From: (port-charles-digest) To: Subject: port-charles-digest V1 #35 Reply-To: port-charles-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk port-charles-digest Wednesday, April 8 1998 Volume 01 : Number 035 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 06 Apr 1998 19:18:06 -0700 From: Taiyin Subject: GH/PC: Justus He shaved! No!! Taiyin, at least Kevin hasn't... "You know, I really wish you wouldn't use the term "loonies" - -- at least as long as we're in a *mental hosptial.*" -- Kevin to Scott - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 05 Apr 1998 23:06:38 -0600 From: Rebecca Subject: Re: GH/PC: Felicia and Intro I have a Felicia question so I figure this is a good time to introduce myself-- I'm Rebecca, and subbed to this list just last week. I like to lurk for a while, but as I have question, oh well. Something tells me this is the best place to get a good answer:). I like mailing lists because I enjoy hearing other's opinions and interpretations of people and things. I also belong to two X-Files ML's. I haven't been watching GH for a long time- on and off over the past couple of years, but recently I have a roommate who taped it everyday and had the audacity to make me watch it with her at night! I couldn't believe I had ever not realized what a perfect man Jason is in all my past viewings! So now the VCR is on continious taping command for GH :). And, I must admit, I had to jumpstart my heart with chocolate after seeing him in his tuxedo on Friday--YUM! And I always thought the black leather jacket was so great! What can I say? I am a sucker for a man who can cough up jewels in a heartbeat :). I am 25, so I do remember the infamous L&L storylines of past years and I think it is great the way GH is resurrecting them now. (My mom watched all ABC soaps: Ryan's Hope, AMC and GH.) I am an English Lit. major, so I have developed this nasty habit of noticing things like narrative technique, symbolism, metaphor and metonymy, theory discourse etc. in things, so I aplogize for anything I may notice in advance :) Now for my question-- What exactly is the relationship between Felicia and Tony? Are they the link in BJ and Maxie? I missed this part-- thanks! Rebecca >Taiyin wrote: > Watching Felicia's reaction to Tony kidnapping Michael and holding Robin > captive makes me so sick. Ms. Felicia "Never Forgive Kevin" Jones is just > going to fall in line and forgive Tony? Geez. What a hypocrite. > > - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 5 Apr 1998 22:13:57 -0700 From: "Traci Dyann Haley" Subject: Re: GH/PC: Felicia and Intro <> Felicia used to be married to Tony's brother, Frisco. Traci - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 05 Apr 1998 23:41:49 -0600 From: Rebecca Subject: Re: GH/PC: Felicia and Intro Traci Dyann Haley wrote: > > > Felicia used to be married to Tony's brother, Frisco. > Thank you! Rebecca - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 06 Apr 1998 10:15:56 PDT From: "Julie Saker" Subject: GH/PC: SOD article--SPOILERS included somebody on pc online typed in this article from SOD. it's about j&b, and has what *i* consider VERY BAD NEWS, in light of the previously-announced rumor/, time for space now, i guess... r e g a r d i n g m a y s w e e p s regarding the previously-mentioned rumor of a possible sonny return. if THIS is what they're doing that for, let him STAY AWAY. i can't take it, I JUST CAN'T TAKE IT!!!!! read at your own peril. they're not specific, but reading between the lines, what i see does NOT make me happy... - ------------------------------------------------------------------ I thought someone might enjoy this article from the new SOD... Over and Out?...Brenda is Fighting to Win Jax's Heart...But It May Be A Losing Battle... She's flown in oysters from Ireland...arranged a romantic gambling getaway...even taken a bullet for the man she loves(okay, so it was only a flesh wound-it still counts). But the last time we checked, GH's Brenda was being dumped(literally and figuratively) on her butt by Jax after pouring out her heart to him. So why won't GH's most-eligible billionaire give in to Brenda's Get-Back Jax campain? ''It's still about Sonny,'' sighs GH Head Writer Bob Guza, JR. ''Yes, Brenda got shot, but it still doesn't prove she's past Sonny. And that's the one thing Jax needs to believe. That's one of the things we try to address. I mean, arguably, she could take all the bullets in the world, but if Sonny walked in the door tomorrow, what would Brenda do? ''Jax needs to know that if Sonny showed up and said, Let's do it--I'll own a hardware store, Brenda wouldn't say, I'm sorry Jax, but I have to go,'' asserts Vanessa Marcil. ''I think that is an important part of Brenda and Jax's success as a couple. Brenda is definitely the love of Jax's life, so it's hard for him to think he is not the love of her life''. Marcil points out, though, that Brenda has matured since falling in love with Sonny four years ago. ''Sonny will always be Brenda's first love,'' states the actress. ''But that doesn't always mean that your first big true love is the person who can make you happy forever.'' Despite Brenda and Sonny's obvious love for each other, she was almost killed because of him. ''I don't think anyone can argue that he is not good for her'', agrees Marcil. ''She is not safe when she is with him. Their kids would not be safe. I think that you can love two people, so it doesn't necessarily mean Jax is second choice. It is more that Jax is the love of Brenda's adult life. You change in life. I don't think she loves one more than the other; she just loves them differently.'' [here comes the REALLY gruesome part...julie] Will Brenda ever get the chance to prove to Jax that she would choose him over Sonny at this point? ''That's a problem,'' Guza agrees, ''because Jax needs to see something like this dramatized. He needs to know Brenda is past Sonny and that Jax is the one she wants-not Jax in lieu of Sonny. Ideally for Jax, there would be Jax behind Door A, and Sonny behind Door B, the doors would open and Brenda would choose Jax. Right now, the situation-as Jax and everybody believes it-is that Sonny left Brenda at the altar. So it's like, she can't have Sonny, therefore she's going after Jax. And Jax can't accept that.'' Which is not to say he's not enjoying Brenda's woo-pitching while it lasts. ''Jax is always amused,'' smiles Guza. ''He loves all this grand stuff--the gambling and all that. He's having a great time, and he is slowly weakening. But he can't be second best-not again-and that thought never strays from his mind. Jax loves Brenda too much. He cannot open his heart to her in such a way that he could have it broken again. It would kill him.'' And speaking of killing Jax, let's not forget that whomever arranged the ill-fated assassination attempt is still out ther--a fact which hasn't been lost on Jax's parent's, who show up at his penthouse on Thursday to check in on their walking-target of a son. ''John and Jane pay Jax a visit,'' says Guza. ''He has no idea that they're coming, but he's happy they're there. They have that unique Jax-Jane-John relationship where they'll just go out and hunt moose for breakfast, then bond(laughs).'' Mission No. 2 for John and Jane is to check out the state of their son's love life. ''Jax is very close with his parents,'' notes the scribe. ''He has told them all along what's been happening with Brenda. In their minds, Jane and John do feel like Brenda chose Sonny over their son. But Brenda wins them over. She knows Jax wants her. It's not a question of making Jax love her, it's about making Jax know she is the one for hom, and she knows his parent's can help her accomplish that.'' Too bad their help comes right before Jax vows to set things straight with Brenda. ''He sits Brenda down in order to tell her it's over,'' reveals Guza. But just as Jax is about to get to that all-important ''it's over'' part, the heart-to heartbreaking is interrupted by his parents. Phew-Brenda dodges yet another bullet. ''Brenda is willing to be patient,'' smiles Marcil. ''It isn't just, 'Fix me!' It's more, 'I'll wait. It's cool.' She is trying to learn a more mature kind of love.'' As evidence, Marcil points out that Brenda has been keeping mum about the fact that Jax left her at the altar the year before when Miranda showed up. ''Jax literally walked out the door in his tux, leaving Brenda standing there in her wedding dress,'' she reminds us. ''She had chosen Jax over Sonny. So this is an important route for Brenda to be taking. She is looking at it in a mature way. Not, 'I'm sorry for what I did, but what about what YOU did?''' [PARDON ME?!? his presumed-dead first wife had just returned from the grave!!! even if he HADN'T walked out the door, there's no WAY they could've gotten married that day anyway. anyone ever heard of bigamy??? ] Exellent point. But Jax's confusion is the least of his worries. Mac and Felicia are about to dig up a shocking link to the assasination attempt on Jax's life: Jerry Jax. ''We think that there's going to be a real threat to Jax and Brenda...and that it's Jax's own brother,'' confirms Guza. On Friday, Mac goes to Jax with the incriminating evidence he's gathered on Jerry. Jax then informs Mac he will handle the situation privately. Jerry's arrival could spell bad news, not only for Jax, but for the future of Brenda and Jax. ''What's going to happen is that Jerry's crossing the line is going to put the entire family--particularly Jax and Brenda--in dire straits.'' Whew, that was alot! Also, Jax confronts Jerry on Monday, April 13..and Tony gets an unlikely offer of help on Tuesday, April 14. - ------------------------------------------------------------------- ARE TPTB NUTS??? ARE THEY *REALLY* TRYING TO DRIVE AWAY ALL THE S&B/SONNY FANS ENTIRELY????? if they bring sonny back for no other reason than to facilitate j&b, part three, or four, of whatever we're up to...i think i'm going to be ill. just had to share that. julie p.s. taiyin--sorry to hear about your break-in...that sucks! and sadly, i taped friday's shows over thursdays, so i can't even share my tape of pc with you. sorry 'bout that... ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Apr 1998 17:13:28 -0700 (PDT) From: Cagey Subject: GH/PC: Carly and Jason A random thought about today's ep: Carly's triggering of the strike didn't seem "inadvertant" to me . I'm *so* uncomfortable with the direction that Carly and Jason's relationship is going. While I certainly don't mind the thought of them as a "couple" in all senses of the word, I wish they'd quit fumbling around. Jason should make it clear where he wants to draw the line; buying Carly expensive jewelry is incredibly sweet, but I think it's going to send the wrong message. Why does it bother me? I don't know. Maybe I'm the only person in the world who isn't strongly anti- or pro- couple on these two. Anybody want to convince me one way or the other? ;) - --kg - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Apr 1998 17:18:09 -0700 (PDT) From: Cagey Subject: Re: GH/PC: SOD article--SPOILERS included Julie wrote: >i think i'm going to be ill. Somebody get the slop bucket! ;) A S P O I L E R I S H Q U E R Y Do we know who's going to be playing Jerry, yet? Maybe they can get Charles Keating, since he's leaving AW. Bwahahaha! - --kg - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 07 Apr 1998 07:54:56 -0700 From: Taiyin Subject: Re: GH/PC: Felicia and Intro At 11:06 PM 4/5/98 -0600, Rebecca wrote: >I have a Felicia question so I figure this is a good time to introduce >myself-- I'm Rebecca, and subbed to this list just last week. I like to >lurk for a while, but as I have question, oh well. Something tells me >this is the best place to get a good answer:). Well, since your question has already been answered, I'll just say welcome, Rebecca! ObGH: I watched the week's worth of stuff last week (thank gods I have no school this week, I can actually keep up with the eps everyday instead of hording them and having to rush through them all at once), and it still amazes me that when it comes down to a showdown between Carly and Brenda, that I end up squarely on Carly's side. Her little "meow, meow, meow" routine at Brenda on Friday was too delightful for words. Although, I have to say, that Katherine and Stefan last week, and their whole routine with the vase and the candle holders, was alarmingly cute. I was especially fond of the look on his face when she called the candle holders "pig ugly." And him hiding them behind the cushion on the couch was priceless. Just somebody shoot me, please, before I start to actually LIKE them. Taiyin "You know, I really wish you wouldn't use the term "loonies" - -- at least as long as we're in a *mental hosptial.*" -- Kevin to Scott - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Apr 1998 17:13:28 -0700 (PDT) From: Cagey Subject: GH/PC: Carly and Jason A random thought about today's ep: Carly's triggering of the strike didn't seem "inadvertant" to me . I'm *so* uncomfortable with the direction that Carly and Jason's relationship is going. While I certainly don't mind the thought of them as a "couple" in all senses of the word, I wish they'd quit fumbling around. Jason should make it clear where he wants to draw the line; buying Carly expensive jewelry is incredibly sweet, but I think it's going to send the wrong message. Why does it bother me? I don't know. Maybe I'm the only person in the world who isn't strongly anti- or pro- couple on these two. Anybody want to convince me one way or the other? ;) - --kg - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Apr 1998 09:45:18 -0400 From: Danielle Graham Subject: GH/PC: GH: Brenda & Jax I know I'll probably get slaughtered for this one, but I happen to love Brenda & Jax together. Yesterday's episode w/them was really good. Don't get me wrong, I love Sonny, but c'mon, who could resist those baby blues!...On another note, that sniper was a professional? The guy was about 5 ft. from his "intended target" and he still missed! That was a little much don'tcha think? And what's the deal w/Felicia not being able to overcome Tess? Does anyone remember when Frisco was taking the karate lessons & he was teaching Felicia? She was a tough cookie then. Tess was tossing her around like nobody's business. Sorry, it just annoyed me a bit! - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Apr 1998 17:18:09 -0700 (PDT) From: Cagey Subject: Re: GH/PC: SOD article--SPOILERS included Julie wrote: >i think i'm going to be ill. Somebody get the slop bucket! ;) A S P O I L E R I S H Q U E R Y Do we know who's going to be playing Jerry, yet? Maybe they can get Charles Keating, since he's leaving AW. Bwahahaha! - --kg - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Apr 1998 11:26:32 EST5EDT From: "Gina Clayton" Subject: Re: GH/PC: GH: Brenda & Jax > I know I'll probably get slaughtered for this one, but I happen to love > Brenda & Jax together. Yesterday's episode w/them was really good. Don't > get me wrong, I love Sonny, but c'mon, who could resist those baby > blues! ITA with you! I loved Sonny with Brenda, but I also liked J&B in Malibu. I was REALLY sorry to see Sonny leave PC, but now that he is gone, I think Brenda should get on with her life and I think that life includes Jax. I hope that she can get some closure soon so she can move on. I think that Jerry could add some spice to J&B as long as it is NOT A TRIANGLE!! Any comments?? gina BTW.....I have question about a spoiler... T H E S P A C E How do you think Robin is going to testify at Tony's hearing? If it is in Tony's favor, then it shouldn't be a "Surprise" to anyone!! I hope she isn't the witness that gets Tony off the hook, that could create WWIII with Carly!! - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 07 Apr 1998 12:34:02 -0400 From: Amy Schatz Subject: Re: GH/PC: GH: Brenda & Jax I know I'll probably get slaughtered for this one, but I happen to love >Brenda & Jax together. Yesterday's episode w/them was really good. Finally!! An ally!!! You're not alone in loving Jax and Brenda together - but I think *we're* alone. Amy ================================== "My egg is crowning!" --MST3K, "Prince of Space" Owner of the "Sweet Ride!" LOL. "Relationships are very important to me." "Well, maybe you can strike one up with the Prince of Darkness while you burn for all eternity." --Elaine and Jerry, "Seinfeld" Visit my homepage: There's links to X-Files, my XF Fanfiction, Prey, music and more!! - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Apr 1998 12:40:53 -0400 From: Danielle Graham Subject: RE: GH/PC: GH Brenda & Jax I think that Jerry could add some spice to J&B as long as it is NOT A TRIANGLE!! Unfortunately, I think they are going to head into a triangle w/Jerry, Brenda & Jax! I was really shocked that they set them up to kiss yesterday. It really was a good scene. Especially the look on Brenda's face when he said he'd send a note. I was chucklin' out loud! I can't wait to see Sonny come back. I hope they don't mess it up like they did the one time Frisco came back. I'm sure I have that tape somewhere. I don't know about you guys, but I have many, many, many tapes from GH. Anyway, does anyone know exactly how long Maurice is scheduled to be on when he comes back? - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Apr 1998 12:44:31 -0400 From: Danielle Graham Subject: GH/PC: GH Brenda & Jax You're not alone in loving Jax and Brenda together - but I think *we're* alone. Wow, I can't believe the S&B lovers haven't come outta the wood work yet! Don't get me wrong, Brenda was great w/both of them. Does anybody ever wonder why they refer to Sonny as Brenda's 1st love? Hello, Jagger! I don't know about anyone else, but who could forget Antonio Sabato, Jr. (by the way, I did meet him in person & let me tell you girls, that boy is amazing!!!) - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 07 Apr 1998 09:57:26 PDT From: "Julie Saker" Subject: GH/PC: Re: Brenda & Jax Danielle Graham wrote: >I know I'll probably get slaughtered for this one, but I happen to >love Brenda & Jax together. Yesterday's episode w/them was really >good. Don't get me wrong, I love Sonny, but c'mon, who could resist >those baby blues!. well (big shock, i know!) i just CAN'T agree with you! :) i like jax, a LOT (and he is DEFINITELY a god...), and i USED to like brenda, but i just can't stomach them together anymore. i liked them back during the malibu days, too...but so much has gone on with them, and sonny, that i just can't see them together anymore. like jax said, i think it's too late. now if only JAX would believe that! i was SCREAMING at him yesterday when he kissed her, asking if THIS is how he intends to send the message that things are over between them?!? but i DID have to chuckle when he left her and said he'd be sure to write a thank-you note first thing in the morning. i think it was BEYOND trite for tptb to have BRENDA be the one injured in the shooting (and that tiny bit of blood? please, i've scraped my KNEE and bled more than that...) i thought it would have been MUCH more interesting for v to take a bullet, being as she was the one who tried, in vain, to convince jax that something was off in the first place. >And what's the deal w/Felicia not being able >to overcome Tess? Does anyone remember when Frisco was taking the >karate lessons & he was teaching Felicia? She was a tough cookie >then. Tess was tossing her around like nobody's business. Sorry, it >just annoyed me a bit! didn't she also try boxing back when jagger was on? i think she was even the one who took on the owner of the place and got him to allow women in the ring, if i'm not mistaken. so i agree...that was pretty pathetic. although i liked mac overhearing that felicia loves him. i just hope he's not going to be a putz about it now. julie ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Apr 1998 13:13:46 -0400 From: Danielle Graham Subject: GH/PC: PC/GH: GH Brenda & Jax >I know I'll probably get slaughtered for this one, but I happen to >love Brenda & Jax together. Yesterday's episode w/them was really >good. i was SCREAMING at him yesterday when he kissed her, asking if THIS is how he intends to send the message that things are over between them?!? Yeah, really! Guess that's the ol' heart says one thing & the head the another. i think it was BEYOND trite for tptb to have BRENDA be the one injured in the shooting (and that tiny bit of blood? please, i've scraped my KNEE and bled more than that...) i thought it would have been MUCH more interesting for v to take a bullet, being as she was the one who tried, in vain, to convince jax that something was off in the first place. 1st have to say, thanx for that lil' chuckle Julie. And ITA that Brenda shouldn't have been the one to get shot. If you can call it that. I think Emily got more hurt than she did. V would've been my choice, too. And what's the deal w/Felicia not being able >to overcome Tess? didn't she also try boxing back when jagger was on? i think she was even the one who took on the owner of the place and got him to allow women in the ring, if i'm not mistaken. You're absolutely right. I totally forgot about that. She could definitely kick butt then! And yeah, she was pathetic, too. although i liked mac overhearing that felicia loves him. i just hope he's not going to be a putz about it now. Ok, now I'm really gonna be putting my foot in my mouth, but I don't like Mac & Felicia together...AT ALL. I mean, I like that they are really good friends, but I really never saw the sparks! - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 07 Apr 1998 10:12:08 PDT From: "Julie Saker" Subject: GH/PC: PC recap for taiyin taiyin wrote: >So, anyone wanna fill me in on PC in details? And when is Jon's >crossover to GH, do we know yet? i don't know anything about a crossover, but i'll do my best to fill you in on pc. somebody will have to refresh my memory if i miss anything. was it just yesterday's you missed? assuming so... well, it was quite an eventful day. kevin told lucy about his ryan dream, and she told him to try not to think about it because when he does he always goes to that dark place, but he told her he couldn't because he was worried victor was lying to him about something. so he dug out the one box of victor's that victor had told him NOT to go through, and he and lucy started looking through it. they came across a picture of kevin and ryan as kids...when victor came into the room, saw them going through his stuff, and got really pissed. he took his stuff back and stormed off, refusing to listen to kevin or answer any of his questions, and later set off the fire alarm by burning the stuff in his trash can. meanwhile reporters showed up at the front door asking lucy about her portrayal in "general homicide," and did she have any idea who could have written it. she said she was sure it was somone intelligent, handsome, sexy, etc., and they asked if she thought the jumper on the hospital roof was real or just another publicity stunt for the book. kevin said, "what jumper?" and rushed off to help, leaving lucy to look after victor. which brings us to...frank, julie and eve, who were calling all over creation looking for lark when frank got paged to come help with someone on the hospital roof threatening to jump. of course, he gets there to find out it's lark. he tries to talk her down, but she's hysterical about how she ruined everything and nobody loves her and nobody wants her, etc. he finally convinces her that he won't send her away, and that HE was the one who screwed up by not being responsible or mature enough to be a foster parent. he convinces her to come off the ledge, hands her across to the paramedics, and is about to follow her when the brick beneath him crumbles and frank falls...fade to credits. it was a pretty good ep, actually...although based on the promos i've seen, i hope julie PUMMELS lark for this one, because things do NOT look good for frank. did i miss anything, anyone? julie ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 07 Apr 1998 10:45:44 -0700 From: Taiyin Subject: Re: GH/PC: GH Brenda & Jax At 12:44 PM 4/7/98 -0400, Danielle Graham wrote: >Wow, I can't believe the S&B lovers haven't come outta the wood work >yet! Was that my cue? Actually, I'm not a Sonny and Brenda fan. I used to be (before she wore the wire), but that was years ago. Mostly I'm just a Maurice Benard fan. My sister and I spent most of this weekend with the Stone/AIDS storyline on TV just for background noise, and just about every scene that totally knocked the wind out of me was with and because of Maurice. The man was astounding. I just don't like Jax and Brenda individually. Together they annoy me beyond words. And sorry, Jill, no amount of great pecs does the trick. No cute accent, either. I just DON'T like blond guys. Can't help it. >Don't get me wrong, Brenda was great w/both of them. Does anybody >ever wonder why they refer to Sonny as Brenda's 1st love? Hello, Jagger! Yeah, I was noticing that, too. I guess they meant more in terms of an adult relationship. Brenda and jagger were cute, but they were a little more on the "hormonal teenager" end of the scale. >I don't know about anyone else, but who could forget Antonio Sabato, Jr. Heh. Not me. Oh baby. Taiyin "How about a little evening's entertainment of X-rated 'Tag, You're It' and we can play all the games I never had the chance to play when I was a kid?" -- Kevin to Lucy - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 07 Apr 1998 10:50:11 -0700 From: Taiyin Subject: Re: GH/PC: PC/GH: GH Brenda & Jax At 01:13 PM 4/7/98 -0400, Danielle Graham wrote: >Ok, now I'm really gonna be putting my foot in my mouth, but I don't >like Mac & Felicia together...AT ALL. I mean, I like that they are >really good friends, but I really never saw the sparks! I think poor John York must have the most awkward job in daytime, because they keep pairing him off with these beautiful women, they have chemistry for about five minutes and then it goes flat. I liked Felicia and Mac for about as long as I liked Mac and Katherine. I liked them when they were playing cat and mouse, but by the time they actually got together -- Yawn City. And I love them now as friends. Putting them back together at this point almost feels incestuous to me. Taiyin "How about a little evening's entertainment of X-rated 'Tag, You're It' and we can play all the games I never had the chance to play when I was a kid?" -- Kevin to Lucy - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Apr 1998 14:06:32 -0400 From: Danielle Graham Subject: GH/PC: GH Mac & Felicia think poor John York must have the most awkward job in daytime, because they keep pairing him off with these beautiful women, they have chemistry for about five minutes and then it goes flat. I'm starting to think it may be John York. How come the other actresses have had chemistry w/other guys. Yeah, I have to say there's chemistry between Kat & Bat, sorry, I'm a Days of Our Lives fan, too. But I must say for the most part they get on my nerves! And I love them now as friends. Putting them back together at this point almost feels incestuous to me. Ditto!!! - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Apr 1998 15:08:37 -0400 From: "julie c ciaverella" Subject: GH/PC: whatever happened to the actor who played Stone? Hi everyone! I've received this list for about a month now, but I've finally got something to add. Geri Fosseen wondered what became of the actor who played Stone (sorry, I can't remember his name). Check out the movie "Inventing the Abbott's" - he's got a small part and looks mighty fine too!! Julie C. - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Apr 1998 14:08:44 -0700 From: "Traci Dyann Haley" Subject: Re: GH/PC: GH: Brenda & Jax <> Nah...y'all aren't alone, guess that means we're the three musketeers? ::Grin:: I haven't liked J&B since the second S&B reunion, but yesterday that cute was THAT scene with the bed?! I just loved how Jax blinked and said "This?" But really, I have one criticism...all this build up over a shooting and what happens? Brenda "Lassie" Barrett gets NICKED?? HELLO?? ::sigh:: Beam me up, Scotty, Traci ~*~ ICQ #1394469 Ask me about my AQHA Palomino Stallion for sale! Bide the Witch's law ye must, In perfect love, in perfect trust. Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill: An ye harm none, do what ye will. What ye send forth comes back to thee, So ever mind the Rule of Three. Follow this with mind and heart, And merry ye meet, and merry ye part. - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Apr 1998 18:24:11 -0700 From: "Fred & Rickie Yopp" Subject: GH/PC: PC Just watched todays episode of PC. Is the character Frank Scalaon going to die or is he off doing other things for a few weeks. Sure hope he's not leaving the show, even though he can be a little dense at times - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Apr 1998 20:38:38 -0500 From: "lela" Subject: GH/PC: RE: Brenda & Jax This is a multi-part message in MIME format. - ------=_NextPart_000_0045_01BD6265.24C2B140 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable I have to agree with most of you out there, I really like Jax and Brenda = together. I hope when Sonny comes back, she can finally put him to = rest. I've really enjoyed watching J&B the last couple of days, = especially when he took her upstairs and put her on the bed, then said = he was going home! I definitely laughed at that one. I will truly be sick if they put Jason and Carly together. She makes me = sick, talk about being on a pitty pot. Everything has to revolve around = her. =20 I really enjoyed today's episode when they put Taggert in jail with = Jason. It made me laugh, especially when Garcia let Jason go and = Taggert had to stay there. Lydia - ------=_NextPart_000_0045_01BD6265.24C2B140 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
I have to agree with most of you out = there, I=20 really like Jax and Brenda together.  I hope when Sonny comes back, = she can=20 finally put him to rest.  I've really enjoyed watching J&B the = last=20 couple of days, especially when he took her upstairs and put her on the = bed,=20 then said he was going home!  I definitely laughed at that=20 one.
I will truly be sick if they put = Jason and Carly=20 together.  She makes me sick, talk about being on a pitty = pot. =20 Everything has to revolve around her. 
I really enjoyed today's episode = when they put=20 Taggert in jail with Jason.  It made me laugh, especially when = Garcia let=20 Jason go and Taggert had to stay there.
- ------=_NextPart_000_0045_01BD6265.24C2B140-- - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Apr 1998 20:04:05 -0700 (PDT) From: Geri Fosseen Subject: Re: GH/PC: PC - ---Fred & Rickie Yopp wrote: > > Just watched todays episode of PC. Is the character Frank Scalaon going to > die or is he off doing other things for a few weeks. Sure hope he's not > leaving the show, even though he can be a little dense at times > Hi... I read something in SOD that I think answers that doesn't go into any real detail, but I'll still leave spoiler space just in case... S P O I L E R S P A C E S P O I L E R S P A C E says something like, "Frank and Lark make a deal with each other on April 14th"...being that that's a week away, my guess is he's gonna make it!! LOL! == Take Care...Geri ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ %~}"I believe I am growing skeptical of cynicism."{~% --Chuck Lorre %~}"Do not think you are on the right path just because it is well-beaten."{~% --Unknown ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ _________________________________________________________ DO YOU YAHOO!? Get your free address at - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 8 Apr 1998 12:13:11 EST5EDT From: "Gina Clayton" Subject: Re: GH/PC: RE: Brenda & Jax > I will truly be sick if they put Jason and Carly together. ITA!! I think that Robin and Jason need to work alot of issues out, but in the end they deserve to be together. I used to like Jason and Carly as friends, but I lost alot of respect when Jason agreed to lie about being Michael's father. He is just helping Carly to make everyone else miserable. I enjoy Sarah Brown's acting ability, but I want Carly to get what is coming to in a penthouse and receiving diamonds is NOT what I had in mind.:) I would like to see more interaction between Carly and the Spencers than Carly and Jason!! BTW...what did ya'll think about the confortation between Robin and Carly yesterday? It wasn't what I expected. > > I really enjoyed today's episode when they put Taggert in jail with = > Jason. I loved Jason's wink and Garcia's LOD when he told Taggert that he thought that Jason couldn't smile!(I don't remember exactly what he said) I don't know who I am pulling for now....Justus or Taggert with Dara!'s another beautiful day in SC!! Gina - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 8 Apr 1998 12:20:26 EST5EDT From: "Gina Clayton" Subject: GH/PC: Today's PC I was just wondering if anyone else was as touched by the scenes in the hospital (with Frank) as I was. Mary Scanlon almost brought tears to my eyes, not to mention the look on Joe's face. He looked like he was about to cry. I also enjoyed the scenes with Julie telling Frank that she loved him. (and can you believe that Dr. Devlin almost acted human towards his daughter!?!?) Just wondering everyone else's opinion. (BTW....Was Lark in the same room as Brenda was in??:):)) - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 8 Apr 1998 13:34:21 -0400 From: Danielle Graham Subject: GH/PC: Yesterday's Episode I used like Jason and Carly as friends, but I lost alot of respect when Jason agreed to lie about being Michael's father. He is just helping Carly to make everyone else miserable. I agree w/that whole-heartedly. They were making Jason a different type of character as he couldn't tell a lie. That was refreshing for a Soap. Now, he admits he'd tell the truth if someone asked. That's a bunch of bull! I enjoy Sarah Brown's acting ability, but I want Carly to get what is coming to in a penthouse and receiving diamonds is NOT what I had in mind.:) ITA with that also. I kinda feel she's headed in the "Lucy" of old path, being broke then hooking up w/the Quartermaines. Everytime Edward opens his mouth, I think he's up to something else. what did ya'll think about the confortation between Robin and Carly yesterday? Disappointing big time. I thought they'd give ol' Robin some backbone. I'm a dreamer! > I really enjoyed today's episode when they put Taggert in jail with = > Jason. Yeah, again ITA w/the "wink" & the smile. But how about Taggart doing those sit-ups? Everytime he starts to talk he makes me laugh out loud. They are really writing well for Taggart & Real is pulling it off fabulously! I don't know who I am pulling for now....Justus or Taggert with Dara! Justus who??? 'Nuff said. - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 08 Apr 1998 11:46:48 PDT From: "Julie Saker" Subject: GH/PC: GH--huh??? ok, i'm getting kind of confused by gh these days. yesterday's episode, with jax's "plan" to get back at the assassins without involving the law...does that make sense to ANYONE? and especially, does it make sense that v, ms. by-the-book, would go along with it? i've read a lot of speculations (do they require space? well...just in case...) s p e c u l a t i o n s p a c e that jax may ultimately be behind the assassination attempt (intending for it to fail, obviously), which at first confused me mightily. i mean, why go through all the trouble, and risk your precious brender getting a life-threatening injury (LOL!), but others have pointed out that he could have done it in order to cause trouble for jason, which i suppose is a possibility. but i STILL didnt' believe it...until yesterday. yesterday was just too odd for me. anyone else? although, it DID have the funniest thing i've seen on gh in a while... those nametags! "hi, i'm mac," and "hi, i'm NOT mac"!!! that was hilarious! :) oh, one more thing...if you were laura, and YOU had been completely unable to contact either your husband or your son, after repeated efforts, for what must be weeks now...wouldn't you hop on the next plane to port charles to check things out? i'm telling you, if laura's NOT coming back they'd be far better off just leaving well enough alone. when they keep TALKING about her, digging this hole even deeper, it really makes you wonder what possible reason they'll possibly be able to concoct for her staying away so long. (on the other hand, it DOES give me hope that she could possibly show up unexpectedly, without warning, one of these days!) julie ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ End of port-charles-digest V1 #35 *********************************