From: Taiyin Subject: Re: GH/PC: Huh? Michael Date: 01 Feb 1998 20:31:44 -0800 At 08:29 AM 1/31/98 -0800, Cagey wrote: > >Jill's been converted! Jill's been converted! Woo hoo! ;) Finally! It took long enoguh. ;-) >Steve's been doing a wonderful job with this. And, as much >as I generally like Robin as a character, the interaction >between Jason and the baby is the reason I've just wanted >to smack her of late. Damn, you aren't kidding. As soon as she dragged Jason out in the hall yesterday I started throwing things at my TV again until my sister bellowed at me to cut it out. ;-) I was so ticked, though. I can't believe she did that. She didn't see the fiasco at the Qs. She missed all of that. And because of that she has no right to subsitute her judgement for Jason's on that. They all, INCLUDING AJ, proved that they are one of the most immediate sources of emotional danger to that child. If Robin doesn't want to see that, fine, but she has no right to moraliz to Jason about that. I don't care WHO is the kid's biological father. >I don't think she's even considered that it's >become more than simply doing a favor for Carly to Jason. Neither do I. And I think her "where the hell is Carly?" comment to Bobbie spoke volumes on that score. >Marino was interesting; have we seen him before? Nope. Powerful presence, that one. >And I loved the look on Mike's face when Jason announced >the name . How did I know you'd say that? >My week would be complete if Carly stood up there and >announced that the baby's middle name would be Spencer, >after her maternal family . But the chances of that >happening are slim.... Woo hoo! Imagine all that coming down in a church? Taiyin "We swept the Nave; we know the priest; and we'll take our chances with the altar boys." -- "You gotta have some faith." -- Jason's Bodygaurds, GH - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: GH/PC: Spoilers GH Date: 01 Feb 1998 20:35:36 -0800 At 08:38 AM 1/31/98 -0800, Cagey wrote: > >>S >>P >>O >>I >>L >>E >>R >> >>S >>P >>A >>C >>E >>> >>> >Hmmmmm. Where was it that we saw something about Nancy >filming a love scene 8 months pregnant? Somebody's set >visit? At any rate, I've been wondering whether Guza >intended to explore this relationship more or not. That was me from the GH event at the Museum last week. And they sounded like they were going that direction -- even aside from the one love scene. >>Tony's dark side emerges. > >He takes to wearing a cape and frequenting the roof tops of >Port Charles by night. His plan...well, he doesn't have >one. But he's pissed, dammit. And making damn sure that EVERYONE knows it, too. >And I may I say that Sarah's showing up at Q mansion with >"I was wondering if Emily was back yet" when she *knew* it >was supposed to be a secret, has only confirmed my >perception of her as a world class moron. One hopes that >she will be so jealous of Em and Nik, that she will leave >town. Please. I said that same thing. And it's not even just a matter of the character being stupid, but the actress has three facial expressions. And she only seems to remember to change the look on her face AFTER she's said her lines. It always looks like an after thought. >If I were Marino, I don't think I'd have a great deal of >respect for Jason after the christening. All I'd have to >do is threaten to kidnap the Q's and deposit them on >Jason's doorstep whenever I felt like it. ;) You'd have that boy in a witness protection program in less than a week with a threat like that. Taiyin "What did I do before I had you?" --"You were lost and confused." -- Lucy and Kevin - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Donald K Gooden" Subject: GH/PC: GH Spoilers part 2 Date: 02 Feb 1998 11:02:41 -0500 Spoilers for The week of Feb 2 Jamila M U S T S E E T E L E V I S I O N > > > For The Week Of January 26 - 30 Brenda's plan to win back Jax runs into trouble, when Ashley comes to town. "Dad" and "grandma" urge Carly to bond with her son. Will the deal Moreno offers Jason be one he can't refuse? Will Tony refuse Lorraine's advances when she puts the moves on him? Ned and Alexis make a clandestine agreement Sarah is upset when Liz informs her about the status of Emily's friendship with Nikolas. Elizabeth upsets Sarah with news of Nikolas' recent companion. Felicia figures the best way to cover her sleuthing is to accept James's proposal, even though she knows the prints aren't Mac's. Soon after Mac escapes in the storm, he and James have the big face-off. Two enemies form an unlikely alliance. Helena hopes that her gift to Katherine, through Alexis, will rattle Stefan's cage. Alan hits the panic button when he finds himself stranded and out of his pills, but comfort comes from an unlikely source. Don't laugh or cry Carly, but your past is coming to town. "Mac" proposes to Felicia once again. The condition of Nikolas continues to improve. It's truth & consequences, as Monica sounds off to both Bobbie and Carly. Carly tells the truth, the whole truth ... and heaven help Luke!!! As Lucky helps Elizabeth through a personal crisis, Luke must face the darkest truth about his past.'' It's medicine won't be so sweet, when James gets a taste of his own. ---- You're Going to These Days Monday Carly's arrival stuns guests at the baptism. Brenda finds that wanting and getting Jax back are two separate things, especially when another woman is involved. Edward believes that using Carly is key to getting his grandson. Tuesday Felicia continues to buy clues into "Mac's" strange behavior. Wednesday Alan is caught catching twenty winks behind the wheel of his car. Thursday Bobbie and Carly don't see eye to eye on the subject of rejected/abandoned childen. Stefan & Katherine's relationship is disruptued by Helena's injections about Laura. Friday You'll feel the earth move when Carly tells Bobbie the truth about her own paternity. It's "twin city" once again, as Mac and Jimmy get up close and personal with each other. Coming soon The turns are turned on Jimmy. It's dealer's choice, between Ned and Alexis. It's two steps forward and one step back for Nikolas. Dr. Jones is slowly turning into Mr. Hyde. Liz is caught in a dangerous situation, but is it of her own doing? - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Donald K Gooden" Subject: GH/PC: GH spoilers part 3 Date: 02 Feb 1998 11:03:29 -0500 Feb Sweeps Jamila M U S T S E E T E L E V I S I O N > > > February Spoilers When Elizabeth is faced with a personal crisis, Lucky offers his assistance. This will force Luke to face the a truth that he would prefer to avoid. Nikolas' recovery is aided by a surprising ally. They say that one good turn deserves another, and you would think that is the case when Carly decides to tell Bobbie the truth about her paternity, after Bobbie helps Carly through the difficult process of bonding with her son. But the consequences of Carly's honesty will rock the house of Spencer and Jones in the form of Bobbie, Carly, Luke and Tony. It may be too little too late, as Brenda realizes that Jax can make her happy ... but this is one choice that may no longer be hers. Alan is getting closer to hitting rock bottom, as his addiction pushes him into taking drastic measures. Mac and Felicia take immediate action to discover Tess' motives, and the "paper trail" leads back to well-known Port Charles resident. Phase #1 of Helena Regains Control goes into action, as she uses Katherine against Stefan. Jason's discovers that his ability to run his "business" effectively will be greatly affected by the involvement of Carly, the baby and Robin in his life. ---- The Apocalypse, Port Charles Style When Carly appears at the church during her son's christening, she is still in the throes of her postpartum depression. Despite Jason's urging, Carly refuses to participate in the ceremony or even touch her won. However, she does intercede for the Quartermaines, despite Jason insistence that they not be included. Despite Carly's inability to bond with her son, Bobbie's own bonding spurs her own to help Carly deal with the new role of motherhood ... an effort that does not sit well with Carly. Once again, Carly's own bitterness comes to the surface as she chastises Bobbie for giving her own child up at birth. This attack urges Bobbie to finally "set the record straight," and what she says is the key to opening up Carly's heart to accept her son in her life. Both women go to Jason's apartment to see the baby, and as Carly cradles her son in her arms she finally confesses the truth to Bobbie, and tells her that she is her biological daughter. * * * * Mother and Child Reunions Carly's back and Bobbie's got her ... little knowing she's trying to help her daughter bond to her grandson. Two years ago Guza started laying the groundwork in the Carly as Bobbie's daughter storyline. While fans have been frustrated that this secret has taken so long to come to light, Guza is thrilled it waited until his return so he could bring this story to fruition. Determined not to be like Bobbie, and abandon her child, Carly returns to Port Charles. However, postpartum depression still has a firm grip on Carly who finds herself afraid to hold her son. One the one hand, Carly doesn't want to abandon her son like she felt she was abandoned, o the other hand, she feels she hurts everyone who gets near her and fears she'll screw up her child. Bobbie tries to help, unaware that Carly is still struggling with depression. Between Bobbie's encouragement and Monica's disdain, Carly's insecurity gets the best of her. When Carly lashes out at Bobbie, she again brings up the fact that Bobbie gave her baby away, Bobbie tells Carly exactly how she felt about loving a child enough to do what is in their best interest. Bobbie and Carly bond, and Bobbie is able to convey the magic of holding your child for the first time. Since Michael is at the Port Charles Hotel with Jason, Bobbie agrees to take Carly to her her son unaware that Virginia Benson has come to town to meet her "phone friend" Bobbie. ---- We're Pregnant!!! Sarah Brown and real-life fiancée, film executive Shuki Levy, will become first-time parents this summer. Their engagement became official on July 14 (Bastille Day) in Paris, when Levy gave Sarah a beautiful diamond ring ... amidst words of "Amore," standing on a hotel balcony, overlooking the Eiffel Tower to the sound of fireworks in the distance. When Sarah returned to the GH set the second week of January, following a four-week absence to film a movie with Levy, she announced to everyone that she was indeed "with child." However, due to the fact that she recently delivered a baby on the show, it will not be possible to work her real-life pregnancy into the storyline. Sarah herself will require months of "strategic camera angles, properly draped clothing and carefully crafted stage blocking will help to conceal her condition." Fans can probably except that as Carly bonds with her baby, the glow they see will actually be from the actress herself, as she anticipates the arrival of her own child. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Donald K Gooden" Subject: GH/PC: Luke and his past Date: 02 Feb 1998 11:07:30 -0500 S P O I L E R S P A C E When Elizabeth is faced with a personal crisis, Lucky offers his assistance. This will force Luke to face the a truth that he would prefer to avoid. As Lucky helps Elizabeth through a personal crisis, Luke must face the darkest truth about his past.'' Could this have anything to do with Luke's rape of Laura? Hmmmm. I wonder. If it does, I would say it is about time. I am way to young to have been watching when the rape actually happened, but I heard about it. I heard that Laura actually went to counseling, but then they brushed it under the rug when they decided to put Luke and Laura together. Correct me if I'm wrong but Rapists don't often marry their victims. Jamila - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie Saker" Subject: Re: Re: GH/PC: Huh? Michael/Robin Date: 02 Feb 1998 08:14:45 PST traci wrote: >Am I the only one who thought that when she took Jason out in the >hall and said "This will take ONE moment." that she would turn >around, rip off her mask and start shooting flames at Jason??? i am SO with you on that one! i usually like robin, but she is SOOOO far out of line on this one it isn't even funny. first of all, for all her talk that she doesn't see jason as brain-damaged, she's sure doing a real good impression of his mother these days. (and i don't mean monica--just that she's treating jason like a child who needs to be told what to do.) and secondly, i agree with taiyin--she has NO clue what she's talking about on this one. she wasn't at the q's the night of em's birthday--in fact, does she even KNOW about that incident, as far as we know? (did mike tell her that day at brenda's? i don't remember...) she has such narrowly prescribed notions of "right" and "wrong" that she can't even consider the possibility that aj's actions and motivations put him in the wrong in this instance. and third, IT'S NONE OF HER BUSINESS in the first place!!! she wasn't invited to that christening where does she get off popping up like little miss fix-it, pulling jason aside, and telling him how to run his own ceremony?!? i was just DISGUSTED with her... >I keep expecting her head to start rotating and geen pea soup to >start spewing from her mouth. And I'm almost certain her hair is >covering the horns she's sprouting. I keep watching for an evil red >glint in her eyes. Every time she opens her mouth I expect that >gutteral "exorcist" voice to come out. Beware...if you see little >baby Michael floating around the house or Carly's bed starts >vibrating RUN FOR YOU LIFE IT'S SATANROBIN!. LOL! have you been hanging around pc online? there's a poster there named matt m who ALWAYS refers to her as "satanrobin"! (he's got some very funny gh top ten lists, by the way, at his web site: >As for AJ, he is her cohort in evil. yeah, i'm having a very hard time mustering up any sort of sympathy for aj on this one. you are so right that he just WANTS the child-- and even though legally he's in the right, morally he is SO far in the wrong that i don't want him to EVER get his hands on this baby. (i know, this is exactly why we HAVE a legal system, so one person doesn't get to impose their own notion of right and wrong on the rest of the world...but i'm RIGHT dammit! ) >If going to church makes you a Christian, does going to the garage >make you a car? LOL! :) julie ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie Saker" Subject: Re: Re: GH/PC: Huh? Michael Date: 02 Feb 1998 08:23:48 PST cynthia wrote: >I heard he's naming the baby Michael Robert Morgan. So he will get >both names and they'll call him Robert, or some version of that. >Jason's not going to call him Michael, I don't think. Someone >suggested that he chose Michael but is going to call him Bobby >because it would be awkward and confusing to call him Michael. i thought it was odd the spoilers would be wrong on that too...although they very clearly led up to jason's decision for AGES ahead of time, so i definitely saw it coming by friday. but i think you're probably right, that it will end up being something like michael robert and they'll call him robert or some verson thereof. maybe mama carly will even have an opinion on the subject! :) it's possible that between her supposed last name of roberts, and grandma bobbie, she'll come up with the robert part. who knows. >Anyway, I'm glad they named him after Sonny, I really miss him. yeah, i thought it was sweet. and it makes a lot of sense, if jason was the one naming him, that that's the name he'd pick. julie ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie Saker" Subject: Re: GH/PC: Luke and his past Date: 02 Feb 1998 09:49:27 PST jamila wrote: > >S >P >O >I >L >E >R > >S >P >A >C >E > When Elizabeth is faced with a personal crisis, Lucky offers his >assistance. This will force Luke to face the a truth that he would >prefer to avoid. > > As Lucky helps Elizabeth through a personal crisis, Luke must >face the darkest truth about his past.'' > >Could this have anything to do with Luke's rape of Laura? Hmmmm. I >wonder. If it does, I would say it is about time. I am way to young >to have been watching when the rape actually happened, but I heard >about it. I heard that Laura actually went to counseling, but then >they brushed it under the rug when they decided to put Luke and Laura >together. Correct me if I'm wrong but Rapists don't often marry their >victims. sorry to disappoint you, but based on what i've read, that's not it. there was a question about that in last week's tvguide chat, which i posted here last week sometime, and the guy who does the chats said it's not the rape, it's not one of luke's memories that's involved, and in fact the questioner had the wrong gender entirely. (not a direct quote, but something like that) so the implication i got was that this would be something to do with a female's past, that has something to do with luke, which in my guess would be laura and nik's true paternity. (assuming genie comes back, of course...they can't really bring that to light without her...can they?) i wasn't watching back during the rape thing either, and think it would be kind of interesting if they WERE to tackle it now (if only so i could see the clip--i'm very interested, after all i've heard about it. if you're interested, i think taiyin has a transcript of the scene somewhere on her ultimate gh link page)...but in another way i kind of agree with something i read (that i can't remember if it was from guza or logan) that it would seem kind of irrelevant to deal with that NOW, after all these years of marriage. despite the fact that rapists and their victims don't tend to marry, these two obviously did, and have been married for many years and countless children, so why rehash it now? (beyond that, what would it do to lucky and lulu if they DID? does lucky know? (anybody know?) lulu's too young, but i would think that knowledge would SERIOUSLY affect lucky if he didn't alreay know...) julie ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: GH/PC: main floor Date: 02 Feb 1998 10:52:59 -0800 I got this from a friend. -- Taiyin >Do you have a Port Charles list as well as a kevin and Lucy may >want to pass on this info...the fashion show, "Main Floor" this week >feature 3 women from PC...not the woman who plays Lucy, but the one you >played craps with. [Julie Pinson, Eve] > >It's syndicated...I think the website is > > >Suze > >"My dream is only a pathetic dream, but it's mine." Eric Sean Murphy > > - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Traci DyAnn Haley" Subject: Re: Re: GH/PC: Huh? Michael/Robin Date: 02 Feb 1998 12:52:12 -0800 <> LOL! Yep, in fact I was wondering if anyone would be from PCO because I posted my little commentary on Robin in the Daily TAN nick there is Wisteria. Beam me up, Scotty, Traci ~*~ -- NEW HOME! God is coming and is she pissed! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Cagey Subject: GH/PC: GH Monday Date: 02 Feb 1998 17:38:10 -0800 (PST) N O T R E A L L Y S P O I L E R S Give me a gun. I'll shoot AJ myself. To give Billy Warlock credit, he succeeds very well at making AJ seem like a, let's tone that down to simply "jerk." Jerk jerk jerk jerk. Jerk. Q's were hilarious. "Michael!" Monica was waaaay catty. We're beyond meow, here. And the ghost of Duke. My, my, my, I love a writer who knows the history. I won't even bother to comment on PC. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr. --kg - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: GH/PC: Spoilers GH Part one Date: 02 Feb 1998 22:31:55 EST In a message dated 98-01-28 10:19:23 EST, writes: << >>At V's urging, Felicia decides to spin the bottle ... will Jimmy pass the >>kiss test?> ooh...i forgot about that! wasn't it felicia, back when tess first came to town, who explained that women could always tell men apart by the way they kiss, and that mac in particular was a winner in that regard? now...they've kissed (she and jimmy)...more than once. shouldn't she have NOTICED? >> What ever happened to Felicia "being able to sense her lover," (even in drag). She claimed a sixth sense about Mac, and being able to sense it was him even dressed as Eve. Though I think she knew it was Mac only because she listened in on them practicing. Felicia really didn't have much of a clue this time about Jimmy. V was the one who was observant enough to notice all the changes. I wish they'd give V more to do. How nice it was to was to see her again! Anne - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: GH/PC: Spoilers GH Part one Date: 02 Feb 1998 22:31:55 EST In a message dated 98-01-28 10:19:23 EST, writes: << >>At V's urging, Felicia decides to spin the bottle ... will Jimmy pass the >>kiss test?> ooh...i forgot about that! wasn't it felicia, back when tess first came to town, who explained that women could always tell men apart by the way they kiss, and that mac in particular was a winner in that regard? now...they've kissed (she and jimmy)...more than once. shouldn't she have NOTICED? >> What ever happened to Felicia "being able to sense her lover," (even in drag). She claimed a sixth sense about Mac, and being able to sense it was him even dressed as Eve. Though I think she knew it was Mac only because she listened in on them practicing. Felicia really didn't have much of a clue this time about Jimmy. V was the one who was observant enough to notice all the changes. I wish they'd give V more to do. How nice it was to was to see her again! Anne - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Gina Clayton" Subject: GH/PC: SPOILERS!! Date: 04 Feb 1998 15:29:22 EST5EDT Hey everyone!! Is it just me or is the list SLOW today?? Here are some spoilers form SOD for the rest of the week: S p o i l e r S p a c e Brenda tries her best out outshine Ashley at a party thrown by Jax. Amy finds Alan asleep in his car, he covers. Justus learns Taggert may have a crush on Dara. Helena forces Alexis to offer Kat a gift: a beautiful white dress. Of course, the pig that Kat is, she accepts it. Later, Stefan receives a wrapped package: a painting of Laura wearing almost hte exact white gown. Feleicia and V. snag "mac's" fingerprints and prove he's fake. The snowstorm starts and everyone gathers at the PC Hotel: Jason and Micheal go to have dinner with Mike and Em. Virginia Benson checks into the hotel. Carly and Bobbie argue over Michael. Bobbie convinces Carly to touch the baby so they go to the grille. Because of the snow, they must walk the last mile/ Once there, Jason hands Michael to Carly. Overwhelmed, a tearful Carly looks up at Bobbie and reveals she's her daughter. Nik makes strides toward recovery. Tony undertakes a drastic change. Liz finds herself in a dangerous situation after she is rejected by Lucky. She asks him to go to the V-day dance, and sgrees but wants to take Sarah. She makes up a story about going out with a basketball player, then goes to the movies alone and then to the park to pass time. It is there she is grabbed form behind and dragged into the bushes. Ned and Alexis have a very special night Feb 16th. Keesha makes an appeal on Justus' behalf on the 17th. In SOW Jackie Zeman says that Bobbie will not believe Carly and calls her a bi**h and storms out of the room. She will confront Luke, who she never will be able to trust again. She tells Tony who lays into Carly. She goes to Stefan to see if he knew the truth since almost everyone else but Bobbie did. (she learns Jason and Luke made a pact about telling her th truth) that's all guys!! gina - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Gina Clayton" Subject: GH/PC: GH: SPOILERS!! Date: 04 Feb 1998 16:08:29 EST5EDT Hey everyone!! My name is Gina and I am new to the list. Here are some spoilers form SOD for the rest of the week: S p o i l e r S p a c e Brenda tries her best out outshine Ashley at a party thrown by Jax. Amy finds Alan asleep in his car, he covers. Justus learns Taggert may have a crush on Dara. Helena forces Alexis to offer Kat a gift: a beautiful white dress. Of course, the pig that Kat is, she accepts it. Later, Stefan receives a wrapped package: a painting of Laura wearing almost the exact white gown. Feleicia and V. snag "mac's" fingerprints and prove he's fake. The snowstorm starts and everyone gathers at the PC Hotel: Jason and Micheal go to have dinner with Mike and Em. Virginia Benson checks into the hotel. Carly and Bobbie argue over Michael. Bobbie convinces Carly to touch the baby so they go to the Grille. Because of the snow, they must walk the last mile. Once there, Jason hands Michael to Carly. Overwhelmed, a tearful Carly looks up at Bobbie and reveals she's her daughter. Nik makes strides toward recovery. Tony undertakes a drastic change. Liz finds herself in a dangerous situation after she is rejected by Lucky. She asks him to go to the V-day dance, and agrees but wants to take Sarah. She makes up a story about going out with a basketball player, then goes to the movies alone and then to the park to pass time. It is there she is grabbed form behind and dragged into the bushes. Ned and Alexis have a very special night Feb 16th. Keesha makes an appeal on Justus' behalf on the 17th. In SOW Jackie Zeman says that Bobbie will not believe Carly and calls her a bi**h and storms out of the room. She will confront Luke, who she never will be able to trust again. She tells Tony who lays into Carly. She goes to Stefan to see if he knew the truth since almost everyone else but Bobbie did. (she learns Jason and Luke made a pact about telling her th truth) that's all guys!! hope you enjoy!! gina - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Gina Clayton" Subject: GH/PC: sorry guys! Date: 04 Feb 1998 16:39:49 EST5EDT sorry for the double post earlier!! I am an idiot!! We are having x-tremely nasty weather in SC and I am very stressed at work/school. My apologies to everyone! PS...just to keep it on the GH topics....V and Kevin were on today!! Yipeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Maia Subject: GH/PC: GH: pre-emptions Date: 05 Feb 1998 14:40:04 -0800 OK, if you don't want to be spoiled, don't look down... mild spoilers for today's GH. Due to the flooding, and the next 3 storms waiting to move in, we got a partial scene cut, and I was hoping somebody would be able to type up the first part of the conversation that occured between Carly and Bobbie... the one right after the commercial break, when Bobbie is talking about the day her daughter was born. We lost about a minute of that, and I'm dying of curiousity to know what she said. Thanks!! Maia - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Donald K Gooden" Subject: GH/PC: GH spoilers part one Date: 07 Feb 1998 22:01:35 -0500 Spoilers for general Hospital Jamila S P O I L E R S P A C E > > > > > GH SPOILERS & SCOOPS Week of February 9-13, 1998 courtesy of Soap Opera Weekly, Soap Opera Update, Soap Opera News, Soap Opera Magazine and other sources! Plus Articles: "Bobbie Lashes Out When She Learns Carly is Her Daughter" AND "Elizabeth is Attacked" Important Stuff: MONDAY: Bobbie can't believe she's Carly's mother. Mac turns the tables on James. TUESDAY: Tony confronts Carly. Alexis and Ned make a pact. WEDNESDAY: Bobbie confronts Luke. Nikolas takes great strides toward recovery. THURSDAY: Tony makes a drastic change. FRIDAY: Liz finds herself in a dangerous situation. More Stuff: Alexis pumps Ned for information on Katherine. Sarah avoids Nikolas. Stefan learns of Laura's whereabouts. Sarah unwittingly ruins Liz's plans; later, Liz is attacked. Jax declines Brenda's invitation. Bobbie refuses to believe Carly's claim, and is furious that Carly and Luke knew the truth and didn't tell her. Robin suggests that Jason come clean with A.J.; she and Jason kiss. Tony confronts Carly, and he decides it's time for a change. Alan steals more pills Edward takes action when the other Quartermaines won't. Felicia must decide between two men; she and Mac continue the charade to gather information. Tess' plan affects other people in Port Charles besides Mac and Felicia. The FOLLOWING week: Ned and Alexis share a special night. Sarah shows some spunk. Liz confesses everything to Lucky. Bobbie gives Luke a warning. Keesha makes an appeal on Justus's behalf. Bobbie lashes out when she learns Carly is her daughter Bobbie's already imperfect world is turned even more upside down this week when she finds out that Luke knows Carly is her daughter and deliberately didn't tell her the truth. Initially, Bobbie doesn't believe Carly when she tells her that she is the daughter she gave up at birth, "because Luke said my daughter is dead," Jacklyn Zeman (Bobbie) says, in character. "There I am saying, "My version is that you came to Port Charles and looked at my life and decided you wanted it, and finding out about the daughter I had was a jackpot for you, and all you had to do was slip right into those shoes.' There's not even a question in my mind that she could be my daughter." The irrefutable proof is the unexpected arrival of Carly's adoptive mother, Virginia Benson, who confirms that Carly is, indeed, Bobbie's daughter, Caroline. "I look at Virginia and ask, "This is my daughter?' and she says yes, and I say [to Carly], "You little bitch,' and I walk out of the room," Zeman says. Bobbie can hardly comprehend what is happening. Did Luke know he was lying (when he told her her daughter was dead?) Did Stefan know? Did Carly know she was Bobbie's daughter when she stole her husband? Did she do it on purpose? "There's also that mother thing," Zeman adds. "If Carly did all this, what was my part in it? At one point I say to Virginia, "You and I aren't responsible' - because Virginia tells Bobbie she thought she raised Carly better than this, and she apologizes. I tell her Carly has always done whatever she has wanted to do, but I don't know how much I really believe that at this moment, because obviously there is something very wrong with Carly." Zeman says Bobbie is having a major identity crisis, not only because of Carly but also because of Luke. "He has been the one constant in her life," she explains. "She has learned over the years that your husband can leave you, your children can die, you can lose your job or your friends, but the one thing that would always be there was Luke." In harsh confrontation, Bobbie questions if Luke is really the big brother/protector he has always claimed to be, and tells him that this deceit has changed things between them forever." 'You're going to look at me one day and think Bobbie's OK and we are over it, but we will never be OK and I will never be over it,' she tells him. I don't say you are out of my life, but I do say that everything you always claimed you were, you're not." Adding insult to injury, Bobbie also learns that Luke made a deal with Jason not to blow Carly's secret if she returned to town within a month. "The whole world knew? That makes Bobbie even madder," Zeman says. "I was the only patsy who didn't know! Did it ever occur to anyone to tell me that Michael is my grandchild? It's total anger and betrayal for Bobbie." Bobbie isn't the only one who lays into Carly. Tony, who learns that he was sleeping with his wife's daughter, confronts her. Lizzie is the victim of a terrible attack Nikolas and Sarah's relationship has veered off course since his injury, despite her numerous attempts to spend time with him. So this week when she learns that Emily has been helping him with his recovery, Sarah is hurt, and she decides to avoid contact with him. She does want to go to the Valentine's Day Dance, however; she asks Lucky, and he agrees to be her date. Sarah doesn't realize that Lizzie really wants to spend time with Lucky, too. Audrey encourages Lizzie to arrange to meet him at the dance. When she finds out that her sister beat her to the punch, Lizzie decides to skip the dance altogether and seeks refuge at the movies. Her evening goes from bad to worse, however, because on the way home, Lizzie is attacked. FEBRUARY SWEEPS!! The dynamic between Lucky and Elizabeth is altered dramatically when he helps her through a personal crisis. Lizzie's situation forces Luke to face the darkest truth about his past. A surprising ally helps Nikolas with his recovery. When Carly has trouble bonding with her son, Bobbie intercedes. This spurs Carly finally to reveal that Bobbie is her mother. The revelation causes a major fallout for Bobbie, Carly, Luke and Tony. Brenda realizes that being with Jax will make her happy, but the choice may no longer be hers. Alan's addiction forces him to take desperate measures that may be his undoing. Mac and Felicia turn the tables on Tess to discover her motives. The trail leads them to a well-known Port Charles resident. Helena begins using Katherine against Stefan in order to gain control of the Cassadine empire. Jason is forced to confront his life choices when his involvement with Carly and the baby and Robin impact his effectiveness in the underworld. ---- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Donald K Gooden" Subject: GH/PC: Gh Spoilers part two Date: 08 Feb 1998 14:26:23 -0500 Spoiler sfor the week of Feb 9 Jamila S P O I L E R S S P A C E > > > > > For The Week Of February 9 - 13 Will Tony refuse Lorraine's advances when she puts the moves on him? News travels to Stefan that Laura has traveled from the mighty Swiss Alps to south of the Mason-Dixon line, and is hiding in North Carolina. Ned and Alexis make a clandestine agreement Two enemies form an unlikely alliance. As Lucky helps Elizabeth through a personal crisis, Luke must face the darkest truth about his past.'' It's medicine won't be so sweet, when James gets a taste of his own. It's two steps forward and one step back for Nikolas. Dr. Jones is slowly turning into Mr. Hyde. Inquiring minds want to know all about Katherine, and Alexis prompts Ned to share what he knows. Sarah has a chance of heart and keeps her distance from Nikolas. After Sarah accepts Lucky's invitation to the Valentine's Day dance, a heartbroken Liz chooses a late movie ... which ultimately results in an attack on her as she heads home. The shoe is on the other foot, when Brenda extends an invitation to Jax but he declines. Bobbie blasts her brother and daughter, when she realizes that they both withheld the truth about Carly's real identity. Tony also follows suit when he tells Carly what he *really* thinks of her, after he learns just who is lover was for so long. It's sealed with a kiss, after Robin asks Jason to tell AJ the truth. In order to cope with his increasing addiction, Alan "permanently borrows" more pills. It's double-take for Robin and Brenda, after Robin discovers Brenda modeling at an auto show, and Brenda finds Ashley at Jax's penthouse. Edward must be a Taurus, because he takes things into his own hands when other family members refuse to assist. For the third (or is it fourth) time in 10 years, Felicia must choose between two men. Mac and Felicia are not the only Port Charles residents who are affected by Tess' plans. You're Going to These Days Monday Mac turns the tables on James. Bobbie can't believe she's Carly's mother. Mac turns the tables on James. Tuesday Alexis and Ned make a secret pact, and seal it with a kiss. Tony confronts Carly. Wednesday Bobbie confronts Luke. Nikolas takes great strides toward recovery and rejoins society. Thursday Tony comes to blows with Carly and then makes a drastic change. Friday Liz is hurt when she can't find a date for the dance, but later finds herself in a dangerous situation. Coming Soon Romance is in the air for Ned and Alexis. Sarah finally gets gutsy. Liz confides in Lucky, and tells him everything. Luke is issued a warning by Bobbie. An appeal is made on Justus' behalf, by Keesha. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Donald K Gooden" Subject: GH/PC: GH Spoilres part Four Date: 08 Feb 1998 14:30:01 -0500 Liar Liar pants on Fire Jamila L I A R L I A R P A N T S O N F I R E > > > > The Ultimate Consequences Of Lying In light of the fact that Carly stole Bobbie's husband Tony, and then lied to Tony in an effort to keep him, telling him he fathered Michael, Bobbie's reaction is about what you'd expect. "I get really mad at her," previews Zeman. "I think she's lying. I say, 'What is it with you? At the first lovely moment of your life when you are holding your baby, all you can think of is hurting me by coming up with the fakakta story? You walked into Port Charles, took a look at my life, decided you wanted it and stole my husband. And then, finding out about {the daughter I gave up} was just another little jackpot for you. Now you're going to pretend to be my daughter? What do you want from me?' " In the middle of all this, Carly's adoptive mother, Virginia, walks in and actually introduces Carly - real name Caroline - to Bobbie. "She says, 'Caroline, this is your real mother, Bobbie! ' That's when I know it's true. "And in all the drama of the moment, Carly is ripping Tony to shreds. 'You were such an old fool. It was interesting to be with you for about 5 minutes. I got over that real fast and then it just became about hurting my mother. ' She totally degrades him with all the Quartermaines standing around listening. And then to top it all off, Virginia Benson has a stroke and dies right there!" Yikes. Next week, Bobbie will put the pieces together and realize that her beloved brother Luke has known all about Carly. "I head off to Wyndemere to talk to Stefan," reveals Zeman. "When your brother lies to you and your daughter lies to you, who else are you going to turn to for the truth but your mortal enemy?" Stefan confirms everything, adding that Luke has known all along. "It's the ultimate betrayal," shudders Zeman. "How could Luke lie? Put me through this pain? We have a wonderful scene where I say, ' you've always said you are my protector. What have you been protecting me from? The worst things life has to dish out have come from you. You have hurt me more than anyone else in my l life.' " And after that, nothing will ever be the same for "GH" heroine Bobbie Jones. "I will never be over this" confirms Zeman. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Donald K Gooden" Subject: GH/PC: PC Spoilers part One Date: 08 Feb 1998 14:38:10 -0500 There are only two parts to these. For the week of Feb 9 Jamila P C S P O I L E R S > > > > For The Week Of February 9 - 13 Kevin will not get to the church on time, to stop the marriage of Lucy & Rex. Later on, Lucy sabotages her wedding night "frivolities" by consuming a liquor she knows she's allergic to. Rex should start singing "Head Games," as Kevin and Jake's convince him that Danielle is still alive, and hiding in the catacombs. Rex decides to introduce "Danielle" to the concept of lethal injection, totally unaware of the fact that "Danielle" is actually Eve in disguise. It's Superman to the rescue, as Frank aides Gail and Serena in the aftermath of the accident. Another lucky soul is Karen, who came through the car crash with only minor injuries. ---- You're Going to Love These Days Monday Lucy schemes to get out of sleeping with Rex. Tuesday Eve and Kevin work together to help Scott. Wednesady Joe asks Conklin for a favor. Thursday Ellen warns Matt that his life is in danger. Friday Eve and Scott grow closer. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Donald K Gooden" Subject: GH/PC: GH Spoilers part three Date: 08 Feb 1998 14:28:23 -0500 In -depth look at General Hospital Jamila S P O I L E R S P A C E > > > > > ---- Bobbie Explodes When She Learns The Truth Bobbie will feel a host of emotions including betrayal when it finally sinks that Carly is the child she gave up for adoption, and Luke knew about it but didn't tell her. After Carly finally admits her real paternity, Bobbie believes that Carly has stooped lower than ever to tear at her heart like this. She also believes what Luke said: her daughter is dead. Bobbie does not waiver from her long-held belief: Carly came to PC and made moves on everything that Bobbie had and she herself wanted. In addition, she believes the Carly used the knowledge of the child that "died" has a means to an end. However, Bobbie has a complete turnaround after she meets Virginia Benson, who came to town to pay Bobbie a visit. When Virginia confirms that the girl who calls herself "Carly Roberts" is, in fact, Caroline Benson, she says "You little bitch" to Carly and storms out of the room. After this happens, Bobbie's begins to wonder who, besides Carly, knew the truth. Did Luke? Did Stefan? Did Carly herself know, when she arrived in Port Charles and set her sights on Tony (who was married to Bobbie at the time), and were her actions willful? On the flip side, Bobbie begins to wonder how of of Carly's actions she herself contributed to. Virginia reassures Bobbie that neither is responsible. She tells Bobbie that Carly always had a mind of her own and acted on it. While Bobbie tries to sort through all the information, she comes to grips with the fact that Carly is not "all there." And then there's the issue of Luke, who until now has always been the one constant in her life. Whereas a person can lose the spouse, children, job or friends ... Luke transcended all of that. But the realization of this betrayal will change the fibers of their relationship and Bobbie will see look in a completely different light. Zeman best explained it when she [Bobbie] said, 'You're going to look at me one day and think Bobbie's OK and we are over it, but we will never be OK and I will never be over it,' she tells him. I don't say you are out of my life, but I do say that everything you always claimed you were, you're not." And if that wasn't enough, Bobbie further learns that Jason also was privy to this information, but he also agreed to remain mum about it, provided Carly returned within a month. Luke knew? Carly knew? Stefan knew? Jason knew? Did Amy also know? And to top things off, she realizes that these people never bothered to inform her that Michael was her grandson? Bobbie's emotions will give new definition to the terms anger and betrayal. And as Carly will find out soon enough, silence is sometimes golden ... after Tony also learns that his lover is the biological daughter of his [now] ex-wife. ---- It Goes From Bad To Worse For Lizzie When Sarah comes to the realization that Emily has been helping Nikolas with his recovery, she feels it would be best if she keeps her distance. Trying to mend her broken heart, she invites Lucky to be her date at the Valentine's Day Dance, which he accepts. Despite Audrey's encouragement that Liz hook up with Lucky at the dance, after she arrives she sees that Sarah and Lucky are already together. Rather than deal with his heartache she decides to leave the dance to go to a movie. But what started out as a bad situation deteriorates into some far worse, when Liz is attacked on the way home. ---- Hell Hath No Fury Persistence pays off, and when Lorraine makes another attempt at seducing Tony is is all to happy to comply. The two embark on a steamy sexual relationship, but eventually he dumps her. Lorraine's "take" on the situation is zilch. She loses out on everything including a chance to work at GH. What Tony will soon discover the Lorraine will remind him a *lot* of the Glenn Close character from the movie Fatal Attraction. Any problems he had from Carly will pale by comparison to what happens when Lorraine takes the attitude "piss me off and pay the consequences." ---- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Donald K Gooden" Subject: GH/PC: GH Spoilers part Five Date: 08 Feb 1998 14:33:18 -0500 Are you all getting tired of these Spoilers? well there are a few more Jamila S P O I L E R S A D N A U S E U M > > > > > Posted on: General Hospital Board (gh/main/5921-11325) I just got the newest Soap Opera Magazine and it talks about the upcoming story with Stefan, Kat and his feeling for Laura: Guza explains that Stefan is very much in love with Katherine but haunted by Laura. Stefan doesn't even realize the depth of his feelings for Laura. Guza says that Stefan is the kind of man who will never be completely satisfied. There's a place in him that can't be 10 years he will maybe finds the person that fills it - that person could be Katherine or Laura. MBE says that Katherine is under the impression that Stefan is over Laura. She says that Katherine will be terribly hurt when she does find out. It will color everything they've done together. Guza says that they're almost playing a Rebecca kind of story which will build to a May sweeps climax that's going to be huge - HUGE! The article also gives quick summaries of these other plots: ''Spencer Secrets Revealed'' -- Bobbie and Luke will be on the outs over the Carly secret. And right on the heels of this lie, comes another lie of omission. Guza says ''We're gonna take an event from the past and blow it up in the present.'' ''Liz Not So Lucky'' -- Liz gets attacked at the park and Lucky is crossing the park at the same time. Will he get there in time to save her? ''Jax Revealed As Murder Target'' -- Mac and Felicia capture James but realize that Mac must impersonate Jimmy to find out Tess' plan. At the end of the week, Tess has a phone call where it's revealed that Jax is the intended murder target. Guza says ''We're going to build to a Hitchcockian Wrong Man climax scene, where there's a major event that spirals off into a different place.'' Looks like GH is going to be HOT!!! I only summarized so PLEASE pick up this SOAP OPERA MAGAZINE... In Guza I Trust Vernon - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Donald K Gooden" Subject: GH/PC: PC Spoilers part Two Date: 08 Feb 1998 14:39:26 -0500 This is the last of it. Jamila S P O I L E R S P A C E > > > > Posted on: Port Charles Board (pc/main/308568-21750) Taken from various soap magazines.*Remember no scoop, especially a PC scoop, is written in stone! LOL..But you might want to tune to watch.... Kevin arrives to late and is unable to change Lucy's mind. Lucy puts herself in a uncomfortable position too avoid consummating her marriage. Kevin devises an ''oldie'' but a goodie of plan to beat the Reptile at his own game. Frank comes to the rescue while Karen feels badly about ruining Gail and Serena's escape. Serena gets a new home, a new attitude and Lucy makes her a promise. Matt returns but wont go to the hospital. Joe buys Scott sometime. Ellen is bothered by Matt's reaction to a visitor. Lucy and Kevin get Scott on their side while Eve and Scott get closer. Operation get Rexy is a GO! Rex is disturbed by someone from his past and follows Lucy and Kevin to the truth--with a little a ''gift'' in hand. The plan puts Lucy's life in danger. Matt swears Ellen to a promise. Coming the Week of February 16: Lucy learns how deep her new husband's treachery runs.Katherine gives Kevin some useful information. Chris hits a startling-but major dirt on Matt. Karen learns about Eve and Scott's ''friendship'' And later this month ...Guess Who's Coming to Dinner er PC? Tony Geary (Luke Spencer) stops into PC later on in the month. Luke will be having scenes with Lucy. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Donald K Gooden" Subject: GH/PC: Rumors Date: 08 Feb 1998 14:42:47 -0500 These are rumors. Some are too unlikely to be true. And the others well.... I will let you see for yourselves Jamila ---- Ye Gads ... Are You Kidding Me? Carly and Jason will get married to keep the baby. AJ discovers Alan's pill addiction, and urges him to go to rehab. Tony ends up with a huge phone bill from calling 1-900-sex-numbers. Genie Francis will surprise all of us and return sometime in March. V becomes Police Commissioner and puts Taggert and Garcia in their place. Tony turns out to be the real "daddy," but has gone so insane he'll never get custody. Robin meets Nik, and sparks fly. Felicia fell for Jimmy, and marries him! V and Mac fall madly in love. Tess was hired by the Cassadines. Bobbie helps Carly fight for custody of Michael. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Cagey Subject: Re: GH/PC: Gh Spoilers part two Date: 08 Feb 1998 17:05:46 -0800 (PST) At 02:26 PM 2/8/98 -0500, you wrote: >Spoiler sfor the week of Feb 9 > Jamila >S >P >O >I >L >E >R >S > >S >P >A >C >E >> >> >> >> >> > >after Robin discovers Brenda modeling at an auto show Bwahahaha! I admit I don't pay attention to the Brenda storyline, but have they resolved the "was she fired from Jax Cosmetics" question? I don't think it was Lucy's intention to replace Brenda with Eve, though I suppose it would have had to have been done eventually, given the GH/PC situation. Just wondering if Brenda ever found out that she wasn't actually dumped by Lucy... --kg - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Cagey Subject: Re: GH/PC: Rumors Date: 08 Feb 1998 17:05:52 -0800 (PST) >These are rumors. Some are too unlikely to be true. >And the others well.... I will let you see for yourselves > Jamila You know, these are my favorite "spoilers" . S P O I L E R S ? >Genie Francis will surprise all of us and return sometime in March. If only. > >V becomes Police Commissioner and puts Taggert and Garcia in their place. If only!! > >Tony turns out to be the real "daddy," but has gone so insane he'll never >get custody. If only!!!! > >Robin meets Nik, and sparks fly. Gag. >V and Mac fall madly in love. If only! Please! Two characters in desperate need of storylines... Speculation is so much more fun than Rex and Lucy, or Cassadines bent on taking over the world. --kg - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie Saker" Subject: GH/PC: Jackie Zeman Chat Transcript (SPOILER included) Date: 10 Feb 1998 08:28:47 PST came across this on pc online and thought i'd share. slight, fairly well-circulated spoiler included... julie I just chatted with Jackie Zeman (Bobbie) at SoapCity and this is what she had to say. Jackie Zeman Chat Excerpts: -Of all the leading men, who was your favorite and which one do you miss now? Who would you like to see come back of them JZ: Laughs.... Normally my favorite leading man is the one I'm working with currently.... Of course, I don't have one right now! I've been fortunate to have the best.... both on personal and professional levels, and I would be delighted to have any one of them come back! I keep in touch with Rick Springfield, who livees in Malibu... we cohosted an event for Cystic Fibrosis. We had a 20th Anniversary party, and David Groh and Rick both came! Kin Shriner also came..... we go back 20 years as buds on the show! Sam Behrens (who's married to Shari Belafonte) is also a good friend.... they live close to us here in Malibu! -What do you consider your finest work on GH? JZ: Tough question.... Some of the most challenging materials I've ever been given was the BJ storyline (the emotional committment takes you into terrifying territory)..... .... the Carly/Bobbie storyline is interesting, because of my relationship with my real daughters (pre-teens both!) Not to say my life mirrors the one on GH, but there are similarities to my real life. -Jackie, I wanted to ask you, Will Bobbie ever forgive Carly for her deception? JZ: If you had asked me that question before I became a real mom, I would have said no, but now that I'm a real-life mom, I look at the situation, and I say, of course there's a future, because that's life! The interesting thing for the audience will be how we get to that point.... -What kind of relationship do you and Sarah Brown have off camera? JZ: I'm so pleased to work with her, that it's spilled over into an admiration from me for her. She's honost, straight forward, she always knows the scenes, and gives the best performance.... that's the best compliment you can give an actress, because she doesn't come off as a young woman, she is a mature adult. She is really fabulous in this part. -When Bob Guza first created the Bobbie/Carly storyline, did you ever think it would be the enormous story it turned out to be, and that it would touch so many characters? JZ: I had no idea... I'm a huge Bob Guza fan, and he's so good at taking a reality-based storyline and making it very real on a soap opera.... He makes me feel that it all meshes together, and balances the reality with the craziness that is so much a part of GH. -What do you think of baby Michael? JZ: They are twins, you know! They are beautiful. We started with these two, who were premies, a few days before the holidays. I feel like I've bonded with them. I shouldn't speak for Steve Burton, but I think he feels the same way; I love playing a grandmother, even though I didn't think it would be happening so soon! This has been a few years in the making, an I'm gratefull that the writers did this in a way that Carly has a whole life of her own, and her own history. It has a lot more meaning this way! I can't go anywhere in public without someone asking me ''when is Carly going to tell you?!'' We're in the midst of ratings sweeps right now, so the timing on this revelation is great! -We all know that the one constant in Bobbie's life was the trust she and Luke had. Now that Luke has broken the trust, what are the chances of them mending fences in the near future? JZ: I believe that those fences will get mended, but the breakdown and betrayal that Bobbie is feeling right now has put her in a crossroads, an identity crisis, where she's realizing that you can only depend on yourself, and you have to take responsibility for all the good and bad in your life and that pointing a finger is not the way to go. There's an upcoming confrontation between Bobbie and Luke that's such an identity crisis for her to realize. The audience will like this, and it was so well written. In my relationship with Luke, he's always been the ''big brother'', and now there's a role reversal with the Carly/Bobbie thing where Bobbie is now the older personality! -Jackie, I was at Super Soap Weekend '97, and I loved seeing you there! Did you have as much fun as I did? JZ: That was a fun weekend, wasn't it?! What a great opportunity - I hope I'm invited back again next year! -When you're on the set are there any times when you can't stop laughing? JZ: Occassionally, but not often, because we 80-90 pages of dialogue a day, which is a lot of ground to cover; no time to fool around! Brad Maule is so humorless, serious on the show, but he's the most underrated actor - in real life, he's a funny guy! They should see in between takes.... -What's your favorite thing you've done for a Nurse's Ball? JZ: The dance that Luke and Bobbie did - last year, the disco dance to Donna Summer's ''Last Dance''! We had so much fun! The flashbacks, the rehersals; we were a couple of kids thrown back into our youth! Maybe we'll get to do a 30's or 50's thing next time....Tony has a dance background, and he's such a good dancer! -Do you see a big rivalry in store, between Monica and Bobbie? JZ: Possibly, because where that grandchild is concerned, everyone'll want that piece! It'll be interesting to see who gets his allegiance once he grows up. I don't think the Quartermaines are good at sharing, so there will be a bit of push-pull there.... I'm sure Bob Guza (headwriter) has some things up his sleeve..... I asked him how far ahead he was writing, but he's not telling! -Jackie, What is your favorite memory working on General Hospital? JZ: One: Emotionally memorable scenes have been with my family on the show, because they're the ones I'm most bonded to in real life - Lucas, BJ (Brighton Hereford).... Brighton was BJ from 6 months old, she was the first child with pictures on my refrigerator.... I still have it! -Jackie, the clothes on GH are fabulous. Who are the designers and do you have a hand in choosing the wardrobe for Bobbie? JZ: Well, Bob Miller and Steve Howard are the designers team. Most of the things you see (esp. coutiuer) are designed by them. They have Emmies for their design. I do have a little say in the look, more than the actual clothes... I pick things from magazines, and they'll buy things from magazines, and they'll buy things from design warehouses (esp. from NY). I hope they found me a gown for the Soap Opera Digest Awards... :) He has such great taste. - Do you have a dance background too? JZ: Yes, I was a professional dancer, and started when I was 5 in New Jersey. I took Ballet, Tap, Jazz, etc. and now my own daughters are doing dance - I'm so proud of them! Dance background teaches you discipline, focus, and that if you pay your dues, and get good , it'll pay off. You become a much more hard-working person.... that's what it gave me. -Will Tony and Bobbie ever get back together? I know I am not in the majority, but I liked them together, and would like to see them back together. JZ: Perhaps.... I think there's so much water under the bridge that to do that now would be untrue to life. She's really over Tony right now, she needs to heal from Luke's betrayal, the disfunctional relationship with Cassadine. She needs to find herself, heal herself, and the next relationship should be a healthy one with a terrific guy... don't know who that'll be..... Spiritually women want to see Bobbie finally get with the right guy.... -Who would you like to see Bobbie paired with romantically? JZ: It may be someone on the show, but no one yet that I've got my sights on... It's always best if you develop from the stories/characters already there, but the Bobbie/Tony thing won't happen. I hope it'll be someone new....Wendy Riche will find someone fabulous! -Was General Hospital your first television roll? JZ: No.... my longest though, 21 years! My first job on tv was a commercial for Jergen's soap - selling soap in a bathtub in a bank vault for 30 sec.! My next was on ''Edge of Night'' with Dixie Carter and Tony Craig.... My first contract role was on ''One Life to Live'', with Jameson Parker - 22 or 23 years ago, for 2 years. Then GH came along, and that was great, because I didn't audition or screentest, and they offered the Bobbie role to me. It was such a boost to my confidence and self-esteem that I JUMPED at it! and 21 years later.... -Jackie, Happy 20th Anniversary, how much longer do you plan to stick around GH? I hope a long tiome! :) JZ: Thank you very much! I do plan to stick around at least for the next few years, and I love my work, my job and my tv extended family.... this was my dream to do work like this. The audience is so supportive, and the writers have come up with great material for me to do (esp. when I've been there so long). -Do you or your family watch GH when it is on tv? JZ: Not everyday, but occassionally. Lacey was 3 when we were in the bathroom one day, and she looked at me and said ''You're Bobbie! You were crying, and Grammie said you were pretending.'' Both the girls are familiar with the set, and when they're out of school, they're there. They know everyone by the children of the other actors! My kids are on the Christmas episodes every year.... -What's the most tear-jearking scene you've ever done? JZ: Probably when BJ died... people tell me about their reactions from people who experienced it in real life. -What is your relationship with Tony Geary like off camera? Do you get along well? JZ: Always! And he's so cool, and he's great with kids (esp. for a single guy). He loves musicals, and my girls like to see videos with him. He's so generous and thoughtful, and I've transferred his being my tv big brother to being a part of my real family. -Have you or would you ever want to direct an episode? JZ: Well, I don't think so... never had the desire to direct, but producing is interesting to me... The acting is easy for me, so I enjoy it because it doesn't feel like work anymore. Producing would bring along new territory, and that would be interesting to try in the future, but not right now... I'm comfortable right now. -Will Bobbie help Carly through the death of her mother Virginia? JZ: I don't think so... Carly lied about the situation with her, pretending that Virginia was dead, even her own name (Caroline).... Bobbie is so angry and turned off to her that she can't get passed that right now, and it'll take time to lose the resentment towards her. That's sad, but the reality of the moment.... -Are you glad the secret is finally out? JZ: Yes! I've been wanting these scenes for so long, and I was curious as to how they were going to structure this, and when I got the script, I was in heaven! -Hi... Do you know anything about the GH primetime special? JZ: Yes! Mostly because we're shooting a hunk of it tomorrow.... It's a history of GH from the WHOLE 35 years it's been on, all the characters, all the hairstyles :), and Kin Shriner and I are doing the 70's - 80's section of the program. I think it's on April 2nd (?) at 10 pm on ABC - It'll be a very good show.... especially for anyone who has a history with the show! -What is Stephen Nichols like to work with? Will Stefan and Bobbie ever get back together? JZ: Well Stephen is very professional, prepared actor. I didn't watch him when he was Patch on ''Days,'' and I'm told they're very different, but he is absolutely wonderful here. I feel the relationship between Bobbie and him had potential for a real spark, but the overzealousness to get the Stefan-Catherine thing left the Bobbie-Stefan thing kinda hanging.... part of that was just bad timing: Bob Guza had left, and we had different writers, and now Bob's back, but in the meantime, the storylines were written. Personnally I'm a little sad, and would've loved to see it bloom. -Ms. Zeman, I apologize for joining the chat late. I just wanted to let you know how much I have enjoyed your portrayal of Bobbie.... from the time you first joined the show. Do you find it difficult to balance your work and your family life? You seem to manage it all so well! JZ: What a lovely thing to say! Thanks for the compliment! Some days I do it well, and other days it's not so easy.... My kids are already thinking about what they want to do with their lives and how to go about getting there. There are days when, like all working mothers, I get pangs of guilt, but I think our family has found a happy medium. My daughter Cassidy (in 2nd grade) gets paid $2 a script to read lines with me at night!!! -If you could make up your storyline for the next 6 months, what would it be? JZ: OOOOHhhh.... Probably pretty close to where it is right now... I'd like to see her meet somebody, and someone get interested on her, and she not be anxious to jump right in. I want the audience to see that just because you're over 40 doesn't mean you have to be single. I want to see what happens with Carly, and how we get through that... and what goes on with Lucas, because he's not in the storyline enough. Soaps do have a tendancy (and GH like all others) to gove the romance over to the younger characters, and I believe that when you hit 40, you get married, you wear neglige's and get sexy in bed, and we should be able to see that! -Do you ever visit General Hospital Web sites? JZ: I don't have a computer at GH, and at home, my husband and kids are always on it.... I have to get on it more! -Ms Zeman, you are obviously aware of the legions of fans you have on the internet. Do you ever read any of the newsgroups to see what we are saying about GH? JZ: Once, someone sent me a transcript, but I can only see them now if someone prints them for me! I find it fascinating because this is all so new, but now I'm beginning to realize that you have to be hip to this! -Were you happy with the show today? JZ: I haven't seen that show, but earlier I was at Planet Hollywood with Sarah Brown (Carly), and saw a little clip on this HUGE screen! We did tape it though, so I'll see it tonite. I don't usually watch, though, because the last thing I wanna do after a long day of shooting it's the last thing I want to see. JZ: Well, I'd like to thank everyone for showing up to this, this has been so fun... to talk about the present, and relive the past. As far as the future, the next few weeks are going to be SPECTACULAR, you won't want to miss it.... For me, thank you personally for all your support, and I'm aware that all this wouldn't be happening for me without the audience, so thank you so much! Goodbye! ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Gina Clayton" Subject: GH/PC: Bobbie/Stefan Date: 11 Feb 1998 13:41:48 EST5EDT OK...what did everyone think about the confrontation between Bobbie and Stefan? I thought it was great to see Stefan oozing malice. He plays a great complex villian. I liked it when he admitted he didn't tell her when they were married because it would have hurt her and then after the divorce it was a weapon he didn't need. That seemed so true of is over no second chance.(aka...Alexis?) I thought Carly/Caroline would be the one to spill the beans about Luke, but to have STEFAN do it is even worse. Of course, he has no reason to lie to Bobbie. One thing that bothered me was that he said the only reason he was graciously granting Bobbie the info. that her brother was lying to her was because she was nice to Nik. I think it was more than a "duty" or "repayment". Any thoughts on this?? JZ Rocks...she has been great lately. On another note...I usually love Robin, but she is starting to bother me with her pleas for Jason to do the "right" thing. I know it is wrong to keep Michael from AJ and all, but that is ALL she talks about. I would like for her to get a real storyline....after all she could have been a bigger part in this Mac/Jimmy thing. JMHO..she is a much better actress than the material she has been given lately. I hope Guza livens things up soon...I have faith he will. have a great day everyone!! gina - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: GH/PC: Bobbie/Stefan Date: 12 Feb 1998 09:11:57 -0800 At 01:41 PM 2/11/98 EST5EDT, Gina Clayton wrote: >OK...what did everyone think about the confrontation between Bobbie >and Stefan? I thought it was great to see Stefan oozing malice. He >plays a great complex villian. Well, now that I am FINALLY caught up and not swamped with either work or homework, I can comment. I LOVED this scene. It was incredibley well done. It was also inevitable. Guza has said from the beginning that he thought the Bobbie/Stefan dynamic was fabulous and that he could easily see it playing out for YEARS (and that's part of why he doesn't like the Kat/Bat thing), and so it was just a matter of time before he did SOMETHING to give them a scene together -- even if it is as enemies again. >I thought Carly/Caroline would be the one to spill the beans about >Luke, but to have STEFAN do it is even worse. But it made for fabulous drama. :-) >Of course, he has no >reason to lie to Bobbie. One thing that bothered me was that he said >the only reason he was graciously granting Bobbie the info. that her >brother was lying to her was because she was nice to Nik. I think it >was more than a "duty" or "repayment". Any thoughts on this?? I thought that was kind of a stupid thing to say. I mean, it was a very tactical move for him to have witheld that info before, and now that she knows it, there is no point in his trying to deny that he knew it. And the entire notion that he doesn't care if Bobbie and Luke are at each other's throats is ABSURD. That kind of thing is a huge emotional drain -- not to mention distraction. Of course Stefan would relish Luke being preoccupied with his sister (again), and not paying as close attention to other matters as he should. >JZ Rocks...she has been great lately. I *totally* agree. She goes through waves of really irritating me, but lately she's been fabulous. And Brad Maule is doing a fabulous job of making Tony pathetic and contemptable. >On another note...I usually love Robin, but she is starting to bother >me with her pleas for Jason to do the "right" thing. I know it is >wrong to keep Michael from AJ and all, but that is ALL she talks >about. I agree. Kimberly is too good to do that one note bit; and Robin has too much history to squander her that way, too. I was amused at that little "test" yesterday, though. Why don't TPTB just put a sign up over Kimberly and Christopher Tyler: "Potential Love Interest Test Screening." >I would like for her to get a real storyline....after all she >could have been a bigger part in this Mac/Jimmy thing. Speaking of which -- did anyone else notice that Mac didn't even bat an eye at Robin being back in town (thoguh at least he had a semi-genuine reaction to Robin and Jason possibly getting back together)? Mac was already locked away in the cabin when Robin showed up. The last he heard she was in Paris and now, not only is she back, but she's back to stay and he says NOTHING? I did enjoy Felicia decking him, though. :-) More than anything else, though, I must say that last year, when Sarah Brown won her Emmy I couldn't understand why. Over the past few days, the only thing I can think about is that I can't imagine her *not* winning again. She has been so incredible -- especially yesterday when Virginia died. The way she was lashing out at everyone was fabulous. Of course, not QUITE as fabulous as THE confrontation that we've been waiting for for over a year: Luke and Bobbie. Oh boy, they were incredible. Totally awesome. The bit about Luke playing cards with the johns while Bobbie was hooking was great. TG and JZ were both awesome. And then later when Luke was with Carly -- they were both great again. I *love* them together (and the bit about her being a self-professed Spencer meaning that she'd never get him off her back was rather classic, too). I am really glad, though, that Luke didn't cut her too much slack, though. She may be sympathetic at the moment, but Virginia was right: just because she tells the truth one night doesn't undo all the damage she's done. But I did almost applaud Virginia's comment in the Grille about, based on what everyone else has said about Tony, she doesn't like him, either. And HE was asking to be smacked -- how in the hell does that deluded jerk think that it was *Carly's* fault that he left his wife and son? I don't THINK so. He is a big boy and if he can't control himself then that is not HER fault. I am really sorry they killed off Virginia, though. I don't think that, tactically speaking, it was really the best time to do that. But now that it's done, I hope Guza makes the most of it. Taiyin "Well, don't tell me that you're trying to perhaps let me know that you, what -- find me attractive?" --"Magnetic. Like those bug zappers. You know it's certain death, but you dive in anyway." -- Lucy and Kevin - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Cagey Subject: Re: GH/PC: Bobbie/Stefan Date: 12 Feb 1998 14:40:13 -0500 At 09:11 AM 2/12/98 -0800, Taiyin wrote: >I *totally* agree. She goes through waves of really irritating me, but >lately she's been fabulous. >And Brad Maule is doing a fabulous job of making Tony pathetic and >contemptable. and >Over the past few days, the only thing I can think about is that I can't >imagine her *not* winning again. She has been so incredible -- I admit, my expectations for Monday were too high. I was disappointed by JZ; I wanted far more fireworks than I got, though Tony's almost instant understanding that *this* was the truth was great. And, of course, I *love* the fact that in order to keep her "I never cared for Tony" charade going, Carly can't even defend herself against the charge that she was deliberately trying to hurt Bobbie. A wonderful piece of irony, that. But still, I was disappointed. Until Tuesday and Wednesday. Sarah Brown and Brad just, butt in the last scenes on Tuesday. The absolute scathing bitterness that they felt for one another was phenomenal. And then... >Of course, not QUITE as fabulous as THE confrontation that we've been >waiting for for over a year: Luke and Bobbie. Oh yes. I was in heaven. And Luke and Carly at the hospital too--very well done. Even given all of Luke's nasty comments about Caroline to Bobbie in the earlier scene, he all but admits everytime he talks to her that she's Spencer, and that counts for something with him. I love these three. I can't wait until Luke finds out Jason isn't Michael's father.... Woo hoo! --kg - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: GH/PC: Bobbie/Stefan Date: 12 Feb 1998 11:46:29 -0800 At 02:40 PM 2/12/98 -0500, Cagey wrote: >But still, I was disappointed. Until Tuesday and Wednesday. Sarah Brown >and Brad just, butt in the last scenes on Tuesday. The >absolute scathing bitterness that they felt for one another was phenomenal. It was almost frightening, actually. And the way they ripped into each other after Virginia died at the hospital yesterday. I do like them together a hundred times more now than I did when they were all sappy sweet, though. By boy, they sure don't pull any punches, do they? Wow. >Oh yes. I was in heaven. And Luke and Carly at the hospital too--very >well done. Even given all of Luke's nasty comments about Caroline to >Bobbie in the earlier scene, he all but admits everytime he talks to her >that she's Spencer, and that counts for something with him. I love these >three. So do I. And I love that it *does* matter to Luke. He could have very easily just walked away from her, once and for all, and let her go do her own thing now that the truth is out and he doesn't have the threat of hurting Bobbie hanging over him anymore. The fact that he points out to her AGAIN that she is a Spencer, period, is really cool. I can't wait to see today when he tells Lucky. >I can't wait until Luke finds out Jason isn't Michael's father.... That one will prove fun, too. Let's just hope they don't leave us hanging for quite as long as they did with Carly's last big revelation. Sheesh. I don't think my heart can take another two years of torture when it comes to this girl. And if ANYONE can appreciate defending that kid from life as a Quartermaine, Luke can. ;-) Taiyin "For the best motion and comotion with the motion in the room , naturally the best prize here is some of Mexico's finest mescal. I would give myself the prize, of course, but that wouldn't be fair. I would give it to my son -- he was making some pretty cool moves over there, but my wife would kill him if he ate the worm." -- Luke - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jill Kirby Subject: Re: GH/PC: Bobbie/Stefan Date: 12 Feb 1998 11:54:31 -0800 >Oh yes. I was in heaven. And Luke and Carly at the hospital too--very > >well done. Even given all of Luke's nasty comments about Caroline to > >Bobbie in the earlier scene, he all but admits everytime he talks to her > >that she's Spencer, and that counts for something with him. I love these > >three. I do, too, and I still can't stand Carly-- but when she's with Luke, I watch. When he asked her yesterday if she needed any help with the arrangements-- my heart just skipped a beat. I was disappointed that Carly responded with her patented "I can take care of it," without realizing what Luke was offering, in his own way. HE was offering the support you give a member of your family. :) Jill - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Cagey Subject: Re: GH/PC: Bobbie/Stefan Date: 12 Feb 1998 15:06:45 -0500 At 11:54 AM 2/12/98 -0800, Jill Kirby wrote: >HE was offering the support you give a member of your family. True, but you can't really blame her for shrugging it off. She just doesn't "get" family in that way, and she certainly has little cause to expect anything from Luke except death threats . --kg - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: GH/PC: Bobbie/Stefan Date: 12 Feb 1998 12:01:01 -0800 At 11:54 AM 2/12/98 -0800, Jill Kirby wrote: >arrangements-- my heart just skipped a beat. I was disappointed that >Carly responded with her patented "I can take care of it," without >realizing what Luke was offering, in his own way. HE was offering the >support you give a member of your family. :) True. But if she had accepted his h*lp at this point, it would have been a little suspicious. After all, Luke hasn't exactly given her many reasons to trust him. She was seriously surprised when he said that she had done the right thing. I think part of her was still honestly afraid that he would carry out his original threat to kill her. Eventually they'll work it out, and then it'll be cool. But for now, I actually really like their mututal distrust and loathing -- especially when tempered with a bit of reluctant sentimentality. Taiyin "Hey, Mr. Spencer, this is a great party." -- "Emily, until the day I wander around town with my underwear on the outside of my clothes, dribble running down my chin, please don't call me Mr. Spencer." - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jill Kirby Subject: Re: GH/PC: Bobbie/Stefan Date: 12 Feb 1998 12:56:00 -0800 Re: Taiyin's comment that if Carly had accepted Luke's help, that would have been weird/suspicious: Agreed. I guess what I was looking for was more of an acknowledgement, than anything, from Carly regarding what Luke was saying. More realization that he was offering to help, as a member of her family. I certainly wouldn't expect her to the help. :) She's too stubborn-- certainly a Spencer trait... Jill - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: GH/PC: Spencers Date: 12 Feb 1998 13:04:23 -0800 At 12:56 PM 2/12/98 -0800, Jill Kirby wrote: >Agreed. I guess what I was looking for was more of an acknowledgement, >than anything, from Carly regarding what Luke was saying. More >realization that he was offering to help, as a member of her family. I >certainly wouldn't expect her to the help. :) She's too >stubborn-- certainly a Spencer trait... And hardly her only one, either. That's part of what I keep waiting for, here: no one has pointed out that, frankly, Carly's behavior has had a very definite "Spencer" quality to it. I think they are conveniently forgetting that Bobbie was not always a paragon of virtue. Her schemeing manipulations may not have been as dramatic as Carly's, but her means weren't much different. And her motives were rarely as understandable. And we don't even need to START in on Luke. But I guess that doesn't really fit in with the current image of Bobbie. Too bad. It would certainly make things interesting. Taiyin DARA: "Luke thinks I like him." JUSTUS: "He assumes all the women do." DARA: "If he weren't already taken, I think I might think about it." JUSTUS: "I think someone put something in your drink. Bartender!" -- General Hospital - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: GH/PC: Tony and Luke Date: 13 Feb 1998 09:31:06 -0800 Whoa. Tony just keeps slipping farther and farther into the abyss, doesn't he? I certainly hope that Brad Maule was in the mood for a haircut. ;-) I also really enjoyed the conversation between Luke and Lucky. I'm glad that Lucky was *not* ok with Luke keeping that secret. Lucky and Sarah, though, were beyond icky. Yucky, even. Seriously icky and majorly yucky. Lucky and Yucky. Yuck. But, the best part of all of that was Tony and Luke. And their matching haircuts. ;-) And Tony is totally cracked -- he honestly thinks that he would have done something different if he had known? Please, get real. And, why should it matter? He was screwing around on his wife and yet if he knew his mistress was his step-daughter he would have miraculously grown a conscience and put a stop to the whole thing? Gimme a break. I am kind of enjoying the deconstruction of Tony, though. He's more interesting this way than he has been since he was listening to Maxie's heart pound in BJ's chest. He was certainly asking to get klobbered yesterday, though. And he's doubly cracked if he thinks he can take Luke. Taiyin "Been held-up at gun point by your mother lately?" -- AJ to Ned - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Donald K Gooden" Subject: GH/PC: GH: spoilers part one Date: 14 Feb 1998 12:48:50 -0500 Spoilers for the week of Feb 16 Jamila S P O I L E R S P A C E > > > > > For The Week Of February 16 - 20 Despite Lucky's best efforts, Liz is afraid to tell him all the details about the attack. Helena advises Nikolas not to trust either Luke or Stefan where Laura is concerned. And despite Stefan's warnings that Helena should not be taken seriously, it is Stefan's own actions that convince Nikolas that it is Helena who is telling the truth. Carly is warned to be careful of Edward ... by Jason. Amy discovers something which could foil Alan's chance to stay out of trouble. With some encouragement from Helena, Alexis maneuvers Katherine into making a purchase. Ned and Alexis heightened their relationship. Robin is getting very uncomfortable with the closeness developing between Jason, baby Michael and Carly. Mac almost loses his cool with Robin. The Quartermaines forbid Emily to see Nikolas, after Sarah convinces them that she is "worried" about her best friend spending so much time on the island. As a reward for doing something nice, Keesha rewards AJ. Carly and her son help Jason out of a difficult situation, while Robin frets over Jason's growing attachment to Michael and Carly. Two men vie for the attention of Dara, in the elevator. Felicia teaches Mac how to kiss like James. ---- You're Going to Love These Days Monday After sharing a very special night, Ned & Alexis consummate their relationship. Helena warns Nikolas about Stefan. The aftermath of Liz's attack will affect several people. Tuesday An appeal is made on Justus' behalf, by Keesha. Wednesday Sarah finally gets gutsy. Alan is caught popping pills, by Amy. Mac gets a lesson in kissing from Felicia. Thursday Liz confides in Lucky, and tells him everything. Friday Luke is issued a warning by Bobbie. Coming Soon Carly learns that Robin knows the truth about her son. Tess' plan is uncovered by Mac. A major change occurs with Jason. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Donald K Gooden" Subject: GH/PC: GH: Spoilers Part two Date: 14 Feb 1998 12:50:38 -0500 More spoilers Jamila S P O I L E R S P A C E > > > > ---- Love Is In The Air Helena continues to use Alexis to try to bring down Stefan and regain control of the Cassadine dynasty. After planting seeds in Stefan's mind so he will think about Laura, Helena demands that Alexis get Katherine to buy a stone bench for Wyndemere. Helena is pleased with Alexis' work, and says that more assignments await her. Fortunately for Alexis, Ned manages to get her mind off Helena when he comes to her hotel room to celebrate Valentine's Day. Ned's gift is a sound machine that he says will "take" her anywhere she wants to go. Alexis chooses wherever there is no telephone, fax or family. After sampling the machine's offerings, Alexis tells Ned that they are in a tropical rain forest. They kiss passionately, and make love for the first time. ---- Could There Be Someone New For Robin When a jealous Sarah snidely tells the Quartermaines how much time Emily is spending with Nikolas, helping him learn to talk again, the Q's put their foot down. All seems to be going Sarah's way - until Emily seeks advice from Robin. "The Quartermaines tell Emily she can't go to see Nikolas anymore, and Emily is very upset," explains Kimberly McCullough (Robin). "While trying to comfort her, Robin says, "Do you think Nikolas will work with me?" Emily says she doesn't know, but she can try." Although Robin has only met Nikolas once, she goes to Wyndemere to ask him if he'll work with her instead of with Emily. While Robin is explaining to Katherine why she's come, Stefan overhears and tells Robin that Nikolas is not in need of any outside assistance. Never one to be intimated, Robin tells Stefan that she'll wait for Nikolas to return from his horseback riding to ask him herself. Upon Nikolas' return, Stefan is surprised to see the young man's response to Robin. And while Nikolas is reluctant at first, he agrees to give it a shot. Meanwhile, Robin is dealing with her unresolved feelings for Jason. Witnessing Jason's growing attachment to Michael, she worries how he will feel ultimately if he must give up the baby. Robin is also uncomfortable with Carly and Jason's growing intimacy as they share the responsibility of a child. "It concerns Robin that Jason is living with a woman who is basically a liar," McCullough adds. "It's a very strange situation when your ex-boyfriend is living with someone everyone thinks he cheated on you for." - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Cagey Subject: Re: GH/PC: GH: spoilers part one Date: 14 Feb 1998 20:52:43 -0800 (PST) At 12:48 PM 2/14/98 -0500, you wrote: >Spoilers for the week of Feb 16 > Jamila >S >P >O >I >L >E >R > >S >P >A >C >E >> > >> > The Quartermaines forbid Emily to see Nikolas, after Sarah convinces >them that she is "worried" about her best friend spending so much time on >the island. Wow, Sarah has a sneaky backbone after all. I was beginning to think she wasn't a real Webber. >Carly learns that Robin knows the truth about her son. Hmmmm. I thought they'd pretty much resolved that at the christening party. Guess not. Thanks, Jamila! --kg - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Donald K Gooden" Subject: GH/PC: PC: spoilers Date: 14 Feb 1998 12:59:16 -0500 Spoilers for the week of Feb 16 Jamila S P O I L E R S P A C E > > > > > ---- For The Week Of February 16 - 20 Rex confronts Eve, disguised as Danielle, but Scott comes to her rescue just in time. After Rex is arrested, Lucy finds out that he gave her a dose of a slow-acting deadly poison just in case married life didn't work out. Lucy makes a big decision and then takes a turn for the worse, while the interns race to come up with the antidote. An old friend comes to see Lucy. Grace comes to a realization. Matt tells Ellen he isn't who he seems to be. Hoping to get more dirt on Matt, Chris "borrows" Matt's apartment keys and gets more than he expected. In a last-ditch attempt to get Rex to cough up a cure for Lucy, Kevin enlists the aid of some creepy crawlers. Kevin devises a plan to beat Rex at his own game. Scott makes his escape and shares a close moment with Serena. Ellen is shocked by Matt's reaction to an unexpected visitor. Chris continues to invade Matt's privacy and does something that disturbs Matt greatly. Grace is suspicious but Ellen covers for Matt. Katherine provides some use information to Kevin who taps into his ''ryan-esque side'' to square off with Rex and may actually give Rex a run for his money and and the scare of his life. ---- You're Going to Love These Days Monday Lucy learns that Rex's treachery has only just begun. Chris convinces Ellen to take Matt to the hospital. Tuesday Karen finds out about Eve and Scott's budding romance. Ellen presses Matt for the truth. Wednesday No info yet. Thursaday No info yet. Friday No info yet. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Donald K Gooden" Subject: GH/PC: Lizzie Date: 15 Feb 1998 01:58:59 -0500 S P O I L E R S P A C E > > > Despite Lucky's best efforts, Liz is afraid to tell him all the details about the attack. I heard some speculation in one of that Chatrooms that Tony is accused then acquitted of this crime. Would anyone like to place bets? Do you think it will turn out to be someone with character connections or will it be a virtual nobody? I guess the crucial question is do we think that Lizzie was raped? Personally I do. I guess we will find out this week. Jamila - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Donald K Gooden" Subject: Re: GH/PC: GH: spoilers part one Date: 15 Feb 1998 02:09:06 -0500 -Cagey wrote >At 12:48 PM 2/14/98 -0500, you wrote: >>Spoilers for the week of Feb 16 >> Jamila >>S >>P >>O >>I >>L >>E >>R >> >>S >>P >>A >>C >>E >>> >> >>> > >> The Quartermaines forbid Emily to see Nikolas, after >Sarah convinces >>them that she is "worried" about her best friend spending >so much time on >>the island. > >Wow, Sarah has a sneaky backbone after all. I was >beginning to think she wasn't a real Webber. > > Cagey I am beginning to really dislike Sarah. At the start I thought that she was OK. Now I think that she is turning into a bitch. I mean look at the way she used Lucky. She invited him to the dance, then she talked about Nikolas the entire time. Now, this stunt with Emily is really mean. I don't now if Sarah realizes this, but Nik doesn't really have any friends. Is she willing to make him lose Emily just because she is jealous? If she really cared about him she would be supportive. Also, Em and Nik have been friends for much longer than Sarah and Nik. I wonder if Em and Nik will find out what Sarah's real motives are. Oh yeah. I have a question. the spoilers say that Sarah does this Emily thing on Wednesday. If Liz has been attacked in the park, shouldn't Sarah be concerned enough for her sister to forget about Nik for at least 24 hours. Jamila - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Donald K Gooden" Subject: GH/PC: Robin and Nik Date: 15 Feb 1998 02:20:14 -0500 I wrote >More spoilers > Jamila >S >P >O >I >L >E >R > >S >P >A >C >E >> >> >> >> > > > > > >Although Robin has only met Nikolas once, she goes to Wyndemere to ask him >if he'll work with her instead of with Emily. Stefan overhears and tells Robin that Nikolas is not in need of any outside assistance. Robin tells Stefan that she'll wait for Nikolas to return from his horseback riding to ask him herself. Stefan is surprised to see the young man's response to Robin. And while Nikolas is reluctant at first, >he agrees to give it a shot. God I hate the idea of Robin and Nik. I hate the idea of Robin period. The way she has been acting with Jason lately just drives me crazy. Where does she get off telling him what to do. I personally wouldn't mind if TPTB wrote Robin off the show. I gag every time I think of a relationship between Robin and Nik. Their characters seem so uncompatible. God, I think I am going to throw up. Anyway, Why would Mac think that The Cassadines would be an improvement over Stone and Jason. Will we have to go through that entire Mac not improving scenario all over again. That would be so lame. My sister just pointed out that Nikolas is a few years younger than Robin. She is what 19 now, and he is 16. If they had sex Robin could go to jail. Jamila > - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Donald K Gooden" Subject: GH/PC: Jerry Date: 15 Feb 1998 02:28:09 -0500 This is just rumor R U M O R S P A C E > > >> I heard that Jerry Jacks has something to do with this Tess and James thing. Maybe that is why Ashley is suddenly in the picture. Could she have something to do with it also. Hhmmmm I wonder........Besides, Jax needs a story line other than hovering around Brenda 24-7. Jamila - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Donald K Gooden" Subject: GH/PC: Sonny Date: 15 Feb 1998 02:34:16 -0500 What is the word on Maurice? I heard he was coming back to do a few episodes. How will they work that out. I thought that he was on the run. If he does come back I will not want to see the show down between him and Brenda. I am sorry if this message required spoiler space. Jamila - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Mike Boychuk Subject: Re: GH/PC: Sonny Date: 15 Feb 1998 10:39:54 -0800 Finaly something that I can respond to because I've been following this one religiously. Cindi Rineheart(Northwest Afternoon, anyone else even in the area to get it?) She said he was in discussion with the producer for coming for a few weeks. But she had Steve Burton on last Wednesday who said he came back to do the prime time episode with him but as far as he knows "Maurice is happy being fat and hairy at home." Direct quote. Shame isnt it? Mike - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Donald K Gooden" Subject: GH/PC: Lucky and Lizzie Date: 16 Feb 1998 16:30:23 -0500 S P O I L E R S P A C E > > > Today's episode was powerful. It was just wow. I can't remember the name of the actress that plays Lizzie, but she did a really good job. I must also commend Jonathan on his job today. I am glad that Lucky is going to be supporting Liz in this story line. I mean today is the first time that I have actually liked Lucky. In all that Cassadine vs. Spencer Nik vs. Lucky stuff, Nik IMHO was always in the right. Lucky used to always act like an ass. Now that they have him working on a non-Cassadine story he is actually a decent guy. I couldn't believe it when Lucky started to cry today. I have never seen that side of him. He was acting so supportive and protective. I will agree with Luke that Luke is maturing very nicely. All I have to say is Lucky is the man. I can't wait till this whole story comes to light. I know that it is to soon being as it just happened. Still, it will be one of the better stories that has happened in the recent past. I am going to go and re-watch the episode. I will have more to say later. Jamila - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: GH/PC: ADMIN: Rules Amendment Date: 16 Feb 1998 16:06:14 -0800 Because of an unfortunate incident there has been a need to make a minor amendment the list rules: From now on anything posted to the list is not to be shared/sent/forwarded elsewhere without the author's express written consent. Apologies to everyone for not having this in the rules to being with. It has been added to the list rules on the web page (, as well as in the greeting message. Taiyin, Co-Listmom Ultimate GH/PC Links: K&L's Lighthouse: Kevin's Couch: - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Cagey Subject: GH/PC: ADMIN stuff Date: 16 Feb 1998 16:59:40 -0800 (PST) Technically, I suppose that info about actors who are returning for particular days or episodes is a spoiler, and should be marked as such. Please remember to include spoiler space. Also, I'd like to remind everybody on the GH/PC list who is not on the K&L list (as so hasn't already heard this) that you shouldn't forward other people's posts without the express consent of the original author--that includes spoiler info that they might provide. It's common netiquette, and we have since incorporated it into the list rules, which means violations will bring consequences. Many thanks, --Cagey, Nasty Evil List Step Mom (who has a very nice stepmom, thank you very much ) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Cagey Subject: Re: GH/PC: ADMIN: Rules Amendment Date: 16 Feb 1998 17:46:34 -0800 (PST) ListMoms who, though practically on different sides of the country, think and post the same thing at the same time, are scary, don't you think? ;) --kg - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie Saker" Subject: Re: GH/PC: Lizzie Date: 17 Feb 1998 08:38:57 PST jamila wrote: >S >P >O >I >L >E >R > >S >P >A >C >E >> >> >> >I heard some speculation in one of that Chatrooms that Tony is accused then >acquitted of this crime. oh, YUCK. we all know tony's a bit over the edge these days, but to think that he would be capable of RAPING a fifteen-year-old? i don't THINK so. and we'll probably get another damn trial out of it. >Would anyone like to place bets? Do you think it >will turn out to be someone with character connections or will it be a >virtual nobody? i'm going with the virtual nobody. it was portrayed so viciously, i can't think of any existing character they would want to make capable of doing something that horrible, and that irredeemable. (i know, can we say "luke"? more on that in my next post...) >I guess the crucial question is do we think that Lizzie was >raped? Personally I do. I guess we will find out this week. oh absolutely. no doubt about that one. in MY opinion anyway! :) julie ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie Saker" Subject: Re: GH/PC: Lucky and Lizzie (SPEC included, way down) Date: 17 Feb 1998 08:51:54 PST jamila wrote: > Today's episode was powerful. It was just wow. I can't remember the name >of the actress that plays Lizzie, but she did a really good job. i totally agree. i've always liked lizzie as an actress (at least in comparison to sarah--YUCK!), but her character has been more than a tad grating. a bit too one-dimensional (like lark on pc, for that matter.) but since the day she and audrey had their heart-to-heart at the hospital, and she came back positively RADIANT after successfully asking lucky to the dance, i've REALLY begun to like her. and this whole attack thing--she was just great, in my opinion. >I must also commend Jonathan on his job today. this is the part that really surprised me. i've NEVER liked lucky. he's always been WAY too much of a brat for my taste. but i was practically cheering him on in friday and monday's eps. i loved when he told off sarah and went looking for lizzie, and he was just WONDERFUL with her after he found her. (i was a little annoyed at him leaving her alone--after all, he could have left a message for bobbie to call him the SECOND she got out of surgery--but that's just quibbling. i was mostly pissed because that gave her the opportunity to take a shower, which i was hoping she'd be smarter than to do. but oh well...) all in all, lucky was great, and i was pleased to see a bit of a character turnaround on his part. i think this is going to rock his world in a BIG way...particularly if it goes where i suspect it's going. > I can't wait till this whole story comes to light. I know that it is to >soon being as it just happened. Still, it will be one of the better stories >that has happened in the recent past. not really a spoiler, more speculation, but still... s p a c e b e l o w j u s t i n c a s e good enough. ok, so i'm QUITE convinced by now, based on the previews they've shown, that the new tv guide chat guy was WAY wrong (he needs some new sources, NOW. he is no logan, that's for sure...), and that they are INDEED going to tackle the luke/laura rape thing. (i think THAT would be enough to lure genie back, don't you? :) and i for one can hardly wait. i know i said before that i think it's kind of irrelevant at this point, after they've been married for so long--and i do still believe that--but i didn't really realize that lucky didn't know. WOW is that going to KILL him. i'm not sure the relationship between luke and lucky will ever recover from that shock, unless luke finally does some serious soul-searching...which should be AWESOME to watch. i can't wait! yeah for gh! at last...something non-brenda-related to watch! julie ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie Saker" Subject: Re: GH/PC: GH: Spoilers Part two Date: 17 Feb 1998 08:56:51 PST jamila wrote: >S >P >O >I >L >E >R > >S >P >A >C >E >> >> >> >> > > > >When a jealous Sarah snidely tells the Quartermaines how much time Emily is >spending with Nikolas, helping him learn to talk again, the Q's put their >foot down. they couldn't come up with anything better than THIS? puh-LEEZE. haven't we seen, in the past few weeks, how much effect the q's "putting their foot down" has on emily? i don't believe for a second that she would let that stop her from helping nik. >All seems to be going Sarah's way - until Emily seeks advice from >Robin. haven't they only had one or two scenes together, EVER? i think tptb are forcing this nik/robin thing WAY too hard... >Although Robin has only met Nikolas once, she goes to Wyndemere to ask him >if he'll work with her instead of with Emily. i'm sorry, but this is NOT helping robin's little-miss-fix-it image. julie ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie Saker" Subject: Re: GH/PC: Robin and Nik Date: 17 Feb 1998 09:01:35 PST jamila wrote: >>S >>P >>O >>I >>L >>E >>R >> >>S >>P >>A >>C >>E >>> >>> >>> >>> >> >> >> > >> >> >God I hate the idea of Robin and Nik. My sister just >pointed out that Nikolas is a few years younger than Robin. She is what 19 >now, and he is 16. If they had sex Robin could go to jail. good point, but...unless nik suddenly turns out to be hiv+, i don't see any circumstance, EVER, under which robin would have sex with him anyway. not technically anyway, which is all that matters for statutory rape. but i'm with you on hating the whole idea of the two of them anyway. this whole set-up is ridiculous. why on earth would she have introduced herself to him in the hospital, and WHY would she go see him now??? it makes no sense... julie ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie Saker" Subject: GH/PC: PC--the END Date: 17 Feb 1998 09:04:41 PST all i can say is HALLELUJAH that the rex thing is OVER! well, except for lucy and the poison. but at least the ridiculous charade nonsense is over and done with. i was a little annoyed at the sudden way they all seemed to finally buy a clue--lucy realizing all of a sudden that her purse was bugged, and scotty finally growing a brain and brinking conklin in on it...but you know what? i'm SO GLAD IT'S OVER that i don't even care! on to bigger and better things...i hope! julie ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Gina Clayton" Subject: GH/PC: Lizzie Date: 17 Feb 1998 12:47:38 EST5EDT I read this in Soaps in Depth. they have all the ABC soaps featured. It's pretty good. s p o i l e r s p a c e Guza said that "Lizzie's rape will start small and build into something big." He also said that "it will involve at least 10 characters (including Nik and Emily) and will fundamentally change their whole perspective about relationships, being a teenager, and life itself." Guza hints that Audrey will eventually find out, but her response will not be what we'd predict. "we're going to reach back into Audrey's past, there are a couple of aspects of her life that are going to directly influence her granddaughter" I read that when Lucky tried to contact Lizzie the next day, she is in bed with flu symptoms. Audrey thanks him for showin Lizzie such a good time. Lizzie refuses to discuss what happened and pleads that her not tell Audrey aobut it. Mustering up courage, Lucky asks Lizzie straight up if she was raped. Liz nods then collapses in his arms. she begs him to forget she ever told him, but he doesn't think he should. the two share an intense heart-to-heart about the possibility of HIV and pregnancy. Later, Liz returns to work at Kelly's but becomes inexplicably frightened when Mr. Murty approaches her. Luke and Bobbie do their best to comfort her, but she breaks down and bolts. Determined to get to the bottom of the bruises she noticed on her sister, Sarah follows Lizzie outside where Lizzie confides she was raped. Taking Liz in her arms, Sarah asks who did it. Through tears, Liz admits she doesn't know. this is going to be a great story!! gina - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: GH/PC: ADMIN: Rules Amendment Date: 17 Feb 1998 09:38:11 -0800 At 05:46 PM 2/16/98 -0800, Cagey wrote: > >ListMoms who, though practically on different sides of the >country, think and post the same thing at the same time, >are scary, don't you think? ;) And they haven't even seen us together in RL(tm). ;-) Now, as for yesterday's GH... wow. Double wow. Aside from the fact that, on principle, I have a problem with rape as a storyline, I must say that if they handle it as well as they did yesterday, I will be able to forgive it. Jamila wrote: > Today's episode was powerful. It was just wow. I can't remember the name >of the actress that plays Lizzie, but she did a really good job. Becky Herbst. And I totally agree. I'm really glad they are giving her a storyline. I think most people wrote her off so early on that, because of the pitiful story she had, it wasn't necessarily obvious that she can act. Yesterday she showed she can. >I must also >commend Jonathan on his job today. I am glad that Lucky is going to be >supporting Liz in this story line. I mean today is the first time that I >have actually liked Lucky. I love Lucky. I always have. But yesterday he was incredible. Absolutely amazing. Lucky crying in the scenes where he was telling Luke and then at the end after he took Lizzie home -- fabulous. And absolutely heart-wrenching. I had to watch those several times before I could absorb the entire scene. >I couldn't believe it when Lucky started to cry today. I have >never seen that side of him. He was acting so supportive and protective. I >will agree with Luke that Luke is maturing very nicely. All I have to say is >Lucky is the man. No kidding. That's the side of Lucky that I love. That's the way he's always been with Emily, too. Gods help me or I'm going to start liking Lucky and Lizzie. > I can't wait till this whole story comes to light. I know that it is to >soon being as it just happened. Still, it will be one of the better stories >that has happened in the recent past. I am going to go and re-watch the >episode. I will have more to say later. Hopefully it will be. I think soaps have a very bad habit of doing a disservice to rape storylines. If they follow through with how they handled eysterday, though, it should be pretty good. The performances all the way around were so right on. The whole scene with Luke and Lucky was amazing. I'll probably have to watch that one a few more times still. Taiyin "By all means, please, sacrifice me on the altar of your amusement. It's the least I can contribute to your evening." -- Kevin Collins, GH - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Gina Clayton" Subject: Re: GH/PC: PC--the END Date: 17 Feb 1998 12:49:40 EST5EDT > all i can say is HALLELUJAH that the rex thing is OVER! well, except > for lucy and the poison. but at least the ridiculous charade nonsense > is over and done with. i was a little annoyed at the sudden way they > all seemed to finally buy a clue--lucy realizing all of a sudden that > her purse was bugged, and scotty finally growing a brain and brinking > conklin in on it...but you know what? i'm SO GLAD IT'S OVER that i > don't even care! > > on to bigger and better things...i hope! ITA!!!! Now all they need to do is do something with this Lark storyline!!1 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: GH/PC: PC--the END Date: 17 Feb 1998 09:54:51 -0800 At 09:04 AM 2/17/98 PST, Julie Saker wrote: >i was a little annoyed at the sudden way they >all seemed to finally buy a clue--lucy realizing all of a sudden that >her purse was bugged, and scotty finally growing a brain and brinking >conklin in on it...but you know what? i'm SO GLAD IT'S OVER that i >don't even care! Can't argue that! Hopefully now they'll get onto something else. They have all kinds of subplots that have been simmering in the background during this thing. Now that they can cut this albatross loose, maybe we can move onto some of the more interesting things waiting in the wings. Like Kevin & Lucy GETTING MARRIED. And Matt and Ellen. And this Chris/Eve/Scott thing. I do wish they'd go back to plying up the Chris/Eve bit, though. I like Scott and Eve, but they've been together so much lately that they've effectively removed Chris from the equation and I miss him being there. Taiyin "By all means, please, sacrifice me on the altar of your amusement. It's the least I can contribute to your evening." -- Kevin Collins, GH - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Mike Boychuk Subject: Re: GH/PC: Lizzie Date: 17 Feb 1998 10:31:41 -0800 At 08:38 AM 17/02/98 PST, you wrote: >jamila wrote: > > >>S >>P >>O >>I >>L >>E >>R >> >>S >>P >>A >>C >>E >>> >>> >>> > >>I heard some speculation in one of that Chatrooms that Tony is accused >then >>acquitted of this crime. > >oh, YUCK. we all know tony's a bit over the edge these >days, but to think that he would be capable of RAPING a >fifteen-year-old? i don't THINK so. and we'll probably >get another damn trial out of it. I'm going to have to put my money against the virtual nobody and say Tony did it. I mean the guy has flipped pretty bad, and a virtual nobody would be really boring wouldnt it? - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: GH/PC: Lizzie Date: 17 Feb 1998 10:38:28 -0800 At 10:31 AM 2/17/98 -0800, Mike Boychuk wrote: >>>S >>>P >>>O >>>I >>>L >>>E >>>R >>> >>>S >>>P >>>A >>>C >>>E >>>> >>>> >>>> > >I'm going to have to put my money against the virtual nobody and say Tony >did it. I mean the guy has flipped pretty bad, and a virtual nobody would >be really boring wouldnt it? I don't think Lizzie'd agree. Lucky, either. I think this story is being taken from more of a reactionary stand point than anything else. I mean, while this certainly DID happen to Lizzie, the Spencers are being played into this VERY heavily, and I don't see that changing anytime soon. And frankly, if it weren't for the Spencer angle, I don't think they would have done this story at all (and that, ovjectively speaking, is probably one of the worst reasons for them to do it; too bad it makes such compelling story). Eventually I think they'll really HAVE to focus much more on Lizzie, but for now, as we saw yesterday we are getting a very, very heavy dose of Lucky's reaction to this. As for whether or not Tony was involved... aside from the fact that I don't think they've bottomed Tony out to the point of doing that, I don't honestly think the show would be willing to risk Brad Maule that way. And I think there is a trend to consider, too: historically on soaps, when one main character rapes another main character it's a matter of date rape, or at the very least aquaintance rape. It almost ALWAYS boils down to a matter of he said/she said (Marty's rape on OLtL is about the only exception to that I can think of; but Todd did not become a main character until after that). Certainly not "better" in any way, but most DEFINITELY not the same thing as grabbing a teenager off a park bench, dragging her into the bushes, beating the crap out of her, raping her and then leaving her there to fend for herself, half dressed, in the freezing snow. Taiyin "By all means, please, sacrifice me on the altar of your amusement. It's the least I can contribute to your evening." -- Kevin Collins, GH - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jill Kirby Subject: GH/PC: GH spoilage Date: 17 Feb 1998 10:48:24 -0800 S P O I L E R S P A C E Just caught part of a GH promo-- there's a scene with Luke saying to Bobby something like "If you want me to explain to Lucky what happened between me and his mother a million years ago, you're insane!" Geary looks reeeeeally scary when he says this. They're definitely doing this to lure back Genie. Not a doubt in my mind. There were a dozen other storylines they could have done very easily to involve Lucky with Lizzie-- this one was SPECIFICALLY chosen. Jill - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie Saker" Subject: Re: Re: GH/PC: Lizzie Date: 17 Feb 1998 10:58:36 PST mike wrote: >> >> >>>S >>>P >>>O >>>I >>>L >>>E >>>R >>> >>>S >>>P >>>A >>>C >>>E >>>> >>>> >>>> >> > >I'm going to have to put my money against the virtual nobody and say Tony >did it. I mean the guy has flipped pretty bad, and a virtual nobody would >be really boring wouldnt it? well, yeah, it's boring...but they do it all the time. for example: who killed dorman? monica? emily? ned? jason? uh-uh. tin man. WHO? or, did you watch 90210 back in the early days? all the commercials for the "very special episode" where "one of the gang is going to die"? who was it? random guy--david's little friend. all these shows do that, because they don't want to either kill off a very popular character (unless contract negotiations force them to), or make a popular character do something so heinous that the audience would never forgive it. yes, tony's gone off the deep end. but considering the large percentage of the audience (i'm guessing here) who still can't get the image of a bereft tony bending down over maxie to listen to bj's heart inside her cousin's chest...i REALLY don't believe they'd have him rape a teenager. lorraine, maybe--she's older, and she's kind of unsympathetic, so it wouldn't be SO horrible (yes, a rape is still horrible regardless...but you know what i mean, right?). or do something evil to carly--who could blame him? but no amount of dementia could explain away doing what that attacker did to lizzie, who's only slightly older than bj would have been had she lived. i don't buy it. i can see them accusing him, because he HAS gone off the deep end--and the new look will probably figure into it once lizzie describes her attacker. but i REALLY don't think it will end up being him--even if it WOULD be more interesting that way. julie ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie Saker" Subject: GH/PC: PC yesterday--HELP!!! Date: 18 Feb 1998 06:17:15 PST HELP! i got home last night, rewound my tape, pressed play, and here's what i got: the opening scene of pc, the credits, then lucy and kevin go to the hospital and run into joe. joe asks what the problem is, lucy says "rex claimed he's poisoned me" THEN...literally, RIGHT then...bum, bum, news special bulletin logo appears across the screen, followed by "crisis in iraq" (must have been easier to just subsitute "iraq" from the past few weeks' graphic of "crisis in the white house" than to come up with a whole new phrase...) then clinton appears, and continues to speak for the next half hour, so that's ALL i saw of port charles yesterday. so...anybody out there who's NOT in the nyc area get the whole show and care to enlighten us east-coast folks as to what we missed? (thankfully he didn't talk long enough to pre-empt gh too!) any info would be MUCH appreciated! thanks! :) julie ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: GH/PC: PC yesterday--H*LP!!! Date: 18 Feb 1998 08:43:45 -0800 Julie pleaded: >so...anybody out there who's NOT in the nyc area get the whole show and >care to enlighten us east-coast folks as to what we missed? (thankfully >he didn't talk long enough to pre-empt gh too!) any info would be MUCH >appreciated! Several good things, though my biases undoubtedly show. First of all is, the wrap-up of the Rex nightmare: K&L are at the hospital so Lucy can get tests. She decided not to tell Scott anything, because she didn't want to ruin his reunion with Serena. The judge overturned Scott's conviction based on Conklin's testimony and Rex's videotaped confession. He also arranged for custody of Serena to be returned to Scott. And Conkilin kept quiet about Scott's escape. (And, like Julie said yesterday, despite the fact that this whole thing wrapped up unrealistically fast, I am so grateful that I won't gripe about it.) Scott and Serena went home to the firehouse to find Karen and Eve there with a celebration. Karen later spotted Eve and Scott kissing. She and Eve had a talk about Eve's relationship with Scott. Eve told Karen that if she had a problem with it to please tell her. Karen swore she was cool and she was happy for both of them. Audrey commented to K&L that she was happy that they nabbed Rex and she was especially delighted that they hadn't really broken up after all. She did ask, however, why they were there and Lucy felt guilty for CONTINUING to lie to people. Kevin assured her that they were entitled to their privacy -- adn that she had EARNED the right not to discuss Rex. Besides, they didn't know if it was even true yet or not, so there was no point in worrying people unnecessarily. Joe ran blood tests for Lucy, while Julie and Chris gossiped about them/her. Joe overheard and went ballistic about how Lucy was a hero for saving Serena. Chris commented on her recent "behavior" and Joe pounded him, saying that it was an act for Rex's benefit. Chris counter with "how was I supposed to know that"? ("What the hell business is it of yours to pass judgement in the first place" is my question...) Julie and Chris both questioned Joe about his mood. He was upset because he had to give Lucy the bad news: there is something in her system, though he can't yet isolate what it is. Her white blood cell count it up and she's got a stomach ache, but so far that's about it. Garcia called Scott at the firehouse and told him about Lucy. He barreled over there, just before Joe gave them the news. Scott told Joe that he didn't care what it cost, but he wanted everyone in the hospital working on Lucy's case if that's what it took. The ep ended with Kevin leaving and Lucy asking him where he was going. He answered: "I'm going to find out what Rex did to you if I have to beat it out of him." And he was so calm Rex would worry about his own safety if he wasn't such an egomaniac. The other part of the ep was Ellen and Matt. Some of the interns chriped around Matt about how he landed in the hospital, yadda, yadda, yadda. And they all bought his sotry about the exploding can of terpentine. Ellen, however, got ahold of his x-ray and discovered that there are bullet fragments still lodged in his spine. She confronted him and he admitted, reluctantly, that he didn't injure his back in a skiing accident, after all. She continued to pres shim about why he refused to go to the hospital. He said because he didn't want anyone tracing him back to GH. She said that didn't make any sense, because if someone was looking fo rhim they wouldn't have a hard time finding him, because the name "Matt Harmon" had been in the computers for months. He said he was glad to hear that because "Matt Harmon" was not his real name. I think that was about it... Taiyin, crossing my fingers every day that Kevin doesn't shave anytime soon... "By all means, please, sacrifice me on the altar of your amusement. It's the least I can contribute to your evening." -- Kevin Collins, GH - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: GH/PC: More Lucky and Lizzie Date: 18 Feb 1998 08:55:33 -0800 Well, though it could not possibly compare to Monday, watching Lucky struggle with Lizzie's decision was very good. I especially loved that Bobbie pointed out that Lizzie's decision wasn't "wrong" and that it was her's to make. And watching Lucky's face while Audrey was going on about how happy Lizzie was about the dance etc. was painful. And though I certainly don't think Lucky should be blamed for what happened to Lizzie, I do want him to feel guilty for dumping her in favor of Sarah like a big jerk. I especially loved, though, that he is determined to live up to what Lizzie and Audrey both think of him. And poor Lizzie, lying in bed and listening to Lucky pound on the door... Taiyin "You're the shrink. What do you need me to tell you that for?" --"Maybe I'm having a Stupid Day." -- Mac and Kevin, GH - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Cagey Subject: Re: GH/PC: PC yesterday--H*LP!!! Date: 18 Feb 1998 13:51:08 -0500 Thank you Taiyin! I was irked, to say the least. And, of course, the offices of our affiliate close at 5, so I couldn't even find out if they planned on rebroadcasting PC . >why they were there and Lucy felt guilty for CONTINUING to >lie to people. I'm confused. Why is it a secret that Lucy has been poisoned (I assume that's what the "lie" is?)? I realize there's "no point in worrying people unnecessarily," but the reaction you described for Lucy to Audrey's question is kind of odd. >Garcia called Scott at the firehouse and told him about Lucy. Huh? I love the way Garcia just shows up randomly... Presumably they've paid off the actor who played Conklin, so they had to have Garcia break the news. >He said he was glad to hear that because "Matt Harmon" was not his real name. I am continually amazed at how easy it is for people to fabricate whole histories, with appropriate documentation, that scam entire communities into thinking they are someone else... >Taiyin, crossing my fingers every day that Kevin doesn't shave anytime >soon... A razor! Get the man a razor! ;) --kg - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie Saker" Subject: GH/PC: PC yesterday Date: 18 Feb 1998 12:20:02 PST thanks a million for the recap, taiyin! i was SO annoyed last night...which i guess is a sure sign that, despite my best efforts, i am now officially hooked on TWO soaps. damn. :) i certainly hope scott was appropriately concerned (and GUILTY!) about lucy's predicament when he learned the truth!!! and kevin going after rex...god i hope clinton doesn't get it into his head to talk again today! i can't really imagine anyone being able to get rex to spill his little secret on this one, but i'd SO like rex to come out on the bottom for once, y'know? so no REAL news yet on the matt front, huh? i must admit, i'm getting curious. think they'd bring back the wsb? THINK THEY'D BRING BACK ROBERT AND ANNA???? sorry, got a little overexcited there just thinking about it... oh well, back to work. but thanks again! you made my day! :) julie ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: GH/PC: PC yesterday--H*LP!!! Date: 18 Feb 1998 12:20:51 -0800 At 01:51 PM 2/18/98 -0500, Cagey wrote: > >I'm confused. Why is it a secret that Lucy has been poisoned (I assume >that's what the "lie" is?)? I realize there's "no point in worrying people >unnecessarily," but the reaction you described for Lucy to Audrey's >question is kind of odd. Actually, what happen was, Audrey asked K&L why they were at GH instead of off celebrating. And Lucy said that she was just having some routine tests run. After Audrey walked away she made a sort of off-handed comment along the lines of, "Will I EVER be able to stop lying to everyone?" I think it was mostly design to show how sick and tired of this whole thing she is. It's not that the poinsoning is a secret, but they didn't want it getting out until they knew for sure. >>Garcia called Scott at the firehouse and told him about Lucy. > >Huh? I love the way Garcia just shows up randomly... Presumably they've >paid off the actor who played Conklin, so they had to have Garcia break the >news. Actually, Garcia was off-camera. If I didn't have the closed captioning on, I probably would have missed that Garcia was the one who called. >>Taiyin, crossing my fingers every day that Kevin doesn't shave anytime >>soon... > >A razor! Get the man a razor! ;) Over my dead body! Pfft. Taiyin "By all means, please, sacrifice me on the altar of your amusement. It's the least I can contribute to your evening." -- Kevin Collins, GH - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Gina Clayton" Subject: Re: GH/PC: More Lucky and Lizzie Date: 18 Feb 1998 14:21:15 EST5EDT there is a spoiler I heard a long time ago about Liz's rapist at the bottom!! I'm not sure if it was a rumor or a spoiler. > Well, though it could not possibly compare to Monday, watching Lucky > struggle with Lizzie's decision was very good. I especially loved that > Bobbie pointed out that Lizzie's decision wasn't "wrong" and that it was > her's to make. I love Bobbie and am very glad that she is there for Lucky. Now I wish Laura would come back, not because of the L&L rape debate, but because BOTH of her sons need her. She still doesn't know about Nik does she??(ugh!!!! As much as I like Luke, I really dislike the way he omits certains truths from people who have a right to know about them.) > And watching Lucky's face while Audrey was going on about how happy Lizzie > was about the dance etc. was painful. And though I certainly don't think > Lucky should be blamed for what happened to Lizzie, I do want him to feel > guilty for dumping her in favor of Sarah like a big jerk. ITA!! As many have said recently...JJ is doing a wonderful job with this storyline!! > I especially loved, though, that he is determined to live up to what Lizzie > and Audrey both think of him. > > And poor Lizzie, lying in bed and listening to Lucky pound on the door... RH is also doing great!! I TPTB play this out far the story AND the characters have alot of potential. Sounds like a recipe for success for me!!:):):) OK-I heard a while back that one of Helena's henchmen rapes Lizzie. I'm not sure about that, but it would involve the Cassadines into this, which is Guza's favorite pasttime:) The more I think about it the more interesting it could be. The rapist himself is not a major player, but he has connections to some very major players. What do ya'll think?? gina, (who is trying to figure out what is going on with Robin lately) > Taiyin > "You're the shrink. What do you > need me to tell you that for?" > --"Maybe I'm having a Stupid Day." > -- Mac and Kevin, GH > > - > > - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie Saker" Subject: GH/PC: Robin Date: 18 Feb 1998 13:38:18 PST gina wrote: >(who is trying to figure out what is going on with Robin lately) i am SO with you on that one!!! now let me preface this by saying that i LOVE robin--or at least i used to. have for YEARS. think that quite possibly the best, and most overdue line, i've EVER heard on gh was her "i'm too damn little to be anybody's patron saint" line to jason before she left. BUT... what on EARTH is guza DOING to that girl?!? she's traipsing around town butting her nose into EVERYBODY'S business in the world--jason, carly, NIKOLAS for god's sake?!? any day i expect her to tell rinaldo that he's going to give himself bunions from spending all day on his feet and he should really take better care of himself. meanwhile, while she's sharing her vast expertise with strangers and enemies and exes, the three people who REALLY need her help--brenda, mac, and felicia, get NOTHING. we occasionally get a brenda/robin scene, but RARELY anything substantial. and here we have mac and felicia involved in a HUGE story (for them, anyway)...and we get NOTHING from robin. i don't get it--i really don't. for THIS kimberly left school? i haven't seen today's ep yet, so maybe you had something more specific in mind, but robin's really been infuriating me lately. kimberly is too good of an actress, and robin has the potential (and HISTORY) to be too fascinating a character, for both of them to be wasted on the drivel we've been seeing lately. the only high point was her kiss with jason, if only because it was a break from what she's spent every day doing since she got back from paris--preaching to people who don't care about subjects which are none of her business, while ignoring the people who DO care and the subjects which ARE. julie ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Gina Clayton" Subject: Re: GH/PC: Robin Date: 18 Feb 1998 16:48:50 EST5EDT > now let me preface this by saying that i LOVE robin--or at least i used > to. have for YEARS. think that quite possibly the best, and most > overdue line, i've EVER heard on gh was her "i'm too damn little to be > anybody's patron saint" line to jason before she left. BUT... That was a GREAT line....I wish she would show some of that spunk now! > what on EARTH is guza DOING to that girl?!? she's traipsing around town > butting her nose into EVERYBODY'S business in the world--jason, carly, > NIKOLAS for god's sake? any day i expect her to tell rinaldo that > he's going to give himself bunions from spending all day on his feet and > he should really take better care of himself LOL! > meanwhile, while she's > sharing her vast expertise with strangers and enemies and exes, the > three people who REALLY need her help--brenda, mac, and felicia, get > NOTHING. we occasionally get a brenda/robin scene, but RARELY > anything substantial. and here we have mac and felicia involved in a > HUGE story (for them, anyway)...and we get NOTHING from robin. That is ALL guza's fault becasue Filly and Mac won't let her in on it. SHE IS MAC'S NIECE...she NEEDS to know what is going on!! > i haven't seen today's ep yet, so maybe you had something more specific > in mind, wait 'til you see it....I won't ruin it for you but to say it is Robin and Jason > but robin's really been infuriating me lately. kimberly is too > good of an actress, and robin has the potential (and HISTORY) to be too > fascinating a character, for both of them to be wasted on the drivel > we've been seeing lately. the only high point was her kiss with jason, > if only because it was a break from what she's spent every day doing > since she got back from paris--preaching to people who don't care about > subjects which are none of her business, while ignoring the people who > DO care and the subjects which ARE. and looking miserable whenever she sees Jason. I hope that things look up for her soon...ITA that Kimberly and Robin are being wasted. (with this baby storyline, you would think it would be interesting) gina - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Mike Boychuk Subject: GH/PC: GH/PC- Bob Guza on NWA (spoiler) Date: 18 Feb 1998 15:32:35 -0800 S P O I L E R S P A C E He got maybe a 5 minute phone call in today and aside from going on a bit about Genie and Maurice he gives away this one thing about Lizzie's rape...He said "a family will implode,a new romance will blossom and a previous rivalry will turn into a war. So I guess what I thought first off were, in order. Spencers, Robin and Nik and the Spencer vs. Cassadine war. But I dont know, seems a bit obvious...or this could just be my disdain for the thought of Robin and Nik together...Any other thoughts? - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Anne B) Subject: Re: GH/PC: PC yesterday--H*LP!!! Date: 18 Feb 1998 16:48:51 MST On Wed, 18 Feb 1998 12:20:51 -0800, Taiyin wrote: >At 01:51 PM 2/18/98 -0500, Cagey wrote: >> >>I'm confused. Why is it a secret that Lucy has been poisoned (I assume >>that's what the "lie" is?)? I realize there's "no point in worrying people >>unnecessarily," but the reaction you described for Lucy to Audrey's >>question is kind of odd. > > ***Stuff deleted***... I think it >was mostly design to show how sick and tired of this whole thing she is. > >It's not that the poinsoning is a secret, but they didn't want it getting >out until they knew for sure. > She also said something about not letting Rex have anymore power over her which I took to be a little denial on Lucy's part (the more people she had to tell the truer it became). But I also like Taiyin's theory that this is how the writers show us that Lucy is tired of the lies. I thought Kevin's remark that it wasn't anybody's business and Lucy had every right to lie was an interesting character defining moment. This is the usually truthful Kevin's philosophy--that if it is your personal pain you don't have any obligation to confide in people who care about you. This is were he is always dishonest and the writers have been consistent. Reading Rika's transcripts makes me wonder how much progress Kevin has really made. Oh, sure, he has opened up and shared things with Lucy and Mac but Tuesday's line makes me wonder how much he really understands why this is necessary. -- Anne B - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Gina Clayton" Subject: Re: GH/PC: GH/PC- Bob Guza on NWA (spoiler) Date: 19 Feb 1998 11:02:17 EST5EDT I will borrow the space:) here is some speculation on a spoiler I heard a while back! > S > P > O > I > L > E > R > > > S > P > A > C > E I have mentioned earlier that I had heard that one of Helena's henchmen rapes Lizzie. this would make sense..... > gives away this one thing about Lizzie's > rape...He said "a family will implode, This could be the Cassadines or the Spencers. Nik would not take it well if his family is responsible for Liz's rape. He could certainly blame his grandmother, but also Stefan because he is supposed to keep an eye on Helena and try to control her. After all, he is supposed to be more powerful. BUT if Lucky were to find out about the L&L rape debate, then the family will certainly implode. >a new romance will blossom and a this will probally be Nik and Robin. I doubt they would do that to Liz and Lucky yet. But didn't Guza say when he first came on that he was going to concentrate on the Jason/Robin relationship because he likes them together?? Could this mean someone else?? who?? > previous rivalry will turn into a war. Cassadine vs. Spencer....duh! (everything in PC revolves around it) > So I guess what I thought first off were, in order. Spencers, Robin and Nik > and the Spencer vs. Cassadine war. But I dont know, seems a bit > obvious...or this could just be my disdain for the thought of Robin and Nik > together...Any other thoughts?> so far i agree with you excpet the imploding family could go either way, but from the looks of it, the Spencers will implode!! gina > > > > - > > - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Cagey Subject: Re: GH/PC: GH/PC- Bob Guza on NWA (spoiler) Date: 19 Feb 1998 14:18:27 -0500 At 03:32 PM 2/18/98 -0800, Mike Boychuk wrote: >S >P >O >I >L >E >R > > >S >P >A >C >E > > >He got maybe a 5 minute phone call in today and aside from going on a bit >about Genie and Maurice Any concrete news about a return for either of them? >But I dont know, seems a bit obvious...or this could >just be my disdain for the thought of Robin and Nik together It *does* seem obvious, doesn't it? I'm not sure I have an opinion on Robin and Nik, though. I can't stand Sarah, and it's obvious that Nik is going to be in town for quite a while, so I suppose the Robin/Nik angle had to be tried. I wonder how Jason would react... I'm constantly bewildered by ages, btw. Just how old are these characters supposed to be? It doesn't really matter, but I'm just curious. --kg - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie Saker" Subject: GH/PC: Re: GH/PC- Bob Guza on NWA (spoiler) Date: 19 Feb 1998 11:23:25 PST mike wrote: (i'm borrowing his spoiler space, becuase there's a full transcript of guza's remarks below...) >S >P >O >I >L >E >R > > >S >P >A >C >E > >Any other thoughts? well, my first thought is thanks for posting this, because it inspired me to go check pc online, SURE that someone would have posted a transcript. and, sure it is, in its entirety, along with my own thoughts on the subject... ************************************* Cindi Rhinehart: Bob, How are you? Bob Guza: I'm doin' great down here, how are you? CR: I'm so glad you did this with us. We've only got a few minutes, so I want to push right thru if I may....Tony Geary said it himself, you heard him (referring to a clip), he said you're the man to make it happen. What were your goals when you came back to GH? BG: Well Cindi, the first thing I wanted to do was to sort of play the money. You know, I thought we should pit the titans against one another; [i'm sorry, but we HAVE to send this man a thesaurus...] you know, that would be the Spencers and the Cassidines, first and foremost; [REALLY? you're kidding? he likes them? 'cause i wasn't really sure... :)] Jax and Jason, [now see...THAT, to me, would make for a MUCH more interesting couple than j&b part 2! :)] Bobbi and Carly....I also wanted to re-set the romances, and kind of up the stakes a little. CR: Boy, you sure have! BG: (not hearing) Excuse me? CR: You sure have! BG: The main thing we wanted to do was we wanted to kind of return some of the core characters to the foreground, and in particular that meant the Quartermaines, for me. [YEAH!!!!!!!!] CR: Well - BG: And the last thing we wanted to do was to make some things happen, you know, and drive some story, and make alotta incidents and make it so you couldn't like not watch the show. CR: ...I'm so hot on GH right now! Here's one of the things I want to talk about: Sonny's gone. BG: (laughing) But not forgotten! CR: Oh, my lord, you should see my e-mail! WHAT does that mean for Jax and Brenda? BG: The big obstacle for Jax and Brenda right now is, Is Brenda Over Sonny? [you mean it's not ASHLEY?!? you're KIDDING... just out of curiosity, WHY is that woman here??? she is ENTIRELY unnecessary, if you ask me...] And Jax and Brenda both know until she is there is no future for them, and Jax is NOT going to lose out again to Sonny Corinthos! CR: Now let's talk about comebacks. Is there any official word on Laura's return? BG: I've talked to Genie on several occassions, and she's very happy with the family and being with the kids. I think she's very anxious to get back, the question is when. And I said to Genie - and you know if she's got you guys tuned in up there - Anytime, Anywhere, Anyhow!! CR: Allright. What about rumours that Maurice Bernard may come back for a Brief Stint? BG: Boy, I tell you what, Cindi, if he doesn't, they're gonna have to check ME in to the Brenda Barrett psych ward at GH! CR: (laughing) I absolutely agree! you know what I say, tho, Bob, as much as I love Maurice Bernard, I think the role of Sonny is so pivotal that I would like to see you recast it if he won't come back. [ i'm sorry...WHAT?!? this woman is on crack.] BG: Aw, Cindi, perish the thought! NEVER! I couldn't do it! Maurice Bernard? Some other Sonny Corinthos? Not happenin'! [ THANK you, bob. best news i've heard in ages...] CR: Okay! Now....the Liz rape storyline is very dramatic. I've gotten a huge response from my viewers. Any clues on where it's headed? Now, let me tell you what I've gotten in my e-mail: First of all, BTW Bob, when I said you were gonna be on, I got more e-mails about you, being on the show, and questions they wanted to ask you, than I've ever gotten on any star. BG: Oh-h-h, god, tell 'em I love 'em and thank them from the bottom of my heart. CR: Well, they love your writing too! Now, what about Tony? A lot of folks are e-mailing me saying ''Cindi, it's gotta be Tony''. BG: (slight, slight pause) Yeah? [oh please...let's not give the man any ideas here.] CR: Seriously. BG: Well you know what, Cindi? I'll tell you this much: The 'whodunnit' part of this story is probably the least important part. [translation: the rapist is the tin man's evil twin brother.] Liz's rape is gonna have incredible implications for a whole bunch of our characters that you don't even realize right now. For instance, out of this one story, a family is going to implode, [HAS to be the spencers, especially if they really ARE going to bring up the luke/laura rape thing. lucky's gonna FLIP.] a romance is gonna blossom, [oh PLEASE don't let this be robin/nik. and y'know, i don't think it will be. i think guza is pretty committed to the whole robin/jason story still. MY hope would be lucky/lizzie--even though for years i wanted lucky/emily. my ideal situation here? lucky realizes he's been drooling after the wrong does nikolas...lucky pairs up with lizzie, nik with emily, and sarah gets shipped to bosnia. hey...a girl can dream, can't she? :)] and what is already an on-going battle is gonna escalate into a full-blown warfare. [spencer-cassadine. we all know guza has a soft spot for that one.] It's a much bigger story than just two or three characters! CR: Oh, Bob, you know I love scoop like that! I just love it! Ooh, then I won't go there! Let's just move on because that's some good stuff right there and I was going in the wrong direction. Oh, I'm so glad you told me. Now, we all know that AJ is the father of Carly's baby. How...Do we have any idea how that's going to play out, at all? BG: Yeah....the first interesting thing, there's some big stuff coming up, in fact in about 2 weeks. But Jason, as you can see, is getting very, VERY involved with this baby, and you're gonna see the lenghts to which he will go to protect Michael, you'll see exactly what he will do and exactly what it's gonna mean for the Robin/Carly/Jason triangle. [ummm, excuse me....the robin/carly/jason triangle? WHAT triangle??? jason doesn't love carly--carly doesn't love jason--by definition, THERE'S NO TRIANGLE HERE. if anything, it's a robin/jason/MICHAEL triangle. puh-LEEZE tell me that's not where we're headed with this?] CR: Oh, interesting. Oh, and one last quick thing: Carly and Bobbi...I understand they are eventually going to get together. BG: Yeah! in the year 2012 we're projecting right now! [based on the rate that this story has progressed...that's just about right.] CR: (laughs) I'm lovin' it! Bob, we're out of time and I know how busy you are right now, and I really appreciate you taking a couple of minutes with us. I'm gonna come down in March, and stop by and say 'hi'. BG: Do it, Cindi, I look forward to it. **************************************** that's it for me for now! julie ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Mike Boychuk Subject: Re: GH/PC: GH/PC- Bob Guza on NWA (spoiler) Date: 19 Feb 1998 11:28:57 -0800 At 02:18 PM 19/02/98 -0500, you wrote: >At 03:32 PM 2/18/98 -0800, Mike Boychuk wrote: >>S >>P >>O >>I >>L >>E >>R >> >> >>S >>P >>A >>C >>E >> > >Any concrete news about a return for either of them? None, but he did say they were pretty much begging Genie and they'll never recast Sonny, even if Maurice doesnt want to come back. > >It *does* seem obvious, doesn't it? > >I'm not sure I have an opinion on Robin and Nik, though. I can't stand >Sarah, and it's obvious that Nik is going to be in town for quite a while, >so I suppose the Robin/Nik angle had to be tried. I wonder how Jason would >react... > >I'm constantly bewildered by ages, btw. Just how old are these characters >supposed to be? It doesn't really matter, but I'm just curious. I think Nik is about 16 or 17 and Robin would be 20...But thats just a guess, what really threw me was Mr. Murty's class...Nik is older than Lucky who is older than Sarah, who is Lizzie's older sister. And putting them in the same class, would mean they're in the same grade? Well the teen storyline wasnt very good then. > > Mike > - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie Saker" Subject: GH/PC: GH scoops and SPOILERS Date: 19 Feb 1998 11:43:40 PST i shamelessly cut and paste these from someone else's web page... enjoy! julie s p o i l e r s - l o o k o u t b e l o w ! WEEK OF FEBRUARY 23-27, 1998 courtesy of Soap Opera Weekly, Soap Opera Update, Soap Opera News, Soap Opera Magazine and other sources! Plus Articles: "Liz's rape ordeal continues" and "Stefan will not answer Nikolas' questions about Laura" and "Jax meets with one of Jason's "boys," while Brenda throws Jax with a very important question" Important Stuff: MONDAY: Carly learns that Robin knows the truth and may not keep her secret. TUESDAY: Mac learns why Tess has been holding him hostage - she plans to frame him for the murder. WEDNESDAY: Alan may not be able to hide his pill addiction, as two more people find out. THURSDAY: Jason undergoes a transformation. FRIDAY: Brenda asks Jax a very important question. But her forwardness may just backfire ... and then where will she be? More Stuff: Katherine's gift to Stefan and his refusal to answer Nikolas' questions have Nikolas worried about Stefan's feelings for Laura. Liz tells Audrey the truth about her attack; Bobbie steps in when Audrey isn't there for Liz. Jax rushes to Brenda's side when he hears that she's gotten a new modeling job. Robin and Carly discuss Michael's paternity. Tess pays Mac and Felicia a surprise visit, giving Mac a clue about her plan. Stefan warns Nikolas to be wary of Robin. Jax continues his vendetta against Jason; Ned and Justus offer Jax a few helful hints. A confident A.J. stands up to Emily and Ned on his first day back on the job at ELQ. Carly takes Jason shopping. Brenda makes a request of Jax. Tess' cronies have their eyes on Jax. The FOLLOWING week: Tony cooks up a new plan Mac and Felicia's "relationship" takes a new turn. Nikolas has a breakthrough. Startling revelations rock two families. Liz's rape ordeal continues Liz isn't the only one who has to face the consequences of her rape. This week on GH she tells her sister and her grandmother, both of whom have strong reactions to the news. Sarah feels guilty because the original plan had been for Liz to be at the Valentine's Dance. "Sarah and Lucky discuss it," Rebecca Herbst (Liz) says, "and he tells her, "I was supposed to go to the dance with Liz, but I went with you instead.' So now Sarah feels responsible as well, because if it hadn't been for the two of them, Liz would have been at the dance, safe and sound." Later, Liz is forced to tell Audrey what happened. Initially, Liz only tells her she lost her bracelet, but when Lucky finds it and brings it to her, she admits the truth. Audrey has an odd reaction: When Bobbie finally convinces Liz to have an HIV test, Audrey refuses to accompany her to the hospital. "I'm excited that this has happened to Liz,' Herbst says. "As a character, she didn't have the much background. Her parents are in Bosnia, they're doctors, they left her at 14. That's all we knew. And now, even the littlest scenes I do, there is this huge dimension to Liz that I can pull from. We are all being let in on this personal crisis, and now, from here on out, everybody's going to always think back to that." Stefan will not answer Nikolas' questions about Laura Katherine's gift of a stone bench brings Stefan's fond memories of Laura to the surfae once again. Nikolas tries to get the truth about Laura out of his uncle, but Stefan firmly refuses to answer the young man's prying questions. When Nikolas finds the portrait of Laura hidden in the attic, he begins to believe that what Helena is saying about Stefan's obsession with Laura may be true. But when challenged, Stefan defends his actions and declares that Helena's claim is ludicrous. Jax meets with one of Jason's "boys," while Brenda throws Jax with a very important question Fed up with the dock-project delays and the loss of hundreds of millions of dollars the delays could cause, Jax takes action this week. "He is beginning to show the Jacks family colors," explains Ingo Rademacher (Jax). The fly in the ointment is Jason, who runs the docks. Jax confronts Ned as to why he has not met with Jason about this project. He accuses Ned of breaking the cardinal rule in business - allowing personal feelings to interfere with an objective. Ned turns it around on Jax and suggests that Jax has confused the issue by projecting his hatred for Sonny onto Jason. The bottom line for Jax is that he wants the situation rectified, and he tells Ned he will do whatever it takes to resolve it. Interpreting Jax's statement as a threat on Jason's life, Ned goes to Jason to warn him. But Jax has his own plan, and meets with Sam, one of Jason's "boys." "He does this really tricky thing," Rademacher says. "What it amounts to is a situation where Jax goes to one person and says, 'He said this about you,' then goes to that person and says, 'he said that about you.' " Sam confides to Jax that Jason will soon be out of the way, at which point Jax tells Jason there is a traitor in his midst. It's a win-win situation for Jax. "If Sam kills Jason, great. If Jason kills the other guy, then Jason thinks he owes one to Jax for warning him," Rademacher explains. "Either way, there will hopefully be movement on the project." Look for Sam to confront Jason by week's end. Meanwhile, Brenda tells Robin she has a new job and a surprise for Jax. Learning of Brenda's photo shoot, a fearful Jax races to her side. When he reaches Brenda, she is surprisingly calm but throws Jax by what she asks him. ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Maia Subject: Re: GH/PC: Robin and Nik Date: 19 Feb 1998 16:25:28 -0800 >>>S >>>P >>>O >>>I >>>L >>>E >>>R >>> >>>S >>>P >>>A >>>C >>>E >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>> >>> >>> >> >>> >>> >good point, but...unless nik suddenly turns out to be hiv+, i don't see >any circumstance, EVER, under which robin would have sex with him >anyway. Being HIV+ didn't stop Robin from sleeping with Jason. Repeatedly, in fact. And even if he were HIV+, too, it wouldn't actually change anything. Two people who are both HIV+ can reinfect each other, making themselves worse, and speeding the progression of the disease. Maia Shea - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie Saker" Subject: Re:Re: GH/PC: Robin and Nik Date: 20 Feb 1998 06:26:13 PST maia wrote: >Being HIV+ didn't stop Robin from sleeping with Jason. Repeatedly, in fact. really? i don't think so...unless we're using different definitions of "sleeping with." i agree they had some sort of sexual relationship, but i'm almost POSITIVE they never "slept together" in terms of having actual sex (which is what i was talking about, in terms of the statutory rape discussion). i know jason wanted to, desperately, but robin wouldn't take the risk. i seem to remember jason even talked to alan, and read all sorts of medical journals, to try and convince robin it would be safe, but she wouldn't think of it. am i wrong about that? >And even if he were HIV+, too, it wouldn't actually change anything. Two >people who are both HIV+ can reinfect each other, making themselves worse, >and speeding the progression of the disease. well, that's true i guess. all i really meant was that i don't see robin having sex with anyone, ever again, unless that person is also hiv positive. otherwise i don't think she'd even CONSIDER it. unless alan cures her one of these days, of course! :) julie ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie Saker" Subject: GH/PC: Re: GH teen ages Date: 20 Feb 1998 06:49:04 PST cagey wrote: >I'm constantly bewildered by ages, btw. Just how old are these characters >supposed to be? It doesn't really matter, but I'm just curious. i think we've had this conversation before, and never really came to a satisfactory answer, because tptb have screwed up their timeline so much. all i can say for sure is...taking lucky, nik, em, sarah, lizzie, and that robin is the oldest, and is in her (i think?) sophomore year of college, which i'd say makes her around 19-ish. nik i believe is second-oldest, since he HAS to be older than lucky, since laura didn't have lucky before the cassadines kidnapped her and took her to the island. i don't know what year that was, though, and i don't suppose it matters because i don't think it's accurate. he drives, and has been doing college-level work with his tutors even though he's still technically high school age, so i'd guess him to be 17. lucky HAS to be at least a year younger--making him either 15 or 16. i think em is around his age, whatever that is (they never DID specify which birthday she just celebrated). and i think, back at the beginning, that they said lizzie is 15 and sarah is 16. and yes, having all these siblings in the same english class was more than a tad ridiculous! julie ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re:Re: GH/PC: Robin and Nik Date: 20 Feb 1998 08:28:49 -0800 At 06:26 AM 2/20/98 PST, Julie Saker wrote: > >really? i don't think so...unless we're using different definitions of >"sleeping with." i agree they had some sort of sexual relationship, but >i'm almost POSITIVE they never "slept together" in terms of having >actual sex I could have sworn they did. Hmm... that's a good question, then. I was absolutely positive they had. Taiyin "By all means, please, sacrifice me on the altar of your amusement. It's the least I can contribute to your evening." -- Kevin Collins, GH - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: GH/PC: Re: GH teen ages Date: 20 Feb 1998 08:44:01 -0800 At 06:49 AM 2/20/98 PST, Julie Saker wrote: >and that robin is the oldest, and is in her (i think?) >sophomore year of college, which i'd say makes her around 19-ish. Except that she actually took a year off school to stay home when Stone was dying. So she should ACTUALLY be 20/21-ish. Though, they had Sonny say she was 19 last summer (which I only remember because it irritated me at the time). >nik i >believe is second-oldest, since he HAS to be older than lucky, since >laura didn't have lucky before the cassadines kidnapped her and took her >to the island. Right. My problem with all of that is that there is NO WAY IN THE WORLD I buy that Tyler Christopher is playing a 17 year old. And honestly, I think that's why I wouldn't mind a Nik/Robin pairing (obviously it has to be handled well), because it is distracting, annoying and totally impossible to me to try and swallow Nik as only being 17. >lucky HAS to be >at least a year younger--making him either 15 or 16. i think em is >around his age, whatever that is (they never DID specify which birthday >she just celebrated). Not on her birthday, they didn't (they were too busy focusing on abduction and other sundry felonies). But last fall Em had a line about it only being "a few months" before she could drive, so I think it's a pretty safe bet that she's probably 16. >and i think, back at the beginning, that they >said lizzie is 15 and sarah is 16. and yes, having all these siblings >in the same english class was more than a tad ridiculous! One of those interviews (I think) had Becky Herbst refering to Lizzie as 14. Even if that WAS the original plan, I think they probably refigured her age -- even before this storyline. Aside from the fact that I don't buy Becky playing a 14 year old anymore than I buy Tyler playing a 17 year old, I think between this storyline and the fact that they seem to be trying to progress these kids into "bigger" circumstances (in general), I doubt they'd leave her so young. I don't think a lot of people could stomach all that teen angst for that long. So I'd probably say that Lizzie is probably 15 or 16 and Sarah would be about a year older. I think Em, Lucky and Lizzie are probably all about the same age; Nik and Sarah are probably the same age; and Robin isn't even really close. Taiyin "By all means, please, sacrifice me on the altar of your amusement. It's the least I can contribute to your evening." -- Kevin Collins, GH - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie Saker" Subject: Re: GH/PC: Robin and Jason Date: 20 Feb 1998 11:39:21 PST i wrote (regarding robin and jason): >>i agree they had some sort of sexual relationship, but >>i'm almost POSITIVE they never "slept together" in terms of having >>actual sex and taiyin replied: >I could have sworn they did. Hmm... that's a good question, then. I >was absolutely positive they had. well ok, now i'm curious. anybody else out there have a thought on this one? i distinctly remember, at first, at least, robin being STRONGLY against the two of them having sex. too dangerous, she didn't want to be responsible for getting him infected, etc. jason, who didn't care if he lived or died really, didn't see any such problem, and went to great lengths (even going as far as to confer with alan, who he REALLY despised) about whether it would be safe. i especially remember this being an issue around the time robin went on the protocol, because jason figured if it would lower the virus to undetectable levels, then it must be safe for the two of them to sleep together. unfortunately, the medical journals he consulted, and alan, and robin, all told him no. before that point, they DEFINITELY hadn't--because i remember when carly realized that jason and robin were an item, at the nurses ball where she collapsed during her speech and jason carried her off-stage, carly had a FIT, because she and jason had been sleeping together, and he had never told her he was involved with someone who was hiv positive. so carly yelled at him, and he replied that it wasn't an issue because he and robin weren't having sex. then, after jason had really been on a crusade for a while, i seem to remember robin breaking down and pointing out that this wasn't any easier for her than it was for him, but that she had buried all the people she intended to bury in her life, and she absolutely wouldn't be responsible for infecting jason, no matter how much she wanted to be physical with him too. and i THINK, at that point, they agreed that they could be physical without being reckless, which is when they started having a sexual relationship of SOME type--but, i'm almost positive i remember reading (at that time) an interview with somebody connected with the show who said this storyline was really going to explore ways of being in a meaningful relationship without having sexual intercourse. of course, they never got specific about that on-screen, i don't think, so...i guess i don't really know. but i REALLY thought they hadn't. am i crazy? julie ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie Saker" Subject: GH/PC: more PC stuff from yesterday... Date: 20 Feb 1998 11:56:18 PST two more things i forgot to comment about earlier... after some definite progress in this regard (largely due to eve), i'm REALLY beginning to HATE HATE HATE chris again!!!!! how DARE he get such glee out of interfering in what is CLEARLY a life-or-death situation??? that preview, of him putting together that note? what an evil, EVIL thing to do! and for what POSSIBLE reason??? y'know, i think this is very similar to what taiyin said earlier about rex--and i think this is a big problem with the villains on pc in general, vs. the historically better villains on gh. the motivations for the pc villains are SO weak as to be laughable, except that the things they're doing because of these motivations are so heinous, that you just CAN'T laugh. instead, you wind up just really HATING them, whereas on gh i think the villains tended to be more of the "love to hate them" type. ok, so chris is going to poke his nose into a situation that could easily get matt killed, TO WIN THE QUARTERMAINE RESIDENCY??? huh? that's even WORSE than "doing all this for some dead woman's money." GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. and on another note entirely...way to butcher one of my favorite short stories, scotty! i know, i know, it's only a half hour show, and the whole plot to "the lady or the tiger" would have taken QUITE a while to explain...but scott's description was almost a sacrilege! i know, i'm so picky...but what can i say, i was an english major! :) julie p.s. ANOTHER thing that pissed me off, even though it's COMPLETELY unrelated to gh/pc...when i logged on to hotmail to write this message, they had a BIG banner across the top telling me who wins tonight's figure that i had successfully managed to avoid all day, because i REALLY didn't want to know ahead of time (this being the one and only winter olympics event i have ANY interest in seeing). don't worry, i won't ruin it for all of you...BUT I'M REALLY PISSED ABOUT THIS NOW!!!!! ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: GH/PC: Robin and Jason Date: 20 Feb 1998 11:49:28 -0800 At 11:39 AM 2/20/98 PST, Julie Saker wrote: >before that point, they DEFINITELY hadn't--because i remember when carly >realized that jason and robin were an item, at the nurses ball where she >collapsed during her speech and jason carried her off-stage, carly had a >FIT, because she and jason had been sleeping together, and he had never >told her he was involved with someone who was hiv positive. This part I remember. >physical with him too. and i THINK, at that point, they agreed that >they could be physical without being reckless, And that's what I remember, too. >explore ways of being in a meaningful relationship without having sexual >intercourse. of course, they never got specific about that on-screen, i >don't think, so...i guess i don't really know. but i REALLY thought >they hadn't. am i crazy? Hhmmm... strange. Usually soaps don't do vague. It could be that I just read more into it than was there at the time. Now I am really curious, though. Taiyin "By all means, please, sacrifice me on the altar of your amusement. It's the least I can contribute to your evening." -- Kevin - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Donald K Gooden" Subject: GH/PC: GH: spoilers part one Date: 20 Feb 1998 21:42:02 -0500 Spoilers for the week of Feb 23 Jamila 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 WEEK OF FEBRUARY 23-27, 1998 courtesy of Soap Opera Weekly, Soap Opera Update, Soap Opera News, Soap Opera Magazine and other sources! Plus Articles: "Liz's rape ordeal continues" and "Stefan will not answer Nikolas' questions about Laura" and "Jax meets with one of Jason's "boys," while Brenda throws Jax with a very important question" Important Stuff: MONDAY: Carly learns that Robin knows the truth and may not keep her secret. TUESDAY: Mac learns why Tess has been holding him hostage - she plans to frame him for the murder. WEDNESDAY: Alan may not be able to hide his pill addiction, as two more people find out. THURSDAY: Jason undergoes a transformation. FRIDAY: Brenda asks Jax a very important question. But her forwardness may just backfire ... and then where will she be? More Stuff: Katherine's gift to Stefan and his refusal to answer Nikolas' questions have Nikolas worried about Stefan's feelings for Laura. Liz tells Audrey the truth about her attack; Bobbie steps in when Audrey isn't there for Liz. Jax rushes to Brenda's side when he hears that she's gotten a new modeling job. Robin and Carly discuss Michael's paternity. Tess pays Mac and Felicia a surprise visit, giving Mac a clue about her plan. Stefan warns Nikolas to be wary of Robin. Jax continues his vendetta against Jason; Ned and Justus offer Jax a few helful hints. A confident A.J. stands up to Emily and Ned on his first day back on the job at ELQ. Carly takes Jason shopping. Brenda makes a request of Jax. Tess' cronies have their eyes on Jax. The FOLLOWING week: Tony cooks up a new plan Mac and Felicia's "relationship" takes a new turn. Nikolas has a breakthrough. Startling revelations rock two families. Liz's rape ordeal continues Liz isn't the only one who has to face the consequences of her rape. This week on GH she tells her sister and her grandmother, both of whom have strong reactions to the news. Sarah feels guilty because the original plan had been for Liz to be at the Valentine's Dance. "Sarah and Lucky discuss it," Rebecca Herbst (Liz) says, "and he tells her, "I was supposed to go to the dance with Liz, but I went with you instead.' So now Sarah feels responsible as well, because if it hadn't been for the two of them, Liz would have been at the dance, safe and sound." Later, Liz is forced to tell Audrey what happened. Initially, Liz only tells her she lost her bracelet, but when Lucky finds it and brings it to her, she admits the truth. Audrey has an odd reaction: When Bobbie finally convinces Liz to have an HIV test, Audrey refuses to accompany her to the hospital. "I'm excited that this has happened to Liz,' Herbst says. "As a character, she didn't have the much background. Her parents are in Bosnia, they're doctors, they left her at 14. That's all we knew. And now, even the littlest scenes I do, there is this huge dimension to Liz that I can pull from. We are all being let in on this personal crisis, and now, from here on out, everybody's going to always think back to that." Stefan will not answer Nikolas' questions about Laura Katherine's gift of a stone bench brings Stefan's fond memories of Laura to the surfae once again. Nikolas tries to get the truth about Laura out of his uncle, but Stefan firmly refuses to answer the young man's prying questions. When Nikolas finds the portrait of Laura hidden in the attic, he begins to believe that what Helena is saying about Stefan's obsession with Laura may be true. But when challenged, Stefan defends his actions and declares that Helena's claim is ludicrous. Jax meets with one of Jason's "boys," while Brenda throws Jax with a very important question Fed up with the dock-project delays and the loss of hundreds of millions of dollars the delays could cause, Jax takes action this week. "He is beginning to show the Jacks family colors," explains Ingo Rademacher (Jax). The fly in the ointment is Jason, who runs the docks. Jax confronts Ned as to why he has not met with Jason about this project. He accuses Ned of breaking the cardinal rule in business - allowing personal feelings to interfere with an objective. Ned turns it around on Jax and suggests that Jax has confused the issue by projecting his hatred for Sonny onto Jason. The bottom line for Jax is that he wants the situation rectified, and he tells Ned he will do whatever it takes to resolve it. Interpreting Jax's statement as a threat on Jason's life, Ned goes to Jason to warn him. But Jax has his own plan, and meets with Sam, one of Jason's "boys." "He does this really tricky thing," Rademacher says. "What it amounts to is a situation where Jax goes to one person and says, 'He said this about you,' then goes to that person and says, 'he said that about you.' " Sam confides to Jax that Jason will soon be out of the way, at which point Jax tells Jason there is a traitor in his midst. It's a win-win situation for Jax. "If Sam kills Jason, great. If Jason kills the other guy, then Jason thinks he owes one to Jax for warning him," Rademacher explains. "Either way, there will hopefully be movement on the project." Look for Sam to confront Jason by week's end. Meanwhile, Brenda tells Robin she has a new job and a surprise for Jax. Learning of Brenda's photo shoot, a fearful Jax races to her side. When he reaches Brenda, she is surprisingly calm but throws Jax by what she asks him. ---- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Donald K Gooden" Subject: GH/PC: What torture!!!! Date: 21 Feb 1998 14:57:05 -0500 Oh God. You are all killing me. The last time I saw Port Charles was three weeks ago. My VCR is broken. If I am at home and I press record then it will sometimes work. However, it won't work at all if I set the timer. I am not home during the days, so I can only see the show when I have a day off of school. This has been my predicament for several months now. It is quite funny actually, because I have a Lucy and Kevin website, but I can't even watch the show. I have been reading all your posts about Kevin and Lucy, and I have seen the promos for this upcoming week. I tell you I am dying...Is it better for me to read all of your posts and go on-line and find out about the shows I've missed, torturing myself,or is it better to not think about K and L, believing in the idea that ignorance is bliss. Kevin and Lucy: The Wonder Year (oh the torture of it all) Jamila - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: GH/PC: Robin and Nik Date: 22 Feb 1998 21:13:09 EST In a message dated 98-02-20 11:40:55 EST, you write: << > >really? i don't think so...unless we're using different definitions of >"sleeping with." i agree they had some sort of sexual relationship, but >i'm almost POSITIVE they never "slept together" in terms of having >actual sex I could have sworn they did. Hmm... that's a good question, then. I was absolutely positive they had. >> I'm totally sure they did not actually sleep together. They did things an alternate way. I remember a lot of talk online about how mesy it must have been. Robin refused insisting on not putting Jason at risk. I think that is the stand they will make with her from now on. They have written themselves into a corner with this, they don't want to let her sleep with anyone, no matter what precautions are taken. They don't want any young viewer to put themselves at risk because "Robin and Jason did and he's fine." It's the same reason they had her become HIV positive in the first place. So like someone said, unless she meets else who is HIV positive that is how it will be. Even then, I think they worry about different strains of HIV, so it still might be a problem. An interesting situationhas arisen though, since Robin is on the latest drug cocktail and the virus is undetectable in her blood right now. I wonder how risky safe sex would be for her partner at this point? I doubt we will ever find out..... Anne - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: GH/PC: Robin and Nik Date: 23 Feb 1998 09:50:51 -0800 At 09:13 PM 2/22/98 EST, wrote: >Robin refused insisting on not putting Jason at risk. I think that is the >stand they will make with her from now on. They have written themselves into >a corner with this, they don't want to let her sleep with anyone, no matter >what precautions are taken. Frankly, I think that's more irresponsible than them having her and Jason sleep together and *not* have him end up HIV+. >They don't want any young viewer to put >themselves at risk because "Robin and Jason did and he's fine." Well, I can understand that. But the fact remains that there ARE reasonable precautions to take. No, nothing is 100%. But condoms, combined with the fact that it is actually more difficult for a woman to infect a man, make it highly unrealistic that they just won't ever sleep together. They really are trying to turn her into a saint, I guess. A sexless, saintly, unich. So much for showing that she can lead a "healthy, normal life." >It's the same >reason they had her become HIV positive in the first place. Yeah, but she and Stone didn't use protection at least once (though, after the fact, it was implied that they didn't use protection repeatedly). Taiyin "By all means, please, sacrifice me on the altar of your amusement. It's the least I can contribute to your evening." -- Kevin - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie Saker" Subject: Re: Re: GH/PC: Robin and Nik Date: 23 Feb 1998 11:40:34 PST anne wrote: >>They don't want any young viewer to put >>themselves at risk because "Robin and Jason did and he's fine." thanks, anne--that, in a nutshell, is EXACTLY why i thought they HADN'T slept together, but apparently my brain wasn't working well enough for me to be able to articulate that at the time! :) and taiyin wrote: >Well, I can understand that. But the fact remains that there ARE >reasonable precautions to take. No, nothing is 100%. But condoms, >combined with the fact that it is actually more difficult for a >woman to infect a man, make it highly unrealistic that they just >won't ever sleep together. > >They really are trying to turn her into a saint, I guess. A sexless, >saintly, unich. So much for showing that she can lead a "healthy, >normal life." well...i see your point. but at the same time, i think if they WERE to allow robin to have a sex life it would have to be handled very, VERY carefully. because, especially due to the age of the characters involved, there would really be a huge risk of a large segment of the viewing population being too young to necessarily listen to and understand the reasoning behind why and HOW it's okay to have sex with someone who's hiv positive. i think tptb are afraid, and rightfully so, i think, that they "why" and "how" would get lost, and all that people would walk away with is "it's okay," and i'm sure they don't want that on their conscience. not that i don't think they could do it, and do a responsible job with it--because i thought the way they handled the robin/stone story was just wonderful. but in a lot of ways that one was much easier to handle. that was a cautionary tale--do this and something bad could happen to you--and this would be almost the reverse. >Yeah, but she and Stone didn't use protection at least once (though, >after the fact, it was implied that they didn't use protection >repeatedly). i thought they portrayed it this way: stone got tested and was negative, robin went on the pill, and they used condoms until the pill made it "safe" for them not to anymore. then, it turned out that negative test, like robin's first tests, wasn't right because the virus hadn't shown up in stone's blood stream yet. the message being, what they THOUGHT was responsible behavior (getting tested and waiting to have unprotected sex until the test came back negative and they had pregnancy prevention taken care of) was the right thought but not enough. which, i think, is related to what i said above--they're trying SO hard to not take any chances about the wrong message getting out to young viewers, that they're willing to err on the side of being over-cautious rather than take a chance that their message would be misinterpreted. on an unrelated note, sort of...i WISH you could come sit in my apartment and watch "er" with my roommate and myself one thursday night, taiyin! i have SUCH fights with him over jeannie boulet (who, if you don't watch, is a physician's asst. who is hiv positive, and didn't tell anyone at work--initially, at least--because she didn't want to lose her job). rob (my roommate) TEARS this woman apart, calling her all sorts of names that i can't print here, and saying she's a horrible person, basically, for wanting to continue to live her life. we had a particularly heated discussion after the episode where she stuck her hand (gloved, of course) into a patient's very large open wound to save his life, when no one else was around and if she hadn't done it the patient would have died. (she had made a deal with her supervisor that she wouldn't do anything that risky) rob said she shouldn't have done it--i said "would it be better to KNOW the patient would die, rather than take the slim chance that you MIGHT make him hiv positive by saving his life?" he said, "well, if she had QUIT like she SHOULD have, she wouldn't have been IN that situation!" infuriating, let me tell you! this is the same boy who, as a golfer, was vehemently opposed to that disabled golfer being allowed to use a cart, because it would give him an "unfair advantage," but who also wouldn't accept my argument of, "well then, let EVERYONE use a cart if they want to" because that would "change the game. what if a batter in baseball couldn't run and wanted to use a cart to get around the bases?" i told him, "you know, rob, it's a good thing you were born healthy, now isn't it..." GRRRRRRRRRRRRR! i'd like to see YOU take a crack at him! (i'm getting sick of being the "designated liberal"!) :) julie ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: Re: GH/PC: Robin and Nik Date: 23 Feb 1998 12:09:22 -0800 At 11:40 AM 2/23/98 PST, Julie Saker wrote: > >well...i see your point. but at the same time, i think if they WERE to >allow robin to have a sex life it would have to be handled very, VERY >carefully. Of course. But I think it would be much more of a service (not to mention more realistic) to explore the ways they can still have sex, but make it as safe as possible. I think that, while abstainance is the safest, it is really pretty unrealistic to expect that every person who is HIV+, and in a serious relationship, is going to abstain from sex for the rest of their lives... or until there is a cure. >not that i don't think they could do it, and do a responsible job with >it--because i thought the way they handled the robin/stone story was >just wonderful. And that is the other half of why I think they should do it. They did a VERY responsible job of the entire situation from the very beginning. And I think to let it go now *is* irresponsible. >i thought they portrayed it this way: stone got tested and was negative, >robin went on the pill, and they used condoms until the pill made it >"safe" for them not to anymore. Right. >the message being, what they THOUGHT was >responsible behavior (getting tested and waiting to have unprotected sex >until the test came back negative and they had pregnancy prevention >taken care of) was the right thought but not enough. Yes, but it's not an accurate comparison, really. They were living in total ignorance last time. That isn't the case anymore at all. >related to what i said above--they're trying SO hard to not take any >chances about the wrong message getting out to young viewers, that >they're willing to err on the side of being over-cautious rather than >take a chance that their message would be misinterpreted. I guess. I think my point is that doing it this way is like saying, "If we don't allow teenagers access to condoms, then they just won't have sex." I think it's a very naive approach that does more harm than good, IMO. >on an unrelated note, sort of...i WISH you could come sit in my >apartment and watch "er" with my roommate and myself one thursday night, >taiyin! Argh! Well, as we've noticed before, your roommate and I are probably much better off on opposite coasts. ;-) Taiyin "By all means, please, sacrifice me on the altar of your amusement. It's the least I can contribute to your evening." -- Kevin - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: Re: GH/PC: Robin and Nik Date: 23 Feb 1998 12:00:34 -0800 At 11:40 AM 2/23/98 PST, Julie Saker wrote: > >well...i see your point. but at the same time, i think if they WERE to >allow robin to have a sex life it would have to be handled very, VERY >carefully. Of course. But I think it would be much more of a service (not to mention more realistic) to explore the ways they can still have sex, but make it as safe as possible. I think that, while abstainance is the safest, it is really pretty unrealistic to expect that every person who is HIV+, and in a serious relationship, is going to abstain from sex for the rest of their lives... or until there is a cure. >not that i don't think they could do it, and do a responsible job with >it--because i thought the way they handled the robin/stone story was >just wonderful. And that is the other half of why I think they should do it. They did a VERY responsible job of the entire situation from the very beginning. And I think to let it go now *is* irresponsible. >i thought they portrayed it this way: stone got tested and was negative, >robin went on the pill, and they used condoms until the pill made it >"safe" for them not to anymore. Right. >the message being, what they THOUGHT was >responsible behavior (getting tested and waiting to have unprotected sex >until the test came back negative and they had pregnancy prevention >taken care of) was the right thought but not enough. Yes, but it's not an accurate comparison, really. They were living in total ignorance last time. That isn't the case anymore at all. >related to what i said above--they're trying SO hard to not take any >chances about the wrong message getting out to young viewers, that >they're willing to err on the side of being over-cautious rather than >take a chance that their message would be misinterpreted. I guess. I think my point is that doing it this way is like saying, "If we don't allow teenagers access to condoms, then they just won't have sex." I think it's a very ignorant approach that does more harm than good. >on an unrelated note, sort of...i WISH you could come sit in my >apartment and watch "er" with my roommate and myself one thursday night, >taiyin! Argh! Well, as we've noticed before, your roommate and I are probably much better off on opposite coasts. ;-) Taiyin "By all means, please, sacrifice me on the altar of your amusement. It's the least I can contribute to your evening." -- Kevin - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: Re: GH/PC: Robin and Nik Date: 23 Feb 1998 12:00:34 -0800 At 11:40 AM 2/23/98 PST, Julie Saker wrote: > >well...i see your point. but at the same time, i think if they WERE to >allow robin to have a sex life it would have to be handled very, VERY >carefully. Of course. But I think it would be much more of a service (not to mention more realistic) to explore the ways they can still have sex, but make it as safe as possible. I think that, while abstainance is the safest, it is really pretty unrealistic to expect that every person who is HIV+, and in a serious relationship, is going to abstain from sex for the rest of their lives... or until there is a cure. >not that i don't think they could do it, and do a responsible job with >it--because i thought the way they handled the robin/stone story was >just wonderful. And that is the other half of why I think they should do it. They did a VERY responsible job of the entire situation from the very beginning. And I think to let it go now *is* irresponsible. >i thought they portrayed it this way: stone got tested and was negative, >robin went on the pill, and they used condoms until the pill made it >"safe" for them not to anymore. Right. >the message being, what they THOUGHT was >responsible behavior (getting tested and waiting to have unprotected sex >until the test came back negative and they had pregnancy prevention >taken care of) was the right thought but not enough. Yes, but it's not an accurate comparison, really. They were living in total ignorance last time. That isn't the case anymore at all. >related to what i said above--they're trying SO hard to not take any >chances about the wrong message getting out to young viewers, that >they're willing to err on the side of being over-cautious rather than >take a chance that their message would be misinterpreted. I guess. I think my point is that doing it this way is like saying, "If we don't allow teenagers access to condoms, then they just won't have sex." I think it's a very ignorant approach that does more harm than good. >on an unrelated note, sort of...i WISH you could come sit in my >apartment and watch "er" with my roommate and myself one thursday night, >taiyin! Argh! Well, as we've noticed before, your roommate and I are probably much better off on opposite coasts. ;-) Taiyin "By all means, please, sacrifice me on the altar of your amusement. It's the least I can contribute to your evening." -- Kevin - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: GH/PC: Apologies Date: 23 Feb 1998 13:54:36 -0800 Xmission spazed out while I was trying to send that message, and it appears that it grabbed it more than once. Sorry. Taiyin, who seems to be setting some sort of listmom record for messed up posts lately... - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: Re: GH/PC: Robin and Nik Date: 23 Feb 1998 12:00:34 -0800 At 11:40 AM 2/23/98 PST, Julie Saker wrote: > >well...i see your point. but at the same time, i think if they WERE to >allow robin to have a sex life it would have to be handled very, VERY >carefully. Of course. But I think it would be much more of a service (not to mention more realistic) to explore the ways they can still have sex, but make it as safe as possible. I think that, while abstainance is the safest, it is really pretty unrealistic to expect that every person who is HIV+, and in a serious relationship, is going to abstain from sex for the rest of their lives... or until there is a cure. >not that i don't think they could do it, and do a responsible job with >it--because i thought the way they handled the robin/stone story was >just wonderful. And that is the other half of why I think they should do it. They did a VERY responsible job of the entire situation from the very beginning. And I think to let it go now *is* irresponsible. >i thought they portrayed it this way: stone got tested and was negative, >robin went on the pill, and they used condoms until the pill made it >"safe" for them not to anymore. Right. >the message being, what they THOUGHT was >responsible behavior (getting tested and waiting to have unprotected sex >until the test came back negative and they had pregnancy prevention >taken care of) was the right thought but not enough. Yes, but it's not an accurate comparison, really. They were living in total ignorance last time. That isn't the case anymore at all. >related to what i said above--they're trying SO hard to not take any >chances about the wrong message getting out to young viewers, that >they're willing to err on the side of being over-cautious rather than >take a chance that their message would be misinterpreted. I guess. I think my point is that doing it this way is like saying, "If we don't allow teenagers access to condoms, then they just won't have sex." I think it's a very ignorant approach that does more harm than good. >on an unrelated note, sort of...i WISH you could come sit in my >apartment and watch "er" with my roommate and myself one thursday night, >taiyin! Argh! Well, as we've noticed before, your roommate and I are probably much better off on opposite coasts. ;-) Taiyin "By all means, please, sacrifice me on the altar of your amusement. It's the least I can contribute to your evening." -- Kevin - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: Re: GH/PC: Robin and Nik Date: 23 Feb 1998 12:00:34 -0800 At 11:40 AM 2/23/98 PST, Julie Saker wrote: > >well...i see your point. but at the same time, i think if they WERE to >allow robin to have a sex life it would have to be handled very, VERY >carefully. Of course. But I think it would be much more of a service (not to mention more realistic) to explore the ways they can still have sex, but make it as safe as possible. I think that, while abstainance is the safest, it is really pretty unrealistic to expect that every person who is HIV+, and in a serious relationship, is going to abstain from sex for the rest of their lives... or until there is a cure. >not that i don't think they could do it, and do a responsible job with >it--because i thought the way they handled the robin/stone story was >just wonderful. And that is the other half of why I think they should do it. They did a VERY responsible job of the entire situation from the very beginning. And I think to let it go now *is* irresponsible. >i thought they portrayed it this way: stone got tested and was negative, >robin went on the pill, and they used condoms until the pill made it >"safe" for them not to anymore. Right. >the message being, what they THOUGHT was >responsible behavior (getting tested and waiting to have unprotected sex >until the test came back negative and they had pregnancy prevention >taken care of) was the right thought but not enough. Yes, but it's not an accurate comparison, really. They were living in total ignorance last time. That isn't the case anymore at all. >related to what i said above--they're trying SO hard to not take any >chances about the wrong message getting out to young viewers, that >they're willing to err on the side of being over-cautious rather than >take a chance that their message would be misinterpreted. I guess. I think my point is that doing it this way is like saying, "If we don't allow teenagers access to condoms, then they just won't have sex." I think it's a very ignorant approach that does more harm than good. >on an unrelated note, sort of...i WISH you could come sit in my >apartment and watch "er" with my roommate and myself one thursday night, >taiyin! Argh! Well, as we've noticed before, your roommate and I are probably much better off on opposite coasts. ;-) Taiyin "By all means, please, sacrifice me on the altar of your amusement. It's the least I can contribute to your evening." -- Kevin - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: Re: GH/PC: Robin and Nik Date: 23 Feb 1998 12:00:34 -0800 At 11:40 AM 2/23/98 PST, Julie Saker wrote: > >well...i see your point. but at the same time, i think if they WERE to >allow robin to have a sex life it would have to be handled very, VERY >carefully. Of course. But I think it would be much more of a service (not to mention more realistic) to explore the ways they can still have sex, but make it as safe as possible. I think that, while abstainance is the safest, it is really pretty unrealistic to expect that every person who is HIV+, and in a serious relationship, is going to abstain from sex for the rest of their lives... or until there is a cure. >not that i don't think they could do it, and do a responsible job with >it--because i thought the way they handled the robin/stone story was >just wonderful. And that is the other half of why I think they should do it. They did a VERY responsible job of the entire situation from the very beginning. And I think to let it go now *is* irresponsible. >i thought they portrayed it this way: stone got tested and was negative, >robin went on the pill, and they used condoms until the pill made it >"safe" for them not to anymore. Right. >the message being, what they THOUGHT was >responsible behavior (getting tested and waiting to have unprotected sex >until the test came back negative and they had pregnancy prevention >taken care of) was the right thought but not enough. Yes, but it's not an accurate comparison, really. They were living in total ignorance last time. That isn't the case anymore at all. >related to what i said above--they're trying SO hard to not take any >chances about the wrong message getting out to young viewers, that >they're willing to err on the side of being over-cautious rather than >take a chance that their message would be misinterpreted. I guess. I think my point is that doing it this way is like saying, "If we don't allow teenagers access to condoms, then they just won't have sex." I think it's a very ignorant approach that does more harm than good. >on an unrelated note, sort of...i WISH you could come sit in my >apartment and watch "er" with my roommate and myself one thursday night, >taiyin! Argh! Well, as we've noticed before, your roommate and I are probably much better off on opposite coasts. ;-) Taiyin "By all means, please, sacrifice me on the altar of your amusement. It's the least I can contribute to your evening." -- Kevin - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: Re: GH/PC: Robin and Nik Date: 23 Feb 1998 12:00:34 -0800 At 11:40 AM 2/23/98 PST, Julie Saker wrote: > >well...i see your point. but at the same time, i think if they WERE to >allow robin to have a sex life it would have to be handled very, VERY >carefully. Of course. But I think it would be much more of a service (not to mention more realistic) to explore the ways they can still have sex, but make it as safe as possible. I think that, while abstainance is the safest, it is really pretty unrealistic to expect that every person who is HIV+, and in a serious relationship, is going to abstain from sex for the rest of their lives... or until there is a cure. >not that i don't think they could do it, and do a responsible job with >it--because i thought the way they handled the robin/stone story was >just wonderful. And that is the other half of why I think they should do it. They did a VERY responsible job of the entire situation from the very beginning. And I think to let it go now *is* irresponsible. >i thought they portrayed it this way: stone got tested and was negative, >robin went on the pill, and they used condoms until the pill made it >"safe" for them not to anymore. Right. >the message being, what they THOUGHT was >responsible behavior (getting tested and waiting to have unprotected sex >until the test came back negative and they had pregnancy prevention >taken care of) was the right thought but not enough. Yes, but it's not an accurate comparison, really. They were living in total ignorance last time. That isn't the case anymore at all. >related to what i said above--they're trying SO hard to not take any >chances about the wrong message getting out to young viewers, that >they're willing to err on the side of being over-cautious rather than >take a chance that their message would be misinterpreted. I guess. I think my point is that doing it this way is like saying, "If we don't allow teenagers access to condoms, then they just won't have sex." I think it's a very ignorant approach that does more harm than good. >on an unrelated note, sort of...i WISH you could come sit in my >apartment and watch "er" with my roommate and myself one thursday night, >taiyin! Argh! Well, as we've noticed before, your roommate and I are probably much better off on opposite coasts. ;-) Taiyin "By all means, please, sacrifice me on the altar of your amusement. It's the least I can contribute to your evening." -- Kevin - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie Saker" Subject: GH/PC: GH/War and Peace Date: 24 Feb 1998 06:35:35 PST AAAAARRRRRRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! that's it--i have just GOT to move to a different time zone. this is getting UTTERLY ridiculous. yes, i know, war and peace are very important things--but why is it ALWAYS between 3 and 4:00??? and i swear, the timing of these interruptions lately...i'm CONVINCED they're planning this. here was yesterday's set-up... we had luke and lucky in the park, lucky finds the bracelet, luke has laura flashbacks, and begins to feel terribly guilty over his son's blind adoration. we had robin and nik, with robin telling nik he had a bad attitude, and asking what was stopping him from recovering. we had kat and bat and the ludicrous baptismal gift thing (do people really DO this?), and the most brilliant half-truth i've ever seen-- "in my life i've only loved one woman...", fade to kiss. we had jason's little pro-union speech (incidentally--HUH? did that come out of left field, or am i just nuts?). and, the crowning moment, we had the scheming grannies, bobbie and monica, with bobbie ultimately going up to carly, making idle chit-chat, and then asking, "so, what are your plans?"....immediately followed by the abc theme music, fade to peter jennings. now, i ask you, did they PLAN it that way or WHAT??? and to make it even WORSE, after bill spoke, we cut back to peter jennings who said the following (and i quote): "we're just about at the end of the hour here, so we're going to fill up to the end of the hour." EXCUSE me? did this man just ADMIT that they're just going to use idle filler rather than go back to the conclusion of the show they had already interrupted??? EVIL EVIL MAN!!! so, once again, i am throwing myself on the mercy of the west-of-the-mississippi contingent. did anybody get the second half of gh yesterday and care to fill the east-coast-types in on what we missed? thanks in advance! julie ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: GH/PC: GH/War and Peace Date: 24 Feb 1998 08:11:51 -0800 Wonder if I can send this message without it dropping a dozen times. ;-) At 06:35 AM 2/24/98 PST, Julie Saker wrote: >kat and bat and the ludicrous baptismal gift thing (do people really DO >this?) Russian Orthodox do. Though, it's not called "Baptismal Day." It's called "Name's Day" and it's second only to your own birthday. >pro-union speech (incidentally--HUH? did that come out of left field, >or am i just nuts?). Sort of, but not really. Jason is just strategizing to prevent the ELQ plans on the docks. So far we haven't seen much of Jason's side of this, only Jax's. Basically the only times it's come up with Jason are the time when he was looking at the specs and blueplans and he said the idea stinks. I still think the little bit at the boardmeeting when it first came up, between Jason and Ned, was the best we've seen about this entire plot. >so, once again, i am throwing myself on the mercy of the >west-of-the-mississippi contingent. did anybody get the second half of >gh yesterday and care to fill the east-coast-types in on what we missed? Nothing too terribly fascinating. I think the only three interesting things are: 1.) More Luke angst. He looks like he's about to crack. 2.) Audrey overheard Lucky and Lizzie discuss that Lucky found the bracelet in the park and she then confronted Lizzie, and she broke down and told her grandmother the truth. Audrey was supportive, but very "sweep it under the carpet" about the whole thing -- including suggesting that they don't tell Lizzie's parents. 3.) Lucky and Sarah talking. Sarah tells Lucky that she knows what happened and Lucky blaming himself. When Sarah asks why, he tells her that if he hadn't gone to the dance with Sarah, Lizzie would have been there safe and sound. So they both felt guilty for a while before Lucky pointed out that they weren't getting anywhere with this. And then Lucky commented that he hopes the guy who did it is being eaten up from the inside out. I liked 3 the best, because, even though it included Sarah, it was more of Lucky's reaction to this, and he was crying again by the end of the scene. Audrey's reaction was almost creepy, and Lizzie felt something not quite right about the way her grandmother was responding, and it made me want to give her a hug, because she looked really lost, like she had thought that telling her grandmother would h*lp her, and then she did it and it didn't work and she didn't have anywhere left to go. Not all that great and the preview for today didn't look all that hot, either. But that's probably because (I think) today is supposed to be Luke's first day on PC. Taiyin "By all means, please, sacrifice me on the altar of your amusement. It's the least I can contribute to your evening." -- Kevin - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie Saker" Subject: GH/PC: Re: GH/War and Peace Date: 24 Feb 1998 09:25:40 PST taiyin wrote: >Russian Orthodox do. Though, it's not called "Baptismal Day." It's >called "Name's Day" and it's second only to your own birthday. wow--so everybody gets TWO birthdays a year? pretty cool...learn something new every day! (of course, how KATHERINE would have known that is beyond me...) >1.) More Luke angst. He looks like he's about to crack. can't wait. and if THIS doesn't tempt genie out of maternity leave, i don't know WHAT will! seems to me a lot of people have been waiting AGES for this particular story to play out--and i THINK i even read something by her, once upon a time, that said she really wished this had been addressed more instead of revised and swept under the carpet. >2.) Audrey overheard Lucky and Lizzie discuss that Lucky found the >bracelet in the park and she then confronted Lizzie, and she broke >down and told her grandmother the truth. Audrey was supportive, but >very "sweep it under the carpet" about the whole thing -- including >suggesting that they don't tell Lizzie's parents. hmmmm. i read somewhere that audrey's reaction to this was supposed to be very strange, and related to some past trauma of her own. does anybody know if SHE has a rape in her past too? (god, there's an awful lot of this going around lately, isn't there?) >I liked 3 the best, because, even though it included Sarah, it was >more of Lucky's reaction to this, and he was crying again by the end >of the scene. i'm feeling SO bad for lucky in all of this--but sarah...even when she's trying to be SUPPORTIVE she annoys me! i did, however, like the scene at the beginning of yesterday between sarah and lizzie. when sarah said she'd do anything lizzie needed her to do, and lizzie asked her if she could turn back time...ouch. that was just PAINFUL, but beautifully done. >Not all that great and the preview for today didn't look all that >hot, either. well least i know not to get stressed if the president interrupts yet AGAIN today! :) thanks for the update, taiyin! did anything further happen with bobbie and carly? the little bit of that conversation i saw was really interesting--sb and jz are doing an INCREDIBLE job with this. the way carly started out in full defensive mode, but then when bobbie made some comment about how happy and healthy michael looked, you could just SEE carly softening as she said, "yeah, he is, isn't he..." or something like that. the range of emotions, and watching carly go back and forth between them all, is just amazing to watch--monica's definitely right--she SO wants to have a relationship with her mother, and yet she's still so angry about the past, and so scared of being rejected again, and so disappointed in her own behavior and subsequently sure that she DESERVES the rejection she's enough to make your head spin. i really didn't think much of sb last year, and kind of wondered why she got that emmy...but i've COMPLETELY changed my mind on that score! >But that's probably because (I think) today is supposed to be Luke's >first day on PC. i think you're right--i can't wait! wow--poor lucy yesterday, huh? at the end, when she was talking to the "higher powers"? talk about somebody you want to give a hug... i just can't BELIEVE rex, even as freaked out as he was by the spiders, was STILL trying to play games with them. GRRRRRRRRRRR. and matt and ellen... clearly they're not going to proceed too far with this plot line (unless someone else has heard something i haven't, about matt leaving the show), but i REALLY hope somebody reams chris HARD over this one, once the truth comes out. anyway...thanks again for the info! julie ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Gina Clayton" Subject: Re: GH/PC: Re: GH/War and Peace Date: 24 Feb 1998 12:44:57 EST5EDT >> Audrey was supportive, but > >very "sweep it under the carpet" about the whole thing -- including > >suggesting that they don't tell Lizzie's parents. > > hmmmm. i read somewhere that audrey's reaction to this was supposed to > be very strange, and related to some past trauma of her own. does > anybody know if SHE has a rape in her past too? (god, there's an awful > lot of this going around lately, isn't there?) yes-she was raped by her husband andI think tom was conceived that night. I might be wrong on the conception thing-let me know if I am. At that time it wasn't considered rape, but it was clearly unconsentual sex. this was in the 60's so it was swept under the carpet like she is telling Liz to do. > >I liked 3 the best, because, even though it included Sarah, it was > >more of Lucky's reaction to this, and he was crying again by the end > >of the scene. I really HATE that I missed that scene. I love watching JJ's reactions-he is doing a great job. I even enjoyed Sarah yesterday when she was helping Liz. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Amy Schatz Subject: Re: GH/PC: Re: GH/War and Peace Date: 24 Feb 1998 12:43:40 -0500 >At 09:25 AM 2/24/98 PST, you wrote: Hi all, I'm new to this list, and looking forward to participating. I've been watching GH since I was 7 years old...and I'm now almost 22. >>2.) Audrey overheard Lucky and Lizzie discuss that Lucky found the >>bracelet in the park and she then confronted Lizzie, and she broke >>down and told her grandmother the truth. Audrey was supportive, but >>very "sweep it under the carpet" about the whole thing -- including >>suggesting that they don't tell Lizzie's parents. Okay, did they show this yesterday? Because I'm on the East coast and the President interrupted just when everything was getting really good. I was so mad! So, did I miss a moment between Lucky and Liz - ie. did he give her bracelet back yesterday, or will that happen today? >hmmmm. i read somewhere that audrey's reaction to this was supposed to >be very strange, and related to some past trauma of her own. does >anybody know if SHE has a rape in her past too? (god, there's an awful >lot of this going around lately, isn't there?) I think I heard something about some trauma like that in her past... >>I liked 3 the best, because, even though it included Sarah, it was >>more of Lucky's reaction to this, and he was crying again by the end >>of the scene. I love Lucky now! Which is odd, since he used to really annoy me. And I still can't make myself like Sarah...even though she was nice to Liz yesterday. :D >i'm feeling SO bad for lucky in all of this--but sarah...even when she's >trying to be SUPPORTIVE she annoys me! Same here! She's too perfect and one can be that angelic. > i did, however, like the scene >at the beginning of yesterday between sarah and lizzie. when sarah said >she'd do anything lizzie needed her to do, and lizzie asked her if she >could turn back time...ouch. that was just PAINFUL, but beautifully >done. That was a wonderfully done scene... >>Not all that great and the preview for today didn't look all that >>hot, either. > >well least i know not to get stressed if the president >interrupts yet AGAIN today! :) Amen!! Amy "Thou knowest tonight, and wilt know tomorrow This mark of my shame, this seal of my sorrow." "Samuel Taylor Coleridge, "Christabel" "Maybe he needs you to call him all the time." "Not when he's having breakfast with someone else." "Echhh...that model?" "Yes. That model. That *other* model." --Robin and Brenda, talking about Jax on GH "You know, Kristen, you may be beautiful. But you're just rotten as a snake underneath." --Susan, talking to Kristen on DAYS Visit my homepage: There's links to X-Files stuff, my XF Fanfiction, my fav music, Prey, and more!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: GH/PC: Re: GH/War and Peace Date: 24 Feb 1998 10:09:58 -0800 At 12:43 PM 2/24/98 -0500, Amy Schatz wrote: > I'm new to this list, and looking forward to participating. I've been >watching GH since I was 7 years old...and I'm now almost 22. Welcome Amy! >>>2.) Audrey overheard Lucky and Lizzie discuss that Lucky found the >>>bracelet in the park and she then confronted Lizzie, and she broke >>>down and told her grandmother the truth. Audrey was supportive, but >>>very "sweep it under the carpet" about the whole thing -- including >>>suggesting that they don't tell Lizzie's parents. > >Okay, did they show this yesterday? Yup. It was the second half of the ep. >So, did I miss a moment between Lucky and Liz - ie. did he give >her bracelet back yesterday, or will that happen today? Yeah, that's what prompted Lizzie to tell Audrey -- her grandmother overheard Lucky and LIzzie discussing the fact that Lucky had found the bracelet, AFTER Lizzie had lied to her grandmother about it having a broken clasp and being taken to the jewelry store to be fixed. >>i'm feeling SO bad for lucky in all of this--but sarah...even when she's >>trying to be SUPPORTIVE she annoys me! > >Same here! She's too perfect and one can be that angelic. She annoys me because she needs acting lessons. ;-) Taiyin "By all means, please, sacrifice me on the altar of your amusement. It's the least I can contribute to your evening." -- Kevin - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Amy Schatz Subject: Re: GH/PC: Re: GH/War and Peace Date: 24 Feb 1998 13:24:08 -0500 >>At 10:09 AM 2/24/98 -0800, you wrote: >At 12:43 PM 2/24/98 -0500, Amy Schatz wrote: >> I'm new to this list, and looking forward to participating. I've been >>watching GH since I was 7 years old...and I'm now almost 22. > >Welcome Amy! Thanks! :D >>>>2.) Audrey overheard Lucky and Lizzie discuss that Lucky found the >>>>bracelet in the park and she then confronted Lizzie, and she broke >>>>down and told her grandmother the truth. Audrey was supportive, but >>>>very "sweep it under the carpet" about the whole thing -- including >>>>suggesting that they don't tell Lizzie's parents. >> >>Okay, did they show this yesterday? > >Yup. It was the second half of the ep. Oh great. Why does this always happen?? Peter Jennings *never* breaks in on AMC or OLTL. It's always GH. It seems like all world events happen between 3 - 4 pm EST. I was looking forward to seeing Lucky give Liz the bracelet back...this stinks... And I almost screamed when Peter Jennings said, "Well, folks, it's we're just going to fill out till the end of the hour..." I said, "NO!!! I want to see the very end, at least!! Or even the previews! Throw me a bone, here, people!" ;-) >>So, did I miss a moment between Lucky and Liz - ie. did he give >>her bracelet back yesterday, or will that happen today? > >Yeah, that's what prompted Lizzie to tell Audrey -- her grandmother >overheard Lucky and LIzzie discussing the fact that Lucky had found the >bracelet, AFTER Lizzie had lied to her grandmother about it having a broken >clasp and being taken to the jewelry store to be fixed. So, did Audrey confront Liz, or will that happen today? (maybe I didn't miss all the good stuff - cause we all know that if Audrey isn't supportive, Liz will get upset and maybe go tell Lucky about it:) >>>i'm feeling SO bad for lucky in all of this--but sarah...even when she's >>>trying to be SUPPORTIVE she annoys me! >> >>Same here! She's too perfect and one can be that angelic. > >She annoys me because she needs acting lessons. ;-) While she does need some work, she's not as bad as Miranda was...or that stupid Ashley... But she does do that thing with her eyes...she always look surprised... BTW, anything interesting happen between Robin and Nikolas in the 2nd half of the episode? Amy "Thou knowest tonight, and wilt know tomorrow This mark of my shame, this seal of my sorrow." "Samuel Taylor Coleridge, "Christabel" "Maybe he needs you to call him all the time." "Not when he's having breakfast with someone else." "Echhh...that model?" "Yes. That model. That *other* model." --Robin and Brenda, talking about Jax on GH "You know, Kristen, you may be beautiful. But you're just rotten as a snake underneath." --Susan, talking to Kristen on DAYS Visit my homepage: There's links to X-Files stuff, my XF Fanfiction, my fav music, Prey, and more!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: GH/PC: Re: GH/War and Peace Date: 24 Feb 1998 10:32:38 -0800 At 01:24 PM 2/24/98 -0500, Amy Schatz wrote: > >So, did Audrey confront Liz, or will that happen today? (maybe I didn't >miss all the good stuff - cause we all know that if Audrey isn't >supportive, Liz will get upset and maybe go tell Lucky about it:) No, it already happened. She wanted to know why LIzzie had lied about taking the bracelet to the jewelers to be repaired. It was relaly only because she got caught in that lie that she told Audrey at all. Under normal circumstances she probably would have tap-danced her way out of it, but she's just not up for that right now. And it wasn't that Audrey isn't being supportive, but she's taking a very different approach than Bobbie or Lucky, or even Luke, did. I mean, when Lizzie was raped and she decided not to tell anyone and not to press charges, I could understand that. In her shoes I would probably do that same thing -- there is really no chance of catching the guy because she doesn't know anything about him and that is a REALLY hard thing to share with ANYbody. So the fewer people who know, the better. I can understand that. But eventually Lizzie began to realize that whether or not she goes to the police, SHE needs h*lp to deal with this. Lucky is doing what he can (and frothing at the mouth waiting for the chance to find the guy and rip his spleen out with his teeth), so is Bobbie and now so is Sarah. It's just that Audrey's idea of a solution was not as proactive as everyone else's. I think that's why it felt off-kilter. She was very upset by it, but her "solutions" to it seemed like she was trying to get lizzie over a flu: "Just rest and have some tea, stay warm and no need to make a big deal out of it, because you'll just put it behind you and get on with your life." It just wasn't what Lizie was expecting. And it wasn't like, so far, Audrey has been ever remotely UNsupportive, so I don't think it's really anything that Lizzie can put her finger on, but something DID bother her about Audrey's reaction. >While she does need some work, she's not as bad as Miranda was...or that >stupid Ashley... But she does do that thing with her eyes...she >always look surprised... That's why I call her "Ms. Deer in the Headlights." >BTW, anything interesting happen between Robin and Nikolas in the 2nd half >of the episode? No more than what Julie wrote earlier -- Robin just pointing out to Nik that his attitude was his biggest obsitcal, and asked him how badly he really wanted to get better. She did comment that, essetially, he's feeling sorry for himself. There really isn't anything WRONG with him, and certainly nothing that can't be fixed. She made a nameless comparison to Jason -- about how "some people" loose years of their lives, and memories and skills that they can never get back and they go on with their lives. It's just a matter of CHOICE. Basically she told him to make up his mind. She was very nice about it, though. Taiyin "By all means, please, sacrifice me on the altar of your amusement. It's the least I can contribute to your evening." -- Kevin - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: GH/PC: Matt and Ellen Date: 25 Feb 1998 09:08:30 -0800 Well, I was waiting for someone to mention it (I've been a little preoccupied with K&L), but after TWO excellent Matt and Ellen days, I finally had to say something (since Cagey must be REALLY busy, otherwise I'm sure we would have heard her melting into a giddy puddle of goo). Wow. Go Ellen! I am SO glad that she finally took a chance. They need to give Debi more to do -- damn, that woman can ACT. And poor Matt. What is with those agents hovering like a couple of vultures waiting for dinner? Sheesh. Obviously the concept of "privacy" is not a top priority for these guys. And Matt's observation about trading his life for the things that make his life worth while was right on the money. I am glad that Ellen convinced him to go, anyway, though. Combined with K&L it did make for a very, very sad ep, though. Though when Ramsey gets his butt kicked it'll make up for it. Taiyin "By all means, please, sacrifice me on the altar of your amusement. It's the least I can contribute to your evening." -- Kevin - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie Saker" Subject: GH/PC: GH SPOILERS Date: 25 Feb 1998 09:50:00 PST got this off of pc online, so i don't know their original source... but some of them are pretty gruesome. don't say i didn't warn you! l o o k o u t b e l o w . . . . . Scoops for the week of March 2 Monday: Jax doesn't give Brenda the answer she wants Tuesday: Alan is on the hotseat when Taggert accuses him of taking pain medication [huh--TAGGERT?] Thursday: Audrey is falling apart about Liz's rape-- Friday: Lucky learns the truth about his parents past-- from none other than Nikolas [oh my, oh my, oh MY. now THAT should be good!] Coming soon: Lucky tries to follow up on the truth about what Nikolas has told him. After Michael is kidnapped, Edward is the primse suspect-- initally. [you're kidding me, right? HOW is the most-guarded child on earth going to be kidnapped NOW???] Amy catches Alan with his hand in the cookie jar again. Brenda works to snag Jax's heart and body again. [ gets SO much worse. see below...] In Depth: Brenda realizes she wants Jax more than ever after his reaction to her marriage purposal. [EEEEEEEWW! PLEASE SAY IT ISN'T SO!!!!! braindead is NOT going to ask doormat to MARRY her?!? what is guza smoking???] Tess is feeling the heat of Mac and Felicia's investigation but they find themselves unprepared for the way she reacts. Alan is questioned by Taggert about the pain pills. Alexis and Ned scam AJ on the job. As Jason struggles to maintain his power base, Robin finds herself getting more attached to Nikolas. [oh geez...i guess we all predicted this...but still...] Nikolas' speech continues to improve and spills the truth to Lucky about Luke and Laura's past. [woo-hoo! luke is gonna FLIP!!!] Robin has another meeting with Carly and is hurt by Jason's treatment of her afterwards. Elizabeth is puzzled by Audrey's reaction to her rape.... Audrey is beginning to fall apart. Tony loudly and clearly informs everyone that he is leaving Port Charles for good. [dare we hope? actually, i've heard he's going to be the afore-mentioned kidnapper. ] Jason and Justus team up to keep Jax at bay. Tess makes an important phone call, but V is working behind the scenes to have the call traced. Mac and Felicia make an important decision about their future. Carly is in a paralyzingly frightening incident about Michael. Scoops for the week of February 23-27, 1998 [some of this already happened...but some didn't yet] Monday 2/23 Robins announcement shocks Carly into action. Tuesday 2/24 Tess makes a surprise visit to The Outback, where Mac gets more information about her plan. Wednesday 2/25 Alan continues to try to hide his addiction. Thursday 2/26 Jason changes some of his ways. Justus warns Jason to keep his eyes open. Friday 2/27 Jax once again tries to protect his Brenda, and she asks him a surprising question. In Depth Scoops: Katherine's gift of the Stone Bench has a strange effect on Stefan as he ruminates more and more about his relationship with Laura Spencer. Nikolas will discover the portait of Laura, which Stefan has hidden away, and this will serve to cement the idea Helena implanted in his brain about Stefan truly loving Laura....or being obsessed by her. Stefan will not answer Nikolas' questions in this regard which makes Nik even more uneasy about his *Uncle's* feelings for his mother. Stefan is not thrilled with Robin's visits to Nikolas and plants the seed of warning in Nikolas' mind about trusting a Scorpio. Robin will finally confront carly about AJ being Michael's real father-- and she threatens that Carly had better tell AJ the truth before Jason becomes even more attached to Michael. Robin will not tolerate Carly using and hurting Jason like that. This threat to Carly's newfound way of life, and the knowledge that AJ would definitely sue for custody causes Carly's Manipulation Machine of a brain to start plotting against Robin. Liz is going to break the news to Audrey that she has lost the bracelet she loaned her, but Lucky finds the bracelet in the park and returns it and this causes Liz to breakdown and admit what happened. Liz will finally tell her grandmother that she was raped in the park. Audrey has a strange reaction, and will not go with Liz to GH for an HIV test. Bobbie goes with her in Audrey's place, but everyone is puzzled by Audrey's uncharacteristic behavior. Sarah and Lucky have a discussion about what happened to Liz, and why they both feel guilty. Tess makes a surprise visit to *James* at The Outback, and Mac finally puts some of her hints together as he figures out her dastardly plan. This week, the Spotlight is on Jasper Jacks! Jax is more than a little impatient about the continuing delays with the Dock Project-- after all Big Bucks are at stake here! Jax shows his more ruthless business man side this week, which we certainly haven't seen in awhile. Jax begins by having it out with Nedly about why Ned isn't leaning on Jason to get the project going....he gets Ned's goat by telling him that he isn't behaving professionally. He's letting familial feelings prevent him from reaching his goal. Ned, however, turns the tables on Jax, by telling Jax that he thinks that Jax is the one whose feelings are foremost here-- Jax is still jealous of Sonny and has carried those feelings of jealousy and hatred to Jason! Jax has had it up to his eyeballs by now, and tells Ned that he isn't going to stand around waiting for Ned to light a fire under Jason, and that he will do whatever he deems necessary to resolve the delays. Ned takes this as a Death Threat for Jason and decides to warn his cousin. Jax, however, has something else up his sleeve and pays a visit to one of Jason's underlings-- a man named Sam. Jax talks out of both sides of his face by telling Sam that Jason is out to get him...and Sam confides in Jax that it is Jason who will soon be out of the picture! Jax, of course, runs to Jason to warn him of a Benedict Arnold on his team. Jax is feeling very smug about this as he realizes he can't lose. If Sam has Jason offed and out of the way that's great for the project. If Jason, however, disposes of Sam, then Jason will be under the impression that he has a debt to Jax for the warning......and will stop stalling on the Dock Project. Sam and Jason will have it out by Friday. Brenda excitely informs Robin that she has a new job and a big surprise for Jax. Brenda is going to work for the local auto dealer, and in fact has a photo shoot this very day. While Brenda is at the shoot, Jax arrives at her house-- she has set things up for him to be lured there and he is both amused and curious. Jax and Robin discuss things and while they are chatting, a tabloid reporter calls Jax and asks about Brenda's reentry into the modeling world. Jax panics, and ever the Knight in Shining Armour, he hurries to be with Brenda in case she needs help at the shoot. Brenda, however, is pretty calm, cool and collected...inside though, she is worried, remembering her breakdown, but she gets through it just fine. Brenda changes after the shoot into a beautiful ball gown and Jax's eyeballs just about pop out when he sees her. Brenda brings Jax back to her house, which is prepared with soft lighting and romantic decorations. Brenda opens her heart and soul to Jax, and tells him that he is the Wind Beneath her Wings. This is the old Brenda-- the woman who will do whatever it takes to get what she wants.....and she hits Jax with a big question/demand: "Either marry me today, or our relationship is over!" The same wording Jax used when he asked her to marry him. Jax is taken aback. How will he react?? Coming Soon: Jax answers Brenda's proposal Tony plans for a different future Mac and Felicia's relationship takes a strange twist Two of the town's most influential families are victims of shocking revelations ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: GH/PC: Jax and the Q boys Date: 25 Feb 1998 09:47:04 -0800 It seems that Tony's case of terminal stupidity is contagious. Jax needs to be quarentined before it spreads even further. So let me get this straight: He plays "both ends against the middle" and starts creating dissention in the ranks throughout Jason's organization, right? FOR WHAT PURPOSE???? As I see it there are only a few possible outcomes. 1.) Jason's organization collapses into an internal war, in which case the docks turn into a war zone and the renovation plans get haulted for safety reasons. 2.) Jason quashes the situation and then is pissed and even less likely to cooperate. or 3.) Jason loses, someone ELSE comes into power, and then they have to negotiate the dock situation with an entirely unknown element. I think Mr. Blond baked his brains in the hot Australian Outback a little too long. And you know, this does remind me that I really DON'T like Jax and I never have. I have a problem letting my opinion of the actor influence my opnion of the character (and I do that with Nolan North/Chris Ramsey, too). And at Take a Chance Ingo was such a sweetie, that Jax stopped annoying me (except with Brenda), but after yesterday I realized that it wasn't Jax I was liking, it was Ingo. So, that's my declaration of the day: Scott seems to be trying to give up his matle of "Bonehead Kingpin" and Jas seems to have taken it over. HOWEVER, despite Jax annoying me to death, Ned/Jason, Justus/Jason and Justus/Jax rocked. And I adored Ned's warnings, especially the bit about Jason being a father now and needing to stick around for Michael's sake. I also thought it was very interesting the way that Jason came right out and asked Ned if he thought Jax would put a hit out on him, and even then Ned still couldn't use any truly specific terminology (aside from the fact that he doesn't REALLY know what Jax is going to do). He stuck with euphemisms like "by any means necessary" and "ruthless," etc. I thought it played very nicely into Justus' conversation with Jason, about living in a world where you know your enemies and people not smiling while they stick their knife in your back. Someone may be bad, but they aren't a hypocrite about it. Taiyin "By all means, please, sacrifice me on the altar of your amusement. It's the least I can contribute to your evening." -- Kevin - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Cagey Subject: Re: GH/PC: Matt and Ellen Date: 25 Feb 1998 12:57:04 -0500 Taiyin wrote: >(since Cagey must be REALLY busy, otherwise >I'm sure we would have heard her melting into a giddy puddle of goo). Oops. Hang on a sec.... Goooooop. Glippidy glooppidy gooooop. I've been busy. So sue me! >Though when Ramsey gets his butt kicked it'll make up for it. He's a dead man. I'm putting a hex on him . Scum. --kg - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: GH/PC: GH SPOILERS Date: 25 Feb 1998 16:49:27 -0800 At 09:50 AM 2/25/98 PST, Julie Saker wrote: > >l >o >o >k > >o >u >t > >b >e >l >o >w >. >. >. >. >. >Scoops for the week of March 2 > >Monday: Jax doesn't give Brenda the answer she wants Gee. Darn. Yawn. >Tuesday: Alan is on the hotseat when Taggert accuses him of taking pain >medication Wow! You mean Taggart is actually going to SOLVE a case??? Holy cow. Call the PC Herald! >Friday: Lucky learns the truth about his parents past-- from none other >than Nikolas OUCH!!! See Nik talk. See Lucky flip. See Spencers implode. See Cassadines smirk. >Alexis and Ned scam AJ on the job. Aleixs is joining Nedly in this? That's disappointing. >As Jason struggles to maintain his power base, Robin finds herself >getting more attached to Nikolas. Well, frankly, though I don't object to Nik and Robin, I am objecting SO MUCH to Robin these days, I'd actually rather she wasn't too involved with Jason. >Robin has another meeting with Carly and is hurt by Jason's treatment of >her afterwards. I really dislike this. They are making Robin so sanctimoious that she is forgetting some very basic truths -- not the least of which is that this is not her secret to tell. And if she starts making noise about blowing the secret out of the water, then she DESERVES what she gets. >Jason and Justus team up to keep Jax at bay. Can they beat him up in a dark alley while they're at it? >Robin will finally confront carly about AJ being Michael's real father-- >and she threatens that Carly had better tell AJ the truth before Jason >becomes even more attached to Michael. Robin will not tolerate Carly >using and hurting Jason like that. WHAT IS THIS MAN DOING TO ROBIN SCORPIO????? NOT amusing at ALL. >Jax is still jealous of Sonny and has carried those feelings of jealousy >and hatred to Jason! Well DUH! >ever the Knight in Shining Armour, He's going to fall on his sword one of these days. >whatever it takes to get what she wants.....and she hits Jax with a big >question/demand: "Either marry me today, or our relationship is over!" >The same wording Jax used when he asked her to marry him. Jax is taken >aback. How will he react?? It was inevitable. I knew eventually I would regret my self-restraint last month. Damn. I should have made obnoxious gagging noises or wailed in agony when Guza was discussing putting Jax and Brenda back together. >Jax answers Brenda's proposal Hasta la bye-bye, baby! >Two of the town's most influential families are victims of shocking >revelations Spencer and Cassadine or Spencer and Quartermaine? Nevermind, this is Guza we're talking about. It's got to be Spencer and Cassadine. Taiyin "By all means, please, sacrifice me on the altar of your amusement. It's the least I can contribute to your evening." -- Kevin - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie Saker" Subject: Re: GH/PC: GH SPOILERS Date: 26 Feb 1998 08:19:24 PST taiyin wrote: >>l >>o >>o >>k >> >>o >>u >>t >> >>b >>e >>l >>o >>w >>. >>. >>. >>. >>. >It was inevitable. I knew eventually I would regret my >self-restraint last month. Damn. I should have made obnoxious >gagging noises or wailed in agony when Guza was discussing putting >Jax and Brenda back together. i hate to say i told you so, but... :) oh well, look on the bright side. at least he supposedly turns DOWN this ludicrous proposal. sadly, i have NO faith that that means the end of this fiasco--just that it's going to drag things out a looooooooooooooong time towards the inevitable conclusion. >Spencer and Cassadine or Spencer and Quartermaine? Nevermind, this >is Guza we're talking about. It's got to be Spencer and Cassadine. too true. but, to give credit where credit is due, i think he's been doing an AMAZING job with the q's--ALL the q's--lately. ESPECIALLY yesterday! emily is managing to tread the fine line between righteous indignation and teenage brat quite nicely ("those of you in the kidnappers' wing"? LOL!) aj is finally giving as good as he gets when it comes to ned. and lila, oh my god LILA--when she followed edward's lead in bribing that waiter, and warned carly about edward, i was just LAUGHING so hard! i haven't gotten this many laughs out of the q's in a long, LONG time. thank you, guza--i'm LOVING this!!! julie ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Fred & Rickie Yopp" Subject: GH/PC: general hospital Date: 26 Feb 1998 19:28:15 -0800 Anyone have any comments on who they think raped Lizzy? Why is Audrey so cool toward her about getting help. Did the samething happen to her? Anyone know, if so please update me on this. Thanks Rickie - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: GH/PC: general hospital Date: 26 Feb 1998 22:42:52 -0400 Audrey was raped years ago, i can't remember who by, but it was someone she was involved with i think. my guess is she suppressed her rape so she thinks that is the only way to handle it. also if lizzie discusses her rape Audrey may have to relive her own. about the rapist. i think they're going to name tony, but i don't think he did it, so they'll absolve him. only because i don't think tptb want to destroy a main character like tony and i don't think they want to rehabilitate another rapist, a la luke. it will probably be someone insignificant and disposable. hope i helped a little cynthia - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Fred & Rickie Yopp" Subject: GH/PC: lizzy Date: 27 Feb 1998 05:51:27 -0800 If they pint the finger to Tony, what will Bobby do? I hope they get back together. I like Jason, but I'm getting a tired of him playing the "bad guy". I like it when he is with the baby. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie Saker" Subject: GH/PC: LOGAN chat! Date: 27 Feb 1998 08:01:01 PST found this on pc online. i went to the SOD website in search of a transcript, but couldn't find one (GOD i miss logan!) i thought i'd at least share this. no REAL spoilers, i don't think, but i'll leave some space just in case... julie h e r e g o e s n o t h i n g I just got off the SOD chat with Michael Logan. For those of you that miss him, here's the latest scoops and opinions on GH. NANCY LEE GRAHN: Loagn confirmed that NLG had a baby girl (I think last Tuesday night.) He did tell her name but I don't remember what it was. [note--someone posted a reply saying she was named Katharine Grace-- don't know if it's true or not, but it'd kind of an interesting choice, considering!] He mentioned that the baby came two weeks early and Alexis' absence will be explained by a trip to Jakarta. LAURA'S RETURN: He says that Genie is not coming back anytime soon and that in his opinion, the SOM article is a PR move on Genie's part. He reiterated that she has a contract. He also said she returned to do a bit for the show's 35 anniversary special. He said that the show is moving on with this story without her. THE RAPE: He's impressed with this story so far. He didn't want to say much more because he's doing a TV Guide article with Tony Geary about Lucky finding out about the rape. He says that the scenes between Luke and Lucky so far have been great. TONY JONES: He says that Tony did not commit Lizzie's rape but that he's going to be doing some pretty wacko things in the near future. Logan said Brad Maule thought his last chance at a great storyline was BJ's death and when he didn't win the Emmy he was despondent. Logan's thrilled with that Brad's got a great story. THE BEST SHOW ON RIGHT NOW: In his opinion, GH is the best show on ''at least this week.'' He says Guza's done a great job at turning the show around. Logan says he thinks Robin and Nikolas are a supercouple in the making. He says he even likes the Webber twits (because of their work in the rape story.) He said Rebecca Herbst has been astounding. He said he doesn't like the Mac/Mac story and he hates what is being done to the Quartermaines. EMMY NEWS: Logan predicted that Steve Burton and Sarah Brown would be nominated for Emmys. He also noted that Jackie Zeman put herself up for Best Actress this year. And that's all I can remember. ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: GH/PC: general hospital Date: 27 Feb 1998 08:58:14 -0800 At 07:28 PM 2/26/98 -0800, Fred & Rickie Yopp wrote: >Anyone have any comments on who they think raped Lizzy? Guza said that the "whodunnit" aspect of this whole storyline is the "least important," and given the raw brutality of the attack I can't see them sacrificing ANY regular/recurring/known character by having him be responsible. It'll be someone anonymous. >Why is Audrey so >cool toward her about getting help. Did the samething happen to her? That's the rumor. And welcome to the list! Taiyin "By all means, please, sacrifice me on the altar of your amusement. It's the least I can contribute to your evening." -- Kevin - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: GH/PC: general hospital Date: 27 Feb 1998 14:31:15 -0800 From what I recall, Audrey was raped by Tom Baldwin (lee's brother) and the result was a son who she named Tom (i have no idea why. Tom was raised by Audrey and her husband Steve. karen - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: GH/PC: Thursday Date: 27 Feb 1998 14:09:19 -0800 Well, between Carly and Brenda nearly scratching each other's eyes out, and Luke and Lucky, I don't think I could choose a favorite part. Luke and Lucky would probably win in the end, though. I am continually impressed by the way Jonathon Jackson has been handling this. And the fabulous part of those scenes was, OMITTING Luke's dirty little secret, EVERYTHING he told Lucky was dead-on. Lizzie needs to be the one to take control of her life, and Lucky needs to respect her choices, even if he disagrees with them. The shot of Luke at the end, though, nearly in tears and border-line shock was incredible... And somebody smack me, but Sarah is slipping from about a 10 on the "Irritate the Daylights Out of Me" scale to about an 8.5. I still thinks he needs acting lessons, but the character is getting less annoying. Though, Becky Herbst is doing such an incredible job that Jennifer Skye couldn't compete -- no matter what they had her doing. And NEVER in my life did I think that an almost catfight between Carly and Brenda would find me rooting for *Carly* of all people. That was cool. And the look on Jason's face through most of the little wardrobe excersion was hysterical. Several times it looked like Steve was having trouble keeping a straight face. Taiyin "By all means, please, sacrifice me on the altar of your amusement. It's the least I can contribute to your evening." -- Kevin - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: GH/PC: general hospital Date: 27 Feb 1998 18:35:49 -0800 Does anyone remember the circumstances surrounding how and when Kevin's license to practice medicine was re-instated? As I watched him intubate lucy it occurred to me that he must've had all his credentials again, but i can't remember how/when it all happened! Thank you so much karen - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: GH/PC: general hospital Date: 27 Feb 1998 14:27:47 -0800 At 06:35 PM 2/27/98 -0800, wrote: >Does anyone remember the circumstances surrounding how and when Kevin's >license to practice medicine was re-instated? As I watched him intubate >lucy it occurred to me that he must've had all his credentials again, >but i can't remember how/when it all happened! It hasn't happened. There was a spoiler that said it was going to, but it never did. We've been waiting and waiting, but nothing. This has been the source of much discussion and speculation over on the Kevin & Lucy list. Taiyin "By all means, please, sacrifice me on the altar of your amusement. It's the least I can contribute to your evening." -- Kevin - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Cagey Subject: Re: GH/PC: Thursday Date: 27 Feb 1998 14:41:36 -0800 (PST) At 02:09 PM 2/27/98 -0800, Taiyin wrote: >The shot of Luke at the end, though, nearly in tears and border-line shock >was incredible... I'm so annoyed that Genie isn't here for this. Geez. >And NEVER in my life did I think that an almost catfight between Carly and >Brenda would find me rooting for *Carly* of all people. Wait until you see Friday's ep. S P O I L E R S P A C E I have *never* disliked Robin as much as I did today. Oh my. Apparently she's decided that Jason is not only not old enough to make decisions about his own life, but if he's not going to be with her, he can't have a life period. Meow. And I *hated* the confrontation between Robin and Carly today, because she's pushed Carly's buttons in such a way that Carly will undoubtedly start plotting against her, which is only going to cause fireworks if Jason finds out. Sigh. --kg - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: GH/PC: re: Kevin's license Date: 27 Feb 1998 19:28:06 -0800 Taiyn wrote about kevin's license<> Well in that case he put the hospital at incredible risk of a suit, although given the circumstances how else could he have reacted? karen > - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Fred & Rickie Yopp" Subject: GH/PC: General Hospital Date: 27 Feb 1998 20:48:28 -0800 What a great actor Mike (Ron Hale) is.. I really like the scene today between him and Jason. I would really like to see Brenda and Jaxs get together again. How does everyone else feel about them. I hope the writers don't make Robin out to be like Carly. What a great actress Lizzy is. She sure is making her sitution seem like it really happened. -