "expect" anything less, but I've just been to too many cons where the Q&As were filled with stupid "I can't tell the actor from the character" type questions that are just really embarrassing to have to sit through. The members of the press that have been covering these events said that the GH panel was the most intellegent sounding one they've covered so far. There were so many wannabe soap writers in the audience, though, that it was discouraging. ;-) And let me just say that Brad Maule is EXTREMELY funny in RL. One of my favorite parts of the panel was something Michelle Val Jean said. There was a quesiton about how a whole team of writers always manages (for the most part) to write every character and have them "sound" the same as every other writer manages to do. Brad also commented that that always seems almost magical to him and it impresses the hell out of him. Michelle's comment sounded like Jill or Cagey or I discussing fanfic: she said that it works because the writers have the characters living in their heads and telling them what to write. The writers only do what they are told. Michelle says she is often awaken from dreams by the characters blathering at her. She said, writing on GH means that she has "30 characters living in her head." To which Brad Maule's response was: "I was sleeping with my step-daughter in your head?" There were a couple of little things revealed during the session: 1.) According to Wendy, it doesn't sound like Genie will be coming back ANY time soon. However, when I was talking to Guza privately AFTERwards, he sounded much more optomistic. 2.) They were disucssing directing and shooting legistics and Shelley mentioned that their current challenge is the fact that Alexis is shooting a love scene today (Friday) -- and the probelm with that is that Nancy is 8 months pregnant. And then there were two things that Guza told me afterwards: It seems they've already shot Bobbie finding out and confronting Luke about his lies about Carly/Caroline. According to Guza, "Luke comes home one night like usual, opens the door and finds Bobbie sitting there (in the dark, I think he said) almost ready to blow him away." After I commented that the only occasion in which I think the lack of crossovers has actually *damaged* the storylines was the fact that Scott has been back in town for six months and hasn't run into all the people with whom he has MAJOR, and often unresoved, history, I specifically said that the reunion that I REALLY am dying to see is Scott and Luke. Guza got a Cheshire Cat grin and said: "Just wait." He said that Scott has a short crossover, and that "something from the past blows up in the present." He didn't specifically say it was Luke, but the implication was there, considering the context, and frankly that is the one that makes the most sense. By far, though, the coolest part was talking to Michelle Val Jean. I went back inside after the panel was over to talk to Bob. I wanted to talk to Michelle, but I thought she had already left. As I was waiting there, she started to walk past me. I stopped her and the conversation was basically as follows: Taiyin: "I run a Kevin and Lucy mailing list on the internet --" Michelle: (puts her hand over her heart and sighs) "Oh, my couple!" Taiyin: "Mine, too. I just wanted to let you know that back when you were on PC, h*lping with the transition to the new writing team, we were all DELIGHTED to have you writing for Kevin & Lucy again." Michelle: (very, very surprised) "Really?" Taiyin: "Absolutely! As much as I love the fact that, after three and a half years of being neglected on GH --" Woman behind me: "Kevin & Lucy were neglected on GH?" Different woman behind me: "Yeah, pretty badly." Taiyin: "-- I am definitely happy that they are actually getting some *screen time* on PC now. But for a long time there, they just weren't quite right. And the *day* you started writing for them again, we ALL noticed. Suddenly they were funny and intellegent and sexy and witty again -- just like they should always be. And we knew it was you, so I just wanted to let you know that we all miss your influence and loved that you got the chance to write for them for just a little bit. The list was blissful over it." Michelle: (delighted, touched and very, very amazed) "I can't believe you guys knew it was me. That is so great. It ripped a huge hole out of my heart when they moved them over to PC. I miss them so much." Anyway, so she was *so* touched and surprised that we not only noticed, but that we knew it was her influence that made them so much better. That was very, very cool. During the panel the question of Brenda's mental meltdown came up, naturally. Brad told us that he loved the part when Brenda was cutting out her face from all the pics. He thought that was cool. He especially liked that she framed one of them later. He was funny. Then, I was talking to Guza a few minutes later with a couple of other women. I asked him what, specifically, his job as a consultant to PC entailed. He said that, so far, because his first priority was to put GH back on track, he really hasn't done much. But now that he's getting his ducks in a row on GH, basically it will be just a matter of he and Lynn Latham coordinating storylines. He said that there is a major storm coming up and he and Lynn were batting things back and forth: "How many days do you want this to last?" "Oh, I was thinking three -- what about you?" "Three works for me. I'll go add another day, then." just to keep things consistant with both shows. He also mentioned that things like the Nurses Ball are the types of things that are extremely important to him to get right, but that logistically they are such a nightmare that he can't always do things the way he'd like. That made me kind of nervous, until he reassured us that the NB this year WILL take place on both shows and that Lucy WILL be emceeing it again -- he said, "And we'll throw something with Katherine in, because that's always fun." There was a chorus of "I *love* the Nurses' Balls" and he said that he wanted this year's to be the best yet (to which my mental reaciton was "Ha! Fat chance! But I'd LOVE to see you try..."). I commented that I've almost worn out my copy of the 1995 Nurses' Ball -- because, IMO, that one was the best ever. He's shooting to be it and I'm interested in seeing what he comes up with. The subject of crossovers came up and I made a wisecrack about desperately needing some Mac and Kevin about now -- "after all, who would understand better than Kevin about Mac's 'Invasion of the Body Snatchers' little problem at the moment." Guza said that getting Kevin involved in that was something that he REALLY wanted to do, but that he didn't know if he was going to be able to make it work. He also said that he had WANTED for Kevin to be Brenda's therapist, but that logistically it just didn't work out because Kevin was too busy on PC. One of the other women asked him if he missed having K&L there and he said yes, that their absence left a "big hole int he canvas." At that point my promise to be good and totally silent was shot and I felt the overwhelming need to say, "Well, I certainly miss a lot of that interaction -- especially Lucy and Luke -- but Kevin and Lucy met on February 17, 1994, and it should probably alarm you that I know that off the top of my head , and yet they've had more airtime in the past six months on PC than they had on the entire previous three and a half years on GH. If being seperated from some of their friends is the price I have to pay for them to actually get their own storyline, then it's worth it." And then I added, "Now, if they could just get Scott his OWN storyline and get him out of the middle of Kevin & Lucy's lives, then things would be good." One of the other women popped up wtih, "I love Scott!" And I said, "So do I. And I'd love him even more if he would stop getting in the middle of Kevin & Lucy's relationship." I refrained from commenting on how vile I thought Monday was and how desperately I am awaiting the end of this whole Rex thing -- because Bob is not the person who can do anything about any of it. That was part of what I would have liked to say to Wendy, but didn't get the chance. He did, however, comment that they are still going to have to "deal with" Scott and Lucy's past relationship -- "because it's just too good to pass up." And, of course, I felt the need to say, "Good, as long as they don't do anymore of those 'meaningful looks.' Those gave me the shivering fits." I got the distinct impression that, of the fans he comes into contact with most, Kevin & Lucy fanatics are not the highest majority. Shocker there. Tragic -- no one ever thought they'd have much of a following, so they never gave them any air time. And because they never gave them any air time, they didn't generate nearly the following that the more (over-)exposed couples got. Michael Logan was also there. I enjoyed a conversation that he and Wendy and Bob were having about where this whole thing is going. Bob is especially enjoying the recreating of Jason right now -- and he and I and a coupel of other owmen were disucssing how much Jason learned from Sonny and what that meant in terms of storyline. I commented that it was doubly interesting because Steve Burton learned a lot from Maurice, so it was great because it worked on both levels. And then five minutes later Logan was saying the same thing. Guza was fun to talk to. He really enjoys discussing the characters and where they are coming from and where they are going. He just enjoys it, and he gets really into it. So that was fun. I wanted to talk to Logan, but he ended up running into the daughter of an old friend of his, and so they were having a personal conversation and I didn't feel comfortable standing there and listening just so I could talk to him for a few minutes, so I just left. I had a long drive to make and it was already after 9:00 p.m. I'm sure there are a few other details that I'm missing, but that was basically the gist of it. All in all, it was a lot of fun. I wish I hadn't gotten lost on my way to Beverly Hills, so I could have seen more of the actual exhibit. As it was, the only thing I really saw was the collection of wedding dresses in the lobby. There were a lot there -- including Lois'. Anne said they were showing old eps upstairs. She said she got to see Luke's wedding to Jennifer Smith -- when Scotty beat him up and shoved him over the side of the yacht. Wish I would have seen that. Taiyin "I think people who have their sh*t together all the time are just full of it." -- Brad Maule - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: Re: GH/PC: Hope I have the right address... Date: 23 Jan 1998 10:57:07 -0800 At 11:35 AM 1/23/98 -0500, Cagey wrote: > >Certainly not! Heck, bring up the possibility of an actual Lucy and Rex >wedding, and watch me burn . Forget 'burn' -- I think 'writhe in pain' is more like it. Yuck. Taiyin "Sacrifice yourself, my love slave." --"Oh, do with me what you will." -- Lucy & Kevin, GH - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: GH/PC: The Museum of Television and Radio (Some small spoilers) Date: 23 Jan 1998 11:03:06 -0800 I posted the entire version of this to the GH/PC list. I'm reposting the K&L bits here -- if you want the whole thing and are not on the GH/PC list, please email me at and I'll send you a copy. There are some small spoilers towards the bottom, though -- consider yourself warned (and there is built in space since I'll do the non-spoiler stuff first). OK, last night... let me first just say MAJOR thanks to Anne. Because my trip down there was last minute, I couldn't actually get a ticket because the event was, natch, sold out. She had an extra and donated it to my patheticness, and I am very grateful. The entire panel was: Wendy Riche, Joe, Bob Guza, Shelley Curtis, Michelle Val Jean, Brad Maule and Jackie Zeman. One of my favorite parts of the panel was something Michelle Val Jean said. There was a quesiton about how a whole team of writers always manages (for the most part) to write every character and have them "sound" the same as every other writer manages to do. Brad also commented that that always seems almost magical to him and it impresses the hell out of him. Michelle's comment sounded like Jill or Cagey or I discussing fanfic: she said that it works because the writers have the characters living in their heads and telling them what to write. The writers only do what they are told. Michelle says she is often awaken from dreams by the characters blathering at her. She said, writing on GH means that she has "30 characters living in her head." To which Brad Maule's response was: "I was sleeping with my step-daughter in your head?" By far, though, the coolest part was talking to Michelle Val Jean. I went back inside after the panel was over to talk to Bob. I wanted to talk to Michelle, but I thought she had already left. As I was waiting there, she started to walk past me. I stopped her and the conversation was basically as follows: Taiyin: "I run a Kevin and Lucy mailing list on the internet --" Michelle: (puts her hand over her heart and sighs) "Oh, my couple!" Taiyin: "Mine, too. I just wanted to let you know that back when you were on PC, h*lping with the transition to the new writing team, we were all DELIGHTED to have you writing for Kevin & Lucy again." Michelle: (very, very surprised) "Really?" Taiyin: "Absolutely! As much as I love the fact that, after three and a half years of being neglected on GH --" Woman behind me: "Kevin & Lucy were neglected on GH?" Different woman behind me: "Yeah, pretty badly." Taiyin: "-- I am definitely happy that they are actually getting some *screen time* on PC now. But for a long time there, they just weren't quite right. And the *day* you started writing for them again, we ALL noticed. Suddenly they were funny and intellegent and sexy and witty again -- just like they should always be. And we knew it was you, so I just wanted to let you know that we all miss your influence and loved that you got the chance to write for them for just a little bit. The list was blissful over it." Michelle: (delighted, touched and very, very amazed) "I can't believe you guys knew it was me. That is so great. It ripped a huge hole out of my heart when they moved them over to PC. I miss them so much." Anyway, so she was *so* touched and surprised that we not only noticed, but that we knew it was her influence that made them so much better. That was very, very cool. When I was talking to Guza, he mentioned that things like the Nurses Ball are the types of things that are extremely important to him to get right, but that logistically they are such a nightmare that he can't always do things the way he'd like. That made me kind of nervous, until he reassured us that the NB this year WILL take place on both shows and that Lucy WILL be emceeing it again -- he said, "And we'll throw something with Katherine in, because that's always fun." There was a chorus of "I *love* the Nurses' Balls" and he said that he wanted this year's to be the best yet (to which my mental reaciton was "Ha! Fat chance! But I'd LOVE to see you try..."). I commented that I've almost worn out my copy of the 1995 Nurses' Ball -- because, IMO, that one was the best ever. He's shooting to beat it and I'm interested in seeing what he comes up with. The subject of crossovers came up and I made a wisecrack about desperately needing some Mac and Kevin about now -- "after all, who would understand better than Kevin about Mac's 'Invasion of the Body Snatchers' little problem at the moment." Guza said that getting Kevin involved in that was something that he REALLY wanted to do, but that he didn't know if he was going to be able to make it work. He also said that he had WANTED for Kevin to be Brenda's therapist, but that logistically it just didn't work out because Kevin was too busy on PC. One of the other women asked him if he missed having K&L there and he said yes, that their absence left a "big hole int he canvas." At that point my promise to be good and totally silent was shot and I felt the overwhelming need to say, "Well, I certainly miss a lot of that interaction -- especially Lucy and Luke -- but Kevin and Lucy met on February 17, 1994, and it should probably alarm you that I know that off the top of my head , and yet they've had more airtime in the past six months on PC than they had on the entire previous three and a half years on GH. If being seperated from some of their friends is the price I have to pay for them to actually get their own storyline, then it's worth it." And then I added, "Now, if they could just get Scott his OWN storyline and get him out of the middle of Kevin & Lucy's lives, then things would be good." One of the other women popped up wtih, "I love Scott!" And I said, "So do I. And I'd love him even more if he would stop getting in the middle of Kevin & Lucy's relationship." I refrained from commenting on how vile I thought Monday was and how desperately I am awaiting the end of this whole Rex thing -- because Bob is not the person who can do anything about any of it. That was part of what I would have liked to say to Wendy, but didn't get the chance. He did, however, comment that they are still going to have to "deal with" Scott and Lucy's past relationship -- "because it's just too good to pass up." And, of course, I felt the need to say, "Good, as long as they don't do anymore of those 'meaningful looks.' Those gave me the shivering fits." I got the distinct impression that, of the fans he comes into contact with most, Kevin & Lucy fanatics are not the highest majority. Shocker there. Tragic -- no one ever thought they'd have much of a following, so they never gave them any air time. And because they never gave them any air time, they didn't generate nearly the following that the more (over-)exposed couples got. I'm sure there are a few other details that I'm missing, but that was basically the gist of it. All in all, it was a lot of fun. I wish I hadn't gotten lost on my way to Beverly Hills, so I could have seen more of the actual exhibit. As it was, the only thing I really saw was the collection of wedding dresses in the lobby. There were a lot there -- including Lois'. Anne said they were showing old eps upstairs. She said she got to see Luke's wedding to Jennifer Smith -- when Scotty beat him up and shoved him over the side of the yacht. Wish I would have seen that. Taiyin "I think people who have their sh*t together all the time are just full of it." -- Brad Maule - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: GH/PC: The Museum of Television and Radio (Some small Date: 23 Jan 1998 11:10:12 -0800 Oops. Sorry about that. The second one was supposed to go to K&L. Mea culpa. Taiyin "Sacrifice yourself, my love slave." --"Oh, do with me what you will." -- Lucy & Kevin, GH - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: GH/PC: Hope I have the right address... Date: 23 Jan 1998 11:16:20 -0800 At 10:18 AM 1/23/98 PST, Julie Saker wrote: > >i'll agree wholeheartedly there. i was never one of those fervent types >who believed that being pro-sonny necessarily meant being anti-jax. >after all, the man IS a god! :) Equal Opportunity Lust prevails, eh Julie? >taiyin...WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYY NOT??????? oh i had such HOPES! i pictured >you telling them in NO uncertain terms what a mistake they were making, >and them being so impressed by your passion that they hired you >IMMEDIATELY as script consultant, where you proceeded to right all the >MANY MANY wrongs that have been inflicted on us, the loyal viewing >public. no such luck... Oh gods, I wish. But I figured that since I'd give my eyeteeth for an internship around there, it's probably best not to tell the executive producer and the head writer that they are completely WRONG. >seriously, i'm not sure how you were able to RESTRAIN yourself! if i >were in the same room with that woman...hell, after guza's latest >comment about j&b, with BOTH of them...let's just say it wouldn't be >pretty! :) It was very tempting. But I figured since everyone else, including Logan , was so well behaved, I would do well to follow suit. ;-) >oh well, welcome back anyway! i can't wait till you get caught up with > might regret the restraint you showed last night! Oh dear gods. I don't like the way that sounds. Why do I suspect I will be FURIOUS after I watch this week's stuff tonight when I get home? Taiyin "Sacrifice yourself, my love slave." --"Oh, do with me what you will." -- Lucy & Kevin, GH - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: GH/PC: Recaps Date: 23 Jan 1998 11:25:06 -0800 On the GH/PC list, Julie wrote: > >just out of curiosity, what was lucy THINKING yelling at kevin for >kissing eve? exCUSE me, but who's the one who's ENGAGED TO REX??? Oh man. This makes me crazy. I HATE the kind of damage that they are inflicting on Lucy as a character with all of this. I may actually even hate that more than the damage they are inflicting on her relationship with Kevin. Not much, but a little. >as if it's not bad enough >they had lucy chat with scott about how well the two of them understand >each other, vs. how well lucy and KEVIN do. yuck. They WHAT?!?!?!?!?!? Oh. My. God. That is dispicable. I can't believe that. Positively vile. I don't know if I can watch that without damaging my TV and/or my hand. >i can't wait to hear >taiyin's comments on that scene, 'cause i don't think she's gonna be >very happy! You ain't kiddin'! I can understand the necessity of having to make reference to Lucy and Scott's relationship -- at least to some degree (though, the degree to which Guza implied this was going to be done bothers me quite a bit), but there is no need to REVISIT the relationship. Are they just plain old forgetting that while, yes, Scott and Lucy *did* love each other, they NEVER had anything REMOTELY close to a successful relationship? And that the biggest part of that problem was that their mutual scheming made them TOTALLY incapable of trusting each other. And after ALL the time and energy and work that went into Kevin & Lucy, the fact that they are just trashing so much of them, in so short a time is really revolting. I don't want Lucy to be a saint. She *is* fun when she is getting into trouble. But they don't have to have her backslide into oblivion to do it. Damn. I really hate this. Taiyin "Sacrifice yourself, my love slave." --"Oh, do with me what you will." -- Lucy & Kevin, GH - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Traci DyAnn Haley" Subject: Fw: GH/PC: Hope I have the right address... Date: 23 Jan 1998 12:11:21 -0800 This bounced back to me...guess I'll try the other address :). Traci : <> : : Ah no, I'm sure I can jump right in . : : <> : : Neither am I! I mean, I did cheer when Slimy err...Sonny left, but I do NOT : want Jax and Brenda together. Why? Because Brenda is a bimbo! I'm tired of : seeing everyone dote on her and treat her like queen. I thought Vanessa Marcil : did Brenda's breakdown well, though. But really, Brenda had Jax once and she : threw him away, why doesn't she leave him alone so everyone else can have a : chance?? LOL :). Actually I'm rooting for a V. and Jax pairing, either that or : bring in a new female character. OR keep him single, I'd kinda like to see him : and his brother have lots of adventures...maybe like The Hardy Boys? LOL ;) : : As for my fanfic...I may post it to this list later on, maybe that would put me : in the mood for updating ;). : : Beam me up, Scotty, : Traci : ~*~ : : : : A Life!? Cool! Where can I download one of those from? : : - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Traci DyAnn Haley" Subject: Re: GH/PC: Recaps Date: 23 Jan 1998 12:42:43 -0800 I must be the only one but I didn't miss any of GH yesterday...the news interruption came on and then afterwards GH was continued at the same spot it was interrupted at. So I take it my ABC channel is one of the only ones who does that? Anyway, speaking of recaps, does anyone have one for today's Port Charles? I slept through it LOL :). Beam me up, Scotty, Traci ~*~ A Life!? Cool! Where can I download one of those from? - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Traci DyAnn Haley" Subject: Re: GH/PC: Hope I have the right address... Date: 23 Jan 1998 12:46:22 -0800 Ahhh...Taiyin you're so LUCKY! You actually got to see Wendy R. and Bob G.?! Cool! Altho' let me just say you have a lot more restraint than I do, I would have given them my opinion whether they wanted it or not!!! <> ITA with you there. I'm getting very tired of Brenda changing her mind all the time. Oh wait...guess you have to have a mind to do that...hehehe sorry, couldn't resist. Beam me up, Scotty, Traci ~*~ A Life!? Cool! Where can I download one of those from? - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: GH/PC: Hope I have the right address... Date: 23 Jan 1998 12:41:17 -0800 At 12:46 PM 1/23/98 -0800, Traci DyAnn Haley wrote: >Ahhh...Taiyin you're so LUCKY! You actually got to see Wendy R. and Bob G.?! >Cool! Altho' let me just say you have a lot more restraint than I do, I would >have given them my opinion whether they wanted it or not!!! Well, my primary obsession is K&L on PC, so I figured I'd wait to be obnoxious until I take my set tour of PC. >ITA with you there. I'm getting very tired of Brenda changing her mind all the >time. Oh wait...guess you have to have a mind to do that...hehehe sorry, >couldn't resist. It's too bad that they've chipped away at Brenda so badly over the years. I used to really love her. Once she wore the wire to get stuff on Sonny, though, it was really downhill from there. >A Life!? Cool! Where can I download one of those from? LOL! Taiyin "Sacrifice yourself, my love slave." --"Oh, do with me what you will." -- Lucy & Kevin, GH - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Mike Boychuk Subject: GH/PC: GH Mob question. Date: 23 Jan 1998 13:38:46 -0800 I havent been following GH for too long maybe a year now...But my favorite storyline is the whole mafia thing...with Sonny and now even with Jason. The one thing I havent been able to find out what exactly do they do? From Jason's meeting with them, we know they're above drugs and definately not above killing...and the docks are involved...anyone know? Mike - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: GH/PC: GH Mob question. Date: 23 Jan 1998 13:40:18 -0800 At 01:38 PM 1/23/98 -0800, Mike Boychuk wrote: >I havent been following GH for too long maybe a year now...But my favorite >storyline is the whole mafia thing...with Sonny and now even with Jason. >The one thing I havent been able to find out what exactly do >they do? From Jason's meeting with them, we know they're above drugs and >definately not above killing...and the docks are involved...anyone know? This is the great question... there have been lots of times where we've seen bits and pieces of this over the years. Since the beginning, Sonny was very adverse to drugs. Jason has stuck with that. Actually, I should say that Sonny was very adverse to it from the moment TPTB decided that they wanted to keep Maurice Benard around. In the *very* beginning he was hardly anything more than a common hood, who was brought on as a spoiler for the Karen/Jagger relationship (which is the same reason Brenda was brought on). Once they realized that Maurice was worth keeping, they "cleaned" up his business a bit -- and so Sonny was very much against prostitution and drugs. Back in 1995 it was illegal gambling that Mac and Ned used to basically blackmail Brenda into wearing a wire to get incriminating evidence on Sonny (they told her they'd do it whether she h*lped or not, and she agreed to do it if she got control over the tape, she was never at all sure that she was going to actually turn it over to them... and then that little simpering cow Lily stuck her nose in the middle and screwed with everything). Lily's father, we understand, is not at "clean" as Sonny. Sonny laundered money, mostly from gambling and other unspecificed white collar-type things. Beyond that... they haven't really said much. They've been deliberately vague ever since Claire was head writer. Taiyin "Sacrifice yourself, my love slave." --"Oh, do with me what you will." -- Lucy & Kevin, GH - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Mike Boychuk Subject: Re: GH/PC: GH Mob question. Date: 23 Jan 1998 19:04:09 -0800 I guessed that he might have just laundered money through the Paradise lounge and maybe managed to continue that with whatever it is that Jason is doing with that adding machine on his desk. But then there's this dock thing like today and his excuse for family services "An import export business." All really kinda vague. Mike - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Traci DyAnn Haley" Subject: GH/PC: Stuff... Date: 24 Jan 1998 02:51:34 -0800 Well, this e-mail is semi-off topic, but I promise to throw in something about GH to keep on topic The main reason I'm writing is to ask everyone to *please* visit my homepage. I just spent 3 hours moving it to a new location and the counter is reset and my guestbook is empty!! So if y'all would visit and "leave your mark", I'd be very grateful. Here's the URL: You can also find my GH fanfic there. Ok...something about GH...well, I'm still dying to know what happened on Port Charles but I'm too lazy to look for it myself (hey...I just spent THREE hours writing everything in HTML and I am STILL not done with all my work *sigh*)...anyone care to enlighten me? Oh y'all will never guess the treasure I dug up today. I was organizing all 200 of my CDs (I was maybe a wee bit bored today...;)) and found an old game I have. I forgot I had even bought it. It was a trivial pursuit-type game...all on General Hospital trivia! I had fun going through it, but it has HARD questions...I couldn't even answer them all and I thought I had GH history memorized pretty well. BTW, has anyone seen the 1984 movie Toy Soldiers? This is not the 1990(91?) movie about a boy's school starring Sean Astin. This is an older one, one I've never seen. I stumbled across the title while looking up Tim Robbins on the Internet Movie Database (Tim R. is so yummy...*drool*) and I thought it was the Sean Astin movie. I was racking my brain on what Tim R. could have possibly played in that movie, since it's one of my favourites and I couldn't remember him. So I looked it up and it wasn't the movie I thought it was (there was also no plot description *pout*...I wanna know what it's about!!) BUT here's a little interesting tidbit...Mary Beth Evans is in it!! Amazing what I can find when I'm bored :). Anyway...that's all of my late night ramblings...I'm going to go to bed before I get any crazier ;)... Beam me up, Scotty, Traci ~*~ -- NEW HOME! I'm being held prisoner in a chocolate factory. PLEASE DON'T send help. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Cagey Subject: Re: GH/PC: GH Mob question. Date: 24 Jan 1998 05:39:05 -0800 (PST) Mike wrote: >But then there's this dock thing like today and >his excuse for family services "An import export >business." All really kinda vague. Jason's obviously importing paint canvasses to sell on the black market in PC. And apples. Definitely apples. ;) May I say that Jason's "speech" to the baby on Friday was wonderful, btw? Seeing Jason with little no-name is a wonderful contrast to all the "he's a brain-damaged criminal with no feelings" rhetoric going on at the same time. --kg - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Traci DyAnn Haley" Subject: GH/PC: SPOILERS... Date: 24 Jan 1998 13:48:41 -0800 Here's some spoilers I just got... S P O I L E R * S P A C E : a.. Alexis makes Katherine an offer on Helena's behalf and asks Katherine : for a favor in return. : b.. Brenda realizes she feels more for Jax than just friendship. : c.. Bobbie and Jason arrange Carly's baby's christening and Jason gives : him a very familiar name (Robert? Bob ... Bobby ... Bobbie ... just getting : folks.) : d.. Justus and Dara get closer. : e.. Emily asks Ned to take Alan's place; Ned later blasts Alan and A.J. : for their treatment of Emily. : f.. James makes a very public proposal to Felicia. : g.. Stefan gets new information about Laura's whereabouts. : h.. Jax sees a face from the past (uh, that must be Ashley.) : i.. The baby's christening is crashed by the Quartermaines. : j.. Alan sticks up for A.J. : k.. James' actions confuse Felicia and lead her to investigate his : "death". : : The FOLLOWING week: : a.. Brenda's plan to win back Jax runs into trouble. : b.. Felicia's suspicions about "Mac" grow (about time, eh?) : c.. Alexis deceives Katherine. : d.. Carly decides to confess. : : All hell breaks loose at Carly's son's christening: : a.. The first step in Jason's plan to give Carly's son a good life is : to have the boy baptized this week on General Hospital. The ceremony, which : Jason wants to keep quiet and private - meaning no Quartermaines will be in : attendance - quickly deteriorates into a free-for-all. : Initially, everything Jason does - with Bobbie's help - works out : perfectly. Mike and Emily are both overjoyed when Jason asks them to be the : baby's godparents, and Justus agrees to help arrange a deal with rival mob : boss Morena to ease tensions between them. : Jason is shocked when Moreno turns up at the church, but that is : nothing compared to the boisterous arrival of the Quartermaines, who will not : be refused entry to their young heir's ceremony. Jason relents, for Lila's : sake, but the Q's can hardly claim victory when they learn the name Jason has : chosen for the baby. : & Although she has moved back home, Emily is still furious and : disillusioned with the family, following their attempt to take the baby away : from Jason. "One of the greatest things that can happen to Emily is being the : Godmother of a little boy," Amber Tamblyn (Emily) says, "and not only is it : because of the boy, but Jason is some sort of role model to Emily. Her friends : all like him - he's like Jason Morgan, the big mobster, and he's her brother. : In addition to that connection, he in turn trusts her, and he doesn't trust a : lot of people and talk to a lot of people." : Although being named Godmother "is one of the highest honors she could : ever be asked to do," Tamblyn says, Emily won't have to take care of the baby : anytime soon: Carly returns while the christening is taking place. : : February Sweeps - Brenda/Jax/Ashley: : a.. Brenda's drug addiction and tenuous grasp on mental health are : problems that won't go away overnight. A dire situation with Jax will force : Brenda to re-evaluate her feelings for her one-time husband. Brenda is being : torn between friendship and love for Jax, hating her once-friend Jason, : striving to hold on to her best friend, Robin, learning to live as an equal : with sister Julia and trying to forget being utterly destroyed by her love for : Sonny. Brenda will have enough obstacles to last for quite some time - maybe : even three months. And speaking of obstacles, Jax will have his hands full : with an unexpected visit from Ashely, a friend from his past. Ashley's arrival : marks a major turning point in Brenda and Jax's relationship. Jax realizes he : has to take a step back from Brenda, and let her grow stronger on her own. : : Thursday: Brenda acknowledges her feelings for Jax. Jax reconnects with his : brother's (female) friend Ashley. : b.. Friday: The Q's crash Carly's baby's baptism; Carly returns during the : ceremony. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie Saker" Subject: Re: GH/PC: The Museum of Television and Radio (Some small Date: 26 Jan 1998 08:11:16 PST taiyin wrote: >OK, last night... wow, wow, wow! thanks for posting, taiyin! sounds like a GREAT evening. have i mentioned that i'm jealous?!? >Then it ended with a run through the credits. Their choice in >credits was puzzling. A classic version or the current version would >have made sense, but instead it was about three or four versions ago. >Not only were Robin and Sonny in them, but so were Tom and Miranda. >I think maybe even Lois. Strange. strange indeed. i wonder if we should read anything in to that? >1.) According to Wendy, it doesn't sound like Genie will be coming >back ANY time soon. However, when I was talking to Guza privately >AFTERwards, he sounded much more optomistic. first of all, that's kind of an odd discrepancy. did you get any sense of which was more believable? it's possible that wendy (who i'm assuming made this statement during a public statement, vs. your private chat with guza?) was just being cautious, maybe, in terms of what gets out until something is definite? please? ('cause they really can't do ANYTHING about kat and bat, or nikolas, until they bring her back...) secondly, YOU SPOKE PRIVATELY WITH GUZA AND *STILL* MANAGED TO RESTRAIN YOURSELF?!? wow. i understand entirely your comment about restraint seeming the polite way to go...but i think i would have HAD to have asked, "just out of curiosity, what precisely do you find 'grand' and 'romantic' and so damn fascinating about j&b?!?" :) >The subject of crossovers came up and I made a wisecrack about >desperately needing some Mac and Kevin about now no hint, i suppose, about where we're GOING with that whole thing (jimmymac), and how much longer it's going to take us to GET there? >And, of course, I felt the need to say, "Good, as long as they don't >do anymore of those 'meaningful looks.' Those gave me the shivering >fits." did you SEE the episode i was talking about last week yet? >I'm sure there are a few other details that I'm missing, but that was >basically the gist of it. thanks again for sharing! we missed you! julie ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie Saker" Subject: Re: Re: GH/PC: GH Mob question. Date: 26 Jan 1998 09:26:46 PST mike wrote: >I guessed that he might have just laundered money through the >Paradise lounge and maybe managed to continue that with whatever it >is that Jason is doing with that adding machine on his desk. But then >there's this dock thing like today and his excuse for family services >"An import export business." All really kinda vague. oh, it's DEFINITELY vague. and i agree with taiyin--i think it's deliberately so. way back when, back when sonny first came on the show, they definitely had no qualms about portraying sonny and his "interests" in a less-than-savory light. not only was he running the paradise lounge and dating/employing the extremely underage karen, but he also got her hooked on drugs at the time. then, when maurice/sonny became so popular, i think they looked at the way they were portraying him and said, "oops! we're having this extremely popular actor/character involved in some truly repulsive stuff." they couldn't exactly get him out of the mob stuff, nor did they want to, most likely, but they didn't want him to be SO bad either, so they reformed his stance on drugs, closed the paradise, and sort of left all the mob stuff as far in the background as they could. so basically...who knows? and cagey wrote: >Jason's obviously importing paint canvasses to sell on the >black market in PC. And apples. Definitely apples. ;) LOL! >May I say that Jason's "speech" to the baby on Friday was >wonderful, btw? Seeing Jason with little no-name is a >wonderful contrast to all the "he's a brain-damaged >criminal with no feelings" rhetoric going on at the same time. you certainly may! i agree wholeheartedly! i love love LOVE jason's scenes with the baby! i really love the way he talks to him, too--very straightforward and direct, no talking down to him, like he'd like everyone to talk to him. it's absolutely phenomenal to watch! julie ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie Saker" Subject: Re: GH/PC: PC Date: 26 Jan 1998 10:15:08 PST gina wrote: >ok,ok.. >I am kinda lost. I haven't kept up with PC daily, so bear with me. >Today Rex had a flashback of showing Lucy the picture of Scotty in >the Cayman Islands and her on the stand. I remember all that, but >what was up with the pill that she took from him? I s that supposed >to be significant? Sorry if the answer is obvious, but I am lost. ok, so i haven't seen friday's ep yet, so i'm not sure EXACTLY what instance you're referring to...but here's what i remember about the pills thus far. rex gave lucy some pills, laced with tiny amounts of poison, that were supposed to slowly kill her off, under the guise of "stress reduction." an unknown someone snuck into lucy's room and switched the bottle of pills. (i'm not at all clear on whether this was one of rex's flunkies putting the poisoned pills there, after lucy had the harmless ones tested, or if it was somebody (who i have no clue) replacing the poison ones with something else. somewhat irrelevant, since...) lucy doesn't trust rex, and switched the pills (the new, replaced bottle) with vitamin c pills, which she has been publicly taking to make rex believe that she trusts him. (i think this is about the time when the flashback probably came from.) however, since then rex seems to have reconsidered his plan to off lucy, taking back the pills (which were actually vitamin c, but which he thought were the poison pills) saying the batch had been recalled. that's all i remember. hope it helps! julie ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Alora Subject: Re: Re: GH/PC: GH Mob question. (Minor Spoilers) Date: 26 Jan 1998 15:36:47 -0800 At 09:26 AM 1/26/98 PST, Julie Saker wrote: >you certainly may! i agree wholeheartedly! i love love >LOVE jason's scenes with the baby! i really love the way he talks to >him, too--very straightforward and direct, no talking down to him, like >he'd like everyone to talk to him. it's absolutely phenomenal to watch! I loved when he asked Robin why everyone babytalked to the kid. Not only was that Classic Jason, it was also one of those perfectly reasonable questions that most people don't ever really stop to think about. Most people don't even notice they do it. And his speech to the baby on Friday was awesome, too. And his decision to give the baby a name was great -- the whole thing played out so well. P R E V I O U S L Y M E N T I O N E D S P O I L E R S And last week it was SO easy to see how Jason ends up chosing Mike and Emily to be the baby's godparents. Jason and Emily were, as always, fabulous. And Lila's visit was wonderful -- I loved that she called the doofuses "stupid jugheaded Quartermaine men." That was beautiful. And seeing Jason relate to Lila and Em so well was really sweet. And I LOVED the scenes with Justus and Jason and the ones with Justus and Edward from Friday. Those were so great -- I especially loved the look on Justus' face when Jason stated unequivically that he wanted Bobbie Spencer to be named gaurdian of the kid if anything happens to Jason. The whole exchange about Jason insisting that the Q's NEVER get their hands on the baby, and him telling Justus that he isn't good at the hypotheticals, so to please let him know if he's missing anything -- all of it. I also loved the way his employee pointed out that Jason showing up at the docks was bad for his image -- and how he was good in explaining that his image is not just a matter of ego, it's a means to successfully do business and Jason can't afford to do anything to damage his. It was also very interesting the way he pointed out that a successful leader could only be successful if he valued his own life -- too bad Robin wasn't around to hear that. Ironic the way that someone who has as little use for "blood family" as Jason does is so deliberate about including Bobbie in the baby's life. But it's also extremely cool. I also loved the way that Justus pointed out to Jason that, to the courts, it would look like Carly just abandoned the baby (which, to get on my trusty soapbox, strikes me as SUCH a sexist response to severe post-pardum depression -- "Get over it and take care of the kid!" Pfft!), and so he couldn't count on her being able to wrangle custody away from the Q's if it came down to it. The whole thing is so incredible and this is one of the few times that I can agree with one of Guza's obsessions. This is aobut the only storyline that I don't mind seeing four days per week. Taiyin JUSTUS: "You know, I don't want it to get out, but I can dance that dance." DARA: "Is that what you do all day at the Quartermaine house? Shake your booty up and down those beautiful marble floors?" JUSTUS: "Oh yeah! And that is no easy feat to chamber music." -- General Hospital - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Mike Boychuk Subject: GH/PC: GH: Tess and Jimmy Date: 26 Jan 1998 16:42:42 -0800 So whats the story on these two exactly? I've heard stuff like they're actually after that doll to even being WSB. But from what Tess said to Jimmy the other day, its out to hurt Mac more than anything. And from the spoilers sent out here, I mean we know it ends fairly soon (thank you god) But, can it have a point or purpose somewhere please? Mike - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: GH/PC: The Museum of Television and Radio (Some small Date: 27 Jan 1998 10:12:35 -0800 At 08:11 AM 1/26/98 PST, Julie Saker wrote: > >wow, wow, wow! thanks for posting, taiyin! >sounds like a GREAT evening. have i mentioned >that i'm jealous?!? Well, I just wish more of us could be there. Especially since I'm sure I'm forgetting soemthing. Anne, can you think of anything I'm missing? re: Credits >strange indeed. i wonder if we should read anything in to that? I certainly hope not. >first of all, that's kind of an odd discrepancy. did you get any sense >of which was more believable? it's possible that wendy (who i'm >assuming made this statement during a public statement, vs. your private >chat with guza?) was just being cautious, maybe, in terms of what gets >out until something is definite? please? Actually, I think that's pretty much it. I think Wendy is just trying to avoid having people come back at her and say: "You said Genie would be back in two months!" Guza's comments were not any different *literally* -- only his tone implied anything different. Plus, from the beginning, Genie has said that a good storyline could lure her back, and that's Guza's department. I think maybe he's counting on her bieng intrigued enough to return. I don't think Wendy can count on that until she has Genie's signature on a deal. >('cause they really can't do >ANYTHING about kat and bat, or nikolas, until they bring her >back...) I know. >secondly, YOU SPOKE PRIVATELY WITH GUZA AND *STILL* MANAGED TO RESTRAIN >YOURSELF?!? I KNEW you were going to day that. >wow. i understand entirely your comment about restraint >seeming the polite way to go...but i think i would have HAD to have >asked, "just out of curiosity, what precisely do you >find 'grand' and 'romantic' and so damn fascinating about j&b?!?" :) I wanted to. And, honestly, I was headed that direction until that OTHER woman brought up K&L. I wasn't going to mention much of K&L to Guza at ALL. But when they came up, then I HAD to say something. And by then my attention was deverted away from J&B. >no hint, i suppose, about where we're GOING with that whole thing >(jimmymac), and how much longer it's going to take us to GET there? Not a peep on that one. >did you SEE the episode i was talking about last week yet? Yeah. It wasn't as bad as I was imagingin, but I still wasn't happy with it. >thanks again for sharing! we missed you! Thanks. I wish a whole bunch of us could have gone. And I wish a bunch of us could have gone and seen The High Lonesome the night before. List Lord (Grace, PC) was dancing her butt off. It seems that she fell totally in love with the band at Take a Chance. Taiyin "How about a little evening's entertainment of X-rated 'Tag, You're It' and we can play all the games I never had the chance to play when I was a kid?" -- Kevin to Lucy - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: GH/PC: GH: Tess and Jimmy (minor spoilers) Date: 27 Jan 1998 10:18:39 -0800 At 04:42 PM 1/26/98 -0800, Mike Boychuk wrote: >So whats the story on these two exactly? I've heard stuff like they're >actually after that doll to even being WSB. But from what Tess said to >Jimmy the other day, its out to hurt Mac more than anything. And from the >spoilers sent out here, I mean we know it ends fairly soon (thank you god) >But, can it have a point or purpose somewhere please? I wish. I think Guza is dragging this out just to torment us. As for the WSB thing... I hadn't heard that. Knowing who the head writer is, though, I find it a little unlikely. I can't see Guza going the WSB route on anything -- he tends to boil things down to basic Cassadine/Spencer war stuff. O L D S P O I L E R S And the spoilers indicated that this will turn out to be related to a lot of other things going on in town -- and since everything ELSE in town seems to be getting ensnared in ths Cassadine/Spencer thing (including Carly and the baby, eventually), I'd venture to say this is probably headed that way, too. OTOH, Guza is playing a lot of "wait and see." So who knows at this point? Taiyin "How about a little evening's entertainment of X-rated 'Tag, You're It' and we can play all the games I never had the chance to play when I was a kid?" -- Kevin to Lucy - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: GH/PC: The Museum of Television and Radio (Some small Date: 27 Jan 1998 11:14:09 -0800 I wrote: >Guza's comments were not any different *literally* -- >only his tone implied anything different. Actually, that's not right. He DID say something different that Wendy did. Wendy was saying the same old same old ("Genie is enjoying being home with her children right now and we are respecting that choice." -- which is actually very much of a politicians answer). Guza said something more along the lines of: "She'll be back." But he was equally cryptic about *when*. He sounded very optimistic, though. Like he's got something in the works that he just *knows* will be enough to lure Genie out of her state of domestic bliss. Who knows? More wait and see, I think. Taiyin "How about a little evening's entertainment of X-rated 'Tag, You're It' and we can play all the games I never had the chance to play when I was a kid?" -- Kevin to Lucy - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie Saker" Subject: Re: Re: GH/PC: The Museum of Television and Radio (Some small Date: 27 Jan 1998 13:37:32 PST taiyin wrote: >re: Credits >I certainly hope not. me too, for the most part. not that i wouldn't love lois and SONNY back :) but miranda and tom?!? PLEASE...spare me! i really would have thought they would have gone with the current set though... >Actually, I think that's pretty much it. I think Wendy is just >trying to avoid having people come back at her i kind of figured as much. wendy has to be much more of a politician, because ultimately (as we all know!) she ends up getting blamed for whatever goes wrong! whereas guza can be a little more lax, since while wendy gets blamed for everything that goes wrong, he just gets praised for whatever goes right! >>secondly, YOU SPOKE PRIVATELY WITH GUZA AND *STILL* MANAGED TO RESTRAIN >>YOURSELF?!? > > I KNEW you were going to day that. i that predictable? >I wanted to. And, honestly, I was headed that direction until that OTHER >woman brought up K&L. well, now THAT explains it! i can MUCH more easily believe you were distracted by k&l mentions than that you just felt the need to show superhuman restraint! >>no hint, i suppose, about where we're GOING with that whole thing >>(jimmymac), and how much longer it's going to take us to GET there? >Not a peep on that one. have i mentioned that i'm running out of patience on that one? although, i would REALLY think felicia and robin would have to be getting more than a tad suspicious, after that fiasco of a proposal yesterday... >Thanks. I wish a whole bunch of us could have gone. And I wish a bunch of >us could have gone and seen The High Lonesome the night before. List Lord >(Grace, PC) was dancing her butt off. It seems that she fell totally in >love with the band at Take a Chance. clearly i just live on the wrong coast! :) julie ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie Saker" Subject: GH/PC: Jason/Bobbie/Mike Date: 27 Jan 1998 13:50:14 PST i just HAVE to say how much i LOVED LOVED LOVED jason's chat with bobbie and mike yesterday! (even though i have a teensy problem with them all accepting a baptism as some sort of legal authority, when it's just NOT...but oh well. a baptism is clearly more dramatic than a visit to city hall to fill out a birth certificate, so i guess i'll forgive them! although, a "revised" birth certificate, mike??? i've said it before, and i'll say it again...if this child doesn't have a name yet, then he doesn't HAVE a birth certificate!!! minor detail...) jason's question "are godparents like grandparents?" just CRACKED me up! and mike asking the mob boss, "you want ME to be the godfather?" was just too funny for words! and even though i'm a little curious as to exactly when bobbie and jason got so tight, i'm loving the effect so much (bobbie getting involved in her grandson's life) that i just don't care if her little visits to the penthouse don't make too much sense in the overall scheme of things. (i am, however, curious as to why ROBIN hasn't been involved in any of this. she hasn't seen jason, i don't think, since the day she convinced him to go to the q's for em's birthday. so as far as we know, she doesn't know about any of that fiasco, or about jason's realization about his life being too dangerous for a baby, or about the baptism, or the godparents, or ANYTHING? that seems strange to me...especially when i interpreted her comment to justus (that she thinks she knows who told him she was back in town) to mean jason. clearly they're still meant to be friendly, so why isn't she involved at all? just curious...) anyway, just had to share that. i really can't wait for friday, because i think this baptism...between the q's and carly's going to be a VERY interesting event! julie ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Cagey Subject: Re: GH/PC: Jason/Bobbie/Mike Date: 27 Jan 1998 17:05:38 -0500 Julie wrote: >and even though i'm a little curious as to >exactly when bobbie and jason got so tight, I think that's solely a by-product of Jason knowing the Bobbie is Carly's biological mother, and trying, thereby, to get Bobbie involved in her grandson's life. He's deliberately fostered Bobbie's infatuation with the tyke, with surprisingly little resistance from Luke. Of course, Carly isn't around to object, either . >(i am, however, curious as to why ROBIN >hasn't been involved in any of this. As I recall, Robin made it pretty clear that she didn't intend to "pick up her old life" again, which I took to mean her relationship with Jason. Jason has, so far, taken that with very little comment. But then, who would he comment too? A soliloquoy to the baby about his love for Robin? :) --kg - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Kathryn Bassett) Subject: Re: GH/PC: Jason/Bobbie/Mike Date: 27 Jan 1998 23:28:29 GMT On 1/27/1998 1:50PM, in message <>, "Julie Saker" wrote: > although, a "revised" birth certificate, mike??? i've said it before, > and i'll say it again...if this child doesn't have a name yet, then he > doesn't HAVE a birth certificate!!! minor detail...) Sorry to burst your bubble, Julie, but yes, a birth certificate can be issued without a first name. Doesn't happen as often nowadays, but it does happen. And in the past it was quite common. As a genealogist, I dig into lots of vital records, and have found a lot of them. At least nowadays, there are also the "revised" certificate files, but I'm not so lucky with 100 year old records. In years past, they would sometimes wait as much as a year to name a child, because they wanted to see the personality develop before deciding on a name. -- Kathryn Rhinehart Bassett (Pasadena CA) "Genealogy is my bag" "GH is my soap" - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Kathryn Bassett) Subject: Re: GH/PC: Jason/Bobbie/Mike Date: 27 Jan 1998 23:28:29 GMT On 1/27/1998 1:50PM, in message <>, "Julie Saker" wrote: > although, a "revised" birth certificate, mike??? i've said it before, > and i'll say it again...if this child doesn't have a name yet, then he > doesn't HAVE a birth certificate!!! minor detail...) Sorry to burst your bubble, Julie, but yes, a birth certificate can be issued without a first name. Doesn't happen as often nowadays, but it does happen. And in the past it was quite common. As a genealogist, I dig into lots of vital records, and have found a lot of them. At least nowadays, there are also the "revised" certificate files, but I'm not so lucky with 100 year old records. In years past, they would sometimes wait as much as a year to name a child, because they wanted to see the personality develop before deciding on a name. -- Kathryn Rhinehart Bassett (Pasadena CA) "Genealogy is my bag" "GH is my soap" - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Cagey Subject: GH/PC: FIC: Round Duck 1 Date: 27 Jan 1998 18:38:52 -0500 On the principle that, if the person who claimed the next piece of a round robin hasn't had time to actually write said piece in a month and a half, the previous piece should probably be reposted ... Part 2 is up for grabs, should anybody want to take a stab at it, particularly given all this K&L contemplation recently churned up on the K&L list ;) Repost-------- Okay, this one's a round, robin. It's PG rated. Really . Round Duck, part 1 a GH story Ducks are not deeply philosophical, it must be admitted. They don't tend to ponder, or ruminate, or even reflect. But if ducks could draw conclusions, Sigmund would probably have decided that Lucy Coe was feathered at heart...she seemed to get so much enjoyment out of that bathtub! "Oooh, Doc." Sigmund prodded his feathers with his bill, waiting impatiently in the doorway of the bathroom for his owner to leave the tub. "Oooh, yeah, right there." While ducks didn't ponder, they did have some small semblance of survival instincts. Doctor Kevin Collins had not reacted well the last time Sigmund suggested to Lucy, with a loud quack, that perhaps she'd spent quite enough time in the water. "Oh! Harder! Right there!" Survival instincts intact, Sigmund sighed a ducky sigh and waddled back to his bed. It seemed as if he was in for a long wait. *** "Oh, that's perfect." Lucy leaned back with a slight shudder, into the arms of her lover, Kevin Collins. The bubbles frothed around them pleasantly as she sank down a little lower. "How do you know just where the tension is? Is that a doctor thing? Do you take a course on how to detect annoying little muscle pains and massage them away?" Kevin cupped a little of the bathwater in his hands and let it dribble over her shoulders, still pleasantly pink from his massage. "No, Lucy, we psychiatrists are trained to detect annoying little brain pains and massage them away." He leaned forward, peering into her ear. "Nope," he said regretfully. "Nothing there." Lucy's lips twisted into a pout, and she turned slightly, enough to blow bubbles at him. "Oh, pooh." Then she smiled as he sputtered at the floral-fragranced froth which now adorned his chin. "Lucy," he said contentedly, "Any expertise I may have gained in massage techniques has come under your excellent...tutelage." He pulled her back against him, his hand resting lightly on her soapy stomach. "And now are you going to tell me why you've had such a stressful day? Or," he kissed the side of her head, "shall we just continue relieving your tension?" "Hmmmm. That would be nice." She closed her eyes, comfortably lulled by the warmth of the water, the comforting pressure of his body wrapped around her. "Lucy?" Kevin asked quietly. "You still with me?" "Lucy's not here," she answered finally. "She's died and gone to heaven." "I always suspected that heaven was bathtub-shaped," Kevin answered solemnly. "But I'm not sure than you can do this in heaven." Lucy squealed as he touched a particularly ticklish spot, water lapping over the tub as she started in surprise. "Of course you can do that in heaven, Doc. What's the point in going to heaven if you can't have fun?" And she tickled him back. The rapidly-progressing tickle/water fight had just grown interesting when the phone rang. "Let it ring," Kevin removed his lips from hers long enough to suggest. She complied briefly, then sighed in frustration. "You wouldn't say that if it was one of your patients, Doc. It might be one of mine." Lucy rummaged in the pile of clothing next to the tub for the towel underneath. "One of your patients?" Kevin asked, his tone amused and slightly wary. She paused in her wrestle with the towel. "Well, I have people who depend on me. And so I'm kind of like an advisor for them--" "Co-conspirator, you mean." "--and so if I let them down, that would be like you letting down one of your patients," Lucy continued as she stumbled through the doorway, trying to disentangle herself from the pair of dress pants that Kevin would--under less hurried circumstances--have hung neatly on a hangar rather than leaving them strewn on the bathroom floor. "And who do you have depending on you at the moment?" Kevin called as she lifted the receiver. Even before she said hello, Lucy realized with a sinking feeling that the tension in her shoulders had returned. This wasn't going to be good. "Hello?" "Lucy? I need your help." next? --kg - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: GH/PC: FIC: Round Duck 1 Date: 27 Jan 1998 15:36:39 -0800 Cagey wrote: > >On the principle that, if the person who claimed the next piece of a round >robin hasn't had time to actually write said piece in a month and a half, >the previous piece should probably be reposted ... Oops. Busted. Mea culpa. And I agree. Bad, bad, bad. Someone else gets a crack at it now. >Part 2 is up for grabs, should anybody want to take a stab at it, >particularly given all this K&L contemplation recently churned up on the >K&L list ;) No kidding. Taiyin "How about a little evening's entertainment of X-rated 'Tag, You're It' and we can play all the games I never had the chance to play when I was a kid?" -- Kevin to Lucy - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Donald K Gooden" Subject: GH/PC: Spoilers GH Part one Date: 27 Jan 1998 19:47:50 -0500 >Spoilers for the week of Jan 26 > Jamila >S >P >O >I >L >E >R > >S >P >A >C >E >> >> >> > >Carly returns to Port Charles. > >Emily has a heartfelt and life-altering question for Ned. > >Brenda may be determined to get Jax back, but her plan suddenly hits a road >block. > >Alexis's scheme to hook Katherine makes major progress when Katherine takes >the bait offered, but Katherine also wants something in return. > >Carly returns during her son's baptism. After months of lies, schemes and >duplicity, Carly decides it's time to be an honest woman. Does anyone care? > >Nikolas and Emily make a pact. > >Bobbie assists in a landmark day for Carly's baby. > >Brenda's feelilngs for Jax grow while Jax reconnects with Ashley, a friend >of his brother Jerry. > >Will the priest absolve the Q's of their sins, when they crash the baptism? > >Justus may soon find out if D.A. stands for "Do Anything," as he grows >closer to Dara. > >Alan and AJ learn very quickly that it's not nice to fool mother nature, or >the CEO of ELQ. > >A Felicia Flip is more than a drink when James publicly states his feelings. > >The whereabouts of Laura are passed along to Stefan. > >Alan defends AJ. > >Felicia decides to "exhume the body" when James' actions throw her off >balance. > > Additional Spoilers > > >--------------------------------------------------------------------------- - >---- > >Felicia Launches a Bit Of A "Mac Attack" > >At V's urging, Felicia decides to spin the bottle ... will Jimmy pass the >kiss test?> > >Felicia is confused by Jimmy's amerous attention and desire for matrimony, >and V provides the viewpoint of an objective observer. When the test >doesn't yield conclusive results, Felicia decides its time to see if Mac's >look-alike has risen from the ashes. > > >--------------------------------------------------------------------------- - >---- > >GH Preview > >On Monday, Felicia is completely thrown for a loop after "Mac" proposes >marriage to her. She bolts for The Outback and "Mac" right on her heels, and >thoroughly enjoying every little step of this game. Picking up a microphone >he asks "Will You Marry Me, Felicia?" and all eyes turn toward Felicia, >anxiously waiting what her reply will be. --- Jason and Bobbie prepare for >Baby Morgan's christening, and Jason makes it clear, in no uncertain terms, >that the Q's are *not* invited. --- Another GH couple share their first kiss >together. > >On Tuesday, Brenda is determined to pick up the pieces of her shattered >life. Together with Robin, she goes on a hunt for a new agent and subjects >herself to one rejection after another. At the end of a very long day they >end at the office of a somewhat "disreputable" agent. The guy tells Brenda >that she could be rolling in dough if she would just roll around ... in her >birthday suit for a girlie magazine. Brenda completely lashes out at the guy >... quick, hide the tripod!!! --- Jason tells Justus that his services are >both wanted and needed. Although Justus is very reluctant, Jason makes him >an offer he cannot refuse and they seal their deal with a handshake. > >On Wednesday, the Quartermaines are trying to heal their family wounds. Alan >and AJ try to mend fences with Emily but to no avail. This shattered family >becomes even more fractured when AJ announces to Ned that he intends to >become part of ELQ again. Ned is absolutely opposed to having AJ back in the >family business. Alan jumps to AJ's defense, all the while battling problems >of his own ... in the form of his increasing addiction to Vicodin. --- >Nikolas asks Emily to become his speech therapist after he utters some more >words. She agrees and conceals this information from Sarah. > >Return Here 9 a.m. Thursday Morning >To Read What Will Happen On >Thursday & Friday > > >--------------------------------------------------------------------------- - >---- > > These Days > >Monday >Bobbie and Jason plan the baby's christening, and he asks Mike to be the >godfather. >James won't give up on Felicia. >Justus and Dara share a date - and a kiss. > >Tuesday >Emily asks Ned to be her father. > >Wednesday >Nikolas confides in Emily about his troubles. > >Thursady >Brenda faces her feelings for Jax. > >Friday >Jason is surprised by Carly's return. > > >Coming >Brenda's plan to win back Jax runs into trouble. >Felicia's suspicions about "Mac" grow. >Two enemies form an unlikely alliance. >Carly tells the truth, the whole truth ... and heaven help Luke!!! >As Lucky helps Elizabeth through a personal crisis. >Luke must face the darkest truth about his past.'' >Amy catches Alan with his hand in the cookie jar. > > > - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Donald K Gooden" Subject: GH/PC: Fw: Spoilers GH Part Two Date: 27 Jan 1998 19:48:11 -0500 >Spoilers For GH Part Two > Jamila >S >P >O >I >L >E >R > >S >P >A >C >E >> >> >> > >GH '98 ... Exclusive From Bob Guza > >The key romances will be Brenda/Jax, Robin/Jason, Stefan/Katherine and >Luke/Laura, but others will be created along the way. > >After Carly returns to Port Charles it will be evident how much she's >learned from life, but changing is another story. The focus will be her >baby, and when she confronts Bobbie it's going to be explosive. After Tony >discovers that his "almost son" could actually have turned out to be his >"almost grandson," the effects of this emotional earthquake will rock a lot >of people for a long time. > >Their breakup of star-crossed lovers Robin & Jason was dynamic, but the next >phase of their relationship will be huge. The focus will be Jason's >involvement in Sonny's organization and how Robin will have to deal with it >if she's going to be romantically connected to Jason. > >The "titans" of GH are Luke, Helena and Stefan. As Helena fights to regain >control of her family, she is also hell-bent on destroying Luke. The first >"explosion" 'will occurring during the sweeps and will affect 12 characters. >There will be a lot of tapping to the Spencer/Cassadine history from days >past. > >A long story is available for Genie Francis the moment she decides to >return, but at the present time she really loves being a full-time mother. >However, once she's ready to return "it's open arms - anytime, anywhere." > >For months, Alan has been able to skillfully cover his drug use, but it's >going to get harder for him as he becomes more addicted on Vicodin >(hydrocodone). As the storyline progresses it will reach a point where Alan >can no longer hide things, and this will ultimately affect all the people he >cares about, and one person in particular. On a lighter note, the >Quartermaines will continue to be as campy and comedic as ever. > >Brenda's breakdown was the result of everything in her life. Sonny was not >the cause, but he was the catalyst. What was seen was a "delayed reaction" >and one which caused her to bottom out. She has only one way to go and >that's up. > >Sonny may be gone in body but he's not gone in spirit and is fully aware of >everything that's happening in Brenda's life, including her meltdown. > > >--------------------------------------------------------------------------- - >---- > >All Hell Breaks Loose ... At The Church > >Jason's promise to give "his son" a good life begins when he makes >preparations to have the child baptized with only a few close friends in >attendance ... which does not include the Quartermaines. Unfortunately, not >everyone agrees with Jason's attitude, including the Q's. > >When the week begins, Jason and Bobbie are making all the arrangements. >Jason asks Mike and Emily to be the baby's godparents. And even Justus >negotiates with rival mob boss Morena to back off for a while while. >However, Moreno has other ideas and presents himself at the church, followed >almost immediately by the entire Quartermaine clan. Although Jason gives him >for Lila's sake, it's a hollow victory for the Q's when they learn the name >that Jason has chosen for the baby. > >Despite the fact that Emily has returned home, her anger and disillusionment >with her family continues. At the same time she's also thrilled to be the >baby's godmother. At the same time she sees Jason as a role model: big >brother crime lord and well-liked by all of her friends. An added bonus is >the fact that Jason trusts her, which is not something usual for Jason who >tends to keep his distance from most people. > >Despite the fact that Emily's feels highly honored to be the baby's >grandmother, her "pseudo-parental" responsibilities will be short-lived, >when Carly returns to Port Charles in the midst of the christening. > > >--------------------------------------------------------------------------- - >---- > >Welcome To Another Bermuda Triangle > >Brenda's prior dependence on pills coupled with her fragile mental health >are going to linger for some time to come. Brenda will find herself pulled >in several directions, and will try to cope with each situation >independently of the other. She will be rethinking her feelings for Jax, >finding herself torn between friendship and love. She despises Jason but >strives to keep her friendship with Robin. She forges forward in her >perception of herself as Julia's equal. And, above all else, she is trying >to forget how her love for Sonny almost destroyed her. Fans can anticipate >about three months of Brenda slowly and tediously rebuilding these elements >in her life, all the while tripping over obstacles on the road to recovery. > >And while Brenda is working on her life, Jax will find himself quite >preoccupied with someone from his past, named Ashley, whose arrival in Port >Charles will "mark a major turning point in Brenda and Jax's relationship." >Despite his desire to always provide a safety net, Jax finally realizes that >it is Brenda herself who ultimately has to heal herself, without his help or >anyone else's. > > > - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Donald K Gooden" Subject: GH/PC: Fw: Port Charles Spoilers Part One Date: 27 Jan 1998 19:48:27 -0500 >Spoilers for PC Part one > Jamila >S >P >O >I >L >E >R > >S >P >A >C >E >> >> >> >> >For The Week Of January 26 - 30 > >Kevin fumes when he receives an unwelcome invitation. > >Is it self-defense or murder? Somebody is shot during a confrontation. > >After Chris steals Matt's MRI results and discovers he has a bullet lodged >in his back, Chris starts snooping for more information. > >The jury comes back with a guilty verdict and Scott is sentenced to 10 years >in the slammer. Convinced Scott is innocent, Eve comes up with a plan to >spring him from jail. > >Kevin gives Rex a smelly engagement gift, then tries to persuade Lucy not to >marry the guy. > >Joe and Frank recall their father through very different eyes. > >Serena's life is in jeopardy. > >Ellen advises Joe to seek counseling. > >Karen & Joe have a fight. > > > >--------------------------------------------------------------------------- - >---- > >PC Preview > >On Monday, after Joe loses his patience with a drunken patient at the >hospital, he and Karen get into a terrible fight. It's obvious that Joe >reaction to this stems from things which happened in his past, and Ellen >encourages him to get help for his problems. --- Rex's partner in crime, >Agent Pratt, goes to Rex and informs him that Serena could ruin all their >plans if she succeeds in identifying her kidnappers. He tells Rex that he >wants to take Serena "for a one-way ride." > >On Tuesday, Kevin receives an invitation to Lucy's engagement party and he's >furious. Meanwhile, Pratt threatens to flow the whistle on everything unless >Rex agrees to go along with his plan to kill Serena. > >On Wednesday, Pratt (Rex's partner in the kidnapping and Conklin's partner >in the FBI) sets a trap to murder Serena. When Rex discovers the trap he >confronts Pratt. A gun is pulled, they struggle and the gun is fired ... but >which one is killed? Scott arrives on the scene and is standing over the >body ... at the exact moment that the police arrive on the scene. > >Return Here 9 a.m. Thursday Morning >To Read What Will Happen On >Thursday & Friday > > >--------------------------------------------------------------------------- - >---- > > These Days > >Monday >Conklin's colleague, Agent Pratt, has a gruesome fate in mind for Serena. >Joe has trouble controlling his temper. >Eve helps Scott gets information from Lucy. >Joe and Karen argue bitterly. > >tuesday >Kevin hits the roof when he receives an invitation to Lucy's engagement >bash. >Chris looks into Matt's accident. > >Wednesday >Scott discovers Serena is in danger. > >Thursday >Rex plots to hide any evidence about his shady past. > >Friday >Scott is stunned by the jury's verdict. > > >Coming Soon >Matt's history is revealed. >It's psychological warfare, between Kevin and Rex. >Gail takes desperate measures to protect Serena. >Lucy and Karen's lives are in jeopardy. > > > - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Donald K Gooden" Subject: GH/PC: Fw: PC Spoilers Part Two Date: 27 Jan 1998 19:48:47 -0500 >PC Spoilers Part Two > Jamila >S >P >O >I >L >E >R > >S >P >A >C >E >> >> >> >> >February Spoilers > >Scotty is convicted and sentenced to 10 years in prison for the kidnapping >of Serena. Scott's situation draws him closer to Eve as she comes up with a >plan to help him escape! When Lee and Gail are forced to surrender Serena. >Gail, out of a grandmother's love, seizes Serena and flees during the worse >snowstom Port Charles. Karen tries to come to their rescue and the results >may prove to be tragic. > >Chris' snooping into Matt's past could blow his cover and undo the lies he's >had to tell. It seems that Matt has many levels of mystery which intesifty >when Matt's life is threatened by an unexplained danger, > >In order to protect Serena from Rex, Lucy is willing to give up love and >happiness with Kevin as her marriage to Rex appears more and more imminent >and Kevin is determined to interceed and get back the woman he loves. Lucy >finds herself in a situation where she must fight for her life and Kevin >plots to mess with Rex's head hopefully pushing him over the edge and out of >their lives forever. These two men square off in a psychological >confrontation where the stakes are literally life and death! > > > > - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: AnneBPT Subject: Re: GH/PC: The Museum of Television and Radio (Some small spoilers) Date: 28 Jan 1998 01:30:28 EST In a message dated 98-01-23 14:03:46 EST, you write: << OK, last night... let me first just say MAJOR thanks to Anne. << You are very welcome! It was great to meet you(and your sister) and I'm glad I was able to help you out with my extra ticket. Now about the GH event, you did a fantastic job with your recap, so I'm going to check my notes and seewhat I can add....... >> Tony Geary didn't make it; instead Michelle Val Jean and Joe Something or other showed up, in addition to Shelley Curtis.<< That's Joe Behar. He directed the day last April when I was on my GH set tour. The actors all seemed to like him. Jon thanked him when he came on the set mid-day since Joe took him out of a group scene tapes first thing in the morning. The rest of his stuff didn't tape until after 11, and he was in the last few scenes of the day. He would have had to be there 3-4 extra hours for a scene where he didn't say anything. Joe also seemed very interested in the actor's input on things. Sean Kanan asked just before taping a scene to reword a line and Joe let him say it his way-- it sounded better. Joe Behar and Michele Val Jean, along with the others who were there were always scheduled to go to the event. Tony Geary had been listed almost up to the last minute, I think in the last SOW he was not on the list anymore. Video Clips: >> The first clip in the vid was from the pilot ep, with Jessie Brewer and Steve Hardy.<< Then they had the one withg Steve and a patient who "got into a crash" because she got into a car with her boyfriend who had been drinking. She was feeling sorry for herself since her face was messed up. Steve told her they might be able to help with plastic surgery, but she was still nearly hysterical. Steve then told her to stop feeling sorry for herself because "this is a hospital, and there are more important things going on here." Everyone laughed. >> Luke told her that they've discussed this a hundred times and they had decided that if there was ever a move made against them while they were seperated that they would make their ways to their next location seperately. Laura cried that Lucky was only 10 years old and Luke insistsed that he knew what to do.<< I was hoping they would show just a short clip of Lucky here-- he was such a little cutey back then. >> After that was the ones that always have everyone rolling on the floor in tears. From 1994: Tony telling Frisco that Maxie's new heart was really BJ's. Wah! It was so pavlovian. As soon as the scene opened, 90% of the audience was in tears. God knows I was. And then was the scene from the same time between Bobbie and Ruby.<< Yep, they get us all with that one every time... >> Bobbie: "I suppose you're so perfect that you've never been attracted to anyone else!" Tony: "I never acted on it!" .... had EVERYONE laughing in light of the past year. For a scene that really isn't even remotely funny, we were hysterical.<< I think this was the funniest moment of the night, and it was a long sustained laugh too. I'd like to have been able to see Jackie's and Brad's reactions to that.... >> The next scene was from the 1995 Nurses Ball, where AJ goaded Stone into blurting out his medical status (I love that scene).<< I love that NB the best of all of them myself. I think that in addition to the Stone scene being a great overall, it always pointed out to me how poor a performer Lily Melgar was. Here was a highlight scene in this storyline, with this totally shocking news revealed to everyone, and she didn't even seem to be paying attention to anything in particular. Just staring blankly into space, but anyway.... >> Then it ended with a run through the credits. Their choice in credits was puzzling.<< That was kind of weird, I have no clue why they chose that one either.... >>one of the women on the show, in RL, was a THOUSAND times more stunningly beautiful than she EVER was on the show. Last night I discovered the same is true of Jackie Zeman. I still can't get over how absolutely gorgeous she is.<< Funny you should say that Taiyin, but my friend Mo and I thought the same thing after we first saw her. We voted her the "One Who Was Surprisingly Better Looking In Person." Yes there were MANY catagories:-) BTW, Lynn Herring was, and continues to be the "Most Beautiful Woman We've Ever Seen." She was stunning too:-). >>There were so many wannabe soap writers in the audience, though, that it was discouraging. ;-)-<< It seemed to me there were too many "I want to be a writer, how do I get into it" questions. I thought they answered that pretty well the first time. They said basically to write, be persistent, try and get some constructive criticism and learn from it. It all seemed to be about working on your writing skills so if and when you can get the right person to read your work, they might see something they like. But after they answered that once, three other people rephrased the question and asked it again. Which means a few more questions about other things were passed over. No real biggie, but it seemed to me that was a little repetitive. >> And let me just say that Brad Maule is EXTREMELY funny in RL.<< He really is. I'd heard that but never have been to an event where he really spoke. I liked the fact that he pays attention to the show. He really got a kick out of Brenda cutting Sonny's face out of the pictures. He laughed especially when talking about how she had the one headless picture in a frame. >> According to Wendy, it doesn't sound like Genie will be coming back ANY time soon.<< Wendy seemed to be talking her usual talk. The Genie question was met with the "she's happy being a mom" speech. I didn't hear much new from her. For instance when asked what she felt the effect of the VCR was on soap viewing, her answer concentrated on the old "Don't fast forward" litany. I thought it would be more about how the VCR made soaps accessible to everyone, even if the person worked. Brad thought that the soaps would blow away night time TV as far as ratings go, if the Nielsens counted those who tape and watch at night. I think he is probably right. >> By far, though, the coolest part was talking to Michelle Val Jean.<< It sounds like it. I'm really glad you got to talk to her and thank her for all her work in making K&L so wonderful. Her impact on them was a very noticable thing to those who are paying close attention to them. I'll bet she was VERY surprised some fans are THAT aware of what is going on. I'd imagine she rarely gets to interact with fans, who appreciate her as much as K&L who know what she can do for them She seems like a really sweet lady. I think you made her night:-). I wish we could steal her away from GH for PC. >>And then there were two things Guza told me afterwards...<<< So THAT'S where you went when you went back in! Good for you! I'm glad you got to spend some time talking to him, and also got in a few good points about K&L. I absolutely love that you said this to Guza: >>"Well, I certainly miss a lot of that interaction -- especially Lucy and Luke -- but Kevin and Lucy met on February 17, 1994, and it should probably alarm you that I know that off the top of my head , and yet they've had more airtime in the past six months on PC than they had on the entire previous three and a half years on GH. If being seperated from some of their friends is the price I have to pay for them to actually get their own storyline, then it's worth it." And then I added, "Now, if they could just get Scott his OWN storyline and get him out of the middle of Kevin & Lucy's lives, then things would be good."<< I guess it doesn't matter that I didn't go back to talk to him, what better thing could I possibly have said? I'm trying to think of other things that they discussed during the Q&A. JZ was telling us how they get the scripts for M-W of the following week Thursday or Friday nights by messenger. Lately she's taken to getting the scripts(she gets them really late since she lives in Malibu-- pretty far from the studio), and immediately stopping to read what is going to happen on the whole show she is so interested these days. They'll get Thursday and Friday's scripts at some point during that week, so don't have a lot of time to memorize lines. She and Brad were saying how happy everyone is with the writers now. Both for storyline reasons, and for the fact that Guza and company's doors are always open to them. Certain other writers(they did not name names) would not even let actors in the area of the building where they were. Brad said the carpet was a different color in the writer's suite and the actors were not allowed to walk on that color carpet. Someone mentioned Tony Geary ad-libbing, and trying to run the show. All of the panel agreed that this was one of the biggest misconceptions about TG. They said he is just very committed to his character, and he is not that type at all. Brad said he had been worried to work with TG at first, wondering how he would be, and he turned out to be a great guy. They also said they have a protocol to go through if an actor wanted to change a line. They needed to contact someone several days before and clear it. They said no one ever just changed things on the set. Now last April 11th on the set that was not the case. Maybe this is a Guza thing, I don't know. While I was there Sean Kanan suggested a line change that they used. Lynn Herring had pretty much free rein with her lines. They even had a blank line in the script for her to ad-lib a descriiption of a dress. Tony Geary refused to say a line(to Sonny--- "Will you give me a ride to the hospital in the batmobile?") and they changed it(no batmobile reference). And in a scene with Feleica and Lucy, they wanted Lucy to say "I love you." She ended up saying "You're the best!" Guza talked about using history to work toward the future. I'm not sure exactly how well he is doing with that but it is a good idea. They also were talking about how much story they have mapped out. They have 3-6 months pretty well set. Beyond that, they have an idea for things 9, 12, and 18 months down the line, but that picture is always changing. They have to be open to someone like Maurice or Jon who comes in for a short term role that they end up expanding into a major player. So they have a general idea, and they are open to change. Joe Behar was telling us how they have 5 directors, one for each day of the week. He gets his script, it takes about two days to block, or set up how he wants movement and cameras set up so far as what shots he wants. He says he is never locked into anything, if an actor wants to move a different way or feels a scene would work better with some other movement. They also have the 5 script writers, one for each day. Right now Michelle is the one responsible for writing continutity among the writers for all the characters. So she reviews the work of the daily writers and edits where she feels the voices do not sound right. That's about all I can think of to add right now..... >>As it was, the only thing I really saw was the collection of wedding dresses in the lobby.<< I'm pretty sure as far as displays go that was it. Unless I missed a floor of the museum. The main part of the museum is the video/audio collection. Using a computer, you can search: by actor, program title, and a few other catagories. Then you could pick up to four items to view/listen to(say an old radio program). After makingyour choices(Luke and Jennifer's Wedding, Christmas 1985 at the Martin's on AMC, Adam and Stuart circa 1988 on AMC, and a Hallmark Halll of Fame with a young Larry Poindexter of THL), you check in at the counter and they set you up with your own private cubicle and TV for viewing. You have headphones and can spend a mimimum of two hours watching your choices. >>She said she got to see Luke's wedding to Jennifer Smith -- when Scotty beat him up and shoved him over the side of the yacht. Wish I would have seen that.>> It was a lot of fun. That GH is one of my favorites since I LOVED Scotty and HATED Luke at the time. I PRAYED he had drowned!!! Oh how I prayed! LOL I've since gone back and forth on the Luke issue, but always loved Scott. I agree it would be nice to get him out of the middle of K&L's storyline. I watched a little of the AMC's and the whole movie-- Dex looked so cute and so young, though I wish his role were bigger. All in all it was a great time, as was THL(of course, as always) and dinner with Taiyin and her sister before the gig. We found we pretty much agree on most GH/PC issues, and I think were scaring her sister with our K&L scene recall(though you are MUCH better at that than me) strong anti-Felicia feelings. I look forward to seeing you again. I was thinking back and we didn't talk about Kevin NEARLY enough................ Anne - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie Saker" Subject: Re: GH/PC: Spoilers GH Part one Date: 28 Jan 1998 07:05:53 PST jamila wrote: >>Spoilers for the week of Jan 26 >> Jamila >>S >>P >>O >>I >>L >>E >>R >> >>S >>P >>A >>C >>E >>> >>> >>> >> >>Emily has a heartfelt and life-altering question for Ned. now this reminded me of something i forgot--spoilers can be literally true, but meant very differently than the way they get interpreted. yes, last week's spoiler that "emily asks ned to be her father" is a true statement, but based on yesterday's show, it's not a COMPLETE statement. i had forgotten that a lot of the times these spoilers are left quite deliberately incomplete, just to give us all maximum anxiety and reason to tune in. good thing to be reminded of, given some of the other spoilers we've read! :) >>Brenda may be determined to get Jax back, but her plan suddenly hits a road >>block. could we make that literally? like, say, a big huge car crash that hospitalizes her for months on end--preferably in a coma--so we can all move on to someone ELSE? i DID like brenda once upon a time, and i liked her again in that sleazy agent's office yesterday...but i am NOT going to like it if her entire purpose for being is to chase jax all over the planet. >>Carly returns during her son's baptism. After months of lies, schemes and >>duplicity, Carly decides it's time to be an honest woman. Does anyone care? oh...i can think of a couple of people who will care quite a bit! i can't WAIT for this one! bobbie...her reaction will DEFINITELY be a sight to see. (i just hope luke isn't able to dance his way out of her anger too easily) and tony--this should finally be the thing that puts him over the edge completely. >>The whereabouts of Laura are passed along to Stefan. i didn't think that was a secret. isn't laura still in switzerland? wasn't stefan THERE, way back when he pushed nikky off the mountain? i don't get it... >>Felicia decides to "exhume the body" when James' actions throw her off >>balance. oh thank GOD. FINALLY! >>At V's urging, Felicia decides to spin the bottle ... will Jimmy pass the >>kiss test?> ooh...i forgot about that! wasn't it felicia, back when tess first came to town, who explained that women could always tell men apart by the way they kiss, and that mac in particular was a winner in that regard? now...they've kissed (she and jimmy)...more than once. shouldn't she have NOTICED? >>and V provides the viewpoint of an objective observer. v's coming back!!!!!!!! i'm going to borrow taiyin's for that one! i've missed her! february could be VERY interesting... julie ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie Saker" Subject: Re: GH/PC: Spoilers GH Part one Date: 28 Jan 1998 07:17:15 PST jamila wrote: >>Spoilers for the week of Jan 26 >> Jamila >>S >>P >>O >>I >>L >>E >>R >> >>S >>P >>A >>C >>E >>> >>> >>> >> >>Emily has a heartfelt and life-altering question for Ned. now this reminded me of something i forgot--spoilers can be literally true, but meant very differently than the way they get interpreted. yes, last week's spoiler that "emily asks ned to be her father" is a true statement, but based on yesterday's show, it's not a COMPLETE statement. i had forgotten that a lot of the times these spoilers are left quite deliberately incomplete, just to give us all maximum anxiety and reason to tune in. good thing to be reminded of, given some of the other spoilers we've read! :) >>Brenda may be determined to get Jax back, but her plan suddenly hits a road >>block. could we make that literally? like, say, a big huge car crash that hospitalizes her for months on end--preferably in a coma--so we can all move on to someone ELSE? i DID like brenda once upon a time, and i liked her again in that sleazy agent's office yesterday...but i am NOT going to like it if her entire purpose for being is to chase jax all over the planet. >>Carly returns during her son's baptism. After months of lies, schemes and >>duplicity, Carly decides it's time to be an honest woman. Does anyone care? oh...i can think of a couple of people who will care quite a bit! i can't WAIT for this one! bobbie...her reaction will DEFINITELY be a sight to see. (i just hope luke isn't able to dance his way out of her anger too easily) and tony--this should finally be the thing that puts him over the edge completely. >>The whereabouts of Laura are passed along to Stefan. i didn't think that was a secret. isn't laura still in switzerland? wasn't stefan THERE, way back when he pushed nikky off the mountain? i don't get it... >>Felicia decides to "exhume the body" when James' actions throw her off >>balance. oh thank GOD. FINALLY! >>At V's urging, Felicia decides to spin the bottle ... will Jimmy pass the >>kiss test?> ooh...i forgot about that! wasn't it felicia, back when tess first came to town, who explained that women could always tell men apart by the way they kiss, and that mac in particular was a winner in that regard? now...they've kissed (she and jimmy)...more than once. shouldn't she have NOTICED? >>and V provides the viewpoint of an objective observer. v's coming back!!!!!!!! i'm going to borrow taiyin's for that one! i've missed her! february could be VERY interesting... julie ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie Saker" Subject: Re: GH/PC: Fw: Spoilers GH Part Two Date: 28 Jan 1998 08:08:28 PST sorry for the double post last time! my computer's in a mood today... jamila wrote: >>Spoilers For GH Part Two >> Jamila >>S >>P >>O >>I >>L >>E >>R >> >>S >>P >>A >>C >>E >>> >>> >>> >> >>GH '98 ... Exclusive From Bob Guza >> >>The key romances will be Brenda/Jax, Robin/Jason, Stefan/Katherine and >>Luke/Laura, but others will be created along the way. blech. having already established my feelings on guza's view of romance, i'll skip that one for now. >>Their breakup of star-crossed lovers Robin & Jason was dynamic, but >>the next phase of their relationship will be huge. The focus will be >>Jason's involvement in Sonny's organization and how Robin will have >>to deal with it if she's going to be romantically connected to >>Jason. we're not big on originality in these "romances," are we... >>The "titans" of GH are Luke, Helena and Stefan. he DOES love that word, doesn't he? but i thought j&b were the titans? >>As Helena fights to regain control of her family, she is also >>hell-bent on destroying Luke. The first "explosion" 'will occurring >>during the sweeps and will affect 12 characters. hmmm...12 characters. let's see: the c's--stef, nik, helena, alexis, kat, that's five. the s's--luke, lucky, bobbie, laura/lulu/lesley (?), that could bring us up to anywhere from 8 to 11, depending on genie's status. assuming she's not around, let's throw in carly and the baby, for ten. and just for good measure--a dose of j&b. that makes 12! (ARE there any characters on this show other than the cassadines, the spencers, and j&b, as far as guza's concerned?) :) >>On a lighter note, the >>Quartermaines will continue to be as campy and comedic as ever. on the plus side, i'm really LOVING the q's these days! (aside from the kidnapping plot, of course.) there were so may lines yesterday that just cracked me up, but now i can't remember them. but i laughed all the way through their scenes! >>Sonny may be gone in body but he's not gone in spirit and is fully aware of >>everything that's happening in Brenda's life, including her meltdown. ohhhhhhhhhhhh no no no no no. NO. PLEASE no. PLEASE tell me we're not going to do yet MORE sonny-bashing, by revealing to brenda and the audience that he knows all about the mess brenda's in right now, and that he doesn't care enough to do anything about it. PLEEEEEEEEASE. if they're going to keep telling us "he's gone--get over it", then at LEAST they could let him be gone in peace. this is NOT helping. >>She will be rethinking her feelings for Jax, >>finding herself torn between friendship and love. neither is that. >>And, above all else, she is trying to forget how her love for Sonny >>almost destroyed her. Fans can anticipate about three months of >>Brenda slowly and tediously rebuilding these elements >>in her life, oh goodie. i'll see y'all in about three months... julie ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie Saker" Subject: Re: Re: GH/PC: Jason/Bobbie/Mike Date: 28 Jan 1998 08:16:54 PST kathryn wrote: >Sorry to burst your bubble, Julie, but yes, a birth certificate can be issued >without a first name. Doesn't happen as often nowadays, but it does happen. really??? wow...learn something new every day! is that true everywhere though? because here in nj, my grandmother used to work in the area of the hospital where they were typing up the birth certificates, and they were never able to do anything until the mother and/or father made a decision about a name. (she told me about a foreign mother once who, after being unable to reach a decision, and after seeing "female--(last name)" on the baby's id, decided female (which she pronounced fe-mah-lee) was a pretty name and put THAT on the birth certificate.) i mean, isn't that one of the main PURPOSES of a birth certificate? to certify that this baby, named whatever, was born on this day to these parents? julie ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: GH/PC: Fw: Spoilers GH Part Two Date: 28 Jan 1998 09:54:25 -0800 At 08:08 AM 1/28/98 PST, Julie Saker wrote: >on the plus side, i'm really LOVING the q's these days! (aside from the >kidnapping plot, of course.) there were so may lines yesterday that >just cracked me up, but now i can't remember them. but i laughed all >the way through their scenes! No kidding. They were so great. I wrote down a bunch of quotes when I was watching the show last night after class. Of course I left them by my bed, but they were still great. And the whole exchange with Jason on Monday with Mike and Bobbie, and then with just Mike. And then yesterday with Emily. And with Justus. Damn, Jason is getting all the good stuff lately. And I liked Justus and Dara at the Outback, too. I even enjoyed Brenda and Robin torturing that slimy agent woman. ;-) And I MUST say how much I absolutely ADORE Amber. She did SUCH fabulous job yesterday dealing with Alan and AJ (and Edward to a lesser extent). For a moment there I was really afraid she was going to forgive AJ. And I think that is actually what is so cool about this storyline: even though we KNOW that AJ is really the father, based on the informaion HE HAS, what he did was unforgiveable. And his pompus, sanctimoious whining is nothing but exasperating. And yet, literally speaking, he is right. That is so cool. I think that, so far, the only area in which I am surprised with Guza is that he's done a much better job with the Q's this time than he did last time. So far, so good. Let's now hope he reworks his definition of "romance" to EXCLUDE a few of his favorites... Taiyin "I want you to wipe that smug grin off your face." -- "Oh Alan, what would be the point? It would just creep back." -- Alan and Ned, GH - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Cagey Subject: Re: GH/PC: Spoilers GH Part one Date: 28 Jan 1998 11:46:24 -0800 (PST) Jamila wrote: >>S >>P >>O >>I >>L >>E >>R >> >>S >>P >>A >>C >>E >>> >>> >>> >> >Carly decides it's time to be an honest woman. Does anyone care? Bwahahaha! >>At V's urging, Felicia decides to spin the bottle V? Poor V actually gets a scene? >and AJ try to mend fences with Emily but to no avail. The actress who play Em has been doing a great job with this, IMO. >Carly tells the truth, the whole truth ... and heaven help Luke!!! Woo Hoo! --kg - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie Saker" Subject: GH/PC: TVGuide Chat--Stephen Nichols Date: 29 Jan 1998 12:25:57 PST here's the gh portion of the latest tv guide chat, which featured a segment with stephen nichols (stefan cassadine). i wouldn't classify anything in it as a SPOILER, exactly, but there are some hints of things to come which are kind of intriguing... julie ****************************************************************** TVGEN: Welcome to our TVGEN/Yahoo! Chat Auditorium. Tonight we will be chatting about the soaps with our new SoapsLive! host Michael Kape. And at 9 p.m./ET we will be joined by a special guest, General Hospital's Stephen Nichols. Michael Kape: Welcome, soap fans! What a week! So many of our shows have been going through preemptions while that real-life Washington soap opera makes news (obsessed political junkie or wronged woman — you decide!)... sigh. General Hospital jumped to second place in the ratings (we'll have that story on the TVGEN site on Friday), while Days of Our Lives fell to fourth. Guess this means Bob Guza is doing the job he was rehired to do. Hope you caught the demise of Annie on GL yesterday. If Cynthia Watros isn't an Emmy contender this year, I'll eat my cyber-hat! Ask and ye shall receive: Last week in here, I asked for documented proof that 317 copies of Soap Opera Digest were indeed sold by an L.A. wholesaler to someone from GH. Last night, my fax machine indeed did produce the proof — a receipt for $1,026.03 (including tax) from World Book & News in Hollywood. So far as I'm concerned, this officially ends the controversy. However, I think someone needs to investigate the wholesaler in question. It made a profit of $379.13 on the transaction whereas if those questionable copies had been sold properly, it would only have made $189.57! And finally, speaking of GH, stick around after I leave tonight because our guest of honor is none other than the great Stephen Nichols, who plays Stefan. I'm betting he'll have things to say that are far more interesting than the State of the Union! So now, let's dish! Michael: I'm loving GH right now but it seems it's become the Jason Morgan hour or the Brenda show — I love both actors. GH needs to spread the scenes among the storylines better. Do you agree or disagree? Kape: I think I have OD'd on Jason and Brenda myself. Especially when there are so many good people on GH I would like to see more of. However, I do like the Jason Morgan hour storyline and when Carly returns shortly I think we're going to see a lot of sparks flying in town. Karenh97: Michael, what's the date for the GH prime-time special? Kape: Karen, no specific date has been officially announced yet, but we do know that it will be sometime in April. When it's announced, look for it in the news on TVGEN. Yoda48152: Michael. Hi. I really enjoyed your first chat, tell me about the rumors of Lane Davies joining GH. I thought he and Nancy Lee were bitter enemies. Kape: Once again, we have one of those great Internet rumors. In this case, there is no truth about Lane Davies joining GH at this moment in time. So far as Lane and Nancy disliking each other goes, let's just say the only time they ever spoke on the Santa Barbara set was when they had scenes together. HyperTrophy_Fan: Have you gotten good feedback from fans since you took over from Logan? Kape: So far many people have been very, very nice and said wonderful things, except, of course, the S&Believers. You know, of course, that they wish anybody but Kape had this job. Texas_Tech_CS: Bob Guza recently mentioned that a pivotal event in GH's past was going to be brought to the fore. The rumor is that something will trigger a long-repressed memory in Luke... his rape of Laura? Have you heard anything? Kape: It is definitely not one of Luke's memories. In fact, you don't even have the sex right. It's something that we as viewers already know but very few people in town do. that's not much or a surprise, if that's the case...however, it WOULD mean that genie's coming back, because there's no WAY they could do that story without her!> Omar13: Our local soap-opera expert said that Sarah Brown (Carly on GH) is pregnant in real life. Is this true? Kape: No. Jaily: Hi, Michael. Will the blizzard storyline sweep through all the ABC daytime shows? Kape: It sure seems that way. It's a gimmick. I hope it works. We will see a lot of odd couples stranded together, and one thing we have learned in the past is that when unusual pairings are stuck together in some sort of natural disaster, whole shows can turn around. For example, the great blackout story on GL six years ago. Fritz_55: What shows look like the ones to watch this February sweeps? Kape: No question, but GL is going to take an interesting twist and turn. Believe it or not, I'd recommend Sunset Beach because there's going to be some major story happening there. And I admit it, I am hooked on Port Charles. Lkohl58: Do you think Will Kempe would make a great Jerry Jacks? I do. Kape: Fascinating that you think he would because none of us anywhere have any idea of what Jerry Jacks is like. We've heard a little bit about him. We know he is supposed to be somewhat flamboyant, but I have no idea who would make a good Jerry Jacks because I have no possible concept of who Jerry Jacks is at this moment. If you do, please forward it to me — inquiring minds want to know! Lkohl58: Do you think Stephen Nichols has a chance for a Daytime Emmy this year? I hope so! Kape: Wouldn't that be nice. Tell him I said so when he gets here. He has some scenes that would work, that would appeal to the blue-ribbon panel. EINSTIEN_: I was wondering, do the celebrities actually type or do they have people that type for them? Kape: Einstein, you have figured us out! I'm sitting here talking on the speaker-phone, Paul is screening the questions and poor Bryan is trying to keep up with me on the keyboard (and I apologize to Bryan accordingly). Bryan and Paul are in New York; I'm in Atlanta; Stephen Nichols is in California; and y'all are in cyberspace. Ain't technology wonderful?! Again, thanks to everyone for being here tonight. I really appreciate you coming out for this weekly chat. I cannot tell you how excited I am that Stephen is coming in here right after me tonight. Now I'm going to join all of you in cyberspace and watch him chat with you, maybe I'll even get in a question or two. And if you want to catch me chatting in cyberspace, you can always go to the TVGEN Talk City Soap Dish chat room, because you never know when I'm going to pop up in there! TVGEN: Stephen Nichols will be here shortly... please continue sending in your questions. Stephen Nichols: Hello everyone in cyberspace, this is Mr. Cassadine, Stephen Nichols. CybilAnne: Tell me some good news... is there any truth to the rumor that Thaao Penghlis might be thinking about talking about going back to GH as Victor Cassadine?! Nichols: I personally have not heard anything on the subject. Kauilua: Bobbie and Stefan were once a dynamite couple on GH, do you think they will get back together? Nichols: I think that is highly unlikely. She already has too many other fish to fry. TylerOLFC: Mr. Nichols: Did you have any input in selecting the actor for the role of Nikolas? Thank goodness they picked Tyler! Nichols: I agree 100 percent, thank goodness. Yes, I did have a bit of input. They asked my opinion, and I gave it to them. He was the best actor that tested that day, and we have a special connection as well. GreatXena: On GH... will it ever be revealed who's son Carly's baby is? Nichols: Yes, it will be revealed, but you're directing your question to the other side of the canvas, which is the Cassadine clan. We're not involved in that story. TylerOLFC: Hi, Mr. Nichols — great that you could join us. I love watching you and Tyler interact. You both seem to really care about each other. What's it like working with Tyler? Nichols: As I said earlier, he's a wonderful actor, very natural, very new. He, unlike so many other actors, hasn't been influenced in a negative way by so-called acting teachers. He has a lot of natural instincts that I tap into, and we have a great chemistry. And we try to create a real father-son relationship off camera so that we can bring that to the work. Hannahsmom1: Stephen, I enjoy your performances and appreciate how difficult it must be for you to stay so intense. Stefan is a very intense character, and I wonder how you stay so focused. Nichols: I don't really know. I really have no choice. I have a lot of very specific dialogue and it takes me a lot of effort to learn my lines, and I think the effort it takes to learn them helps me when I get up to do my lines because I'm so prepared. And I feel if I don't believe it, the audience won't. Hannahsmom1: Stephen, do you find it difficult to play opposite Mary Beth in these new roles? I am on PCO a lot, and there is always so much comparison made about Kayla and Patch. Do you find these comments out of bounds or do you agree with them? Nichols: I don't know what comments you are referring to precisely. In terms of comparing Patch and Kayla I can understand while people who were fans of theirs would do that. But everyone should understand that we are playing two completely characters or people as I like to call them, and I think that everyone should just stop and get with the times. Patch and Kayla are no longer. It's a new day, a new show. Wolfpacker94: Stephen, what scenes have you most enjoyed in your time at GH? Nichols: The scenes with Genie when we were driving to meet her mother. The scenes when I threw Alexis out. The scenes when I threw Alexis out the second time. And several scenes with Tyler, which I can't recall at the moment but we had some good things happening. And when I threw Barbara out. A lot of throwing people out on the show! GHisacoolshow: Is Stefan still hung up on Laura like Helena says? Nichols: Not exactly like Helena says, but in some way, yes. NotPSinSC: Stephen... is it true that the big Cassidine story will culminate in a remote to Greece? Or perhaps our "informant" meant Greece, NY, up near Rochester? Nichols: Well, I haven't heard anything about location shoots. But that would be nice, maybe they should send cards and letters suggesting we go to Greece — not Greece, New York! Sammsfan: Can we expect a Bobbie/Stefan reunion? You and Jackie have incredible chemistry!!! Nichols: Yes, I think we do have really good chemistry. As I said earlier, she does have a lot on her plate as do I. But the audience will see us cross paths at various moments. We just taped some scenes where Bobby come to Wydemere in the middle of the night and asks me if I knew Carly was her daughter. Semi_Angel: What is the secret of your sexy physique? Nichols: A hell of a lot of work. At my age I have to watch everything I eat and work out at least six days a week. But if anyone is really interested, its a combination of one hour of aerobics a day and an almost fat-free diet. Very low carbs. Shavers695: What do you like to do in your spare time? Nichols: I like to spend time with my children. I like to play music. And I took up golf, but I put it down again. It seems to be too time consuming. ST0NE_COLD_316: What is your favorite soap? Nichols: My favorite soap is GH. I've seen all of them, I feel they have the best writing, the most realistic story and the greatest respect for its actors. Blondie724: Do you miss playing Patch on DOOL? Nichols: I can't say that I miss it. I'm having so much fun playing Stefan, but it was a wonderful creative time in my life, and I still appreciate all of the Patch fans. I would encourage them to turn on GH. If they were Patch fans, they will see the same intensity and I'd like them all to give it a try. TexGirl28: How long have you been doing General Hospital? Nichols: I've been on General Hospital for about a year and a half. Texas_Tech_CS: Do you prefer playing Stefan as out-and-out evil, as he was much of the summer versus the virus storyline, or more ambiguous, as he has been at other times? Nichols: I prefer the ambiguous. Or really, more human. I'm not a fan of one-dimensional villany. Dinamedd: Stephen, I have observed the obvious positive feedback from online fans of GH as it pertains to the new writing and plot twists. Do you and the rest of the actors share this enthusiasm? Nichols: Yes. There has been a bit of a transitional period from the old writers to Mr. Guza taking over again, but he certainly knows how to tell larger than life stories. And what he has planned for the Cassadines is very exciting. Fritz_55: Stephen, can you tell us anything of a prime-time episode set for April? Nichols: All I know about this episode is that it's the 35th anniversary of GH. I don't know that it will be an actual episode of the show. But I believe it airs on April 2. Shavers695: Do you wear anything other than black on the show? Nichols: Yes. Dark green, charcoal grey, dark blue. Maybe your television is not picking up the subtleties of dark color, but I don't always wear black. Katyfrench:Stephen, you mentioned you play music. What instrument do you play? Nichols: I play very little guitar, blues harmonica, and I just recently took up the piano, which will take years to get proficient at, I can see it now! Leebtyler: Do you get mobbed by women when you walk down the street? Nichols: Oh, no, in Los Angeles people are used to seeing actors and such because its such an actor town. It's calm; people are very polite. RosRob: Are you and your wife Lisa working on any projects together or thinking about it in the future? Nichols: Actually, yes, she has written a screenplay that I would like to direct. Fritz_55: Stephen, would you like to see Stefan involved more with the Quartermaines or Jason Morgan? Nichols: I had a scene with Jason around Christmas, and we had a nice working relationship. I believe in the future there will be some involvement there. That's part of the story Mr. Guza pitched to me recently. Fritz_55: What do you think of Justus' reemergence on GH — he's kicking butt?! Nichols: I don't know. I haven't really seen those episodes you're referring to. MikCassadine: Is ABC jumping for joy with the rise in the ratings for GH? Nichols: I'm sure they are. I think we've been No. 2 for a couple of weeks now, right behind The Young and the Restless. Bobber187: So what's going to happen with Carly on GH? Is she ever coming back? Nichols: Oh, yes, she's already back, they just haven't seen her on the air yet. LuvStephen: I just wanted to tell Stephen:You are the most fabulous actor on daytime today!!!!!! Nichols: I so much appreciate the sentiment, thank you very much! Lulu978: Stephen, Irma's gang says hello; we love your storyline on GH, and are so happy that you and Mary Beth are working together again. We also love your scenes with Nancy. Nichols: I love working with Mary Beth and Nancy, and hello to Irma. Tv_jeannie: Hi, You are great on GH. How did you get your start in acting and GH? Nichols: I got on stage and worked a lot, did a lot of plays. I went to school to a drama department and got a good solid foundation in theater, which I recommend to any actor. Vegas_Sunrise: Hi, Stephen. Do you plan on coming to Las Vegas any time this summer? Soapfest 98 maybe? Nichols: I haven't heard anything about Soapfest 98. If they invite me, I'm sure I'll be there. But in terms of coming to Las Vegas for fun, it's not really my bag. DynaRider: Does it "bug" you when people want to compare Patch and Kayla to Stefan and Katherine? Nichols: I can understand why there would be comparisons, but it bugs me when it becomes a negative comparison, because that was then and this is now. However, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Hannahsmom1: Are you and Tony friends off the set? Your characters do such a great job of hating each other. Nichols: Yes, Tony Geary and I have a lot of fun working together. We clown around off the set, but beyond that, we don't socialize. Kudsrus: Will Stefan be in Port Charles for a while? Or will he be too BAD to stay? Nichols: Stefan will never be too bad to stay. There are definitely long-term plans for the King of the Cassadines. Katyfrench: Stephen, what on EARTH was Stefan thinking, abandoning Alexis to the wolves (aka Helena)?? Nichols: On the level of family loyalty that we are accustomed to, that sort of betrayal cannot be forgiven. Ltmj: How much imput do get on storyline? Nichols: I don't bother with giving input to storyline unless the storyline interferes with the integrity of the person I've helped to create. OceanKallista: Are you anything like Stefan? Nichols: I would have to be something like Stefan or it would look like a cartoon and not real life. Fritz_55: Is there anyone on GH that you wish Stefan was more involved with? Nichols: No, I think things are going along swimmingly. RosRob: Stephen, you were great on stage in Orlando. I wanted to know how you enjoyed being there. Nichols: I really enjoyed it, because there were so many fans, and they were so excited to see all of us. I sort of picked up on that energy. It was like being on stage again, where you pick up on the energy of the audience and it fuels you. I had a great time. Wahoo1027: What would you like to see happen in the future with your character? Nichols: I think that it's a dangerous question for an actor to answer. I leave that to the writers. I would just like to thank everyone for coming online to chat, and I really appreciate the support. Please keep watching, and the show's getting more and more exciting! ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie Saker" Subject: Re: Re: GH/PC: Fw: Spoilers GH Part Two Date: 29 Jan 1998 12:40:40 PST i wrote (regarding the q's): >>there were so may lines yesterday that >>just cracked me up, but now i can't remember them. but i laughed all >>the way through their scenes! and taiyin quoted: >"I want you to wipe that smug grin off your face." >-- "Oh Alan, what would be the point? > It would just creep back." > -- Alan and Ned, GH that was one of them! >And I MUST say how much I absolutely ADORE Amber. absolutely! y'know, i read a post on pc online yesterday that was titled "amber needs acting lessons," or something like that...and i just don't GET it! how can ANYONE look at emily and look at sarah and say AMBER'S a lousy actress?!? i really think she's the most promising "child" actor they've had since robin. (before anybody says it...lucky annoys me for some reason, and nik i don't count as a child!) >And I think that is actually what is so cool about this storyline: >even though we KNOW that AJ is really the father, based on the >informaion HE HAS, what he did was unforgiveable. And his pompus, >sanctimoious whining is nothing but exasperating. > >And yet, literally speaking, he is right. > >That is so cool. i agree--it definitely puts an interesting spin on things! however, i'm sticking to my original (revised) feeling on this story--while at first i was full of righteous indignation on aj's behalf (when carly first named jason as the father), now i'm just hoping he doesn't find out for a good long time, because i'm loving jason as daddy just WAY too much! besides, aj doesn't DESERVE this child the way he's been acting... >I think that, so far, the only area in which I am surprised with Guza >is that he's done a much better job with the Q's this time than he >did last time. So far, so good. and what a pleasant surprise it's been! i haven't laughed this hard (intentionally...brenda in a blonde wig doesn't count) in a long time! >Let's now hope he reworks his definition of "romance" to EXCLUDE a >few of his favorites... ick. i'm with you on that one. but i'm not optimistic... julie p.s. another favorite line from the other day (which may not be verbatim, but it's close!) from when ned was telling alexis about the bumbling fools' kidnapping attempt: "My family has lost their minds." "Oh? How can you tell?" ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jill Kirby Subject: Re: GH/PC: TVGuide Chat--Stephen Nichols Date: 29 Jan 1998 18:57:21 -0600 (CST) At 12:25 PM 1/29/98 PST, Julie Saker wrote: >this guy is no logan. he has no spark, no creativity. in fact, last >week, in his first chat, he refused to answer the question of which soap >he currently liked best because he "didn't want to have the other ten >mad at me tomorrow morning." sheesh. THAT'S supposed to be >irreverence?> I'll bet that's what they were aiming for-- I have the feeling Logan ruffled a lot of feathers, which is why I liked him. :) >Wolfpacker94: Stephen, what scenes have you most enjoyed in your time at >GH? Interesting how not ONE of his favorite scenes was with Kat. Not ONE. Gee. Wonder why? Jill Jill Kirby ~~ ~~ NatPack ~~ ABotCoS ~~ NP4 ~~ Dreamer/Minstrel And gravity throws all these rules in our way And sometimes the spirit refuses to play... --Beth Nielsen Chapman - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: GH/PC: Meow Date: 30 Jan 1998 18:24:55 -0800 What is with Mary and all this blaming Karen crap from yesterday? Sheesh! For someone who adored both girls her sons were lusting after before, she sure did a quick about-face. And, of course, as usual, it's all the woman's fault. Taiyin "What did I do before I had you?" --"You were lost and confused." -- Lucy and Kevin - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Donald K Gooden" Subject: GH/PC: Huh? Michael Date: 30 Jan 1998 17:42:21 -0500 S P O I L E R S P A C E > > >I thought that the baby's name was going to be Robert. I kinda thought that Jason would have named him Michael, but I just assumed that the spoilers were correct and Jason would have some reason for naming the baby Robert. Jamila - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Donald K Gooden" Subject: GH/PC: Grandma Bobbie Date: 30 Jan 1998 17:47:55 -0500 S P O I L E R S P A C E > > > I was happy that Bobbie stood up for Jason with Monica and Alan. I can't believe that Monica would get angry that Bobbie was invited. I mean Monica knows that there is a perfectly good reason for the exclusion of the Qs. Does anyone care to speculate to what Bobbie's reaction will be when she finds out she is a Grandma? Will she be happy? Will she yell at Carly? Will she not believe Carly until Luke confirms it? Will Carly pull her Mother to the side and tell her? Or will the secret come out with a big bang? Jamila - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: GH/PC: Huh? Michael Date: 30 Jan 1998 15:17:04 -0800 At 05:42 PM 1/30/98 -0500, Donald K Gooden wrote: >S >P >O >I >L >E >R > >S >P >A >C >E >> >> >>I thought that the baby's name was going to be Robert. I kinda thought that >Jason would have named him Michael, but I just assumed that the spoilers >were correct and Jason would have some reason for naming the baby Robert. Whoa! He named him Michael? That certainly makes more sense than Robert, but I figured the spoilers were right, too. Strange. I'm glad, though. Taiyin "How about a little evening's entertainment of X-rated 'Tag, You're It' and we can play all the games I never had the chance to play when I was a kid?" -- Kevin to Lucy - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: GH/PC: Grandma Bobbie Date: 30 Jan 1998 15:20:37 -0800 At 05:47 PM 1/30/98 -0500, Donald K Gooden wrote: >S >P >O >I >L >E >R > >S >P >A >C >E >> >> >> >I was happy that Bobbie stood up for Jason with Monica and Alan. I can't >believe that Monica would get angry that Bobbie was invited. I mean Monica >knows that there is a perfectly good reason for the exclusion of the Qs. Ah yes, but that is typical Quartermaine hypocracy. THEY know they are dysfunctional, untrustworthy and back-stabbing, but gods forbid anyone else ever say it. >Does anyone care to speculate to what Bobbie's reaction will be when she >finds out she is a Grandma? Will she be happy? Will she yell at Carly? Will >she not believe Carly until Luke confirms it? Will Carly pull her Mother to >the side and tell her? Or will the secret come out with a big bang? As big a bang as possible. Guza likes to make things go boom. Particularly characters. ESPECIALLY Spencer-type characters. Taiyin "How about a little evening's entertainment of X-rated 'Tag, You're It' and we can play all the games I never had the chance to play when I was a kid?" -- Kevin to Lucy - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Cyndibird Subject: Re: GH/PC: Huh? Michael Date: 30 Jan 1998 18:50:25 -0500 (EST) my thoughts are down there: On Fri, 30 Jan 1998, Taiyin wrote: > At 05:42 PM 1/30/98 -0500, Donald K Gooden wrote: > >S > >P > >O > >I > >L > >E > >R > > > >S > >P > >A > >C > >E > >> > >> > >>I thought that the baby's name was going to be Robert. I kinda thought that > >Jason would have named him Michael, but I just assumed that the spoilers > >were correct and Jason would have some reason for naming the baby Robert. > > Whoa! He named him Michael? That certainly makes more sense than Robert, > but I figured the spoilers were right, too. > > Strange. > > I'm glad, though. I heard he's naming the baby Michael Robert Morgan. So he will get both names and they'll call him Robert, or some version of that. Jason's not going to call him Michael, I don't think. Someone suggested that he chose Michael but is going to call him Bobby because it would be awkward and confusing to call him Michael. Anyway, I'm glad they named him after Sonny, I really miss him. Cynthia > > Taiyin > "How about a little evening's entertainment of X-rated > 'Tag, You're It' and we can play all the games I never > had the chance to play when I was a kid?" -- Kevin to Lucy > > - > - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Cyndibird Subject: Re: GH/PC: Huh? Michael Date: 30 Jan 1998 18:50:25 -0500 (EST) my thoughts are down there: On Fri, 30 Jan 1998, Taiyin wrote: > At 05:42 PM 1/30/98 -0500, Donald K Gooden wrote: > >S > >P > >O > >I > >L > >E > >R > > > >S > >P > >A > >C > >E > >> > >> > >>I thought that the baby's name was going to be Robert. I kinda thought that > >Jason would have named him Michael, but I just assumed that the spoilers > >were correct and Jason would have some reason for naming the baby Robert. > > Whoa! He named him Michael? That certainly makes more sense than Robert, > but I figured the spoilers were right, too. > > Strange. > > I'm glad, though. I heard he's naming the baby Michael Robert Morgan. So he will get both names and they'll call him Robert, or some version of that. Jason's not going to call him Michael, I don't think. Someone suggested that he chose Michael but is going to call him Bobby because it would be awkward and confusing to call him Michael. Anyway, I'm glad they named him after Sonny, I really miss him. Cynthia > > Taiyin > "How about a little evening's entertainment of X-rated > 'Tag, You're It' and we can play all the games I never > had the chance to play when I was a kid?" -- Kevin to Lucy > > - > - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jill Kirby Subject: Re: GH/PC: Huh? Michael Date: 30 Jan 1998 19:00:28 -0600 (CST) Another comment on Friday's ep (borrowing Jamila's spoiler space ) >> At 05:42 PM 1/30/98 -0500, >> >S >> >P >> >O >> >I >> >L >> >E >> >R >> > >> >S >> >P >> >A >> >C >> >E >> >> >> >> The look on Jason's face at the end of the baptism-- when he turned around and raised the little guy up to see the congregation-- actually brought tears to my eyes. Wonder, love, hope, fear, all bundled together. I'm still choked up. I haven't always been much of a Jason fan. In fact, I've spent most of my time fast forwarding through anything to do with him. But today's episode completely sold me on the character and the actor-- bravo! Jill Jill Kirby ~~ ~~ NatPack ~~ ABotCoS ~~ NP4 ~~ Dreamer/Minstrel Isn't it nice to know that we can warp reality to suit our own means at any time? --kg - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Donald K Gooden" Subject: GH/PC: Spoilers GH Date: 30 Jan 1998 21:07:39 -0500 I hope you all don't mind if I post some more spoilers on Sunday. They will probably have some of the same stuff that is here, but I don't have time to cut and paste. Anyway, I found these spoilers today so I decided to post them Jamila S P O I L E R S P A C E > > > > GH SPOILERS AND SCOOPS Week of February 2-6, 1998 courtesy of Soap Opera Weekly, Soap Opera Update, Soap Opera News and other sources! February Sweeps Plus articles: "Carly Decides to Tell Bobbie She's Her Daughter" AND "Sarah Brown's Pregnancy Surprise Hits GH" Important Stuff: Monday: Carly's arrival stuns guests at the baptism. Brenda is shocked to find Jax with another woman. Thursday: Bobbie and Carly argue about spurned children. Helena injects Laura into Stefan and Katherine's relationship. Friday: Carly decides to tell Bobbie she is her daughter. Mac and James come face to face. Not sure which days, but here's more: James gets a taste of his own medicine. Ned and Alexis come to an understanding. Nikolas' recovery progresses. Tony's dark side emerges. Danger awaits Liz. More Stuff: Brenda is crushed to see Jax with another woman. Helena uses Alexis to give Katherine a gift that she hopes will rattle Stefan. Elizabeth upsets Sarah with news of Nikolas' recent companion. Jason and Bobbie urge Carly to get closer to her baby. Amy catches Alan asleep at the wheel. James' treatment of Robin causes Felicia to test him. Moreno offers to make a deal with Jason. Monica tells both Bobbie and Carly how she really fells about them. Lorraine puts the moves on Tony. Carly's past comes to town. A stranded Alan panics without his pills, but he finds comfort from an unlikely source. James proposes to Felicia again. Mac escapes. Carly decides to tell Bobbie the truth. The FOLLOWING week: Mac turns the tables on James. Ned and Alexis make a deal Nikolas starts his recovery. Tony makes a drastic change. Elizabeth finds herself in danger. Carly decides to tell Bobbie she's her daughter Although GH's Carly returns to Port Charles during Michael's christening, she is still suffering from the postpartum depression that made her leave town shortly after his birth. When Jason tries to include Carly in the christening ceremony, she refuses (Carly does intercede on behalf of the Quartermaines, who have not been invited to the reception, however), and is unable to even touch the boy. Bobbie, on the other hand, has bonded with the baby, and despite the rancor that has marked the two women's relationship since Tony left Bobbie for Carly, Bobbie desperately wants to help Carly overcome her fear of motherhood. Carly doesn't respond well to Bobbie's interference, and once again lays into her about having given up her own child at birth. Carly's attack makes Bobbie furious, and she uses the opportunity to set the record straight. Her words strike a chord in Carly, who decides that she wants to hold her child. She and Bobbie go to Jason's apartment and, with her son in her arms, Carly finally tells Bobbie that she is her daughter. Sarah Brown's Pregnancy Surprise Hits GH More real-life baby news has hit General Hospital. Sarah Brown (Carly) and her fiancι, film executive Shuki Levy, are expecting a child this summer. The two became officially engaged in Paris last Bastille Day, July 14. Levy gave the Emmy-winning actress a beautiful (and impressive) diamond ring while on their hotel balcony overlooking the Eiffel Tower as fireworks exploded in the background. Brown announced her pregnancy when she returned to the set the second week in January after a more than four-week break (to travel around the world to film a movie with Levy). Because her character had a baby of her own at the start of the year, it will be close to impossible to work the pregnancy into her storyline. Like her GH co-star Nancy Lee Grahn (Alexis), who is expecting her first child in the early spring, strategic camera angles, properly draped clothing and carefully crafted stage blocking will help to conceal her condition. And although Carly has already had her baby, now you'll see Brown herself get that maternal glow. At press time, ABC was unavailable for comment. FEBRUARY SWEEPS!! The dynamic between Lucky and Elizabeth is altered dramatically when he helps her through a personal crisis. Lizzie's situation forces Luke to face the darkest truth about his past. A surprising ally helps Nikolas with his recovery. When Carly has trouble bonding with her son, Bobbie intercedes. This spurs Carly finally to reveal that Bobbie is her mother. The revelation causes a major fallout for Bobbie, Carly, Luke and Tony. Brenda realizes that being with Jax will make her happy, but the choice may no longer be hers. Alan's addiction forces him to take desperate measures that may be his undoing. Mac and Felicia turn the tables on Tess to discover her motives. The trail leads them to a well-known Port Charles resident. Helena begins using Katherine against Stefan in order to gain control of the Cassadine empire. Jason is forced to confront his life choices when his involvement with Carly and the baby and Robin impact his effectiveness in the underworld. ---- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Cagey Subject: Re: GH/PC: Huh? Michael Date: 31 Jan 1998 08:29:54 -0800 (PST) Jill wrote: >I haven't always been much of a Jason fan. In fact, I've spent most of my >time fast forwarding through anything to do with him. But today's episode >completely sold me on the character and the actor-- bravo! Jill's been converted! Jill's been converted! Woo hoo! ;) Steve's been doing a wonderful job with this. And, as much as I generally like Robin as a character, the interaction between Jason and the baby is the reason I've just wanted to smack her of late. I realize that for her, it's a moral question--A. J. ought to know that he is the father. But she, who has criticized people for underestimating Jason, doesn't seem to have a clue as to his emotional bond with the baby. I don't think she's even considered that it's become more than simply doing a favor for Carly to Jason. Marino was interesting; have we seen him before? And I loved the look on Mike's face when Jason announced the name . My week would be complete if Carly stood up there and announced that the baby's middle name would be Spencer, after her maternal family . But the chances of that happening are slim.... --kg - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Cagey Subject: Re: GH/PC: Spoilers GH Date: 31 Jan 1998 08:38:13 -0800 (PST) Jamila provided spoilers: >S >P >O >I >L >E >R > >S >P >A >C >E >> >> >Ned and Alexis come to an understanding. Hmmmmm. Where was it that we saw something about Nancy filming a love scene 8 months pregnant? Somebody's set visit? At any rate, I've been wondering whether Guza intended to explore this relationship more or not. >Tony's dark side emerges. He takes to wearing a cape and frequenting the roof tops of Port Charles by night. His plan...well, he doesn't have one. But he's pissed, dammit. >Elizabeth upsets Sarah with news of Nikolas' recent companion. And I may I say that Sarah's showing up at Q mansion with "I was wondering if Emily was back yet" when she *knew* it was supposed to be a secret, has only confirmed my perception of her as a world class moron. One hopes that she will be so jealous of Em and Nik, that she will leave town. Please. >Jason and Bobbie urge Carly to get closer to her baby. I'm bummed about this. I'd really hoped that Carly would come back with some of this resolved. Pehaps I was just influenced by the scene that Jill described in the church, where Jason was obviously so proud of the kid. I'd hoped that Carly would have a similar reaction. >Lorraine puts the moves on Tony. Bwahaha! She must want to be Batgirl, his cohort in impotent frustration. >A stranded Alan panics without his pills, but he finds comfort from an >unlikely source. Rinaldo, who has been dealing prescription medicine on the side, decides that getting the goods on Dr. Q would be to his advantage ... >Jason is forced to confront his life choices when his involvement with Carly >and the baby and Robin impact his effectiveness in the underworld. If I were Marino, I don't think I'd have a great deal of respect for Jason after the christening. All I'd have to do is threaten to kidnap the Q's and deposit them on Jason's doorstep whenever I felt like it. ;) --kg - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Traci DyAnn Haley" Subject: Re: GH/PC: Huh? Michael/Robin Date: 31 Jan 1998 20:54:38 -0800 <> WARNING: Rant and strong opinions ahead...if you like Robin you *may* not want to read this... I was totally p*ssed at Robin on Thursday/Friday...what is she...Miss Thang?? Am I the only one who thought that when she took Jason out in the hall and said "This will take ONE moment." that she would turn around, rip off her mask and start shooting flames at Jason??? I keep expecting her head to start rotating and geen pea soup to start spewing from her mouth. And I'm almost certain her hair is covering the horns she's sprouting. I keep watching for an evil red glint in her eyes. Every time she opens her mouth I expect that gutteral "exorcist" voice to come out. Beware...if you see little baby Michael floating around the house or Carly's bed starts vibrating RUN FOR YOU LIFE IT'S SATANROBIN!. The souls of Port Charles will not be safe until someone destroys Robin: pure evil masquerading as a saint. You know what I'd have liked to see? I would've liked that priest to spill a little holy water on her..."I'm melting...MELTING!" As for AJ, he is her cohort in evil. I haven't liked Billy Warlock from the beginning, I think he does a good job but HE JUST ISN'T AJ!! I would not let him get NEAR that poor baby...after all, he doesn't LOVE the child, he just WANTS him. Ok so maybe Jason and Carly aren't the model parents, but I think they are the lesser of two evils. The Quartermaines want to treat baby Michael as an asset not a person. And HOW DARE they act like that in a CHURCH. Ok, I'm not a very religious person, and there are some religions I don't even like but if I was in their PLACE OF WORSHIP I would at least show a little respect and morals! All of the Q's are obviously SatanRobin's cohorts in evil. If Jason was smart he would get a restraining order on ALL OF THEM. *pant pant* OK done ranting...I apologize if I offended anyone...this is the first time in years GH has actually made me mad LOL! Beam me up, Scotty, Traci ~*~ -- NEW HOME! If going to church makes you a Christian, does going to the garage make you a car? -