From: Danielle Graham Subject: GH/PC: Luke/Lucky/Laura/Liz Date: 01 May 1998 10:06:39 -0400 Rebecca wrote: Subject: GH/PC: Robin's World Date: 01 May 1998 10:33:00 -0400 cagey wrote: that he wouldn't kidnap Michael again was going to stick, Hello, should we be on the lookout now for Tony to be the regular "looney tune"? And how come no mention of trying to contact Frisco in all of this stuff? They dropped the ball on that one, yet again!!! Danielle - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: GH/PC: Adios Keesha Date: 01 May 1998 15:18:02 -0700 According to today's New York Daily News, Senait Ashenafi has been fired from her role as Keesha Ward. No word on how much longer she'll be around. Taiyin "I stand in awe of you." --"Give me five minutes. You might want to rethink your position." -- Jon Hanley and Lucy, 1995 Nurse's Ball - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Danielle Graham Subject: RE: GH/PC: Adios Keesha Date: 04 May 1998 09:11:01 -0400 geesh, so sorry to hear that....NOT! I think she's been around way too long w/nothing to do, although, the last few days w/A.J. , Phew! Danielle > ---------- > From: Taiyin[] > Sent: Friday, May 01, 1998 6:18 PM > To: Port Charles/General Hospital > Subject: GH/PC: Adios Keesha > > According to today's New York Daily News, Senait Ashenafi has been > fired > from her role as Keesha Ward. > > No word on how much longer she'll be around. > > Taiyin > "I stand in awe of you." > --"Give me five minutes. You might > want to rethink your position." > -- Jon Hanley and Lucy, 1995 Nurse's Ball > > - > > - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Danielle Graham Subject: GH/PC: Sonny Date: 04 May 1998 16:16:25 -0400 s p o i l e r s p a c e Just to let everyone know in the Soap Opera Weekly, it says Sonny comes back next week & shows up at the penthouse!!!!! (So, I guess Brenda & Jason will be rescued by then!) They're also stating, Sonny will be a "changed" person. Kinda on the wild side! Hmm, I'd be diggin' Maurice being a bit wild. But I hope this return isn't one of those stupid 3 days stints like Lois' or Frisco's returns!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: GH/PC: Cathing up... Date: 04 May 1998 15:40:40 -0700 ... just in time to start falling behind again, I'm sure. Anyway... *** re: Robin Once again the question "what the hell has Bob Guza done with the REAL Robin Scorpio???" is pounding through my head. I am disliking this version more and more each day. Last summer we got, as Julie has said repeatedly, the most over-due line in the history of GH: "I'm too damn little to be anybody's patron saint!" And now she's continually acting like that's EXACTLY how she wants to be treated. And as if watching Robin justify letting Tony off the hook wasn't revolting enough, we had to watch Felicia do it, too. I can't stand Felicia when she's NOT being annoying (as if there were any such time), but that was heavy-duty fast-forward material. *** re: Luke, Lucky & Helena I know I'm in the radical minority because I absolutely adore Lucky and I think that Luke has about 90% of what Lucky's dishing out coming to him, but I was still delighted to see Lucky let his old man come to his rescue. That was seriously cool. If there is one thing I HATE it's when an outsider on the attack is allowed to see a division in the ranks (Lucy used to let Damian see a lot of those between her and Kevin and it made me absolutely nuts), and I loved that Lucky just went with his father, letting Helena think it was a set-up from the beginning, and then walked away from Luke privately, once they left the yacht. *** re: Lizzie & Lucky Mr. Murty as the rapist. Cheap. Tacky. Tasteless. Disappointing. Unimaginative. Unnecessary. Anti-climactic. *** re: Jason & Brenda on the crashing plane Woo hoo! FINALLY Jason let Brenda have it for comparing S&B to J&R!!! She's been asking for that for SO long. I particularly loved that Jason went WAY back in history clear to when Brenda wore the wire on Sonny to hammer her for the fact that she was a two-faced child who lied to Sonny and then had the nerve to get upset when Sonny lied to her. And, of course, my stupid observations: they needed to do something about Vanessa's hair when the plane started going down. The camera angle they used made it look like they were dropping really drastically (which basic aviation physics would make unlikely, anyway), and yet Vanessa's straight, loose hair was not draping the way that it would if gravity was actually working. Maybe soaps fall into a gravity-free zone, like schools and drugs. *** re: Carly I think what I find most enjoyable and entertaining about Carly as a character is that one minute I can be totally touched by a scene she has with someone (Bobbie, Ned). She can be endearing, and I can be sympathetic to her side (when she shot a smirking Tony), and then in another scene I can be cheering when someone let's her have it (Justus: "Tony Jones used to be an honest man, too. And then he met you." Woo hoo!). *** re: Alexis Well, all I can say about that one is: ABOUT TIME!! Yay! Man, Luke hit the nail on the head when he said that Helena had sliced the fight out of her. And the look on Alexis' face when she asked Luke to h*lp her kill Helena was FABULOUS. And the scenes earlier in the week -- when she broke down after Tony's hearing in the bathroom, when she told Ned the truth, when she went to the penthouse to offer her h*lp in Carly's defense, when she went to the ELQ board meeting, all of it -- were all marvelous. Of course. But NOTHING can compare to her getting her fire back. *** re: Robin and Nikolas I was actually fairly neutral on them until last week, but I'm developing a strong distaste for this pairing. The Sanctimonious and the Pretentious. I don't know, maybe they'll grow on me down the line a bit. *** re: Stefan and Katherine marriage proposal Yuck. *** I think that's about it... at least all I can think of at the moment, anyway. Taiyin JUSTUS: "So, how was your first day?" CARLY: "Great. I had breakfast with the Queen of Sweden, I had lunch with Napolean and I played checkers with a guy who swore he was from the ninth dimension." - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Danielle Graham Subject: GH/PC: Brenda & Jason Date: 07 May 1998 11:48:41 -0400 ok, I never ever thought I'd even think this one, but does anyone else like Brenda & Jason together? I think they would be great together. Love the one-liners he keeps delivering. and just in case s p o I l e r s p a c e Alan's s'posed to do a major overdose next week. DUH, can't anyone tell this man is outta it! Yeah, Monica keeps saying, stop walking around like a zombie, but could someone SLAP that fella. Danielle - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Fred & Rickie Yopp" Subject: GH/PC: Devlins Date: 08 May 1998 03:22:14 -0700 How long is the mystery of who killed Devlin going to be? Anyone have any suspicions on who did it? I wonder about Julies mom, could it be her? Matt and Ellen together, I don't think so. She is acting like a teenager in love for the first time. Hope she goes to Calif. and stays forever. Where is the story line with Kevin going? Anyone have any ideas? Rickie - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: GH/PC: Devlins Date: 09 May 1998 06:43:07 -0700 At 03:22 AM 5/8/98 -0700, Fred & Rickie Yopp wrote: >How long is the mystery of who killed Devlin going to be? Probably too long. >Anyone have any suspicions on who did it? I'd say that there are probably two likely options: Lark or Frank. Lark is my choice. Frank could have done it and then get off in court because of the drug that Devlin illegally used on him, if they can prove that it made him unstable (which, at this point, shouldn't be too hard). But, I think that it'll probably be Lark because the actress is not on contract, and they could get rid of her without disturbing the canvass too badly. Besides, with her history it would make sense. >Matt and Ellen together, I >don't think so. She is acting like a teenager in love for the first time. >Hope she goes to Calif. and stays forever. Ah! No way! After Kevin and Lucy, Matt and Ellen are my favorite things about PC. I want them to get ON with this, though. They've been toying with us since last summer. >Where is the story line with >Kevin going? Anyone have any ideas? Rickie I'd venture to say that the big next stop on this particular rollercoaster is the Nurses' Ball. And it's supposed to be carrying over to GH, too. Taiyin "What did I do before I had you?" --"You were lost and confused." -- Lucy and Kevin - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: OhLucyCoe Subject: GH/PC: Kevin??? Date: 08 May 1998 17:25:04 EDT What if Kevin killed his dad's lover & then dad took him away from mom & Ryan to "protect" him from the police??? Poor Lucy... when will she learn??? ;-D - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Geri Fosseen Subject: Re: GH/PC: Devlins Date: 10 May 1998 11:58:37 -0700 (PDT) My theory is Allison Skylar - the former lover who showed up to testify against him. Why else did they write her in??? She was there and then she was gone - we're supposed to forget she exists so they can surprise us later.... :) My second choice is like yours, Julie's Mom, but keep in mind whoever did it should be expendable and her mom has more ties to the community than this Skylar woman. Just my two cents.... Geri ---Fred & Rickie Yopp wrote: > > How long is the mystery of who killed Devlin going to be? Anyone have any > suspicions on who did it? > I wonder about Julies mom, could it be her? Matt and Ellen together, I > don't think so. She is acting like a teenager in love for the first time. > Hope she goes to Calif. and stays forever. Where is the story line with > Kevin going? Anyone have any ideas? Rickie > > > - > > _________________________________________________________ DO YOU YAHOO!? Get your free address at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Geri Fosseen Subject: Re: GH/PC: Devlins Date: 10 May 1998 11:51:03 -0700 (PDT) Oops! I forgot to edit the quoting on that last message...sorry about that! Geri _________________________________________________________ DO YOU YAHOO!? Get your free address at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Cagey Subject: Re: GH/PC: Devlins Date: 10 May 1998 13:07:50 -0700 (PDT) At 06:43 AM 5/9/1998 -0700, Taiyin wrote: >I'd say that there are probably two likely options: Lark or Frank. Lark >is my choice. Doesn't that imply that she can read? When have either of these two had time to read Kevin's book? Guess it doesn't really matter, does it? And, of course, since Devlin had filed suit, presumably he or someone else could have said something to the killer about the MO. Still.... Apologies if that issue has already been addressed on the show--I've been on the road all week and haven't caught up. --kg - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Cagey Subject: Re: GH/PC: Devlins Date: 10 May 1998 13:12:04 -0700 (PDT) At 06:43 AM 5/9/1998 -0700, Taiyin wrote: >I'd say that there are probably two likely options: Lark or Frank. Lark >is my choice. Doesn't that imply that she can read? When have either of these two had time to read Kevin's book? Guess it doesn't really matter, does it? And, of course, since Devlin had filed suit, presumably he or someone else could have said something to the killer about the MO. Still.... Apologies if that issue has already been addressed on the show--I've been on the road all week and haven't caught up. --kg - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Fred & Rickie Yopp" Subject: GH/PC: Jason Date: 10 May 1998 19:16:47 -0700 I guess I missed something, but why was Jason on the ELQ plane? Story line has been great, can't wait for them to be found. Will Jax and Brenda make it back together or will Sonny make it hard for them both? - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Danielle Graham Subject: GH/PC: JASON Date: 11 May 1998 08:49:42 -0400 Fred & Rickie Yopp wrote: I guess I missed something, but why was Jason on the ELQ plane? << Subject: GH/PC: Hysterical Web Page Date: 11 May 1998 10:28:27 -0700 I don't know if you guys have seen this page or not, but it totally rocks: Petunia's Sick World of GH Spoofs: I'm particularly partial to the Slap Tony Day Page: The whole thing is really priceless, though. Especially if you're partial to slightly morbid humor. It's classic. Taiyin "I stand in awe of you." --"Give me five minutes. You might want to rethink your position." -- Jon Hanley and Lucy, 1995 Nurse's Ball - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Geri Fosseen Subject: GH/PC: Lousy, icky depressing spoiler.... Date: 11 May 1998 11:31:45 -0700 (PDT) I think I'm gonna cry.... S P O I L E R S P A C E S P O I L E R S P A C E So, if you've seen today's episode you know *someone* is dead, but I just got my soap opera digest and found out *who* - Grace!!! NOOOOO!!! I like her! She's full of spunk and I like that, darnit! Why'd they do that??? They've been saying for weeks that a "beloved" character was going to get killed, but why Grace??? Fooey!!! So, I guess this shoots my Allison Skylar as the Devlin murderer theory all to heck, doesn't it?? After Grace overheard that conversation today, it could only be Chris, Eve or I suppose Scotty, though I doubt that. Of those three, my strong hunch would have to be Chris... Well, yuck... == Take Care...Geri ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ %~}"I believe I am growing skeptical of cynicism."{~% --Chuck Lorre %~}"Do not think you are on the right path just because it is well-beaten."{~% --Unknown ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ _________________________________________________________ DO YOU YAHOO!? Get your free address at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Fred & Rickie Yopp" Subject: GH/PC: Grace Date: 11 May 1998 11:58:33 -0700 I heard Grace was killed on todays show. Suppose it could be Ellen because she was jealous of Grace being with Matt? Chris is the obvious but on soaps they have been know to throw the viewer off guard. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie Saker" Subject: GH/PC: TAN: taiyin, I NEED HELP!!!!! Date: 11 May 1998 12:34:24 PDT sorry to post this to the whole list, but my email system is holding me hostage and this is my only way of communicating right now. might have noticed i've been a tad quiet lately! :) that's because my netcom account is ALL screwed up right now, and i haven't been able to access it for over a week. can't recieve mail, can't send mail...i'm DYING here!!! i THOUGHT this was going to be a temporary problem, but this has gone on long enough--drastic measures were called for! so...taiyin...can you help me? i need to un-sub my netcom address ( from the gh/pc and kevin&lucy mailing lists, and sub the following address instead: i didn't WANT to do this, because w/my compuserve account i have to dial in and check for mail (and pay per hour) where i can stay logged on all the time with my netcom account, but if netcom is being mean, this is the best option i guess. thanks a million! any questions/problems/etc. please mail to my compuserve account, because checking the web tends to take too long when you're paying by the hour. hopefully talk to you soon...(i'm going through serious withdrawal here!) julie ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Klsatlin Subject: Re: GH/PC: Grace Date: 11 May 1998 23:54:05 EDT << I heard Grace was killed on todays show. Suppose it could be Ellen because she was jealous of Grace being with Matt? Chris is the obvious but on soaps they have been know to throw the viewer off guard. >> Well, if the shadows tell us anything, it is someone who is taller than Grace, which still leaves a lot of people, as she is a bit on the short side. Ellen, though, is about the same height, if not shorter. I doubt it was her, as well as Chris and Eve. They are just too obvious. Karen - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Danielle Graham Subject: GH/PC: 5/11 episode. Date: 12 May 1998 08:19:52 -0400 Yikes. Someone help me. My tape ran out just as Jason ran into the Q's house. What happened next......????? (I'm loving Jason & Brenda anyway!!!) Danielle - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Danielle Graham Subject: RE: GH/PC: TAN: taiyin, I NEED HELP!!!!! Date: 12 May 1998 08:28:48 -0400 Yikes, Julie. Thought you fell off the earth!!!! Good luck > ---------- > From: Julie Saker[] > Sent: Monday, May 11, 1998 3:34 PM > To: > Subject: GH/PC: TAN: taiyin, I NEED HELP!!!!! > > sorry to post this to the whole list, but my email system is holding > me > hostage and this is my only way of communicating right now. > might have noticed i've been a tad quiet lately! :) > that's because my netcom account is ALL screwed up right now, and i > haven't been able to access it for over a week. can't recieve mail, > can't send mail...i'm DYING here!!! i THOUGHT this was going to be a > temporary problem, but this has gone on long enough--drastic measures > were called for! > > so...taiyin...can you help me? i need to un-sub my netcom address > ( from the gh/pc and kevin&lucy mailing lists, > and > sub the following address instead: > > i didn't WANT to do this, because w/my compuserve account i have to > dial > in and check for mail (and pay per hour) where i can stay logged on > all > the time with my netcom account, but if netcom is being mean, this is > the best option i guess. thanks a million! any > questions/problems/etc. > please mail to my compuserve account, because checking the web tends > to > take too long when you're paying by the hour. > > hopefully talk to you soon...(i'm going through serious withdrawal > here!) > > julie > > > ______________________________________________________ > Get Your Private, Free Email at > > - > > - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Cagey Subject: Re: GH/PC: 5/11 episode. Date: 12 May 1998 08:26:16 -0500 Danielle asked: >Yikes. Someone help me. My tape ran out just as Jason ran into the Q's >house. What happened next......????? The boy can make a dramatic entrance, can't he? Jason grabbed Michael and tore out of there, with Leticia (whose name I'm sure I spelled wrong) in tow. Why, pray tell, did L blithely move in with the Q's? Best interests of the child, my foot. At any rate, Edward shouted his usual rampage at Jason as he retrieved Michael, Emily apologized for letting the Q's take him, and Monica delivered another sanctimonious speech about how she had Michael's welfare at heart. To be honest, I can't remember exactly what happened in the rest of the show, because I watched the eps I missed from last week after that . When are we going to get back to Luke and Alexis?! --kg - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Cagey Subject: Re: GH/PC: Lousy, icky depressing spoiler.... Date: 12 May 1998 08:30:03 -0500 At 11:31 AM 5/11/98 -0700, Geri Fosseen wrote: >I think I'm gonna cry.... > >S >P >O >I >L >E >R >S >P >A >C >E >S >P >O >I >L >E >R >S >P >A >C >E >So, I guess this shoots my Allison Skylar as the Devlin murderer >theory all to heck, doesn't it?? After Grace overheard that >conversation today, it could only be Chris, Eve or I suppose Scotty, >though I doubt that. Of those three, my strong hunch would have to be >Chris... Hmmmm. Are we going to lose Chris? I was betting on Frank, figuring that he could get off on some sort of "extenuating circumstances" defense. I'm not sure that Chris could get off unscathed. At this point, I don't really care, as long as they don't pin it on Victor. I'd hate to lose him from the show. I know... this is all part of Smarmy Man's plan to kill off Jason! ;) --kg - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Danielle Graham Subject: RE: GH/PC: 5/11 episode. Date: 12 May 1998 09:35:33 -0400 thanx, Sweetie.... figures I missed the most complex episode! > ---------- > From: Cagey[] > Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 1998 9:26 AM > To: > Subject: Re: GH/PC: 5/11 episode. > > Danielle asked: > > >Yikes. Someone help me. My tape ran out just as Jason ran into the > Q's > >house. What happened next......????? > > The boy can make a dramatic entrance, can't he? Jason grabbed Michael > and > tore out of there, with Leticia (whose name I'm sure I spelled wrong) > in > tow. Why, pray tell, did L blithely move in with the Q's? Best > interests > of the child, my foot. > > At any rate, Edward shouted his usual rampage at Jason as he retrieved > Michael, Emily apologized for letting the Q's take him, and Monica > delivered another sanctimonious speech about how she had Michael's > welfare > at heart. > > To be honest, I can't remember exactly what happened in the rest of > the > show, because I watched the eps I missed from last week after that > . > When are we going to get back to Luke and Alexis?! > > --kg > > - > > - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie E. Saker" Subject: GH/PC: 5/11 episode. Date: 12 May 1998 10:04:55 -0400 Message text written by >Yikes. Someone help me. My tape ran out just as Jason ran into the Q's house. What happened next......????? (I'm loving Jason & Brenda anyway!!!)< oh, oh, missed the END?!? ok, so jason took michael back, told the q's he didn't belong there. alan woke up and realized tony saved his hide. (sorry, don't remember what happened before or after the point when your tape ended, so you may know some of this) um....i can't remember much else except for the big one...flash to brenda's hospital room, jax comes in, she tells him sh= e knew he'd come for her, and no one else, because he's her "happily ever after" and THEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we get some hauntingly familiar background music, and flash to a tropical locale (you can tell because of the flowers--poor excuse for a location shot, if you ask me...= ) and we zoom in through the window to a picture frame sitting on a table, and we zoom in closer to discover it's a picture of brenda. (the clear implication, that this is SONNY'S house, and HE HASN'T FORGOTTEN HER!!!) sorry, but once that happened, i couldn't remember much else! (no, i'm not at all optimistic, given the treatment sonny has received = since his write-off, and the j&b writing on the wall...but i can't help being = EXCITED nonetheless!) julie - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie E. Saker" Subject: Re: GH/PC: Grace Date: 12 May 1998 10:04:53 -0400 Message text written by >Well, if the shadows tell us anything, it is someone who is taller than Grace, which still leaves a lot of people, as she is a bit on the short side. Ellen, though, is about the same height, if not shorter. I doubt it was her, as well as Chris and Eve. They are just too obvious. < i'm BACK!!!!!! muchas gracias, taiyin! :) anyway, i too thought of the obvious suspect of chris. but y'know what? i'm really beginning to think (PURE SPECULATION-- I KNOW NOTHING!!!) that it's LARK. first, there was that look of pure hatred she gave grace when frank was flirting with her yesterday. plus, she WAS in the lab when devlin was killed. (i forget, though, if she would have had a reason to kill him at the time--anyone remember?) i DON'T think it was ellen--she had no need, after all, and she wasn't even there. a bit annoying, having everyone dressed the same so it could have been most anyone, don't you think? speaking of which--another reason it could be lark--why on earth was she dressed the same as the interns in the first place??? god it's good to be back! :) julie - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Fred & Rickie Yopp" Subject: GH/PC: Sarah/Keshia Date: 12 May 1998 15:19:50 -0700 Just watched Cindy Rhinehart Queen of Soaps shared with viewers that Keshia is leaving GH in May and Sarah in June. Anyone heard what they have planned? Maurice Bernard (Sonny) is going to be on N.W. Afternoon on May 15th. Can't wait to see the interview. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: GH/PC: Sarah/Keshia Date: 13 May 1998 16:08:59 -0700 At 03:19 PM 5/12/98 -0700, Fred & Rickie Yopp wrote: >Just watched Cindy Rhinehart Queen of Soaps shared with viewers that Keshia >is leaving GH in May and Sarah in June. Please tell me that's Sarah Webber the character and not Sarah Brown the actress. Taiyin "What did I do before I had you?" --"You were lost and confused." -- Lucy and Kevin - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Fred & Rickie Yopp" Subject: Re: GH/PC: Sarah/Keshia Date: 12 May 1998 16:31:03 -0700 Sarah Webber. Sorry about the scare! ---------- > From: Taiyin > To: Port Charles/General Hospital > Subject: Re: GH/PC: Sarah/Keshia > Date: Wednesday, May 13, 1998 4:08 PM > > At 03:19 PM 5/12/98 -0700, Fred & Rickie Yopp wrote: > >Just watched Cindy Rhinehart Queen of Soaps shared with viewers that Keshia > >is leaving GH in May and Sarah in June. > > Please tell me that's Sarah Webber the character and not Sarah Brown the > actress. > > Taiyin > "What did I do before I had you?" > --"You were lost and confused." > -- Lucy and Kevin > > - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Geri Fosseen Subject: Re: GH/PC: Sarah/Keshia Date: 12 May 1998 18:19:20 -0700 (PDT) Well, what I'm thinking is they must have to recast Sarah - unless they're going to dump the Liz and Lucky story and cut Audrey's scenes even *more* if that's even possible!!! How else are they going to get rid of one sister and not the other? BTW, SOD lists in their "Who's Going" section for GH that "Emma Caulfield (Lorraine Miller)" is no longer with the show - I'm embarrassed, yet I cannot for the life of me figure out who that is!!!! Can anyone help me identify this actress??? ---Taiyin wrote: > > At 03:19 PM 5/12/98 -0700, Fred & Rickie Yopp wrote: > >Just watched Cindy Rhinehart Queen of Soaps shared with viewers that Keshia > >is leaving GH in May and Sarah in June. > > Please tell me that's Sarah Webber the character and not Sarah Brown the > actress. > > Taiyin > "What did I do before I had you?" > --"You were lost and confused." > -- Lucy and Kevin > > - > > _________________________________________________________ DO YOU YAHOO!? Get your free address at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie E. Saker" Subject: Re: GH/PC: Sarah/Keshia Date: 13 May 1998 09:31:51 -0400 Message text written by >Well, what I'm thinking is they must have to recast Sarah - unless >they're going to dump the Liz and Lucky story and cut Audrey's scenes >even *more* if that's even possible!!! How else are they going to get >rid of one sister and not the other? i'm not sure, but i'm sure they could find a way. they could kill her, = for example... :) sorry, i know, not funny. but i'd really be just as happy with getting = rid of her for good, rather than recasting. maybe she can be so brokenhearted over nik that she decides to go join the 'rents in = bosnia? >BTW, SOD lists in their "Who's Going" section for GH that "Emma >Caulfield (Lorraine Miller)" is no longer with the show - I'm >embarrassed, yet I cannot for the life of me figure out who that >is!!!! Can anyone help me identify this actress??? lorraine--ex-90210 girl, carly's pseudo-friend who worked at mercy, helped her get the phony sonogram, blackmailed her, and then tried = to molest tony until he freaked out on her. rather odd that she vanished= without a word... julie - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: GH/PC: Sarah/Keshia Date: 14 May 1998 06:37:26 -0700 At 09:31 AM 5/13/98 -0400, Julie E. Saker wrote: >maybe she can be so >brokenhearted over nik that she decides to go join the 'rents in >bosnia? Well, I seem to recall that both girls were only supposed to be in Port Chuck for a year, because that was as long as their parents were going to be in Bosnia. June makes it about a year since she arrived. Sarah will probably decide that she wants to go home to Bolder and Lizzie will decide that she wants to stay in Port Charles. Taiyin "What did I do before I had you?" --"You were lost and confused." -- Lucy and Kevin - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie E. Saker" Subject: GH/PC: Fanfic suggestion Date: 13 May 1998 11:27:59 -0400 i just visited pc online (, and on the fan fiction board (click on "message boards" and then click on "fan fiction") there's a post by "miss anna" called something like "S&B writers--ollie ollie oxen free." in it, she suggests (what i strongly feel to be true) that any lingering s&b fans are going to be VASTLY disappointed by whatever guza has up his sleeve for the coming weeks, so she's issued a challenge: write the next scene to occur between sonny and brenda. she gave a couple of ground rules, which to the best of my memory go something like this: 1) they don't get back together (or they do) 2) they meet by accident (or on purpose) 3) brenda's with jax these days (although not necessarily forever) 4) sonny departs to parts unknown when it's over in my view, #4 is obviously the most important. anyway, she posted her version as a reply to that post, and it was just BEAUTIFUL! so...i wanted to suggest you all go read it! and, i wanted to see if we had any takers to write their own version? i was going to, but then i think i was ruined by reading "miss anna"'s version, because i think, given the constraints of the past storyline, it may be the best we could hope for. anybody care to prove me wrong? :) julie - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Cagey Subject: GH/PC: ADMIN please read Date: 13 May 1998 13:28:20 -0700 (PDT) Bandwidth is a *bad* thing. When you waste bandwidth in your message by citing back the entire message to which you are replying, you make it harder for our list members who pay by the minute for online access to participate. We've had A LOT of infractions of this rule of late, and this is an official warning to *everybody* to pay attention to their postings to GH/PC. If your mailer automatically appends the message to which you are responding at the bottom of your own note, you MUST edit it out. No ifs, ands, or buts. Okay? Thanks. --Cagey, List Mom - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Rebecca Subject: GH/PC: Lucky and Liz Date: 14 May 1998 00:23:03 -0600 Hi-- Sorry to ask this, but could someone tell me what happened today with Lucky and Liz and their plan? (Wed.) My bedroom/basement flooded and someone had to reset the circuit breaker and it shut off my VCR timer-- thanks! I appreciate it! Rebecca - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie E. Saker" Subject: GH/PC: Lucky and Liz Date: 14 May 1998 09:40:14 -0400 Message text written by >Sorry to ask this, but could someone tell me what happened today with >Lucky and Liz and their plan? (Wed.) = not much, i don't think. lizzie thanked lucky for talking her out of confronting mr. murty alone, and he reiterated that they weren't going to give up, and she was glad to hear it. = lizzie also had a heart-to-heart with bobbie about how she couldn't imagine ever liking sex after what happened, and bobbie related her teenage years to lizzie, and told her that it would happen, with patience, and that in the meantime she was doing the best she could to deal with it all. that's about it, i think... julie - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: GH/PC: ADMIN: Listowner News Date: 15 May 1998 07:05:34 -0700 Well guys, one of your listowners has had an eventful, if not necessarily pleasant, week. I'll skip over the bad stuff, and go directly to the pertinant stuff, though: As of today, I no longer have email during the day at work. I quit my job a few weeks ago, and tomorrow is my last day. That meant that this week I've been cleaning my stuff and and getting ready to go. So yesterday I had to delete by email program off my computer at work. I begin a new job on Monday, and I don't think I'll have email there (which, for job performance reasons, is probably a Good Thing). So I get to be like most of the rest of the world who has to work during the day, and restict the playing to the evenings. Bah. "No work AND pay!" "No work AND pay!" "No work AND pay!" (Ok, so maybe I've seen a BIT too much Moonlighthing) Any technical or general admin requests can still be sent to me at and I'll get to them when I get home in the evenings (or when I get up in the mornings). Just no more rapid response during the day. Off to a day of maillessness... ick... Taiyin "What did I do before I had you?" --"You were lost and confused." -- Lucy and Kevin - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie E. Saker" Subject: GH/PC: ADMIN: Listowner News Date: 14 May 1998 12:54:34 -0400 Message text written by >As of today, I no longer have email during the day at work.< ack!!! taiyin, you're KIDDING?!? what are we going to DO without you??? (and i thought MY email situation was unpleasant...) anyway, i hope you like your new job! good luck, and = hopefully we'll hear from you soon... julie - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Cagey Subject: GH/PC: Friday Date: 15 May 1998 21:29:23 -0700 (PDT) It sure was nice to Sonny, wasn't it? Otherwise, I wasn't impressed: three couples that I can't stand, and the only one I am interested in showed up as...filler? I suppose, if you count Lucky and Liz as a couple, I'll have to admit that I don't mind them, but I'm just not that anxious to relive adolescent dating scenarios vicariously. Blah. Anybody catch the Daytime Emmys? The clip from Jonathan Jackson's last win compared to this year was amusing . --kg - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: GH/PC: Friday Date: 16 May 1998 23:06:21 -0700 At 09:29 PM 5/15/98 -0700, Cagey wrote: > > > >It sure was nice to Sonny, wasn't it? Oh, I only have two weeks worth of both shows to catch up on this. Knowing that we finally get Sonny is enough to make me get through the last two weeks. Or skip over them. >as...filler? I suppose, if you count Lucky and Liz as a >couple, I'll have to admit that I don't mind them, but I'm >just not that anxious to relive adolescent dating scenarios >vicariously. Ye giads. I'd rather have my gall bladder extracted with an oyster fork. But I do have to admit that I like the two of them more and more. Even if I do hate the Mr. Murty thing a LOT. >Anybody catch the Daytime Emmys? The clip from Jonathan >Jackson's last win compared to this year was amusing . Quite. I loved last time, though, because Tony and Genie got to award it to him, and Genie was so excited I thought she was going to peel out of her own skin right on stage. Taiyin, who loved seeing Rosie and Oprah share an Emmy "What did I do before I had you?" --"You were lost and confused." -- Lucy and Kevin - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: GH/PC: Incoherent moans of delight Date: 18 May 1998 02:15:49 -0700 a.) Sonny. b.) That sexy little grin. c.) Sonny, with that sexy little grin, in a beard. If Guza put him in a scene with Kevin, I could just die a happy woman. Taiyin "What did I do before I had you?" --"You were lost and confused." -- Lucy and Kevin - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: GH/PC: Everything else Date: 18 May 1998 02:41:16 -0700 My oh my, this is what happens when I let the rest of my life overwhelm me and I have to fly through two weeks worth of GH in one day... Jason & Brenda & the wilderness: Well, my sister was getting annoyed with me because I wouldn't shut up and stop saying that Jason wasted a PERFECTLY good opportunity to get rid of her once and for all and bury the body where no one would ever find her. But, that aside, I did really like the bonding moments between the two of them. And mostly I like that, even though they got to the point of not hating each other anymore, they still don't like or trust each other. I was also ESPECIALLY glad to hear Brenda admit that she and Sonny were doomed because of his lies and her wearing the wire. Truer words were never spoken. Jason & the Quartermaines: I was rather partial to the way he kicked through the door. :-) Robin & Jason: FINALLY. And I don't just mean them sleeping together (though, that too). Guza FINALLY backed off, and Robin FINALLY stopped sounding like a sanctimonious little brat. Luke & Alexis: Woo hoo!! I love this. I love them. They are so incredible together. The only thing cooler than the two of them, was the two of them with Helena and Bobbie thrown into the mix, too. Bobbie clobbering Helena was CLASSIC. My only nagging concern, and it's in no way anything more than mere speculation on my part, is that in conjunction with the whole General Homicide thing (along with Luke and Alexis' plans to kill her), GH might actually get rid of her. I sure as hell hope not. Jax & Brenda: Well, even though I seriously dislike both characters on their own, I'm actually not minding them together nearly as much, anymore. Mostly with the comedy, though. I liked their bet and people watching on the train. That was actually pretty cute. Stefan & Katherine: Painful. Fast-forward. I'll be so glad when Laura walks in the door and sends that storyline spinning in an even remotely enjoyable direction. Lucky & Lizzie: I loved Lizzie's conversation with Bobbie. And I loved the fact that she and Lucky discussed Laura. That was such a great conversation. And I really like the way they are setting it up so that Lizzie feels connected to Laura on one level, and yet totally horrified and mystified by her on another. That is very cool storytelling. Her torching dinner was cute, too. Ned: Ned and Alexis. Ned and Carly. Ned was just cool the past couple of weeks. Though, you know, for someone who has found himself the victim of blackmail as often as he has (and with leverage far less persuasive than imminent death), you'd think Ned would have just a TAD bit of sympathy for Alexis' situation. But him going to her to ask her to h*lp Carly, because his fears for Michael growing up in the house were the same as Lois' for Brook, was very cool. And I think that needs to be tapped into more often to h*lp keep the distinction clear as to why Ned is breaking rank on this issue. Justus & Taggart: Dara who? Man, those two by themselves crack me up. That meeting at Luke's, when Dara was sitting with Jerry, had me ROTF!!! Hysterical. Although I am glad they didn't cop out and have Justus back down on his charges against Taggart. Mac & Felicia: I don't know what I think of those two yet. I don't like Felicia at all, but I think that's mostly because KW annoys me. But at times I like them together, but I think most of the time they leave me with the most overwhelming sense of "been there, done that" and it's just too redundant to watch. Maybe it's just because I think Felicia is a monumental hypocrite who lets a totally unremorseful Tony off the hook after she spent MONTHS trying crucify a HIGHLY remorseful Kevin. Maybe it's just my allergy to blonds. I think that's about all I can think of at the moment. But that's probably just because my brain is still fried from seeing Sonny. And that grin. With a beard. Hummana, hummana, hummana... Taiyin, still trying to recover... "What did I do before I had you?" --"You were lost and confused." -- Lucy and Kevin - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Danielle Graham Subject: RE: GH/PC: Friday Date: 18 May 1998 08:13:50 -0400 ah, c'mon. I thought Friday was FABULOUS!!!!. The best romantic show is such a long time. Loved Robin/Jason, not too mention Jax & Brenda......loved it big time!!! Danielle > ---------- > From: Cagey[] > Sent: Saturday, May 16, 1998 12:29 AM > To: > Subject: GH/PC: Friday > > > > > It sure was nice to Sonny, wasn't it? > > Otherwise, I wasn't impressed: three couples that I can't > stand, and the only one I am interested in showed up > as...filler? I suppose, if you count Lucky and Liz as a > couple, I'll have to admit that I don't mind them, but I'm > just not that anxious to relive adolescent dating scenarios > vicariously. > > Blah. > > Anybody catch the Daytime Emmys? The clip from Jonathan > Jackson's last win compared to this year was amusing . > > --kg > > - > > - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Danielle Graham Subject: re: GH/PC: Keesha/Sarah Date: 18 May 1998 08:35:34 -0400 >Well, what I'm thinking is they must have to recast Sarah - unless >they're going to dump the Liz and Lucky story and cut Audrey's scenes >even *more* if that's even possible!!! How else are they going to get >rid of one sister and not the other? s p o i l e r Just in case, heard that Sarah(Webber) is going on vacation by Audrey to visit her parents in Co., so that's why she's gonna be gone. As for Keesha, we know she went to Philly to visit her father. Good riddens!! Danielle - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie E. Saker" Subject: GH/PC: Incoherent moans of delight Date: 18 May 1998 10:25:17 -0400 Message text written by >a.) Sonny. >b.) That sexy little grin. >c.) Sonny, with that sexy little grin, in a beard. >If Guza put him in a scene with Kevin, I could just die a happy woman.< ugh. sorry, taiyin, but i'm afraid i can only agree with you on two out = of three this time. i LOVED seeing sonny (however briefly), and i loved that sheepish little smile on his face...BUT...i HATED the beard. really= , REALLY hated it. (he has such an ADORABLE face--why cover it up? :) sadly, i think he has it for the duration, because i saw him on northwest= afternoon friday (via satellite), and he had it there too. oh well, i shouldn't be so picky i guess...AT LEAST HE'S BACK!!!!! julie p.s. i missed the daytime emmys, and i'm FURIOUS at my local paper. on sat. they had an article that said lucky, jason and carly won, and the= n they babbled on about oprah, and then said the show wasn't finished as they went to press. so...they had NOTHING about the big awards (best actor/actress, best show, etc.) [note: would they have done that for th= e REAL emmys, or the oscars, or the grammys? I THINK NOT. but i digress] anyway, so i looked in sunday's paper, cover to cover, thinking they woul= d have an update of the awards they didn't write about in the first article... but...NOTHING. so, does anyone care to fill me in on who else won on friday night? thanks a million! :) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: GH/PC: Incoherent moans of delight Date: 19 May 1998 07:32:23 -0700 At 10:25 AM 5/18/98 -0400, Julie E. Saker wrote: > >ugh. sorry, taiyin, but i'm afraid i can only agree with you on two out of >three this time. i LOVED seeing sonny (however briefly), and i loved >that sheepish little smile on his face...BUT...i HATED the beard. really, >REALLY hated it. (he has such an ADORABLE face--why cover it up? :) Yeah, but I'm just such a Beard Slut. I can't think of any guy that I've ever seen with a beard AND without one, and have actually prefered him without. Yum, yum, yum. >sadly, i think he has it for the duration, because i saw him on northwest >afternoon friday (via satellite), and he had it there too. oh >well, >i shouldn't be so picky i guess...AT LEAST HE'S BACK!!!!! Yeah, but he's mostly going to be having scenes with Brenda, with my luck. Let him just spend time with Jason and Robin and I'd be happier. >p.s. i missed the daytime emmys, and i'm FURIOUS at my local paper. Big awards: Actress: Cynthia Watros, GL (very sweet, she BAWLED her eyes out during her speech) Actor: Whathisname who plays Victor Newman on Y&R (he wasn't there) Show: All My Children The three GH ones that your paper mentioned are the only ones we won. My favorite part was the Oprah bit, and Oprah and Rosie tying for best talk show host. Taiyin, off to her first day of a new job... sans email... "What did I do before I had you?" --"You were lost and confused." -- Lucy and Kevin - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Fred & Rickie Yopp" Subject: GH/PC: SONNY! Date: 18 May 1998 18:07:56 -0700 Seen Maurice Bernards interview on N.W. Afternoon with Cindy Rhinehart. Looks good with the beard, but listening to him talk he sounds stuck on himself and his role as Sonny. Maybe he is a quiet person, but it didn't impress me any. Anyone else see the interview? Would like to hear other thoughts on this. Rickie - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: GH/PC: BJ Date: 20 May 1998 06:31:33 -0700 The only thing I loved more than the FABULOUS history-based riot act that Bobbie read Tony yesterday, was Bobbie and Carly later. Wow. And when Bobbie showed up at the hospital and snapped at Carly, and then started crying, I lost it. I loved Robin and Sonny, too. Though, Robin still irritated the hell out of me when she was standing there making excuses for Tony. And I ESPECIALLY love that, at least on the surface, Sonny has a reason OTHER than Brenda for coming back to town. I know it's just an excuse, but if he'd walked in saying he was back for her, I would have probably started crying as I hit the fast-forward button. Obviously it won't last, but I'm glad there is at least something else driving this return. And Jerry's smarminess factor just increases on a daily basis. Yeesh. I don't like Jax because I find him to be an unethical hypocrite and occasionally too slimy for my taste (nevermind the blond part), but he doesn't hold a CANDLE to his brother. I guess the only consolation is that Jerry makes no pretense about having any morals at all. Still, yuck. Taiyin "How charming. A kidnapper with a David Niven complex." -- Alexis, GH - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Danielle Graham Subject: RE: GH/PC: BJ Date: 19 May 1998 09:37:29 -0400 did it again......ran outta tape!!!! Geesh! I knew yesterday was gonna be good, but could someone give me a CLUE. Tayin's was pretty good, but I want to know about Jax & Brenda!!!! Help! Someone respond quickly as I will be leaving any minute & won't be back in the office until 6/1. thanx, danielle > ---------- > From: Taiyin[] > Sent: Wednesday, May 20, 1998 9:31 AM > To: Port Charles/General Hospital > Subject: GH/PC: BJ > > The only thing I loved more than the FABULOUS history-based riot act > that > Bobbie read Tony yesterday, was Bobbie and Carly later. Wow. And > when > Bobbie showed up at the hospital and snapped at Carly, and then > started > crying, I lost it. > > I loved Robin and Sonny, too. Though, Robin still irritated the hell > out > of me when she was standing there making excuses for Tony. > > And I ESPECIALLY love that, at least on the surface, Sonny has a > reason > OTHER than Brenda for coming back to town. I know it's just an > excuse, but > if he'd walked in saying he was back for her, I would have probably > started > crying as I hit the fast-forward button. > > Obviously it won't last, but I'm glad there is at least something else > driving this return. > > And Jerry's smarminess factor just increases on a daily basis. Yeesh. > I > don't like Jax because I find him to be an unethical hypocrite and > occasionally too slimy for my taste (nevermind the blond part), but he > doesn't hold a CANDLE to his brother. I guess the only consolation is > that > Jerry makes no pretense about having any morals at all. Still, yuck. > > Taiyin > "How charming. A kidnapper with a David Niven complex." -- Alexis, GH > > - > > - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: RE: GH/PC: BJ Date: 20 May 1998 06:41:19 -0700 At 09:37 AM 5/19/98 -0400, Danielle Graham wrote: >did it again......ran outta tape!!!! Geesh! I knew yesterday was gonna >be good, but could someone give me a CLUE. Tayin's was pretty good, but >I want to know about Jax & Brenda!!!! Help! Someone respond quickly as I >will be leaving any minute & won't be back in the office until 6/1. Well, I quite obviously can't h*lp you there, except to say that they did sleep together. I'd check out Taiyin "What did I do before I had you?" --"You were lost and confused." -- Lucy and Kevin - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie E. Saker" Subject: GH/PC: SONNY! Date: 19 May 1998 10:14:19 -0400 Message text written by >Seen Maurice Bernards interview on N.W. Afternoon with Cindy Rhinehart. >Looks good with the beard, but listening to him talk he sounds stuck on >himself and his role as Sonny. Maybe he is a quiet person, but it didn'= t >impress me any. Anyone else see the interview? Would like to hear othe= r >thoughts on this. Rickie surprise, surprise, but i'm going to leap to his defense here! :) i saw the interview, and i didn't get that impression at all. he struck = me as someone whose tendency is to be quiet and private, but who became overwhelmed by the phenomenon that is sonny, and still hasn't quite adapted to it. i think the only reason he was so pro-sonny (the characte= r) is because he knew his audience, and what they wanted to hear. i don't think he really believes that sonny is the pinnacle of his career, and th= e best character he could ever hope to play, or else why would he have left gh? i was disappointed in the INTERVIEW, because it didn't really TELL us anything, but i wasn't disappointed in HIM... julie p.s. i knew it was too good to be true! we went one day without preache= r robin, and then she was back..."you CAN'T EVER go back to her, sonny..." not that i disagree...but GET OVER YOURSELF, ROBIN!!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie E. Saker" Subject: RE: GH/PC: BJ Date: 19 May 1998 10:24:57 -0400 Message text written by >did it again......ran outta tape!!!! Geesh! I knew yesterday was gonna >be good, but could someone give me a CLUE. Tayin's was pretty good, but >I want to know about Jax & Brenda!!!! Help! = well, against my better judgement, i DID watch it. there was talk by jax= of eloping to las vegas, and brenda vetoed the idea, saying she wanted to savor every minute of their engagement and do this the right way, in front of everyone. couch sex ensued. that's about it. julie - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: GH/PC: SONNY! Date: 20 May 1998 07:25:00 -0700 At 10:14 AM 5/19/98 -0400, Julie E. Saker wrote: > >p.s. i knew it was too good to be true! we went one day without preacher >robin, and then she was back..."you CAN'T EVER go back to her, sonny..." >not that i disagree...but GET OVER YOURSELF, ROBIN!!!!! Actually, for once that one didn't bother me (probably because I was more annoyed at her for CONINTUING to defend Tony when he hasn't shown the SLIGHTEST bit of remourse for what he's done, and CONTINUES to justify it). I think it's mostly because Robin was the one person who NEVER doubted Sonny's reasons for leaving, and because she didn't give him too hard a time for what he did. I am glad, though, that she brought up the one thing that I went ballistic about back in September when he left: that maybe he did do the right thing in leaving, but that whether it was right or wrong was not the point because by not giving BRENDA the choice, the validity of his actions was moot -- he was just wrong to make that decision for her. Plus, I just think that she was worried about the possibility of Sonny trying to get back into Brenda's life after everything that's happened. And, honestly, I think someone needed to say that to him -- just to be sure. Taiyin "What did I do before I had you?" --"You were lost and confused." -- Lucy and Kevin - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Geri Fosseen Subject: Re: GH/PC: BJ Date: 19 May 1998 11:40:38 -0700 (PDT) Hi all... ---Taiyin wrote: > > The only thing I loved more than the FABULOUS history-based riot act that > Bobbie read Tony yesterday, was Bobbie and Carly later. Question about this -- With Tony, Bobbie said something like "When you Mother was dying you were in the next room making love to her nurse..." What was this in reference to?? I don't remember this at all!!!!!! Help?!?!?!! Thanks.... == Take Care...Geri ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ %~}"I believe I am growing skeptical of cynicism."{~% --Chuck Lorre %~}"Do not think you are on the right path just because it is well-beaten."{~% --Unknown ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ _________________________________________________________ DO YOU YAHOO!? Get your free address at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: karen Subject: Re: GH/PC: tony, his mom and the nurse Date: 19 May 1998 16:36:27 -0700 > Question about this -- With Tony, Bobbie said something like "When you > Mother was dying you were in the next room making love to her > nurse..." What was this in reference to?? I don't remember this at > all!!!!!! Help?!?!?!!>> When Tony and Frisco's mother died, their mom's nurse was in the next room with Tony, oblivious to his mom's impending death. Because of this, Frisco held Tony accountable, and didn't speak to him for many years. karen - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: GH/PC: BJ Date: 20 May 1998 17:03:01 -0700 At 11:40 AM 5/19/98 -0700, Geri Fosseen wrote: >Question about this -- With Tony, Bobbie said something like "When you >Mother was dying you were in the next room making love to her >nurse..." What was this in reference to?? I don't remember this at >all!!!!!! Help?!?!?!! That was in reference to some off-camera, long-established Jones boys history. The story goes along the lines of this: when Frisco was a teenager his father, with whom he did not get along at ALL, shipped him off to boarding school three states away, while he left Tony, his prefered child, at home. I don't remember exactly what happened to their dad off hand, but when their mother was dying, Tony was screwing around with the nurse. Frisco, who was EXTREMELY close to their mother, crossed three states, by himself at the age of 14 (or something like that ), just to say good-bye to his mother. That whole situation was a major bone of contention between the Jones boys for many years. All of that happened long before either of them was on the show, but it's been established over and over and over again. And that was why I was so happy to see it referenced. And I was PARTICULARLY happy to see the spin that Bobbie put on it -- the corralation between Tony's disappointment in himself, and his need to mess around before snapping back into his "perfect life" mode was borderline brilliant. And it opens up TONS of potential. Fabulous. Taiyin "What did I do before I had you?" --"You were lost and confused." -- Lucy and Kevin - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jill Kirby Subject: Re: GH/PC: SONNY! Date: 20 May 1998 17:08:54 -0700 > >robin, and then she was back..."you CAN'T EVER go back to her, sonny..." > >not that i disagree...but GET OVER YOURSELF, ROBIN!!!!! > > Actually, for once that one didn't bother me (probably because I > was more annoyed at her for CONINTUING to defend Tony when he hasn't shown > the SLIGHTEST bit of remourse for what he's done, and CONTINUES to justify > it). Yesterday was the first time Robin hasn't bugged me in a LONG time. And, though I disagree with her defence of Tony, at least she's consistent. I thought her interacaction with Sonny was very nicely handled, and I agree with Taiyin that bringing up Brenda's lack of choice was dead-on. I think this is the first time that Guza has written Robin with even a smidgen of accuracy, and I hope it continues-- I think she's being horribly cheated/mangled by the current regime, and it makes me VERY angry. I've watched KMcC since she was a little girl; she was the first child actor on soaps that didn't make my teeth itch. She's a good actress, she has an unmatched character in terms of connections and history, and I hate to see that so wasted. In fact, the main reason I haven't been watching GH lately is because when I watch, I get angry over how Robin is written. Well, that and Kat and Stefan make me sick. But that's another tangent... Fifth of nothing, Jason was looking mighty fine yesterday. ;) Jill - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie E. Saker" Subject: GH/PC: Baby Nikolas and The Ball Date: 20 May 1998 12:04:27 -0400 was it just me, or did anybody else have a REALLY hard time = imagining nikolas, even as a baby, saying "uh-huh"?!? :) (or imagining stefan PERMITTING such imprecise language, for that matter!) and on a related note--are they using lu-lu to play young nik, or did it just look an AWFUL lot like her? also, did everyone see the gh commercial yesterday? this bacchanalia looks like it has TREMENDOUS potential! (yes, taiyin, you'll have to restrain yourself from fast-forwarding some kat & bat scenes...but it should be worth it! :) julie - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Cagey Subject: GH/PC: News, gossip, spoilers Date: 20 May 1998 18:40:42 -0700 (PDT) According to TV Guide, Sarah Brown is due in mid-July and plans on taking two months off, plus a further two months on a reduced schedule. Somebody complained that GH has too many shootings, and wanted to know why they couldn't use tamer weapons like ballpoint pens, as PC is doing . Keesha is being recast. S P O I L E R S T O O AJ is supposed to find out that Michael is his son "rather soon." Oh dear. --kg - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Donald K Gooden" Subject: GH/PC: Parellism Date: 20 May 1998 22:17:08 -0400 There is amazing parallelism in this Sonny story is amazing. When Brenda was marrying Jax for the first time she had no idea that Sonny's wife was getting blown to smithereens. Now Brenda is getting engaged to Jax, and again half way across the world she has no idea that Sonny's life is changing yet again. There is one thing about Sonny's return that I just don't like. For the most part it has been ok, but I didn't like the way he reacted to the news about Brenda. I don't know what it was, but it just didn't feel right to me. Then again I may just be sleep deprived and imagining things. TTFN (Ta Ta For Now) Jamila jgg Visit Jamila's Kevin and Lucy: The Wonder Years Visit Jamila's Dominion Of The Dark Side - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: GH/PC: Baby Nikolas and The Ball Date: 21 May 1998 23:01:59 -0700 At 12:04 PM 5/20/98 -0400, Julie E. Saker wrote: > >(or imagining stefan PERMITTING such imprecise language, >for that matter!) Actually, that's the part that I find most unlikely. :-) >also, did everyone see the gh commercial yesterday? Yup! >this bacchanalia looks like it has TREMENDOUS >potential! (yes, taiyin, you'll have to restrain yourself >from fast-forwarding some kat & bat scenes...but it >should be worth it! :) Oh, you ain't kiddin'! FINALLY Genie is back. I wasn't actually expecting her to show up until the party at ALL. So when suddenly she was on-screen today I was totally shocked (that's what I get for not reading spoilers). Very, very cool. ESPECIALLY the fact that Kat is the one who unmasks her. Heh heh heh. Can't wait! Taiyin "What did I do before I had you?" --"You were lost and confused." -- Lucy and Kevin - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: GH/PC: News, gossip, spoilers Date: 21 May 1998 23:05:52 -0700 At 06:40 PM 5/20/98 -0700, Cagey wrote: > >According to TV Guide, Sarah Brown is due in mid-July and >plans on taking two months off, plus a further two months >on a reduced schedule. Damn. Just when things are REALLY starting to get good, too. >Somebody complained that GH has too many shootings, and >wanted to know why they couldn't use tamer weapons like >ballpoint pens, as PC is doing . Thank you, no. I think PC has all the mobid homicide that I need on a day-to-day basis. >Keesha is being recast. Hhmm. That's interesting. I wonder why they are doing that. Curious. >S >P >O >I >L >E >R >S > >T >O >O > >AJ is supposed to find out that Michael is his son "rather >soon." Oh dear. NO!!!! Damn. This story had the potential for SERIOUS long-term reprocussions (like Ned and Monica's affair, which took YEARS to come to light and is what made the whole thing so much better when it finally did). It's a pitiful waste to cut loose with the truth this soon. Taiyin "What did I do before I had you?" --"You were lost and confused." -- Lucy and Kevin - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: GH/PC: Parellism Date: 21 May 1998 23:25:15 -0700 At 10:17 PM 5/20/98 -0400, Donald K Gooden wrote: > There is one thing about Sonny's return that I just don't like. For the >most part it has been ok, but I didn't like the way he reacted to the news >about Brenda. I don't know what it was, but it just didn't feel right to >me. Then again I may just be sleep deprived and imagining things. Well, Sonny's reaction was very contained, but that is just very Sonny. He always (well, at least almost always) plays things like that really close to the vest. And, honestly, I think intellectually he really WANTS to be happy for her, because she is happy. I think it's a bit much to ask ANYONE, though, to be totally happy when the person you love is happily in love with someone else. Anyone who says that's possible has obviously never been in that situation, IMO. You can WANT to be happy for them, but it hurts like hell to know that they are perfectly happy without you. My sister got on a Stone/Robin kick this week, so I was up until ALL hours last night watching a bunch of those old eps. It's annoying to watch it with her because she and I like different things. She wanted to watch Stone and Robin, and I was more interested in the people around them. Plus, she had the NERVE to fast-forward through Kevin and Lucy. Had to set her straight about THAT one. No wonder we have two remote controls. ;-) Anyway, while we were watching it, I was thinking about Sonny's reaction to Robin's news about Brenda this week. When I watched it I really WAS disappointed that we didn't get to see more of an emotional reaction -- after all, this is supposed to be a more relaxed, laid back version of Sonny. But while I was watching the very, very end of the storyline, and as Stone was dying, Sonny was SO walled up. And he was so contained and it reminded me of (a.) what I love most about both Sonny, as a character, and Maurice, as an actor, and (b.) that this Sonny is different in some obvious ways (jeans and a t-shirt!!! Did anyone EVER think we'd see Sonny like that???), but that his habit of masking his emotions is more than a habit -- that is just who he is. So, even though I originally agreed that, yes, there was something disappointing and off-balancing about Sonny's reaciton to Robin's news, and that it didn't seem quite right that this 'new' Sonny who wears jeans and has a goatee would be so buttoned up still, I think it was mostly because it's been too long since we've seen his (well-written) true nature, so I forgot how closed off he really is most of the time. Taiyin TONY: "I think the high point for me was when he did the tango with my wife in front of half of Port Charles and I punched his lights out." KEVIN: "And that's what I would classify as a healthy response. LUKE: Spoken like a true shrink." KEVIN: "No, spoken like a man who's thrown a few of his own healthy responses lately." - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: GH/PC: ADMIN: Listowner holiday Date: 22 May 1998 17:21:44 -0700 I just wanted to let you all know that neither Cagey nor I will be available until Tuesday. My sister and I are heading to Vegas for the weekend in an hour or so, and Cagey will be emailless for a few days, too. So, I'm not ignoring you, I promise. And considering what I understand happened on today's GH, I expect LOTS and LOTS of mail when I return on Monday night/Tuesday morning. :-) Have a safe and happy weekend, all! Taiyin TONY: "I think the high point for me was when he did the tango with my wife in front of half of Port Charles and I punched his lights out." KEVIN: "And that's what I would classify as a healthy response. LUKE: Spoken like a true shrink." KEVIN: "No, spoken like a man who's thrown a few of his own healthy responses lately." - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Rebecca Subject: GH/PC: A question and then some comments-- Date: 21 May 1998 23:19:50 -0600 Hello all-- I have a question about Monica (and can I say first of all that I REALLY appreciate the patience here of people to answer these!). Now, I don't want to be crude or anything, but I understood from the GH anniversary special that she had a mastectomy? It just didn't look like it from that dress she was wearing today-- did I get the wrong impression? I wasn't watching GH at that time-- Now for some comments-- whomever said Jason was looking pretty good (sorry I can't remember who), I second that emotion!! I especially loved the napkin in the shirt when he was eating lunch/dinner w/ Sonny and Robin--and as for Sonny- I forgot how much he added to the show- I love the relationship between he and Jason-- they have such great chemistry together. And Sonny comes back from who knows where and proceeds to make lunch- too cool! Christophori's Dream-- (the Kat and Bat music) I am getting sick of it-- can we please have something else??? Lucky and Liz-- what I like about them is that I am enough of an adult to see where Audrey would be upset, but enough a kid to see how much Liz needed him there and see their side of things-- I like that I don't feel one or the other is completely correct--and they are just too cute, especially today-- it really makes me miss my guy friends from high school-- when we thought we could be that way forever. I really like them a lot. Venus-- she practically jumps off the screen she has so much presence-- why oh why doens't she have anything to do??? Also, I love the scenes with Michael and Carly and Jason, like the one last Friday/Monday, when he makes those gurgly/almost talking noises-- Jason/Steve and Carly/Sarah both looked over and smiled-- I don't know why, but those moments always make me smile. Thanks for keeping with me this far- hope no one's asleep yet :) Rebecca - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Geri Fosseen Subject: GH/PC: Spoilers... Date: 21 May 1998 22:51:14 -0700 (PDT) Hi all... I wrote a note to one of the listowners the other day to ask the proper way to introduce this information but I never heard back and now they're gone for a few days so I'm gonna wing it. :) I really hope I don't break any rules and that is certainly NOT my intention, but sitting on this is making me crazy!!! :) Below will be some summer preview info as listed in Soap Opera Digest -- if you don't want to know what's going to happen, you REALLY don't want to read this!! For the rest of you, meet ya below the spoiler space... S P O I L E R S P A C E S P O I L E R S P A C E Okay! Here's the scoop: Guza on GH: ~~Luke/Laura/Stefan/Katherine:~~ (leaving out what's already happened...) "Ultimately, Laura's return for the masked ball leads to a climactic confrontation that directly results in a tragedy. Her return is going to test her strength and the strength of her love for Luke in ways that they have never been tested. And what happens in the unraveling of the events at Wyndemere is that secrets start coming out. Luke and Laura realize how much they've kept from one another and there are repercussions for Lucky *and* Nikolas." ~~Jax/Brenda/Sonny/Jerry:~~ (Leaving out the basics that we already know or assume) "Two more things we're going to play with Brenda & Jax through the summer are: 1)We're going to find out that Jerry is the weak link that could bring down the Jacks fortune. The stuff that Jerry is doing right now is going to blow up big time. And 2)Someone from Brenda's past is rumoured to be returning and if this person does, it's going to turn Brenda's whole world upside down." (BTW, I don't think this means Sonny, but I'm not sure who it does mean!!!) ~~Nurse's Ball:~~ "We're going to arc a story over both GH & PC. Alan's pill use, which has accelerated, will rachet up again during one of the numbers, and there will be a connection to the serial killing hospital murders that have been happening on PC." (HUH??????!!!!!) Lynn Marie Latham on PC: ~~General Homicide:~~ "The murderer is absolutely one of the characters on the show. We won't have some surprise character coming in to take the rap; I hate when shows do that. Also, I have no intention whatsoever of bringing Ryan back from the dead. That doesn't mean that somewhere down the road, someone else won't do it. But Ryan is not the killer." (WOW!! Blows my Allison Skylar theory all to heck, though, don't it??? LOL!!) ~~Ellen/Matt:~~ (Leaving out what has already happened) "But Ellen returns because her mother has a second heart attack. Ellen moves in with Alice to take care of her, and in effect becomes Karen's landlord because Karen rents from Alice." ~~Kevin/Lucy/Victor:~~ "I really enjoy Victor's addition to the Collins/Coe household. It can be very difficult to have a parent come live with you. Through Victor, Kevin will explore his past and understand what really happened to him when he was a child because he doesn't remember a lot of it. It's also interesting to see Lucy cope with Victor and see Victor try to ingratiate himself." That's the best of it....there's more in the magazine but these are the ones that jumped at me....especially the Nurse's Ball and General Homicide!! Yowza!! So...providing I haven't broken any rules and gotten myself kicked off the list, I'm looking forward to everyone's thoughts!! == Take Care...Geri ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ %~}"I believe I am growing skeptical of cynicism."{~% --Chuck Lorre %~}"Do not think you are on the right path just because it is well-beaten."{~% --Unknown ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ _________________________________________________________ DO YOU YAHOO!? Get your free address at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: GH/PC: Spoilers... Date: 22 May 1998 22:46:59 -0700 At 10:51 PM 5/21/98 -0700, Geri Fosseen wrote: > >I wrote a note to one of the listowners the other day to ask the >proper way to introduce this information but I never heard back and >now they're gone for a few days so I'm gonna wing it. :) Sorry 'about that, Geri. It totally slipped my mind. Yes, this is fine. And it is in no way a violation of any list rules. Taiyin, heading out the door and waiting until Monday to comment... TONY: "I think the high point for me was when he did the tango with my wife in front of half of Port Charles and I punched his lights out." KEVIN: "And that's what I would classify as a healthy response. LUKE: Spoken like a true shrink." KEVIN: "No, spoken like a man who's thrown a few of his own healthy responses lately." - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Geri Fosseen Subject: Re: GH/PC: Spoilers... Date: 22 May 1998 07:50:18 -0700 (PDT) Taiyin -- THANK YOU!!! I went to bed quite nervous, as I've broken so many rules unintentionally -- I was really hoping I hadn't done it again!! I'm SO glad I didn't, as sitting on this article was *killing* me!!!!! So, all I can say is "WHEW!" and have a great trip! Take Care, Geri ---Taiyin wrote: > > At 10:51 PM 5/21/98 -0700, Geri Fosseen wrote: > > > >I wrote a note to one of the listowners the other day to ask the > >proper way to introduce this information but I never heard back and > >now they're gone for a few days so I'm gonna wing it. :) > > Sorry 'about that, Geri. It totally slipped my mind. > > Yes, this is fine. And it is in no way a violation of any list rules. > > Taiyin, heading out the door and waiting until Monday to comment... > TONY: "I think the high point for me was when he did the tango > with my wife in front of half of Port Charles and I punched his lights > out." KEVIN: "And that's what I would classify as a healthy response. > LUKE: Spoken like a true shrink." KEVIN: "No, spoken like a man > who's thrown a few of his own healthy responses lately." > > - > > _________________________________________________________ DO YOU YAHOO!? Get your free address at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Geri Fosseen Subject: GH/PC: GH on the net on TV Date: 23 May 1998 07:54:38 -0700 (PDT) Hi... If anyone gets CNET TV on their cable channels, it looks like they're covering GH sites on the net on this weeks shows. I believe you can find listings from the link below, and if it helps at all, I know their shows are on the SciFi network on sunday nights.... CNET TV: get your "General Hospital" fix on the Net! Plus, CNET reviews alternative browsers, and Michael Jordan chats online: Enjoy! == Take Care...Geri ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ %~}"I believe I am growing skeptical of cynicism."{~% --Chuck Lorre %~}"Do not think you are on the right path just because it is well-beaten."{~% --Unknown ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ _________________________________________________________ DO YOU YAHOO!? Get your free address at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Donald K Gooden" Subject: GH/PC: Emily & Prince Nikolas Date: 23 May 1998 19:32:52 -0400 I was watching Emily and Nik dance on friday, and I said "Oh my God, now that Sara is out of the way, and Robin is no longer an issue who is left?" My sister and I replied in unison, "Emily". I would so love it of Nik and Em had a little thing. If Lucky was old enough to think about being with Sara then Em must be old enough to have a non platonic relationship with Nik. What do you all think? Exactly what is Nik Prince of? Is he prince of a place, and honorary prince, or prince of the Cassadine family? I don't know. Will someone please enlighten me. TTFN (Ta Ta For Now) Jamila jgg Visit Jamila's Kevin and Lucy: The Wonder Years Visit Jamila's Dominion Of The Dark Side - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: karen Subject: GH/PC: katherine's fate Date: 25 May 1998 14:59:51 -0700 I'm assuming Katherine's "death" is some sort of fake event? Could Helena have discovered Luke's and Alexis' plot and taken matters into her own hands? Will Helena and Katherine team up against Stefan, once Kat realizes Laura is the love of his life? What do you all think?? karen - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Fred & Rickie Yopp" Subject: GH/PC: gh/kate Date: 25 May 1998 11:45:15 -0700 I heard Kate was leaving the show. Anyone else heard this? - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Geri Fosseen Subject: GH/PC: PC:Lucy's sceme Date: 25 May 1998 12:18:39 -0700 (PDT) Ya' know.... I think Lucy said it best today about this storyline when she said, "I am woman....I am ridiculous!" Just a thought.... Geri _________________________________________________________ DO YOU YAHOO!? Get your free address at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie E. Saker" Subject: GH/PC: Date: 26 May 1998 15:53:09 -0400 okay, now i know there are HORDES of people who disagree with me, but i just have to say it.... yesterday. sonny and brenda. ten seconds, two words, and two looks... AND THAT'S ALL IT TOOK!!!! but seriously--when they looked into each other's eyes? i could FEEL the chemistry, all over again. i could physically feel it. AMAZING. i know, i know, it's not gonna happen. and i know, brenda's been beyond unbearable lately. (lately? try the past few years...) and = even more, i know there's no WAY renaldo, or pete, or whoever, = would have let brenda into the penthouse in the first place. but i'm willing to overlook all of that (or at least i was, for that one brief shining s&b moment) and THAT is the magic of sonny and brenda! :) (for i just HOPELESS, or did anyone else out there feel it, too? it was like a tingling, butterflies-in-my-stomach type feeling, as soon as they looked into each other's eyes. sick, huh? :) julie p.s. could we really be this lucky? is kat gonna die?!?!? probably not... = p.s.s. seems to me if they took the wardrobe/dancing lessons budget from the bacchanalia, we could have had one AMAZING location shoot... - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie E. Saker" Subject: GH/PC: Date: 26 May 1998 15:53:09 -0400 okay, now i know there are HORDES of people who disagree with me, but i just have to say it.... yesterday. sonny and brenda. ten seconds, two words, and two looks... AND THAT'S ALL IT TOOK!!!! but seriously--when they looked into each other's eyes? i could FEEL the chemistry, all over again. i could physically feel it. AMAZING. i know, i know, it's not gonna happen. and i know, brenda's been beyond unbearable lately. (lately? try the past few years...) and = even more, i know there's no WAY renaldo, or pete, or whoever, = would have let brenda into the penthouse in the first place. but i'm willing to overlook all of that (or at least i was, for that one brief shining s&b moment) and THAT is the magic of sonny and brenda! :) (for i just HOPELESS, or did anyone else out there feel it, too? it was like a tingling, butterflies-in-my-stomach type feeling, as soon as they looked into each other's eyes. sick, huh? :) julie p.s. could we really be this lucky? is kat gonna die?!?!? probably not... = p.s.s. seems to me if they took the wardrobe/dancing lessons budget from the bacchanalia, we could have had one AMAZING location shoot... - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Geri Fosseen Subject: Re: GH/PC: Date: 26 May 1998 15:59:03 -0700 (PDT) Hi all... Well, my last spoilers went over like a lead bomb, but still I'll shoot off one more in response to something Julie asked... :) ---"Julie E. Saker" wrote: > p.s. could we really be this lucky? is kat gonna die?!?!? > probably not... S P O I L E R S P A C E H E R E So, in the latest Soap Opera Digest there is this bizarre comment from Guza, "Katherine is dead, but all that's happening is the character is dying," hints Guza ominously. "That does not mean anything more than the character is dying." I'm sorry, I've always assumed I had a pretty good grasp of the English language but not when Guza talks!!! What the %!#@#%!#$# does that mean??? On NW Afternoon, someone speculated that Helena had given Kat whatever Stefan had doped up Laura's mom with all those years and that eventually she'd be back...but that doesn't track with this bizarre statement from Guza. Dunno....vedy, vedy confusing!!! :) As for Brenda/Sonny/Jax, I was impressed with the Sonny and Brenda scene, and I was most pleased with two things - for once, Jax didn't go running after Brenda when he figured out where she was, and two, Brenda told him the truth. What a refreshing change! Almost like grown-ups! LOL!!! Also, Sonny telling Jason what had happened was very poignant. I agree with Julie on suspending disbelief - not only would Renaldo NEVER have let her in, but come on, if you were in hiding, would you answer the cotton-pickin' phone?!?!?!?! Puh-leeze! ;~) That's all I've got.... == Take Care...Geri ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ %~}"I believe I am growing skeptical of cynicism."{~% --Chuck Lorre %~}"Do not think you are on the right path just because it is well-beaten."{~% --Unknown ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ _________________________________________________________ DO YOU YAHOO!? Get your free address at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Rebecca Subject: Re: GH/PC: Date: 26 May 1998 22:56:46 -0600 Julie E. Saker wrote: > > okay, now i know there are HORDES of people who disagree > with me, but i just have to say it.... > > yesterday. > > sonny and brenda. > > ten seconds, two words, and two looks... > > AND THAT'S ALL IT TOOK!!!! > > but seriously--when they looked into each other's eyes? i could > FEEL the chemistry, all over again. i could physically feel it. > AMAZING. > Julie, I for one agree- they do have amazing chemistry. I look at it from maybe a different point of view-- I sorta lived the Swiss Cheese version of S&B- full of holes from sporadic viewing. I was really sad when Lily died, for example. And boy that did NOT go over well with most people I knew watching it at that time. But these scenes today were exceptionally well done and I was very emotionally involved, which is a huge credit to the actors, as I was *not* entirely involved as the story was originally unfolding. Of course, Maurice Bernard has me transfixed simply by being on the screen, so I am willing to concede that may have something to do with it. :) I really thought these scenes were beautifully done though. I also give big kudos to Tyler Christopher for doing a crying scene which was, IMHO, believable and not at all snarky or sappy or painful to watch. I loved the understatement of it. The whole dichotomy of today's show was especially evident in that scene, where Nik is crying on his uncle's shoulder while Alexis looks on in horror as she realizes just what she has helped do. As well, the contrast between S&B vs. S&J was clearly evident (although I am not a Jax fan, there I've said it!, I liked the honesty as well between the characters). Stefan's living statue routine gets to me a little, and I felt that again today. But Jason being supportive, gotta love that, and the joking between he and Robin of the Glass Slipper was especially cute. Everything in this ep seemed in direct opposition to something else and I liked that. Except for the whole Alan thing-- they may as well have not existed today in this world for all I cared. Well, here is my $2.00. Thoughts? Rebecca > > - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie E. Saker" Subject: Re: GH/PC: Date: 27 May 1998 09:32:58 -0400 Message text written by > p.s. could we really be this lucky? is kat gonna die?!?!? > probably not... = > >S >P >O >I >L >E >R >S >P >A >C >E >H >E >R >E >So, in the latest Soap Opera Digest there is this bizarre comment from >Guza, "Katherine is dead, but all that's happening is the character is >dying," hints Guza ominously. "That does not mean anything more than >the character is dying." oh lord. you're right--the man DOESN'T speak english! :) but i'll throw in my speculation, which i DESPERATELY hope is wrong. in true soap opera form, that could mean one of two things--katherine is dying, but mary beth evans (is that her name?) is staying as someone else (can = we say "long lost twin?" GAG!) OR....katherine is dying, and mary beth evans is staying as a ghost, or a portrait, or whatever. (double gag!) rememb= er when edward disappeared and lila talked to that stupid portrait for d it talked back?!? other than that...i haven't a CLUE what the man could mean... also, i apologize for the double-post earlier--haven't the foggiest clue how that happened. guess i was just over-excited! :) (i haven't seen yesterday's ep yet, so i can't comment on the s&b scene..= =2E) julie - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: GH/PC: A question and then some comments-- Date: 28 May 1998 20:20:17 -0700 At 11:19 PM 5/21/98 -0600, Rebecca wrote: >don't want to be crude or anything, but I understood from the GH >anniversary special that she had a mastectomy? It just didn't look like >it from that dress she was wearing today-- did I get the wrong >impression? I wasn't watching GH at that time-- It just occured to me: I don't remember seeing an answer to this question. Yes, Monica did have a masectomy. And then about six month or so later she had reconstructive surgery. >and Robin--and as for Sonny- I forgot how much he added to the show- Oh man, you're not kidding there! >love the relationship between he and Jason-- they have such great >chemistry together. And Sonny comes back from who knows where and >proceeds to make lunch- too cool! Heh heh heh. That's cuz Sonny-boy is a food snob and would rather have his fingernails removed with pliars than eat cold, leftover pizza. Yet one more reason I love that man. :-) >Christophori's Dream-- (the Kat and Bat music) I am getting sick of >it-- can we please have something else??? Like Kat having a breakdown and then falling over a balcony? >Lucky and Liz-- what I like about them is that I am enough of an adult >to see where Audrey would be upset, but enough a kid to see how much Liz >needed him there and see their side of things-- I like that I don't feel >one or the other is completely correct--and they are just too cute, Well, I can see why Audrey would be upset about being lied to and I can understand her not approving, but they way she keeps trying to herd Liz into some sort of denial and avoidance about her rape is really infuriating. And so, for me, Audrey's total lack of acknowledgement that Lucky is the only person that can make Lizzie feel safe is a major sore point. I don't have too much empathy with Audrey these days. >Venus-- she practically jumps off the screen she has so much presence-- >why oh why doens't she have anything to do??? I don't know, but one of my ABSOLUTE favorite moments of the ball last week was Ned catching her pulling up her skirt. Cracked me up. She is one of the absolute best things about the show, and I wish they'd use her. >Thanks for keeping with me this far- hope no one's asleep yet :) No chance. There is nothing I love more than lots of conversation. Taiyin TONY: "I think the high point for me was when he did the tango with my wife in front of half of Port Charles and I punched his lights out." KEVIN: "And that's what I would classify as a healthy response. LUKE: Spoken like a true shrink." KEVIN: "No, spoken like a man who's thrown a few of his own healthy responses lately." - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie E. Saker" Subject: GH/PC: i can't believe i'm saying this... Date: 28 May 1998 13:16:46 -0400 okay, you guys better sit down for this one, because i for one can't believe i'm going to say this, but...i was WRONG, WRONG, WRONG!!! i'm sorry, mr. guza, for doubting you, and for getting you confused with your completely incompetent predecessors. i was blinded by the travesty they created, and had NO faith in your ability to right past wrongs...and i was wrong. i finally got to watch tuesday's ep last night, with the sonny/brenda scene--and, even though i anticipated hating it LOOOOONG before i watched it, and had my teeth clenched against the inevitable as the episode started...guza came through! it was amazing! specifically..= =2E brenda. thank god--where has that girl been hiding for the past = three or four years?!? she did it. she said what needed to be said, she did what needed to be done, and she stood her ground while doing it. i was SHOCKED. in fact (and i REALLY can't believe i'm saying THIS) i think vanessa marcil did a better job than maurice in those scenes. she made it abundantly clear that doing the wrong thing is ALWAYS wrong, even if it's done for the right reasons, and she told sonny WHY. she told him that the ends don't justify the means when it comes to hurting someone you love. and yet, she also acknowledged that despite sonny's boneheaded departure, she could never hate him. (i WAS a little disappointed that she didn't go as far as he eventually did, in admitting she'd always love him, but i'll take what i can get at this point). and, even more miraculous, when he kissed her, SHE was the one who pulled away. BEAUTIFUL. sonny--his EYES. he didn't say much, and what he did say was a bit too glib most of the time, for my taste, but his eyes said it all. h= e really HEARD brenda, and understood what she was saying. for the first time, he really understood what he did to her when he left, which was something he desperately needed to see. and even better, he was ASHAMED by what he he should be. i wish he = could have opened up a bit more with brenda, as he eventually did with jason, but again...i'll take what i can get. also, i was happy he finally told brenda the truth--even if it still wasn't the WHOLE truth (In my opinion, he should have told her about the guy who was = threatening her, in addition to sharing the dream). but it was a = long-overdue explanation, and i'm glad he gave it. now, not to say that some things didn't piss me off. for example, = brenda making a beeline for jax. i would have been happier if that part had been saved for the next episode. but i understand that it's the exact same thing that happened when jax and brenda broke up the last time and brenda ran straight for sonny--of course, i thought it was cruel (to the viewers) then, too, but... also, i thought they were a little more dismissive of the s&b relationshi= p than i would have liked. all the talk about how young brenda was (while true) and how sometimes you don't want what makes you happy, but what brings you the highest highs and the lowest lows (while also true) seemed to me to have the effect of slightly invalidatin= g s&b's relationship...but at the same time i'm not furious about that, = because overall i think they tried to do justice to it. when sonny was saying good-bye, and that he hoped she'd have all the things he wanted to give her, love, and a life without fear, and she said she had them but was still crying at the same time--that made me = feel a little better about it all...that they were at least acknowledging= the loss they were both experiencing. all in all, i was VERY impressed. given the constraints guza had to work with (being unable to undo = the past, and not having them end up together) i think he did the best he could in doing justice to s&b, and giving them the closure they SOOOO didn't get last time around. and while i'm still annoyed by the concept of bringing sonny back solely to facilitate the j&b relationship.....i didn't hate it. and considering how SURE i was that i would, that's high praise indeed! :) all that, and he killed kat, too? can we nominate guza for sainthood? := ) julie - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Rebecca Subject: GH/PC: Lucky/Liz-Where were they? Date: 29 May 1998 01:00:41 -0600 Question and possible spoiler, so... a b c d e f g h i j k l m n In a spoiler page I read, it said that Lucky and Liz would get trapped in a dept. store-- is that where they were today?? Because I didn't know dept. kept water and gas on in their display depts.! Also, the spoilers said that they would do a little smoocheroo at the ball- I missed a day- did this happen? Thanks! Rebecca - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie E. Saker" Subject: GH/PC: Lucky/Liz-Where were they? Date: 29 May 1998 10:39:15 -0400 Message text written by >Question and possible spoiler, so... a b c d e f g h i j k l m n > In a spoiler page I read, it said that Lucky and Liz would get trapped >in a dept. store-- is that where they were today?? Because I didn't >know dept. kept water and gas on in their display depts.! Also, the >spoilers said that they would do a little smoocheroo at the ball- I >missed a day- did this happen? Thanks! i didn't see them kiss, and i don't THINK i missed anything--although i h= ad heard a spoiler that they'd have a romantic time at the dance, or somethi= ng like that, which confused me too because i wouldn't describe their scene= s together that way, yet. as for where they are, i SINCERELY doubt it's a department store (for the= reasons you mentioned) but i was confused as to where they are too (and even more= = confused about why they haven't MENTIONED where they are). my first = thought was that the set looked very familiar--i think it reminds me of t= he kitchen, i assume at mac's house, from back when robin and stone were dating, and = we saw a lot of mac/robin fights there? could be wrong though, since they COULDN'T be at mac's house. anyone have a clue where they are...and why on earth,= if = they ARE in someone's house, they slept on benches in the kitchen rather than a couch or a bed somewhere??? julie - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Lynda T Phan) Subject: GH/PC: Cassadines Date: 31 May 1998 17:58:12 -0700 What is the relationship between Mikkos, Stavros, Helena, and Stefan? Thanks in advance. _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: GH/PC: i can't believe i'm saying this... Date: 01 Jun 1998 22:46:05 -0700 At 01:16 PM 5/28/98 -0400, Julie E. Saker wrote: >okay, you guys better sit down for this one, because i for one >can't believe i'm going to say this, but...i was WRONG, WRONG, >WRONG!!! i'm sorry, mr. guza, for doubting you, and for getting >you confused with your completely incompetent predecessors. Dahling, please qualify statements like that. Of course, I do agree with everything you've said. For the first time since before Brenda wore the wire back in 1995 I was actually impressed with her. That shocked the hell out of me. I didn't like the fact that in several small ways they continually DID dismiss so much of S&B's relationship. I still can't stand Jax, but I did actually feel really sorry for him as soon as he realized that Brenda was visiting Sonny. Over all, I was impressed with the way it was handled. I especially like the fact that they addressed the fact that no matter how much they loved each other, neither one of them ever managed to get the trust and honesty bit and THAT was what did them in. But they could acknowledge the fact that they still did love each other. Having love without trust is one thing. Having a successful relationship without it is something else. >all that, and he killed kat, too? can we nominate guza for sainthood? :) Now THAT ONE gets a RESOUNDING "Amen!!" from me. Although, I must say, this "Saint Kathrine" crap is REALLY pissing me off! Katherine Bell is the one who stole money from an AIDS benefit for no other reason than to thumb her nose at Lucy. She was an amoral snot. And somehow her involvement with Mac is supposed to absolve her of all the heinous things she did before that? I don't THINK so. I've never seen the citizens of Port Charles have such short and convenient memories before. Taiyin "I was thinking about us in the kitchen." --"Oh Lucy, the kitchen is far too dangerous a place, there are all those free-standing appliances." --Lucy and Kevin, "GH" - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: GH/PC: Cassadines Date: 01 Jun 1998 22:48:11 -0700 At 05:58 PM 5/31/98 -0700, Lynda T Phan wrote: >What is the relationship between Mikkos, Stavros, Helena, and Stefan? >Thanks in advance. Mikkos and Helena were Stavros and Stefan's parents. Luke killed both Mikkos and Stavros and that's why both Helena and Stefan hate him. Taiyin "I was thinking about us in the kitchen." --"Oh Lucy, the kitchen is far too dangerous a place, there are all those free-standing appliances." --Lucy and Kevin, "GH" -