From: (port-charles-digest) To: Subject: port-charles-digest V1 #17 Reply-To: port-charles-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk port-charles-digest Tuesday, January 20 1998 Volume 01 : Number 017 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 19 Jan 1998 21:02:31 -0800 From: Taiyin Subject: Re: GH/PC: Spoilers GH Jamila wrote: >S >P >O >I >L >E >R > >S >P >A >C >E >> >> >> >> >> >> >Jason goes up against the Quartermaines and takes more than the baby with >him when he leaves. Justus and Emily! Woo hoo! Damn, I love this story. I want Justus to let Edward have it again, first, though. >Brenda asks Ned for help and later learns that Lucy has replaced her as a >model. Didn't we already do this? >Alan and Monica are at odds again. I want to see HER reaction to that catastrophe from Friday. >Emily asks Ned to be her father. So suddenly Ned is the good guy? Better than Alan at the moment, I can buy, though. I still want Justus to deck him, though. >Brenda realizes she has feelings for Jax. Oh brother. Here we go again. >Carly returns during her son's baptism. That was a short trip. >Nikolas and Emily make a pact. To never have another scene with Sarah ever, ever, ever again?? Please. >Jason he's not getting the baby back, he puts his hand on the gun, but they >know basically not to start a whole thing because he probably would hurt >somebody for the kid. In the aftermath of the failed capture, the Q's are >left in disarray. Wow, it really is a gun. I didn't think it would be. >Justus walks out on Edward, Mob lawyer!!! Sorry. I guess I'm a little too happy about that development, huh? :-) > To ensure the child's future, Jason chooses godparents, and decides to >have the baby baptized. Hhhmmm... who would that be... such options... >control of Nikolas. Helena will draw Katherine into it. It will be a very >gradual thing where we deconstruct the love of all time, and will build to a >huge Katherine/Stefan climax. Oh PLEASE, PLEASE tell me that translates in "break up"??? >Jason and A.J. will be our Cain and Abel, and we essentially >split the Quartermaines almost on gender lines. Oh, I *love* internal Quartermaine wars. >Tony is going to change 180 degrees as a result of this >horrendous betrayal he has gone through. Six months from the Dec. 8 show >you're not going to recognize Tony, but you will have seen every step along >the way. Now this I'm looking forward to -- as long as they stop making him such a ninny. This whole plan on Friday was just STUPID and it made Dr. Tony Jones, brilliant neurosurgeon, look like an idiot. >What Tony does in the wake of the Carly reveal directly affects the >Quartermaines, Jason, Carly, the baby and Bobbie. And it's ultimately going >to tie into the Cassadines. On one hand, that's very promising. OTOH, that's also my biggest grivence with Guza. It always seems that his biggest and best stories always have to have either the Spencers of the Cassadines at the heart of them. You'd think the entire town of Port Charles can't surive without them. >The mistaken-identity thing with Felicia and Mac >will be revealed to actually be much bigger and, in fact, a very sinister >subplot that will fold in several other major players. When we reveal what >Tess' agenda is - why Mac is being set up - this will turn into a thriller Well then GET ON WITH IT ALREADY. Jeez. Part of me is convinced that I will actually like this storyline when enough of it gets revealed so that it stops putting me to sleep, but for now it's painful. >women, and that is something Brenda will have to deal with. We are committed >to the Jax/Brenda romance. It is one of the grandest romances this canvas >has ever had, and we're going to play it. But it's not going to be easy for >either of them." Oh man, I really, really wish they wouldn't do that. REALLY wish they wouldn't. A lot. Very much a lot. A lot, a lot. Tons a lot. Megatons. Bah. The phrase, "Been there, done that" pops to mind. Jax is ten times more interesting on his own, or with V, than he is with Brenda. And "grandest"? I think he means "over-exposed" and "heatedly debated." Taiyin, who thinks that if Guza thinks Jax and Brenda are one of the best he's seen, then it's a good thing that Kevin and Lucy are safely tucked away on PC where he can't mess with them... - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 19 Jan 1998 21:13:11 -0800 From: Taiyin Subject: Re: GH/PC: Ned At 11:36 PM 1/18/98 -0500, Donald K Gooden wrote: >been out of commission for awhile. I think that Ned should be on Jason's >side. I think he is, and I think that's exactly why the Dummies With The Plan went to such lengths to exclude Ned and make sure he wasn't there. Also, if you saw the preview for Monday at the end of Friday, Ned looked very, very confused and more than a little concerned. I don't think that Guza would have gone to the trouble of having The Dummies exclude Ned if he wasn't going to have Ned disapprove. And I agree, that the Ned/Lois/Brooke situation will DIRECTLY impact which side of this issue Ned chooses and why. I also doubt that Emily would go to Ned with such a request if he DIDN'T disapprove of what they did. >I mean think about it. Lois took Ned's Baby away because she didn't >want her to be raised by the Q's. She thought that Brooke would turn out to >be bloodsucking or whatever because of the environment she would be in. And, just to be a hypocrite , I'd say that Lois' motives are a hell of a lot more reasonable and understandable than Tony/Alan/AJ/Edwards. Besides the fact that at least Lois is really Brooke's mother (and awkward analogy, considering the baby's paternity sitch, I know, but considering that everyone THINKS that Jason is the father, it is inexcusible to me that they would try and take the kid away from him in spite of that info). >It would be hypocritical of Ned if he were >to be on the side of Edward and Tony. Right. And, though Ned is not unfamiliar with blatant hypocracy, anything that has anything to do with Brooke brings out the best in him. It's the best part of him and it's the same part that he demonstrates when it comes to Emily. And that he used to demonstrate with Lois. Way back when. >I think I am kinda glad that Emily asks Ned to be her dad. I doubt that >there will be any legal changes in the adoption, but I never really liked >Alan. The relationship between Ned and Emily has just always seemed more >real to me than the relationship between Emily and Alan. Well, I did really love Emily and Alan's relationship in the beginning. From the time they first met in Arizona they were really cool. But since the storylines have gone the way they have over the years, they haven't had nearly the chance to interact the way they used to. And, these days, Emily is too old for Sydney the Bear. :-) And, just as an aside, I must say that I am really glad that Stuart Damon is wearing his glasses so much recently. He really looks very good with them on. I hope he keeps it up. Taiyin "What did I do before I had you?" - --"You were lost and confused." -- Lucy and Kevin - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 19 Jan 1998 16:43:28 -0500 From: "Donald K Gooden" Subject: GH/PC: Crazy Q's S P O I L E R S P A C E > > > > > I loved Emily today. The way she told her family off made me really happy. I also thought it was "classic" Edward, when he turned on Tony at the end. I was practically falling off the bed laughing when I heard Edward putting it all on Tony. Then AJ started to put it on Tony. I mean AJ was right in what he said about Tony, but having him say it after Edward put it all in a different light. I also was not one bit upset when Ned told AJ off. Usually, I get so upset when Ned gets on AJ's back. However AJ was acting so awful today that Ned didn't say half of what I would have said. There are a few good things that came from this though. AJ and Alan are back together. I have wanted this for awhile. However I wish that it didn't have to be over something like this. I am also glad that Justus left. He needs a good storyline, and he hasn't been getting one at the Q's. I also like the strengthened bond between Jason and Emily. I also like what Jason said about family values. He is so attached to that baby. In the event that Robert gets taken away I don't know what Jason would do. I am also, not surprised that Jason decides to baptize the baby. I mean I know that he wants to have protection for the baby in the event that something should happen. Also, mob/Mafia people are known for being religious. I know that Jason doesn't fit into the traditional picture of mob boss but.... Jamila - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 19 Jan 1998 16:52:12 -0500 From: "Donald K Gooden" Subject: GH/PC: Emily How old is Emily? In fact how old are all of the teens on the show supposed to be? How can there parents let them run around town like that? When did it become OK for a girl to sneak out of the house through her upper level window to visit someone? Emily is like what 14? My parents never let me do something like that when I was that age. They always had to know where I was and who I was with at all times. I am no longer 14, but they still want to know just about everything about me and my life. Television always seems to portray teens as people that can do anything whenever they please. When I was little I used to always say that I can't wait till I can just jump in my car and go anywhere I please without telling anyone. Well I am still waiting for that day to come. Jamila - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 21:35:51 -0800 From: Taiyin Subject: GH/PC: More Q's Well, for the first time in... well, ever, probably, I wanted *Ned* to klobber A.J. I don't ever recall coming down on Ned's side versus A.J.'s. Not that Ned's diatribe at A.J. was called for, but damn, every single one of those pompus jackasses needed to be shoved into one of Lila's rose bushes face first. And, aside from the sheer LUDICROUSNESS of Edward blaming that fiasco entirely on Tony, I did enjoy watching Edward stick it to him. And, of course, one of the best parts: "You're offering me a penthouse?" Yay! Justus is a mob lawyer! Justus is a mob lawyer! Justus is a mob lawyer! Justus is a mob lawyer! Justus is a mob lawyer! Justus is a mob lawyer! Justus is a mob lawyer! I hope Monica stays FURIOUS with Alan and A.J. for a good long time. And I *love* Emily going to Jason's. I love them together -- and the baby and the birthday cake were great. About as cool as Jason apologizing to the baby for the fiasco at the Q's. I hope that Robin quits being so sanctimonious on this subject, now. I love Robin, but she's just GOT to knock it off with this "they're your family" bit. Alan slopping all over A.J., though, after everything that he's done over the years, was just revolting. And then I wanted someone to smack Ned again with his "so what" attitude about Justus leaving. But the constant reminders about Mary Mae were great. And she'd spin in her grave if she knew that Justus was working for the mob. Taiyin "Anything's better than *there.*" - -- "That's what I think." -- Emily and Jason - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 21:51:57 -0800 From: Taiyin Subject: Re: GH/PC: Emily At 04:52 PM 1/19/98 -0500, Donald K Gooden wrote: >How old is Emily? I think this was supposed to be her 16th birthday. They made mention a few months ago that Em would be driving in a couple of months, so I assume that's it (nevermind the fact that the driving age in New York State, last time I checked, was 18). >become OK for a girl to sneak out of the house through her upper level >window to visit someone? Emily is like what 14? My parents never let me do >something like that when I was that age. They always had to know where I was >and who I was with at all times. I am no longer 14, but they still want to >know just about everything about me and my life. Yeah, but stuff like that varies a lot. I never had to tell my father anything when I was a teenager -- as long as we were getting along, he didn't ask me many questions. But, honestly, Em left a note for her mother, telling her where she'd be. Monica may not like it, but what are her choices? The only thing they could really do is to go to Jason's and drag Em out physically. Aside from the fact that Monica doesn't blame Em one tiny bit for being too hurt and angry to stay in the same house as the Scheming Dummies, most parents are pretty reluctant to go chasing around town trying to drag their kids back home. And since she knows that Jason isn't going to let anything happen to her, I doubt Monica would be *so* worried that she'd feel the need to chase Emily down. Besides which, the Qs aren't exactly the postchildren for wholesome family values. Taiyin "I don't think he liked Alan holding him very much, but who would?" -- Jason - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 09:38:25 -0500 From: Cagey Subject: Re: GH/PC: Spoilers GH At 11:22 PM 1/18/98 -0500, you wrote: >Spoilers for general Hospital > Jamila >S >P >O >I >L >E >R > >S >P >A >C >E >> >> >> > To ensure the child's future, Jason chooses godparents, and decides to >have the baby baptized. "I don't think that Jason is going to realize the >impact of the baby until they take it away from him," Burton says. "Carly >and Jason will never, ever get back together that way, but it's going to >really hurt when they take the kid away." Who is this "they" that Steve is referring to, do you think? I'm pleased to know that Carly and Jason are not destined as a romantic pair (I love them together, but not in that way), but I really had hoped that Jason would hang onto the baby for a while. - --kg - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 11:17:45 PST From: "Julie Saker" Subject: Re: GH/PC: More Q's wow! was there some mail waiting for me this morning! happy day...things to DISCUSS! :) taiyin wrote: >Well, for the first time in...well, ever, probably, I wanted *Ned* to >klobber A.J. i agree wholeheartedly...i've never been on ned's side either. but even though he WAS on the right side for once, he was STILL a jerk about it. i really hope a.j. gives him what's coming to him one of these days. forget that--i hope both a.j. AND justus do. ned's attitude toward both of them is just beyond despicable. but i was happy to see a.j. hit the nail right on the head--ned's scared of ANYONE, a.j. included, usurping his place of honor in the family. >Not that Ned's diatribe at A.J. was called for, but damn, every single one >of those pompus jackasses needed to be shoved into one of Lila's rose >bushes face first. agreed there too. and i was really happy to see emily give it to all of them for using her like that. i was just upset that lila wasn't around to throw her two cents in, too. (by the way, where DID she disappear to? i don't remember how they managed to conveniently get rid of her...) oh, and on the subject of emily sneaking out her window...MY only problem with that whole scenario was not that kids her age wouldn't/shouldn't/couldn't do things like that...but that why did she have to climb out her window? the way things were in the q house at that point, she could have walked right out the front door and nobody would have noticed. or if they did, it's unlikely they would have tried to stop her. as for her age, i was wondering that too. it doesn't seem POSSIBLE that she's supposed to be sixteen. maybe i just have an outdated notion of what sixteen looks and acts like! :) but she seems younger to me. i don't remember the driving comment though. (and, taiyin... i THINK the driving age is only 18 in new york CITY, not the whole state. however, i thought it was 17 in ny state, like it is in nj. of course, i could be wrong on all of that, living in nj.) i did think it was kind of odd, though, for them to go through all this birthday hoopla and never ONCE directly mention her age...maybe TPTB don't know how old she's supposed to be either! :) > Yay! Justus is a mob lawyer! Justus is a mob lawyer! i LOVED the chat between jason and justus about damian smith's murder. "am i supposed to say something else? because i'm not too good at that..." that was just CLASSIC! justus has been beating himself up over killing a man who DESERVED to die for far too long now, and i'm glad jason tried to give him a little perspective there. (not that i think what justus did to laura was right...but that was YEARS ago now. time to move on!) and i'm with taiyin...i think this mob thing is going to REALLY make things interesting. it's been too long since justus had something to do. >I hope Monica stays FURIOUS with Alan and A.J. for a good long time. >And I *love* Emily going to Jason's. me too, on both counts. i loved monica's line that "not only didn't you get jason's child, but he got yours." i don't see her forgiving the guys too easily on this one. and i loved that jason hesitated before saying yes to em staying with him. it's little details like that that mean so much in terms of his character--he KNOWS it's probably not the best idea, but he can't say no to em. >About as cool as Jason apologizing to >the baby for the fiasco at the Q's. wasn't that SWEET? i'm actually finding myself, completely against my "real world" judgment, hoping that aj DOESN'T find out the baby's his. of course he WILL...but i'm REALLY loving jason with the baby. an awful awful lot. >I hope that Robin quits being so >sanctimonious on this subject, now. I love Robin, but she's just GOT to >knock it off with this "they're your family" bit. yeah, she does have a bit of a blind spot there. i hope we get to see the scene where she finds out what they tried to do to jason. i DON'T particularly want to see another scene with her preaching to the q's, or preaching to jason about aj...but i WOULD like to see her begin to doubt whether aj finding out about his son would be such a good thing after all. >Alan slopping all over A.J., though, after everything that he's done over >the years, was just revolting. now that just came COMPLETELY out of left field, as far as i'm concerned. aj went along with the plot to kidnap jason's baby, so NOW alan loves him? huh? did i miss something? >And then I wanted someone to smack Ned again with his "so what" attitude >about Justus leaving. he's a jerk. and i'm being EXTREMELY kind, out of deference to our pg-13 rating! >But the constant reminders about Mary Mae were great. And she'd spin in >her grave if she knew that Justus was working for the mob. yup. i'm afraid justus can't have it both ways on this one--telling edward that if she were still alive to act as his conscience he wouldn't be doing the things he does. same goes for justus. i suppose it's only a matter of time before he realizes that...but in the meantime, i'm really going to enjoy this! julie ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 11:27:19 PST From: "Julie Saker" Subject: Re: Re: GH/PC: Spoilers GH cagey wrote: >At 11:22 PM 1/18/98 -0500, you wrote: >>Spoilers for general Hospital >> Jamila >>S >>P >>O >>I >>L >>E >>R >> >>S >>P >>A >>C >>E >>> >>> >>> >> "Carly and Jason will never, ever get back together that way, but it's going to >>really hurt when they take the kid away." > >Who is this "they" that Steve is referring to, do you think? i was wondering that, too. i would GUESS that it's going to be a.j. and the q's, after it comes out that a.j.'s the father. (it DOES have to come out eventually i suppose...) but i'm with you--i've really started hoping it's later rather than sooner. they'll easily be able to prove carly's an unfit mother, and get custody, as soon as they know the truth. but i don't want them to find out anytime soon. (as opposed to carly's OTHER which i say the sooner the better! ohhhhhhh, poor bobbie--she isn't going to know what hit her!) julie ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 11:40:48 PST From: "Julie Saker" Subject: Re: Re: GH/PC: Ned taiyin wrote: >Well, I did really love Emily and Alan's relationship in the beginning. >From the time they first met in Arizona they were really cool. But since >the storylines have gone the way they have over the years, they haven't had >nearly the chance to interact the way they used to. And, these days, Emily >is too old for Sydney the Bear. :-) oh thank GOD! i'm sorry, but i always really REALLY HATED sydney the bear! that's probably part of why i never really liked alan and emily--the whole sydney the bear thing just seemed so patronizing and annoying to me. i don't much care for ned either--but ned's relationship with emily has always seemed a lot more real to me than alan's. jmo... julie ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 12:41:08 PST From: "Julie Saker" Subject: Re: Re: GH/PC: Spoilers GH taiyin wrote: >Jamila wrote: > >>S >>P >>O >>I >>L >>E >>R >> >>S >>P >>A >>C >>E >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>Brenda asks Ned for help and later learns that Lucy has replaced her as a >>model. > >Didn't we already do this? yes, we did. but they never DID have brenda and lucy talk about it. as long as we get some crossovers out of it, they can rehash that one as far as i'm concerned. >>Brenda realizes she has feelings for Jax. > >Oh brother. Here we go again. THIS rehash, however...PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DON'T GO THERE!!!!! i HATE this. even if i WEREN'T still harboring deep DEEP resentment over the sonny fiasco, i STILL wouldn't want to suffer through yet ANOTHER incarnation of j&b. >>Carly returns during her son's baptism. > >That was a short trip. february sweeps! they PROMISED we'd get the truth about carly and bobbie soon! YEAH!!! >>Nikolas and Emily make a pact. > >To never have another scene with Sarah ever, ever, ever again?? Please. LOL! i WISH! HAS been a while since we've been subjected to her! (the only downside of that, however, is that we also haven't seen lizzie...who i was actually beginning to like somewhat. but i am DEFINITELY happy we seem to have seen the last of the pc high scenes!) >Wow, it really is a gun. I didn't think it would be. i knew he'd have one with him...but i also knew he wouldn't have to use it. i was really glad, however, to see justus give jason some food for thought on the combo of babies and guns. yes, the kid is WAY too young to be able to get his hands on it...YET...but there's this AWFUL public service commercial they show around here (i don't know if it's local or national), with a little kid humming some happy little song to himself as he stacks up chairs and books and stuff on top of each other. still humming, he climbs up on top of the tower he's built (the audience has no idea what's going on--it's all from the kid's point of view), and he reaches onto a high shelf and grabs something. all of a sudden the humming stops, there's a gunshot and the screen goes black. an announcer's voice says something to the effect of, "if you think your kid's too young to find your gun...think again." creepy. and i don't doubt that jason has the best intentions towards this baby...but his lifestyle IS something he should be thinking about. which i guess he will soon, if the spoilers are right... >> To ensure the child's future, Jason chooses godparents, and decides to >>have the baby baptized. > >Hhhmmm... who would that be... such options... that IS interesting. ummmmmm...let's see. em's too young. lila's too old. he hates all the other q's. how about...bobbie?!? carly would have a COW! bobbie and luke?!? even BETTER! :) can you IMAGINE carly returning from her little trip, walking in to discover that not only has jason named the baby, he's chosen his grandmother and great-uncle to be his godparents?!? or i suppose there's robin. and justus. but they wouldn't be NEARLY as much fun! :) >>control of Nikolas. Helena will draw Katherine into it. It will be a very >>gradual thing where we deconstruct the love of all time, and will build to a >>huge Katherine/Stefan climax. > >Oh PLEASE, PLEASE tell me that translates in "break up"??? we can hope, i guess... however, i'm not optimistic. "deconstruct the love of all time" i take to mean stefan and laura, with the assumption that genie comes back, and nik's paternity comes out, etc. and since i'm MORE than sure guza doesn't intend to sacrifice luke and laura for laura and stefan...i wouldn't be at ALL surprised if he keeps kat & bat together. after all...look at the man's idea of couplehood thus far...(see below! i'll have PLENTY more to say on that one! grrrrrrrrrrr.) >>Jason and A.J. will be our Cain and Abel, and we essentially >>split the Quartermaines almost on gender lines. > >Oh, I *love* internal Quartermaine wars. me too. and ESPECIALLY the way this one's looking to shape up--i can DEFINITELY see em, lila and monica (with probably ned on their side) being QUITE the force to be reckoned with! >>Tony is going to change 180 degrees as a result of this >>horrendous betrayal he has gone through. Six months from the Dec. 8 show >>you're not going to recognize Tony, but you will have seen every step along >>the way. > >Now this I'm looking forward to -- as long as they stop making him such a >ninny. This whole plan on Friday was just STUPID and it made Dr. Tony >Jones, brilliant neurosurgeon, look like an idiot. well...he hasn't exactly seemed intelligent in ANY of his storylines ANYTHING will be an improvement i think. at least i hope! >>What Tony does in the wake of the Carly reveal directly affects the >>Quartermaines, Jason, Carly, the baby and Bobbie. And it's ultimately going >>to tie into the Cassadines. > >On one hand, that's very promising. > >OTOH, that's also my biggest grivence with Guza. i agree. i can't for the LIFE of me figure out what this story has to do with ANY of the cassadines. and i don't really think it's necessary to INVENT a connection just to get them involved. however, i'll withhold judgment, because who knows--he could come up with something stupendous. he clearly can't do romance to save his life, so let him do what he's good at--cassadine intrigue. >>The mistaken-identity thing with Felicia and Mac >>will be revealed to actually be much bigger and, in fact, a very sinister >>subplot that will fold in several other major players. hmmm...let me guess. the cassadines? ooh...i know...the cassadines AND jax & brenda! >Well then GET ON WITH IT ALREADY. Jeez. Part of me is convinced that I >will actually like this storyline when enough of it gets revealed so that >it stops putting me to sleep, but for now it's painful. i'm REALLY getting annoyed by it so far. i think they're taking too long to develop it, personally. if they don't do something soon, i'm going to lose interest in it entirely. >>We are committed >>to the Jax/Brenda romance. It is one of the grandest romances this canvas >>has ever had, and we're going to play it. But it's not going to be easy for >>either of them." AAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! now it's statements like THIS that really make me crazy. "one of the grandest romances"?!? this man has no CLUE! what, praytell, is romantic about them? brenda's inability to make even the smallest decision, like picking out a couch on her own? jax's need to treat brenda like a child? (and they said SONNY was a father figure? puh-LEEZE! "could you call and check on me while you're away, daddy?" i bet he even brings her back a present if she's a good girl.) i don't get it--i really, really don't. i didn't mind the two of them together the first time around. i thought it was a little deluded that he would marry her knowing she didn't love him (the first time) convinced that he would change her mind...but once they got past that part, i really kind of liked the two of them together. so this isn't SOLELY sour grapes over the sonny thing. i thought they were kind of a fun couple at the time. but i do believe, wholeheartedly, that once they brought in miranda, and DEFINITELY once brenda left jax for sonny, they can NOT put the two of them together again. it's just PATHETIC. i know tptb WANT to do this...but they should be smart enough to realize that you can't always GET what you want. once the damage was done with the whole miranda/sonny mess, it's just not possible to go back and un-do it. i don't see why the j&b crowd would even WANT them to. if jax takes brenda back at this point, he might as well get "doormat" tattooed across his forehead. and if brenda WANTS jax back, she might as well start buying schoolgirl uniforms and wearing her hair in pigtails. for BOTH of them, this would be SERIOUS regression. >Oh man, I really, really wish they wouldn't do that. REALLY wish they >wouldn't. A lot. Very much a lot. A lot, a lot. Tons a lot. Megatons. ditto. >Bah. The phrase, "Been there, done that" pops to mind. Jax is ten times >more interesting on his own, or with V, than he is with Brenda. yeah--let's talk about poor v. they still throw her name around, yet she hasn't been seen on-screen since, when? before christmas, when brenda was institutionalized? THAT would be an interesting couple. j&b, however, have NOTHING new to say or explore at this point. put jax with ANYONE else...ANYONE...carly! kat! bobbie! even SARAH! just PLEASE don't make me watch more j&b. even as FRIENDS they bore me. >And "grandest"? I think he means "over-exposed" and "heatedly debated." >Taiyin, who thinks that if Guza thinks Jax and Brenda are one of the best >he's seen, then it's a good thing that Kevin and Lucy are safely tucked >away on PC where he can't mess with them... this man wouldn't know romance if he tripped over it. i bet he's single...anyone know? ok, enough complaining. i have work to do. but i'm STILL not happy.... julie ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 16:11:28 -0800 From: Taiyin Subject: GH/PC: The SOD Awards Flap This is a note from Lynn Leahey (editor of SOD) from the SOD web page: I want to apologize to each and every one of our readers who sent in the ballot from the November 10, 1997 issue. Because of an irregularity in the voting, which had nothing to do with our readers, those votes were disqualified, and a new ballot was rushed into subscriber copies. That really stunk for all the readers who buy their issues on the newsstand. "It's simply unfair," wrote one reader, and she's absolutely right. I wish there had been a better solution -- the easiest thing to do would have been to disqualify the 317 ballots in question, but the lawyers vetoed that idea right away. A number of readers suggested we disqualify General Hospital or ABC, but that wouldn't have been fair to our GH fans, or the nominees for that matter, who did nothing wrong. Facing the possible cancellation of the awards show by NBC if we didn't resolve the problem, we considered just not airing it, or postponing it. But then we realized many readers had already bought tickets to the show, including non-refundable airline tickets. There was no way we could ruin their plans. So we issued the new ballots, and it isn't because the opinions of those of you who buy us on the newsstand don't matter. Far from it. We were faced with an impossible decision, and I am truly sorry that our loyal newsstand buyers got the short end of the stick. Believe me, we're already working on ways to make it up to you. Lynn Leahey Editor-in-Chief - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 16:22:59 -0800 From: Taiyin Subject: GH/PC: Interview with Michael Deitz by Joann Fazzi Star: Michael Dietz Role: Dr. Joseph Parnell Scanlon, PORT CHARLES Other Soap Roles: Alan-Michael Spaulding, GUIDIND LIGHT & Greg McKean, BEVERLY HILLS 90210 Hails From: The suburbs of Pittsburgh, PA Birthdate: February 10, 1971 Family Ties: Mom Anna Finlay; stepfather is William Finlay. "He's the greatest, my stepfather. I love him to death." His real dad, "who I didn't live with growing up," is Frank Dietz. Although Michael is an only child, he has "A lot of cousins, a lot of cousins! There are about 12, 15, something like that." Online Browser: "I always liked going on the internet, of course." Does he check out the PORT CHARLES message boards? "I do. And I've chatted and told people who I was." Has he gotten lots of e-mail? "Yeah. It's all been really great. Everything, 100% of it. It's been really, really nice." GH Background: "My mother [watched GENERAL HOSPITAL] her whole life. I remember coming home from school and the VCR would be taping because she wasn't there at three o'clock. In fact, when I got GUIDIND LIGHT, she was like, 'I wish it was GENERAL HOSPITAL.'" How did she feel when he landed his PC role? "Extremely happy." On His PC Wardrobe: "It's not bad, it's comfortable. It could be a lot worse. The suits Alan-Michael had to wear were brutal. Three piece Armani suits with ties...You can't really tell if you screw 'em up. With the suit, you can't wear the jacket until you're on." One fall afternoon, Digest Online Editor Joann Fazzi had lunch with MICHAEL DIETZ in the ABC Commissary. Clad in his usual black t-shirt and gray scubs, Michael was very hospitable. He ordered a Caesar salad and Baked Chicken Romano (A chicken dish with noodles and a heavy cream sauce, which Michael lamented couldn't be healthy). During our interview, loads of GH and PC cast members filtered around the dining room. PC's Kin Shriner, Lynn Herring and Jon Lindstom (Scott, Lucy and Kevin) shared lunch a few tables away. David Holcomb came over to say hello and Michael introduced him as "our psycho, nutcase..." "I play Doctor Greg Cooper," Holcomb interrupted, letting Dietz know, "That's Doctor to you!" Jennifer Sky (Sarah, GH) also said a quick hello. DIGEST ONLINE: What was it like for you being on brand new soap that was just starting out? MICHAEL DIETZ: It was so great to have everyone starting out at the same time. We all really bonded really well. It's really funny because we're very protective of each other, we're like this family. It's great. As opposed to [when I went on] GUIDIND LIGHT, something that's been around for sixty years, to be the new guy is really tough. There's nobody that's been on [PORT CHARLES] longer than me or anybody else, [we've all been here] the same amount of time, so it's great. It was awesome. It was the best thing in the world to have to do a new show and to create a new character. DIGEST ONLINE: How do you feel about Joe Scanlon? DIETZ: I absolutely love the character. I think it's great to play a male part in anywhere -- film, TV, anything -- that's vulnerable and has that side to him, because a lot of male characters are tougher or psycho or something and never really show a lot of their vulnerability. I think that's what I love about him, to be able to bring that to him. Yet he's still a standup guy, has a temper, he's not a wimp. I think it's a great, great character. [It's] nice, going from GUIDIND LIGHT, [where my character was] never smiling, to be able to smile and have fun. And working with JENNIFER HAMMON [Karen] has just been incredible. She's amazing. I absolutely love the character. There is nothing I would change about him -- nothing! I think he's perfect. DIGEST ONLINE: The audience has definitely taken to him and the pairing of Joe and Karen. DIETZ: Yeah. I think the rooting value we have as a couple is great because it's not really right, you know, because she's married, and yet they still want us together. I think all the problems we've had.... Poor Joe, just pining away for her all the time, he can't have her. I think people really want them together. And as I said, she's been amazing to work with, since day one, we really hit it off. She's really giving as an actress which really helps. We've been able to do scenes, push to our limit, get where we really want to get, which I never really experienced with anybody else. So, I owe a lot to her, she's really great. DIGEST ONLINE: Where to you see Joe and Karen going? DIETZ: I think it's going to take a while, I mean, I don't know, it has nothing to do with me knowing anything. I think, in my humble opinion, it will take a good three, four months until they're really together, they really start doing things. I don't think they want to rush into it because, I mean, she is married, and it was a big couple, and to just kind of disregard that, I think, would be disenheartening for most of the viewers to watch and just think she gave up. So, I think it's going to take a while. And Joe has no intention of doing anything until it's really over and done because he really does want to play by the rules. It will take a while. DIGEST ONLINE: Are we going to see Jagger? DIETZ: I don't know. I'm sure they'd like to have him come back for a couple of days to finish out the storyline, but I don't know. I'd like to see him come back. DIGEST ONLINE: What would Joe do to Jagger if he saw him? DIETZ: You know, I think part of Joe would want to kill him for cheating on Karen. But the other part would understand and kind of let him be and let the two of them work it out without interfering. Although he'd want to, I'm sure. DIGEST ONLINE: We wouldn't see a knockdown, drag out fight? DIETZ: No. Not unless, I think, he really physically hurt her. Then again, it's none of Joe's business, really. He's friends with Karen, but that's it. Joe has to let it take its course. He can't interfere because, I think, part of him would wonder if he had something to do with it, so he has to let it happen on its own. He definitely wouldn't get into a fight unless Jagger did something to him first like punched him or something. Even then I don't know if he would. I didn't think you'll be seeing any fighting between the two, probably not. DIGEST ONLINE: Are we going to get more into Joe's past? We know a bit of his family history, but we don't know anything about his personal life... any ex-girlfriends... wives... children? DIETZ: Yeah, we don't know. I know my father died, he was drunk, in a car accident. Yeah, I'd like to see more, especially with my mother, Patricia [Crowley, Mary Scanlon]. We talk about it now and then. I don't know if it's going to happen. I mean, I don't have anything right now that's going in that direction, I've been so busy at the hospital with Karen. I would love to see more concerning the family, because it's one of the only real families on the show. DIGEST ONLINE: Are we going to see more Scanlon family interaction in general? DIETZ: Yes, I think so. I especially think once all the Joe and Karen stuff dies down, I think that's my main storyline right now, and the other stuff is there to keep the family alive, but I think probably not right now but in a little bit, we'll probably go back to that more and more. But Karen and Joe are the most important right now, I think, for the writers, and I don't mind it, I think it's great, it's a great storyline. I'd like to see Mary, I love working with Patricia, she's so great, I'd love to work with her more. And Jay [Pickett, Frank], I love working with Jay, [he's] like my favorite. So, I hope so. DIGEST ONLINE: I think that the Scanlon brothers portray a very true sibling relationship. DIETZ: He is like my big brother here in real life. He really is. I don't have any brothers and sisters. And even off screen, he really is like my big brother. It's very funny. We always joke about it. As far as support and just advice, you know, he really is my big brother. It's almost eerie in a sense, but he's been great. He's been really great. And I think that helps, you know, on camera, if your relationship off is really good, you hang out, it only helps and adds to it. DIGEST ONLINE: Who do you hang out with from PC when you're not working? DIETZ: Definitely Jay. Mark Teschner [GH/PC Casting Director] and his girlfriend Lisa Lord, who plays Grace, I hang out with them a lot. Kind of everybody at some point, there's nobody that doesn't hang out. We've all done things off camera. There's really nobody that doesn't get along. DIGEST ONLINE: What kind of stuff do you do when you're not working? DIETZ: Exercise and read, go to movies, dinner, just try to stay busy. I don't like sitting around watching TV. DIGEST ONLINE: What was the last movie you saw? DIETZ: Last movie I just saw "She's So Lovely." Very good, really good movie. Sean Penn was amazing, absolutely amazing. I watched "Donnie Brasco" last night. And what else? Write. I started a course at UCLA on Screenwriting. DIGEST ONLINE: Have you ever written a full screenplay? DIETZ: Yeah, I have one that I started about two years ago, and now I'm at the point where I just want to clean it up, finish it up. DIGEST ONLINE: What genre is the screenplay? DIETZ: Action-y. Actually, I would love to write my own and direct it, raise the money, and do like a little indie film. I think it would be really neat. DIGEST ONLINE: Did you study writing in school? Was it something you were always interested in? DIETZ: I always did really well in English. Yeah, I always liked writing. DIGEST ONLINE: How did you hear about PORT CHARLES originally? DIETZ: Mark [Teschner, GH/PC Casting Director] remembered me, I had read for Mark for some other parts and he remembered me. DIGEST ONLINE: For GENERAL HOSPITAL? DIETZ: Uh huh. He knew when I got GUIDIND LIGHT, he was always like, that role's not right for him! He had called my agent and said we have this role, we'd like to bring Michael in on, we think he'd be great for it. He took me to Wendy [Riche, GH/PC Executive Producer], she liked me when I tested and that was it. Nice and painless. I didn't have to wait around for weeks. DIGEST ONLINE: Were you living out in California? DIETZ: I had just moved. But, my last date [on GUIDIND LIGHT] was January 28, I was driving on January 29. Wasted no time. DIGEST ONLINE: I guess you prefer the West Coast because you like the warm weather? DIETZ: Yeah. I just didn't like New York. I mean, I like visiting, I was just there and it was great. But... DIGEST ONLINE: Did you live in Manhattan? DIETZ: I actually had an apartment that I was getting in the city. It was a brand new building, which is very rare in New York, and they said, it'll be done, it'll be done, it'll be done, and I moved into my parents' house in New Jersey, waiting for the place to finish. Never did... they kept saying, another week, another two weeks, another week and I said, screw it, give me my money back, stayed at my parents' house and I was gonna wait and see until after the first of the year, kind of what happened with the show... good thing I did 'cause, you know, I found out that I was leaving. It was great, I never moved out with my parents, saved breaking a lease, which you know, worked out well. I would stay in the city, I'd come up and stay with friends so I basically lived there. DIGEST ONLINE: How far from Manhattan do your parents live? DIETZ: Forty-five minutes. I used to drive in everyday, which really wasn't that bad because there's people that came from across town, took them forty-five minutes, so it's really not a bad deal. If I were to have to live in New York, then I would live outside [the city]. Where I live now, I have this house, by myself, I live that I rent in Bel Air, it's probably the price of like a nice one bedroom in New York. Full backyard, crickets at night, birds in the morning, green trees everywhere, it's incredible. And I miss that. In New York, you really can't find that. You look out your window and you look at another building, see somebody getting dressed or something. That's really the primary reason. I mean, I felt like I was just going from a cab, from one building to another building, getting out of the cab and going into another building. You really don't see the sights, I mean, you do in Central Park, but I wasn't crazy about Central Park. That's what I really miss, to be able to just get in your car and drive to Malibu or to Santa Monica or Venice. There's so many different areas around here, you go from one place to the next, it's totally different. It's such a freedom. That's really the bottom [line], it's the freedom... I felt like I was stifled [in New York.] It feel like downtown L.A. without leaving downtown L.A., not being able to go to Malibu, just staying in the city, downtown L.A., and never leaving. You know, that's kind of what I feel like. Then again, I didn't give it a lot of time, and I wasn't really living in the city, so it might have been ... it might have been worse, actually. At least my parents had a house with some green and trees. I don't regret it. GUIDIND LIGHT was a wonderful experience, I learned so much from that show that I never would have known by coming on this show, I would have had to learn again. It's nice going from an hour to a half an hour, too. It's nice... it's the best schedule in the world! DIGEST ONLINE: Did you know any of the cast before you started? DIETZ: No, just Nolan [North, Chris] and I met on one of the auditions and kind of hit it off. That was it. DIGEST ONLINE: Do you keep in touch with anyone from GUIDIND LIGHT? DIETZ: Frank DiCopolous [Frank], who is my real life cousin, and that's really it. I [recently] saw Ron Raines [Alan], who played my father, at dinner, he was great. I miss Grant [Aleksander, Phillip], I loved Grant, Michael O'Leary [Rick] is really great. I mean, all of them were great, I miss everybody. I talked to Paul Rausch and he congratulated me, very sweet. It was nice to see everybody. But I don't really pick up the phone every other week calling. DIGEST ONLINE: If you could write what Joe's future would be, what would you write? DIETZ: I would like to see him and Karen, obviously, eventually get together and someday get married, that would be great. And continue his internship, become a doctor, be the best he could be, just have a good, good family life. Definitely I'd like to see them married, I think that would be great, someday down the line. [A pause] And take over the hospital. DIGEST ONLINE: So who is going to win the coveted Quartermaine fellowship? DIETZ: I don't know, good question! There's probably going to be competition on and off for that. DIGEST ONLINE: When does that actually happen? I know they keep talking about it. DIETZ: I don't even know. That's a good question. I don't know. Maybe Joe? Maybe Karen? Maybe somebody totally unexpected. It's a soap... it could be anybody! [Laughs] I don't know. I think Joe has a good shot. I wouldn't want Chris Ramsey winning it, but other than that, I think anybody else [would be okay.] DIGEST ONLINE: What's it like playing those Joe/Chris feuding scenes? DIETZ: They're funny because we get along so well. It's really just kind of funny to have to like pretend we hate each other. DIGEST ONLINE: What is your usual work schedule? DIETZ: I've been working like four, five days a week, which is great, in around 9 out around 2, average schedule. Five hours a day. DIGEST ONLINE: Sounds nice to me! DIETZ: Not bad. Some days you're in at twelve, out at four. Today is a long day. [Laughs] Like anybody can have respect for that. I talk to my friends, investment bankers and stuff, who work ten hours a day, or lawyers, and they're like, "Oh, yeah, you had such a rough day. Seven hours! Until like four." [Laughs] And they're coming home at like eight. So, we're very, very fortunate. I think, if you're not careful, you can lose track of that, start taking that for granted. Just gotta really realize how lucky you are in that schedule, to be in L.A., the sun, the house, it's really nice. - - ------------------------------ End of port-charles-digest V1 #17 *********************************