From: (port-charles-digest) To: Subject: port-charles-digest V1 #21 Reply-To: port-charles-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk port-charles-digest Thursday, January 29 1998 Volume 01 : Number 021 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 27 Jan 1998 19:48:47 -0500 From: "Donald K Gooden" Subject: GH/PC: Fw: PC Spoilers Part Two >PC Spoilers Part Two > Jamila >S >P >O >I >L >E >R > >S >P >A >C >E >> >> >> >> >February Spoilers > >Scotty is convicted and sentenced to 10 years in prison for the kidnapping >of Serena. Scott's situation draws him closer to Eve as she comes up with a >plan to help him escape! When Lee and Gail are forced to surrender Serena. >Gail, out of a grandmother's love, seizes Serena and flees during the worse >snowstom Port Charles. Karen tries to come to their rescue and the results >may prove to be tragic. > >Chris' snooping into Matt's past could blow his cover and undo the lies he's >had to tell. It seems that Matt has many levels of mystery which intesifty >when Matt's life is threatened by an unexplained danger, > >In order to protect Serena from Rex, Lucy is willing to give up love and >happiness with Kevin as her marriage to Rex appears more and more imminent >and Kevin is determined to interceed and get back the woman he loves. Lucy >finds herself in a situation where she must fight for her life and Kevin >plots to mess with Rex's head hopefully pushing him over the edge and out of >their lives forever. These two men square off in a psychological >confrontation where the stakes are literally life and death! > > > > - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 28 Jan 1998 01:30:28 EST From: AnneBPT Subject: Re: GH/PC: The Museum of Television and Radio (Some small spoilers) In a message dated 98-01-23 14:03:46 EST, you write: << OK, last night... let me first just say MAJOR thanks to Anne. << You are very welcome! It was great to meet you(and your sister) and I'm glad I was able to help you out with my extra ticket. Now about the GH event, you did a fantastic job with your recap, so I'm going to check my notes and seewhat I can add....... >> Tony Geary didn't make it; instead Michelle Val Jean and Joe Something or other showed up, in addition to Shelley Curtis.<< That's Joe Behar. He directed the day last April when I was on my GH set tour. The actors all seemed to like him. Jon thanked him when he came on the set mid-day since Joe took him out of a group scene tapes first thing in the morning. The rest of his stuff didn't tape until after 11, and he was in the last few scenes of the day. He would have had to be there 3-4 extra hours for a scene where he didn't say anything. Joe also seemed very interested in the actor's input on things. Sean Kanan asked just before taping a scene to reword a line and Joe let him say it his way-- it sounded better. Joe Behar and Michele Val Jean, along with the others who were there were always scheduled to go to the event. Tony Geary had been listed almost up to the last minute, I think in the last SOW he was not on the list anymore. Video Clips: >> The first clip in the vid was from the pilot ep, with Jessie Brewer and Steve Hardy.<< Then they had the one withg Steve and a patient who "got into a crash" because she got into a car with her boyfriend who had been drinking. She was feeling sorry for herself since her face was messed up. Steve told her they might be able to help with plastic surgery, but she was still nearly hysterical. Steve then told her to stop feeling sorry for herself because "this is a hospital, and there are more important things going on here." Everyone laughed. >> Luke told her that they've discussed this a hundred times and they had decided that if there was ever a move made against them while they were seperated that they would make their ways to their next location seperately. Laura cried that Lucky was only 10 years old and Luke insistsed that he knew what to do.<< I was hoping they would show just a short clip of Lucky here-- he was such a little cutey back then. >> After that was the ones that always have everyone rolling on the floor in tears. From 1994: Tony telling Frisco that Maxie's new heart was really BJ's. Wah! It was so pavlovian. As soon as the scene opened, 90% of the audience was in tears. God knows I was. And then was the scene from the same time between Bobbie and Ruby.<< Yep, they get us all with that one every time... >> Bobbie: "I suppose you're so perfect that you've never been attracted to anyone else!" Tony: "I never acted on it!" .... had EVERYONE laughing in light of the past year. For a scene that really isn't even remotely funny, we were hysterical.<< I think this was the funniest moment of the night, and it was a long sustained laugh too. I'd like to have been able to see Jackie's and Brad's reactions to that.... >> The next scene was from the 1995 Nurses Ball, where AJ goaded Stone into blurting out his medical status (I love that scene).<< I love that NB the best of all of them myself. I think that in addition to the Stone scene being a great overall, it always pointed out to me how poor a performer Lily Melgar was. Here was a highlight scene in this storyline, with this totally shocking news revealed to everyone, and she didn't even seem to be paying attention to anything in particular. Just staring blankly into space, but anyway.... >> Then it ended with a run through the credits. Their choice in credits was puzzling.<< That was kind of weird, I have no clue why they chose that one either.... >>one of the women on the show, in RL, was a THOUSAND times more stunningly beautiful than she EVER was on the show. Last night I discovered the same is true of Jackie Zeman. I still can't get over how absolutely gorgeous she is.<< Funny you should say that Taiyin, but my friend Mo and I thought the same thing after we first saw her. We voted her the "One Who Was Surprisingly Better Looking In Person." Yes there were MANY catagories:-) BTW, Lynn Herring was, and continues to be the "Most Beautiful Woman We've Ever Seen." She was stunning too:-). >>There were so many wannabe soap writers in the audience, though, that it was discouraging. ;-)-<< It seemed to me there were too many "I want to be a writer, how do I get into it" questions. I thought they answered that pretty well the first time. They said basically to write, be persistent, try and get some constructive criticism and learn from it. It all seemed to be about working on your writing skills so if and when you can get the right person to read your work, they might see something they like. But after they answered that once, three other people rephrased the question and asked it again. Which means a few more questions about other things were passed over. No real biggie, but it seemed to me that was a little repetitive. >> And let me just say that Brad Maule is EXTREMELY funny in RL.<< He really is. I'd heard that but never have been to an event where he really spoke. I liked the fact that he pays attention to the show. He really got a kick out of Brenda cutting Sonny's face out of the pictures. He laughed especially when talking about how she had the one headless picture in a frame. >> According to Wendy, it doesn't sound like Genie will be coming back ANY time soon.<< Wendy seemed to be talking her usual talk. The Genie question was met with the "she's happy being a mom" speech. I didn't hear much new from her. For instance when asked what she felt the effect of the VCR was on soap viewing, her answer concentrated on the old "Don't fast forward" litany. I thought it would be more about how the VCR made soaps accessible to everyone, even if the person worked. Brad thought that the soaps would blow away night time TV as far as ratings go, if the Nielsens counted those who tape and watch at night. I think he is probably right. >> By far, though, the coolest part was talking to Michelle Val Jean.<< It sounds like it. I'm really glad you got to talk to her and thank her for all her work in making K&L so wonderful. Her impact on them was a very noticable thing to those who are paying close attention to them. I'll bet she was VERY surprised some fans are THAT aware of what is going on. I'd imagine she rarely gets to interact with fans, who appreciate her as much as K&L who know what she can do for them She seems like a really sweet lady. I think you made her night:-). I wish we could steal her away from GH for PC. >>And then there were two things Guza told me afterwards...<<< So THAT'S where you went when you went back in! Good for you! I'm glad you got to spend some time talking to him, and also got in a few good points about K&L. I absolutely love that you said this to Guza: >>"Well, I certainly miss a lot of that interaction -- especially Lucy and Luke -- but Kevin and Lucy met on February 17, 1994, and it should probably alarm you that I know that off the top of my head , and yet they've had more airtime in the past six months on PC than they had on the entire previous three and a half years on GH. If being seperated from some of their friends is the price I have to pay for them to actually get their own storyline, then it's worth it." And then I added, "Now, if they could just get Scott his OWN storyline and get him out of the middle of Kevin & Lucy's lives, then things would be good."<< I guess it doesn't matter that I didn't go back to talk to him, what better thing could I possibly have said? I'm trying to think of other things that they discussed during the Q&A. JZ was telling us how they get the scripts for M-W of the following week Thursday or Friday nights by messenger. Lately she's taken to getting the scripts(she gets them really late since she lives in Malibu-- pretty far from the studio), and immediately stopping to read what is going to happen on the whole show she is so interested these days. They'll get Thursday and Friday's scripts at some point during that week, so don't have a lot of time to memorize lines. She and Brad were saying how happy everyone is with the writers now. Both for storyline reasons, and for the fact that Guza and company's doors are always open to them. Certain other writers(they did not name names) would not even let actors in the area of the building where they were. Brad said the carpet was a different color in the writer's suite and the actors were not allowed to walk on that color carpet. Someone mentioned Tony Geary ad-libbing, and trying to run the show. All of the panel agreed that this was one of the biggest misconceptions about TG. They said he is just very committed to his character, and he is not that type at all. Brad said he had been worried to work with TG at first, wondering how he would be, and he turned out to be a great guy. They also said they have a protocol to go through if an actor wanted to change a line. They needed to contact someone several days before and clear it. They said no one ever just changed things on the set. Now last April 11th on the set that was not the case. Maybe this is a Guza thing, I don't know. While I was there Sean Kanan suggested a line change that they used. Lynn Herring had pretty much free rein with her lines. They even had a blank line in the script for her to ad-lib a descriiption of a dress. Tony Geary refused to say a line(to Sonny--- "Will you give me a ride to the hospital in the batmobile?") and they changed it(no batmobile reference). And in a scene with Feleica and Lucy, they wanted Lucy to say "I love you." She ended up saying "You're the best!" Guza talked about using history to work toward the future. I'm not sure exactly how well he is doing with that but it is a good idea. They also were talking about how much story they have mapped out. They have 3-6 months pretty well set. Beyond that, they have an idea for things 9, 12, and 18 months down the line, but that picture is always changing. They have to be open to someone like Maurice or Jon who comes in for a short term role that they end up expanding into a major player. So they have a general idea, and they are open to change. Joe Behar was telling us how they have 5 directors, one for each day of the week. He gets his script, it takes about two days to block, or set up how he wants movement and cameras set up so far as what shots he wants. He says he is never locked into anything, if an actor wants to move a different way or feels a scene would work better with some other movement. They also have the 5 script writers, one for each day. Right now Michelle is the one responsible for writing continutity among the writers for all the characters. So she reviews the work of the daily writers and edits where she feels the voices do not sound right. That's about all I can think of to add right now..... >>As it was, the only thing I really saw was the collection of wedding dresses in the lobby.<< I'm pretty sure as far as displays go that was it. Unless I missed a floor of the museum. The main part of the museum is the video/audio collection. Using a computer, you can search: by actor, program title, and a few other catagories. Then you could pick up to four items to view/listen to(say an old radio program). After makingyour choices(Luke and Jennifer's Wedding, Christmas 1985 at the Martin's on AMC, Adam and Stuart circa 1988 on AMC, and a Hallmark Halll of Fame with a young Larry Poindexter of THL), you check in at the counter and they set you up with your own private cubicle and TV for viewing. You have headphones and can spend a mimimum of two hours watching your choices. >>She said she got to see Luke's wedding to Jennifer Smith -- when Scotty beat him up and shoved him over the side of the yacht. Wish I would have seen that.>> It was a lot of fun. That GH is one of my favorites since I LOVED Scotty and HATED Luke at the time. I PRAYED he had drowned!!! Oh how I prayed! LOL I've since gone back and forth on the Luke issue, but always loved Scott. I agree it would be nice to get him out of the middle of K&L's storyline. I watched a little of the AMC's and the whole movie-- Dex looked so cute and so young, though I wish his role were bigger. All in all it was a great time, as was THL(of course, as always) and dinner with Taiyin and her sister before the gig. We found we pretty much agree on most GH/PC issues, and I think were scaring her sister with our K&L scene recall(though you are MUCH better at that than me) strong anti-Felicia feelings. I look forward to seeing you again. I was thinking back and we didn't talk about Kevin NEARLY enough................ Anne - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 28 Jan 1998 07:05:53 PST From: "Julie Saker" Subject: Re: GH/PC: Spoilers GH Part one jamila wrote: >>Spoilers for the week of Jan 26 >> Jamila >>S >>P >>O >>I >>L >>E >>R >> >>S >>P >>A >>C >>E >>> >>> >>> >> >>Emily has a heartfelt and life-altering question for Ned. now this reminded me of something i forgot--spoilers can be literally true, but meant very differently than the way they get interpreted. yes, last week's spoiler that "emily asks ned to be her father" is a true statement, but based on yesterday's show, it's not a COMPLETE statement. i had forgotten that a lot of the times these spoilers are left quite deliberately incomplete, just to give us all maximum anxiety and reason to tune in. good thing to be reminded of, given some of the other spoilers we've read! :) >>Brenda may be determined to get Jax back, but her plan suddenly hits a road >>block. could we make that literally? like, say, a big huge car crash that hospitalizes her for months on end--preferably in a coma--so we can all move on to someone ELSE? i DID like brenda once upon a time, and i liked her again in that sleazy agent's office yesterday...but i am NOT going to like it if her entire purpose for being is to chase jax all over the planet. >>Carly returns during her son's baptism. After months of lies, schemes and >>duplicity, Carly decides it's time to be an honest woman. Does anyone care? oh...i can think of a couple of people who will care quite a bit! i can't WAIT for this one! bobbie...her reaction will DEFINITELY be a sight to see. (i just hope luke isn't able to dance his way out of her anger too easily) and tony--this should finally be the thing that puts him over the edge completely. >>The whereabouts of Laura are passed along to Stefan. i didn't think that was a secret. isn't laura still in switzerland? wasn't stefan THERE, way back when he pushed nikky off the mountain? i don't get it... >>Felicia decides to "exhume the body" when James' actions throw her off >>balance. oh thank GOD. FINALLY! >>At V's urging, Felicia decides to spin the bottle ... will Jimmy pass the >>kiss test?> ooh...i forgot about that! wasn't it felicia, back when tess first came to town, who explained that women could always tell men apart by the way they kiss, and that mac in particular was a winner in that regard? now...they've kissed (she and jimmy)...more than once. shouldn't she have NOTICED? >>and V provides the viewpoint of an objective observer. v's coming back!!!!!!!! i'm going to borrow taiyin's for that one! i've missed her! february could be VERY interesting... julie ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 28 Jan 1998 07:17:15 PST From: "Julie Saker" Subject: Re: GH/PC: Spoilers GH Part one jamila wrote: >>Spoilers for the week of Jan 26 >> Jamila >>S >>P >>O >>I >>L >>E >>R >> >>S >>P >>A >>C >>E >>> >>> >>> >> >>Emily has a heartfelt and life-altering question for Ned. now this reminded me of something i forgot--spoilers can be literally true, but meant very differently than the way they get interpreted. yes, last week's spoiler that "emily asks ned to be her father" is a true statement, but based on yesterday's show, it's not a COMPLETE statement. i had forgotten that a lot of the times these spoilers are left quite deliberately incomplete, just to give us all maximum anxiety and reason to tune in. good thing to be reminded of, given some of the other spoilers we've read! :) >>Brenda may be determined to get Jax back, but her plan suddenly hits a road >>block. could we make that literally? like, say, a big huge car crash that hospitalizes her for months on end--preferably in a coma--so we can all move on to someone ELSE? i DID like brenda once upon a time, and i liked her again in that sleazy agent's office yesterday...but i am NOT going to like it if her entire purpose for being is to chase jax all over the planet. >>Carly returns during her son's baptism. After months of lies, schemes and >>duplicity, Carly decides it's time to be an honest woman. Does anyone care? oh...i can think of a couple of people who will care quite a bit! i can't WAIT for this one! bobbie...her reaction will DEFINITELY be a sight to see. (i just hope luke isn't able to dance his way out of her anger too easily) and tony--this should finally be the thing that puts him over the edge completely. >>The whereabouts of Laura are passed along to Stefan. i didn't think that was a secret. isn't laura still in switzerland? wasn't stefan THERE, way back when he pushed nikky off the mountain? i don't get it... >>Felicia decides to "exhume the body" when James' actions throw her off >>balance. oh thank GOD. FINALLY! >>At V's urging, Felicia decides to spin the bottle ... will Jimmy pass the >>kiss test?> ooh...i forgot about that! wasn't it felicia, back when tess first came to town, who explained that women could always tell men apart by the way they kiss, and that mac in particular was a winner in that regard? now...they've kissed (she and jimmy)...more than once. shouldn't she have NOTICED? >>and V provides the viewpoint of an objective observer. v's coming back!!!!!!!! i'm going to borrow taiyin's for that one! i've missed her! february could be VERY interesting... julie ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 28 Jan 1998 08:08:28 PST From: "Julie Saker" Subject: Re: GH/PC: Fw: Spoilers GH Part Two sorry for the double post last time! my computer's in a mood today... jamila wrote: >>Spoilers For GH Part Two >> Jamila >>S >>P >>O >>I >>L >>E >>R >> >>S >>P >>A >>C >>E >>> >>> >>> >> >>GH '98 ... Exclusive From Bob Guza >> >>The key romances will be Brenda/Jax, Robin/Jason, Stefan/Katherine and >>Luke/Laura, but others will be created along the way. blech. having already established my feelings on guza's view of romance, i'll skip that one for now. >>Their breakup of star-crossed lovers Robin & Jason was dynamic, but >>the next phase of their relationship will be huge. The focus will be >>Jason's involvement in Sonny's organization and how Robin will have >>to deal with it if she's going to be romantically connected to >>Jason. we're not big on originality in these "romances," are we... >>The "titans" of GH are Luke, Helena and Stefan. he DOES love that word, doesn't he? but i thought j&b were the titans? >>As Helena fights to regain control of her family, she is also >>hell-bent on destroying Luke. The first "explosion" 'will occurring >>during the sweeps and will affect 12 characters. hmmm...12 characters. let's see: the c's--stef, nik, helena, alexis, kat, that's five. the s's--luke, lucky, bobbie, laura/lulu/lesley (?), that could bring us up to anywhere from 8 to 11, depending on genie's status. assuming she's not around, let's throw in carly and the baby, for ten. and just for good measure--a dose of j&b. that makes 12! (ARE there any characters on this show other than the cassadines, the spencers, and j&b, as far as guza's concerned?) :) >>On a lighter note, the >>Quartermaines will continue to be as campy and comedic as ever. on the plus side, i'm really LOVING the q's these days! (aside from the kidnapping plot, of course.) there were so may lines yesterday that just cracked me up, but now i can't remember them. but i laughed all the way through their scenes! >>Sonny may be gone in body but he's not gone in spirit and is fully aware of >>everything that's happening in Brenda's life, including her meltdown. ohhhhhhhhhhhh no no no no no. NO. PLEASE no. PLEASE tell me we're not going to do yet MORE sonny-bashing, by revealing to brenda and the audience that he knows all about the mess brenda's in right now, and that he doesn't care enough to do anything about it. PLEEEEEEEEASE. if they're going to keep telling us "he's gone--get over it", then at LEAST they could let him be gone in peace. this is NOT helping. >>She will be rethinking her feelings for Jax, >>finding herself torn between friendship and love. neither is that. >>And, above all else, she is trying to forget how her love for Sonny >>almost destroyed her. Fans can anticipate about three months of >>Brenda slowly and tediously rebuilding these elements >>in her life, oh goodie. i'll see y'all in about three months... julie ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 28 Jan 1998 08:16:54 PST From: "Julie Saker" Subject: Re: Re: GH/PC: Jason/Bobbie/Mike kathryn wrote: >Sorry to burst your bubble, Julie, but yes, a birth certificate can be issued >without a first name. Doesn't happen as often nowadays, but it does happen. really??? wow...learn something new every day! is that true everywhere though? because here in nj, my grandmother used to work in the area of the hospital where they were typing up the birth certificates, and they were never able to do anything until the mother and/or father made a decision about a name. (she told me about a foreign mother once who, after being unable to reach a decision, and after seeing "female--(last name)" on the baby's id, decided female (which she pronounced fe-mah-lee) was a pretty name and put THAT on the birth certificate.) i mean, isn't that one of the main PURPOSES of a birth certificate? to certify that this baby, named whatever, was born on this day to these parents? julie ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 28 Jan 1998 09:54:25 -0800 From: Taiyin Subject: Re: GH/PC: Fw: Spoilers GH Part Two At 08:08 AM 1/28/98 PST, Julie Saker wrote: >on the plus side, i'm really LOVING the q's these days! (aside from the >kidnapping plot, of course.) there were so may lines yesterday that >just cracked me up, but now i can't remember them. but i laughed all >the way through their scenes! No kidding. They were so great. I wrote down a bunch of quotes when I was watching the show last night after class. Of course I left them by my bed, but they were still great. And the whole exchange with Jason on Monday with Mike and Bobbie, and then with just Mike. And then yesterday with Emily. And with Justus. Damn, Jason is getting all the good stuff lately. And I liked Justus and Dara at the Outback, too. I even enjoyed Brenda and Robin torturing that slimy agent woman. ;-) And I MUST say how much I absolutely ADORE Amber. She did SUCH fabulous job yesterday dealing with Alan and AJ (and Edward to a lesser extent). For a moment there I was really afraid she was going to forgive AJ. And I think that is actually what is so cool about this storyline: even though we KNOW that AJ is really the father, based on the informaion HE HAS, what he did was unforgiveable. And his pompus, sanctimoious whining is nothing but exasperating. And yet, literally speaking, he is right. That is so cool. I think that, so far, the only area in which I am surprised with Guza is that he's done a much better job with the Q's this time than he did last time. So far, so good. Let's now hope he reworks his definition of "romance" to EXCLUDE a few of his favorites... Taiyin "I want you to wipe that smug grin off your face." - -- "Oh Alan, what would be the point? It would just creep back." -- Alan and Ned, GH - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 28 Jan 1998 11:46:24 -0800 (PST) From: Cagey Subject: Re: GH/PC: Spoilers GH Part one Jamila wrote: >>S >>P >>O >>I >>L >>E >>R >> >>S >>P >>A >>C >>E >>> >>> >>> >> >Carly decides it's time to be an honest woman. Does anyone care? Bwahahaha! >>At V's urging, Felicia decides to spin the bottle V? Poor V actually gets a scene? >and AJ try to mend fences with Emily but to no avail. The actress who play Em has been doing a great job with this, IMO. >Carly tells the truth, the whole truth ... and heaven help Luke!!! Woo Hoo! - --kg - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 29 Jan 1998 12:25:57 PST From: "Julie Saker" Subject: GH/PC: TVGuide Chat--Stephen Nichols here's the gh portion of the latest tv guide chat, which featured a segment with stephen nichols (stefan cassadine). i wouldn't classify anything in it as a SPOILER, exactly, but there are some hints of things to come which are kind of intriguing... julie ****************************************************************** TVGEN: Welcome to our TVGEN/Yahoo! Chat Auditorium. Tonight we will be chatting about the soaps with our new SoapsLive! host Michael Kape. And at 9 p.m./ET we will be joined by a special guest, General Hospital's Stephen Nichols. Michael Kape: Welcome, soap fans! What a week! So many of our shows have been going through preemptions while that real-life Washington soap opera makes news (obsessed political junkie or wronged woman — you decide!)... sigh. General Hospital jumped to second place in the ratings (we'll have that story on the TVGEN site on Friday), while Days of Our Lives fell to fourth. Guess this means Bob Guza is doing the job he was rehired to do. Hope you caught the demise of Annie on GL yesterday. If Cynthia Watros isn't an Emmy contender this year, I'll eat my cyber-hat! Ask and ye shall receive: Last week in here, I asked for documented proof that 317 copies of Soap Opera Digest were indeed sold by an L.A. wholesaler to someone from GH. Last night, my fax machine indeed did produce the proof — a receipt for $1,026.03 (including tax) from World Book & News in Hollywood. So far as I'm concerned, this officially ends the controversy. However, I think someone needs to investigate the wholesaler in question. It made a profit of $379.13 on the transaction whereas if those questionable copies had been sold properly, it would only have made $189.57! And finally, speaking of GH, stick around after I leave tonight because our guest of honor is none other than the great Stephen Nichols, who plays Stefan. I'm betting he'll have things to say that are far more interesting than the State of the Union! So now, let's dish! Michael: I'm loving GH right now but it seems it's become the Jason Morgan hour or the Brenda show — I love both actors. GH needs to spread the scenes among the storylines better. Do you agree or disagree? Kape: I think I have OD'd on Jason and Brenda myself. Especially when there are so many good people on GH I would like to see more of. However, I do like the Jason Morgan hour storyline and when Carly returns shortly I think we're going to see a lot of sparks flying in town. Karenh97: Michael, what's the date for the GH prime-time special? Kape: Karen, no specific date has been officially announced yet, but we do know that it will be sometime in April. When it's announced, look for it in the news on TVGEN. Yoda48152: Michael. Hi. I really enjoyed your first chat, tell me about the rumors of Lane Davies joining GH. I thought he and Nancy Lee were bitter enemies. Kape: Once again, we have one of those great Internet rumors. In this case, there is no truth about Lane Davies joining GH at this moment in time. So far as Lane and Nancy disliking each other goes, let's just say the only time they ever spoke on the Santa Barbara set was when they had scenes together. HyperTrophy_Fan: Have you gotten good feedback from fans since you took over from Logan? Kape: So far many people have been very, very nice and said wonderful things, except, of course, the S&Believers. You know, of course, that they wish anybody but Kape had this job. Texas_Tech_CS: Bob Guza recently mentioned that a pivotal event in GH's past was going to be brought to the fore. The rumor is that something will trigger a long-repressed memory in Luke... his rape of Laura? Have you heard anything? Kape: It is definitely not one of Luke's memories. In fact, you don't even have the sex right. It's something that we as viewers already know but very few people in town do. that's not much or a surprise, if that's the case...however, it WOULD mean that genie's coming back, because there's no WAY they could do that story without her!> Omar13: Our local soap-opera expert said that Sarah Brown (Carly on GH) is pregnant in real life. Is this true? Kape: No. Jaily: Hi, Michael. Will the blizzard storyline sweep through all the ABC daytime shows? Kape: It sure seems that way. It's a gimmick. I hope it works. We will see a lot of odd couples stranded together, and one thing we have learned in the past is that when unusual pairings are stuck together in some sort of natural disaster, whole shows can turn around. For example, the great blackout story on GL six years ago. Fritz_55: What shows look like the ones to watch this February sweeps? Kape: No question, but GL is going to take an interesting twist and turn. Believe it or not, I'd recommend Sunset Beach because there's going to be some major story happening there. And I admit it, I am hooked on Port Charles. Lkohl58: Do you think Will Kempe would make a great Jerry Jacks? I do. Kape: Fascinating that you think he would because none of us anywhere have any idea of what Jerry Jacks is like. We've heard a little bit about him. We know he is supposed to be somewhat flamboyant, but I have no idea who would make a good Jerry Jacks because I have no possible concept of who Jerry Jacks is at this moment. If you do, please forward it to me — inquiring minds want to know! Lkohl58: Do you think Stephen Nichols has a chance for a Daytime Emmy this year? I hope so! Kape: Wouldn't that be nice. Tell him I said so when he gets here. He has some scenes that would work, that would appeal to the blue-ribbon panel. EINSTIEN_: I was wondering, do the celebrities actually type or do they have people that type for them? Kape: Einstein, you have figured us out! I'm sitting here talking on the speaker-phone, Paul is screening the questions and poor Bryan is trying to keep up with me on the keyboard (and I apologize to Bryan accordingly). Bryan and Paul are in New York; I'm in Atlanta; Stephen Nichols is in California; and y'all are in cyberspace. Ain't technology wonderful?! Again, thanks to everyone for being here tonight. I really appreciate you coming out for this weekly chat. I cannot tell you how excited I am that Stephen is coming in here right after me tonight. Now I'm going to join all of you in cyberspace and watch him chat with you, maybe I'll even get in a question or two. And if you want to catch me chatting in cyberspace, you can always go to the TVGEN Talk City Soap Dish chat room, because you never know when I'm going to pop up in there! TVGEN: Stephen Nichols will be here shortly... please continue sending in your questions. Stephen Nichols: Hello everyone in cyberspace, this is Mr. Cassadine, Stephen Nichols. CybilAnne: Tell me some good news... is there any truth to the rumor that Thaao Penghlis might be thinking about talking about going back to GH as Victor Cassadine?! Nichols: I personally have not heard anything on the subject. Kauilua: Bobbie and Stefan were once a dynamite couple on GH, do you think they will get back together? Nichols: I think that is highly unlikely. She already has too many other fish to fry. TylerOLFC: Mr. Nichols: Did you have any input in selecting the actor for the role of Nikolas? Thank goodness they picked Tyler! Nichols: I agree 100 percent, thank goodness. Yes, I did have a bit of input. They asked my opinion, and I gave it to them. He was the best actor that tested that day, and we have a special connection as well. GreatXena: On GH... will it ever be revealed who's son Carly's baby is? Nichols: Yes, it will be revealed, but you're directing your question to the other side of the canvas, which is the Cassadine clan. We're not involved in that story. TylerOLFC: Hi, Mr. Nichols — great that you could join us. I love watching you and Tyler interact. You both seem to really care about each other. What's it like working with Tyler? Nichols: As I said earlier, he's a wonderful actor, very natural, very new. He, unlike so many other actors, hasn't been influenced in a negative way by so-called acting teachers. He has a lot of natural instincts that I tap into, and we have a great chemistry. And we try to create a real father-son relationship off camera so that we can bring that to the work. Hannahsmom1: Stephen, I enjoy your performances and appreciate how difficult it must be for you to stay so intense. Stefan is a very intense character, and I wonder how you stay so focused. Nichols: I don't really know. I really have no choice. I have a lot of very specific dialogue and it takes me a lot of effort to learn my lines, and I think the effort it takes to learn them helps me when I get up to do my lines because I'm so prepared. And I feel if I don't believe it, the audience won't. Hannahsmom1: Stephen, do you find it difficult to play opposite Mary Beth in these new roles? I am on PCO a lot, and there is always so much comparison made about Kayla and Patch. Do you find these comments out of bounds or do you agree with them? Nichols: I don't know what comments you are referring to precisely. In terms of comparing Patch and Kayla I can understand while people who were fans of theirs would do that. But everyone should understand that we are playing two completely characters or people as I like to call them, and I think that everyone should just stop and get with the times. Patch and Kayla are no longer. It's a new day, a new show. Wolfpacker94: Stephen, what scenes have you most enjoyed in your time at GH? Nichols: The scenes with Genie when we were driving to meet her mother. The scenes when I threw Alexis out. The scenes when I threw Alexis out the second time. And several scenes with Tyler, which I can't recall at the moment but we had some good things happening. And when I threw Barbara out. A lot of throwing people out on the show! GHisacoolshow: Is Stefan still hung up on Laura like Helena says? Nichols: Not exactly like Helena says, but in some way, yes. NotPSinSC: Stephen... is it true that the big Cassidine story will culminate in a remote to Greece? Or perhaps our "informant" meant Greece, NY, up near Rochester? Nichols: Well, I haven't heard anything about location shoots. But that would be nice, maybe they should send cards and letters suggesting we go to Greece — not Greece, New York! Sammsfan: Can we expect a Bobbie/Stefan reunion? You and Jackie have incredible chemistry!!! Nichols: Yes, I think we do have really good chemistry. As I said earlier, she does have a lot on her plate as do I. But the audience will see us cross paths at various moments. We just taped some scenes where Bobby come to Wydemere in the middle of the night and asks me if I knew Carly was her daughter. Semi_Angel: What is the secret of your sexy physique? Nichols: A hell of a lot of work. At my age I have to watch everything I eat and work out at least six days a week. But if anyone is really interested, its a combination of one hour of aerobics a day and an almost fat-free diet. Very low carbs. Shavers695: What do you like to do in your spare time? Nichols: I like to spend time with my children. I like to play music. And I took up golf, but I put it down again. It seems to be too time consuming. ST0NE_COLD_316: What is your favorite soap? Nichols: My favorite soap is GH. I've seen all of them, I feel they have the best writing, the most realistic story and the greatest respect for its actors. Blondie724: Do you miss playing Patch on DOOL? Nichols: I can't say that I miss it. I'm having so much fun playing Stefan, but it was a wonderful creative time in my life, and I still appreciate all of the Patch fans. I would encourage them to turn on GH. If they were Patch fans, they will see the same intensity and I'd like them all to give it a try. TexGirl28: How long have you been doing General Hospital? Nichols: I've been on General Hospital for about a year and a half. Texas_Tech_CS: Do you prefer playing Stefan as out-and-out evil, as he was much of the summer versus the virus storyline, or more ambiguous, as he has been at other times? Nichols: I prefer the ambiguous. Or really, more human. I'm not a fan of one-dimensional villany. Dinamedd: Stephen, I have observed the obvious positive feedback from online fans of GH as it pertains to the new writing and plot twists. Do you and the rest of the actors share this enthusiasm? Nichols: Yes. There has been a bit of a transitional period from the old writers to Mr. Guza taking over again, but he certainly knows how to tell larger than life stories. And what he has planned for the Cassadines is very exciting. Fritz_55: Stephen, can you tell us anything of a prime-time episode set for April? Nichols: All I know about this episode is that it's the 35th anniversary of GH. I don't know that it will be an actual episode of the show. But I believe it airs on April 2. Shavers695: Do you wear anything other than black on the show? Nichols: Yes. Dark green, charcoal grey, dark blue. Maybe your television is not picking up the subtleties of dark color, but I don't always wear black. Katyfrench:Stephen, you mentioned you play music. What instrument do you play? Nichols: I play very little guitar, blues harmonica, and I just recently took up the piano, which will take years to get proficient at, I can see it now! Leebtyler: Do you get mobbed by women when you walk down the street? Nichols: Oh, no, in Los Angeles people are used to seeing actors and such because its such an actor town. It's calm; people are very polite. RosRob: Are you and your wife Lisa working on any projects together or thinking about it in the future? Nichols: Actually, yes, she has written a screenplay that I would like to direct. Fritz_55: Stephen, would you like to see Stefan involved more with the Quartermaines or Jason Morgan? Nichols: I had a scene with Jason around Christmas, and we had a nice working relationship. I believe in the future there will be some involvement there. That's part of the story Mr. Guza pitched to me recently. Fritz_55: What do you think of Justus' reemergence on GH — he's kicking butt?! Nichols: I don't know. I haven't really seen those episodes you're referring to. MikCassadine: Is ABC jumping for joy with the rise in the ratings for GH? Nichols: I'm sure they are. I think we've been No. 2 for a couple of weeks now, right behind The Young and the Restless. Bobber187: So what's going to happen with Carly on GH? Is she ever coming back? Nichols: Oh, yes, she's already back, they just haven't seen her on the air yet. LuvStephen: I just wanted to tell Stephen:You are the most fabulous actor on daytime today!!!!!! Nichols: I so much appreciate the sentiment, thank you very much! Lulu978: Stephen, Irma's gang says hello; we love your storyline on GH, and are so happy that you and Mary Beth are working together again. We also love your scenes with Nancy. Nichols: I love working with Mary Beth and Nancy, and hello to Irma. Tv_jeannie: Hi, You are great on GH. How did you get your start in acting and GH? Nichols: I got on stage and worked a lot, did a lot of plays. I went to school to a drama department and got a good solid foundation in theater, which I recommend to any actor. Vegas_Sunrise: Hi, Stephen. Do you plan on coming to Las Vegas any time this summer? Soapfest 98 maybe? Nichols: I haven't heard anything about Soapfest 98. If they invite me, I'm sure I'll be there. But in terms of coming to Las Vegas for fun, it's not really my bag. DynaRider: Does it "bug" you when people want to compare Patch and Kayla to Stefan and Katherine? Nichols: I can understand why there would be comparisons, but it bugs me when it becomes a negative comparison, because that was then and this is now. However, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Hannahsmom1: Are you and Tony friends off the set? Your characters do such a great job of hating each other. Nichols: Yes, Tony Geary and I have a lot of fun working together. We clown around off the set, but beyond that, we don't socialize. Kudsrus: Will Stefan be in Port Charles for a while? Or will he be too BAD to stay? Nichols: Stefan will never be too bad to stay. There are definitely long-term plans for the King of the Cassadines. Katyfrench: Stephen, what on EARTH was Stefan thinking, abandoning Alexis to the wolves (aka Helena)?? Nichols: On the level of family loyalty that we are accustomed to, that sort of betrayal cannot be forgiven. Ltmj: How much imput do get on storyline? Nichols: I don't bother with giving input to storyline unless the storyline interferes with the integrity of the person I've helped to create. OceanKallista: Are you anything like Stefan? Nichols: I would have to be something like Stefan or it would look like a cartoon and not real life. Fritz_55: Is there anyone on GH that you wish Stefan was more involved with? Nichols: No, I think things are going along swimmingly. RosRob: Stephen, you were great on stage in Orlando. I wanted to know how you enjoyed being there. Nichols: I really enjoyed it, because there were so many fans, and they were so excited to see all of us. I sort of picked up on that energy. It was like being on stage again, where you pick up on the energy of the audience and it fuels you. I had a great time. Wahoo1027: What would you like to see happen in the future with your character? Nichols: I think that it's a dangerous question for an actor to answer. I leave that to the writers. I would just like to thank everyone for coming online to chat, and I really appreciate the support. Please keep watching, and the show's getting more and more exciting! ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ End of port-charles-digest V1 #21 *********************************